ANNUAL REPORTS: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1948 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY 1948 IN TWO PARTS PART 1 Vol. 1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1948 I r r CONTENTS Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Introductory pages__ _______-------------------------- 1 NEW ENGLAND DIVISION-_----- -----.. -----. 25......... NORTH ATLANTIC DIVISION: New York, N. Y., district-- ....---..-.------ .-- 223 Philadelphia, Pa., district------ ---------.-..-.--. 371 Baltimore, Md., district_ --------------- .-.--. - 441 Washington, D. C., district_ _----..---.--..-... - 557 Norfolk, Va., district_ -.-. ----.- 65. 615..----- SOUTH ATLANTIC DIVISION: Wilmington, N. C., district----------------------- 695 Charleston, S. C., district_--------_-__-------- 755 Savannah, Ga., district_------------------ - 787--------- Jacksonville, Fla., district------------------ __ _.. .823 - M obile, Ala., district-_ _______ _939..........._ - 939 LOWER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY DIVISION: New Orleans, La., dististt -------------------- 1015 --------- Vicksburg, Miss., district- _--131-------------.1153 Memphis, Tenn., district-------------------------- 1175 SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION: Galveston, Tex., district_ --------------- 1195 Albuquerque, N. Mex., district----------_----_ 1327 Little Rock, Ark., district - ---------------- ----- 1351 Tulsa, Okla., district_ UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY DIVISION: __--- ____-. -_______ _ 01423 St. Louis, Mo., district------------------------------------- 1503 Mississippi River between the Missouri River and Minneapolis, Minn. ---- -------------------- 1555 Rock Island, Ill., district-__--___----- ------ ..-.--- 1571 St. Paul, Minn., district__-------- 1601 MIssoURI RIVER DIVISION: Kansas City, Mo., district- ------- -------------- 1647 Omaha, Nebr., district_-- ----------.-------------- 1703 Garrison, N. Dak., district ___----__---___- _ _ 1751 Fort Peck, Mont., district. -------------------------- 1765 Denver, Colo., district--- ------------- 1791 OHIo RIVER DIVISION: Ohio River_-___ _-- -- -- --- 1799 Nashville, Tenn., district_----------__-- ----- 1813 Louisville, Ky., district_----- ------------------ 1859 Huntington, W. Va., district--........ -- --- 1953 Pittsburgh, Pa., district ------- - -------- 2035 GREAT LAKES DIVISION: Duluth, Minn., district- -------- ------- 2113 Milwaukee, Wis., district- - -- ------------- 2161 Chicago, Ill., district-------- ------------------- 2257 Detroit, Mich., district_--- - - ----- --------- 2315 Buffalo, N. Y., district -------------------------------- 2385 III IV CONTENTS Page Volume 1 Volume 2 SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION: Los Angeles, Calif., district ------------------------ ---. - 2493 San Francisco, Calif., district -------------------------------- 2561 Sacramento, Calif., district_______-___ - -- _____ ___._____ 2611 NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION: Portland, Oreg., district------ ------------------ 2675 Seattle, Wash., district _______------------------------------------- 2833 Honolulu, T. H., district-------------- ------------------------- 2931 Panama district_------ ------------------ 2953 Surveys for navigation, flood control, power, and naviga- tion .------------------------------------------ ---- 2971 The Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors --------------------- 2973 The Beach Erosion Board- -------- 2975 California Debris Commission ------ ---------------------- ---_ 2979 Mississippi River Commission___ .---- -- - 2997 Permanent International Association of the CongressesI of Navigation------ ---------------- -----_ 3043 Interoceanic Canal surveys -------------------------------------- 3045 Investigations and supervision of projects under the Fed- eral Water Power Act ------------------------------------ 3047 Accident prevention ------------------------------------------- 3049 Miscellaneous Civil Works - ------------------------------ _ 3051 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS UNITED STATES ARMY DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS,: Washington, D. C., August. 31, 1948. Subject: Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1948. To: The Secretary of the Army. I present for your information the following report on river and harbor, flood control, and allied operations under the charge of the Corps of Engineers for the fiscal year ending June 30, :1948. APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES During the fiscal year 1948 net funds made available to the Corps of Engineers for river and harbor operations amounted to $169,- 506,837.58 and for flood control operations $413,741,100.00, a total of $583,247,937.58. The expenditures from the available funds, in- cluding the balances on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year amounted to $361,123,609.46, of which $115,616,897.54 was for river and harbor work and allied operations and $245,506,711.92 for flood control and related work. New work was completed on 31 river and harbor and flood control projects, materially advanced on 172 other projects and maintenance operations were in prog- ress on 392 projects. Indicative of the scope of the year's operations is the following tabulation setting forth the approximate quantities in the major work classifications: Dredging and excavation- -------..... _ - cubic yards.. 320,433,200 Levee construction ------------ __'.__ .do:__ 60,764,500 Rock removal ------ -------------------- __ do :. 1,905,900 Concrete placed ---------- do-- 2,038,300 Dikes and bulkheads- - -- .-------- linear feet__ 1,376,300 Revetment- -... _-_do 575,800 Stone placed in jetties and breakwaters to_------tons 3,128,000 Embankment ------------------ ----- cubic yards__ 169,086,600 The policy of the Corps of Engineers to have work performed by contract, except when the best interests of the United States require hired labor operation, has been followed during the year, 65 percent of all work performed having, been done by contract and 35 percent by Government plant and hired labor. The continuation of an adequate check on the cost of work per- formed on river and harbor and flood control projects has been maintained. Summary of these efforts are reflected throughout this report. ACCIDENT PREVENTION During the fiscal year 1948 the application of comprehensive accident prevention to all new work operations and maintenance continued to hold accidental injuries to a low level. 2 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, UI. S. ARMY, 1948 RIVERS AND HARBORS Program: The present program for Federal improvement of rivers and harbors for navigation and allied purposes as author- ized by Congress includes projects located throughout the con- tinental United States, Puerto Rico, Alaska, and the Hawaiian Islands, there being approximately 1,100 projects now actively in force. The River and Harbor Act approved June 30, 1948, Title I of Public Law 858, 80th Congress, authorized work on 41 new or modifications of existing river and harbor projects at a total esti- mated construction cost of $30,444,000. An act approved June 16, 1948, Public Law 649, 80th Congress, authorized the construction of shore protective works at Nome Harbor, Alaska, at an estimated cost of $1,875,000. The total estimated cost to complete all author- ized river and harbor projects presently deemed necessary in the interest of commerce and navigation is about $1,966,000,000. Sur- veys have been completed on additional river and harbor projects, the estimated cost of the recommended work being in excess of $1,983,000,000, thus making a total backlog of authorized and recommended river and harbor projects of over $3,949,000,000. Planning: Advance planning of river and harbor projects is being prosecuted as rapidly as possible, consistent with the need for other work, under an appropriation of $1,924,000 provided in the Civil Functions Appropriation Act approved June 25, 1948 providing funds for construction and maintenance of rivers and harbors during the fiscal year 1949. Studies authorized in the in- terest of navigation and allied purposes were prosecuted during the year, a summary of this work being set forth under the head- ing of "Surveys" and in the report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors. Navigation operations: Improvement operations were carried out on 100 regular river and harbor projects, of which 10 were completed. Maintenance operations were performed on 326 pro- jects including the numerous coastal ports, harbors and connect- ing channels on the Great Lakes, and the extensive Intracoastal Waterway and Mississippi River network, together with the op- eration and care of the canalized Ohio River system, Illinois Water- way, the upper Mississippi River, and the hydroelectric power plants on the Columbia River at Bonneville Dam, Oreg. and Wash., and the Missouri River at Fort Peck Dam, Mont. The following brief outline of new work operations includes typical examples of improvement work under way during the fiscal year 1948: New Haven Harbor, Conn.-Deepening of the main channel from 25 to 35 feet was continued at a cost of $510,000. Bridgeport Harbor, Conn.-Continuation of dredging opera- tions involving the removal of more than 2,500,000 cubic yards of material resulted in completion of the 30-foot channel. New York Harbor, N. Y.-The westerly 600-foot strip and an easterly 400-foot strip of Anchorage Channel was deepened to the project depth of 45 feet, thus making the present width of the 45-foot channel 1,700 feet, the work remaining being the deepening of a 300-foot easterly strip from 40 to 45 feet. Deepen- ing of the easterly 600-foot strip of Ambrose Channel from 40 to RIVERS AND HARBORS~on 3 45 feet remains to be done to complete this channel to project dimensions. New York and New Jersey Channels.-Work of deepening these channels to 37 feet in rock and 35 feet in other material was ac- tively prosecuted, the cost being in excess of $2,000,000 and ad- vancing the percentage of completion of the project from 69 to 73 percent. Shark River, N. J.-An 18-foot entrance channel, 12- and 8- foot channels in the river proper and a 12-foot anchorage area were completed with funds advanced by local interests under the provisions of Section 11 of the River and Harbor Act approved March 3, 1925. Delaware River, Philadelphia, Pa. to the sea.-Work of dredg- ing under contract to extend Mantua Creek Anchorage upstream approximately 4,000 feet to a depth of 35 feet was commenced during the latter part of the year. Baltimore Harbor and Channels, Md.-Dredging of a 27-foot cut-off channel between the main channel leading to Baltimore Harbor and the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and extending the channel in Curtis Creek was completed. Deepening of the main channel leading to Baltimore was continued. Waterway on the coast of Virginia.-Work of improving navi- gation conditions in the section of the waterway opposite Gar- gathy Inlet, which is the critical section of the waterway, was completed early in the fiscal year. Potomac River, North Side of Washington Channel, D. C.- Contract was awarded for construction of the substructure of Pier 4, an excursion pier, and the work was about 50 percent completed during the year. James River, Va.--Removal of rock and over-burden in the 25- foot channel at Falling Creek and in the 18-foot channel between the Richmond deep-water terminal and the Richmond lock was accomplished at a cost of $597,000, this completing all new work on the project. Cape Fear River, N. C. at and below Wilmington.-Work of widening and deepening this important channel serving the port of Wilmington from 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide to 32 feet deep and 400 feet wide was continued, the cost of work during the year being in excess of $885,000. Winyah Bay, S. C.-Deepening the channel serving the Port of Georgetown from 18 to 27 feet, as authorized in 1945, was un- derway, more than 5,000,000 cubic yards of material being re- moved at a cost of $805,000. Charleston Harbor, S. C.-Dredging to provide a depth of 35 feet for the full authorized width of the entrance channel at a cost of $183,000 resulted in advancing completion of that part of the project comprising the Entrance and South Channels from 83 to 90 percent. Savannah Harbor, Ga. '-Work of deepening the bar and harbor channels was continued with removal of over 2,300,000 cubic yards of material. St. Johns River, Fla., Jacksonville to the ocean.-Deepeningof the channel from 30 to 34 feet was continued at a cost of $1,350,000. 4 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 St. Johns River, Fla., Jacksonville to Lake Harney.-Deepening of the existing 8-foot channel between Palatka and Lake Harney to 12 feet resulted in removal of about 3,000,000 cubic yards of material at a:cost of $460,000. Lake Worth Inlet,; Fla.-Work, of deepening the channel and turning basin from the existing depth of 20 feet to 25 feet, as authorized in 1945, was prosecuted at a cost of about $138,000, the project being advanced from 76 to 86 percent completion. : Hollywood Harbor . (Port Everglades) Fla.-Enlargement of the turning basin and entrance channel on the south side was com- menced. Tampa Harbor, Fla.-Enlargement of the inner channels of the harbor was prosecuted at a cost of $300,000. : Mobile Harbor, Ala.---Work of enlarging harbor facilities in Chickasaw Creek Channel and opposite the Alabama State Docks was continued by contract at a cost of $237,000. , Pearl River; Miss.: and La.--Construction of Lock 1 was con- tinued' at a cost of:$1,100,000, the entire project advancing from 39 to 49 percent completion. ' ; Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (New Orleans District).-Work on the alternate connection between the waterway and the Missis- sippi River in the vicinity of Algiers, La. was carried on. Exca- vation for the lock and construction of the lock floor and planning for appurtenant structures cost over $925,000. Sabine-Neches Waterway, Tex.-Dredging in the outer bar and jetty channels, in the channel between Port Arthur and Sabine Pass, and in the Port: Arthur turning basins was accomplished at a cost of $250,000. Neches and Angelina Rivers, Tex.-Construction of embank- ment, diversion channel and'water supply system for Dam B were completed.: f i ... Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Galveston District).-Duringthe year work in connection with the extension of the waterway from Corpus Christi, Tex. to the Mexican border resulted in approxi- mately 9,875,000 cubic yards of material being removed from the channel between Three Islands and the Arroyo Colorado and in the Arroyo Colorado, 5,372,000 cubic yards removed from the chan- nel between North; Bird Island and Baffin Bay, 4,428,000 cubic yards removed from the channel between Baffin Bay and the Mud Flats, and 544,000 cubic yards removed from the channel between the Arroyo Colorado and Red Fish Bay, all by contract at a total cost of $3,700,000. i Brazos Island Harbor, Tex.-Deepening and widening of the bar andf jetty channels was in progress, the work accomplished involving removal of 4,182,000 cubic yards of material at a cost of $575,000. * ,. * MississippiRiver between the Ohio and Missouri Rivers.-Work on the Chain of Rocks section of the project was continued, the costs ,amounting: to $4,865,000. The principal features of work during the year were in"connection with construction of the lock and the bridge over the canal, the relocation of utilities and the acquisition of land. Construction .of channel regulating works was also continued at a cost of about $929,000, RIVERS AND HARBORS' :O Mississippi River between the Missouri River and Minneapolis. -Operations at lock and dam 2 continued throughout the year. Construction of guide walls, central control station and installa- tion of gates and machinery were completed. Approach channel dredging was substantially completed and installation of power, control and lighting system was prosecuted'to 26 percent comple- tion. Construction of the small boat harbor at :Red Wing, Minn. was completed. Missouri River, mouth to Sioux City,; Iowa.-New work on the project included construction of 7,000 feet of dikes and 50,000 feet of revetment, and dredging of 3,177,000 cubic yards of ma- terial from channel and pilot canals at a total cost of $4,877,000. Two Harbors (Agate Bay) Minn.-Enlargement of the maneu- vering basin and construction of a new east jetty, as authorized in the 1945 Act, was underway at a cost of $1,106,000,, advancing completion of the project from 9 to 43 percent. Monongahela River, Pa. and W. Va.-Work preliminary to the reconstruction of Locks 2 and of the new Morgantown .lock and dam was carried on at a cost of $233,000. St. Marys River, Mich.---Construction of McArthur Lock ap- proaches and the new powerhouse was in progress, the cost be-' ing in excess of $1,600,000. Black Rock Channel and Tonawanda Harbor,:N. Y.-Contract operations for the removal of rock shoals in the Lake Erie entrance to the canal, in the Black Rock canal and in the Niagara River portion of the canal advanced from 33 to 79 percent: completion at a cost of $888,000. Oswego Harbor, N. Y.-Contract operations for deepening a 25 0-foot wide channel in the westerly outer harbor were com- pleted at a cost of $220,000. Cape Vincent Harbor, N. Y.--The 20-foot project area and a part of the 16-foot project area were completed by contract at a total cost of $64,000. Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors, Calif.-More than 850,000 tons of stone were placed in the breakwater during the year and 950,000 cubic yards of material were removed from areas adjacent to the 40-foot entrance channel, all at a cost of over $3,760,000. San Diego River and Mission Bay, Calif.--Work was started on construction by contract of the downcoast and middle jetties, at a fiscal year cost of $175,000. . Cresent City Harbor, Calif.--Contract for 1,000-foot extension to the main breakwater was entered into and, over 175,000 tons of stone were placed during the year, Umpqua River, Oreg.-Dredging of a channel 22 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the main river channel to Gardiner was com- menced in September 1947, costs during the year being $176,000. Coos Bay, Oreg. -A contract for dredging a channel 30.feet deep and 300 feet wide from Guano Rock to Empire, as authorized by the 1946 Act, was awarded during the latter part of the year, but no actual work was initiated. Wrangell Narrows, Alaska.-Enlargement of the channel from 21 feet deep and 200 feet wide to depth of 24 feet:and width of 6 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 300 feet with anchorage basin 26 feet deep was commenced by contract in September 1947. Costs during the year were $194,000. Lake Crockett, Wash.-The project involving channel dredging and breakwater construction was completed at a cost of $210,000. MULTIPLE-PURPOSE OPERATIONS Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, and Flint Rivers, Ga. and Fla.- Work on the existing project involving the construction of 4 dams and 3 locks, with incidental dredging, to benefit navigation, flood control, and the production of electric power was inaugurated during the year with the initiation of construction of the Jim Woodruff Dam. This dam is the first structure to be built, work being prosecuted on the overflow dike at the dam site at a cost of $392,000. Fort Peck Dam, Missouri River, Mont.-Two power-generating units of 35,000 k.w. and 15,000 k.w. capacity are completed, the 15,000 k.w. unit having been completed during the year. The units were operated alternately during the major portion of the year, the total power production being 231,073,000 k.w. hours. Bonneville Lock and Dam, Columbia River, Oreg. and Wash.- This project, including 10 power units with a total installed ca- pacity of 518,400 k.w., was operated during the fiscal year except for minor interruptions for maintenance, the total power gen- erated being 4,008,064,000 k.w. hours. McNary Lock and Dam, Columbia River, Oreg. and Wash.- Construction work on this project was actively prosecuted during the year, the following being the major features of work: Excava- tion for the navigation lock was completed; 50 percent of the temporary building construction was accomplished; and utilities for the entire townsite in connection with both the temporary and permanent housing was 30 percent completed. Contract was awarded for construction of four hydraulic turbines and governing equipment. COMMERCE The water-borne commerce of the United States, Puerto Rico, Alaska, and the Hawaiian Islands for the calendar year 1947 is con- tained in Part 2 of the Annual Report for the fiscal year 1948. PHILIPPINE PORT REHABILIATION Work was continued during the fiscal year 1948 on an $18,000,000 program for rehabilitation of port and harbor facilities in the Philippines under the authority contained in Sec. 303 of the Phil- ippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946. Work was continued or initiated at the ports of Manila, Davao, Cebu, Iloilo, Pulupandan, Cagayan, Iligan, Jolo and Zamboanga. Surveys and plans were prepared for additional port work and dredging plant was turned over to the Philippine Government for operation. WORK FOR OTHER AGENCIES Major dredging operations and construction of other fleet fa- cilities were carried out during the year at five permanent Reserve Fleet sites for the U. S. Maritime Commission with funds trans- WORK FOR OTHER AGENCIES l ferred from that agency. Miscellaneous dredging and related work was also performed for the Navy and other Government agencies on a reimbursement basis during the year. GENERAL FLOOD CONTROL The authorized general flood-control program, exclusive of the programs for the alluvial valley of the lower Mississippi River and the Sacramento River, Calif., is covered in this section. The au- thorized programs for those two rivers are discussed in the two succeeding sections. Congress in the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, estab- lished, and in the amendatory and supplemental general Flood Con- trol Acts approved August 28, 1937, June 28, 1938, August 11, 1939, August 18, 1941, December 22, 1944, July 24, 1946, and June 30, 1948, reaffirmed the general policy that flood control through- out the United States is a proper activity of the Federal Govern- ment, in cooperation with the States and local communities, and that the Federal Government should improve or participate in the improvement of navigable waters or their tributaries for flood- control purposes, if'such projects are economically justified and if the lives and social security of people are otherwise adversely affected. Those acts also specified the local cooperation required for the projects authorized therein. These requirements of local cooperation, in brief, are as follows: (a) Dam and reservoir projects authorized in any of the afore- mentioned flood-control acts are constructed entirely at the expense of the United States and are maintained and operated by the Corps of Engineers. No local cooperation is required for dam and reser- voir projects unless specifically prescribed by special provisions of law. (b) For local flood-protection projects, except channel improve- ment or channel rectification projects authorized by the acts of 1936, 1937, and 1938, local interests must provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements, and rights-of-way neces- sary for the construction of the projects, hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction works, and main- tain and operate all the works after completion in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. Channel improvement and channel rectification projects authorized by the acts of 1936, 1937, and 1938 are built at Federal expense, and no local cooperation is required. Exceptions to these. general rules are provided by law in the case of certain specific projects. The Congress stated in the Flood Control Act approved Decem- ber 22, 1944, and reaffirmed in the acts approved July 24, 1946, and June 30, 1948, that in connection with the exercise of jurisdic- tion over the rivers of the Nation through the construction of works of improvement for navigation or flood control, it is the policy of the Congress to recognize the interests and rights of the States in determining the development of the watersheds within their borders, and likewise their, interests and rights in water utilization and control. In conformity with this policy Congress provided that plans, proposals, or reports of the Chief of Engin- eers for any works of improvement for navigation or flood control 8 REPORT OF OIIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 not previously authorized, or authorized in the Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944, shall be submitted to the Congress only after these plans, proposals, or reports have been submitted to the gov- ernors of the States concerned, or such officials or agencies of the affected State, or States, as may be designated by the governors, and after coordination with the Secretary of the Interior, if the drainage basin under investigation is located in a State lying wholly or in part west of the ninety-seventh meridian. Authority for the development of recreation facilities in con- nection with reservoirs under the control of the Department of the Army is contained in the 1944 and 1946 Flood Control Acts which authorize the Chief, of Engineers, under the supervision of the Secretary of the Army to construct, maintain, and operate public park and.recreational facilities in such reservoir areas and to per- mit the construction, maintenance, and operation of such facilities. The acts also authorize the Secretary of the Army to grant leases of lands, including structures or facilities thereon, in reservoir areas for such periods and upon such terms as he may deem rea- sonable; and provides that the water areas of all such reservoirs shall be open to public use generally without charge for boating, swimming, bathing, fishing, and other recreational purposes, and ready access toand exit from such water areas along the shores of such reservoirs shall be maintained for general public use when such use is determined, by the Secretary of the Army not to by contrary to the public interest. These acts further provide that no use of any such area shall be permitted which is inconsistent with the laws for the protection of fish and game of the State in which the area is situated. The policy for the development of reservoirs to provide for the best possible utilization of the water resources of the Nation was broadened by the 1944 Flood Control Act, which states that when- ever the Secretary of the Army determines upon recommendation by the Secretary of the .Interior that any dam and reservoir pro- ject operated under the direction of the Secretary of the Army may be 'utilized for irrigation purposes, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to construct, operate, and maintain under the pro- visions of the Federal reclamation laws such additional works in connection' therewith as he may deem necessary for irrigation purposes. Such irrigation works may be undertaken only after a report and findings thereon have been made by the Secretary of the Interior as provided under reclamation laws and after subse- quent specific authorization of the Congress (by an authorization act). A procedure for the disposal of electric power and energy gen- erated at reservoir projects under the control of the Department of the Army, and in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army not required in the operation of such projects, was prescribed by the Congress in the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944. In accordance with this legislation such electric power and energy is to be delivered to the Secretary of the Interior, who shall trans- mit and dispose of this power and energy in such manner as to en- courage the most widespread use thereof at the lowest possible rates to consumers consistent with sound business principles, the GENERAL, FLOOD CONTROL ; rate schedules to become effective' upon confirmation and approval by the Federal Power Commission. The legislation states that' preference in the sale of such power and energy, shall be given to public bodies and cooperatives. Authority is contained in section 2 of the Flood Control Act of August 28, 1937, as amended, for the removal of accumulated snags and other debris and clearing and straightening:the channel in navigable streams and tributaries when, in the opinion of the Chief of Engineers, such work is advisable. The Flood Control Act of 1946 authorized allotment of $1,000,000 per year for the construction of emergency bank protection works to prevent flood damage ~to highways, bridge approaches, and, public works when, in the opinion of the Chief of Engineers, such work is advisable. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, 'placed up on the Secretary of War the responsibility of prescribing regula- tions for the use of storage allocated for flood control or naviga-, tion at reservoirs constructed wholly or in part with Federal funds. The Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948, was in a' sense an emergency bill, inasmuch as:only projects presenting an emer- gency or acute condition were considered by the ,Congressional Committees on Public Works. That act contained several changes in existing law, as follows: (a) It provided authorization for the construction of small flood-control projects, subject to certain con- ditions of local cooperation, and economic justification, provided. the cost of each project does not exceed $100,000, and :placed ,a limitation of $2,000,000 per year on the total allotment ,for this type of remedial work for any: one fiscal year; (b) Increased the scope of emergency repair authority contained in Section, 12. of the Flood Control Act of July 24, 1946, by permitting the Corps of; Engineers to perform certain necessary work beyond that required to restore the damaged structure to its original condition,. Congress in the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948, Pub- lic Law 858, authorized construction of 36 projects under Flood Control, General, at an estimated cost of $52,300,000. Thus,'at the: close of the fiscal year, the Corps of Engineers had existing Con- gressional authority to construct approximately 989 flood control projects dispersed throughout the nation. To date, Congress has' provided a monetary authorization totaling $2,508,784,400 for the improvement of navigable waters or their tributaries, including watersheds thereof, for flood-control purposes. The First Deficiency' Appropriation Act, 1948, approved May 10, 1948, made available funds in the amount of $1,000,000 for the continued prosecution of flood control, general projects. The Second Deficiency Appropria- tion Act, 1948, signed by the President on June 25, 1948, provided funds in the amount of $1,000,000 for initiation and partial ac- complishment of the projects in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota and North Dakota, authorized by'the Flood Control, Act of 1948. Congress in the Civil Functions Appropriation Act, 1949, approved June 25, .1948, appropriated funds in the amount of $339,491,100. This amount, together with all previous monies provided for the Congress total $1,422,985,825, of which $1,333,-' 365,925 were for the prosecution of the authorized flood control, 10 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 general projects, while the remaining $89,619,900 were for main- tenance of completed projects, surveys, and minor items. In addition to these authorizations Congress has approved gen- eral comprehensive plans covering most of the important river basins of the country and including many additional projects for flood control, hydroelectric power, and allied water uses. All of these projects are parts of comprehensive, coordinated plans for the river basins of the Nation to provide desirable and economic flood protection and allied benefits for a large number of centers of industry and population and for many thousands of acres of rich, agricultural land. A number of reservoirs in the authorized program also provide favorable possibilities for the economic de- velopment of large quantities of hydroelectric power. Several of the projects now authorized include power-generating machinery in the initial developments. During the year 4 reservoirs and 17 local protection projects were either completed and in operation or construction work was sufficiently advanced so that they could be placed in partial opera- tion. Thus, at the end of the fiscal year, a total of 226 flood-con- trol projects were successfully functioning in the interest of flood control and allied purposes, 56 of which are reservoirs, while the remainder are local protection projects. Construction work during the year was continued on 82 flood control projects of which 35 were reservoirs and 47 were projects which would provide benefits of a local character, such as levees, flood walls, channel improvements, etc. The program for flood control throughout the country as au- thorized by Congress was advanced in an orderly manner during the fiscal year consistent with budgetory requirements as evi- denced by the initiation of 42 flood control projects of which 9 were dams and reservoirs. Reservoirs placed in operation during the year included the Big Dry Creek Reservoir, Calif.; the Canton Reservoir, Okla.; the Clearwater Reservoir, Mo.; and the Kanopolis Reservoir, Kans. Local protection projects placed in operation during the year in- cluded a portion of the Los Angeles River Channel, the section from Lankershim Boulevard to Niagara Street; a portion of the San Gabriel River Channel, the section from San Gabriel Canyon to Santa Fe Flood Control Basin; the projects at Jenks, Okla.; Fort Smith, Ark.; Near Dardanelle, Ark.; the Conway County Levee District No. 6, Ark.; the Roland Drainage District, Ark.; the Green Bay Levee and Drainage District No. 2, Iowa; the projects at Forsyth, Mont.; Hamburg, Iowa; Sebewaing, Mich.; Goldsboro, N. C.; Lisle, N. Y.; Whitney Point, N. Y.; Addison, N. Y.; Canisteo, N. Y.; and the Codorus Creek Channel located in the State of Penn- sylvania. During the year severe floods occurred in many of the major river basins throughout the nation. Among which were the floods that occurred in the Pacific Northwest on the Columbia River. These floods were second only to the maximum flood of record which occurred in 1894. The usual seasonal rise in the Columbia River system was rapidly accelerated as a result of weather con- ditions in late May of 1948. The winter snowfall was augmented C ENRAL F LOOD) CONTROL 11 and melting was retarded by a cold spring which continued into May. More than normal precipitation in April and May, in the form of rain and snow, was followed by warm weather and fur- ther rain late in May which caused abnormal run-off and flood conditions throughout practically the entire river basin including the Canadian portion. At Vancouver, during the entire interval from 31 May to 15 June, the river did not recede below the stage of 29.5 feet, which is 14.5 feet above flood stage. The loss of human life was excessive and it is obvious that property damage will be many millions of dollars. General flooding also occurred through- out the Missouri River and its Tributaries as a result of the Spring breakup and aggravation by ice jams and run-off from relatively heavy rain. Flooding also occurred on the Arkansas River in Kansas, the Grand (Neosho) River in Oklahoma, the North Ca- nadian River above Canton, and the Verdigris River from Clare- more to the mouth. The State of Florida was hard hit by the hur- ricane flood of September 1947 which inundated outlying suburban areas of West Palm Beach; 30 percent of the city of Fort Lauder- dale including the business district, railroads, industrial and resi- dential sections; large areas in the western part of Miami and the outlying communities of Miami Springs and Hialeah; and damaged roads, utilities, railroads and airports in the coastal area. Damages directly attributive to this flood are estimated at over $59,000,000. As in the past, the Corps of Engineers participated in emergency work during the floods. Operations included re- connaissance of the stricken areas, advice and technical assistance to local authorities on flood problems, cooperation with other agencies furnishing assistance, and carrying out of rescue opera- tions. Emergency repairs to flood control structures damaged or destroyed in these floods were accomplished pursuant to existing authority. Although the country still experiences the ravages of floods and their accompanying hardships, it is gratifying to mention, that since 1938, completed or partially completed flood control structures have prevented damages of over $500,000,000. To date, the cost to the United States for these projects is less than $483,000,000. Thus, it can readily be seen that in the 10-year period, 1938 to 1948, benefits have already exceeded the cost of construction, not to mention those benefits which are not susceptible to evaluation, such as prevention of loss of human life, alleviation of suffering and many others. The Civil Functions Appropriation Act, 1949, made available funds in the amount of $3,000,000 for expenditure in accord- ance with the provisions of an act of Congress approved June 23, 1947. This act authorized an appropriation of $15,000,000 as an emergency fund, $12,000,000 of which was previously provided for the Congress in the Second Urgent Deficiency Act, 1947, ap- proved June 27, 1947. Congress, in the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1948, approved June 25, 1948, made available funds in the amount of $6,000,000 for initiating emergency work on the Columbia River in Oregon and Washington. 12 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARY, 1948 SACRAMENTO RIVER FLOOD CONTROL The authorized project for the control of floods and other pur- poses on the Sacramento River, Calif., as adopted by the Flood Control Acts approved March 1, 1917, May 15, 1928, August 26, 1937, and August 18, 1941, provides for the enlargement of river channels, the excavation of cut-offs, the construction of levees, weirs, bank protection, and pumping facilities in the lower Sacra- mento River Valley and for channel clearing, rectification and snagging on the Sacromento River and tributaries in Tehama County, and from Red Bluff southerly. The total estimated Fed- eral cost of the project is $42,600,000. Up to the present time Federal funds in the amount of $36,195,000 have been appropri- ated by Congress for the prosecution of this project, including $1,750,000 provided for in the Department of the Army Civil Appropriations Act, 1949, approved June 25, 1948. Local interests have expended funds in excess of $52,000,000 on this project in- cluding a cash contribution of approximately $6,761,700 for con- struction by the Corps of Engineers of protective works related to the authorized project. In addition to this existing project, Congress in the Flood Con- trol Act approved December 22, 1944, as a part of the general flood-control program, authorized the modification of the existing project for the Sacramento River to provide for certain changes and extensions in levees and other structures, and for the con- struction of nine local levee and channel improvements, the Black Butte Dam and Reservoir and the low Table Mountain Dam and Reservoir with power facilities, substantially, in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Docu- ment Numbered 649, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session. The estimated Federal cost revised ,in 1947 is $76,103,000. The project works of the Sacramento flood-control project pro- vide protection to cities and towns, to thousands of acres of agri- cultural lands, and to railway and highway networks of great importance to the civilian economy of the western part of the United States. Work accomplished during the year included the construction of levees along flood channels, including reinforcement of uncom- pleted levees, clearing brush and removing snags and incidental work on roads and irrigation facilities. MISSISSIPPI RIVER FLOOD CONTROL Progress was made during: the fiscal year 1948 on the flood- control project for the alluvial valley of the Mississippi River, adopted by the Flood Control Act approved May 15, 1928, and amended by the acts approved June 15, 1936, June 28, 1938, Au- gust 18, 1941, December 22, 1944 and July 24, 1946. The 1936 amendment retained the purpose of the 1928 act and the features completed under that authority, and authorized an additional $272,000,000 for extension of flood-control work on the lower Mississippi' River. The 1938 amendment removed legislative re- strictions with respect to certain features of the amended plan and authorized $40,000,000 for work in addition to that contem- MISSISSIPPI RIVER FLOOD CONTROL 13 plated for the project as amended in 1936. The 1941 amendment provided for the abandonment of the Boeuf and Eudora floodways and extension and for raising main Mississippi River levees to confine within those levee lines between the mouths of the Arkansas and Red Rivers the projectflood without a floodway west of the Mississippi River. That amendment also authorized certain minor modifications and backwater protection in the Yazoo and Red River backwater areas at an estimated additional cost of $25,982,- 000. The 1944 amendment modified the existing project to provide for a navigation channel 12 feet deep and 300 feet wide at low water between Cairo, Ill., and Baton Rouge, La., by the execution of a channel improvement and stabilization program at an- esti- mated cost of $200,000,000 and also modified the project for flood protection in the backwater area of the Yazoo River to include additional work at an estimated cost of $1,952,000. The 1946 amendment increased the project authorization by $161,675,500 to provide for several new items of related work; for incorporating in the alluvial .valley project items of work that had been pre- viously adopted under "Flood control, general" legislation but that were physically located within the alluvial valley and should be a part of the comprehensive project; and for the increased cost of construction of the unfinished features of the comprehensive project. The 1948 amendment modified the project to provide for the improvement of the: Mississippi River with respect to the West Tennessee tributaries; the improvement of the L'Anguille River, Ark.; and the Devils Swamp project at Baton Rouge, La. The total authorization for the project as amended and supple- mented is now $1,038,309,500. Of this amount $719,107,424 has been appropriated (including $61,000,000 for fiscal year 1949 made available by the War Department Civil Appropriation Act approved June 25, 1948). In accordance with the provision of the act approved August 18, 1941, "that funds hereafter expended for maintenance shall not be considered as reducing present remaining balances of authoriza- tions," it is estimated that $92,081,896 expended for maintenance since August 18, 1941, or scheduled for expenditure during fiscal year 1949, will not be deducted from the total authorizations for the project. With the approval of the 1938 Flood Control Act, work in the Atchafalaya Basin, which had not been initiated because of legal restrictions, was freed from such restrictions and placed under way. Noteworthy progress has been made on these features, namely, the Morganza Floodway, the Wax Lake Outlet, the Charenton Draininge and Navigation Canal, and related works. Urgent main river work was prosecuted during the war and work on the tributary projects for headwater protection of the St. Francis and Yazoo Rivers, including the construction of the Wap- papello, Sardis, and' Arkabutla Reservoirs, and backwater pro- tection for the White River, have been pushed vigorously within the limits of funds available for such work. Under section 6 of the 1928 act, flood-control work was under- taken on the Mississippi River between Rock Island, Ill., and Cape Girardeau, Mo., and on outlets and tributaries affected by back- 804711-48--Vol. 1-2 14 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 waters of the Mississippi River, wherever the local contributions of one-third of the costs were provided as required by law. The Department was able to assist localities in the emergency repair of flood-control works on tributaries of the Mississippi River threatened or destroyed by flood, under the provisions of section 9 of the act approved June 15, 1936. Work accomplished on the adopted project for the alluvial valley of the Mississippi River has demonstrated its effectiveness by affording unbroken protection for a period of more than 20 years to date. However, because of the elimination of the Eudora floodway by the Flood Control Act of 1941, the levee system which constitutes the major part of the project is not yet sufficiently com- plete to afford protection against predicted floods. Even a partial overflow of the valley may interrupt postal service, transcontinen- tal and interstate commerce, and produce widespread destruction and disorder, national in scope. As flood control of this vast alluvial valley and navigation of the lower Mississippi River are important to the national economy and to the security of a large number of people, this project should be steadily prosecuted toward completion. SURVEYS During the year reports in response to 114 items of law enacted by Congress and resolutions adopted by Congressional commit- tees authorizing investigations of the advisability of potential river and harbor and flood control improvements were completed and transmitted to Congress with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers. Of these investigations 11 were preliminary examinations and 44 were suverys made in response to authority contained in river and harbor and flood control acts, and 59 were re-examinations undertaken pursuant to committee resolutions. In addition the Chief of Engineers completed reports on 8 cooper- ative beach erosion control studies. The River and Harbor and Flood Control Act approved 30 June 1948, Public Law 858, Eightieth Congress, contains authorizations for preliminary examinations and surveys of 25 localities. In addi- tion 98 resolutions were adopted during the year by the Public Works Committee of Congress requesting a review of prior reports on proposed river and harbor and flood control improvements. Pursuant to Section 1 of the Flood Control Act approved on December 22, 1944, section 1 of the River and Harbor Act ap- proved on March 2, 1945, and agreement of the Federal Inter- Agency River Basin Committee all authorized investigations by the Corps of Engineers of works of improvement for navigation, flood control, and related purposes were coordinated with the requi- site State and Federal agencies. The gathering of hydrological data in Nicaragua, under au- thority contained in the River and Harbor Act approved on June 20, 1938, was continued. The cooperative programs with the United States Weather Bureau and the Geological Survey for the purpose of more ade- quately meeting the requirements of the Department in the plan- ning and operation of flood-control and river and harbor improve- SURVEYS 15 ments were continued. Projects included in the cooperation with the Weather Bureau were: (a) Operation of a Nation-wide net- work of recording rain gages; (b) hydrometeorological investiga- tions and review of the studies of major storms of record, the preparation of estimates of maximum possible precipitation for selected drainage basins, and preparation of generalized estimates of maximum possible precipitation over the United States east of the 105th meridian for areas of 10, 200, and 500 square miles and selected durations; (c) operation of cooperative networks of re- porting rainfall and river stations; (d) program for the prepara- tion of 48-hour quantitative forecasts of storm rainfall to facili- tate the operation of reservoirs and local flood-protection projects; and (e) program of snow-melt investigations to evaluate all im- portant factors contributing to floods caused primarily by snow- melt. Cooperation with the Geological Survey involved primarily the installation, operation, and maintenance of stream-gaging stations for obtaining records of stream flow. The development of certain equipment for general stream gaging was continued. MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL WORKS Miscellaneous civil works have, as heretofore, been administered by the Corps of Engineers. These works are varied in character and include the administration of the Federal laws enacted for the protection and preservation of the navigable waters of the United States, which govern the following: Granting of permits for struc- tures or operations in navigable waters; approval of the location and plans of bridges, dams, dikes, or causeways; alteration of obstructive bridges; investigation and removal of sunken vessels or other obstructions endangering navigation; establishment of regulations for the use, administration, and navigation of navig- able waters, including drawbridge regulations; establishment of anchorage grounds, special anchorage areas, danger zones, dump- ing grounds, restricted areas, fishing areas and harbor lines; in- vestigations of the discharge or deposit of refuse matter of any kind in navigable waters; prevention of pollution of coastal navig- able waters by oil; determination of the heads of navigation and the extent to which the laws shall apply to specific streams; super- vision of the harbor of New York to prevent obstructive or inju- rious deposits in the tidal waters thereof, including the waters of Long Island Sound; establishment of reasonable rates of toll for transit across bridges over navigable waters; granting of permits for the occupation and use of Federal works under control of the Corps of Engineers; construction of Anacosta Park and the recla- mation and development of Anacostia River and Flats, D. C.; maintenance and repair of the Washington Aqueduct, and increas- ing the water supply of the city of Washington; surveys and chart- ing of the northern and.northwestern lakes, including the Lake of the Woods; studies for the preservation of Niagara Falls and the supervision of power companies diverting water therefrom; re- ports of international boards on operations affecting international boundary waters; issuance of instruments authorizing the occu- pation of Government-owned land under the jurisdiction of the Department; and legislation in connection with the foregoing. PROJECTS UNDER THE PUBLIC WORKS AND EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAMS As of June 30, 1948, allocation of funds to the following works and in the amounts indicated have been made avail- able to the Corps of Engineers supplementing the allocations as published in detail in the annual report for the fiscal year 1939. The grand total of these amounts is $517,670,122.17. RIVERS AND HARBORS National Public Works Emergency Relief Act of- Industrial Administra- Recovery tion Act Act 1935 1936 1937 1938 Total allocations to river any harbor projects to June 30, 1948_ _. ..--- $183,494,754.83 $94,179,679.73 $103, 611, 607.21---------------- .---------------- -- FLOOD CONTROL - Total allocations to flood control projects to June 30, 1948------------------$72,763,886.60 $3,054,196. 70 $20,074, 637.79 $10,174,116. 53 $19,911, 349.12 $2, 238, 822. 74 MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS Total allocations to miscellaneous projects to June 30, 1948------------------ $1,651.489.01 $109, 200 $6,384,393.74 $11,395.47 $7, 592.70- - - - Grand total to June 30, 1948 --------------------- -------------- 257, 913,130.44 97, 343, 076.43 130,070, 638.74 10, 185, 512. 00 19, 918, 941.82 2,238,822. 74 , 112 Appropriations.-The funds with which the works for the maintenance and improvement of river and harbors and flood control were prosecuted during the fiscal year were derived from unexpended balances of prior appropria- tions and from the following appropriation acts: River and Total by appro- Appropriation Title Date of act harbor Flood control Miscellaneous priation acts First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1948: Maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works Flood control, general__ ______ .. .. . .. . . . .. ... -_--------- . ..-- - May 10, 1948 $1,865,000.00 .......................... __- . ..... do......------------------ $1, 000, 000.00 0.............. $1, 865, 000. 00 1,000, 000.00 1, 865, 000. 00 1, 000, 000.00 .------ _... 2, 865, 000. 00 Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1948: Flood control, general_........ ..........-......................... June 25, 1948 ---. --...... _-__ 1, 000, 000. 00 . 1, 000, 000.00 Flood control, general (emergency fund)_ -___._-----------__ -------------..- i I o .----.- . .-.-.. 6,000, 000. 00 ------- 6, 000, 000.00 7, 000, 00.000 7, 000, 000, 00 Civil Functions Appropriation Act, 1949: O Maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works........ ... ---- do....- 166, 989,100. 00 ---------------------------------- 166, 989,100. 00 Alteration of bridges over navigable waters of the United States ............... 500,000.00 ------------------------------------ 500,000.60 4 Flood control, general_...__.........__.........__................... ----do- ---- 339, 491, 100. 00 - -_------_- 339, 491,100.00 Flood control, general (emergency fund) ---------------.........................---- ..... do...... ----- 3, 000, 000. 00 ----------------- 3, 000, 000. 00 Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries_.. ........ .... ............ - - - 61,000,000.00 -- - .--.----- - 61,000,000. 00 Emergency fund for flood control on tributaries of Mississippi River............. ..... do .... ------ 500,000.00 ------------------ 500,000.00 0 Flood control, Sacramento River, Calif... --- --......................-... ..... do_. -.- ----- 1, 750, 000.00 ------------------ 1, 750, 000. 00 Maintenance and operation, certain Federal water mains outside the District of Columbia.--_ ___.-------------------------..................... ..... do ...... ------------ 12, 000.00 12, 000. 00 167, 489,100.00 405, 741,100.00 12, 000.00 573, 2422,00.00 Special fund (credits to account from licenses under Federal Power Act, Aug. 26, 1935): Maintenance and operation of dams and other improvements to navigable waters ... Aug. 26, 1935 152, 737. 58 ----------------.- ------- -- 152,737.58 Department of State Appropriation Act, 1948: Salaries and expenses, Philippine Rehabilitation, Department of State (transfer to Army), 1948-50....-....--- ---------------.........-....-.....-.. . July 9, 1947 9-5o0,000o.00 5, 950, 000.00 Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1948: Emergency fund for the President (allotment to Army, Corps of Engineers), 1948. - July 30, 1947 --. 39,967.31 39,967.31 Grand total, appropriated funds---------------------------------------I---- 169, 506, 83158 413,741,100.00 6,001,967.31 589,249,904.89 I I I i River and Total by appro- Appropriation title Date of act harbor Flood control Miscellaneu priation acts t C I Trust funds: (contributions and advances): Funds contributed for improvement of rivers and harbors_ _______._......_.__.._..._ (1) $626, 337. 52 . . ...... - - - - - - - - $626, 337. 52 Funds advanced for improvement of rivers and harbors .... (1) 168, 500.00 168, 500.00 Funds contributed for flood control, rivers and harbors ....... (1) $2,488, 754.13 2, 488, 754.13 0 - -- ---- --- - .-- -15,150.00 -15,150.00 Funds advanced for flood control, rivers and harbors ..-- ......------------------- Oct. 15, 1940 itr Grand total, all trust funds _-- ------.._ -....--------------------- ............... 794, 837.52 2,473,60413--------------- 3, 268, 441.65 0 Funds transferred from other departments as working funds: Working fund, Army, Engineers, civil_____ (1) ------------------ --- ---------- $2, 669,163. 14 2, 669,163.14 _..... Working fund, Army, Engineers, civil, 1946_ .............. .. (1) ------------------------------------ -12, 471. 34 -12, 471.34 Working fund, Army, Engineers, civil, 1947 .--------------- (1) _--_-____ __ -_-__ - -47, 787.14 -47, 787.14 Working fund, Army, Engineers, civil, 1948_ - ...---.---------------------- (1) ----------------- ...---------------- -81,150.0 0 81,150.00 Working fund, Army, Miscellaneous civil, 1948 ......................- _-._-.... S (1) 9, 000, 000. 00 9, 000, 000.00 Working fund, Army, Engineers, civil (trust fund)_--..-.--... ____-___.....__ * (1) 480, 018. 61 480, 018. 61 O Total working funds-._ ------ - ------------------------------ ------------------ --------- ....... 12,170, 073.27 12, 170, 073.27 Grand total, all funds-.....---...-------.......... -------------------------- 170, 301,675. 10 416, 214, 04. 131 18, 172, 040. 58 sDO688, 419. 81 k 1Various. z14 5 3 D 0o Advanced funds.-The following amounts have been advanced by local interests for river and harbor improvements under the provisions of section 11, River and Harbor Act, March 3, 1925, and for flood-control works under the provisions of the Act of October 15, 1940, and are returnable to the same interests when necessary Government funds are available. Balance due Balance due from United Amount received Amount returned from United District States, June 30, during fiscal during fiscal States, June 30, 1947 year year 1948 Great Kills, Staten Island, N. Y----....-----.--.-----._ New York, N. Y .. $114, 500. 00 $114, 500. 00 Monterey Harbor, Calif_..... .. __..................... San Francisco, Calif _-----.--.....-. 74, 000. 00 $28, 479. 35 45, 520. 65 Umpqua River, Oreg__........_..--. ............. ... Portland, Oreg_ $100, 000. 00 ... .. ... ... .. 100, 000. 00 Pawcatuck River, R. I. and Conn ..... New England Division, Boston,Mass_ 68,500.00 - - - - - - - - - - 68,500.00 Shark River, N . J. ................ .. . . . New York, N. Y_ -_ _ ....-..----.- 150, 000. 00 -. .- 150,000 00 Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Franklin Canal, St. Marys Parish, - - - - - - New Orleans, La .. .....-.-.----- 44, 000. 00 44, 000. 00 153, 000.00 . . . - - -- - -- - L a ----- ...------ . .-- .------- ..--- .-----.--- --. ------- .--- Mission Bay and San Diego River, San Diego Bay, Calif ...... Los Angeles, Calif_ .._._.............. 153, 000.00 Total, Rivers and Harbors- ---.---...-.-.-...-.--..--..-. 535, 500. 00 168, 500. 00 28, 479. 35 675, 520. 65 Q Buffalo Bayou, Tex._....... .....- _--..... .... . . . . .. Galveston, Tex_ $2, 900, 000. 00 ------------------------------------ $2, 900, 000. 00 d0 Portsmouth-New Boston, Ohio River Basin, Ohio_..........__ Louisville, Ky__... .__.... 15,150.00 .---------------- 115,150.00 --------------- yt Nashua, Merrimack River Basin, N. H_...........-.--.-----.- NewEngland Division, Boston, Mass- 2,000.00 --------------------- ----------- 2,000.00 Cincinnati, Ohio River Basin, Ohio___......................___ Louisville, Ky..................... .. 650,000.00 ------------------ ------------------ 650,000.00 Total, flood control_._...... .... .... .. ....... ...... ..................... ........ .. __..... 3,567,150.00 .---- __-------- 15, 150.00 3, 552, 000. 00 --. Grand total-------------------------- .. ................ ........ ......... 4,102,650. 00 168,500.00 43, 629. 35 4, 227, 520. 65 1Transferred to funds contributed for flood control, rivers and harbors. Expenditures.-The total actually expended under the direction of the Chief of Engineers in connection with the maintenance and improvement of rivers and harbors, flood control, and other miscellaneous works during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1948, is as follows: Expenditures Appropriation Act New work Maintenance Total C Rivers and harbors: ...............................---------------------------- Maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works----- (1) $46, 538, 410. 89 2 $68, 002,209.37 $114, 540, 620. 26 i C Power plant, Fort Peck Dam, Mont., construction -------------------------------------------- (1) 1, 117, 954.98 , 117, 954.98 1------------------ Power plant, Bonneville Dam, Columbia River, Oreg., construction---------- ..... 1) 46, (----------------------614.30 ----------------- 46, 614. 30 I Improvement of Washington channel, D. C. (transfer to Army)---..----------.---------------------- June 27, 1942 22, 398.76 ---------- _._-_ 22,398.76 Total, rivers and harbors..--.-- ----------------------- -- -------------------------------------- 47, 725, 378.93 68,002,209.37 115, 727,588.30 i M Flood control (projects authorized in Act of June 22, 1936, as amended and supplemented): 0 ci Flood control, general----....-- ------------------- ----------------------------------------- (1) 181, 305, 260.88 3 7, 097, 814. 22 188, 403, 075. 30 Flood control, general (emergency fund)-----------.... ..--------- ------------------------------------- (1) 9, 212, 988.71 9, 212, 988.71 Total, flood control, general .......------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------- 181,305, 260.88 16, 310, 803.13 197,616,064.01 Flood control, Mississippi River (Act May 15, 1928, as amended): Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries----- ------------------------------------------ (1) 31, 421, 583.44 4 13, 507, 653. 13 44, 929, 236. 57 Emergency fund for flood control on tributaries of Mississippi River .....------------------------------- (1) ------- 628, 788. 17 628, 788. 17 00 Total flood control, Mississippi River----..................---------------------------------------------------------- 31,421, 583. 44 14, 136, 441.30 45, 558, 024.74 Flood control, Sacramento River, Calif ----------------------------------------- ------..........................------- (1) 1, 575, 322. 79 6, 261.86 1,581,584. 65 Flood control, Kings River and Tulare Lake, Calif...........--- ...------------------------------------------ (1) 742,249.86 --------------- - 742,249. 86 Flood control, Sutton Reservoir, W. Va-_.-- ------ - ----------------------------- (') 8, 788.66 ---------------- 8,788.66 Total, all flood control-.....--..............................----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 215, 053, 205. 63 30, 453, 506. 29 245, 506, 711.92 Miscellaneous appropriations: 00 Emergency fund for the President (allotment to Army, Corps of Engineers), 1948______________________ July 30, 1947 ------------------- 39, 967.31 39,967.31 Development of landing areas for National Defense, Office of Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, (transfer to Army), 1941-47-------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 5, 1946 212,879.03-_- _--212,879.03 Maintenance and operation, certain water mains outside the District of Columbia, 1946-47 __May 2, 1946------------------ 1, 166. 29 1, 166. 29 Maintenance and operation, certain water mains outside the District of Columbia, 1948--------.........---- July 31, 1947 -----------------.. 9,264.78 9, 264. 78 Hospital and domiciliary facilities, Veterans Administration (transfer to Army)---......-- ........--------------.Mar. 4, 1931 35, 893, 355. 32 35, 893, 355. 32 Salaries and expenses, Philippine rehabilitation, Department of State (transfer to Army), 1914750-.._-__ July 23, 1946 ... 2, 246, 932.30 2, 246, 932.30 Payments to States, Flood Control Act June 28, 1938, as amended .. ----------------------------- June 28, 1938 224, 992. 95 224, 992.95 Total micellaneos Total miscellaneous appropiations--------------------------------------------------------------------........ _ appropriations.-------..-.---- _--- - - -----... .___-! i 36, 106, 234. 35 2, 522, 323. 63 38, 62S, 557. 98 Contributed and advanced funds: Funds contributed for improvement of rivers and harbors___..---------------------------------------- (6) 23, 621.74 46, 232. 74 69, 854. 48 Funds advanced for improvement of rivers and harbors _________.---.--------------- ---------------- (b) (__ 266, 816.06 266, 816.06 Funds contributed for flood control, rivers and harbors__ _ . 1, 033, 407. 38 (6) 190---------------------------------------- 130, 397. 80 1,163, 805.18 Funds advanced for flood control, rivers and harbors ------------------------------------- Oct. 5, 1940 243, 067. 24 -- -- - -- - -- - 243, 067. 24 Total, contributed and advanced funds_ -_---------------------------------------.- 1, 566, 912. 42 176, 630. 54 1, 743, 542. 96 Total, Engineer Department and contributed funds_ _------------------------------------------------- 300, 451, 731.33 101, 154, 669. 83 401,606, 401. 16 Working funds (transfers from other departments): Working Fund, Army, Engineers, Civil, no year (various projects) --------------------------------------- 1,706,485.78 Working Fund, Army, Engineers, Civil, 1946 (various projects) ----------------------------------- 2,081.27 Working Fund, Army, Engineers, Civil, 1947 (various projects) ....---................------------- -- ----------- --- -275,581.19 Working Fund, Army, Engineers, Civil, 1947-48 (specia ]operations)--.......------- ----------------------- 25,068,833.57 Working Fund, Army, Engineers, Civil, 1948 (various projects) __....................-------------- 490.98 Working Fund, Army, Miscellaneous Civil, 1948 (special operations) ..---.-.....-------------- --...----------- ------- 53, 730.76 Working Fund,. Army, Engineers, Civil (Trust Fund) no year (various projects) --.----.. _..-.- __ I. . --------------- 79, 535.01 Total, working funds .......... ... ---------- -------------------- ------- ------------------- - -------------- ------ -- ------------ 27,186,738.56 t--, Grand total expenditures by Engineer Department ............-----------------------------------.....--------------..... 300,451,731.33f 101, 154,669.83 428, 793, 139. 72 I I 1 Annual or supplemental. 4 Includes $3,352.00 transferred for cooperative work to other depar rtments. 2 Includes $88,292.00 transferred for cooperative work to other departments. b Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946, July 23, 1946. Includes $490,870.00 transferred for cooperative work to other departments. 6 Trust funds, various. Consolidatedcost and financial summary as of June 30, 1948. Value of Additional Cost of new Cost of main- plant, stocks, Plus Minus Total expendi- Balance un- Total to be amount re- work tenance and undis- accounts accounts tures expended accounted for quired for tributed items receivable payable completion xR Seacoast harbors and channels_ - - $789, 310, 567. 88 $420, 437, 021. 34 $683,136. 32 $443, 100. 93 $3, 450, 305. 24$1, 207, 423, 521.23 $20, 127, 346. 31 $1, 227, 550, 867. 54 $193, 500, 000 Intracoastal canals and other waterways_ 197, 508, 726. 94 115, 201,793. 91 . ... 105, 902. 80 1, 518, 261. 75 311, 298, 161.90 16, 881,867.56 328, 180, 029. 46 1, 346, 319, 000 Mississippi River system . ......... -- 881, 866, 741. 13 367, 353, 365. 94 383,987.05 245, 329. 08 1,720, 899.94 1,248,128, 523. 26 12,718,028.11 1, 260, 846, 551. 37 372, 500, 000 Lake harbors and channels ... .. ... 222, 860, 398.081 114, 961,859. 321 292, 587. 27 59, 567.13i 1, 567, 291. 75 336, 607, 120. 05 7,883, 418.17 344, 490, 538. 22 120, 633, 000 r-.. Examinations, surveys, and contingencies 9, 020, 984.47 76, 794, 877. 55 -___ __ 29,416. 87 119,129.18 85, 726,149.71 1,620, 565. 88 87, 346, 715. 59i Removing sunken vessels.... 11,023, 094. 26 ..-----------.. .......... 11,023, 094. 26 314, 083.62 11, 337,177S. 88 0 Dam 2, Tennessee River ...........------------ 46, 613, 947. 62 ----- 2, 071, 249. 00--------............... ....... -----------........ _---- 48, 685, 196. 62 .48, 685, 196. 62 Passamaquoddy tidal power project, Maine...--------------------------- 6,384,393.74 ..... ......--. - - ............-------------- 6,384, 393. 74-------------- 6, 384, 393.741---------- Flood control......................------------------- 1, 578,341, 965.50 278,699, 722.22 7, 187,370.32 1,910, 208.78 27,841, 914.49 1, 838, 297, 352.33 246, 641, 428.39 2, 084, 938, 780.72 3, 934, 413, 000 0 Plant: ' '' 917 River and harbors__ ------------ _----------------- --------- 52, 477, 774.49 6, 645, 492.89 6, 719, 465.23 52, 403, 802.15 20, 582, 939.67 72,986, 741.82 - - Flood control ....- _-_--_- ---------......-........ - - ..- ..... -- 15,972,150.35 1,801,435.37 1,737,300.51 16,036,285.21 6, 596, 350.32 22, 632, 635.53 ---------- Total- ---------------------.3, 731, 907, 725.36 1,386,542, 983.54 76, 997, 005.80111,240,453.85 44, 674, 568.09 5, 162, 013, 600.46 333, 366, 028.03 5, 495, 379, 628.49 5, 967, 365, 000 Unallotted balances June 30, 1948: Rivers and harbors.................. ----------------................------------------ ------------------------------------. 167, 085, 943.78 2 167, 085, 943.78------------- Flood control----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- 406, 959, 627.70 3 406, 959, 627.70 Total unallotted balance.......... ......--------.....--------------------------- ..............--------..............-------------............----------------- 574, 045, 571.48 574, 045, 571. Grand total-----------------.................------------------------------------------------------------- 907, 411,599.51 6, 069, 425,199.97 02 I Of this amount $60,585,283.48 represents the value of plant distributed as follows: Construction Tools and Service plant plant equipment Total Rivers and harbors...................................................-------------------...................$9, 382,690. 44 $31, 515, 533. 56 $2, 860, 692. 58 $43, 758, 916. 58 Flood control ........................................................................---------------------------------------------------------- 5, 702, 603. 44 7, 904, 189. 70 3, 219, 573. 76 16, 826, 366. 90 Total....................... ----------------------------------------------------------------- 05293.8 15,,. 39, 391973.6 419, 723.2 6080 6, 080, 26.34 60, 585, 283. 48 2Includes $166,989,100 appropriated for rivers and harbors in Civil Functions Appropriation Act approved June 25, 1948. 3 Includes $405,741,100 appropriated for flood control in Civil Functions Appropriation Act approved June 25, 1948. AMOUNTS EXPENDABLE 23 The amounts that could be profitably expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, on authorized projects are as follows: Maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works: New work_ _________--------- $201,106,450 Maintenance_-----------_-.-___- - -115,582,800 Total, rivers and harbors_----------------- ---- __-$316.689,250 Alteration of bridges, Public Law 647, 76th Cong -------- 50,000 Maintenance, certain water mains outside the District of Col- umbia_--- ---------------------------------- 12,000 Flood control: Mississippi River and tributaries ----------- $104,500,000 Emergency fund on tributaries of Mississippi River_ 500,000 Sacramento River, Calif.-----------------. 5,300, 000 Flood control, general, act of June 22, 1936, amended and supplemented 544,710,300 Total, flood control_ --------------------- ___-655,010,300 Grand total_.- _______ -- _____________________971,761,550 IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE NEW ENGLAND DIVISION The New England Division, an operating division with both district and division functions, comprises all of New England except western Vermont and small portions of Massachusetts and Connecticut along their western boundaries, and includes small portions of southeastern New York, all embraced in the drainage basins tributary to Long Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean east of the New York-Connecticut State line. It also includes Fishers Island, N. Y. Division engineer of the New England Division, Boston, Mass.: Brig. Gen. Raymond G. Moses, United States Army. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation Navigation Page Page 1. St. Croix River, Maine _-- 27 35. Falmouth Harbor, Mass... 81 2. Lubec Channel, Maine .... 28 36. Menemsha Creek, Marthas 3. Beals Harbor, Maine _ 29 Vineyard, Mass....... 82 4. Northeast Harbor, Maine' - 30 37. New Bedford and Fairhaven 5. Isle Au Haut Thoroughfare, Harbor, Mass_-------- - 83 Maine--- 31 38. Cuttyhunk Harbor, Mass._ 85 6. Penobscot River, Maine_.. 32 39. Fall River Harbor, Mass___ 87 7. Medomak River, Maine. ___ 34 40. Taunton River, Mass ..... 88 8. East Boothbay Harbor, 41. Providence River and Har- Maine-- ... 35 bor, Rhode Island ..-- 90 9. Hendricks Harbor, Maine-_ 36 42. Pawtucket (Seekonk) River, 10. Kennebec River, Maine_ 36 Rhode Island--------- 92 It. 12. Portland Harbor, Maine__ Cape Porpoise Harbor, 39 43. Wickford Harbor, Rhode Island------------- 94 Maine. 41 44. Harbor of Refuge at Point 13. Kennebunk River, Maine.._ 43 Judith and Point Judith 14. Josias River, Maine---... .- , 44 Pond, Rhode Island. 95 15. York Harbor, Maine-.. _ 45 45. Harbor of Refuge-Block Is- 16. Ipswich River, Mass.,- 98 46 land, Rhode Island- 17. Essex River, Mass........ 47 46. Pawcatuck River, R. I. and 18. Gloucester Harbor and An- Conn.----------------- 99 nisquam River, Mass..'__ 49 47. New London Harbor, Conn_ 104 19. Manchester Harbor, Mass.__ 51 48. Thames River, Conn. ..... 105 20. Mystic River, Massl_ 52 49. Connecticut River below 21. Boston Harbor, Mass. ... 55 Hartford, Conn.. 107 22. Weymouth Fore River, 50. Duck Island Harbor, Conn. 110 23. Mass. Town River, Mass_ .: 59 51. Clinton Harbor, Conn ----- 111 62 52. New Haven Harbor, Conn__ 113 24. Hingham Harbor, Mass.. _ 63 53. Breakwaters at New Haven, 25; Cohasset Harbor, Mass.... S65 Conn._---------- 116 26. Duxbury Harbor, Mass.., 66 54. Milford Harbor, Conn . - 117 27. Cape Cod Canal, Mass-.... 67 55. Housatonic River, Conn..--- 119 28. Channel from Buzzards Bay 56. Bridgeport Harbor, Conn__ 121 to Buttermilk Bay, Mass. 71 57. Southport Harbor, Conn. - 124 29. Wellfleet Harbor, Mass_,.__ 72 58. Westport Harbor and Sauga- 30. Provincetown Harbor, Mass: tuck River; Conn.----- 126 73 128 31. Pollock Rip Shoals, Nan- 59. Norwalk Harbor, Conn.--. 60. Westcott Cove, Conn...... 130 32. tucket Sound, Mass. ,: Harbor of Refuge at Nan- 74 61. Stamford Harbor, Conn -.. 62. Greenwich Harbor, Conn - - 1.31 133 tucket, Mass_..-.. ,, 76 63. Examinations, surveys and 33. Cross Rip Shoals, Nantucket contingencies (general) _ 1.34 Sound, Mass.. , .. 78 64. Inactive navigation projects 136 34. HIyannis Harbor, Mass._ _: 79 65. Plant allotment - --- 137 25 26 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Flood control Flood control Page P'age 66. Merrimack River Basin, 92. North Hartland Reservoir, N. H. and Mass ....... 142 Connecticut River Basin, 67. Franklin Falls Reservoir, Vt.. .- - 179 Merrimack River Basin, 93. Claremont Reservoir, Con- N. H- -_ 144 necticut River Basin, 68. Mountain Brook Reservoir, N . H --.- . -r. -- -- .. 7 180 Merrimack River Basin, 94. North Springfield Reservoir, N. H ------- - 146 Connecticut River Basin, 69. West Peterborough Reser- Vt .. ..------------------.. 182 voir, Merrimack River Ba- 95. West River Reservoirs, Con- sin, N. H-- 147 necticut River Basin, Vt_ 183 70. Bennington Reservoir, Mer- 96. Ball Mountain Reservoir, rimack River Basin, N. H_ 149 Connecticut River Basin, 71. Beards Brook Reservoir, Vt.-- ...- - - 186 Merrimack River Basin, 97. Surry Mountain Reservoir, N. H 150 Connecticut River Basin, 72. Blackwater Reservoir, Mer- N.H 187 rimack River Basin, N. H_ 152 98. Honey lill Reservoir, Con- 73. Nashua, Merrimack River necticut River Basin, Basin, N. H____ 154 N. H ----------- 189 74. North Andover and Law- 99. Birch Hill Reservoir, Con- rence, Merrimack River necticut River Basin, Basin, Mass__ ____ 155 Mass.... .... _ 191 75. Blackstone River Basin, 100. Tully Reservoir, Connecticut Mass. and R. I 156 River Basin, Mass ...- 1.93 76. West Hill Reservoir, Black- 101. Barre Falls Reservoir, Con- stone River Basin, Mass _ 158 necticut River Basin, 77. Worcester Diversion, Black- Mass _ _ _-_ 195 stone River Basin, Mass _ 159 102. West Brookfield Reservoir, 78. Woonsocket, Blackstone Connecticut River Basin, River Basin, Mass_.. 160 Mass 197 79. Pawtuxet River Basin, R. IL 161 103. Knightville Reservoir, Con- 80. Clyde, Pawtuxet River Ba- necticut River Basin, sin, R. I 161 Mass- . 198 81. Pontiac Diversion, Pawtuxet 104. Northampton, Connecticut River Basin, R. IL..... 162 River Basin, Mass ..... 200 82. Thames River Basin, Conn., 105. Holyoke, Connecticut River R. I., and Mass ...... 163 Basin, Mass 201 83. Buffumville Reservoir, Thames River Basin, 106. Springdale, Connecticut Mass_ 165 River Basin, Mass. ... 204 84. East Brimfield Reservoir, 107. Chicopee, Connecticut River Thames River Basin, Basin, Mass_ 206 Mass ---- - 166 108. Riverdale, Connecticut River 85. Westville Reservoir, Thames Basin, Mass_ 207 River Basin, Mass-..... 168 109. West Springfield, Connecti- 86. South Coventry Reservoir, cut River Basin, Mass___ 208 Thames River Basin, 110. Springfield, Connecticut Conn--------------- 169 River Basin, Mass ...... 210 87. Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, 111. Hartford, Connecticut River Thames River Basin, Basin, Conn 212 Conn- -- - - -- - 170 112. East Hartford, Connecticut 88. Norwich Channel Improve- River Basin, Conn ..... 215 ment, Thames River Ba- sin, Conn- -- - - -- 171 113. Winsted, Connecticut River Basin, Conn------ 216 89. Connecticut River Basin, Vt., N. H., Mass. and 114. Thomaston Reservoir, Hous- Conn ------------ .. 173 atonic River Basin, Conn_ 217 90. Union Village Reservoir, 115. Emergency flood control Connecticut River Basin, work=-_-- ----- . . . 219 Vt----------------- 176 116. Preliminary examinations, 91. West Canaan Reservoir, surveys, and contingencies Connecticut River Basin, for flood control-........ 220 N. H-------------- 178 117. Inactive flood-controlprojects 221 RIVERS AND IIARBORlS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 27 1. ST. CROIX RIVER, MAINE Location.-This river has its source in a series of lakes in east- ern Maine, flows in a southeasterly direction for about 100 miles, and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. The drainage area is about 1,630 square miles. The mean discharge at Sprague Falls, about 5 miles above Calais, as measured in 1903 was 3,131 second-feet. The stream is tidal to Calais, about 14 miles above the mouth. The width ranges from 900 feet at Calais to about 1 mile at the mouth. The stream forms a part of the international boundary. (See United States Coast and Geodetic Survey chart No. 801.) Previous projects.- The first project for improvement was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1867. Work was authorized also by River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1881, and September 19, 1890. For further details of previous projects see page 1731 of Annual Report of 1915. Existing project.-This provides for a channel beginning at the 12-foot contour at Hills Point, about 3.5 miles below the head of navigation at Calais, and extending upstream 12 feet deep and 200 feet wide to the lower steamboat wharf at Calais, thence 9 feet deep and 150 feet wide to the public landing at St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and thence 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide to the upper steam boat wharf at Calais; and for three piers at the ledge 3.5 miles below Calais. The project depths refer to mean low water. The tidal range is from 17.6 feet to 23 feet; the mean range is 20 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1910, is $234,000, exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects. The latest (1910) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,000. The existing project was authorized by the following River and Harbor Acts: The Act of March 3, 1881, provided for the repair of the piers previously built by the Lighthouse Establishment (H. Ex. Doc. No. 27, 46th Cong., 3d sess.) ; the Act of June 25, 1910, pro- vided for the channel (H. Doc. No. 748, 61st Cong., 2nd sess.). For latest published map see Annual Report for 1914, page 1570. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910, required that negotiations be conducted by the Secretary of State with a view to cooperation by the Government of Great Britain. As a result of negotiations the Canadian Government agreed to pay 10 percent of the cost of the work upon completion, and during the fiscal year 1917 refunded the sum of $19,891.65. At the time the existing project was adopted assurances were required that the practice of dumping sawmill waste into the river would be stopped. These have been fulfilled. Terminal facilities.-There are 8 wharves on the commercially developed portion of the American side of the river. These are generally timber cribs ballasted with stone. Only 2 are now in use: one being used for receipt and shipment of petroleum products and the other for discharge of small cargoes from local fishing boats. The facilities are adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at the end of fiscal year.-The existing project was COmpleted Hiills Pointinto 1916. The controlling depth in 1936 was 7 feet from about 150 feet below IPublic Landing at St. Stephen, thence 6 feet to Upper Steamboat Wharf except for a shoal area 28 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 on the northerly side in front of Public Landing where depth was 2.4 feet at mean low water. The costs under the existing project have been $182,000, of which $179,549.81 was for new work and $2,450.19 was for maintenance. The expenditures have been $182,000. Proposed operations.-N--o funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $5,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance, to make a condition survey of the entire project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 .... - ---. -- $180,549.81 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. -, 6,450.19 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948'_---_ 187,000.00 Net total expenditures- ....... ---------. . 187,000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------ 187,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_.... .__ 5,500.00 I Does not include $19,891.65 contributed by Canadianr Government. 2. LUBEC CHANNEL, MAINE Location.-Lubec Channel is situated off the northeastern coast of Maine in the international boundary waters between the state of Maine and Campobello Island, New Brunswick, It is about 200 miles northeast of Portland and 350 ,miles northeast of Boston, Mass. The channel, which is 2 miles long, runs from Johnson Bay to Quoddy Roads, and is used by boats going to Eastport, Passamaquoddy Bay and the St. Croix River, (See United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 801.) . Previous project.--The original project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1879, and subsequently modified in 1885, provided a channel from Johnson Bay: to Quoddy Roads, 12 feet deep at mean low water, and 275 feet wide, with a width of 300 feet at the bends. A jetty on Gun Rock projecting into Lubec Narrows at the northeast point of the town was also built See page 36 of the Annual Report for 1912. Existing project.-This provides for widening the original channel to 500 feet, and was adopted August 18, 1894 and com- pleted in 1905. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1948, is $138,500. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of main- tenance is $500. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-There are 15 wharves and docks extending along the waterfront in the Narrows, from the south side of the existing breakwater to Leadurny Point. While the longer wharves are all pile and timber construction, the shorter ones are mostly solid filled structures. For the most part they are used for the receipt of fish. There is no water at any of these :docks at low tide. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. RIVERS AND) :IARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 29 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1905. The controlling depth in 1936 was about 12 feet. The costs under the existing project have been $138,478.30, of which $134,410.85 was for new work and $4,067.45 was for main- tenance. The expenditures have been $138,478.30. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $3,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance, to make a condition survey of the entire project and to obtain information on the shoreline changes on the American side at Lubec. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___ $________________ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _____________-______- -4,067.45 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---- _-. -307,432.98 Net total expenditures ------- ------------- 307,432.98 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.---------- ------- 307,432.98 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance--- ---------- 3,000.00 3. BEALS HARBOR, MAINE Location.-This harbor is located on the northern end of Beal Island. This island is opposite Jonesport on the south side of Moosabec Reach, an east-and-west thoroughfare about 6 miles long, running between the mainlafid on the north, and the group of islands between Chandler Bay and Pleasant Bay, on the south. It is 168 miles northeasterly of Portland, 88 miles northeasterly of Rockland, and about 38 miles southwesterly of Eastport. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Charts Nos. 304 and 1201). Existing project.-This provides for .an anchorage 10 feet deep at mean low water over an area about 600 feet long and varying in width from 1,000 feet at the 10-foot depth curve in Moosabec Reach to about 600 feet at the inner end. The mean range of tide is 11.5 feet and the spring range is 13.1 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1946 is $85,700. The estimate of cost of annual maintenance made in 1946 is $1,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor" Act of June 30, 1948. The latest published map is contained in the project document (H. Doc. No. 553, 80th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States suitable disposal areas with necessary dikes or bulkheads for the initial construction and future main- tenance when and as required, and agree to hold and save the United States free from all damages attributable to the work of improvement. It is expected that these requirements will be met. Terminal facilities.-There are five privately owned wharves in Beals Harbor which are used by those engaged in lobstering and fishing. Four of the wharves are located at the inner end of the harbor and are bare at the lower stages of tide. The fifth, located near the entrance to the harbor on the east side, has less than 2 feet at mean low water. All of these wharves are either of pile 804711-48--Vol. 1-3 30 IREPORT OF1 CHIEF OIO 1ENGINEERS, IT. S. ARMY, 194S or braced-timber construction. A short distance to the east of the harbor, in Moosabec Reach, are located a public and a private wharf. The public wharf in Moosabec Reach is of solid fill con- struction and open to all, while the private wharf is of pile con- struction and is used as the Beals terminal of the Jonesport-Beals ferry. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No costs have been incurred under the existing project. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of the 10-foot anchorage. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_______________ _______ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ _. _ - Net total expenditures__________________ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-....... ----- - . Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------- $85,700.00 4. NORTHEAST HARBOR, MAINE Location.-This harbor is a small cove, indenting the south shore of Mount Desert Island, Maine. It lies just east of the entrance to Somes Sound, about 13 miles southwest of Bar Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 306 and 1202.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel and anchorage 10 feet deep between the 10-foot natural contour and proposed town landing, and 7-foot anchorage areas contiguous to the exist- ing natural channel. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean tidal range is 10.3 feet and the spring range is 11.7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work revised in 1946, is $113,400. The latest (1948) estimate of cost of annual maintenance is $1,500. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (IH. Doc. No. 132, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The 'latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to furnish, free of cost to the United States, suitable spoil-disposal areas, properly bulkheaded; provide a public landing with facilities for the service and supply of recreational craft, available to the public on equal terms; and hold and save the United States free from all claims for damages incident to the work of improvement. Terminal facilities.-There are 14 landings, all privately owned, 2 of which are open to the public without charge. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done on the existing project. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. IMIVERS ANDI) I[ARORS-NEW ENGLAND I)IVISION 31 The sum of $113,400 can be profitably expended during the fis- cal year 1950 for new work for completion of the project by contract. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----- --------------- --------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 - ". _ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------------------- Net total expenditures-- ------------- _-- ----------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------ $113,400.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work________------ ___-------------- 113,400.00 5. ISLE AU HAUT THOROUGHFARE, MAINE Location.-This is a tidal strait about 11/ miles long between Isle Au Iaut and Kimball Island, located off the coast of Maine in East Penobscot Bay about 25 miles east of Rockland. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 309.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 75 feet wide and 6 feet deep, approximately 1,200 feet long, through the shoal at the easterly end of the waterway. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean tidal range is 9.1 feet and the spring range is 10.4 feet. The estimate of cost for new work revised in 1946, is $43,200. The latest (1948) estimate of cost of annual maintenance is $800. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (S. Doc. No. 15, 77th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation. Local interests are required to furnish as- surances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will pro- vide and maintain on the thoroughfare a suitable public landing and hold and save the United States free from all claims for dam- ages resulting from the improvement. Terminal facilities.-There are eight wharves on the thorough- fare, all privately owned, none of which are open to the public. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been (lone on the existing project. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ Net total expenditures Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 - Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_ _ ._ __._ ..._._._ _ __ $43,200.00 32 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 6. PENOBSCOT RIVER, MAINE Location.-This river drains a large number of lakes and small streams in north central and eastern Maine and, after assuming definite character as a stream, flows about 100 miles in a southerly direction through the middle of the State, discharging into Penob- scot Bay, about 90 miles, northeast of Portland, Maine. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 311.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 11, 1870, and modified by the River and Harbor Acts of July 5, 1884, August 11, 1888, July 13, 1892, and March 3, 1899. For further details of previous projects, see page 1732 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 48 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for dredging to a depth of 22 feet between Winterport and Bucksport, about 16 miles below Bangor; for straightening, widening, and deepening to 15 feet the channel near Stearns Mill and near Crosbys Narrows from 3 to 4.5 miles below Bangor; and for deepening the harbor at Bangor to 14 feet and widening it along the Bangor front, giving an ad- ditional width of from 100 to 300 feet for a length of about 2,000 feet. The project depths refer to mean low water, which is 3 feet above extreme low tide. The mean range of tide at Bangor is 13.1 feet, and the extreme about 15 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1906, was $130,000, exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized )ocuments July 5, 1884 Widening the channel at Bangor and Crosbys Nar- S. Ex. I)oc. 14, 48th Cong., 1st sess., rows. and Annual Report 1884, 1). 475. Aug. 11, 1888 I)rcdging between Wintcrport and Bucksport- .. . I t. Ex. l)oc.13:, )th Cong., Ist sess., and Annual Report 1888, p. 425. July 13, 1892 Widening the channel at Bangor ------------------ It.. I Ex. l)oc. 37, 521 Cong., Ist sess., anl Annual Repcort 1892, p. 5:13. Mar. 3, 1899 Dredging Kenduskeag stream__..... ____________ 1.IEx. [ )oc. 4), 55th Con2,g., st sess., and Annual Report 1897, p.8 11. Mar. 2, 1907 Further widening of the harbor at Bangor-- ...... . I oc. 739, 59th Cong., Ist sess. (Contains the latest )ublished mnap. Other msnapsare in II. I)oc. 652, 71st Cong., 3d sess.) July 11, 19471 I)eclaring Kenduskeag Stream nonnavigable .. - . Public Law 183:, 80th Cong., 1st sess. 1 Special act declaring a waterway nonnavigahle. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-The river front of Bangor has 12 wharves, most of which are of the timber-crib stone-ballasted type. Exten- sive improvements and alterations are in progress at all the oil terminals to handle increased receipts of petroleum products. Eleven of the wharves have physical connection with a railroad. On the east side of the river at Brewer, opposite Bangor, there is one water terminal, a coal-handling plant having mechanical appliances and three petroleum products storage plants. The re- mainder of the terminals on the east side of the river are in poor IlVERS AN I) IARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION condition. At South Brewer there is a large pulp and paper plant which has water connections, oil-pumping and storage facilities. There are a number of private wharves open to the public at mod- erate charges. At Bucksport on the north side of the river there are three important terminals, one a coal-handling plant and two used by a large paper manufacturing plant which has terminal facilities for the receipt and storage of oil products and pulpwood. The terminal facilities are considered adequate for existing needs. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The United States seagoing hopper dredge Atlantic was engaged in maintenance dredging to remove the most obstructive shoals within the channel limits opposite Lawrence Cove and in vicinity of Frankfort Flats during the period August 27 to September 17, 1947, inclusive. During the fiscal year there were removed 104,382 cubic yards, bin measurement, of material, at a cost of $38,884.93, all for main- tenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1913. The controlling depths at mean low water were about 14 feet from Bucksport to Winterport; channel opposite Lawrence Cove about 14 feet (1947) ; channel at Frankfort Flats, 21 feet (1947) ; thence 15 feet to Stearns Mill; thence 14 feet to Bangor, except for a shoal area in Bangor Harbor on the Brewer side, where the least depth is 4.6 feet (1937). The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $227,444.10, of which $133,220.53 was for new wotK and $94,223.57 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $10,115.07, will be reported for revoca- tion. The sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance in restoring the project depths in the channel opposite Lawrence Cove and in the vicinity of Frankfort Flats. The sum of $50,000 for maintenance exceeds the average annual expenditure for the past five years, as adequate maintenance has not been accomplished and the channel has deteriorated. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $501,020.53 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 94,223.57 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 595,244.10 Net total expenditures ------------------------------------ 595.244.10 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 10,115.07 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 605,359.17 Fiscal year ending June 30 11)44 1945 1946 19,7 1948 Cost of new work ..--------------- --- ----- ------ -------------------------------- Cost of maintenance-----.......... ----------- .............- ------------------------ .............--- $3, 210. 49 $38, 884.93 Total expended--------------................. ------...----- ----------------------- 3, 210.49 38, 884. 93 Allotted --------------------......................-------- --------------------------- 3, 210.49 49,000.00 34 'REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, IU S. S. ARMY, 194 8 Amount allotted during fiscal year -- --. .. .... $50, 000. 000 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment - 1,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for--- -------------------- 49,000.00 Gross amount expended--- -------------------------------- 38,884.93 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 _ 10,115.07 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ---- 50,000.00 7. MEDOMAK RIVER, MAINE Location.-The river has its source about 20 miles above Waldo- boro, the head of navigation, and flows southerly about 25.5 miles where it enters lHockomock Channel, one of several passages leadl- ing to the sea. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 313.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 75 feet wide and 5 feet deep at mean low water extending from the 5-foot contour up to the village of Waldoboro, a distance of about 11/, miles. The existing project was authorized by the River and Act of March 4, 1913 (H. Doc. No. 674, 62d Cong., 2d sess.), and HIarbor was completed in 1913. The mean range of tide is 9.5 feet and the spring range is 10.9 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1913, is $17,000. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $800. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-There is one wharf owned by the Town of Waldoboro. This is of the solid fill type, with granite facing. This facility is considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during the fiscal year.-A condition sur- vey was made during May and June 1948, by hired labor, from the 5-foot curve of depth in Medomak River abreast of Woltz I'oint to the head of navigation at Waldoboro, a distance of about 11/, miles at a cost and expenditure of $1,000, for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1913. The controlling depth in 1948 at mean low water was 3 feet. The channel has narrowed considerably due to the encroachment of the banks. The total costs under the existing project have been $18,000, of which amount $17,000 was for new work, and $1,000 was for maintenance. The expenditures have been $18,000. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $25,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dreding, by contract, to restore the channel to its project dimensions, namely 75 feet widle and 5 feet deep at mean low water, with necessary surveys. No work is contemplated during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1.948-- $17,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 --- 1,000.00 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Net total expenditures-.. - ............ ------ . 18,000.00 18,000.0() Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -------- 18,000.00 I VERS ANI) tAIhI()ORS-NEW ENGLAND) I)IVISION 35 Fiscal (ding nyenr June :) 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work (.ost of ).tenaml m .. I- - _-....... .............. I. $1, 000 Allotte l..--------------------- ----- --- --- --------- ---- ---- ----- ----- , 00 Amount allotted during fiscal year ---------- $1,000.00 Gross amount expended ---------------------- ----- 1,000.00 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------------ 25,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 25,000.00 8. EAST BOOTHBAY HARBOR, MAINE Location. This habor is an indentation in the west bank of the Damariscotta River, near its mouth. It is about 3 miles by land eastwardly from Boothbay Harbor, and about 9 miles by water. The mouth of the Damariscotta is about 9 miles east of the mouth of the Kennebec. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 313.) Existing project.-This provides for a depth of 8 feet along the wharves. The project depth refers to mean low water. The mean tidal range is 9.1 feet and the spring range is 10.4 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1910, was $6,500. The latest (1910) approved estimate for annual cost of main- tenance is $500. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910 (H. Docs. 944, 60th Cong., 1st sess., and 684, i61st Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published map is in House Docu- ment 684. Local cooperation.-No local cooperation has been required. Terminal facilities.-The harbor has a developed waterfront of about 1,000 feet on which are located three boat yards and a pile and timber wharf. This wharf, which is privately owned, is open to the public at no charge. The terminal facilities are adequate for existing traffic. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1911 at a cost of $6,500.00 for new work, since which time no "dredging has been done. The controlling depth along the wharfs in 1945 was 3 feet at mean low water. The total costs under the existing project have been $7,925.19, of which $6,500 was for new work, and $1,425.19 was for main- tenance. The expenditures have been $7,925.19. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $25,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance to restore the project depth in the existing project. The sum of $25,000 for maintenance exceeds the average annual expenditure for the past 5 years, as no work has been done since the project was completed in 1911. 36 REPOIRT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 194t Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-_ _ $6,500.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------ -.. 1,425.19 Total cost of permanent work to June' 30, 1948 ... 7,925.19 Net total expenditures----------__________________________ 7,925.19 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------------ 7,925.19 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1917 1948 Cost of new work---------------------------------------------- ----- - Cost of maintenance------------ ------------------------ ------------- $1,425. 19 -- -------- Total expend d -------------------- ------------------ ---------------.. 1,425.19----------- Allotted- ----- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------................ 1,425. 19 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ---------------------------- 25,000.00 9. HENDRICKS HARBOR, MAINE Location.-This harbor, on the west side of Southport island and on the east side of the Sheepscot River about 2 miles above its mouth, is 50 miles northeast of Portland, Maine. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 314.) Existing project.-This provides for an entrance channel 30 feet wide and 9 feet deep at mean low water. The mean tidal range is 8.5 feet and the extreme range is 9.7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1946 is $8,000. Main- tenance costs will be nominal. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (S. Doc. No. 40, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session). The latest published map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.-There are two wharves and four small landings, all privately owned, and not open to the public. Operations and results during fiscal year.- None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done on the existing project. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ Net total expenditures - .- ~-~ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- - -- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------- $8,000.00 10. KENNEBEC RIVER, MAINE Location.-Kennebec River drains a large number of lakes and minor streams, and flows from Moosehead Lake about 150 miles in a southerly direction and discharges into the Atlantic Ocean about 25 miles east of Portland. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 288, 289, and 314.) RIVERS AND IIARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 37 Previous projects.-The first project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1827. Modifications and additions Were authorized by River and Harbor Acts of August 30, 1852, June 23, 1866, July 11, 1870, March 3, 1871, March 3, 1873, March 3, 1881, August 11, 1888. For further details of previous projects see page 1735 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 52 of Annual Re- port for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 27 feet deep and not less than 500 feet wide, extending from the mouth to a point about 0.6 mile above the bridge at Bath; thence to Gardiner a channel not less than 150 feet wide, with a depth of 17 feet at Beef Rock Shoal, at the foot of Swan Island, 18 feet deep through rock at Lovejoy Narrows, near the head of Swan Island, decreas- ing to 16 feet deep at Gardiner; a channel west of Swan Island 100 feet wide, 12 feet deep, except at the upper shoal, where the depth was to be 15 feet; and a channel 125 feet wide and 11 feet deep from Gardiner upstream to Augusta, at the head of naviga- tion. The section of river included in the project is about 44 miles in length. The work includes dredging, rock excavation, and two riprap training walls. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean tidal range is 8.3 feet at the mouth of the river, 6.5 feet at Bath, 5.5 feet at the foot of Swan Island, 5 feet at Gardiner, and 4.1 feet at Augusta. The spring tides are about 1 foot greater at the mouth and about 0.5 foot greater at Augusta. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1941, was $1,184,- 500, exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $6,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 13, 190)2 ( hannel between Augusta and (lardiner, Maine.... I. I)oc. 202, 56th Cong., 1st Mar. 2, 1907 Channel below Gardiner, Maine ..--..--------------- . I)oc. 321, 59th Cong., 2d sess. Mar. 4, 1913 Channel west of Swan Island .. -- . . )oc. 746, 62d Cong., 2d sess.' ......------------If...... Oct. 17, 1940 27-foot channel fromn mouth to Bath....--------------............. S. I)oc. 55, 77th Cong., 1st sess.' I Contains the latest plublished maps. Recommended modification of p roject.-In House Document 2107, Sixty-fourth Congress, second session, it was recommended that the improvement and maintenance of the channel west of Swan Island, near the town of Richmond, be abandoned. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-Wharves suitable for landing or loading are located at Bath, Woolwich, Richmond, Randolph, Gardiner, Hlallowell, and Augusta. Of the 24 wharves located at Bath, 5 are publicly owned and 19 privately owned, about one-third of which are in poor repair and are little used. Rail connections are avail- able at 19 of the wharves at Bath. Depths alongside range from 12 to 25 feet. At the other points named above there are 16 wharves in usable condition. All but one are equipped with mecha- nism for handling passengers and freight. Those open to the public on equal terms are two at Hallowell and one each at Ran- dolph and Augusta. None is publicly owned. Extensive altera- 38 REPORT OF CIIIRF OF IINGTERIRS, G Tt. S. AI1MY, 1948 tions and new construction are contemplated at Augusta to handle coal receipts. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The seagoing United States hopper dredge Atlantic was engaged in maintenance dredg- ing to remove most obstructive shoals within the channel limits of the 27-foot channel to Bath. Work was initiated August 4, 1947, and completed August 26, 1947. During the period 93,835 cubic yards of ordinary material, bin measurement, were removed at a cost of $38,850.03, all for maintenance. The expenditures were $38,850.03, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted December 1943, with the exception of project dredging from the Bath Iron Works Corp. to its upper limit 0.6 mile above the Bath Bridge, for which there appears to be no immediate need. The controlling depths at mean low water in the Kennebec River from the mouth to Bath are 19.3 feet, 13 feet from Abagadasset Point to the Gardiner-Randolph Bridge; thence 8 feet to Augusta for the project channel widths (1939). The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $1,274,088.00, of which $1,090,529.30 was for new work and $183,558.70 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $1,149.97 and an allotment of $20,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dredging in removal of shoals near the mouth of the river in the 27-foot chan- nel by United States hopper dredge, and necessary surveys (luring fiscal year 1949. The additional sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging in the 27-foot channel. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--- ----------------- $1,599,940.33 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--- 183,558.70 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _-.. 1,783,499.03 Net total expenditures ------------------------------ 783,499.03 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 1,149.97 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 1,784,649.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1917 )198 Cost of new work--------------.............. $49,302.40-------------- Total cost-------------- 4, 344. .------ 12,302.44 $38, 8 )03 Total expended --------------- 228, 08 . 27 -------------- 12, .. O... 44 3, 8) :3 Allotte.d---------------------- 5,5. 2)---- 12,302. 44 , 000. 0) 1IVEIRS AND IAIl()RS-NEW ENGLANI) I)[VSION 39 Amount allotted during fiscal year ___________________- -- -_ $40,000.00 Gross amount expended--. ------------- ------------ 38,850.03 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 1, 149.97 Amount allotted in July 1948_________________-------------- 20,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_...... 21,149.97 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------- ---------- 94,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ------- 50,000.00 11. PORTLAND HARBOR, MAINE Location.-This harbor is on the southwestern coast of Maine, about 100 miles northeast of Boston, Mass. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 325.) Previous projects.-Adopted by joint resolution of June 5, 1868, and River and Harbor Act of June 10, 1872. For further details see page 1736 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 40 of Annual Report for 1936. Existing project.-This provides for an anchorage area 35 feet deep at mean low water, approximately 170 acres in area, north- west of House Island; an anchorage area off the eastern end of the city, with a minimum depth of 30 feet; dredging a 35-foot chan- nel from the westerly side of the Maine State Pier in the lower part of the main harbor through its channel of approach to the sea; dredging to 35 feet the present 30-foot channel from the Maine State pier to Portland Bridge for its full width, thence to Vaughan Bridge for a width of 400 feet, thence to the Boston & Maine Rail- road bridge for a width of 300 feet; dredging a 35-foot turning basin easterly of Vaughan Bridge; and construction of stone break- water about 900 feet long from Spring Point to Spring Point Light; for a channel 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide from the an- chorage to the Grand Trunk Bridge at the mouth of Back Cove; for rock excavation to give a depth of 14 feet between the Grand Trunk and Tukeys Bridges, and a channel 12 feet deep and 300 feet wide thence to the head of Back Cove; for the removal of two obstructing ledges in the main ship channel to a depth of 40 feet; for a stone breakwater about 2,000 feet long on the southerly side of the mouth of the inner harbor; and the maintenance of Soldier Ledlge Channel in HIussey Sound, Casco Bay, at a depth of 40 feet. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean tidal range is 8.9 feet, extreme 10.2 feet, though variations as great as 16 feet have been observed under storm conditions. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947 is $4,560,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $40,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: 40 REPORT OF CHIEF OF1 ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized Documents July 4, 1836 Breakwater on southerly sideof mouth of inner harbor ..Doc. 491, 23d Cong., 1st sess. June 23, 1866 Extension of breakwater. June 3, 1896 Dredging to 30 feet over greater part of inner harbor._ S. Doc. 271, 54th Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 3, 1905 Extension of 30-foot depth up Fore River to Boston & (Sundry civil) Maine It. R. bridge and in channel of approach to Back Cove. July 25, 1912 30-foot anchorage; 14 feet at entrance to Back Cove; 11. Doc. 489, 62d Cong., 2d sess. restoration of 12-foot depth in Back Cove and 30- foot depth in the approach as well as in lower part of harbor. Aug. 8, 1917 35-foot depth in lower partof main harbor and the II. )oc. 71, 65th Cong., Ist sess. channel of approach, and removal of 2 obstructing ledges in main channel Mar. 2, 1945 35-foot anchorage, approximately 170 acres in area 1. Doc.560, 76th Cong., 3d sess.' nortlhwest of House Island. Do.....Maintenance of Soldier Ledge Channel in iHussey Report of Chief Engineers, dated Sound, at depth of 40 feet. Oct. 26,1942. July 24, 1946 Deepening 30-foot channel to 35 feet; 35-foot turning HI.I)oc.510, 79th Cong., 2d sess.' basin easterly of Vaughan Bridge; breakwater at Spring Point. 1 Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-The harbor has a water front of about 81/ miles, rather more than one-half of which has been developed. There are about 57 wharves and 2 shipyards in Portland Harbor. The large modern pier owned by the State is on the Portland side. Seventeen of the wharves and both of the shipyards are on the South Portland side. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Ports of Northern New England, 1941. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 43 percent completed, the remaining portion consisting of the removal to a depth of 40 feet at mean low water of a ledge located about 0.5 mile southeast of Portland Head Light at the entrance to Portland Harbor, dredging the 35-foot anchorage area north- west of House Island; deepening the 30-foot channel to 35 feet, dredging a 35-foot turning basin easterly of Vaughan Bridge, and constructing a breakwater at Spring Point. The controlling depths at mean low water in the various improved channels of Portland Harbor at the dates they were last surveyed were: 32.6 feet in the lower part of the main harbor (1944) ; 28.4 feet in the upper part of the main harbor (1944) ; 28 feet in Fore River (1944) ; 27.3 feet in the anchorage, thence 17.9 feet to Grand Trunk Bridge, thence 13.3 feet to Tukeys Bridge, and 8.5 feet to the head of Back Cove (1945). The total costs under the existing project have been $2,404,- 070.03, of which $1,827,710.29 was for new work and $576,359.74 was for maintenance. The expenditures have been $2,404,070.03. Proposed operations.-The funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $5,000, plus an allotment of $1,300,000 made in July 1948, will be applied to new work in dredging to a depth of 35 feet the present 30-foot channel in the inner harbor and Fore River, and dredging to a depth of 35 feet a turning basin easterly of Vaughan Bridge, during fiscal year 1949, by removing 2,092,000 cubic yards of ordinary material. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 41 The additional amount of $350,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Constructing a breakwater at Spring Point by placing about 43,000 tons of stone ------------------------- ------------- $300,000 Maintenance: Restoring the project depths in the 30-foot anchorage and the 12-foot channel in Back Cove -------- ------------------ 50,000 Total for all work__________ -- ______--------------- $350,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_____________ ----- _$2,520,145.54 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 576,359.74 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 3,096,505.28 Net total expenditures_ ___ 3,096,505.28 Unexpended balance, June 30, 19485--------,000,00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 3,101,505.28 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 'C [7 W worl •,,vs;LO l ............... 7, 480.46 . Cost of maintenance ------------ ........... 1,399. 26 $22, 137. 15 $6, 765. 70 $28, 643.05 -------- .... _........ Total cost___ 8, 879. 72 22,137. 15 6, 765. 70 28,643.05 -,----------- Total expende_____................. 84, 238.07 22, 167. 991) 6, 788. 73 28, 644. 23 -------------- A llotted ......... . ..... _- - ............. 113, 500.() -58,000.00 -4 5, 000. 00 $-1,11-543. 40 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $6,543.40 Amount allotted during fiscal year 5,000.00 Amount to be accounted for_._ - - - 11,543.40 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment __ 6,543.40 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------- 5,000.00 Amount allotted in July 1948_____ 1,300,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 1,305,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project _--------- ---------------. ---------- 2,727,300.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work-------------------------------------- 300,000.00 For maintenance 0,000.00 5----------------- Total _____--------------------- 350,000.00 12. CAPE PORPOISE. HARBOR, MAINE Location.-This harbor is located in the town of Kennebunkport on the coast of Maine, 27 miles southwest of Portland, Maine, and about the same distance northeast of Portsmouth, N. H. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1205). Existing project.-This provides for the removal of ledge rock in the entrance channel to deepen and straighten the outer portion so as to give a depth of 18 feet for a width of 200 feet between Goat and Folly Islands; a channel 16 feet deep over a width of 200 feet through the bar; a combined channel and anchorage 42 iPOr ()OF CI0IEF OF ENGNEERS, 'U. S. ARMY, 1)948 between the bar and the town wharf about 3,000 feet long, 600 feet wide, and 15 feet deep; a channel 100 feet wide and 6 feet deep from the town wharf in Cape Porpoise Harbor to the head of Porpoise Cove. All depths refer to mean low water. The mean range of tide is 8.7 feet and the spring range is 9.9 feet. The esti- mate of cost for new work made in 1946 is $160,000. The estimate of cost of annual maintenance is $1,500 for that portion of the project above Town Wharf. There is no approved estimate of cost for maintenance on that portion of the project below Town Wharf. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized 1)ocuments Mar. 3, 1899 Channel 200) feet wide and 16 feet deep at entrance, 11. )oc. 1(60,55th Cong., 3rd sess. and channel and anchorage 15 feet, (00 feet wide, and about 3,000) feet long within the harbor. Mar. 2, 1907 Excavation of ledge rock in oter entrance channel to II. Doc. 191, 59th Cong., 1st scss. dcl)th of 18 fct, 200) feet wide. June 30, 1948 Channel 100 feet wide and i feet deep from 'Town Ii. 1)oc. 555, 80th Cong., 2d1sess.t Wharf in Cape Porpoise 1Iarbor to head of Iorpoise Cove. 1 Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to contribute one-third of the cost of construction, but not to exceed $20,000, and agree to hold and save the United States free from damages due to the improvement. It is expected that these requirements will be met in 1949. Terminal facilities.-Present terminal facilities consist of a single wharf located on Bickfords Island. This wharf is an open pile timber structure fronting on the dredged channel for a length of about 18 feet, with depths alongside of about 3 to 10 feet at mean low water. Auxiliary equipment consists of three landing floats and two small hand-operated hoists for handling supplies to and from boats. This wharf is owned by the town of Kennebunk- port and is open to the public without charge. This wharf is con- sidered adequate for the needs of the community. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-An entrance channel 200 feet wide and 16 feet deep and an anchorage area about 3,000 feet long, 600 feet wide, and 15 feet deep at mean low tide were secured in 1902. The removal of ledges and straightening the outer portion of the channel for a width of about 190 feet with a depth of 18 feet at mean low tide was secured in 1908, since which time no work has been done. Shoaling of the inner harbor has occurred and there has been a slight encroachment by the mud flats which border it closely on both sides. The existing depths in this area vary from 10 to 13 feet in a width of about 500 feet. No work has been done on the 6-foot channel above town wharf. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project docu- ment. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $118,501.15 for new work. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. tVIIVEIS ANi) ltlAi)ORtS- NI W ENGLAND) I)iVISION 43 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _ $118,501.15 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_______________ ________ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 . -.. . 118,501.15 Net total expenditures ______________ ____ __________ 118,501.15 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------- 118,501.15 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------- 41,500.00 I Exclusive of available fiits. 13. KENNEBUNK RIVER, MAINE Location.- The source of Kennebunk River is in the central part of York County in southwestern Maine. The stream flows about 15 miles in a southeasterly direction and discharges into the Atlantic Ocean about 3( miles southwest of Portland, Maine. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1205.) Ixisting project.-This provides for the construction of a stone breakwater on the easterly side of the mouth of the river about 550 feet long, a pier or jetty on the westerly side of the mouth about 290 feet long, the construction of a wharf about 700 feet upstream from the shore end of the breakwater, the construction of a jetty on the east bank a short distance farther upstream, and securing a depth of 4 feet at mean low tide for an average width of 100 feet up to Kennebunkport, a distance of about 1 mile, by dredging and rock removal. The mean tidal range is 9 feet; the extreme 13.5 feet. Works appears to have been commenced by the State of Massachusetts in 1798, since which date a number of small appropriations have been made for maintenance and further improvement. There is no approved estimate of cost for new work or maintenance. Those portions of the existing project adopted since 1829 were authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocuments Mar. 2, 1829 Repair of pier on east side of channel (entrance _-.. Auig. 14, 1876 ID)eepening at Wading Place and Mitchells Point ..-. Annual Report 1875, I). 115. Sel)t.1, 181)0 Jetty at Wading I'lace .. _---------------------------- x.1 )oc. No. 136, 51st C(ong., 1st sess.; and Annual Itel)ort 1890),p. 471. Terminal facilities.-There are seven privately owned piers in usable condition at Kennebunkport. The terminal facilities are of low efficiency, but are regarded as sufficient for existing needs. There is one wharf on the east side of the river about one-fourth mile above the mouth. It is owned by the Federal Government and is in poor condition. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1893. The project depth was restored in 1941. The con- trolling depth in 1941 was 4 feet for the project width except at a point abreast of Gooch Creek, where the width is 80 feet, due to a small ledge area, over which the depth is 2.3 feet at mean low 44 SREPORT OF CHIEF OF E'NGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1 )948 water. The costs under the existing project have been $156,623.06, of which $83,584.01 was for new work and $73,039.05 for main- tenance. The expenditures have been $156,623.06. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $30,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 to restore the channel to project depth. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- $ 83,584.01 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-______________________ 73,039.05 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------_ 156,623.06 Net total expenditures_---- __________________ 156,623.06 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 156,623.06 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1919 1945 19 14647 1948 Cost of new work Cost of m aintenance __ _ -------- --. . . . _. . " " - . "_ ___. ota p---e-d------ e ne ------ ----- ----------------- - -------- Alot tl e eed ---- --------------- -- ---- llotted ---------- -------------- -- 4,28~5.65 -__- ------- -- -- _ --- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance- --- 30,000.00 14. JOSIAS RIVER, MAINE Location.-This is a small river running through Flat Pond to Perkins Cove, which is the harbor for Ogunquit, a village on the coast of Maine 30 miles southwest of Portland. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1205.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 5 feet deep and 40 feet wide in the Josias River from that depth in Perkins Cove to and including an anchorage basin of the same depth and about 3.2 acres in area in Flat Pond. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean range of tide is 8.7 feet and the spring range is 10 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $36,000, exclusive of $35,000 expended by local interests for work on the project. The latest (1945) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $1,500. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (II. Doc. 227, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, and rights-of- way and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subse- quent maintenance as required; hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement; make alterations to the existing footbridge across Josias River as may be required by the Secretary of War; provide suitable landing facilities open to all on equal terms; and contribute one- half of the initial cost of the improvement, but not to exceed $32,000. lIVICS ANI) HAtil301tS--NEW ENGLANI) DIVISION 45 Since the preparation of the project document, the residents of Ogunquit have spent $35,000 toward the accomplishment of the project and the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, states except that the useful work done on the project by local interests shall be accepted toward the fulfillment of the requirements of local cooperation." Terminal facilities.--There are no wharves on this waterway. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-A preliminary survey per- formed in 1947 at a cost of $2,496.58 is the only work done on the existing project by the United States. The dredging has been largely completed by local interests at a cost of $35,000. Dredg- ing of 24,000 cubic yards of mud, sand, and gravel remains to be done. The controlling depths at mean low water in the approach channel from Perkins Cove to the Flat Pond Anchorage basin are 2.7 feet (1946), and in the Flat Pond Anchorage basin 3.1 feet (1946) for an area approximately 350 feet long by 250 feet wide. Costs and expenditures on the existing project have been $2,496.58 for new work. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $33,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new work to complete the anchorage basin in Flat Pond and the approach channel from Perkins Cove. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__________________________ $2,496.58 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ........ 2,496.58 Net total expenditures ___________________________ 2,496.58 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------- 2,496.58 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 19147 1948 Cost of new work --------------- -------------- -------------- - $2, 49. 58 Cost of maintenance-----------. -------------..----..-- ----- ----------------- l'otal____________ ___ _____ ---------------------------- ______ _____ex_______pende---------------------- 2, 496.58........... Allotted -------............... .......-.............. ........ 2,496. 58 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project3--------------------------------------- 33,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work __________________________ 33,500.00 15. YORK HARBOR, MAINE Location.-This harbor is the mouth of York River, a small stream emptying into the Atlantic Ocean, about 10 miles east of Portsmouth, N. H., and 40 miles south of Portland, Maine. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 228.) Previous projects.--Adopted by the act of August 5, 1886. For further details see page 40 of Annual Report for 1907. Existing project.-This provides for widening the channel off Bragdons Island about 170 feet by dredging to the depth of 10 804711---48-Vol. 1-4 46 oREiow orF CI[E o' ENGIrNEERs, U. s. ARMY, 19.15 feet at mean low water and for removing to the same depth the point of projecting shoal just above. The mean tidal range is 8 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1905, exclusive of amount expended on previous project, was $13,400. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $800. The exist- ing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1905. The latest published map is in House Document No. 301, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. Terminal facilities.-None. The harbor is used mostly by fish- ing boats and pleasure craft. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1906. The project depth of 10 feet at mean low water was restored in 1936. Shoaling has been reported. The costs under the existing project have been $19,060.83, of which $13,400 was for new work and $5,660.83 for maintenance. The expenditures have been $19,060.83. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $12,500 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance to restore the channel to project depth. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- $57,400.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-5,660.83 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ 63,060.83 Net total expenditures Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -------- '------__,, ------------- 63060.83 63,060.83 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance --------------------------- $12,500.00 16. IPSWICH RIVER, MASS. Location.-Ipswich River, located in the northeastern part of Massachusetts, rises 2 miles southwest of Wilmington Center, Mass., flows generally eastward about 331/ miles to the Atlantic Ocean, emptying into Plum Island Sound 9 miles south of New- buryport, Mass., and 9 miles west of Cape Ann, Mass. The Ips- wich River in its entirety has a drainage area of 124 square miles, exclusive of Suntaug Lake. The river is marshy throughout most of its course. The head of navigation is at a point about 1,400 feet above the wharves at the town of Ipswich, a distance of approx- imately 3 miles upstream from the mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1206.) Existing project.-The existing project for Ipswich River was adopted August 5, 1886 and completed in August 1894. This pro- vides for a channel 60 feet wide and 4 feet deep at mean low water through sand bars in the river called "The Shoals" and "Labor in Vain", and extending to the "Deep Hole" opposite the town wharves. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1894, was $7,500. Local cooperation.-None required. RIVERS ANI) 1[ARtBORS-NEW ENGLAND I)[VISITON 47 Terminal facilities.-At the upper end of the Ipswich River there are four wharves of the solid-fill type, which are in good condi- tion. There is no water at any of these wharves at low tide. One of them is owned by the town of Ipswich and is open to the public without charge. It has a small crane and an attached float which extends out to the channel, and is used by both pleasure and fish- ing boats. Of the three privately owned wharves, one is not in use, while the other two are used principally by fishing boats. One of the latter is equipped with a small hoist. On the reach of the river from Nabbys Point to the mouth there are eight piers of the runway-and-float type. Two of these piers are semipublicly owned and are open to the public without charge, being used principally by pleasure craft. One of these two piers has a depth of about 4 feet at mean low water at its outer end, while there is no water at the other at low tide. The remaining six piers are privately owned and are not open to the public. There is no water at any of them at low tide. None of these wharves or piers has a rail connection. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1894. The controlling depths were about 1.3 feet across bar (1939), thence 6 feet to Barras Bank, thence 3.5 feet to Town Wharf (1938), all at mean low water. The costs and expenditures have been $5,617.91, all for new work. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $20,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dredging to restore the channel to project depth, and to necessary surveys. No work is proposed during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $5,617.91 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948____ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ...... 5,617.91 Net total expenditures_ 5,617.91 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------ 5,617.91 Amount allotted in July, 1948______________________________ $20,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ------------- 20,000.00 17. ESSEX RIVER, MASS. Location.-The river rises in Essex County, Mass., and flows for about 6 miles in a northeasterly direction and empties into Ipswich Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 243 and 1206.) Existing project.-The original project, which is also the exist- ing project, provided for a channel 4 feet deep and 60 feet wide to the then head of navigation at the railroad bridge. It was later modi- fied by limiting the improvement to the channel below the highway bridge. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean tidal range is 8.8 feet and the spring range is 10 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1912, is $21,759.21. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1500. 48 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was adopted July 13, 1892 (Survey report dated May 15, 1891), and was modified March 23, 1899. The latest published map is in the Annual Report of the Chief Engi- neers for the year 1891. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1907, appropriated $5,000 for the restoration of the channel, pro- vided the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or other agency, place $5,000 at the disposal of the Secretary of War to be spent under his direction on the project. This condition was complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are no terminal facilities on Essex River. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for maintenance dredging, 27,735 cubic yards of ordinary material were removed by hydraulic methods and deposited in spoil dis- posal areas. The work was commenced on August 25, 1947 and completed on November 8, 1947 at a cost of $46,552.21, all of which was for maintenance. The expenditures were $45,965.90. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1901. The project depth of 4 feet at mean low water was restored in 1947. The total costs under the existing project have been $81,809.05 of which $21,759.21 was for new work, and $60,049.84 (excluding $5,000 contributed funds) was for maintenance. The expenditures have been $81,809.05 (excluding $5,000 contributed funds). Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--- --- ---------- $21,759.21 -------------- 60,049.84 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- - - 8180905 Net total expenditures 81, 8 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ___ -- -- 8809.05 .. . . . 81,809.05 Fiscalyear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1 Cost of new work c...$5 2. 84 "_52 Cost ofmaintenance.. . . . . . ..--.-------------- . . ..------------- .. _ ,9--5. . .. . .- - - 5,256.84 $1 $46,552.21 Total expended..----------------- --- --------- -- .5,843.15 45,945-.A) A llotted . _... . . .. . . . .. . . . . - --- - ...... 45, ).(00 ,809. 05 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 Amount allotted during fiscal year .---------------------- 39158.8 6.85 _ -_ --13,387.83 Amount to be accounted for : Deductions on account of revocation of allotment 52,544.68 6,578.78 Net amount to be accounted for Gross amount expended ------- 45,97070 45,965.90 Less reimbursed expenditures ..-........._ : 4.80 9c6Kio90 I ItJ) w7VV.a 1In addition, $5,000 was expended from contributed funds for maintenance. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 49 18. GLOUCESTER HARBOR AND ANNISQUAM RIVER, MASS. Location.-Gloucester harbor is situated at the southern ex- tremity of Cape Ann, about 23 miles northeast by water from Boston Harbor. Annisquam River is a narrow tidal waterway extending across the base of Cape Ann from Gloucester Harbor on the south side to Ipswich Bay on the north side, a distance of approximately 4 miles. A reach of this waterway, at the Gloucester Harbor end, for a length of about 1,800 feet, is known as the Blynman Canal. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 243.) Previous Projects.-Projects for Gloucester Harbor were adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 10, 1872, August 5, 1886, and June 3, 1896. There were no previous projects for Annisquam River. For further details see page 1740 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 41 of Annual Report for 1937. Existing project.-This provides: Gloucester Harbor.-(a) For a rubblestone breakwater 2,250 feet long, surmounted by a superstructure of dry walls of heavy split stone enclosing a core of rubblestone from Eastern Point over Dog Bar to Cat Ledge. (b) For the removal of three ledges in the inner harbor, 1 to 12 feet and 2 to 15 feet depth at mean low water, and five ledges in the outer harbor, 4 to 18 feet and 1 to 25 feet depth at mean low water, aggregating a total of 2,206 cubic yards, place measure- ment. (c) For removal to depth of 15 feet below mean low water of ledges and boulders obstructing the approach to the wharves between Harbor Cove and Pews wharf, near the head of the inner harbor; dredging to the same depth the channel leading past the wharves and dredging Harbor Cove to the depth of 10 feet at mean low water. Annisquam River.-For a channel 8 feet deep at mean low Water 60 feet wide from Gloucester Harbor to the Boston & Maine Railroad bridge, 100 feet wide from the railroad bridge to the mouth of the river, and 200 feet wide across the bar in Ipswich Bay, including the removal of a ledge near the Gloucester Harbor entrance; and for a dredged anchorage area about 17 acres in extent and 8 feet deep at the entrance of Lobster Cove. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean range of tide in Gloucester, Harbor is 8.9 feet; the extreme range is 12.6 feet. The mean range of tide in Annisquam River is 8.8 feet; the extreme range is about 10 feet. The estimates of cost for new work, revised in 1946, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, are as follows; Gloucester Harbor, $501,000; Annisquam River, $106,200. The latest (1948) estimates for annual cost of maintenance are as follows: Gloucester Harbor, $2,000; Annisquam River, $8,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: 50) REPORT OF CHIIF OF ENGNEIN RS U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized D)ocuments Aug. 11, 1888 Removal of ledges and boulders, and dredging, in Annual Report, 1887, p. 503. Gloucester Hlarbor. Aug. 18, 1894 Construction of breakwater at entrance to (lou- 11. Ex. )oc. No. 56, 48th Cong., 2d cester Harbor from Eastern Point to Round Rock sess., and Annual Report, 1885, Shoal. p. 534. June 13, 1902 Termination at Cat Ledge of breakwater authorized Annual Report, 1902, p: 8)9. by act of Aug. 18, 1894. June 25, 1910 Removal of 8 ledges in Gloucester Harbor------... I. Doc. No. 1112, 60th Cong., 241 Aug. 30, 1935 1)redging in Annisquam River and removal of a ledge Rivers and Harbors Committ(e, in Gloucester Harbor near the entrance to Annis- l)oc. No. 39, 72d(1Cong., 1st sess.' quam River. Mar. 2, 1945 )redging 8-foot anchorage area in Lobster Cove, 1I. l)oc. No. 329, 77th Cong., 1st Annisquam River. sess.' I Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests contribute one-third of the initial cost of the improvement, but not to exceed $25,000, furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of- way, and spoil-disposal areas necessary for the improvement and for subsequent maintenance, when and as required, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. Terminal facilities.-There are in Gloucester Harbor 61 wharves worthy of mention. The depth beside the wharves varies from 0 to 20 feet at mean low water. Except for 3 wharves, 2 owned by the city and the fish pier which is leased by the city from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, all are private and are not avail- able to the public. There are two commercial wharves on Annis- quam River, on the east bank. These facilities are considered adequate for the existing commerce of the port. For full descrip- tion see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Ports of Northern New England, 1941. Operations and results during fiscal year.--A condition survey, by hired labor, of the Annisquam River was made in the spring of 1948. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1936 except for dredging the anchorage area in Lobster Cove, in the Annisquam River. The removal of all ledges and boulders in Gloucester Harbor between Harbor Cove and Pews Wharf, and other obstructing rocks, was completed in 1896; the dredging of a channel in front of the wharves and in Harbor Cove was completed in 1894; and the removal of a pinnacle rock in the outer harbor in 1896. The breakwater which was completed in 1905 was repaired in 1940 and is in good condition. The removal of all ledges to project depth was completed in 1916. The improvement of Annisquam River was completed in 1936 at a cost of $33,975.89. The controlling depths over the ledges in the outer harbor in 1916 were from 18 to 25 feet; over Ledge C in the inner harbor in 1931, 14.6 feet; and over Ledges A and B in the inner harbor in 1940, 13.6 and 15 feet, respectively. As ascer- tained by a survey made in 1948 the project dimensions in An- nisquam River have been reduced by encroachment of the banks and by shoaling. The controlling depth is about 7.0 feet. The ItVERIS ANDI) IltBOIS-NEW ENGLANi) DIVISION 51 costs for Gloucester Harbor under the existing project have been $501,178.84 for new work and $52,447.80 for maintenance, a total of $553,626.64. The costs for Annisquam River have been $33,- 975.89 for new work and $55,702.36 for maintenance, a total of $89,678.25. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $643,304.89, of which $535,154.73 was for new work and $108,150.16 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-Nofunds are available but an anticipated allotment of $65,000 in fiscal year 1949 by revocation from other project funds and reallotment will be applied to maintenance dredging of 52,000 cubic yards of ordinary material from the Annisquam River to restore project dimensions. The sum of $72,200 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for new work to complete, by contract, dredging an anchorage area about 17 acres in extent and 8 feet deep at mean low water in Annisquam River at the entrance to Lobster Cove. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948____ _______---- $556,154.73 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948____________________-- _ 108,150.16 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_-..... _ . 664,304.89 Net total expenditures------------------------------------ 664,304.89 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ _ -- ---------- _ 664,304.89 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- $72,200.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ----------------------------- _ 72,200.00 19. MANCHESTER HARBOR, MASS. Location.-This harbor is located on the north shore of Massa- chusetts Bay, about midway between Beverly and Gloucester Harbors, and approximately 20 miles by water generally northeast of Boston. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 240.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of August 11, 1888, and March 3, 1899. Provided for a dredged channel 60 feet wide and 4 feet deep at mean low water, extending from Proctor Point to the town wharves. For further details see page 51 of Annual Report for 1908. Existing project.-This provides for an entrance channel 200 feet wide and 10 feet deep from that depth in Massachusetts Bay to Proctor Point, and dredged anchorage areas in the harbor between Proctor Point and the Boston & Maine Railroad bridge, affording depths of 10, 8, and 6 feet, respectively. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean range of tide is 8.8 feet and the spring range is 10.2 feet. The estimate of cost for new work revised in 1948 is $311,800, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $3,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (II. Doc. No. 447, 77th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. 52 REPORT OF CIIF OF' ENGQNE:ERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests (a) submit a plan for approval by the Secretary of War for the ultimate development of a system of small-boat stalls providing space for not less than 100 boats to be available for use within 5 years after completion of the Federal improvement, these facilities to be constructed, operated, and maintained by local interests, and open to the public on equal terms. (b) Construct such facilities to provide space for not less than 50 boats within 1 year after completion of the Federal improve- ment, and hold and save the United States free from all claims for damages attributable to the work.of improvement. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, between 1907 and 1937, improved Manchester Harbor to the extent of providing a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water from the bay to the Boston & Maine Railroad bridge, thence 6 feet to the wharves at the upper end of the harbor and anchorage areas on either side of the channel in the inner harbor with depths of 6 feet at mean low water, at a cost of $265,521.50, of which the town of Manchester contributed $103,000. Terminal facilities.-There are four privately-owned wharves, one of which is equipped to receive coal and building materials, three marine railways and four public landings in Manchester Harbor. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--No work has been done and no costs have been incurred on the existing project. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal years '1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.. $23,985.57 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Net total expenditures_ --- 2 23,985.57 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ _ -- 23,985.57 ------- - -------- 23,985.57 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project - $311,800.00 :: ..... $311t 800.00 S20. MYSTIC RIVER MASS. Location.-The Mystic River rises in Mystic Lakes, Mass., flows in a southeasterly direction, and empties into Boston Harbor near the Boston Naval Shipyard: It is 7 miles in length. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 248 and U. S. Geological Survey Chart, "Boston.") Previous projects.-Original project for the lower Mystic was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1899, and cur- tailed by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910. For further details see page 1743 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 59 of Annual Report for 1938. ItIVERS ANDI) 1AtIRORS- NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 53 There has been no previous project for the upper Mystic. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 30 feet deep downstream from the mouth of Island End River, through the Chelsea (north) bridge to the 35-foot channel of Boston Harbor, about one-half mile, 600 feet wide at the upper end, and gradually narrowing to 300 feet wide at the lower end, and widening of the entrance channel leading to Mystic wharf; a channel 30 feet deep and 500 feet wide upstream from the mouth of Island End River to the city playground at Charlestown; a channel 20 feet deep from the head of the existing 30-foot channel to a point 800 feet above the Malden bridge with widths decreasing from 270 feet at the lower end to 75 feet through the drawspan, thence increasing to approximately 340 feet to form a turning basin above the bridge; a channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the Boston & Maine Railroad (western division) bridge to about 2,500 feet above Wellington bridge, about 1 mile, and thence 4 feet deep, gradually narrowing from 100 feet to 50 feet at the upper end for about 2 miles to the head of commercial navigation at Cradock bridge in Medford. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean range of tide is 9.6 feet. The extreme range is 13.7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1938, was $768,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1938) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $7,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 13, 1892 Improvement of the upper Mystic.._______........... . Annual Report, 1891, p. 672. June 25, 1910 Imnproveiment of channel downstream from mouth II. l).oc. 1086, 60th Cong., 2d sess. of Islandl End River to the 35-foot channel of Boston I[arbor. Aug. 30, 1935' Improvement of channel upstream from mouth of Rivers and lHarbors Committee Island End River to city playground at Charles- l)oc. 33, 74th Cong., 1st sess town. June 20, 1938 Improvement of channel upstream from city play. II. I)oc. 542, 75th Cong., 3d sess. ground at Charlestown to a point 800 feet above the Malden bridge. 1 Also Emergency Relief Act of 1935. 2 Contains latest published map; a map showing the entire river is published in Ii. Doc. 2108, 64th Cong., 2(1 sess. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-In the section of the river benefited by the 30-foot-channel project there are on the south bank of the river four wharves aggregating over 4,000 feet of berthing space used for the receipt, storage, and shipment of coal, lumber, and gypsum. These wharves consist of substantial stone or wooden bulkheads filled solid, and in some cases fronted by pile platforms. There is also on the south bank a lumber terminal, the largest of its kind on the Atlantic coast. It is equipped with the most modern mechanical appliances, has railroad connection, and occupies 4,400 feet of water front. On the north bank of the river within the scope of this improvement there is a large wharf for receipt and 54 REPORT OF CHJLHOF 0 FENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 194S shipment of oil on an extensive scale; immediately adjacent to this wharf is an extensive terminal constructed in connection with an iron works; on the west bank of Island End River, which flows into Mystic River on the north about midway of the 30-foot channel, are situated two large terminal wharves, of 800 feet dockage, for receipt and shipment of coal, coke, tar, and oil. These wharves are connected with the 30-foot channel by a channel 30 feet deep at mean low water, dredged by private interests. None of the above wharves is publicly owned, and none is open to general public use. Beyond the scope of the 30-foot-channel improvement, and within the scope of the 20-foot channel and the improvement of the upper Mystic, there are on the south bank in Charlestown and Somerville about 1,850 feet, and on the north bank in Medford about 1,235 of available dockage, of which 450 feet on the south bank and 435 feet on the north bank are customarily in use. A large automobile assembly plant is located on the south bank in Somerville. The existing wharves consist of stone and wooden bulkheads, solid filled. None is publicly owned, but two are open to the public on payment of wharfage charges. The capacities of the lower Mystic are being utilized to a gratifying extent. These facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. For further details see "The Port of Boston, Mass.-Port Series No. 3.-Revised 1946." Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preliminary costs for maintenance by hired labor in connection with the dredging of the channel bend above Malden bridge were $1,285.93. Under contract 6,033 cubic yards, place measurement, of ordinary mate- rial were removed at a cost of $7,239.60 for maintenance. The Government costs in connection with this dredging were $1,218.91. Total costs during the fiscal year and expenditures were $9,744.44, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1940. The 30-foot channel extending from the 35-foot channel in Boston Harbor to the mouth of Island End River was completed in 1914, and the extension of this channel upstream to the city playground at Charlestown was completed in 1938. The 20-foot channel in the vicinity of Malden bridge was completed in 1940. A channel in the upper Mystic with project depths of 6 and 4 feet was completed in 1906. The controlling depths at mean low water in Mystic River at the time the various sections were last surveyed were: 29.6 feet for full project width, or 29.6 feet for half of project width, from the upstream end of Chelsea (north) bridge to a point abreast of center of mouth of Island End River (1946) ; thence 26.0 feet for full project width, or 27.1 feet for half of project width, from a point abreast of center of mouth of Island End River to a point abreast of down- stream end of Colonial Beacon Oil Co. wharf (1946) ; thence 27.0 feet for full project width to the upper limit of the 30-foot channel (1946) ; thence 20 feet to a point 800 feet above the Malden bridge (1948) ; thence 6.0 feet in the 6-foot project channel RIVERS AND) IITARIBORSNEW ENGLAND DIVISION 55 and 3.0 feet inthe 4-foot project channel (1946), the width of the latter section having been contracted by caving of the banks. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project from regular funds have been $352,836.01, of which $293,341.72 Was for new work and $59,494.29 was for maintenance. The total costs and expenditures under Emergency Relief appropria- tion funds have been $476,783.40, all for new work. The total costs under all funds have been $829,619.41, of which $770,125.12 Was for new work and $59,494.29 was for maintenance. The total expenditures under all funds have been $829,619.41. Proposed operations.-The funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $755.56, all for maintenance, will be reported for revocation. No work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------------- $895,848.32 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--- ________ 69,776.21 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- ...... _ 965,624.53 Net total expenditures----------------------------------- 965,624.53 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948___-_____________________ 755.56 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_----------- 966,380.09 Fiscal year enlding June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work_...................... .............. Cost of main tenance ---- ___ $29, 511..34 ..------...--.-------- ------ $1,705.88 $9,744.44 Total exlen(l ----------------- - 29, 603. 97 -------------- -------------- 1,705.88 9, 744.44 Allotted - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15, 0(8.00 00 -$5, 608.84--------------- 1, 705.88 10, 500.00 ------------------------- Amount allotted during fiscal year_ $10,500.00 Gross amount expended______________________________ ____ 9,744.44 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 755.56 21. BOSTON HARBOR, MASS. Location.-This harbor inclades all the expanse of tidewater lying within a line from Point Allerton to Point Shirley and ex- tending from that line westward to the mainland. This comprises an area of about 47 square miles, exclusive of the islands. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 246 and 248.) Previous projects..-Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1867, June 14, 1880, September 19, 1890, June 3, 1896, and July 25, 1912. For further details see page 1743 of Annual Report for 1915, page 81 of Annual Report for 1917, and page 63 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for the following: (a) A channel 40 feet deep in general, but 45 feet deep through rock, from the sea to President Roads through Broad Sound, 2 miles, 900 feet wide except at the outer end where it is widened to 1,100 feet. 56 REPORT OF CI-E11F 1OF ENGLNEERS, . S. ARMY, 1948 (b) Deepening the main ship channel from President Roads past the United States Navy drydock No. 3 at South Boston to Commonwealth Pier No. 1, East Boston, to 40 feet for a width of 600 feet with suitable widening at the bend in the channel. (c) Deepening the main ship channel to 40 feet for a varying width of 600 to 900 feet, from Commonwealth Pier No. 1 to a point 550 feet northerly of the site of Mystic Piers Nos. 46 and 47, Charlestown. (d) An anchorage area 2,000 feet wide, 5,500 feet long, and 40 feet deep, on the north side of President Roads. (e) Extension of President Roads anchorage 700 feet to the north -and 500 feet to the west at a depth of 40 feet, and dredging an area to 35 feet lying west of the anchorage. (f) Deepening to 40 feet that part of the approach channel to the United States Navy drydock No. 3 at South Boston between the main ship channel and the United States harbor line. (g) A channel 35 feet deep from the sea (along the same line as the 40-foot channel) through Broad Sound to the navy yard at Charlestown and the Chelsea North, Meridian Street, and Charles River bridges, 1,500 feet wide from the sea to President Roads, 1.5 miles, and thence 1,200 feet wide for the remaining distance of 6 miles. (h) A channel 2 miles long, 30 feet deep, and 1,200 feet wide from the sea to President Roads through Broad Sound by a less direct route than the 35- and 40-foot channels. (i) A channel 27 feet deep and 1,000 feet wide from Nantasket Roads to President Roads, 3 miles. (j) A channel 15 feet deep, 300 feet wide, and 550 feet long through the bar which extends from the north head of Long Island to Nixes Mate Shoal, known as "Nixes Mate" or "Nubble" channel. (k) A channel in Chelsea River 30 feet deep and generally 200 feet wide, from the mouth of the river, at the head of the 35-foot channel in Boston Harbor, to a point opposite the HIartol Oil Co. terminal. (1) Improvement of Reserved Channel east of L Street Bridge by a channel 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide. (m) The Fort Point Channel, 23 feet deep and 175 feet wide from its entrance in Boston Harbor, about four-fifths of a mile to near the Dorchester Avenue (old Federal Street) Bridge. (n) Sea walls of coursed stone and riprap protecting the most exposed headlands and islands. All depths are referred to mean low water. The mean range of tide is 9 feet at Boston Light and 9.6 feet in the upper harbor, in Chelsea Creek, and in Fort Point Channel. The extreme range is about 4 feet greater. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects and of sea walls for which no estimate was given, is $18,221,500. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $119,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: RIIVERS AND IIARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 57 Acts Work authorized Documents -1 ------ I------ I - Mar. 2, 1825 Preservation of islands by sea walls. Aug. 5, 1886 Fort Point Channel_ -------- ---. 11. Ex. ..----------- Doc. 206, 48th Cong., 2d sess. Annual Report, 1885, p. 543. Channel 15 feet deep from Long Island to Nixes Mate Annual Report 1887, p. 517. Shoal (Nixes Mate or Nubble Channel). July 13, 1892 Channel 27 feet deep from Nantasket Roads to Presi- Annual Report, 1893, p. 766. dlent Roads. Mar. 3, 1891) For 30-foot channel from sea to the President Roads H. Doe. 133, 55th Cong., 2dl sess. through Broad Sound by less direct route than the Annual Report, 1898, p. 886. 35- and 40-foot channels. June 13, 1902 For 35-foot channel from the sea to Boston Naval 11. Doe. 119, 56th Cong., 2(1 sess. Shipyard. Annual Report, 1901, p. 1096. Elimination from the project of the removal of Finns Authorized by Chief of Engineers Le(ige at the outer entrance. Mar. 11, 1913. Aug. 8, 1917 D)epth of 40 feet (45 feet in rocks) in Broad Sound 11. I)oc. 931, 63d Cong., 2d sess.' Channel. Aug. 30, 19352 Present project dimensions of channel from President 11. Doc. 244, 72(1 Cong., 1st sess.' Roads to Commonwealth pier No. 1, East Boston and anchorage area north side of President Roads. Present project dimensions of that part of approach Rivers and Harbors Committee 1 channel to U. S. Navy drydock No. 3, at South Doec. 29, 74th Cong., 1st sess. Boston between Main Ship Channel and United States harbor line. Aug. 2;6, 1937 Chelsea River Channel, Rivers and HIarbors Committee 30 feet deep.... ...------------- 1)oc. 24, 75th Cong., 1st sess.t Oct. 17, 1940 IResved Channel 30 feet deep _................ 11I. )oc. 225, 76th Cong., 1st sess.t Sept. 7, 1944 Abandons seaplane channel authorized in River and Public Law 420, 78th Congress. Harbor Act approved Oct. 17, 1940 (11. I)oc. 362, 76th(i Cong., Ist sess.). Mar. 2, 1945 Extenision of 40-foot channel..---------..------------. Report of Chief of Engineers, dated Apr. 28, 1943.1 July 24, 1946 Extension of Presi(lent Roads Anchorage ..........-- Report of Chief of Engineers dated July 1, 1946.1 i Contains latest published maps. See also Annual Report, 1911, p. 1178 (sea walls and Nixes Mate Chan- nel) and Annual Repi)ort, 1903, pI. 770 (Fort Point Channel). 2 Authorized in Ilart by Public Works Administration, Sept. 6,1933. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that the dredging of the proposed channel extension shall not be undertaken until the Secretary of War is afforded satisfac- tory assurance that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will, by the time the Federal improvement is completed, provide a depth of 40 feet at mean low water in the berths at the new pier which will be served by the proposed channel extension. To acquire the necessary property and to extend and modernize piers Nos. 46 and 47, the State legislature has, by act approved October 31, 1941 (ch. 714) authorized the issuance and sale of bonds in an amount not to exceed $4,700,000. This work is being held in abeyance until such time as labor and new material are available. All prior requirements have been fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-The wharf development of Boston Harbor lies westerly of Governors and Castle Islands. Bordering on the 35- and 40-foot channel and below all bridges there are about 4 miles of waterfront, fully developed with wharves of various types devoted to commercial purposes; and on the Charlestown shore is located the Boston Naval Shipyard, with a frontage of about five-eighth of a mile. The Boston Airport has been established easterly of the wharf development on the East Boston front. There are numerous public and private wharves, piers, ferry slips, and drydocks. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. For further details see Port Series No. 3- Port of Boston, Mass., 1946. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. 58 .REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project is about 85 percent complete, the remaining portion consisting of dredging the 40-foot main ship channel from its present point of terminus at Commonwealth Pier No. 1, East Boston, for a varying width of 600 to 900 feet, to a point 550 feet northerly of the site of Mystic Piers Nos. 46 and 47, Charlestown, and the extension of President Roads anchorage 700 feet to the north and 500 feet to the west at a depth of 40 feet, and dredging an area to 35 feet lying west of the anchorage. Seawalls of a total length of about 3.75 miles have been built and maintained on Great Brewster, Lovells, Gallops, Long, Rainsford, Deer, and Georges Islands, and on Point Aller- ton. The Nixes Mate or Nubble Channel was completed in 1892; the 30-foot channel in 1905; the 27-foot channel in 1907; Fort Point Channel in 1909; the 35-foot channel in 1915; the Broad Sound 40-foot channel in 1930; the 40-foot anchorage in 1937; the 30-foot Chelsea River channel in 1940, except for the small area immediately below the Chelsea Street Bridge which was completed in 1946; the 40-foot inner harbor channel-in 1941; and the 30-foot Reserved Channel in 1941. The controlling depths at mean low water in the various im- proved channels of Boston Harbor at the dates they were last sur- veyed were: Nixes Mate Channel, 15 feet (1932) ; 35-foot channel, 35 feet (1934); 40-foot anchorage, 39 feet (1937) ; Broad Sound 40-foot channel, 40 feet (1939) ; 30-foot channel, 30 feet (1939) ; inner harbor 40-foot channel, 36.5 feet (1945) ; Reserved Channel, 30 feet (1941) ; Fort Point Channel, 19 feet (1941) ; and Chelsea River Channel from the bridge to a point abreast of the Hartol Oil Co., 30 feet (1946), thence 8 feet to the bend just below the head of navigation (1936). The costs and expenditures under the existing project to June 30, 1948, have been as follows: New work Maintenance Total Expenditures Regular funds------------------- -.. $13, 673,369. 53 $1,470, 907.47 $15, 144,277. 00 $15, 144, 277. 00 Public Works funds ------------------ 1, 030, 806. 26----------------1,030, 806. 26 1,0:30, 806. 26 Emergency Relief funds- ------------ - 935, 30)3.0,3- ------- - 935, 303.03 935, 303. 3 Total-------------------- ..... 15, 639, 478.82 1.470, 907.47 17, 110, 386. 29 17, 110, 386. 29 Proposed operations.-The funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $53,389.97, plus an allotment of $50,000 made in July 1948, will be applied as follows: New work: Balance available_ ___________________________ $6,405.31 Maintenance: Condition surveys of Fort Point Channel and the Reserved Channel_----_____________ $3,984.66 Sweeping and sounding maintenance survey, by hired labor, of isolated shoal areas in Boston Harbor--. 5,000.00 Maintenance dredging of Fort Point channel, by contract --------------------------------- 44,000.00 Maintenance dredging of Reserved channel, by contract 44,000.00 96,984.66 Total for all work----------------------- -________ 103,389.97 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 59 The additional sum of $785,300 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Extend the 40-foot channel northerly from Commonwealth Pier No. 1 to a point 550 feet northerly of the present Mystic Piers Nos. 46 and 47, by contract____------- ------------------ ------ $710,300 Maintenance: Make condition survey of and dredge the shoals in the outer 40- and 35-foot channels in Broad Sound ____- ------- ---- 75,000 Total for all work -___------ ------------------------- 785,300 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948____--------- ----------- _ 1 $17,104,601.78 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 1,488,786.73 __----------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .-------- ' 18,593,388.51 Undistributed costs June 30, 1948_---------------------- 1,015.34 Net total cost to June 30, 1948.-------------------- 18,594,403.85 Net total expenditures1____________________________ 18,594,403.85 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948------------------------- 53,389.97 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -- 18,647,793.82 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- ......................... ------ - $7, 526. 43 $68.26 ..----------- Cost of maintenance- . $--- $3, 673. 50 $22, 907. 67 1, 187. 55 -.-.- -------------- Total cost----------------.............. 3, 673. 50 22, 907. 67 8, 713. 98 68. 26 .. Total expended................. 5, 969. 55 22, 989. 99 14, 317.15 -5, 489.19 34 $1,015. Allotted ---------------------------- .............. --------------............. -25, 000.00 -14, 229.81 38,046.72 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- - -_ $16,358.59 Amount allotted during fiscal year- 48,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ____--______-----___ 64,358.59 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------------- 9,953.28 Net amount to be accounted for---------------------- 54,405.31 Gross amount expended ________________________ 1,015.34 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 53,389.97 Amount allotted in July 1948_____________ ____________ 50,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------_ 103,389.97 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_____________________________ 2,582,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work--___----------------------- 710,300.00 For maintenance_ --. __ _____------------____ 75,000.00 Total -------------------------------------------- 785,300.00 SIncludes $935,303.03 expended from Emergency Relief Act funds for new work. # 22. WEYMOUTH FORE RIVER, MASS. Location.-Rises in Braintree, Mass., and flows in a northerly direction 7.5 miles, emptying into Hingham Bay, Boston Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 246.) Previous projects.--Adopted by the River and HIarbor Act of September 19, 1890, and extended by the River and Harbor Acts of 60 REPORT O CHCIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 March 3, 1905, February 27, 1911, and July 27, 1916. For fur- ther details see page 1745 of Annual Report for 1915, page 64 of Annual Report for 1932, and page 67 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for (a) a channel 27 feet deep with a general width of 300 feet from a point in Hingham Bay be- tween Nut and Peddocks Islands to the Weymouth Fore River bridge at Quincy Point, about 3.0 miles; (b) a channel in Nantasket Gut 27 feet deep and 400 feet wide, extending from deep water in Nantasket Roads to Hingham Bay, a distance of about 2,000 feet; thence through Hingham Bay 27 feet deep and 300 feet wide for a distance of about 1.4 miles to deep water in Weymouth Fore River west of Sheep Island; and (c) extension of the 27-foot channel so as to include the present 27-foot State-improved channel through and above the Weymouth Fore River bridge and to provide in this section a combined channel and maneuvering basin of the same depth, with a length of about 2,500 feet and widths varying from 470 to 900 feet. The plane of reference is mean low water. The mean range of tide is 9.5 feet. The extreme range is 13.6 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948 is $805,200, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $6,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized l)ocuments Aug. 30, 1935 27-foot channel fromHlingham Bay (between Nut and Ped(Iocks Islands) to Weymough Fore River H. l)oc. 207, 72d Cong., 1st sess. bridge. Oct. 17, 1940 27-foot channel through Nantasket Gut and Hingham 1. 1)oc. 568, 76th Cong., 3(1 sess.' Bay to deep water in Weymouth Fore River west of Sheep Islanld. Mar. 2, 1915 27-foot channel through and above Weymouth Fore Ii. l)oc. 291, 77th Cong., 1st scss. t River bridge, and maneuvering basin. i Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.--At the head of the Federal improvement at Weymouth Fore River bridge there is, on the westerly side be- low the bridge, one wharf of masonry and concrete with pile plat- form extension having aggregate dockage of 600 feet and depth in the berth of 30 feet at mean low water. On the easterly side there is a wharf about 600 feet in length, in front of which the owners have dredged to 28 feet at mean low water. A large electric power plant is located at this point. Above Weymouth Fore River bridge and served by the Common- wealth of Massachusetts improvements are eight wharves in use for water-borne freight. There is also a terminal, with a depth of 32 feet, used for the receipt of petroleum. In this area is the Fore River plant of the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., with depths up to 38 feet, used for the building and equipping of large naval and commercial vessels. These facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. For further details see Port Series No. 3-Port of Boston, Mass., 1946. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 61 Operations and results during fiscal year.-The United States seagoing hopper dredge Atlantic was engaged in maintenance dredging to remove most obstructive shoals within the channel limits during the period September 18 to October 11, inclusive. During the fiscal year there were removed 21,294 cubic yards, bin measurement, of material at a cost of $37,460.:19, all for mainten- ance. The expenditures were $37,460.39. An after-dredging survey was completed in May 1948. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 60 percent completed, the remaining portion consisting of dredging the 2 7-foot channel through Nantasket Gut and Hingham Bay to deep water in Weymouth Fore River west of Sheep Island, author- ized by the River and Harbor Act of October 17, 1940, and the ex- tension of the 27-foot channel so as to include the present 27-foot State-improved channel through and above Weymouth Fore River bridge, and to provide in this section a combined channel and maneu- vering basin of the same depth, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945. The controlling depth in 1947 from Hingham Bay to Weymouth Fore River bridge was 23.7 feet at mean low water. The costs under the existing project have been $439,044.61, of which $355,227.34 was for new work and $83,817.27 was for maintenance. The expenditures have been $439,044.61. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__________________________ 1'$991,127.34 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 89,067.27 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_. 1 1,080,194.61 Net total expenditures_ _ _____________1 1,080,194.61 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 1,080,194.61 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work............ Cost of maintenance _............ ....._....... $192. 69 $10, 223. 89 $27, 192. 37 $37, 460. 39 Total expended._ •---.-.. 10,-. 418.13 27,190. 72 37,460.39 Allotted ..... - ... ---. ~ _-_ -$719.14 40, 000.00 0.00 ..... ......-.. .35, 069. 24 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------- $2,391.15 Amount allotted during fiscal year----- 45,000.00 Amount to be accounted for----------_ Deductions on account of revocation of allotment -------..-- ------ _ 47,391.15 -- -'9,930.76 Net amount to be accounted for.. "-_ * 37,460.39 . Gross amount expended------------------------------------ 37,460.39 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_-.-. ______-.- -- .____-________ - _ 449,950.00 Tin addition, $100,000.(00 was expended from contributed funds fo new work. 804711-48-Vol. 1-5 62 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 23. TOWN RIVER, MASS. Location.-Town River is a tidal river 2 miles long lying entirely within the limits of the city of Quincy, just south of Boston, Mass. It flows in an easterly direction and empties into Weymouth Fore River at Quincy Point. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 246.) Previous project.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 3, 1896. For further details see page 65 of Annual Report for 1907, and page 69 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 24 feet deep at mean low water and generally 150 feet wide from deep water in Weymouth Fore River to a point opposite the upstream end of the Quincy Oil Co. terminal, a distance of 6,700 feet, with a turn- ing basin 18 feet deep, 400 feet wide, and roughly 1,000 feet long at the inner end; and a channel 15 feet deep and 100 feet wide, thence to a point just below the plant of the Quincy Electric Light & Power Co., a further distance of 1,370 feet. The mean range of tide is 9.5 feet. The extreme range is 11 feet. The estimate of cost of new work, made in 1936, was $456,400, including $136,920 contributed by local interests but exclusive of amounts expended under the previous project. The latest (1936) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $6,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 96, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in that document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937, requires that local interests contribute 30 percent of the initial cost of the entire improvement, furnish free of cost to the United States a suitably located right-of-way 400 feet wide and spoil-disposal areas, bulkheaded where necessary, for new work and for subsequent maintenance as required, and release the United States from all claims for damages attributable to the work of improvement. With the exception of furnishing certain easements, all conditions of local cooperation have been complied with. Terminal facilities.-On the south bank of Town River are lo- cated eight wharves, three of which are used for boat building and repair work, three used for receipt of petroleum products, one for receiving and storing lumber, and one for receiving scrap ma- terials. On the north bank of the river is located a yacht building and repair yard. The facilities are considered adequate for ex- isting commerce. For full description see The Port of Boston, Mass.-Port Series 3-Revised 1946. Operations and results during the fiscal year.-During the year there was an adjustment of -$150.00 in prior years' costs for new work. Maintenance dredging of the channel, by widening two areas on the bends to project depth of 24 feet, by contract, was commenced on August 12 and completed October 9, 1947. During this period 70,208 cubic yards of mud, sand and gravel and 6,857 cubic yards of boulders were removed at a cost of $59,980.87. Total costs during the year were $59,830.87, of which -$150.00 was new RIVERS AND HARBORS--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 63 Work and $59,980.87 was for maintenance. The expenditures were $60,327.91 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1940. The controlling depth in 1947 from deep water in Weymouth Fore River to a point opposite the upstream end of the Quincy Oil Co. was about 22 feet, from the Quincy Oil Co. to a point just below the Quincy Electric Light and Power Plant it was 14.5 feet, and in the turning basin it was 17.6 feet. The total costs under the existing project have been $443,182.34, of which amount $372,392.52 was for new work, including $111,- 762.76 contributed funds, and $70,789.82 was for maintenance. The expenditures have been $443,182.34, including $111,762.76 contributed funds. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $150, new work funds, will be reported for revocation during fiscal year 1949. No work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__--------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _______________-.--. _ __ _ 1$285,629.76 83,367.23 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------.. --...368,996.99 Net total expenditures____ -___________ _____________ 1' 368,996.99 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.------------------------- 150.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 1 369,146.99 i " i - Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I -- I - *I--- __________ -I --- I--- -- Cost of lew work -.............. --$150. 0) Cost of maintenancc ............ ---------------- ::::::::::::::---:::::::::::::::::::::::-i8.5- 59, 980).87 Totaln coste............. -.............. .-................... 10, 808. 95 59, 830. 87 Tlotal ext)ende(t ............................-.............. 10, 461.91 60, 327.91 A llotte i-. . . . . . . . . . . . _ 75, 961.91 -5, 172.09 Balance unexpended July 1, 1947,-- _____ .- . -- $65,650.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment----------- -_-5,172.09 Net amount to be accounted for ---------------------- 60,477.91 Gross amount expended __---_---- _------------------ ----- 60,327.91 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 150.00 In addition, $111,762.76 has been expended from contributed funds for new work. 24. HINGHAM HARBOR, MASS. Location.-Hingham Harbor is situated in the southern part of Hlingham Bay, which comprises all that part of Boston Lower Harbor south of Nantasket Roads. The harbor covers an area of 1 square mile, and has extensive mud flats, bare at low tide. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 246.) Previous project.-The original project, adopted by the Act of March 3, 1875, was to widen and deepen the natural channel by dredging and blasting to the width of 100 feet and depth of 8 feet 64 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 at mean low water from deep water near the head of the harbor up to the vicinity of Hingham wharves, a distance of about 2,500 feet. In 1876, a channel 100 feet wide and 8 feet deep at mean low water was completed for a distance of 2,500 feet to the steam- boat wharf, whence it was extended for about 500 feet, with a width of 50 feet and a depth of 8 feet; in 1884, 3 cubic yards of ledge were removed from the channel. Existing project.-The existing project is to deepen the im- proved channel, 2,500 feet long, 100 feet wide, to 10 feet at mean low water and remove a midchannel ledge in the lower channel between Chandlers and Ragged Islands. The mean range of tide is 9.5 feet and the spring range is 11.0 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised to 1913, is $19,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of August 5, 1886 (H. Ex. Doc. No. 137, 48th Cong., 2d sess.). By the Act of March 2, 1907, without previous estimate, $10,000 was appropriated for redredging the channel. By the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1909, the unexpended balance of this ap- propriation was "made available for redredging and improving the channel." The existing project was completed in 1893. Terminal facilities.-There are four small wharves in Hingham Harbor of the solid fill type, faced with granite. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-A condition survey by hired labor of the entire project was accomplished during the fiscal year 1948. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1893. In 1911 the channel was redredged to the width of 100 feet and depth of 8 feet at mean low water from deep water near the head of the harbor to the steamboat wharf, a distance of about 2,000 feet, and was also redredged for a further distance of about 500 feet, 50 feet wide and 6 feet deep at mean low water. The channel has narrowed by encroachment of the mud flats on both sides for its entire length and shoaled to a controlling depth of about 5 feet near the upper end of the project. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $29,000, of which $9,000 was for new work and $10,000 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $30,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dredging in restoring the project depths in the existing channel and to reimburse plant allotment for funds expended for a condition survey made in fiscal year 1948. Maintenance dredging will not be necessary and no funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- $28,316.58 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 10.000.00 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-......-. 38,316.58 Net total expenditures----------------. 38,316.58 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------- 38,316.58 Amount allotted in July 1948 ____ _______ _________ 30,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------------- 30,000.00 RIVERS AND IIARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 65 25. COHASSET HARBOR, MASS. Location.-This harbor is located on the shore of Massachusetts Bay about 16 miles southeast of Boston Harbor and 37 miles north- west of the eastern entrance to the Cape Cod Canal. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 242 and 1207.) Previous project.-Adopted by the act of June 13, 1902, and Provided for a channel 4 feet deep at mean low water, 60 to 75 feet wide, and a turning basin of the same depth in the inner harbor. For further details see page 60 of the Annual Report for 1904. Existing project.-This provides for an anchorage area of about 18 acres in the inner harbor 7 feet deep, and a channel 90 feet wide and 8 feet deep from the anchorage area to the outer harbor. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean range of tide is 9 feet and the extreme range is 10.3 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1946, is $106,700, exclusive of $30,000 to be contributed by local interests and exclu- sive of amounts expended on previous project. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,500. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. No. 425, 76th Cong., 1st sess.).. The latest published map is contained in project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will make available to public use, on equal and reasonable terms, a wharf and other landing facil- ities; release the United States from all claims for damages at- tributable to the work of improvement; and contribute one-third of the first cost, but not to exceed $30,000. Since 1910, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has provided an 8-foot channel, a 6-foot anchorage area, and an 800-foot break- water, at a cost of $116,191.93, of which $42,691.88 was con- tributed by local interests. Terminal facilities.-There are 10 wharves in the harbor 2 of which are open to the public, and 5 are equipped with marine railways. They are considered adequate for the present activities of the harbor. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The channel was dredged to a depth of 4 feet at mean low water in 1903, since which time no work has been done and no costs have been incurred by the United States. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has provided an 8 -foot channel, a 6-foot anchorage basin, and an 800-foot break- water. The work remaining to be done consists of dredging the entrance channel to a depth of 8 feet, 90 feet wide, and a 7-foot anchorage area of about 18 acres. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year of 1949. The sum of $106,700 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new work to complete the dredging of the entrance channel and anchorage area. 66 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___ - _________------ _ $10,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -----. 10,000.00 Net total expenditures--------------_ 10,000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_----------------- 10,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------- $106,700.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending ------------------------------ June 30, 1950, for new work... 106,700.00 26. DUXBURY HARBOR, MASS. Location.-This harbor is located on the west side of Duxbury Bay, about 48 miles by water south of Boston and 18 miles north- west of the easterly entrance to the Cape Cod Canal. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 245 and 1208.) Previous project.-Adopted July 4, 1836, June 10, 1872, and March 3, 1899. For further details see page 69 of Annual Report for 1908. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide along the alignment of the existing channel to the town wharf from Easterly Channel, and an anchorage basin 8 feet deep of approximately 21 acres. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean range of tide is 9.3 feet and the spring range is 10.5 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $124,000, exclusive of $35,000 to be contributed by local interests and exclu- sive of amounts expended on the previous project. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,500. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (S. Doc. No. 115, 77th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document., Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests contribute one-third of the esti- mated first cost, but not to exceed $35,000, and give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will make available suitable public landing facilities open to all on equal ternis, furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of- way, and spoil disposal areas necessary for the improvement and for its subsequent maintenance, when and as required, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. Terminal facilities.-There are five wharves on the waterfront, one of which is open to the public without charge, and two boat yards. The facilities are very limited but are considered adequate for the present activities of the harbor. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done and no costs have been incurred on the existing project. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. RIVERS ANI) HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 67 Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $124,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for new work to complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- $37,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------- Net total expenditures-------------------------------- 37,000.00 37,000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---- 37,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_______________________________ $124,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_ --.. - -_ 124,000.00 27. CAPE COD CANAL, MASS. Location.- This waterway is a sea-level canal, extending from the head of Buzzards Bay, Mass., to a point on Cape Cod Bay about 15 miles southeast of Plymouth Harbor, Mass. In general direction the canal trends from Buzzards Bay easterly to Cape Cod Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 251 and 1208.) Existing project.-This provides for the purchase of the Cape Cod Canal at a cost to the United States of $11,500,000; for an open canal 32 feet deep at mean low water with a width of 540 feet in the land cut, 500 feet in a straight channel in Buzzards Bay to Wings Neck, and 700 feet beyond Wings Neck; a harbor of refuge for small vessels, by dredging a channel 15 feet deep and 100 feet wide into Onset Bay; mooring basins; the construction of two fixed highway bridges having a horizontal clearance of 500 feet with a vertical clearance at mean high water of 135 feet; the construction of a railroad bridge with a vertical lift of 500-foot span, and 135 feet vertical clearance when the span is raised; an improved light- ing system and other accessory and minor features which may be deemed necessary, and to be in accordance with plans approved by the Chief of Engineers; and dredging a channel 150 feet wide and 15 feet deep at mean low water, extending from deep water in the vicinity of Wickets Island to the town wharf at the village of Onset; for enlargement of the 15-foot turning basin at the town wharf; and for an anchorage basin of about 16 acres, contiguous to the proposed channel and turning basin, having a depth of 8 feet at mean low water. The land cut is 7.7 miles long, and with approach channels, the total length of the canal is 17'/% miles. The mean range of tide in Cape Cod Bay is 9.4 feet and in Buz- zards Bay 4 feet. The mean range of spring tides is about 13 feet in Cape Cod Bay, and 6.5 feet in Buzzards Bay. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $31,509,- 800, including $11,500,000, purchase price of the canal and proper- 68 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 ties which were taken over by the United States on March 31, 1928. The latest (1945) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $621,500 including $219,000 for operation and care. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Jan. 21, 1927 (sec. 2).......----------- Purchase of canal from the Bston, . Doc. 139, 67th Cong.,2d Cape Cod & New York Canal Co., sess. in accordance with contract dated July 29, 1921, executed by that com- pany. Included in Public Works Ad- Construction of 3 bridges and widen- H. Doec. 795, 71st Cong., 3d ministration program, Sept. 6, ing canal to 205 feet. sess. 1933. June 26, 1934 (Permanent Ap- Operation and care of works of im- propriations Repeal Act). provement provided for with funds from War D)epartment appropria- tions for rivers and harbors. Included in Public Works Ad- Construction of a mooring basin. 1. )eoc. 795, 71st Cong., 3d ministration program, Apr. BOSS. 29, 1935. Included in Emergency Relief l)redging and bank protection-....... program nMay 28, 1935. Aug. 30, 1935__ -. . ---- .....-- .. Existing project adopted-----........ Rivers and lHarbors Commit- tee Doc. 15, 74th Cong., 1st Mar. 2, 1945---..-----...........--------15-foot channel and turning basin in H. I)oc. 431, 77th Cong., 1st Onset Bay. sess.' IContains latest published map. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests contribute one-half of the first cost, but not to exceed $48,000, for the channel and turning basin in Onset Bay and hold and save the United States free from all claims for damages attributable to the work. Terminal facilities.-There are four terminals on the canal. Three are privately owned, one being used for the receipt and freezing of fish and two for the receipt and storage of oil. The fourth terminal is the State pier, owned by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and located on the north bank of the canal at Bourne Neck. The terminals are considered adequate for the pur- poses for which they are used. Operations and results during the fiscal year.-Maintenance: The United States seagoing hopper dredge Atlantic was engaged in maintenance dredging to remove shoal areas within the chan- nel limits of the canal during the period October 13 to October 18, 1947. During the fiscal year there were removed 64,466 cubic yards, bin measurement, of material at a cost of $12,141.42 for maintenance. A contract for cleaning and painting the Bourne and Sagamore Highway Bridges, in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year, was completed on November 25, 1947. Costs during the fiscal year were $49,886.59, all of which was for maintenance. Costs in connection with land acquisition amounted to $194.72 during the fiscal year. Channel work consisting of maintenance surveys, dike and miscellaneous surveys was carried on by hired labor during the fiscal year at a cost of $24,845,15, RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 69 Maintenance of bridges, lights, power and signal systems, ser- vice roads and revetment was performed by hired labor at a cost of $65,161.85. Operating and care of canal: The canal was open to navigation and the railroad bridge was operated throughout the year. The costs during the fiscal year for operating and care were $243,257.41. The total costs during the fiscal year were $395,487.14, all of which was for maintenance. The total expenditures were $401,- 977.73. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is sub- stantially complete except for dredging the 15-foot channel from deep water in the vicinity of Wickets Island to the town wharf at Onset and enlargement of the turning basin at the town wharf, and an 8-foot anchorage basin contiguous thereto, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945. The canal is crossed by two high-level highway bridges and a vertical lift railroad bridge. The canal in the land cut from the easterly entrance to station 430 has a least bottom width of 480 feet, except opposite the State Pier where the width is 450 feet. From station 430 to Wings Neck (Hog Island Channel) the width is 500 feet and be- yond Wings Neck (Cleveland Ledge Channel) 700 feet. On June 30, 1948, the controlling depths at mean low water for this project were: Canal in the land cut, 29 feet; mooring basin, north side, easterly end, 20.4 feet; HIog Island Channel, 29 feet; Cleveland Ledge Channel, 32 feet; mooring basin, south side, westerly end, depths varying from 21.3 feet to 32 feet. At the time it was last surveyed (1943) the controlling depth in the Onset Channel was 16.2 feet. The total costs from regular funds have been $28,176,352.64, of which $20,437,653.42 (including the purchase price of $11,500,- 000) was for new work and $7,738,699.22 was for maintenance, including $3,082,636.28 for operating and care of the canal. The total expenditures have been $28,162,168.22. The total costs and expenditures from Public Works funds have been $6,138,157.30 for new work. The total costs and expenditures from Emergency Relief ap- Propriation funds have been $4,849,739.57 for new work. The total costs, all funds, have been, $40,822,604.22, of which $31,425,550.29 (including the purchase price of $11,500,000) was for new work and $9,397,053.93 was for maintenance. The total expenditures have been $40,808,419.80. This included the sum of $1,658,354.71 expended between March 31, 1928, and June 30, 1935, on the operating and care of the works of improvement, un- der the provision of the permanent indefinite appropriation for such purposes. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $44,909.52, plus an allotment of $450,- 000.00 made in July 1948, will be applied as follows: 70 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Accounts payable June 30, 1948-----------------__-___________ $14,184.42 Maintenance: Resurfacing the deck of Bourne Highway Bridge, by contract, (October 1948) -- 25,000.00 I Dredging by United States seagoing hopper dredge Atlantic (July 1948 and May 1-16, 1949) ----------------------------- 74,000.00 I Removal of miscellaneous boulders, by hired labor (July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949)----------------------------------- 5,348.00 } Maintenance of bridges, lights, power and signal systems, service roads, and revetment, by hired labor (July 1. 1948 to June 30. 1949)--------------------------------------------82,875.00 1949) 82,875.00 Channel work, by hired labor (July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949).... 27,064.00 Total maintenance -------------------------------- 214,287.00 Operation and care of canal: Operation of canal, bridges, etc.-------------------------216,438.10 Ordinary repairs -------------------------------------- 50,000.00 Total operation and care ----------------------------- 266,438.10 Grand total--------------------------------------- 494,909.52 The funds that can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, $570,000, will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Dredging by United States seagoing hopper dredge (September 1949 and May 1950)------------------ --------------------. $95,000 Maintenance of bridges, lights, power and signal systems, service roads and revetment, by hired labor (July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950)_ 85,000 Channel work, by hired labor (July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950)-..-- 30,000 Painting the railroad bridge, by contract (Aug. 1 to Oct. 31, 1949)_ 30,000 Repairing Stony Point dike, by hired labor- 15,000 Repairing and seal coating the service roads, by contract (Sept. 1 to Oct. 31, 1949) _______________________ 40,000 Total maintenance__-------- ------------------------- 95,000 Operation and care of canal: Operation of canal, bridges, etc.--------- 220,000 Ordinary repairs ----------------------- 55,000 Total operation and care--------------------------------275,000 Grand total -------------------------------- 570,000 The amount of $570,000, which can be profitably used for main- tenance, exceeds the average annual expenditures for the past five years due to the increased labor and material costs and to the necessity for maintenance work which has been deferred for sev- eral years. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- -- $31,425,550.29 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--------------------- 9,397,053.93 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 40,822,604.22 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ------------------- -- 14,184.42 Net total expenditures ---------------------------- 40,808,419.80 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 44,909.52 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 40,853,329.32 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 71 - --- I Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 i ,- 'I I Cost of new work -............. Cost of maintenance ---------- $445 628.83 I$~558 310. 68 $496, 213.79 $451,154.69 $395, 487. 14 Total expended.........--------------- 441, 945.79 45, 933.81 481,176.73 469, 714.38 401,977.73 Allotte........................ 590, 000.00 35,000.00 387, 700.00 169,460.28 825,854. 86 hlalane Balanc :e unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $59,187.25 Amourit allotted during fiscal year_ ------------------ _ 387,700.00 Amount to be accounted for _- --------------- 446,887.25 Gross amount expended____-_____-- -- --- ------ ---- 401,977.73 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------ ----- 44,909.52 Outsta nding liabilities, June 30, 1948-.... ------------ 14,184.42 Balance available, June 30, 1948_ ---------- 30,725.10 Amour it allotted in July 1948------------ ----------- 450,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_..... 480,725.10 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_ 84,250.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_-- - 570,000.00 28. CHANNEL FROM BUZZARDS BAY TO BUTTERMILK BAY, MASS. Location.-Buzzards Bay, Mass., is at the southern end of Cape Cod Canal. It is connected with Buttermilk Bay to the north by a natural channel branching from Cape Cod Canal and extending northerly past Butler Cove for a distance of 2 miles into Buttermilk Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 251). Existing project.-This provides for a channel 100 feet wide and 7 feet deep at mean low water through the sand bar across the channel. The mean range of tide is 4.0 feet and the spring range is 5.1 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1946 is $18,300. The estimate of cost of annual maintenance is $500. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948. The latest published map is contained in the project document (II. Doc. No. 552, 80th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to give assur- ances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will hold and save the United States free from damage due to the construc- tion works. It is expected that this requirement will be met. Terminal facilities.-There are no wharves bordering on the channel. The only facilities in Buttermilk Bay are small private piers for shallow-draft boats. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--No costs have been incurred under the existing project. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of the channel 100 feet wide and 7 feet deep at mean low water through the bar. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document, 72 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 __-.____.____________ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_........ Net total expenditures...... ...... Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ................ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_____________________--------------------------_ $18,300 29. WELLFLEET HARBOR, MASS. Location.-This harbor is situated on Cape Cod Bay, near the southern end of the hook of Cape Cod, 12 miles southeast of Provincetown Harbor and 25 miles northeast of the entrance to the Cape Cod Canal. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 581 and 1208.) Previous project.-Adopted by acts of June 10, 1872, and August 11, 1888. For further details see page 638 of Annual Report for 1S95. Existing project.-Provides for a channel 10 feet deep and 125 feet wide from "Deep Hole" to the town landing, and an anchorage basin of the same depth 800 feet by 500 feet. The project depths refer to mean low water. The mean range of tide is 10 feet and the spring range is 11.6 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946 is $95,100, exclusive of $32,000 to be contributed by local interests, and ex- clusive of amount expended on previous project. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $4,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 557, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The latest published map is contained in the project document. Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests furnish, without cost to the United States, suitable spoil-disposal areas, including necessary bulk- heads, release the United States from all claims for damages attributable to the work of improvement, give assurances satis- factory to the Secretary of War that they will construct and main- tain a suitable public wharf with adequate depths alongside, and contribute one-third of the initial cost, but not to exceed $32,000. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts dredged a channel and anchorage basin 6 feet deep in 1916, at a cost of $17,363.48. Terminal facilities.-There are seven wharves on the harbor, only one of which is open to the public. The existing public landing facilities are considered inadequate for the activities of the harbor. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The channel was dredged to a depth of 4 feet in 1889. The only work done since that time is the dredging of the 6-foot channel in 1916 by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. No costs have been incurred under the existing project. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of the RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NEW ENGLANI) DIVISION 73 10-foot channel and anchorage. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $95,100 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for new work to complete, by contract, the dredging of the 10-foot channel and anchorage. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------------$11,350.37 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 11,350.37 Net total expenditures _ ___ -- - 11,350.37 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 11,350.37 Amount (estimated) required to be appiropriated for completion of existing project ______________________________----_-- 95,100.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_______------ ---------- 95,100.00 30. PROVINCETOWN HARBOR, MASS. Location.-This harbor is located in the bight at the northern extremity of Cape Cod. It is 40 miles southeast of Gloucester, 24 miles northeast of the Cape Cod Canal, and about 40 miles southeast of the entrance to Boston Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 580 and 1208.) Previous project.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of May 20, 1826. For further details see page 1746 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 86 of Annual Report for 1931. Existing project.-This provides for the preservation of the Point of land forming the harbor, a rubblestone protection dike 5 feet wide at the top and 15 feet above mean low water, across House Point Island Flats from Stevens Point to Wood End, a dis- tance of 6,150 feet, and for a 300-foot extension of the Long Point beach protection and bringing it up to grade where necessary, and a Stone breakwater to elevation 15 feet above mean low water with a top width of 10 feet, commencing at a point about opposite the Monument wharf, approximately 3,000 feet from shore and extend- ing 3,000 feet in a northeasterly direction. The mean range of tide is 9.1 feet and the spring range 10.6 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1947 is $905,000, exclusive of the amount expended under a previous project. The estimate of cost of annual maintenance is $1,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 25, 1910 Rubblestone protection dike across House Point If. Doc. No. 821, 61st Cong., 2d Island Flats from Stevens Point to Wood End and sess. for an extension of the Long Point beach protection. June 30,148 Offshore breakwater about 3,000 feet long-.... .-- If. . oc. No. 600, 80th Cong., 2d sess. (Contains latest published map.) 74 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to contribute in cash 50 percent of the total cost of construction of the break- water but not to exceed $760,000 and agree to hold and save the United States free from all claims for damages due to the con- struction works. It is expected that these requirements will be met. Terminal facilities.-The developed waterfront of Province- town is approximately 112 miles in extent and is for the most part privately owned. There are seven piers in this area which handle the entire commerce of the harbor. Only three of these piers extend beyond the low water line, one of which is owned and maintained by the town for public use on equal terms to all. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditions at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was about 15 percent complete. The work remaining to complete the project is the 300-foot extension of the Long Point beach protection and bringing it up to grade where required; however, the protection at Long Point is not now considered necessary. A rubblestone beach protection built to the east and outside of Long Point is now in good condition and serving the purpose for which built. Dikes, groins, and other sand-catching devices designed to resist the erosion and promote the accretion of the barrier of beach and sand dunes which protect the harbor were built, but these timber structures resulted in but small and temporary betterment to the beach and have been practically destroyed. The dike across the House Point Island Flats, which was completed in 1914, was re- paired in 1940. The net results accomplished are the rubblestone beach protection at Long Point and the dike across the House Point Island Flats. No work on the 3,000-foot rubblestone breakwater lying about 3,000 feet offshore has been undertaken. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $173,782.01, of which $131,653.28 was for new work and $42,128.73 was for maintenance. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $347,453.72 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_----------------------- 42,128.73 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 389,582.45 Net total expenditures------------------------------------ 389,582.45 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------- 389,582.45 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------- 773,300.00 31. POLLOCK RIP SHOALS, NANTUCKET SOUND, MASS. Location.-Pollock Rip Channel is the northerly passage through the shoals off the eastern entrance to Nantucket Sound connecting the deep water of the sound with that of the ocean. It is about 33 miles east from the harbor of Vineyard Haven, on the island RIVERS AND HARIIORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 75 of Marthas Vineyard, Mass., and 60 miles south from Province- town Harbor at the northern extremity of Cape Cod. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 250.) Existing project.-This provides for dredging through the shoals at the eastern entrance to Nantucket Sound with a Govern- ment dredge, which is to assist the natural agencies in obtaining such depth and width as may be found practicable, but not ex- ceeding a depth of 30 feet at mean low water and a width of 1 mile. The mean tidal ranges are about 3.7 feet at Monomoy Point, the nearest land, and 6.7 feet at Chatham Light, about 9 miles to the north of this point. The ranges of spring tides at these two points are 4.4 and 7.9 feet. The ranges are largely affected by direction and force of storms. The original expendi- ture authorized for experimental work was $250,000, and later the operation of a dredge was authorized at an estimated annual cost of $200,000. The estimated cost, revised in 1928, of providing a channel of suitable dimensions was $1,100,000 for new work. The latest (1928) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $30,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 25, 1912 Experimental dredging through the shoals to deter- H. Doc. 536, 62d Cong., 2d sess. mine if a channel could be secured and maintained not over 30 feet deep and not over 1 mile wide. July 27, 1916 Continuation of work with a Government-owned Rivers and Harbors Committee hopper dredge. Doc. 3, 64th Cong., 1st sess. The latest published map is in the Annual Report for 1915, Page 2056. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1925. The depths previously secured over the northern tongue of the Stone Horse Shoal have been maintained. A cut 2,000 feet wide has been dredged through Bearse and Pollock Rip Shoals. The controlling depth at mean low water was 30 feet for a width of about 1,750 feet, and about 12 feet along the north edge of the 2,000-foot channel (July 1946). The channel depths are adequate for existing commerce. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $1,083,504.41 for new work, and $730,738.46 for maintenance, a total of $1,814,242.87. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $50,000, made in July 1948, will be applied to maintenance operations with a United States hopper dredge, about 4 weeks in June 1949, and to neces- sary surveys. The sum of $50,000, can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance operations with a United States hopper dredge, about 4 weeks in July 1949, and for necessary surveys. 76 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARM Y, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--__ ________ $1,083,504.41 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--_______ __________ 730,738.46 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .. 1,814,242.87 Net total expenditures---------------------------------- 1,814,242.87 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- - - 1,814,242.87 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.......................--- Cost of maintenance... ....------------ $3, 781. 98 $63, 823.65- -- ____- __ -$2, 020. 00---------- Total expendled---------------- 4,882. 66 63, 823. 65 -------------- 2,020.00 -------------- Allotted-......-----------------------...... -22,000.00 24,143.41------------- 2,020.00----------- Amount allotted in July 1948 $50,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-............ 50,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance -------------. - -_ 50,000.00 32. HARBOR OF REFUGE AT NANTUCKET, MASS. Location.-Nantucket Harbor (Harbor of Refuge at Nantucket) is on the north shore of Nantucket Island about 26 miles southeast from Hyannis Harbor, Mass. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 343.) Previous projects,--Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1829. For further details see page 1747, Annual Report for 1915. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 15 feet deep at mean low water, without prescribed width, through the bar at the entrance, and for converging jetties, of riprap, 6,987 feet and 5,755 feet long, on the east and west sides, respectively, of the entrance; an anchorage area of about 50 acres on the east side of the harbor opposite the wharves, about 2,800 feet long, 300 to 1,100 feet wide, and 15 feet deep at mean low water; and a fair- way of the same depth extending southward through the harbor along the west side of the anchorage to a point about 2,700 feet south of Brant Point. The mean and spring tidal ranges at the entrance are 3.1 and 3.7 feet respectively. The estimate of cost, revised in 1948, is $635,000 for new work, exclusive of $31,500 to be contributed by local interests, and exclusive of amounts ex- pended under previous project, and $11,500 annually for main- tenance, revised in 1945. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts 1b Work authorized Documents June 14, 1880 West jetty-----.---------------------------- .. Doc. 18, 46th Cong., 2d sess., .. and Annual Report for 1880, p. 423. Aug. 5,1886 East jetty and dredging when necessary-- ..-.---.. Annual Report for 1885, p. 579. Mar. 2, 1945 Anchorage and fair-way inside harbor--- . . Doc. 115, 77th Cong., 1st. sess. .---------- (Contains latest published map.) RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 77 Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the anchorage and fairway subject to the conditions that local interests furnish free of cost to the United States suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and sub- sequent maintenance when and as required, contribute the sum of $31,500 in cash or dredging, and hold and save the United States free from all claims for damages which might result from the improvement. About $12,000 was expended by the town and State on dredging completed in 1944, and this sum may be acceptable as part of the required cooperation. It is expected that the remaining requirements will be met in 1949. The Com- monwealth of Massachusetts and local interests have expended for dredging and boulder removal inside the harbor about $130,000. Terminal facilities.-These consist of four piers affording about 3,000 feet of berthing space. Facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during the fiscal year.-Preliminary costs in connection with a contract for maintenance dredging Were $500. The expenditures were $500 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 78 percent complete. The east jetty was completed in 1907 and the channel in 1930. The jetties have been built to varying heights and cross sections with a view to controlling and regulating scour between them. The west jetty is in need of repairs; the east jetty is in good condition. The controlling depth at mean low water in the channel was 15 feet for widths generally in excess of 200 feet with shoals to 12 feet along the western edge, as determined in May 1943 and in the 15-foot anchorage and fairway 10 to 15 feet (1940). To complete the project would require extension of the west jetty by about 800 feet and enlargement of 400 feet of the existing construction near its outer end to full section, and dredging of the anchorage and fairway inside the harbor. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $456,482.25 for new work and $272,766.84 for maintenance, a total of $729,249.09. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $69,500, will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Dredging about 50,000 cubic yards of sand from the entrance channel, by contract, in fall of 1948 ------------------------------ $39,500 Repairs to west jetty at entrance to harbor, by contract, placing about 4,000 tons of stone in the spring of 1949 ------------- 30,000 Total ---------------------------------------------- 69,500 The additional sum of $112,500 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950, for new work, to complete, by contract, the 15-foot anchorage. 804711--48--Vol. 1-6 78 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_..-_-_ $_-___________ $502,317.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -----------------____ 272,766.84 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.......---------. 775,083.84 Net total expenditures ------------------------------------ 775,083.84 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 69,500.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-.-- _--- -844,583.84 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work Cost of maintenance------------ $5.40 ------------- $------------------ 00 Total expended---------------- -- 246.67 ------------------------------------ 500 00 Allotted - -------------------- 16, 000.00 -$41,381.69 --------------..........................._ 70,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year----.....---------------- _ _ $70,000.00 Gross amount expended------------------------------------ 500.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 69,500.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------------------- 178,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ------------ 112,500.00 33. CROSS RIP SHOALS, NANTUCKET SOUND, MASS. Location.-Nantucket Sound lies south of Cape Cod and north of Nantucket and the eastern part of Marthas Vineyard Islands. Cross Rip Shoals are a little southerly and easterly of the geo- graphical center of the sound. They are about 17 miles east from Vineyard Haven on the island of Marthas Vineyard and about 15 miles northwest from Nantucket Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1209.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 4,000 feet wide and 30 feet deep at mean low water between Half Moon Shoal and Cross Rip Shoal, about 1.7 miles. The mean tidal range is about 2 feet and the maximum range, due to the combined effect of wind and other causes, is 3 feet or more. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1928, was $27,000. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of main- tenance is $4,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930 (H. Doc. 182, 70th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.--None. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1931. In April 1941, the controlling depth was 30 feet at mean low water, except for minor shoals, with a minimum depth of 26 feet along the edges. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $24,200.13 for new work, and $41,354.56 for maintenance, a total of $65,554.69. RIVERS ANDI) HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 79 Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance operations with a United States hopper dredge, about 4 weeks, July and August 1949, with neces- sary surveys. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-_____ -- _--------------- $24,200.13 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------ 41,354.56 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ...--------- 65,554.69 Net total expenditures______--------------- 65,554.69 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ .-.------- ---- 5,554.69 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -............. Cost of maintenance __......... $61.49--- -------------------------- ------------- Total expended.-----........... 17.49-----.........---------------------------------..............------............. A 11_x, AlOtted...---------- -------.------------ -$6,882.91 ...............------------------------ - -- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_ ___ __ $50,000.00 34. HYANNIS HARBOR, MASS. Location.-On the south shore of Cape Cod about 16 miles west of Chatham, Mass., and 20 miles northeast of Vineyard Haven, Mass. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1209.) Existing project.-This provides for a stone breakwater 1,170 feet long, lying about 0.7 mile offshore, for dredging to a depth of 15.5 feet in the protected area behind the breakwater; for a channel 12 feet deep with widths of 150 and 100 feet in the outer and inner harbors, respectively, for an anchorage area 12 feet deep and about 5 acres in area adjacent to the inner harbor channel north of Harbor Bluff; and for a riprap jetty 1,000 feet long extending south from Dunbar Point. All depths refer to mean low water. The mean and spring tidal ranges in the outer harbor are 3.1 and 3.7 feet respectively. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $380.000 for new work, exclusive of $62,500 to be contributed by local interests and $1,600 annually for main- tenance. The project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 2, 1827 Breakwater ............................ _..... ... S. Doec. No. 32, 18th Cong., 2(1sess. July 11, 1871 Present dimensions of breakwater. .................. 11. D)oc. No. 63, 41st Cong., 2(1sess. Aug. 5, 1886 Dredging behind breakwater... --.................. Il. Ex. Doc. No. 96, 48th Cong., 2(1sss. Mar. 2, 1945 Channel, anchorage and jetty... .. I. Deoc. No. 98, 77th Cong., 1st SOss.l 1 Contains latest published map. 80. REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the channel, anchorage, and jetty subject to the conditions that local interests furnish free of cost to the United States easements required for the construction of the jetty and suitable spoil disposal areas for new work and subsequent main- tenance when and as required, hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement and contribute one-half the estimated cost of improvement, but not to exceed $62,500. It is expected that these requirements will be met in 1949. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and local interests have expended nearly $235,000 in extending the break- water to shore and in dredging channels in the outer and inner harbors. Terminal facilities.-There are two town wharves in the inner harbor. One has a bulkheaded frontage of about 800 feet. Other private landings are available. Facilities are adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during the fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 61 per cent complete. The breakwater was completed in 1882, and the dredging behind the breakwater in 1906. To complete the project requires dredging of the channel and inner harbor anchor- age and construction of the jetty. The controlling depths at mean low water in 1940 were about 6 feet in the natural channel and inner harbor anchorage and 12 to 16 feet in the protected area behind the breakwater. The breakwater is in needs of repairs. The costs and expenditures have been $197,382.58 for new work and $27,067.78 for maintenance, a total of $224,450.36. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $30,000 for maintenance can be profitably ex- pended during fiscal year 1950, in placing, by contract, about 2,000 tons of rubblestone in the existing breakwater to restore it to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948____-______ ______________ $197,382.58 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ---- 27,067.78 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _....._ 224,450.36 Net total expenditures -------------- 224,450.36 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -------------- 224,450.36 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------- 182,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance---------------------------- 30,000.00 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 81 35. FALMOUTH HARBOR, MASS. Location.-This harbor is a bight in the shore line located between Falmouth Heights and Nobska Point at the west end of the southern shore of Cape Cod. It is located just east of Woods Hole, the easternmost of several passages connecting Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 249, 1209 and 1210.) Existing project. This provides for an entrance channel 10 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide between the jetties into the inner harbor and dredging an area of about 17 acres in the inner harbor to the same depth. The mean range of tide is 1.3 feet at Falmouth Heights and 1.5 feet at Nobska Point. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1946 is $35,000. The estimate of cost of annual maintenance made in 1946 is $4,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved June 30, 1948. The latest published map is con- tained in the project document (IH. Doc. 566, 80th Cong., 2d sess.). Local coperation.-Local interests are required to (a) agree to furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil disposal areas necessary for the initial Work and for subsequent maintenance, when and as required; (b) provide and maintain, without cost to the United States, a public marginal bulkhead or wharf open to all on equal terms, and repair the entrance jetties in a manner satisfactory to the Chief of Engineers; (c) contribute in cash 50 percent of the cost of the dredging, but not to exceed $35,000; and (d) hold and save the United States free from damages resulting from the improvement. Terminal facilities.-The town of Falmouth maintains two small public wharves in Falmouth Inner Harbor. Both are located near the entrance, at Clinton Avenue, one on the east and the other on the west side of the harbor. Each wharf has berthage of about 50 feet. They are used as terminals for the shipment of freight to Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket Islands and as landings for visiting craft. There are no other public piers, but the docks of the 3 boat yards may be used without charge at the owners' convenience. No handling or transfer facilities are available. Several small private piers are located in the harbor. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No costs have been incurred under the existing project. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of the 10-foot entrance channel between the jetties and the dredging of about 17 acres in the inner harbor to the same depth. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. 82 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -- . ............. .... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-. - ---.---.-... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_........ Net total expenditures ..... Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---- - __ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------ $35,000 " 36. MENEMSHA CREEK, MARTHAS VINEYARD, MASS. Location.-On the south side of Vineyard Sound about 13 miles southwest of Woods Hole, Mass. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1210.) Existing project. This provides for. an entrance channel 10 feet deep and 80 feet wide between the jetties to and including an anchorage basin 10 feet deep in the wide northern portion and 6 feet deep in the narrow southern end, and a channel 8 feet deep and 80 feet wide through Menemsha Creek to deep water in Menemsha Pond, a distance of about 1.1 miles from the entrance, and for maintenance of the existing jetties. All depths refer to mean low water. The mean and spring tidal ranges at the entrance are 2.7 and 3.4 feet respectively. The estimate of cost, approved in 1946, is $72,700 for new work, exclusive of $12,500 to be contributed by local interests, and $4,000 annually for maintenance, revised in 1948. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. The latest published map is in the project document (H. Doc. 365, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the existing project subject to the conditions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, as and when required, all lands, easements, rights-of-way and spoil disposal areas for the initial work and subsequent maintenance, hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement, place the entrance jetties in a condition of repair satisfactory to the Secretary of War, and contribute 25 percent of the initial cost, but not to exceed $12,500. It is expected that these requirements will be met in 1949. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and local interests have expended over $202,000 for improvement and maintenance of Menemsha Creek and its entrance. Terminal facilities.--The town wharf on the basin has a bulk- headed frontage of about 600 feet. Other public and private landings are available. Facilities are adequate for existing com- merce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work on the existing project has not begun. The controlling depths at mean low water in 1939 were about 8 feet in the entrance channel, 6 feet in the basin and 25 feet in the natural channel to Menemsha Pond. There have been no costs or expenditures under the existing project. RIVERS AND IIARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 83 Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $72,700 can be profitably expended during fiscal Year 1950, for new work, by contract, for completion of the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948____- _------------------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... Net total expenditures______-______---_--------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948______--- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------- ------------------------- $72,700 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work __________________----------_72,700 37. NEW BEDFORD AND FAIRHAVEN HARBOR, MASS. Location.-New Bedford Harbor is a tidal estuary on the west- ern side of Buzzards Bay, about 27 miles northwesterly from the harbor at Vineyard Haven, Mass., and about 37 miles to the east- Ward of Point Judith Harbor, R. I. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 252.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of July 4, 1836, March 3, 1875, and August 11, 1888. For further details see page 1748, Annual Report for 1915, and page 101, Annual Re- Port for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 30 feet deep and 350 feet wide from deep water in Buzzards Bay to a point just above the New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge, nearly 5 miles, with increased widths for anchorage and maneuvering purposes in the area northwest of Palmer Island and above the bridge; a channel 25 feet deep between harbor lines along the New Bedford Wharf front near the bridge, about 0.2 mile; a channel 100 feet Wide and 18 feet deep from the 30-foot area north of Fish Island to Belleville, a distance of about 2 miles, with a turning basin at the upper end 300 feet wide; dredging the area west of a line 50 feet channelward of the Fairhaven Harbor line to a depth of 15 feet over widths of 150 to 400 feet from Pierce & Kilburn wharf to the Old South wharf, and thence 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide to a point 1,000 feet south of the old causeway pier, about 0.7 mile; and for the maintenance of the 25-foot anchorage area east of the channel and north of Palmer Island. The plane of reference is mean low water, the mean range of the tide being 3.7 feet and the maximum range, due to the combined effect of Wind and other causes, 7 feet or more. The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1942, is $1,800,000, including $20,385 contributed by local interests but exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1937) esti- mate for annual cost of maintenance is $23,250. 84 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized l)ocuments Mar. 2, 1907 The 25-foot anchorage area north of Palmer Island.. If. Doc. No. 271, 59th Con:g., 2d sess. Mar. 3, 1909 Extension of the 25-foot channel along the New Bed- Specified in act. ford wharf front near the bridge. July 25, 1912 The 18-foot channel in Acushnet River to Belleville._ If. Doc. No. 442, 62(1 Cong., 2(1 sess. July 3, 1930 The 30-foot channel, anchorage, and maneuvering II. Doe. No. 348, 71st Cong., 2d area (channel limited to width of 350 feet). 1 sess. Aug. 30, 19352 Present project dimensions of the anchorage area Rivers and Harbors Committee northwest of Palmer Island and maintenance of the l)oc. No. 16, 74th Cong., 1st sess.' 25-foot anchorage. Elimination from the project of the prior authoriza- tion for enlarging and deepening the maneuvering area 30 feet deep east of the harbor channel. Aug. 26, 1937 The 15-foot and 10-foot channel along the Fairhaven Rivers and Harbors Committee wharf front. DIoc. No. 25, 75th Cong., 1st sess.' 1 Contain latest published maps. 2 Also Emergency IRelief Act, May 28, 1935. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912, imposed the condition that local interests construct a new bridge at Coggeshall Street with a draw opening of at least 100 feet and build a substantial wharf upon the city property at Belleville, the name given to the northern part of the city. These conditions have not been met, and there is no present prospect of their being com- plied with. The condition imposed by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937, was fully complied with. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts expended approximately $120,000 in dredging a channel 25 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Fish Island nearly to Coggeshall Street Bridge. Terminal facilities.-These consist of 29 wharves and piers with a total of about 18,000 feet of docking space; 3 wharves are owned by the city of New Bedford, 2 by the Commonwealth, and 1 by the town of Fairhaven; 8 of the wharves are open to public use and 6 have rail connections. These facilities are considered adequate for the existing commerce. For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities of Southern New England. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was about 95 percent complete. The controlling depths at mean low water were as follows: 30 feet in the entrance channel to Palmer Island Light except for minor shoals (November 1945), thence 29 feet to the New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge (July and December 1944) ; 30 feet in the turning basin above the bridge, except a shoal 25 feet in the southwest corner (December 1944) ; 30 feet in the west maneuvering area except for minor shoals to 29 feet (July 1944) ; 25 feet in the 25-foot anchorage (July 1944); in the Fairhaven waterfront channel 15 feet in the 15-foot portion and 10 feet in the 10-foot portion except for a small 9-foot shoal at the head of the channel (March 1944) ; 20 feet in 25-foot New Bedford water- front channel (1938) ; in the Acushnet River, about 23 feet to a point about 1,200 feet below Coggeshall Street Bridge (May 1928) ; and thence 7 feet to Belleville (1905). The head of navigation is about 7 miles north of the entrance, opposite Sconticut Point. To RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 85 complete the project requires the dredging of the 18-foot Acushnet River channel to Belleville. The costs and expenditures from regular funds under the exist- ing project have been $1,459,653.66 for new work and $462,603.27 for maintenance, a total of $1,922,256.93. The costs and expendi- tures from Emergency Relief funds have been $227,264.49 for new Work. The total costs and expenditures United States funds, were $1,686,918.15 for new work and $462,603.27 for maintenance, a total of $2,149,521.42. In addition, the sum of $20,400 was ex- pended for new work from contributed funds. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance by United States Hopper Dredge for about 1 month during August and September of 1949, to restore the project depth in the entrance channel and for necessary surveys. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___----------------------- $1,857,618.15 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 462,603.27 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Net total expenditures ._ __-- _ ___-_____ -- ___-__-- -----..1 2,320,221.42 2,320,221.42 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- 2,320,221.42 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work _ Cost of maintenance-_ .- - _--. $95, 586.54 $75, 823. 11 $37,052.68 .-- _-------.- ------.-- Total expended -l_.__--...-- ... ,_ 86, 435. 83 85, 064. 17 37, 052. 68 --------------------------- AIlotted .-- ... _. ..... 81, 500. 00 30, 000. 00 7, 052. 68 .............. ............. Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ___ .__________________-. .________ $93,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_--------------------------- 50,000.00 In addition, $20,400 has been expended from contributed funds for new work. 38. CUTTYHUNK HARBOR, MASS. Location.-At the eastern end of Cuttyhunk Island, at the west- ern entrance to Buzzards Bay, about 14 miles south of New Bed- ford Harbor, Mass. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 297.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel generally 75 feet Wide and 10 feet deep from the outer harbor to the westerly terminal in Cuttyhunk Pond, about 3,500 feet; an anchorage in the inner harbor 10 feet deep, 900 feet long, and 800 feet wide; and for maintenance of the existing jetties. All depths refer to mean low water. The mean and spring tidal ranges are 3.4 and 4.2 feet, respectively. The estimates of cost approved in 1937 are $65,000 for new work exclusive of $11,643.37 contributed by local inter- ests, and $3,650 annually for maintenance, 86 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U.. s. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved August 26, 1937. The latest published map is in the project document (H. Doc. 81, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Spoil disposal areas for maintenance will be furnished when required. Terminal facilities.-Two town wharves having total berthing space of 400 feet are open to public use. Facilities are adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during the fiscal year.-Preliminaryex- penses in connection with maintenance dredging amounted to $400.47. Maintenance dredging was commenced on 19 August 1947 and completed 16 September 1947. During the fiscal year 12,109 cubic yards of mud and sand were removed at a cost of $13,888.15. The Government costs in connection with the contract were $3,737.85. The total costs and expenditures were $18,026.47, all for main- tenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1939. The controlling depths at mean low water in Sep- tember 1947 were generally 10 feet in the entrance channel and 10 feet generally in the inner channel except for the upper 200 feet where the controlling depth was 7.3 feet. The anchorage area was generally 10 feet except for a small shoal near the inner channel where the least depth was 9 feet. The north jetty was in fair con- dition and the south jetty was in poor condition. The costs and expenditures from regular funds have been $27,167.86 for new work and $36,472.68 for maintenance, a total of $63,640.54. The costs and expenditures from contributed funds were $11,643.37 for new work. The total costs and expenditures, all funds, were $38,811.23 for new work and $36,472.68 for maintenance, a total of $75,283.91. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ _1 ---- $27,167.86 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------ 36,472.68------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1 63,640.54 Net total expenditures-- --------------------- 63,640.54 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------------ 63,640.54 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work Cost of maintenance------------$-----------8------- ------------- $785. 71 $18,026. 47 ....------- Allotted --- -785. 711--------118, 026. 47 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------- $25,000.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment -------------- 6,973.53 Net amount to be accounted for---------------------- 18,026.47 Gross amount expended---------------------------------- 18,026.47 1In addition, $11,643.37 has been expended from contributed funds for now work, RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 87 39. FALL RIVER HARBOR, MASS. Location.-Situated at the mouth of Taunton River, on the east side and at the head of Mount Hope Bay, which empties into the ocean through Narragansett Bay and Sakonnet River. It is about 18 miles northerly from Newport Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 353.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 23, 1874, March 3, 1899, June 13, 1902, and June 25, 1910. For further details see page 1749 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 106 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project. This provides for a channel 35 feet deep and 400 feet wide adjacent to the waterfront from deep water west of Common Fence Point through Mount Hope Bay and the harbor to the wharves above the bridges, with increased width at the bend on the approach below Slades Ferry Bridge, for a turning basin of the same depth about 1,100 feet wide and 850 feet long above the bridges between the Shell and Montaup wharves, for a channel 30 feet deep and generally 300 feet wide extending about 1 mile below Slades Ferry Bridge, for removal of the lower end of Hog Island 25 Shoal to a depth of 30 feet and for the maintenance of the -foot anchorage, about 42 acres in area, west of the harbor chan- nel. The length from Hog Island Shoal to the head of the project is about 10.5 miles. The mean tidal range is 4.4 feet and the maximum range, due to the combined effect of wind and other causes, is 8 feet or more. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $2,329,800 exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1946) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $26,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized )ocuments July 3, 1930 30-foot channel including Hog Island Shoal and the I. DI)oc. 158, 71st Cong., 2d sess. maintenance of the 25-foot anchorage. July 24, 1946 35-foot channel and turning basin .................----------------. . Doc. 628, 79th Cong., 2d sess. (Contains latest published mnap.) Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized the 35-foot channel and turning basin subject to the provision that local interests give assirances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will furnish free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way necessary for construction of the project, and suitable spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and subsequent maintenance as and when re- quired. It is expected that these requirements will be met. Terminal facilities.-These consist of 17 wharves and piers, affording about 10,100 feet of docking space. Three of the piers have direct railroad connection. Two of the wharves are owned by the city. One wharf is open to public use and two are available upon agreement. The facilities are considered adequate for the commerce of the port. For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities of Southern New England. 88 REPORT OF OIHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preliminary work in connection with improvement dredging was carried on. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 22 percent complete. The controlling depths at mean low water were as follows: Hog Island Shoal, 20 feet at west edge of channel (1940) ; 30-foot existing channel, 29 feet except at edges, to Globe wharf (December 1945) ; 35-foot water front channel, 22 feet to Tiverton lower pool, thence 16 feet to Globe wharf; thence 30 feet except at edges to head of project (1944) ; 25-foot anchorage, 19 feet (1942). To complete the project requires removal of ledge rock at Hog Island Shoal, and dredging of the 35-foot channel and turning basin. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $452,792.14 for new work, and $266,676.56 for maintenance, a total of $719,468.70, including $2,859.87 for main- tenance dredging at the Firestone wharf under section 3 of the River and Harbor Act of October 17, 1940. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $750,000 made in July 1948, will be applied to new work in dredging, by contract, the 35-foot channel up to Slades Ferry Bridge. The additional sum of $1,050,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for completion of the 35-foot channel. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------------------- $782,996.30 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ---------- _ _-------- 348,086.87 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 1,131,083.17 Net total expenditures- __-______----- --- --- ----- --- 1,131,083.17 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- ----- 1,131,083.17 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.... Cost ofmaintenance$............ 590. 39 $178, 607. 82 $24,213. 53 Total expended -........... ... 252. 178,5 6 213.53. . 24, . . . . . . .- Allotted ..--------------------- 91, 465. 19,611.12 5,786.47 _.............. Amount allotted in July 1948--------------- $75,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-- ------- _ 75,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ----------------- -------- -- 1,877,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work----........-.-- -------... 1,050,000.00 40. TAUNTON RIVER, MASS. Location.-Taunton River rises in Norfolk County, Mass., flows in a general south by west direction about 36 miles, and empties into Mount Hope Bay at Fall River. (See U. S. Geological Survey sheets for Taunton and Fall River.) . Previous projects.--Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of July 11, 1870, and June 14, 1880. For further details see page 1748 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 107 of Annual Report for 1938. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 89 Existing projects.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep, generally 100 feet wide up to a point about 2,800 feet below Weir Bridge, a pleasure-craft anchorage 8 feet deep and about 4 acres in area at Dighton, and a turning basin 12 feet deep at Taunton, near the upper end of the project. All depths refer to mean low Water. The mean tidal range is 4.4 feet at the mouth, and 2.8 feet at Weir Bridge. The maximum range, due to the combined effects of wind and other causes, is 8 feet or more at the mouth and about 6 feet at the head of navigation. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1946, is $768,000, exclusive of amount expended on previous project. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $11,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents JuIly 3, 1930 Channel 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide up to a point about Ii. D)oc. 403, 71st Cong., 2d sess. 2,800 feet below Weir Bridge, thence 80 feet wide for about 2,000 feet, and thence 60 feet wide to the bridlge. June 30, 1948 l)eletes upper 2,800 feet of channel and provides a 12- II. Doc. 196, 80th Cong., 1st sess. foot turning basin at Taunton and an 8-foot pleas- (Contains latest published map.) ure-craft anchorage at Dighton. Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to make a cash contribution equal to the cost of dredging the turning basin, esti- mated at $30,000, and one-half of the cost of dredging the small- craft anchorage, but not to exceed $7,000 for the latter, and agree to (a) construct and maintain, at their own expense, a suitable wharf near the head of the improvement and another in the vicinity of the small-craft anchorage, these wharves to be open to all on equal terms; (b) furnish free of cost to the United States, as and when required, all lands, easements, rights-of-way and spoil disposal areas necessary for the initial construction and subse- quent maintenance of the improvement; and (c) hold and save the United States free from damages due to the improvement. Terminal facilities.-There are only three wharves in Taunton that are now in use or in usable condition. They have a total length of about 700 feet. The bulkhead wharf at the Taunton mu- nicipal lighting plant may be used by the public. There are no direct rail connections to any of the wharves. At North Dighton, about 2.5 miles below Weir Bridge, there is a privately owned stone wharf about 180 feet long. At Dighton and Somerset there are several small wharves generally of stone construction. One is used by the Taunton Yacht Club. The town of Dighton owns a public landing. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 40 percent complete. The channel has been dredged to Peters Point. The work remaining to be done is dredging of the channel from Peters Point to Taunton, of the 12-foot turning basin, and 90 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 the 8-foot small-craft anchorage at Dighton. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $271,396.65 for new work and $85.53 for maintenance, a total of $271,482.18. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- $442,894.58 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 32,916.79 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 475,811.37 Net total expenditures_-------------------- ---------------- 475,811.37 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 --- -------- 475,811.37 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-.........-------------------------------- 497,000.00 41. PROVIDENCE RIVER AND HARBOR, R. I. Location.-ProvidenceRiver is formed at the city of Providence by the junction of the Pawtucket (Seekonk) River and two small streams which rise in northern Rhode Island. It is tidal and flows southerly in a deep channel between broad flats about 8 miles, emptying into Narragansett Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 278.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of Au- gust 30, 1852; March 2, 1867; March 3, 1873; June 18, 1878; Au- gust 2, 1882; August 5, 1886; June 3, 1896; June 13, 1902; March 3, 1905; March 2, 1907; June 25, 1910; and March 4, 1913. For further details see page 1750, Annual Report for 1915, page 96, Annual Report for 1936, and page 111, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.--This provides for an approach channel 35 feet deep at mean low water and generally 600 feet wide through the river from the deep water of Narragansett Bay opposite North Point on Popasquash Neck to the turn below Fields Point, 8.1 miles, and thence with the same depth, and of width ranging up to 1,700 feet to Fox Point, excluding a marginal strip 75 feet wide channel- ward of the established harbor lines, about 2.6 miles. The mean tidal range is about 4.6 feet and the maximum range, due to the combined effect of wind and other causes, is 8 feet or more. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1948, is $2,322,200, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1937) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $42,000. The existing project was authorized by the- River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 173, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.--Fully complied with. In addition to ex- tensive dredging prior to 1900 in the channel from Fox Point to the head of navigation, the city of Providence has since spent about $216,000 in maintaining a 20-foot depth in this channel. Terminal facilities.-There are 35 wharves (in use or usable condition), including 1 owned by the State and 5 by the city adja- cent to the harbor area, Providence River below Crawford Street, and Pawtucket (Seekonk) River below Red Bridge. The total available berthing space is 19,170 feet. The municipal wharf at RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 91. Fields Point and the State pier are open to general public use for commercial purposes. One wharf is open to the public upon agree- ment with the owner. Thirteen of the wharves have rail connec- tions. The facilities are considered adequate for existing com- mnerce. For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities of Southern New England. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preliminary costs in connection with a predredging survey and preparation of speci- fications for maintenance dredging were $6,160.13. There was an adjustment of costs in connection with prior years' dredging in the amount of -$1,278.33. Total costs were $4,881.80 for main- tenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 93 percent complete. Under the existing project a channel 600 feet Wide from the deep water of Narragansett Bay to the turn below Fields Point, thence to Fox Point, with a width ranging up to 1,700 feet, has been dredged to a general depth of 35 feet. The head of commercial navigation is at Crawford Street Bridge, about 0.8 mile above Fox Point. The controlling depths at mean low water were as follows: In the channels, 33 feet to Fox Point, except for further shoals along the edges (1948) ; in the widening below Fields Point, 5 to 35 feet (December 1942). To complete the project requires completion of the widening of the channel at the turn below Fields Point. The costs under the existing project have been $2,112,233.67 for new work and $243,589.67 for main- tenance, a total of $2,355,823.34. Expenditures have been $2,355,- 800.82. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended in the amount of $195,367.73, plus accounts receivable of $16.68, minus accounts payable of $39.20, amounting to $195,345.21, will be applied to maintenance, dredging the channel between Sabin and Fox Points, in the fall of 1948, by contract. The additional sum of $410,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Dredging by contract to widen the bend below Fields Point_- $210,000 Maintenance: Dredging the channel between Sabin and Fox Points, by contract ---------------------- ------------------------- 200,000 Total_------ ------- ______________ ------- 4------. 410,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. ...-.---..-.---- $5,873,645.23 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------. ------.--- 893,725.94 Pl Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... 6,767,371.17 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948.....--------............... 16.68 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-_--- 6,767,387.85 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------------- 39.20 Net total expenditures-__.. Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-...-.-- -------- --- ------------------------ 6,767,348.65 195,367.73 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 6,962,716.38 92 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I I-- - I---------- Cost of new work_------.----- $35,172.00 Cost of maintenance__. ........ S..............$187,620.57 $50, 584.63 $114. 72" $4, 881.80 1---L;--------I; --- ;) I Total expended ................. 48, 026.00 187, 617. 57 43, 707. 81 5, 716. 21 6, 137.61 Allotted------........... ...... -55, 107.63 248, 245. 47 -11,050.13 ---.---.-.-.--- 200, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-________ $1,505.34 Amount allotted during fiscal year ---- 200,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--- 201,505.34 Gross amount expended--- ----------- ___ __ __ 6,137.61 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 195,367.73 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_---- $39.20 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_- 104.31 -- 143.51 Balance available, June 30, 1948_--------- _ _ - 195,224.22 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------ ---- ---- --- 16.68 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948..----. .-- - 195,240.90 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----- -- 210,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work ---------- 210,000.00 For maintenance_------------------ - 200,000.00 Total.. ..----------------------.------. - ------------ 410,000.00 42. PAWTUCKET (SEEKONK) RIVER R. I. Location.-This river rises in the vicinity of Worcester, Mass., and flows in a general southeasterly direction for about 52 miles, emptying into Providence Harbor at Providence. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 278.) . Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1867, July 5, 1884, and March 3, 1899. For further details see page 1749 of Annual Report fQr 1915, and page 113 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 16 feet deep at mean low water and 150 to 230 feet wide from Red Bridge up to the ledge rock between the wharves at Pawtucket, 3.2 miles; thence with same depth 100 to 60 feet wide through the ledge to Division Street Bridge, 0.2 mile. The mean tidal range is about 4.6 .feet at the mouth of the river and about 5 feet at Pawtucket, and the maximum range due to. the combined effect of wind and other causes is 8 feet or more. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1922, was $423,035, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects but including the expenditure of funds contributed by the State of Rhode Island to the amount of $67,792. The latest (1928) esti- mate for annual cost of maintenance is $10,000. RIVERS AND .HARBORS-- EW ENGLAND DIVISION 93 The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1905 The 16-foot channel from Red Bridge in Providence, H. Doe. 113, 56th Cong., 1st sess. to )livision St. Bridge in Pawtucket. Mar. 3, 1909 Provisional authorization to deepen the channel to Specified in act. 18 feet at mean low water and increasing the width at such places as would best serve the interests of navigation. Mar. 2, 1919 Widening the channel, except through the ledge at HI. Doc. 1283, 64th Cong., 1st sess. Pawtucket, to 150 feet. (Contain latest published map.) Sept. 22, 1922 Present project width of channel through the ledge at HI. Doc. 654, 66th Cong., 2d sess. Pawtucket. J . _ ' ---- Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-Including the five terminals at and near Phillipsdale, the facilities cover about 5,260 feet of docking space, of which 700 feet is owned by the State of Rhode Island and 4,560 feet owned and used by private owners. At the State terminal 100 feet of docking space is available for public use. The facilities are considered adequate for the existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preliminary costs in connection with contract dredging to restore the inner channel were $2,867.74. The expenditures have been $2,743.19, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1927. The controlling depths at mean low water in 1948 were as follows: 17 feet to a point about 2400 feet below State pier, Pawtucket, except for minor edge shoals; thence 15 feet in the middle half of channel to State Pier; thence about 12 feet to the head of the project. The head of navigation is at Pawtucket Falls, about 5.2 miles above the mouth of the river. The costs under the existing project have been $337,788.85 for new work, and $445,700.64 for maintenance, a total of $783,489.49. The expendi- tures have been $783,364.94. In" addition, the sum of $67,792 has been expended for new work from contributed funds. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year in the amount of $147,256.81 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable ----------- _ ----------- ----------- $124.55 Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, about 150,000 cubic yards of mud from the inner channel in the summer and fall of 1948 --- ---- 147,132.26 Total-- _147,256.81 .----------------------------------- 1 No work is contemplated during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_. $672,214.17 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----- _ _..--- 445,700.64 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-....---. 1,117,914.81 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948_ _--------------- _ - 124.55 Net total expenditures ............. ...-.....-... 1 1,117,790.26 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948............. ...... .. .147,256.81 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- - _-1- 1,265,047.07 In addition, $67,792 has been expended from contributed funds fornew work. 804711-48-Vol. 1-7 94 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work --- -- --- --------- - -- - - - - --.- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Cost of maintenance-----------...........-100, 746. 12 ----.......--------------------.............------------- $2, 867.74 Total expended- ................ 71, 2610. 50 $29, 753. 53 ---------...---------- -- 2, 743. 10 Allotted ..-.-- ... .. 000.00 69, 97- -3, .984.... . ............. ._ -10,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year--_ -------------- $150,000.00 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 2,743.19 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 147,256.81 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------------------..... - 124.55 Balance available, June 30, 1948-_------__---------- 147,132.26 43. WICKFORD HARBOR, R. I. Location.-On the west shore of Narragansett Bay about 20 miles south of Providence, R. I. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey Charts Nos. 236 and 353.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1873 and June 3, 1896. For further details see page 972, Annual Report for 1873, page 1261, Annual Report for 1900 and page 112, Annual Report for 1943. Existing project.-This provides for two riprap breakwaters at the entrance to the outer harbor, one from Sauga Point about 1,130 feet long and one from Poplar Point about 825 feet long, and for maintenance of the channel 9 feet deep at mean low water, 60 feet wide with enlargements at the bends, up to the wharves at Wickford, completed under a previous project. The mean and spring tidal ranges are 4.1 and 5.1 feet respectively. The estimates of cost, made in 1946, are $125,000 for new work, exclusive of $25,000 to be contributed by local interests and exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects; and $1,000 annually for maintenance, revised in 1948. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946. The latest published map is in the project document (S. Doc. No. 141, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized the existing project subject to the conditions that local interests contribute $25,000 toward the first cost of the breakwaters, and in addition establish and maintain a suitable public wharf and hold and save the United States free from dam- ages resulting from the improvement. It is expected that these requirements will be met. Terminal facilities.-There are several small private wharves open to the public subject to the owners' convenience. These are inadequate for existing traffic. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work on the existing project has not begun. The controlling depths, at mean low water, as determined in 1940, were 9 feet through the entrance to Wickford Cove to a point about 2,100 feet below the highway bridge, thence RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 95 7 feet for a distance of about 1,700 feet, thence 5 feet to the bridge, and about 6 feet in the approach to Mill Cove. There have been no costs or expenditures under the existing project. Proposed operations.--A new work allotment of $95,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to the construction of the breakwaters. No work is contemplated during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ___________-- ---------- $16,300 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------ --------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -------- 16,300 Net total expenditures__----- -- _--------16,300 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------- 16,300 Amount allotted in July 1948_ 95,000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 95,000 44. HARBOR OF REFUGE AT POINT JUDITH AND POINT JUDITH POND, R. I. Location.-Point Judith marks the southwestern entrance to Narragansett Bay. The harbor lies in the shallow bight west of the point, about 14 miles southwest of Newport Harbor, R. I., and 33 miles east of New London Harbor, Conn. Point Judith Pond is a shallow salt pond, with a length north and south of about 4 miles, lying in the rear of the sandy beach of the Rhode Island shore, just west of Point Judith, and is connected with Point Judith Harbor by a narrow opening through the sand dunes. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts No. 276 and 1210). Project for entrance to Point Judith Pond, R I.-Abandoned.- This project provides for extension of the jetties or dredging, as the Secretary of War might deem most beneficial, in furtherance of the work done by the State of Rhode Island and town of South Kingston in dredging a channel about 75 feet wide and 7 feet deep through the beach and marsh separating the pond from the ocean, and in building two stone jetties at the ocean end. The western jetty was extended inland as a protection to its inner end under this authorization. The approved estimate of the cost for the extension of the jetties was $10,000. The project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1905, in accordance with the report published in House Document No. 60, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. Total costs and expenditures under this project were $12,000, all for new work. In accordance with the recommendation contained in Senate Document No. 15, Eightieth Congress, first session, the River and Harbor Act approved June 30, 1948, abandoned this project and extended the limits of the project for the Harbor of Refuge at Point Judith to include im- provements in Point Judith Pond. Existing project.-This provides for a main breakwater 6,970 feet long, built in part on Squid Ledge approximately in the form of the letter V, with its apex facing outward in about a south by west direction, and lying from 1/2 to 11/4, miles from shore; for an east shore-arm breakwater 2,240 feet long, east of the main breakwater, leaving an entrance to the harbor 1,200 feet in width; 96 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 for a west shore-arm breakwater 3,640 feet long, extending toward the west arm of the main breakwater, leaving an entrance to the harbor 1,500 feet in width; and for the removal of two shoals, one in the anchorage area and the other near the easterly entrance, to a depth of 18 feet at mean low water. All breakwaters are of the rubble-mound type, with the crests 8 nd 10 feet above mean low water. The project further provides for a channel into Point Judith Pond 15 feet deep and 150 feet wide between the jetties and extend- ing thence on the west side of the pond to a point 100 feet north of the State pier at Jerusalem with a branch channel 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide on the east side of the pond extending to a point 100 feet north of the State pier at Galilee; and anchorage basin just inside the entrance 10 feet deep with an area of about 5 acres; sand-arresting structures of sheet piling or other works at the en- trance; a channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the 15-foot west branch to the vicinity of Wakefield with an anchorage basin 6 feet deep and about 5 acres in area at the upper end. The mean and spring tidal ranges are 3.1 and 3.9 feet, respec- tively, in the Harbor of Refuge. The mean tidal range in the pond is about 2.8 feet. The estimates of cost are $2,713,500 for new work (exclusive of $12,000 for project for entrance to Point Judith Pond, R. I., now abandoned) revised in 1946, and $27,000 annu- ally for maintenance, revised in 1946. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Sept. 19, 1890 The main breakwater-- -----------------------. Doc. No. 6, 1st Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1907 Present dimensions of eastern shore arm...... . Doc. No. 60, 58th Cong., 2d sess. . I------ June 25, 1910 The western shore arm---------__11..................... Doc. No. 911, 60th Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1919 Removing 2 shoals from the harbor area-----------............. I.oc. No. 2001, 64th Cong., 2d sess.' June 30, 1948 Abandons project for Entrance to Point Judith Pond 2 S. Doc. No. 15, 80th Cong., 1st and authorizes channels and anchorages in lower sess.' pond and upper pond. 1 Contains latest published map: 2 For complete description of project for Entrance to Point Judith Pond, R. I., see page 142 of Annual Report for 1917. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act approved June 30, 1948, authorized the improvement of the entrance channel to Point Judith Pond and the improvements within the pond subject to the conditions that prior to construction of the 6-foot channel and basin, local interests contribute 50 percent of the first cost of these improvements, but not to exceed $30,000; and that no work be undertaken until local interests agree to (a) repair and stabilize the outer 450 feet of the State bulkhead along the entrance and maintain the bulkhead and State piers, (b) furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way and suit- able spoil disposal areas for the new work and subsequent main- tenance as and when required and (c) hold and save the United States free from damages due to the improvements. The State of Rhode Island and the town of South Kingstown have expended about $290,000, exclusive of a Federal Public Works RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 97 Administration grant of $77,000, in dredging an anchorage basin and channels, extending the stone east jetty, constructing sheet- Pile bulkhead, constructing a pier on each sideof the basin, and repairing the east jetty and bulkhead following the hurricane of 1938. Terminal facilities.-There are no terminal facilities on the Har- bor of Refuge. Inside the entrance to the pond, the State of Rhode Island owns and operates two public piers, each with about 450 feet of berthing space, one on the east shore at Galilee and the other at Jerusalem, on the west shore. Fish are landed at both piers. The one at Galilee is the mainland terminus of the mail, passenger and freight boat service to Block Island. A number of small private piers, which are used by fishing and pleasure craft, are located on both sides of the basin. The United States Coast Guard has a boathouse and pier at Galilee. None of the piers has mechanical facilities for handling freight. At Wakefield, there is a boat yard amply equipped for servicing and storing small craft up to 5 feet in draft. The Point Judith Yacht Club has some pier facilities at this boat yard. There are no rail connections to any of the piers. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The breakwaters were com- pleted in 1914 and dredging of shoals in the protected area was done in 1921. The work remaining to be done includes the entrance channel to the pond, the channels and anchorages in the lower and upper ponds and sand-arresting works. The controlling depths for the Harbor of Refuge, as determined in 1939, were as follows: West entrance about 19 feet; east entrance about 22 feet; behind the breakwater 18 to 25 feet. The breakwaters are in need of repairs. The costs and expenditures have been $2,371,467.55 for new work and $739,633.93 for maintenance, a total of $3,111,- 101.48. Conditions in the entrance channel and the channels and anchor- ages in the pond are as shown in the latest project document (S. Doc. No. 15, 80th Cong., 1st sess.) Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $200,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance of the breakwaters, by contract, plac- ing about 30,000 tons of riprap, in the summer of 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----......... ........... $2,383,467.55 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---- - - - 739,633.93 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......--------- 3,123,101.48 Net total expenditures_.-----..-..--.-------. --. - 3,123,101.48 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-. -----------.- 3,123,101.48 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- 176,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance _________________ -_____ 200,000.00 98 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 45. HARBOR OF REFUGE AT BLOCK ISLAND, R. I. Location.-Located on the east side of Block Island, near the south end of the inner curve of the shore line. It is 13 miles south- southwest from Point Judith Harbor and about 25 miles south- easterly from Stonington Harbor, Conn. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 276.) Existing project.-This provides for a rubble-mound break- water extending northerly about 1,950 feet from the shore; a similar breakwater about 1,100 feet long, extending northerly and easterly, enclosing, with the main breakwater, an area about 800 feet square designated as the inner harbor; masonry walls in the southeastern corner of the inner harbor enclosing an area nearly 300 feet square designated as the basin; and for dredging to a depth of 15 feet at mean low water the outer protected area and about 67 percent of the inner harbor and of the basin. The mean tidal range is 2.9 feet, and the maximum range, due to the com- bined effects of wind and other causes, is 7 feet or more. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1928, is $615,300. The latest (1928) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 11, 1870 The main breakwater -------------------------....................... Annual Report 1868, p. 785, and S. Misc. Doc. 81, 40th Cong., 2d SOeSS. Aug. 5, 1886 Breakwater enclosing the inner harbor------------............ S. D)oc. 27, 48th Cong., 2d sess., and June 3, 1896 Raising the crest of the main breakwater and making it sandtight. II. l)oc. 83, 54th Cong., 1st sess. Annual Report, 1885, p. 610. July 25, 1912 Rebuilding the basin walls and present project dimen- II. )oc. 828, 60th Cong., 1st sess. sions of the dredges areas. (Contains latest published map.) Recommended modifications of project.-On June 24, 1926, the Chief of Engineers recommended that this project be modified by eliminating the dredging of the outer harbor west of the entrance channel (H. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess.). Terminal facilities.-There is one wharf with a total of 265 feet of docking space, 240 feet of which is owned by the town. All landing space is used to capacity and is considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.--A condition survey of the breakwaters was completed at a cost of $500. Maintenance dredging of the entrance channel and basin, by contract, in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year was com- pleted on July 26, 1947. During the period, 25,375 cubic yards of ordinary material were removed at a cost of $24,769.74. Total costs were $25,269.74, all for maintenance. The expenditures were $25,245.75, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 94 percent complete. The breakwater and harbor walls were com- pleted in 1916. The inner harbor and basin have been dredged to project dimensions, and a channel 60 to 130 feet wide and 15 RIVERS ANDI) HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 99 feet deep has been dredged from deep water outside the harbor up to the town wharf. The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Entrance channel to head of basin 15 feet for a width of 100 feet (July 1947) ; inner harbor, 15 feet except for shoal extending 100 to 200 feet from the west end and other minor shoals (August 1945) ; and outer protected area 6 to 14 feet (1941). The harbor walls are in good condition; the breakwaters are in need of extensive repairs. The costs and expenditures have been $576,856.47 for new work and $272,181.41 for maintenance, a total of $849,037.88. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $100,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950, by contract, for making necessary repairs to the break- waters. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__-.----------- - ___$576,856.47 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 __------ --------- 272,181.41 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .--------- 849,037.88 Net total expenditures_______________ ____-__-_ _--849,037.88 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 849,037.88 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .. .. . ._ ...................... $65.'.0" . Cost of maintenanc . ...... $26, 346. 72 ----------------............. $658. 10 $, 887. 41 $25, 269. 74 Total expended_--....-.-.-,. . 26,414.61 --------------- 658. 10 3,911.40 25, 245.75 Allotted ---------------------- 8, 997. 18 $25,000.00 -24,341.90 34, 600.00 -5,442.85 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------- . ---.-.- - - $30,688.60 Amount allotted during fiscal year---_----...-. . -... --.-.-.- - 500.00 Amount to be accounted for--------------------------- 31,188.60 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------------- 5,942.85 Net amount to be accounted for ----------------------- 25,245.75 Gross amount expended-----------------------................................ 25,245.75 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --------------------------------------- 38,400.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance__-- ------------- --- - 100,000.00 46. PAWCATUCK RIVER, R. I. AND CONN. Location.-Formed by the junction of the Wood and Charles Rivers in southwestern Rhode Island, the river flows westerly and southerly 18 miles and enters Little Narragansett Bay about 13 miles east of New London Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 358 and 1211.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1871, August 14, 1876, and August 5, 1886. For further details see page 1752 of the Annual Report for 1915 and page 69 of the Annual Report for 1933, 100 REPORT OF CCHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-This provides for a channel in Little Narra- gansett Bay and in the river 10 feet deep at mean low water and 200 feet wide from Stonington to Avondale, about 4 miles; 100 feet wide from Avondale to the lower wharves at Westerly, about 3 miles; and 40 feet wide between the lower and upper wharves of Westerly, about one-half mile; for the removal of obstruction at Watch Hill, at the southeastern part of Little Narragansett Bay; for a channel 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the mouth of the river into Watch Hill Cove; for an anchorage basin in the cove 10 feet deep and about 16 acres in area; and for a riprap jetty 200 feet in length near the southwest corner of the basin. The mean tidal range is about 2.5 feet, and the maximum range, due to the com- bined effect of wind and other causes, is 7 feet or more. The estimate of cost, revised in 1946, is $218,500 for new work, exclusive of $20,000 to be contributed by local interests, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, and $4,000 annually for maintenance. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work:authorized Documents I June 3, 1896 Present channel dimensions-................... . .. I: .Doc. 62, 54th Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 3, 190)5 Removal of obstructions near Watch Hill- .. .. / Specified in act. Mar. 2, 1945 Channel, anchorage and jetty at Watch Hill Cove - _ It. . I)oc. 839, 76th Cong., 3d sess.' 1 Contain latest published maps. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the channel, anchorage, and jetty at Watch Hill Cove subject to the conditions that local interests furnish free of cost to the United States, suitable spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and subsequent maintenance when and as required, and contribute in cash 40 percent of the first cost of the work, but not to exceed $20,000. These requirements have been met. Terminal facilities.-There are five private wharves in use near the head of navigation. At Watch Hill there are three public wharves and the yacht club wharf with a total of about 500 feet of berthage. Facilities are adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-During the year, new work for improvement of Watch Hill Cove was prosecuted utilizing funds advanced by local interests. Preliminary costs in connection with the contract for new work of dredging an ap- proach channel to Watch Hill Cove and anchorage basin at the Cove amounted to $2,050.19. No work was done by the contractor during the fiscal year. Government costs have been $210.32. Total costs were $2,260.51. Preliminary costs in connection with the construction of a riprap jetty near the southwest corner of the basin amounted to $498.57. Work under the contract for placing stone was commenced on May 4, 1948 and completed on May 21, 1948. During the period, 456 tons of riprap were placed at a cost of $3,990. The Government costs have been $912.88. The total costs of the jetty work were $5,401.45. Total costs and expendi- tures for new work were $7,661.96, all from advanced funds. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 101 Preliminary costs in connection with the contract for main- tenance dredging of the channel to Westerly, R. I., amounted to $105.76 during the fiscal year. Dredging operations were com- menced on June 28, 1948 and were in progress at the end of the year. During the period, 4,000 cubic yards of ordinary material were removed at a cost of $2,988. The Government costs to date have been $1,215.43. The total cost of maintenance was $4,309.19. The expenditures were $1,191 from regular funds. Total cost, all funds, were $11,971.15, of which $7,661.96 was for new work and $4,309.19 was for maintenance. Total expenditures, all funds, were $8,852.96. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 45 percent complete. The bay and river channels have been dredged to project dimensions; except that the channel in the bay has a general width of 100 feet, the channel in the river at Pawcatuck Rocks a width of 80 feet, and there is a slight deficiency in depth at the channel edges in the vicinity of Rhodes Folly Bea- con, due to ledge rock or large boulders deeply embedded in the bottom. The most obstructive boulders in the vicinity of Watch Hill have been removed, the work being completed in 1913. The channel and anchorage at Watch Hill Cove have not been con- structed. The controlling depths at mean low water were as fol- lows: 7.5 feet through Little Narragansett Bay, thence 9 feet to the wharves in Westerly, except edge shoals to 6 feet (April 1945) ; 6 feet in natural channel through Little Narraganset Bay to Watch Hill, and +1 to 7 feet in Watch Hill Cove (1947). The head of commercial navigation is at the highway bridge at Westerly. To complete the project requires widening of the channel to 200 feet to Avondale, the removal of rock at Pawcatuck Rocks and in the vicinity of Rhodes Folly Beacon, and the construction of the channel and anchorage at Watch Hill Cove. The costs under the existing project have been $85,335.10 in addition to $7,661.96 paid from funds advanced by local interests for new work, and $126,- 723.23 for maintenance, a total of $219,720.29. The expenditures have been $208,940.14 in addition to $7,661.96 expended from ad- vanced funds, a total of $216,602.10. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $160,786.93,, including $20,000 contributed funds, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable_..--- -....- - ---.....-.. --..-.- $3,118.19 New work: Dredging anchorage and approach channel at Watch Hill Cove in fall of 1948------------------.----..-__.. ---- Maintenance: Dredging shoals in river channel to Westerly in summer 80,838.04 of 1948 ----------------------------------------------- 76,830.70 Total.----------------------------------------_ 160,786.93 Maintenance of the channel, anchorage or jetty will not be neces- sary during the fiscal year 1950. However, the additional sum of $68,500 in new work funds can be used to reimburse the Watch Hill Fire District, Westerly, Rhode Island, for the funds in like amount advanced for undertaking the construction of the improve- ment at Watch Hill Cove. 102 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary U. S. FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- .218,692.07 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- ----------------------- 126,723.23 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.....---------- 345,415.30 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948-. - . .-.- _ _ - -- 3,118.19 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 342,297.11 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948--------------------------- 79,948.89 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 422,246.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 work- o new Cs -- I _ __ Cost of new work .............. Cost of maintenance---------..... ..............$2,508. 32 $166. 69 $185. 10 $4,309 19 Total expended-......---------------...... .......... 2, 508.32 166.69 185.10 1, 191.00 I._._...... - - I Allotted..,------------- ------- 35,000.00 9,000.00 .... .. ........ 40,000.00 .I 1 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 .. $41,139.89 _ Amount allotted during fiscal year... 40,000.00 Amount to be accounted for_-- 81,139.89 Gross amount expended-_--.--------_-_ - $1,241.53 Less reimbursed expenditures--------------- 50.53 1,191.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948...--- ..---- 79,948.89 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_---- $3,118.19 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-. 76,818.81 79,937.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948 -------- -------------- 11.89 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- 133,100.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work 1 - - --------- 68,500.00 I For repayment of funds advanced by local interests. CONTRIBUTED AND ADVANCED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_.....-------------- $7,661.96 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_..... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... 7,661.96 Net total expenditures ------------------------------------ 7,661.96 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 _-----------------. ---. - 80,838.04 Total amount contributed and advanced to June 30, 1948 1 88,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work............... -------------- --------- .------.------- $7,661.96 Cost of maintenance --.........----- Total expended--------.............---- - ---------------------------------------------- 7,661.96 Contributed and advanced..-.... i------- ------------- ------ 88, 500.00 1 Includes $68,500 advanced by local interests. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 103 Amount allotted during fiscal year ______------------------- $88,500.00 Gross amount expended_.-------------------------------- 7,661.96 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -------------- ---- 80,838.04 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts..----------------- 65,937.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------- 14,901.04 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR PAWCATIJCK RIVER, R. I. AND CONN. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ __-------. -------- .$226,354.03 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 126,723.23 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------......... 353,077.26 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948_------ -----------. .-- 3,118.19 Net total expenditures_______------ --- --------- 349,959.07 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948----------- ---------- 160,786.93 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 510,746.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---- ------.........--------------- -- _------ - - $----- $7, 661. 96 Cost of maintenance- ...................... -$2, 608.32 $166,69. $18, 10 4,309.19 Total cost ..............--------............... 2, 508. 32 166. 69 185.10 11,971.15 Total expended ----------------.................----------.............. 2, 508. 32 166, 69 185. 10 8, 852. 96 Allotted, contributed and ad- Vanced -...................... .............. 35,000.00 9,000. 00 ............. 500.00 128, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ......................... $41,139.89 Amount allotted during fiscal year-- ------------------------- 128,500.00 Amount to be accounted for-------------- - __ -169,639.89 Gross amount expended----------------------$8,903.49 Less reimbursed expenditures------ _ .50.53 ----- 8,852.96 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 160,786.93 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_._.. $3,118.19 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts._ 142,755.81 145,874.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948.._____-......... ... 14,912.93 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion. of existing project -------------------------------------- 133,100.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work 1' _--------- 68,500.00 SFor repayment of funds advanced by local interests. 104 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 47. NEW LONDON HARBOR, CONN. Locality.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound, at its eastern end and about 14 miles east of the mouth of the Connecti- cut River. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 293.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 14, 1880, March 3, 1881, and July 13, 1892. For further details see Annual Reports for 1915 and 1938, pages 1753 and 116, respec- tively. Existing project.-This provides for an entrance channel gen- erally_ 600 feet wide, widened at the approach to the State pier, 33 feet deep and about 3.8 miles long from deep water in Long Island Sound to the State pier, a channel 400 feet or more in width, 23 feet deep, and about 6,000 feet long skirting the water front of the city; branch channels 23 feet deep in Winthrop Cove and east of Central Vermont Railroad pier generally 250 feet wide, 1,500 feet long and 100 feet wide, 1,000 feet long respectively; a maneu- vering area 0 to 450 feet wide, 23 feet deep, west of the main channel and south of the State pier; and for dredging Shaws Cove to a depth of 15 feet. The plane of reference is mean low water, the mean tidal range being 2.5 feet. The maximum tidal range, due to the combined effects of wind and other causes, is 7 feet or more. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1937, was $568,400, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1937) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,900. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 13, 1902 Water-front channel and branch channels in Winthrop Cove and east of Central Vermont Railroad pier... H. I)oc. 392, 56th Cong., 1st sess. June 25, 1910 Dredging in Shaws Cove--------------- Ii. Doc. 329, 60th Cong., 1st sess. July 27, 1916 Entrance channel- -.- _ . . . Doc. 613, 63d Cong., 2d sess. Aug. 26, 1937 Maneuvering area and present project extent of en- Rivers and. arbors Committee trance channel. t Doc. 82, 74th Cong., 2d sess. 1 Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.--These comprise 44 wharves and piers in a developed frontage of about 3 miles. Five piers are owned and used by the Federal Government, one owned by the city, and one by the State. Seven of the wharves are entirely or in part open to general public use and two by agreement with the owners. Three wharves have direct rail connections. The total available berthage space is about 27,000 feet. Facilities are considered ade- quate for existing commerce. (For further details see Port Series No. 18, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1938. The controlling depths at mean low water were: Entrance channel to State pier, about 32 feet (1942 and 1943) ; waterfront channel, 23 feet except for minor shoal to 19 feet in south reach (1943); Winthrop Cove, 22 feet (1941) ; and Shaws RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 105 Cove, 15 feet (1941). The costs and expenditures under the exist- ing project have been $567,974.19 for new work and $219,029.37 for maintenance, a total of $787,003.56. Proposed operations. -An allotment of $75,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dredging of the outer portion of the entrance channel by contract in the spring of 1949. No work is contemplated during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------- --------------- $608,774.19 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------- --------------- 219,029.37 - -_ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ..... - 827,803.56 Net total expenditures..------------------------.---.-------. 827,803.56 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 827,803.56 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ............-- .- --- -------- ---- ------ - . . . ---.-.... ..-------------- Cost of maintenance--___. - ------- -- ..--- _----_-- ---- ---------------------------- Total expended --...- . $24, 924. 71- -------------- ---------------------- Allotted. -610. 24 ........ .................................... Amount allotted in July 1948------- - --------------- .1 $75,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949......____ 75,000.00 48. THAMES RIVER, CONN. Location.-This is a tidal estuary varying in width from about 400 feet to three-fourths of a mile, and extending from the junc- tion of the Yantic and Shetucket Rivers at Norwich, Conn., 15 miles southerly to Long Island Sound at New London. (See United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 359.) "Previous projects.--Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of July 4, 1836, and March 3, 1879. For further details see page 1754 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 118 of Apnual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 25 feet deep and 250 feet wide to the upper end of Barletts Crossover and thence to Norwich generally 200 feet wide, with increased width in the bends, through Long Reach, and at the head of navigation, a total distance of about 8.6 miles; for widening the channel opposite the submarine base by an average of about 350 feet with a depth of 20 feet, the construction of five training walls of pile and stone or riprap, having their tops at mean high water and with an aggre- gate length of about 13,800 feet, located, respectively, at Mohegan, Trading Cove, Long Rock, Rolling Mill and Norwich, and the re- moval of obstructions in the Shetucket River at Norwich. The plane of reference is mean low water, the mean tidal range being 2.6 feet at New London, and 3.1 feet at Norwich. The maximum range, due to the combined effect of wind and other causes, is 7 feet or more. The estimate of cost, revised in 1945, is $1,339,000 for new work exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, and $31,000 annually for maintenance. 106 REPORT OF CHIEF OP ENGINEERS, V. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 2, 1882 Training walls ....---- ..------------------------ nnual Report, 1882, p. 606. June 25, 1910 Removal of obstructions in the Shetucket River .... .. oc. 397, 61st Cong., 2d sess. Jan. 21, 1927 Channel 18 feet deep above Allyns Point___.. . 11.. Doc. 107, 69th Cong., 1st sess. July 3, 1930 Present project dimensions of channel up to Allyns Rivers and Harbors Committee point. D)oc. 14, 71st Cong., 2(1sess.' Aug. 30, 1935 Present project dimensions of channel above Allyns Rivers and Harbors Committee Point. Doc. 18, 74th Cong., 1st sess.' t Mar. 2, 1945 Increased width opposite submarine base, 20 feet eep II. D)oc. 367, 76th Cong., 1st sess. 'Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-The widening opposite the submarine base was accomplished by the United States Navy Department in 1940 at a cost of about $125,000 from special funds allotted the Navy for extension of the submarine base. Terminal facilities.-Wharves along the river and at Norwich are mainly of the bulkhead type, both with and without pile aprons. The facilities are considered adequate for the existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was prac- tically complete. The training walls were completed in 1906, except the upper end of the Rolling Mill dike, which is replaced by ad- jacent shore improvements. The training walls are in fair condi- tion. The widening opposite the submarine base .was completed in 1940 by the Navy Department. To complete the project requires slight widening of the channel at the upper end of Long Reach. The head of navigation is at Norwich, about 15 miles above the mouth. The controlling depth at mean low water (not full width) was 25 feet to Bartletts Crossover (1946) ; thence 25 feet to Norwich, except for minor shoals (1947) ; and 12 feet in the Shetucket River up to the town wharf (1947). The coasts and expenditures under the existing project have been $1,323,571.87 for new work, and $490,183.46 for maintenance, a total of $1,813,755.33. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $75,000 made in July 1948 will be expended in maintenance dredging, by contract, of about 150,000 cubic yards of mud and sand from the river channel between the Submarine Base and Norwich in the spring of 1949. No work is contemplated during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_______________________ $1,471,919.46 Cost of maintenance to June 30,,1948 --- _ -- _-------- 526,779.33 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.--------- 1,998,698.79 Net total expenditures ---------------------------------- 1,998,698.79 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------..--. -- . 1,998,698.79 Fiscal yeas ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work. .. . Cost of maintenance-------------------------- $592.31 --- $3,9 031.88 - Total expended------------- ----------------- 592.31 ------------ 3,931.88 - Allotted---------- -------. --$31,5000 592.31 ------------- 3,931.8 ... . RI[VERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 107 Amount allotted in July 1948.-------------- --------------- $75,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949. ------------ 75,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project 1-.. ---.------------------------------ 15,000.00 49. CONNECTICUT RIVER BELOW HARTFORD, CONN. Location.--This river has its source in Connecticut Lake in northern New Hampshire, flows southerly 380 miles, and empties into Long Island Sound at Saybrook, Conn., 14 miles west of New London. Hartford, now the head of commercial navigation, is 52 statute miles by channel from the mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey charts Nos. 215, 254, 255, and 256.) Previous project.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of July 4, 1836, and July 11, 1870. For further details see page 1754, Annual Report for 1915, and page 120, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 15 feet deep at mean low water, 300 feet wide from the mouth to the Lyme rail- road bridge, about 3.4 miles, and thence 150 feet wide to Hartford, a total distance of 52 miles, the channel to be obtained by dredg- ing and the construction of dikes, training walls, revetments, and the accessory works; for two riprap jetties at the mouth of the river, the tops to be 5 feet above high water and 6 feet wide, the easterly one about 2,300 feet and the westerly about 2,750 feet in length; for a training dike about 3,700 feet long at Hartford, and for an anchorage 11 feet deep about 12 acres and one 6 feet deep about 17 acres in North Cove, Old Saybrook with an entrance channel 11 feet deep and 100 feet wide. The mean tidal range is 3.5 feet at the mouth and, at summer stage about 1 foot at Hart- ford. The maximum tidal range at the mouth, due to wind or other causes, is 8 feet or more. At Hartford the usual rise due to spring freshets is between 16 and 24 feet above mean low water. The maximum recorded freshet at Hartford (March 1936) was 35.5 feet above mean low water. Below Middletown the height of the crest of the freshet decreases rapidly. The estimate of cost, revised in 1946, is $1,093,500 for new work, exclusive of $67,500 to be contributed by local interests, and $87,000 annually for maintenance, revised in 1948. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 10, 1872 Jetties at the mouth ................................ Present project dimensions ap- proved by the Chief of Engineers, Dec. 22, 1887. Mar. 3, 1881 The Hartford dike_________ __............. . ___ .. Present project dimensions author- ized by the Chief of Engineers in 1889. Feb. 27, 1911 Present project dimensions of the channel over Say- II. Doc. 1294, 61st Cong., 3d sess. brook lBar. Mar. 2, 1919 Dikes, trainining walls, and revetments .---........... .H. Doc. 132, 65th Cong., 1st sess.i Aug. 30, 1935 Present project dimensions of channel and additional II. Doc. 49, 73d Cong., 1st sess.' (likes, training walls, revetments, and accessory works. Mar. 2, 1945 Channel and anchorages, North (Cove, Old Saybrook II. Doc. 368, 76th Cong., 1st sess.' Contain latest published maps. 108 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935, authorized the 15-foot channel up to Hartford and additional dikes, training walls, and revetments, subject to the provision that local interests shall furnish, free of cost to the United States, suit- able areas for the disposal of dredged material during initial con- struction and for future maintenance as and when needed. Areas have been furnished where required and it is understood that future requirements will be met. The River and Harbor Act ap- proved March 2, 1945, authorized the channel and anchorages in North Cove subject to the provisions that local interests contribute in cash $67,500, but not to exceed 50 percent of the initial con- struction cost and give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will provide a suitable public landing in the cove. It is expected that these requirements will be met in 1949. Terminal facilities.-There are two or three wharves at each of the river towns, one or more in each town being open to public use. At Hartford and at Middletown there is approximately one-half mile of wharf frontage along the west bank of the river. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract in force at the beginning of the fiscal year 1948 timber pile train- ing dikes were constructed at Wethersfield during the period July 22 to November 4, 1947. Total costs were $39,462.03 for new work. Under a contract in force at the beginning of the fiscal year, stone bank revetment was constructed at Glastonbury during the period August 4 to August 27, 1947. The costs were $37,100.44 for new work. Under a contract in force at the beginning of the fiscal year, repairs were made to the dikes and revetments near Glastonbury during the period'July 28 to September 23, 1947. The costs and expenditures were $25,084.59 for maintenance. Preliminary costs for maintenance by hired labor in connection with the several features of improvement were as follows: Dredging river bars below Middletown--1947-------------------- $1,817.60 Dredging river bars above and below Middletown--1947- ----- _ Dredging river bars below Middletown--1948-- ------------------ - 2,977.73 4,703.68 Total costs during the fiscal year were $76,562.47 for new work and $34,583.60 for maintenance, a total of $111,146.07. The ex- penditures have been $113,846.09. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 73 percent complete. The 15-foot channel from the mouth to Hart- ford was completed in 1937. The Saybrook jetties and training walls at Hartford, Clay Banks, and Sears Shoal were completed in 1915. The stone dikes and timber spurs at Pistol Point, Glaston- bury, Press Barn, Naubuc, Cys Hollow, and Clay Banks were com- pleted in 1927 and those at Wethersfield in 1947. Timber pile dikes at Press Barn were completed in 1940 and at Glastonbury Bend in 1943. The Clay Banks, Cys Hollow, Naubuc, Press Barn, Glaston- bury (including Two Piers), and Gildersleeve Island Reaches have been revetted. The jetties at Saybrook need repairs. The training walls, dikes and revetments are generally in good condition. To complete the project requires the construction of additional perma- RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 109 nent works, and dredging the channel and anchorage in North Cove, Old Saybrook, Conn. The head of commercial navigation is at Hartford, 52 miles by channel from the mouth. A dam at Holyoke, Mass., 34 miles above Hartford, completely interrupts navigation. Due to the spring freshets of 1948 the channel dimensions are somewhat diminished. The controlling depths at mean low water were 15 feet on Saybrook Outer Bar for about one-half the width, with shoaling to about 9 feet on one side (May 1948), thence 15 feet to Middletown except for minor shoals (June 1946), and thence 12.5 feet to Hartford (June 1948). The costs under the existing project have been $849,555.98 for new work and $1,554,- 715.54 for maintenance, a total of $2,404,271.52. Expenditures have been $2,404,069.16. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $99,317.25, plus an allotment of $200,000 made in July 1948 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable_ ------------------------------------- $202.36 Maintenance: Dredging on river bars below Middletown, by contract, summer and fall of 1948_____--- ____-------________--- 100,000.00 Dredging on river bars above Middletown, by contract, summer and fall of 1948 __-- ------------- 106,614.89 Dredging bars below Middletown by United States hopper dredge, May and June 1949 7------------------------------ Repairs to Saybrook jetties, by contract, in the spring of 1949, by placing about 2,500 tons of riprap _-------- _- 17,500.00 Total _______ __.- ___-- __ 299,317.25 .------------------ The additional sum of $150,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Dredging on the river bars above Middletown, by contract, fall of 1949, removing about 175,000 cubic yards of sand-- $100,000 Dredging on the river bars below Middletown by United States hopper dredge about one month in the Spring of 1950---...-.. -50,000 Total_------------ _--------------------------- ------ _ 150,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ... _-. .__ .__.___ $1,136,930.27 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--.---------- - -.._ 1,921,064.01 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--... --- 3,057,994.28 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948. - 202.36 Net total expenditures ---------------------------------- ..... 3,057,791.92 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------. - 99,317.25 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 3,157,109.17 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work....--------------- 4,852. 16 ..-------------- ' 1,036.17 $3,074.61 $76, 562. 47 Cost of maintenance .....------------ 120, 282. 32 $144, 160. 03 159,113.74 16, 557. 71 34, 583. 60 Total cost --................ 125, 134.48 144, 160.03 160,149. 91 19, 632. 32 111, 146.07 Total expended..--------------- ............... 113, 847. 15 135, 803. 51 182, 414. 59 16, 768. 74 113, 846. 09 -.- Allotted . -15, 000. 00 127, 716. 66 290, 000. 00 -101,695. 40 108, 800.00 804711-48-Vol. 1-8 110 REPORT OF CHIEF 'OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------------- $104,363.34 Amount allotted during fiscal year --------------------------- 148,800.00 Amount to be accounted for- .-. _ .. 253,163.34 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment 40,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for----------------_____ 213,163.34 Gross amount expended----------------------____ ________ 113,846.09 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 .- Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948__._...__. ---- 99,317.25 . 202.36 Balance available, June 30, 1948___ ..------------_ -99,114.89 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948__ _____ Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-_- 99,114.89 Amount allotted in July 1948----------------------_ -. ---- 200,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949...... 299,114.89 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- 243,800.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ---------------------------- 150,000.00 50. DUCK ISLAND HARBOR, CONN. Location.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound about 20 miles east of New Haven, Conn. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 216.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of Sep- tember 19, 1890. For further details, see page 1755 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 124 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for the construction of three rip-rap breakwaters, one extending north from Duck Island, 1,100 feet, one extending west from Duck Island 2,697 feet, and one ex- tending south from Stone Island, just south of Kelsey Point, 3,750 feet, each breakwater to be 8 feet wide on top, 9 feet high above mean low water, with side slopes of 2 on 3, except on the harbor side of those at Duck Island, where the slopes are 1 on 1; and for dredging to a depth of 16 feet at mean low water a portion of the protected area back of the breakwaters at Duck Island. The mean and spring tidal ranges are 4.5 and 5.3 feet respectively. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1916, was $370,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $10,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 25, 1910 The breakwaters---- .H. Doc. 398, 60th Cong., 1st sess. July 27, 1916 Dredging..-.--.-H-------__,-_,_-_---_ I- . Doc. 812, 64th Cong., 1st sess. (Contains latest published map.) RIVERS AND HARBORS--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 111 Operations and results during fiscal year.-Costs and expendi- tures in connection with proposed dredging operations amounted to $22.88, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1917, the breakwaters having been completed in 1914. The central portions of the anchorage area have project depth. The controlling depths in 1939 in the protected area were 15 to 20 feet, except in the extreme southeast corner where it was about 8 feet, all at mean low water. The breakwaters need repairs. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $367,- 297.91 for new work and $307,805.48, for maintenance, a total of $675,103.39. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fis- cal year in the amount of $44,977.12 will be applied to maintenance, dredging the area behind the breakwater by United States hopper dredge for about one month in the spring of 1949. No work is contemplated during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 .-------------------------- $482,165.81 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. _________________---- 313,139.58 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------......... 795,305.39 Net total expenditures..--------------..- . ----- 795,305.39 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-------------------- 44,977.12 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 840,282.51 Fiscal year ending June 30) 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.... Cost of maintenance............ . ..-- .-- --- ..- -- ..- --- - -- .- .-.- .. ..----- -. .- $22.88 Total expended ................. --------------.............------------- ..............--------.... 22.88 Allotted ........................ .......... .. -- --- .............. ..............45,000.00 - Amount allotted during fiscal year_-------------------------- $45,000.00 Gross amount expended_---------------------.---. ------- 22.88 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------..........--......... -------- 44,977.12 51. CLINTON HARBOR, CONN. Location.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound about 10 miles west of the mouth of the Connecticut River and about 20 miles east of New Haven Harbor, Conn. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 216 and 1212.) Previous project.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of August 2, 1882. For further details see page 640, Annual Report for 1894 and page 112, Annual Report for 1943. Existing project.--This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide from Long Island Sound to the upper end of the wharves at Clinton, an anchorage area of the same depth opposite and above the wharves, 50 feet wide south of the channel and extending 600 feet above the end of the channel with widths of 150 to 250 feet, and for maintenance of a stone dike 112 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, ,U. S. ARMY, 1948 closing a breach in the sandy peninsula which separates the river from the outer harbor. The mean and spring tidal ranges are 4.7 and 5.5 feet respectively. The estimate of cost, revised in 1946, for new work, is $61,800 exclusive of $6,600 to be contributed by local interests and exclusive of amounts expended under the pre- vious project; and $1,000 annually for maintenance, revised in 1948. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 2, 1882 Dike--- -------------------------------- S. Ex. Doc. 84, 47th Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1945 Channel and anchorage--- ---------------------. I. Doc. 240, 76th Cong., 1st sess. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the existing project subject to the conditions that local interests contribute $6,600 in cash and establish and maintain a public small-boat terminal suitably equipped as may be required and approved by the Secretary of War, at an estimated first cost of not to exceed $8,000, and provide, free of cost to the United States, suitably located and bulkheaded spoil-disposal areas for new work and subsequent maintenance as required, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. It is expected that these requirements will be met in 1949. Terminal facilities.-There are several small private wharves, some of which are open to public use. A public small-boat ter- minal is needed. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work on the existing project has not begun. The controlling depths at mean low water were 4.5 feet in the natural channel to Cedar Island, thence 0 to 9 feet to upper.limit above the wharves at Clinton, and 0 to 16 feet in the 8-foot anchorage (1943). There have been no costs or expenditures under the existing project. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $61,800 made in July 1948 will be applied to improvement dredging, by contract, of a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water from Long Island Sound to upper end of wharves on the Hammonasset River and an anchor- age area 8 feet deep opposite and above the wharves to complete the project. No operations are contemplated during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---- ----- $6,330.02 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------- ------- -1,917.25 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-...... 8,247.27 Net total expenditures----------------------------------8,247.27 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------ 8,247.27 Amount allotted in July 1948----------------- - -- 61,800.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949--._.-.-. ---- 61,800.00 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 113 52. NEW HAVEN HARBOR, CONN. Location. On the north shore of Long Island Sound, about 67 miles to the east of New York City. (See U .S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 218.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of Au- gust 30, 1852. March 3, 1871, June 10, 1872, and for West River, March 3, 1905. For further details, see page 1755 of Annual Re- port for 1915 and page 127 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a main channel 35 feet deep, 400 to 800 feet wide, from Long Island Sound to Tomlinson Bridge; two anchorage basins below Tomlinson Bridge of 16- and 15-foot depths; a pile-and-riprap dike, total length about 4,200 feet, to contract tidal flow at Fort Hale bar; a channel 12 feet deep and 100 to 150 feet wide, from the southwest corner of the 16-foot anchorage basin via Oyster Point and the West Haven wharf front to Kimberly Avenue Bridge; thence 12 feet deep and prevailing width of 75 feet up West River approximately to the railroad bridge, and an anchorage basin 6 feet deep in West River opposite Mars wharf; a channel 100 feet wide and 12 feet deep from the 15-foot anchorage basin toward Brewery Street, about 1,500 feet; a channel in Quinnipiac River 22 feet deep and 250 to 400 feet wide to a point about 1,000 feet above Ferry Street, thence 16 feet deep and 200 feet wide to Grand Avenue, with a turning basin 22 feet deep, 200 to 800 feet wide and 700 feet long at the mouth of Mill River; a channel up Mill River 12 feet deep, 200 feet wide, to the junction of the two branches above Chapel Street, thence to Grand Avenue, 100 feet wide in the East Branch and generally 125 feet wide in the West Branch; and the removal of certain obstruc- tive rocks in Morris Cove. All depths refer to mdan low water, the mean tidal range being 6.2 feet. The maximum tidal range, due to the combined effect of wind and other causes, is 10 feet or more. The estimate of cost revised in 1947 is $4,476,300 for new work exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects,. and $69,000 annually for maintenance. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 2, 1882 Sandy Point dike----............------------------------....................... Plans approved by a Boardof Engi. neers, Oct. 2, 1882. Mar. 3, 1899 June 25, 1910 The 16-foot anchorage basin ------------------------ H. D)oc. 82, 55th Cong., 1st sess. Brewery St. channel, removal of rocks in Morris Cove 11. Doc. 1159, 60th Cong., 2d sess. and present project dimensions of the 15-foot basin. July 25, 1912 Present project dimensions of the channels in Mill H. Doo. 26, 62d Cong., 1st sess. River. Do-_.... Present project dimensions of the West River channel II. Doc. 535, 62d Cong., 2d sess. and anchorage. July 3, 1930 18-foot and 16-foot channels in Quinnipiac River,.... HI. Doc. 686, 69th Cong., 2d sess. Aug. 30, 19351 The 25-foot channel.....H---------- ---------------- 11. Doc. 479, 72d Cong., 2d sess. Mar. 2, 1945 The 30-foot channel and anchorage and present loca- H. Doc. 307, 76th Cong., 1st sess. tion of 16-foot anchorage. July 24, 1946 35-foot main channel, elimination of 30-foot anchorage, HT. Doc. 517, 79th Cong., 2d sess. present location and extent of 16-foot anchorage, and 22-foot channel and turning basin in Quinnipie River. I Also Public Works Administration, Sept. 6, 1933. 2 Contains latest published map. 114 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-The 30- and 35-foot main channels and the 22-foot channel and turning basin in Quinnipiac River were au- thorized subject to the conditions that local interests furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, and rights-of- way and suitable spoil'disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance when and as required, and hold and save the United States free from damages resulting from the improve- ment. These requirements, as applied to the 35-foot channel, have been met, and assurances have been furnished that the require- ments for the 22-foot channel and turning basin in the Quinnipiac River will be met. These assurances were approved by the Chief of Engineers on June 2, 1947. Terminal facilities.-The wharves and piers served by this im- provement are grouped near the head of the main harbor; on both sides of Mill River between Chapel Street and Grand Avenue; on both sides of Quinnipiac River throughout the greater part of its improved portion; at Oyster Point; and along the westerly side of West River. The total length of berthing space available at 50 wharves or piers is about 16,920 feet. One of the wharves is open to public use, 6 are open to public use upon agreement with the owners, and 9 have direct rail connections. Facilities are adequate for existing commerce. For further de- tails see Port and Terminal Facilities of Southern New England. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract in force at the beginning of the fiscal year for improvement dredging of the 35-foot channel widening in the inner harbor, 2,326,721 cubic yards of sand and gravel were removed during the fiscal year at a cost of $510,680.85 for new work. Under a continuing contract for improvement dredging of the 35-foot main channel from Long Island Sound to Colonial Beacon Oil Co., preliminary contract work in preparation for actual hy- draulic dredging operations was in progress from March 23, 1948 to June 30, 1948 for which no costs in connection with the con- tract have been incurred. Preliminary costs for surveys, prepa- ration. of specifications, plans, etc., were $9,437.98, all for new work. Government costs for new work in connection with the above contract have been $11,793.88. Under a contract, a probing survey in the vicinity of the break- water to determine the extent of ledge area was carried on from March 1, 1948 to March 17, 1948 at a cost of $29,136.50, all for new work. Preliminary costs in connection with maintenance dredging in Mill River during the fiscal year amounted to $559.24 for main- tenance. Preliminary costs in connection with maintenance dredging of inner channel widening amounted to $69.72 for maintenance. Adjustment of costs charged to surety in connection with a de- faulted dredging contract amounted to -$3,774.18. Total costs during the year were $561,049.21 for new work and -$3,145.22 for maintenance, a total of $557,903.99. Expenditures were $423,139.45. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 30 percent complete. The Sandy Point dike, completed in 1889, is RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 115 in poor condition. The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Main channel to within 1,000 feet of Tomlinson Bridge, 25 feet except at edges (October 1946), thence to within 300 feet of Tomlinson Bridge, 18 feet (1943) ; 16-foot anchorage, 9 to 25 feet (1942); 15-foot anchorage, 16 feet except at edges (1940); Brewery Street channel, 12 feet except at edges (1940); West Haven 6-foot anchorage, 0 to 12 feet (April 1946) ; West River, 12 feet (except for minor shoals) to Kimberly Avenue Bridge, thence 6 feet to head of navigation (April 1946) ; Mill River, 12 feet (1943) ; Quinnipiac River, 17 feet to Ferry Street Bridge, thence 11 feet except at edges to Grand Avenue Bridge (1943). To complete the project requires the completion of dredging of the 35-foot main channel and the dredging of the 22-foot Quinni- Piac River channel and turning basin. The total costs, all funds, under the existing project have been $3,030,297.31, of which $1,234,542.11 were regular funds, and $350,083.75 Public Works funds, a total of $1,584,625.86 was for new work and $1,445,671.45 Was for maintenance. The total expenditures have been $2,918,- 477.91, Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $1,265,558.33, plus an allotment of $1,200,000, made in July 1948 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable --------------------------------------- $111,819.40 New work: Completion by continuing contract of the 35-foot main channel from the Colonial Beacon Oil Co. to the 35-foot contour in Long Island Sound, except removal of ledge_----_ --- 1,914,821.97 Completion of the 35-foot main channel in the inner harbor .-.. 350,000.00 Maintenance: Dredging of Mill River, by contract, fall of 1948_------------- 88,916.96 The additional sum of $300,000 in new work funds can be profit- ably expended during fiscal year 1950 for removal, by contract, of the ledge in the 35-foot channel in the vicinity of the break- waters. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __-.-.---.-.-..... ... $1,916,251.52 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.-------------------- .1,478,241.45 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 3,394,492.97 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------------ 111,819.40 Net total expenditures_ -_----------- - . 3,282,673.57 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_.___---------------- 1,265,558.33 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 4,548,231.90 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------- ......................------------ $99. 76 $55, 934. 95 $7, 194. 11 $561, 049. 21 Cost of maintenance __.......................... 61, 488. 20 196, 425. 42 71, 633. 55 -3, 145. 22 Total cost--.............................. 62, 487. 96 252, 360. 37 78, 827. 66 557, 903. 99 Total expended ............................... 57, 916. 06 205, 608. 25 153, 096. 82 423,139. 45 Allotted........................ -$74, 830.40 300, 000. 00 628, 865. 70 -- 19, 546. 79 1,196, 000.00 116 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------------- $492,697.78 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------__ _ 1,256,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-.- ___ __ 1,748,697.78 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment - 60,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for-____________ ______- 1,688,697.78 Gross amount expended------------------- $449,160.10 Less reimbursed expenditures------- --------- 26,020.65 423,139.45 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.----------------_ 1,265,558.33 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--...... $111,189.40 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 856,201.08 968,020.48 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------------- 297,537.85 Amount allotted in July 1948-. .- ---- _ _ 1,200,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949----.... 1,497,537.85 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------- 560,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work----------------------------- 300,000.00 53. BREAKWATERS AT NEW HAVEN, CONN. Location.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound, about 67 miles east of New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey Chart No. 218.) Existing project.-This provides for a harbor of refuge at the entrance to New Haven Harbor by constructing three riprap breakwaters, the east 3,450 feet long, extending from Quixes Ledge to Southwest Ledge; the middle, 4,450 feet long, extending across Ludington Rock; and the west, about 4,200 feet long, extend- ing northwesterly from a point 6,000 feet south 540 west from Ludington Rock; the cross section of these breakwaters to be 12 feet wide on top and 6 feet above mean high water, with outer slopes of 1 on 11/2 and inner slopes 1 on 1. The mean and spring tidal ranges are 6.2 and 7.3 feet respectively. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1910, was $1,264,000. The latest (1915) estimate for annual cost of main- tenance is $1,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1879 East breakwater_..----------------------..... I . Ex H . ). 162, 43d Cong., 2d sess.; Annual Deport, 1880, p. 450. Sept.19, 1890 Middle and west breakwaters-.... .__________.. Annual Report, 1889, p. 678. (For map, see HI. Doc. 1159, 60th Cong., 2d sess.) RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 117 Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1915. The breakwaters have been damaged by heavy storms and hurri- canes in the last few years and repairs are needed. The anchor- age available exceeds 2,000 acres, of which over 500 acres are from 20 to 27 feet deep and the remainder 9 to 20 feet deep. The costs and expenditures have been $1,242,246.09 for new work and $40,253.91 for maintenance, a total of $1,282,500.00. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $100,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal Year 1950, by contract, in the spring of 1950, for maintenance of breakwaters by placing about 12,000 tons of riprap. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.--__ $1,242,246.09 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 40,253.91 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1,282,500.00 Net total expenditures_ .. ___i-- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ ----- __ 1,282,500.00 1,282,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-. -- ---.................................. --............................ Allotted ............------------------ -----..... 25,000 Amount that can profitably be expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance-------------------------- $100,000.00 54. MILFORD HARBOR, CONN. Location.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound, about 8 miles west of New Haven Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 219.) Previous projects.-Adopted by acts of June 23, 1874, June 18, 1878, June 14, 1880, and August 2, 1882. For further details see .Annual Report for 1915, page 1756, and Annual Report for 1938, page 129. Existing project.-This provides for two riprap jetties 510 and 250 feet in length on the east and west sides, respectively, of the entrance to the river; a channel across the bar and through the lower harbor 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide to Merwin's wharf, a distance of about 3,000 feet; an anchorage basin of the same depth, of about 6 acres east of the channel; a channel 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide, widened at bends and at the upper end, from Merwin's wharf to 400 feet above the town wharf, about 3,000 feet; and for an anchorage basin west of the channel inside of the en- trance 2,000 feet long and 7.8 acres, 10 feet deep in the lower 600 feet and 8 feet deep above. All depths refer to mean low water. The mean and spring tidal ranges are 6.6 and 7.8 feet respectively. 118 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The estimate of cost, revised in 1945, is $83,000 for new work, exclusive of $11,379.58 contributed by local interests and exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, and $3,000 annually for maintenance. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 23, 1874 ------------- East jetty at the mouth of the river................. H. Ex. Doc. 107, 42d Cong., 3d sess. and Annual Report 1873, p. 1042. West jetty at the mouth of the river -................ Authorizedby Department Oct. 16, 1879, Annual Report for 1879, p. 342. June 13, 1902 Entrance channel and anchorage basin east of it .... . )oc. 280, 56th Cong., 1st sess. Aug. 26, 1937 Anchorage west of the channel and present project H. I)oc. 77, 75th Cong., 1st sess. dimensions of the channel above Merwin's wharf. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Spoil disposal areas are required for maintenance. Terminal facilities.-There are three bulkhead wharves near the entrance used by the oyster industry. The town wharf near the head of navigation is open to public use. The Connecticut State Shellfish Commission operates a small wharf not open to the public. There are also several yacht landings. The facilities are ample for existing traffic. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing was commenced on March 22, 1948 to restore the project depths in the 10-foot channel and 10-foot anchorage and the 8-foot channel and 8-foot anchorage and was completed on June 16, 1948. During the period, 38,675 cubic yards, place measurement, of ordinary material were removed at a cost of $42,685.58. Preliminary expenses in connection with repairs to jetties at the channel entrance amounted to $338.57. No work has been ini- tiated on the awarded contract. Total costs during fiscal year were $43,024.15, all for maintenance. The expenditures were $30,665.49 for maintenance. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1939, except for a portion of the 10-foot anchorage basin east of the channel where ledge rock prevents completion at rea- sonable cost. The jetties were completed in 1880. The project depths were restored except for a small shoal at the upper end of the 10-foot channel. The costs from United States funds under the existing project have been $46,376.48 for new work and $88,189.31 for maintenance, a total of $134,565,79. The expenditures have been $122,207.13. In addition, $11,379.58 was expended from contributed funds for new work. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $23,726.08, plus accounts receivable of $4.94, minus accounts payable of $12,363.60, amoiunting to $11,367.42, will be applied to repairing the jetties. Further maintenance will not be necessary and no funds can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950, RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 119 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___---------------------- 1 $ 88,716.92 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------- --------- _ 91,348.87 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-......-----.. 1 180,065.79 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948-------------- ----- 4.94 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------------- ------ 180,070.73 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------- 12,363.60 Net total expenditures------ ----------------------- 1 167,707.13 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-_- ----------- ---------- 23,726.08 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 1 191,433.21 " - Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work..............- ------------- -------------- -------------- - -- ----------- Cost of maintenance ......-------- -------------- -------------- -------------.. 51.66 $43 024.15 Total expended....._----------- 451.66 30, 665. 49 5. 1 - - Allotted-...................... -$8,085.31 1.......------------...........------... 451.66 54, 391. 57 I I I I I Amount allotted during fiscal year_....... ___._ ... $54,391.57 Gross amount expended_------------------- $30,710.91 Less reimbursed expenditures _ - -.-. __ ------ 45.42 30,665.49 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------_ 23,726.08 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....... $12,363.60 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 10,137.97 22 50.1 57 Balance available, June 30, 1948.----------- - 1,224.51 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-- ..-----------.. _ --- -- 4.94 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948_ - - 1,229.45 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ........ ___ _ _ ...... .... ... . 36,700.00 1In addition, $11,379.58 has been expended from contributed funds for new work. 55. HOUSATONIC RIVER, CONN. Location.-Rises in northwestern Massachusetts, flows south- erly 130 miles through Massachusetts and Connecticut, and emp- ties into Long Island Sound at Stratford, 5 miles east of Bridge- Port Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 219.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 18 feet deep at mean low water and 200 feet wide from the mouth to the lower end of Culvers bar, about 5 miles, and thence 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide to Derby and Shelton, about 8 miles; a riprap breakwater at the mouth, consisting of an inner arm, 3,250 feet long, 3 feet high above mean low water, top width 6 feet, side slopes 1 on 1, and an outer arm 2,571 feet long, 6 feet high above mean high water, top width 12 feet, outer slope 1 on 2, inner slope 1 on 1; riprap dike in the river below Stratford not to exceed 1,500 feet in length; and a riprap jetty 163 feet long at Sow and Pigs Rocks. The mean tidal range, exclusive of the winter season and freshets, is 6.7 feet at the mouth, 5.5 feet at Stratford, and 5 feet at Shelton; the extreme range due to combined effect of wind and other causes 120 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 is about 11 feet at the mouth, diminishing toward the head. The spring freshets occasionally rise to a height of 18 feet or more above summer low water, but only average about 12 feet above that datum.. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $1,219,000 exclusive of $150,000 to be contributed by local interests. The latest (1948) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $30,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1871 A jetty at Sow and Pigs Reef and the present project II. Doc. 95 41st Cong., 3d sess., and width of the channel across the outer bar. Annual Report, 1871, p. 781. Aug. 11, 1888 Breakwater at the mouth and the present project S. Doc. 103, 50th Cong., 1st sess., dimensions of the river channel above the lower end and Annual Report, 1888, p. 554. of Culvers bar. The Stratford dike----- ----------------------....... Authorized by Department; project submitted by the district engi- neer July 15, 1892. July. 8, 1930 Present project dimensions of channel up to Culvers IH. Doc. 449, 70th Cong., 2d sess. bar. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930 authorized the 18-foot channel up to Culvers Bar subject to the provision that no work shall be started until local interests have contributed $150,000 toward the cost of the work, and provided further that local interests shall furnish, free of cost to the United States, suitable bulkhead areas for the deposit of dredged material, or in lieu thereof an additional $50,000 in cash. It is anticipated that these conditions of local cooperation will be met in 1949. Terminal facilities.---There are three wharves for commercial use at Stratford, one at Devon, and eight at Shelton and Derby. The facilities are considered adequate for the existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year. -None. Condition at end, of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 29 percent completed. The up-river channels were completed in 1893. The breakwater at the mouth was completed in 1914, except that the outer arm has a top width of 8 feet and outer slope of. 1 on 11/2 instead of project dimensions; the Stratford dike was com- pleted to its present length of 1,255 feet in 1916, and the jetty at Sow and Pigs Rocks was completed in 1871. The breakwater is in good condition and the dike and jetty in fair condition. To complete the project requires the enlargement of the outer arm of the breakwater to provide a top width of 12 feet and an outer slope of 1 on 2, which is not required at this time, the exten- sion of the Stratford dike not more than 245 feet, and deepening and widening of the channel from the mouth up to the lower end of Culvers bar. The head of navigation is at Derby and Shelton, about 14 miles by channel above the mouth. The controlling depth at mean low water in the channel was about 7 feet to Shelton. The costs and expenditures have been $234,364.92 for new work and $261,133.12 for maintenance, a total of $495,498.04. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $30,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dredging by removing the shoals in the river bars to project depths. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 121 The additional sum of $400,000 can be profitably expended for new work during fiscal year 1950 to initiate dredging, by contract, of the 18-foot channel from the mouth to Culvers Bar. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- . ---------------------- $234,364.92 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 261,133.12 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 495,498.04 Net total expenditures.- - ------- 495,498.04 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- --------- -- 495,498.04 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ------- ------------------ Cost of maintenance------------..-- $29, 000-- . $$197............ . 98 -- Total expended- .......- _-----. 29,000 ........... . .............. 197.98 ... Allotted--------...--...------------- 29,000----------- ...........--....-----------.......... 197. 98 .......... Amount allotted in July 1948 --- _------- ---------------- _$30,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949--------_ -- 30,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_ ______ _ __________ __------ - 984,700.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ____-_____-------- 400,000.00 56. BRIDGEPORT HARBOR, CONN. Location.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound, about 51 miles east of New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 220.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of July 4, 1836, March 3, 1871, and (for Black Rock Harbor) July 5, 1884. For further details see page 1756 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 133 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing projects.-This provides for- (1) Two riprap breakwaters, one 3,823 feet long on the easterly side, and one 2,110 feet long on the westerly side of the entrance to the main harbor. (2) The construction and maintenance of shore protection on Fayerweather Island, including a sea wall connecting the northerly and southerly portions of the island. (3) Main channel 30 feet deep and generally 400 feet wide from Long Island Sound widened to within 75 feet of the harbor line opposite the Cilco terminal, and decreasing in width to 250 feet at a point about 720 feet below the Stratford Avenue Bridge across the Poquonock River. (4) A turning basin 30 feet deep at the entrance of Johnsons River channel. (5) Two anchorage basins: One 25 feet deep and 29.4 acres in area, opposite the inner breakwater; one 18 feet deep and 36 acres in area, adjoining the main channel on the west above the inner breakwater. (6) Poquonock River channel, 18 feet deep and from 125 to 200 feet wide from the lower bridge to a point about 500 feet below the dam at Berkshire Avenue, about 1.1 miles. 122 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 (7) Yellow Mill channel, 18 feet deep and 150 to 200 feet wide from the 18-foot anchorage to a point about 370 feet from Crescent Avenue, about 1 mile. (8) Johnsons River channel, 15 feet deep and generally 200 feet wide from the 25-foot anchorage to a point 1,700 feet below Hollis- ters Dam, thence 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide to a point about 600 feet below Hollisters Dam about 1 mile. (9) Black Rock and Cedar Creek channel, 18 feet deep and 100 to 200 feet wide from the 18-foot curve in Black Rock Harbor to the heads of both branches of Cedar Creek, about 2.4 miles. (10) Burr Creek channel, 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide from its junction with Cedar Creek channel to the south side of Yacht Street extended, about one-quarter mile. All depths refer to mean low water, the mean tidal range being 6.8 feet. The extreme tidal range, due to wind and other causes, is 11 feet or more. The estimate of cost, revised in 1946, is $2,287,000 for new work, exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects, and $37,000 annually for maintenance. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocuments July 4, 1836 Fayerweather Island sea wall ... .. .. .. .. Mar. 3, 1899 Shore protection of Fayerweather Island_----------- Annual Report, 1899, p. 1173. Mar. 2, 1907 West breakwater and present project dimensions of 1t. D)ocs. 275 and 521, 59th Cong. east breakwater. 2d sess. Mar. 2, 1919 Present project depths of the 18- and 12-foot anchorage II. Doc. 898, 63d Cong., 2d sess. basins and of Burr Creek channel. July. 3, 1930 25-foot entrance channel, the 25-foot anchorage and 1I. Doc. 281, 71st Cong., 2d sess. an 18-foot channel through Johnsons River; present project dimensions of the channels through Poquo- nockRiver,Yellow Mill Pond, Black Rock Harbor, and Cedar Creek. Aug. 12, 19371 The present extent of Burr Creek channel- .. Spcified in act. Aug. 26, 1937 The 25-foot channel through the main harbor, and II. 1)oc. 232, 75th Cong., 1st sess. present project location and extent of the 18- and 12- foot anchorage basins. Mar. 2, 1945 The 30-foot channel; elimination of 12-foot anchorage 11. )oc. 819, 76th Cong., 3d sess.2 July 24, 1946 30-foot turning basin and 15-foot and 9-foot channels HI. Doc. 680, 79th Cong., 2d sess. in Johnsons River. 1Public, No. 276, 75th Cong. 2 Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the 30-foot channel subject to the provision that local interests hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. The River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized the 30-foot turning basin and present authorized channels in John- sons River subject to the conditions that local interests make neces- sary changes in the Pleasure Beach Bridge; give assurances satis- factory to the Secretary of War that they will provide suitable berthing and unloading facilities for large tankers on the main harbor turning basin and adequate terminals on Johnsons River; furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, and right-of-way and suitable bulkheaded spoil disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance when and as re- RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 123 quired; and hold and save the United States free from damages re- sulting from the improvement. Assurances required by both of the above acts were approved by the Secretary of War on April 4, 1947. All of these requirements have been met except those per- taining to making changes in the Pleasure Beach Bridge and pro- viding terminals on Johnsons River. Terminal facilities.-There are 45 wharves and piers in use or in usable condition, including 1 modern deep-water public terminal on the main harbor and 4 owned by the city, that are served by the improvement. The total available length for berthing is about 13,000 feet. Four of the wharves are open to general public use and 3 may be used by the public upon agreement with the owners or operators. Direct rail connections are available at 3 wharves. The existing facilities are considered adequate for existing com- 1 merce. For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities of Southern New England. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preliminary costs in connection with the contract for improvement dredging of the 3 0-foot entrance channel from Long Island Sound to Stratford Avenue Bridge, and the 15-foot channel in Johnsons River were $6.83. Work in progress at the commencement of the fiscal year was completed on February 16, 1948. During the period 2,585,348 cubic yards of material were removed at a cost of $812,952.61. The Government costs have been $146,596.34. The costs have been $959,555.78, all for new work. The expenditures have been $964,- 188.67, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 95 percent complete. The breakwaters were completed in 1908. The east breakwater is in good condition; the west breakwater and the shore protection works on Fayerweather Island are in need of repairs. To complete the project requires the removal of rock in Yellow Mill Pond. The controlling depths at mean low water Were as follows: 30 feet in the 30-foot main channel (1948) and 30 feet in the 30-foot turning basin (1948) ; in Johnsons River 15 feet in the 15-foot channel (1948) and 9 feet in the 9-foot channel (1947); Poquonock River, 18 feet to head of project, except for minor shoals (1945) ;.Yellow Mill Pond, 18 feet to about 1,300 feet below head of project (1944), thence 15 feet nearly to head of project (1943) ; Black Rock Harbor and Cedar Creek, 18 feet except for minor edge shoals (1943) ; Burr Creek, about 3 feet (1939) ; 25-foot anchorage basin, 25 feet (1943) ; 18-foot anchor- age basin, 18 feet (1942). The costs under the existing project have been $2,872,973.65, of which $2,206,941.74 was for new work and $666,031.91 for maintenance. Expenditures have been $2,872,- 962.67. Proposed operations.-The funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $25,078.17, plus an allotment of $100,000 made in July 1948 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_.-..---.-- . . -.-.. ---.-.. -- $10.98 Balance remaining..-.__. .-__-...__ ... __. - .- 125,067.19 Total----- -------------------------------------------- 125,078.17 124 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $35,.000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for repairs to breakwaters at Fayerweather Island. Cost and Jinancialsummary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_------------------------ $2,585,391.27 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------ ----- 677,980.88 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ......---------- 3,263,372.15 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948_ ---------- 10.98 Net total expenditures------------------------ 3,263,361.17 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-------------------------_ 25,078.17 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----- 3,288,439.34 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 194 1947 1948 Cost of new work . . ..--------- .-------------.. $-----3, 8----. 6 $92.17 $30,284.86 $959, 555.78 Cost of maintenance.....----------....... $196,779.74 $53, 805. 56 -3, 209.49 .............. --............ 196, 779.74 Total cost.....------------........... 53, 805. 56 -3,117.32 30, 284.86 959, 555.78 Total expended--------................---- 198, 587.63 54,184.24 -3,117. 32 25, 640. 99 964,188. 67 . Allotted ...--------------------- . ----.. . . -32,350.00 96,790.51 .............. 915,000.00 . V- II I 1 4 A Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947__-----------__ ___________ $74,266.84 Amount allotted during fiscal year----- 915,000.00 Amount to be accounted for --- -989,266.84 Gross amount expended-_ - - - 964,188.67 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_----- ---------- _ 25,078.17 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--_--------- -- --- 10.98 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------------- 25,067.19 Amount allotted in July 1948. __- ------------- 100,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ....... 125,067.19 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance -----------... ----- - 35,000.00 57. SOUTHPORT HARBOR, CONN. Location.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound, about 50 miles east of New York City. (See United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 220.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1829, and modified in 1876 and 1881. A second project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 13, 1902, and modified by the 'River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912. For fur- ther details see Annual Reports for 1915 and 1936, pages 1758 and 121, respectively. Existing project.-This provides for a stone breakwater about 1,320 feet long at the harbor mouth; a 1,350-foot dike along the RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 125 east side of the harbor; a channel 9 feet deep to the upper end of the wharves, 100 feet wide from Long Island Sound to opposite East Main Street, thence 400 to 175 feet wide; and for an anchor- age basin 6 feet deep, 300 feet wide, and 500 feet long. The reference plane is mean low water, the mean tidal range being 6.9 feet. The maximum range, due to the combined effect of wind and other causes, is 11 feet or more. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1935, was $90,400, including $16,500 contributed by local interests but exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1935) esti- mate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,200. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts 'Work authorized Documents Mar. 2, 1829 Breakwater and dike- -- --- --------- Annual Report for 1871, p. 824. Aug. 30, 19351 Anchorage basin and present channel dimensions_"-. Rivers and Harbors Committe 2 Doc. 36, 74th Cong., 1st sess. 1Also Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of May 28, 1935. 2Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-The several small wharves and private landings for pleasure craft are ample for existing traffic. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing was commenced on May 25, 1948 to restore the project depths in the channel and anchorage and was still in progress at the end of the fiscal year. During the fiscal year, 17,689 cubic yards of ordinary material, place measure, were removed at a cost of $21,264.22. The expenditures were $12,250.66, all for main- tenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was completed in 1936. The dikes and breakwater are in fair condi- tion. The contract for maintenance dredging was about 63 per- cent completed and work was still in progress at the end of the fiscal year. The channel was practically restored to project dimensions. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $37,713.69 from Emergency Relief funds and $16,500 from contributed funds, all for new work. The costs for maintenance under the existing project have been $21,824.13. The expendi- tures have been $12,810.57. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended June 30, 1948, amounting to $23,749.34, plus accounts receivable of $39.55, minus accounts payable of $9,053.11, amounting to $14,735.78, will be applied to maintenance dredging during July 1948 to complete the restoration of the project. Further maintenance will not be necessary and no funds can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950. 804711-48-Vol. 1-9 126 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------------1 $96,926.72 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 30,756.04 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------........ 1 127,682.76 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948.----------------------- 39.55 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--..- --.--------- -127,722.31 _ Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------- 9,053.11 Net total expenditures---.... .............--.. 118,669.20 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 ------................ 23,749.34 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 1142,418.54 - --..- "_---~- I -1 i Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1 1947 1948 SI I I . I _ _ Cost of new work................ .::: .:.:::::: . .:::::-::::::::::::----.:.. Cost of maintenance-------.........-- $59. 91- $21,264.22 Total expended. --- ---------. .-------------- ......... 559 91 12,250.66 ---- ------- - -I- --- ---- __ _ ___ _ _ __ _ Allotted ----------------------- 559.91 36,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------.-. $40,000.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-........... 4,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for------ ----.. .. -. -- 36,000.00, Gross amount expended-----------------------------................ .12,250.66 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..-------------------- 23,749.34 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....... $9.053.11 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-- 9,592.55 18,645.66 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 5,103.68 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948_-----------------------_ 39.55 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------......... 5,143.23 1 In addition, $18,285 has been expended from contributed funds for new work, of which $1,785 was for work outside the approved project. 58. WESTPORT HARBOR AND SAUGATUCK RIVER, CONN. Location.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound about 11 miles west of Bridgeport Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 221 and 1212.) Previous project.-Adopted by the -River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1827. For further details see page 1758 of Annual Re- port for 1915 and page 189 of Annual Report for 1901. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 4 feet deep at mean low water and 60 feet wide in the Saugatuck River up to Westport, a distance of about 4 miles, for the repair of the Cedar Point breakwater, constructed under the previous project and for the removal of ledge rock and boulders from the channel. The mean and spring tidal ranges are 7 and 8.3 feet, respectively. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $21,100. There is no approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance. RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 127 The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 13, 1892 Channel ...... --- --------- ------------ II. Ex. 179 51st Cong., 2d sess., and Annual keport for 1891, p. 840. June 3, 1896 ,Ledgeand boulder removal and breakwater repair ..- . Doc. 67, 54th Cong., 1st sess., I and Annual Report for 1896, p. 806. Local cooperation.-None required. The town of Westport has , expended about $75,000 in dredging a yacht basin 12 feet deep, 300 feet wide and 500 feet long in the marsh back of Compo Beach at the entrance to the river. Terminal facilities.-These consist of one commercial wharf affording about 300 feet of berthing space and several piers devoted to the repair of pleasure craft. The town of Westport operates one public pier for pleasure craft in the basin north of Compo Beach. Facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract commenced June 2, 1947 and completed July 3, 1947, for dredging to restore channel opposite Stony Point, 5,124 cubic yards of ordinary material, and 6,873 cubic yards of boulders, were re- moved during the fiscal year at a cost of $4,287.71 to complete the maintenance work. A condition survey of the channel below Judah Point was made in the spring of 1948 at a cost of $338.61, which was paid for from plant allotment funds to be reimbursed from project funds. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 70 percent completed. The channel opposite Stony Point was re- stored to project dimensions.. The upper reaches of the channel are shoal but are considered adequate for existing commerce. The costs and expenditures under the existing project have been $15,160.55 for new work and $13,675.73 for maintenance, a total of $28,836.28. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $32,104.55 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 16,175.73 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------......... 48,280.28 Net total expenditures------------------------------------- 48,280.28 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------- _ 48,280.28 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 C ost of new w ork , ...- -... - -... - -... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...- .. ... .. Cost of maintenance_8--,---------------------- ----------- 527. 58 $4, 287. 71 Total expended----------.................-------------------------------------............ 7,090.96 5, 724.33 Allotted---------------------........................ ----...........--......--..................... 12,000.00 815.29 128 "REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.-------------------------- $4,909.04 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------ -w_ -- 815.29 Amount to be accounted for_------ -- -- _ 5,724.33 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 5,724.33 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ,_.5,900.00 ------------------------------ 59. NORWALK HARBOR, CONN. Location.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound, about 40 miles east of New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 221 and 1213.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 10, 1872, June 3, 1896, and March 2, 1907. For further details see page 1757 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 137 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep from the outer harbor to the highway bridge at South Norwalk, about 3.1 miles, 200 feet wide to Gregory (Dorlon) Point, thence 150 feet wide to South Norwalk, and 250 feet wide along the South Norwalk wharves, thence a channel 10 feet deep and gen- erally 100 feet wide to the head of navigation about 1.5 miles, an anchorage basin 10 feet deep and about 17 acres in area opposite Fitch Point; a channel 6 feet deep from the 10-foot anchorage to East Norwalk, 125 feet wide to the bend beyond Third Street, thence 150 feet wide to the head, a total distance of 2,900 feet; and for an irregular-shaped anchorage basin of about 7 acres, 6 feet deep adjacent to the upper portion of the East Norwalk channel. All depths refer to mean low water. The mean and spring tidal ranges at South Norwalk are 7.1 and 8.4 feet re- spectively. The estimate of cost, revised in 1948 is $378,000 for new work, exclusive of $16,500 to bd contributed by local interests and exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects; and $10,000 annually for maintenance, revised in 1948. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Marn 2, 1919 South Norwalk and Norwalk channels; 10-foot H. Doc. No.r 1143, 63d Cong., 2d anchorage. sess. Mar. 2, 1945 East Norwalk channel widening and anchorage..... I. Doc. No. 220, 76th Cong., 1st Sess.' IContains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-The conditions imposed by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1919, have been fully complied with. The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the East Norwalk channel widening and anchorage subject to the conditions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights-of-way and spoil disposal areas for the initial work and subsequent maintenance as required, hold and save the United States free RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 129 from claims for damages resulting from the improvement, and contribute one-half the first cost of the anchorage basin, but not to exceed $16,500. It is expected that these conditions will be met in 1949. An anchorage basin was provided west of Calf Pasture Point incidental to dredging material for land reclamation. Terminal facilities.-There are 2 city wharves, neither of which is in usable condition. There are 19 private wharves in use or in usable condition having a total berthing space of about 3,100 feet. One has rail connections. None of the private wharves are open to general public use. The public wharves are inadequate for existing commerce. For further details see Port and Ter- minal Facilities of Southern New England. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 85 percent complete. To complete the project requires widening of the East Norwalk Channel and dredging of the 6-foot East Norwalk anchorage. The controlling depths at mean low water were as follows: To Gregory (Dorlon) Point, 12 feet (1942); thence to Washington Street Bridge, South Norwalk, 12 feet (1937); thence 11 feet to the head of navigation at Norwalk (1940); in the East Norwalk Channel 7 feet. nearly to the head, except from +4 to 7 feet in the widening (1938); in the 10-foot anchorage, 10 feet (1937) ; and in the 6-foot anchorage, +4 to 0 feet (1938). The cost and expenditures have been $256,689.72 for new work and $209,168.08 for maintenance, a total. of $465,857.80. Proposed operations.--An allotment of $75,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to improvement dredging, by contract, of a channel 6 feet deep at mean low water from the 10-foot anchor- age about 2,900 feet to East Norwalk, and an anchorage area 6 feet deep adjacent to the upper end of channel during fiscal year 1949. No work is contemplated for fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_---.-.--.----.-..- . $419,206.53 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------- _ _ . - 275,288.52 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .....- -694,495.05 Net total expenditures---___-----_-------_- .__ ._ ---.- 694,495.05 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ --- _-- 694,495.05 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work. -- -- - -- - . .. .-- -- - - --- - -- - - - -- -. . Cost of maintenance------------- ----------- $200. 00 $200. ) Total expended ................. ............ o200.00 200.00 ............ .... Allotted--....................... $2,402.95 200.00 200.00 --..--..........-----.......------......... Amount allotted in July 1948__---- --. ----------------- $75,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949.------------- 75,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.---_. ------- --- .--- .------ . .---- 75,500.00 130 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 60. WESTCOTT COVE, CONN. Location.-Westcott Cove is on the north shore of Long Island Sound, one mile east of the entrance to Stamford Harbor and .separated from the harbor by a narrow neck of land known as Shippan Point. It is about 33 miles east of New York City and 20 miles southwest of Bridgeport, Conn. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 221, 222 and 1213.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 100 feet wide and 8 feet deep from that depth in Long Island Sound through Westcott Cove to the south limit of the lagoon. The mean range of tide is 7.2 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1946 is $21,000. The estimate of cost of annual maintenance made in 1946 is $1,200. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948. The latest published map is contained in the project document (H. Doc. No. 379, 80th Cong., 1st sess.) Local cooperation.-Localinterests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements and rights-of- way, and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subse- quent maintenance as and when required;. contribute $21,000 in cash to the initial cost of dredging; provide, at their own expense, adequate additional mooring areas and facilities in the lagoon open to all on equal terms; and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. It is expected that these requirements will be met. Terminal facilities.--There are no commercial terminal and transfer facilities in the cove. The boat yard located at the lagoon entrance has landing facilities and two marine railways with capacity of 100 tons. The municipal yacht club maintains landing facilities and mooring space for local and transient pleasure craft. These facilities are open to the public on equal terms. There are several private landings located in the cove, none of which is available for use by the general public. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No costs have been incurred under the existing project. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of the channel 100 feet wide and 8 feet deep from Long Island Sound through Westcott Cove to the south limit of the lagoon. Conditions are as shown on the map published in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-.. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.--- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ Net total expenditures.--____ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 __ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------------------- $21,000.00 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 131 61. STAMFORD HARBOR, CONN. Location.--On the north shore of Long Island Sound, 32 miles east of New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 221.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the acts of August 5, 1886, and July 13, 1892. For further details see page 1758 of Annual Re- port for 1915, and page 139 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for two detached breakwaters; one 1,200 feet long on the easterly side, and one 2,900 feet long on the westerly side of the channel at the entrance to the harbor; an entrance channel 18 feet deep, 200 feet wide to the upper end of the 18-foot anchorage, about 0.55 mile, and thence 15 feet deep to the junction of the branches, about 0.5 mile; a channel in the west branch 15 feet deep, 125 feet wide, and about three- fourths mile long, and a basin of the same depth at the head of the branch of such widths as to exclude extensive rock excavation along the northeast side; a channel in the east branch 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide, with increased width at the turns, to a point 1,100 feet from the head of navigation, thence of the same depth and from 85 to 125 feet wide to the head of navigation, a total distance of about 1.5 miles; an anchorage basin 18 feet deep on the west side of the 18-foot entrance channel, 600 feet wide, and 1,000 to 1,900 feet long, and an anchorage basin 8 feet deep adjacent to the East Branch Channel, about 4.2 acres. The plane of reference is mean low water, the mean tidal range being about 7.2 feet. The extreme tidal range, due to the combined effects of wind and other causes, is 12 feet or more. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $817,300 exclusive of $169,635.85 contributed by local interests, and ex- clusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1937) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $20,900. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 2, 1919 The East Branch channel and the present project width of the entrance channel. IT. Doc. 1130, 63d Cong., 2d sess. Aug. 30, 1935 The 8-foot anchorage area, the present project depth Rivers and Harbors Committee of the upper portion of the entrance channel, and Doc. 8, 74th Cong., 1st sess. the present project dimensions of the West Branch channel and basin. Aug. 26, 1937 The breakwaters, the 18-foot anchorage basin, and Rivers and fHarbors Committee 1 present project depth of the outer section of the Doe. 29, 75th Cong., 1st sess. entrance channel. t July 24, 1946 Substituted 8-foot anchorage basin adjacent to East IT. Doc. 676, 79th Cong., 2d sess. Branch channel for that in outer harbor. i Contain latest published maps. Local cooperation.-The conditions of local cooperation imposed by the River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1919, and August 26, 1937, have been fully complied with. The River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized the 8-foot anchorage basin adjacent to the East Branch channel subject to the condition that responsible local agencies furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will provide free of cost to the 132 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 United States all necessary lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas for new work and subsequent maintenance when and as required; construct concurrently the necessary bulk- heads, piers, landing platforms, and service facilities which shall be open to all on equal terms; and hold and save the United States free from damages resulting from -the improvement. It is ex- pected that these requirements will be met. Terminal facilities.-There are one city wharf and 21 privately owned wharves and piers in use and in usable condition adjacent to the channels in the East and West Branches.. The total avail- able berthage is about 4,500 feet. None of the wharves is open to general public use, except the city wharf. Two have direct rail connections. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce, but additional pleasure-craft facilities are needed. For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities of Southern New England. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was about 94 percent completed. The East Branch channel has been com- pleted except for a slight deficiency in width opposite Ludlow Street. The West Branch channel and entrance channel north of the 18-foot anchorage have been dredged to 15 feet and all of the basin similarly deepened. The 18-foot entrance channel and 18- foot anchorage basin have been substantially completed. The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Entrance channel to north end 18-foot anchorage and 18-foot anchorage, 18 feet except for minor shoals, mostly near north end of anchor- age basin (1944); 15-foot entrance channel to junction of branches and West Branch channel and basin, 15 feet except for minor shoals (June 1946); East Branch channel, 12 feet (not full width) (1941) ; 8-foot East Branch basin 0 to +6 (1945). To complete the project requires a slight widening (not essential to navigation) in the East Branch channel opposite Ludlow Street and the dredging of the 8-foot basin adjacent to the East Branch channel. Costs under the existing project have been $756,300.75 for new work and $168,661.78 for maintenance, a total of $924,- 962.53. Expenditures have been $924,962.53. In addition, costs and expenditures have been $169,635.85 from contributed funds for new work. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $45,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to improvement dredging of the 8-foot anchorage adjacent to East Branch Channel, by contract, during fiscal year 1949. No work is contemplated during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- 1 $891,443.60 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 228,081.77 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1 1,119,525.37 Net total expenditures--. ------------------------------- 11,119,525.37 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---------------- 1 1,119,525.37 1 In addition, $169,635.85 has been expended from contributed funds for new work, RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 133 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work --------._---- $17,190. 23 $152. 87----- -- - ----- Cost of maintenance- - -....-.. . I.--------------- - 1, 002. 56 "$31, 013. 31 $289.. 53 Total cost..---------------- 17,190. 23 1,155.43 31,013.31 289. 53 .. Total expended---- ----- -.. -23, 851. 95 1,155. 43 28, 197. 42 3,105. 42 .. Allotted...._-.... ..............-.............. -2, 316.86 -3, 694. 60 Amount allotted in July 1948 ----------- $45,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------------- 45,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------- -------- 61,500.00 62. GREENWICH HARBOR, CONN. Location.-On the north shore of Long Island Sound, about 29 miles east of New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 222 and 1213.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of June 3, 1896. For further details see Annual Report for 1917, page 198, and Annual Report for 1938, page 142. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep, 130 feet wide through the outer harbor, about 0.8 mile, thence generally 100 feet along the wharf front to a point 50 feet from the head of the harbor, about 0.5 mile, and for anchorage areas west of the channel, 8 feet deep of 21.5 acres east and south of Grass Island, and 6 feet deep of 12.5 acres north thereof. All depths refer to mean low water. The mean and spring tidal ranges are 7.4 and 8.7 feet respectively. The estimate of cost, revised in 1948, is $123,000 for new work, exclusive of $86,450 maximum to be contributed by local interests and exclusive of amounts expended on the previous pro- ject; and $10,000 annually for maintenance. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 2, 1919 12-foot channel.................-.................. . I)oc. No. 289, 63d Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1945 Channel extension and anchorages.._-----.. ---- I. .)oc. No. 125, 76th Cong., 1st sess. June 30, 1948 Extensions to anchoragest........................... . 1 Doc. No. 272, 80th Cong., 1st sess. (Contains latest published smap.) Local cooperation.--The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the channel extension and the River and Harbor Act approved June 30, 1948 authorized anchorages all subject to the conditions that local interests provide, free of cost to the United States, suitable spoil disposal areas for new work and' subsequent maintenance as required, hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. Local inter- ests are further required to contribute in cash 50 percent of the 134 REPORT OF cOFi1m Oi1 1NGitNEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 cost of dredging, not to exceed $86,450, and under the last men- tioned act to construct suitable public landing facilities. It is ex- pected that these requirements will be met in 1949. Terminal facilities.-There are two town wharves and a number of private wharves with a total berthage of about 2,500 feet, of which about 1,300 feet are open to public use subject to the owners' convenience. Facilities are adequate for existing commerce, but additional pleasure-craft facilities are needed. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 30 percent completed. The controlling depths at mean low water were 13 feet in the 12-foot channel to 3 feet in the incomplete northerly extension thereof (1940) and +2 to 13 feet in the anchor- age basins (1945). The work remaining to be completed is the northerly extension of the channel and the dredging of the 6-foot and 8-foot anchorages in the vicinity of Grass Island. The costs and expenditures have been $37,295.45 for new work and $62,763.39 for maintenance, a total of $100,058.84. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $71,400 made in July 1948 will be applied to improvement dredging, by contract, of the northerly extension to the channel and the 6-foot anchorage north- erly of Grass Island and the 8-foot anchorage southerly of Grass Island during fiscal year 1949. No work is contemplated during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___-------- ----__-__ - -___ $54,312.64 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__---------------- ---- 75,669.90 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ . 129,982.54 Net total expenditures------------------------------------ 129,982.54 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---------------- 129,982.54 Amount allotted in July 1948--------.--------------------- 71,400.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ------------- 71,400.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------------------- 14,000.00 63. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of work during the fiscal year amounted to $46,176.99 for Examinations and Surveys and $77,460.02 for Contingencies (excluding $5,420.42 from contributed funds), a total of $123,637.01 for maintenance. Expenditures were $67,010.02 (excluding $5,420.42 from contributed funds) for maintenance. Funds unexpended June 30, 1948 amounting to $66,674.71, plus accounts receivable amounting to $441.08, plus an allotment of $120,000 made in July 1948, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable------_-------- ---- ----------------- $774.14 Examinations and surveys-------------------------------. 66,904.93 Contingencies------------------------------------------ 119,436.72 Total------------ -----------------------..------- 187,115.79 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 135 Funds in the additional amount of $262,900 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Examinations and surveys- -------------------------------- $133;900.00 Contingencies-----_ -------------- ------------------------ 129,000.00 Total ------------------------------------------ 262,900.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------- ----------- ------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- $1,992,386.71 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------......... 1,992,386.71 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 441.08 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948. ..--- - ---- 1,992,827.79 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948..--.------ - ------- 774.14 Net total expenditures.__ . _ __ _ . _ __ 1,992,053.65 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 ..------- - -------- - 66,674.71 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 2,058,728.36 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 O of newwo Cost of new work___.....___ Cost of maintenance .......... $57, 063. 24 I .--- I ~949.39 ---- i39 --3-30--i14- $1i39, 053.30- I = - --- 9.-1i-- $181,- -$123,637.01 ----- i- Total expended................. 50, 800. 60 47, 330. 27 137, 998.39 240, 167. 04 67, 010. 02 __________ - - --- I -.......... --=1=I=------- Allotted- ....................... -20, 000. 00 64,428.131 121,600.00 191,080.00 119,150. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $14,534.73 Amount allotted during fiscal year- ----.------.---- _____- 119,150.00 Amount to be accounted for..............--------------------------33,684.73 Gross amount expended------------------- $134,121.02 Less reimbursed expenditures_--------------- 67,111.00 67,010.02 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 66,674.71 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 __ _.$774.15 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 999.58 1,773.72 Balance available, June 30, 1948--....------------- - 64,900.99 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948_-.---.------------ - 441.08 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948.-- 65,342.07 Amount allotted in July 1948----------------------------- - 120,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ....... 185,342.07 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance._... ........ _ 262,900.00.__ 262,900.00 136 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 64. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS - ~ ~ -- ~ ~ T. --- . .- Cost and expenditures to For last June 30, 1948 Estimated full report amount re- Name of project see Annual quired to Report Mainte- complete for- New work nance 1. Passamaquoddy tidal-power project, Maine.. 1935 $6, 384, 393.74 .............. (I) 2. Cobscook Bay, Maine 4 5 1866 4,173.t51 3. Machias River, Maine 4 6- Completed. _............... 1877 32,000.00 Do. 4. Moosabec Bar, Maine 4 193() 114, 000. 01) 12, 600.00 5. Pleasant River, Maine 46__--__--_....._..... Do. 1892 3, 500. () I)o. 6. Narraguagus River, Maine 4 5 1907 71, 643. 81 7. Corea IIarbor, Maine 2 I)o. ............ 1939 31, 06 707. Do. 8. Sullivan Falls Harbor, Maine 4 ._-..."_." ____ 1914 54, 870. 64 9. Bar Harbor, Maine_ _____ 1932 406,591.12 -_. . $57,900. 10. Bass Harbor Bar, Maine___________ 1920 4, 076. 13 3, 418. 20) 11. Union River Maine 2 5.... Completed. 1912 176,854.85 14, 095.15 Do. 12. Deer Island thoroughfare, Maine ... 1916 40, 000....... 13. Bagaduce River, Maine 2 6 Completed. 1912 28, 000. 00 $18,875. 14. Bucksport IHIarbor, ilaine. 1907 18, 420. 99 279.01 15. Stockton Harbor, Maine 2 4 6.. ..... Completed. 1915 33, 000. 00....... I)o. 16. Carvers Harbor, Maine 4_. ____----------- 1915 59, 199. 70 17. Matinicus Harbor, Maine._- - . [[[[ I)o. 1935 14, 000. 00 7, 704. 64 I)o. 18. Criehaven Harbor, Maine ----- 1939 40, 775. 99 7, 956. 28 19. Belfast Harbor, Maine 2-. .-. 1)o. 1897 61, 561. 45. Do. 20. Camden Harbor, Maine 2 1945 102, 400. 00 31, 075. 56 21. Rockport Harbor, Maine 56.-..--...-..... I)o. 1915 47, 000. 00) D)o. 22. Rockland lHarbor, Maine 2.................. 1931 915, 862. 73 24, 637. 27 23. Owls Head iHarbor, Maine ... 1855 17,897.16---------- 24. Tenants Harbor, Maine--. . I)o. 25. Georges liver, Maine 2-. 1920 18, 750.00 1) 1)o. - - - - 1935 25, 787. 91 :39,566. 38 26. New Harbor, Maine 2...-.--"..." I)o. 1937 10, 500. 00 12, 566. 27 )o. 27. )amariscotta River, Maine 4 6------------ 1906 5, 000. 0() 1)o. ... 28. South Bristol Harbor, Maine 25 - 1914 29. Boothbay Harbor, Maine ----..... 3,500.00 1------------- Do. 30. Richmond Harbor, Maine 4 - -- ....... 1947 1883 18, 00() 20, 000. ) 858. .50007 Do. Completed. 331. Sasanoa River, Maine 4 5-------------------- 6 ...-.-- 32. Cathance River, Maine 4 5 . 1915 92, 487. 69 -------------- Do. 1884 21, 00.00.0 Do. 33. farraseeket River, Maine 4 6_ 1896 30, 963. 62- 34. Royal River, Maine 2 45- - - Do. 35. Richmonds Island Harbor, Maine-4 1884 21,0919.0:3 8,080.97 Do. - - -..... 1882 36. Saco River, Maine --.---------------------. 1947 22 11o, O'44. 531, 715. 89 132, 019. 45 Do. 37. Wells Harbor, Maine 6- ---..... .... 1874 5, 000. 00 Do. 1o. 38. Portsmouth Harbor, N. I. 1892 130, 392. 61 39. Pepperells Cover, Maine 40. Cocheco River, N. H.4 .................. ----............... 1920 158, 262. 28 137. 72 Do. I)o. 1913 289,149. 93 9, 642. 54 Do. 41. Bellamy River, N. ::::::::::::::::::::: 42. Lamprey River, N. ).11.466....--- 1897 34, 642. 98 Do. 1913 19, 980. 58 8,267.53 1)o. 43. Exeter River, N. tI11.4 .- - - -......- 1913 62, 454. 42 44. Little Harbor, N. 11.4 a8-- ---.... 1909 133, 227. 33 3, 121.74 Do. 45. Isles of Shoals IIarbor, Maine and N. 11.4 .. 1930 I)o. 80, 691. 53 34, 261. 68 46. Newburyport Harbor, Mass. . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . 1947 463, 843. (62 291,486. 95 47. Merrimack River, Mass. . 1940 $93,500. 369, 891.49 147, 860. 42 Do. 4 8 . L a ke W i nn epe sau k e e , N. I I .44a . . . . . . . .. .. . . 1930 7, 600.00 5, 000.00 49. Sandy Bay, Cape Ann, Mass. 1o .____---- Do. 1922 1, 925, 552. 30 15, 925. 70 Do. 50). Rockport Harbor, Mass.................... 2 1905 91,229.25 51. Beverly HIarbor, Mass. --- Do. 9- -................ - - - - - - - - - - - - - __. - - 1931 11246,047. 76 642.65 52. Salem Harbor, Mass. .. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . - 1945 100, 456. 57 7,500. (X) 53. Marblehead :[harbor, Mass. - __ 1945 $95,000. 584. 00 $138,750. 54. Lynn Harbor, Mass.9- 4 ...... . 1941 755, 042. 91 100, 292. 70 55. Winthrop Harbor, Mass. a- -.._---.. 1895 $420,000). 8, 992. 59 Completed. 56. Malden River, Mass.1 ............. 1922 13104, 853.08 45, 096. 92 57. Dorchester Bay and Neponset River, Mass.*.. 1945 I)o. '94, 584. 55 33, 591.89 $445,400. 58. Weymouth Back River, Mass. ....... 1944 7 69, 219.35 f6,521.32 59. Scituate Harbor, Mass.-- -------------... Completed. 1941 274, 886. 96 38, 930.98 I)o. 60. Kingston Harbor, Mass. (North Plymouth 1895 $8, 940.09 H arbor) ~6 Do. 9 61. Plymouth Harbor, Mass.9 - -i - - - - - - - - -.-----.--------- --- 1946 377, 217.75 $135,664.35 62. Wareham Harbor, Mass. -- $253,100. 1896 95, 997.30 $36,750. (3. Chatham (Stage) Harbor, 1Mass............ 4 1946 7, 888. 95 42, 371. 16 $106,000. 64. Edgartown Harbor, Mass. -------......... 1943 45, 614.42 -------------.- Completed. 65. Vineyard Haven Harbor, Mass.............--------- 66. Little Harbor, Woods Hole, Mass. I 67. Woods tHole Channel, Mass. ............... 4 ....... 1943 1906 1940 82. 573.47 18, 000.000 ---- - -- - - 1)o. Do. 338, 599. 92 11, 660. 57 I)o. 68. Canapitsit Channel, Mass. 4 4 ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1899 9,112. 54 Completed. 69. Westport Rover, Mass. 9 .. 1942 3, 000.00 70. Sakonnet Harbor, R. I4 14_ ____............... 1940 $90,200). 62, 202. 50 3$10, 295.97 Completed. 71. Sakonnet River, R.It. 1417................. 1909 38, 426. 95 Do. 72. Newport Harbor, R. I.14..................... 1943 733, 523.91 36,962. 08 Do. 73. H[arbor at Coasters Harbor Island, R. I.4 14... 1911 5, 500.00 13,052. 49 Do. 74. Warren iver, R. I............ 1890 5, 000. 00 ----- -- - - Do. See footnotes at end of table. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 137 64. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS-Continued ( __ ~ _ _ _ ., Cost and expenditure to For last June 30, 1948 ,. Estimated full report amount re- Name of project see Annual quired to Report Mainte- complete for_ New work nlance " I ------------ ----- 75. Greenwich Bay, R. 1.414 _....... 1893 2, 000. 00 Completed. 76. Potowomut River, R. I.4 14__ ._._.... 1882 5, 000. 00 Do. 77. Great Salt Pond, Block Island, 14 - R. - - - I.o - - -19 - -- -- - 1945: 189, 036. 65 2887, 294. 69 $378,900. 78. Stonington Harbor, Conn. 9 1941' 337, 453. 83 45, 007; 85 $2,500. 79. Mystic River, Conn. 14 .- _ ....... 1946 48,125. 50 44, 264. 67 $53,200. 80. Hay (West) Harbor, N. Y.1 , _...... ,..... 1931 8,401.15 Completed 4 81. Eightmile River, Conn. 14 .... .. 1913 9, 000.00 $1,500. 82. Connecticut River above Hartford, Conn.o--. 1932 116, 324.81 14,373. 564 $1,000,000.21 83. Gluilford Harbor, Conn............... 1946 $63,750. 4 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 84. Branford Harbor, Conn.1 --- 1946 9, 537.45 119, 345. 96 Completed. 85. Harbor at Wilson Point, Conn.4 14..------- 1895 54,176. 90 Completed. 86. Fivemile River Harbor, Conn. 2 1422C .... 1938 35, 490).44 31, 311. 43 $10,500. 87. Mianus River (Cos Cob Harbor), Conn ..... 1946 18, 935. 19 64.81 $79,500. .. _ _ ._ 1 Work discontinued 1937. Facilities transferred to the War Assets Administration. Improvements a(lequate for commerce. a Includes an expenditure of $328 for condition survey of the breakwater in fiscal year 1948. No commerce reported. Abondonment recommended in IT. Doec. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. Reported by the district engineer as unworthy of further improvement. 7 Exclusive of $20,000 expended from contributed funds. 8 Elimination of maintenance dredging recommended in H. Doe. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. 9 Awaiting local cooperation. 1oAbandonment recommended in I. D)oc. 411, 64th Cong., 1st sess., and in Rivers and Harbors Corn- mittee l)oc. 3, 65th Cong., 1st sess. 11 Exclusive of $100,000 expended from contributed funds. 12 Under State maintenance. 13 Exclusive of $62,000 expended from contributed funds. 14 Maintenance unnecessary or not urgent. 19 In addition $10,000 was expended from contributed funds. ii Includes an expenditure of $500 for condition survey of the breakwater in fiscal year 1948. 17 Commerce included under Tiverton Harbor, I. I. 18 In addition $108,000 for new work and $400 for maintenance expended from contributed funds. 19 Curtailment recommended June 24, 1926, in H. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. 20 Awaiting local cooperation. Under date of Jan. 14, 1939, the Chief of Engineers recommended modi- flcation of the existing project to providle for construction of a lock, dam, and power plant at Enfield Rapids (11. D)oc. 165, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). 21 Estimated cost of project $3,384,000; expenditures limited by law to $1,000,000. 2 Curtailment recommended Dec. 15, 1914, in Ii. Doc. 1419, 63d Cong., 3d sess. 2a Exclusive of $34,000 to be contributed by local interests. 65. PLANT ALLOTMENT, NEW ENGLAND DIVISION Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs June 30, 1948 --......-.. .... _$368,403.51 Net total cost to June 30, :1948 ------ Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948 ... _ --------- . 368,403.51 -. 65,041.27 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948---- -- ----- 433,444.78 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 -------- 82,601.48 Net total expenditures- --- _- _- -..- 350,843.30 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948...- - 329,841.62 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -- - --.. 680,684.92 Fiscal year ending June 30 Total expended ............... Allotted ............... 138 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.-.......-------------- $177,005.25 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------------- 217,905.63 Net amount to be accounted for-------------------_ .- 40,900.38 Gross amount expended------------------ $1,155,985.40 Less reimbursed expenditures --------------- 1,526,727.40 -370,742.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-__---- ------- __ 329,841.62 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 . _ _.. $82,601.48 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. 86,647.16 169,248.64 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 160,592.98 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 65,041.27 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 ----------- 225,634.25 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation Acushnet River and New Bed- River and Harbor Act, I ford and Fairhaven Harbors, Mar. 2, 1945 Mass. particularly to provide greater depth in the eastern portion of the anchorage basin and for the improvement of navigation, flood control and related purposes. Annisquam River, Mass ........ House Public Works Committee resolution, Apr. 22, 1947 Annisquam River, waterway to River and Harbor Act, --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plum Island Sound, Essex Mar. 2, 1945 County, Mass. Bar Harbor, Maine.............. Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, May 10, 1945 Beals Harbor, Maine ............ River and Harbor Act, Feb. 24, 1948 11. 553, 80th Favorable. Mar. 2, 1945 Cong., 2d sess. Bentleys Creek with a view to House Public Works providing a suitable navigation Committee Resolution, channel, New London Harbor. June 17, 1948 Biddeford, pool at, and Wood River and Harbor Act, Island Harbor, Maine. Mar. 2, 1945 Block Island, R. I., harbor of Senate Public Works refuge. Committee resolution, ............--- ......--...... Mar. 4, 1947 Block Island, R. I., Great Salt Senate Public Works Pond. Committee resolution, Mar. 4, 1947 Blue Hill Harbor, Maine ....... River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945 Boothbay Harbor, Maine, par- River and Harbor Act, ticularly the Mill Cove area. Mar. 2, 1945 Boston Harbor (Chelsea River), Rivers and Harbors Com- Mass., to provide greater depth mittee resolution, Feb. and bridge clearances. 1, 1946 --- - - ---.- -- - - - - Boston, Mass., Metropolitan River and Harbor Act, District beaches (beach erosion July 3, 1930; Act of control study). Congress, July 31, 1945 and Aug. 13, 1946 -Boston, Mass., to Portland, River and Harbor Act, Maine, for a continuous water- Mar. 2, 1945 way, inland where possible. Branford Harbor, Conn-........ Commerce Committe .July.. 24, 1947 . . .------ resolution, Oct. 10, 1945 Branford, harbor at Pine Or- River and Harbor Act, chard, Conn. July 24, 1946 Bridgeport Harbor, Conn -....... Senate Public Works resolution, Apr. 20, 1948 Bullocks Point Cove, R. I...... . River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946 ------ 24, July 1947 ------------ Bunganuc Creek, Maquoite Bay, River and Harbor Act, Unfavorable. Maine. Mar. 2, 1945 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 139 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions--continued i I Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation i - - 1 - 1- I I Buttermilk Bay, Channel Feb. 20, 1948 II. 552, 80th Favorable. to River and Harbor Act, Buzzards Bay, Mass. Mar. 2, 1945 Cong., 2d sess. Buzzards Bay, channel to But- Feb. 20, 1948 II. 552,80th Do. termilk Bay, Mass. River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945 Cong., 2d sess. Camden Harbor, Maine .... Rivers and Harbors Corn- mittee resolution, June 15, 1943 Cape Porpoise Harbor, Maine... Rivers and Harbors Com- Feb. 24, 1948 H. 555,80th Do. mittee resolution, Oct. Cong., 2d 19, 1945 sess. Cathance River, Maine. .... River and Harbor Act, . . - - - - - - - Mar. 2, 1945 Chelsea River (Boston Harbor), Rivers and Harbors Com- 1. - -- - -- - Mass., to provide greater depth mittee resolution, Feb. and bridge clearance. 1, 1946 Connecticut Beach Erosion Con- River and Harbor Act, trol Study. July 3, 1930; Acts of Congress, July 31, 1945, and Aug. 13, 1946 Connecticut River, Conn_...__ River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946 Connecticut River between HIart- Rivers and Harbors Com- . . - -- - -- - ord, Conn., and Springfield and Holyoke, Mass. mittee resolution, Jan. 3, 1947 . . - -- - - Cotuit Harbor and West Bay, House Public Works ------------- Mass. Committee resolution, Cove Harbor and Cove Pond, Jan. 28, 1947 Conn. River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946 Criehaven Harbor, Maine, exten- House Sion of breakwater. Public Works Committee resolution, May 27, 1947 Cundys (Cundy) Harbor, Maine. River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945 Cuttyhunk Harbor, Mass-....... River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1916 Dutch Island Harbor, R. I..... River and Harbor Act, Eightmile River, Conn ......... July 24, 1946 River and Harbor Act, May 10, 1948 H. 666, 80th Do. Mar. 2, 1945 .............. Cong., 2d Fairhaven and New Bedford River and Harbor Act, .. .sess. . _ _____. .. Iarbors and the Acushnet Mar. 2, 1945 River, Mass., greater depth in eastern portion of anchorage basin and for navigation, flood control and related purposes. Falmouth Harbor, Mass--........ River and Harbor Act, Feb. 24, 1948 i. 566, 80th Do. Mar. 2, 1945 .. . Cong., .. . . .. . 2d -- Great Salt Pond, Block Island, sess. R. I. Senate Public Works Committee resolution, Mar. 4, 1947 Greenwich Cove, Conn.......... River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946 Hartford, Conn., to Springfield Rivers and Harbors Com- and Ifolyoke, Mass., Connecti- mittee resolution, Jan. cut River. 3, 1947 Hingham Bay, log Island, River and Harbor Act, July 23, 1947 Unfavorable. Mass. channel to Mar. 2, 1945 Hog Island, HIingham Bay, Mass., River and Harbor Act, July 23, 1947 Do. channel to. Mar. 2, 1945 Holyoke and Springfield, Mass. Rivers and Harbors Com- to Hartford, Conn., Connecti- mittee resolution, Jan. ... . . . --- -- cut River. 3, 1947 Indian Ledge, Matinicus, Maine. House Public Works .. - -- - -- - Committee resolution, Apr. 13, 1948 Lubec Channel, Maine...... Commerce Committee .. - -- - -- - resolution, Lynn Harbor, Mass............. Rivers and July 16, 1945 Harbors Com-. .. - -- - -- - mittee resolution, Mar. 19, 1946 Lynn Harbor, Mass .......... River and Harbor Act, ............... July 24, 1946 140 REPORT OF CHIEF O ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation Lynn-Nahant, Mass., beach ero- River and Harbor Act, sion control study (Boston, July 3, 1930; Acts of Mass., metropolitan district Congress, July 31, 1945 beaches, beach erosion control and Aug. 13, 1946 study). Maquoite Bay, Bunganuc Creek, River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1947 Unfavorable. Maine. Mar. 2, 1945 Matinicus, Maine, Indian Ledge. House Public Works Committee resolution, Apr. 13, 1948 Mattapoisett, Mass........ River and Harbor Act, May 11, 1948 1H.664, 80th Favorable. Mar. 2, 1945 Cong., 2d sess. Merrimack River, Mass., and N. IH., with view to improve- ment for navigation, flood con- River and Harbor Act, June 20, 1938 trol and water power. Mill Cove area, Bloothbay H1ar- River and Harbor Act, bor, Maine. Mar. 2, 1945 Mystic River, Mass............. River and Harbor Act, Apr. 29, 1948 1. 645, 80th Do. Mar. 2, 1945 Cong., 2d sess. Nahant-Lynn, Mass., beach ero- River and Harbor Act, sion control studly (Boston, July 3, 1930; Acts of Mass., metropolitan district Congress, July 31, 1945 beaches, beach erosion control and Aug. 13, 1946 study). Nantasket Beach, Mass., beach River and Harbor Act, erosion control stu(ly (Boston, July 3, 1930; Acts of Mass., metropolitan district Congress, July 31, 1945 beaches, beach erosion control and Aug. 13, 1946 study). Narragansett, Rhode Island, River and Harbor Act, (beach erosion control study). July 3, 1930; Acts of Congress, July 31, 1945 and Aug. 13, 1946 Narragansett Bay at mouth of Senate Public Works Narrow River, RIt. I. Committee resolution, June 10, 1947 Narragansett Pier, R. I.......... Senate Public Works Committee resolution, June 10, 1947 Narrow River, at mouth of, Nar- Senate Public Works ............ . ragansett Bay, R. I. Committee resolution, June 10, 1947 New Bedford and Fairhaven River and Harbor Act, Harbors and the Acushnet Mar. 2, 1945 River, Mass., to provide great- er depth in the eastern portion of the anchorage basin and for the improvement of navigation, flood control and related pur- poses. New London Harbor, Conn ..--. Rivers and Harbors Com- -- -- - ---- mittee resolution, Nov. 30, 1945 New London Harbor, Conn., House Public Works - - - - - --- -- with a view to providing a Committee resolution, ... .. .. . . . channel into Bentleys Creek. June 17, 1948 Newport Harbor, R. I......... River and 1H[arbor Act, - C--- --- - -- - July 24, 1946 Niantic Harbor and River, Conn. Commerce Committee July 24, 1947 Unfavorable. resolution, June 22, 1944 Patchogue River, Conn-....... River and Harbor Act, - ------------ July 24, 1946 Pine Orchard, harbor at Bran- River and Harbor Act, ford, Conn. July 24, 1946 "--------- ----- Plum Island Sound to the Annis- River and Harbor Act, --- . ..------ quam River, Essex County, Mar. 2, 1945 Mass., waterway. --------- Plymouth Harbor, Mass... .. Senate Public Works Committee resolution, {~---- Apr. 20, 1948 -- - --. -- - Portland, Maine, to Boston, River and Harbor Act, Mass., for a continuous water- Mar. 2, 1945 way, inland where possible. Presumpscot River, Maine-...... River and Harbor Act, Aug. 26, 1937 RIVERS AND HARBORS--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 141 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-continued ' i--- -r Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Reco i Congress No. mendation I - -1I .. .. .I . - . . ,, i i Provincetown IHarbor, Mass. - - Rivers and Harbors Com- Mar. 31, 1948 IH. 600, 80th Favorable. mittee resolution, Dec., Cong., 2d 21, 1945 sess. ..--....---.-.- Quincy Shore, Mass., beach cro- River and Harbor Act,' . ;.-- - -- sion control study (Boston, July 3, 1930; Acts of Mass., metropolitan district Congress, July 31, 1945 beaches, beach erosion control and Aug. 13, 1946 0 study). Revere, Mass;, beach erosion River and Harbor Act, control study (Boston, Mass., July 3, 1930; Acts of metropolitan district beaches, Congress, July 31, 1945 beach erosion control study), and Aug. 13, 1946 Rhode Island, south shore from River and Harbor Act, Clump Rocks east of mouth of July 3, 1930; Acts of Pattaquamscutt River to the Congress, July 31, 1945 Rhode Island-Connecticut and Aug. 13, 1946 State line, beach erosion con- trol study (including towns of Narragansett and Westerly). Sakonnet Harbor, R. 1 ......House Public Works Committee resolution, -------- Apr. 13, 1948 Salem Harbor, Mass., with a HIouse Public Works view to determining if it is ad- Committee resolution, visable to modify existing proj- June 17, 1948 ect at this time. Sandwich Harbor, Mass........ Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Aug. 19, 1946 Saugatuck River, Conn., and Rivers and Harbors Com- Westport Harbor, Conn. Scarboro River, Maine, between mittee resolution, Feb. 1, 1946 --------- River and Harbor Act, Prouts Neck and Pine Point.. Mar. 2, 1945 Scituate Harbor, Mass-.......... Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, July .. ......... 20, 1946 Springfleld and }Holyoke, Mass., Rivers and IHarbors Com- to Hartford, Conn., Connecti- mittee resolution, Jan. cut River. 3, 1947 Stonington Harbor, Conn....... Rivers and Harbors Com- May 10, 1948 II. 667, 80th Do. mittee resolution, Sept. Cong., 2d 25, 1945 sess. Town River, Mass............. Rivers and Harbors Com- ........ mittee resolution, Dec. 2, 1946 West Bay and Cotuit Harbor, 1House Public Works ...... --- -- .... ----- Mass. Committee resolution, Jan. 28, 1947 Westerly, Rhode Island, beach River and Harbor Act, ............... erosion control study. July 3, 1930; Acts of Congress, July 31, 1945 and Aug. 13, 1946 Westport Harbor and Saugatuck Rivers and Harbors Com- River, Conn. mittee resolution, Feb. ...... ----- 1, 1946. Weymouth Fore River, Mass... House Public Works Committee resolution, ... -- - -- - Apr. 22, 1947 Winthrop Beach, Mass., beach River and Harbor Act, erosion control study (Boston, July 3, 1930; Acts of Mass., metropolitan district Congress, July 31, 1945 beaches, beach erosion control and Aug. 31, 1946 study). Wood Island Harbor, Maine, River and Harbor Act, and the pool at Biddeford. Mar. 2, 1945 1 1 ,, 804711-48-Vol. 1-10 142 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 66. MERRIMACK RIVER BASIN, N. H. AND MASS. The works covered by the comprehensive plan are located on the Merrimack River and its tributaries in New Hampshire and Mas- sachusetts. The Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, authorized the construction of a system of flood-control reservoirs in the Merri- mack River Basin for the reduction of flood heights in the Mer- rimack Valley. The Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, approved the general comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes as approved by the Chief of Engineers pursuant to preliminary examinations and surveys authorized by the Act of June 22, 1936, and modified the project to provide, in addition to the construction of a system of flood-control reservoirs, related flood- control works which may be found justified by the Chief of En- gineers. The following reservoirs and related flood-control works were proposed for construction under the comprehensive plan: Reservoirs Distance Estimated cost above mouth of Reservoir Name Nearest city Merri- Height Type capacity mack Construc- Land and Total River tion damages 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Miles Feet Acre-feet Franklin Falls 2 Franklin, N. H.---------------------- 118. 2 136 Earth fill ---------------- 170, 000 $6, 100, 000 $1, 900, 000 $8,000, 000 Mountain Brook --------------- Jaffrey, N. H ----------------------- 167. 8 50 - ... do--..-----------------5,300 695, 000 79, 000 . 774, 000 West Peterborough ?------------ ....... Peterborough, N. H ....------------------ 161.3 67 ..... do ------------- 12, 800 1, 744, 000 325, 000 2, 069, 000 Z Bennington 2. ...2- - __.........-__ _ Bennington, N. H __.._______----__ 147.0 64 ..... do------------------- 60, 000 4, 028, 000 1,956, 000 5,984, 000 - Beards Brook 2- ..... .... _. Hillsboro, N. H _---------------------- 136. 4 115 ..__-do.. ...... --._- 35,000 3, 900, 000 300, 000 4, 200, 000 Blackwater Webster, N. H-.... --------.- - 118.8 60 ----- do-- - 5--- 46, 000 811,000 695,000 1,506,000 O 1 Includes highway, railroad, and utility relocations. s 1 5 , 2 For details, see individual report. Local protection projects Distance Estimated cost above Location mouth of Type of structure Merri- mack Construc- Land and Total River tion damages 1 Miles Nashua, N. Nashua, N. H.2---------------------------------------------------------------55 H.-- - 2- - - - - - 55 Wall Wall and levee---------- and levee$3,_ . $270,000 $270, 000 $,000 $3,000 $273,000 $273, 000 0O North Andover - - - Lawrence, Mass. 3 - and .27.3 -- do -------------------- 900,000 23, 000 923, 000 Lowell, Mass. - - 39 ... do-.....---------------- --- 490,600 90,000 580,600 1 To be borne by local interests. /(ft ' 2 For details, see individual report. 3 Completed. For last full report, see Annual Report for 1945. 144 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 All operations pertaining to flood control in the Merrimack River Basin are now carried on under and are reported under the pro- jects for the individual units of the comprehensive plan referred to above and in the report on preliminary examinations and surveys for flood control. No further expenditures are contemplated under the general project for flood control in the Merrimack River Basin. For final cost and financial summary see Annual Report for 1946. 67. FRANKLIN FALLS RESERVOIR, MERRIMACK RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.-The dam site of the reservoir is located on the Pemi- gewasset River, the main tributary of the Merrimack River, about 21/2 miles above Franklin, N. II., and 92 miles north of Boston, Mass. Existing project.-The dam is of rolled-earth fill with dumped rock shell and toe, 1,740 feet long, with a maximum height of 136 feet. It contains about 3,000,000 cubic yards of earth and rock fill. The spillway consists of a channel in an earth and rock cut in the right abutment with a gravity-type concrete ogee section 550 feet long. Twin gate-controlled outlet conduits are located in the right abutment. The reservoir provides a storage capacity of 170,000 acre-feet and controls a drainage area of 1,000 square miles. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $6,100,000 for construction and $1,900,000 for lands and damages including highway relocation, a total of $8,000,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $27,000. The project is a unit of the comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Merrimack River Basin which was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Con- trol Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-New work: Installa- tion of power and light feeder cables was completed. Installation of safety devices and miscellaneous construction was initiated. The cooling system of the gasoline electric standby unit was modified. Acquisition of the few remaining tracts of land to be acquired within the reservoir area were continued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $12,506.45. Maintenance: Work consisted of overhauling the outlet gates; checking the operating equipment; resealing the surface of the ac- cess road; and general maintenance work. The costs from regular funds for maintenance were $21,072.54. Reservoir operation: Flows exceeding 5,000 cubic feet per second were modified by the reservoir three times during the fiscal year. The maximum discharge occurred in April 1948, at which time water stored in the reservoir reached a maximum at 19,000 acre- feet, or 11 percent of the total available storage capacity. The res- ervoir reduced the peak inflow of 23,000 cubic feet per second to a discharge of 17,600 cubic feet per second. No gate operation was required. Total costs during the fiscal year from regular funds were $33,578.99. Expenditures were $44,642.13. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 145 Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the dam and appurtenant works was initiated in November 1939 and completed in October 1943. Work remaining to be done consists of completion of installation of safety devices and land acquisition and construc- tion of minor appurtenances to complete the project. Total costs for the project have been $7,873,998.18, of which $7,789,347.75 was for new work and $84,650.43 for maintenance. Expenditures have been $7,872,826.19. In addition, costs and ex- penditures from Emergency Relief funds for new work have been $15,208.64. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $63,913.81 plus an allotment of $175,800.00 made in July 1948, a total of $239,713.81, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948---___ - , _ -- __- ..- .. $1,171.99 New work: Completion of installation of safety devices and land acquisi- tion, construction of minor appurtenances for completion of project period July 1, 1948,to June 30, 1949-- _-__ Maintenance: Operation, repairs, improvements and maintenance.... --------------- 210,692.25 27,849.57 Total for all work----- --- -------- 239,713.81 The additional sum of $27,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for maintenance and operation. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_____ . -1 .__. $7,789,347.75 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--- ------- 84,650.43 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------- 1 7,873,998.18 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948_-.... . -------------- 1,171.99 Net total expenditures.......................---------------------------1 7,872,826.19 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948....-------------------------- 63,913.81 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------ ' 7,936,740.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-........... $192, 241. 54 $99, 819. 78 $96, 994. 00 $50, 585. 03 $12, 506.45 Cost of maintenance---........----- 16, 806. 60 13, 959. 70 15, 543. 15 15, 652. 98 21, 072. 54 Total cost-......... -. 209, 048. 14 113, 779.48 112, 537. 15 66,238.01 33, 578. 99 Total expended................. 365, 821.31 113,337. 42 109, 792. 27 61,980. 39 44, 642.13 Allotted -- 1-------------- ............. 16, 000.00 185,240.00 5, 000.00 18, 500.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------- $90,055.94 Amount allotted during fiscal year- - - - _- - -_ 18,500.00 Amount to be accounted for---------------___ _ 108,555.94 Gross amount expended -------------------- $47,433.13 Less reimbursed expenditures --------------- 2,791.00 44,642.13 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-_-----1 -_- --- 63,913.81 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 .... 1,171.99 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts - 60,057.30 -- 61,229.29 Balance available, June 30, 1948...............------------------------ 2,684.52 Amount allotted in July 1948.....................------------------------------. 175, 800.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949..-------.... 178,484.52 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_-------------------------- 27,000.00 I In addition, $15,208.64 were expended from Emergency Relief Administration funds for new work. 146 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 68. MOUNTAIN BROOK RESERVOIR, MERRIMACK RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.-The dam site is located in Jaffrey, Cheshire County, N. H., on Mountain Brook, immediately above its confluence with the Contoocook River, approximately 1 mile south of East Jaffrey, N. H., and 55 miles northwest of Boston, Mass. Existing project.--The dam will be of the rolled-earth embank- ment type, with a rock blanket on the upstream face and the down- stream toe, 1,100 feet long at the top, with a maximum height of about 50 feet and top width of 42 feet, upon which will be located a paved highway. A rolled-earth dike approximately 900 feet in length at the top, with a maximum height of 35 feet and top width of 20 feet will be constructed from the south end of the dam to high ground. The dam and dike will contain approximately 192,000 cubic yards of earth and rock fill. A concrete-lined spillway with a weir 100 feet in width located in the west abutment; an ungated conduit through the embankment section ; and a rigid frame highway bridge over the spillway chute; involving a total of approximately 6,000 cubic yards of concrete, will be constructed. The reservoir will pro- vide a storage capacity of 5,300 acre-feet. The estimated cost, re- vised in 1946, is $695,000 for construction and $79,000 for lands and damages, a total of $774,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $3,000. The project is a unit of the comprehensive plan for flood control and other pur- poses in the Merrimack River Basin which was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. There were no costs or expenditures from regular funds. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-Contractplans, specifications, and design analyses have been approved. Bids taken for construc- tion of the project were rejected. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds have been $56,890.52 for new work. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $6,109.48 will be revoked and reallotted. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_---------------------- $56,890.52 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 __ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.....---------. 56,890.52 Net total expenditures---_ __________________------------- 56,890.52 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 --------------- - 6,109.48 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- -- -----.. 63,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL---NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 147 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-- ....... _- $3, 037. 41 $12, 756. 00 $22, 348. 43 $1. 00-----------.. Cost of maintenance-- ----------------------------------- --------------------------- Total expended__ .. __ ...--- 3, 005. 00 10, 613. 83 24, 183. 97 340. 04 .. Allotted _ _------------------- _ _____...... 12, 500. 00 524, 500. 00 .......--- ...-------- -$500, 000 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------- ------------ $506,109.48 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-------------- 500,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for-_ __-__------ __6,109.48 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project___ -------- --------------------- 711,000.00 69. WEST PETERBOROUGH RESERVOIR, MERRIMACK RIVER BASIN, N. II. Location.-The dam site is located one-half mile upstream from the village of West Peterborough, N. H., and 1,000 feet upstream from the existing Verney Mills Dam on Nubanusit Brook, a tribu- tary of the Contoocook River; approximately 35 miles southwest of Concord, N. H., and 60 miles northwest of Boston, Mass. The reser- voir lies within Hillsboro and Cheshire Counties, N. H. Existing project.-The dam will be of the rolled-earth embank- ment type, with a rock blanket on the upstream slope and the down- stream drainage toe, 1,000 feet long at the top, with a maximum height of 67 feet and a top width of 25 feet. The outlet works located in the west abutment of the dam will consist of an intake structure, a conduit controlled by three hydraulically operated gates and a stilling basin which discharges into the pool created by the Verney Mills Dam. The spillway will be a concrete, gravity weir section 100 feet in length, with an approach channel 1,900 feet long; a discharge channel 2,950 feet long and a protective dike approximately 2,600 feet in length to guide the spillway discharge. The spillway will be located in a natural saddle at the north side of the reservoir approxi- mately 3 miles from the dam site, and will discharge into Ferguson Brook, which, in turn, discharges into the proposed Bennington Reservoir. Approximately 210,000 cubic yards of earth and rock fill will be required for the construction of the dam and dike, and 4,100 cubic yards of concrete will be required for the spillway and outlet works. The reservoir will provide a storage capacity of approxi- mately 12,800 acre-feet. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $1,744,000 for construction and $325,000 for lands and damages, a total of $2,069,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $15,000. The project is a unit of the comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Merrimack River Basin which was authorized by the Flood Con- trol Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of completion of contract plans and specifications for the dam and 148 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 appurtenant works and a portion of the relocated highway initia- tion of construction of the dam under a continuing contract, award of contract for a portion of the relocated highway, and initiation of acquisition of land and rights of entry. The costs from regular funds for new work were $178,712.56. Expenditures were $141,992.47. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the dam and ap- purtenant works, initiated in March 1948, was 4 percent complete. Construction of a portion of the relocated highway was initiated in June, 1948. Work remaining to be done consists of completion of the construction of the dam and portion of highway now under con- tract; construction of the remaining portion of the highway; re- location of utilities ; and completion of acquisition of land. The total costs have been $273,180.04. The expenditures have been $236,- 459.95. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $860,740.05 plus an allotment of $600,000 made in July of 1948 a total of $1,460,740.05 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948-_ _________$36,720.09 New work: Continuing construction of dam and highway, initiation of construction of portion of highway not yet under contract, acquisition of land, relocation of utilities, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949--------------------------------------- 1,424,019.96 Total -_____ ______ - ___________--------__-___1,460,740.05 The additional sum of $386,800 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Complete construction of dam and relocations, and reser- voir clearing ------------- --------------------------- $371,800.00 Maintenance: Operation, repairs, improvements and maintenance.... 15,000.00 Total of all work__ ----------------------------------- 386,800.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $273,180.04 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 273,180.04 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948-- -------------------- 36,720.09 Net total expenditures --------..... 236,459.95 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-------------------------- 860,740.05 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. 1,097,200.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------......$9, 281.20 $22, 958.02 $11,430.81 $17,880.57 $178,712. 56 Cost of maintenance .. _ Total expended ......-----------------..... 8, 777. 56 20, 451.61 13,332. 53 18, 988.90 141, 092.47 Allotted- --------------------- -3, 000. 00 42,200.00 ---------- -------------- 1,000,00. 00 FLOOD CONTIROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 149 Balance unexpended; July 1, 1947---------------------- $2,732.52 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------- 1,000,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--------- ----------- 1,002,732.52 Gross amount expended-------------------- $142,037.47 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------- 45.00 141,992.47 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -------------- 860,740.05 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 36,720.09 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- 817,197.63 853 917 72 Balance available, June 30, 1948 --------------------- 6,822.33 Amount allotted in July 1948----------------------------- -600,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 606,822.33 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------- - ----------- 371,800.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work---------------------------- ------ ----- 371,800.00 For maintenance ------------------------------- 15,000.00 Total-------------------------------------------- 386,800.00 70. BENNINGTON RESERVOIR, MERRIMACK RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.-The dam site is located on the Contoocook River, one- half mile upstream from the town of Bennington (Hillsboro County), N. H.; approximately 24 miles southwest of Concord, N. H.; and 64 miles northwest of Boston, Mass. Existing project.-The dam will be of the rolled-earth embank- ment type, with a dumped rock toe and a dumped rock blanket on the upstream face, 3,520 feet long with a maximum height of 64 feet and a top width of 25 feet, containing about 816,000 cubic yards of earth and rock fill. An overflow concrete gravity-type ogee section spill- way, 300 feet in length, and the six hydraulically operated gates in the spillway section will discharge into a common stilling basin. The spillway, stilling basin and the nonoverflow section adjoining each side of the spillway will require a total of 52,800 cubic yards of con- crete. The reservoir will provide a storage capacity of approxi- mately 60,000 acre-feet. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $4,028,000 for construction and $1,956,000 for lands and damages, a total of $5,984,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $16,000. Provisions have been made in the design for raising the embankment to provide an ulti- mate installation for flood control and conservation storage with a combined capacity of 90,000 acre-feet. The project is a unit of the comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Merrimack River Basin which was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938 applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of continuation of engineering studies and operation and mnainte- nance by the United States Geological Survey of a stream-.gaging 150 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 station under the cooperative stream-gaging program. The costs from regular funds for new work were $751.48. Expenditures were $689.74. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Contract plans and specifications were complete. No construction work had been done. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $203,917.26. Expendi- tures have been $203,855.52. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $13,044.48 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948- _-_ $61.74 New work: Minor modifications to contract plans and specifications ... 12,982.74 Total------.------------------------------------1_ 3,044.48 No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_------------------____ $203,917.26 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ ..- _----.- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 203,917.26 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------- 61.74 Net total expenditures___-------__.-_-_-_- _-__--_ 203,855.52 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 13,044.48 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_----------- 216,900.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-.... .... $13, 786. 19 $83, 916. 16 $100, 549. 78 $4, 913. 65 $751.48 Cost of maintenance ... .. .. ...-------------. --. --------..................... ........... Total expended ................. 12, 208. 17 83,646. 37 101, 912. 58 5, 398. 66 689. 74 Allotted- ---------------------- 91,500.00 102, 500.00 22, 900. 00 ..------ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------------- $13,734.22 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------ 689.74 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 13,044.48 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....... $61.74 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 6.69 68.43 Balance available, June 30, 1948. ---------------------- 12,976.05 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---- ________________ ------------------- 5,767,100.00 71. BEARDS BROOK RESERVOIR, MERRIMACK RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.-The dam site is located on Beards Brook, 2 miles up- stream from the town of Hillsboro, N. H. ; 1.5 miles above the con- fluence of Beards Brook and the Contoocook River; approximately 21 miles southwest of Concord, N. H., and 65 miles northwest of Boston, Mass. The reservoir lies within Hillsboro County, N. H. Existing project.-The dam will be of the rolled earth embank- ment type, with an over-all length of approximately 4,000 feet, a height of approximately 115 feet, and a top width of 25 feet contain- ing about 1,200,000 cubic yards of earth and rock fill. The dam will control the Beards Brook drainage area of 56 square miles and will FLOOI) CONTROL--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 151 be located to allow diversion of the spillway discharge from the existing Jackman Reservoir, which controls the 64-square-mile drainage area of the North Fork of the Contoocook River, into the Beards Brook Reservoir during high-water stages. A concrete gravity spillway, with a crest length of 450 feet, constructed across the North Fork will divert the spillway discharge from Jackman Reservoir through a diversion channel into the project reservoir. An ungated outlet through the spillway will provide for the normal spillway discharge from Jackman Reservoir. The water above spill- way level from the project reservoir will flow through the diversion channel to the North Fork and discharge over the spillway. Normal flow from Beards Brook will discharge through a gate-controlled concrete conduit under the dam. The reservoir will provide a storage capacity of 35,000 acre-feet which is equivalent to 5.5 inches of run- off from the combined drainage area of 120 square miles. The esti- mated cost, revised in 1946, is $3,900,000 for construction and $300,- 000 for lands and damages, a total of $4,200,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $15,- 000. The reservoir is a unit of the comprehensive plan for flood- control and other purposes in the Merrimack River Basin which was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations consisted of the maintenance and operation by the United States Geological Survey of a stream-gaging station installed under the cooperative stream gaging program. The costs and expenditures were $337. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Topographic surveys, founda- tion investigations and analyses for final design were approxi- mately 90-percent complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures have been $77,724.14. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $87.41 will be applied to engineering studies in connection with preparation of contract plans and specifications. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -...- __---- .___-__- $77,724.14 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ._ __....__ ----.-.... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......---------. 77,724.14 Net total expenditures ---- ----.----.------------ __ 77,724.14 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-...-- , --------- ----- -87.41 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- 77, 811.55 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ...--------------- $8,815. 45 $28, 591.41 $38,820.91 $1,159.37 $337 Cost of maintenance....----------- ---------- ---------------- --------- ---------------- 'rotal expended................. 7, 768. 79 26, 499. 63 42, 922. 50 1, 196. 22 337 Allotted ....................... 40, 311.55 60, 500. 00 -23, 000. 00 . 152 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- ----------------------- - $424.41 Gross amount expended------------------------------------337.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 87.41 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------------------ 4,122,188.45 72. BLACKWATER RESERVOIR, MERRIMACK RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.-The dam site of the reservoir is located on the Black- water River in New Hampshire, 8.2 miles above the confluence with the Contoocook River and 118.8 miles above the mouth of the Merri- mack. The reservoir lies within the towns of Webster and Salisbury in the county of Merrimack, the dam being situated just above the village of Swetts Mills in Webster, 12.5 miles by highway northwest of Concord, N. H. Existing project.-The dam is of the rolled-earth type, with a dumped-rock toe and a dumped-rock blanket on the upstream face, 750 feet long at the top, with a maximum height of approximately 60 feet and a top width of about 39 feet containing about 239,000 cubic yards of earth and rock fill. A gravity-type spillway, 240 feet long, 55 square feet of gate-controlled and 22.5 square feet of ungated out- let conduits, and a 16-foot diameter penstock intake, involving 24,- 300 cubic yards of concrete, have been constructed. The reservoir will provide a storage capacity of 46,000 acre-feet and control a draininge area of 127.5 square miles. The estimated cost, revised in 1947, is $811,000 for construction and $695,000 for lands and dam- ages a total of $1,506,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $6,000. The project is a unit of the comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Merrimack River Basin which was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Con- trol Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work: Modifica- tion to the operator's quarters were completed. Installation of safety devices was initiated. Negotiations relative to relocation of roads and acquisition of a few remaining tracts of land to be acquired within the reservoir area were continued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $2,301.65. Maintenance: Work consisted of painting; periodic checking of gates and operating equipment; removing debris from intake channel and general maintenance work. The costs from regular funds for maintenance were $3,205.47. Reservoir operation: Flows exceeding 500 cubic feet per second were modified by the reservoir twice during the fiscal year. The maximum discharge occurred in March 1948 at which time water stored in the reservoir reached a maximum of 4,500 acre-feet, nearly 10 percent of the total available storage capacity. The reservoir re- duced the peak inflow of 2,350 cubic feet per second to a discharge of 1,430 cubic feet per second. No gate operation was required. Total costs during the fiscal year from regular funds were $5,507.12. Expenditures were $5,094.68. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 153 Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionof the dam and ap- purtenant works was initiated in May 1940 and completed in No- vember 1944. Work remaining to be done consists of completion of installation of safety devices and land acquisition, highway reloca- tions, and construction of trash removal devices. Total costs for the project have been $1,244,410.95, of which $1,224,226.19 was for new work and $20,184.76 for maintenance. Expenditures have been $1,243,839.16. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $82,511.84 plus an allotment of $236,000 made in July 1948, a total of $318,511.84 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948_ _------------------ ----------- $571.79 New work: Complete installation of safety devices, relocation of roads and construction of log boom, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949.. 281,624.81 Maintenance: Operation, repairs, improvements and maintenance, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949_ -_------ ------------ 6,315.24 Total for all work- _------------------------------ 288,511.84 Refund to Union Village project to replace funds transferred from that project during fiscal year 1948__----- ------------------- 30,000.00 Total ----------------------- --------------------- 318,511.84 The additional sum of $6,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for maintenance and operation. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-- ----------- $1,224,226.19 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---__ 20,184.76 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- -1,244,410.95 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948------------------ _ 571.79 Net total expenditures ----.. _----._ -_-----. . __.__ 1,243,839.16 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 ___ _ ---- 82, 511.84 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 1,326,351.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ....--------- --- $57, 325. 43 $21, 754. 27 $4, 276. 00 $32, 491.40 $2,301.65 Cost of maintenance ......... . 2, 804. 60 2, 813. 25 3, 591. 63 4,110. 57 3, 205.47 Total cost _ _............. 60,130. 03 24, 567. 52 7, 867. 63 36, 601.97 5, 507. 12 Total expended----............. 8, 230. 41 36, 889. 14 5, 094. 68 59, 096. 75 26, 210. 37 Allotted - ---- . ................ ....... 6, 000.00 70, 351.00 ............-------------.. 34, 500. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- ------------------ $53,106.52 Amount allotted during fiscal year _- 34,500.00 Amount to be accounted for-------------- ______ 87,606.52 Gross amount expended________-------------- 5,094.68 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------ -- -----. 82, 511.84 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-.. . $571.79 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts _ 72,088.17 72,659.96 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------- --------- 9,851.88 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------ ---- 236,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-------..... 245,851.88 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.--------------------------- 6,000.00 154 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 73. NASHUA, MERRIMACK RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.-The project is located on the right bank of the Nashua and Merrimack Rivers at their confluence in the city of Nashua (Hillsboro County), N. H. The site is 55 miles above the mouth of the Merrimack River at Newburyport, Mass.; 35 miles northwest of Boston, Mass.; 32 miles south of Concord, N. H.; and 64 miles down- stream and south of the completed Franklin Falls Dam on the Pemi- gewasset River. Existing project.-The project consists of approximately 3,300 feet of dike and 350 feet of concrete wall, protecting approximately 70 acres of land, developed extensively by industrial establishments and residences in the lower section of Nashua. A pumping station is included to discharge sewage and drainage during the periods of high river stages. The estimated cost of construction, revised in 1946, is $270,000. The project is a unit of the comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Merrimack River Basin, which was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the project was continued. Bids for installation of equipment were re- jected as excessive. The costs from regular funds for new work were $13,776.18. Expenditures were $18,890.40. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction operations initi- ated in July 1946 were practically complete. Work required to com- plete the project consists of furnishing and installing pumping station equipment; and preparation of the operation and mainte- nance manual. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $260,- 764.03. Expenditures have been $256,935.65. Proposedoperations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $13,064.35 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948____________________________ $3,828.38 New work: Furnishing and installing pumping-station equipment and preparation of operation and maintenance manual, period July 1, 1948, to Jan. 1, 1949-------------------------------------9,235.97 Total -------------------------------------------- 13,064.35 It is estimated that all remaining items of work will be completed during fiscal year 1949 using available funds. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-----------------------...... $260,764.03 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-. - -__ -- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------......... 260,764.03 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 3,828.38 Net total expenditures-________________............_.......... 256,935.65 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948_------_____ - ______ --- 13,064.35 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 1 270,000.00 FLOOD CONTROIr--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 155 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ... __ _________ $1,073.43 $2, 426.97 $30, 911.33 485.68 $212, $13,776.18 Cost of maintenance--------------------------------------------------------------- Total expendcd----------------- 1,061. 42 2, 339. 86 28, 753. 67 205,799. 86 18, 890. 40 Allotted-_ ...... ___ .---------------. -10, 000. 00 195, 000. 00 53, 000. 00 -1 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------------- $31,954.75 Gross amount expended ------------------- $35,890.40 Less reimbursed expenditures_ --------- 17,000.00 18,890.40 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------- ---- 13,064.35 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 3,828.38 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. 4,425.70 8,254.08 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ---------------- 4,810.27 1 In addition, $2,000 have been contributed by local interrests. 74. NORTH ANDOVER AND LAWRENCE, MERRIMACK RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The project is located on both banks of the Shawsheen River, approximately one-half mile upstream from the confluence of the Shawsheen River and Merrimack River in the city of Law- rence and in the town of North Andover, and on the north bank of the Merrimack River above Essex Dam in the city of Lawrence, Mass. The site is in Essex County, 27.3 miles above the mouth of the Merrimack River at Newburyport, Mass. and 24 miles north of Boston, Mass. Existing project.-The project consists of local protection works in the town of North Andover and in two sections of the city of Lawrence, to be constructed as a unit of the comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Merrimack River Basin, which was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. The sections comprising the complete project, at an estimated con- struction cost of $900,000, revised in 1946, are as follows: North Andover: The North Andover section will consist of ap- Proximately 2,300 feet of concrete wall, 750 feet of earth dike, and a Pumping station to discharge sanitary and storm water flow during flood periods. South Lawrence: The south Lawrence section will consist of ap- Proximately 3,250 feet of concrete wall; 570 feet of earth dike; the Installation of drains interceptors, and diversion pipe; and a pump- ing station to discharge sanitary and storm water flow during flood periods. West Lawrence : The west Lawrence section consists of complet- ing an abandoned Work Projects Administration project for con- structing an earth dike 2,300 feet in length on the north bank of the Merrimack River. Approximately 1,000 feet of this dike were com- pleted by the Work Projects Administration during the 1940 con- struction period, but the remainder of the dike requires a riprap blanket, a gravel toe drain, topsoil, and seeding. Protection for a low 156 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 area adjacent to and downstream from this earth dike will be pro- vided by a concrete wall 350 feet in length and a low earth dike ap- proximately 375 feet in length as an extension to the former Work Projects Administration project. A pumping station will not be re- quired for this section. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Surveys and foundation investi- gations were complete. Soil analyses were 55 percent complete. Detailed structural and hydraulic studies required prior to prepara- tion of contract plans and specifications were 75 percent complete. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work have been $19,488.54. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the year, amounting to $14,511.46 will be applied to the continuation of engineering studies. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------------- $19,488.54 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--. .. .. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948....... 19,488.54 Net total expenditures--------- ---------.................... 19,488.54 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 14,511.46 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------- 34,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------........... $1, 920.26 $7,612.64 $9,787.47 $168. 17 ...-------- Cost of maintenance...... .......... ..... Total expended...............-----------------. 1,908.25 7, 231. 68 9, 791.20 6557.41-----------..... Allotted-------------------------------- 20, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -------------- _ _------_ $14,511.46 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ----------- _ _14,511.46 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project .------ ------------------ ----------- 866,000.00 75. BLACKSTONE RIVER BASIN, MASS., AND R. I. Location.-The works covered by this project consist of a dam and reservoir on the West River and local protection works at three cities on the Blackstone River. Existing project.-The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, authorized the plan for a reservoir on the West River and local protection works at Worcester, Mass., and Woonsocket and Paw- tucket, R. I., substantially in accordance with House Document 624, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session. The following individual projects comprise the authorized plan: 000 o Reservoirs I 0t ,,a Distance Estimated cost 0 above Reservoir 0 Name Nearest city mouth of Height Tyre capacity Blackstone . Construe- Land and Total 0 tj River I ion damages 1 0 zH Miles Feet Acre-feet West ill --- -- ------ Uxbridge, Mass---------------------- 25. 8 43 Earth fill-.. ------------ 11, 900 $1, 125, 000 $409, 000 $1, 000 534, 1Includes highway, railroad, and utility relocations. 2 For details, see individual report. __ 0 Local protection projects Distance Estimated cost z Location above mouth of Type of structure ~z tf ot-Blackstone Construc- Land and Total River tion damages I 2 Miles Worcester, Mass. - _- -_ - - -- - - --..... - - 48 Diversion tunnel and channel_ $3, 155, 000 $400, 000 $3, 555, 000 Woonsocket, R. I.2----------------------. .. ......-..... . --- -- _ ........ -......... ...... 15 Channel improvement...... 1, 419, 000 129,000 1,548, 000 c/ Pawtucket, R..3__......................... ......... ....------------ ... .. .... .2 Flood wall-----_ 115, 000 -- _----------115,000 0 z ITo be borne by local interests. 2For details, see individual report. 3 For last full report, see Annual Report for 1945. Costs revised in 1946. 158 REPORT OF CHIEF 01F ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 All operations, costs and expenditures are contained in the indi- vidual reports. 76. WEST HILL RESERVOIR, BLACKSTONE RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The site of the West Hill Dam is on the West River about 3 miles above its confluence with the Blackstone River and 1.8 miles east of North Uxbridge, Mass. The reservoir will extend up- stream a distance of 4.2 miles on the West River. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam 2,700 feet long, rising 43 feet above the stream bed and providing a storage capacity for flood control of 11,900 acre feet. A side channel spillway will be constructed at the east end of the earth dam in existing bed rock, 175 feet in length with a dis- charge capacity of 19,700 cubic feet per second. The outlet will con- sist of a gate-controlled tunnel discharging into the spillway channel. The drainage area controlled will be 28.4 square miles. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated system of flood control developments for the control of floods in the Blackstone River Basin. The estimated cost revised in 1946 is $1,125,000 for construction including $80,000 for ultimate conservation storage; and $409,000 for lands and damages including highway relocations; a total of $1,534,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual mainte- nance (operating and care) is $11,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944 (II. Doc. 624, 78th Cong. 2nd sess.). Local cooperation.-Section3 of the Flood Control Act of Decem- ber 22, 1944, applies. Operations and results iduring fiscal year.-Engineering studies in connection with the preparation of detailed plans were continued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $2,741.31. Expen- ditures were $2, 722.57. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The detailed plans were 75 per- cent complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $78,198.72. Total expen- ditures have been $78,176.48. Proposedoperations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $21,823.52 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948------------------------------ $22.24 New work: Continuation of engineering studies in connection with prepa- _ 21,801.28 ration of detailed plans, period Jan. 1, 1949, to June 30, 1949 --- ---- Total ----------------------------------- --------- __ 21,823.52 The additional sum of $80,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for the completion of detailed plans and the preparation of contract plans and specifications. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $78,198.72 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. ---------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------ 78,198.72 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 -------------------- 22.24 Net total expenditures------------------------------- 78,176.48 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-------------------------- 21,823.52 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 100,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 159 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work... ... $2, 659. 20 $58, 102. 55 $14, 695. 66 $2, 741. 31 Cost of maintenance Total expende(dl 2,160. 08 57, 912. 30 15, 381. 53 2, 722. 57 Allotted . . . . ..------------------- ------------- 60, 000. 00 40, 000. 00.. .................... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--- -------------------- $24,546.09 Gross amount expended------------------------------- 2,722.57 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 21,823.52 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_.. $22.24 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 3.58 - -- 25.82 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------ 21,797.70 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_------- _ ------- 1,434,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work _______--------------------- 80,000.00 77. WORCESTER DIVERSION, BLACKSTONE RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.- The Worcester diversion extends from a point on Leesville Pond about 1 mile southwest of Worcester, Mass., to the Blackstone River approximately 1 mile downstream from Wor- cester. Existing Project.-Thisproject consists of a diversion tunnel and channel approximately 15,000 feet in length with a discharge capa- city of 5,600 cubic feet per second. The tunnel will be 4,520 feet long, 16 feet in diameter of circular shape and will be controlled by two 6- foot by 12-foot gates, operated so as to maintain a constant pool elevation in Leesville Pond during flood periods. The channel will be 10,300 feet long. The diversion will be operated entirely for the benefit of the city of Worcester, Mass. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $3,155,000 for construction and $400,000 for lands, damages and for rebuilding highway and railroad bridges across the diversion channel, a total of $3,555,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- Proved December 22, 1944 (H. Doc. 624, 78th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements, local interests are required to furnish as- surances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will construct one railroad and two highway bridges across the diversion channel. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The detailed plans were sub- stantially complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work have been $68,236.88. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $31,763.12 will be applied to complete detailed Plans and initiate contract plans and specifications, period January 1, 1949, to May 1, 1949. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in 1950. 160 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------------------___ $68,236.88 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ ---------- ___ __--- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .--------- 68236.88 Net total expenditures. -------------------------- 68,236.88 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.------------------------- 31,763.12 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 100,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1918 Cost of new work-- - ------------- $5,013. 57 $54, 606. 75 $8, 616. 56- ....... - Cost of maintenance.......................................... ....... Total expended----------------- ...... _....... 3,789.13 55,249.64 9,198.11..----------- --.... ---.......... Allotted ..............-------------------.... 75,000.00 25,000.00 ..----------------------... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- _ -- $31,763.12 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- -_ 31,763.12 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project__ ___ 3,055,000.00 78. WOONSOCKET, BLACKSTONE RIVER BASIN, R. I. Location.-On the reach of the Blackstone River within the city of Woonsocket, R. I., approximately 13 miles north of Providence, R. I. Existing project.-This project provides for the replacement of the existing Woonsocket Falls Dam with a concrete overflow dam equipped with two drum type gates, each 125 feet in length, to main- tain the present pool level during low river stages; excavation of the channel of Blackstone River upstream'from Woonsocket Falls Dam to Singleton Street Bridge; and alteration or reconstruction of the present Edward Street footbridge, and Sales Street Bridge. The im- proved channel, together with the reductions in flood discharge to be realized by construction of the West Hill Reservoir, will provide protection against the maximum flood of record for adjoining areas in Woonsocket. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944 (H. Doc. No. 624, 78th Cong., 2d sess.). The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $1,419,000 for construction, and $129,000 for bridge alterations and rights-of-way. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements of local cooperation, local interests are required to furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will alter two highway bridges and one footbridge and eliminate the obstruction at the railroad bridge to provide the necessary cross-sectional area. Preliminary negotiations for as- surances of local cooperation have been initiated. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The preparation of detailed plans has not been initiated and no construction work has been done under the project. Proposed operations.-The sum of $100,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for surveys, explorations and engineering studies in connection with design and preparation of detailed plans for the authorized project. FLOOD CONTROL---NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 161 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------ --------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_.- _----------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------------------- Net total expenditures-_ ------------------------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ---------------------- ------- $1,419,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_ ------------------------- 100,000.00 79. PAWTUXET RIVER BASIN, R. I. Location.--The works covered by this project' consist of local pro- tection works on the North Branch of the Pawtuxet River at Clyde, R. I., and a diversion channel in the vicinity of Pontiac, R. I., both within a radius of 10 miles from Providence, R. I. Existing project.-The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, authorized the project for local flood protection in the Paw- tuxet River Basin substantially in accordance with House Document 747, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session. The following individual projects comprise the authorized plan: Local protection projects' Distance Estimated cost above Location mouth of Type of structure Pawtuxet Construe- Land and Total IRiver tion ]damages C1 de, it- ntiac, . -Miles 11.5 Wall and levee-------- .... $431, (000 2$70, 000 $501, 000 , .7.6Diversion channel -... 3,717,000 184, 800 3 3, 901, 800 For details, 9 To be borne see individual report. by local interests. 8 Local interests to contribute not to exceed $347,500. All operations, costs, and expenditures are contained in the indi- vidual reports. 80. CLYDE, PAWTUXET RIVER BASIN, R. I. Location.--Clyde is a part of the town of West Warwick, in Kent County, R. I., and is located on the north bank of the Pawtuxet River, 11.5 miles above the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for about 2,100 feet of earth levee and 950 feet of concrete wall, a pumping station and a 36-inch pressure conduit 550 feet long. The levee and Wall are designed to protect against a flood substantially greater than the maximum flood of record. The existing project was author- ized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 747, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The estimated cost of new work revised in 1946 is $431,000 for construction, and $70,000 for lands and damages. Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. Local interests have indicated that assurances of local cooperation will not be fur- nished. Official notification of the requirements of local cooperation 162 REPORT OF CHIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 was forwarded to the town of West Warwick, R. I., on April 25, 1946, and authorization for the project will expire April 25, 1951, if assurances are not furnished prior to that date. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Funds avail- able at the beginning of the year, amounting to $2,669.91, were re- voked. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plansand specifications were 20 percent complete. Design work was suspended pending receipt of assurances of local cooperation. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds have been $8,830.09 for new work. Proposed operations.-None. No additional funds are recom- mended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_------------------- $8,830.09 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_... __ _ -- ... . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948, .-. 8,830.09 Net total expenditures ....... ...... __........._______ ___.... 8,830.09 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- .- 8,830.09 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-.--.....--- -$3, 284. 46 $5, 446.42 $84. 90 $14.31........... Cost of maintenance ...------ . ... . . ........-------------- Total expended -........... 2, 975. 39 5, 689. 00 151.39 14.31 .. Allotted ............---------------------- 9,000.00 ............- 3,500.00-------------- .............. -2,66991 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------------ $2,669.91 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------------- 2, 669.91 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project- .-- _---_----___-__-- .- 422,169.91 81. PONTIAC DIVERSION, PAWTUXET RIVER BASIN, R. I. Location.-The Pontiac diversion extends from a point on Paw- tuxet River 7.6 miles above the mouth, in the city of Warwick, Kent County, R. I., to the head of Greenwich Bay, a part of Narragansett Bay, R. I. Existingproject.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of an earth diversion dam 600 feet longwith top elevation 25 feet above the bed of the Pawtuxet River and with a supplemen- tary earth dike 1,300 feet long; and a diversion channel 5,500 feet long with a control gate structure at the upper end and a concrete weir supplemented by 3,600 feet of earth dike near the lower end. The diversion channel will be lined with concrete and have bottom widths of 100 feet in the upper 4,200 feet and 50 feet in the lower reach. The concrete weir and wing levees will be provided where the diversion channel crosses a pond. The channel will have a capacity sufficient to accommodate flows greater than any observed in the Pawtuxet River and will be- crossed by three highway bridges. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (II. Doc. 747, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The estimated cost of new work revised in 1946 is $3,717,000 for con- struction, and $184,800 for lands and damages. FLOOD CONTROL---NEW ENGLAND DIVISION .163 Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to give assur- ances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will par- ticipate in the expense of the project to the extent of 25 percent of its first cost, but not to exceed the total sum of $347,500. Local interests have indicated that assurances of local cooperation will not be fur- nished. Official notification of the requirements of local cooperation was forwarded to the State of Rhode Island April 25, 1946. Authori- zation for the project will expire April 25, 1951, if assurances of local cooperation are not furnished prior to that date. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Funds avail- able at the beginning of the fiscal year, amounting to $783.36, were revoked. Condition at the end of fiscal year.-Surveys and foundation ex- plorations were complete. Engineering studies in connection with the preparation of detailed plans were 85 percent complete. Design Work was suspended pending receipt of assurances of local coopera- tion. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expendi- tures from regular funds for new work have been $24,216.64. Proposed operations.-None. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $24,216.64 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------- --------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Net total expenditures- ....... ----..... _ --------24,216.64 24,216.64 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 24,216.64 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of few work------___---- $7, 393. 67 $15, 9(6. 89 $120. 02 $736. 06----------- Cost of maintcnance- Total expended .___.-- __------ 7, 125.46 16, 235. 10 116. 60 739. 48...... Allotted-- - 27,000.00--------------. 12--000.00-----. ---------- $783.36 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------------- $783.36 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment -------------- 783.36 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project____________ ____ 3,692,783.36 82. THAMES RIVER BASIN, CONN., R. I., AND MASS. Location.---The works covered by this project are a series of dams and reservoirs on tributaries of the Thames River in Massa- chusetts and Connecticut, within a radius of 45 miles from Norwich, Conn., and a channel enlargement on the Shetucket River where it discharges into the Thames River at Norwich. Existing project.-The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, approved the plan for a system of reservoirs and channel im- provements in the Thames River Basin in accordance with House Document 885, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session, and author- ized $6,000,000 for initiation and partial accomplishment of the project. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, au- thorized the completion of the approved plan. The following individual projects comprise the approved plan: Reservoirs Distance Estimated cost O above Reservoir Name Nearest city mouth of Height Type capacity Thames Construc- Land and Total O River tion damages i Miles Feet Acre-feet Hodges Village__----------------- 2- - - - - - - - Oxford, Mass-----------------_----_ 74.5 55 Earth fil ------------ 13,000 $705,000 $650,000 $1, 355, 000 Buffumville s _ _ Buffumville, Mass _-------- -------- 74.7 66 - ...----do----------- -------- 12, 700 1, 355, 000 313, 000 1, 668, 000 H East Brimfield _-_--___-_--... . East Brimfield, Mass-.------ -------- 83.0 48 Concrete-gravity and earth 20, 800 944, 500 920, 000 1, 864, 500 fill. F Westville a-W------------------- - - - - -- - - - - estville, Mass--7-------------------- 7. 2 36 Concrete-gravity_- ....-- . 12,000 1, 066, 600 1,393, 000 2, 459, 600 w ti Mansfield Hollow Mansfield Hollow, Conn--- ----------- 40.0 68 Earth fill.. ...----------------- 52,000 4, 728, 000 1, 834, 000 6,562, 000 0 Andover--------A--------------- Andover, Conn ---------------- 47.0 80 ....-----do----------- -------- 16, 800 1, 807, 000 436,000 2, 243,000 South Coventry - _-------.------ -. South Coventry, Conn.. ....--------------- 41.6 94 ... _do.... ------. 36, 900 1, 982, 000 3,110,000 5,092,000 1 Includes highway, railroad, and utility relocations. rr 2 For details, see individual report. 00 Local protection projects' Distance Estimated cost 00R above Location mouthof Type of structure Thames Construc- Land and Total River tion damages 2 Miles Norwich, Conn------ --- ----------------------------------------------------------- 15 Channel improvement --- $1,044, 000 $72, 000 $1, 116,000 1 For details, see individual report. 2 To be borne by local interests. oo FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 165 All operations previously reported are now contained in indi- vidual reports, and previous costs and expenditures have also been transferred to those reports. 83. BUFFUMVILLE RESERVOIR, THAMES RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The site of the proposed Buffumville Dam is on the Little River, 1.3 miles above its junction with the French River and 8 miles northeast of Southbridge, Mass. The reservoir will ex- tend upstream approximately 1.3 miles northerly and 1.8 miles southerly. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-earth fill dam 3,820 feet long, rising 66 feet above the stream bed, and providing a flood control storage capacity of 11,300 acre-feet and a recreation storage capacity of 1,400 acre-feet, a total of 12,700 acre-feet. A combined spillway and outlet founded on firm bed rock will be located in the right or south abutment. The spillway will be of the concrete overflow type having a crest length of 220 feet and a peak discharge capacity of 18,900 cubic feet per second. The outlet will consist of two 3- by 41/2 -foot conduits pro- vided with electrically operated sluice gates and one 30-inch diam- eter conduit provided with an electrically operated pivot valve. The gates and valve will be electrically operated from a control house on the right abutment. An earth dike 600 feet long will be constructed 23/4 miles from the spillway. The drainage area controlled is 26.5 square miles. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordi- nated system of reservoirs for the control of floods in the Thames River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1947, is $1,355,000 for construc- tion and $313,000 for lands and damages, including highway re- location, a total of $1,668,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $13,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 885, 76th Cong., 3d sess.) Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies Were continued in connection with the preparation of plans and specifications. The costs from regular funds for new work were $2,621.69. Expenditures were $2,779.57. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Contractplans and specifications were about 40 percent complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $107,019.37. Expenditures have been $107,014.38. Proposedoperations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal Year amounting to $21,985.62 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948- . -------- .----- _-------- $4.99 New work: Completion of contract plans and specifications, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949----------- --------------------- 21,980.63 Total-------------------- --------- ----------- -. 21,985.62 No additional funds can be profitably expended in 1950. 166 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-__----___. ------ $107,019.37 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ . ____ -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_........ . 107,019.37 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948-- 4.99 Net total expenditures___ -- 107,014.38 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948------------------------- 21,985.62 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 129,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- ---- __ ___________-------- $55, 257. 44 $14, 021.62 $35, 118. 62 $2, 621. 69 Cost of maintenance .. Total expended- ---.--.. _____ -------------- 53,5637.564 15,658.49 35,038.78 2,7797 ..............--74,000.00 Allotted......------------------------------.. 5,000.00 50,000.00----..----........... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---. ---------------------- $19,765.19 Amount allotted during fiscal year- -------------------------- 5,000.00 Amount to be accounted for _____-___- -_____-__ 24,765.19 Gross amount expended---- -.----- __---------__ -_ 2,779.57 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.------------------- 21,985.62 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---_ ------. --------- '. 4.99 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 21,980.63 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------1,539,000.00 84. EAST BRIMFIELD RESERVOIR, THAMES RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The site of the proposed East Brimfield Dam is lo- cated on the Quinebaug River, about 62.5 miles above its confluence with the Shetucket River and approximately 7 miles west of South- bridge, Mass. The reservoir will extend upstream approximately 41/2 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a concrete gravity-type overflow spillway 205 feet long at the center line of the stream, a concrete gravity-type nonoverflow see- tion on the left bank approximately 1,500 feet long and a rolled- earth fill dam 750 feet long on the right bank, rising 48 feet above the stream bed and providing a total storage capacity of 20,800 acre-feet. The ogee type spillway will have a discharge of 30,900 cubic feet per second. The outlet will consist of three conduits in the gate section of the dam, each equipped with a 3- by 6-foot sluice gate, mechanically operated from the gatehouse above. The drain- age area controlled is approximately 56 square miles. Conservation storage of 6,000 acre-feet is contemplated at the expense of local interests. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of the coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Thames River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is$944,500 for construction and $920,000 for lands and damages, including highway relocation, FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 167 a total of $1,864,500 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $14,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 885, 76th Cong., 3d sess.) Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938 applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies in connection with preparation of detailed plans were continued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $3,711.47. Expen- ditures were $4,897.62. Condition at end of Fiscal Year.-Field investigations required for preparation of detailed plans were 80 percent complete; engi- neering studies were 50 percent complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $47,800.77. Expenditures have been $47,794.13. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $22,205.87 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948------------------------------ $6.64 New work: Continuation of preliminary engineering studies, period July 1, 1948, to Jan. 1, 1949-------------------------------- 22,199.23 Total _ _ -------------------------------------------- 22,205.87 No additional funds can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___----$--------------- $47,800.77 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..... ---..........---- --------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 47,800.77 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948-- ------------- ... --- 6.64 Net total expenditures. _----- 47,794.13 nexpended balance June 30, 1948-----------------22,205.87 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------ ----- 70,000.00 FiScal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new w ork _ - - ---------- ___________ $1, 178.82 $24,126.85 $18, 783. 63 $3, 711.47 Cost of maintenance....... ..... ......................... otal expended.........-----------------------------.............. 898. 26 24,278. 25 17, 720. 00 4,897. 62 Al~1otte------------------- Allotted- --------............................. -- ------ 70, 0(). 00 ..-- --- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_----------- $27,103.49 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 4,897.62 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- -------------- 22,205.87 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948__---- -- 6.64 Balance available, June 30, 1948- --.---------- 22,199.23 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------ 1,794,500.00 168 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 85. WESTVILLE RESERVOIR, THAMES RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The site of the proposed Westville Dam is on the Quinebaug River 56 miles above its junction with the Shetucket River and about 3 miles above Southbridge, Mass., and 1 mile above Westville. The reservoir will extend upstream approximately 4 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a concrete gravity-type dam with an overflow section 320 feet long and a total length of 380 feet, rising approximately 36 feet above the stream bed and providing a storage of 12,000 acre-feet. The spillway will have a discharge capacity of 44,000 cubic feet per second. The outlet works will consist of an open cut channel with a gate structure provided with five 4-foot by 10-foot gates mechan- ically operated from the control house. The drainage area con- trolled is approximately 37.5 square miles and the gross drainage area above the dam is 93.5 square miles. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated system of reservoirs for the control of floods in the Thames River Basin. The estimated cost revised in 1946 is $1,066,600 for construction and $1,393,000 for lands and damages, including highway reloca- tion, a total of $2,459,600 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $15,500. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 885, 76th Cong., 3d sess.) Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act of June 28,, 1938, applies. Operation and results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies in connection with modifications to the detailed plans were con- tinued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $1,923.32. Expenditures were $2,016.59. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Surveys and foundation explora- tions have been completed. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work have been $77,842.85. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $12,157.15 will be applied to modification of the detailed plans. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 .. -----------------------____ $77,842.85 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ....-.... 77,842.85 Net total expenditures------------------------------------ 77,842.85 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 12,157.15 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 90,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL----NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 169 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .. -------------- $55, 425. 79 $19, 603.35 $890.39 $1,923.32 Cost ofmaintenance-----_.----..-------------------------------------------------- Total expended................ 653,961. 83 21, 062.35 802. 08 2, 016. 59 Allotted 90,000. 00 ... go.............-----....------------....... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.__----------------- $14,173.74 -- Gross amount expended----______ -------------------------- -- 2,016.59 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------- 12,157.15 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_------------- 2,369,600.00 86. SOUTH COVENTRY RESERVOIR, THAMES RIVER BASIN, CONN. Location.--The site of proposed South Coventry Dam is on the Willimantic River 71/2 miles above its junction with the Natchaug River and 6 miles northwest of Willimantic, Conn. The reservoir will extend upstream approximately 7.8 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-earth fill dam 1,265 feet long, rising 94 feet above the stream bed and providing a total storage capacity of 36,900 acre- feet. The spillway will be a concrete, free overflow weir 385 feet long located in rock on the right bank, with a discharge capacity of 57,300 cubic feet per second. The outlet will consist of a tunnel, horseshoe in shape, 111/2 feet high and 410 feet long, located in rock on the right bank. Control will be accomplished by gates me- chanically operated from the house near the right abutment of the dam. The drainage area controlled is 114 square miles. The reser- voir will be operated as a unit of the coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Thames River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $1,982,000 for construc- tion and $3,110,000 for lands and damages, including highway re- location, a total of $5,092,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $16,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 885, 76th Cong., 3d sess.) Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies in connection with preparation of detailed plans were continued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $3,320.01. Ex- penditures were $5,244.36. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans were 10 percent complete. No construction work has been done. Total cost and expenditures from regular funds for new work have been $27,131.44. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal Year, amounting to $68,868.56 will be applied to the continuation of studies in connection with preparation of detailed plans, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. 170 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948....-------------------------- $27,131.44' Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 .. __ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 27,131.44 Net total expenditures_------------------------------------- 27,131.44 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--_--------.-. _----. ---- 68,868.56 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 96,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work----------------------------- -$3, 992. 69 $4, 758. 88 $15, 059. 86 $3, 320. 01 Cost of m aintenance- - - - - - .- - - - - . .- - - - . . -- - - .- .- . . . . .. . . . . . Total expended--------------------------- 3,126. 50 5, 607. 08 13, 153. 50 5, 244. 3 Allotted.....--------------------------------.......... 130, 000. 00 -34, 000. 00 ................ . 92 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------. _ -------------- $74,112.92 Gross amount expended_ ------------------------------------ 5,244.36 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--_ _ - 68,868.56 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-_ .- 4,996,000.00 87. MANSFIELD HOLLOW RESERVOIR, THAMES RIVER BASIN, CONN. Location.-The site of the proposed Mansfield Hollow Dam, for flood control, is at Mansfield Hollow, Conn., on the Natchaug River about 5.3 miles above its confluence with the Willimantic River. It is located about 4 miles northeast of the city of Willimantic, Conn. The reservoir will extend upstream 3 miles on the Natchaug River, 2.3 miles on the Mount Hope River, and 3.2 miles on the Fenton River. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled earth-fill dam, about 68 feet maximum height, on both sides of a concrete gravity spillway, which is located across the main channel of the Natchaug River. The total length of the dam will be 12,000 feet. In addition, a dike, 830 feet long with a maximum height of 55 feet, across Chapin Brook, and four dikes, averaging 6 feet in height and respectively 210, 275, 265, and 790 feet long, across saddles north of the main dam, will be required. The crest length of the concrete spillway will be 690 feet. The dam will pro- vide a total storage capacity of 52,000 acre-feet. The reservoir outlets will consist of five conduits through the spillway section. Each conduit will be provided with a 5-foot 6-inch by 7-foot slide gate, hydraulically operated from a control house at the right end of the spillway. The estimated cost, revised in 1947, is $4,728,000 for construc- tion and $1,834,000 for lands and damages, including highway and utility relocation, a total of $6,562,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $19,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 885, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 171 Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand resultsduring fiscal year.-One tract of land was acquired. The costs from regular funds for new work were $10,209.28. Expenditures were $8,592.53. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plansand specifications for the construction of the dam and appurtenant works were completed. No construction work has been done. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $272,131.60. Expenditures have been $272,131.60. Proposed operations.--Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $1,237,868.40 will be held intact awaiting ad- vantageous prices to place project under construction. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__--------------------- $272,1.31.60 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-.--- -------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 272,131.60 Net total expenditures- _ _-272,131.60 _ -.-.-. Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-----------1,237,868.40 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- - 1,510,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ---.- $104, 912. 07 $32, 462.93 $52, 529. 20 $72,018. 12 $10,209.28 CoSt of maintenance__-_-- --- ___-- ____________ - -- ________----__ _____--- - ------ -- _----__-_- expenled- ---- Ttal _ 101, 001. 25 36, 202. 20 50, 339. 70 75, 995. 92 8, 592. 53 Allotted- - --- -- -- ------- ----- 75, 000. 00 30, 001). 00 1, 365, 000. 00--- -------........ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-_- -- __----------_ $1,246,460.93 ross amount expended _'- ---- $9,198.59 Less reimbursed expenditures _ - 606.06 8,592.53 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------- 1,237,868.40 amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project____-_ _ ... __ _ . ..--..- 5,052,000.00 88. NORWICH CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT, THAMES RIVER BASIN, CONN. Location.-The site of the proposed work is in the channel of the Shetucket River immediately upstream from its confluence with the Yantic River to form the Thames River at Norwich, Conn. Existing project.--This project provides for deepening and Widening of a 770-foot reach of the Shetucket River at Norwich, Conn., centering about Laurel Hill Bridge. The improved channel Will be 108 feet wide at Laurel Hill Bridge, and will extend in depth 32 feet below mean sea level, representing an increase in channel area of 40 percent. At the upper and lower limits, the Width will be 140 and 132 feet and the depths will be 20 and 25 feet, respectively, below mean sea level. A transition section at each end will grade the proposed widening and deepening into the dimensions of the existing channel. 172 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $1,044,000 for construc- tion. The estimated cost of local cooperation is $72,000 for reloca- tion of the Laurel Hill Bridge and for lands and damages. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 885, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Assurances of local cooperation were approved on May 28, 1947. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Constructionof the initial portion of the project was continued. The costs from regular funds were $528,077.03. Expenditures were $479,975.30. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plans and specifications were revised. Construction of the initial portion of the project, initi- ated in June 1947, was 87 percent complete. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $552,821.83. Expenditures have been $502,132.12. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $221,867.88 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948 --------------------------- $50,689.71 New work: Initiation of construction of remaining portion of work,. period Jan. 1, 1949, to June 30, 1949- - - -- _ 171,178.17 Total------ ------------------------------------ 221,867.88 The additional sum of $320,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 to complete construction of the project. Cost and financial summary _ Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------------__- -__ $552,821.83 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___._........______ _ _.. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 552,821.83 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------- 50,689.71 Net total expenditures--_ -_-__-__ _ ____ _ 502,132.12 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948_---.------------------- .221,867.88 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 724,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -------------- $2, 722. 01 $8, 162. 31 $2,354. 01 $11, 506. 47 $528,077.03 Cost of maintenance------------.....-------------- Total expended-----------------......... 2, 375. 95 8, 494. 06 2, 363.36 8, 923. 45 479, 975. 30 Allotted- ----------------------------------.........-------........ 710, 000. 00 ......... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -------------------------- _ _ $701,843.18 Gross amount expended-----------_ -_ $479,985.30 Less reimbursed expenditures.--------- 10.00 479,975.30 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -- -- 221,867.88 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948..... 50,689.71 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 81,366.24 132,055.95 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------------- 89,811.93 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------- 320,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-................... 3-,20-,00 320,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 173 89. CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, VT., N. H., MASS., AND CONN. Location.-The works covered by this project are a series of dams and reservoirs on tributaries of the Connecticut River in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, within a radius of 230 miles from Hartford, Conn., and local protection works at several cities in the basin. Existing project.-The Flood Control Act, approved June 22, 1936, as amended by the act approved May 25, 1937 (Public, No. 111, 75th Cong.), authorized the construction of 10 reservoirs on tributaries of the Connecticut River in accordance with plans in House Document 412, Seventy-fourth Congress, second session, as the same may be revised upon further investigation of the 1936 flood. The Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, approved a general comprehensive plan for the control of floods and other purposes in the Connecticut River Valley, as set forth in House Document 455, Seventy-fifth Congress, second session, and author- ized the sum of $11,524,000 for construction of local flood-protec- tion projects in the plan. The act of October 15, 1940, modified the act of June 28, 1938, to provide additional protection at East Hartford, Conn., as set forth in House Document 653, Seventy- sixth Congress, third session. The act of August 18, 1941, modified the comprehensive plan approved in 1938 to include the improve- ments recommended in House Document 653, Seventy-sixth Con- gress, third session, and House Document 724, Seventy-sixth Con- gress, third session, with such further modifications as may be found justifiable in the discretion of the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Engineers. The latter act also authorized to be appropriated the additional sums of $6,000,000 for local protection works and $10,000,000 for reservoirs. The act of October 26, 1942 (Public, No. 759, 77th Cong., 2d sess.), further modified the plan by including the construction of Gully Brook conduit at Hartford, Conn. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, authorized the expenditure of $30,000,000 in addition to the previous author- ization for the comprehensive plan approved in 1938 and modified the plan by (1) directing specific consideration of an alternative Plan of the Vermont State Water Conservation Board instead of the Williamsville Reservoir in the West River Basin, Vt., (2) di- recting consultation with the affected States during the course of Investigations and transmission of the proposal and plans to each affected State for written views and recommendation for reservoir projects heretofore authorized for construction at Cambridge- port, Ludlow, South Tunbridge and Gaysville and resubmission of the projects or modifications thereof to the Congress, and (3) rescinded the authorization for construction at the Sugar Hill site. Following are lists of the reservoirs and local protection works which were proposed for construction in the modified compre- hensive plan. 4 80 711-48-Vol, 1-13 Dams and reservoirs Distance 0 above Estimated cost mouth of Reservoir r7 Name Nearest city Connec- Height Type capacity Constru- Land and Total ticut Construc- Landand Total River tion damages 1 Vermont: Miles Feet Acre-feet Victory _______________---- North Concord, Vt.--.---------- --- 306.0 75 Earth fill __ _.....-___. 81,000 $2, 277, 000 $407, 000 $2, 684,000 Union Village-2 --------- Union Village, Vt-------------------- 228.4 170 ....do__ ---------- 38, 000 3, 667, 000 933,000 4, 600,000 Gaysville-...................... Gaysville, Vt _----------------------- 246. 8 178 Concrete----------------- 84, 3C0 5, 096, 000 3, 540, CO 8, 636, 000 South Tunbridge- ..------ South Royalton, Vt__--------------- 234. 5 105 Earth fill_----------------- 32, 600 1,791,000 1,330, 000 3, 121,000 0 C North Hartland 2 __________. North Hartland, Vt-____-_________-_ 211.7 176 - __do-------------- ----- 71, 100 6,451,000 "713, 000 7,164, 000 M Ludlow -------------- Ludlow, Vt--------- 211.8 118 - do 23, 900 1, 442, 000 1, 515, 000 2, 957, 000 North Springfield 2 North Springfield, Vt______ _____ --- 191.3 106 _____ ___----33, 400 2,406,000 821, 000 3,227, 000 Brockway __---------- -------- Brockway Mills, Vt----------- - 182. 0 132 ... do_ - _____------ 32, 300 2, 367, 000 2, 925, 000 5, 292, 000 Cambridgeport _ Cambridgeport, ......---------- Vt------ 180. 3 101 -.. do- . ... -.---------- 21, 600 2,321, 000 8C0, 000 3, 121, 000 West River Reservoirs a -- Brattleboro, Vt---------- ------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------------- 22,068, 000 New Hampshire: Sugar Hill4 --- Lisbon, N. H - 280. 9 163 Earth fill----------------- 91,600 3, 500, 000 3, 385, 000 6,885, 000 West Canaan 2 2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W est Canaan, N. H------.. ----.------ 233.8 80 -.. do_ 54,000 1, 979,400 3, 232, 000 5, 211, 400 Claremont -.....------ --- - - - - - - - - - - - - Claremont, N. H- ------------------- 202. 4 128 _,_do-.....----- ------- 78, 300 6, 085, 000 3, 645, 000 9, 730, 000 Surry Mountain K eene, N. H------------------------ 174. 4 86 -... do----------------- 32,500 1, 397, 000 355, 000 1,752, 000 Honey Hill -- ____do- -------------------- 168. 9 65 -- ------ 26, 20 1, 515,000 854, 000 2,369, 000 Massachusetts: Birch Hill - - - 2_ - ........-------.- --- -- South Royalston, Mass--------------- 153.3 56 - do............. 49, 900 1, 246, 000 3,101,000 4, 347, 000 Tully 2 _______________ Fryville, Mass ----------- ---- ---_ 148. 7 62 _do------------------ 22, 000 1, 244, 000 382, 000 1, 626, 000 Barre Falls s___________________ Barre, Mass_______ _ 130. 2 62 Rock fill earth.___________ 24,300 1,802, 000 77,000 1, 879, 000 U1 West Brookfield ....- .West Brookfield, Mass_ 100. 5 30 Earth fill--, __________- - 33, 000 1, 953,000 3,346, 000 5, 299, 000 00 Knightville nightville. Mass .. K---------------- --------------- 102. 8 160 . do - - . -- --- - 49, 000 2, 366, 000 874, 000 3, 240, 000 I Includes highway, railroad, and utility relocations. )9 + 2 For details, see individual reports. 3 Alternate to Williamsville (Townshend, Ball Mountain, and The Island Reservoirs). 4 Alternate site to be selected. Cost has not been revised on current price basis. FLOOD CONTROL--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 175 Local protection projects' Distance Estimated cost above Location mouth of Type of structure Connecti- Construe- Land and Total cut tion damages 2 River Miles Northampton, Mass . -.... 94 Wall and levee _---. . $960, 000 $150, 000 $1, 110, 000 HIolyoke, Mass- - 85 ... do .......----------- 3, 500, 0( 150, 000 3,1650, 000 Springdale, Mass.- 84 ... do------ ...... 780, 700 57, 000 837, 700 Chicopee, Mass .- .80 .... do ........ 1, 757, 000 500, (X000 2, 257, 000 Itiverdale, Mass.. 80 .... do ... ..... 1, 059, (X)0 50, 000 1, 109, 000 West Springfield,Mass 76 . o ----- ..---------.... 1, , ( 30, 000 1, 390, 000 Springfiel, Mass-------------- 76...... 948, 000 272, 000 1, 220, (000 lartford Conn . . ..... 52 ..... do . .. ....... 6, 485, 000 900, 000 7, 385, 000 East Tartford, Conn-. ...- 52 - -.. do . . . ----- 94 500 2, 138, 270, (000 2, 408, 500 Winsted, Conn...._.... 115 Channel Improvement. 147, 00() 25, 000 172, 000 SDetails of these projects are given in individual reports. / ' 2 To be borne by local interests. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance and operation by the United States Geological Survey of stream-gaging and rainfall stations installed under the cooperative stream-gaging Program was continued. Total costs during the fiscal year from regular funds were $5,774.22 for new work. Expenditures were $1,767.34. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Surveys and studies in connec- tion with the development of the general comprehensive plan are progressing. Consultations with the affected states are being con- tinued in accordance with the policy of Congress as declared in the 1944 Flood Control Act. The progress on projects selected for construction under this authorization is given in individual re- ports. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds have been $678,159.94 for new work. Proposed operations. Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $698.29, will be applied to the continua- tion of rainfall and stream flow studies, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Additional work on the general comprehensive plan will be covered under Preliminary Examinations, Surveys and Contingencies for Flood Control. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__________________________ $678,159.94 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.------- - - - . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 678,159.94 Net total expenditures _------------------------------ 678,159.94 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948__------ -------------- 698.29 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-_ . - 678,858.23 1Includes $13,469.79 for Bethlehem Junction, Vt., and $35,090.66 for Sugar 1111ilReservoir, N. H. 176 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work------....--------- $107. 67 $396. 67 $13, 774. 02 $3, 506.32 $5, 774. 22 Ooet of maintenance.......................................... ..................... Total expended---------------. -5, 066. 27 -7, 584.71 13,002.27 2,285.83 1,767.34 Allotted- --------------------------------------. --- -------- 55.. 1 439.55...... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--- -_ ------- $2,465.63 Gross amount expended------------------- $3,012.85 Less reimbursed expenditures--------. ---- 1,245.51 1,767.34 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 - 698.29 90. UNION VILLAGE RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT-RIVER BASIN, VT. Location.-The site of the Union Village Dam is on the Ompom- panoosuc River, about 4 miles above its junction with the Connecti- cut River and one-quarter mile north of Union Village, Vt. The reservoir will extend upstream approximately 31/2 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam, 1,100 feet long' at the crest line, rising 170 feet above the stream bed and providing a total storage capacity of 38,000 acre-feet. The spillway will have an ogee weir, 388 feet long, built on rock, with a discharge capacity of 84,900 cubic feet per second. The outlet will consist of a 13-foot diameter tunnel 1,200 feet long. Control will be accomplished by gates mechanically operated from a house over a shaft near the middle of the tunnel. The drainage area controlled is approximately 126 square miles. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $3,667,000 for construc- tion and $933,000 for lands and damages, including highway re- location, a total of $4,600,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $19,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Acts approved June 22, 1936, and June 28, 1938 (H. Doc. 455, 75th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of construction of the dam and appurtenant works under a con- tinuing contract; construction of the relocated highway; reloca- tion of utilities, and acquisition of lands and rights-of-way. The costs from regular funds for new work were $1,083,378.14. Ex- penditures were $856,251.26. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plans and specifications were complete. Construction of the dam and appurtenant works, ini- tiated in May 1946, was about 39 percent complete. Construction of the relocated highway was 57 percent complete. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $1,849,787.17. Ex- penditures have been $1,571,125.65. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 177 Proposed operations.---Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $897,874.35 plus an allotment of $1,- 530,000 made in July of 1948, and $30,000 to be refunded from Blackwater Project funds, a total of $2,427,874.35, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948 _.--------------------------- $278,980.76 New work: Continuing construction of dam, acquisition of land, relo- cation of roads and utilities, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949_ 2,148,893.59 Total ------------------------- ------------------ - 2,427,874.35 The additional sum of $620,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Completion of construction of dam and reservoir clearing_. $601,000.00 Maintenance (operating and care), operations and ordinary care-.... 19,000.00 Total for all work-__ ---------- 6--------------------- 620,000.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------ $1,849,787.17 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------- --------- ------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1,849,787.17 Undistributed costs June 30, 1948. ------------------------- 319.24 Net total cost to June 30, 1948_ - 1,850,106.41 _------------------ Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------- 278,980.76 Net total expenditures-..-- ---- 1,571,125.65 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948------------- ----------- 897,874.35 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.----------- 2,469,000.00 Fiscal year onding June 30 1044 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-------------- $31, 879.36 $8, 244.24 $120,761. 69 $584, 205.93 $1,083,378. 14 Cost of maintenance ------------ ................................................ Total expended----------------............. 31,879.36 8,061.71 114, 721.82 538, 893. 69 856, 251. 26 Allotted ---------------------. 15, 000. 00 12, 000.00 .2,132,000.00 ..............---------- 270, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -------------- ----- $1,484,125.61 Amount allotted during fiscal year----- - -----.---- 300,000.00 Amount to be accounted for._ _ _ -- ---- . .- 1,784,125.61 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment..-_ 30,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for---._ --- - ------ - 1,754,125.61 Gross amount expended------------------- $860,745.33 Less reimbursed expenditures------------ - 4,494.07 8 856,251.26 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.........-------------------- 897,874.35 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _...... 278,980.76 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 556,787.29 •-835,768.05 Balance available, June 30, 1948----- --- ----- 62,106.30 Amount allotted in July 1948__------------------_---------- 1,530,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-....... 1,592,106.30 178 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.- ---- - -- -- -- . ---- -- .-- .-- 601,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work --------------------------------------- 601,000.00 For maintenance -------------------------------------- 19,000.00 Total_------------------------------------------ 620,000.00 91. WEST CANAAN RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.-The site of the proposed West Canaan Dam is on the Mascoma River, 19.5 miles above its junction with the Connecticut River and 1.5 miles east of West Canaan, N. H. The reservoir will extend up the Mascoma River about 3 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam, 840 feet long at its crest and rising 80 feet above the stream bed, providing a storage capacity of 33,800 acre- feet for flood control and 20,200 acre-feet for conservation storage. The spillway will consist of a broad-crested concrete weir at the right end of the embankment. The outlet will consist of a rein- forced concrete conduit approximately 480 feet long, located in the left abutment. Control will be accomplished by gates mechan- ically operated from a control tower located at the upstream end of the conduit. The drainage area controlled is approximately 80 square miles. The design includes no provision for future rais- ing or adaptation to the development of hydroelectric power. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $1,979,400 for construc- tion and $3,232,000 for lands and damages including railroad, highway, and utilities relocation, a total of $5,211,400 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $15,000. The existing project was authorized by the flood control acts approved June 28, 1938, and August 18, 1941 (I. Doc. 455, 75th Cong., 2d sess., and H. Doc. 724, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of the operation and maintenance of a gaging station in coopera- tion with the United States Geological Survey. The costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work were $675.00. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans were practically complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures for new work have been $91,900.31. Proposed operations.-None. There were no funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $91,900.31 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ----... 91,900.31 Net total expenditures--__-------------------- ---- 91,900.31 -- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 91,900.31 FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 179 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .-----------.-------------- $64, 988. 29 $23, 144. 60 $3, 092. 42 $675. 00 Cost of maintenance----------- ------------- ---------------------- ------------- Total expended _------------------------- 63, 135. 05 24, 997. 84 3, 092. 42 675. 00 Allotted ......... -------------------------------- 115, 000. 00 -15, 000.00 -------------- -8, 099. 69 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------- $8,774.69 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment__------- 8,099.69 Net amount to be accounted for_---------------------- 675.00 Gross amount expended------------------------------------- 675.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------ 5,11.9,499.69 92. NORTH HARTLAND RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, VT. Location.-The site of the proposed North Hartland Dam is on the Ottauquechee River, 1.5 miles above its junction with the Con- necticut River. The darn site is located 1 mile northwest of North Hartland, Vt. The reservoir will extend upstream 5.5 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam, 1,730 feet long, rising 176 feet above the stream bed, and providing a total storage capacity of 71,100 acre- feet. A side-channel spillway with a concrete weir 650 feet long will be provided on the left bank. The outlet will consist of a 14-foot diameter tunnel cut through rock and located in the left bank, a concrete intake and gate operating tower, and mechanically-op- erated control gates. An outlet channel will return the discharge to the main stream below the dam. An earth. dike 1,970 feet long with a maximum height of 44 feet is necessary across a saddle south of the main dam. The drainage area controlled is 220 square miles or practically all of the drainage area of the Ottauquechee River. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated system of reservoirs for the control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $6,451,000 for construc- tion and $713,000 for lands and damages including highway and utility relocations, a total of $7,164,000 for new work. The esti- mated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $19,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, as modified by the Flood Control Acts of August 18, 1941, and December 22, 1944. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of engineering studies in connection with the preparation of de- tailed plans, and the operation and maintenance of a stream-gaging station in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. The costs from regular funds for new work were $2,544.21. Ex- penditures were $1,818.53. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Surveys were 90 percent com- plete. Preparation of detailed plans was 10 percent complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs from regular funds have been $13,724.31. Expenditures have been $12,998.63. 180 REPORT OF CIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $37,001.37, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948------------------------------ $725.68 New work: Preparation of detailed plans and preparation of contract plans and specifications, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949- 36,275.69 Total --------------------------------------------- 37,001.37 The sum bf $150,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for the completion of contract plans and specifications. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $13,724.31 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948____ ___.- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 13,724.31 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 725.68 Net total expenditures_-_ _ .__-------------- - 12,998.63 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948. -_ . 37,001.37 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 50,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ----------- -------------- -------------- $238. 12 $10, 941.98 $2, 544. 21 Cost of maintenance....-- ------------ --------------------------------- ------------- Total expended ----------------- --------------.............. ... .... 199.81 10, 980. 29 1,818.53 Allotted --------------------------------- -------- --...............50, ..........................---- 00----------------00 .0 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------------- $38,819.90 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 1,818.53 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -------------------- 37,001.37 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948__..... $725.68 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 5.88 731.56 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 36,269.81 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------------......--.-- __-----7,114,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ----------------------------- 150,000.00 93. CLAREMONT RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.-The site of the proposed Claremont Dam is on the Sugar River, about 7 miles above its junction with the Connecticut River and about 1 mile southeast of Claremont, N. H. The reservoir will extend upstream approximately 4.5 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth.dam 2,600 feet long at the crest line, rising 128 feet above the stream bed and providing a total storage capacity of 78,300 acre-feet. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Con- necticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $6,085,000 for construc- tion and $3,645,000 for lands and damages, including highway, FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 181 railroad, and utilities relocation, a total of $9,730,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $21,500. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, as modified by the Flood Control Acts of August 18, 1941, and December 22, 1944. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations consisted of the operation and maintenance in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey of a stream-gaging station; and the con- tinuation of engineering studies. The costs from regular funds for new work were $876.84. Expenditures were $874.24. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plans and specifications were practically completed. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $206,777.79. Expenditures have been $206,775.19. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $224.81 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30,1948------------------------- ------ $2.60 New work: Minor modifications to contract plans and specifications, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949 ______------------------------222.21 Total ----------------------------------------------- 224.81 The additional sum of $40,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for completion of contract plans and specifications. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.--- $206,777.79 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. ---------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ---------- 206,777.79 inus accounts payable June 30, 1948-. - 2.60 Net total expenditures-_ Unexpended -____________ -___ 206,775.19 balance June 30, 1948_... - 224.81 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 207,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of ncw work....--.--------- $32, 854. 65 $59, 084.37 $2, 427. 11 $474.95 $876.84 Cost of mlaintenance--....................................-------.--...---------................ Total exp ended---------------........ 32,190.15 59, 729.19 2, 442. 69 479.05 874.24 Allotted . --------- __.......... . 25,000.00 32,000.00-------------- ------------------- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _ $1,099.05 Gross amount expended ..------------- -- ------------- 874.24 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 224.81 utstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948____--2.60 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------- 222.21 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ---_-_-_-_- __------------------- 9,523,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work .......-.................. -- 40,000.00 182 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 94. NORTH SPRINGFIELD RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, VT. Location.-The site of the proposed North Springfield Dam is on the Black River, 8.2 miles above its junction with the Connecticut River. The dam site is located 0.5 mile northeast of North Spring- field, Vt. The reservoir will extend 4.5 miles up the main stream and 2.5 miles up the North Branch of the Black River. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam 610 feet long, rising 106 feet above the stream bed, and providing a total storage capacity of 33,400 acre-feet. A concrete gravity section overflow spillway with a crest length of 415 feet will be built on a rock ledge in the right abutment. The outlet will consist of five 5- by 9-foot rectangular conduits, 40 feet long, a concrete intake and gate operating tower, and mechanically operated control gates. Three dikes having a total length of 750 feet and a maximum height of 28 feet will be required, two in saddles north of the dam, the other in a saddle northeast of the dam. The drainage area controlled is 158 square miles or 77 percent of the total drainage area of the Black River. The reservoir will be op- erated as a unit of a coordinated system of reservoirs for the con- trol of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $2,406,000 for construc- tion and $821,000 for lands and damages, including highway and utilities relocations giving a total cost of $3,227,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $20,500. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, as modified by the Flood Control Acts of August 18, 1941, and December 22, 1944. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of the continuation of engineering studies in connection with the preparation of detailed plans and the maintenance and operation of a stream-gaging station in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. The costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work were $1,145.26. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Surveys were approximately 50 percent complete. Engineering studies in connection with the preparation of detailed plans were 20 percent complete. No con- struction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work have been $8,642.96. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $41,357.04 will be applied to the continuation of preparation of detailed plans, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. FLOOD CONTROL--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 183 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_. ---------------------- $8,642.96 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------ --------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ _---- _ _ __ 8,642.96 Net total expenditures__-..______________----------- 8,642.96 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_------- ---------------- 41,357.04 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 50,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work $951. 71 $6, 545. 99 $1, 145. 26 Cost of rnmaintenance-- Total expended.... ..---.-------- -798. 61 6, 699.09 1,145. 26 A 11^++,i._: 11OC~ed--------I--------------- - ----- ------------- 5000.) I ------------- I-------- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------------ $42,502.30 Gross amount expended_______________________---- - ------ 1,145.26 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ -------- 41,357.04 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------ 3,177,000.00 95. WEST RIVER RESERVOIRS, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, VT. The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, authorized the construction of the Williamsville Reservoir for the control of floods originating on the West River, a tributary of the Connecticut. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944 (Public, No. 534, 78th Cong., 2d sess.), amended this authorization and authorized the construction of "eight reservoirs in the West River Basin in Vermont instead of the flood-control reservoir authorized by exist- ing law, in accordance with an alternative plan submitted by the Vermont State Water Conservation Board as the same may be modi- fied by agreement between the said board and the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers." A modification of the eight dam plan to provide three reservoirs, namely Townshend, Ball Mountain, and The Island, has been pro- posed to the Vermont State Water Conservation Board. Formal concurrence with the construction of Townshend Dam and Ball Mountain Dam has been received. Action of the State on The Island Reservoir will be based on the results of a hearing to be held at a future date. The estimated cost of the modified plan is $22,068,000. The Ball Mountain Reservoir has been selected as the first unit for construction. For details of the Ball Mountain project, see the in- dividual report. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Engineering studies in connection' with modification of the existing project were con- tinued. The costs for new work were $808.28 for Williamsville Reservoir, and $1,782.16 for Townshend Reservoir, a total of $2,590.44. Expenditures were $818.48 for Williamsville Reservoir and $1,782.16 for Townshend Reservoir, a total of $2,600.64. 184 REPORT OF CHIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Condition at end of fiscal year.-Surveys and engineering studies were 50 percent complete. No construction work has been done. -Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $146,016.00 for Williamsville Reservoir, and $61,749.99 for Townshend Reser- voir, a total of $207,765.99. Total expenditures were $146,016.00 for Williamsville Reservoir and $61,749.99 for Townshend Reser- voir, a total of $207,765.99. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $50,234.01 plus an allotment of $15,000 made in July of 1948, a total of $65,234.01 will be applied as follows: Preparation of detailed plans for Townshend Reservoir, period Jan. 1, 1949, to June 30, 1949__-_-___________________________ $56,250.01 Further study of alternate sites -------------------- 8,984.00 Total---------------------------------------------65,234.01 The additional sum of $75,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for completion of detailed plans and initiation of contract plans and specifications for Townshend Reservoir. Cost and financial summary WILLIAMSVILLE RESERVOIR Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_---------------_ ____$146,016 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ __ _____ ___ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 146,016 Net total expenditures------------------------------------- 146,016 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------------------------- 8,984 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------- 155,000 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work....------------- $123, 541.37 $208. 59 $9, 505.73 $1, 952. 03 $808. 28 Cost of maintenance ..-------------------------------------------------------------- Total expended-.........--.--------...... 118, 117. 73 5,732. 56 9, 498. 57 1,848. 66 818. 48 Allotted------------ ------------------......... -32,000.00 -3, 000.00 ... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------_ $9,802.48 Gross amount expended----------------.- 818.48 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_----------_ _ -_-_ 8,984.00 TOWNSHEND, WEST RIVER NO. 1 RESERVOIR Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---_ --------------------- $61,749.99 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-._ -__________ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 61,749.99 Net total expenditures .... _ --------------------- 61,749.99 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_------------- --------- 41,250.01 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 103,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ....- __............--- - _ --. . $1, 089. 89 $47, 844.88 $11, 033. 06 $1, 782. 16 Cost of maintenance---------. -------......... --------- Total expended ........ 1,089. 89 46, 280. 03 12, 597. 91 1,782. 16 Allotted .....------------------------------- 20,000.00 73,000. 00 ---............. 10,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 185 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------------- $33,032.17 Amount allotted during fiscal year--_ --- 10,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ---------- - 43,032.17 Gross amount expended--------------------------------- 1,782.16 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 41,250.01 Amount allotted in July 1948___------------------ - 15,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_..... 56,250.01 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--- .. ...------------------------ 8,075,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work__------------------------ 75,000.00 THE ISLAND, WEST RIVER NO. 3 RESERVOIR Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_..-------------------------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project __-------------------------------------- $2,375,000 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR WEST RIVER RESERVOIRS (EXCLUSIVE OF BALL MOUNTAIN) Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $207,765.99 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------- --------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -------- 207,765.99 Net total expenditures__ ____________ -207,765.99 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_---------------- 50,234.01 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 258,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 19418 Cost of o work----..------- $123, 541.37 $1, 298. 48 $57, 350. 61 $12, 985. 09 $2, 590. 44 Cost of maintenance-------- ---------- Total exponded---------------..118,117.73 6,822.45 -55,778.60 14, 446. 57 2, 600.64 Allotted------------------- ------------- 12,000.00 70,000.00 --------------- 10,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---- ------------ $42,834.65 Amount allotted during fiscal year________________ ---------- 10,000.00 Amount to be accounted for---_- ------- - 52834.65 Gross amount expended ------------------- ---------------- 2,600.64 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 50,234.01 Amount allotted in July 1948 ----------------------------- 15,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....-- 65,234.01 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- 10,450,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work- ---------- _---------- ---- 75,000.00 SExclusive of $155,000 appropriated for Williamsville Reservoir. 186 REPORT ()F C(IIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 96. BALL MOUNTAIN RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, VT. Location.-The site of the proposed Ball Mountain Dam is on the West River, 29.0 miles above its junction with the Connecticut River at Brattleboro, Vt., and approximately 3 miles north of Ja- maica, Vt. The reservoir will extend upstream approximately 6 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam, 850 feet long at the crest line, rising 300 feet above the stream bed and providing a total storage capacity of 54,900 acre-feet. A side channel spillway on the right abutment will have a discharge capacity of 140,600 cubic feet per second. The out- let will consist of a 17-foot diameter conduit on rock, 760 feet long. Control will be accomplished by mechanically operated gates. The drainage area controlled is approximately 172.1 square miles gross, 132 square miles of which is below The Island dam site. The reser- voir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1948 is $11,343,000 for construc- tion and $157,000 for lands and damages including relocations, a total of $11,500,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $39,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944 (Public No. 534, 78th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies and field investigations in connection with the preparation of de- tailed plans were continued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $41,905.20. Expenditures were $39,301.30. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Engineering studies for de- tailed plans were 50 percent complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs' from regular funds have been $112,824.42. Expenditures have been $110,220.52. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpected at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $24,779.48 plus an allotment of $50,000 made in July of 1948, a total of $74,779.48 will be applied as folows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948--- - --- _____ $2,603.90 Completion of detailed plans, period July, 1948, to Jan. 1, 1949-... _ 60,175.58 Initiation of preparation of contract plans and specifications, period Jan. 1, 1949, to June 30, 1949-____ --- __-_ _____________ 12,000.00 Total ......-------------------------------------------- 74,779.48 The additional sum of $900,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 as follows: Acquisition of lands for dam site and initiation of acquisition of reservoir lands_----------------------------- $100,000 Acquisition of lands and rights-of-way and construction of access road._ 690,000 Clearing damsite and portion of reservoir_------------------------- 110,000 Total---------------------------------------------- 900,000 FLOOD CONTROI--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 187 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $112,824.42 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__------------- -------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ..---------. 112,824.42 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_---------------- 2,603.90 Net total expenditures ...---------------------------- 110,220.52 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948..--.....-------------------- 24,779.48 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- .-------- -- 135,000.00 Fiscal year ending Juno 30 1944 1945 1940 1947 1948 Cost of new work. $1, 137. 29 $49, 400. 71 $20,321. 22 $41, 905. 20 Cost of maintenance---------------- ------------ ---.......... -.----------- Total expended ...---------- - ------------ 1, 137. 29 47, 525. 66 22, 256.27 39, 301. 30 Allotted -. -- .. .. ...... 18,000. 00 102, 000. 00 .............------------- 15,000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------- $49,080.78 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------. 15,000.00 Amount to be accounted for________ __-------------- 64,080.78 Gross amount expended ----------------- _ $40,301.30 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------- 1,000.00 39,301.30 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------- -------- 24,779.48 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ... 2,603.90 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts 720.64 3,324.54 June 30, - 1948_______----- - - 21,454.94 allottedavailable, AmountBalance in July 1948_ _-----------------------------50,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ..... 71,454.94 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-----------------------------------11,315,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_----------------------------- 900,000.00 97. SURRY MOUNTAIN RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.-The site of the Surry Mountain Dam is on the Ashue- lot River, about 34.6 miles above its junction with the Connecticut River and 5 miles north of Keene, N. H. The reservoir will extend Upstream about 3 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam 1,670 feet long at its crest, rising 86 feet above the stream bed, and providing a total storage capacity of 32,500 acre-feet. The spillway consists of an open side channel With a low concrete weir 337.5 feet long, with a discharge capacity of 40,900 cubic feet per second. The outlet consists of a 10-foot- diameter tunnel 383 feet long. Control is accomplished by gates mechanically operated, through a shaft, from a house above. The 188 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 drainage area controlled is approxiinately 100 square miles. The reservoir is operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $1,397,000 for construc- tion and $355,000 for lands and damages, including highway relo- cations, a total of $1,752,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $22,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Acts approved June 22, 1936, as amended, and June 28, 1938 (H. Doc. 455, 75th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-New work: Installa- tion of the heating system in operating house and safety devices was completed. Clearing of dead and down timber from the reservoir area was initiated. The costs from regular funds for new work were $7,093.53. Maintenance: Work consisted of painting; periodic checking of gates and operating equipment; construction of an access road to the reservoir area; installation of a log boom, and general main- tenance. The costs from regular funds for maintenance were $19,459.14. Reservoir operation: One minor flood with a discharge exceed- ing 800 cubic feet per second was modified by the operation of the reservoir. Water stored in the reservoir reached a maximum of 26,500 acre-feet, nearly 81 percent of the total available storage capacity, in March 1948. A maximum natural flow of 3,700 cubic feet per second was reduced to 1,000 cubic feet per second by regulation. Total costs during the fiscal year from regular funds were $26,552.67. Expenditures were $25,828.09. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the dam and appurtenant works was initiated in August 1939 and completed in June 1942. Work remaining to be done consists of construction of a utility building, and clearing the reservoir of floatable material. Total costs for the project have been $1,760,274.81, of which $1,676,400.03 was for new work and $83,874.78 for maintenance. Expenditures have been $1,758,735.02. In addition, $104,708.83 from funds allotted for the development of the general compre- hensive plan for flood control in the Connecticut River Basin was applied to preliminary explorations, surveys and design of this project. Proposed operation.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to 53,064.98 plus an allotment of $19,000 made in July of 1948, a total of $72,064.98, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948------ ------------------- $1,539.79 New work: Clearing of reservoir area, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949----- -------------------------------- -------- 38,616.83 Maintenance: Operation, repairs, improvements, and maintenance-..... 31,908.36 Total for all work----------------------------------- 72,064.98 The additional sum of $22,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for maintenance and operation. FLOOD CONTROL--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 189 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---.--------------------- $1,676,400.03 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-....--------------- 83,874.78 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948._ _ ... _ 1,760,274.81 Minus accounts payable, June 30 1948 ----------------------_ 1,539.79 Net total expenditures .....---------------------------------- 1,758,735.02 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.-------------------- 53,064.98 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---------- 1,811,800.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work --.... $62, 280. 46 $25, 981.31 $3, 399. 02 $3, 332. 25 $7, 093. 53 Cost of maintenance ------------ 7, 797. 06 14, 662. 46 16, 344.96 15, 056. 44 19, 459. 14 Total cost--...___....__ . 70, 077. 52 40, 633.77 19, 743. 98 18, 388. 69 26, 552. 67 Total expended -.... _-......... 69, 588.30 41, 090. 15 25, 300.33 17,899. 22 25, 828.09 Allotted ------- , 000. 00 68-- 11, 000. 00 38, 500. 00 -3, 500.00 29, 100. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------------- $49,793.07 Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------- 29,10000 Amount to be accounted for-- ------ ---..... 78,893.07 Gross amount expended ---------------------- ------------- 25,828.09 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 53,064.98 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948._. $1,539.79 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.- 2,006.49 3,546.28 Balance available, June 30, 1948....-------------- 49,518.70 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --------------------------------------- 37,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance---------------------------- 22,000.00 98. HONEY HILL RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, N. H. Location.--The site of the proposed Honey Hill Dam is on the South Branch of the Ashuelot River, about 5.6 miles above its Junction with the Ashuelot River, and 1 mile west of East Swan- Zey, N. H. The reservoir will extend up the South Branch of the Ashuelot River about 21/2 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam, approximately 2,860 feet long at.its crest and rising 65 feet above the stream bed, providing a total storage capacity of 26,200 acre-feet. The spillway will be of the side channel type constructed in rock in the left abutment. The outlet will consist of a reinforced concrete conduit section approximately 320 feet long. Control will be accomplished by gates mechanically Operated from an intake tower located at the upper end of the 8 04711-48--Vol. 1-18 190 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 conduit. The drainage area controlled is approximately 70 square miles. There are no provisions for future raising or adaptation for the development of hydroelectric power. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $1,515,000 for construc- tion and $854,000 for lands and damages, including highway and utilities relocation, a total of $2,369,000 for new work. The esti- mated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $13,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 724, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operation and results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies in connection with preparation of detailed plans were continued. The costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work were $808.26. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The detailed plans were about 80 percent complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work have been $92,215.07. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $3,334,93 will be applied to continua- tion of engineering studies, period April 1, 1949, to June 30, 1949. No additional funds are recommended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948____-----------------------______ $92,215.07 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---. ----. _ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------. 92,215.07 Net total expenditures-------------------------------------_ 92,215.07 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 3,334..93 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 95,550.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work...------------ .. ------------ $68, 378. 89 $22, 255. 10 $772. 82 $808. 26 Cost of maintenance------------...-- ------------- ------------ -----------.. ------------- Total expended..-------------------------- 67, 238. 47 23, 395. 52 772.82 808. 26 i Allotted------------------------------- 110,000.00 -14,450.00 ------------- 1~ _ _ 1 1 i Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $4,143.19 Gross amount expended------------------------------------ 808.26 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 3,334.93 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --.............------------------------. 2,273,450.00 FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 191 99. BIRCH HILL RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The site of the Birch Hill Dam is on the Millers River, about 27.3 miles above its junction with the Connecticut River, and 1.3 miles northeast of South Royalston, Mass. The reservoir extends up the Millers River about 61/2 miles and up the Otter River about 3 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for an earth dam of rolled-fill construction, extending across the Millers River and overflow spillway sections closing natural saddles in the right bank. The dam is 1,400 feet long and rises 56 feet above the river bed. The spillway weir consists of two concrete overflow sections, separated by a natural knoll and a short weir closing an aban- doned railroad cut. The main spillway is approximately 810 feet long, the adjacent spillway 350 feet, and the small one 30 feet. The total discharge capacity is approximately 57,000 cubic feet per second at a surcharge of 6 feet. The outlet works consist of an intake channel 1,500 feet long, with a bottom width of 70 feet; a gate structure with operating gatehouse directly above; and an outlet channel 1,150 feet long, with a bottom width of 70 feet. The intake and gate-operating tower contain gates mechanically controlled from the operating house above. The gross drainage area controlled is approximately 175 square miles. The reservoir provides a storage capacity of 49,900 acre-feet at spillway crest. The reservoir is operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $1,246,000 for construc- tion and $3,101,000 for lands and damages, including highway and railroad relocations, a total of $4,347,000 for new work. The esti- mated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $22,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Acts approved June 22, 1936, as amended, and June 28, 1938 (H. Doc. 455, 75th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act ap- proved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work: Installa- lation of safety features and heating system and construction of miscellaneous items were completed. Acquisition of the few re- maining tracts of land within the reservoir area were continued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $15,769.99. Maintenance: Work consisted of periodic checking of gates and operating equipment and general maintenance. The costs from regular funds for maintenance were $15,819.42. Reservoir operations: One minor flood which occurred in March 1948 required operation of the reservoir. A natural flow of 3,100 cubic feet per second was reduced to a discharge of 1,900 cubic feet per second by regulation. Water stored in the reservoir reached a maximum of 12,300 acre-feet, nearly 25 percent of the available storage capacity. Total costs for the year from regular funds were $31,589.41. Expenditures were $46,203.26. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the dam and appurtenant works was initiated in June 1940 and completed in 192 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 February 1942. Work remaining to be done consists of completion of land acquisition; clearing the reservoir area of flotage; con- struction of minor appurtenant structures. Total costs for the project have been $4,019,367.92 of which $3,929,537.00 was for new work and $89,830.92 for maintenance. Expenditures have been $4,019,496.01. In addition $11,039.83 from funds allotted for development of the general comprehensive plan for flood control in the Connecticut River Basin was applied to preliminary explorations, surveys and design of this project. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $189,203.99 and accounts receivable amounting to $5.68 plus an allotment of $118,000 made in July of 1948, a total of $307,209.67 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948 --- _ - -------------------- $1,357.80 New work: Acquisition of land and clearing of reservoir, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949---------------$259,932.79 Removal of rock from intake channel, period July 1, 1948, to Sept. 1, 1948--------------------- 10,000.00 Total for new work--,----_--------------___ ___ _ __ 269,932.79 Maintenance: Operation, repairs, improvements and maintenance.... 35,919.08 Total for allwork ---------------------------------- 307,209.67 The additional sum of $68,000 can be profitably expended in 1950 as follows: New work: Continuing reservoir clearing, and clean-up work----------- $46,000 Maintenance: Operations, repairs, improvements and maintenance ..------- 22,000 Total for all work_-----------------__- __ ----- _______ 68,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-----.---.--------------- $3,929,537.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -----------.-.---- _ --- 89,830.92 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 4,019,367.92 Undistributed costs June 30, 1948-_ ----------------- ---- --- 1,480.21 Net total cost to June 30, 1948-_ -------------- 4,020,848.13 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948 -- --------------------- 5.68 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948----- ------ 4,020,853.81 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------- 1,357.80 Net total expenditures-_ ----------------------- 4,019,496.01 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948------------------------- 189,203.99 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 4,208,700.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ---. ----.... $71, 694. 49 $9, 919.03 $240,210.53 $347,283.68 $15, 769. 99 Cost of maintenance-......----------... 11, 330. 20 15, 138. 86 15, 400. 99 17, 013. 53 15, 819. 42 Total cost. .......... 83,024. 69 25,057. 89 255, 611. 52 364, 297. 31 31, 589. 41 Total expended--------.-------.. 98, 565. 78 28, 710. 65 764. 99 159, 446, 167. 10 46, 203. 26 Allotted--------.........-------------- ---------.... 17, 550.00 98, 450. 00 .............. 28, 700. 00 FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 193 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------- ---------------- $206,707.25 Amount allotted during fiscal year .------------------------ 28,700.00 Amount to be accounted for_------------ ------ 235,407.25 Gross amount expended- ---- -$46,345.16 Less reimbursed expenditures _-------------141.90 46,203.26 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------- 189,203.99 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 1357.80 189,0 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-- 134,102.07 ---- 135,459.87 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 53,744.12 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 5.68 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948_--- -- --- -- 53,749.80 Amount allotted in July 1948___--------------------------- 118,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ....... 171,749.80 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project 146,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work-_ __ 46,000.00 For maintenance _____________________________ 22,000.00 Total -------------------------------------------- 68,000.00 100. TULLY RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The site of the Tully Dam is on the about 3.9 miles above its junction with the Millers Tully River, River, and 1 mile north of Fryville, Mass. The reservoir will extend up the Tully River about 61/2 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam, 1,570 feet long at its crest and rising 62 feet above the stream bed, providing a total storage capacity of 22,000 acre-feet. A spillway will be constructed on rock in a Saddle located about 800 feet south of the left abutment of the dam. The outlet will consist of a 6-foot diameter tunnel approx- imately 243 feet long. Control will be accomplished by gates mechanically operated from a tower located at the upper end of the tunnel. The drainage area controlled is approximately 50 square miles. The design includes provisions for future raising and adaptation to the development of hydroelectric power. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $1,244,000 for construc- tion, and $382,000 for lands and damages, including highway and utilities relocation, a total of $1,626,000 for new work. The esti- mated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $16,000. 194 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Acts approved June 22, 1936, as amended, and June 28, 1938 (H. Doc. 455, 75th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act ap- proved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the dam and appurtenant works, under a continuing contract, and the acquisition of land were continued. Negotiations for the reloca- tion and abandonment of the roads were completed. The costs from regular funds for new work were $443,386. Expenditures were $371,913.23. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of dam and appurtenant works, initiated in March 1947, was about 50 percent complete. Work remaining to be done consists of completion of dam and appurtenant structures; relocation of power lines; acqui- sition of land, and reservoir clearing. Total costs from regular funds for new work have been $676,872.55. Expenditures have been $592,312.50. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $892,687.50, will be applied to new work as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948---- ---------------------- $84,560.05 New work: Continuation of construction of dam and appurtenant structures; relocation of utilities, and land acquisition, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949___--------------__ ___ _________ 808,127.45 Total -------------------------------------------- 892,687.50 The additional sum of $157,000 can be profitably expended in 1950 as follows: New work: Completion of dam and appurtenant structures ---------------- $96,500 Clearing lower portion of the reservoir----- ---------------- 44,500 Maintenance (operating and care): Operations and ordinary repairs ---- 16,000 Total for all work . ------------------------------------- 157,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.- -- - ------ $676,872.55 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 676,872.55 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------- 84,560.05 Net total expenditures------------------------------------ 592,312.50 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--- --------------------- 892,687.50 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 1,485,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work..----------- $6, 057.14 $14, 176. 71 $18, 187. 29 $122, 245. 20 $443, 386. 00 Cost of maintenance... Total expended..--------------....... 5, 867. 91 14, 365. 94 17, 135. 06 110, 210. 15 371, 913. 23 Allotted-__.__I---------- 659, 000. 00 726, 000. 00 FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 195 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------- -- $538,600.73 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------------------- 726,000.00 Amount to be accounted for 1---------,264,600.73 Gross amount expended_--------------- $373,661.11 Less reimbursed expenditures_----------- 1,747.88 371,913.23 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------- 892,687.50 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_ - 84,560.05 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts _ 704,462.66 789,022.71 Balance available, June 30, 1948 103,664.79 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--- ------------------ 141,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work_ ----- 141,000.00 For maintenance - - ---- ---------- _ 16,000.00 1 Total---------------------------------------------170.0 Total . 157,000.00 101. BARRE FALLS RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.--The site of the proposed Barre Falls Dam is on the Ware River about 31.9 miles upstream from its confluence with the Swift River and about 4 miles east of Barre, Mass. The reservoir will extend approximately 4 miles up the Ware River, about 2 miles up the North Branch of the Ware River and about 2.5 miles up Steven Brook. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rock-fill dam approximately 885 feet long at its crest and rising 62 feet above the stream bed providing a flood control storage capacity of 24,300 acre-feet. A small dike at the dam site about 180 feet long and three larger dikes totaling 3,215 feet at the southern end of the Steven Brook arm of the reservoir, will be located at low points in the reservoir rim. The spillway, consisting of a concrete weir and chute, will be located in the right abut- ment. A reinforced concrete conduit under the dam and on rock Will be constructed as an outlet works and will be controlled by mechanically operated gates from a gate tower at the intake end. The drainage area controlled is 57 square miles. The reservoir Will be operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for. the control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. No provi- sions are made for the development of hydroelectric power. The estimated cost revised in 1947, is $1,802,000 for construc- tion and $77,000 for lands and damages including highway reloca- tion; a total of $1,879,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $10,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Detailed plans were completed and approved by the Chief of Engineers. Preparation 196 REPORT 'OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 of contract plans and specifications was initiated. The costs from regular funds for new work were $40,821.85. Expenditures were $37,273.52. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The detailed plans were com- plete. Contract plans and specifications were 30 percent complete. No construction work has been done. The total costs from regular funds have been $145,769.25. Expenditures have been $142,220.92. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $5,177.93 plus an allotment of $50,000 made in July 1948, a total of $55,177.93, will be applied as follows: 'Accounts payable to June 30, 1948-_ _- New work: Continuation of preparation of contract plans and specifica- $3,548.33 ------- tion, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949- - _------------ 51,629.60 _____________-----___ Total -------------------- 55,177.93 The additional sum of $800,000 can be profitably expended for new work in fiscal year 1950 for initiation of construction of the dam and highway relocation and acquisition of lands and rights- of-way. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__--------------------_ $145,769.25 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___.__.._.________ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948..... 145,769.25 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 -------------.. 3,548.33 Net total expenditures---------------------- . 142,220.92 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948--------- 5-----------------,177.93 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-...---_ .147,398.85 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -$1,489.57 $68, 353. 69 $35, 104. 14 $40, 821.85 Cost of maintenance ...... Total expended---------.... ------------- 948. 92 67,629.70 36,368. 78 37, 273. 52 Allotted,-,------- ------------------ 55, 0C0.00 , OO.00 42, 398.85 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------------- $52.60 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------- 42,398.85 Amount to be accounted for ------------------------- 42,451.45 Gross amount expended--_.--- --------------------. _ _37,273.52 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------- ,177.93 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.... 3,548.33 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts 485.81 4,034.14 Balance available, June 30, 1948..-----------------....... 1,143.79 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 50,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 51,143.79 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_........_.. - ------... -----------.---. - 1,681,700.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-...----------.-------....__ 800,000.00 FLOOD CONTROI--NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 197 102. WEST BROOKFIELD RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The site of the proposed West Brookfield Dam is in the town of Brookfield, Mass., on the Quaboag River, about 20 miles above its junction with the Chicopee River at Palmer, Mass., and 16 miles west of Worcester, Mass. The reservoir will extend up the Quaboag River about 4 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a rolled-fill earth dam 1,900 feet long at its crest and rising 30 feet above the stream bed, providing a total storage capacity of 33,000 acre-feet. A reinforced concrete control structure with two truck-type gates to provide for normal river flow and, five crest gates for spillway flood regulation will be constructed adjacent to the stream on the south bank. Control will be accomplished by hydraulically operated crest gates and mechanically operated truck gates. The drainage area controlled is approximately 95.6 square miles. The design includes no provisions for adaptation to the de- velopment of hydroelectric power. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Connecticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $1,953,000 for construc- tion and $3,346,000 for lands and damages including highway and utilities relocation, a total of $5,299,000 for new work. The esti- mated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $26,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 724, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and resuts during fiscal year.-New work: None. Funds available at the beginning of fiscal year, amounting to $10,845.89 were revoked and reallotted. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans were 40 percent complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures for new work have been $67,154.11. Proposed operations.-None. No additional funds are recom- mended for expenditure in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------------------.... . $67,154.11 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948._-------------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-----------......... 67,154.11 Net total expenditures ........---------------.......-----------.......... 67,154.11 otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------... 67,154.11 Fiscalyear ending June 30 1944 1945 1 46 197 1948 Cost of new work. . -------------- $41, 074. 04 $22, 045.87 Cost of mai ntenance.-------------- $4, 034. 2)0 -...... --------------------- ----- _--- - _ Total exper ned------------.......................--- 38, 973. 14 24, 145.6 3 4, 035.34 Allotted -- --- - .. . .. - -......... 90,000.00 -12, (00.000.00 .... . -$10,845.89 198 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -------------------------- $10,845.89 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-------------_ -10,845.89 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_- 5,231,845.89 103. KNIGHTVILLE RESERVOIR, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The site of the Knightville Dam is on the Westfield River, about 27.5 miles above its junction with the Connecticut River and 4 miles north of the town of Huntington, Mass. The reservoir extends up the Westfield River about 6 miles and up the Little River about 1 mile. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of a hydraulic-fill earth dam, 1,600 feet long at the crest line, includ- ing 400 feet of spillway, rising 160 feet above the stream bed and providing a total storage capacity of 49,000 acre-feet. The outlet consists of a 16-foot diameter tunnel approximately 605 feet long. Control is accomplished by gates mechanically operated from a tower located at the intake end of the tunnel. The drainage area controlled is approximately 164 square miles. Provision has been made for future installation of penstocks for the development of hydroelectric power. The reservoir is operated as a unit of a co- ordinated reservoir system for the control of floods in the Con- necticut River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $2,366,000 for construc- tion and $874,000 for lands and damages, including highway relo- cations, a total of $3,240,000 for new work. The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $22,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, as amended and June 28, 1938 (H. Doc. 455, 75th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.--New work: Installa- tion of safety features and heating system for the operating house were completed; clearing of the reservoir by hired labor was in- itiated. Acquisition of a few remaining tracts within the reser- voir area were continued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $12,778.14. Maintenance: Work consisted of installing a log boom, routine painting; periodic checking of gates and operating equipment; and general maintenance work. The costs from regular funds for maintenance were $19,728.35. Reservoir operation: Five minor floods were modified by the reservoir with the greatest one occurring in March 1948. At that time.a natural flow of 8,000 cubic feet per second was reduced to 3,300 cubic feet per second by regulation. Water stored in the reservoir reached a maximum of 24,500 acre-feet, or 50 percent of the available storage capacity. Total costs during the fiscal year from regular funds were $32,506.49. Expenditures were $31,169.15. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the dam and appurtenant works was initiated in August 1939 and completed FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 199 in December 1941. Work remaining to be done consists of com- pletion of land acquisition and reservoir clearing; and construc- tion of minor appurtenances for operation of the project. Total costs for the project have been $3,196,408.17, of which $3,111,753.11 was for new work and $84,655.06 for maintenance. Expenditures have been $3,194,285.49. In addition $105,798.82 from funds allotted for the development of the general comprehen- sive plan for flood control in the Connecticut River Basin was ap- plied to preliminary explorations, surveys and designs of this pro- Ject. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $70,964.51 plus an allotment of $24,000, made in July 1948, a total of $94,964.51 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948_---------- ---------------- $2,122.68 New work: Continuation of land acquisition and reservoir clearing Period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949------------------------58,246.89 Maintenance: Operation, repairs, improvements and maintenance- . 34,594.94 Total for all work_----------------- --------------- 94,964.51 The additional sum of $22,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for maintenance and operation. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------------_ $3,111,753.11 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 84,655.06 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.--------- 3, 196,408.17 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948---------- 2,122.68 Net total expenditures_---______ -__-- -____-__- - 3,194,285.49 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------- 70,964.51 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----- 3,265,250.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ...... $25, 2). 17 $2, 585. 74 $3, 065. 57 $12, 778. 14 Cost of mainltenancerc- . ._ ..... 8, 136. 45 $10, 071.69 13, 444. 74 15, 787. 34 19, 728. 3.5 Total cost-....... .. 33, 386. 62 10, 071. 69 16, 030. 48 18, 852. 91 32, 506. 49 Total exp-end ..... ...... 38, 3,5. 44 9, 992. 61 16, 030. 13 18, 424. 31 31, 169. 15 S'llotte(d --.. ---... ... _ -16, 000. 001 2, 550. 00 24, 000.00 3, 500. 00 26, 500. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------- ----- $75,633.66 Amount alotted during fiscal year_- -------- 26,500.00 Amount to be accounted for ..---. -- 102,133.66 Gross amount expended_____________------ $31,322.15 Less'reimbursed expenditures--------- 153.00 31,169.15 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-- ------ Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948. .... ----- 70,964.51 2,122.68 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_- 1,784.70 3,907.38 Balance available, June 30, 1948-.. --..-....-...-.__ . 67,057.13 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 24,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949..------- -- 91,057.13 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project______------------_--- 70,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.---------------------------- - 22,000.00 200 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 104. NORTHAMPTON, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-Northampton, Mass., is located in Hampshire County, on the west bank of the Connecticut River, 94 miles above the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for clos- ing off the valley of the Mill River within the town limits and the diversion of Mill' River through a canal to the Connecticut River via Ox Bow Lake south of town; and a pumping station for the disposal of interior drainage. The improvement involved the con- struction of two closing dikes consisting of approximately 5,000 feet of levee in the eastern portion of town along the Connecticut River extending from high ground at Pomeroy Terrace across the bed of the Mill River to high ground west of United States High- way No. 5, and 1,900 feet of levee and 500 feet of flood wall along the eastern bank of the Mill River in the western portion of town; a diversion canal approximately 10,500 feet long, of which 2,700 feet is riprapped, to carry the flow of Mill River and a combined concrete bridge and drop structure and a smaller concrete a pumping plant; three stop-log structures, and appurtenant drain- -bridge; age structures. The levees and walls are designed to protect against a flood, greater than any of record, reduced by the ap- proved plan of reservoirs. The levee and wall grades are at all points above the maximum stage of the greatest flood of record, that of March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1941, is $960,000 for construction and $150,000 for lands and damages. In addition to the authorized ex- isting project, supplementary work with relief labor has been un- dertaken at a cost of $259,658.36 pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act approved June 21, 1938. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. There were no costs or expenditures during the fiscal year. Condition at end of fiscal year.--Construction of the authorized project was initiated in 1939 and completed in June 1941. Work remaining to be done consists of completion of "as built" draw- ings. Total costs and expenditures of the project have been $280,- 000 .from Public Works Administration funds and $677,869.73 from regular funds, a total of $957,869.73 all for new work. Proposed operations.--Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $2,130.27 will be applied to completion of "as built" drawings, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949. The work described above will complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-_ - - - - $957,869.73 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ... .......... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 957,869.73 Net total expenditures......................------------------------- _ 1 957,869.73 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948__-----------------___________________ 2,130.27 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-. _ - 960,000.00 1Includes $280,000 expended from Public Works funds. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 201, year ending June 30 Fiscal 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work" .. ... $3, $...234. 64 $224, 21 $10:3. 33 Coma of Ilantenanc--- -------------------------------------------- 'otalexp ened ------------- ------------- , 111. 50 344, 47 106.21 - - - - - ------- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Balance unexpended July 1, 1947-_----. --.--------- $2,130.27 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 2,130.27 105. HOLYOKE, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS: Location.--Holyoke, Mass., is located in Hampden County on the West bank of the Connecticut River, 85 miles above the mouth.. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a system of levees and concrete flood walls, consist- ing of the following features: Approximately 400 feet of earth levee and approximately 5,600 feet of concrete flood wall along the Connecticut River, extending from the Holyoke Water Power Co. dam southerly to high ground near Mosher Street; about 10,000 feet of concrete flood wall along the Connecticut River, from high ground near Appleton Street southerly to the existing Spring- dale levee, including a concrete flood wall along both banks of a Power canal, the level of which is below flood grade; 6 pumping Plants for the disposal of interior drainage; 17 stop-log structures; 20 gate structures for inlet and outlet works of existing power developments; and appurtenant drainage structures. The levees and walls are designed to protect against a flood, greater than any of record, reduced by the approved plan of reservoirs. The levee and wall grades are at all points above the maximum stage of the greatest flood of record, that of March 1936. The existing Project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, and modified by the Flood Control Act of August 18, 1941. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $3,500,000 for construction and $150,000 for lands and damages. In addition to the authorized existing project, supplementary work with relief labor has been undertaken at a cost of $344,236.87 pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act approved June 21, 1938. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with., In addition, $3,355.70 Was contributed by the city of Holyoke to cover cost of relocation of poles of the Holyoke Water Power Co. and connecting certain intersecting city sewers with the project drainage system. An additional $26,000 has been contributed by the city of Holyoke to cover the cost of miscellaneous work desired by the city, to be built in conjunction with work now under construction. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the Protection works in the area south of Mosher Street was contin- ued. The costs for new work from regular funds were $1,116,248.93. Expenditures were $946,290.26. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the first por- tion of the authorized project which provides flood protection for the area north of Mosher Street was initiated in I)ecember 1938 202 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 and completed in 1940. Construction of the remaining portion of the project was initiated in April 1947 and will be complete in 1949. Construction work remaining to be done consists of comple- tion of concrete flood walls, two pumping stations, and stop-log storage shelters in the area south of Mosher Street and construc- tion of stop-log storage shelters in the area north of Mosher Street. Contract plans and specifications for the stop-log storage shelters north of Mosher Street are approximately 75 percent complete. Total costs have been $610,000 from Public Works Administra- tion funds and $1,801,772.43 from regular funds, a total of $2,411,772.43 from Federal funds, all for new work. In addition the costs of $3,355.70 were met by funds contributed by the City of Holyoke. Expenditures from Federal funds have been $2,245,- 884.14 of which $610,000 was expended from Public Works Ad- ministration funds and $1,635,884.14 from regular funds. Ex- penditures from contributed funds were $3,355.70. Proposed operations.--Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $235,665.86 plus an allotment of $780,000 made in July 1948, a total of $1,015,665.86, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948-----------_ $201,942.75 Construction of concrete flood walls, gate structures, and pum'ping stations under continuing contract, procurement of pumps, motors, valves and piping to be installed under the construction contract, and flag and inspection service on railroads: From regular funds_-----------------------_____ $787,723.11 From contributed funds--- ------- 13,700.00 Total for all new work---------- --------------------- 801,423.11 Amount of contributed funds applicable to construction of Springdale dike -l-----------------------------8,400 Estimated overcontribution returnable to city--------------------- 3900.00 Total------------------------------------------1,015,665.86 The additional sum of $264,400 can be profitably expended dur- ing fiscal year 1950 for the completion of the flood walls and pump- ing plants and completion of closure structures. Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- ___ $2,411,772.43 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 --- ----- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 2,411,772.43 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948 .......... -- 36,054.46 Net total cost to June 30, 1948-----------------------2,447,826.89 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ------------------ 201,942.75 Net total expenditures_______---------____________........__ 1 2,245,884.14 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 ---------------------- _ 209,665.86 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------- 1 2,455,550.00 I Includes $610,000 Public Works funds. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 203 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-......-- ..- - . . $540. 27 $60, 835. 27 $105, 286. 88 $49, 721.88 $1,116, 248. 93 Cost of maintenance... ............................................................. Total expended----......- -...- -. 422.75 54, 477.04 110, 568. 27 54, 986. 62 946, 290. 26 Allotted--------------------........... 22, 000. 00 28, 000.00 1,319, 550.00 ............. - -25, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------------- $1,180,956.12 Amount allotted during fiscal year- _----------------------- 145,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ---------------- 1,325,956.12 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------------- 170,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for- ---------------- 1,155,956.12 Gross amount expended_____________------ $949,615.85 Less reimbursed expenditures -------------- 3,325.59 - 946,290.26 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 209,665.86 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ...- . 201,942.75 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. 136,014.83 337,957.58 Balance available, June 30, 1948--_------ -128,291.72 Amount allotted in July 1948_ ___------------- _ -------- 780,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 651,708.28 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- 264,400.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_------------- -------- -- - 264,400.00 CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-------------------------- $3,355.70 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. ....... 3,355.70 Net total expenditures _________----_ .3,355.70 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_------------- 26,000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.--..... 29,355.70 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 -- ------ C ostofnew work ........................--- - . -- - -. -.. ..---- : : : of maintenancetalc t ....... .I Total execostnded ..... ........... ............... - ... ---............................... ..- Allotted----.......---....--------------------...........---..............---------............................ $26, 000 ...----------- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_----.----------..----_ .- $26,000.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-•-......- .- -.-- - 26,000.00 204 REPORT' OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR HOLYOKE, MASS. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948$_________________________ 2,415,128.13 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------------ _______---- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 2,415,128.13 Undistributed costs June 30, 1948-_- ---- 36 ,054.46 Net total cost to June 30, 1948--------------------451182.59 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 201 94275 Net total expenditures 2----------------------------- 249,239.84 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 - - - - - - - - --- _ - 235,665.86 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 2,484,905.70 Fiscal year ending June 30 1044 1945 1046 1947 1948 Cost of new work $540.27 $60,835.27 $105, 286.88 $491), 721.88 $1, 116, 218.93 Cost of maintenance------------ ---------------------------------- - Total expended-.... .-----.....- 75 422. 54,477.04 110,568. 27 54,986. 62 96,20. 26 Allottedl-------- -------------- Allotted-..-..........-.... . 22,_0(10.~ 22,000. 00 25', 28,000.00 1, 319, 550.0 26,000. 00 - 25,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------- $1,206,956.12 Amount allotted during fiscal year. -------------- 145000.00 Amount to be accounted for-----. 1,351,956.12 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-------- - - 170,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for------ 1,181,956.12 Gross amount expended------------------- $949,615.85 Less reimbursed expenditures 3,325.59 946 290.26 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ----- Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- 235,665.86 - 201,942.75 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 136 014.83 ---------- 337,957.58 Balance available, June 30, 1948------- - 102,291.72 Amount allotted in July 1948...- ---- ... 780,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949---- . 677,708.28 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_... 264,400.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work -------------------- 264,400.00 I Includes $610,000 Public Works funds. 106. SPRINGDALE, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-Springdale is in the southern portion of the city of Holyoke, Mass., in Hampden County, on the west bank of the Con- necticut River, 84 miles from the mouth and forms an integral part of the protection for the South End section of Holyoke. Existing project.-The plan of improvement involves the recon- struction of approximately 4,200 feet of earth dike crossing an FLO()I) CONTROL NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 205 existing outfall pressure conduit and the construction of a pumping station. Approximately 550 feet of the dike will be replaced by a concrete flood wall. The dike will provide protection against a flood greater than any of record, reduced by the approved plan of reser- Voirs. The grades are at all points above the maximum stage of the greatest flood of record, that of March 1936. The existing pro- ject was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 724, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The estimated cost of the Work revised in 1948, is $780,700 for construction, and $57,000 for lands and damages. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the protection work integrated with the project for the construction of the flood walls and pumping stations south of Mosher Street, Holyoke, Mass., was continued. The costs for new work from reg- ular funds were $441,523.89. Expenditures were $383,595.95. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the authorized Project was initiated in April 1947 and will be completed in 1949. Work remaining to be done consists of construction of flood wall, earth dike and pumping station. Total costs for new work from regular funds have been $508,314.77. Expenditures have been $444,859.20. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $120,540.80 plus an allotment of $215,300.00 made in July 1948, a total of $335,840.80, will be applied to new Work as follows: Accounts payable to'June 30, 1948 -....---- ..----------- $63,455.57 Construction of concrete flood wall and pumping station and recon- struction of earth dike under continuing contract, procurement of pumps, motors, valve and piping for installation in pumping station-- 272,385 23 Total ----- -------------------------------------------- _ __ 335,84).80 The work proposed for fiscal year 1949 will complete construction of the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___...---.....-- --------- $508,314.77 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-... ... ..... .. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.,....... 508,314.77 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948- ------- ----- 63,455.57 Net total expenditures_-- ..---------- ------- - 444,859.20 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--.------------------_ 120,540.80 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.......------ 565,400.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ..-.. ....... $7, 207. 11 $24, 211.87 $19, 194.96 $16, 176.94 $441,523.89 Cost of maintenance ..- .... -------------- ..... --....-.-...------........-.-.-..... .. . Total expended...--............ 6, 735. 89 24, 068. 61 19, 759. 92 10, 698. 83 383, 595. 95 Allotted ........................ 13, 000. 00 23, 000. 00 349, 400.00 ---. -......... 170, 000. 00 -- _ ~ -- -~---__._ «---- ----.- a. - -_- - 804711--48--Vol. 1-14 206 REPORT OF CHIEF OFL ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------- __ - $334,136.75 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- 170,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------_ --------- 504,136.75 Gross amount expended-------- ----------- $383,605.95 Less reimbursed expenditures---------------- 10.00 383,595.95 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-_ 120,540.80 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948___. 63,455.57 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-- 45,938.97 109,394.54 Balance available, June 30, 1948--------------__ 11,146.26 Amount allotted in July 1948__...------------_ - 215,300.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_...... 226,446.26 107. CHICOPEE, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-Chicopee,Mass., is located in Hampden County on the east bank of the Connecticut River, 80 miles above the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a system of levees and flood walls, approximately 25,700 feet in length, and pumping stations for the disposal of in- terior drainage. The protection system consists of two short sec- tions of dike in the Willimansett section in the extreme northern portion of the city; 20,200 feet of levee extending from high ground about 2 miles below the Willimansett bridge downstream along the Connecticut River and up the north bank of the Chicopee River to high ground above the Boston & Maine Railroad bridge; 3,200 feet of flood walls and 1,500 feet of levee along the south bank of the Chicopee River and Connecticut River from high ground above the highway bridge over the Chicopee River to high ground north of the highway bridge over the Connecticut River; three stop-log struc- tures; six pumping stations, and appurtenant drainage structures. The levees and walls are designed to protect against a flood greater than the greatest flood of record, that of March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. The estimated cost of the new work, revised in 1946, is $1,678,000 for construction and $500,000 for lands and damages. In addition to the authorized existing project, supplementary work with relief labor has been undertaken at a cost of $168,677.26 pur- suant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act approved June 21, 1938. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Operations consisted of engineering studies in connection with design of dike in Willi- mansett section and the Charbonneau Terrace Pumping Station. Costs and expenditures for new work from regular funds were $1,393.35. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionof the authorized project was initiated in March 1939 and completed in 1941 with the exception of a section of dike in Willimansett and the Char- bonneau Terrace pumping station. Work remaining to be done consists of the completion of design and construction of the dike FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 207 In the Willimansett section and the Charbonneau Terrace pumping station. Total costs and expenditures have been $295,000 from Public Works Administration funds and $1,118,964.46 from regular funds, a total of $1,413,964.46 for new work. In addition, costs and expenditures of $385 apply to contributed funds. Proposedoperations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $8,035.54 plus an allotment of $256,000 made in July of 1948, a total of $264,035.54 will be applied to construction of Willimansett dike and Charbonneau Terrace pumping station. The work described above will complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------- --------------- 1$1,413,964.46 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------- ------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ....--------- 1,413,964.46 Net total expenditures______________.__-__--____-- 1 1,413,964.46 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 8,035.54 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-_---------- 1,422,000.00 Fiscalyear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ...... $2, 276. 84 $3, 082. 61 $29.24 $1,393.35 Cost of maintenance - - .- - I - - --- -............ Total expended .................. 2,206. 01 3,153.44 29.24 1,393.35 Allotted --- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ $9,428.89 Gross amount expended 1,393.35 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 8,035.54 Amount allotted in July 1948- _---------- 256,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 264,035.54 ft Includes $295,000 Public Works funds; in addition, the sum of $385 has been expended from contributed funds for new work. 108. RIVERDALE, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.--Riverdale is in the northern portion of the town of West Springfield, Mass., in Hampden County, on the west bank of the Connecticut River. It is located 80 miles from the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement involves the con- struction of approximately 12,700 feet of earth levee, and two Pumping stations. The levee will provide protection against a flood greater than any of record, reduced by the approved plan of reser- Voirs. The grades are at all points above the maximum stage of the greatest flood of record, that of March 1936. The existing project Was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 724, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The estimated cost of the work revised in 1946 is $1,059,000 for construction, and $50,000 for lands and damages. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. 208 REPORT OF CtIEF OF ENGINEEI RS, . S. ARMY, 1948 Operations and results during fiscal year.-Minor modifications were made to contract plans and specifications. The costs and ex- penditures from regular funds for new work were $695.83. Condition at 'end of fiscal year.-Plans and specifications were complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work have been $121,198.46. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $420,801.54 will be applied as follows: Revision to plans and specifications period July 1, 1948, to Jan. 1,1949_ $10,000.00 Initiation of construction, period Apr. 1, 1949, to June 30, 1949 ------ 410,801.54 Total ------------------------------- 420,801.54 The additional sum of $517,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 to complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__---- -------------- $121,198.46 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948......._ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------...... 121,198.46 Net total expenditures------------------------------- --- 121,198.46 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_......... 420,801.54 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-----------_ 542,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .. ------------- . $4, 286. 79 $70,019.88 $32, 801.04 $3, 394. 92 83 $695. Cost of maintenance----------- ---------..... .'".... Total expended.---------------- 12, 592.75 68, 625.05 35, 343.34 3, 941. 49 695. 83 Allotted. _--------------... .-_ 25, 000.00 50, 000. 00 455,0.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------------- $421,497.37 Gross amount expended_____________________------------_ 695.83 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------_ 420,801.54 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------ ____ - . 517,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work---- ------------------------ 517,000.00 109. WEST SPRINGFIELD, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-West Springfield, Mass., is located in Hampden County on the west bank of the Connecticut River, 76 miles above the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a system of levees and flood walls, approximately 24,500 feet in length, extending along the Connecticut and West- field Rivers for the protection of the section of town located on the point of land above the junction of and between the two rivers. FLOOI) CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 209 Three pumping stations are provided for the disposal of the interior drainage. The protection system extends from high ground in the vicinity of Harrison Place downstream along the Connecticut River and thence upstream along the Westfield River to high ground at the Boston & Albany Railroad and involves the construction of ap- proximately 2,300 feet of concrete flood wall, enlargement of 13,700 feet of existing levee, 2,400 feet of bank improvement, 6,100 feet of foundation treatment and three pumping stations. The levees and walls are designed to protect against a flood greater than any of record reduced by the approved plan of reservoirs. The levee and wall grades are at all points above the maximum stage of the greatest flood of record, that of March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938 (II. Doc. 455, 75th Cong., 2d sess.), and modified by the Flood Con- trol Act of August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 653, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $1,350,000 for construction and $30,000 for lands and damages. In addition to the authorized existing project, supplementary work with relief labor has been undertaken at a cost of $223,947.21 pursuant to the Provisions of the Emergency Relief Act approved June 21, 1938. Local coope',.ation. Fully complied with. Operationsand results during fiscal year.--The foundation treat- nment for the section of earth dike along the Westfield River south of Agawam Bridge was completed. The costs from regular funds for new work were $243,192.58. Expenditures were $245,382.20. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionof the authorized Project was initiated in March 1939 and completed in July 1942 With the exception of the foundation treatment along the Westfield River, south of the Agawam Bridge which was initiated in May 1947 and completed in November 1947. Work remaining to be done consists of construction of additional foundation relief wells and preparation of "as built" drawings. Total costs and expenditures have been $989,164.26 from regular funds and $245,000 from Public Works Administration funds, a total of $1,234,164.26 for new work. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $115,835.74 will be applied as follows: New work: Preparation of "as built" drawings, period April 1, 1949 to June 1949 $----------------- Construction of additional foundation wells------------_ --- _ 110,000.00 Total -------------------------------------------- 115,835.74 The expenditure of the above funds will complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ..-------- ---------- ----- $1,234,164.26 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_______________....... . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 1,234,164.26 ..--------- Net total expenditures__ -- ---------- 1,234,164.26 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ 115,835.74 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 --------- 1,350,000.00 LIllclutes $215, c00oo 'ullic Works fiunls. 210 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 19148 Cost of new work..-----.. _ ...-- $16, 833. 70 $3, 752. 80 $8, 165. 12 $28, 396.99 $243, 192. 58 Cost of maintenance . Totalexpended---__------- - 32,340.02 3,847.05 8,215.25 26,301.31 245,382.20 Allotted------------------------ --- ---------- 5, (00. 00 400, 000.00 _ _ -10, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ - $371,217.94 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment ------------- 10,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for-_____________________ 361,217.94 Gross amount expended__________________________________ 245,382.20 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 115,835.74 110. SPRINGFIELD,. CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-Springfield, Mass., is located in Hampden County, on the east bank of the Connecticut River, 76 miles above the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the protection from flooding by the Connecticut River of two large low areas located in the northern and southern sections of the city. Protection is provided for the northern area by earth levees and concrete walls extending from high ground north of the Chicopee- Springfield town line downstream to high ground near the Boston & Albany Railroad bridge and for the southern area by concrete walls extending from high ground below the Memorial Bridge to high ground at the South End Bridge, and a pressure conduit, ex- tending from the Connecticut River up the Mill River, to provide protection against backwater and to carry the flow of the Mill River. The improvement involves the construction of approximately 700 feet of earth levee, 13,000 feet of concrete flood wall, 1,700 feet of concrete conduit, wing walls along the Mill River above two dams and above a highway bridge, one pumping station and appurtenant drainage features to supplement the city system of disposal of in- terior drainage. The levees and walls are designed to protect against a flood greater than any of record reduced by the approved plan of reservoirs. The levee and wall grades are at all points above the maximum stage of the greatest flood of record, that of March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938 (H. Doc. 455, 75th Cong., 2d sess.), and modified by the Flood Control Act of August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 653 and 724, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1946, is $948,000 for construction and $272,000 for lands and damages. In addition to the authorized existing project, supplementary work with relief labor has been undertaken at a cost of $204,385.81 pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act approved June 21, 1938. Local cooperation.-See page - for requirements. The city has furnished assurances of required cooperation and rights-of-way have been furnished free of cost to the United States for all con- struction on the project effected to date. In addition to the above, the city of Springfield has contributed $5,350 for the construction of intercepting sewers and additional surface drains. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 211 .Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the wing walls along the Mill River were 90 percent complete. Costs from regular funds for new work were $29,157.16. Expenditures were $30,410.91. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the authorized project was initiated in December 1938 and completed in May 1941 With the exception of Mill River channel improvements. Work re- maining to be done consists of completion of wing walls along the Mill River and preparation of "as built" drawings. Total costs for new work have been $563,459.21 from regular funds and $355,000 from Public Works Administration funds, a total of $918,459.21. Expenditures have been $563,414.10 from regular funds and $355,000 from Public Works Administration funds, a total of $918,414.10. In addition, costs and expenditures of $5,350 apply to contributed funds. Proposed operations.-Funds unexpended at the end of fiscal year, amounting to $13,585.90 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948--------------------------- --- $4.11 New work: Construction of Mill River flood wall-------- ---- 13,540.79 Total --------------------------------------------- 13,585.90 No additional funds can be profitably expended in 1950 to com- plete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------- $918,459.21 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------.---------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--..---- . 918,459.21 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_ -- -- -- -- _ -_ ___- 45.11 Net total expenditures------------------------------- 918,414.10 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948__ -.-.-. -- ___--- 13,585.90 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ - 932,000.00 I Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---..------....------ $5, 705. 97 $9, 135. 86 $2, 397. 22 $9, 058. 90 $29, 157. 16 Cost of maintenance .--------. ------------------------------.------------------------ Total expended.-----------.... 5,194. 32 9, 634. 94 2,364. 58 7, 805. 25 30, 410. 91 l Allotted ..----------.....-------- . . ., .. , . Alloted_ ____"____________ 5,000. 00--------------- 39, 000. 00--------------- 10, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_-. - - - -_ $33,996.81 Amount allotted during fiscal year-_ _______-_ _ 10,000.00 I Amount to be accounted for---.-_ _--.-.-. .43,996.81 Gross amount expended_--------------------------------- 30,410.91 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------- 13,585.90 I Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-......- $45.11 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts .... 19.59 64.70 I Balance available, June 30, 1948....-----------------------13,521.20 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------. ______ . ---. -. ---. -----. - - 16,000.00 f Includes $355,000 Public Works funds; in addition, the sum of $5,350 has been expended from contributed funds for new work. 212 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 111. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, CONN. Location.-Hartford,Conn., is located in Hartford County on the west bank of the Connecticut River, 52 miles above the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a system of levees and flood walls approximately 38,000 feet long, along the Connecticut River from high ground im- mediately north of town to high ground immediately south of town, with the Park River, which discharges into the Connecticut River at about the center of town, to be confined between concrete walls dis- charging through a short conduit section through the Connecticut River dike, including pumping stations for the disposal of interior drainage. The improvement as planned involved the construction of approximately 4,000 linear feet of concrete flood wall, 22,000 feet of earth dike, and an enlargement of 12,000 feet of existing dike along the Connecticut River, the construction of 7,000 linear feet of concrete walls and 800 linear feet of concrete conduit on the Park River, construction of 2,400 feet of conduit on Gully Brook, con- struction of four stop-log structures, three pumping stations, and other appurtenant drainage structures and facilities. The project grade for levees and walls was designed to protect against a flood greater than any of record, as modified by an approved plan of reservoirs for flood control in the Connecticut River Basin. The grades at all points were above the maximum stage of the record flood, that of March 1936. At the request of the City of Hartford, the wall and dike grades were increased 5 to 6 feet, the crown width for levees increased from 10 feet to 15 feet, a conduit provided for the Park River in lieu of the open channel improvement; special equipment provided for the Keney Lane and Bushnell Park pump- ing stations, and a superstructure of special architectural treatment provided for the Bushnell Park pumping station. Additional ex- pense of approximately $2,575,000 involved in these changes is being borne by the city of Hartford. The existing project was au- thorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938 (H. Doc. 455, 75th Cong., 2d sess.), and modified by the Flood Control Act of August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 653, 76th Cong., 3d sess.), and the act of October 26, 1942 (Public No. 759, 77th Cong., 2d sess.). The esti- mated cost of new work for the authorized project, revised in 1948, is $6,485,000 for construction and $900,000 for lands and damages, exclusive of the cost of the additional work desired by the city. In addition to the authorized existing project, supplementary work with relief labor has been undertaken at a cost of $388,221.82 pur- suant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act approved June 21, 1938. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. In addition, $2,771,630 has been contributed by the city to cover the increased cost of con- structing the dikes to a higher grade, constructing a conduit instead of walls for the Park River, and including special features in the Keney Lane and Bushnell Park pumping stations. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the Bushnell Park and Keney Lane, pumping stations was continued. The costs were $312,054.55 from regular funds and $81,391.73 from contributed funds, a total of $393,446.28 for new work. Expendi- FLOOD CONTROL---NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 213 tures were $230,497.11 from regular funds and $81,391.73 from contributed funds, a total of $311,888.84. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the authorized project was initiated in December 1938 and completed in August 1944 with the exception of two pumping stations and minor dike Work. The work remaining to be done consists of the completion of Bushnell Park and Keney Lane pumping stations, construction of four stop-log storage shelters, and construction to final grade of a Stop-log structure and approximately 40 linear feet of earth dike. The costs of the existing projects have been $835,000 from Public Works Administration funds, $5,273,995.92 from regular funds, and $2,323,641.98 from contributed funds, a total of $8,432,637.90 for new work. Expenditures have been $835,000 from Public Works Administration funds, $5,189,661.19 from regular funds and $2,- 323,641.98 from contributed funds a total of $8,348,303.17. Proposedoperations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal Year amounting to $832,326.83 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948 __ _------------- $85,612.95 New work: Completion of Bushnell Park and Keney Lane pumping stations, furnishing equipment for stations, construction of stop-log storage shelters, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949: From regular funds- -______-.-.-__ - _---- $298,725.86 From contributed funds------ ---------------- 239,608.27 Total for new work - - ------- _-- 538,334.13 Unallocated contributed funds------- ----- ----- 208,379.75 Total- _ __ ------------------------------- --------- -- 832,326.83 The additional sum of $76,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 to complete the project. Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__.................. __..... $6,108,995.92 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_....-- . - --------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... 6,108,995.92 Undistributed costs June 30, 1948------_ -1,278.22 -t Net total cost to June 30, 1948---. .-..-----..... --- 6,110,274.14 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------- 85,612.95 Net total expenrditures- - -. .- 6,024,661.19 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948.........--- --- - 384,338.81 '-- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--- ---. 1 6,409,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 -1 ----- ------ Cost ofnew work . ..------------- 1, 347, 916. 43 $42, 045. 35 $16,733.77 677.84 $18, $312, 054. 55 Cost ofmaintenance-.....------- ---- ---- --- --- Total expended ...........-------------- 1, 31, 573. 60 15, 928. 66 230, 497. 11 86, 114.33 17, 222. 88 Allotted .................. -143, 000. 00 15, 000. (0 365, 000. 00 277, 000. 00 _!. - - ' .s.,,..,.,.. rr .r~m ' Includes $835,000 Public Works funds. 214 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947____ Gross amount expended------------------- - - - $614,835.92 $311,957.48 Less reimbursed expenditures ---------------- 81,460.37 230,497.11 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 384,338.81 85,612.95 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts 308 O 1926 2 -.. 393,739.17 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------- -_--- -9,400.36 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project- 76,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work- ------------ 76,000.00 CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- ------- - -$2,323,641.98 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------- ------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 2,323,641.98 Net total expenditures- -.. - 2,323,641.98 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948----- -------------- 447,988.02 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- ------ _ 2,771,630.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1918 Cost of new work Cost of maintenance-........ -$308, 170 $19, 269. 46 $8, 800 $41.07 $81, 391.73 Total expendedl .............. -:308, 170 19, 269.46 8,8(0) 41.07 81,391.7:3 Allotted ... -.. .. ... .. . i -252,00 I "---- ---- I ------------ I ----- Balance unexpended, July 1,1947- -__ _ $529,379.75 Gross amount expended------------ --------- 81,391.73 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts -------------------- ------ 447,988.02 185,395.40 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 262,592.62 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR HARTFORD, CONN. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ $8,432,637'90 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------- 1'$8,432,637.90 Undistributed costs June 30, 1948 1,278.22 1 Net total cost to June 30, 1948--- 8,433,916.12 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948--__ 85,612.95 Net total expenditures.... 1 8,348,303.17 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 -'----------832,326.83 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- _1 9,180,630.00 1 In ludes $835, 000 Public Works funds. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 215 ----- Fiscal year endl(infg June 30 1944 1945 19.46 1947 1948 Cost of new work . _ $1, 039, 746. 43 $61, 314. 81 $25, 533. 77 $18, 718. 91 446. 28 $393. Cost of maintenance _.......... II-- -r I i Total expendedi. ........... ------- I-- ---- 1, 223, 403. 60 105, 383. 79 26, 022. 88 15, 969. 73 311, 888.84 _________________ I -- Allotted ._------- ---- " . .---- -395, 000. 00 15, 000. 00 365, 000. 0oo 277, 000.00() ' - - - ! ' _ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------- $1,144,215.67 Gross amount expended_ -- $393,349.21 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------- 81,460.37 311,888.84 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_------------- 832,326.83 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ..... _ 85,612.95 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 493, 521.62 579.134.57 available, June alance 1948---------------253 30, Balance available, June 30, 1948_ 253,192.26 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project - ____ - 76,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work.-----.------------ 76,000.00 112. EAST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, CONN. Location.--East Hartford, Conn., is located in Hartford County on the east bank of the Connecticut River, 52 miles above the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a system of levees and concrete flood walls consisting of the following features: Approximately 19,000 feet of earth levee and 750 feet of concrete flood wall along the Connecticut and Ilockanum Rivers extending from the high ground near Greene Ter- race in the north to high ground at Brewer Lane and Central Ave- nue in the south; two stop-log structures; three pumping stations for the disposal of interior drainage; and appurtenant drainage structures and facilities. The levees and walls are designed to pro- tect against a design flood, greater than any of record, reduced by the approved plan of reservoirs for flood control in the Connecti- cut River Basin. The levee and wall grades are at all points above the maximum stage of the greatest flood of record, that of March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, as modified by Public, No. 859, Seventy- sixth Congress, approved October 15, 1940, and Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1948 is $2,138,500 for construction and $270,000 for lands and damages. In addition to the authorized existing project, supplementary work with relief labor has been undertaken at a cost of $150,008.77 pursuant to the Provisions of the Emergency Relief Act approved June 21, 1938. Local cooperation.- Fully complied with. In addition, $7,637.48. Was contributed by the town to cover the cost of changes and addi- tions to the sewer system. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. There were no costs or expenditures for new work. 216 REPORT OF OHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. rARMY, 1948 Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionof the authorized project was initiated in December 1938 and completed in July 1943. Work remaining to be done consists of preparation of "as built" drawings. Total costs and expenditures under the project have been $1,750,869.42 from regular funds, $380,000 from Public Works Ad- ministration funds, a total of $2,130,869.42 all for new work. In addition, costs and expenditures of $7,637.48 apply to contributed funds. Proposed operations.-Fundsunexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $7,655.88, will be applied to the preparation of "as built" drawings. The work described above will complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___----------------------- 1$2,130,869.42 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -_ _ -- --------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1 2,130,869.42 Net total expenditures-------------------------------- 1 2,130,869.42 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948- '_-7,655.88 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 1 2,138,525.30 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1916 1947 1948 Cost of new work------------$57, 479. 88 $59. 44 $1, 517. 04 $767.064 Cost of maintenance- -------------------------------------- Total expended.... .'. .. 129, 791.82 59. 44 517. -04i 767. 64 - _ Allotted .. --- - -----56,53796 -80, 324. 26 -------- --- ------ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _--- $7,655.88 Balance unexpended, June , 30, 1948:.. .. : ..... $7,655.88 1 Includes $380,000 Public Works funds;in addition $7,637.48 has been expended from contributed funds for new work. 113. WINSTED, CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN, CONN. Location.--Winsted is located in Litchfield County, on the Mad River, a tributaryof the Farmington River, which in turn is a tribu- tary of the Connecticut River, 115 miles from the mouth. Existing project.--The plan of improvement involves improve- ment of the channel of Mad River to reduce flood heights. The work consists of the removal of one dam and the excavation of a trape- zoidal channel from the Case Avenue Bridge to Lake Street, with an average bottom width of 7 feet and 1-on-2 1/2 side slopes. The existing project was authorized by.the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc.,724, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The estimated cost of the work revised in 1946 is $147,000 for construction and $25,000 for lands and damages. Local cooperation.--See :page. 7(,for requirements. Informal assurances of local cooperation have been furnished. Official noti- fication of the requirements of local cooperation was forwarded the town of Winchester, Conn., onMarch 25, 1946., FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 217 Operations and results during, fiscal year.--None. There were no costs or expenditures for new work. Condition at end'of fiscal year.-Contract plans and specifica- tions were complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs and expenditures from regular funds for new work have been $8,512.16. Proposed operations.-None, pending receipt of assurances from local authorities. Funds unexpended at 'the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $112,987.84 will be held intact pending receipt of assurances of local cooperation. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948,------- --------- ---- $8,512.16 ----------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .... 8,512.16 Net total expenditures. -------.... 8,512.16 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------............... -- 112,987.84 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 .- 121,500.00 Fiscalyear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work----- $2,358. 49 $5 010. 46 $976.66 $166. 55 Cost of mainte nance------........................ qotal expei.ded........ ........ 1, 252. 88 6, 097. 23 983.84 178. 21 .. All - f f., ------------............ .............. 3,500.00.00 114,000.00 ----........................... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----- - -_ $112,987.84 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------.----.. . 112,987.84 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ----------------------- - 25,500.00 114. THOMASTON RESERVOIR, HOUSATONIC RIVER BASIN, CONN. Location.-The site of the proposed Thomaston Reservoir is on the Naugatuck River about 30 miles above its junction with the lousatonic River and about 1 mile north of Thomaston, Conn. The reservoir will extend upstream approximately 6.4 miles. Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of rolled-fill earth and rock dam 1,420 feet long at the crest line, rising 136 feet above the stream bed and providing a storage capacity of 41,500 acre-feet. The spillway will consist of an open side channel constructed in rock on the right abutment and a low concrete weir With discharge capacity of 63,800 cubic feet per second. The outlet' Will consist of a 15-foot diameter tunnel 765 feet long. Control will be accomplished by gates mechanically operated through a shaft from a house above. The drainage area controlled is 97 square miles. The reservoir will :be operated for the flood protection of Waterbury and the other communities downstream on the Nauga- tuck River. The estimated cost, revised in 1946, is $3,560,000 for construc- tion and $4,616,000 for lands and damages, including highway, rail- road and utility relocations; a total of $8,176,000 for new work. 218 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The estimated cost for annual maintenance (operating and care) is $20,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944 (H. Doc. 338, 77th Cong., 1st sess.). Local cooperation.-Section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies in connection with the preparation of detailed plans were continued. The costs from regular funds for new work were $2,026.98. Ex- penditures were $2,014.88. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans were 5 percent complete. No construction work has been done. Total costs have been $9,842.31. Total expenditures have been $9,830.21. Proposed operations. Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $85,169.79 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable to June 30, 1948------------------------------$12.10 New work: Continuation of engineering studies in connection with the preparation of detailed plans, period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949_ 85,157.69 Total---------------- ----------------------------- 85,169.79 No additional funds can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---- $9,842.31 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1 9 48_ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 9,842.31 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------- 12.10 Net total expenditures-------------- - _ 9,830.21 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 85,169.79 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 95,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-------------- -------------......--- $1,286.22 $6, 529. 11 $2, 026.98 Cost of maintenance----------------------------- Total expended -- --- , 079. 31 6, 736.02 2,014. 88 Allotted . ---------------------------------- 1 .-- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $87,184.67 Gross amount expended-.-. 2,014.88 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_------------------ - 85,169.79 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948. - -12.10 Balance available, June 30, 1948-.. --- _ 85,157.69 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project..--- ---........ 8,081,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 219 115. EMERGENCY FLOOD CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAW 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Public Law 102, Eightieth Congress, first session approved June 23, 1947 authorized to be appropriated the sum of $15,000,000 as an emergency fund to be expended under the direction of the Sec- retary of the Army and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repair, restoration, and strengthening of levees and other flood control works which may have been threatened or destroyed by recent floods, or which may be threatened or destroyed by later floods. Pursuant to this act the amount of $14,800 was allotted for repairs to the Hadley and Hatfield dikes located at miles 95 and 97 on the Connecticut River. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Contract plans and specifications were prepared and construction completed by con- tract for both dikes. The costs and expenditures from maintenance funds for the Hadley dike were $7,473.14, for the Hatfield dike $5,512.23. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project was complete. Costs and expenditures for Hadley dike have been $7,473.14. Costs and expenditures for Hatfield dike have been $5,512.23. Proposed operations. Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $826.86 for Hadley dike and $987.77 for Hat- field dike will be applied as follows: New work: Preparation of "as built" drawings, Hadley dike--- $150.00 Held for possible reseeding of Hadley dike ------------------------- , 676.86 Total ----------------------------------------------- 826.86 Preparation of "as built" drawings, Hatfield dike- --------- 150.00 Held for,possible reseeding of Hatfield dike -------------- 837.77 Total-_______ .. _ _................. -----------------------987.77 Cost and financial summary, Hadley dike Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_. . . . Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- ----- _.._ . $7,473.14 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ 7,473.14 Net total expenditures----__ --- 7,473.14 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-.--.---.. ....-.-- .826.86 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948........-----------. 8,300.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ofnew work ..........-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- -- -- Cost of maintenance--------------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ $7,- 473. 14 Total expended ------------------------------------------------------------- 7,473. 14 Allotted -------------------------------------------------------....----------................................. 8,300. 00 Amount allotted during fiscal year.___________.____ -___ $8,300.00 Gross amount expended_______...__.-- $7,688.39 Less reimbursed expenditures.'---------- 215.25 7,473.14 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-.-.-..-.-. .826.86 --.-.. - 220 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary, Hatfield dike Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- . - . : Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 .........- $5,512.23 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ • 5,512.23 Net- total expenditures -------- ------------------ 5,512.23 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ -- 987.77 Total amount appropriated to June 30,:1948 _ 6,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.... Cost of maintenance ..-- -- l --- ~----- -----$5512.2 Total expended...._.... 5, 512.23 Allotted - ------ ---- 6, 500. 00 Amount allotted during fiscal year__ $6,500.00 Amount to be accounted for - Gross amount expended- 6,500.00 _ - $5,563.38 Less reimbursed expenditures..51.15 5,512.23 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_. 987.77 116. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGEN- CIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost of work during the year amounted to $43,584.35. Ex- penditures were $39,815.25. Total costs have been. $830,305.23. Total expenditures have been $826,937.17. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $22,652.38 plus an allot- ment of $95,000 made in July 1948, a total of $117,652.38, will be applied during fiscal year 1949 to payment of expenses incurred under this heading. The sum of $130,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- : Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ____... - . $830,305.23 ' 830,305.23 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948- ' 3,368.06 Net total expenditures------------------------------ 826,937.17 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-- ---------- 22,652.38 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 849,589.55 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .---------------------- Cost of maintenance----------- $19, 07.8 $39, 456.40 $170, 188.10 $186,373.89 $43,584.35 Total expended --------- --- 19, 007.85 37, 652. 01 186, 632. 85 172,134.57 39, 815.25 Allotted-- --------------------- -- 1,400. 00 95, 000.00 181, 439.55 85, 000.00 60, C00.00 FLOOD CONTROL---NEW ENGLAND DIVISION 221 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 . '... ---- $2,467.63 Amount allotted during fiscal year-.- _._--. --- _----- 60,000.00 Amount to be accounted for._----------------- 62,467.63 Gross amount expended __ _ ------- $39,894.57 Less reimbursed expenditures-.... 79.32 39,815.25 OutsBalance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------- 22,652.38 utstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.__ $3,368.06 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- 544.27 3,912.33 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------ ------ 18,740.05 Amount allotted in July 1948-.---- -------------------- 95,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....._. 113,740.05 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 _----------------------------------- 130,000.00 117. INACTIVE FLOOD CONTROL PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures Estimated full report, to June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project see Annual quirel to Report for- complete New work Maintenance iopkinton-E verett Reservoir, Merrimack Liver Basi n, N. If.....................------------------------ 1941 $67, 131.49 ..--------- () Lowell, Merrrimack River Basin, Mass....... 1945 490, 600.00 --------------.. (2) Pawtucket, I Blackstone River Basin, R. I......... do...--- ---------------------------- $115, 000 Brockway RFeservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vtr. 1946 - - -5, 292, 100 Merrimack I iver Basin, N. IfH.and Mass- - do.--. 275, 076. 32- ..- (2) 1 ennington and Beards Brook Reservoirs have been substituted. " 4Completed. SCost revised in 1946. Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation Acushnet River and New Bed- River and lHarbor Act, ............ ford and Fairhaven Hlarbors, Mar. 2, 1945 Mass.,particularly to provide greater depth in the eastern portion of the anchorage basin and for the improvement of navigation, flood control and relatedl purposes. Ammonoosuc River, N. H., trib- Flood Control Commit- ---------------------- utary of the Connecticut River. mittee resolution, May Aroostook River and tributaries, 28, 194.1 Flood Control Act, June ..------------------------ 4 Maine 30, 1948 lackstone River, Mass. and Flood Control Commit- ....................-- R. I., for flood control on tee resolution, May 25,.. ..................... Scott's Brook, Mass. 1945 Chicopee and Connecticut Flood Control Act, Aug.--------- -------------- Rivers. 28, 1937 Con necticut and Chicopee Flood Control Act, Aug..........---- Rivers. 28, 1937 Connecticut River and tribu- Flood Control Commit----------------------- taries including Westfield tee resolution, June 16, River, 1938 Connecticut River and tribu- Senate Public Works ..- resolutio ries, for flood control on Pas- Committee resolution, sumpsic River and tributaries, June 9, 1948 Particularly in vicinity of St. Johnsbury, Vt. 804711--48-Vol. 1-15 222 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigationsfor flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions-Continued _- Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation Connecticut River and tribu- Flood Control Commit- taries, for substitute flood-con- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- tee resolution, May 28, trol project in place of Sugar 1941 Hill Dam and Reservoir on Ammonoosuc River, N. H. Connecticut River, Mass., be- Flood Control Act, Aug. tween Hatfield and Mount 11, 1939 Tom. Fairhaven and New Bedford River and Harbor Act, Harbors and the Acushnet Mar. 2, 1945 River, Mass., greater depth in the eastern portion of anchor- age basin and for navigation, flood control and related pur- poses. Green River, Mass---------..... Flood Control Act, Aug. 11, 1939 Kennebec River, Maine-...... Commerce Committee resolution, March 28, 1936 Kennebec River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, June Maine. 20, 1936 Kennebec River, Maine......... Flood Control Act, June 22, 1936 Knightville Reservoir, West- Flood Control Act, July field River, Mass., with a view 24, 1946 to modifying the existing proj- ect to provide low flow regu- lation. Merrimack River, Mass., and N. 1:., with a view to improve- River and Iarbor June 20, 1938 Act, ..... ment for navigation, flood con- trol and water power. Narraguagus River and tribu- Flood Control Act, July taries, Maine. 24, 1946 New Bedford and Fairhaven River and ]Harbor Act, Harbors and the Acushnet Mar. 2, 1945 River, Mass., to provide great- er depth in the eastern portion of the anchorage basin and for the improvement of navigation, flood control, and related pur- poses. Passumpsic River and tribu- Senate Public Works taries, particularly in the vicin- Committee resolution, ity of St. Johnsbury, Vermont. June 9, 1948 St. Johnsbury, Vermont, Pas- Senate Public Works sumpsic River and tributaries in vicinity of. Committee reso(ution, June 9, 1948 Scott's Brook, Mass. (tributary Flood Control Commit- of IBlackstone River, Mass., and R. I.). tee resolution, May 25, 1945 Sugar H ill Dam and Reservoir, Flood Control Commit- substitute flood control project tee resolution, May 28, on Ammonoosuc River, Con- 1941 necticut River Basin. Thames River and its tributaries, House Public Works Connecticut. resolution, June 17,1948 Westfield River, Mass., with a Flood Control Act, July view to modifying the existing 24, 1946 Knightville Reservoir to pro- vide low flow regulation. Westfield River, tributary of the Flood Control Commit- Connecticut River. tee resolution, June 16, 1938 __ I--- IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT This district comprises western Vermont, small portions of west- ern Massachusetts and Connecticut, eastern New York, including Long Island, and northeastern New Jersey, embraced in the drain- age basins tributary to Lake Champlain and the St. Lawrence River system east thereof and to the Atlantic Ocean from New York- Connecticut State line to but not including Manasquan Inlet, N. J. It exercises jurisdiction, however, over all matters pertaining to the improvement of the Great Lakes to HIudson River waterway; and, for the purposes of study, investigation, and survey for the St. Lawrence River seaway and power project, over the Interna- tional Rapids section of the St. Lawrence River, extending from Chimney Point to the foot of Cornwall Island. District engineer: Col. W. F. Ileavey, Corps of Engineers to December 14, 1947; Lt. Col. H. C. Rowland, Jr., Corps of Engineers, acting district engineer to January 31, 1948; Col. C. F. Williams, Corps of Engineers to February 5, 1948; Maj. J. W. Wark, Corps of engineers, acting district engineer to February 11, 1948; Col. C. F. Williams, Corps of Engineers, to June 13, 1948; and Maj. J. W. Wark, Corps of Engineers, acting district engineer since that date. Division engineer of the North 'Atlantic Division, New York, NY., comprising the New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Balti- more, Mr., Washington, D. C., and Norfolk, Va., districts: Col. W. F. Heavey Corps of Engineers, acting division engineer to July 17, 1947; and Col. B. C. Dunn, Corps of Engineers, since that date. IMPROVEMENTS] Navigation . Navigation-Continued Page Page 1. Port Chester Harbor, N. Y. 224 20. Fire Island Inlet, N. Y _ _ 256 2. Mamaroneck Harbor, N. Y_ 226 21. Jones Inlet, N. Y___ 258 3. East Chester Creek, N. Y_. 228 22. East Rockaway (Debs) Inlet, 4. Westchester Creek, N. Y_- 230 N. Y---------------- 259 5. Harbor at Flushing Bay, 23. Jamaica Bay, N. Y__.... 261 N. Y -- _ _ .. -- . 232 24. Sheepshead Bay, N. Y .... 264 6. Manhasset Bay, N. Y...... 234 25. New York Harbor: Entrance 7. Hempstead Harbor, N. Y._ _ 235 Channels and Anchorage 8. Glencove Creek, N. Y...... 236 26. Areas. 265 9. Huntington Harbor, N. Y - 238 Coney Island Creek, N. Y_ 270 10. Northport Harbor, N. Y_ - - 240 27. Bay Ridge and Red Hook 11. Port Jefferson Harbor, N. Y. 242 Channels, N. Y ... 272 12. 13. Mattituck Harbor, N. Y. - Peconic River, N. Y....... -- 243 28. Gowanus Creek Channel, 245 N.Y 274 14. Sag Harbor, N. Y_.__ 247 29. Buttermilk Channel, N. Y __ 275 15. Lake Montauk Harbor, N. Y 248 30.- East River, N. Y_ 278 16. Long Island Intracoastal 31. Wallabout Channel, N. Y -__ 280 Waterway, N. Y........ 250 32. Newtown Creek, N. Y -.... 281 17. Great South Bay, N. Y ....- 252 33. Harlem River, N. Y _ .-285 18. Browns Creek, N. Y. .... 253 34. 19. Hudson River Channel, New Orowoc Creek, N. Y -... _.. 255 York Iarbor- 287 223 224 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Navigation-Continued Navigation-Continued Page page 35. New York Harbor: Collec- 58. Shrewsbury River, N. J -- 344 tion of Drift ------------ 290 59. Shark River, N. J _------- 346 36. Irvington Harbor, N. Y _- 292 60. Examinations, Surveys and 37. Tarrytown Harbor, N. Y___ 293 Contingencies (General) _ 350 38. Peekskill Harbor, N. Y .... 294 61. Inactive navigation projects 351 39. Wappinger Creek, N. Y ... 296 62. Plant Allotment- ------- 351 40. Rondout Harbor, N. Y ...- 297 41. Saugerties Harbor, N. Y.__ 299 Flood Control 42. Hudson River, N. Y.--_-_ 300 63. Waterbury Reservoir, Wi- 43. Great Lakes to Hudson nooski River Basin, Vt___ 355 River Waterway, Enlarge- 64. Waterbury, Winooski River ment of New York State Basin, Vt ------------ 357 Barge Carial---------- 306 65. Wrightsville Reservoir, Wi- 44. Narrows of Lake Champlain, nooski River Basin, Vt __ 358 N. Y. and Vt- 310 66. East Barre Reservoir, Wi- 45. 46. Burlington Harbor, Vt ----- Plattsburg Harbor, N. Y___ 312 nooski River Basin, Vt_-_ 314 67. Rutland, Otter Creek, Vt _- 360 362 47. Newark Bay, Hackensack 68. Hoosick Falls, Hoosic River and Passaic Rivers, N. J_. 315 Basin, Vt---------- 363 48. New York and New Jersey 69. North Adams, Hoosic River Channels---- 320 Basin, Mass---------- 364 49. Elizabeth River, N. J...... 325 70. Adams, Hoosic River Basin, 50. Rahway River, N. J------- 327 Mass ---.-- ---- 366 51. Woodbridge Creek, N. J __ 328 71. Snagging and clearing under 52. Great Kills Harbor, Staten authority of section 2 of Island, N. Y----------_ 329 the Flood Control Act 53. Raritan River, N. J .. ____ 333 approved August 28, 1937, 54. Washington Canal and South as amended---------- 367 River, N. J-------------- 337 72. Preliminary examinations, 55. Cheesequaks Creek, N. J '_ 339 surveys and contingencies 56. 57. Keyport Harbor, N. J __.. Shoal Harbor and Compton. 341 for flood control --------. 368 73. Inactive flood control Creek, N. J-.-.. 342 projects ------------- 369 1. PORT CHESTER HARBOR, N. Y. Location.--This harbor, located at the boundary between the States of New York and Connecticut, comprises the tidal mouth, about 1.7 miles in length, of the Byram River whose source is in Byram Lake about 12 miles north of Port Chester. The river empties into Long Island Sound about 32 miles by water east of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 222.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of June 10, 1872, modified in 1884 and 1888, and by the River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1899 and March 2, 1907. For further details see Annual Report for 1915, page 1758, and Annual Report for 1938, page 157. Existing project.-This provides for an anchorage basin near the breakwater constructed at Byram Point under a previous project, 12 feet deep, for fenders on the east bank opposite the southern end of Fox Island, and for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water and 150 feet wide from Long Island Sound to the mouth of the river at the southerly point of Fox Island; thence 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide to 900 feet below the fixed bridge at Mill Street in Port Chester, including a turning basin opposite the steamboat landing; and thence 3 feet deep and 175 to 100 feet wide to 100 feet below the fixed RIVERS AND 11ARBORS--NEW YORK, N. Y. DISTRICT 225 bridge. The length of the section included in the project is about 1.7 Mniles. Mean tidal range, 7.1 feet; mean range of spring tides, 8.5 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure Vary from 4 feet below mean low water up to 8.2 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $433,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, of which $5,500 is to be contributed by local interests. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $4,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Ac:s Work authorized Documents June 25, 1910 Entrance channel 12 feet deep, thence 10 feet deep to H1.I)oc. 1165, 60th Cong., 2d sess. and including turning basin, thence 3 feet deep to July , l head of improvement. 3, 130 July Widening turning basin, dredging anchorage basin, Rivers and :farbors Committee and constructing fenders on east bank. Doc. 23, 70th Cong., 2d sess. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, Provides that local interests shall contribute $5,500 in cash toward Widening the channel at the turning basin. This condition has not been fulfilled and there is no indication as to when compliance may be expected. Terminal facilities. There are 34 terminals between Fox Island and the Mill Street Bridge, with a total berthage of about 5,300 feet, of which 3,210 feet are available for dockage. The village of Port for Chester owns several bulkheads which are used as public landings small pleasure craft. Several boatyards with storage space for 75 boats and equipped with a total of 3 marine railways are available for pleasure craft. The facilities appear to be adequate for existing commerce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities, see Port and*Terminal Facilities of the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for dredging to a depth of 10 feet from Fox Island to the turning basin, work was commenced June 9, 1947 and was completed July 14, 1947. During the fiscal year, 24,506 cubic yards, place meas- urement, of material were removed, at a cost of $28,503.47 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $33,283.96. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced January 1911 and is 94 percent complete. When examined in June 1945 and June-July 1947, the controlling mean low-water depth was 12 feet for a width varying from 150 to 75 feet from Long Island Sound to Fox Island; 9.5 feet in the anchor- age basin; thence 10 feet for a width of 100 to 90 feet to the turn- ing basin; 10 feet in the turning basin; thence 3 feet for a width of 60 feet to within 400 feet of the head of the improvement; thence decreasing to 1 foot at the head of the improvement. When examined in September 1945, the breakwater was in fair condi- tion and no repairs are contemplated for the present. The head of navigation is at Mill Street Bridge, 1.7 miles above the mouth. 226 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The work remaining to be done under the existing project con- sists of widening the turning basin and constructing fenders on the bank opposite the southern end of Fox Island. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $482,253.25-$358,475.33 for new work and $123,- 777.92 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Completion of the project is not considered warranted in the in- terest of commerce and navigation. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---. $433,470.43 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _ 140,147.04 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_-..... _. 573,617.47 Net total expenditures- 573,617.47 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------ 573,617.47 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-.--.- - Cost of maintnance- - .. ---------- 380.00 $51. 13 $12,773. 55 $28,503.47 Total expended ----- ----------------- 380.00 516. 13 7,993.06 33, 283.9 Allotted--------------------------------------- 380. 00 40,000.00 11, 331. 46 -9, 538.31 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ---- $42,822.27 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------------- -9,538.31 Net amount to be accounted for______________________ 33,283.96 Gross amount expended _________________-------------------------- 33,283.96 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------- 69,000.00 2. MAMARONECK HARBOR, N. Y. Location.-This harbor is situated on the north shore of Long Island Sound, 5 miles west of the Connecticut State line, and 27 miles by water east of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 222.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of August 2, 1882, modified in 1899, and by River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912. For further details see Annual Reports for 1915, 1924, and 1938, pages 1759, 141, and 160, respectively, Existing project.--This provides for a channel 10 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide from deep water in Long Island Sound to Orienta Point, and thence 80 feet wide to a point about 150 feet below the Boston Post Road, including an extension to the northeast 300 feet long and 80 feet wide, all with widening at bends; for an anchorage in the East Basin of same depth; and for an anchorage in the West Basin 6 feet deep at mean low water with a channel of like depth and 80 feet wide connecting this RIVERS AND IHARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 227 anchorage with the main channel. Length of section included in project, 1%/ miles. Mean tidal range, 6.9 feet; mean range of spring tides, 8.3 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 8.5 feet above mean high water. The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1935, was $161,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects but including an estimated local contribution of $26,500. The latest (1935) ap- proved estimate of cost of annual maintenance is $1,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Selt. 22, 1922 1)redging 10-foot channel and anchorage ... ... I)oc. oc. 651, 66th Cong., 2d sess. Aug. 20, 1935 Dredging 6-foot anchorage in West Basin and its ap- Rivers and Iarbors Conunmittee p)roach channel. Doc. 4, 74th Cong., 1st sess. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local in- terests are required to provide adequate and suitable spoil-disposal areas suitably (liked or bulkheaded as needed. Terminal facilities.-There are 11 wharves with a total available berthage of 2,865 feet along the shores of the harbor; 7 are located in East Basin and 4 are located in West Basin. Ten of the wharves are equipped with freight- and boat-handling facilities; none has railroad connections. One wharf with a berthage of 235 feet is Publicly owned. Seven boatyards with storage space for 1,050 boats and equipped with marine railways are available for pleasure craft. Small-boat landings, consisting of floats, having a total berthage of 400 feet, are available to the public. The facilities are adequate for existing commerce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities, see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing pro- ject was commenced October 1924 and completed July 1939. When examined in April 1946, the controlling mean low-water depth in the main channel was 9 feet for a width varying from 100 to 30 feet from Long Island Sound to the East Basin anchorage area, Where the depth was 7 feet. The controlling depth in the West Basin and connecting channel was 6 feet below mean low water. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948 were $185,218.19-$145,407.89 for new work, of which $126,679.83 were United States funds and $18,728.06 contributed funds, and $39,810.30 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $1,600, made in July 1948, will be applied to a condition survey of the channel. Maintenance dredging will be necessary during the fiscal year 1950. The additional sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for restoration of the main channel to Project dimensions. 228 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------. _ I $207,404.26 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-...___--_ _________ 53,225.16 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ---------- 1 260,629.42 Net total expenditures------------_--.---_ . __ 1 260,629.42 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 1 260,629.42 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------- Cost~~~~~~~ Cost of maintenance_ aneac----------------------- ____o ... ----- $470- $10.--76 _ ::::: ::: ::::::::::::-. . - ..$40 4 .... oi-- s1.6 ::::::: Total expended ----.... -- - --- 470 10. 76--- Allotted ..............------ ------------------------------- 470 10.76---------- Amount allotted in July 1948 ------ $1,600.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_-_ 1,600.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance 60,000.00 1 Exclusive of $18,728.06 contributed funds expended for new work. 3. EAST. CHESTER CREEK, N. Y. Location.-This creek, also known as Hutchinson River, is a small tidal stream emptying into East Chester Bay, an indenta- tion in the north shore of Long Island Sound immediately north of Throgs Neck, 12 miles southwest of the Connecticut State line and 21 miles by water northeast of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 223.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1873, and June 25, 1910. For further details see Annual Report for 1915, page 1761, Annual Report for 1929, page 167, and Annual Report for 1938, page 163. Existing project.--This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water and generally 150 feet wide from Long Island Sound through East Chester Bay to a point 700 feet below the Boston Post Road Bridge, and thence 70 feet wide to the northern terminus of the project, about 300 feet above the Fulton Avenue Bridge, and for a passing basin in the vicinity of the Boston Post Road Bridge. Length of section included in project, 4.7 miles. Mean tidal range, 7.3 feet in the estuary; mean range of spring tides, 8.6 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pres- sure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 8.1 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1930, is $283,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1930) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $15,000 for the first 3 years and $12,000 annually thereafter. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 37, 71st Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are 30 wharves, with a total berth- age space of 9,528 feet available for use along the upper end of RIVERS AND H ARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 229 the waterway. Eight of the wharves are equipped with mechan- ical handling devices. The existing terminal facilities are adequate to meet the present requirements of commerce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities, see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for dredging to a depth of 8 .feet in the vicinity of the Fulton Avenue bridge, work was commenced July 8, 1947 and completed July 17, 1947. During the fiscal year, 3,934 cubic yards, place measurement, of material were removed at a cost of $11,706.65 for maintenance. The cost of engineering preliminary to contract dredging was $19.23 for maintenance. The total cost of work was $11,725.88 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $11,835.47. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing proj- ect was commenced October 1935 and completed August 1941. When examined in April 1945 and February and July 1947, the controlling depth at mean low water was 7 feet for a width vary- ing from 70 to 150 feet from East Chester Bay to 700 feet below the Boston Post Road Bridge, thence 7 feet for a width varying from 60 to 70 feet to 300 feet below the Fulton Avenue Bridge, thence 8 feet for a width varying from 55 to 70 feet to the head of the project. The minimum width through bridge draws is 59.6 feet. The head of navigation is about 1,550 feet above Fulton Avenue Bridge. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, -exclusive of $14,402.80 contributed funds were $409,299.53-$392,436.86 for new work, of which $183,507.10 Were from Emergency Relief funds and $208,929.76 regular funds and $16,862.67 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. Shoaling is occurring near the mouth of the project channel. Therefore, the sum of $35,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 in maintenance dredging to restore the en- trance channel to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------- -1_ $592,056.65 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-_-------.-.------.-- 181,886.32 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-......... 1 773,942.97 Net total expenditures___ ____-------- ------------- 1 773,942.97 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----..--. . 1. 773,942.97 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work:-----.. Cost of maintenance -......-.-. --...-... --- $1, 900--------------$3, 236. 79- $11,725 88 Total expended -------------................. .--------. 4 1, 900 ---------- -3, 127. 20 11,83. 47 Allotted------------.........-----.............. -$4, 070. 24 1,900 $22, 000 -8, 945. 83 1.908. 60 Exclusive of $14,402.80 contributed funds expended for new work. 230 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_--..-_____ __________ $9,926.97 Amount allotted during fiscal year_- ------ _________________ 1,948.71 Amount to be accounted for -------- 11, 875.68 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment 40.21 Net amount to be accounted for--------------------- 11,835.47 Gross amount expended ______ ________ 11,835.47 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance _-_ _ 35,000.00 4. WESTCHESTER CREEK, N. Y. Location.-This creek is a tidal stream flowing into the East River from the north at a point 14 miles by water northeast of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 226.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910. For further details see page 238 of Annual Report for 1921, and page 164 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water, 100 feet wide for a length of 2,000 feet through the estuary; thence 80 feet wide for 3,000 feet; and thence 60 feet wide to the head of navigation at East Tremont Avenue (Fort Schuyler Road), a distance of 8,800 feet, with widening at bends, and with two turning basins, one near the upper end of the channel and an- other near the Eastern Boulevard (Unionport) Bridge, a total length of about 2.6 miles. Mean tidal range, 7 feet; mean range of spring tides, 8.4 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and baro- metric pressure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 8.4 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1932, was $117,000 exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act approved September 22, 1922 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 8, 67th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published map is printed in House Document 370, Sixty-fourth Congress, first session. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-There are 13 wharves with a total usable berthage of 2,660 feet located along the waterway. Eight of the terminals are equipped with mechanical handling devices. One wharf with a berthage of 50 feet is open to the public. Two boat- yards with storage space for 70 boats and equipped with marine railways are available for pleasure craft. The facilities are con- sidered adequate for existing commerce. (For latest full descrip- tion of terminal facilities, see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-The cost of a survey to determine the condition of the entrance was $489.85 for mainte- nance. The cost of surveys and engineering preliminary to contract dredging was $6,106.53 for maintenance. The total cost of work was $6,596.38 for maintenance. The total expenditure was $1,607.88. RIVERS AND HARBORS- NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 231 Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced March 1932 and completed May 1933. The upper 0.5 mile of the channel was relocated by the city of New York in 1941. When examined in May and June 1948, the controlling mean lOW-water depth of the channel was 8 feet for a width varying from 100 to 40 feet from the entrance in East River to the head of the project at East Tremont Avenue. The head of navigation is at East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, about 2.6 miles above the mouth. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $165,- 840.22-$98,666.88 for new work and $67,173.34 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $160,851.72. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $627.66 plus an allotment of $90,000 made inJuly 1948, a total of $90,627.66, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948__---_---------- ---------- ------- $4,988.50 Maintenance: Complete by October 15, 1948, under a contract to be entered into, dredging to restore the channel to project dimensions ---------- 85,639.16 Total for all work__________ __--------------- ------- 90,627.66 Further maintenance work will not be necessary and no funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _____ ____ ____---- $175,848.52 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ________---- -_------ - 133,773.48 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---...... 309,622.'00 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------- 4,988.50 Net total expenditures.-------------- , - 304,633.50 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 -------------------.. 627.66 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 305,261.16 Fiscal Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost Ofmaintenance---------------------- Costof new work--------------- ---- -- .- $530--------------- ...------------------------- --------------- .. $i4.75 $6, 546. 38 otal expeic - ------------ -------.. -__.530 14. 75 1,607.88 - -530 -14. 75 2, 25. 54 Amount allotted during fiscal year_--------------------------- $90,600.00 D Amount to be accounted for-_-_- - -_ _ 90,600.00 eductions on account of revocation of allotment------------- 88,364.46 Net amount to be accounted for_ .------------------ 2,235.54 Gross amount expended_-__________________._______ ___ 1,607.88 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 627..66 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ---..--------------- 4,988.50 _ Balance available, June 30, 1948---_-_------- _ .-- -- -4,360.84 Amount allotted in July 1948---______ __-___-.___ -_, 90,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 85,639.16 232 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S.: ARMY, 1948 5. HARBOR AT FLUSHING BAY, N. Y. Location.-The harbor is located on the north shore of Long Island, 12 miles by water northeast of the Battery, New York City, and consists of Flushing Bay, 2 miles long, and Flushing Creek, 1 mile long. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 226.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1879, and March 4, 1913. For further details see Annual Reports for 1915, 1932, and 1938, pages 1772, 169, and 168, respectively. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water from that depth in East River through Flushing Bay and in Flushing Creek to the Main Street Bridge with widths of 200 feet through the bay.and in the creek to the Northern Boule- vard Bridge, thence decreasing uniformly to 160 feet at the Main Street Bridge; a branch channel 12 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the main channel to a maneuvering area of the same depth outside the municipal boat basin at the south end of the bay, with an anchor- age basin of 8-foot depth and approximately 700-foot width west of the branch channel; and for the repair and reconstruction of 3,739 linear feet of dike. The length of the section included in the project is about 3.7 miles. Mean tidal range, 6.8 feet; mean range of spring tides, 8.1 feet; ir- regular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 4 feet below mean low water up to 7.6 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $902,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $20,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 4, 1913 Mar. 3, 1925 Aug. 26, 1937 Dredging 12-foot channel ------------------------ Construction of new dike; repair of old dike----......... Branch channel, maneuvering area, and anchorage . Doc. 1333, 61st Cong., 3d sess. I. Doc. 124, 68th Cong., 1st sess. Rivers and Iarbors Committee 1 basin. Modified conditions of local cooperation. Doc. 35, 75th Cong., 1st sess. June 20, 1938 Providing 6-foot channel along west side of harbor Senate committee print, 75th during period of the world's fair.2 1 Cong., 3d sess. I Contain latest published maps. 2 No work was done. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937, provides that the branch channel and anchorage shall not be constructed until local interests give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will construct a suitable landing for ex- cursion boats and a boat basin of appropriate capacity; provide and maintain a public landing of permanent construction for small boats, with necessary service and supply facilities; provide adequate parking spaces for automobiles in the immediate vicinity suitably connected to the public-highway system and open to the public on equal terms, and that no dredging shall be done in the Flushing Creek Channel closer than 100 feet to the established harbor line at any wharf structure without previous consent of the owner and re- lease of the United States from any resultant claims for damages. RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 233 Assurances providing compliance with the local cooperation re- quired for all improvements authorized under this act, except for dredging in the creek channel, were accepted by the Secretary of War on October 18, 1937. There is no indication as to when com- pliance with the remaining conditions affecting the 12-foot channel may be expected. Terminal facilities.-There are 5,995 feet of bulkheads available for dockage. Two of the terminals and an excursion-boat landing and boat basin at the south end of the bay are owned by the city of New York, the latter being open to the public. Twelve of the termi- nals are equipped with mechanical handling devices. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced March 1938 and is about 59 percent complete. The 12 -foot channel in the bay, branch channel, and maneuvering area and the 8-foot anchorage area were completed in November 1938. When examined in March 1946, the controlling mean low water depth was 12 feet for a width varying from 90 to 200 feet in the main channel through the bay to the mouth of Flushing Creek, thence 10 feet for a width varying from 120 to 200 feet to the Broadway Bridge; thence 7 feet for a width of 130 feet to the Roosevelt Avenue Bridge; thence 5 feet for a width varying from 60 to 160 feet to a Point 400 feet north of Main Street Bridge; thence decreasing to zero depth at Main Street Bridge. When examined in April 1942 the depth in the branch channel and maneuvering area was 11 feet and in the anchorage area the depth was 7 feet. The head of navigation is about 500 feet above Main Street Bridge. The work remaining to be done under the existing project consists of the construction of the channel in the creek to a depth of 12 feet and the repair and recon- struction of dike. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $390,192.06-$389,629.46 for new work and $562.60 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is con- temnplated during the fiscal year 1949. Completion of the existing project is dependent upon local coop- eration. It is not probable that the remaining conditions of local cooperation will be met in the near future. Reconstruction of the dikes is not considered essential at present. The sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, to restore the channel to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ..---------... _ _ --- $628,502.37 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 206,974.07 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------......... 835,476.44 Net total expenditures_ ------------------------------------ 835,476.44 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------ 835,476.44 234 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work . -.... Cost of maintenance--.......... - ----- ::::::::::: -------------- ----- . ---------- Total expended.---- --------------------------- 550 12. - Allotted--- -- Allotted--------------------**-- - ---- - --------- - 550 12. ----------- -------------- -------------- 550 12. 0 .. --------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-__--_________ $512,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance- .. 50,000.00 6. MANHASSET BAY, N. Y. Location.-This is an indentation in the north shore of Long Island between the headlands of Great Neck on the west and Man- hasset Neck on the east and is about 20 miles distant from the Bat- tery, New York City. The bay is about 4 miles long and about 1 mile in average width. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 223.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide from deep water in the bay to Crampton Bros.' wharf at Great Neck, with a turning basin at that point. Length of section included in project 1.4 miles. Mean tidal range, 7.4 feet; mean range of spring tides, 8.7 feet; irregular fluc- tuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from about 3.9 feet below mean low water up to about 10.3 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1948, is $167,000, of which $50,000 is to be contributed by local interests. The latest (1948) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $6,500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930 (H. Doc. 452, 70th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in the project document. Local cooperation.--The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, provides that local interests shall contribute $50,000 to the first cost and furnish, without cost to the United States, suitable spoil-dis- posal areas, properly diked or bulkheaded where necessary. These conditions have not been complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are nine commercial wharves with available dockage of 1,700 feet located near the head of the bay. Seven are equipped with mechanical handling devices. One 50-foot wharf is available for public use. Six yacht clubs are located on the east shore. In addition there are a number of small private landings for pleasure craft. The facilities are considered adequate for exist- ing commerce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities, see Port and Terminal facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final costs and expenditures of $460 were reported during the fiscal year for a con- dition survey of the channel completed in November 1946. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No new work has been done on this project. The controlling mean low-water depth in the natural RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 235 channel, when examined in November 1946, varied from 8 feet at the entrance to 0 feet at the head of the improvement. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $460, all for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is con- templated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Completion of the existing project is dependent upon local cooperation. It is not prob- able that the requirements of local cooperation will be met in the near future. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----_-_---- ___ --- -------- $460 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ....... 460 Net total expenditures .__ 460 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- ---- 460 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--- ------------------ Cost of rnaintena nce ......... :...... ........:: .. .: ............ :: ........... c$460 Total expended.....__________ ---- ---- --- --- --- --------------------- --- -- 46 Allottel - - --- - ..............................-..............-............-............. 460 _ ........ ___.. ......... - - -.- Amount allotted during fiscal year ----------------------------- $460.00 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------ 460.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- 117,000.00 7. HEMPSTEAD HARBOR, N. Y. Location.-This is an indentation of the north shore of Long Island, 25 miles by water northeast of the Battery, New York City, and 13 miles southwest of Stamford Harbor, Conn. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 223.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide: from the entrance to a point op- Posite Ward's wharf, a distance of about 5,600 feet; thence 80 feet Wide to the Roslyn town wharf, a distance of about 3,200 feet; and thence 50 to 70 feet wide to the head of navigation, a distance of about 1,700 feet. Total length of channel included in the project is 2 miles. Mean tidal range, 7.1 feet; mean range of spring tides, 8.4 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure Vary from 3.6 feet below mean low water up to 8.7 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost of new work, made in 1910, was $47,000. The latest (1910) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. No. 1, 61st Cong., 2d sess.). There is no published map. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-Water terminals, nine in number with available dockage of 2,700 feet, are located-eight along the east 236 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 shore of the harbor from Glen Cove to Roslyn and one on the west shore; none has a railroad connection. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce, which is local, and there is ample water front, both public and private, for additional terminals as needs arise. Operations and results during fiscal year.-A survey to determine the condition of the channel was made and costs will be charged to the project in the fiscal year 1949. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced March 1912 and completed October 1912. When examined in December 1947, the controlling mean low-water depth was 6 feet for a width varying from 80 to 100 feet from the entrance at Bar Beach to a point 1,500 feet north of Roslyn town wharf, thence 5 feet for a width varying from 40 to 80 feet to Roslyn town wharf, thence 2 feet to the head of the project. The head of naviga- tion is the dam at Roslyn, about 2 miles by channel from the mouth. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $105,867.04-$39,468.11 for new work; and $66,398.93 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $800, made in July 1948, will be used to reimburse plant allotment for funds expended for a condition survey made during the fiscal year 1948. No funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial"summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---- ------------------- $39,468.11 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ___________________66,398.93 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 105,867.04 Net total expenditures- -105,867.04 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------ 105,867.04 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 CostCot e work.... off new wr----------------------- . .- --- --------------------- Cost of maintenance---- ..----..... :::--:-------------: -- 6 ---- i.--7- .---- Total expended----------------------------- 22 230 11.70----------- Allotted- ------------ ------ - _ _--- 220 230 11.70 - -. 0 Amount allotted in July 1948--------------- $800.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------------- 800.00 8. GLEN COVE CREEK, N. Y. Location.-This is a narrow tidal inlet extending eastwardly about 1 mile from the east side of Hempstead Harbor on the north shore of Long Island, 26 miles northeast of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 223.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 100 feet wide and 3 feet deep at mean low water from deep water in Hempstead Har- bor to the head of navigation at the city of Glen Cove, a total length of about 1 mile, to be protected by a sand fence along its north side where it crosses the beach. Mean tidal range, 7.4 feet; mean range of spring tides, 8.7 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.6 feet below mean low water up to 8.4 feet above mean high water, RIVERS AND IARBOIS- NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 237 The estimate of cost for new work (of which one-half is to be borne by local interests), revised in 1948, is $151,000, with $6,000 the first year and $4,000 annually thereafter for maintenance. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of IMarch 3, 1925 (H. Doc. 207, 68th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1925, Provides that local interests shall pay one-half of the first cost of the Work, provide without cost to the United States all rights-of-way, spoil-disposal areas, and bulkheads, and give assurances satis- factory to the Secretary of War that adequate terminals will be built. Complied with as to contribution of one-half of first cost of Work done to date, cession of rights-of-way, provision of disposal areas, and the construction of terminals. Pending construction of bulkheads by local interests along the southerly side of the channel in the upper 1,600 feet of the improvement, a channel of less than. project width has been excavated. In letter dated February 4, 1948, the Commissioner, Department of Public Works, City of Glen Cove, Was notified of the conditions affecting the remaining work. There is no indication as to when compliance with these conditions may be expected. Terminal facilities.-There are 1,875 feet of bulkheads located along the northerly side of the waterway. The terminals are ade- quate for present needs and there is ample water front, both public and private, for additional terminals as needs arise. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for dredging to a depth of 8 feet in the lower 0.7 mile reach of the channel, work was commenced April 24, 1948 and completed June 6, 1948. During the fiscal year, 26,515 cubic yards, place measure- ment of material were removed at a cost of $26,865.98 for mainte- nance. The cost of a condition survey and surveys and engineering pre- liminary to contract dredging was $2,219.47 for maintenance. The total cost of work was $29,085.45 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $24,940.40. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced August 1933 and is about 55 percent complete. The Work done provided a channel 100 feet in width from deep water in Iempstead Harbor for a distance of 3,470 feet, thence gradually decreasing to 50 feet in width for a distance of 180 feet, and 50 feet in width for a distance of about 1,450 feet to the head of the im- provement. When examined in November 1947 and June 1948, the controlling mean low-water depth was 8 feet for a width of 100 feet from the mouth to within 1,600 feet of the head of the improvement; thence 5 feet for a width varying from 50 to 30 feet to the head of the Project. The head of navigation is at the city of Glen Cove, about 1 mile above the mouth. The work remaining to be done to complete the existing project consists in widening to 100 feet the upper 1,630 feet of channel and building a sand fence along the north side of channel where it crosses the beach. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $88,- 619.62--$59,534.17 for new work, of which $29,760.06 was United States funds and $29,774.11 contributed funds and $29,085.45 for 804711-48--Vol. 1-16 238 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 maintenance. The total expenditures were $84,474.57, of which $54,700.46 were from United States funds and $29,774.11 con- tributed funds. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $17,359.60, minus accounts payable to June 30, 1948, of $4,145.05, a total of $13,214.55, is available for revocation and reallotment for emergency use on other projects in New York District. Completion of the project is not considered essential at this time. Therefore, no funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $29,760.06 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ - 29,085.45 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- - 58,845.51 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------- 4,145.05 Net total expenditures____________________________ - 54,700.46 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 ________________________ 17,359.60 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------1 72,060.06 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .. Cost of maintenance-......-------------------------------- ----- _--------$29085.45 Total expended ............- Aoted........... -. .--------------------- -------------------------- 24,9040 24, 940 --------------------------------------------------------------- Allotted 42, 300.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- $42,300.00 Gross amount expended___________-____________________ 24,940.40 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- - _ 17,359.60 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _ $4,145.05 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts - 214.69 4,359.74 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 12,999.86 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project- _______________ ------------- -- - -46,000.00 1Exclusive of $29,774.11 contributed funds expended for new work. 9. HUNTINGTON HARBOR, N. Y. Location.-This is an indentation of the north shore of Long Island, 40 miles northeast of the Battery, New York City, and 8 miles southeast of Stamford Harbor, Conn. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 224.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the act of June 1872. For further " details see page 1772 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 174 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide from the 8-foot contour in Hunt- ington Bay to a turning basin of same depth and 200 feet wide, located opposite the Old Town dock, thence 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide to a point 450 feet north of the causeway, an anchorage of the RIVERS AND IIARBORS--NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 239 Same depth and 14 acres in extent on the west side of the 6-foot channel and a cross-channel, 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the main 8-foot channel to and along the wharves on the west side of the harbor, extending to within 150 feet of the causeway. The length of the section included in the project is about 2.5 miles. Mean tidal range, 7.4 feet; mean range of spring tides, 8.7 feet; irregular fluc- tuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.6 feet below mean low water up to 6.4 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $131,500, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, but including an estimated local contribution of $51,000. The latest (1948) ap- proved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $8,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Sept. 19, 1890 8-foot channel to and including turning basin at Old HI. Ex. Doc. 200, 48th Cong., 2d 'I'own dlock. sess. Mine 20, 1938 6-foot channel, 6-foot anchorage area, and 8-foot cross IT. Doc. 638, 75th Cong., 3d sess. channel. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of June 20, 1938, Provides for the 6-foot channel and anchorage area, and the 8-foot cross channel subject to the conditions that local interests shall: (a) Furnish free of cost to the United States suitable spoil- disposal areas for new work and subsequent maintenance as may be required. (b) Agree to provide and maintain adequate landing facilities Open to the public on equal terms to all. (c) Contribute prior to commencement of work on either the 6- foot or 8-foot improvement one-half of the initial cost thereof, but not in excess of $51,000. Assurances of compliance with the conditions affecting the 6-foot improvement were accepted by the Chief of Engineers on May 2, 1940. The sum of $34,500, representing one-half of the estimated Cost of the 6-foot channel and anchorage, was deposited to the credit of the United States by local interests on January 10, 1940. Fulfill- Oment of conditions of local cooperation affecting the 8-foot improve- ment is expected within the next two years. Terminal facilities.-Nine terminals, consisting of timber and concrete bulkheads, with available dockage of 3,023 feet, of which town-owned wharfage amounting to 760 feet is open to the public, are located at the southern end of the harbor. Upon completion of the public dock to be constructed in accordance with the require- ments of local cooperation, the terminals will be sufficient for exist- ing and reasonably prospective commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost and expenditures of $650 were reported during the fiscal year for a con- dition survey of the channel completed in July 1946. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced September 1891 and is about 52 per cent complete, The main 8-foot channel and the turning basin were completed in 240 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 1904. The 6-foot channel and anchorage on the east side of the har- bor were completed in 1941. The controlling mean low water depth when examined in July 1946 was 7 feet for a width of 75 to 100 feet in the main channel from Huntington Bay to the vicinity of Old Town dock, thence 8 feet for a width of 200 feet in the turning basin, thence 6 feet for a width of 100 feet to the head of the project. The controlling depth in the anchorage area was 6 feet below mean low water. In the cross channel the depth varied from 4 feet below mean low water at the entrance to 1 foot above mean low water at the head of the channel (May 1941). The work remaining to be done to com- plete the project consists of dredging the 8-foot cross channel. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $117,087.03-$49,034.92 from United States funds and $19,545.86 from contributed funds, a total of $68,580.78 for neW work; and $48,506.25 from United States funds for maintenance. Proposed operations.--No funds are available and no work is con- templated during the fiscal year 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___-- 1 $71,534.92 I Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 .. ___, 48,506.25 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- ------ 1 120,041.17 Net total expenditures- - -1 120,041.17 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 120,041.11 120 ,-,c~-041.17-- 1 - - Fica Fiscal year 194 8 ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 Cost of new work---------....-- Cost of maintenance---------------------------0 $8.87 Total expended-............... 320 --------------- I-- L- 8. 87 . . . 650 Allotted ........ I $650.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year-.... Gross amount expended_-------- 650.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---------------- 31,500.00 I Exclusive of $19, 545.86 expended from contributed funds for new work. 10. NORTHPORT HARBOR, N. Y. Location.-This is an arm of Northport Bay on the north shore of Long Island. It is 44 miles by water northeast of the Battery, New York City, and 11 miles by water southeast of Stamford Har- bor, Conn. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 224.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide from that depth in the harbor to a point 100 feet south of the Northport Yacht Club, and an anchorage basin 6 feet deep and 15 acres in area adjacent to the channel. The length of the section included in the project is about 0.4 mile. Mean tidal range, 7.2 feet; mean range of spring tides, 8.5 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pres- sure vary from 4 feet below mean low water to 3.8 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $37,000, exclusive of $15,000 to be contributed by local interests. The RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 241 estimate of annual cost of maintenance revised in 1948 is $4,000. The existing,project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 109, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). For latest Published map see project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests shall: (a) Contribute one-half the initial cost of the work but not to exceed $15,000. (b) Furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, ease- ments, and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for new work and for subsequent maintenance as required. d(c) Hold and save the United States free from claims for .amages resulting from the execution and maintenance of the improvement. The village of Northport was notified of the conditions of local cooperation in letter dated January 18, 1946. In letter dated Jan- 'ary 28, 1946, the village clerk, village of Northport, gave assur- ance that a suitable spoil-disposal area would be furnished by the Village of Northport. In letter dated February 25, 1946, the town Cerk, town of Huntington, gave assurance that the town of Huntington would comply with all other conditions of cooperation. Terminal facilities. -Water terminals, seven in number, with available berthage of 1,300 feet, are located on the east side of the harbor. One terminal, municipally owned, is open to the ublic. The facilities are considered adequate for existing and reasonable prospective commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done on this Project and there have been no costs or expenditures. When examined in June 1938 the mean low-water depths in included in the existing project were as follows: the area Anchorage, feet; channel, 8 feet, diminishing to 4 feet at the end of the Project. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. Fulfillment of conditions of local cooperation is expected within the next two years. The sum of $37,000 for new work can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, to complete by October 31, 1949, under contract, dredging of channel and anchor- age area to project dimensions. In addition, $15,000 is to be Contributed by local interests. The proposed work will complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__._.-....--. COst of maintenance to June 30, 1948_____....... -. -. --- ......... . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948........__ "et total expenditures ...--------------- .... . .----- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948............_ _. Armount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---------- ------------------------ -- 37,000.00 Amnount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work----------------------- ----- 37,000,00 242 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 11. PORT JEFFERSON HARBOR, N. Y. Location.-This is an indentation of the north shore of Long Island, about 56 miles by water east of the Battery, New York City, and 13.5 miles southeast of Bridgeport Harbor, Conn. Itis about 1.75 miles long and averages 0.75 mile wide. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 361.) Previous projects.--Adopted by River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1871, and modified in 1875 and 1877. For further details see Annual Reports for 1875, 1877, and 1915, pages 265, 221, and 1771, respectively. Existing project.--This provides for dredging a channel through the entrance 300 feet wide and 16 feet deep at mean low water, for repairing and enlarging two riprap jetties built under the previous project, and for extending the east jetty a distance of 450 feet. The length of channel included in the project is about 2,600 feet, the length of the west jetty is 940 feet, and the project length Of the east jetty is 2,000 feet. Mean tidal range, 6.4 feet inside of. entrance channel; mean range of spring tides, 7.7 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 6.2 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1928, is $301,000, exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects, of which $57,000 is to be contributed by local interests. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocuments Sept. 9, 1890 Enlarging jetties and dredging channel 10 feet deep Annual Report, 1889, p. 751. and 200 feet wide. Aug. 18,1894 Dredging channel 12 feet dleep_ _ _ __ .. - __ July 3, 1930 Channel 16feet deep and 300feet wide and extension 1[. Annual Report, 1895, i).831. l)oc. 305, 75th Cong., 1st scSS of east jetty. (Contains latest published nale Local cooperation.--The river and harbor act of July 3, 1930, provides that local interests shall dredge the channel to full project dimensions under plans to be approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War, or shall contribute $57,000 to the cost .of the work.. Terminal facilities.-There are eight terminals with a total available berthage of 2,430 feet located at the head of the harbor, one of which is a shipyard with storage space for 50 vessels and equipped with 3 marine railways. One privately owned pier is open to the public. The facilities are adequate for existing and reasonably prospective commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost and expenditures of $500 were reported during the fiscal year for a condition survey of the channel completed in June 1947. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing proJ- ect was commenced in May 1891 and is about 30 percent complete. The channel was dredged to a 12-foot depth by the United States in 1903 and was partially dredged to a 16-foot depth by private interests under the modified project in 1930 and 1931. The east RIVERS AND IIARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 243 Jetty has been built to a length of 1,500 feet and the west jetty toa length of 940 feet, but of incomplete width and height. These jetties have aided materially in maintaining the width and depth of the dredged channel lying between them. No work of maintenance or improvement has been done by the United States Since 1909. When examined in June 1947, the controlling depth at mean low water through the channel was 16 feet for a width varying from 100 to 300 feet. The work remaining to be done inder the existing project consists in completing the jetties to dPoject dimensions and removing a few shoals left after the rdging of the 16-foot channel by private interests. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $101,852.15-$91,226.71 for new work and $10,625.44 for aintenance. croposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is ontemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Completion of the existing project is being deferred until its need onstrated. gpg is dem- of neCost Cost and financial summary Cost of new Cost of work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- maintenance $171,426.71 to June 30, 1948__ _________------ 10,625.44 et Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----.... . 182,052.15 ------------------------------------ Totaloal expenditures............... 182,052.15 amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-182,052.15 1 Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ostofnew work . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Offiinten - - c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $100 'Total expended ----------------------------------------------------------------- 500 Allotted ........... Groount allotted during fiscal year------ $500.00 Oss amount expended ------------- ,_--- 500.00 Afount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------ 153,000.00 12. MATTITUCK HARBOR, N. Y. ,Location.-.This is a tidal inlet on the north shore of Long sland, 85 miles east of the Battery, New York City, and 24 miles ut east of New Haven Harbor, Conn., extending southward aut 21/4 miles to the village of Mattituck. (See U. S. Coast and eodetic Survey. Chart No. 299.). Existing project.--This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at eanlllow water from Long Island Sound to the bridge at Water- a-lle, protected at the entrance by two parallel jetties 400 feet Part, thence 7 feet deep e~attituck, the widths beingat100 mean high water to the village of feet at the entrance and 80 feet tlsewhere. Total length of the channel is about 2.2 miles. Mean tidal range at entrance, 4.9 feet; at Old Mill Bridge, Waterville, 0 1 feet; mean range of spring tides at entrance, 5.8 feet; at ld Mill Bridge, 6 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and baro etric pressure vary from 2.2 feet below mean low water up 6.6 feet above mean high water. 244 REPORT OF Ch IEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, including the cost of maintenance up to June 30, 1909, was $125,000. The latest (1935) approved estimated cost of annual maintenance is $5,00. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 3, 1896 The 7-foot channel, and 2 riprap jetties......------------ Annual Report, 1891, p. 843 Aug. 30, 1935 250-foot extension to west jetty------------------_ If. Doe. 8, 71st Cong., 1St Sp (Contains latest published JInP - ------------- c Local cooperation.--Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.--There is a timber bulkhead at Waterville, with available wharfage of 710 feet. At the head of the project there is a crib pier, in poor condition, with 50 feet'of available wharfage. The commerce is of such a light nature that much of it can be handled from small boats run up on the shore. These facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost and expenditures of $700 were reported during the fiscal year for a condition survey of the entrance channel completed in April 1941. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced September 1900 and substantially completed August 1938. The dredging was completed in 1914. The east jetty was completed in 1906 for a length of 775 feet. The west jetty was completed in 1938. When examined in April 1947, the controlling mean low water depth was 7 feet for full channel width from the entrance to the bridge at Waterville, except for a minor shoal extending 10 feet into the channel at the inner end of the east jetty. In July 1928, the controlling mean low water depth was 2.5 feet from the bridge to Long Creek; thence 1 foot to the village of Mattituck. The minimum width through the drawbridge is 57 feet. Both east and west jetties are in good con- dition and no repairs are necessary at this time. The head of navigation is at Mattituck, about 2.2 miles by channpel above the mouth. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $329,305.75-$133,344.15 for new work and $195,961.60 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $1,000, made in July 1948, will be applied to a condition survey of the channel. Shoaling is occurring near the entrance of the improvement. The additional sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 in maintenance dredging, under contract, to restore the entrance channel to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------ $133,344.15 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 195,961.60 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------...... 329,305.75 Net total expenditures-----------------------------.... 329,305.75 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.------------ - 329,305.75 RIVERS AND HIIARBO(IS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 245 iscal Yearending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 of new work. Cost o maintenance - $270 $1,426.41 $66, 594.04 --$700 'otalexpended - - ... -... ------------- -- ~- 270 1, 005. 48 67, 014. 97 700 Allotted -$950. 73 270 40, ()0. 0(0 28, 020).45 ) 770 Grossaunt allotted durg fiscal year---------------- $700.00 ross amount expended ----------------------------------- 700.00 ernount allotted in July 1948 -- ------------- 1,000.00 ibligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 -1,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_ --------------------------- 50,000.00 13. PECONIC RIVER, N. Y. thLocation.--This is a narrow tidal stream at the intersection of fthenorth and south forks of Long Island, 74 miles by water east cu the Battery, New York City. The head of navigationis at a Cvert at Peconic Avenue, in the village of Riverhead, 4.7 miles gest of the junction with Great Peconic Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 299.) Eoisting project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide, extending from deep water In Great Peconic Bay westerly for a distance of 1,100 feet, thence of the same depth and a width of 75 feet to the former location Of the Terry and Wells dock about 1,100 feet below Peconic tienue. Length of section included in project, 4.6 miles. Mean u range, 2.9 feet; mean range of spring tides, 3.4 feet; irregular fe tuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 1.6 feet below mean low water to 4.5 feet above mean high water. TThe estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1939, is $53,000. $6e,00estimate of annual cost of maintenance, made in 1948, is The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents arr3,1871 1945 Channel 6 feet deep and 75 feet wide to Flanders Bay.. II. Ex. Doec. 60, Extension of channel to Great Peconic Bay, 6 feet 41st Cong., 3d sess. If. Doc. 237, 76th Cong., 1st sess. deep and 100 feet wide. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, authorized the extension of the channel subject to the provi- Slon that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, tPoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for-subsequent main- tenance as required. The Board of Supervisors of Suffolk County Was notified of the required conditions of local cooperation in letter dated January 24, 1946. Local interests have indicated that disposal areas will be furnished upon request. Terminal facilities.-There are 16 terminals with a total avail- able dockage of 1,850 feet located along the upper end of the 246 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 waterway. Two of the terminals, with a total dockage of 140 feet, are open to the public. Four boat yards with storage space for 111 craft and equipped with 5 marine railways are available for fishing and pleasure craft. The facilities are adequate for existing and reasonably prospective commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for dredging to a depth of 6 feet from Flanders Bay to the head of the project, work was commenced May 12, 1948 and was in progress at the end of the fiscal year. During the fiscal year, 73,244 cubic yards, place measurement, of material were re- moved at a cost of $43,111.64 for maintenance. The cost of condition surveys and surveys and engineering preliminary to contract dredging was $3,157.97 for maintenance. The t6tal cost of work was $46,269.61 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $19,922.62. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing prOiJ ect was commenced August 1871 and was substantially completed June 1942. When examined in May and June 1948, the controlling mean low-water depth was 6 feet for a width varying from 100, to 75 feet from Great Peconic Bay to the head of the project. In view of the fact that this examination revealed a controlling mean low-water depth of 6 feet for a width of 100 feet between Great Peconic and Flanders Bays, work under the existing project is considered complete. The head of navigation is at Riverhead, about 2.5 miles above the mouth of Peconic River. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $125,113.86-$25,000.00 for new work and $100,113.86 for main* tenance. The total expenditures were $98,766.87. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $26,777.38, plus accounts receivable of $706.62, a total of $27,484, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 -.. $27,053.61 Maintenance: Complete by July 1, 1948, under a contract in force, dredging to restore the channel from Flanders Bay to Riverhead to project dimensions -------------------- 430.39 Total for all work--------------------- -------------- 27,484.00 Further maintenance will not be necessary and no funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_---- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 $25,000.00 100,113.86 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ 125,113.86 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948 706. 62 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------ 125,820.48 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948------------ ------- 27,053.61 Net total expenditures.- ---------- 98,766.87 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 -- - ---- 26,777.38 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948...--....-. 125,544.25 RIVERS AND ni aal 1/ HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., )ISTRICT 247 Fiscal Year er _7 ling June30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 0 ost of new wor Cost of maintena e------------------------------------------------------46,29.61 Total expended- Allott ,, I I- -- -- - - -- -- S ............ .............. 19, 922. 62 -- ------...............---- - ... .. ...--- - - 46, 700. 00 Amount allotted during fiscal year _________------------ $46,700.00 ross aount expended---------------------------- ----- 19,922.62 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------- anding ---- 26,777.38 liabilities, June 30, 1948___--__----- ---------- 26,777.38 14. SAG HARBOR, N. Y. Location.-This harbor is located on the northern shore of the th fork of Long Island, about 24 miles west of Montauk Point. eie U S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 298.) long lo zisting project.-This provides for a breakwater 3,180 feet extending northerly from Conklin Point; and for an hannel entrance 3,200 feet long, 100 feet wide, and 10 feet deep at mean low ther from Shelter Island Sound by way of the village wharf to the Mooring dolphins of the Standard Oil Co.; for a turning basin lovthe same depth; for an anchorage area 8 feet deep at mean alow water between this channel and the breakwater; and for a Srall anchorage area 6 feet deep at mean low water between the Village wharf and the Sag Harbor Yacht Club pier. The length ] the section included in the project is about five-eighths iMean tidal range, 2.5 feet; mean range of spring tides, mile. 3.0 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 2 feet below mean low water up to 4.9 feet above mean high Water. Thhe estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1935, was $119,100. he latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nace is $5,000. SThe existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents unte 13, 1902 Breakwater.................--------------------------------.................. I. 13(Annual g30, Doc. 77, 56th Cong., 1st sess. Report 1900, p. 1451.) Aug 30, 1935 Entrance channel, anchorages, and turning basin... Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 32, 74th Cong., 1st sess. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are seven terminals with a total available berthage of 4,250 feet located in the harbor. Three of these terminals with berthage of 2,700 feet, and in addition two mall basins with suitable landing facilities, are open to the public. 0 ooring dolphins serve to tie up oil barges. One boat yard with istorage space for 50 boats and equipped with 2 marine railways is available for pleasure craft. The facilities are considered ade- Quate for existing commerce. 248 onPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1.948 Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing proJ- ect was commenced December 1902 and completed November 1938. The breakwater was completed in 1908. When examined in April 1946, the controlling mean low water depth in the en- trance channel and turning basin was 10 feet; in the southerly anchorage area, 6 feet; and in the main anchorage, 8 feet. The breakwater was in fair condition. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $122,521.53-$121,805.39 for new work and $716.14 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $550 will be applied to a condition survey of the channel. Maintenance dredging will be necessary during the next two years. The sum of $40,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, in maintenance dredging under contract, to re- store the entrance channel to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $121,805.39 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ___------. .. ' 716.14 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 122,521.53 Net total expenditures--- -- ---- 122,521.53 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 550.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 123,071.53 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945, 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work... Cost of maintenance.-..-- .-- Total expended.-........... .. Allotted..---------........ ..... .... ....-..-. . .------. -- -.. -- ---.... 700) 700 16.14 16. -14 $550. 9. 4---$--1-----1-- -- $55(.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- $550.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 550.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance 1.... 40,000.00 I Exclusive of available funds. 15. LAKE MONTAUK HARBOR, N. Y. Location.-This harbor is located on the east end of Long Island, about 3 miles by land west of Montauk Point and 125 miles bY water east of New York City. It is landlocked on the east, south and west sides and is connected on the north with Block Island Sound by an artificial inlet. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1211.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water and 150 feet wide extending from the 12-foot contour in Block Island Sound to the same depth in the existing RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 249 Yacht basin east of Star Island; for a boat basin 10 feet deep, 400 feet wide, and 900 feet long, located northwest of Star Island; and for the repair and extension shoreward of the east and west etties. The length of section included in the project is 0.7 mile. Mean tidal range, 1.9 feet; mean range of spring tides, 2.2 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 2 feet below mean low water up to 7 feet above mean high Water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $358,000, exclusive of $82,737.73 from Navy Department funds. The esti- mnate of annual cost of maintenance, made in 1948, is $7,500. The existing project was adopted by the of March 2, 1945 (I. Doc. 369, 76th Cong., River and Harbor Act 1st sess.). For latest Published map see project document. 19 Local cooperation -The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests shall: (a) Furnish, free of cost to the United States, spoil-disposal areas for initial work and for subsequent maintenance when and as required. (b) Hold and save the United States free from claims for dam- ages that may occur from the construction and maintenance of he improvements. (c) Convey to the United States, free of cost, all necessary rights-of-way and structures, including such absolute and inde- feasible easement in the body of water known as Lake Montauk Harbor and in the shores and bed thereof as may be necessary to insure its permanent dedication to the use and purposes of a Public navigable waterway. th () Give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will construct and maintain for free public use suitable road- Ways to permit access to the boat basin and inner harbor. S(e) Give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will construct and maintain a suitable public landing open to all on equal and reasonable terms. And provided further that no work be done by the United States until the rights-of-way, structures, and easement specified in (c) above have been con- Veyed to the United States; and title to rights-of-way required for roadways and landing facilities specified in (d) and (e) above, has been vested in the county of Suffolk or the town of East ampton, in the State of New York. Under date of December 8, 1942, the Chief of Engineers approved the instruments complying With condition (c) above, and partially complying with items (a) and (b). Work undertaken in Lake Montauk Harbor in 1942 was not then a part of an authorized river and harbor project but was Performed for the Navy Department. The conditions of local co- oeration required under the project were not considered wholly applicable. The supervisor, town of East Hampton, was notified of the condi- tlons of local cooperation in letter dated January 24, 1946. Local interests have indicated that the remaining conditions will be met Within the near future. Terminal facilities.--Water terminals, seven in number, with a total available berthage of 1,390 feet are located on the east side of 250 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Star Island, the lake area south of the island, and at the inner end of entrance channel. None of the terminals has rail connec- tions or is equipped with freight-handling devices. All the termi' nals are privately owned. Upon completion of a public landing to be constructed in accordance with the requirements of local cooperation, the terminals will be adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-A survey to deter- mine the condition of the channel was made and costs will be charged to project in fiscal year 1949. Condition at end'of fiscal year.-Work under the existing proj* ect was 31 percent completed. Dredging of the entrance channel and repairs to the west jetty were performed from August 1942 to January 1943 at the request of the Navy Department with Navy funds. When examined in May 1948 the controlling depth at mean low water through the channel was 9 feet for a width varying from 70 to 150 feet. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists of dredging a boat basin north- west of Star Island; repair of existing east and west jetties and shoreward extension of the east jetty. The total costs and expenditures to June 30, 1948, were $82,* 737.73 from Navy funds all for new work. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $700, made in July 1948, will be.used to reimburse plant allotment for funds expended for a maintenance survey made during the fiscal year 1948. Completion of the project is not considered essential at this time. Maintenance dredging will be necessary during the next two years. Therefore, the sum of $60,000 can be profitably ex- pended during the fiscal year 1950. to complete by November 31, 1949, under contract, dredging to restore the entrance channel to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- ----------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Net total expenditures --- -------- ----------- - _ - Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-.-.-- Total --------------- ------ ------ Amount allotted in July 1948_ -------------------- $700.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 700.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_------ - ------------- - 358,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_-_________________________ 60,000.00 1 The sum of $82,737.73 was spent from Navy funds for new work. 16. LONG ISLAND INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY, N. Y. Location.-This waterway extends from East Rockaway Inlet, on the south side of Long Island, to Great Peconic Bay at the eastern end of Long Island. The section included under this proj- ect extends from Great South Bay opposite Patchogue to the south RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 251 end of Shinnecock Canal. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No.578.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 100 feet wide and 6 feet deep at mean low water from the federally improved channel in Great South Bay, opposite Patchogue to the south end of Shinnecock Canal. The length of the section included in the Project is 34 miles. The mean tidal range varies from 1.0 foot in Spinnecock Bay to 0.7 foot in Patchogue Bay; mean range of Lring tides varies from 1.2 feet to 0.8 foot; irregular fluctua- tbons due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 1.8 feet ow mean low water to 11.5 feet above mean high water. The estimated cost for new work, made in 1937, is $286,000. The approved estimated cost of annual maintenance made in 1937 is $15,000. of The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act August 26, 1937 (H.Doc. 181, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest ublished map is in the project document. teLocal cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local in- terests are required to furnish suitable spoil-disposal areas for se uent maintenance as required. Te-rminal facilities.-There are 17 boat repair and storage Yards within the area immediately adjacent to the Federal im- Pro vement. There is ample room for expansion and development fterminals when future commerce warrants. Iperations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost for expenditures of $1,000 were reported during the fiscal year fora condition survey of the channel in the vicinity of Shinnecock 194Canal, Ponquogue Bridge and Moriches Inlet completed in June Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing proj- Wt as commenced October 1939 and completed September 1940. hen examined in April 1946 and June 1947, the controlling iean low water depth in the channel was 5 feet for a width vary- Sag from 50 to 100 feet, except opposite Moriches Inlet, where T he of least depth of 3.5 feet exist. hoals total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 66 1948, were $290,632.22-$235,964.25 for new work and $54,- 6.97 for maintenance. ~Proposed operations.-An allotment of $50,000, made in July t19, ill be applied to maintenance dredging, by contract (March MO ay 1949) to restore project dimensions in the channel oppo- Site Moriches Inlet and at entrance to Shinnecock Canal. be aintenance dredging will not be necessary and no funds can Profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. o Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__----_ ___------------- $235,964.25 of maintenance to June 30, 1948_-------------___------ 54,667.97 let Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... 290,632.22 lotal expenditures_-- ot _---------------------- 290,632.22 amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------- 290,632.22 252 REPORT OF CHIEF' OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------------------- - - - Cost of maintenance---------- $11,001.86 $11, 0 1.86 $1, 31. 05 -----$211. 67 __$, 631.05- _ Total expended - -_ ... ------------ 00186 1,000 1,631.05 211.67 A 11~++ , 2AM .......... --- _....... . I 37, 000. 00 14, 500. 00 -38, 655. 42 1, V Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------$1,000.00 Gross amount expended-- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 1 000.00 Amount allotted in July 1948 50 000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949::-------- 50,000.00 17. GREAT SOUTH BAY, N. Y. Location.--This is a lagoon inside the south shore of Long Island, N. Y., about 26 miles long and 2 to 6 miles wide. The principal entrance, through Fire Island Inlet, is about 50 miles by water south and east of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 578.) Previous projects.--Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of September 19, 1890. For further details see page 1773, Annual Report for 1915, and page 182, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 200 feet wide and 10 feet deep at mean low water from Fire Island Inlet to the central basin in Great South Bay, and a channel 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the central basin in the bay to the head of navigation in Patchogue River. The length of section included in the project is about 19.1 miles. Mean tidal range in the baY, 0.7 foot; mean range of spring tides, 0.8 foot; irregular fluctua* tions due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 1.7 feet below mean low water up to 4.6 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948 is $197,000, exclusive of amount expended under previous project. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $4,500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 13, 1902 (H. Doc. No. 103, 56th Cong., 2d sess.). For latest published map see Annual Report for 1916, page 2018. Terminal facilities.--Water terminals, 13 in number, with avail- able wharfage of 5,000 feet, are located along the shores of Patchogue River. These facilities consist of a lumberyard with wharfage of 2,000 feet, having rail connection; 7 boat-building yards; 2 fuel-oil terminals; a coal yard; and 2 village wharves open to the public. These facilities are considered adequate for the existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--Work under the existing projY ect was commenced November 1902 and is about 90 per cent comn- plete. The channel in Patchogue River was completed in 1904. Of the dredging through three bars, necessary to provide the projected channel, only the easterly one, bar C, was dredged. The west jetty, 1,700 feet long, completed under the previous project RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 253 '1.189 and repaired in 1914, and theextension 7 SPit 1,000 feet long, with a riprap east jetty, formed 330 of a sand feet long, com- 1leted in 1917, are in good condition.. When examined in April 1946, the controlling mean low water depth was 10 feet for a width o 200 feet from Fire Island Inlet to a point 8 miles east, thence t~feet for the same width to the channel opposite Patchogue, thence 5.5 feet for a width varying from 60 to 100 feet to the Sead of the project in Patchogue River. The head of navigation is Division Street, Patchogue, about 19.1 miles by channel from the entrance at Fire Island Inlet. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30 1948, were $210,376.80-$59,820.82 for new work and $150,- o.98 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $40,000, made in July 1948, will be applied to maintenance dredging, by contract (March to May 1949), to restore the channel to project dimensions from deep water in Great South Bay to the head of the improvement in the Patchogue River. Completion of the project is not considered essential at this time. Therefore no funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30,;1948--------------------- $99,820.82 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ___- .-.-- .150,555.98 Net Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ..-.- _ 250,376.80 otaotal otaltoa amount 2et~---- expenditures---------------------------- appropriated..... to Junee3( - 250,376.80 epnits.1. 9820368 30, 1948----------------- 250,376.80 Year ending June 30 Fiscal 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 of new work Co maintenace------- - --------------------------- $960 $21.099 IOtal expended ----------------- " e --. ....... j----j.~... . . -960. -..... . 960 96--0- 21.99 21.99 21.99 .. ______ -............. un t allotted in July 1948---,_ _- Aoobligated ----------- $40,000.00 balance available for fiscal year 1949------------ 40,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_-------------------------------------- 137,000.00 18. BROWNS CREEK, N. Y. Location.--This is a narrow, crooked tidal stream emptying into Qreat South Bay, near Sayville, Long Island, N. Y., about 15 miles byWater northeast of Fire Island Inlet, and about 65 miles by water east of New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No0 . 578.) 6 xisting project.-This provides for a channel 100 feet wide and 6 feet deep at mean low water from the 6-foot contour in Great South Bay for a distance of 1,850 feet, and thence, with same width, 4feet deep to the head of navigation; also for two stone jetties to 8 04711--.48--Vol. 1-17 254 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARIY, 1948 protect the entrance, the east jetty to be 1,400 feet long and the west jetty 1,600 feet long. The total length of channel under improve ment is about 11/4 miles. Mean tidal range, 0.6 foot; mean rangeo spring tides, 0.7 foot; irregular fluctuations due to wind and baro' metric pressure vary from 1.8 feet below mean low water up to 3. feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947, is $104,000' The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,300. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of September 19, 1890 (H. Ex. Doc. 22, 51st Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.-Water terminals, seven in number, with available dockage of 1,450 feet, are scattered along the shore of the creek between its mouth and the head of the improved channel, Six on the west bank and one on the east bank. Three, with available dockage of 600 feet, are publicly owned; all others are privatelY owned. All are open to the public. None has rail connections. The facilities are considered adequate for the amount and kind of corn* merce involved. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced August 1891 and is about 40 per cent complete. The east jetty was completed to a length of 448 feet in 1893. The West jetty was completed to a length of 492 feet in 1892 and was extended in 1927 to a total length of 700 feet. Both jetties are in poor condi- tion. The 6-foot channel has been completed. The 4-foot channel has been completed for a distance of 1,350 feet. When examined in Feb- ruary 1939 and April 1945, the controlling mean low-water depth was 3 feet for a width varying from 55 to 100 feet from the entrance in Great South Bay to a point 2,000 feet south of the Sayville High. way Bridge; thence 2 feet for a width of 30 feet to the head of the project. The work remaining to be done to complete the project con- sists of extending the jetties to protect length and dredging the channel of 4-foot depth northward, for a distance of about 3,300 feet. The total cost and expenditures to June 30, 1948, were $105,756.* 10-$33,976.03 for new work and $71,780.07 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $900, made in July 1948, will be applied to a condition survey of the channel. Completion of the existing project is not considered essential in the interests of commerce and navigation at this time. Shoaling has occurred in the 6-foot project channel. Therefore, the additional sum of $35,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging by contract, to restore the 6-foot channel to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------------- $33 976.03 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------------- _ 71,780.01 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 105,756.10 Net total expenditures. ..- - - - - - - - 105,756.10 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-. -- - 105,756.10 lRIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 255 Fiscal year enlding June 31) 1914 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new w Cost of mainteork __.- - -- -- --- -- -- - - - otal exPeCle d --.. - -. . 220 ---..---...--- 6. 25............. Allottedl -6.25. 220 -----.....-...- Atount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------------ $900.00 "Obligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- ----- 900.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --------------------------------------- 70,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ---------------------- -- 35,000.00 19. OROWOC CREEK, N. Y. Location.-This is a small stream on the south shore of Long Il an d, entering Great Cove, an arm of Great South Bay, at the fllag of Islip, Suffolk County, N. Y. It is 60 miles by water east so the Battery, Survey New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Chart No. 578.) lExisting! project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean 1OW water and 75 feet wide, from the 8-foot contour in Great bouth Bay through the main stream to the junction with the two dranches; thence through the west branch 8 feet deep for the full lidth between bulkheads to the head of navigation at Montauk gHhway. The length of section included in the project is about 1.5 foies. , Mean tidal range, 0.7 foot; mean range of spring tides, 0.8 oot; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure -ary from I1foot below mean low water up to 1 foot above mean high The estimate of cost for new work revised in 1948 is $37,100, ex- clusive of $15,200 to be contributed by local interests. The estimate f annual cost of maintenance, made in 1948, is $4,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of uarch 2, 1945 ( . Doc. No. 126, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). For latest PUblished map see project document. Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, proVides that local interests shall: (a) Contribute one-half the initial cost of the improvement but lot to exceed $15,200. (b) Dredge and maintain to a depth of 8 feet a suitable approach to the existing public wharf at the foot of Maple Street. (c) Furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, ease- r~ents and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the initial Work and for subsequent maintenance as required. (d) Release the United States from all claims for damages inci- dental to the improvement. 1 The supervisor, town of Islip, was notified of the conditions of 0 cal cooperation in letter dated January 24, 1946. In letter dated a ebruary 13, 1946, the supervisor, town of Islip, N. Y., forwarded a resolution of the town board, town of Islip, Suffolk County, N. Y., 256 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 approving use of a sum not to exceed $15,200 and appointing a cor -n mittee to obtain a spoil-disposal area. Terminal facilities.-Eight commercial wharves with a total available berthage of 1,700 feet and three public wharves with a total available berthage of 760 feet are located along the shores of the creek. The terminals are sufficient for existing and reasonablY prospective commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done on this project and there have been no costs or expenditures. When ex- amined in 1938, the controlling mean low-water depths in the area included in the existing project were as follows: main stream, 6 feet for a width of 75 feet; west branch, 5 feet for a width of 50 feet. Proposed operations.--Nofunds are available and no work is con- templated during the fiscal year 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ......... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.--.---------------- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- Net total expenditures ------------------------------ -.----------. - - - Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 100 of existing project -------- ----- $37,10 20. FIRE ISLAND INLET, N. Y. Location.--FireIsland Inlet is situated on the south shore of Long Island, about 50 miles by water south and east of the Battery, New York City. It is the main entrance into Great South Bay from the Atlantic Ocean. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart. No. 578.) Existing project.-This provides for the construction of a jetty extending generally southwest and south for a length of 5,000 feet from high ground on Democrat Point at the west end of Fire Island. Mean tidal range, 3.6 feet; mean range of spring tides, 4.3 feet; ir- regular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 2.5 feet below mean low water up to 2.6 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1937, is $759,000, including $100,000 contributed by local interests. The approved estimated cost of annual maintenance, made in 1937, is $25,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 33, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project docu- ment. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-No terminals are within the area immedi- ately adjacent to the Federal improvement. At Patchogue there are four wharves with available dockage of 2,000 feet and 1,200 feet of bulkhead. At West Sayville, two mooring basins have an available wharfage of 2,000 feet. In addition, towns and villages have pro- vided 3,500 linear feet of bulkhead for public use for mooring pur- poses. The terminals are ample for present and probable future RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y. DISTRICT 257 needs. There is room for expansion should future commerce rant. war- Operationsand results during fiscal year.-The cost and expendi- tures of a survey to determine the condition of the jetty and the ex- tet of the westerly drift of sand into the inlet were $1,463.58 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project ias commenced June 1939 and completed April 1941. The control- al" mean low-water depth through Fire Island Inlet was 6.5 feet hng a somewhat circuitous course when examined in March 1946. ae Jetty, which is approaching its capacity as a sand entrapping gent, was in fair condition when examined in March 1948. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $686,622.40-$594,354.69 United States funds and $90,- 190.39 contributed funds-a total of $684,545.08 for new work and , 0 7 7.32 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal Year, amounting to $587.81, will be applied to a condition sur- eyOf the jetty. Repairs to the jetty will be necessary during the next two years. The additional sum of $20,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for restoration of jetty to satisfactory condition. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _---------------_-___- '$594,354.69 of maintenance to June 30, 1948_- --------- _- ___ - -- 2,077.32 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ....... - ' 596,432.01 total expenditures.------------------------------ __ et 596,432.01 Uexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 587.81 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 1 597,019.82 FiscalYear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I- osto new work.... of maintenance..... $600 $13.74 $1, 463. 58 TOtal expended........ ........ ........ - -600 _.~....~................= 13.74 1, 463.58 1~;-~i Allotted 0)O 13.74 2, 051.39 --- D ount allotted during fiscal year-_. _ ----------- $20,000.00 eductions on account of revocation of allotment ---------- 17, 948,61 Net amount Gross amount to be accounted for----------------------- 2,051.39 expended-....____-._____......... ......_ 1,463.58 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_-.------...587.81------- oAount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending une 30, 1950, for maintenance ----------------.. _-- 20,000.00 1Exclusive of $90,190.39 expended from contributed funds for new work. 258 REPORT OF C1HIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 21. JONES INLET, N. Y. Location.-This is a small inlet on the south shore of Long Island connecting Hempstead Bay with the Atlantic Ocean. It is 37 miles by water southeast of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. CoaSt and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 579.) Existing project.-This provides for an entrance jetty and a channel 12 feet deep and 250 feet wide, from that depth in the ocean through the inlet to the Loop Causeway Bridge over Long Creek. The length of section included in the project is about 2.1 miles. Mean tidal range, 4.3 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.2 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 4.1 feet below to 6.2 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $2,420,000, 50 percent of which is to be contributed by local interests. The esti- mate of annual cost of maintenance, revised in 1948, is $65,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 409, 77th Cong., 1st sess.). For latest pub- lished map see project document. Local cooperation.--The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interest shall: (a) Contribute 50 percent of the first cost of the improvement. (b) Furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will provide free of cost to the United States all lands, easel ments, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas needed for the initial work and subsequent maintenance, when and as required. (c) Hold and save the United States free from claims for dam" ages resulting from the improvements. (d) Provide and maintain a channel 12 feet deep and generally 200 feet wide from the Loop Causeway Bridge over Long Creek to the head of navigation in Freeport Creek at Mill Road. In letter dated January 8, 1946, the president of the Long Island State Park Commission, State of New York, advised that the sum of $900,000 had been set aside as the share to be contributed by local interests; that all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-dis' posal areas required for the initial work and subsequent malnte- nance would be furnished; that the document holding the United States free from claims for damages would be executed; and that initial dredging for the 12-foot channel had been completed. Since the estimate of cost to complete the work had been increased from $1,800,000 to $2,420,000 as a result of increased costs of con- struction, the share to be contributed by local interests will increase from $900,000 to $1,210,000. The president of the Long Island State Park Commission, State of New York, was notified of the latest aPW proved estimate of cost on March 26, 1948. It is expected that the conditions of cooperation will be satisfactorily met within the next 2 years. Terminal facilities.-Within the area tributary to Jones Inlet there are a number of privately owned small wharves and 40 boat repair and storage yards. The latter are equipped for the repair of pleasure craft and fishing vessels. In addition, there are nine public wharves open to the public free of charge, with a total dockage of 2,180 feet. Additional terminals would have to be constructed for the receipt of commercial freight in any sizable quantity. RIVERS AND I[ARIlORS-NEW. YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 259 th Operationsand results during fiscal year.--A survey to determine the condition of the entrance channel was made and costs will be Charged to the project in the fiscal year 1949. thndition at end of fiscal year.-No new work has been done on tr1 IProject and there have been no costs or expenditures. The con- trolling mean low-water depth through the inlet was 6.5 feet along a circuitous course when examined in April and May 1948. Proposed operations.-Anallotment of $2,200, made in July 1948, Will be used to reimburse plant allotment for funds expended for a Condition survey made during the fiscal year 1948. Fulfillment of conditions of local cooperation is expected within the next 2 years. The project should be completed during the fiscal Year 1950. The sum of $2,420,000, including $1,210,000 to be con- tributed by local interests, can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Complete by June 30, 1950, under contract to be entered t , Co construction of jetty -------------------- _ _ - $2,180,000 rmplete by June 30, 1950, under contract to be entered into, dredging of channel-------- ---------------------------- 240,000 Total for all work ---------------------------------- $2,420,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. .- -_.-. Costof maintenance to June 30, 1948- .. ------ et tTotal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ Toettotal expenditures -_... _ _ _ _ _ _ -. ....... _ _ __ amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- glount allotted in July 1948____-- -_ - -____-_______$2,200 nobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 2,200 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion existing project ------------------------------- 1,210,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work--__------_ ___-_----- 1,210,000 22. EAST ROCKAWAY (DEBS) INLET, N. Y. beLocation.--The Ctween the main inlet is situated on the south shore of Long Island body of the island and the western each. It is 10 miles east of Rockaway Inlet and aboutend of Long 27 miles by Water south and east from the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 579 and 1215.) Eisting project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at lean low water and 250 feet wide from the 12-foot contour in the Atlantic Ocean to the 12-foot contour in Long Beach Channel, a Ilstance of about 0.6 mile, protected by jetties. Mean tidal range, d41 feet; mean range of spring tides, 4.9 feet; irregular fluctuations l1oe to wind and barometric pressure vary from 4.1 feet below mean low Water up to 5.2 feet above mean high water. cl The estimate of cost for new work made in 1947 is $704,000 (ex- euding $100,000, local contribution). The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $20,000. 260 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930 (H. Doc. 19, 71st Cong., 1st sess.). The latest publishe map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930 provides that local interests shall contribute $100,000 to the cost of the work; give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War al the Chief of Engineers that they will provide and maintain at t h own expense interior channels suitable for navigation, not less than 12 feet deep, from East Rockaway Inlet to the Hempstead-Oyster Bay line, a distance of about 15 miles, to Hewlett Harbor and to Freeport Harbor; furnish, without expense to the United Statesd necessary land, easements, and rights-of-way for construction and maintenance of the jetties, and agree to hold and save the United States free of claims for damages to public and private propertY resulting from the improvement. Assurances of compliance with the conditions of local cooperation precedent to construction of entrance channel and east jetty were approved by the Chief of Engineers and Secretary of War on July 14 and 15, 1932, respectively. Local contribution of $100,000 was de- posited to the credit of the United States on August 23, 1932. Since the construction of the Wvest jetty is not considered necessary at this time, easements, rights-of-way and release of claims for damages necessary for construction are not being secured. Terminal facilities.-No terminals are within the area immredi- ately adjacent to the Federal improvement. The water front on the north side of Long Beach has been bulkheaded. There are five water terminals at Oceanside with an available wharfage of 2,000 feet. Three are oil terminals, of which one has a spur railroad connection; the other two are unused at present. There are two terminals t Island Park having a wharfage of 400 feet. There are public wharves at East Rockaway and Woodmere. The facilities are con- sidered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for repair of the east jetty, work was commenced October 13, 1947 and was completed November 15, 1947. During the fiscal year, 2,400.01 tons of stone were placed at the cost of $78,081.97 for maintenance. The cost of surveys and engineering preliminary to dredging the channel and repair of the east jetty was $491.01 for maintenance. The cost of a survey to determine the condition of the channel was $627.95 for maintenance. Final cost of $1,118.37 was reported during the fiscal year for a condition survey of the channel completed in June 1947. The total cost of work was $80,319.30 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $80,264.75. Condition at end of fiscal year:--.Work under the existing project was commenced February 1933, and is about 85 percent complete. The east jetty, 4,250 feet long, was completed in July 1934. The project channel was completed in May 1935. When examined in May 1948 the controlling mean low-water depth through the best available channel was 11 feet for a width of 250 feet. The east jetty was in good condition. The work remaining to be done under the existing project consists of building a west jetty, if necessary, to protect the channel. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 261 The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $677,- 140.0 2 -$421,368.68 from regular funds and $82,600 from Public forks funds, a total of $503,968.68 for new work and $173,171.34 from regular funds for maintenance. The total expenditures were $677,085.47. In addition, the costs and expenditures from contrib- uted funds were $100,000 for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $26,235.25, will be applied as follows:: ACcounts payable June 30, 1948-_ _ --- --- $54.55 ailtenance: Dredge by use of one United States seagoing hopper dredge for2 weeks in June 1949, to restore the entrance channel to project rmensions_ -------------------------------------------- 26,180.70 Total for all work ------------------------------------ 26,235.25 SCompletion of the project is not considered essential at this time. eurther maintenance work will not be necessary and no funds can profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost of eCost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__.._ __..______ '$503,968.68 maintenance to June 30, 1948 - ..- 173,171.34 Minus saccounts payable June 30, 1948.. . 1948......... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, .. 1 677,140.02 54.55 Net total expenditures_______________ UJfexpended 1 677,085.47 balance June 30, 1948_ 26,235.25 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 1 703,320.72 FiscalYear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ork_- ew ------------------------------------------------ ---- stof naintenanc - ---------------- ------------- . $1, 400 $32.11 . $80,31.3 0 ex)ended --- TOtal -------------------------------_ 1,400 32. 11 80, 264.75 5 lotted-----------------.............. -$26, 647.87 .............------------. Allotted 1,400 32. 11 106, 500.) mount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------- $106,500.00 ross amount expended_-------------------------------------- 80,264.75 Outst anding Balance unexpended, liabilities, June June 30, 1948 30, 1948- ............... 26,235.25 __-_-------- - .. 54.55 Balance available, June 30, 1948_--- ....-.-.----.--- 26,180.70 A}t . -1,,UIS, Of (estimated) required existing project to be appropriated for completion -------- . .------------------- 200,000.00 Sxclusive of $100,000 cqntributed funds expended for new work. 23. JAMAICA BAY, N. Y. Location.-This is a bay inside the south shore of Long Island, the entrance being about 17 miles by water south and east of the Bat- tery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart o. 542.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the acts of June 14, 1880, and uly 13, 1892. For further details see page 1770 of Annual Report or1915, and page 185 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for an interior channel extend- Ong from the vicinity of the Marine Parkway Bridge along the west 262 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 and north shores of the bay, 18 feet deep at mean low water and 300 feet wide to Mill Basin, with a swinging basin 1,000 feet wide and 1,000 feet long,at that point; thence 12 feet deep and 200 feet wide to Fresh Creek Basin; an interior channel extending from the same locality along the south shore to Head of Bay, 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide; and an entrance channel connecting the two interior channels with deep water in the Atlantic Ocean, of suitable hydrau- lic dimensions to maintain the present tidal prism in the bay, but not less than 18 feet deep and 500 feet wide from opposite Barren Island to Rockaway Point, thence enlarging to not less than 20 feet deep and 1,000 feet wide to sea, protected by one riprap jettY* Length of section included in project is 18.1 miles. Mean tidal range, 4.9 feet at Barren Island, and 5.1 feet at Head of Bay; mean range of spring tides, 5.9 and 6.1 feet, respectively; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 4 feet below mean low water to 4 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, excluding amounts expended on previous projects but including $4,228,439 expended for new work under River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910, is $4,498,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate of annual cost of maintenance is $96,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 25, 1910 Construction of 1 jetty . . . .... 60th Mar. 2, 1915 Interior channel along west shore of bay, .18 and. .-. 12 If. Doc. 1488, if. Cong., 2d sesS )oc. 700, 76th Con .,3d ses feet deep; interior channel along south shore, 15 feet (Contains latest published maIn deep; entrance channel, 20)and 18 feet deep; andl 1 riprap jetty, all in lieu of work heretofore author- ize(l. Modified conditions of local cooperation. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provided that in lieu of conditions heretofore prescribed, local inter- ests shall furnish free of cost to the United States, suitable areas for the disposal of dredged materials for new work and subsequent maintenance, when and as required, and shall hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the ii- provement. The city of New York was notified of the conditions of local cooperation in letter dated January 25, 1946. In letter dated February 7, 1946, the mayor of the city of New York advised that disposal areas are available and that the necessary document "hold- ing the United States free from claims for damages" would be exe- cuted. Terminal facilities.-There are 60 terminals with a total berthage of 21,372 feet located along the shores of Jamaica Bay, most of which are concentrated at 2 general localities; Mill Basin on the west shore, and from Seaside to and including Head of Bay on the south shore. Six of the terminals are available for public wharfage; none has direct rail connections. Nineteen yacht clubs and 18 boat- yards, equipped with marine railways, are located within the baY. In addition, there are a number of small landings for pleasure craft. The existing facilities are considered adequate for existing com- merce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities, see Port RIVERS AND HARBORS--NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 263 and Terminal Facilities of the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) t Operations and results during fiscal year.-The cost and expendi- $2res of a survey to determine the condition of the jetty were $282.11 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced August 1912 and is about 94 percent complete. The westerly interior channel from Barren Island to Fresh Creek Basin and the swinging basin at Mill Basin have been dredged to project dimensions. No new-work dredging of the entrance channel was done, since depths were greater than those required under the proj- ect. The east jetty, completed August 4, 1933, for a total length of about 1948" 8,400 feet, was in fair condition when examined in March The controlling mean low-water depths of the channels included in this project are as follows: Section Depth Width Date tFrom Aniel: Feet Feet Rock tlantic cea to ockaway Point........------------ 20 1,000 June 1946. Interior away. Point to Barren Island .. __..-....... ..- 18 500 Do. r channel (north and west shores): alren' Island to Mill Basin ._. _ _.... .. . 18 300 1)o. n ging Basin. ___ ______ 18 1, 000 )o. Iterio 1 h sin to Fresh Creek Basin ------- _..--------.. . 12 200 I)o. aeor Cannel 3each hannel: (south shore): barren Island to Cross Bay Boulevard Bridge .... 15 200 July to September 1939. Cross Bay Bloulevard Bridge to Long Island brilge 1 It. It. 11 50-200 I)o. Grass essoek Channel: Lo'0g island it. It. bridge to Sommerville Basin 11 130-200 1)o. Sommerville Basin to Mott Basin---------------............... 8 120-200(X)o. ,e lott tay eaof Basin to _ Head of Bay-- .-... .........------- _.... 5 4 150-200 70-200 1)o. I)o. The work remaining to be done under the existing project con- Slsts of dredging the southerly interior channel. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $4,316,814.35-$4,228,439.36 for new work and $88,- 374,99 for maintenance. Pfiroposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the pscal year, amounting to $317.89, will be applied to a condition sur- Vey of the jetty. Completion of the project is not considered essential at this time. taintenance of the jetty will be required within the next two years. Therefore, the sum of $75,000 can be profitably expended during the year 1950 to complete by June 30, 1950, under contract, restor- Yical ation of the jetty to satisfactory condition. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------------------- $4,307,771.72 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___- .--------- 91,336.44 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------........--. 4,399,108.16 Net total expenditures-..--.-----.---.-- -4,399,108.16 laexpended balance, June 30, 1948---.---.------.------- - 317.89 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------.-. 4,399,426.05 264 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work_ -$. --- 8_.1 Cost of maintenance.-..--- --------------- _---- $1,800 42. 64-- 21 Total expended---------------------- 42.64 28211 Allotted- . ----. ---....------......-. _- 1,80042.64 Amount allotted during fiscal year $600.00 Gross amount expended--___ - - 282.11 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_-------- 31789 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-- -------------. -- 270,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance. --- 75,000.00 24. SHEEPSHEAD BAY, N. Y. Location.--This is a bay on the south side of Long Island, 14 miles by water southeast of the Battery, New York City, and 81/2 miles northeast of Sandy Hook. It is 6,000 feet long and from 250 to 1,000 feet wide. It is open to the east and is separated from the ocean on the south by the east end of Coney Island. The section under im- provement is the entrance channel, which extends from deep water in the Atlantic Ocean to deep water in Sheepshead Bay, a distance of about one-quarter of a mile.. (See U. S. Chart and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 542.) Previousprojects.--Adopted by River and Harbor Act of June 14, 1880, and modified in 1881 and 1889. For further details see Annual Reports for 1884, 1889, and 1915, pages 109, 814, and 1771, respec- tively. Existing project.--This provides for dredging a channel 100 feet wide and 6 feet deep at mean low water from the 6-foot contour in the ocean to the corresponding contour in Sheepshead Bay a length of 2,200 feet. Mean tidal range, 4.7 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.6 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 4.3 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1910, was $13,600, eX- clusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $250. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912. (H. Doc. 959, 61st Cong., 2d sess.). For latest pub- lished map see page 732 of Annual Report for 1884. Terminal facilities.-The city of New York owns a wooden re- taining bulkhead along the entire length of the south and west sides of the bay; this bulkhead is open to the public for pleasure but not for commercial purposes. Freights are handled at private bulk- heads and float stages, which are sufficient for the local commerce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities see Port and Ter- minal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost and expenditures of $420 were reported during the fiscal year for a con- dition survey of the channel completed in November 1946. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 265 Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced July 1913 and completed August 1913. Under Permit issued by authority of the Secretary of War, a channel wasa dredged to a least depth of 25 feet at mean low water with widths varying from about 300 to 500 feet and extending from deep water lo Sheepshead Bay to a least depth of 18 feet at mean low water in lower New York dimensions Bay. When examined in November 1946, project existed for the entire length of the project. The Cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, total were $11,590.40-$7,827.59 for new work and $3,762.81 for maintenance. Proposedoperations.-Nofunds are available and no work is con- templated during the fiscal year 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ .-- $33,827.59 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------- 3,762.81 Net Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- .-... _. - 37,590.40 et total Otal expenditures ....... amount appropriated to June 30,.---- 37, 590.40 1948--------- - 37,590.40 Fiscal Yearending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work . . -"' .. .. . Cost of aintenane- - - - ::::::::::: - - - - - - - - - ::::::: - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - --- - -- - - expended... Total expcnded------------------------------ Total ------------------------ --------- -420 Allotted 42 Amount allotted during fiscal year $420.00 ross amount expended ----------------. _ ------- _ 420.00 25. NEW YORK HARBOR: ENTRANCE CHANNELS AND ANCHORAGE AREAS Location.--The works included under the above title are in the Upper and lower bays, New York Harbor. The harbor is 330 miles Southwest by water of Boston Harbor, Mass., and 165 miles north- east of the entrance to Delaware Bay, N. J. and Del. The upper bay extends southerly from the junction of Hudson and East Rivers opposite the Battery, New York City, a distance of about 51/2 miles to the Narrows. The lower bay extends from the Narrows to the sea, a distance of about 9 miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 369 and 541.) SEX'isting project.-This provides for the Ambrose feet deep and 2,000 feet wide, extending from the sea toChannel 45 deep water In the lower bay, length about 10.2 miles; for the Anchorage Channel, an extension of Ambrose Channel, with the same depth and Width, in the upper bay, opposite the anchorage grounds, length about 5. 7 miles; for Bayside-Gedney Channel 35 feet deep and 800 feet wide, extending from the sea to the junction with Main Ship deeannel, length about 6.2 miles; for the Main Ship Channel 30 feet toeep and 1,000 feet wide, extending from Bayside-Gedney Channel o deep water in the lower bay, length about 5.3 miles; for the re- moval of Craven Shoal to a depth of 30 feet; for a channel 16 feet deep, 200 feet wide, and about 2.3 miles long, extending from bell 266 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 buoy 23 to Hoffman and Swinburne Islands, for an irregularly triangular-shaped anchorage area in the southerly half of Red look Flats (approximately 442 acres in extent), 40 and 30 feet deep; an anchorage in the vicinity of Liberty (Bedloe) Island (about 160 acres-in extent) 20 feet deep, and for a channel along the New Jersey pierhead line connecting Kill Van Kull with deep water in Anchor- age Channel, south of the Liberty Island anchorage, 20 feet deep for a width of 500 feet and a length of about 3 miles. The project depth8 refer to mean low water. Mean tidal range, 4.7 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.6 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and baro- metric pressure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 4.3 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $17,000,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $17,645,000. The latest (1937) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $315,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 5, 1884 Main Ship-Bayside-Gedney to 30 feet for width of Annual Reports, 1887, p. 62; and 1,000 feet (dimensions fixed by Secretary of War, 1888, p. 63. Dec. 27, 1886, by authority of the act of Aug. 5, 1886). Mar. 3, 1899 Ambrose Channel (East Channel) to 40 feeti.... ... Doc. 159, 55th Cong., 3d sess. June 25, 1910Maintenance of entrance channel under 1 head.. (Annual Report 1899, p. 279) Aug. 8, 1917 Anchorage Channel, the extension of Ambrose Chan- H. Doc. 518, 63d Cong., 2d sess. nel into Upper Bay. Do-...... Removal of Craven Shoal_If. Doc. 557, 64th Cong., 1st sess. Do--.... Channel between Staten Island anid Hlo Yi nand l . D)oc. 625, 64th Cong., 1st sesS. Swinburne Islands. July 3, 1930 Relocation of southerly section of Anchorage Channel Rivers and Tiarbors Committee D)oc. 18, 71st Cong., 2d sess. Aug. 30, 19:35 Dredging south end of Red Hook Flats, Liberty I. I)oc. 183, 73d Cong., 2(1 sess.' Island Anchorage, and channel along New Jersey pierhead line. ss ' Do--........ Deepening ayside-Gedney Channel to 35 feet for a H. Doc. 133, 74th Cong., 1st se . width of 800 feet. Aug. 26, 1937 Deepening Ambrose and Anchorage Channels to 45 Senate committee print, 75th feet for a width of 2,000 feet. 1 Cong., 1st sess. 1 Contain latest published maps. Terminal facilities.-The harbor consists of Upper Bay and -Lower Bay. In the Upper Bay there are 45 piers with a total berth- age of 70,723 feet and 11,171 feet of bulkheads and wharves avail- able for dockage. In addition there are five car-float (railroad) bridges and three ferry terminals. These terminals are located along the westerly shore of the bay, from St. George, Staten Island, to the Narrows and from Constable Hook, Bayonne, to Ellis Island. The terminals along the Brooklyn water front are reported under Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels. The Lower Bay is largely un- developed, the terminals being confined to Gravesend Bay. There are seven piers with a total berthage of 9,808 feet and one bulkhead providing dockage of 1,675 feet. Of the terminals in the harbor, 27 are publicly owned, 4 are open to public use, 27 are equipped with mechanical-handling devices, and 24 have railroad connections. The facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities see Port and Terminal Facili- ties at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) RIVERS AND [ARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 267 Operationsand results during fiscal year.-A minus adjustment of 7,468 cubic yards, place measurement, of material was made in he amount previously reported removed from the westerly 600- foot strip of Ambrose Channel. The United States lighters Gorham and N. y.No. 34 were engaged in dragging operations and removal of isolated shoals from this area intermittently from July 14, 1947, to August 15, 1947, at a cost of $3,667.91 for new work. ofA Plus adjustment of 148,000 cubic yards, place measurement, of material, was made in the amount previously reported removed from the center 800-foot strip of Anchorage Channel. Final cost f $1,.821.43 was reported during the fiscal year for new work dredging of this area completed in June 1947. The United States lighter N. Y. No. 34 and attendant plant, were engaged in the removal of shoals from Ambrose and Anchorage Channels intermittently from July 15, 1947 to August 13, 1947. During the fiscal year 68.5 removed at a cost of $4,530.97cubic yards of rock and clay were for new work. The United States seagoing hopper dredge Goethalswas employed n'ermittently from December 17, 1947 to March 30, 1948; the tnited States seagoing hopper dredge Atlantic was employed in- ermittently from December 20, 1947 to February 24, 1948 in dredging a 600- to 700-foot strip along the westerly channel line Tand an easterly 400-foot strip of Anchorage Channel to 45 feet. tie United States lighter Gorham was engaged in dredging opera- .insintermittently from February 6, 1948 to April 16, 1948. Dur- ing the fiscal year, 1,226,400 cubic yards, place measurement, of material were removed at a cost of $373,039.85 for new work. The United States lighter Babcock and attendant plant were engaged on January 21, 1948, in the removal of a wreck uncovered removal dredging during operations in Anchorage Channel. The cost of was $3,030.96 for new work. oThe United States seagoing hopper dredge Atlantic was em- loyed intermittently in maintenance from dredging July 31, of1947 of portions to December Bayside 30,Chan- and Gedney 1947 nels to a depth of 35 feet. The United States lighter Gorham was engaged fiscal ear, in dragging operations on January 28, 1948. During the 53,700 cubic yards, place measurement, of material Were removed at a cost of $90,402.14 for maintenance. Under a contract for dredging to a depth of 16 feet in the fair- Way across Red Hook Flats, work was commenced and completed August 4,1947. During the fiscal year 438 cubic yards, place meas- rnement, of material were removed at a cost of $603.47 for main- tenance. The United States seagoing hopper dredge Goethals was em- ployed from April 30, 1948 to June 30, 1948 in maintenance dredg- ing of portions of Ambrose and Bayside and Gedney Channels to depths of 47 and 37 feet, respectively, in connection with provid- ducted dng material for use in the beach nourishment experiment con- off North Long Branch, New Jersey. During the fiscal year, o64,459 cubic yards, place measurement, of material were removed, f Which 453,317 cubic yards, were dumped off North Long Branch. The total cost was $213,548.36 for maintenance, of which $44,590.89 as attributable to the experiment, 268 REPORT OF CHIEF OF- ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The cost of condition surveys and surveys and engineering pre- liminary to dredging was $20,488.80-$4,213.80 for new work and $16,275 maintenance. The total cost of work was $711,133.89-$390,304.92 for new work and $320,828.97 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $697,782.89. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced in 1885 and is about 90 percent complete. Main Ship-Bayside-Gedney Channels were completed to a depth of 30 feet in February 1891. The deepening of Bayside-GedneY Channel to 35 feet for a width of 800 feet was completed in June 1939. Ambrose Channel was completed to a depth of 40 feet for a width of 2,000 feet in April 1914. The center 800 feet was dredged to 45 feet in June 1944, and the westerly 600-foot strip in June 19470 Relocation of Anchorage Channel was completed to a depth of 40 feet in October 1932. The center 800 feet was dredged to 45 feet in June 1947 and the westerly 600-foot strip in April 1948. The channel between Staten Island and Hoffman and Swinburne Islands was completed in December 1920 up to within 300 feet of the southerly limits of the project. The dredged channel meets all the needs of navigation and no further work of improvement is contemplated for the present. The channel along the New Jersey pierhead line from Kill Van Kull to Anchorage Channel was completed in March 1939. The Red Hook Flats anchorage was completed to 40 and 30 feet and the Liberty (Bedloe) Island anchorage was completed to 20 feet in October 1944. The controlling mean low-water depths of the channels included in this project are as follows: Section )epth Width (feet) (feet) Date Ambrose Channel-------------------------- 45 1,000 to 2,000..... June 1946 to April 1948 Main Ship Channel---------- Bayside-Gedney Channel-_-- ---- -35 30 400 to 1,00 350 to 8()0..... ... -April to Jly 1948. April 1947 to April 1948. Anchorage Channel ---- 45 2,000 to 1,350-..... October l947toApril 1918 Craven Shoal---- -4-52--------0- Channel between Staten Island and Hoffman ---------- 1931. toberJuly and Swinburno Islands: Buoy 23 to Roffman Island---- .sa .. 13 100 to200- .. . November 1943. Hoffman Island to Swinburne Island... 10 120 to 200----------- I)o. Red Hook Flats Anchorage: 40-foot area --------------- ....--------- 240 - August 1946. 30-foot area-- -------- 330 o.----- Liberty (Bedloe) Island Anchorage ----... Along New Jersey Pierhead line.........19 2 Ma 147. 500 to 200----------February to March 1948 1Except for a shoal 100 by 600 feet with least depth of 27 feet located along westerly channel line. 2 Except for scattered shoals having a minimum depth of 38 feet. 3Except for scattered shoals having a minimum depth of 28 feet. 4 Except for scattered shoals along the westerly side having a minimum depth of 15.2 feet. The work remaining to be done under the existing project con- sists of completing the deepening of Ambrose and Anchorage Chan- nels to 45 feet for a width of 2,000 feet as authorized in 1937. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $18,378,029.32-$15,012,964.85 for new work, including $116,530 applied to removing wrecks authorized by acts prior to the adoption RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 269 of the existing project, and $3,365,064.47 for maintenance. The total expenditure was $18,343,153.83. Proposed operations.--Thebalance unexpended at the end of the scal year, amounting to $14,963.62, plus an allotment of $165,000 Ylade in July 1948, together with an expected allotment of $70,000, to be made during the fiscal year, a total of $249,963.62 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948...... ....------------------. $34,874.49 New Work: Balance available for future work -.......- . . . 1,033.67 Maintenance: Dredge by use of 1 United States seagoing hopper dredge for about 2 months (July-August 1948) to continue dredging or Ambrose and Gedney Channels under an experimental program S beach nourishment undertaken in cooperation with the Beach roasion Board, including $60,000 to cover costs of Beach Erosion ard----................................................. 214,055.46 Total for all work ----------------------------------- 249,963.62 Deepening of Ambrose Channel to 45 feet should be continued. oe existing channels should be maintained. The additional sum as $980,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 s follows: Jew ork: Dredge by use of 2 United States seagoing hopper dredges for a total of 8 dredge months during the fiscal year to continue the deepen- ing of Ambrose Channel to 45 feet----.......--...........---......... . $600,000 aintenance. Dredge by use of 1 United States seagoing hopper dredge for about 2 months to restore entrance channels to project dimension- -_-- ..--------------- -- $180,000 Complete by June 30, 1950, under contract, dredging to restore channel along New Jersey pierhead line to project dimension ----------------------------------- 200,000 380,000 Total for all work- -_. ..... _---- _ __ ---- .......... 980,000 -...... Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-.... __ -...-.... .-------- $15,012,964.85 ................ ---- 3,365,064.47 MiTotal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------......... 18,378,029,32 us accounts payable June 30, 1948 .---.--.--- ------- . 34,874.49 Net total expenditures. 18,343,154.83 nexpended balance June 30, 1948-_--- .14,963.62 .-.------. -- - Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-----.. -. 18,358,118.45 kiscalYear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.............. maintenance... $2, 344, 113.38 ...----- - 19, 584. 64 $518, 263. 99 $49,186.85 $1, 478,159.35 $390,304.92 129, 840. 30 196, 222. 93 121, 853.60 320, 828. 97 Total cost ............ 2, 363, 698. 02 648, 104. 29 245, 409. 78 1, 600, 012. 95 711, 133.89 'otal expended._ Total .....-.--. 2, 468.666. 34 790, 276. 31 287, 604. 82 1, 600, 349. 96 697, 782.89 Allotted - 483, 973. 40 61, 000.00 1, 743, 000. 00 19, 106.86 700, 600.00 80 4711-48 Vol. 1-18 270 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENG[NEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ $12,146.51 Amount allotted during fiscal year _ 700,600.00 year __ _ --- -_ - 700 ,Ep Amount to be accounted for __ 712,746.51 Gross amount expended______________--- 69778289 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 14,963.62 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 34, 874.49 Balance available, June 30, 1948 --------- _19,910.8 Amount allotted in July 1948 _____--165,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 . 145,089.13 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_ - - - - - - 00 1 986,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal June 30, 1950: year ending For new work - 600,000.00 For maintenance- I 6_0~~-------------380,000. Total---------------- 980,000.00 26. CONEY ISLAND CREEK, N. Y. Location.--This creek is a narrow tidal inlet which empties into Gravesend Bay about 10 miles south of the Battery, New York CitY' (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 369.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water and widths varying between 70 and 150 feet, ex- tending from Gravesend Bay to Shell Road, a distance of about 2 miles. Mean tidal range, 4.7 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.6 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 4.3 feet above mean high water. Estimated cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $240,000; the latest (1948) approved estimated cost of annual maintenance is $6,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935. (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 12, 73d Cong., 1st sess.) The latest published map is printed in the project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935, provided that no work shall be done above any bridge which affords inadequate clearances for navigation, that all dredging necessary to afford a suitable passage 12 feet deep through the bridge has been done without cost to the United States, and that available areas for the deposit of dredged material shall be fur-' nished by local interests. The clearances through the first three bridges were accepted bY the Chief of Engineers under date of February 24, 1936, as being adequate for the existing needs of navigation. The assurances for dredging through the aforementioned bridges and a spoil-disposal area were accepted as satisfactory by the Chief of Engineers on April 15, .1937. The dilapidated condition of bulkheads does not permit comple- tion of project dimensions. Considerable delay in reconstruction of bulkheads by local interests is anticipated. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 271 Terminal facilities.-There is an aggregate total of 7,060 feet of sable marginal wharves or bulkheads extending along Coney RoIsland Creek to within 1,000 feet of the head of navigation at Shell Road. The existing facilities appear to be adequate for present pCOrnerce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities, see ort and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps ° ngineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost and exdienditures of $560 were reported during the fiscal year for a con- dion survey of the channel completed in April 1947. ,aondition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project 1937 and is about 43 per cent complete. examined October Wa commenced dWen in April 1947 the controlling mean low-water depth was 12 feet for a width varying from 150 to 55 feet from ravesend Bay to 400 feet below H-arvey Avenue Bridge, thence 7 feet for a width varying from 100 to 30 feet to a point just west of the foot bridge, thence 1 foot for a width varying from 100 to 50 to the head of the project at Shell Road. The work remaining to be done under the existing project con- sists of completing the deepening of the project channel to 12 feet. so further work of improvement is contemplated pending recon- Struction of dilapidated bulkheads bordering project channel. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 948ai,were $70,408.75-$69,488.84 for new work and $919.91 for aihtenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cof new work to June 30, 1948_ . .-------- $69,488.84 Cof maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 919.91. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.....---------..70,408.75 Net total expenditures . 70,408.75 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948__.._..__ ___0,408.7. Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 70,408.75 Year ending Juno 30 Yiseal 1944 1945 1946 , 1947 1948 ogtof new S work - - - - - - - - Ofmai tenance- .-----...... - - - - - - - -- - - $350 ------------ -- . . 91 . "- $560 ............... Trotalexpe 0 dd.....-. ..... -... ___ _. .- 3)50 - ------- 9. 91 560 Allotted._ . ... , 1 6 ----- -3--------------- -- ----9.91 560 . . ... A ount allotted during fiscal year.----------- ----------- $560.00 ross amount expended- ,,,-. -----..........-----. 560.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_............- -- . ......----... .....--- 171,000,00 272 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 27. BAY RIDGE AND RED HOOK CHANNELS, N. Y. Location.-These channels lie along the east shore of the Upper Bay, New York Harbor, and with Buttermilk Channel, form an easterly channel along the Brooklyn water front from the NarroWS to East River. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 369 and 541.) Previousprojects.--Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1881, August 11, 1888, September 19, 1890, August 18, 1894, and June 3, 1896. For further details see page 1768 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 195 of the Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.--This provides for a channel 1,200 feet wide and 40 feet deep at mean low water from the Narrows to Bay R id ge Avenue, Brooklyn, thence 1,750 feet wide to the junction of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, thence 1,200 feet wide through Red Hook Channel to the junction with Buttermilk Channel, and a channel of the same depth extending into Gowanus Bay from the junction of Bay Ridge Channel with Red Hook Channel, narrowing uniformly in width to about 500 feet at Twenty-eighth Street, Brooklyn. Length of section included in the project, 4 miles. Mean tidal range, 4.7 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.6 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 4.3 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1930, was $4,609, 000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1930) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $150,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized )ocumeients Mar. 3, 1899 Channel 40 feet deep and 1,200 feet wide------ ....... 11. )oc. 3:37, 54th Cong., 2d1 sess; Mar. 2, 1907 Dredging to obtain, first, a depth of 35 feet, subse Annual Report, 1897, p. 1177. quently increasing depth to 40 feet for flull width. July 3, 1930 Widening of Bay Ridge Channel to 1,750 feet--... Rivers and :Harbors Conmmittee D)oc. 44, 71st Cong., 2d1 ses .P (Contains latest publishe(l ma Terminal facilities.-There are 52 piers with a total berthage of 84,366 feet and 8,096 feet of bulkheads and wharves available for dockage. Twenty-two of the terminals have mechanical handling devices and 19 have railroad connections. In addition, there are 6 railroad float bridges and 2 ferry slips. Of the terminals, 4 are Government owned, 15 are owned by the city of New York, and 7 are open to public use. The terminal facilities are considered ade- quate for existing commerce. (For latest full description of ter- minal facilities, see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.--A survey to deter- mine the condition of Bay Ridge Channel from Anchorage Channel north to Bay Ridge Avenue was made and costs will be charged to project in fiscal year 1949. RIVERS AND htARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 273 Conditionat end of fiscal year.--Work under the existing project Was Commenced March 1901 and completed June 1940. The controlling mean low-water depths of the channels included Inthe project are as follows: Depth Width Date survey Section (feet) (feet) I. I 1 - l yRiddge Channel from Narrows to Bay Ridge Ave., 37 1, 200-800 June 1948. toSOday Ri(lge Ave. to U. S. Army pier No. 3, Brooklyn. 137 1, 750 May 1945 and Decem- her 1946. Prom U. S. Army pier No. 3 to Gowanus Bay........... 135 May 1945 and March 1,750 1947. In in Gowanus Red h ook Bay......................... ChannelB..a _._..... ..... - 30 1,500-300May 1945. 35 1,100 July 1946 and March 1947 I I __ _ 1__ _ DIeCeet for a reach 750 feet wide along the easterly channel line between 69th Street pier and 33d Street ler where the depth is 40 feet. 30The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June $6' 1948, were $8,239,230.35-$4,212,636.95 regular funds and 5A59.68 Public Works funds, a total of $4,277,196.63 for new /ork and $3,962,033.72 for maintenance. ilroPosed operations.-An allotment of $700, made in July 1948, ill be used to reimburse plant allotment for funds expended for a condition survey made during the fiscal year 1948. ot he project channels should be maintained. The additional sum Of 300,000 for maintenance can be profitably expended during the fiscal ear 1950, by use of two United States seagoing hopper dreg es for a total of about four dredge months to restore the southern half of Bay Ridge Channel to a depth of 35 feet. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ -------..-..--.-.----- $5,523,296.63 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------ -- --------- 3,962,033.72 Net Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---.---- 9,485,330.35 talotal expenditures-- ------- , amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ...-------... _-_-_--- ..-------- 9,485,330.35 9,485,330.35 iscal Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 r of neww Co ost ot nrk. . _ ..................................... $2596...... 0..."...... Smaintenance .... . $22, 599. 67 $479, 950. 80 $184, 274.89 $283, 841. 90..... .. Otal expended ............ 17, 483.81 485, 291.22 93,113.85 375, 182.17 .,, Allotted - .. ........................... 271, 000. 00 300, 000. 00 67, 717. 06 -$146. 90 balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-_ ..-- " . .. $146.90 uctions on account of revocation of allotment- ..------ 146.90 abligated oount allotted in July 1948-_ balance available for fiscal .year 1949 ----------- . - 700.00 700.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance--------- .. ..--------------- 300;000.00 274 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 28. GOWANUS CREEK CHANNEL, N. Y. Location.--Gowanus Creek is a small tidal inlet extending north easterly about 11/2 miles from the north end of Bay Ridge Chansel The channel is shown on United States Coast and Geodetic SurveY Chart No. 369, but is not named; entrance is shown on chart No. 541. Previous projects.--Adpted by River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1881 (under the title of "Gowanus Bay"), 1888, and September 19, 1890. For further details see August 1, Ann Report for 1915, page 1769, and Annual Report for 1938, page 19a Existing project.-This provides for a channel 26 feet deep mean low water from Bay Ridge Channel at Twenty-eighth Street to the foot of Percival Street, with width decreasing from 300 feet at Twenty-eighth Street to 200 feet at Percival Street, and thence 18 feet deep at mean low water to Hamilton Avenue Bridge, grad"_ ally reducing in width to 100 feet at the bridge, all harbor lines. Length of section included in the projectasthree-fourth limited bY mile. Mean tidal range, 4.7 feet; mean range of spring tides, 'e feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 4.3 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1896 was $70,000 exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects. (1928) approved The latest estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $6,000 haThe existing project was authorized by the following river al Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1881 Dredging 18-foot channel 6,00for June 3, 1896 Iredging 26-foot channel . Annual Report, 1896, P. A:for latest published map, see _Report for 1903, p,.919. Terminal facilities-There are 108 piers and bulkheads alon this waterway and Gowanus Canal, 5 of which, including a large grain elevator, are owned and operated by the Port of New Y ork Authority as a grain terminal; 7 are owned by the city of New yre 24 are owned and operated by 3 shipyards; and the remainder are privately owned and operated. The total available berthage about 53,160 feet. The terminals occupy practically the whole o the water front. None has rail connections. (For latest full de- of scription of terminal facilities, see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-A survey to deter' mine the condition of the channel was made and costs will be charged to the project in the fiscal year 1949. Final cost and expenditures of $600 were reported during t.h fiscal year for a condition survey of the channel completed in APri 1947. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing projec was commenced July 1881 and completed April 1904. When ex' amined in March and April 1947, the controlling mean low.water depth was 26 feet for widths varying from 300 to 150 feet froll RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRTCT 275 the ance up to Percival Street, thence 18 feet to the head of shoaprovement at Hamilton Avenue Bridge, except for minor s along the channel lines. 30The f0 194a total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 8,were $139,421.88-$70,000 for new work and $69,421.88 'fO alntenance. Willropo sed operations.--An allotment of $700, made in July 1948, aill be used to reimburse plant allotment for funds expended for Maintenance survey made during the fiscal year 1948. 9 5 0aintenance dredging will be necessary during the fiscal year fical The sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended during the chan Year 1950, in maintenance, by contract, to restore entrance project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ----- - __-__-- - $145,000.00 to maintenance to June 30, 1948_-----------_ ___..-- -- 69,421.88 Net total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------- . . 214,421.88 To tal expenditures- ....... .30" une ..- 0, ......... 214,421.88 amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------- Total 214,421.88 al year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 lstof -- - --------- 60) otlete d n e _ _--- llot ed ----------------- -------------- -------------------- ------- ------------- ---------- - --- -- $6( 600 rou allott ed during fiscal year________________ $600.00 amount expended_ -- - --. - -----....... - 600.00 Aow Balance unexpended, .- June 30, 1948..-............._ 1noblpt allotted in July 1948 700.00 gated balance available for fiscal year 1949-------------- 700.00 une30,that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending , 1950, for maintenance_--------------------- -- 60,000.00 29. BUTTERMILK CHANNEL, N. Y. NLeOcation.-This channel connects deep water in the Upper Bay, in York Harbor, southwest of Governors Island, with deep water dEast River northeast of Governors Island, and with Bay Ridge a ed Hook Channels forms an easterly channel along the Brook- ly G0 4ater front from the Narrows to East River. It lies between l{ rnors Island and Brooklyn Borough, New York City. (See . Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 541 and 745.) 14, ~evious projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 205, July a e 880, 13, 1892, Annual and June 3, 1896. For further details see Report for 1932. E40 sting project.-This provides for a channel 1,000 feet wide, ot et deep at mean low water for the width of the existing 500- west channel and 35 feet deep for the remaining 500-foot width tost of the existing channel, with suitable widening at the junc- 8"With East River and Red Hook and Anchorage Channels. 276 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARAMY, 1948 Length of section included in the project, 2/1, miles. Mean tidal range 4.4 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.3 feet; irregular fleet tuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.8 f below mean low water up to 4.2 feet above mean high water. 00 The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1948 is $2,529,0 exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimated cost of annual maintenance is $45,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river a harbor acts: Acts Work authorized )ocuments June 13, 1902 Channel 1,200 feet wide and not less than 30 feet deep - H. I)oc. 122, 56t C1h Cong., 2d sess 29 Aug. 30, 1935 Channel 1,000 feet wide to depths of 40 and 35 feet_ - Ri(Aers land Harl9ors 01 1 ses D)oc. 55, 74th Cong.,e p. (Contains latest publis Terminal facilities.-There are 20 piers with a total berthage of 27,324 feet, and 3,722 feet of bulkheads and wharves available f. dockage. Of the terminals, 13 are equipped with mechanical-han dling devices and 14 have railroad connections. Two of the term o nals are owned by the city of New York of which 3 are open t public use. In addition, there are 2 float bridges and 2 ferry SliP Practically all of the available water front is occupied and facil ties are considered adequate for existing commerce. (For lates full description of terminal facilities see Port and Terminal ' cilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) tes Operations and results during fiscal year.-The United States seagoing hopper dredge Goethals was employed from April 5 to 30 1948 in dredging the southerly 0.6 mile of the 35- and 40-foot channels. The United States lighter Gorham was engaged in dred- ging operations on June 17, 1948. During the fiscal year, 311,500 cubic yards, place measurement, of material were removed at a cost of $88,343.43 for maintenance. 1 The cost of a survey to determine the condition of the chaxel was $1,850.95 for maintenance. 5 The United States lighter Babcock was engaged during May 5 0 to 7, 1948 in the removal of a boulder from the channel about 4ill feet northwesterly from Red Hook Beacon. Cost of the work il be charged to the project in fiscal year 1949. he The total cost of work was $90,194.38, for maintenance. total expenditures were $80,000.00. ect Conditionat end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing proje was commenced October 1903 and is about 68 percent completej The easterly 500-foot width of channel from Anchorage Chan e to East River was completed to a 40-foot depth in May 1935. T westerly 500-foot channel including the widening at the junction with the East River, was completed to a 35-foot depth for the northerly three-quarters of a mile of its length in December 193 and for the southerly 2,000 feet in October 1944. The wide n in g s at the junctions with Red Hook and Anchorage Channels Were completed in December 1943. The work remaining to be done under the existing project consists of completing the deepenino to 35 feet of the westerly 500-foot channel. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 277 iTheis controlling mean low water depths of the sections project are as follows: included I)epth Width Section (feet) (feet) 1)ate st half of channel: Anh o Channel to junction with Red1 Iook Channel. 40 500 to 460......---------- April to June 1948. Juction With Red Hook Channel to the 40 200 to 500 ..---------- March 1948. SEastRiver. es half of channel: 2nchorage Channel to 2,000 feet north .... 35 500 to 200 ....----------. May and June 1948. 2,000 feet north of Anchorage Channel to 25 150to 500 .. March 1948. 8,0 feet north. ,th0 feet north of Anchorage Channel to 35 500 .----. ,..--.----- March 1948. East stheIiver. " aJ iW hen examined in March to June 1948, the controlling depths asthe widenings at the junctions with Anchorage, Red Hook and SRiver Channels were 30, 36.5 and 34 feet, respectively. $1he total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948 was re,608.28--$122,051.24 Public Works funds and $1,323,616.66 94,art funds, a total of $1,445,667.90 for new work and $552,- f . for maintenance. The total expenditures were $1,988,413.90, re. hich $122,051.24 were Public Works funds and $1,866,362.66 Iarfunds. 8 , will be operations.-An allotment of $11,000, made in July 194PoPosed applied as follows: h iunts payable June 30, 1948 ----------------------------- $10,194.38 lltenance: Condition survey of the 40-foot channel---------------- 805.62 Total for all work__________________------ -------- 11,000.00 a ompletion of the existing project is being deferred until re- telva of submarine utilities leading to Governors Island. Main- adanece dredging of the 40-foot channel will be necessary. The teditional sum of $180,000 can be profitably expended for main- dnfe ce dredging by use of one United States seagoing hopper 're ge for about 2 months during the fiscal year 1950 in the re- oval of shoals from the 40-foot channel. Cost and financial summary Cst of new work to June 30, 1948 Cstf ----------- maintenance to June 30, 1948 _--------- --------------- $1,941,917.90 5--------- 52,940.38 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 s accounts payable June 30, 1948 ---------------------- --------- 2,494,858.28 10,194.38 Net total expenditures--------_ -------------- 2,484,663.90 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 - - 2,484,663.90 y Fiseal _ __ _ __ ear ending June 30 1944 1945; 1946 1947 1948 t 0 ° of 0ov Work . $225, 601.03 $10, 384. 40 .............. $150.72 .. - Ostofna intenance-.. -.. 38, 995. 46 385. 55 $179, 967. 56 4, 132. 65 $90, 194.38 Total cost ................ 264, 596. 49 10, 769. 95 179, 967. 56 4, 283.37 90, 194. 38 Otal oepe nded _ . ....------ ---. 242, 633.60 32, 732. 84 179, 951. 72 4, 299. 21 80, 000.00 Allotted. .1........ 12, 000. 00 66, 000. 00 108, 000. 00 -8, 376. 97 80, 000. 00 278 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted during fiscal year $80,000.00 Gross amount expended -------------------------------- 80 000.00 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 1194------------------- --- ---. -- -------- Balance available, June 30, 1948_------- Amount allotted in July 1948 -11,000.0 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------- -- --- 8-05 10,194.38 ---- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 1,083,0000 of existing project----------------- 1 083 0 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year June 30, 1950, for maintenance. ending 180,000.00 180,000' 30. EAST RIVER, N. Y. Location.'-This is a tidal strait about 16 miles long and 600 to 4,000 feet wide, connecting Hudson River and the the Battery, New York City, with Long Island Sound Upper BaYs at Throg ; Neck, New York City, and separating Long Island tan Island and the mainland. (See U. S. Coast and from Manhatt Geodetic S vey Charts Nos. 223, 226, and 745.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of A A0 of gust 30, 1852, July 25, 1868, March 3, 1899, and June 25, 1910 For further details see page 210, Annual Report for Existing project.--This provides for channels of 1932. .g the folloWier dimensions (depths refer to mean low water): From deep wter in the Upper New York Bay to Wallabout Channel, 40 feet deep and 1,000 feet wide; from Wallabout Channel to Throgs Neck, d feet deep, with widths varying from about 550 to 1,000 feet, accordh 35 ing to locality; east of Welfare (Blackwells) Island up to Engli8d Place (Forty-third Drive), Long Island City, 30 feet deep afe varying in width from 500 to 900 feet, with widening in the approach from the main channel; between South Brother anl Berrian Islands, 20 feet deep and 300 feet wide, with widenin s the approach from the main channel; for the removal of Coenties Reef to a depth of 40 feet, also the removal of the following 1oct o and reefs lying outside of the limiting lines of the main channel to give access to wharves: Along the Brooklyn shore, Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan Bridge (Fulton Ferry Reef), to a depth of 25 feet; Jay Street Reef, 25 feet; Corlears Reef, 35 feet; Shell Reef, 25 feet; Horns Hook, 40 feet; Rhinelander Reef, 26 feet; and reef off Oa Point, 30 feet; and for the construction of a dike in Pot Cove it Hell Gate. The length of the section included in the improvemeo is about 16.5 miles. The mean range of tide varies according to locality from 4 feet at North 3rd Street, Brooklyn and 4.4 feet at the Battery to 4.9 feet at Hallets Point, 6.5 feet at Port Morrs and 7.1 feet at the eastern entrance at Throgs Neck; mean ra of spring tides 4.8, 5.3, 5.9, 7.6, and 8.5 feet, respectively; irregulg ge fluctuations :due to wind and barometric pressure vary accordi2. to locality from 3.8 feet below mean low water at the Battery, 2 feet at North 3rd Street, Brooklyn and 3.8 feet at Throgs Neclc UP to about 4.2 feet above mean high water at the Battery and as feet above mean high water at Throgs Neck; extreme fluctuatio do not seriously affect navigation. RIVERS AND IhARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 279 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, exclusive of (19amounts expended on previous projects, is $24,000,000. The latest ) $25, $25,000. approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts .Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 19151 Removal of Coenties Reef to 35 feet, conditioned upon II. Doc. 188, 63d Cong., 1st sess. uly 27, 1916 local interests increasing depth to 40 feet. July 27, 191 Channel across Diamond Reef 35 feet deep and 1,000 Do. Channel east of Blackwells Island to 20 feet; channel . Do. between South Brother and Berrian Islands, to 20 feet; channel between North and South Brother Do islands to 26 feet. -- . Channel 40 feet deep through East River and Hell II. I)oc. 140, 65th Cong., 1st sess. y 18, 1918 Secure a depth of 40 feet in channel through East Specified in act. st22, 1922 River and HIfell Gate as soon as practicable. 19 limited to 35 feet in the through channel be- t., epth Rivers and Harbors Committee tween Wallabout Channel and Throgs Neck. Doc. 3, 67th Cong., 2d sess. Channel east of Blackwells Island, 30 feet to English (Contains latest published map.) Place and eliminated 20-foot channel north of Eng- lish Place. Eliminated channel between North and South Brother Islands except as authorized Prior to existing project. Removal of certain rocks and reefs and construction of dike in Pot Cove, 1fell Gate. 1 pub. es. 67, 63d Cong., 3(1 sess. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. of 8rmn a l facilities.-There are 120 piers with a total berthage for ,844 feet and 56,518 feet of bulkheads and wharves available to dockagePoint. flgoa1tson alongIn both . shores of the East River from the Battery addition, there are 10 ferry slips and 20 car- to bridges. Of the terminals, 141 are publicly owned, 5 are open and 41'c use, 93 are equipped with mechanical-handling devices, d 41 have railroad connections. The facilities are considered faJ ,ate for present needs. (For latest full description of terminal 42 tiessee Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, O , Corps of Engineers.) Cperations and results during fiscal year.--None. at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project "asondition tas commenced June 1916 and was substantially completed Sep- mber 1935. de controlling mean low-water depths of the various channels aTh 1910 etermined by intermittent surveys made during the period to 1946, are as follows: Depth Width Section (feet) (feet) -orlears layto Wallabout Channel--_------..._ ...... _....--------------------- 1 40 950-1, 0)0 st ate to Throgs Neck at Long Island Sound-..-----............ . 35 550-1, 000 Pralnel at Welfare (Bllackwells) Island: Promi etW r"o Newtown Creek to English Place (43d )rive) Long Island City nglish Place to deed water oilffnorth end of Welfare Island.... ... .... 28. 4 . SouthIrother and IBerrian Islands-................--.-- --- ---............ 20 3(01) ret t along the northerly channel line between piers 27 and 34 where a shoal with a least depth of 35 t'dls into the channel for a distance of 20( feet. 280 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The work remaining to be done to complete the existing proje consists of the removal of a small shoal area along the east ird of the 35-foot channel between Grand Street and North hell Street, Brooklyn. The construction of the dike at Pot Cove in eet Gate, a part of the widening near the pierhead line in Jay reet Reef, and removal of a small shoal area between Grand Street Bridge and North Third Street, Brooklyn, were omitted as Ute necessary, the work completed being considered sufficient for the needs of navigation. o e The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to Jned 30, 1948, were $24,669,656.37-$1,743,265.42 Public Works funds and $22,106,453.80 regular funds, a total of $23,849,719.22 f new work and $819,937.15 for maintenance. o is Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no wor contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. It is expected that maintenance .dredging, by contract, in the vicinity of Corlears Reef will be necessary during the next ded years. Therefore, the sum of $35,000 can be profitably expent during the fiscal year 1950 for such work. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ - .------------- $30, 037,,110 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------- ---------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.-------- 308951382 Net total expenditures-........--.......... .------ 30,895,013 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-.----------- 30,895,013 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 Cost of new work------ - - - - - --- . ----..--------.... - ..---- '- Cost of maintenance ----......-$51, 667.i68 $261, 752. 44 $1, 939. 85 $29, 565.39 - - Total expended.-------.......... 51,668.05 261,883. 59 1,139.85 29,565.39 Allotted--------------- ----- 22,566.17 .242,000.00 25,000. 00 225.4 ----- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion $150,00 ------------------ of existing project.... ------------ Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 35,000.00 June 30, 1950, for maintenance. ...-- --------------- 31. WALLABOUT CHANNEL. N. Y. Location.-This channel is a tidal branch of East River, N. 'b about 2.5 miles by water northeast of the Battery, New York Cithe It is located on the east side of the river immediately east o oad ordnance dock of the United States navy yard. (See U. S. Co and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 745.) at Existing project.-This provides for a channel 20 feet deep at mean low water, 230 to 350 feet wide, extending from the ye River to the inner end of the causeway at Clinton length of the section included in the project is about 2,000 feet Mean tidal range, 4 feet; mean range of spring tides, 4.8 f~ve irregular fluctuations, due to wind and barometric pressure, a RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 281 g2.2 feet below mean low water up to 4.3 feet above mean T Water, The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1898, was $40,000. ae latest (1917) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- lance is $1,000. o:The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act ublisarch 3, 1899 (H. Doc. 50, 55th Cong., 3d sess.). rThe latest lished map is in the project document. I erminal facilities.-The entire channel is occupied by 5 .front Pers, 19 bulkheads, and 1 railroad float bridge; the total available constage is 14,900 feet. There is no space left,available for the of'tsruction of additional terniinals. (For latest full description Of rminal facilities see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port 0 ew York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) and erations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost a conexpenditures of $450 were reported, during the 'fiscal year for Sondition survey of the channel completed in August 1946. Cofndition at end of fiscal year.--Work under the existing project was commenced. June 1899 and completed January 1900. When Wxa ned in August 1946, the controlling, mean low water depth e t.20 feet through a channel varying in width from 150 to 350 3The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June fo 1948, were $53,468.93-$18,173.69 for new work and $35,295.24 "p aintenance. coProosed operations.--No funds are available and no work is °ntemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of Cost of new work to June 30, 1948..----....--.. --..-------------.. $18,173.69 maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------- ------ 35,295.24 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ . 53,468.93 Nettotal expenditures_------------------- -------- ------- 53,468.93 Xpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------------------ --------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----...-------...... 53,468.93 i ear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 T fia --- ane_--------- --- ------- ------------- ------------ ------------- $450 .talexpended ............ .......................... ..... --- ...- - - ----- -- - 450 llotted --------------- - ------- 450 Gro at allotted during fiscal year .. -- -- amount expended-...- -------_.. .. ------ .... $450.00 450.00 132. NEWTOWN CREEK, N. .Location.--This creek is a tidal waterway entering the East Y. overN. Y., and 41/2 miles by water northeast of the Battery, New Of r City, and forms a part of the boundary between the boroughs o rooklyn and. Queens,i New York City. (See U. S. Coast and odetic Survey Chart No. 745.) 282 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor ActS June 14, 1880, July 5, 1884, and June 3, 1896. For further detaal see page 1769 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 207 of Anna Report for 1938, an Existing project.-This provides for a channel 23 feet deep dof 130 feet wide'from East River to a point about 150 feet north of Maspeth Avenue; for a turning basin at the former locatiOn of Mussel Island and a triangular area lying on the north sideOt the entrance to the creek of the same depth; for a channel 20 deep at mean low water elsewhere in Newtown Creek, inclu ,din feet Dutch Kills, Maspeth Creek, and English Kills, of the folloeet widths: 150 feet wide from Maspeth Avenue to Grand Street Bridge, thence 125 feet wide to Metropolitan Avenue on the Ith Branch; 100 feet wide for a distance of 2,000 feet up . aspeth Creek; 75 to 100 feet wide for a distance of 2,800 feet up Dug Kills with a turning basin at the head; and 150 feet wide in E" e lish Kills; or West Branch, to the Metropolitan Avenue B3 ridl including the easing of bends, and for a channel 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide in English Kills from the Metropolitan Aveably Bridge to within 80 feet of the Montrose Avenue Bridge, suitabl widened at bends and materially widened by excavating uplhe at the second bend above the Metropolitan Avenue Bridge. les. total length of channel included in the project is about 5.2 m et; Mean tidal range, 4.2 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5 feear irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure V an from 3.8 feet below mean low water up to 4.2 feet above me high water. o00 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $1,302,0tet exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The lae i (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance $24,000. ,and The existing project was authorized by the following river a harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocuments _ Mar. 2, 1919 20-foot channel ----------------------------------.. . I)oc. 936, 64th Cong .lsait July 3, 1930 23-foot channel_ - -.-. . Rivers and Harbors 1o Doc. 42, 71st Cong., 2d sESSittee Aug. 26, 1937 12-foot channel in English Kills-------.........-------..... - )oc. Itivers and arbors1stCo . 4, 75th Cong., Minor modification of project in the vicinity of Mus- sel Island, without change in cost, approved by the Secretary of War, Mar. 22, 1920. 1Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act of March 2, 1919 requires that all land needed for right-of-way be furnished itbe out cost to the United States, and provides that no work shall 1 done in Maspeth Creek, in the removal of Mussel Island, or' i English Kills until this has been done in each case and correspoundj ing changes made in existing harbor lines; also that no work she be undertaken under the existing project in Dutch Kills until the obstructive bridges near its mouth have been suitably modified. RIVERS AND HIAIRBORS-NEW 283 YORK. N. Y.. DISTRICT The liver and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937, requires that local nterests furnish, free of cost to the United States, necessary ~f sen ea ts or rights-of-way for the enlargement of the channel in lish Kills above Metropolitan Avenue and give assurances satis- defactory to the Secretary of War that they will remove obstructive ayposits resulting from the discharge of sewage into the water- outhy, That act also requires that before widening the second bend o sary Maetropolitan of Avenue local interests shall furnish neces- Wden d r r sihts-of-way and construct a new bulkhead on the Br lands needed in Maspeth Creek, Mussel Island, and the East rkch have been ceded to the United States by the city of New of uby deed. The work of modifying the bridges near the mouth by th c Kills was completed in 1923. No action has been taken iYthe city authorities to comply with the requirements for dredg- f l8 English Kills (West Branch). i bot erm nal facilities.--The length of water front measured along boulsides of the improvement is 11.6 miles, of which 9.6 miles are etikeaded and about 2 miles of frontage, distributed over the piers length of this waterway, is yet undeveloped. There are 5 hears With a total berthage of 3,062 feet and 44,137 feet of bulk- oheWand wharves available for dockage. Of the terminals, 8 are 55"ed by the city of New York, of which 5 are open to public use; railrre equipped with mechanical handling devices, and 23 have quaoad connections. The terminal facilities are considered ade- facilit for present needs. (For latest full description of terminal Yorkies see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New ork, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for dredging to a depth of 16 feet in East Branch from vicinity of Grand Street Bridge to Metropolitan Avenue, work was com- menced July 2, 1947 and completed July 18, 1947. During the fiscal year, 35,303 cubic yards, place measurement, of material a 371 cubic yards of pile cribbing and stones were removed at a cost of $33,311.37 for maintenance under the previous project. The total expenditure was $34,410.04 under the previous project. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced May 1921 and is about 64 per cent complete. The cor idthk of enlarging the main channel to 23-foot depth and 130-foot ludth from the entrance to 150 feet north of Maspeth Avenue, in- tdg at the triangular area at the entrance, and a turning basin Pleted former location of Mussel Island, is about 90 percent com- for * Dutch Kills has been dredged to project depth, 20 feet, o ia Width of 75 to 100 feet except at a few places near the head omp Drovement, where unstable bulkheads restricted dredging Pthrations. Maspeth Creek has been dredged to project dimensions (oughout. Newtown Creek is navigable on the West Branch an glish Kills) to Johnson Avenue, 3.92 miles from East River the on the East Branch to Metropolitan Avenue, 3.29 miles from tast River. 284 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The controlling mean low water depths of the channels included in this project are as follows: Depth Width Section (feet) (feet) )ate .-- In main channel from East River to 1,300 I March 1945. feet below Meeker 22 240-40 Ave. Bridge. From 1,300 feet below Meeker Ave. Bridge of Maspeth Ave. to 603 feet north 20 130-90 Do. From 600 feet north to 150 feet below Maspeth Turning Basin at Mussel Island.... Ave ....... 17 140-80 I)o. Dutch Kills: 19 400-500 D)o. From Newtown Creek to 100 feet below Bridge. Borden Ave. 15 35-100 February 1946. From 100 feet below Borden Ave. Bridge to turning basin at the head. 12 30-100 Do. Maspeth Creek East Branch: - .----------------. ---- 112 100-60 March 1945. From 150 feet below Maspeth Ave. to Grand St. Bridge._ 17 100-150 December 1914, Ja19ar From Grand St. Bridge to Metropolitan Ave_ 1917 and July 1947. English Kills (West Branch): 16 125 July 1947. From junction with East Branch to Metropolitan Ave._ 18 95-125 November 1943. From Metropolitan Ave. to within 80 feet of Montrose 7 30-100 February 1946. Ave. I Excludes a length of 320 feet below easterly limit of project where the depth ranges from 12 feet to 0. The work remaining to be done consists of completing to P ject dimensions: The 23-foot main channel between Greenpois' and Meeker Avenues, and between 800 and 150 feet north of E peth Avenue; the 20-foot channel in the East Branch; and the 20- and 12-foot channels in English Kills. e The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to .JU 30, 1948, were $927,161.55-$767,093.96 for new work and $160," 067.59 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. Completion of the existing project is dependent upon local cooPeal ation. It is not probable that the remaining conditions of lo~f cooperation will be met in the near future. The additional su or $90,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, to restore the channel in Dutch Kills to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. $1 168 354 6 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-..-.498,765 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.------ 1,667,120.23 Net total expenditures- -........ ' . 1,667,120 23 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948...... 1,667,1203 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -------------- --- 311 cost of maintenance $176.14 -----........... $22, 613i 5 $825. 30 i ,22191 $119 $i Total expended---------- ----- 499. 51 22, 276. 20 1,162.25 118, 123. 24 34, Allotted ....................... - - . 1, 518.29 24, 000.00 108,700.00 44, 554.65 -1, .2 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 285 balace Unex en edu unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------'L _----- - $35,692.96 tlns on account of revocation of allotment----------- 1,282.92 Gross Net amount to be accounted for- 34,410.04 amount expended--- __-_____________________34,410.04 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion ofexisting project-------------------------- i-ng project S 535,000.00 tAmunt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 30, 1950, for maintenance------------- 90,000.00 33. HARLEM RIVER, N. Y. luddtion..Harlem River and Spuyten Duyvil Creek, both in- connu In the project for the improvement of Harlem River, are two lyO ecting tidal waterways, of a joint length of about 8 miles, ing wholly within the limits of Greater New York and separat- Geoanhattan Island from the mainland. (See U. S. Coast and pretic Survey Chart No. 274.) June vous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of Dare 23, 1874. For further details see Annual Report for 1915, ge 1 6 2 , and Annual Report for 1938, page 210. feet xstng project.-This provides for a continuous channel 15 U d eep at mean low water and 400 feet wide from East River to the on River, except in the vicinity of Washington Bridge, where atadopted width is 354 feet, and at the rock cut through Dyck- also 1eadow, where it is 350 feet and the depth is 18 feet. It XoprkPovides for straightening the channel at Johnson Iron of chk by making a cut 15 feet deep and 400 feet wide. The length fchannel included in the project is about 8 miles. The main tidal irg e varies, according to locality, from 4.9 feet at Willis Avenue r5ge to 3.8 feet at Spuyten Duyvil Bridge; range of spring tides, a , and 4.5 feet, respectively. Irregular fluctuations due to wind uand arometric pressure vary from 3.8 feet below mean low water Wat o 3.7 fr 4.7 feet above mean high water at Willis Avenue Bridge and feet below mean low water up to 4 feet above mean high ater at Spuyten Duyvil Bridge. 0 0 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1928, was $5,470,- ate ,exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The .iot 928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance hhe existing project was authorized by the following river and or acts: Work authorized Documents 1une18, 1878 Channel 15feet deep and 350 feet wide---.... ..----------. . Doc. No. 75, Pt. 9, 43d Cong., 2(1 sess. (Annual Report, 1875, pt. 2, p. 224.) Chief of Engineers authorized widening to 400 feet Annual Report, 1886, p. 074. throughout except at Dyckmnans Cut, where width was kept at 350 feet and depth increased to 18 feet. Chief of Engineers in 1893 reduced width of channel Annual Report, 1912, p. 198. . in vicinity of Washington Bridge to 354 feet. , 1913 Straightening channel at Johnson Iron Works.... .. H. Doc. No. 557, 62d Cong., 2d sess. (Contains latest published maps.) 804711-48-.Vol. 1-19 286 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.--Fully complied Terminal facilities.-The length of with. the water front along both shores of the Harlem River is about 16 miles of which 4 miles are unavailable for Commercial use. About 5 miles of the water fand are occupied by six piers with a total berthage of 2,692 feet 23,699 feet of bulkheads and wharves available for dockage' and Twenty-six of the terminals are owned by the city of New Yor One of the latter is used as a barge canal terminal. Of the term' nals owned by the city, six ae open to the public on equal term Forty-three of the terminals are equipped with mechanicalhan dling devices and 12 have raiload connections. n addition, there are four railroad float bridges. The terminal facilities are cofsi ered adequate for present needs. (For latest field descriPtio terminal facilities, see Port and Terminal Facilities of at the port of New York, 1942, Corps of EngineeFs.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-None Condition at end of fiscal yeal.-Work under the existing proje was commenced January 1888 and was substantially completed May 1938. Remaining widening to be done in the section above High Bridge is prohibited by th e pruoximity of bulkheads to the channel line. The present width is considered adequate for nazi gation. No further impovement iscontemplated under the p A channel 15 feet deep at mean low water and 400 feet wide has been excavated from East River at High Bridge, thence 15 feet deep and 350 to 400 feet wide to the udson River. The rock cut through Dyckmans eaow was completed to 18-foot depth d H 35-foot width in1896. The straihtening of th channel at John son Iron Works was completed to 15-foot depth and 400-foot width in 1938. The controlling depth from East River to Hudson Rives' as shown by examination made •n Februaiy 1946 was 15 feet a mean low waer through a nagable channel vryin from to 400 feet in width,. The total costs and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $3,860,508.94--$3,595,119.48 for new work and $265,389.46 for maintenance. Proposed operations.--No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $75,000 can be profitably expended during the fisca year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, to restore proj depth in the channel. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948....... $3,616,11948 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ -265,405.03 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------- 3 881,5241 Net total expenditures 3881 52451 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------- 3 881 24.51 Fiscal year ending June 30 10944 1 945 1940 1947 1948 Cost of new work ...---------------------------. --------- ----.. . ----- . Cost of m aintenance - - - - . -. .-.. - -..- - - - - .- .- .-- $-680$1 . ... -.. .57 [...-- -- - Aod----- ---- -68-- ('15m RIVERS r I lnA D__VxT' A NT)ThIA c. vTCT I T V T)hSTRTCT 92R7 Amount that can b AJui that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending , 950, for maintenance --- ------------ - 75,000.00 34. HUDSON RIVER CHANNEL, NEW YORK HARBOR YLo tion.-Hudson River empties into the Upper Bay of New oderlarbor at the Battery, New York City. The section included toser this title extends from deep water in upper New York Bay of ab north of Harlem River (Spuyten Duyvil Creek), a distance Nopr 274, 745, miles. ut 14.5 (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts and 746.) MParevious projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of detaih 3, 1875, June 6, 1900, and March 3, 1905. For further for 193 see Annual Report for 1915, page 1765, and Annual Report g .oo.,Page 213. 2,00is tfng project.-This provides for a channel 48 feet deep and ninh feet wide, suitably widened at the bends, from West Fifty- deeth Street, Manhattan, to West Fortieth Street, thence 45 feet 40 epof the same width to deep water in Upper Bay; for a channel orfeet rdth linedeep for the full width of the river extending from the of Fifty-ninth Street and thence a channel of the same to the south side of Little Basin, depth to deep water in the Upper in York Bay off Ellis Island, substantially as shown on maps ub1 ouse Document 309, Seventy-second Congress, first session, broject to the provision that no dredging shall be done under the Wvide Within 50 feet of the pierhead lines; a channel 750 feet front and 30 feet deep along the Weehawken-Edgewater water iftthe removal of a shoal on the New York side between West P-ninth and West Sixty-first Streets to a depth of 40 feet; and the Sremnoval of an obstruction north of the mouth of Spuyten lenYvil Creek to the depth of the surrounding river bottom. The glath of channel included in the project is about 11 miles. The Batte of reference is mean low water. Mean tidal range at the of ery, 4.4 feet, and at West 129th Street, 4.1 feet; mean range tuatring tides, 5.3 feet and 4.9 feet, respectively; irregular fluc- bel lons due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.8 feet h°low mean low water at the Battery up to 4.2 feet above mean high ater and at West 129th Street from 3.6 feet below mean low ter up to 4.2 feet above mean high water. e~ eestimated cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $7,074,000, (19 4uive of the amounts expended on previous projects. The latest $169 ) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is the existing project was authorized by the following river and or acts:P 288 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S..ARMY, 1948 2A^,^r"~~""~'- Acts Work authorized ~ ~~ Documents Mar. 4, 1913 Channel 30 feet deep from Ellis Island 2d sess. 40 feet tleep through the shoal from to Newark St., I. Doc. 719, 62(1 Cong., Castle Point and channel 26 feet deep Newark St. to wide along Weehawken-Edgewater and 550 feet Removal of shoal east side of river water front. 19th and West 32d Sts.; removal between West Battery to 40 feet, and removal of of rock near the obstruction near Sputyen I)uyvil Creek. Mar. 4, 1915 Additional dredging through shoal from Newark St. Annual Report, 1914, PP. 23-235 to Castle Point. Aug. 8, 1917 Removal of shoal between West Cong., 2d seSS. 32d and West 61st Sts. to 40 feet and wilening the 40-foot i. Doc. 1697, 64th tween the attery and channel be- Mar. 3, 1925 Channel 30 feet deep andCanal St. to 2,0(00)feet. 75() feet widle along Wee- If. Doc. 313. 68th Cong., 1st sess' hawken-Edgewater water front. Jan. 21, 1927 Modification of conditions of local cooperation ing channel along Weehawken-Edlgewater affect- front. water ess ' July 3, 1930 Channel 40 feet between pierhead 2d s St., Manhattan to a point 1,300 feet lines from 20th II. Doc. 450, 70th Cong., St., Htoboken, thence 2,8(100feet wide below Newark off Ellis Island. Channel 30 feet deeptobetween deep water foot channel and channel along 40- front. Jersey City water Aug. 30, 19352 Widening the 40-foot channel to full ss 1 width of river H. Doc. 309, 72(1 Cong., 1st se from north line of 59th St. to south Basin, thence a channel of same depth side of Little to deep water off Ellis Islanld. Waiver of all conditions of local cooperation the channel along the Weehawken-Edgewater affecting Rivers and Harbors Com itte water front. Doc. 49, 72(1 Cong., 2d sesS Aug. 26, 1937 Channel 45 and 48 feet (deepand 2,000 feet wide___ Senate Committee Print, 75tlI Cong., 1st sess.' I Contain latest publisihed miaps. 2 Also Public Works Adlministration Sept. 6, 1933,and Apr. 27, 1935. Terminal facilities.-The length of water front included in the project for improvement, measured along both shores of the river' is 32 miles; of this length 7 miles of the Manhattan water front and 10 miles of the New Jersey water front have been developed for commercial use. Along the Manhattan water front, there ar 96 piers with a total berthage of 134,947 feet, 4,465 feet of bulk- heads and wharves available for dockage, 12 ferry slips and 6 car' float bridges. Along the Jersey water front, there are 135 piers having a total berthage of 167,760 feet, 23,948 feet of bulkheads and wharves available for dockage and 7 ferry slips, 11 car-float bridges, 6 small boat repair yards and 1 large shipyard. terminals, 134 are publicly owned, 27 are open for public O the are equipped with mechanical-handling devices, and 135 haveuse, 1- ril- road connections. The facilities are adequate for present requic ments. (For latest full description of terminal facilities see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-The United States seagoing hopper dredge Goethals was employed intermittentlY from July 1, 1947 to April 4, 1948; the United States seagoin hopper dredge Navesink was employed from August 20 to 30, 194 the United States seagoing hopper dredge Atlantic was employe from November 20, 1947 to December 16, 1947, in dredging to restore sections of the channel along the Weehawken-Edgew ater water front to a depth of 30 feet. The United States lighter Gorham was engaged in dragging operations on December 30, 1947' During the fiscal year, there was removed a total of 1,946,200 cubiC RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 289 ards, place measurement, of material at a cost of $462,816.02 for ntenance. alohe cost of engineering preliminary to dredging the channel tawng the Weehawken-Edgewater water front was $389.88 for a enance the total cost of work was $463,205.90 for maintenance. The total expenditure was $482,631.04. WCondtion at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Ws conmmenced April 1913 and is about 91 percent complete. The tr°k of Widening and deepening Weehawken-Edgewater Channel of Project dimensions was completed in August 1937. The work fro idening the 40-foot channel for the full width of the river l1e Ellis Island to West Fifty-ninth Street, Manhattan, was com- the ed in March 1939. An area 1,400 feet wide extending along fouhe anhattan water front from West Fortieth to West Fifty- ot Street was deepened to 48 feet in April 1939. 1946hen examined intermittently from December 1944 to March w th e controlling mean low water depth was 40 feet for the full Sldth of the river from opposite Ellis Island to West Fifty-ninth chaeetexcept for minor scattered shoals along the east and west analnellines. then examined intermittently from May 1947 to April 1948 e controlling mean low-water depth in Weehawken-Edgewater ohannel was 30 feet for a width varying from 600 to 750 feet from adosite West Fifty-ninth Street to opposite West One Hundred 350 Twenty-second Street, thence 30 feet for a width varying from to 750 feet to the upper end of the channel. sist e Work remaining to be done under the existing project con- for of completing the dredging of the 45- and 48-foot channels Sta width of 2,000 feet from Upper Bay to West Fifty-ninth f Street as authorized in 1937. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June $5,1948, were $8,871,927.10-$668,820.36 Public Works funds and an 158,802.95 regular funds-a total of $5,827,623.31 for new work andP$3,044,303.79 for maintenance. ProOosed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of Sfiscal year, amounting to $34,901.28, plus an allotment of to 0,000 made in July 1948, a total of $284,901.28, will be applied h0 maintenance dredging by use of two United States seagoing p PPer dredges for about four dredge months during the period ctober 1948 to January 1949, to restore the channel along the Deawken-Edgewater water front to 30 feet. ~ eepen i n g o f the 45-foot channel from the Battery to West hortieth Street should be continued. The channel along the Wee- tjo~en-Edgewater water front should be maintained. The addi- Ye aal sum of $635,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal ear 1950, as follows: Neor ork: Dredge by use of two United States sea-going hopper dredges for about 10 dredge months to complete the deepening of the easterly hi4I of the channel to 45 feet ..-------------------------- ---- $450,000 f tenance: Dredge by use of one United States seagoing hopper dredge t, about 2 months to restore project dimensions where necessary in the channel, along the Weehawken-Edgewater water front_-----------185,000 Total for all work--------- ----------------- -------- 635,000 290 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 897,252.43 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -- 044, 30379 -- ---------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------- 8941,556.2 Net to)tal expenditures Unexp ended balance, June 30, 1948 8 901.28 ,--------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948976457 -Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------,976,4 5 5 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1048 Cs of n_-------------- 1948 Cost of new work- Cost of maintenance------ - $3-2-9,732.96 ----------- rT Allotexpended.......... I 4A AA .. _ f I . 327, 892.08 - I 1- _I ~'T- -- I- I--- I l 90,934.76 ,Ka Anr &, 1 6). ) 131,693.70 - 327-,8-9 -I 9 947: 482, 631040470, Allotted-.. _ .. .--.---- 383 oo000.00 103, 400. 00 I 11, 33. 40 470, 00000 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $47,532.32 Amount allotted during fiscal year 550,----------00000 Amount to be accounted for 597,532.32 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-- 80,000.00 Gross amount expended 482,631.04 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-- ------_--_ 34,901.28 Amount allotted in July 1948. 250,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 284,901.28 .....of existing A---- ,- uestmna ted) required to be appropriated for completion project--------- 1,246,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work For maintenance--------------- 450,000.00 185,000.00 Total---------------------------- ----------- 635,000.00 35. NEW YORK HARBOR--COLLECTION AND REMOVAL OF DRIFT Location.-This project applies to the Lower and Upper BayS, New York Harbor; East River, Harlem River, Hudson Channel, andY., N. New York and New Jersey Channels, Newark Bay, N. J their tributaries. Existing project.-This provides for the collection and removal of drift from New York Harbor and its tributary waters, and aU" thorizes the Secretary of War to allot such amounts as maY necessary for the work from appropriations for maintenance be and improvement of existing river and harbor works or other available appropriations, and that this work shall be carried as a separate and distinct project. It is wholly a work of maintenance. The purpose of the work is to afford relief from variable conditions of obstruction, and no advance estimate of the amount of work required and its proper cost can be made. RIVERS ANDIHARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 291 Thahe existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)oculments ar. 4,1915 Allotment from appropriatiorns made for New York 3 ug 8, 1917 Hiarbor and its immrnediate tributaries may be used .01 3,10 mfor collection and removal of drift inthese water- July 3, 1930 ways. Carrying on this work as a separate and distinct project. Terminal facilities.-Describedin the separate reports covered. teOerations and results during fiscal year.-The United States Dseam lighters Gorham and Rockaway, United States motor tenders Naly and Stantwix, United States launches N. Y. No. 16 and N. Y. ao. 17 and auxiliary plant were assigned to the work of removing disposing of drift when not employed on other work. There dre cere removed and disposed of during the fiscal year 385,241.6 bloc feet (3,009.7 cords) of driftwood ranging in size from small of Ks up to timbers of large dimensions, including piles and pieces Of Wreckage. The cost of this work was $286,289.08 for mainte- ance. The total expenditure was $293,223.49. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is one of ontlintous maintenance for which no percentage of completion hsLts. Navigation has been made safer by the continual patrol of Te harbor and the removal of large ,quantities of drift material. total cost of operations to June 30, 1948, has been $3,083,- 4 0The '69. The total expenditures amounted to $3,081,272.10. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of th fiscal year, amounting to $2,890.70 plus accounts receivable of ,205.35, together with an allotment of $290,000 made in July 1948, a total of $295,096.05 will be applied as follows: Ma c ounts payable June 30, 1948 ________________________---_ alntenance: Continue the work of drift removal for use of United $4,342.94 States lighters, motor tenders and launches (July 1948 to June 1949)_ 290,753.11 Total- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - 295,096.05 Itis necessary for the safety of navigation that the removal of drift material be carried on regularly. The sum of $300,000 can be liofitably expended on this work by the operation of United States ghters, motor tenders, and launches during the fiscal year 1950. Cost'and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------------------- -- oSt of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------ -------- $3,083,409.69 Plus Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 3,083,409.69 accounts receivable June 30, 1948_- -- '_---2,205.35 14{ Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 3,085,615.04 Aus accounts payable June 30, 1948- _-- --- ------- 4,342.94 1j7 Net total expenditures _------- 3,081,272.10 expended balance June 30, 1948 ----------- 2,890.70 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------- 3,084,162.80 292 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 19471948 Cost of new work ....-.. . .. ,8 of .Cost .. 1$313,636.20 .$295, 330.40 - $298906.06 $279,186.55 'otal expended- ----- 309,878. 16 290, 227. 85 296, 613. 71 297, 39 93223 - 287, 937.0 Allotted---------- - - 120, 000. 00 389, 000. 00 427, 000.00 15, 175. 28 05 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $9,077.14 Amount allotted during fiscal year 300,000 Amount to be accounted for 309,077 14 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment 12,962:95 Net amount to be accounted for 296,114.19 Gross amount expended .---. 293,223. 49 Outstan ing lia i------ ------ _____9-- - - 2 . Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 '. ... .. .. ------- 2 ,890470 4342 g 30,94-------------------_ Balance available, June 30, 1948 -- 1452.24 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 2, 20535 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--- - Amount allotted in July 1948----- 753.110 - .... 290,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 290,75311 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 00 June 30, 1950, for maintenance----------00,000" 36. IRVINGTON HARBOR, Location.--This harbor extends along the N. Y. east shore of the eud- son River for a distance of 1,4 mile, 25 miles north of the Battery' New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts No* 281 and 748.) Existing project.--This provides for dredging to a depth of 2 feet below mean low water the area lying between deep water 1i the Hudson River and a line 100 feet channelward of the Turner Co. lumber wharf. The length of the improvement is about 0.3 mile. Mean tidal range, 3.4 feet; mean range of spring tides, 4 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.7 feet below mean low water up to 3.1 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1948, is $51,000. The approved estimated cost of annual maintenance, made in 1948 is $2,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 244, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937, adopted the existing project subject to the condition that local interests agree to provide equal depths in the 100-foot striP fronting the wharf of the Turner Co., and agree to make this wharf available to the public on equal and reasonable terms. These provisions have not been complied with. The village of Irvington was notified of the condition of local cooperation in letter dated January 8, 1947. In letter dated February 13, 1947, the Turner Co. advised that their wharf would not be made available to the public. .RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 293 toterminal facilities.-Water terminals, four in number, with a front. sidings of Railroaddockage total available 2,000 feet, are located along the water are available adjacent to the water front Properties. The terminals are considered sufficient for present and future needs. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost and expenditures of $360 were reported during the fiscal year for Scondition survey of the channel completed in August 1946. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No new work has been done under the existing project. When examined in August 1946, the c ntrolling mean low water depth was 16.8 feet in the area in- betuded in the existing project and 27 feet for a width of 500 feet between the Hudson River channel and the approach to the Turner Co. wharf. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June P30948, were $360, all for maintenance. ecroposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is otemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-._.----.-----------_-------- Costof maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------- $360 Nett Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ........ 360 et total expenditures----_ _ ___----- __-- -- amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------.. _ _ 360 -------- -360 al year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 cost of new work Total exp' Ioded -r-_..... - ... -.-.... .::: ..... - ......... .--- -------- - 360 Allotted~~ nt -- ane..... --.... .... ............- - . -. ... .... ..-..- "-360 QAount allotted during fiscal year--._---------- --- $360.00 amount expended ----------------------------------- 360.00 Araount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------------------------------------- 51,000.00 37. TARRYTOWN HARBOR, N. Y. .Location.--This harbor extehds along the east shore of Hudson River above for the aBattery, distance of about 1 mile below Kingsland Point, 29 miles New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 281.) fExisting project.-This provides for a channel along the wharf rout of the harbor 12 feet deep at mean low water and 250 feet ide, and northerly and southerly connections with deep water in abudson River of the same depth and 150 feet wide; total length, iout 1 mile. Mean tidal range, 3.1 feet; mean range of spring tides, 3.7 feet; extreme range due to wind and barometric pres- Ure, 8.2 feet; irregular fluctuations are infrequent and do not ma- terially affect navigation. 294 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, was $58,500. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $5,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and a harbor acts: Acts Work authorized 1)ocuments Mar. 3, 1905 Channel 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide in approach arms, I. Doc. 283, 56th Cong., 1st sess. and 150 feet wide along water front.gste Aug. 30, 1935 Widening channel to 150 feet in approach arms and II. Doc. 262, 72d Cong. 1st se 250 feet along water front. (Contains latest published P.) Termiial facilities.-Water terminals, eight in number, with a total available dockage of 3,670 feet, of which 537 feet are pub* licly owned, are located along the waterfront. Railroad connec- tions are adjacent to the waterfront. The existing terminals are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The cost and exPern ditures of a survey to determine the condition of the channel were $400, for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced April 1937 and completed July 1937. The con" trolling depth at mean low water, as shown by an examination made in June 1945, was 10 feet for a width of about 90 feet in the north and south entrance channels and varying from 200 to 250 feet in the channel along the wharf fronts. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $127,091.07-$69,836.48 for new work and $57, 254.59 for maintenance. Proposed operations.--No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948..----__ $69,83648 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------- 5725459 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 127,091.07 Net total expenditures _ __127,091.07 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------------ r 127,091:07 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1940 1947 1948 Cost of new work.. ------------------------ ------ Cost of maintenance............--------------- _------$220.00 ------. 18 $. 0 193 31 Total expended...-------------I ... . ""----- .69 618 Allotted..-----------------------50 I- ~~ ~ ~ 2000-----------61 J~ I Amount allotted during fiscal year - $400.00 Gross amount expended...... -------------- ______________ 400.00 38. PEEKSKILL HARBOR, N. Y. Location.-This harbor is an indentation about five-eighths mile long and 11/4 miles wide in the eastern shore of Hudson River, 42 miles above the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 282.) RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 295 Existing project.-This provides for a channel fmean low water, 100 feet wide, and about 1.8 miles 10 feet deep at long, extending sfro deep water in Hudson River north of the village to deep water 5 t oth of it,following generally the contour of the shore, and two turning basins, 200 by 150 feet, of the same depth in front of the °fer and center wharves. Mean tidal range, 2.9 feet; mean range bf sPring tides, 3.4 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and arometric pressure vary from 1.7 feet below mean low water up to 3 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1896 was $50,000. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $4,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Work authorized Documents une 3,1896 Channel 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide-_--... .--- _ I.L.Doc. 37, 53d Cong., 3d sess.; Annual Report, 1895, p. 999. Chief of Engineers authorized construction of 2 turn- Annual Report, 1896, p. 839. ing basins. Fr latest )ublished Inap see Annual Report for 1903, p. 885. werminal facilities.-There are 2,240 feet of bulkheads and arves available for berthage at the inshore section of the im- Povement. One of the terminals is open to the public; four are equipped with mechanical-handling devices. The existing termi- nals are considered adequate for present and prospective needs of Covlmerce. diOperationsand results during fiscal year.---The cost and expen- $itures of survey to determine the condition of the channel were $400 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced in 1897 and completed in 1899. The controlling depth at mean low water, as shown by an examination made in t ~ne 1947 was 10 feet for a width varying from 100 to 75 feet in te north entrance channel, 9 feet for a width varying from 100 to 60 feet in the south entrance channel, and 8.5 feet for a width Varying from 100 to 60 feet in the channel along the wharf fronts. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June f , 1948, were $78,558.25-$19,400 for new work and $59,158.25 r laintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $30,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950, in maintenance dredging, under contract, to restore the Channel to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_____________.. -____ ___ $19,400.00 Cst of maintenance to June 30, 1948.. .___ ____________ . 59,158.25 iet Total e total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--....... expenditures 78,558.25 78,558.25 otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----.---.._ ,-_ 78,558.25 296 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.---------- m ain td------- C o s t o 0ot e na n ce --- .. . .. . ... . . .6 ------------ $220.00 $6.18 _ _ Total expended------------1 $. 18 Allotted --- -------- -------- -- --- 220. 00 6. 18 Amount allotted during fiscal year.. $400.00 Gross amount expended amount.......... ------- ............-- - _---4 400. Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance 30,000.0 30,000'0 39. WAPPINGER CREEK, N. Y. Location.--This creek is a small stream which empties into Hud- son River from the east, about 64 miles by water north of the Battery, New York City, and one-half mile below the village o New Hamburg, N. Y. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 283.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water, 80 feet wide, and about 2.1 miles long, extendid from the mouth to about 200 feet below the lower falls. Mean tidal range 2.7 feet; mean range of spring tides, 3.1 feet; extreme range, 12.8 feet; irregular fluctuations are infrequent and do not materially affect navigation. The estimate of cost of new work, made in 1890, was $13,000. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $750. The project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of SePl tember 19, 1890 (H. Doc. 25, 51st Cong., 1st sess., and Annal Report, 1890, p. 758). For latest published map see Annual Re- port for 1904, page 1051. Terminal facilities.-There are 1,740 feet of bulkhead available for dockage, located close to the head of navigation. In addition there are 1,766 feet of timber and masonry bulkhead at four loca- tions along the creek, formerly used for commercial purposes, but at present in poor condition and used only by occasional boats for tie-up purposes. All are privately owned. The facilities appear to be adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The cost and expel' ditures of a survey to determine the condition of the channel were $680 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced September 1891 and completed April 1892. As shown by an examination made in July 1947, the controlling depth at mean low water was 7 feet for a width varying from 50 to 80 feet from the Hudson River to within 300 feet of the head of the improvement; thence decreasing to 2 feet at the head of the irm* provement. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $55,025.96--$13,000 for new work and $42,525.96 for maintenance. Proposed operations.--No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 297 , The sum of $30,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal dear 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, to restore project epth in the .channel. C of Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. ___. __---------$13,000.00 of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- 42,025.96 Net Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ..--------- 55,025.96 Tot total expenditures ..... -. _...--- - .-- 55,025.96 amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---------- 55,025.96 "isca Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new ork Oft fmaintenance. "..---. - - 0 -$:::::::::500o $13.94 $680 1 ota expended - -- -------- 500-------------- 13.94 680 Allotted - 500 ------------ 13.94 680 mount allotted during fiscal year_- ---. -------------- $ 680 ross amount expended - --------------------------------- 680 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending ne 30, 1950, for maintenance---._ - _ __ ------ 30,000 40. RONDOUT HARBOR, N. Y. Location.--This harbor comprises the tidal mouth, about 1.8 iles in length, of Rondout Creek, whose source is about 18 miles stheof Rondout. The creek empties into the Hudson River from 55 e West, about 89 miles north of the Battery, New York City, and h miles south of Albany. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 283.) txisting project.-This provides for a channel 100 feet wide, s'dening at the bends, and 14 feet deep from deep water in Hud- 1 2n River to the highway bridge, 1.3 miles above the mouth, thence 2 feet deep to the west end of Island dock, 1.8 miles above the mouth, two parallel dikes 350 feet apart, to maintain the channel, and for a branch dike to extend upstream from the outer end of the north dike to protect that dike from running ice in Hudson Iver. eMean tidal range, 3.7 feet; mean range of spring tides, 4.2 feet; extreme range, 8.2 feet; irregular fluctuations due to freshets vary from 2 feet below mean low .water up to 2.5 feet above mean high -Water The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, was $105,000. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- ance is $5,000. aThe existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents u 10, 1872 Oe Parallel dikes, branch dike, and entrance channel S. Ex. Doc. 35, 42d Cong., 2d sess.; A 3 14 feet deep. Annual Report, 1872, p. 810. Atg.30, 1935 Extension of the 14-foot channel and for the 12-foot Rivers and H arbors Committee channel. )oc. 17, 73d Cong., 2d sess. (Con- tains latest published map.) 298 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.--Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are 17 timber wharves with a total available dockage of 12,132 feet located along the waterway. Four of the terminals are equipped with transfer facilities; all are pri- vately owned. The existing terminals appear to be adequate for present needs of commerce. (For latest full description of term' l nal facilities, see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Ports on the Upper Hudson River, 1941, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-The cost of a cond i tion survey to locate reported obstructions was $836.63 for main tenance. Final cost of $410.55 was reported during the fiscal year for a condition survey completed in November 1946. The total cost and expenditures were $1,247.18 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing projec was commenced April 1873 and substantially completed NoverI- ber 1938. Part of the diking originally proposed was not built because deemed of doubtful usefulness. Two parallel dikes of an aggregate length of about 5,000 feet, generally 350 feet apart, with a now obsolete spur from the old lighthouse south of the south dike, have been built across the bar at the mouth of the creek. A branch dike about 1,000 feet long, extending northerly from the outer end of the north dike was also constructed. The project channel was completed in 1938. When examined in July 194 ' the controlling depth at mean low water, from the Hudson Rver to the highway bridge, was 14 feet for a width varying from 40 to 100 feet, thence 12 feet for a width varying from 30 to 100 feet to the head of the project. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948 were $328,547.03-$123,108.63 for new work and $205, 438.40 for maintenance. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $752.82, will be applied to miscella- neous investigations during the fiscal year. It is expected that maintenance dredging of the channel and further repairs to the dikes will be necessary during the next 2 years. Therefore, the sum of $45,000.00 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Complete by December 15, 1949, under a contract to be entered into, $25,000 removal of shoals in the channel------------------------ $25,00 Operate Government-owned plant during the fiscal year in repairing 20,00 dikes where found to be most urgently needed------------ 20,00 Total for all work --------------- 5,000 4-------------------- Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------------$123,108.63 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 --------- -- -- 205438.40 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 328, 547.03 _______-- 328, Net total expenditures---------------------------------- 328,547.03 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-,_______________________ 752.82 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- -329,299.85 RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT _.. 7 299 Fiscal Year er I dring June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 rost of new work Cost ofrmaintena .C.__- --- $597.47 $19,361.78 ...----------- $545.76 $1,247. 1 Total expended - - _-- _-- -- - 597. 47 19, 361. 78 ------------ 545. 76 1, 247. 18 Allotted, . I.. .. ... I.. 13, 868. 76 ....... 545.76 2, 000. 00 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ _ __----- $2000.00 amount expended----------------------------- Gross ,247.18 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 752.82 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_-- -__ -- ___-___------45,000.00 41. SAUGERTIES HARBOR, N. Y. lLocation.--This harbor comprises about four-fifths of a mile in length of the tidal mouth of Esopus Creek, whose source is in rinnisook Lake about 25 miles west by south of Saugerties. The Creek empties into Hudson River from the west about 100 miles rth of the Battery, New York City, and 44 miles south of Albany. See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 283.) ul revious project.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of S5, 1884 and modified in 1887. For further details see page 1 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 204 of Annual Report for 1936. 12 E isting project.-The existing project provides for a channel 2feet ti "udson deep at mean low water and 200 feet wide from deep water River to the steamboat wharf in the village of Sauger- Ses , a distance of about four-fifths of a mile, to be secured by rweginghand rock removal between longitudinal pile dikes filled fth rubble stone which were built under the previous project, and aor the extension of the south dike westward about 155 feet to the Shore line. Mean tidal range, 3.9 feet; mean range of spring tides, f4 feet; extreme range, 7 feet; irregular fluctuations due to freshets are infrequent and do not materially affect navigation. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1899, was $44,685, exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act f June 13, 1902 (H. Doc. 107, 56th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest Dublished map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities served by the im- Provement consist of five timber wharves, aggregating 2,400 feet In length. The existing terminals are sufficient for the present needs of navigation. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project V9 commenced September 1902 and substantially completed April 1913. Part of the diking originally proposed was not built because deemed of doubtful usefulness. Two parallel dikes of an aggregate bength of about 4,335 feet, generally 260 feet apart, have been uilt across the bar at the mouth of the creek. When last examined 300 R~EPORT OF CHIEF' OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 in 1935 the controlling mean low water depth from the Hudson River to the head of the project was 12 feet for a width of 200 feet. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948 were $109,999.19-$39,904.91 for new work and $70, 094.28 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $1,200, made in July 1948, will be applied to a condition survey of the channel. It is expected that maintenance dredging will not be necessary during the next 2 years. Therefore, no funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Costand financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_.. $81 904.91 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ............ 85,094.28 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ---------- 166,999.19 Net total expenditures_---- 166,999.19 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------------------------ --- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 166,999.19 Amount allotted in July 1948- $1,200.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------------- 1,200.00 42. HUDSON RIVER, N. Y. Location.-This river has its source in the Adirondack MouR. tains, about 250 miles in a direct line and 315 miles along its course from the Battery, New York City, and flows in a generally south" erly direction into New York Bay. The section under improve" ment extends from New York City to Waterford, a distance of about 156 miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 281 to 284, inclusive.) Previous projects.-The original project for improvement bY the United States was adopted by River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1834, and modified in 1852 and 1866. A second project was adopted by River and Harbor Act of July 13, 1892, and modified in 1899. For further details see page 1764, Annual Report for 1915, and page 226, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.--This provides for a channel 27 feet deep at mean low water and 300 feet wide up to Hudson; thence of same depth and 400 feet wide through rock cuts and 300 feet wide else- where, from Hudson to the site of the former Albany-Greenbush Bridge at Albany; thence 14 feet deep at lowest low water and generally 400 feet wide to the Federal lock at Troy; and thence of same depth and 200 feet wide to the southern limit of the State barge canal at Waterford; with widening at bends and in front Of the cities of Troy and Albany to form harbors 12 feet deep at lowest low water; and removal of State dam at Troy and the con" struction of a lock and dam about 21/2 miles below Waterford. The channel is to be formed by dredging and rock excavation, and to be maintained by dredging and by constructing new, and raising and repairing old, longitudinal dikes, built partly under previous projects and partly by the State of New York. The mean range of pool elevation above the Federal dam at Troy, in seasons RIVERS AND IARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 301 Ofmoderate rains is about 2.2 feet, as determined in 1934. The aa tidal range is about 4.7 feet at the Federal dam at Troy and about 4.6 feet at Albany, extreme range due to freshets is 33.4 and 25.7 feet, respectively. aThe normal pool level above the Federal dam from Troy to Inaterford is 14.33 feet above mean sea level at Sandy Hook, N. J. the tidal section of the river below the dam the assumed lowest ole.ater plane from Troy to Albany is 3 feet below mean sea Sa Sandy Hook, N. J. fThe following table contains information concerning the various eatures of the lock and dam included in the existing project: Location: Below Waterford --------------- ----------- miles -_ 2.2 ocAbove Battery, New York City _ ..._do 153.8 Clear width r, fulw --- ------ ---------- feet.. 44.44 reatest length available for full width -- do ... 492.5 Lift at lowest stages------- ------------ --------- do .-- 17.3 Depth on miter sills: Upper (at normal pool level)... .. .-...--......-- do ..-- 16.3 Char Lower (at lowest low water). . - - .-.-- do.... 13.0 aracter of Tijd of dam: foundation: Fixed. Rock. TYpe of construction: Concrete. rapleted: 1917. Cot: $1,463,014.07. e Theestimated cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $17,848,000, ( 1 lusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest $3 8) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is da81,300, including $65,300 for operation and care of the lock and The existing project was authorized by the following river and arbor acts: AWork authorized Documents 1 June 25, 1910 Channel 12 feet deep from Hudson to Waterford, re- IH.Doec. 719, 61st Cong., 2d sess. moval of State lock and dam at Troy and construc- 3 tion of a new lock and dam. 3,1925 uly (2) Channel 27 feet deep from Hudson to Albany--........ H. Doec. 350, 68th Cong., 1st sess. 1930 Channel 27 feet deep below Hudson.................----------. . Doec. 210, 70th Cong., 1st sess. Operation and care of lock and dam at Troy were in- S3, cluded in project July 1, 1935. S30,1935 Relocation June20,ford.of 93$theDWater 12-foot channel between Troy and S. Doe,. 155, 72d Cong., 2d sess. 20, 1938 Depening channel between Albany and Waterford TH.Doe. 572, 75th Cong., 3d sess. to 14 feet, with no change in depths for harbors in front of Albany and Troy. I _ _ hese documents contain latest published maps. aPAanent Appropriations Repeal Act approved June 26, 1934. " , 6, 1933. tept. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. aerminal facilities.-The piers and other terminal or transfer facilities served by the improvement are as follows: etween Waterford and the Federal dam at Troy there are 14 harves aggregating approximately 5,000 feet in length. The ate of New York has constructed a barge-canal terminal at ,hoes. There is a dock 325 feet long on the west side of the river st north of the Federal dam. 80 4711-48-Vol. 1-20 302 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 At Troy there are nine terminals with available dockage Of 2,383 feet, including the State barge-canal terminal with 960 feet In addition, 11, miles of concrete bulkhead were constructed alon the water front by the city of Troy. At Watervliet there is a stone bulkhead 755 feet long. Between this point and Albany there are five timber wharves aggregating 4,275 feet in length. At Albany, and Rensselaer on the east side of the river, there are 30 terminals aggregating 18,661 feet of available berthe including a city-owned recreation pier of 900 feet and the State barge-canal terminal with 1,586 feet located on the west side Od the river. These terminals are adequately served with railroad trackage. There are five transit sheds, one warehouse, a 13,500, 000-bushel grain elevator, and a molasses-storage plant, all pro vided by the Albany Port District Commission. Between Albany and Hudson there are about 100 timber wharves aggregating 36,700 feet in length; at Hudson there are 12 timber wharves aggregating 5,000 feet in length; at Athens there are timber wharves aggregating 4,000 feet in length. Between Hudson and the upper limits of New York entire water fronts of Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, and Yonkers City the are equipped with transfer facilities. At Poughkeepsie there are 1 terminals with available dockage of 7,823 feet, including a citY owned pier of 270 feet. At Newburgh there are 17 terminals With a total dockage of 8,431 feet, of which 1 with 90 feet of dockage iS open to the public. At Yonkers there are 26 terminals with dock- age of 8,479 feet, .of which 596 feet are for public use. The existing wharves are ample for Hudson River traffic. (For latest full description of terminal facilities see Port and Termin Facilities at the Ports on the Upper Hudson River, 1941 and Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps Engineers). Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for dredging between Hudson and Albany, N. Y., work was coir menced September 22, 1947 and was completed November 10, 1947. During the fiscal year, 286,681 cubic yards, place measure- ment, of material were removed at a cost of $213,289.21, for maintenance. Government plant and hired labor were employed from July 1, 1947 to September 25, 1947 in repairing Cedar Hill Dike and Cedar Hill Sheet Pile Dike, Bogart Island Dike, Overslaugh No. 1 Dike Overslaugh No. 2 Dike, Beacon Island Dike, Campbell Island Dike and Castleton Dike. The cost of work was $13,199.62, for maifl tenance. By use of Government plant and hired labor, snags and stu m ps which formed a potential menace to navigation were removed front the shores of the river during the fiscal year at a cost of $9,753.32, for maintenance. The cost of engineering, surveys and contingencies was $42(, 797.82, for maintenance. The lock and dam in the Hudson River at Troy, N. Y. was oper- ated and maintained during the fiscal year. Operation of the lock for the 1947 navigation season was suspended December 17, 194- and resumed April 12, 1948 for the 1948 season. The cost of work RIVERS AND IIARBORS-NEW YORK. N. Y.. DISTRICT 303 I during the fiscal year was as follows: Operations $35,376.35; bettdary maintenance and repairs $23,440.65; improvements and Trments $1,546.92; a total of $60,363.92. ae total cost of the work was $339,403.89, $279,039.97 for dantenance and $60,363.92 for operation and care of the lock and c at Troy, N. Y. The total expenditures were $329,113.69. Conlition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project "S ctcom n enced July 1910 and is about 95 percent complete. The T o stuction of new lock and dam at Troy, removal of old dam at eroy, and construction of 15,545 linear feet of new dikes have Seen completed. In the reconstruction of old dikes, 39,672 feet have been raised to the adopted crest linear height. frm, Albany to Troy has been completed to a depthThe channel of 12 feet, at~hithe exception of a small part of the widening to form harbors the any and Troy, which work is not deemed necessary for Tr present. About 6 miles of the channel between Albany and have been deepened to 14 feet. The channel from Troy to deaterford has been completed to a depth of 14 feet. The work of eepening the channel south of Albany to 27 feet mean low water has been completed with the exception of about 1,500 linear feet at te northern end. T e controlling mean low-water depth from New York City feet dson, N. Y., is 27 feet for a width varying from 150 to 400 toa thence 26.1 feet for a width varying from 300 to 400 feet feetabout 3,500 feet below the Dunn Memorial Bridge, thence 14.5 fefor a width varying from 150 to 300 feet to the Dunn Memorial ohe controlling lowest low-water depth from Albany to the t and dam at Troy is 14.0 feet for a width varying from 400 ett Albany to 100 feet near the south entrance to the lock at Abt except for 2.24 miles of the southerly end of the channel at lbany where the controlling depth is 10.1 feet for a width vary- ~fg from for a Width80ofto 45400 feet. At the lock entrance it is 14 feet deep feet. The controlling pool-level depth above the fork at Troy to Waterford, the head of the improvement, is 14 feet r a width of about 200 feet. The work remaining to be done under the existing project con- A s of completing the deepening of 2.24 miles of the channel from h .any to Waterford to 14 feet, completing the widening of the arbors in front of Troy and Albany to a depth of 12 feet, the Clstruction and reconstruction of dikes, and deepening the north- erit 1,500 feet of the 27-foot channel from New York City to the ite of the former Albany-Greenbush Bridge. The Were astotal costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, follows: Operating New work Maintenance and care Total e b lar f unds... $15, 247. 704.07 $4, 273, 317. 87 $601, 5)5. 67 $20, 122, 527. 61 lerc funds. -.. 38, 350. 00 2orks 238, 3 . 00 ergency Relief funds........ 311, 461.08_l-................ 5... 2--311, 461.08 Total- --------- - 15, 797, 515. 15 4,273, 317. 87 601, 505. 67 20, 672, 338. 69) 304 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The total expenditures under the existing project to June 3 1948 were $20,654,011.54-$20,104,200.46 regular funds, $2ie 350.00 Public Works funds, and $311,461.08 Emergency Re funds. In addition, the sum of $454,272.93 was expended between Ae gust 18, 1915 and June 30, 1935 on the operation and care c the work of improvement under the provisions of the permanent in definite appropriation for such purposes.nd Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end le the fiscal year, amounting to $43,255.26, plus accounts rece of $675, together with an allotment of $570,400, made inivlY Ju 1948, a total of $614,330.26 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 _ ---------------- $19,00215 New work: Complete by December 15, 1948, under a contract to be entered into, dredging to provide project dimensions between 269,000. Patroons Lower Island and Albany, N. Y-269,000 Maintenance: Complete by December 15, 1948, under a contract to be entered into; the removal of shoals from the 27- foot channel between Albany and Hudson- ------ $60,000.00 Operate United States derrick boat H.R. No. 1 with attendant plant for about 5 months in removal of isolated shoals between Hudson and Albany and removing from the shores stumps and snags which are likely to be carried into the river (July 1948- June 1949).----------------- 25,000.00 Operate Government-owned plant, consisting of der- rick boat, launches, etc., in repairing dikes where found to be most urgently needed (July 1948 to June 1949) ______________ -35,000.00 Miscellaneous surveys, sweepings and current obser- vations pertaining to maintenance operations (July 1948 to June 1949)-------------------------........ 44,448.52 164,448. Maintenance (operating and care): Operations, services of permanent and temporary forces at Troy lock and dam (July 1948 to June 1949)---.......--------------------- $40,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repairs at Troy lock and dam (July 1948 to June 1949) ------------ 24,079.59 Improvement and reconstruction of Troy lock ------ 97,800.00 .59 161,879--9' Total for all work --------------------------------- 614,3306 The construction of new dikes between and AlbanY, as authorized by Act of June 25, 1910, should be continued in order ,Hudson to prevent shoaling of the channel by bank erosion. It is importan that full project dimensions be maintained in the channel between Waterford and Hudson, and at Germantown, Barrytown and East Kingston, that existing dikes be kept in a proper state of repair' and that operation and care and work of improvement and better* ment of lock and dam at Troy, N. Y. be continued. Therefore, the sum of $880,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, as follows: New work: Complete by December 31, 1950, under contract to be entered 00 into, construction of new dikes at Bear Island and Schermerhorn Island. $100,0 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 305 Maintenance: Complete by December 15, 1949, under a contract to be entered into, the removal of shoals in the channels between Waterford and Hudson and at Barrytown, Germantown and East Kingston $400,000 perate United States derrick boat H.R. No. 1 with at- tendant plant for about 6 months during the fiscal year in removing isolated shoals and shoals over rock areas between Waterford and Hudson and removing from the shores, stumps and snags which are likely to be carried into the river. _ . ... 50,000 0perate Government-owned plant, consisting of derrick boat, launches, etc., during the fiscal year in repairing dikes where found to be most urgently needed-- 50,000 Miscellaneous surveys, sweepings and current observations pertaining to maintenance operations during fiscal year_ 45,000 Maint -- 545,000 ienance (operating and care): Operations-Services of permanent and temporary forces Ot Troy lock and Dam (July 1949 to June 1950)----...... 50,000 rdinary maintenance and repairs at Troy lock and dam S(July mrprovement ....... June 1950)__--- 1949 toand __--........--....------------ 20,000 reconstruction of Troy lock---. .165,000 235,000 Total for all work_. __ _ .....------------------- ..-- 880,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ............ $20,910,108.65 Cst of maintenance to June 30, 1948 --------------------- 5,675,893.55 Total cost Plus accounts of permanent work to June 30, 1948-----_ -26,586,002.'20 receivable June 30, 1948 ---....-.......---------------675.00 Minus Gross total accounts costs to June 30, 1948 payable June 30, 1948_ - --- ----------- ----- .- -- 26,586,677.20 19,002.15 Iexpended 3 Net total expenditures-_ -------- ------- balance June 30, 1948--------------------- 26,567,675.05 43,255.26 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------- 26,610,930.31 Fiscal Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 194 1948 Cst ~VCof n work ___-------____--_ , aintenance------... -$150, . ...---- .------- 108.81 $96, 858. 55 $187, 240.37 123, 583. 63 $354, 338. 06 . 130, 364. 49 $339, 403.89 Totfal cost ..... ......... 150, 108.81 96, 858. 55 310, 824.00 484, 702. 55 339, 403.89 .CiOtOIe.- ended .. --............ 149, 740. 46 95, 010. 97 176, 763. 27 625, 268. 36 329, 113. 69 ' lttecl -120, 000. 00 80, 768.35 780, 000. 00 32, 166. 87 285, 200. 00 alance unexpended, July 1, 1947--_---- --------------- $87, 168.95 Aount allotted during fiscal year_- .----------- - 285,200.00 ross Amount to be accounted for-_------------------------ 372,368.95 amount expended _- -------------------- ------ - 329,113.69 Otst Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 43,255.26 AmStanding liabilities, June 30, 1948__ _ ... $19,002.15 ' ount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 35.85 19,038.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948. 24,217.26 306 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 675.00 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----------- 24,892.20 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------------- 570,400-00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 695,292. Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 000 of existing project_------------------- -------------- _ _ 1,417,000-0 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: 000.00 For new work- .-------- _ 100 0 00 For mnteawork--------------------------------------- For maintenance 780,000 780, Total ---------- 880,000.00 43. GREAT LAKES TO HUDSON RIVER WATERWAY-- ENLARGEMENT OF NEW YORK STATE BARGE CANAL Location.-This waterway consists of that portion of the NeW York State Barge Canal system extending from the Hudson at Waterford to Oswego Harbor on Lake Ontario. (See U. S. River Lake Survey Charts Nos. 182, 183, 184, and 185.) Existing project.--This provides for the allotment of Federal funds to the State of New York for expenditure under suitable Federal control and supervision in the improvement of the caal connecting Lake Ontario with the Hudson River. The improvel ment provides for a depth of 13 feet below normal pool l el through all locks between Waterford and Oswego, deepening be tween locks to 14 feet below normal pool levels, widening at bend and elsewhere, and increasing the overhead clearance to 20 feet at maximum navigable stage at bridges and other overhead struc tures. The widths of channel to be provided under the project are 104 feet in earth cuts, 120 feet in rock cuts, 200 feet in river sec- tions, with widening at bends and elsewhere as may be necessary. The length of the waterway included in this project is about 184 miles, of which 160 miles are in the Erie Canal from Waterl ford to Three Rivers Point and 24 miles are in the Oswego Cana from Three Rivers Point to Oswego. The estimated cost for new work, made in 1948, is $28,500,000. No estimate of maintenance with Federal funds is included, as maintenance of the canal is not a part of the Federal project. Acts Work authorized Documents May 28, 19351 Deepening between the locks to 14 feet, increasing Rivers and Harbors Comnittee Aug. 30,1935 overhead clearances to 20 feet and widening at bends Doc. 20, 73d Cong., 2d sess. and elsewhere. Mar. 2, 1945 ess Depth of 13 feet below normal pool level through all S. Doc. 252, 79th Cong., 2d s locks between Waterford and Oswego IEmergency Relief Act of 1935. 2 Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2,1945, authorized the deepening of the locks subject to the condition that an agreement be entered into between the United States and the State of New York embodying certain limitations and provisions to RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 307 Safeguard the interests of general commerce Federal control of the disposition of Federal and navigation, insure funds, and provide for ederal supervision of the work performed. A supplemental agree- ent dated June 5, 1947, containing all provisions necessary for Chf ent prosecution of the improvement was entered into by the Nef of Engineers and the Department of Public Works, State of co ork. The requirements under the prior acts have been fully Complied with. Terminal linal facilities. and transfer The State of New York has provided ter- facilities at all important points along the Erie arbOswego Canals, and at Buffalo, Troy, Albany, and New York ~lrbor . The freight-handling equipment, as well as the storage and lo tfacilities, is governed by the requirements of the particular grycty. The State-owned terminal at Oswego is equipped with a trict elevator of 1,000,000 bushels capacity. The Albany Port Dis- capt Commission has erected a grain elevator of 13,500,000 bushels ocity at Albany. The State grain elevator in New York Harbor onGowanus Bay has a capacity of 2,000,000 bushels. Alerminals at Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Schenectady, Troy, All ,and Oswego are provided with direct railroad connections. ll tate-owned terminals are open to the public on equal terms. akeport terminals are extensive in character. The available ter- alls appear ample to meet all requirements. i.nperationsand results during fiscal year.--The cost of engineer- studies g yrotection for raising bridges and guard gates and placing bank at various locations between Waterford and Oswego, Y, was$991.36 for new work. rUnder contract for lengthening span of Bridge E-28 to provide Project width of channel at Mindenville, N. Y., work was com- o0eCed 1May 12, 1948 and was about 17 percent completed at the end th e fiscal year. The cost was $11,897.73 for new work. t The total cost of work $12,889.09, all for new work. The expendi- res Were $1,079.69. w ondition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project las commenced in September 1935 and is about 75 percent com- follow The status of the channel deepening and widening, is as Distance (miles) From-- To- Corn- Work remaining to plete(d be done to project depth Work in Future progress work Iard River --- ------------- t1gaeek at Waterford...----------- .. uard gate 2 at Waterford...... 2. 6 .......... 0. 2 ock 10at Cranesville------__......... 32. 2---------------- Co Cranesville... t'Ock . .. ...... Lock 16at Mindenville ........ 36.1 .. at indenvilleGuardgate 5 at swego larbor erkierlerkimer ...... 6. 70.7 at 5 atl.erkimer... - . Oswego farbor----------..... -96.7-. ---. ' 'otal(184 miles). . -....--------------- ----------------- 183. 0. 9 aThirty-five barge canal bridges have been raised to project clear- bice with Federal funds under this improvement. Three additional dge s were raised, four were removed, and two were removed and 308 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 replaced by new structures at project clearance; all by other agencies. The present depth is 14 feet at normal pool levels for the following width: 75 feet in earth cuts, 94 feet in rock cuts, and 200 feet " canalized rivers and lakes. The 29 locks, 22 in Erie Canal east of Three Rivers Point, and 7 in Oswego Canal, north of Three Rivers Point, have a clear width of 43.5 feet, usable length of 300 feet, ad depth over miter sills of 12 feet. Numerous fixed bridges, transmi'6 sion lines, and other structures span the waterways. There are 66 bridges between Waterford and Three Rivers Point and 13 between Three Rivers Point and Oswego. The minimum clearance under existing bridges and other overhead structures is 14.66 feet above maximum navigable stage. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists of widening and deepening the channel by excavation, including the re- moval of ledge rock and work incidental thereto, for a total distance of 0.9 mile, as described in the above table, the raising of 21 bard canal bridges, the lengthening of 1 bridge, the raising of 7 guar gates, the revetment of banks with quarry stones where necessary and the deepening to 13 feet through 27 locks. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $20, 994,787.08 for new work-$16,181,386. 9 2 from regular funds an $4,813,400.16 from Emergency Relief funds. The total expenditures were $20,982,905.12, of which $1 6 ,169, 504.96 were regular funds and $4,813,400.16 Emergency Relie funds. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $854,395.04, plus an allotment of $1, 48' 1 000 made in July 1948, a total of $2,002,395.04, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948---- $11 88196 'New work: Complete by November 28, 1948 under contract in force, lengthening of bridge E-28 at Minden- in ville, N. Y...-.- . -------- $62,400 Removal and replacement of'guard gate No. 5, con- struct spillway and other incidental work at Herki- mer, N. Y., by contract to be entered into (January 1949-May 1950)-------------- 1,042,000 Raising of New York Central R.R. bridge E-56 at Rome, N. Y., by resuming suspended contract_-- 360,000 Raising of guard gate No. 3 at Indian Castle by con- tract to be entered into (September 1948-June 1949) 52,300 Raising of guard gate No. 6 east of Rome by contract to be entered into (September 1948-June 1949)__ 61,300 Raising of guard gate No. 7 at Rome by contract to be entered into (September 1948-June 1949) 61,300 Lowering sills of guard gate No. 3 at Indian Castle by contract to be entered into (September 1948-June 1949)_--------- - - - _______ --- 54,700 Lowering sills of guard gate No. 6 east of Rome by contract to be entered into (September 1 9 48-June 1949) -------------------------------- .. 96,700 Lowering sills of guard gate No. 7 at Rome by con- tract to be entered into (September 19 48-June 1949)--------------------- -------------- 96,700 RIVERS AND IARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 309 Lowering of dive culvert at Fulton by contract to be entered into (September 1948-June 1949)-------..... 103,000 - - 1,990,400.00 Balance remaining 13.08 1------------------------ Total for all work______ _________----- ---- -- --- 2,002,395.04 The above work, together with work performed under previous alotments, will result in the widening and deepening to 14 feet of 3droximately 183.1 miles of canal; in the raising of 36 bridges and Suble guard gates to a vertical clearance of 20 feet at maximum lolVgable stage; in the reconstruction of one double guard gate; the louering of sills of 3 guard gates; and the lowering of one dive The improvement should be continued. Therefore, the sum of s,0 0,000 can be profitably expended for new work during the Sca year 1950 to reimburse the State of New York for work of taising bridges and reconstruction of guard gates, under contracts tobe entered into during the fiscal year, as follows: NeWWork: Excavation of ledge rock and removal and replacement of guard gates 1 and 2 at Waterford- .-.-------- $860,000 *aising bridge E-6 at Crescent ---------------------------- 140,000 Total________--------___________________ 1,000,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- .---- . -..-- . $20,994,787.08 Costof maintenance to June 30, 1948--- ------ ---------------- Minu Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .--------- accounts payable June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 20,994,787.08 11,881.96 Net total expenditures- S _ .-.--- 20,982,905.12 expended balance June 30, 1948- ------ ---- -854,395.04 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 21,837,300.16 Fiseal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Work--------------- eaost $4, 620.24 .............--------------- $777. 23 $1,613.30 $12, 889.09 ntenanceo ..---.. . . .-.. . . . . . exended -................. 65, 356. 32 .............. 222. 09 2, 095. 88 1,079. 69 Allotted---------------------96, OCO.00-------------- .............. 800, 000.00-------------- .............. 52, 000. 00 Aalance unexpended, July 1, 1947.----..... -. $803,474.73 ount allotted during fiscal year. ------------------------- 1,200,000.00 bed Amount uctions to be accounted for-_ -- on account __ . --------- 2,003,474.73 of revocation of allotment-------- 1,148,000.00 Gross Net amount to be accounted for__.----. 855,474.73 8 amount expended- -- __-_-_..- -- . .. 1,079.69 0 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 - - . --... --- _-- -- 854,395.04 - *Standing liabilities, June 30, 1948 ..... $11,881.96 ount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 68,630.00 80,511.96 Balance available, June 30, 1948---- -.. ,-..... ' 773,883.08 310 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted in July 1948_.....-.-.----- - - -- _______ -- 1,148,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 1,921,883. 08 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 0 of existing project--- 5,515,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work- 0 1,0000,000.0 44. NARROWS OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN, N. Y. AND VT. Location.-This waterway, 37 miles long, comprises the south* ern end of Lake Champlain and extends from Whitehall to Crowv Point, N. Y. The portion included in the project extends from Whitehall, N. Y., at the southern extremity of the lake, northerly tO Benson Landing, Vt., a distance of 13.5 miles. (See U. S. Lake Survey Chart No. 174.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of July 4, 1836, March 3, 1837, July 7, 1838, August 5, 1886, July 13, 1892, and March 3, 1899. For further details, see page 256, Annual Report for 1932. Existing project.-This provides for a channel extending from Whitehall, N. Y., at the head of Lake Champlain, to Benson Land- ing, to be 12 feet deep at low lake level and generally 200 feet wide, and the installation of fender booms at Putts Rock, Putts Leap, Nar- rows near Dresden, Pulpit Point, and Cedar Mountain. The refer- ence plane of low lake level is 92.5 feet above mean sea level at SandY Hook, N. J. The length of the section included in the project for improvement is about 13.5 miles. The usual annual variation of the lake level is. 5.8 feet, and the extreme variation varies from 0.6 feet below up to 8.8 feet above the low lake level. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $1,929,000' exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 8, 1917 (H. Doc. 1387, 62d Cong., 3d sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.--Terminalfacilities are located in Whitehall Harbor and consist of three timber wharves, aggregating 4,200 feet in length. The State of New York has constructed a barge canal terminal at Whitehall, just south of the terminus of the canal, which has been equipped with a 15-ton hand-operated derrick and a store" house. The facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-The cost and expendi tures of an inspection of the fender booms during the fiscal year were $16.16, for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced June 1919 and is about 47 percent complete. A channel 12 feet deep at low lake level and least width of 150 feet has been excavated throughout the length of the improvement, except at the Elbow, where the width is 110 feet. Fender booms have been placed at the Elbow (Putts Leap and Putts Rock) and opposite the Delaware & Hudson railroad trestle. No fender booms appear to be needed at the Narrows near Dresden, Pulpit Point, and Cedar RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 311 Mountain. The controlling depths at low lake level, as disclosed by curveys made in September and October 1940, through the reach in- uded in the project, were as follows: Locality Depth Width Feet Feet t thetoE all lbow----------- -- --------------------------- 12 140-300 rO bown--- --_- . . ......... ._ . '-.------------- 12 110 Iroi th Elbrow to Maple Bendl-------_,- .---.-------- - 12 100-150 rom neapl Bend to Red Rock Bay----------------,-------- -------------- 12 150 Hea 'UL ay to Benson Landing ...................... Bock 12 140 The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists in Widening the channel throughout its length to the project width Of 200 feet. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $744,245.92-$566,811.14 for new work and $177,- 4.78 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the dural ear, amounting to $4,162.41, plus an allotment of $1,000 made care of July during 1948, a total of $5,162.41, will be applied to repair and the fender booms and to a condition survey of the channel. Comnpletion of the project is not considered essential at this time I thje interest of commerce and navigation. It is expected that fe ntenance dredging of the channel and further repairs to the fender booms will be necessary during the fiscal year 1950. There- ore, the sum of $80,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950, as follows: laintenance: Complete by June 30, 1950, under a contract to be entered into, removal of shoals in the channel---___-- ------ .. $75,000 perate Government-owned plant during the fiscal year in repairing fender booms at the Elbow and opposite the Delaware & Hudson R. R. trestle-------------- ---------------------------- 5,000 Total---------- -------- ... - .. .- ..-- - 80,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $681 811.14 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--------------------- 196,575.13 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--........ 878,386.27 hjet total expenditures___-------- - - -. .878,386.27 - ---... - "expended balance, June 30, 1948--..-- --......................- 4,162.41 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948... 882,548.68 Fiscal Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work......... .. ..... Cost of naintnance ..... $809. 30 $791. 83 $4, 090. 13 $599.38 $16. i6 rotal expended................. 779. 23 849. 59 4, 090. 13 599.38 16. 16 ~--L---I---------- Allotted ------ . 5,5w)(. 00 I - - -- - 116.39 3, 900. 00 -s I I 312 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balanc e unexpended, July 1, 1947. -------------------------- $278.57 Amour it allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- 3,900.00 Amount to be accounted for------ ---- __________ 4,178.57 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 16.16 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_------------------- 4,162.41 Amournt allotted in July 1948------------------------------ 1, 000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... 5,162.41 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------- 1,362,000.00 ..- c Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.----------- 80,000.00 45. BURLINGTON HARBOR, VT. Location.--This harbor, about 100 acres in extent, is located in a half-moon-shaped indentation in the eastern shore of Lake Cham- plain, about 40 statute miles south of the international boundary line, 70 statute miles north of the southern end or head of the lake, and 20 statute miles southeast of the harbor at Plattsburg, N. Y. (See U. S. Lake Survey Chart No. 172.) Existing project.--This provides for a breakwater 6,000 feet long located about 1,000 feet from the shore and practically parallel with it, to be built of stone-filled timber cribs capped with large stone or concrete. The completed breakwater is to be in two sections, the northerly 500 feet being separated from the southerly 5,500 feet by a gap 200 feet wide for the purpose of safety in entering the harbor during storms. The reference plane of low lake level is 92.5 feet above mean sea level at Sandy Hook, N. J. The level of the lake has varied from 0.6 foot below up to 8.8 feet above the low lake level. The usual annual variation is 5.8 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1928, was $1,095,- 000. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $8,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents' July 4, 1836 June 23, 1866 Construction of first 1,000 feet of breakwater ........ Extension of 1,500 feet to breakwater- ......... iH. D)oc. 131, 23d Cong., 1st sess. ... t. Ex. Doc. 56, 39th Cong., 2d sess., pp. 17 and 179, printed in lAts. 3 and 4, Annual Ieport, 16 6. Mar. 3, 1875 Extension of 2,000 feet to breakwater-..- _..... Annual Report, 1874, p. 274. Chief of Engineers authorized extension southerly of Annual Report, 1887, p. 2407. 1,000 feet and northerly for 500 feet. 1 For latest published map, see Annual Report for 1897, p. 3298. Terminal facilities.-The terminals consist of bulkhead shore front and open pile and solid filled piers having a total dockage of 6,520 feet. Of the terminals, five wharves, two piers, and one ferry slip are in use. Five of the terminals have railroad connections. The facilities are considered adequate for present needs of com- merce. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 313 Operationsand results during fiscal year.-The cost and expendi- tures for an inspection of the breakwater were $181.75 for mainte- nance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was prac- tically completed in 1890; part of the breakwater originally pro- Posed was not built, the work completed being considered sufficient for the needs of navigation. The breakwater has been built in two sections, 364 and 3,793 feet in length, respectively, separated by a gap of 200 feet. Sections of the stone and concrete superstructure of the breakwater have been displaced by wave action and the fail- ure of the timbers in the tops of the wooden cribs. The controlling depth in June 1939 was about 8.5 feet at low lake level at the wharves, increasing considerably toward the breakwater. The distinction between new work and maintenance was not made in the early reports, hence it is impossible to separate the costs prior to July 1, 1886. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $983,187.48; since June 30, 1886, the cost of maintenance was $276,773.37, leaving $706,414.11 as the cost of new work, in- cluding maintenance prior to June 1, 1886. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $318.25 plus an allotment of $300 made in July 1948, a total of $618.25 will be applied to a condition survey of the breakwater. Repair of the breakwater will be necessary during the fiscal year 1950, and the sum of $35,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, for such work. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _ _----------.....--__ $706,414.11 ....- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_----------- .- ___ 276,773.37 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ 983,187.48 Net total expenditures.---__-------.--- ....--.... -983,187.48 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---- -- .---------------- 318.25 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 983,505.73 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 j 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ... Cost of aintenance-------------.......................... $500--------------- $14. 16 $181.75 'l'otal expended...... ......---- ..------ . 500 14.16 181.75 ---.... Allotted---------...---..... ---- .............. --..... 500 ........ . 14. 16 500.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------------- -.----.- $500.00 Gross amount expended ................................... 181.75 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------- -.- 318.25 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 300.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ....... 618.25 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.-. . . .---------------- --- 35,000..00 314 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, .U. S. ARMY, 1948 46. PLATTSBURG HARBOR, N. Y. Location.--This harbor embraces an area of about 25 acres along the westerly shore of Cumberland Bay, an arm of Lake Champlain. The harbor proper is that portion of the bay between the wharf front of the city of Plattsburg, N. Y., and the breakwater construct- ed by the United States. (See U. S. Lake Survey Chart No. 172.) Existing project.-This provides for a breakwater about 1,565 feet long, built of timber cribs filled with rubblestone and capped with large stone and extending from a point about 750 feet south of the outer face of South dock in a generally northeasterly direction to a point about 1,400 feet from shore; for dredging to a depth of 9 feet at low lake level between the breakwater and the wharves; and for the revetment of the beach in front of the United States reser- vation. The reference plane of low lake level is 92.5 feet above mean sea level at Sandy Hook, N. J. The usual variation of the lake level is 5.8 feet, and the extreme variation varies from 0.6 foot below up to 8.8 feet above the low lake level. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1910, was $217,500. The latest (1918) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $2,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized )ocuments) July 4, 1836 Construction of 1,000 feet of breakwater_ . - -. H--- . Doe. 131, 23d Cong., 1st sess. July 11, 1870 Extension of 400 feet to breakwater, dredging between iH. I)oc. 89, 39th Cong., 2d scss., breakwater and wharves and beach revetment. and Annual Report, 1870; p. 55. Sept. 19, 1890 Extension of 300 feet to 1,250 feet of breakwater Annual Report, 1889, p. 2458. alreadly built. June 25, 1910 Completion of improvement by dredging areas not Hf. 1)oc. 759, 61st Cong., 2d sess. heretofore dredgel to 9 feet. 1 For latest map, see HI. Doe. 406, 64th Cong., 1st sess. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities which serve the im- provement consist of four timber wharves, aggregating 1,780 feet in length, 400 feet of which are open to the public; all are privately owned. The State of New York has constructed a barge canal ter- minal about 1 mile north of the breakwater. The existing facilities appear adequate for the existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-The project has been completed. The breakwater was completed in 1893, and the dredging was com- pleted in 1913. As now constructed, with its lake face protected by a rubble mound for practically its entire length, the breakwater is in a generally good condition except at the ends which are broken away. Maintenance will be necessary in the future. The controlling depth on June 30, 1929 was about 8i/) feet at low lake level. Revet- ment of the beach in front of the United States reservation has not been undertaken, as the material washed therefrom into the harbor can be more readily and economically removed by dredging. The distinction between new work and maintenance was not made in the early reports, hence it is impossible to separate the costs prior to July 1, 1910. The total costs and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948 were $237,302.61; the cost of maintenance RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 315 since June 30, 1910, amounts to $38,887.48, leaving $198,415.13 as the cost of new work and maintenance prior to July 1, 1910. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpendedbat the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $500, will be applied to a condition survey of the breakwater. Maintenance of the breakwater will be necessary during the fiscal Year 1950. Therefore, the additional sum of $40,000 can be profit- ably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for such work. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1.948-------- --------------- $198,415.13 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- ---------------------- 38,887.48 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ...------ _ 237,302.61 Net total expenditures----------------------------------- 237,302.61 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--. -------------- ------. 500.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.---------- 237,802.61 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work - .. . .- Cost of maintenance - ...... $450------------- ..............-- 12.73.. Total expended -_..... - ... ... ..... 450 ..... ....... 12.73 - Allotted ------------------------............. ........ ..... -- 450 ... --..... 12. 73 $500 Amount allotted during fiscal year-- ___---.---.- $ 500 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..-. - .-- ----- 5__ 500 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_ --------------------------- 40,000 47. NEWARK BAY, HACKENSACK AND PASSAIC. RIVERS, N. J. Location.-Newark Bay is an estuary about 11/4, miles wide and 6 miles long, extending southerly from the confluence of the Hack- ensack and Passaic Rivers to New York and New Jersey Channels. The Hackensack River rises near HIaverstraw, Rockland County, N. Y., and flows into Newark Bay. It is about 45 miles long. The Passaic River rises in the highlands of northeastern New Jersey and flows into Newark Bay. It is about 80 miles long. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 287 and 369 and U. S. Geological Survey chart of New York City and vicinity.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of Au- gust 30, 1852, June 10, 1872, June 14, 1880, June 13, 1902, March 2, 1907, July 25, 1912, March 2, 1919, and September 22, 1922. For further details see pages 265 and 266 of Annual Report for 1926; Page 301, Annual Report for 1929 ; and page 244, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for the following: (a) Newark Bay: A main channel 37 feet deep in rock and 35 feet deep in other material, 550 feet wide at the entrance and nar- rowing to 400 feet at 4,000 feet above the Central Railroad of New Jersey bridge; thence continuing to that width and same depths to the branch channel to Port Newark Terminal; thence 30 feet deep and 400 feet wide to the junction of the Passaic and Hackensack River channels; removal of the east and west cut-offs at the junction with Kill Van Kull and widening of bend above the Central Railroad 316 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 of New Jersey bridge to the same depths, a distance of about 4.7 miles. (b) A branch channel in Newark Bay 37 feet deep in rock and 35 feet deep in other material, 600 feet wide to the inshore channel at Port Newark terminal, widened at the turn; thence an inshore channel of the same depths and 400 feet wide, a total distance of about 1.6 miles. (c) Hackensack River: A channel 30 feet deep and 400 feet wide from the upper end of the Newark Bay channel to the Central Rail- road of New Jersey bridge, about 1.1 miles; thence 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide to a point about 2,000 feet north of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad bridge, 2.8 miles; thence 12 feet deep and 200 feet wide to Little Ferry, 10.1 miles and then 12 feet deep and 150 feet wide to the New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad bridge, 2.5 miles, a total distance for the Hackensack River of about 16.5 miles. (d) Passaic River: A channel 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide, from Newark Bay to a point 3,000 feet above the Lincoln Highway bridge, 2.6 miles; thence 20 feet deep and 300 feet wide to the Nairn Linoleum Works, about 4.4 miles; thence 16 feet deep and 200 feet wide to the Montclair & Greenwood Lake Railroad bridge, about 1.1 miles; thence 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide to the Eighth Street Bridge at Passaic, 7.3 miles, a total distance for the Passaic River of 15.4 miles. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean tidal range in Newark Bay is 4.9 feet; in Hackensack River at Court Street Bridge, 5.3 feet; in Passaic River at Pennsylvania Railroad freight bridge, 5.1 feet; and in Passaic River at the Gregory Avenue Bridge, 5.1 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.8, 6.4, 6.1, and 6.1 feet, respectively; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.7 feet below mean low water up to 6.2 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $9,822,000 exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $250,- 000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 2, 1907 16-foot channel in Passaic River--- Ii. I)oc. 441, 59th Cong., 2d sess. Feb. 27, 1911 Widening 16-foot channel in Passaic River I)o. July 25, 1912 20-foot channel in Passaic River ....--------- ------ . Ioc. 707, 62d Cong., 2d sess. Do.._ . Sept. 22, 1922 12-foot channel in Hackensack River.------ I. Doc. 643, " H-:::- 30-foot channel in Hackensack River below Central II. )oc. 201, 61st Cong., 2d sess. 67th Cong., 2d sess.' R. R. of New Jersey bridge, 30-foot channel in New. ark Bay, and 30-foot Port Newark connecting channel. Jan. 21, 1927 10-foot channel in Passaic River-------. oc. 284, 6th Con., st sess. R. R. of New Jersey bridge.Doc.4, 69thCong., 1stsess. July 3, 1930 30-foot channel in Passaic River .---. i. Doe. 156, 71st Cong., 2d sess.' Mar. 2, 1945 35 and 37 feet in main channel of Newark Bay and S. Doc. 250, 79th Cong., 2d sess. branch channel to and inshore channel at Port Newark Terminal and removal of portion of rock area at Bergen Point to same depths. Do-..... Modification of local cooperation for 10-foot channel H. Doc. 430, 76th Cong., 1st sess. in Passaic River. 1Contains latest published map. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 317 Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with as required by the River and Harbor Act approved January 21, 1927, except that local inter- ests are required to provide suitable spoil-disposal areas for mainte- nance dredging in the 30-foot channel in the Hackensack River above Central Railroad of New Jersey bridge; in the 10-foot chan- nel in the Passaic River; and whenever required by the Secretary of War, for dredging in the 30-foot channel in Newark Bay and the Hackensack River below the Central Railroad of New Jersey bridge, as required by the River and Harbor Act approved Septem- ber 22, 1922. The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests shall: (a) Furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will provide, free of cost to the United States, all lands, ease- ments, rights-of-way and spoil disposal areas needed for new work and subsequent maintenance, when and as required; (b) Hold and save the United States free from claims for dam- ages resulting from the improvements; (c) Provide and maintain suitable berthing areas at Port New- ark terminal. The mayor of the city of Newark was notified of the conditions of local cooperation in letter dated January 24, 1946. It is expected that these conditions will be met within the next 2 years. It further provided, for the 10-foot channel in Passaic River from Montclair & Greenwood Lake Railroad bridge to the Eighth Street Bridge in Passaic, that when spoil-disposal areas are not available, or the placing of dredge spoil ashore is uneconomical as compared with other methods of disposal, local interests shall not be required to furnish disposal areas for maintenance dredging. Terminal facilities.-There are 16 piers with a berthage of 8,525 feet, 55,300 feet of bulkheads available for dockage and a large ship- yard along the waterways included in the project. Thirteen of the terminals are publicly owned, the largest of which, Port Newark, owned and operated by the New York Port Authority, provides about 11,000 feet of wharfage. Nine of the terminals are open for public use, 56 are equipped with mechanical handling devices and 66 have railroad connections. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. (For latest full description of terminal fa- cilities see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.). Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for dredging to a depth of 30 feet in Newark Bay from Central Rail- road of New Jersey Bridge to the United States pierhead line in the branch channel to Port Newark Terminal, work was com- menced April 30, 1947 and completed August 12, 1947. During the fiscal year, 43,312 cubic yards, place measurement of material were removed at a cost of $23,838.18 for maintenance. The cost of condition surveys was $4,331.40 for maintenance. The total cost of work was $28,169.58 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $40,028.62. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced August 1947 and is about 63 percent complete. The 30-foot channels in Newark Bay and Port Newark entrance 804711-48-Vol. 1-21 318 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 channel, the 30- and 12-foot channels in Hackensack River, and the 30-, 16-, and 10-foot channels in Passaic River are completed. The 20-foot channel in Passaic River is completed to Jackson Street, Newark. The 35-foot main channel in Newark Bay from New York and New Jersey Channels to about 1,200 feet south of the Central Railroad of New Jersey bridge, including the trian- gular cut-offs at the entrance, is completed with the exception of a small area in the west cut-off in which grade could not be reached because of the existence of rock. The controlling mean low-water depths of the various as shown by surveys made intermittently from Septemberchannels, June 1948, are as follows: 1939 to Section Depth Width (feet) (feet) In Newark Bay from mouth to 1,200 feet south of Central R. R. of New Jersey ------- bridge . . .... ... ... - ... ... . .--- .--. .---.-------------- --... ... . . . . . From 1,200 feet south ofCentral R. R. of Nw Jersey bridge to nction of535 Hackensack and Passaic Rivers e - - - -- nt of In ackensack River from Newarkayto about 2,000 feet above the el200- 30 200-53 ware, Lackawanna From 2,000 feet above&Delaware, Western It. R. bridgel.. 20 fe3 Lackawannaot........ & Western R. R. bridge to 300400 Overpeck Creek. ----------------- -r----------- From Overpeck Creek to Court St. Bridge-------------------------------- 3 040 12 200 From Court St. Bridge to head of project at the NewYrl;, Suuen- 11 50-150 W estern It. It. bridge .0-15 1.. In Passaic River to 3,000 feet above te the ncoln incoln igw ................ From 3,000 feet above the Lincoln Ilighway ighway i. bridge--- - - - 7 30 150-50 bridge to 1,000 feet above Erie 230-300 R. It. bridge (Newark branch) From 1,000 feet above Erie R. R. bridge to N-iLinoleum . -- From Nairn Linoleum Works to Montclair & (reenwoo 16 1202 120-200 From Montclair & Greenwood Lake It. It. bridge Lake to Gregory Ave. It. Bridge r. bridge _ 13 514-200 From Gregory Ave. Bridge to 8th St. Bridgedo 1 110-15) gry Ave. Bridge_. 10 110-150 Port Newark entrance channel... -- ---------------------- 8 80-150 1 -- _----~-- ----- ---- - ----- -24 150-400 Minimum widths through bridge draws: Hackensack River: 30-foot project..... - Feet 12-foot project----.... ---------- -------------------------- __.. -. _ 93 P.-------- ----- --------------------------- -------..::::: 5::::::::::: Passaic River: 30-foot project... 20-and 16-foot projects----------------- -------------------------........---------- 100 10-foot project---... ------------- -----------------------------------....... 75 ' -" - "-' ----- ------------ -- - ---------------- 45 45j Hackensack River is'navigable 2012 miles above mouth to New Milford. Passaic River is navigable 16 miles above mouth to Dun- dee Rapids. The workremaining to be done under the existing project consists of the completion of the 35-foot main and branch channels in Newark Bay and inshore channel at Port Newark minal, and the 20-foot channel in Passaic River ter- from Jackson Street to the Nairn Linoleum Works. Work in the Passaic River includes the removal of a small quantity of rock on the west side of the channel above Center Street Bridge. Adjacent property owners are opposed to this work. The total cost of the existing project $8,545,390.90-$5,890,060.74 for new worktoand June 30, 1948, was $2,655,330.16 for maintenance. The total expenditure was $8,541,310.93. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting , to $3,574.15, plus an allotment of $460,000 made in July 1948, a total of $463,574.15, will be applied as follows: RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 319 Accounts payable June 30, 1948.-------------------- $4,079.97 Maintenance: Dredging by contract (August to November 1948) to restore the 12-foot section of Hackensack River to project dimensions _--------------------- $140,000.00 Dredging by contract (March to June 1949) to re- store the 10-foot section of Passaic River below Second Street Bridge to project dimensions------ 50,000.00 Dredging by contract (March to June 1949) to re- store the completed portion of the 20-foot section of Passaic River to previous project dimensions-. 269,494.18 ;- -- 459,494.18 Total for all work -------- ------------------------ 463,574.15 Deepening of the 35-foot channel in Newark Bay and Port Newark should be continued. Maintenance dredging will be neces- sary in Passaic River. The additional sum of $2,250,000 can be Profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Complete by June 30, 1950, under contract, dredging of the 3 5-foot channel in Newark Bay and branch channel to, and inshore channel at Port Newark Terminal--------- ----------------- $1,600,000 Maintenance: Complete by November 31, 1949, under contract, dredg- ing to restore the uncompleted portion of the 20-foot section and entire 16-foot section of Passaic River to 16 feet----------------- 650,000 Total for all work ---------------------------------- _ 2,250,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___ --------- $7,645,382.20 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- - ---- -------- 3,097,815.60 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--..-------10,743,197.80 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948.---.-.-- --..-. 4,079.97 Net total expenditures-..-----_------------.. 10,739,117.83 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948_.......- ...-.. ---- 3,574.15 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--- 10,742,691.98 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 -1 - I-1-I. -- Cost of new work .............. $3,857.80 $811,901.76$10,544.91 Cost of maintenance............ $1, 345. 33 44, 671.29 317, 996.12 347,931.47 $28, 169. 58 Total cost. .............. 1, 345. 33 48, 529. 09 1, 129, 897. 88 358, 476. 38 28, 169. 58 'Total expended ............... 5, 175. 73 44, 989. 34 1, 040, 939. 86 435, 035. 14 40, 028. 62 Allotted_ .................... -9, 455. 11 254, 000. 00 1, 443, 000. 00 -127, 873.27 -4, 559. 62 -- ' -. . _ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.------... .. $48,162.39 Amount allotted during fiscal year.......................... 229,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------- -.. 277,162.39 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------------ 233,559.62 Net amount to be accounted for----------------------- 43,602.77 Gross amount expended_-------.--------... --.-.-...-.-.-. 40,028.62 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------- 3,574.15 Outstanding liaDlilties, June 3j, 1948....... $4, 79.97 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_. 38.40 4,118.37 Balance available, June 30, 1948-..........--.---...-. I -544.22 320 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 460,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... _ 459,455.78 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------------------ 3,932,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work ------- - - -1,600,000.00 For maintenance________________________ __________ 650,000.00 Total ------------------------------------------ 2,250,000.00 48. NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY CHANNELS Location.-These channels extend from deep water northwest of Sandy Hook, through lower New York Bay and Raritan Bay, to Perth Amboy, and thence through Arthur Kill, lower Newark Bay, and Kill Van Kull to deep water in upper New York Bay. This route is located approximately along the boundary line between the States of New York and New Jersey. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 285, 286, and 369.) Previous projects.-(a) Raritan Bay.--Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1881, September 19, 1890, and June 3, 1896. (b) Staten Island Sound.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 23, 1874, March 3, 1875, June 14, 1880, August 11, 1888, May 15, 1889, and October 20, 1890, June 3, 1896, June 13, 1902, June 25, 1910, and March 4, 1913. (c) New York and New Jersey channels.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of September 22, 1922. For further details, see page 284 of the Annual Report for 1923, and page 194 of the Annual Report for 1934. Existing project.-This provides for a channel through lower New York Bay, Raritan Bay, Arthur Kill, lower Newark Bay, and Kill Van Kull to upper New York Bay, the depth to be 37 feet in rock and 35 feet in soft material throughout, except in Arthur Kill between a point 1,000 feet north of the mouth of Smiths Creek and a point 1,000 feet south of Buckwheat Island, where the depth will be 30 feet; the width to be 600 feet across lower New York Bay and Raritan Bay and in the Arthur Kill to a point 500 feet south of Morse Creek, widened to 800 feet in the vicinities of Seguine Point'and Wards Point, respectively, thence 500 to 600 feet wide and passing north of Shooters Island and pro- tected by a dike on its northern side to the junction of the channel into Newark Bay; and thence 800 feet wide through Kill Van Kull to upper New York Bay; with two anchorages 38 feet deep to accommodate five vessels each, one in the vicinity of Sandy Hook and one south of Perth Amboy, all with suitable easing at the bends and junctions. Length of section included in project, 30.8 miles. In addition, the construction of a dike north of Shooters Island and two secondary channels 30 feet deep and 400 feet wide, one south of Shooters Island and the other in Raritan Bay con- necting with Raritan River, have been completed under previous RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 321 Projects and are maintained under the existing project. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean range of tides varies between 4.7 and 5.1 feet; the mean range of spring tides, 5.6 to 6.1 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure Vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 4.8 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $41,- 580,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $195,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Sept. , 1fRivers and Harbors Committee Aug. 30, 193Anchorage off Perth Amboy to 33 feet.............-------------Doe. 17, 71st Cong., 2d sess. Aug. 30, 1935 Existing project as a whole.... ....... .......... . Do. 133, 74th Cong., 1st sess. I Public Works Administration. 2 Emergency Relief Act of 1935. 3 Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Work under the existing project is subject to the following conditions of local cooperation : (a) That where the project channel encroaches upon upland Property and extends shoreward of harbor lines, the completion of the encroaching portions of the project shall be deferred until the necessary rights-of-way for channel purposes shall have been granted free of cost to the United States; and (b) That local interests provide areas of land adjacent to the Waterway, free of cost to the United States, for the disposal of dredged materials, except where, in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers, no suitable disposal areas exist. Under condition (a), a portion of Buckwheat Island necessary for channel purposes has been ceded to the United States. An ease- ment dated August 4, 1942, approved by the Chief of Engineers on September 5, 1942, conveyed to the United States free of cost, rights-of-way for channel purposes at Howland Hook, Staten Is- land, N. Y. Condition (b) is being complied with. Authority was granted by the Chief of Engineers on November 11, 1935, to require local interests to provide areas for the disposal of dredged material only in the section of the waterway extending from the vicinity of Outerbridge Crossing at Perth Amboy to the vicinity of the channel north of Shooters Island. Terminal facilities.-There are 138 piers with a total berthage of 84,105 feet, 35,507 feet of bulkheads and wharves available for dockage, 7 ferry landings, and 2 car-float (railroad) bridges. Of the terminals, 20 are publicly owned, 10 are open to the public, 94 are equipped with mechanical-handling devices, and 76 have railroad connections. Included in the terminals are five large shipyards. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. (For latest full description of terminal facilities, see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) 322 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for new work dredging and rock removal in the southerly half of the channel in Kill Van Kull from Bergen Point to Bayonne Bridge to a depth of 37 feet (section 7, area 13), work was commenced Oc- tober 10, 1946 and completed October 17, 1947. During the fiscal year, 34,657 cubic yards, place measurement of drilled and blasted rock and 8,231 cubic yards, place measurement of material other than blasted rock were removed at a cost of $271,969.52 for new work. Under a contract for new work dredging in the southerly half of Kill Van Kull from Port Richmond to West New Brighton to a depth of 35 feet (section 7, area 16), work was commenced May 12, 1947 and completed November 19, 1947. During the fiscal year, 323.6 cubic yards, solid measurement of boulders and 532,807 cubic yards, place measurement of other material were removed at a cost of $530,568.78 for new work. Under a contract for new work dredging and rock removal in the southerly half of the channel in Kill Van Kull between Bayonne Bridge and Port Richmond to a depth of 37 feet (section 7, area 14), work was commenced July 2, 1947 and completed April 12, 1948. During the fiscal year, 76,367 cubic yards, place measure- ment, of drilled and blasted rock, 831 cubic yards, place measure- ment, of stripped rock and 37,344 cubic yards, place measurement, of material other than rock were removed at a cost of $970,886.14 for new work. Under a continuing contract for new work dredging and rock removal in the southerly half of the channel in Kill Van Kull in the vicinity of Port Richmond to a depth of 37 feet (section 7, area 15), work was commenced March 2, 1948 and was in progress at the end of the fiscal year. During the fiscal year, 16,990 cubic yards, place measurement, of rock were drilled and blasted and 4,737 cubic yards, place measurement of rock, 1,079.3 cubic yards, solid measurement of boulders and 36,282 cubic yards, place meas- urement of material other than rock were removed and disposed of at a cost of $229,459.59 for new work. The United States seagoing hopper dredge Atlantic was em- ployed from October 23, 1947 to December 20, 1947 in dredging the secondary channel in Raritan Bay connecting with Raritan River to a depth of 30 feet. During the fiscal year, 62,000 cubic yards, place measurement, of material were removed at a cost of $48,- 786.66 for maintenance. Under a contract for dredging to a depth of 35 feet in the chan- nel north of Shooters Island, work was commenced March 8, 1948 and completed June 16, 1948. During the fiscal year, 479,467 cubic yards, place measurement, of material were removed at a cost of $335,589.26 for maintenance. The cost of surveys and engineering preliminary to dredging was $27,434.21-$20,250.74 for new work and $7,183.47 for main- tenance. The total cost of work was $2,414,694.16-$2,023,134.77 for new work and $391,559.39 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $2,427,230.35. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 323 Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced October 1933 and is about 73 percent complete. Work completed thus far has consisted of providing project depth of 35 feet in soft material and 37 feet in rock in a 3.4-mile reach in lower New York Bay for a width of 600 feet, extending westward from Bayside-Gedney Channels; thence for a width of 400 feet in lower New York and Raritan Bays and Arthur Kill to Sewaren, except in the vicinity of Wards Point where the width is 300 feet, in the rock area in the vicinity of Woodbridge Creek where the width is 600 feet and in the widenings at the bend opposite Sewa- ren, N. J., where the depth is 30 feet; the channel for full width from Buckwheat Island through Kill Van Kull to about 1,200 feet east of Bayonne Bridge; thence for a width of 400 feet to Port Richmond; the channel for full width from Port Richmond to New Brighton; thence for a width of 800 to 560 feet for a distance of about 2,000 feet; thence the channel for full width to upper New York Bay; and of providing 33-foot depth in the northeasterly portion of Perth Amboy Anchorage. In addition to the above-mentioned work, the construction of a dike north of Shooters Island, two secondary channels 30 feet deep and 400 feet wide, one south of Shooters Island, the other in Raritan Bay connecting with Raritan River and a channel 30 feet deep and 400 feet wide in Arthur Kill from a point 1,000 feet north of Smith Creek to 1,000 feet south of Buckwheat Island have been completed under previous projects. The controlling mean low-water depths of the channel included in the project are as follows: Depth Width Section (feet) (feet) )ate From main ship channel to 3.4 miles west ...... 35 200-600 June 1946 and January 1947. From 3.4 miles west of main ship channel to 35 300-400 De)cember 1944 to December 1947. Perth Amboy. From Perth Amboy to Sewaren-................ 35 400-.)00 August 1945 to August 1946. From Sewaren to Piles Creek.---.-----. 30 200-400 June 1945 to July 1947. From Piles Creek to Elizabethport _.......... 35 60() November 1939 and January 1947. From Elizabethport to Bergen Point Light-.... 35 600-800 October 1946 to May 1948. Channel south of Shooters Island............... 29 600-4(8) August 1943. From Bergen Point to Upper New York Bay... 35 400-8C0 March 1944 to June 1948. Anchorage in the vicinity of Sandy Hook-....... 215..........---- November 1943. Anchorage south of Perth Amboy............ 400. ......... February 1944. Channel in Raritan Bay connecting with Rari- 30 400 )ecember 1947. tan River. i An area 1,250 feet by 3,000 feet adjacent to the channel has a controlling depth of 31 feet, except for a shoal With a least depth of 26 feet extending 130 feet into the area at the northwesterly corner. The work remaining to be done under the existing project con- sists of completing the deepening and widening of the entire chan- nel to dimensions authorized by the River and Harbor Act of Au- gust 30, 1935, the completion of the deepening of the anchorage south of Perth Amboy, and dredging the anchorage in the vicinity of Sandy Hook. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were as follows: 324 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 -- ---~--~ 'I Costs Expenditures New work Maintenance Total -- - I I ----------- I- --I- I_ Regular flinds_ .-... . __ ___------$25, 283, 642. 88 $840, 718. 90 $26, 124, 361. 78 $26,015,447.88 Public works funds---- ------------- 807, 000.00 807,000.00 807, 000.00 Emergency Relief funds. .------------ ' 2,023,308. 41 .. -- - -- -- - 2, 023,308. 41 2,023,308.41 _i_ =i- - ---- i_ -i_.. - =1 28 84,5.-- Total United States funds.- 28, 113, 951. 29 840, 718.90 28,954, 670.19 28, 845, 756. 29 Contributed funds .---------------. 7, 711.82 ........ 7,711.82 7,711.82 _{ = i i= Total, all funds-- .-..-.... ,28, 121, 663. 11 28, 853,468.11 28,962,382.01 840, 718. 90 Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $516,077.58, together with an allotment of $1,125,000, made in July 1948, a total of $1,641,077.58, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948.,----- . __ . $108,913.90 New work: Complete by January 7, 1949, under continuing contract in force, dredging and rock removal in the southerly half of the channel in Kill Van Kull opposite Port Richmond (sec. 7 area 15)- .... $539,300.00 Dredging and rock removal, by contract (Septem- ber 1948 to March 1949) in the southerly half of the channel in Kill Van Kull off New Brighton to 37 feet (sec. 7, area 18)----------------- 360,000.00 Dredging by contract (December 1948 to Feb- ruary 1949) in the southerly half of the channel in Kill Van Kull in the vicinity of the cable area near Port Richmond to 35 feet (sec. 7, area 17)_.. 80,000.00 Dredge by use of 1 United States seagoing hopper dredge for about 5 months (February to June 1949) to continue deepening of Wards Point Cut-Off Channel to 35 feet_...---- ... - --.... 463,111.40 ---1, 442,411.40 Maintenance: Dredge by use of 1 United States seagoing hopper dredge for about 1 month (June 1949) in the removal of shoals in Raritan and New York Bays- ____.-______________________ 89,752.28 Total for all work--------------------_______________________ 1,641,077.58 New work should be continued during the fiscal year 1950. Maintenance dredging and repairs to dike north of Shooters Island will be necessary. The additional sum of $2,255,000 can be profit- ably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Complete by November 30, 1949, under contract, dredg- ing in the channel in Arthur Kill for full width from Sewaren to Perth Amboy to 35 feet------------ $690,000 Complete by June 30, 1950, under contract, dredging and rock removal in the channel in Arthur Kill in the vicinity of Piles Creek to 37 feet (sec. 5)- Dredge by use of two United States seagoing hopper 380,000 --..... dredges for 10 dredge months to continue deepening lower entrance channel from 3.4 miles west of Main Ship Channel to Perth Amboy to 35 feet - Maintenance: 930,000 ------------ $2,000,000 Complete by June 30, 1950, under contract, repairs to dike, north of Shooters Island-------------------- 75,000 Dredge by use of one United States seagoing hopper dredge for about 2 months in the removal of shoals where necessary-------------------_----------- 180,000 255.000 D -255,0v00 Total for all work _........---------- 2,255,000 RIVERS AND HARBORS--NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 325 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------------- $40,923,926.01 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- -------------------- 1,932,553.10 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------ 42,856,479.11 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948------------- ------- 108,913.90 Net total expenditures_____-------------------- 42,747,565.21 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948---------- -------- 516,077.58 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ __- 43,263,642.79 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 of new--------- CO---t wor I 1- ~ I- - I - Cost of new work...... .... $547,162. 48 $246, 204. 91 $3, 319, 969. 13 $2, 642, 254. 94 $2, 023,134.77 Cost of maintenance- .----- 10, 306. 77 434, 784.84 20, 300. 23 11, 928. 06 391, 559. 39 Total cost................ 557, 469. 25 680, 989. 75 3, 340, 269. 36 2, 654, 183. 00 2,414, 694. 16 Total expended ------------................. 703, 296. 26 464, 135. 67 3, 459, 246. 57 2, 632, 219. 91 2, 427, 230. 35 Allotted ............... ........ -135, 484. 08 3, 855, 000. (0 3, 753, 000.00 47, 853. 61 1,513, 000.00 - I --- --; ----- ~ ---- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947__------------------ - $1,430,307.93 Amount allotted during fiscal year ----------- 1,513,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ---- --------- 2,943,307.93 Gross amount expended_------- ----- --- _----- 2,427,230.35 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------- 516,077.58 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ...-------. $108,913.90 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 345 893.66 - 454,807.56 Balance available, June 30, 1948 .....-............-- .. 61,270.02 Amount allotted in July 1948 _--.....- -- -------------- 1,125,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .... 1,186,270.02 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ----------------------------------- 2,016,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: ...................................... For new work----------------------- 2,000,000.00 For maintenance_....... . 255,000.00 .--------------------------. Total- .........--..--------.. -.-......... -..... 2,255,000.00 Exclusive of $7,711.82 expended from contributed funds for new work. 9 Includes $6,621 for new work and $1,621 for maintenance of Lemon Creek. 49. ELIZABETH RIVER, N. J. Location.-This river rises in the city of East Orange, N. J., and empties into Arthur Kill about 11 miles, by water, southwest of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 285 and 369.) Previous projects.--Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1879, and March 4, 1913. For further details see page 199 of Annual Report for 1934 and page 254 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing projects.-This provides for dredging a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water and 60 feet wide, widened at the bends, from the mouth to Baltic Street Bridge, a distance of 1.1 miles. Mean tidal range, 4.9 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.8 326 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.3 feet below mean low water up to 4 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $157,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act approved August 30, 1935 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 24, 72d Cong., 1st sess.), which document contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-The existing project was authorized subject to the conditions that local interests shall remove all structures, bulkheads, wharves, or parts thereof extending channelward of the harbor lines between the South Front Street Bridge and Baltic Street Bridge, and shall construct in advance of the dredging above South Front Street Bridge suitable continuous bulkheads along both banks of the river, and shall also furnish, free of cost to the United States, suitable areas for disposal of dredged material during initial construction. None of these conditions has been complied with and there is no indication as to when they will be met. Terminal facilities.-There are 10 privately owned wharves of which 6 have rail connections; only 1 is equipped with mechanical appliances for handling freight. There is one publicly owned wharf. The facilities are considered adequate for existing com- merce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost and expenditures of $600 were reported during the fiscal year for a condition survey of the channel completed in July 1946. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No new work has been done under the existing project. When examined in July 1946, the controlling mean low water depth was 6 feet for a width varying from 30 to 60 feet from the mouth to a point 1,000 feet upstream, thence 4 feet for a width of 40 feet to Amboy Avenue, thence 1 foot to the head of the project at Baltic Street. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $600, all for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-------------------- $60,481.15 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--_----------------- 59,391.21 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ 119,872.36 Net total expenditures1----------------------------------- 19,872.36 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. --------------- 119,872.36 I I - - .. .. f . . ..- .. . .... . ....-...... . . Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 ' 194 1947 1948 Cost of new work -....... . ...-------------- -------------- - Cost of m aintenance ............ I... .. . . . .. . . .. $600 ----- -------..- ------- Total expended.. I-- L---- I- --- j: :- --- ------ ------ ---- ---- 600 fIl~l Allotted...-------- ---------- -- - 600 RIVERS AND HIARBORSI-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 327 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ $600------------ Gross amount expended- ....----------------------- 600 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------------------------------------- 157,000 50. RAHWAY RIVER, N. J. Location.-The Rahway River, about 25 miles long, rises near Pleasantdale, N. J., and flows in a southerly and easterly direction to join the Arthur Kill at Carteret, N. J., about 15 miles, by water, southwest of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 369 and 285.) Previous project.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1879. Further details see page 113 of Annual Report for 1895, and page 255 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project. This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water from the mouth of the river to a point just above Lambert's wharf, a distance of about 2.5 miles, the width to be generally 100 feet, widening at the entrance, at bends, and at the turning basin at the head of the improvement. Mean tidal range, 4.8 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.7 feet. High easterly or Westerly winds cause irregular tidal fluctuations from 1 to 2 feet above or below normal range. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $138,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate of cost of annual maintenance is $8,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act approved August 30, 1935 (H. Doc. 63, 73d Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-The project was authorized subject to the conditions that local interests shall construct at least one wharf open to the public, and suitable for barge traffic, within one-half mile of the head of the improvement; and shall furnish free of cost to the United States suitable areas for the disposal of dredged material during initial construction, and for future maintenance as and when needed. In letter dated September 24, 1945, the city of Linden offered to lease a portion of Lambert's dock for a period of 10 years and open it to the general public in lieu of constructing a wharf. The Chief of Engineers on December 6, 1945, accepted the proposed leasing of a portion of the dock as a satisfactory means of compliance with the condition requiring construction of a wharf. In letter dated July 10, 1945, local interests gave assur- ances that spoil-disposal areas would be made available. Fulfill- ment of conditions of local cooperation is expected within the next 2 years. Terminal facilities.-There are three serviceable privately owned wharves used exclusively for private business and one small wharf for a yacht club. When conditions of local cooperation for providing public wharf are met, the terminal will adequately pro- vide for the anticipated business. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done under the existing project. The controlling mean low water depth when examined in March 1946 was 6 feet for a channel varying in width 328 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 from 50 to 100 feet from the entrance to Lambert's wharf. The head of navigation is at Monroe Street Bridge, about 5 miles above the mouth. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project of June 30, 1948, were $306.87, all for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $37,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--- ----------_ _--_ 306.87 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 37,306.87 Net total expenditures --------------------------- 37,306.87 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 37,306.87 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ...-............. Cost of maintenance-------- -- $300. 00 $6.87- - Total expended ........... -------------------------- 300.00 _6.87 Allotted ..- - .- 300. X) t;. 87 -. .... Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_ $138,000.00 51. WOODBRIDGE CREEK, N. J. Location.-This is a small creek, rising near Rahway, N. J., and flowing through marshes into the west side of Arthur Kill, about 20 miles, by water, southwest of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 286 and 369.) Previous project.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1879. For further details see page 1777, Annual Report for 1915, and page 256, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water and 50 feet wide, extending from Arthur Kill to the Salamander dock, a distance of about 1.9 miles. Mean tidal range, 5.1 feet; mean range of spring tides, 6.1 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.6 feet below mean low water up to 4.8 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1902, was $35,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 13, 1902 (H. Doc. 282, 56th Cong., 1st sess., and Annual Report for 1900, p. 1552). The latest published map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.-There are two terminals with a total dock- age of 118 feet. One of the terminals with a dockage of 50 feet is publicly owned. The terminals are adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost and expenditures of $700 were reported during the fiscal year for a condition survey of the channel completed in August 1946. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 329 Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced December 1902 and completed January 1908. When examined in August 1946, the controlling mean low-water depth was 6 feet for a width varying from 30 to 50 feet from the mouth to a point 1,600 feet south of Berry Street, thence 4 feet for the same width to within 500 feet of the head of the project at Salamander dock, thence decreasing to zero depth at the head of the project. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $206,653.20-$30,822.70 for new work and $175,- 830.50 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. Considerable shoaling has occurred and dredging will be neces- sary during the fiscal year 1950. Therefore, the additional sum of $75,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, for restoration of project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $49,822.70 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ ----.-.-- -------- 175,830.50 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----.. 225,653.20 Net total expenditures---_--_--___ - 225,653.20 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------------225,653.20 Fise1 year ending June 30 1944 1945 1940 1947 1948 Cost ofnew work-- - .-----. -----......-......... ..............----.--..--.-------. , Cost of maintenance ----------- .. ------------.------------------------- ------- --- $700 Total expended -------------------------------------------------------- .--------- 700 Allotted------------------------ .............. --------- ........-------------------- ------------ 700 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- $700 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------ 700 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance..------------.. --.-.. --. - - 75,000.00 52. GREAT KILLS HARBOR, STATEN ISLAND, N. Y. Location.-Great Kills is a small harbor contiguous to lower New York Bay, located on the southeasterly shore of Staten Island, N. Y., about 8 miles northwest of Sandy Hook, N. J., and 161/ miles southwest of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 369.) Existing project.-This provides for an entrance channel 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide from deep water in lower New York Bay through the entrance to the harbor in the vicinity of the pres- ent westerly end of Crooks Island, thence of same depth and width along the west side of the harbor and for an anchorage area of 138 acres and 8-foot depth. The length of the section included in the project is about 1.9 miles. The mean range of tide is 4.7 feet, mean range of spring tides, 5.6 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.9 feet below mean low water up to 4 feet above mean high water. 330 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $265,000, including $114,500 contributed by local interests. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $15,00. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Jan. 21, 1927 Entrance channel to Crooks Island H. Doc. 252, 69th Cong., 1st sess. June 20, 1938 Extension of entrance channel and for an anchorage area. If. D)oc. 559, 75th Cong., 3d sess. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local in- terests are required to furnish suitable spoil-disposal areas for maintenance. Terminal facilities.-No terminals suitable for commercial pur- poses have been established. There are eight small piers used for mooring and landing purposes. Four commercial boat yards are located at Great Kills. Upon completion of the two public termi- nals to be constructed in accordance with the requirements of local cooperation, the terminals will be sufficient for present needs. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for new work dredging to a depth of 8 feet in the anchorage area, work was commenced June 19, 1948 and was in progress at the end of the fiscal year. During the fiscal year, 76,100 cubic yards, place measurement, of material, were removed at a cost of $33,- 265.42 for new work, of which $16,632.71 were from contributed funds and $16,632.71 from advanced funds. The cost of surveys and engineering preliminary to contract dredging was $3,028.80 for new work of which $1,514.40 were from contributed funds and $1,514.40 from advanced funds. The total cost of work was $36,294.22, all for new work of which $18,147.11 were from contributed funds and $18,147.11 from ad- vanced funds. The total expenditures were $2,595.20, of which $1,080.80 were from contributed funds and $1,514.40 from ad- vanced funds. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced December 1934 and is about 90 percent complete. Under a permit issued by the Secretary of the Army, the city of New York dredged a portion of the anchorage and channel along the west side of the harbor in order to obtain fill for park improve- ment purposes. When examined intermittently from February 1945 to June 1948, the controlling mean low-water depth was 10 feet for a width varying from 100 to 150 feet in the entrance chan- nel from lower New York Bay to about 3,000 feet south of Crooks Point, thence of same depth for a width of 150 feet to the head of the project, and 8 feet in the anchorage except in areas along the south, west and northwest portions where the depths vary from 0 to 7 feet. The work remaining to be done consists of dredging the anchorage area. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $230,903.52-$36,054.07 United States funds, $78,419.51 con- RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 331 tributed funds and $78,419.50 advanced funds, a total of $192,- 893.08 for new work and $38,010.14 regular funds for mainte- nance. The total expenditures were $184,059.26, of which $54,- 780.58 were contributed funds, $55,214.17 advanced funds and $74,064.51 United States funds. * Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $119,005.25, plus accounts receivable of $16,632.71, a total of $135,637.96, of which $76,352.13 are con- tributed funds and $59,285.83 are advanced funds, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_---- -- ----------------------- $63,476.97 New work: Complete by November 6, 1948 under contract in force, dredging of anchorage area to project dimensions -------------- 72,160.99 Total for all work----------- --------------------- 135,637.96 This work will complete the existing project. Maintenance dredging will not be necessary during the fiscal year 1950. The sum of $114,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 to be applied to return of advanced funds to the City of New York for dredging in Great Kills Harbor. Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_________-- _______-__ $36,054.07 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- .--.--------.--. ---.. -38,010.44 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_....... 74,064.51 Net total expenditures .. -_.................... . . 74,064.51 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------- 74,064.51 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ........-..... ------------ ......... ---- .............. $54.07 Cost of maintenance-----.....--..--------------............ $25, 549. 72 .............. 381. 81 ------------ Total cost-.....-------------..........-- ...--..... 25, 549. 72 .............. 435. 88 .............. Total expended----------------............... -----............. 25, 549. 72 .............. 435. 88 Allotted -------------................ ............. 32, 000.00 -$6, 450.00 435. 60 .. Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- $114,500 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ' .............. .114,500 1 For repayment of funds advanced by local interests. CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------------- $78,419.51 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_..__._...._._.__._ - .Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------......... 78,419.51 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948---------------------- 16,632.71 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948.- . ............ - 95,052.22 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948-.----.--...-.-...-.. - 40,271.64 Net total expenditures_---___----..----.. ---..-.. -.. 54,780.58 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948----------.-.-.-...... --. 59,719.42 Total amount contributed to June 30, 1948............ 114,500.00 332 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .. $2,335 -$9,35 44 $18, 147. 11 Cost of maintenance-_------- -------------- -$2,-3.35 -$9358.44 Total expended.-- 2,358. 35 -10, 61505 1,080. 80 Contributed ----------.......-- ---.- . Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ Gross amount expended--------------------- -------- $60,800.22 $2,595.20 Less reimbursed expenditures_-------------- 1,514.40 1,080.80 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- _ 59,719.42 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_-_ $40,271.64 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts - 38,996.82 79,268.46 Balance available, June 30, 1948-.-- -19,549.04 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 --- - -- 16,632.71 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 ---------- _ -2,916.33 ADVANCED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--- ------------------------ _ $78,419.50 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 78,419.50 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 23,205.33 Net total expenditures_ _________ 55,214.17 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948------- -59,285.83 Total amount advanced to June 30, 1948--------- _ -- 114,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ............. ----------- I--------------I---------- ............ $9,476.38 $18,147. 11 Cost of maintenance .....-. - - ...... i6.. ...... . . . . . .i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------- Total expended .............. ___ .. -----------;^----------- 1 732.99 I1-------0,732.99 1,51440 -- --- 10 1 514.40 Advanced ....... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -------------------------- $60,800.23 Gross amount expended ________________ -- 1,514.40 ,---------- Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- -- --- _ -- 59,285.83 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948----_. $23,205.33 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 38,986.32 62,191.b5 Balance available, June 30, 1948-- ---. --... -----.. -- -2,905.82 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-..--- . ---- _ -2,905.82 R[VERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y. DISTRICT 333 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR GREAT KILLS HARBOR, N. Y. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.------------- $192,893.08 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_.-.--------- _ -------- 38,010.44 230,903.52 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......--------- Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948 --------------------- 16,632.71 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------------ ----- 247,536.23 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948- -.-.---------------- 63,476.97 Net total expenditures----------------------- -------- 184,059.26 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948------------------------- 119,005.25 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--.----- 303,064.51 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I - -- I Cost of new work .. $2, 358. 35 $172.01 $36, 291. 22 Cost of maintenance ......... ---- -------- 2 549 7 381.81 .- - - -- - - Total cost____._._... ..._ 25, 549. 72 2, 358. 35 553. 82 36, 294. 22 Total expended ................. 25, 549. 72 2,358. 35 553.82 2, 595. 20 Allotted, contributed and ad- vanced...................... 32, 000. 00 -6, 450. 00 435. 60 i i , Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.---- _.- __ $121,600.45 Gross amount expended_------------------ $4,109.60 Lest reimbursed expenditures--.. 1,514.40 2,595.20 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-- 19,005.25 1----------------- Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _...... $63,476.97 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 77,983.14 141,460.11 Balance available, June 30, 1948_----- .------ ____- - -22,454.86 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 16,632.71 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948_-....-.. - -5, 822.15 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ..----------------------------------- ........ 1 114,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work 1-------------............... 114,500.00 ' For repayment of funds advanced by local interests. 53. RARITAN RIVER, N. J. Location.-Rises in the north-central part of New Jersey and flows in a general southeasterly direction into Raritan Bay, be- tween Perth Amboy and South Amboy, about 24 miles, by water, south of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 375.) 804711-48-Vol. 1-22 334 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Previous projects.--A survey of Raritan River for the improve- ment of New Brunswick Harbor was made in 1836. Subsequent projects were adopted by acts of June 18, 1878, and March 3, 1881. For further details see page 1777 of Annual Report for 1915, page 359 of Annual Report for 1918, and page 259 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide extending from the turn in New York and New Jer- sey Channels near Great Beds Light to the Government wharf on the main channel, a distance of 5.8 miles widened to 600 feet for a length of 1,000 feet opposite the wharf to form a turning basin of same depth; thence a channel 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide, to the Washington Canal, a distance of 3.0 miles; thence 10 feet deep in soft material, 11 feet deep in rock, and generally 100 feet wide with widening at bends to the Delaware Raritan Canal entrance at New Brunswick, a distance of 5 miles; and for a south channel, 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide from the junction with the main channel at Keasby to the upper limit of the Titanium Pigment Co. property, a distance of 0.8 mile; thence 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide to the upper junction with the main channel at Crab Island, a distance of 2.4 miles. The plane of reference is mean low water. The mean range of tides is 5.1 feet at the mouth of the river and 5.4 feet at New Brunswick; mean range of spring tides, 6.1 and 6.5 feet, respectively. Irregular fluctuations due to winds and baro- metric pressure vary from 3.6 feet below mean low water up to 4.8 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $1,257,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects and exclusive of $66,000 contributed by local interests. The latest (1940) ap- proved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $60,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 2, 1919 Channel 15 feet (ee) and 200 feet wide to Washington H. I)oc. 1341, 62d Cong., 3d sess. Canal, thence 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide to canal locks and 10 feet deep through south channel. July 3, 1930 Channel 2500 et deep and 00 feet wide up to New If. Doc. 127, 70th Cong., 1st sess. York & Long Branch R. R. bridge. Do. --- Channel 10 feet dee) in earth and 11 feet in rock to 11. Doc. 454, 70th Cong., 2d sess. 1 New Brunswick. Width reduced to 100 feet. Do-...-- Relocation of lower reach of south channel ......... Rivers and Harbors Committee Aug. 26, 1937 C I)oc. 31, 71st Cong., 2d sess. 26, 1937 Aug. Channel 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide to junction Rivers and Hlarors Committee of main and south channels, thence of same depth Doe. 74, 74th Cong., 2d sess. in south'channel to Titanium Pigment. Co. Oct. 17, 1940 Channel 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide from junction Report on file in the Office, Chief of main and south channels to the Government of Engineers (report not printed). wharf, including a turning basin. 1Contain latest published maps. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with except that local inter- ests are required to furnish spoil-disposal areas for the mainte- nance of the 25-foot channel from New York & Long Branch Rail- road bridge to junction of main and south channels, and in the south channel to the Titanium Pigment Co. property. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 335 Terminal facilities.-There are 26 piers and bulkheads with a total berthage of 16,469 feet along the shores of Raritan River. The Government has established a large ammunition and storage depot and arsenal known as Raritan Arsenal on the river. One of the terminals is municipally owned and is leased to private inter- ests. Eleven of the terminals are equipped with mechanical han- dling devices and 10 have railroad connections. In addition, there is a boatyard with storage space for 100 craft and a boat basin With mooring for about 40 pleasure boats. The terminals are con- sidered adequate for existing commerce. (For latest full descrip- tion of terminal facilities, see Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of New York, 1942, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract for dredging in the south channel from the junction with the main channel at Keasby to the Titanium Pigment Co. wharf to a depth of 25 feet, dredging was commenced November 18, 1947 and com- Pleted December 16, 1947. During the fiscal year, 374,873 cubic Yards, place measurement, of material were removed at a cost of $125,851.72 for maintenance. The United States lighter Gorham was engaged during the Period July 23 to 25, 1947 in ironing isolated shoals across the northern entrance to the New York and Long Branch Railroad bridge draw, in order to provide a controlling depth of 24 feet. The cost of work was $1,897.06 for maintenance. A model study of the Raritan River was initiated at the Water- ways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., and field surveys in connection therewith were conducted during the fiscal year at a cost of $38,226.75 for maintenance. The cost of condition surveys and surveys and engineering pre- liminary to dredging was $3,954.44 for maintenance. A survey to determine the condition of the main channel from Keasby to Raritan Arsenal and the south channel from Keasby to Titanium Pigment Co. was made and costs will be charged to the Project in the fiscal year 1949. The total cost of work was $169,929.97 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $169,777.63. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project was commenced September 1919 and is about 96 per cent complete. The main channel has been dredged 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide from the junction with New York and New Jersey Channels to and including a turning basin of the same depth opposite the Gov- ernment wharf, except for a shoal along the northerly channel line in the vicinity of the Victory Bridge, thence 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide to the mouth of the Washington Canal, thence 10 and 11 feet deep and 100 feet wide to the Delaware & Raritan Canal outlet locks at New Brunswick. The south channel has been dredged 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide for a distance of 3,200 feet, thence 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide for a distance of 12,400 feet to within 1,300 feet of the junction with the main channel at Crab Island. The model study of Raritan River which was in progress at the end of the fiscal year is about 35 percent complete. 336 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Section Depth Width Date Feet Feet In main channel from New York and New Jersey 1 25 260-300 February 1947 to March 1948. Channels to New York and Long Branch R. R. bridge. From New York and Long Branch It. R. bridge 25 300-100 November 1946 to July 1947. to junction with the south channel. From south channel junction to lower end of 16 300-190 June 1948. Government wharf. Opposite Government wharf -------------. 14 300-80 Do. Turning basin, opposite Government wharf --- 10 100-200 Do. From turning basin to the Washington Canal ... 15 130-2(0)July 1946. From Washington Canal to the Delaware & 10 ,)50-00 Do. Raritan Canal lock at New Brunswick. In south channel to upper limit of Titanium Pig- 20 100-300 June 1948. ment Co.dock. From upper limit of Titanium Pigment Co. dock 10 150-60 Do. to 1,200 feet below Crossman's dock. From a point 1,200feet below to Crossman's dock. 8. 5 50-150 Do. From Crossman's dock to junction with main 1. 5 50-100 1935. channel opposite Crab Island. i Except for shoals with a least depth of 24 feet which exist in the easterly projection of the north and south draws of the New York & Long Branch R. R. bridge. The work remaining to be done under the existing project is the dredging of the south channel to a depth of 10 feet and 150 feet wide for a length of 1,300 feet at the upper junction with the main chan- nel at Crab Island, and the removal of a shoal along the northerly channel line in the vicinity of the Victory Bridge. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $2,495,769.74-$878,314.59 from regular funds, $292,685.07 from Ordnance funds, and $66,000 from contributed funds, a total of $1,236,999.66 for new work, and $1,258,770.08 from United States funds for maintenance. The expenditures were $2,495,489.92- $2,136,804.85 from regular funds, $292,685.07 from Ordnance funds and $66,000.00 from contributed funds. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $36,194.75, plus an allotment of $180,000 made in July 1948, a total of $216,194.75, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 ---------------- 279.82 $-------------- Maintenance: Dredging by contract (October to December 1948) to restore the South Channel from Keasby to the Titanium Pigment Co. prop- erty to project depth of 25 feet ------- 171,641.68 Completion of model study of Raritan River and prosecution of surveys in connection therewith---- ..... . _44,273.25 Total for all work -------------------------------- 216,194.75 Completion of the existing project is not considered essential in the interests of commerce and navigation. Additional main- tenance dredging will be necessary during the next 2 years. There- fore, the sum of $640,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Complete by December 31, 1949, under contract, dredging of the 25- foot channel from junction of main and south channels, opposite Keasby to the Raritan Arsenal wharf, including a turning basin__ $440,000 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 337 Complete by June 30, 1950, under contract, dredging to restore the South Channel from Keasby to the Titanium Pigment Co. prop- erty to project depth of 25 feet----------------------------- 180,000 Dredge by use of one United States seagoing hopper dredge for 1 week in November 1949 to restore the existing 25-foot channel below the New York and Long Branch railroad bridge to project dimensions- 20,000 Total for all work--- ....------- ------------------------- 640,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-..---------------------- 1 2 $1,551,469.91 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. ---------------------- 1,370,189.51 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.........-1 2 2,921,659.42 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948----- ------------- 279.82 Net total expenditures-._-.------------------- 12 2,921,379.60 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948- -- -------------- 36,194.75 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. 1 2 2,957,574.35 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work..----------- $2, 023. 13 .. $134. 87.. Cost of mnaintenance .. ...... 1, 751. 00 $367, 705. 76 $5,009. 85 371, 603.05 $169, 929. 97 Total cost _.... ...... 3, 774. 13 367, 705.76 5,009. 85 371, 737.92 169, 929. 97 Total expended ....... .... 4, 774.13 367,641.07 5,146. 93 371, 638. 05 169, 777. 63 Allotted ..... ....... ].... 114,488.35 269,000.00 198,000.00 162,595.56 198,391.30 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- $7,581.08 Amount allotted during fiscal year. ....---. 204,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-......................... 211,581.08 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment..---.-. ---- - 5,608.70 Net amount to be accounted for_-..--..---.... 205,972.38 Gross amount expended................................-----------------------------------. 169,777.63 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 36,194.75 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.... . l..l.. _...l_...279.82 Balance available, June 30, 1948_-- . .. 35,914.93 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 180,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 215,914.93 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ........... _ ....... . ..... ... 86,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance -------------.-.-. -- 640,000.00 Exclusive of $292,685.07 Ordnance funds expended for new work. 2 Exclusive of $66,000 contributed funds expended for new work. 54. WASHINGTON CANAL AND SOUTH RIVER, N. J. Location.-South River rises in central New Jersey and empties into the Raritan River fromthe south, about 8 miles above South Amboy, N. J. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 375.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1871, June 14, 1880, and July 25, 1912. For further de- tails see page 1778 of Annual Report for 1915, page 323, Annual Report for 1929, and page 262, Annual Report for 1938. 338 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.--This provides for a channel, to be obtained by diking and dredging, 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide in Wash- ington Canal, 0.8 mile, and 12 feet deep and generally 150 feet wide in South River following cut-off No. 1 up to Old Bridge, 4.4 miles. The tidal variation at the canal is 5.1 feet, and at Old Bridge, 5.3 feet; mean range of spring tides, 6.1 and 6.4 feet, re- spectively. Irregular tidal fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.6 feet below mean low water up to 4 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1929, was $90,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1929) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $8,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930 (H. Doc. 109, 71st Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There is one publicly owned wharf at South River and eight private wharves, some of which are open to public use. These facilities are considered adequate for exist- ing commerce. (For further details see Port Series No. 20, Corps of Engineers.) Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work on the section of the ex- isting project to be done by the United States, extending from the mouth of Washington Canal to the highway bridge at South River, was commenced July 1931 and completed November 1931. The section from the highway bridge at South River to Old Bridge was completed by the State of New Jersey. The controlling depth at mean low water when examined in June 1946 was 12 feet for a width of 100 to 50 feet through Washington Canal and South River to 1,600 feet south of Raritan Railroad bridge, thence 11 feet for a width of 50 to 150 feet to within 2,000 feet of the head of the project at Old Bridge, thence decreasing to 2 feet at the head of the project. The minimum width through bridge draws is 48 feet. The head of. navigation is at Old Bridge, about 5.3 miles above the entrance. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $171,497.90-$48,891.82 for new work and $122,- 606.08 for maintenance. In addition, the cost and expenditures from contributed funds were $364.73 for new work. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $900, made in July 1948, will be applied to a condition survey of the channel. Maintenance dredging will be necessary during the next two years. Therefore, the additional sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, in dredging under contract for maintenance to restore the channel in South River to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- 1 $206,116.23 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 207,540.54 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-...... 1 413,656.77 Net total expenditures . 413,656.77 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948,-- -_ 413,656.77 + I Exclusive of $364. 73 contributed funds exponded for new work. RIVERS AND IARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 339 Fiscalyear endling June 30 194 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of n w work .............----........ Cost of 'nainte,,c --- ------- ......------------- ----------- ..- $470. 00 $.10.70 'Total xlI ---- -- - 70.00 10. 70 Allotted . ... : --------- ---- _ 470. 00 10. 79 - --- Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------ $900 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 900 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance--------------------------- 60,000 55. CIIEESEQUAKE CREEK, N. J. Location.-Cheesequake Creek is a small tidal stream, 6 to 7 miles long, rising in the eastern part of New Jersey near Old Bridge and flowing in a northeasterly direction into Raritan Bay, about 2 miles southeast of South Amboy. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 286.) Existing project.-This provides for a new outlet, 5 feet deep, from the creek into Raritan Bay, at right angles to the shore line, through a beach which ran across the mouth of the creek from the right bank and which had forced the outlet nearly one-half mile to the westward. This improvement was to be obtained by dredg- ing and constructing parallel jetties of stone 200 feet apart on each side of the dredged channel; the old outlet was to be closed by a pile dike, and a channel 4 feet deep at mean low water and from 50 to 100 feet wide was to be dredged from the mouth to the head of navigation, 31/2 miles up the creek. In this distance two dikes were to be built and a new channel to be made through the marsh to cut off a bend in the creek. Stump Creek, a tributary Stream emptying into the creek near its mouth, was to be im- Proved by dredging a channel 50 feet wide, 3 feet deep, and about 3,500 feet long. The mean range of tides is 4.9 feet; mean range of spring tides 5.9 feet; irregular fluctuatiqns due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.6 feet below mean low water up to 5 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1884, is $90,000. The latest (1917) approved estimate for annual cost of mainten- ance is $2,500. The project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 14, 1880 (S.Ioc. 69, 46th Cong., 2d sess., and Annual Report for 1880, p. 525). The latest published map is printed in the Annual Report for 1905, page 1048. Terminal facilities.-No publicly owned wharf is located on this creek. Three commercial boat yards are located at the mouth of the creek, one of which is equipped with marine railways. The ex- isting terminal facilities are sufficient for present needs. There is ample room for expansion and development of terminals when future commerce warrants. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Final cost and expenditures of $270 were reported during the fiscal year for a condition survey of the channel completed in June 1947. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing pro- ject was commenced October 1882 and is about 45 percent com- 340 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 plete. The last work done in carrying out the project was in 1884. Maintenance dredging has been done several times since then. The work accomplished under the project consists of the construc- tion of two parallel stone jetties at the mouth, the construction of a sheet-pile dike closing the old channel, and dredging a new out- let about 1,600 feet long, 100 feet wide, and 5 feet deep at mean low water. The head of navigation is Whitehead's dock. The con- trolling mean low water depth was 4 feet to the New York & Long Branch Railroad bridge when examined in June 1947; thence be- tween 3 and 4 feet to the head of navigation when examined in June 1928. The unfinished parts of the project are: Dredging a channel 4 feet deep and 50 to 100 feet wide between the railroad bridge and the head of navigation, including the construction of two dikes; and dredging in Stump Creek. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $65,451.73-$40,000 for new work and $25,451.73 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $700, made in July 1948, will be applied to a condition survey of the channel. The completion of the project is not required by existing com- merce and navigation. Maintenance dredging will be necessary during the fiscal year 1950. The additional sum of $25,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 in maintenance dredging, under contract, to restore the channel from Raritan Bay to New Jersey State Highway Bridge to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__- ------- _- ___ $40,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 25,451.73 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_-..... _ 65,451.73 Net total expenditures .... _ 65,451.73 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 65,451.73 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 , 1947 1948 Cost ofostofmnteno maintenance---------------------------------- Cost of new work_.....02 -------------- $220 $5.04 270 Total expended------------------------------------------220 5.04 270 Allotted.._-------------------- ------------ .---.. -- -220 5.04 270 Amount allotted during fiscal year __ _ $270 Gross amount expended.......____________ _____________ 270 Amount allotted in July 1948...._ __ 700 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_ 700 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_------_ _w__________________ 50,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_---_-..._......._.._.. _ 25,000 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 341 56. KEYPORT HARBOR, N. J. Location.-This harbor lies at the mouth of Matawan Creek, on the south side of Raritan Bay, about 9 miles west of Sandy Hook. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 369.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel about 1 mile long from Raritan Bay to the steamboat dock at Keyport, the width to be 200 feet and the depth to be 8 feet at mean low water. The mean range of tides is 4.9 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.9 feet. High easterly or westerly winds cause the tides to fluctuate from 3.8 feet below mean low water up to 5.9 feet above mean high Water. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1883, was $40,475. The latest (1917) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. The project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act, approved August 2, 1882 (H. Doc. 153, 42d Cong., 3d sess., and Annual Re- Port for 1873, p. 941). The latest published map is printed in the Annual Report for 1905, page 1040. Terminal facilities.-There are two privately owned wharves lo- cated at the head of improvement, both in poor condition. Only one of these is open to public use. The terminal facilities are considered adequate under existing conditions. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced June 1883 and completed October 1911. The con- trolling depth at mean low water when examined in June 1946 was 7 feet for full project width from Raritan Bay to 3,300 feet below the head of the project, thence decreasing gradually to 3.5 feet at the head of the project. The total costs and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $215,230.33-$40,475.00 for new work and $174,- 755.33 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. Maintenance dredging will be necessary during the fiscal year 1950 and the additional sum of $80,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for such work. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--...-..---_ -- __.-_ $40,475.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_.----- .----. ---- 174,755.33 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948...--------- 215,230.33 Net total expenditures__. ___--------- -------- 215,230.33 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.--. ----- - 215,230.33 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ----------------..-------------...........----- Cost of maintenance----------- --------------------..............---..............--- $320 $7. 54 . -- -- "-"~~- Total expended.------- ............................ 320 7.54 ........... Allotted.....-------------............. ............................ 320 7.54 - Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.. $80,000 342 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 57. SHOAL HARBOR AND COMPTON CREEK, N. J. Location.-Shoal Harbor is an indentation on the south shore of Sandy Hook Bay about 4 miles west of Sandy Hook. Compton Creek is a small stream rising on the west side of the Navesink Highlands and flowing north through the meadows into Shoal Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 369.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of Sep- tember 19, 1890. For further details see Annual Report for 1934, page 211, and Annual Report for 1938, page 265. Existing .project.-This provides for dredging a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water, extending from deep water in Sandy Hook Bay to a point 1,000 feet upstream from the Main Street Bridge across Compton Creek with a width of 150 feet in the bay and 75 feet inside the mouth of the creek, with widening at bends. The length of section included in the project is about 1.5 miles. Mean tidal range, 4.8 feet; mean range of spring tides, 5.8 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 3.8 feet below mean low water up to 5.9 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $67,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) estimate of annual cost of maintenance is $16,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized ' Documents Aug. 30, 11)35 8-foot channel in bay and creek to Main St. Bridge._ . IT. Doc. 58, 73d Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1945 Extension of 8-foot channel to 1,000 feet upstream H. Doc. 973, 76th Cong., 3d sess. from Main St. Bridge. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that no work shall be undertaken until harbor lines have been established by the Secretary of War along that portion of Compton Creek extending 1,000 feet upstream from Main Street Bridge and until local interests have: (a) Conveyed to the United States, free of cost, a perpetual ease- ment to excavate all lands above ordinary high water included be- tween said harbor lines and have removed all structures and part extending channelward of said harbor lines. (b) Furnished, free of cost to the United States, suitable areas for the disposal of dredged material for new work and subsequent maintenance as needed. (c) Given releases to hold and save the United States free from all claims for damages resulting from the improvement. (d) Constructed the public wharf, assurances for which were furnished under the project of August 30, 1935, at a location and in accordance with plans to be approved by the Chief of Engineers and Secretary of War and given assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will maintain this wharf open to all on equal and reasonable terms. The clerk of Middletown Township was notified of the conditions of local cooperation in letter dated January 18, 1946. A letter dated July 2, 1946, advised that the township committee has given as- RIVERS AND HARBORS--NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 343 surances that it will comply with all of the above conditions. The requirements under prior acts have been fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are two terminals with a total avail- able dockage of 1,400 feet located near the mouth of Compton Creek. The terminals are equipped with loading and unloading de- Vices. None has railroad connections. Within the navigable sec- tions of the creek, there are about 35 small landings and 2 boat Yards equipped with 5 marine ways suitable for small fishing boats. Upon completion of a public wharf to be constructed under local cooperation, the terminals will be adequate for existing com- merce. Operations and results during fiscal year.---A survey to deter- mine the condition of the channel was made and costs will be charged to the project in fiscal year 1949. Costs outstanding in connection with maintenance dredging, by contract, completed during previous fiscal year, amounted to $2,- 849.99. Final cost of $933.55 was reported during the fiscal year for a condition survey of the channel completed in July 1946. The total cost of work was $3,783.54 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $7,029.25. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing pro- ject was commenced August 1936 and is about 66 percent complete. The controlling mean low water depth in the channel, when ex- amined in June 1948, was 8 feet for a width of 150 to 90 feet through the bay and the same depth for a width of 75 to 70 feet in the creek to the vicinity of the Main Street Bridge. From Main Street Bridge to the head of the project there was a controlling depth of 2 feet below mean low water for a width of 55 feet when examined in October 1941. The head of navigation is at the Central Railroad of New Jersey bridge about 1 mile above the mouth. The Work remaining to be done under the project consists of extending the channel 1,000 feet upstream from the Main Street Bridge. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $111,654.35-$30,281.99 for new work and $81,- 372.36 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. Completion of the project is not considered necessary during the next 2 years. Maintenance will be necessary. The sum of $35,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, for main- tenance dredging, under contract, to restore the entrance channel to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___-------------- $47,281.99 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 251,081.19 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_.-.. _-298,363.18 Net total expenditures ------------------------------------ ........... 298,363.18 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.-.......... 298,363.18 344 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .... --------------------------- . Cost of maintenance---.........--------- ----------... 33,862.89- $23--------2593 $3,783 5 Total expended ----.............------------------- I 33,862.8920,480.22 7,029.25 .. Allotted -----........----- - --------------- 33,862. 89 ----------- 32,5.50 -4996.03 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $12,025.28 * Deductions on account of revocation of allotment---- 4,996.03 Net amount to be accounted for -------------------- 7,029.25 Gross amount expended---------------......... 7 029.25 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_. ..... __ 37,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance --------------------------- 35,000.00 58. SHREWSBURY RIVER, N. J. Location.-This river is mainly a large tidal basin in the eastern part of New Jersey, the outlet being at the southeast end of Sandy Hook Bay, about 4 miles south from the point of Sandy Hook. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 543.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of August 30, 1852; March 3, 1871; March 3, 1879, modified in 1883 and 1887; and by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1919. For further details, see page 1778 of Annual Report of 1915, page 373 of Annual Report of 1918, and page 267 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep and 300 feet wide, following the westerly shore, from deep water in Sandy Hook Bay to a point 600 feet south of the railroad bridge at Highlands, a distance of 2.2 miles; then 9 feet deep and generally 150 feet wide, suitably widened at bends and turns, in the south branch of the river to the Branchport Avenue Bridge in the city of Long- Branch, a distance of 6.8 miles; and for a channel in the north branch 6 feet deep and 150 feet wide from the junction to Red Bank, a distance of 6.1 miles. All depths refer to the plane of local mean low water. The mean range of tides at Highlands, 3.8 feet; at Seabright, 1.7 feet; at Branchport, 1.7 feet; and at Red Bank, 3.0 feet. Mean range of spring tides is 4.7, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.6 feet, respectively. Irregular fluctuations due to wind and baromet- ric pressure vary from 1.7 feet below mean low water up to 6.5 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, was $539,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects and exclusive of $50,0000 contributed by local interests. The latest (1935) ap- proved estimate of annual cost of maintenance is $45,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents' Mar. 2, 1919 Channel 6 feet deep in North Branch___-........ IT. Doc. 1296, 62d Cong., 3d sess. Aug. 30, 1935 Channel 12 feet deep-----------------........................... I. Doc. 157, 71st Cong., 2d sess. Do..... Channel 9 feet deep- ----- - -...................... Rivers and Harbors Committee I)oc. 31, 74th Cong., 1st sess. I These documents contain latest published maps. RIVERS ANDI) HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 345 Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are 32 terminals with a total avail- able dockage of 6,062 feet located on the waterway. Eight of the terminals, with a total dockage of 1,000 feet, are open to the pub- lic. Twelve boatyards with storage space for 540 craft and equip- Ped with 15 marine railways are available. None of the terminals has direct rail connections. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.--A survey to deter- mine the condition of the channel from the entrance to the vicinity of the Highlands bridge was made and costs will be charged to the Project in fiscal year 1949. The cost of a survey to determine the condition of the channel Was $1,291.74 for maintenance. Costs outstanding in connection with maintenance dredging, by contract, completed during previous fiscal year, amounted to $9.08. The total cost of work was $1,300.82 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $3,209.44. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced October 1919 and completed April 1937. The controlling mean low-water depths of the channels included in the project are as follows: Depth Width Section (feet) (feet) Date Sandy Hook Bay to 2,000 feet north of railroad 10 300-180 May 1948. bridge at Highlands, N. J. lrom 2,000 feet north to railroad bridge at High- 8.5 80-300 Do. lands, N. J. Frorn railroad bridge at Highlands, N. J. to 1,300 9. 5 150 April 1947. feet south. Fronl 1,300 feet south of Highlands, N. J., rail- 10 130-150 May to June 1946. road bridge to junction of north and south branches. Front junction of north and south branches to 7 150 D)o. Branchport Ave. Bridge, Long Branch, N. J. North Branch: Junction with main channel to Barley Point_ 7 100 Do. Vicinity of Barley Point. ......-----------------.... 7.6 150 April to May 1947. Thence to head of project opposite Maple 5. 3 150 June 1946. Ave., Red Bank, N. J. The river is navigable on the North Branch to Red Bank, 8 miles from the mouth and on the South Branch to Branchport, 9 miles from the mouth. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $715,346.78-$466,562.59 for new work and $248,784.19 for main- tenance. The total expenditures were $715,278.24. In addition, the cost and expenditures from contributed funds were $36,311.03 for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $252.97, minus accounts payable to June 30, 1948, of $68.54, plus an allotment of $1,300.00 made in July 1948, a total of $1,484.43, will be used to reimburse plant allotment for funds expended for a maintenance survey made dur- ing the fiscal year 1948. Maintenance dredging will be necessary during the next two years. Therefore, the additional sum of $150,000 can be profitably 346 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 expended during the fiscal year 1950, in maintenance dredging, under contract, to restore the channel from Sandy Hook Bay to Highlands Bridge to project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_____________________ 1$687,456.54 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-__ - -_________________ 535,390.24 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1,222,846.78 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 68.54 Net total expenditures. _____ 1,222,778.24 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 252.97 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 1,223,031 .21 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- Cost of maintenance-.. ------------------------------------- $790 $29, 587. 74 $1,3 00.82 Total expended.... Total _________ 787 27,613.58 3, 2 09.44 Allotted- ---- ..----------------- .----.--------- $154.26 790 31,072.99.. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------------------- $3,462 .41 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 3,209).44 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 252.97 Outsta nding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 68.54 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------------- 184.43 Amournt allotted in July 1948 - -- --------- - - - - 1,300.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_....... 1,484.43 Amount that can be profitably-expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance________________________ 150,000.00 1 Exclusive of $36,311.03 contributed funds expended for new work. 59. SHARK RIVER, N. J. Location.-This is a small stream entering the Atlantic Ocean 20 miles south of Sandy Hook on the New Jersey coast. It is 40 miles by water south of the Battery, New York City. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts, Nos. 795 and 1215.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 18 feet deep at mean low water and 150 feet wide across the bar at the entrance to the inlet; thence 12 feet deep and generally 100 feet wide through main channel and south channel to the Route 35 bridge; thence 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide to the upper limit of the Belmar mu- nicipal boat basin, with additional depths and widths where neces- sary and practicable to produce satisfactory current velocities at bridges; and an anchorage 12 feet deep over about 7.3 acres east of Route 4-N bridge. The length of section included in the project is about 1.7 miles. Mean tidal range at the mouth is 4 feet; mean range of spring tides 4.8 feet; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 2.6 feet below mean low water up to 8.4 feet above mean high water. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N.. Y., DISTRICT 347 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $150,000. The estimate of cost for annual maintenance, made in 1938, is $30,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 102, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). For latest Published map see project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, provides that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands easements, rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance as required, and hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction works and subsequent maintenance. Local interests, representing the Boroughs of Avon by the Sea, Belmar, and Nep- tune Township have furnished instruments of compliance with the above-mentioned conditions, which were approved by the Chief of Engineers on June 26, 1947. Terminal facilities.-Two yacht basins are located on the south Shore of the lower portion of Shark River. One is publicly owned and has a berthage, of 2,600 feet. Several boat yards, boathouses, and landings for commercial and recreational craft are located in the lower portion of Shark River. Additional terminals adequate for prospective commerce are expected to be provided upon im- Provement of the waterway. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Under a contract to Provide an 18-foot channel across the bar at the entrance, 12- and 8 -foot channels in river proper and an anchorage 12 feet deep, east of Route 4-N bridge, work was commenced June 16, 1947 and completed October 22, 1947. During the fiscal year, 351,792 cubic yards, place measurement, of material were removed at a cost of $160,855.01, of which $136,624.25 were advanced funds for nlew work and $24,230.76 were regular funds for maintenance. The cost of surveys and engineering preliminary to contract dredging was $4,485.06 for maintenance. The cost of a survey to determine the condition of the channel from the entrance to Ocean Avenue Bridge was $153.71 for main- tenance. The total cost of work was $165,493.78, $136,624.25 advanced funds for new work and $28,869.53 regular funds for mainte- nance. The expenditures were $168,431.19-$139,715.37 advanced funds and $28,715.82 regular funds. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work under the existing project Was commenced June 1947 and completed October 1947. The con- trolling mean low water depth, when examined from July to Octo- ber 1947 and in June 1948, was 9 feet for a width of 150 to 100 feet across the bar at the entrance to the inlet; thence 12 feet for a width of 100 to 50 feet through Main Channel and South Chan- nel to Route 35 bridge; thence 8 feet for a width of 50 to 100 feet to the head of the project. The controlling depth in the anchorage area was 12 feet below mean low water. The head of navigation is at the head of the lagoon, a distance of about 3 miles toward the south end and 21/2 miles to the north, both distances being measured from the mouth. 348 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The total cost of'the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $179," 227.55-$150,000.00 of advanced funds for new work and $29," 227.55 of regular funds for maintenance. The total expenditures were $179,073.84, of which $150,000.00 were from advanced funds and $29,073.84 from regular funds. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $8,284.18, minus accounts payable to June 30, 1948, of $153.71, a total of $8,130.47, is available for revocation and reallotment for emergency use on other projects. It is expected that maintenance dredging will be necessary during the fiscal year 1950. Provision should be made for return of funds advanced by local interests. The additional sum of $200,' 000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Return of advanced funds to the State of New Jersey for dredging in Shark River, N. J. ------------------------------ $150,000 Maintenance: Complete by June 30, 1950, under contract to be entered into, dredging to restore the entrance channel to project dimensions- 50,000 Total for all work ------------------------------------- 200,000 Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948..._ _ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ _ --------- $29,227.55 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 29,227.55 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948- --- _ -- 153.71 Net total expenditures__ -------------- _ _- _ 29,073.84 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948.--, __ _ ------ _ _ 8,284.18 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 37,358.02 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .... ... .....--- Cost of maintenance--------------............ ---.....------------ $350 . 02 $28 Total expended.....--........ ------ 360 8.02 28,7182 Allotted .........---------.......------------- -- 350--- 37,00.02--. ------ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947'_.. ,,------------ .__.. .. $37,000.00 Gross amount expended ........ ... ...------------------------------------ 28,715. 82 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_...-, .- 8,284.18 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------ --- - -153.71 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 8,130.47 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project '------------- -- 150,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work 1 ---------------- 150,000.00 For maintenance------------ --------------------- 50,000.00 Total------------------------ ---------- - 200,000.00. I For repayment of funds advanced by local interests. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 349 ADVANCED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ $150,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__-------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--...... _. 150,000.00 Nettotal expenditures_ _____...__ 19_ ------ - -- - - 150,000.00 Total amount advanced to June 30, 1948-- 150,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ,.., ofnwwr -- LI I ------ -- - i I- Cost of new work ............... $13, 375. 75 $136, 624. 25 Cost of maintenance ......... Total expended................. ......... ... 10, 284. 63 139, 715.37 Advanced...-................ 150, 000.0 )0 --------- ------- -^I- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-_ _- - - $139,715.37 Gross amount expended- _ $140,477.19 Less reimbursed expenditures 761.82 139,715.37 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR, SHARK RIVER, N. J. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------- $150,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 29,227.55 MinuTotal cost of permanent work to June_------30, -1948.---- Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948- -153.71 179,227.55 Net total expenditures- -- -- _------------------ 179,073.84 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948_----------- ---------- 8,284.18 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.----------- 187,358.02 - -- - -;--- --- 1 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1---------1--11----~-I-~------~' -- I--- Cost of new work..... Cost of maintenance ........... .. ------ - - $350. 00 $13, 375. 75 $136,624., 25 I -- -- --- ----------I 6 -- 8.02 28, 869. 53 Total cost................- ........................... 350.00 13, 383.77 165, 493.78 Total expended.-------_ ----- ,. .............. -........... 350.00 10, 292. 65 168, 431. 19 Allotted and advanced.......... 350. 00 187, C08. 02 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.. .. . .. Gross amount expended _____.-.___- ---- .. .. $169,193.01 ---- $176,715.37 Less reimbursed extpenditures. . -.------. -- 761.82 168,431.19 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------ 8,284.18 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- _ 153.71 Balance available, June 30, 1948-------------------- ' 8,130.47 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project 1_- -. - ______...._- -.-.- -- - - --.... 150,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: - , For new work 1......-------. . ..---- ...------ 150,000.00 For maintenance ..------------------------------------- 50,000.00 Total -------------------------------------------- 200,000.00 IFor repayment of funds advanced by local interests. 804711-48-Vol. 1-23 350 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 60. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of work during the fiscal year amounted to $214,616.67 -$54,194.40 for examinations and surveys, and $160,422.27 for contingencies. The expenditures were $222,630.27. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $33,562.40 plus accounts receivable of $586.39 and an allotment of $98,050 for contingencies, together with an allotment of $45,450 for ex- aminations and surveys, made in July 1948, a total of $177,648.79 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948--------------_______________ $16,679.11 Examinations and surveys ---------------------------------- 56,995.60 Contingencies-------------------__----------------------. 103,974.08 ---------------------------------- 177,648.79 Total for all work The additional sum of $311,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Examinations and surveys-__ --- _______ ________________ _$156,000 Contingencies_ ------------------------------- __ _---__ __ 155,000 Total for all work _ _____ ___________________ _______ 311,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-------------------------- -- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_---------------------- $3,258,857.27 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 3,258,857.27 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948---------------------- 586.39 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--------------------- 3,259,443.66 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948--- 16,679.11 Net total expenditures____________________________ 3,242,764.55 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948----------.... ---_ _ - '---33,562.40 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 3,276,326.95 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work... Cost of maintenance-...........----------. $207, 242. 99 $317,295.71 $269, 017. 55 $299, 923. 07 $214, 616.67 Total expended.--.----- -------- 187, 498.09 331, 971. 23 247,071.70 305, 885.44 222, 630. 27 Allotted ...................... --------------------- 165, 000.00 533, 7C0. 00 148, 000. 00 110, 775.38 232, 750. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------___ ________ - . $23,442.67 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- 232,750.00 Amount to be accounted for__---------------..... Deductions on account of revocation of allotment __. __ - - 256,192.67 Net amount to be accounted for-----------------_-_ 256,192.67 Gross amount expended_--------------- $222,718.40 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------- 88.13 222,630.27 Balance unexpended, Jtine 30, 1948------------------- 33,562.40 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ...... $16,679.11 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 1,355.94 18,035.05 Balance available, June 30, 1948-. -. -------- 15,527.35 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 351 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 586.39 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----------- 16,113.74 Amount allotted in July 1948_________---------------------- 98,050.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ....- 114,163.74 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ------------------------- - 311,000.00 61. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures Estimated full report, to June 30, 1948 amount re- see Annual quired to Report for- complete New work Maintenance -- -I I.---------- ---- I------ 1. Larchmont Harbor, N. Y.1 ............ 1916 $76, 064. 85 $211.42 (2) 2. Echo Bay H arbor, N. Y ................ 1946 64, 583. 89 6, 471. 45 (2) 3. New Rochelle Harbor, N. Y........... 1946 73, 213. 67 21, 530. 38 (2) 4.Bronx River,N. Y .34 _ ... . . .... .. 1947 51,149, 946. 09 365, 544.06 1,087, 000 5.Glencove Hlarbor, N. Y.3 0........ . 1911 72, 000. 00 (1o) 6.Greenport 1farbor, N. Y ....... . 1946(1 74, 680.83 17, 864. 41 (2) 1895 (I0) 7.Sum3awanus (Habylon Creek) Inlet, N. 7, 000. 00 Y.36 8. Coney Island Channel, N. Y._........ 1946 111, :371.21 217, 561. 64 (2) otter Creek, Vt.3_ _..-... .. O. _..... 1932 60, 253. 50 5, 216. 50 o (0) 10. Gordons Landing, Lake Champlain, Vt.3 ._ 1892 34, 750.00 (2) 11,Channel between North and South Hero 1909 31,000. 00 (2) Islands, Lake Champlain, Vt.3 6 12. St. Albans Hlarbor, Lake Champlain, Vt.3 0. 1917 3,125. 45 384.55 (2) 13. Swanton lHarbor, Vt.3 a .....-- . .... 1888 70, 5(0.00 .............. 14. Rouses Point, Lake Champlain, N. Y.3.. 1895 98, 467. 55 (2) 15.Great Chazy River, N. Y.3 ---............... 1895 18, 000. 00 (') 16.Port lHenry Harbor, N. Y.3.............. 1931 869, 406. 46 1, 252. 75 (0) 17. Ticonderoga River, N. Y.3 6........... 1895 16, 500. 0() (10) 18. Raritan River to Arthur Kill Cut-off Chan- 19,17 1947 810, 500. 00 625, 087. 06 (to) nel, N. J. 19. Lemon Creek, Staten Island, N.,Y .4 1937 8 6, 621.00 9 1, 621.00 20. Matawan Creek, N. J.3 1934 (to) 21,000.00 73, 964.09 21. Way Cake Creek, N. J.4 ....... __.....' 1946 11$85, 000 22. Sandy 11ook Bay, N. J.3 ................ 1943 7 508,936.40 -- -- -- -- - (2) I 1 Modification of existing project was recommended by the Chief of Engineers, Apr. 10, 1940 (1. Doc 697, 76th Cong., 3d1sess.). Completedl. 3 Improvement adequate for commerce. 4Awaiting local cooperation. Exclusive of $10,000 expended from contributed funds. 6 No commerce reported. Exclusive of $53,790.03 expended from contributed funds. E8xclusive of $10,000 expended from contributed funds. 9These amounts also included in report for New York and New Jersey Channels. No work has been done on the existing project for Lemon Creek. 1oDetermination impractical due to long inactive status. Project rejustification necessary prior to continuance of work. 11Revised in 1948. 62. PLANT ALLOTMENT, NEW YORK, N. Y. DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs June 30, 1948 .------------- .$4,163,082.89 _ Net total cost to June 30, 1948----------------------- 4,163,082.89 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 335,941.84 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-- ---- -- .-- -- 4,499,024.73 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948_ ----------------------- 255,820.82 Net total expenditures.----------------------------- 4,243,203.91 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-..-- - 532,500.60 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 4,775,704.51 352 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Total expended-. .............- $2, 843, 597. 19 $30, 502. 32 $242, 275. 44 -$335, 935. 01 -$381 796.18 Allotted--.....-----------.... ...... -2,40,927.03 -390, 000. 00 ... ... -103, 272. 52 171,689. 02 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------ -.._ ---- - $322,393.44 Amount allotted during fiscal year -___._... .. _ .. __ 392 ,334.98 Amount to be accounted for-_ ._714,728.42 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment--- ---- _--- 564,024.00 Net amount to be accounted for--------------------- 150,704.42 Gross amount expended--------------___________ $1,456,701.70 Less reimbursed expenditures-------- .... 1,838,497.88 -.381 796.18 I Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-.. Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....-------. _- -_ $255,820.82 532,500.60 Amount covered by uncromnleter onftr,,a AA AACi A - 900,226.86 Balance available, June 30, 1948--------. - -- 367,726.26 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948.-------------------------- 335,941.84 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----------- -31,784.42 Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by River and Harbor Acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation .. _._..._ _ _ ----- - I - - -- - - _.1__ _-- - .. Arthur Kill, N. Y. and N. J., River and Harbor Act, between a point 1,000 feet north Mar. 2, 1945 of mouth of Smiths Creek and a point of 1,000 feet south of ------------- Buckwheat Island. Astoria, Steinway Creek, N. Y_. ..... do ... . . ... . . Blossom Cove, N. J., Shrews- Rivers and Harbors Com- bury River, N. J. mittee resolution, Feb. 1, 1946 Bronx River, N. Y-------.--___ River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945 Centerport Harbor, Long Island, ....- do.............. N.Y. ------------- Champlain Canal, N. Y., with ---..... view to improvement without do ---.... -- - - -------------- taking title to said canal and its appurtenances. Cheesequake Creek, N. J....... Compton Creek and Shoal THar- ....-do.... . . River and Harbor Act, , .. ----------------------- ---- -- ----------- bor, N. J. July 24, 1946 Delaware Bay above Cape May to Shrewsbury River-for ex- House Public Works Committee resolution, --------------- I-----L------- tension of New Jersey Intra- Apr. 22, 1947 coastal Waterway from Manas- quan Inlet to Shrewsbury Riv- er and an alternate connection to Delaware Bay. Delaware River-New York Bay Rivers and Harbors Com- ------------- W. Section of Intracoastal Water- mittee resolution, June way, water supply. 25, 1943 Dosoris Creek, N. Y........ River and Harbor Act, ,- -------------- June 30, 1948 East Chester Creek, N. Y-.... Rivers and Harbors Com- -------------- mittee resolution, June 27, 1945 East River and Flushing Bay Rivers and Harbors Com- --------------- and Creek, N. Y., seaplane mittee resolution, Jan. channels and anchorage basins 19, 1940 in vicinity of North Beach Air- port. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW YORK, N. Y.; DISTRICT 353 Status of all-investigationsfor navigation called for by River and Harbor Acts and committee resolutions-Continued r I -rI. Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation I __________________________________________________ I I I East River and Hell Gate N, Y., Rivers and Harbors Com- between South Brother and mittee resolution, Apr. Berrian Islands. 17, 1940 Endikill Creek, N. Y., at mouth River and Harbor Act, of, construction of small-boat Mar. 2, 1945 anchoragebasin,1 udson River. ire Island Inlet, N. Y., (Long ..... do------........-------- Island) Flushing Bay and Creek and Rivers and Harbors Com- ;------------ ast River, N. Y., seaplane mittee resolution, Jan. channels and anchorage basins 19, 1940 in vicinity of North Beach Air- Port. Gardiners Bay, N. Y........... River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946 Gowanus Creek Channel, N. Y.. Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Mar. 19, 1946 Great Lakes-Atlantic Tidewaters Rivers and Harbors Com- Deep Waterway. mittee resolution, Mar. 7, 1928 Great Lakes-Hudson River Wat- Rivers and Harbors Com- July 26, 1947 •H. 436, 80th erway. mittee resolution, Apr. Cong., 1st 28, 1942 sess. Hackensack River, N. J...... River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945 Hashamomuck Creek, L. I., N.Y. Rivers and 1Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Dec.b 2, 1946 Hell Gate, N. Y.. on East River, Rivers and Harbors Com- between South Brother and mittee resolution, Apr. Berrian Islands. 17, 1940 HUdson River, N. Y., from Al- River and Harbor Act, bany to New York City. Mar. 2, 1945 do-.....-- Hudson River, at or near North .....----- 'Germantown, Columbia County, N. Y. Hudson River, N. Y., deep-water -Rivers and H arbors Com- channel between Hudson and mittee resolution, Mar. Troy. 21, 1945 tludson River-Great Lakes Wa- Rivers and Harbors Com- July 26, 1947 11. 436. 80th terway. mittee resolution, Apr. Cong., 1st 28, 1942 sess. Hudson River at mouth of Endi- River and Harbor Act, kill Creek, N. Y., construction Mar. 2, 1945 of small-boat anchorage basin. Hudson River Channel, and Rivers and Harbors Com- ....... ....... Hudson River, N. Y. mittee resolution, May 8, 1941 Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, River and Harbor Act, N. Y., with view to elimina- July 24, 1946 tion of water chestnut. Butchinson River, N. Y........ River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945 May 14, 1948 H. 665, 80th Jamaica Bay, N. Y., for dredging Rivers and Harbors Com- Favorable. channel in Mott Basin. mittee resolution, Feb. Cong., 2(1 1, 1946 sess. Leonardo, Sandy Hook Bay, River and Harbor Act, N. J., channel to and naviga- Mar. 2, 1945 tion improvements at. Long Island, Centerport Harbor, ..... do............ N.y. Long Island, Fire Island Inlet, ..... do..... ......... N. Y. Long Island Hashamomuck River and Harbor Act, e-------------. 19, 1947 Creek, N. Y. Committee resolution, Dec. 2, 1946 Long Island, Moriches Inlet, River and Harbor Act, N. Y. Mar. 2, 1945 Long Island, southern coast from ..- Unfavorable. New York City line to Mon- tauk Point, N, Y., for protec- tion and improvement of the beaches along coast. Long Island, Nissequogue River, ..... do..................................... N.Y. ---... do---....... ------ ..--------- .. .... --------- Long Island, Peconic River, N. Y, Long Island, St. James Harbor, ..... do ---------............. ......... - N.Y. 354 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, . S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by River and Harbor Acts and committee resolutions-Continued Locality Date trans- Authorization act mitted to Document Recom Congress No. mendation •- , I ------ ~ Long Island, Shinnecock Inlet, River and Harbor Act, N.Y. -------------- Long Island, Smithtown, N. Y.. Mar. 2, 1945 --------- "-- Mamaroneck Harbor, N. Y., -------------- River and Harbor Act, -------------- East Basin of. July 24, 1946 --------- --- Manasquan Inlet to Shrewsbury Rivers and Harbors Coin- River Section of the New Jer- -------------- rnittee resolution, Mar. sey Intracoastal Waterway. 23, 1943 Manasquan Inlet to Shrewsbury House Public Works River Section of the New Jer- --------------- Committee resolution, sey Intracoastal Waterway. Apr. 22, 1947 Manhasset Bay, N. Y-... . Rivers and Harbors Com- -------------- mittee resolution, I)ec. 30, 19:138 -------- -- - Manhasset Bay, N. Y._ _ Rivers and Harbors Comn- mittee resolution, Mar. 25, 19:138 Matawan Creek, N. J_ .. _..... Rivers and Harbors Com- -------------- mittee resolution, Jan. 24, 1936 -------------- Matawan Creek. N. J-.. .-- Rivers and HIarbors Com- mittee resolution, Jan. --------------- 26, 1940 Milburn Creek, Swift Creek and adjacent bays and channels, River and :Harbor Act, ---------- July 24, 1946 -------------- New York. ----------- Mohawk River, N. Y........ River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945 -------------- Mohawk and IHudson Rivers, N. Y., with view to elimina- River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946 -------------- tion of water chestnut. Moriches Inlet, N. Y. (Long River and IHarbor Act, Island). Mar. 2, 1945 -------------- Mott Basin, Jamaica Bay, N. Y. Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Feb. --------------- -------- 1, 1946 New Jersey coast, from Sandy River and Harbor Act, Hook to Cape May, improve- Ma'r. 2, 1945 ment and protection of the beaches along said coast. New Jersey Intracoastal Water- Rivers and Harbors Com- way in the vicinity of Shrews- mittee resolution, Nov. bury River, N. J. 11, 1943 New Jersey Intracoastal Water- Rivers and Harbors Com- way, Manasquan Inlet to mittee resolution, Mar. Shrewsbury River, N. J. 23, 194:13 New Jersey Intracoastal Water- House Public Works way from Shrewsbury River to Committee resolution, Delaware Bay above Cape Apr. 22, 1947 May for extension of Water- way from Manasquan Inlet to Shrewsbury River and an al- ternate connection to Delaware Bay. New York Bay-Delaware River Rivers and Harbors Com- Section of Intracoastal Water- mittee resolution, June way, water supply. 25, 1943 I --- I -- ----- New York Harbor, Entrance Senate Public Works Channels and anchorage area, June 9, 1948 with particular reference to South Channel. Nissequogue River, (Long Is- River and Harbor Act, land), N. Y. Mar. 2, 1945 North Beach Airport, East Riv- Rivers and HIarbors Com- er, and Flushing Bay and mittee resolution, Jan. Creek, N. Y. 19, 1940 Oswego River, N. Y., investiga- Section 7, River and liar- July 26, 1947 II. 436, 80th tions to ascertain the amounts bor Act, Mar. 2, 1945 of damages resulting to manu- Cong., 1st sess. facturers on the Oswego River, by the improvement of Oswego and Erie Canals by the State of New York. Peconic River, Long Island, N.Y River and harbor Act, ............ Mar. 2, 1945 FLOOD CONTROL--NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 355 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by'River and Harbor Acts and committee resolutions-Continued .r-- ~ -~-- I- Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation -_L I----- - I t- - Port Chester Harbor, N. Y -.... Rivers and Harbors Corn- mittee resolution, Nov. 30,1945 Port Jefferson Harbor, N. Y., Rivers and Harbors Com- With regard to extending or mittee resolution, Oct. adding to, the present 19, 1945 Raritan River, N. L ....... jetties. Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Nov. 13, 1945 Rondouit tarbor, N. Y _..... River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946 Sag Harbor, N. Y., with regardl Rivers and 1[arbors Com- to raising the present break- mittee resolution, Mar. water. 19, 1946 Sag Harbor, N. Y _ .... River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946 St. James Harbor, N. Y. (Long River and Harbor Act, Island). Mar. 2, 1945 Sandy Hook Bay, N. J ..- __..__. Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Aug. 21, 1944 Sandy Hlook Bay, N. J., with River and Harbor Act, View to providing channel to, Mar. 2, 1945 and navigation iml)rovements, at Leonardo. Saw Mill River, N. Y ..... ..... do- .. . Shinnecock Inlet, Long Island, ..... do ..---------..-------------- N.y. Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek, N. J. River and Harbor Act, .--------- - July 24, 1946 Shrewsbury River, N. J., to im- Rivers andl 1larbors (Com- . Prove north branch of Blossom mittee resolution, Feb. Cove. 1, 1946 Shrewsbury River (South Rivers and Harbors Corn- .. Branch), N. J. mittee resolution, Mar, 5, 1946 Shrewsbury River to Manas- Rivers and tHarbors Comn- . ............. quan Inlet section of the New mittee resolution, Mar. Jersey Intracoastal Waterway. 23, 1943 Shrewsbury River, N. J., in the Rivers and Harbors Comn- vicinity of, New Jersey Intra- mittee resolution, Nov. coastal Waterway. 11, 1943 Shrewsbury River to l)elaware House Public Works .. Bay above Cape May-for ex- Committee resolution, tension of New Jersey Intra- Apr. 22, 1947 coastal Waterway from Man- asquan Inlet to Shrewsbury River and an alternate connec- tion to l)elaware Bay. Smithtown, Long Island, N. Y.. River anid [arbor Act, - - - -- - - -- Mar. 2, 1945 Steinway Creek, Astoria, N. Y.. do-------... ----- -..... _,4------- Swift Creek, Milburn Creek, River and Harbor Act, -------------- an(l adiacent bays and chan- July 24, 1946 nels, New York. Westchester Creek, N. Y_....... River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945 ---- ---- ---- 63. WATERBURY RESERVOIR, WINOOSKI RIVER BASIN, VT. Location.-The Winooski River rises in the northeastern part of Vermont and flows westerly about 90 miles into Lake Champlain, about 4 miles north of Burlington, Vt. It lies wholly within the State and has a drainage area of about 1,080 square miles. The Waterbury Reservoir with a drainage area of 109 square miles is located on the Waterbury River, which enters the Winooski River 42 miles above the mouth, about 2 miles below Waterbury, Vt. (See U. S. Geological survey map covering Camels Hump, Vt., quad- rangle.) 356 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-The existing dam is of rolled earth-fill type 1,800 feet long at its crest rising 155 feet above the stream bed, and providing a total storage capacity of 64,700 acre-feet, of which 27,900 acre-feet are reserved for flood-control. This project pro- vides for modification of the Waterbury Dam so as to accommo' date safely the maximum probable flood. The work consists of in- creasing the height of the dam 3 feet to elevation 633 feet mean sea level, the installation of one extra 35-foot tainter gate, thus providing a total of three gates and reducing the length of fixed crest spillway by 38 feet, the installation of a gasoline-engine gen- erator for the emergency operation of the gates in case of power failure, riprapping new embankment, restoring road surface and guard rails, extending the existing bridge over the new tainter gate section, and performing such incidental work as may be re- quired. Construction of the Waterbury Reservoir was completed in 1938 under authority granted by the Director, Emergency Con- servation Work on June 2, 1933. The work was performed by the Civilian Conservation Corps under the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army. The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $618,200, exclusive of amount expended on previous project. The existing project was adopted by the Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 629, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-The Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944 authorized the project subject to the condition that the State of Vermont give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that it will: (a) Provide, without cost to the United States, all lands, ease- ments, and rights-of-way necessary for the construction. (b) Hold and save the United States free from claims for dam- ages due to the construction works and due to inundation of the reservoir areas between the present and proposed maximum flow lines. (c) Continue to maintain and operate the works after comple- tion in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. In letter dated September 2, 1947, the Governor of the State of Vermont gave assurance that the State of Vermont would comply with all conditions of local cooperation. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-The cost for prepara- tion of detailed plans was $610.11 for new work. The expenditures were $644.40. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans have been com- pleted. Preparation of contract plans and specifications and con- struction of project works remain to be done. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $8,296.17 for new work. The total expenditures were $8,288.17. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $15,711.83, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948--------------------------------- $8.00 New work: Completion of preparation of contract plans and specifications 15,703.83 Total for all work ------- ------ _ ------ ------- -15,711.83 • FLOOD CONTROL-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 357 No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------- ---------- $8,296.17 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------- ------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------- ----..- 8,296.17 8.00 Net total expenditures______ ---------------- ------ 8,288.17 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-----------------------15,711.83 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 24,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------------------- $625. 14 $6, 268. 98 $791.94 11 $610. Cost of maintenance------------------------------- -------------------------------- - Total expended .. .......... 63.73 6,840. 39 749.65 644.40 Allotted ......... ......... .. 14, 000. 00 10, 000. .00 ...... ..... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $-------------------------- 16,356.23 Gross amount expended ------------------------------ 644.40 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 5,711.83 1---------------- Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------- 8.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948 15,703.83 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project 594,200.00 64. WATERBURY, WINOOSKI RIVER BASIN, VT. Location.-The Winooski River, with a drainage area of 1,080 square miles, rises in the northeastern part of Vermont, flows gen- erally west for a distance of about 90 miles and enters Lake Cham- plain about 4 miles north of Burlington, Vt. The city of Waterbury is located about 44 miles above the mouth of the river, at which point the drainage area of the Winooski River is 735 square miles. (See U. S. Geological survey map covering Camels Hump, Vt., quadrangle.) Existing project.-This project provides for the construction of earth levees and concrete walls on the north bank of Winooski River at Waterbury, channel clearing between Bolton Gorge and Waterbury, removal of Bolton Gorge Dam and enlargement of Bolton Gorge. The aggregate length of the levees and flood walls is about 9,300 feet, of which 7,800 feet are earth embankment and 1,500 feet are concrete wall. The installation of a pumping plant, raising of a bridge, and the construction of two stop-logs and one flood-gate structure are included in the project. The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $2,506,400, exclusive of land and other work to be provided by local interests at an estimated cost of $185,700. 358 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 656, 76th Cong., 3d sess., which contains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. These re- quirements have not been fulfilled. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done on this project and there has been no cost or expenditure. Proposed operations.-No work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-------- 0.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 0.00 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ 0.00 Net total expenditures -------------------------------------- 0.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- 0.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------------------- --------------- $2,506,400 65. WRIGHTSVILLE RESERVOIR, WINOOSKI RIVER BASIN, VT. Location.-The Winooski River rises in the northeastern part of Vermont and flows westerly about 90 miles into Lake Champlain, about 4 miles north of Burlington, Vt. It lies wholly within the State and has a drainage area of about 1,080 square miles. The Wrightsville Reservoir with a drainage area of 68 square miles is located on the North Branch which enters the Winooski River 56 miles above the mouth at Montpelier, Vt. (See U. S. Geological survey map covering Montpelier, Vt., quadrangle.) Existing project.-The existing dam is of rolled earth-fill, 1,250 feet long with a maximum height of 95 feet, and providing a total storage capacity of 20,300 acre-feet, all of which is reserved for flood control. This project provides for modification of the Wrights- ville Dam so as to accommodate safely the maximum probable flood. The work consists of increasing the height of the dam 20 feet to elevation of 715 feet mean sea level, thereby increasing the length about 275 feet, replacing existing spillway weir by a new concrete ogee spillway of larger section, replacing existing rock fill spillway wall with a new concrete wall, widening existing rock spillway discharge channel, altering roadway, and performing such incidental work as may be required. Construction of the Wrightsville Dam was completed in 1935 under authority granted by the Director, Emergency Conservation Work, on June 2, 1933. The work was performed by the Civilian Conservation Corps under the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army. The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $2,017,600, exclusive of amount expended on previous project. The estimated non-Federal cost of land and other work to be provided by local interests is $2,000. The existing project was adopted by the Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 629, 78th Cong., 2d sess.; which contains the latest published map.) FLOOD CONTROL-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 359 Local cooperation.-The Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944, authorized the project subject to the condition that the State of Vermont give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that it will: (a) Provide, without cost to the United States, all lands, ease- mnents, and rights-of-way necessary for the construction. (b) Hold and save the United States free from claims for dam- ages due to the construction works and due to inundation of the reservoir areas between the present and proposed maximum flow lines. (c) Continue to maintain and operate the works after comple- tion in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. In letter dated September 2, 1947, the Governor of the State of Vermont gave assurance that the State of Vermont would comply With all conditions of local cooperation. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The cost for prepa- ration of detailed plans was $15,421.31 for new work. The expen- ditures were $16,940.92. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans have been com- pleted. Preparation of contract plans and specifications and con- struction of project works remain to be done. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $42,731.15 for new work. The total expenditure was $42,179.50. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended-at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $23,820.50, plus an allotment of $15,000 made in July 1948, a total of $38,820.50, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 ..- __-____..- __-......_----. $551.65 New work: Completion of contract plans and specifications- - _ _ 38,268.85 Total for all work ----------------------------------- 38,820.50 No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ - - - . . $42,731.15 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- _ ----- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--.... 42,731,15 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948- - - 551.65 Net total expenditures -------- _------------- ___ 42,179.50 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 ______-- - 23,820.50 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 66,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .. $745. 05 $18, 155. 99 $8, 408. 80 $15, 421.31 Cost of maintenance----------------- --------------...----.---- Total expended .............. ............. 53. 76 18, 847. 28 6, 337.54 16,940.92 ------ I-----------I---------- 46,0(8) - 00I--- 2(1(100. 00 Allotted................----------------.. 1---~--- 20, 000.00 - - ~ 46, 000. 00 .L----- 360 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947. ..--.------- __ $20,761.42 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- 20,000.00 Amount to be accounted for_-----------------------__ 40,761.42 Gross amount expended_----------------_____________________________ 16,940.92 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 23,820.50 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 .-. -- _ $551.65 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-- 55.32 606.97 Balance available, June 30, 1948 -- _ _ - ----- 23,213.53 Amount allotted in July 1948--- ------------- 15,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 38,213.53 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------.-. -__ 1,936,600.00 66. EAST BARRE RESERVOIR, WINOOSKI RIVER BASIN, VT. Location.-The Winooski River rises in the northeastern part of Vermont and flows westerly for a distance of 90 miles to Lake Champlain, which it enters about 4 miles north of Burlington, Vt. It lies wholly within the State and has a drainage area of about 1,080 square miles. The East Barre Reservoir with a drainage area of 38.7 square miles is located on the Jail Branch, which enters the Winooski River 58.5 miles above the mouth. (See U. S. Geological Survey map covering Corinth, Vt., quadrangle.) Existing project.-The existing dam is of rolled earth-fill, 1,040 feet long with a maximum height of 55 feet, and providing a total storage capacity of 12,050 acre-feet, all of which is reserved for flood control. This project provides for modification of the East Barre Dam so as to accommodate safely the maximum probable flood. The work consists of increasing the height of the dam 10 feet to elevation of 1,185 mean sea level, thereby increasing the length 420 feet, constructing a new concrete spillway with in- creased discharge capacity, relocating the outlet channel, altering roadways and performing such incidental work as may be re- quired. Construction of the East Barre Dam was completed in 1935 under authority granted by the Director, Emergency Concerva- tion Work on June 2, 1933. The work was performed by the Ci- vilian Conservation Corps under the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army. The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $3,088,000, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The estimated non-Federal cost of land and other work to be pro- vided by local interests is $83,300. The existing project was adopted by the Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 629, 78th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.--The Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944, authorized the project subject to the condition that the State of Vermont give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that it will: (a) Provide, without cost to the United States, all lands, ease- ments and rights-of-way necessary for the construction. FLOOD CONTROL----NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 361 (b) Hold and save the United States free from claims for dam- ages due to the construction works and due to inundation of the reservoir areas between the present and proposed maximum flow lines. (c) Continue to maintain and operate the works after comple- tion in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. In letter dated September 2, 1947, the Governor of the State of Vermont gave assurances that the State of Vermont would comply With all conditions of local cooperation. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The cost for prepa- ration of detailed plans was $16,222.42 for new work. The expen- ditures were $16,045.29. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans have been com- Pleted. Preparation of contract plans and specifications were 38 Percent completed. Construction of project works remains to be done. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $56,222.42 for new work. The total expenditures were $56,045.29. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $35,954.71, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_ ----------------------------- $177.13 New work: Completion of contract plans and specifications- --------- 35,777.58 Total for all work__________ ______---------- ------- 35,954.71 The additional sum of $1,500,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for initiation of construction of the Project by contract. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------------_____ $56,222.42 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..___________ __ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 56,222.42 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948_ - 177.13 Net total expenditures_ __ 56,045.29 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-- 35,954.71 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.......-----------. 92,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ...------ $---------.---.- -.$75. 98 $27, 274.82 $12, 649. 20 $16, 222. 42 Cost of maintenance --..--------------------------------................... Total expended-----------------..................... ----........ 53. 76 26, 662. 28 13, 283. 96 16, 045. 29 Allotted ....................................-------------------------------- 40, 000. 00 ............................ 52, 000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year_____ _ . . $52,000.00 Gross amount expended..-- ......-.--- -.---.- __- . ._.- 16,045.29 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 _ _ .--. . 35,954.71 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 --------------- _ _ 177.13 Balance available, June 30, 1948. ---------- ..-- 35,777.58 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------------------ 2,996,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ----------------------------- 1,500,000.00 362 REPORT OF OcHIeF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 67. RUTLAND, OTTER CREEK, VT. Location--Otter Creek rises in the Green Mountains at Dorset, Vt., flows generally north about 107 miles and enters Lake Cham- plain 19 miles south of Burlington, Vt. It has a drainage area of 936 square miles, The city of Rutland is located about 72 miles above the river's mouth at the junction of East Creek and the mainstream. (See U. S. Geological Survey map covering Rutland, Vt., quadrangle.) Existing project.-This project provides for channel improve- ment and construction of earth levees and concrete flood walls along East Creek in the vicinity of Rutland. The channel improve- ment extends for a distance of 3,300 feet. The aggregate length of the levees and walls is 7,720 feet, of which 6,605 feet are earth embankment and 1,025 feet are concrete flood walls. Other work appurtenant to the project involves construction of two pumping stations, reconstruction of two bridges, demolition of several struc- tures, relocation of roads and utilities, and construction of an interceptor sewer with appurtenances. The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $3,700,000, exclusive of lands, relocations, bridge reconstruction, sewer construction, and other work to be provided by local inter- ests at an estimated cost of $300,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See S. Doc. 171, 76th Cong., 3d sess., which contains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. The mayor and the board of aldermen of the city of Rutland have indicated that they are favorably disposed toward the proposed project. Although funds for local cooperation are dependent upon approval of a bond issue, it is expected that these funds will be forthcoming. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The cost for revi- sion of detailed plans was $4,706.97 for new work. The total ex- penditure was $6,723.43. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans were completed, but are being revised in the light of the severe storms of 1947 and 1948. Preparation of contract plans and specifications and con- struction of protective works remain to be done. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $50,882.55 for new work. The total expenditures were $49,820.91. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $13,679.09, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948___________________--------------___ $1,061.64 New work: Completion of revised detailed plans------------------ 12,617.45 Total for all work --------------------------------- 13,679.09 The additional sum of $500,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for completion of contract plans and spe- cifications and for initiation of construction of the project by con- tract. FLOOD CONTROL---NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT. 363 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___ ....---------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- _- --.----- - - _- $50,882.55 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 19481--- -- 50,882.55 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948- - _ ---------------- 1,061.64 Net total expenditures_____-- ----------------- 49,820.91 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948----....------------------- 13,679.09 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -------- 63,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work _ _- .. _-.. . __. $5,033. 64 $30, 566. 33 $4, 900. 03 $5, 675. 58 $4, 706. 97 Cost of maintenance------------------.........--- ----------------------------------------- Total expended .--_____ ...... 4, 770. 15 28, 718. 99 7, 010. 86 2, 597.48 6, 723. 43 Allotted -------------------------------- 70, 500. 00------------------------....... ... -- 27, 000. 00 S,,_, ___________,,,, 0.0 _0 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $47,402.52 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment---------- 27,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for----------- ------ 20,402.52 Grossamount expended_________---------- --------- - 6,723.43 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- ------ 13,679.09 Outstandingliabilities, June 30, 1948 $1,061.64 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. 13.65 1.075.29 Balance available, June 30, 1948 -------- ------- 12,603.80 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------3,636,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work --------------------- ------- 500,000.00 68. HOOSICK FALLS, HOOSIC RIVER BASIN, N. Y. Location. The Hoosic River rises in northwestern Massachu- setts, flows generally north and northwest, crossing the southwest corner of Vermont to the vicinity of Eagle Bridge, N. Y., where it turns west and joins the Hudson River about 16 miles above Troy, N. Y. It is 66 miles long and has a drainage area of 713 square miles. Hoosick Falls, N. Y., is situated on the Hoosic River about 26 miles above the mouth. (See U. S. Geological Survey map cov- ering Hoosick, N. Y.-Vt. quadrangle.) Existing project.-This provides for channel widening for 2,300 feet and for construction of earth levees and concrete walls on the east bank of the river. The principal structures involved are a re- inforced-concrete flood wall approximately 900 feet in length, an earth levee approximately 2,400 feet in length, an emergency out- let section in the flood wall, a two-cell culvert to form an outlet for Woods Brook and for interior drainage, a single-cell culvert to replace the existing Woods Brook flume and interior drainage structures. The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $925,400, exclusive of land and other work to be provided by local interests at an estimated cost of $59,100. 364 . REPORT OF CHIEF O1 ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act ap- proved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 182, 76th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements for local cooperation as provided by laW, local interests are required to give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will insure against future en- croachments upon the flood channels to be provided by the im- provements, and assume the cost of relocation of a sanitary sewer. The Superintendent of Public Works, State of New York, who is duly authorized to carry out the State's participation in the project, was requested to furnish assurances on March 6, 1945, and exe- cuted an agreement assuring State cooperation on March 12; 1945. The assurances were approved on April 23, 1945. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Contract plans and specifica- tions have been completed. Construction of the protective works remains to be done. The total cost and expenditures of the exist- ing project to June 30, 1948, were $36,000 for new work. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --- $36,000 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _.. _ Net total expenditures_----_ -_- -- ____------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ 36,000 36,000 36,000 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------- . - -$6, 016. 28 $29, 963.01 $20. 71 Cost of maintenance-.-- --------- Total expended-..--.----- - 5, 968. 59 30,001.72 29. 69........ . . Allotted- --------------- 26, 000. 00- ------------------ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------------------------------------- $889,400 69. NORTH ADAMS, HOOSIC RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The Hoosic River rises in northwestern Massachu- setts, flows generally north and northwest, crossing the southwest corner of Vermont to the vicinity of Eagle Bridge, N. Y., where it turns west and joins the Hudson River about 16 miles above Troy, N. Y. It is 66 miles long and has a drainage area of 713 square miles. North Adams, Mass., is situated on the Hoosic River about 14 miles below the source of the river. (See U. S. Geological Survey map covering Greylock, Mass.-Vt., quadrangle.) Existing project.-This project provides for local channel im- provement which would extend through the entire city for a dis- tance of 9,100 feet along the north branch, 8,100 feet along the FLOOD CONTROL--NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 365 south branch, and 12,100 feet along the main stream downstream from the junction and including Braytonville. On the north branch the improvements would consist of a debris basin above the Eclipse Dam; closure walls at the proposed new Hoosac Cotton Mill Dam and a rectangular paved concrete chute. On the south branch, the improvements would consist of a closure levee with a check dam and stilling basin; a stop-log structure closure across the Boston & Albany Railroad track; a new trapezoidal earth channel with levee; an improved trapezoidal and rectangular earth channel with levee and walls; a rectangular paved concrete flume to the new Johnson Dam; and a rectangular paved concrete chute. At the Junction, the improvements would consist of a rectangular concrete chute to a drop structure and stilling basin below Brown Street; closure levees; and rock-paved and improved earth channels. At Braytonville the improvements would consist of a rock-paved trapezoidal channel; a levee; an improved trapezoidal channel with levee; and a new dam and stilling basin with closure levee. Other Work appurtenant to the project would involve bridge recon- struction and approaches; street and utility relocations; interior drainage; and miscellaneous alteration, construction, and demoli- tion works. The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $13,167,900 exclusive of land and other work to be provided by local interests at an estimated cost of $1,615,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 182, 76th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements for local cooperation as provided by law, local interests are required to give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will insure against future en- croachments upon the flood channels to be provided by the improve- ments. These requirements have not been fulfilled. However, on October 3, 1945, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the city of North Adams indicated that they are favorably disposed toward assuming the requirements of local cooperation in connection with the proposed project. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans have been com- pleted. Preparation of contract plans and specifications and con- struction of the protective works remain to be done. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $80,000 for new work. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $80,000 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. _.._...._._.. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-......... 80,000 Net total expenditures-. _ -. ____ .- __. ... - ----- 80,000 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ....-.. . --.-. --- 80,000 804711--48-Vol. 1-24 366 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- - -----. ' $11, 909. 613 $65, 102. 23 $2, 988. 14 Cost of maintenance---.--, ... - ___- -. .. Total expended--...- ---. - 46 11,737. : 60,461.44 77.5--9 . 51 - - -. : Allotted-... , - .1......-- - - -'- .. 20,00.............. Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------------------- - 13,087,900 70. ADAMS, HOOSIC RIVER BASIN, MASS. Location.-The Hoosic River rises in northwestern Massachu- setts, flows generally north and northwest, crossing the southwest corner of Vermont to the vicinity of Eagle Bridge, N. Y., where it turns west and joins the Hudson River about 16 miles above Troy, N. Y. It is 66 miles long and has a drainage area of 713 square miles. Adams, Mass., is situated on the Hoosic River about 6 miles below the source of the river. (See U. S. Geological Survey map covering Greylock, Mass.-Vt., quadrangle.) Existing project.-This provides for channel improvements, for a distance of approximately 1.3 miles, with flood walls on both banks of the stream from, high ground below Plunkett Dam to a proposed weir above Commercial Street; a concrete paved chute or flume from this weir to a proposed stilling basin above the mouth of Tophet Brook and below Hoosac Street. Other work appurtenant to the project involves alteration of existing raceways, bridge re- construction, street and utility relocations, and channel improve- ment of tributary brooks. The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $3,369,800, exclusive of land and other work to be provided by local interests at an estimated cost of $322,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 182, 76th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements for local cooperation as provided by law, local interests are required to give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will insure against future en- croachments upon the flood channels to be provided by the im- provements. These requirements have not been fulfilled.. The board of selectmen of the town of Adams in letter dated September 20, 1944, have indicated that they would look favorably toward assuming the requirements of local cooperation. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The preparation of detailed plans has been partially completed. Preparation of contract plans and specifications and construction of protective works remain to be done. The total cost and expenditures of the project to June 30, 1948, were $22,000 for new work. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT: :, 367 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___----------------------- $22,000 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___------------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ......- 22,000 Net total expenditures _---------------- ----------- 22,000 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- ------- ----- 22,000 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work _ ........ $3, 609. 35 $18, 390. 65 ..--- - ----------------------- Cost of maintenance-........ - ..- ---.. -----.... .... . ---------------------- Total exI ended ..- ......... _ 3, 078.87 18, 919. 4( $1. 67 Alotted - .- ........... 10, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 -8, 000.00 - --------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project. . ..------------------------------------- $3,347,800 71. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 2 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 28, 1937, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, as amended by the Flood Control Acts approved August 11, 1939, August 18, 1941, and July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 from the flood-control appropriations for any one fiscal year for the removal of accumulated snags and other debris from, and the clearing and straightening of channels in navigable streams and tributaries thereof when such work is advisable in the interests of flood control; provided that not more than $50,000 shall be allotted for this purpose for any single tributary from the appro- priations for any one fiscal year. During the fiscal year 1946 the sum of $25,000 was allotted for the clearing of, and the removal of snags and other debris from channel of Pequannock Township Ditch,.Morris County, N. J. in the interest of flood control of the contiguous area. During the fiscal year, preliminary work in connection with a proposed contract for snagging and clearing was performed at a cost and expenditure of $35.55 for new work. Plans and specifications have been completed. Clearing and snagging operations remain to be done. The total cost and expendi- tures of the work to June 30, 1948, were $3,283.47 for new work. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $21,716.53, together with an allotment of $43,100 made in July 1948, a total of $64,816.53 will be applied to new work, clearing and snagging operations by contract as follows: Pequannock Township Ditch_____________ _______-____-- _ $46,716.53 Beaver Brook---------------------_ ---------------------- 18,100.00 Total ...................----------------------.---------------------- 64,816.53 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -__-__- __- - _ ----------$3,283.47 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_--------- 3,283.47 Net total expenditures------------------------------------- 3,283.47 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_____-________._--_ 21,716.53 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 25,000.00 368 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1 1945 1946 1947 1948 --.- ----------- I----- _ I -- -- I - Cost of new work-----.__----_ Cost of maintenance --------. Total expended .......... Allotted - .... - ... --------;--;L -------- ---- ---------------- j~ I.-- "- ...------------------ ..---------------------- -------- ---------- -------------- ( $2, 865.31 II 2,C)57, --- 25, 000. 00 j $382.61 -------------- ---- 1 19~, 81 -,----I--- I------------ $35. 55 "" _5 35, Ua I - I L- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $21 752.08 Gross amount expended_ 35.65 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 21,716.53 Amount allotted in July 1948_ 43,100.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ._ 64,816.53 72. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost of work during the fiscal year amounted to $86,539.37. The expenditures were $93,937.74. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $6,004.43, less accounts pay- able of $5,535.13, and plus an allotment of $80,000 received during the fiscal year 1949, a total of $80,469.30, will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to payment of expenses incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $150,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 $394,330.70 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_-..... _. 394,330.70 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 5,535.13 Net total expenditures --- 388,795.57 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 --------- ------- 6,004.43 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 394,800.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work. - Cost of maintenance---------............ $11,301.07 $11, 798.21 6239364 $78,274.39 $86, 539.37 Total expended ---------------- 11,673. 25 10 153.26 565.03 50, 79,025.67 93,937.74 I .. I I Allotted--....---.--------.---- 89,750.00 60, 000.00 6 , 500.0( 80, 000.00 1 _ 1 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------____ __________ $19,942.17 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------- 80,000.00 Amount to be accounted for_-------________ 99,942.17 Gross amount expended------------------- $94,286.03 Less reimbursed expenditures------ --------- 348.29 93,937.74 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------- 6,004.43 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ....... $5,535.13 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.- 5.00 5,540.13 Balance available, June 30, 1948_--_---------------__ - 464.30 FLOOD CONTROL--NEW YORK, N. Y., DISTRICT 369 Amount allotted in July 1948-------------------------------- 80,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 80,464.30 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.------------------------- 150,000.00 73. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures Estimated full report, to June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project see Annual quired to Report for- complete New work Maintenance 1. Lamoille River, Vt.l __ ........ ---- 2. Proctor, Otter Creek Basin, Vt..-_----. ..- 1939 2$49, 837. 43 ..--------------- 3 $26, 500 1937 322, 500 3. Bennington oosic River Basin, Vt....... 1941 ............................ 291, 000 4. Waterford, Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, N. Y.4.... _.............. .1939 315, 000 5. Winooski River, Vt-.-..-____.__.'..___. . 1940 4,897, 427.37 ---------------- (6) 1 unit of project completed; remaining unit awaiting local cooperation. 2 Includes $23,507.43 emergency relief funds. 3Completion not desired by local interests. 4Awaiting local cooperation. CoImpleted. Status or all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation ----- _ --- I -- - I I - I---- - Ausable River Basin, N. Y., at Commerce Committee and in the vicinity of Lake resolution, Dec. 1, 1943 Placid, N. Y. Cornwall on the Hudson and Senate Public Works Dock iill Brook, N. Y. Committee resolution, Feb. 1, 1947 Dock I ill Brook, Hudson River. Senate Public Works N. Y., and in the vicinity of Committee resolution, Cornwall on the 1[udson. Feb. 1, 1947 Hackensack River and tribu- Flood Control Act, July taries, New Jersey and New 24, 1946 Y.ork. Hudson River, N. Y., for flood Senate Public Works protection along Dock Hill Committee resolution, Brook and in the vicinity of Feb. 1, 1947 Cornwall on the Hudson. Ilutchinson River and tribu- Flood Control Act, Aug. --- --- --- -- taries, New York. 18, 1941 Kinderhook Creek, N. Y. andi Commerce Committee -- -- -- - Mass. resolution, Oct. 28, 1941 Lake Placid, N. Y., and Ausable Commerce Committee River Basin, N. Y. in vicinity resolution, Dec. 1, 1943 of. Ma maroneck and Sheldrake Riv- ------ --- -- Flood Control Act, Aug. ers and their tributaries, N. Y. 18, 1941 Mohawk River, N. Y--------.......... Flood Control Act, Aug. 11, 1939 --- --- --- -- Passaic River, N. J............. Flood Control Act, June 22, 19:36 Passaic River, N. J ........... Flood Control Act, May 6, 1936 -- -- -- -- -- Rahway River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, June N. J. 30, 1948 Saw Mill River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, Aug. New York. 18, 1941 Sheldrake and Mamaroneck Riv- Flood Control Act, Aug. and their tributaries, New 18, 1941 York. Winooski River and tributaries, Flood Control Commit- Vermont. tee resolution, June 20, 1940 i i i i IMPROVEMENTS OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT This district comprises a portion of southeastern New York, eastern Pennsylvania, western and southern New Jersey, northern and southeastern Delaware, and a small part of northeastern Mary- land embraced in the drainage basin of the Delaware Bay and River system and those basins tributary to the Atlantic Ocean from Mana- squan River, N. J., inclusive, to the south boundary of Delaware. It also includes the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and the approach channel thereto in Chesapeake Bay and Elk River, Md. District engineer: Col. F. F. Frech, Corps of Engineers. Division engineer of the North Atlantic Division, New York, N Y., comprising the New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Balti- more, Md., Washington, D. C., and Norfolk, Va., districts: Col. W. IP.Heavey, Corps of Engineers, acting division engineer to July 17, 1947, Col. B. C. Dunn, Corps of Engineers, since that date. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation Navigation-Continued Page Page 1. Delaware River between 18. Maurice River, N. J- ... 411 Philadelphia, Pa., and 19. Cold Spring Inlet, N. J 413 Trenton, N. J . 372 20. Absecon Inlet, N. J ..--- 415 2. Delaware River, Pa., N. J., 21. Barnegat Inlet, N. J ...... 418 and Del., Philadelphia, Pa., 22. Manasquan River, N. J_.. 420 to the sea 374 23. New Jersey Intracoastal Wa- 3. Delaware River at Camden, N.J 379 24. terway-_ ---- -- . . Examinations, surveys, and . 423 4. Schuylkill River above Fair- contingencies (general) ..-- 426 mount Dam, Pa 381 25. Inactive navigation projects 428 5. Schuylkill River, Pa....... 382 26. Plant allotment 428 6. Wilmington Harbor, Del ... 385 27. Hopper dredge replacement__ 429 7. Inland Waterway from Dela- ware River to Chesapeake Flood control Bay, Del. and Md ....... 389 8. Smyrna River, Del- 394 28. Dyberry Reservoir, Dyberry 9. Murderkill River, Del 396 Creek, Pa..._-....... . 431 10. Mispillion River, Del 397 29. Prompton Reservoir, Lacka- 11. Harbor of Refuge, Delaware waxen River, Pa...__.. 433 Bay, Del_ 399 30. Bear Creek Reservoir, Lehigh 12. Indian River Inlet and Bay, River, Pa_--_- 435 Del .. 401 31. Allentown, Lehigh River, Pa -436 13. Cooper River, N. J ------ 403 32. Bethlehem, Lehigh River, Pa. 437 14. Big Timber Creek, N. J _ 404 33. Preliminary examinations, 15. Mantua Creek, N. J. . . 406 surveys, and contingencies 16. Raccoon Creek, N. J ..... 408 for flood control--- 438 17. Cohansey River, N. J .....- 409 34. Inactive flood-control projects 439 371 372 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 1. DELAWARE RIVER BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, PA., AND TRENTON, N. J. Location.--This river has its source in southeastern New York, flows in a general southerly direction 315 miles; forming the boun- dary line between the States of'New York and New Jersey on the east and Pennsylvania and Delaware on the west, and empties into Delaware Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts NOS. 1218, 280, 294, 295, and 296.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 10, 1872; March 3, 1875; June 14,1880; July 5, 1884; August 18, 1894; March 2, 1907; June 25, 1910; July 25, 1912; June 5, 1920; and March 3, 1925. For further details see page 1778 of the An- nual Report for 1915; page 311 of the Annual Report for 1924; page 220 of the Annual Report for 1934; and page 296, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 28 feet deep and 300 feet wide from Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, to the Penn- sylvania Railroad bridge at Delair; thence 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide to the upper end of the municipal marine terminal at Trenton, including a turning basin 500 feet wide and 1,700 feet long at the terminal, widening the 25-foot channel at bends above Delair, and the maintenance of a channel 12 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the upper end of the 25-foot channel to the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge at Trenton, dredged under a previous project. The project also provides for an auxiliary channel 20 feet deep and 200 feet wide east of Burlington Island extending easterly from the main channel to the upper end of the United States Pipe & Foundry Co.'s property at East Burlington, with a turning basin 450 feet wide at the upper end, an anchorage 22 feet deep, 100 feet wide, and 400 feet long along its west or landward side and 800 feet long along the west side of the ship channel, opposite the mouth of Biles Creek, Pa., and for the initial excavation only, of a cross channel 8 feet deep and 200 feet wide through the artificial island opposite Delanco, N. J. The total length of the section included in the project is about 30>2 miles, excluding the auxiliary channel east of Burlington Island which is 1.4 miles long, and the cross channel opposite Delanco. The lower end is about 55 miles above the mouth of the river at Liston Point and about 105 miles above the harbor of refuge at the mouth of Delaware Bay. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean tidal range at Trenton is 6.2 feet, an increase of 0.8 foot since the completion of the 25-foot channel. Freshets, which occur usually during February and March, attain a height of 9 to 20 feet above mean low water in the vicinity of Trenton. Navigation is occasionally suspended during a portion of the winter months on account of ice. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $5,243,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects but including $15,000 contributed funds. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $142,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: RIVERS AND IIAIBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 373 Acts Work authorized Documents July 3, 1930 A channel 28 feet deer),300 feet wide between Allegheny Rivers and Harbors Committee 1 Aug. 30, 1935 Ave., Philadelph , Pa., and 1)elair bridge. Doe. 3, 71st Cong., 1st sess. ug 30,1935Deepening the channe to 25 feet from Delair bridge Rivers and Harbors Committee to Trenton, N. J.,and for maintenance of the 12-foot Doc. 11, 73d Cong., 1st sess. channel from the upper end of the 25-foot project to Pennsylvania R. R. bridge at Ferry St., Trenton. Do--- Auxiliary channel, 20 feet deep, east of Burlington Rivers and Harbors Committee 1 Island. Doc. 66, 74th Cong., 1st sess. Aug. 26,1937 A cross channel 8 feet deep, opposit Delanco, N. J.... Rivers and Harbors Committee Doe. 90, 74th Cong., 2d seass. July 24, 1946 Anchorage at mouth of Biles Creek; H. Doc. 679, 79th Cong., 2d sess. pbistrhedation, SAlso Public Works Sept. 6, 1933, and Emergency Relief Administration, May 28, 1935 Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with except that local inter- ests are required to furnish suitable areas for disposal of dredged material during maintenance as and when needed. Terminal facilities.-There are 21 piers, wharves, and docks Within the improvement, exclusive of those within limits of city of Philadelphia. The facilities are considered adequate for existing conmmrerce. (For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities at Ports on the Delaware River, 1941 Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.---Under maintenance by hired labor surveys and channel examinations were made at a cost of $495.46. The expenditures were $461.60. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 99 percent complete. The channel between Philadelphia and Tren- ton was completed in 1937 and the cross channel opposite Delanco in 1939. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of the anchorage at the mouth of Biles Creek. The latest examinations show minimum depths, at mean low Water, as follows: Minimum depth Date Section Project Mid- depth Left channel Right outside for half outside quarter project quarter width Feet Feet Feet Feet lay 1946....... Allegheny Ave. to Delair Bridge............--28 27. 6 28. 0 23. 0 Jt uly 1946_...... Delair Bridge to Trenton Marine Terminal. 25 11.3 13.9 6.9 Do....-------- Trenton Marine Terminal to Pennsylvania R.R. Bridge---------------------------- 12 5.1 8.1 +.2 A Pril 1948_......Channel east of Burlington Island------------20 9.9 13.0 10.0 The total costs and expenditures under the existing project were as follows: Public Works Emergency Regular Total funds relief funds funds Costs: New work---------- .... . $2, 189, 955. 51 $2, 636, 456. 26 $363, 405. 46 $5, 189, 817. 23 Maintenance --.......... ------------------------------. .---- 920, 318. 94 920, 318.94 Total ........... _...... 2, 189, 955. 51 2, 636, 456. 26 1, 283, 724. 40 6, 110,136. 17 Expenditures ................... 2, 189, 955. 51 2, 636, 456. 26 1, 283, 722. 90 6, 110, 134. 67 374 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 In addition $15,000 contributed funds were expended for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, amounting to $424.26 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 _----- - _ $1.50 Maintenance: Surveys and channel examinations--------- 42276 Total-__--- 424.26 The additional sum of $225,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 on maintenance dredging of the auxiliary chan- nel and turning basin east of Burlington Island to project dimen- sions by contract, October 1949. 'The completion of the project is not required by existing com- .merce. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 1 $7, 678,990.68 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 1,473,039.40 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _----_ 19,152,030.08 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 50 Net total expenditures _____ ________ ______ 19,152,028.58 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 -'424.26 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-. 19,152,452.84 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944' 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ofnew work...------------------------------- Cost of maintenance............. ---- $2, 479.32 $7, 354. 14 $5, 542. 72 $2, 712. 40 $495.46 Total expended...----------. 4,144. 89 67 7,377. 4, 42. 95 3, 890. 03 461.60 Allotted -109,500.00000.00 47, 50 -----.......................... -4, 000. 00 3, 000. 00----- -- _ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------_ _-885.86 Gross amounts expended ________________ - - -- - 461.60 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------- _-_ 424.26 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- 1.50 Balance available, June 30, 1948 422.76 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project__------- ___________________________ 38,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance__________------------------___________ _ 225,000.00 1In addition, $15, 000contributed funds were expended for new work. 2. DELAWARE RIVER, PA., N. J.,AND DEL., PHILADELPHIA, PA., TO THE SEA Location.-See page , also United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1218, 294, 295, and 280. RIVERS AND HARBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 375 Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of July 4, 1836; March 3, 1873; March 3, 1875; June 18, 1878; March 3, 1879; July 5, 1884; August 11, 1888; and March 3, 1899. For fur- ther details, see page 1779 of Annual Report for 1915 and pagd 299, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 37 feet deep from Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., to the Philadelphia Navy Yard, thence 40 feet to deep water in Delaware Bay, 800 feet wide in the straight reaches from Allegheny Avenue to a point in Dela- Ware Bay near Ship John Light, thence 1,000 feet wide to deep Water in Delaware Bay, with 1,200 feet width at Bulkhead bar and 1,000 feet width at other bends and in Philadelphia Harbor; for an anchorage at Port Richmond 37 feet deep and about 6,400 feet long; for an anchorage at Gloucester 30 feet deep and about 3,500 feet long; for an anchorage in the vicinity of Mantual Creek 37 feet deep, 1,400 feet wide and having a mean length of. 11,600 feet; and for an anchorage at Marcus Hook 37 feet deep, 1,400 feet wide and having a mean length of 10,500 feet. It also provides for the con- Struction of dikes and training works for the regulation and control of the tidal flow; for straightening the channel and extending the 1 ,000-foot width from Philadelphia Harbor to Horseshoe Bend; and for the maintenance of an area on the north side of the channel oPPosite the Philadelphia Navy Yard between Shipway 3 and Schuylkill River to a depth of 40 feet and a width of 150 feet on Mifflin Range and 200 feet on West Horseshoe Range, and of any areas dredged by local interests to a depth of 35 feet between the channel and a line 100 feet channelward of the pierhead line be- tWeen Point House wharf and the Philadelphia Navy Yard, when I1 the opinion of the Chief of Engineers such areas are so located as to be of benefit to general navigation. The total length of the section included in the project is about 96.5 miles. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean tidal range at various points on the river and bay is as follows: Philadelphia, Pa., 5.5 feet; Chester, Pa., 5.4 feet; New Castle, Del., 5.3 feet; Liston Point, Del., 5.6 feet; and Lewes, Del,, 4.1 feet. Under the influence of heavy and long-continued winds the extreme tidal range is about 14 feet. The normal maximum velocity of tidal current in the dredged channel varies between 2 and 3/ Miles per hour. Storm tides may increase the maximum to as much as 4> miles per hour. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $34,900,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,- 600,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: 376 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized Documents June 25,,1910 Channel 35 feet deep from Allegheny Ave., Phila- H. Doec. 733, 61st Cong., 2d sess. delphia, Pa., to Delaware Bay. . July 3, 1930 Anchorages 35 feet deep at Port Richmond and Man- H. Doc. 304, 71st Cong., 2d sess tua Creek, a 30-foot anchorage at Gloucester, N. J., and extending the 1,000-foot channel width in Phila- adelphia Harbor to Horseshoe Bend. Aug. 30, 1935 2 An anchorage 35 feet deep at Marcus Hook, Pa...... Rivers and Harbors Committee Doe. 5, 73d Cong., 1st ses sess. June 20, 1938A channel 37 feet deep from Philadelphia-Camden S. Doe. 159, 75th Cong., 3d Bridge to the navy yard, thence 40 feet deep to deep water in Delaware Bay. s' Mar. 2, 1945 A 37-foot depth in channel from AlleghenyAve., Phil- H. Doe. 580, 76th Cong., 3d ses adelphia, Pa. to Philadelphia-Camden Bridge and in the anchorage at Port Richmond. Do...... A 37-foot depth in and enlargement of anchorages H. Doe. 340, 77th Cong., 1st sess. near Mantua Creek and Marcus Hook. Do...... Maintenance of enlarged channel opposite Philadel- Specified in act. phia Navy Yard. 1 Contains latest published maps. 9 Also Public Works Administration, Sept. 6, 1933. Local cooperation.--The River and Harbor Act of June 20, 1938, imposes the condition that the cities of Philadelphia and Camden shall agree to dredge not less than 110,000 cubic yards annually in maintaining the channel and anchorages in Philadelphia Harbor between Allegheny Avenue and the mouth of Schuylkill River. This condition will become effective after completion of initial dredging of the 40- and 37-foot channels below the Philadelphia-Camden Bridge. Terminal facilities.-Thereare 243 wharves on the river between Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, and the sea, 188 located on the waterfront of Philadelphia, Camden, and Gloucester and 55 below Philadelphia. Eight are owned by the United States, 5 by the States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 28 by municipalities, 77 by rail- road companies, and 125 by private interests. The public and rail- road piers are open to public use, some free and others on payment of charges. Most of the piers which are equipped to handle general cargo have direct rail connections with three railroad systems operating in the area. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. (For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities at Ports on the Delaware River 1941, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work: Contract. -Dredging a 4,000 foot extension to Mantua Creek anchorage was commenced June 7, 1948, and was 20 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. There were removed 200,000 cubic yards, place measurement, of material at a cost of $70,368.73. Costs in connec- tion with the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates by hired labor were $12,176.92. The total cost of all new work was $82,545.65. Maintenance: Hired labor.-Dredging in the 37- and 40-foot channels where required and in Marcus Hook Anchorage was in progress throughout the year. Plant operating on this work in- cluded the United States hopper dredges Atlantic, Delaware, Chester Harding,New Orleans,and Rossell. There were removed 11,939,228 cubic yards, bin measurement, of material from the channel, and 270,464 cubic yards of material from Marcus Hook Anchorage. The cost, including rehandling with pipe-line dredges was $1,774,287.40. RIVERS AND IARBORS----PIIILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 377 Other costs were: Surveys and channel examinations, $90,891.92 and model studies of shoaling in the Delaware River by United States Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., $23,- 532.49, a total of $114,424.41. The costs for all work were $82,545.65 for new work and $1,- 888,711.81 for maintenance, a total of $1,971,257.46. The expendi- tures were $1,877,529.54. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was about 79 percent complete. The 40-foot channel from Philadelphia Navy Yard to the sea was completed in 1942. The enlarging and deepen- ing of Marcus Hook Anchorage was completed in 1947. The work remaining to be done is the completion of the deepening and enlarg- ing of Mantua Creek Anchorage, and the deepening of the channel from Allegheny Avenue to the Philadelphia Navy Yard, including Port Richmond Anchorage from 35 feet to 38 feet. The latest examinations show minimum depths, at mean low Water, available to navigation as follows: Minimum depth Date Section Project depth Left Left Right Right outside inside inside outside quarter quarter quarter quarter Allegheny Ave. to the Philadel- Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet rune 1948-....... phia-Camden Bridge 37 22.2 29. 8 28. 2 25.3 Do- .......Philadelphia-Camden Bridge to 37 17.2 36. 2 35.3 26. 6 Navy Yard. Do--- .. Navy Yard to the sea_........... 40 32.1 34.3 34.0 34. 0 The costs and expenditures under the existing project were as follows: Public Works funds Regular funds Total Costs: New work........................ $813,045.79 $26, 762, 230. 23 $27, 575, 276.02 50,716,107.69 50,716,107.69 Maintenance---------------.....................-------...................... Total...---------------- ---. 813, 045.79 77, 478, 337.92 78, 291,383. 71 xpenditures....------------------- - 813, 045. 79 77, 405, 992. 15 78, 219, 037. 94 Proposed operations.-It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $846,368.46 together with an allotment of $2,442,000 made in July 1948 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------------- $72,345.77 New work: Dredging to extend Mantua Creek Anchorage upstream approxi- mately 4,000 feet at its present depth of 35 feet and width of 1,000 feet under contract in force to be completed May 1949- 587,074.24 Dredging Mantua Creek Anchorage to full project width of 1,400 feet at its present depth of 35 feet by contract November 1948 to June 1949 ----------------------------------- 500,000.00 ---------------- Total new work_ ------------------ 1,087,074.24 378 REPORT OF CHIEF OF. ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Maintenance: Dredging to. maintain project depth in the channel between Allegheny Ave. and Delaware Bay with 2 United States ho er, dred eAsO fnr. 10 ,,,, h L,-1.. , . pp1 States United u!igc or pipe-line mon s each, ana renandling with dredges ---------------- $2 078,948.45 Continue model studies of shoaling in Delaware River by U. S. Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. 50,000.00 Total maintenance--_______ _______ 2,128,948.45 Total for all work---------------------,_____ _ 3,288,368.46 The additional sum of $5,200,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Dredging Port Richmond Anchorage by contract August to October 1949--------------------$200,000 Dredging east side of Pea Patch Island by contract January to June 1950--- ----------- 700,000 Repairing Pennsville, Pea Patch Island and Reedy Island Dikes by contract, September 1949 to June 1950- -- _ 800,000 Dredging with 4 United States hopper dredges and rehandling with pipe-line dredges during the fiscal year--------------- 3,425,000 Model studies of shoaling in Delaware River by U. S. Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss.-- 75,000 Total -- --------------------------------- 5,200,000 No new work is considered essential during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 $40,551,333.63 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _ 51,741,516.71 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 92,292,850.34 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- -72,345.77 Net total expenditures_______ 92,220,504.57 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948'--846,368.46 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------93,066,873.03 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- ......... $1,365,376.91 $561, 221.79 $3, 569 22 $570, 510. 89 $ 82, 545. 65 Cost of maintenance-....... 2, 950, 813.40 3, 273, 464. 87 2, 748,382.54 2, 275, 476. 61 1, 888, 711.81 Total cost----------...........4, 316,190. 31 3,834,686.66 2, 751,951.76 2, 845, 987. 50 1, 971, 257.46 Total expended............ 4, 202,124.67 3, 997, 527.24 2, 722, 312.90 2, 939, 650. 56 1, 877, 529. 54 Allotted.........--------------------- .00 5, 204, 000.00 3, 256, 145. 80 783, 550. 26 2, 635, 500. 00 I Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -- _______________ $88,398.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year--- --------------- 2,680,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--- 2,768,398.00 Deduction on account of revocation of allotment --- 44,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for_ ------- 2,723,898.00 Gross amount expended _____ 1,877,529.54 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- _- ------- 846,368.46 RIVERS AND HARBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 379 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-- ....---.. $72,345.77 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts ._--- 509,180.93 581,526.70 Balance available, June 30, 1948- .---- ------ ------ 264,841.76 Amount allotted in July, 1948- ------- -- --- --------- -- 2,442,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ..---- . 2,706,841.76 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ----- ___ ----------------------- 6,238,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ------------------- ,200,000.00 3. DELAWARE RIVER AT CAMDEN, N. J. Location.-Camden, N. J., is located on the east bank of the Dela- Ware River, directly opposite the city of Philadelphia, Pa. It is about 51 miles above the mouth of the river and about 101 miles above the harbor of refuge at the mouth of Delaware Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts NOs. 295 and 280.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and;.Harbor Act of June 25, 1910. No work was done on this project. For further details, see Page 321, Annual Report for 1932. Existingproject.-This provides for dredging in front of Camden to a depth of 18 feet from that depth north of Cooper Point to Berk- ley Street and 30 feet from the latter point to Newton Creek, with the depth increased to 37 feet in front of the Camden marine termi- nals, these depths extending from the ship channel in Delaware River to a line parallel with and 50 feet distant from the established Pierhead line, and the 37-foot depth in front of the Camden marine terminals extending about 2,900 feet along the inshore side and about 5,100 feet along the ship channel. All depths refer to the Plane of mean low water. The distance from Cooper Point to Berkley Street is about 1.5 miles, and from Berkley Street to Newton Creek is about 2.5 miles. The lower end of the project is about 49 miles above the mouth of the river at Liston Point and about 99 miles above the harbor of refuge at the mouth of Delaware Bay. The mean tidal range is 5.5 feet and the extreme tidal range under the influence of prolonged heavy winds is about 14 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947, is $1,086,000, excluding $15,000 contributed funds. The latest (1946) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $25,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents I Mar. 2, 1919 A depth of 30 feet from Newton Creek to Kaighn H. Doc. 1120, 63d Cong., 2d sess. Point, thence 18 feet to Cooper Point. 'uly 3, 1930 Extending the 30-foot depth upstream to Berkley H. Doc. 111, 70th Cong., 1st sess. St. terminal. 2 Mar. ar. 2, 1945 A depth of 37 feet in front of the Camden marine H. Doc. 353, 77th Cong., 1st sess. terminals. Contain latest published maps. 380 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are 60 piers, wharves, and docks along the Delaware River water front at Camden, including 3 oil terminals on Pettys Island. Two are modern terminals designed for overseas and domestic general cargo, and are open to all carriers on equal terms. They are the Beckett Street terminal, owned bY the South Jersey port district, and the Spruce Street municipal pier, owned by the city of Camden. The piers have direct railroad con- nections. The facilities are considered adequate for existing conm- merce. (For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities at Ports on the Delaware River, 1941, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing by contract to a depth of 12 feet in the upper end of the project opposite Cooper Point was commenced November, 25 and completed December 8, 1947. There were removed 19,236 cubic yards of ma- terial at a cost of $16,292.09. Surveys were made at a cost of $689.46 for maintenance. The total costs were $16,981.55 for maintenance. The expenditures were $18,997.19. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 55 percent complete. The dredging of the 18- and 30-foot depths was completed in 1931. The work remaining to be done is the deep- ening of the area in front of the Camden Marine Terminal to 37 feet. The latest examination (December 1947) indicates that proJ- ect depths are well maintained in the completed portion of the project except along the easterly edge, and that the minimum depth in the 37-foot project area in front of the Marine Terminal was 29 feet. The costs under the existing project, excluding $15,000 con- tributed funds expended for new work, were $462,905.66 for new work and $113,325.91 for maintenance, a total of $576,231.57. The expenditures were $576,229.49. Proposed operations.-Itis proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $1,891.94, as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1947 $2.08 Maintenance: Surveys and examinations _ -- -- _ 1,889.86 Total --------------------------------------------- 1,891.94 The additional sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging of the channel with a United States hopper dredge where required, September 1949. Completion of the project is not contemplated prior to the fiscal year 1951. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 $-----------462,90 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 113,325.91 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. ~576,231.57 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 2.08 Net total expenditures------_ -_______________-____ 1576,229.49 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ---------- 1,891.94 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------578,121.43 RIVERS AND HARBORS-PHILADELPHIIA, PA., DISTRICT 381 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work Cost of nmaintenance.__ I$1. $ 712. 25 $18, 086.40 . 40 -$7 7,829.94 $16, 981. 55 Total expended. ..-- ...-------- 1,712. 25 17, 670. 90 6, 227. 72 18, 997. 19 Allotted--------------------------------- 3, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 6, 500. 00 17, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------ $3,889.13 Am ount allotted during fiscal year-------------------- -------- 30,000.00 D Amount to be accounted for----------- -------- 33,889.13 eductions on account of revocation of allotment----------- 13,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for ----------------- 20,889.13 Gross amount expended ...----------------------------- --- 18,997.19 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---...-- -- 1,891.94 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- _---------.- 2.08 Balance available, June 30, 1948- ........... 1,889.86 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project..--------------------------------- 623,100.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ------------------ -------- 60,000.00 1In addition, $15,000 contributed funds were expended for new work. 4. SCIHUYLKILL RIVER ABOVE FAIRMOUNT DAM, PA. Location.-Schuylkill River has its source in Schuylkill County, Pa., and flows southeasterly 150 miles to the Delaware River at Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheets of Pennsylvania.) Existing project.-This provides for the improvement of the Schuylkill River above Fairmount Dam in the interest of navigation and other purposes by the removal of culm deposits from the pools formed by Plymouth Dam, Flat Rock Dam, and Fairmount Dam. The estimate of cost for this work, revised in 1947, is $17,000,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of July 24, 1946 (H. Doec. No. 529, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published maps are contained in the project document. Local cooperation.-The accomplishment of the authorized work is subject to the requirements that local interests: (a) Stop the dis- charge of mine and industrial wastes into the streams of the Schuyl- kill watershed; (b) construct works to intercept accumulated wastes Which enter the headwaters by erosion, or are now present therein, and keep them from going downstream; (c) remove 50 percent of the culm deposits in the river between Auburn and Norristown Dam and give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they Will remove the remaining 50 percent of.the culm deposits in the river between Auburn and Norristown Dam; (d) furnish without cost, to the United States all lands, easements, and rights-of-way necessary for the construction of the project; (e) hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction works; 8 04711--48-- vol. 1 -25 382 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 and (f) maintain and operate all works after completion in accord ance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War. It 1 expected that the conditions of local cooperation will be satisfac torily met within the next 2 years. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-.None. There were n costs or expenditures. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Operations on the project havW not been initiated. There have been no costs or expenditures. Proposed operations.--Nofunds are available and no work is con templated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $990,000 can be profitably expended during the fisca year 1950 as follows: New work: Preparation of definite project report _ $35,000 Designing and initiating construction of dredges and auxiliary plant_ 955,000 Total ------------- 990,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ____________________ ____------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- - ----------- Net total expenditures .---------------------------------- -------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---------...-- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---- ----------------------------- $17,000,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work---- __ 990,000.00 5. SCHUYLKILL RIVER, PA. Location.-This river has its source in Schuylkill County, Pa., flows in a general southeasterly direction 150 miles, and empties into the Delaware River at Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Charts Nos. 295 and 280.) Previous projects.--Adopted by River and Harbor Act of July 11, 1870, and modified April 26, 1892. For further details see page 325, Annual Report for 1932. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 33 feet deep and 400 feet wide in Delaware River to the mouth and within the river to Twenty-ninth Street, three-fourths mile above the mouth; thence the same depth and 300 feet wide to Passyunk Avenue Bridge, 32 miles above the mouth; thence 26 feet deep and 200 feet wide to Gibsons Point, 4>2 miles above the mouth; and thence 22 feet deep and 200 feet wide to University Avenue Bridge, 6 miles above the mouth, including widening at bends. The total length of the section included in the project is about 6>2 miles. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 5.4 feet and at Grays Ferry Bridge about one-half mile below Uni- versity Avenue Bridge, 5.8 feet. The extreme tidal range, due to freshets and prolonged heavy winds, is about 14 feet. The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1947, is $2,803,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest RIVERS AND HARBORS--PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 383 (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $966,000, in addition to $1,300,000 required to restore project depth below Passyunk Avenue Bridge as provided by the River and Har- bor Act of July 3, 1930, and $1,036,000 for the restoration of project depths above Passyunk Avenue Bridge as provided by the River and Harbor Act of July 24, 1946. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 8, 1917 Depths of 35 feet from mouth to Girard Point, thence H. Doc. 1270, 64th Cong., 1st sess. 30 feet, 26 feet, and 22 feet to University Ave. uly 3, Bridge, Philadelphia. 3,1930A depth of 30 feet instead of 35 feet between the mouth Rivers and Harbors Committee and Girard Point, and the conditional restoration Doec. 40, 71st Cong., 2d sess., and maintenance of the channel below Passyunk y 24, 1 Ave. by the United States. uly24, 1946 A depth of 33 feet from the channel in Delaware River H. Doc. 699, 79th Cong., 2d sess.' to Passyunk Ave., restoration of the project chan- nel dimensions between Passyunk Ave. and Uni- versity Ave., and full maintenance of the entire project. 1 Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.--The River and Harbor Act of July 24, 1946, unposed the condition that the city of Philadelphia agree to remove 60,000 cubic yards (place measurement) of material annually from that portion or those portions of the project which the District Engi- neer may designate until such time as adequate municipal sewage- treatment works are constructed and placed in effective operation. This condition is being satisfactorily complied with. All other re- quirements have been fully complied with. .Terminal facilities.-There are 43 wharves located within the limits of the improvement. These terminals are considered ade- quate for existing commerce. (For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities at Ports on the Delaware River, 1941, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work dredging by the United States hopper dredges Atlantic, Harding,and Rossell to deepen the channel from 30 feet to 33 feet between Delaware River and Passyunk Avenue Bridge was commenced June 21, 1948, and was 10 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. There Were removed and deposited in rehandling basins 155,331 cubic Yards of material. The cost of dredging including rehandling by Pipe-line dredges was $70,095.77. Maintenance dredging in the channel between the Delaware River and Passyunk Avenue Bridge by the United States hopper dredges Atlantic, Harding,and Rossell was in progress at intervals through- out the year. There were removed 982,653 cubic yards, bin measure- mlent, of material at a cost of $516,061.12. Surveys and channel ex- aminations were made at a cost of $16,739.68. The total cost of all work was $70,095.77 for new work; and $532,- 800.80 for maintenance, a total of $602,896.57. The expenditures Were $506,770.93. In compliance with local cooperation requirements, the city of 384 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Philadelphia dredged a total of 319,300 cubic yards of material from the channel above Passyunk Avenue Bridge. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 52 percent complete. The work remaining to be done is the deepen- ing of the channel from the Delaware River to Passyunk Avenue Bridge from 30 feet to 33 feet, and the removal of a few rock shoals above Passyunk Avenue Bridge. The latest examinations show minimum depths, at mean low water, available to navigation as follows: June 1948 . Delaware River to 29th tfeet Feet Feet F1ee )o .....---------... 29th St. to Passyunk Ave ------------------ 33 13.7 29.0 14.0 )o-...........Passyunk Ave. to Gibson Point 26 11.7 22. .3 Do.. ..-------..Gibson Point to University Ave . 22 3.8 1........ 2. 7 The costs under the existing project were $1,526,096.78 for new work and $6,618,838.37 for maintenance, a total of $8,144,935.15.. The expenditures were $8,057,757.09. Proposed operations.---It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $4,357.59 together with an allotment of $2,123,000 made in July 1948 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948-- New work: Deepening the channel between Delaware River and $87,178.06 Passyunk Ave. Bridge from 30 to 33 feet by United hopper dredges and pipe-line dredges _ States Maintenance: 1,224,904.23 Restoring depths of 20 feet from Passyunk Ave. Bridge to Gibsons Point, thence 15 feet to University Ave. Bridge for full project width by contract, September February 1949 ----------------- 1948 to Maintaining project depth between Delaware River 537,275.30 Passyunk Ave. Bridge and restoring depths and above Passyunk Ave. Bridge with United States hopper dredges and pipe-line dredges as required------------- Acquiring lands for disposal areas------------- 128,000.00 Preparation of disposal areas by contract, September 100,000.00 December 1948------- to 50,000.00 Total maintenance Total for all work_ 815,275.30 ---- --------- 2,127,357.59 The additional sum of $1,300,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Restoring project depth between Passyunk Ave. Bridge and University Ave. Bridge by contract, September 1949 to February 1950 ------- $500,000.00 Maintaining project depths with United States hopper dredges and pipe-line dredges as required--- ----------- 800,000.00 Total--....----------- . - ----- 1,300,000.00 RIVERS AND HARBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT . 385 The completion of the project is not contemplated prior to the fiscal year 1951. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ----------._---$2,051,096.78 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -------- -- -- 6,618,838.37 8,669,935.15 inus inusTotal accounts of permanent costpayable, work to June 30, 1948 -------. June 30, 1948 87,178.06 Net total expenditures_-- ------------------------ 8,582,757.09 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948_---------------------- 4,357.59 Total amount appropriated tojJune 30,!1948-_ _ ---- 8,587,114.68 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ---- ~ -- --- ~~lc---- I-- Cost of new work ............. $70,095.77 Cost of maintenance ............ $540, 462. i$55, I.... 372. 91-$983, 890. 06I 6 $798,957.0i 532,80080 Total cost................ 540, 462 57 575, 372, 91 983,890.06 798, 957. 06 602, 896. 57 Total expended................ 548, 264. 39 560, 483. 53 1, 002, 880.62 801, 569.02 506, 770. 93 Allotted o-a- ------------...- 000.00 371, 893,000.00 11,225,000.00 256, 000.00 500,000.00 .1 _.' "alancce'unexpended, July 1, 1947 $--------------------- $11,128.52 Amour nt allotted during fiscal year _------- .----------.. 700,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ___.. . ... - -----.. 711,128.52 Deduc tions on account of revocation of allotment- _-- _--- 200,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for- ... ......... 511,128.52 Gross amount expended- ........... 506,770.93 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------------- _ 4,357.59 Outsta inding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------------ 87,178.06 Balance available, June 30, 1948 -------------------- -- 82,820.47 Amournt allotted in July 1948 ---------- ------------------ 2,123,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949..... 2,040,179.53 nA amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -- ---------------------- 52,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ...------------------------1,300,000.00 6. WILMINGTON HARBOR, DEL. Location.---This harbor is formed by Christina River, which rises ia New Castle County, Del., flows northeasterly 16 miles, passing through the city of Wilmington, Del., and empties into Delaware River about 29 miles below Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 294.) Previousprojects.-Work was done on Christina River from 1836 to 1838. The original project was adopted by River and Harbor Act of July 11, 1870, and modified by River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1881, and July 5, 1884. For further details see page 1785 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 308 of Annual Report for 1938. 386 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, Tf. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-This provides for a channel 30 feet deep and 400 feet wide in Delaware River to the mouth of Christina River and within the river to Lobdell Canal, three-fourths mile above the mouth; thence 21 feet deep and 250 feet wide to the mouth of Brandywine River, 1f miles above the mouth; thence the same depth and 200 feet wide to the pulp works, 3/4 miles above .the mouth; thence decreasing to a depth of 10 feet in 750 feet to the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge No. 4; and thence 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide to Newport, 9 miles above the mouth, including an inner basin 30 feet deep formed by widening the channel to an average width of 600 feet and extending approximately 4,400 feet upstream from the mouth to Lobdell Canal. It also provides for the removal of about 1,200 feet of the outer end of a stone-filled, pile- and timber-crib jetty constructed 2,150 feet long on the north side of the entrance; for a steel-sheet pile jetty 2,300 feet long, with 120-foot inshore wing, on the south side of the entrance, and for a V-shaped stone-filled pile and timber jetty at the mouth of BrandY" wine River, 430 feet long on the Brandywine side and 260 feet long on the Christina side. The total length of the section included in the project is about 9/ miles. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 5.1 feet, and at Newport 3.9 feet. The extreme tidal range due to prolonged heavy winds is about 13 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $1,247,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $281,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 3, 1896 Depths of 21, 10, and 7 feet, and jetties ............. I1. Dec. 66, 54th Cong., 1st sess.; Mar. 3, 1899 Annual Report, 1896, p. 973; An- July 25, 1912 Purchase or construction of a dredge and nual Report, 1897, p. 1250.1 auxiliaries, including a wharf and depot, and maintenance I. I)oc. 359, 62d Cong., 2d Sess. of the project. Entrance channel and basin with 25-foot depth and Sept. 22, 1922 construction by local interests of the new south 1H. I)oc. 114, 67th Cong., 1st sess., Mar. 3,1925 and Senate committee print, 68th July 3, 1930 A 30-foot depth between D)elaware River and the Lob- Cong., 1st sess.' dell Canal and modification or removal of a portion Rivers and Harbors Committee of the north jetty. D)oc.20, 71st Cong., 2d sess.' Aug. 30, 19351 Completion of the new south jetty by the United States; subject to the provision that the city of Wil- Rivers and Harbors Committee mington shall reimburse the United States for the 1)oc. 32, 73d Cong., 2d sess. cost, without interest, of any part of the structure that may subsequently be occupied and utilized for city activities. Oct. 17, 1940 Permit temporary occupancy by the city of Wilming. ton of any part of the south jetty for city activities H. Doec. 658, 76th Cong., 3d sess. under revocable license, provided the occupied por- tion of the jetty is properly maintained without expense to the United States. - I Contains latest published maps. 2 Also May 28, 1935, under Emergency Relief Administration. Local cooperation.--Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-A modern marine terminal is located just inside the entrance to the harbor. This terminal is operated for the RIVERS AND AIARBORS-PHILADELPIIIA, PA., DISTRICT 387 city of Wilmington by a board of harbor commissioners, and is open to all on.equal terms. Railroad connection on the terminal wharf Provides for direct interchange of freight between car and ship. There are 29 other wharves and landings within the Christina River Which forms the harbor. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. (For further details see Port and Terminal Facilities at Ports on the Delaware River 1941 Corps of Engineers.) . Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing in the channel from Delaware River to Lobdell Canal by the United States hopper dredges Delaware,New Orleans, and Rossell was in progress at intervals throughout the year. There were re- raoved 1,453,331 cubic yards, bin measurement, of material at a cost of $230,189.65. Surveys and channel examinations were made at a cost of $11,451.22 for maintenance. The total cost of all work was $241,640.87 for maintenance. The expenditures were $228,781.47. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 99 Percent complete. The channel above Lobdell Canal and the V-shaped jetty at the mouth of the Brandywine River were com- Pleted in 1901; the removal of the outer end of the north jetty at the mouth in 1931; the channel from Delaware River to Lobdell Canal in 1931; and the south jetty in 1936. The work remaining to be done is the deepening of the inner basin from 25 feet to 30 feet. The latest examinations showed depths at mean low water as follows: Minimum depth Project Mid- l)ate Section depth Left channel Right outside for half outside quarter project quarter width Feet Feet Feet Feet une 1948....... Delaware Rler to Lobdell Canal. _........ 30 19.7 20.8 16.6 April 1948 Lobdell Canal to Brandywine River........ 21 4.0 13.4 6.2 I)Do- Brandywine River to Market St.....---------...... _....... 21 1. 1 12.9 8.8 Iay1948___..___ S o- Market St. to Pulp Works ................. Pulp Works to P.R.R. Bridge No. 4........ 21 10 ......... 111.5 16.0 ... ... June 1944-;-.: P.R.R. Bridge No. 4 to Newport -- --..........7 .......... 6.4 .......... 1In 80 percent project width. The costs and expenditures under the existing project, excluding $60,000 contributed funds expended for maintenance, were as follows: Emerfunds relief Regular funds Total Costs: New work_______........................ $206,176. 75 $924,356. 12 $1, 130, 532. 87 Maintenance__ ___........................................... 5, 734, 601.75 5, 734, 601.75 Total .....------ ------- Xpenditures--------------.......206,176. 206, 176.75 6, 658, 957. 87 6, 865,134. 62 75 6, 649, 523. 14 6, 855,699.89 388 , REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.-It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $23,894.03 together with an allotment of $382,000 made in July 1948 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ----- $9,434.73 Maintenance: Repairing south jetty by contract, June 1949-----------.. --- 20,000.00 Dredging between Delaware River and Lobdell Canal with a United States hopper dredge including rehandling with a United States pipe-line dredge, at intervals during the year totaling 4 months-------- ----------------------- 376,459.30 Total_----------- ________________ 405,894.03 The additional sum of $500,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging between Delaware River and Lobdell Canal with a United States hopper dredge in- cluding rehandling with a United States pipe-line dredge at inter- vals during the year totaling 5 months. 'The completion of the project is not required by existing corn- merce. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------_ _------- $1 532,654.08 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-.... . 1 5,734,601.75 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------434.73 ------ _ 17,267, 255.83 Net total expenditures____________-________--____ Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---_____________________ 17,257,821.10 23,894.03 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 17,281,715.13 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.... ______ ___ _ ____ Cost of maintenance........... $207, 7990.81 $210,677.67 $156, 7.43 $286,989.7 $241 ----------- Total expended...........--- 217, 399.60 214,283.62 146, 337.50 300, 871.02 228 78147 Allotted...--------------------- 85,000.00 245,00.00 368,000.00 5,000.00 250,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ -$2 675.50 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------------- 250,000.00 Amount to be accounted for -------------------------- 252 675.50 Gross amount expended --- 228,781.47 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------ 23,894.03 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------------ 9,434.73 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- -14,459.30 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 382,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .. 396,459.30 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ---- -- ____________ 116,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance-------------------______________ 500,000.00 contributed funds were expended for maintenance. 1Inaddition, $60,000 RIVERS AND IIARBORS-PIIILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 389 7. INLAND WATERWAY FROM DELAWARE RIVER TO CHESAPEAKE BAY, DEL., AND MD. Location.-This waterway begins at Reedy Point on Delaware River, about 41 miles below Philadelphia, Pa., and passes through the sea level Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, a distance of 14 miles, to Back Creek, at Chesapeake City, Md. It then passes for 5 miles down Back Creek, and thence 9 miles down Elk River to Chesa- Peake Bay. A branch channel connects Delaware River at Delaware City, Del., with the main channel at a point about 1/2 miles west of Reedy Point. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 294, 1226, 570, and 572.) Previousprojects.-The River and Harbor Act of August 8, 1917, made appropriation for preliminary studies with a view to taking Over the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal. The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1919, provided for the purchase of the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal. The River and Harbor Act of January 21, 1927, and July 3, 1930, provided for dredging in Back Creek, Md., and the construction of bridges and roadways. For further details see Annual Report for 1934, page 242, and Annual Report for 1938, Page 312. Existing project.-This provides for a sea-level channel to ac- commodate vessels drawing 25 feet and having a depth of 27 feet and a Width of 250 feet from Delaware River to Elk River and thence 400 feet wide down Elk River and Chesapeake Bay to deep water at or near Pooles Island; alteration of existing bridges over the canal; extension of the entrance jetties at Reedy Point; the enlargement of the anchorage and mooring basin in Back Creek to afford an area about 400 feet wide, 1,000 feet long, and 12 feet deep, including pro- vision of sluice gates at the fixed highway bridge; dredging the Delaware City Branch Channel to a depth of 8 feet and a width of 50 feet; deepening the existing basin to. the same depth; revetment of both banks east of Fifth Street Bridge; and constructidn of bulk- heads. The project also provides for the construction of a four-lane high- level fixed highway bridge across the canal at or near St. Georges, Del., of such type, design, and clearances for navigation as are ap- Proved by the Chief of Engineers. The total length of the section included in the project, excluding the Delaware City Branch Channel, which is about 2 miles long, is about 46 miles. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water in Delaware River. The mean tidal range at the Delaware River entrance is 5.2 feet and in Elk River at the mouth of Back Creek, 2.2 feet. The extreme tidal range is from 6.3 feet above mean high Water to 3.0 feet below mean low water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $14,622,000. The latest (1946) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance Is $825,000, including $225,000 for operation and care of the water- Way. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935 (H. Doc. 201, 72d Cong., 1st sess., and Rivers and Harbors Committee Docs. 18 and 24, 73d Cong., 2d sess.). The act approved August 7, 1939 (Public, 310, 76th Cong., 1st 390 REPORT OF CHRIEF O ' ENOINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 sess.), authorized the construction of a four-lane high-level fixed highway bridge at or near St. Georges, Del. The latest published map of the canal is found in Rivers and Har- bors Committee Document 24, Seventy-third Congress, second ses- sion. Operation and care of the canal and appurtenant works were included in the project July 1, 1935, under the provisions of the Permanent Appropriations Repeal Act approved June 26, 1934. Local cooperation.--Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-Ample mooring facilities at the eastern and western ends of the canal and bulkheads at Delaware City and St. Georges have been constructed by the United States. A harbor for small boats has been provided and a wharf has been constructed at Chesapeake City. The facilities are considered adequate for eX- isting commerce. Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-New work: Contract. -Bank stabilization on the south side of the canal, stations 35+000 to 41+350 in progress at the end of the previous fiscal year waS completed August 23, 1947. The cost was $66,082.58. Hired Labor: Topsoiling and seeding of slopes in connection with bank stabilization was in progress during the year. The costs were $7,612.72. The total cost for all new work was $73,695.30. Maintenance: Contract.-The construction of the substructure for a highway bridge at Chesapeake City, Md., in progress at the end of the previous fiscal year, was 98 percent complete. The costs were $439,529.41. A contract for the construction of the super- structure of the bridge was awarded February 17, 1948. At the end of the fiscal year only preliminary work had been done. The costs were $5,329.12. A new connection between existing Route U. S. 213 and north approach road to the Chesapeake City Bridge was constructed and maintained. The costs were $44,615.62. Other contract costs in connection with the construction of the highway bridge at Chesapeake City, Md., were as follows: Engi- neering services, $35,736.41; rearrangement of telephone facilities interfering with construction, $707.08, a total of $36,443.49. Removal of shoals, by contract, in the Reedy Point entrance chan- nel was in progress from April 1, 1948 to April 15, 1948. :There were removed 180,260 cubic yards of material, place measurement, at a cost of $109,295.21. Hired Labor: Preliminary expenses were incurred in connection with the construction of the highway bridge at Chesapeake City, Md. The costs were $199.96. Construction of a 10-foot extension, complete with headwall, to culvert under Route U. S. 213 opposite pier S-15 of bridge was in progress from October 29, 1947, to November 10, 1947. The costs were $517.79. Removal of shoals between Reedy Point and Courthouse Point was in progress from May 24 to June 26, 1948 by United States hopper dredge Rossell. There were removed 313,638 cubic yards, bin measurement, of material at a cost of $143,641.41. Removal of shoals between Courthouse Point and Pooles Island was in progress from May 3 to May 22, 1948 by United States hopper RIVERS AND HARBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 391 dredges Atlantic and Rossell. There were removed 1,511,350 cubic Yards, bin measurement, of material at a cost of $74,936.38. Other hired labor costs included maintaining and repairing banks, $11,964.70; draining banks, $11,158.49; maintaining and repairing auxiliary works, $38,919.79; removing miscellaneous obstructions and debris, $3,018.33; and surveys,. channel examinations and col- lection of miscellaneous engineering data, $20,607.60; a total of $85,668.91. Operating and care: Hired labor.-The waterway and the high- Way bridges across it, including a ferry at Chesapeake City, Md., Were operated and maintained throughout the year. The costs were $518,192.69. Improvements and reconstruction by contract were as follows: Construction of permanent lighting system was in progress from October 13, 1947, to December 23, 1947. The costs were $15,539.39. Expert consultant service in connection with Summit Bridge was obtained at a cost of $676.53. The cost of all work was $73,695.30 for new work, $940,177.30 for maintenance, and $534,408.61 for operating and care, a total of $1,548,281.21. The expenditures were $1,510,552.91. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was prac- tically complete. The 27-foot depth channel was completed in 1938, the four-lane high-level fixed highway bridge at St. Georges in 1942 and the bank stabilization in 1948. The work remaining to be done is dredging the Delaware City branch channel from a point 400 feet east of Fifth Street Bridge to its junction with the canal. The latest examinations show minimum depths, at mean low Water, as follows: Minimum depth DateSectProject Mid- Date ection depth Left channel Right Qutside for half outside quarter project quarter width Feet Feet Feet Feet April 1948 ..... Delaware River to Elk River................ 27 10. 2 24.0 13.1 D)o .... -- . Elk River to Chesapeake Bay---------------................ 27 18. 2 21.9 20.1 ecember 1946 Delaware City Branch Channel--------------.............. 8 .......... 11.1 _. ... 180 percent project width. 392 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The total costs and expenditures under the existing project were as follows: Emergency Relief Regular funds - Total fundsgular funds Costs: New work..--------------------- $4, 756, 247.79 $9, 771,894. 81 $14,528, 142.60 Maintenance ----------------- ---------------------- 9, 846, 586. 85 9, 86, 586.85 Operating and care ----------------------------------- 4,391, 893. 42 893.42 439, Total -------------------------- 4, 756, 247. 79 24, 010, 375.08 28, 766, 622.87 Expenditures ----------------- 4, 756, 247. 79 23, 890,129. 08 28, 646, 376.87 In addition, the sum of $2,513,270.24 was expended between Au- gust 1918 and June 1935 on operating and care of the works of improvement under provisions of the permanent indefinite appro' priation for such purpose. Proposed operations.-It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $598,768.37 together with an allotment of $2,790,000 made in July 1948 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948- _ __-_- ----- _----- _ $120,246.00 New work: Topsoiling and seeding stablized areas by hired labor _ 19,093.49 Maintenance: Constructing substructure of a 2-lane, high- level fixed highway bridge at Chesapeake City, Md., under contract in force to be completed October 1948----------------$35 , 000.00 Constructing superstructure of a 2-lane, high-level fixed highway bridge at Ches- apeake City, Md., under contract in force to be completed October 1949----------2,065,000.00 Constructing the approach roads to the new highway bridge at Chesapeake City, Md., March to June 1949 ------ 200,000.00 Engineering services in connection with the construction of the highway bridge at Chesapeake City, Md. ----------------- 35,000.00 Dredging with Uni,ted States hopper dredges and pipe-line dredges in order to maintain project depths, as required _ - 240,331.37 Extension to present permanent canal light- ing system by contract, April to June 1949 80,000.00 Maintaining canal banks and auxiliary works throughout the year--------------135,000.00 Drainage of banks--- 30,000.00 Removing obstructions and debris through- the year--_________________________ 8,000.00 Total maintenance __ ------------------ 2,828,331.37 Maintenance (operating and care): Operating canal and bridges--- - -- __ Operating ferry at Chesapeake City, Md., by __ 210,000.00 contract-____ 190,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repairs to bridges 21,097.51 Total maintenance (operating and care) __--..- 421,097.51 Total for all work ------------------------------- 3,388,768.37 The additional sum of $900,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: RIVERS AND HARBORS---PHILADELPIHIA, PA., DISTRICT 393 Maintenance: Dredging between Delaware River and Elk River with a United States hopper dredge, as required, and rehandling with a United States pipe-line dredge_ ----- 250,000.00 Dredging in Elk River and Chesapeake Bay with a United States hopper dredge and re- handling with a pipe-line dredge, as re- quired .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . 200,000.00 Maintaining canal banks and auxiliary works throughout the year-_ 90,000.00 Removing obstructions and debris through- out the year----------------- 10,000.00 Total maintenance_----- -------------- ------ 550,000.00 Maintenance (operating and care): Operating canal and bridges throughout the year_ _ __-- 225,000.00 Operating the ferry at Chesapeake City, Md., by contract, July to October 1949....... 80,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repairs to bridges throughout the year--------- --------- 45,000.00 Total maintenance (operating and care)..--------------- Total for all work_ --------------------- _-- 350,000.00 900,000.00 The completion of the Delaware City Branch Channel is not re- quired by existing commerce. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_. .. --- ..----.--------- $25,237,897.61 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- 21,142,228.13 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-...--....---------- .. -.- -- 46,380,125.74 120,246.00 Net total expenditures_- _. 46,259,879.74 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ -_------------------- 598,768.37 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ .. 46,858,648.11 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-----..... . $626, 225. 37 $136,480.16 $26, 915. 39 $475, 295.82 $73, 695.30 Cost of maintenance ........... 1,120, 825. 56 1, 069, 734. 98 936,195. 84 1, 675, 284. 94 1, 474, 585. 91 Total cost-----................. 1, 747, 050. 93 1, 206, 215.14 963,111. 23 2,150, 580. 76 1, 548, 281. 21 Total expended................. 1, 741, 940. 80 1, 261, 436. 45 979, 952.02 2, 087, 417.80 1, 510, 552. 91 Allotted.....-----------------................... .00 1, 712, 400.00 4,145, 000. 00 -950, 000.00 1,30:3, 700. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947............-------------------------..... $805,621.28 Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------------1,303,700.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------------- 2,109,321.28 Gross amount expended------------------- $1,523,228.30 Less reimbursed expenditures - 12,675.39 --------------- 1,510,552.91 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------_----- -- 598,768.37 394 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_--------- 120,246.00 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts . 447,819.15065.15 568, 065.1 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------------- 30 703.22 Amount allotted in July 1948 2,790,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949---- 2, 820, 703.22 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----- 75,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year June 30, 1950, for maintenance ending _ _ 900,000.00 8. SMYRNA RIVER, DEL. Location.-This river, formerly Duck Creek, rises in New Castle and Kent Counties, Del., flows northeasterly 15 miles along the boundary line between the two counties, and empties into Delaware Bay about 57 miles below Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 294 and 1218.) Previous projects.--Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 14, 1880, August 11, 1888, June 13, 1902, and March 3, 1905. For further details see page 1786, Annual Report for 1915, and page 321 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at mean low water, 100 feet wide in Delaware Bay to the mouth, and thence 60 feet wide to Smyrna Landing, 834 miles above the mouth. It also provides for three cut-offs in the river and for two parallel, stone-filled, pile-and-timber jetties spaced 375 feet apart in the mouth, the north jetty 800 feet long and the south jetty 2,700 feet long. The total length of the section included in the project is about 9/2 miles. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 5.8 feet, and at Smyrna Landing 3.4 feet. The extreme tidal range is from about 1 foot below mean low water to about 2 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $151,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910 (H. Doc. 815, 60th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in that document. Local cooperation.--Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are five wharves and landings of pile- and-timber construction. The terminals are considered adequate for existing commerce. .Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing in the entrance channel and in the upper section of the river was commenced April 22, 1948, and was 46 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. There were removed 47,200 cubic yards of material. The cost was $47,153.10 for maintenance. The expendi- tures were $30,655.69. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 95 percent complete. A 7-foot channel from Delaware Bay to the wharf at Smyrna Landing was completed under a previous project. RIVERS AND IIARBORS-PHIIILADELPIIIA PA., DISTRICT 395 The three cutoffs were completed in 1917 and the two parallel stone- filled, pile and timber jetties, in 1939. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of a channel 7 feet deep and 60 feet wide from Smyrna Landing upstream to the fixed highway bridge, a distance of about 750 feet. The controlling depths, at mean low water, on June 30, 1948 were as follows: From Delaware Bay to the mouth, 4.9 feet; thence to Prices Landing, 4.9 feet; and thence to Smyrna Landing, 7.8 feet. The costs under the existing project were $143,759.16 for new, Work and $130,313.58 for maintenance, a total of $274,072.74. The expenditures were $257,575.33. Proposed operations.--It is proposed to apply the funds unex- Dended on June 30, 1948 and accounts receivable, amounting to $65,- 375.90 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948_--------------------- -- $17,529.00 aintenance dredging in entrance channel and in upper portion of the river, under contract in force to be completed August 1948- 47,846.90 Total_ -----.-- -.-......... _.__------ .------- 65,375.90 No maintenance is contemplated during the fiscal year 1950, as it is believed that channel depths will be adequate to meet the needs of commerce. Completion of the project is not required by existing commerce. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _-- _-------------198,843.94 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 __ -- 153,036.43 Pl Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 us accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -- _-- --- --------- 351,880.37 1,031.59 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ..........-------------------- - 352,911.96 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.----------------------. 17,529.00 Net total expenditures-____-- ____-_-.-- -______ .--- 335,382.96 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-----------------. 64,344.31 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 399,727.27 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 tof-new work...........--.1 - - I 1, - Cost of new work .............. Cost of maintenance ......... : - ------ - $100.00 "iciio- - - $2, 7bb. 35 - - $750.97 $47, 153. -6)"--sio~i 10 Total expended-----................. ............................ 2, 329. 81 1, 276. 51 30, 655.69 Allotted.--.....-.............- 100.00 25, 000. 00 -21, 493. 68 95,000.00 1 1 1 Gross amount expended_ $30,655.69 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__ . 64,344.31 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948----------- $17,529.00 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__---... 32,446.20 49,975.20 396 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ... ... 14 369.11 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- ------- 1,031 59 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 15 ,400.70 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --------------------------------------- 7,200.00 9. MURDERKILL RIVER, DEL. Location.-This river rises in Kent County, Del., flows north- easterly 19 miles through the county, and empties into Delaware Bay about 25 miles above Cape Henlopen. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1218.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at mean low water, 150 feet wide in Delaware Bay to the mouth, and thence 80 feet wide to Frederica, 7/ miles above the mouth. The total length of the section included in the project is about 8' miles. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 4.8 feet and at Frederica 2.5 feet. The extreme tidal range is from about 1 foot below mean low water to about 2 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $110,000. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. This project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 13, 1892 (H. Ex. Doc. 21, 52d Cong., 1st sess., and Annual Report for 1892, p. 981). The latest published map is in House Document 1058, Sixty-second Congress, third session. Local cooperation.--None required. 'Terminalfacilities.-There are a number of light timber wharves on both sides of the river inside the mouth and two wharves at Frederica, all of which are privately owned. The facilities are con- sidered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-An examination of the entrance channel was made. The cost and expenditures were $1,166.30 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 63 percent complete. A channel 7 feet deep and 60 feet wide from Delaware Bay to Frederica was completed in 1911. The work re- maining to be done is the widening of the channel to project width. The latest examinations show controlling depths at mean low water, as follows: In September 1947 in Delaware Bay to the mouth, 4.2 feet; and thence in June 1945, to Frederica, 5.0 feet. The costs and expenditures under the existing project were $37,- 630.07 for new work and $183,811.52 for maintenance, a total of $221,441.59. Proposed operations.-No funds are available. An allotment of $35,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dredging in the entrance channel by contract, October and November 1948. No maintenance is contemplated during the fiscal year 1950, as it is believed that channel depths will be adequate to meet the needs of commerce. Completion of the project is not required by existing commerce, RIVERS AND IIARBORS-PIIILADELPIIIA, PA., DISTRICT 397 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ----- --------- .-- -- $37,630.07 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 .. __...---- -------.... _- 183,811.52 Net Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ..- - - - - 221,441.59 et totalexpenditures_.... 221,441.59 amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------- Total 221,44159 year ending June 30- Fiscal 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 of new work--------------------------------------------------------------- Cost of aintenance---------------------$14, 650516----- ost ----- -- 1, 166., 30 TOtal expended............... 14, 447. 37 $57. 79 ...........------------.. 1,166. 30 Allotted - ...------------------------- 15, 100.00 -- 594. 84 ..........-... 1, 166. 30 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------------------- ---- $1,166.30 Gross amount expended------------------------ ------ ---- 1,166.30 Amount allotted in July 1948----------------------------- 35,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 35,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project - ----- - ----------- 72,000.00 10. MISPILLION RIVER, DEL. Location.-This river rises in Kent and Sussex Counties, Del., flows northeasterly 15 miles along the boundary line between the two counties, and empties into Delaware Bay about 16 miles above Cape Henlopen. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1218.) Previousprojects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1879, July 13, 1892, modified July 3, 1893, and by River and 1 1arbor Act of March 2, 1907. For further details see page 1786, Annual Report for 1915, page 448 of Annual Report for 1918, and Page 327 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep at mlean low water, 80 feet wide in Delaware Bay to the mouth, and thence 60 feet wide to Milford, 11 miles above the mouth, with addi- tional width at sharp bends. It also provides for four cut-offs, 50 feet wide, and for two parallel stone-filled pile and timber jetties at the mouth, spaced 210 feet apart, the south jetty 5,850 feet long and the north jetty about 6,496 feet long extending to a point opposite the end of the south jetty. The total length of the section included in the project is about 12 miles. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 4.3 feet and at Milford 3.4 feet. The extreme tidal range is from about 1 foot below mean low water to about 2 feet above mean high Water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1937, was $177,350, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1937) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $7,400. The existing project was authorized by the following river and har- bor acts: 804711-48-- vol. 1---26 398 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 2, 1919 Aug. 26, 1937 AExtension 6-foot depth and extension of south jetty---.... of north jetty..------------------... 1. Doe. 678, 62d Cong., 2d ses.t Rivers and Hiarbors Committe Doe. 83, 74th Cong., 2d sess." 1 Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.--There are two wharves inside the mouth of the river and eight piers or wharves at Milford, one of which is owned by the city of Milford. There is also a marine railway at Milford. The facilities are considered adequate for existing corn merce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Repairing the inner end of the north jetty at the mouth of the river by contract was comn menced March 9, 1948, and at the end of the fiscal year was 87 per- cent complete. A total of 3,954 tons of stone was placed. The cost was $41,400.69 for maintenance. Maintenance dredging to restore the entrance channel to project dimensions was commenced May 21, 1948, and completed May 31, 1948. A total of 22,164 cubic yards of material was removed. The cost was $15,101.70. Other costs were: Surveys and channel examinations $2,062.42. The total cost for all work was $58,564.81 for maintenance. The expenditures were $43,703.69. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The project was completed in 1939. The four cut-offs were completed in 1923; the 6-foot channel from Delaware Bay to Milford in 1924; and the two jetties at the mouth in 1939. The latest examinations show controlling depths at mean low water, as follows: In June 1948 in Delaware Bay to the mouth, 6.5 feet; thence in June 1946, to the highway drawbridge, 4.3 feet; and thence to the fixed highway bridge at Milford; 5.4 feet. The costs under the existing project were $216,390.72 for new work and $226,799.15 for maintenance, a total of $443,189.87. The expenditures were $428,328.75. Proposed operations.--It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $31,296.31, as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 $14,861.12 Maintenance: Repairing inner end of north jetty, under contract in force, to be completed August 1948--------------------------16,435.19 Total-------------------------------------- 31,296.31 The additional sum of $30,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 in dredging to restore the channel from cut-off No. 3 to Milford to project dimensions, by contract, from August to November 1949. Cost and financialsummary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $365,189.13 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------- ----------------- 287,971.57 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ---------- 653,160.70 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 14,861.12 RIVERS AND HARBORS-PHIILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 399 Net total expenditures------------------------------- 638,299.58 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ --------------------- 31,296.31 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ -- _--------- 669,595.89 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -" - ost of maintenance-:: $28.14 ---$40i, 856.33 ----------- :::: -------------- $58, 564.81 TOtal expended................. 40, 777.90 43, 703. 69 $106. 57 --------............---. Al. lotted - --- . 40,000.00 900.00 -- 15.53 -....-.-.. - 75,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year------------------- ---- $75,000.00 Gross amount expended --------------------------------- 43,703.69 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 31,296.31 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-...... $14,861.12 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts----- -- 8,812.80 23,673.92 Balance available, June 30, 1948 7,622.39 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ------------ 30,000.00 11. HARBOR OF REFUGE, DELAWARE BAY, DEL. Location. This harbor is at the lower end of Delaware Bay, a few Iriles from the Atlantic Ocean on the Delaware side of the bay. It is about 120 miles south of New York Harbor, about 114 miles north of the entrance to Chesapeake Bay, and about 101 miles from Philadel- Phia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1218, 1219 and 379.) Previous projects.-The original project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of May 7, 1822, and modified by the River and iarbor Act of July 4, 1836, January 23, 1880, and August 2, 1882. The total cost and expenditures of all projects, prior to the adop- tion of the existing project which was begun in 1897, were $2,749,- 451.79, all for new work. For further details see Annual Reports for 1874, part II, page 146; 1932, page 330; and 1938, page 330. Existing project.--This provides for the construction of a break- Water about 8,000 feet long, beginning at a point about 6,000 feet from Cape Henlopen and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 2,695 feet; thence in a northwesterly direction for 5,330 feet; for the construction of 5 ice piers located in prolongation of this line and 10 more in a line perpendicular thereto extending to- Ward the Delaware shore; and for a channel 15 feet deep and 300 feet wide from deep water in Delaware Bay to the pier of the At- lantic Fisheries Co. at Lewes, Del., with a turning basin 600 feet square at the inner end. The mean tidal range at this locality is about 4.3 feet. The extreme tidal range due to wind and equinoctial tides is about 1 foot greater. 400 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $2,348,500, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $28,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Breakwater construction --- I. I. Doc. 112, 52d Cong., 1st sess. June 3,1896 Construction of 10 ice piers ........... . (Subproject, approved by War Depart- Construction of 5 additional ice piers .. ... (S tbprojct, aepprove by War I)epart" July 3,1930 Channel 18 feet deep to the Queen Anne pier at ivers ande arbors Committee Doc Lewes, Del. (No work has been done on this 15, 70th Cong., 1st sess. channel.) Aug. 30,1935 Channel 15 feet deep to the pier of the Atlantic Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. Fisheries Co., about 0.7 mile east of the Queen 1 56, 74th Cong., 1st sess. Anne pier. 1 Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935, provides that local interests shall give assurance satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will dredge their berthing facili- ties to a depth of 15 feet and that at least one pier will be made avail- able for the use of visiting craft, subject to general dockage rates. Assurance that the required conditions will be met was accepted and approved by the Secretary of War on July 25, 1946. Terminalfacilities.-The only terminal facilities are the wharves on the Delaware Bay shore, about a mile east of the town of Lewes, Del. These consist of four private piers owned by fertilizer corn- panies, and the Government-owned pier at Fort Miles. ' The four private piers have rail connection. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 87 percent complete. The breakwater was completed in 1901 and the ice piers in 1903. The work remaining to be done to complete the project is the dredging of a 15-foot channel to the Atlantic Fisheries pier, and a turning basin 600 feet square at the inner end. The con- trolling depth at mean low water in the proposed channel in 1942 was 9 feet. The costs and expenditures under the existing project were $2,238,205.34 for new work and $120,455.55 for maintenance, a total of $2,358,660.89. Proposed operations.-Nofunds are available and no work is con- templated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $134,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 in dredging a channel 15 feet deep and 300 feet wide from deep water to the Atlantic Fisheries pier, and a turning basin 600 feet square at the inner end by contract (September-October 1949). The proposed work will complete the project. RIVERS AND HARBORS-PIIILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 401 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- ..---------------- -- $4,987,657.13 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 120,455.55 STotal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ------ 5,108,112.68 Tet total expenditures------------------------ --------- 5,108,112.68 otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------- 5,108,112.68 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project 134,000.00------------------- Armount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-------------------------- 134,000.00 12. INDIAN RIVER INLET AND BAY, DEL. Location.- This bay is a shallow lagoon 6 miles long and 2 miles Wide on the Delaware coast about midway between Cape Henlopen and the Maryland State line. The inlet is an opening through the barrier beach separating Indian River Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1219.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of August 2, 1882. For further details see page 744, Annual Report for 1888. Existing project.-This provides for the fixation of the inlet by the construction of two parallel jetties of steel sheet pile and stone design extending to approximately the 14-foot depth curve in the Ocean, and for dredging an entrance channel 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide, for a distance of 7,000 feet inshore from the jetties; thence a channel 9 feet deep, 100 feet wide in the bay and 80 feet Wide in the river, to and including a turning basin 9 feet deep, 175 feet wide and 300 feet long at Old Landing; thence a channel 4 feet deep and 60 feet wide to the highway bridge at Millsboro. The proj- ect also provides that the interior channel dimensions may, in the discretion of the Chief of Engineers, be modified as may be found desirable to increase the hydraulic efficiency of the channel, without increasing the cost. The total length of the section included in the Project is about 134 miles. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean tidal range in the ocean at the inlet is 3.8 feet, and at the highway bridge inside the inlet 2.4 feet. The extreme tidal range at the highway bridge is about 6 feet. The estimate of cost for new work revised in 1946 is $716,000 exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, but including $210,000 contributed funds. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $28,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 26, 1937 A 15-foot inlet channel, steel and stone jetties, 6-foot Rivers and Harbors Committee channel from end of inlet channel to deep water in Doc. 41, 75th Cong., 1st sess.' the bay and authority to modify interior inlet chan- nel. l~ar. 2, 1945 A 9-foot channel from inlet to Old Landing, including II. Doc. 330, 76th Cong., 1st sess.1 basin, and 4-foot Channel to highway bridge at Mills- boro. Contains latest lpublished mips, 402 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.--The work authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, is subject to the conditions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, as and when required, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance; hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the im- provement; contribute $50,000 to the initial cost; and give assur- ances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will provide and maintain suitable terminal facilities, open to all on equal terms. On September 17, 1946, local interests were notified of these require- ments and requested to furnish the necessary assurance that they would be met. This assurance has not been provided. All prior 'requirements have been complied with. Terminal facilities.--Thereis a privately owned basin with berth- ing facilities for small boats located about three-fourths mile west of the highway bridge near the inlet and one-quarter mile north of the inlet channel connected therewith by a channel 6 feet deep and 40 feet wide; a United States Coast Guard wharf on the north side of the inlet channel in the same locality; and two wharves at Oak Orchard in Indian River Bay. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.--Surveys and examina- tions under maintenance were made at a cost of $4,922.20. The expenditures were $5,352.74. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 68 percent complete. A channel 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the ocean to a point 7,000 feet from the ocean shore line, thence a channel decreasing in depth to 6 feet and in width to 100 feet in a distance of 400 feet; and thence a channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide to the 6-foot depth curve in Indian River Bay was completed in 1938. The construction of two parallel jetties spaced 500 feet apart, each 1,566 feet long with inshore end sections of steel-sheet pile construction reinforced with stone, the north 904 feet long and the south 890 feet long, and the outshore end sections of all stone construction was completed in 1939. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of a channel from the inlet to the highway bridge at Millsboro, including the turning basin at Old Landing, to project dimensions. The controlling depths at mean low water in October 1947 were as follows: Through the inlet to the highway bridge, 8.7 feet; thence to the entrance to the small boat harbor, 8.1 feet; and thence in March 1945 to Indian River Bay, +0.8 foot. The costs under the existing project, excluding $160,000 contrib- uted funds expended for new work, were $270,119.19 for new work and $228,354.13 for maintenance, a total of $498,473.32. The ex- penditures were $496,941.54. Proposed operations.--It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $5,858.46, as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948..----------------------------- $1,531.78 Maintenance: Surveys and channel examinations ----------------- 4,326.68 Total --------------------------------------------- 5,858.46 RIVERS AND HARBORS-PIHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 403 .No maintenance is contemplated during the fiscal year 1950, as it is believed that channel depths will be adequate to meet the needs of commerce. Completion of the project is dependent upon local cooperation. It is not probable that the conditions of local cooperation will be met in the near future. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------------- 1$280,119.19 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 228,354.13 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 1508,473.32 accounts payable, June 30, 1948_ ---....... ...... ..... 1,531.78 Net total expenditures----------------- - 1506,941.54 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948..--- --------- 5,858.46 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-__-- _------ 1512,800.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 - ------ I I_-- ___-- Cost of new work ....... Cost of maintenance ......... _ . $22, 358.-90 l ---- $1,871.79 ,-98398 $51588.1 $4,922. 20 Total expended................. 21, 753. 15 1, 844. 18 2, 616. 13 49, 682. 02 5, 352. 74 Allotted ------------------------ 25, 500.00 -----------.......--...--................ 60, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------- ------------- $11,211.20 Gross amount expended -------- ------------ 5,352.74 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__---- -- --------- 5,858.46 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_--- _ _ ------- 1,531.78 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 4,326.68 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- 235,600.00 1 In addition, $160,000 contributed funds were expended for new work. 13. COOPER RIVER, N. J. Location.-Thisriver rises in Camden County, N. J., flows north- Westerly 13 miles, passing through the northern part of the city of Camden, and empties into Delaware River opposite the central por- tion of Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 280 and 295.) Existing project.--This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water and 70 feet wide in Delaware River to the mouth and within the river to what was formerly Browning Chemical Works, 1y/ miles above the mouth. The total length of the section included in the project is about 14 miles. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 5.5 feet. The extreme tidal range is about 14 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1895, was $35,000. The latest (1929) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $13,500. 404 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 3, 1896 (H. Doc. 176, 53d Cong., 3d sess., and Annual Report for 1895, p. 1102 et seq.) The latest published map is in House Document 134, Sixty-third Congress, first session. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-There are 10 wharves on the river, all in the city of Camden; 9 are privately owned and 1 is owned by the city. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was corn-' pleted in 1920. The controlling depths, at mean low water in Octo- ber 1945, were as follows: From Delaware River to the Pennsyl" vania Railroad Bridge, 12.2 feet; and thence in June 1945, to the upper end of the project, 5.5 feet. The costs and expenditures under the existing project were $33, 101.64 for new work and $165,256.96 for maintenance, a total of $198,358.60. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging from Delaware River to the Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge by contract (September, October 1949). Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- $ 33,101.64 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ..------------ --------- 165, 25696 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 198,358.60 Net total expenditures-_ .. .. ................ .. . . .______198,358.60 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- _ 198,358.60 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.... ........................................... Cost of maintenance.....------------ -------- $2, 269.72 $52, 990. 07 Totalexpended----------------------- ---- 1,02.67 54,233.12. .. Allotted.--------------------- ------------ 75, 000. 00 -19, 740. 21 --------------..- -- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, '1950, for maintenance______ ____________________ $60,000.00 14. BIG TIMBER CREEK, N. J. Location.--This creek rises in Camden and Gloucester Counties, N. J., and with its south branch flows northwesterly 16 miles along the boundary line between the two counties, emptying into Dela- ware River opposite the south portion of Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 280 and 295.) Existing project.--This provides for a channel 10 feet deep at mean low water, generally 75 feet wide from the 10-foot contour RIVERS AND IIAItORtS-FIILADELPHIIA, PA., I)ISTRICT 405 in Delaware River to the mouth and within the creek to Marters sand plant, 3/ miles above the mouth, and thence 60 feet wide to Clement Bridge, 5 miles above the mouth, including four cut-offs. The total length of the section included in the project is about 5/2 miles. The mean tidal range at Westville, near the mouth, is 5.4 feet and at Clements Bridge 4feeteet. The extreme tidal range is from about 1% feet below mean low water to about 2 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, was $104,500, of which $50,000 has been contributed by local interests. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $4,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents A channel of 10-foot depth from Delaware River H. Doc. 217, 70th Cong., 1st sess.' g 33, 1930 July to Martcrs sand plant. t nsion of project to Clenents Bridge----------- 30.19 .......... Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 15, 73d Cong., 1st sess.' Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are two wharves and one boat yard for the repair and storage of small boats at Westville. The wharves are privately owned but open to public use. The facilities are con- Sidered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1941. The channel from Delaware River to Marters sand Plant was completed in 1933, and the channel from Marters sand Plant to Clements Bridge, including the 4 cut-offs, in 1941. The controlling depths at mean low water were as follows: In June 1945 from Delaware River to Marters sand plant, 7.7 feet; thence in May 1941, to Clements Bridge, 9 feet. Costs and expenditures under the existing project, excluding $50,000 contributed funds expended for new work, were $58,664.77 for new work and $11,311.59 for maintenance, a total of $69,976.36. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is con- templated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $10,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 for maintenance dredging in the entrance channel. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30,'1948 ______________________$58,664.77 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ __ - - - - 11,311.59 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 169,976.36 Net total expenditures _____ _______________________ 69,976.36 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948,_ -- - 169,976.36 406' REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ofnew work.. ,-- -- __--__---------- ---.--- - ----- Cost ofmaintenance------------ $6, 500.00----- $60.00 ------------------------------------ Total cost-- - -- 6,500. 0(0 60.00--------- ----- -- --- -------------------- ~ Total expended........ 6,500.00 .------------------- $60.00. .------- - - - Allotted-....--------------------- , 500.00 60.00 I----- ------------- Amount that can be profitably expended infiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance----------------------------------$10,000.00 iin addition, $50,000 contributed funds were expended for new work. 15. MANTUA CREEK, N. J. Location.--This creek rises in Gloucester County, N. J., flows northwesterly 162 miles and empties into Delaware River about 10 miles below Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 280 and 295.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of August 2, 1882; and modified in 1889. For further details see page 1784, Annual Report for 1915, and page 342, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 20 feet deep and 110 feet wide from that depth in Delaware River to the Grasselli chemical plant of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., a distance of 5,400 feet; thence 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide to plant of the Strathmann Sand & Gravel Co., 5,900 feet; thence 10 feet deep and the 60 feet wide to Friars Landing, 2,000 feet; and thence 7 feet deep and 60 feet wide to Parkers Landing near Mount Royal, 2 miles; a dredged cut-off 3 feet deep and 50 feet wide across a bend in the creek 9,000 feet above Mount Royal; and twin jetties at the mouth of the creek. The section of the creek included in the existing proj- ect extends from Delaware River upstream 7 miles to 1 mile below the town of Mantua. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 5.2 feet; at Paulsboro, 5 feet; at Mount Royal, 4.6 feet; and at Mantua, 3.5 feet. The ex- treme tidal range is about 10 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1938, was $200,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1938) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,500. The existing project Was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1899 A channel of 12-foot, 8-foot, and 7-foot depth to Parkers Hi. Doc. 123,55th Cong., 2d sess.; Landing, cut-off above Mount Royal,and jetties at Annual Report 1898, p. 1122.1 mouth. Mar. 2,1907 A dike across old mouth----------------------- Specified n act. Aug. 30,1935 A channel of 12-foot and 10-foot depth to Friars Land- Rivers and Harbors Committee ing. Doc. 14, 73d Cong., 1st sess.t June 20,1938 A channel of 20-foot depth to the Grasselli chemical H. Doc. 505,75th Cong., 3d sess.' plant. 'These documents and H. Dec. 523, 61st Cong., 2d sesa., contain the latest published maps. RItV11S AND HAltBOIRS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 407 Local cooperation.--Fully complied with except that local inter- ests are required to furnish suitable spoil-disposal areas for main- tenance as required. Terminal facilities.-There are nine wharves of pile and timber construction on this stream. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-An examination of the entrance channel was made. The costs and expenditures were $921.25 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1940. The jetties at the mouth were completed in 1913 and the channel dredging in 1940. The controlling depths, at mean low water, were as follows: In April 1948, from Delaware River to Grasselli Chemical Plant, 18 feet; thence (June 1945) to the high- Way bridge at Paulsboro, 11.1 feet; thence (April 1942) to Friars Landing, 11.5 feet; thence to Parkers Landing, 6.5 feet; and thence to MVantua, 0.5 foot. The costs and expenditures under the existing project were $166,- 687.08 for new work and $123,965.07 for maintenance, a total of $290,652.15. Proposed operations.--No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 to be applied as follows: Maintenance: Repairing the jetties at the mouth of the creek by contract, August and September 1949__ $30,000.00 Dredging to restore the channel to project dimensions from the Delaware River to Grasselli Chemical Plant by contract, August and September 1949 -. - _ 30,000.00 Total-- ------------ ------------ ----------------- 60,000.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ _ _...---. ------------ $169,687.08 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 - _ 123,965.07 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 293,652.15 Net total expenditures_ -------- __- __ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__ __,...__.. .... __-_____ ------ . 293,652.15 293,652.15 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work..-.------------_--------------_------------------------ ----- Cost of maintenance. ......... - $31, 747. 40 $60. 00 $11,500. 00 .............. $921. 25 Total expended ..........---------------...... 31,747.40 .............. 11,560.00 .............. 921.25 Allotted---------------------......................... 41,000.00 -9,192.60 11, 500,00 .............. 921.25 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ ------------------- $921.25 Gross amount expended- ---------------------------------- 921.25 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance _----------- - -------------- - 60,000.00 408 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEEIS, 1V. S. ARMY, 1948 16. RACCOON CREEK, N. J. Location.--This creek rises in Gloucester County, N. J., floWS northwesterly 16 miles through the county, and empties into Dela- ware River about 20 miles below Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 295.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of August 2, 1882. For further details see page 1784, Annual Report for 1915, and page 344, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at mean low water, 75 feet wide, in Delaware River to the mouth and within the creek to Bridgeport, 13/4 miles above the mouth; thence 60 feet wide to Springers wharf, 5 miles above the mouth; and thence 40 feet wide to Swedesboro, 9 miles above the mouth. It also provides for a cut-off at Molonox Shoal, 7/ miles above the mouth, and for a stone-filled, pile-and-timber crib south jetty at the mouth, 950 feet long. The total length of the section included in the project is about 9, miles. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 5.3 feet, and at Swedesboro 4.4 feet. The extreme tidal range is about 10 feet. The estimate of cost'for new work, made in 1913, was $106,535, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,000. The existing project was authorized by the following River and Harbor Acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 13, 1902 A channel of 7-foot depth to Springers wharf and 5 t. ])oc. 231, 56th Cong., 1st scss., feet to Swedesboro. and Annual Report 1900, p. 1590 Mar. 2, 1907 A cut-oil, Molonox Shoal----------------------------Specified in act. Mar. 2, 1919 A 7-foot depth extension to Swedesboro and jetty at . l)oc. 800, 63d Cong., 2d( scss mouth. (Contains latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-There are four wharves of pile-and-timber construction, all privately owned. The facilities are considered ade- quate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing in the entrance channel and in the upper section of the river near Swedesboro, by contract, commenced May 7, 1948 was 58 per- cent completed at the end of the fiscal year. A total of 49,712 cubic yards of material was removed. The cost was $37,888.09. Surveys and channel examinations were made at a cost of $577.35. The total cost of all work was $38,465.44 for maintenance. The ex- penditures were $14,440.86. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1922. The controlling depths, at mean low water, were as follows: In June 1948 from Delaware River to the mouth, 7.6 feet; thence in June 1945 to the highway bridge at Bridgeport, 7.1 feet; and thence, in March 1946 to Swedesboro, 3.5 feet. The costs under the existing project were $82,907.73 for new work and $189,522.66 for maintenance, a total of $272,430.39. The expenditures were $248,405.81. Proposed operations.-It is proposed to apply the funds unex- RIVERS AND IHARBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 409 Pended on June 30, 1948, and accounts receivable, amounting to $52,867.52 as follows: Mccounts payable, June 30, 1948-- $28,332.96 aintenance dredging of entrance channel and upper section of the Creek by contract in force to be completed October 1948_------- 24,534.56 Total_ --------------------------- _----------------- 52,867.52 No maintenance is contemplated during the fiscal year 1950, as it is believed that channel depths will be adequate to meet the needs of commerce. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- .-----. _ --------- ---------- $83,664.96 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------- ---------- 189,522.66 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----------- 273,187.62 lus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 4,308.38 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 -------- - ---------- 277,496.00 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.... 28,332.96 Net total expenditures .... ---------- 249,163.04 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ......- ....------------ 48,559.14 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------- ----- 297,722.18 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost 0Cost ofof now work------------------------------------------------------------- --- maintenance-- -- . _______. ._" .-- . . . 65. 00 $26 35.27 $808. 5 $38,465.44 Total expended-................. - - --................ 2, 563.06 945.36 14,440.86 Allotted-..-----------------------------......................-- 65.00 54,000.00 -50, 556.58 63,000.(100 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------------$63,000.00 Gross amount expended--- --------------------------------- 14,440.86 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 48,559.14 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-- $28,332.96 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts ----------- 19,227.04 47,560.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 999.14 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------------------- 4,308.38 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948---------------_ 5,307.52 17. COHANSEY RIVER, N. J. Location.-This river rises in Salem County, N. J., flows south- erly and southwesterly 27 miles through Cumberland County, and empties into Delaware Bay about 62 miles below Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1218.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1873, and modified in 1879. For further details, see page 1785, Annual Report for 1915, and page 348, Annual Report for 1938. 410 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide from that depth in Delaware Bay through a neck of land at the mouth and within the river to the south side of Glass Street in Bridgeton, 19 miles above the mouth; thence a channel 8 feet deep, 100 feet wide to Broad Street; and thence 75 feet wide to Commerce Street Bridge, 19~ miles above the mouth; and for a turning basin 12 feet deep and 800 feet long formed by widening the channel on the south side to a maximum width of 250 feet just below Glass Street. The total length of the section included in the project is about 19/ miles. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 5.7 feet, and at Bridgeton 6.2 feet. The extreme tidal range is from about 2 feet below mean low water to about 3 feet above mean high water. The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1937, was $140,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1937) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $9,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocuments ---------------------------------------- LL- -C Mar. 2,1907 A channel of 7foot depth over entire project . .t.. o. 645, 59th Cong., 1st ses s' . H Do. Aug. 26, 1937 A channel of 12-foot depth to (lass St., thence 8-foot Senate committee print, 75th dlepth to Commenn rce St., with turning basin. Cong., 1st sess.' I Contain latest published naps. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local inter- ests are required to furnish suitable spoil-disposal areas for subse- quent maintenance as required. Terminalfacilities.--Thereare 18 wharves on this river, of which 15 are at Bridgeton and 3 at Greenwich piers. Three wharves at Bridgeton have direct rail connections. A marine railway is located at the latter place. The facilities are considered adequate for exist- ing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing by contract to restore the channel between the mouth of Fairton Creek and Glass Street in Bridgeton, N. J., to project depth of 12 feet, commenced June 25, 1948, was 10 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. There were removed 5,000 cubic yards of ma- terial. The cost was $4,505.26. Surveys and channel examinations were made at a cost of $3,881.53. The total cost of all work was $8,386.79 for maintenance. The expenditures were $5,528.06. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1939. The controlling depths, at mean low water were as follows: In June 1945 from Delaware Bay to the mouth, 11.1 feet; thence in May 1947 to Glass Street in Bridgeton, 9.1 feet; thence to Broad Street Bridge, 4.5 feet and thence in June 1945 to Commerce Street Bridge, 2.6 feet. The costs under the existing project were $110,755.75 for new work and $113,163.45 for maintenance, a total of $223,919.20. The expenditures were $221,060.47. RIVERS AND IIARBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 411 Proposed operations.- It is proposed to apply the funds unex- Pended on June 30, 1948 amounting to $72,471.94 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948- -$2,858.73 aintenance dredging to 12 feet between the mouth of Fairton Creek and Glass St. in Bridgeton, N. J., by contract in force to be com- Pleted August 1948 .-------. ------ 69,613.21 Total -------------------------------------------- 72,471.94 No maintenance is contemplated during the fiscal year 1950, as it is believed that channel depths will be adequate to meet the needs of commerce. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 146,755.75 $------------------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------- 113,163.45 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 . 259,919.20 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------- -------- _ __ 2, 858.73 Net total expenditures .-------- -- ---------- 257,060.47 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 .. ... .. ----- 72,471.94 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_---------------329,532.41 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work Cost of maintenance-............. ....----- $85.00 ------ 1---.............. 386.79 $8, Total expended ................ ............................ $85.00 - , -........ 6,28.06 Allotted.-.--------- 85.00 ----------.. ............ 78, 000.00 ------------......... Amount allotted during fiscal year ..------- --------------------... $78,000.00 Gross amount expended.----------------------- ------------ 5,528.06 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-_------------------ 72,471.94 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------- $2,858.73 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. 48,619.45 51,478.18 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------20,993.76 18. MAURICE RIVER, N. J. Location.-This river rises in Gloucester County, N. J., flows southerly and southwesterly 33 miles through Cumberland County, and empties into Delaware Bay through Maurice Cove about 87 miles below Philadelphia, Pa. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1218.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 2, 1882, and modified in 1890 and 1892. For further details, see page 1785, Annual Report for 1915. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep and 150 feet wide in Delaware Bay across Maurice Cove to the mouth; thence a channel 7 feet deep, 100 feet wide to the drawbridge at 412 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Millville, 21.5 miles above the mouth, and thence 60 feet wide to the mill dam, a further distance of one-half mile, including a turning basin at Millville. The total length of the section included in the project is about 24 miles. All depths refer to the plane of mean loW water. The mean tidal range at the mouth is 5.8 feet and at Mill- ville 6.0 feet. The extreme tidal range is from about 1 foot below mean low water to about 1 foot above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, is $221,200, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $7,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents ----------- I------------ -------------- June 25, 1910 For a 7-foot depth over entire project, with turning H. Doc. 664, 59th Cong., 1st sess.' basin. s ". Aug. 30, 1935 For an 8-foot depth, and width increased to 150 feet 11. Doc. 275. 73d Cong., 2d ses in Delaware Bay. Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-The project as modified by the River and Harbor Act of 1935 provides that before the initial or any subse- quent maintenance dredging is undertaken, suitable guaranties shall be furnished by responsible local interests that the United States and the contractors will be held and saved free of claims for damages because of the deposit of the excavated material. It is expected that the conditions of local cooperation will be satisfac- torily met during the fiscal year 1949. Terminal facilities.-There are numerous wharves and piers at the several towns along the river. Public wharves are located at Millville, Mauricetown, Dorchester, and Bivalve. Several boat yards with railways and repair and construction facilities are also located along the river. Most of the wharves at Millville and Bivalve have railroad connections. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 45 percent complete. A channel of project dimensions within the river up to a point 650 feet from the mill dam at Millville was com- pleted in 1913. A channel 7 feet deep and 150 feet wide in Delaware Bay across Maurice Cove to the mouth was completed in 1932. The work remaining to be done is the deepening of the entrance channel from 7 feet to 8 feet, and the dredging of a channel 7 feet deep, 60 feet wide and 650 feet long in the upper end of the project. The con- trolling depths at mean low water in June 1945 were as follows: From Delaware Bay to the mouth, 6.8 feet; thence to Main Street Bridge in Millville, 5.7 feet; and thence to a point 700 feet below the mill dam, 3.5 feet. The costs and expenditures under the existing project were $100,984.49 for new work and $118,643.91 for maintenance, a total of $219,628.40. RIVERS AND HARBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 413 Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $180,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 to be applied as follows : New Work: Deepening the channel in Delaware Bay across Maurice Cove to the mouth from 7 feet to 8 feet by contract, from August to October 1949. - $110,000 Saltenance: Dredging to restore entrance channel to a depth of 7 feet, 150 feet wide by contract, from August to October 1949 -------- 70,000 Total ------------------------------------ 180,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of newwork to June 30, 1948_ _ _--------------- ---- $143,984.49 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 118,643.91 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------- 262,628.40 Total Net total expenditures ------------------- - 262,628.40 otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------- 262,628.40 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Costofnew work...-------------------------. ------------- ------------- Costof maintenance" . ---- .........----- 85.00 -... ... . ....... ..... Total cost-............... .............. 85.00 -.........--- ...... I-----.. Total expended.............---------------... -------------------..............----..............$85.00 .. Allotted ................... .......... 85.00 ... .............................. Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------- $120,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work-----------------------------------_ 110,000.00 For maintenance --------------------------------------- 70,000.00 Total -------------------------------------------- 180,000.00 19. COLD SPRING INLET, N. J. Location.-This inlet is located in Cape May County, southern New Jersey, about 3 miles east of Cape May City and about 16 miles northeast of Delaware Breakwater. The inlet connects Cold Spring r'arbor with the Atlantic Ocean and is about 1 mile in length. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 234, 827, and 1219.) Existing project. This provides for an entrance channel 25 feet deep and 400 feet wide, protected by two parallel jetties, and extend- lng from the 25-foot depth curve in the Atlantic Ocean to a line 500 feet harborward of a line joining the inner ends of the jetties; thence 20 feet deep and 300 feet wide to deep water in Cape May iarbor. The total length of the section included in the project is about 24 miles. The mean tidal range at the inner ends of the Jetties is 4.3 feet. The extreme tidal range, due to ocean storms, is about 11 feet. 804711---48-vol. 1-2 7 414 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1945, was $1,- 382,000, including $100,000 contributed funds. The latest (1941) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $30,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 2, 1907 ----------- An inlet channel 25 feet deep and jetties . D)oc. 388, 59th Cong., 2d sess1 Mar. 2, 1945 A 20-foot channel to deep water in harbor II.D)oc. 262, 77th Cong., 1st sess 1 This document and annual report for 1911, p. 1382, contain the latest published maps. Local cooperation.-All cooperation required under the act of 1907 has been completed, except the work of deepening and enlarg ing the inner harbor, which is 80 percent complete. A channel 20 'feet deep and 300 feet wide was dredged from a line 500 feet harbor- ward of a line joining the inner ends of the jetties to deep water in Cape May Harbor in 1942 with Navy Department funds. The cost was $50,000. Terminal facilities.-Wharves with docking facilities for com" mercial fishing vessels and fishing-party boats are located on the inner end of the harbor at Cape May. There is also a well-equiPped marine railway adjoining the fish dock, a number of small wharves for private craft and party boats, and a yacht basin with accommo- dations for about 50 boats. North of the inlet entrance channel at Wildwood Crest is another large well-equipped wharf for conl mercial fishing boats. Both fish docks have direct railroad connec- tions. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Surveys were made at a cost of $2,415.90 for maintenance. The expenditures were $3,402.69. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project was completed in 1942. The jetties were completed in 1911, the 25-foot channel be- tween the jetties in 1917 and the 20-foot channel in the harbor in 1942. The jetties are spaced 850 feet apart. The east jetty is 4,548 feet long and the west jetty 4,410 feet long, with inshore end wings 750 feet and 297 feet long, respectively. The wings of both jetties and the 2,000-foot inshore end section of the west jetty are of stone- filled pile and timber construction, and the entire east jetty and the outshore end section of the west jetty are of rubble mound construe- tion. The controlling depth, at mean low water, in May 1948 from the Atlantic Ocean to the inner ends of the jetties, was 18.5 feet; and thence in October 1945 to the inner end of the project in Cape May Harbor, 18.5 feet. The costs under the existing project, excluding $100,000 con- tributed funds expended for new work, were $879,274.62 for new work and $662,811.40 for maintenance, a total of $1,542,086.02. The expenditures were $1,541,827.31. Proposed operations.-It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $7,996.45 as follows: RIVERS AND HARBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PAl DISTRICT 415 Accounts payable, June 30, 1948- ------------------------- __-- $258.71 atenance: Surveys and channel examinations7----------7,737.74 Total -------------------- - -------------------- 7,996.45 The additional sum of $125,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Repairing north jetty by contract October and November 1949_ _ $75,000 Dredging throughout the project with a United States hopper dredge during January 1950--------------------------- 50,000 Total -------------------------------------------- 125,000 Cost and financial summary ost ofnew work to June 30, 1948__ 1$879,274.62 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ -662,811.40 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- .---- - 11,542,086.02 us accounts payable, June 30, 1948 - ------ --- ---- 258.71 U Net total expenditures 1---------------------- '1,541,827.31 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ---.---- ---------- 7,996.45 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------- '1,549,823.76 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------------- -------------------------- ost of maintenance ------------ $39, 175.00 $22, 265.29 $14,123.64 $9, 138. 50 $2, 415. 90 Total expended 39, 337. 73 21 119. 59 14, 975.46 8,186.88 3,402.69 h It.^, tted.. ................... -10,000.00 46,000.00 ...... .............. 6 00.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $4,899.14 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------------- 10,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ---------------------------- 14,899.14 Deductiohs on account of revocation of allottment- --------.. - 3,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for---------------------- 11,399.14 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------- 3,402.69 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__-------- ----- 7,996.45 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------- --------- 258.71 Balance available, June 30, 1948--- -------- - 7,737.74 Armount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance...........---- .----------- 125,000.00 In addition, $100,000, contributed funds were expended for new work. 20. ABSECON INLET, N. J. Location.-This inlet is located on the coast of New Jersey about 65 miles north of Delaware breakwater, between Brigantine Beach on the north and Absecon Beach on the south. It forms the entrance to the harbor at Atlantic City, N. J. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 826 and 1217.) 416 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMBY, 1948 Previous project.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912. The project was completed in 1916. For further details see Annual Report for 1936, page 319. Existing project.-This provides for an inlet entrance channel 20 feet deep at mean low water and 400 feet wide, for an entrance channel 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the inlet channel into Clam Creek, and for a turning basin 15 feet deep within Clam Creek. The act authorizing the inlet entrance channel also provides that should the channel at any time have a deleterious effect on the At- lantic City Beach, work upon the improvement may cease, it being understood that the project is adopted on the basis that the interests of the beach in front of the city are superior to those of the inlet. The total length of the section included in the project is about 1F miles. The mean tidal range in the ocean is 4 feet and at the inlet gorge 3.6 feet. The extreme tidal range, due to ocean storms, is about 11 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947, is $230,000. The latest (1946) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $151,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized I)ocuments Sept. 22, 1922 An inlet entrance channel 20 feet deep____ I. oc. 375, 67th Cong., 2 sess. July 24, 1946 A channel 15 feet deep into Clara Creek and a turning basin. I. (Contains loc. 504, 79th C(ong., 2d .S d the latest ilbl map.) Local cooperation.-The act of July 24, 1946, imposes the condi- tions that responsible local agencies give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they (a) will provide without cost to the United States suitable spoil-disposal areas for the new work and subsequent maintenance when and as required, and (b) will hold and save the United States free from damages due to construec tion and maintenance of the Clam Creek entrance channel and basin. On November 21, 1946, local interests were notified of these requirements and requested to furnish the necessary assurance that they would be met. Subsequently this assurance was furnished bY local interests but was returned for revisions. There were no pre- vious requirements. Terminal facilities.-There are nine wharves served by this im- provement; one is Government-owned, six are privately owned and open to the general public use upon payment of moderate wharfage, and two are publicly owned. Three of the wharves have direct rail- road connection. There is also a continuous line of piers or landing places for pleasure craft on both sides of the large basins which indent the south shore of the inner channel. There are three ship- yards and three marine railways at this locality. The facilities are considered adequate for the existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The opening of a channel through the outer bar with drags, by contract, was com- menced March 25, 1948. Dragging was in progress until May 28 RIVlERS AND IIAtBORtS-1PHILADIELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 417 When the work was discontinued. A channel with a controlling depth of 9 feet at mean low water was obtained. The cost was $8,- 809.56 for maintenance. MVaintenance dredging by leased plant in the channel through the OUter bar, commenced June 7, 1948, was 90 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The cost was $133,483.93 for maintenance. Surveys and channel examinations were made at a cost of $17,- 190.82 for maintenance. The total cost of all work was $159,484.31 for maintenance. The expenditures were $23,920.21. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project was about 92 per- ent complete. The inlet entrance channel was completed in 1938. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of an entrance chan- nel from the inlet channel into Clam Creek and a turning basin in Clam Creek. The controlling depth at mean low water, in June 1948 l the channel through the outer bar was 19.5 feet. The costs under the existing project were $208,647.66 for new ork and $1,321,584.77 for maintenance, a total of $1,530,232.43. The expenditures were $1,394,368.73. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance amounting to $130,143.56, together with an allotment of $200,000 made in July 19 48 will be expended as follows: Acounts payable June 30, 1948 _-- $135,863.70 aintenance: Dredging by leased plant in channel through the outer bar by contract in force July 1948 --------- __---------- 15,000.00 Dredging in the inlet channel with a United States hopper dredge, January to April 1949--------------- ____________ 179,279.86 Total ------------------.---- .. .. 330,143.56 The additional sum of $371,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Dredging Clam Creek channel and turning basin by contract, September 1949_ -$21,000 aintenance: Dredging in the inlet channel with a United States hopper dredge as required-------------_-------------------- 350,000 Total--------------------------------------------371,000 Total_ 371,000 The proposed new work will complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----__ ___ $435,144.55 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 - 1,557,370.38 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ._.-.... 1,992,514.93 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 135,863.70 Net total expenditures_------- 1,856,651.23 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_- 130,143.56 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 1,986,794.79 418 REPORT OF OCHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U S. ARMY, 1948 - --- I! Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1946 1946 1947 1948 --- I- I II- Cost of new work. Cost of maintenancoe........... +$134, 801. 77 $6,891.,09 $67, 411.05 Total expended- 139, 606. 01 47, 222. 77 65, 665. 26 Allotted--------------------- 138, 000. 00 92, 000. 00 34, 500.00 - Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ Amount allotted during fiscal year $24,063.77 130,000.00 Amount to be accounted for _ 154,063.77 Gross amount expended---_ $23,923.21 Less reimbursed expenditures- ------ 3.00 23,920.21 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------- Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 130,143.56 135,863.70 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-- 11,425.00 147,288.70 Balance available, June 30, 1948. -17,145.14 Amount allotted in July 1948_ _ _. 200,000,00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... 182,854.86 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------------ ---- 21,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work_.- 21,000.00 For maintenance 350,000.00 Total 371,000.00 21.1BARNEGAT INLET, N. J. Location.-This inlet is located on the east coast of New JerseY, about 50 miles south of Sandjr Hook and 23 miles north of Little Egg Harbor. It forms the main entrance to Barnegat Bay, the largest of the bays on the New Jersey coast which are separated from the ocean by narrow barrier beaches. The inlet lies between Island Beach on the north and Long Beach on the south. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 825 and 1216.) Existing project.--This provides for a channel 8 feet deep through the inlet and 10 feet through the outer bar, the channel to be protected by two converging stone jetties extending to the 12- foot contour in the ocean and spaced 1,000 feet apart at the outer ends; a channel of suitable hydraulic characteristics extending in a northwesterly direction from the gorge in the inlet to Oyster Creek Channel just northwest of Sunset Shoal, thence via Oyster Creek Channel to deep water in the bay; and the maintenance of a channel 8 feet deep and 200 feet wide to connect Barnegat City Harbor with the main inlet channel. The total length of the section included in the project is about 4.5 miles. All depths refer to the plane of mean low water. The mean tidal range at the inlet gorge is 2.7 feet and in RIVERS AND IIARBOIS-PIIILAI)ELPIIIA, PA., I)ISTRICT 419 Barnegat Bay 0.5 foot. The extreme tidal range at the inlet is from about 2 feet below mean low water to about 3 feet above mean high Water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1940, was $800,000, including $300,000 contributed funds. The latest (1946) approved estinate for annual cost of maintenance is $19,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 30, 1937 An 8-foot depth through the inlet to Oyster Creek. Rivers and Harbors Committee Channel and across inner bar, 10-foot depth through Doc. 19, 73d Cong., 2d sess.' 197 outer bar and for jetties. Aug.2, 197 A chnnel of suitable hydraulic characteristics from Rivers and Harbors Committee the gorge to Oyster Creek Channel, and thence to Doc. 85, 74th Cong., 2d sess.t ly 24, 194 Maintenance relging of a channel to connect the Ii. Doc. 358, 79th Cong., 2d seess. 1 main inlet channel with Barnegat City Harbor. 1Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of July 24, 1946, !llPOses upon the work authorized therein the condition that local dterests agree to hold and save the United States free from claims due to the work. On August 13, 1946, local interests were notified of this requirement and requested to furnish the necessary assurance that it would be met. This assurance has not been furnished. Prior requirements have been fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are three docks or terminals located in the inner harbor at Barnegat City which furnish adequate facili- ties for the present commerce of the locality. Two are privately Ovned and are used for fishing interests. One is Government owned. Operation and results during fiscal year.-Surveys were made at a cost of $6,145.69 for maintenance. The expenditures were $5,- 364.88. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project was completed in 1940. The dredging of a channel from the inlet gorge to Oyster Creek Channel 20 feet deep and 300 feet wide and thence a channel 8 feet deep and 200 feet wide through Oyster Creek Channel to arnegat Bay was completed in 1939. The converging jetties were completed in 1940. The north jetty is 4,900 feet long and the south Jetty 2,950 feet long. The inshore end sections, 769 and 450 feet long, respectively are of pile and timber sheet pile construction rein- forced with stone. The outshore ends of both jetties are of rubble lmount construction. The latest examinations showed that there Was a navigable channel with controlling depths as follows: In May 1948 from the ocean to the inlet gorge, 8.4 feet; thence in April 1948 to the inner end of main channel, 9.2 feet, and thence in August 1946 through Oyster Creek Channel to Barnegat Bay, 6.9 feet. The costs under the existing project, excluding $300,000 con- tributed funds expended for new work, were $448,849.09 for new Work and $502,721.79 for maintenance, a total of $951,570.88. The expenditures were $950,801.60. Proposed operations.---The unexpended balance, amounting to 420 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGENEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 $3,378.26, together with an allotment of $500,000 made in July 1948 will be expended as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948. $769.28 Maintenance: Repairing the north jetty by contract, October 1948 to April 1949--- 502,60898 Total----_-- 503,378.26 The additional sum of $350,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for repairing the jetties by contract, Octo- ber 1949 to March 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --------------------------- $448,84909 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__--- - 502,721.79 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 1951 570.88 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948----------- 1951 570.88 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-- 769.28 Net total expenditures--_____ 950,801.60 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------- 3,378.26 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 954,179.86 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ........ Cost of maintenance-----------.... -$276, 313.24 $18, 361.26 241.66 $96704 $6,145 Total expended...-------------- 293,142.43 20,173.46 859.29 984 12 5,364 Allotted---- ------ -257,500.00 1625. 60- 8, 2726 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _ _________________________ $115.88 Amount allotted during fiscal year_----------- 8--627.26 Amount to be accounted for- 8,743.14 Gross amount expended--- --------------------------------- 5,364.88 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ 3,378.26 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 -769.28 _ Balance available, June 30, 1948 ____ ______________ 2,608.98 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------------- 500,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ..._ 502,608.98 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance---------------------------- 350,000.00 1In addition, $300,000 contributed funds were expended for new work. 22. MANASQUAN RIVER, N. J. Location.-This is a small stream located in the eastern part of New Jersey, rising near Freehold and flowing easterly to the At- RIVERS AND HARBORS--PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 421 lantic Ocean, which it enters, about.26 miles south of Sandy Hook. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 795.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of March 3,1879. For further details see Annual Report for 1909, page 186, and Annual Report for 1938, page 269. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 14 feet deep and 250 feet wide, protected by jetties and other works, extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the inner end of the north jetty, thence 12 feet deep and 300 feet wide to within 700 feet of the New York & Long Branch Railroad bridge, thence of same depth and narrowing to a width of 100 feet to within 300 feet of the bridge; for a widen- ing on the northerly side of the channel of 200 feet for a distance of 3,150 feet to a depth of 8 feet; for an anchorage of 19 acres in area to a depth of 10 feet on the south side of the channel and for an anchorage of 27.5 acres in area to a.depth of 12 feet about 0.5 mile West of route 35 highway bridge. Length of section included in Project is about 1.5 miles. Mean tidal range is 3.7 feet at the inner end of the inlet and 4 feet at ocean end; mean range of spring tides, 4.4 and 4.8 feet respectively; irregular fluctuations due to wind and barometric pressure vary from 2.7 feet below to 7.5 feet above mean low water at the inner end of the inlet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947, is $1,010,000, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects but including $300,000 contributed by local interests. The estimate for annual cost of maintenance, revised in 1946, is $30,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 3,1930 Channel 8 feet deep and provision of works designed H. 1)oc. 482, 70th Cong., 2d sess. Aug 30, 1935 to secure the channel. ug. 30,1935 Widening of channel on northerly side-------------................ Senate committee document, 74th Cong., 1st sess. ar. 2,1945 Deepening channel to 12 and 14 feet; 10-and 12-foot 1H. Doc. 356, 77th Cong., 1st sess. anchorages. (Containslatest published map.) Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, Provides that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, suitable areas properly diked for disposal of dredged ma- terial, for new work and maintenance, when and as needed; convey to the United States, free of cost, a perpetual easement to excavate all lands above ordinary high water required for the improvement; and release the United States from all claims for damage resulting from the improvement. On January 28, 1947, local interests were notified of these requirements and requested to furnish the neces- Sary assurance that they would be met. It is expected that the con- ditions of local cooperation will be met during the fiscal year 1949. The requirements under prior acts have been fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-Five landings with a total wharfage of 700 feet, used by commercial fishermen, and seven landings and boat basins for pleasure craft are located along the river and its branches. The pleasure boat landings and basins are equipped with marine 422 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 railways, boat building and repair facilities, and boat storage fa" cilities. Two yacht clubs with a mooring capacity of 45 boats and numerous pleasure boat landings are also located along the water- way. The existing facilities are considered adequate for present requirements. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Surveys and channel examinations were made at a cost of $1,472.41 for maintenance. The expenditures were $1,422.27. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 82 percent complete. A rubble-mound jetty 1,230 feet long north of the entrance and one 1,030 feet long south of the entrance were completed in 1931. Two steel bulkheads, each 950 feet long, at the inshore ends of the jetties were completed in 1937. A steel bulkhead 698 feet long and two steel groins of an aggregate length of 570 feet, constructed on the northerly beach, were completed in 1938. A channel 10 feet deep and 250 feet wide from the 10-foot depth curve in the ocean to a point near the inshore ends of the jetties and thence 8 feet deep and 300 feet wide to a point 700 feet below the New York, Long Branch railroad bridge was completed in 1933, and the widening on the northerly side of the channel was completed in 1938. The work remaining to be done is the deepening of the channel between the jetties from 10 feet to 14 feet, and thence the channel to a point 300 feet below the railroad bridge from 8 feet to 12 feet, also the dredging of the 19 acre anchorage south of the channel and the 27.5 acre anchorage west of the highway bridge. The controlling depth at mean low water in January 1948 was 9.5 feet from the ocean to the railroad bridge. The costs and expenditures under the existing project, excluding $300,000 contributed funds expended for new work were $335- 342.16 for new work and $458,114.44 for maintenance, a total of $793,456.60. Proposedoperations.-An allotment of $35,000 made in July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dredging of the channel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Long Branch Railroad Bridge, by contract, March and April 1949. The additional sum of $197,000 can be profitably expended for new work during the fiscal year 1950 to deepen channel from 10 feet to 14 feet between jetties, 8 feet to 12 feet to railroad bridge and dredge the 19 acre anchorage south of the channel, by contract, October 1949 to January 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- ___'_ - -$374,342.16 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------- - -- -- ---.. 460,168.55 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ 1834, 510.71 Net total expenditures --------------- ------ 1834,510.71 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 1 834,510.71 RIVERS AND I1 ARBORS-PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 423 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1.947 1948 IOt Cost ofnewnwork- ---..........................................--- of maintenanice-----_----------$30, 526.27 ,0 30...""$.. $75, 206.04 $444,795.28 $1, 472.41 Total expended....- . _..------------------9, 960. 27 93, 603.47 47,013.99 1,422.27 Allotted-----------------..-$25, 600.49 101,000. 00 56, 000.00 -5 , 000. 00 0. 00 balaice unexpended, July 1, 1947 .------------------------- $1,422.27 ross amount expended ..--.--. ------------------------- 1,422.27 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 35,000.00 nobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 _ _---------- 35 000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ___30--------------------- 374,700.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending" June 30, 1950, for new work9--------------------------- 197,000.00 . In addition $300,000 contributed funds were expended for new work. 23. NEW JERSEY INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY Location.-Thiswaterway, a sea-level inland water route approx- .mnately parallel with the New Jersey coast, extends from the Atlan- tic Ocean at Manasquan Inlet, about 26 miles south of Sandy Hook, N. J., to Delaware Bay about 3 miles above Cape May Point. The Waterway extends through the inlet and up Manasquan River a distance of about 2 miles; thence by the Manasquan-Bayhead Canal through high ground for a distance of 2 miles to the head of Barne- gat Bay. It then passes through a series of bays,.lagoons, and thor- Oughfares along the New Jersey coast to Cape May Harbor; thence across Cape May County to Delaware Bay through a land cut by way of the New England Creek basin. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 234, 795, 825, 826, 827, 1216, 1217, 1218, and 1219.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water and generally 100 feet wide, extending from the Atlantic Ocean at Manasquan Inlet, N. J., to Delaware Bay above Cape May, N. J., by the further improvement of Manasquan River and Inlet, N. J., and the present New Jersey Intracoastal Waterway, and by the construction of a canal of similar dimensions from Cape May Harbor to Delaware Bay via the New England Creek basin, With adequate jetties at the Delaware Bay entrance. The total length of the project is about 117 miles. Normal tidal range in sec- tions of the waterway remote from inlets is 0.5 foot. Near the inlets the mean tidal range generally is 3 feet; in the ocean, 4 feet; at the head of Cape May Harbor, 4.6 feet; and in Delaware Bay, near the entrance, 4.7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $7,080,000, including $1,824,940 Navy Department funds. The latest (1939) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $150,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act 424 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 approved March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 133, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. The River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946 (Public 525, 79th Cong., 2d sess.), authorized the use, for a period not to exceed 5 years, of funds from appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for maiitenance and improvement of rivers and harbors, for the maintenance of the canal from Cape May Harbor to Delaware BaY constructed as an emergency wartime project with Navy Depart- ment funds, including the cost of maintaining the temporary rail- road and seashore highway bridges over the canal. Local cooperation.--The project is subject to the conditions that the State of New Jersey cede to the United States all right, title, and interest that it has acquired to lands, easements, rights-of-way' and structures other than bridges for the Manasquan-Bayhea Canal; that the State of New Jersey furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and disposal areas required for construction of the Cape May Canal and for imn provement of the proposed waterway. and for their subsequent maintenance; that local interests provide, maintain, and operate suitable bridges over the waterway; that the State of New Jersey donate to the United States the navigation aids in use on the present New Jersey Intracoastal Waterway, and that the State of New Jersey hold and save the United States and its agents free from anY claims for damages resulting from the work of improvement. The only measures taken by local interests to comply wth the specified .requirements are that the State of New Jersey has contributed $99,000 toward the acquistion of land for the rights-of-way and disposal areas for the Cape May Canal, and has assumed the main- tenance and operation of one temporary highway bridge con- structed by the Federal Government across the canal. A land cut 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide connecting Cape Ma Harbor with Delaware Bay, including jetties at the Delaware BaY entrance, two temporary highway drawbridges, and one temporary railroad drawbridge, was constructed in 1942-43 with Navy De- partment funds. The cost was $1,824,940. Navy Department funds in the amount of $286,954.70 were also expended for maintenance of the waterway. Terminal facilities.-There are numerous piers, wharves, and docks at resorts located at or adjacent to the waterway, most of which are open to general public use, and fuel, water, and other supplies are readily available. Public and privately owned boat basins are located in a number of streams entering the bays and thoroughfares through which the waterway passes. Boat repair and storage yards with marine railways for small craft are also scattered along the waterway. Transfer facilities, including facili- ties for icing, storing, and shipping food fish, are available at most of the larger communities along the waterway, including Atlantic City, Wildwood, and Cape May. The plants at the two latter places have direct railroad connections. The facilities are considered ade- quate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance.--The removal of 71 piles and the construction of 10 dolphins in the Cape RIVERS AND HARBORS-PIIILAI)ELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 425 Iay Canal by contract was commenced September 15 and completed October 14, 1947. The cost was $2,627.96. Repairing the north jetty at the Delaware Bay entrance to the Cape May Canal by contract Was commenced June 21, 1948, and was 52 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The cost was $3,576.34. A railroad and a highway bridge across the Cape May Canal were OPerated and maintained throughout the year at a cost of $37,- 377.46. The total cost of all work was $43,581.76 for maintenance. The expenditures were $40,455.66. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 25 percent complete. A canal 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Cape May Harbor to Delaware Bay was completed in 1942; two Parallel stone jetties at the Delaware Bay entrance and one tem- Porary highway drawbridge in 1943; and one temporary highway drawbridge and one railroad bridge in 1944. The work remaining to be done is the dredging of a channel 12 feet deep and 100 feet Wide from the Atlantic Ocean at Manasquan River to Cape May Harbor. The latest examination (June 1946) showed the con- trolling depth at mean low water in the canal connecting Cape May Harbor with Delaware Bay was 9.2 feet. The costs under the existing project, excluding $1,824,940 ex- pended for new work and $286,954.70 for maintenance from Navy Department funds, and $99,000 contributed funds expended for new Work, were $53,694.60 for new work and $83,706.08 for mainte- nance, a total of $137,400.68. The expenditures were $132,533.27. Proposed operations.-It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $11,966.73 together with an allotment of $60,000 made in July 1948 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------------- $4,867.41 Maintenance: Repairing north jetty at the Delaware Bay entrance to the Cape May Canal under contract in force, to be completed July 1948__ 3,400.00 Placing riprap around the bridge abutments in the Cape May Canal by contract September and October 1948 --------------- 25,000.00 Maintaining Cape May Canal and operating bridges crossing the canal----- ---------------------------------------- 38,699.32 Total ------------------------------------------- 71,966.73 The additional sum of $176,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Dredging Cape May Canal by contract, April and May 1950.... $100,000.00 Operating bridges and maintaining Cape May Canal-.-_ 76,000.00 Total- ----------- -------------------------- 176,000.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- - - _________- ____ 1$53,694.60 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -------------------------283,706.08 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----------- 1 2 37,400.68 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------------- 4,867.41 Net total expenditures _ --------- -------- "132,533.27 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948----------- 10,661.33 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------1 2 143,194.60 SIn addition, $1,824,940 Navy Department funds and $99,000 contributed funds were expended for new Work. I In addition $286,954.70 Navy I)epartment funds were expenled for maintenance. 426 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30-- . 1944 1945 1946, 1947 1948.r.-r Cost of new work ............- Cost of maintenance ..........-- " ------.. --- -- -. $60,983.68 $2 710. 92 -- 3 40 124.32 43, 581.76 60, 983.68 ,- ..--...- ......-.- 42, 83. 24 43, 455.66 49, 206. 17 42, 871.44 40, Allotted_ ..... _________ ..... .. 46 694. 60 ...... .I----- . 60, 000.00 46, 600. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _ -------------- $4,422.39 Amount allotted during fiscal year:_ . __---- - -- - - - - - - 46,694.60 Amount to be accounted for ..--------------------------- 51,116.99 Gross amount expended-------- ------------- ---- 40,455.66 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-----------10, 661.33 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------- $4,867.41 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts----------- 2,968.18 7,835.59 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 2,825.7 Amount allotted in July 1948- ----------------------------- 60,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 62,825.74 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion existing project- of ----- --------------------------- 5,201,366.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance ----------------------------------- 176,000.00 24. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of the work.during the year was $17,995.73 for exam' inations and surveys, and $51,154.45 for contingencies, a total of $69,150.18. The expenditures were $70,547.80. It is proposed to apply the funds unexpended on June 30, 1948, and accounts receivable, amounting to $15,356.71 together with an allotment of $64,300 made in July 1948 to the payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $179,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. RIVERS AND HARBORS-PIILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 427 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -...------------------ --------- Ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- $1,370,333.35 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ---- 1,370,333.35 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ---------------- 351.61 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-.-------------------- 1,370,684.96 Minus accounts payable, June'30, 1948.----------- -- 643.33 Net total expenditures__--------------------- --- 1,370,041.63 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------_------ 15,005.10 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- ------.. 1,385,046.73 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 - -- I -' I------ _ (ost of maintenatnce...._...... Cost of new work............ i $39. 700. 23 -$81. 823.31 $88. 563. 40 $102, 544. 54 $69,150.18 'Otal expended..............._ 79, 069.09 87,364. 56 105, 729. 76 70, 547.80. 40,417.33. '-------- , Allotted.. .................. 140, 000. 00 90,000.00 52, 467.44 64, 400. 00 { 1 I Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947----------------------- $21,152.90 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ 64,400,00 Amount to be accounted for--------- - --------- 85,552.90 Gross amount expended...---------------------- 80,018.08 Less reimbursed expenditures. . 9,470.28 70,547.80 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ 15,005.10 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------- 643.33 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_ _ _.. 50.00 693.33 Balance available, June 30, 1948-.------------- ------- 14,311.77 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ----- ------------ 351.61 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--........ 14,663.38 Amount allotted in July 1948-------------------------------- 64,300.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... _.. 78,963.38 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance --------------------------- -------- 179,000.00 428 REPORT OF CHIEF OF. ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 25. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last full Cost and expenditures to report, see June 30, 1948 Estimated Name of project Annual amount Report required to for- New work Maintenance complete 1. Delaware River, N. Y., N. J., and Pa., at or 50 near mouth of Neversink River, N. J.1 2 1917 $61,39250 2. Ohester River, Pa.< 3 $6 000. 00 3, 600 00 3. Ice Harbor at Marcus Hook, Pa _-31 1928 $8,000.00 - $650.26 -50.26 4. Ice Harbor at New Castle, Del.4 218984 14,336,36 (s 5. Lepouinimink R iver, el.a.. ................ 1931 36,973.35 41,098.56 3000 8. StLJones River, I)el..3 --.------.------ 9. Broadkill River, Iel. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1940 207,102.37 64,607.22 267,500.00 1941 68, 227.97 101, 853:67 (5) 10. Inland Waterway between Rehoboth Bay 1941 68,227.97 101,853.6700 and Delaware Bay, Del --- 1946 7435,385. 0 76,345.7 375,000 11. Inland Waterway from2 Chincoteague Bay 435,385.07 76,345.75 to :Delaware Bay, Del. 8- - - 1939 168, 411. 88 42 794 40 (5) 12. Rancocas Creek N., .3-----------------------1942 12. Rancocas.Creek, ._ 44, 50(0. 168, 4 21 13, O 94 42,090. 35 750. 00 36, 13. Woodbury Creek, N. J.2 ---- 1940 27, 093.01 55,405.91 (5) 14. Oldmans Creek, N. J.23_ -- 1941 31, 188. 43 31736. 20 198, 000.00 15. Alloway Creek, N. J-.3_ ---------------- 1931 21,397. 73 33 002. 27 () 16. Sleim River, N. J.3----------- 17. Dennis Creek, N. J ---------------------- 1947 1897 107, 634.43 4, 701. 05 10 172, 692.88 46,000 00 .(5) 18. osheon Creek, N. J. ----- - 1905 15, 358.77 870.00 (5) Absecon Li Creek,bo J.1 20. Little Egg Harbor, N. J.5 a------------------- 194 11, 934. 96 .67, 725. 34 ) 2- ----- (.) 15, 048. 00 - . 21. Tuckerton Creek, N. J.a 2- - " -- 1947 60, 242.16 169246.70 () 22. Double Creek, N.J.-------------------------1912 7, 800. 00 (0 23.1940 10, 050. 00 19, 873. 21 183, 1 Abandonment recommended in H. Doe. No. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. 2No commerce reported. 3 Channel adequate for commerce. 4 Harbor not now required by commerce. b Completed. 6 Awaiting local cooperation. 7 In addition $60,000 contributed funds. 8 Cost of maintaining bridges assumed by State of Delaware. I9n addition $2,000 contributed funds expended for maintenance. 1oExclusive of $51,825.10 contributed by local interests. u1Last appropriation for thisproject was in 1852. No information is at hand relative to work done. 12 $8,627.26 revoked, fiscal year 1948. 13 Maintenance assumed by local authorities as required by act. 14Project modified by River and Harbor Act approved Mar. 2, 1945. 26. PLANT ALLOTMENT, PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948 ___ _____________ $1,825,645.25 - Net total cost to June 30, 1948_ ____ _______- 1,825,645.25 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------------- -- 332,930.25 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948---- ------------------- 2,158,575.50 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------- -- - 340,494.40 Net total expenditures-------________ - 1,818,081.10 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 368,569.46 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------- 2,186,650.56 RIVERS AND IIARBOtRS-PIILADELPIIIA, PA., DISTRICT 429 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1 AA I 1945 I 1946 1947 1948 Total expended .... - -,$3, 540, 955. 90 $94, 637. 11 -$1,119, 467. 98 -$2, 825, 899 . 03 $1, 491, 333. 24 Allotted...-- --- _ -3, 216, 730. 87 --690, 000. 00 -760, 000. 00 -2, 633, 733 . 70 501, 429.03 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.---------------------- $1,358,473.67 Amount allotted during fiscal year_------------------------ 589,527.41 Amount to be accounted for ----------------------- 1,948,001.08 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment----------- 88,098.38 Net amount to be accounted for- 1,859,902.70 Gross amount expended---- --------------- $1,934,620.61 s reimbursed expenditures_---------------- 443,287.37 1,491,333.24 30, 1948------------------- 0 Balance unexpended, June 368,569.46 utstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-._ _ - 340,494.40 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts _.. 324,492.45 664,986.85 Balance available, June 30, 1948- -- 296,417.39 Acounts receivable, June 30, 1948_------- ------------ 332,930.25 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948_--------- 36,512.86 27. HOPPER DREDGE REPLACEMENT The seagoing hopper dredges Comber, Gerig, Langfitt and Biddle of 3,000 cubic yards capacity were completed and placed in service during the fiscal year. The 8,000 cubic yard hopper dredge for which a contract was awarded June 19, 1947, was 26 percent complete. Studies are in progress on the design of a shallow draft hopper dredge to replace the dredge Absecon. The cost of work during the year was $5,065,975.64. The expendi- tures were $4,671,730.23. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, and accounts receivable, amounting to $8,858,746.94 will be applied to the completion of the 8,000 cubic yard hopper dredge and further studies on the design of a shallow draft hopper dredge to replace the dredge Absecon. No additional work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------... .-... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------- $21,368,381.11 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ------- 21,368,381.11 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 3,645.71 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------------------- 21,372,026.82 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 1,437,128.05 Net total expenditures------- ..----------.--- 19,934,898.77 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_- -.----- -- - - -8,855,101.23 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 28,790,000.00 804711---48-vol, 1 28 430 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 194 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.-------------.. . ,_ ---- --- -----::',i Cost of maintenance___ 114,3.40 $6,422,471.17 $9,765,400.90 Total expended...... -----.........----- 114,528.45 4, 897, 812. 01 10,250,828.08 41671,73023 Allotted ---------- 13, 00,000.00 4,250,000.00 9,600,000. 00 1,440,00000 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------ - -_--$12,086,831.46 Amount allotted during fiscal year_------- - 1,440,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ------ - --- .- 13,526,831.46 Gross amount expended ------------------- $4,674,736.58 Less reimbursed expenditures. _----------- - 3,006.35 4,671,730.23 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 8,855,101.23 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 1,437,128.05 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts --- 7,111,590.00 8,548,718.05 Balance available, June 30, 1948 306,383.18 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 3,645.71 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 .....-.... 310,028.89 RIVERS AND HARBORS-PHILADELPIIIA, PA., DISTRICT 431 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation _1 River and Harbor Com- ..------------------------ mittee resolution, Aug. Cape May Harbor, Cold Spring 10, 1944. River and Harbor Act, .. shore N. J., with a view to rnlet protectionr July 24, 1946. ihesapeakeBay to Delaware Commerce Committee ---------------------------- piver, Md and Del., Inland resolution, Mar. 28,1939. wraterway (with particular ref- erence to bridges). aold Spring Inlet (Cape May River and Harbor Act, harbor) N. J., with a view to July 24, 1946. Shore protection. Delaware River, N. Y., Pa., River and Harbor Com- N. J.,and Del., construction mittee resolution, Jan. f damrs in vicinity of Tlocks 24, 1939 Island Belvedere, and Chest- nut Power) Iill,Pa." (navigation and Delaware River to Chesapeake Commerce Committee Bay, Del. and Md., Inland resolution, Mar. 28, reaterway, (with particular 1939 reforence to bridges). Delaare River, Pa., N. J., and River and Harbor Act, Duel, Philadelphia to the sea. July 24, 1946 claware River, Pa., N. J., and , Del., between Philadelphia and Trenton. ishing Creek, Cumberland River and Harbor Act, Iounty N. J. Mar. 2, 1945 ian River Inlet to Rehoboth MBay, Del., waterway. asquan Inlet to Shrewsbury Public Works River Section of Intracoastal HouseCommittee resolution, Waterway, and alternate con- Apr. 22, 1947 nection to Delaware Bay. ispillion River, Del., up to River and Harbor Act, ilford. Mar. 2, 1945 hispillion River, Del........... Senate Public Works Committee resolution, New Jersey Intracoastal Water- Apr. 27, 1948 House Public Works Way from Bhrewsbury River to Committee resolution, 4elaware Bay above Cape Apr. 22, 1947 May--for extension of water- Way from Manasquan Inlet to Shrewsbury River and an alter* nate connection to Delaware Bay. Pennyack Creek, a tributary of River and Harbor Act, the elaware River located in July 24, 1946 Philadelphia, Pa., with a view to providing facilities for light- draft navigation. Rehoboth Bay to Indian River River and Harbor Act, Inlet, Del., waterway. Mar. 2, 1945 Salem River, Salem County, N. J. .... do-....-----........... Townsend Inlet, N. J............ River and Harbor Com- mittee resolution, May 18. 1937 28. DYBERRY RESERVOIR, DYBERRY CREEK, PA. Location.-The Dyberry dam site is on Dyberry Creek, about 3 miles above its juncton with the Lackawaxen River at Honesdale, Wayne County, Pa. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheet "Honesdale, Pa.") Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for a rolled earth dam with impervous core, approximately 1,300 feet long, ris- ing approximately 94 feet above the valley floor, with suitable gate- controlled outlet works. The reservoir will have a capacity of 20,800 acre-feet at spillway level and will control the run-off from a drain- 432 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 age area of 65 square miles which is 91 percent of the watershed O~ Dyberry Creek or 39 percent of the Lackawaxen River watershed above Honesdale, Pa. Preparation of detailed plans for the project was authorized by the War Department Civil Functions Appropria- tion Act of 1948, approved July 31, 1947. Construction of the project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $5,- 140,000 for construction and $1,010,000 for lands, damages, and relocations, a total of $6,150,000. Local cooperation.-The project is subject to the conditions that responsible local agencies furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will (a) remove the three existing low dams in the Lackawaxen River at Honesdale, Pa., and (b) estab- lish satisfactory measures to preserve the flood-carrying capacities of the stream channels below the proposed reservoir. These assur- ances have not been furnished by local interests; however, the three low dams at Honesdale have been removed. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of field surveys and subsurface investigations at a cost of $59,' 472.45, and engineering and hydraulic studies, foundation explora- tions and. design at a cost of $63,559.45. The total costs were $123,031.90 for new work. The expenditures were $112,386.10. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No construction work has been done under the. project. The engineering studies were about 95 percent complete. The costs under the project were $123,031.90 for new work. The expenditures were $112,386.10. Proposed operations.-It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948, and accounts receivable, amounting to $15,639.61 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948- $10,671.51 New work: Engineering studies and design 41968.10 Total-------------------------------------------------- 15,639.61 The additional sum of $150,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 on the preparation of plans and specifica- tions for construction. • Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948$-----------------------------123,031.90 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..__________________ __- -------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 123,031.90 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------- 25.71 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-----------------------123,057.61 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------------ 10,671.51 Net total expenditures___- _______ _________ ________ 112,386.10 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------------------------15,613.90 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- _ 128,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL--PHIILADELPIIIA, PA., DISTRICT 433 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 St of ow work ......------------..--------------------------------------------- $123, 031.90 ost of maintenance.............- -- "...... - -..................-........................ Total expended ------------------------------------------------------------ 112, 386. 10 ..- Allotted .128,,000.00 _. Amount allotted during fiscal year-- ------------- --- $128,000.00 ross amount expended --------------------------------- 112,386.10 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------ -------- 15,613.90 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--- $10,671.51 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts 2,681.85 13,353.36 Balance available, June 30, 1948 2,---------------260.54 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------------ 25.71 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 _------------_2,286.25 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project- _----------- - -.. -- ------ 6,022,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for new work ..___________.---. ------------------ 150,000.00 29. PROMPTON RESERVOIR, LACKAWAXEN RIVER, PA. Location.-The Prompton dam site is on the Lackawaxen River about 30 miles above its junction with the Delaware River. It is a Short distance above Prompton, Pa., and about 4 miles above Hones- dale, Wayne County, Pa. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheet "Honesdale, Pa.") Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for a rolled-earth dam, approximately 700 feet long rising approximately 102 feet above the valley floor, having an impervious core and suit- able gate-controlled outlet works. The reservoir will have a capacity of 19,200 acre-feet at spillway level and will control the run-off from a drainage area of 60 square miles which is 64 percent of the area drained by the river above its confluence with Dyberry Creek in Honesdale or 36 percent of the Lackawaxen River watershed above Honesdale. Preparation of detailed plans and specifications for the Project was authorized by the War Department Civil Functions Appropriation Act of 1948, approved July 31, 1947; construction of the project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $5,360,000 for construction and $940,000 for lands, dam- ages, and relocations, a total of $6,300,000. Local cooperation.--The project as recommended is subject to the conditions that responsible local agencies furnish assurances satis- factory to the Secretary of the Army that they will (a) remove the three existing low dams in the river at Honesdale, Pa., and (b) establish satisfactory measures to preserve the flood-carrying ca- Pacities of the stream channels below the proposed reservoir. These assurances have not been furnished by local interests; however, the three low dams at TIonesdale have been removed. 434 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of field surveys and subsurface investigation at a cost of $36,916.67, and engineering and hydraulic studies, foundation explorations and design at a cost of $49,763.41. The total costs were $86,680.08. The expenditures were $79,115.54. Condition at end of fiscal year.--No construction work has been done under the project. The engineering studies were about 95 percent complete. The costs under the project were $86,680.08 for new work. The expenditures were $79,115.54. Proposed operations.--It is proposed to apply the funds unex- pended on June 30, 1948 amounting to $17,884.46 together with an allotment of $65,000 made in July 1948 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948-- _ __ $7,564.54 New Work: Engineering studies and design_-------------_ _ _ -_ -_ 10,319.92 Preparation of contract plans and specifications- 65, 000.00 Total--------------------____ _____----------- _ 82,884.46 The additional sum of $600,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New Work: Preparation of plans and specifications for construction $125, 000.00 Acquisition of lands .. 75 000 00 Initiate construction of outlet works ------------------------ 400,000.00 Total -------------- ---------- 600,000.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------- $86,680.08 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------- ------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 86 680.08 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 7,564.54 Net total expenditures ----------------------------- 79,115.54 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948...----------------- 17,884.46 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 97 ,(00.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.... ---------------------------.--- $86, 680.08 Cost of maintenance----------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------ Total expended-- - - -------- I----------- ------ ------------ 79 115. 54 Allotted------- ------------------ --- --------------------------- 97,000. 00 *- Amount allotted during fiscal year_ $97,000. O0 Gross amount expended_________________ 79,115.54 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------- 17,884.46 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-- --------- $7,564.54 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts--------- 3,450.23 11,014.77 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------__ _________ 6,869.69 FLOOD CONTROILr--PHILADELPIIA, PA.,,DISTRICT 435 Amount allotted in July 1948 .... .-------------------- --- 65,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-------. 71,869.69 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------- ___ _--------------------- 6,138,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for new work___________ ------------------------- 600,000.00 30. BEAR CREEK RESERVOIR, LEHIGH RIVER, PA. Location.-The Bear Creek dam site is on the Lehigh River, a short distance below the mouth of Bear Creek, approximately 60 miles above the city of Allentown, and 77 miles above its confluence With the Delaware River at Easton, Pa. (See U. S. Geological Sur- Vey quadrangle sheet "Stoddartsville, Pa.") Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for an earth, and rock-filled dam, 2,900 feet long at the crest, rising 233 feet above the valley floor, with gate-controlled outlet works dis- charging through a tunnel in rock at the east abutment and a nat- ural spillway discharging through a saddle in the western edge of the reservoir about three-fourths mile from the dam. The reservoir Will have a capacity of 110,000 acre-feet at spillway level and will control the run-off from a drainage area of 288 square miles. The Project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $16,200,000 for construction and $300,000 for lands and damages, a total of $16,500,000. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Operations consisted of subsurface explorations at a cost of $17,842.42 and field surveys, engineering and hydraulic studies, and design at a cost of $132,- 956.96. The total costs were $150,799.38 for new work. The ex- Penditures were $145,011.27. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No construction work has been done on the project. The engineering studies were 80 percent com- Plete. The costs under the project were $175,834.88 for new work. The expenditures were $163,602.52. Proposed operations.-It is proposed to apply the funds unex- Pended on June 30, 1948 amounting to $16,397.48 together with an allotment of $200,000.00 made in July 1948 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948-------------------------- $12,232.36 New work: Engineering studies and design -------------- _ --------- 64,165.12 Preparation of plans and specifications for construction-....... _ 140,000.00 Total-------------------------------------------- 216,397.48 436 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $700,000 can be profitably expended .dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Preparation of plans and specifications for construction . Acquisition of lands---- $125,000.00 ---- - 25,000.00 Initiate construction of outlet works---------------------.-- 550,000.00 Total ------------------------------ ----- 700,000.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 $175,834.88 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ 175,834.88 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 12,232.36 Net total expenditures -------- 163602.52 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ 16,397.48 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ _ 180,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---- Cost of maintenance----------... -------------- --....---------- ------------ $25035.50$150, 799.38 5,035.50$15 Total expended... 18, 591. 25 145,011. 21 A l td - - - - - - - -o Allotted..... ....------------...... ....--------------------- 30, 00.00 150,00000 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $11,408.75 Amount allotted during fiscal year--- ............. __ ...--- . 150,000.00 Amount to be accounted for -------- ------------------- 161,408.75 Gross amount expended ----------------- _ -$145,013.82 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------- 2.55 145,011.27 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------- 16,397.48 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ------ 12,232.36 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts----- 9,207.24 21,439.60 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------- -5,042.12 Amount allotted in July 1948_--- ___ _________________ - 200,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .. 194,957.88 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project__________________ 16,120,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for new work 700,000.00 31. ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH RIVER, PA. Location.-Allentown is located in Lehigh County on the Lehigh River, 17 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Geological Survey quad- rangle sheets "Allentown and Allentown West, Pa.") Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for widen- ing and deepening the channel of Lehigh River and easing the FIOOI) CONTIRtO L-PIILAI)ELPLIIIA, PA., DISTRICT 437 abrupt turn and approaches thereto at the mouth of Little Lehigh Creek; it also provides for a training dike and levees, and the necessary appurtenant structures. The project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946. The estimated Fed- eral cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $1,550,000 for construc- ton. The estimated local cost for lands, damages, and utility altera- tions, revised in 1946, is $25,000. Local cooperation.-See page - for requirements. Assurances of cooperation have not been furnished by local interests. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. There were no costs or expenditures. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done on this project and there have been no costs or expenditures. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $80,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 on engineering studies and design. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ ..-.. .... - - Ne otal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 et total expenditures. ..------- ------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1.948.------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project__. .....-...----------.. ----.. $1,550,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for new work ........------ ------.. 80,000.00 32. BIETHLEHEIM, LEHIGH RIVER, PA. Location. Bethlehem is located in Northampton and Lehigh Counties on the Lehigh River 16 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheet "Allentown, Pa.") E xisting project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- crete flood walls, paved-slope earth levees, with incidental structures on Lehigh River and on Monocacy Creek, and pumping facilities to remove storm water from protected areas during flood periods. The Project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $5,650,000 for construction. The estimate of local cost for lands, damages, a new bridge superstructure, and highway and utility alterations, revised in 1946, is $695,000. Local cooperation.-See page - for requirements. Assurances of cooperation have not been furnished by local interests. Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-None. There were no costs or expenditures. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done on this Project and there have been no costs or expenditures. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. 438 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMIIY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ '.-...------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_____________ -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.. --- - Net total expenditures---------------------------------- - - Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------- ,-$5,650,000.00 ------------ 33. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost of work during the year was $2,784.72 for examinations and surveys and $14,253.86 for contingencies, a total of $17,038.58. The expenditures were $16,981.85. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $7,- 065.12, together with an allotment of $15,000, made in July 1948, will be applied to accounts payable, amounting to $329.99, and to payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $18,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ $265, 864.87 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_-________ 265, 864.87 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 '----------------- '329.99 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 265,534.88 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948______ 7,065.12 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------- 272,600.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--..--------------............ Cost of maintenance-........... $89, 046.37 $64,331-98 , 1;i5.09 $12,96994 $17,38. Total expended ............... 83, 695. 331 62, 014. 24 38, 183. 88 14, 376. 67 16, 981. $6 Allotted...L...................... 100, 000.00 63, 000.00 10, 000. 10 00 00 22,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- ------------ __ $ 2,046.97 Amount allotted during fiscal year.---------------- ---------- 22,000.00 Amount to be accounted for --- 24,046.97 Gross amount expended-------- ------------------ ---------- 16,981.85 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------------------- 7,065.12 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- -.- ----- - - 329.99 Balance available, June 30, 1948_ ----------- 6,735.13 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------- __________ 15,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949---------- 21,735.13 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance---------------------------------.. 18,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL----PIIILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT 439 34. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures to full re- June 30, 1948 Estimated port, see _ I amount Name of project Annual required to Report New work Mainte- complete for- nance Mount Holly, ---------------- Rancocas Creek, N. J.................. 1946 $283, 655.05 (1) () authorities as required by act authorizing the project. SComnpleted. assumed by local SMaintenance Status of all investigationsfor flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Document Recom- Locality Authorization act mitted to No. mendation Congress -1" ltI ___I _ - I____ Absecon Island N. J., of Atlantic City, Ventnor, (Flood protection Control Act, Dec. otargate City, Longport, and 22, 1944. therareason New Jersey Coast affected by floods due to tide and wind. Atlantic City and other areas on New Jersey Coast affected by --------------- due to tide and wind. .floods --------------- I ethany Beach, Del., and other -........... do...------- Points along the Delaware oast, protection against dam- age from erosion to indand tide.and floods due Delaware Coast at Rehoboth ..--... do...---...... Beach. Bethany Beach, Lewes, -- -- --------------- and Fenwick Island, and other Points, protection against dam- agefrom erosion and floods due to wind and tide. Delaware River, N. Y., Pa., N. Rivers and Harbors Com- d.,and Del., construction of mittee resolution, Jan. dams in vicinity of 'rocks 24, 1939. IslandBelvedere and Chest- nut Hill, Pa. (Navigation and POWer). Fenwick Island Del., and other Flood Control Act, Dec. Points along the Delaware 22, 1944. Coast, protection against dam- -------------- age from erosion and floods due to wind and tide. Lewes, Del., and other points do-.......... ........-.... along the Delaware Coast, pro- -------------- tection against damage from erosion and floods due to wind -------------- and tide. Longport and other areas on do......... ............ I , , , ,, , , -------------- New Jersey Coast affected by floods due to tide and wind. Margate City and other areas on do_. . ----------- -........... _------------ New Jersey Coast affected by floods due tbtide and wind. New Jersey Coast at Atlantic do..... ............ . .. -------------- City, Ventnor, Margate City, Longport, and other areas, affected by floods due to tide and wind. Rehoboth Beach, Del., and other Points along the Delaware Coast; protection against dam- age from erosion and floods due to Wind and tide. Schuylkill River and tributaries -...-------......... do....--------.. I. .------------- . Pa. _ ___ __ IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS, AND FLOOD CONTROL IN THE BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT This district comprises the watershed of the Susquehanna River and its tributaries from headwaters in south-central New York State through central Pennsylvania to its mouth in the Chesapeake Bay; eastern Maryland, southwestern Delaware, and eastern Vir- ginia, embracing Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries north of Cove Point, Md., on the western shore of the bay, and Onancock River, Va., on the eastern shore, and the watersheds tributary to the At- lantic Ocean between the southern boundary of Delaware and a point north of White Creek and Gargathy Inlet on the Atlantic coast. District Engineer: Col. J. S. Seybold, Corps of Engineers, to- August 6, 1947, and Col. W. W. Wanamaker, Corps of Engineers, thereafter. Division engineer of the North Atlantic Division, New York, N. Y., comprising the New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Balti- more, Md., Washington, D. C., and Norfolk, Va., districts: Col. W. F. leavey, Corps of Engineers, acting division engineer to July 17, 1947; and Col. B. C. Dunn, Corps of Engineers, since that date. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation Page Navigation-Continued Page Baltimore Harbor and Chan- 24. Crisfield HIarbor, Md.... 479 nels, Md______________ 442 25. Broad Creek, Md_._._ 481 2. Baltimore Harbor, Md., col- 26. Pocomoke River, Md _ . 482 lection and removal of drift_ 448 27. Twitch Cove and Big Thor- 3. Susquehanna River above and oughfare River, Md. _ . 484 below Havre De Grace, Md_ 449 28. Starlings Creek, Va........------ 486 4. Northeast River, Md--- 451 29. Tangier Channel, Va ....--- 487 5. Rock Hall Harbor, Md ...... 452 30. Waterway on the Coast of Vir- 6. Chester River, Md_. . ... 453 ginia ........ ....... 489 7. Corsica River, Md ...... 455 31. Chincoteague Bay, Va.. .. 491 8. Knapps Narrows, Md_ 457 32. Ocean City Harbor and Inlet 9. Black Walnut Harbor, Md .-. 458 and Sinepuxent Bay, Md_ 492 10. Town Creek, Md-___. 459 33. Fishing Creek, Md 494 11. Island Creek, Md. 460 34. Herring Bay and Rockhold 12. La Trappe River, Md . . _ 461 Creek, Md_ _. 496 13. Warwick River, Md .. _- .. ;_ 462 35. Broadwater Creek, Md ..... 497 14. Cambridge Harbor, Md ..... 463 36. Parish Creek, Md.... - ...... 498 15. Slaughter Creek, Md ..-... 465 37. Cadle Creek, Md__ 499 16. Honga River and Tar Bay 38. Mill Creek, Md_ ..- __ 500 (Barren Island Gaps), Md__ 466 39. Examinations, surveys and con- 17. Duck Point Cove, Md .. 468 tingencies (general) ...... 501 18. Fishing Bay, Md 469 40. Inactive Navigation Projects _ 502 19. Nanticoke River, Md . .. 470 41. Plant Allotment - - - 503 20. Nanticoke River (including Flood Control Northwest Fork), Del. and 42. South Plymouth Reservoir Ca- Md. . 471 nasawacta Creek, N. Y_:_ 506 21. Wicomico River, Md- --- 473 43. Genegantslet Reservoir, Gene- 22. Upper Thoroughfare, Deal gantslet Creek, N. Y__ . 507 Island, Md . ...... ..... 475 44. Southern New York Flood Con- 23. Lower Thoroughfare, at or near trol.Project__.._..__....__ 509 Wenona, Deal Island, Md_ 477 441 442 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Flood Control-Continued Flood Control-Continued Page page 45. Stillwater Reservoir, Lacka- 54. York, Codorus Creek, Pa - - - 548 wanna River, Pa---_ 527 55. Snagging and clearing under 46. Swoyerville and Forty Fort, Pa 528 authority of section 2 of the 47. Wilkes-Barre--Hanover Town- Flood Control Act Approved ship, Susquehanna River, Pa 530 August 28, 1937, as amended 550 48. Kingston-Edwardsville, Sus- 56. Emergency Flood Control quehanna River, Pa.. _.. -- 532 (Maintenance) section 5, 49. Plymouth, Susquehanna River, Flood Control Act, approved 551 Pa-.. ..- 533 Aug. 18, 1941 ..--------- 5 50. Sunbury, Susquehanna River, 57. Emergency Flood Control Pa- - - ---- 535 (Maintenance) Flood Control 51. Williamsport, Susquehanna Act approved June 23, 1947 55 River, Pa ------- 539 58. Preliminary examinations, sur- 52. Tyrone, Pa----------------.. 545 veys, and contingencies for 3 53. Harrisburg, Susquehanna River flood control-------- 554 Basin, Pa--------------- 547 59. Inactivefloodcontrolprojects- -55 1. BALTIMORE HARBOR AND CHANNELS, MD. Location.-BaltimoreHarbor is situated at the head of the navi- gable portion of the Patapsco River about 12 miles from Chesapeake Bay. The river rises near the town of Westminster in Carroll County, Md., and flows in a general southeasterly direction for about 65 miles to enter the Chesapeake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 549.) Previous pi ojects.-Patapsco River: The original project was dated July 4, 1836. Modifications were contained in the River and Harbor Acts of August 30, 1852; June 10, 1872; March 3, 1881; June 3, 1896; March 3, 1905; March 3, 1909; February 27, 1911; and March 4, 1913. Middle Branch: The original project was dated June 3, 1896. Curtis Bay: The original project was dated July 13, 1892. It was modified by the River and Harbor Act of June 13, 1902. York Spit: The original project was dated March 3, 1905. For further details see pages 1787 and 1788 of the annual report for 1915, and page 389 of the annual report for 1932. Existing project.--This provides for: (a) A uniform main chan- nel depth of 39 feet between Cape Charles, Va., and Fort McHenrY, Baltimore, Md., with dimensions as follows: 39 feet deep and 1,000 feet wide between the curves of 39-foot depth in Chesapeake BaY opposite York Spit, a distance of about 5 miles (under jurisdiction of the Norfolk, Va., district) ; 39 feet deep and a general width of 600 feet from the 39-foot depth curve in Chesapeake Bay to Fort McHenry on the Patapsco River, a distance of about 20 miles; (b) for branch channels with dimensions as follows: 35 feet deep and 400 feet wide from the main channel to head of Curtis Bay, a dis- tance of about 25 miles; 35 feet deep and 400 feet wide from the main channel at Fort McHenry to Ferry Bar, and thence 27 feet deep and 250 feet wide to the Western Maryland RailwaY bridge, a total distance of about 3/ miles; (c) for widening the angle between the Fort McHenry and Ferry Bar sections; (d) for widening at the approaches and bends; (e) for the following an- chorages-Fort McHenry anchorage, 3,500 feet long, 400 feet wide, RIVERS AND HARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD,, DISTRICT 443 and 35 feet deep; Riverview anchorage No. 1, 4,500 feet long, 1,500 feet wide, and 35 feet deep; Riverview anchorage No. 2, 2,400 feet long, 1,200 feet wide, and 30 feet deep; Quarantine anchorage, 3,500 feet long, 600 feet wide, and 35 feet deep; (f) it is further provided that as rapidly as the city of Baltimore, at its own expense, provides the 3 5 -foot depth into the Northwest Branch (inner harbor) the United States shall take over the maintenance of that depth (the United States maintains a channel 35 feet deep and generally 650 feet wide from Fort McHenry to and along the southwest side of the inner harbor and a channel generally 750 feet wide along the east- erly side of the inner harbor) ; (g) for a connecting channel with a depth of 27 feet and width of 400 feet from Cutoff-Brewerton angle in the main channel to the inland waterway from Delaware River to Chesapeake Bay; (h) for a channel in Curtis Creek with a depth of 35 feet and width of 200 feet from the head of the existing 35-foot Project channel in Curtis Bay to a point in the creek about 750 feet below the Pennington Avenue Bridge; (i) for a channel 22 feet deep and generally 200 feet wide from the 22-foot depth curve in Curtis Creek immediately below the Pennington Avenue Bridge, 18 feet over an irregular area of about 3 acres at the head and adjacent to the 2 2-foot channel; a depth of 15 feet for a general width of 450 feet from the head of the 22-foot channel to the upper end of the raarginal wharf of the United States ordnance depot; (j) and for a channel 22 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the 22-foot depth curve south of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad bridge to the vicinity of Arundel Cove, a distance of about 2,800 feet, thence 100 feet wide in Arundel Cove for a distance of about 2,100 feet; with an anchorage basin approximately 700 feet square adjacent to the channel south- Westerly of the Coast Guard wharf. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $10,400,000 exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $400,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: 444 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1905 Main channel 35 feet deep and 600 feet wide through- 2d sess. IT. Deoc. 186, 57th Cong., out. Mar. 3, 1909 Anchorage basin near intersection of Fort McHlenry and Curtis Bay Channels (within original limit of cost authorized by act of Mar. 2, 1907). Feb. 27, 1911 Width increased at entrances and bends (increase to be made within the limit of original estimate). Aug. 8, 1917 Branch channel 35 feet deep to head of Curtis Bay, and one 35 feet deep and 400 feet wide into the South- IH. Doc. 799, 64th Cong., 1st sess. west Branch of the Patapsco River to a point near Ferry Bar, and 27 feet deep and 250 feet wide to Western Maryland Ry. bridge, widened at ap- proaches and bends, and with anchorage and turn- ing hasins. Inclusion of Patapsco River and tribu- taries into 1 project for Baltimore Harbor. Jan. 21, 1927 Change in location of the anchorage near upper end of the Fort McHenry Channel. July 3, 1930 Increased anchorage facilities--------------............ Rivers and HIarbors Committee Do....... For 37-foot depth in that portion of channel to Balti- Dec. 11, 70th Cong., 1st sesS-' more lying between the 37-foot depth curve near II. Doec. 29, 71st Cong., 1st sess. Baltimore Light to the Sparrows Point entrance channel; widening the angle hetween Fort McIenry and Ferry Bar sections; and for width of 400 feet in the Curtis Bay section. Oct. 17, 1940 For the 22-, 18-, and 15-foot channels in Curtis Creek Adopted as a national-defense from the 22-foot depth below Pennington Av. Bridge to the upper end of the marginal wharf of the United project (no printed report). States ordnance depot. Mar. 2, 1945 Uniform main channel 39 feet deep from the ocean HI. Dec. 741, 79th Cong., 2d sess. through York Spit section and Craighill entrance to Fort McHenry, additional anchorage area 2,400 feet long, 1,200 feet wide, and 30 feet deep; a connect- ing channel 400 feet wide and 27 feet deep from Cut- off-Brewerton angle in the main channel to the in- land waterway from Delaware River to Chesapeake Bay; a channel in Curtis Creek 200 feet wide and 35 feet deep from the head of the existing 35-foot project channel in Curtis Bay to a point in the creek about 750 feet below the Pennington Ave. Bridge. Do...... A channel 22 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the 22- In accordance with plans on file in foot depth curve south of the Baltimore & Ohio the Office, Chief of Engineers' It. R. bridge to the vicinity of Arundel Cove, a dis- tance of about 2,800 feet, thence 100 feet wide in Arundel Cove for a distance of about 2,100 feet; with an anchorage basin approximately 700 feet square adjacent to the channel southwesterly of the Coast Guard wharf. 1 Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.--The River and Harbor Act of August 8, 1917, required that on all new work under the project approved by that act, except the channel into Curtis Bay, improvement by the United States is made conditional upon local interests providing, whenever required by the Chief of Engineers, free of cost to the United States, suitable areas behind bulkheads or other revetment, satisfactory to the district engineer, in which the dredged material may be de- posited. This condition has been met as far as the channel has been completed. The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, provided for increased anchorage facilities subject to the provisions that no work shall be started on the area therein recommended until local interests have provided suitable disposal areas satisfactory to the district engineer alongside of bulkheads behind which said interests will agree to pump the material without delay to the Government work; or, in lieu of the above requirement, agree to contribute the sum of 5 cents per cubic yard, scow measure, to cover the additional cost to the United States for disposal of the material on its own dumping area. This condition has been met. RIVERS AND HARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 445 Terminal facilities.---The total length of developed water front in Baltimore Harbor, measured along the established bulkhead line, is about 27 miles. Extensive areas remain which are available for fur- ther development. The existing terminal facilities include wharves, Piers, grain elevators, coal and ore piers, storage and bunkering facilities for fuel oil, terminal warehouses, marine railways, dry- ocks, and shipyards. The State legislature has authorized the city of Baltimore to incur an indebtedness of $50,000,000 for the development of the port. The Port Development Commisson, which is charged with administra- tio n u nder this authorization, has completed an $8,500,000 terminal Pier at Port Covington and a $110,000 terminal pier on the North- West Branch. For further details, see page 391, Annual Report for 1932. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work dredging by contract was continued from the previous fiscal year and com- Pleted October 15, 1947, to provide a channel 27 feet deep, at mean low water, and 400 feet wide, from the Brewerton-Cutoff Angle of the Baltimore Harbor main channel to deep water on the eastern Side of Chesapeake Bay, for a connecting channel between Balti- 'ore and the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal approach channel. There were 4,857,592 cubic yards of material removed and disposed of in deep water in Chesapeake Bay outside the channel areas. lViaintenance dredging by Government plant and hired labor to restore project dimensions in the Northwest Harbor was suspended On August 16, 1947, due to the lack of funds. The United States hopper dredge Navesinlc removed 166,092 cubic yards of material and deposited it on the authorized dumping area in Chesapeake Bay at Kent Island, Maryland. A contract was awarded, for maintenance dredging to remove ma- erial above the 37 foot depth, and new work dredging to remove material between the 37 foot and 39 foot depths for a maximum Width of 800 feet in the Cutoff-Brewerton Angle. Dredging was Started April 30, 1948, and completed May 25, 1948, 652,965 cubic Yards of material were removed of which 98,983 cubic yards were for maintenance work and 553,982 cubic yards were for new work. The dredged material was disposed of overboard in deep water outside the channel areas. A contract was awarded, for maintenance dredging to remove material above the 37 foot depth, and new work dredging to remove material between the 37 foot and 39 foot depths for a maximum Width of 800 feet in the Craighill-Cutoff Angle.. Dredging was started April 19, 1948, and 400,000 cubic yards of material have been removed of which 8,000 cubic yards were for maintenance Work and 392,000 cubic yards were for new work. The dredged material was disposed of in the authorized dumping area in Chesa- Peake Bay at Kent Island, Md. New work dredging by contract was started May 25, 1948, and completed June 14, 1948, to provide a channel 35 feet deep, at mean low water, and 200 feet wide, from the head of the existing 35 foot channel in Curtis Bay to a point in Curtis Creek 750 feet below the 804711----48-vol. 1- 29 446 REPORT OF CHIEIfF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Pennington Avenue Bridge. There were 308,626 cubic yards of material removed and deposited on shore in approved disposal areas. The total costs were $1,113,015.98 of which $1,005,447.44 Was for new work and $107,568.54 was for maintenance. The total expenditures were $1,096,225.31. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project, excluding York Spit Channel, which is under the jurisdiction of the Norfolk District, is about 42 percent complete. The work remaining to be done, excluding the York Spit Channel' is deepening the main channel from 35 and 37 foot depths to 39 feet, with the exception of the 800 foot strip in the Cutoff-Brewerton Angle which is completed and the 800 foot strip in the Craighill- Cutoff Angle now being dredged; providing Riverview Anchorage No. 2; complete the Ferry Bar section from Port Covington entrance channel to Ferry Bar; and completion of the Spring Garden section' including a turning basin, from Ferry Bar to Western Maryland Railway Bridge. The controlling dimensions are as follows: i- .~c~--' Section Depth (feet) Width (feet) Date Ascertainec 'd Secio Craighill Entrance... -- 37. 0 500 October 194 Craighille .. 37.0 o500 October1941 947 . .-------------------------------------- 34.5 500 Novemb 1 Craighill-Cutoff Angle . -............... 34. 0 600 I)o. Cutoff------ .--- . to 1,7290 Cutoff-Brewerton Angle --- . 3,. 0 520 October 194 Brewerton, to Sparrows Point Entrance Channel: _:------)------'------ 39.0 470 July 194. Brewerton, above Sparrows Point- ------------ 35.0 500 l)o. 1--------._- Brewerton-Fort McHenry Angle...35.--------------34.0 720 1) Fort MeHenry....------- --------------------- .0 72 I)o. Curtis Bay --------------------------- ----------------------------- 35. 0 200 June 1940. .7. Ferry Bar (opposite Western Maryland Ry. pier) --------- 35.0 200 Junly1946. Ferry Bar (Western Maryland Ry. piers to Ferry Bar)_---------- 19.0 200 DIo. Spring ()arden, to Hanover St. Bridge --- 17. 0 250 )o. Spring Garden, to old Southwest Baltimore Channel..------ ------ -9. 250 August 1938 Connecting Channel to Chesapeake and Delaware Canal approachugust 1 channels . ..---------------- October l94' Quarantine Anchorage _---------------- - 27.0 194 400 JulyOctober Fort McHenry Anchorage....------- -- -------------- 34. 3------------- 0 y o. Jul00 Riverview Anchorage No. 1_---------------------------------- 34.0 1,500 Do. Riverview Anchorage No. 2.- ---- ---- '-----.---'------------22. 0 1, 200 June 1947 Curtis Creek: Main channel ------------------------------------------ 35.0 June 1948. Approach channel to Ordnance Depot Southerly anchorage area--- ------------------- -22.350 20 20 July 1941. 15.5 450 D)o. Easterly anchorage area...---------------------------------- 18. 2 320 Do. Channel to Arundel Cove_ ..---------------------------------. 19.4 200 April 1946. Channel in Arundel Cove. . 2 1. ---------------- ------------------- ----- Chaein n o Anchorage Basin in front of Coast Guard Yard---__-::--------- 2.1 21.1 20. 5 100 700 700 Do. Do. 1)o. 1 Being dredged. The total costs under the existing project (including York Spit Channel prior to fiscal year 1942) were $9,410,560.33 of which $4,399,572.47 was for new work and $5,010,987.86 was for mainte- nance. The total expenditures were $9,398,996.25. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance July 1, 1948, $273,604.62 plus accounts receivable $12,835.92 plus $871,400 for new work allotted in July 1948 and $345,000 for maintenance al- lotted in July 1948, a total of $1,502,840.54 will be applied as follows: RIVERS AND HARBORS--BALTIMORE, MD.,,DISTRICT 447 Accounts tlew Work:payable June 30, 1948-------------------------- $24,400.00 Dredging by contract to complete the removal of material be- tween the 37-foot and 39-foot depths for a maximum width of 800 feet in the Craighill-Cutoff Angle July 1, 1948, to Oct. 1, 1948 385,633.98 Dredging by contract to provide 39 foot depth in the Brewerton section of the main channel to the private channel to Sparrows Point, July 1,1948, to May 30, 1949-------- $724,517.41 1,110,151.39 Maintenance: Dredging by contract to complete removal of material above the 37 -foot depth for a maximum width of 800 feet in the Craighill- 1Cutoff Angle July 1, 1948, to Oct. 1, 1948_-------23,289.15 redging by U. S. Government plant with hired labor to restore a depth of 37 feet in a portion of the main channel between Craighill entrance and the main private channel to Sparrows Point, July 1, 1948, to Jan. 15, 1949_-------- 345,000.00 368 289 15 Total for all work---------------------------- --- 1,502,840.54 The additional sum of $1,800,000 can be profitably expended dur- ng the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Dredging in a portion of the I3altimore Harbor main channel to provide 39-foot depth, by contract, July 1, 1949, to May 15, 1950__ ------------ $785,000 Dredging by contract to a depth of 30 feet, Riverview Anchorage No. 2, July 1, 1949, to Apr. 30, 1950 --- 510,000 $1,295,000 Maintenance: Dredging in the Baltimore Harbor main channel to re- store 35- and 37-foot project depths in Craighill-Cutoff Angle, Cutoff B3rewerton Angle and Connecting Chan- nel to Chesapeake and Delaware Canal by U. S. Gov- ernment plant with hired labor, July 1, 1949, to June 30, 1950 .. 500,000 Condition survey of Fort McHenry section of the main channel -------------------------------------- 5,000 505,000 Total for all work_------------------------------------ 1,800,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ $13,163,575.87 Cost of maintenance fo June 30, 1948, ---------- 5,410,789.63 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. 18,574,365.50 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 _- 12, 835.92 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 --------- 18,587,201.42 inus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_ ____ 24,400.00 Net total expenditures --.. , .... 18,562,801.42 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948-,__ ------------ 273,604.62 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 1------------8,836,406.04 448 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 work-. ---------.-- Cost of maintenancew - $128,537.17 $7, 392. 56 $1005447.4417 Cost of maintenance-.$188, 561.64 $145, 674.58 74,132.87 142, 711.29 Total cost--------------......... 188,561.64 145, 674.58 202, 670. 04 150,103.85 Total expended....- --------. 160, 803.03 176, 297. 72 202, 463. 29 155, 624.23 i, Allotted -------------------.. -- 25,000.00 153, 144.11 1,025, 000. 00 220,000.00 434, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947----------- $935, 829.93 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------- 450-------00000 Amount to be accounted for------------------------ 1, 385, 829.93 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment - -16,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for---------------------- 1,369,829.93 Gross amount expended------------------- $1,096,234.81 Less reimbursed expenditures----------------. 9.50 1,096,225.31 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------------- 273, 04.62 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_--- ___ _ 24,400.00 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts . _ 242,765.36165.36 267,165.3 Balance available, June 30, 1948 - 6 439.26 -------------------------- Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948_ 12 835.92 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 19,275.18 Amount allotted in July 1948 ----------------- 1,216,400 00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- 1,235,675.18 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -- __ 4,873,600.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - For new work - - - - - - - - 1,295,000 00 For maintenance ----- ---------- 505,000.00 Total--------------------- -------------------- 1,800,000.00 1 Exclusive of York Spit section. 2. BALTIMORE HARBOR, MD.-COLLECTION AND REMOVAL OF DRIFT Location.-The project applies to Baltimore Harbor, Md., and its tributaries. Existing project.-This provides for the collection and removal of drift from Baltimore Harbor and its tributary waters, and authorizes the Secretary of the Army to allot such amounts as maY be necessary for the work from appropriations for maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works or other avail- able appropriations, and that this work shall be carried as a separate and distinct project. It is wholly a work of maintenance. The pur- pose of the work is to afford relief from variable conditions of ob- struction, and no advance estimate of the amount of work required and its proper cost can be made. RIVERS AND HARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 449 The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948. Terminal facilities.-Describedin the report for Baltimore Har- bor and channels, Md. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is one of continuous maintenance operations for which no percentage of Comrpletion exists. There are no costs and expenditures since oper- ations under the project have not commenced. Proposed operations.--No funds are available and no work is Proposed for the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended on this work by hired labor during the fiscal year 1950, July 1, 1949, to June 30, 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ . .---------------------- ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------- -------- ..... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----- ----------- Net total expenditures--------------------- otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ _ __ Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance- _ .___..-----------. .------ .. 60,000.00 3.SUSQUEHANNA RIVER ABOVE AND BELOW IIAVRE DE GRACE, MD. Location.-The river rises in the southern part of New York and, flOWing in a general southerly direction for over 400 miles, empties into the head of Chesapeake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1226.) Previous project.-The original project was dated August 30, 1852. For further details see page 1788 of annual report for 1915, and page 367 of annual report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 200 feet wide and 15 feet deep at mean low water from Chesapeake Bay to Havre de Grace, and for the removal of the shoal opposite Watsons Island (Which is above Havre de Grace) to a depth of 8 feet at mean low Water and the maintenance of the existing small-boat harbor below Concord Point at its existing length of 400 feet, width of 380 feet, and depth of 10 feet, with approach channel of the same depth and 100 feet width leading thence to deep water off Concord Point. The ~tiean range of tide is 2.1 feet and the extreme tidal range is 3.8 feet Under ordinary conditions. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $200,000, ex- clusive of amounts expended under the previous project. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $6,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: 450 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized )ocuments Aug. 2, 1882 Channel 200 feet wide and 15 feet deep from Chesa- peake Bay to Havre de Grace, and removal of shoal opl)osite Watsons sess Aug. 26, 1937 Modifications to provide for maintenance of exist- H. Doe. 322, 75th Cong., 1st ing small-boat harbor and approach channel below Concord Mar. 2, 1945 Modification to provide for improvement and main- tenance of small-boat harbor just below Concord Point for a width of 380 feet and length of 400 feet 10P.) S. Doc. 67, 76th Cong., 1stess. (Contains latest published with an approach channel 100 feet wide, all to a depth of 10 feet. Local cooperation.--Local interests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-wva and spoil-disposal areas as and when required for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance. It is believed that these terms will be met. Terminal facilities.-There is a concrete bulkhead 500 feet long along the north side of the harbor and a timber breakwater about 1,000 feet long along the south side. There are no wharves within' the limits of the desired improvement. Yachts are charged a nominal fee for the use of the mooring stalls in the harbor. Space for the construction of additional stalls at convenient locations is limited. The commercial wharves at Havre de Grace are situated on the Susquehanna River upstream from Concord Point. The wharves are privately owned, but are open to the public for transaction of busi- ness with the owners. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations consisted of payment of outstanding liabilities. There were no costs for the year and the expenditures were $4,071.43 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 90 percent complete. Work remaining to be done is the modification authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. The controlling depth' is 13.5 feet at mean low water in the maif river channel; 3.7 feet at mean low water in the boat harbor, ascer- tained in November 1946. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project were $277,781.83 of which $196,179.78 was for new work (includes $22,905.38 for dredging the small boat harbor and channel leading thereto with Works Progress Administration funds), and $81,602.05 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed for the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $9,000 can be profit- ably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredg- ing, by contract to restore project dimensions in the approach chan- nel and boat basin. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 569.78 $---------------------------293 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___________________--- 81,602.05 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 1375,171.83 Net total expenditures- .-------- -----------------------.. - 1:375,171.83 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 19483..------------- _ 1375,171.83 1Includes $22,905.38 Works Progress Administration funds. ItIVIItS ANI) HARBORS--BALTIMORE, Mni)., DISTRICT 451 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ------------------------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------ Cost ofnow work . - Cost ofmaitemnc c- - - ....... . -------------- " $4, .----------- 071.43----------- _ Total tx )en(de 1 .__--- - . . . -.. -- . ------ ------------------------- $4,071. 43 Allotted ...........-....... --... .. .. . . 4,071.43 - - a G lance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------.-- $4,071.43 ross amount expended ------.. .. ------------------ 4,071.43 AMnount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ___.. ------------------------ 27,000.00 Amount that carl be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance___ -------------------------- 9,000.00 4. NORTHEAST RIVER, MD. Location.-The river is a tidal waterway extending southwest- Vard 5.5 miles from the junction of its branches in the town of North East to the head of Chesapeake Bay, 6 miles north of the entrance to the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1226.) Previous projects.-In 1872 and 1880 appropriations aggre- gating $15,500 were made for dredging a channel 6 feet deep. A Project for improvement was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of September 19, 1890. For further details see page 135 of annual report for 1893, and page 368 of annual report for 1938. 7 xisting project.-- his provides for a channel 60 feet wide and feet deep from that depth in the river to the foot of Church Street 1n the town of North East, enlarged at its upper end to form a basin 120 feet wide and 300 feet long. The plane of reference is mean low Water. The mean range of tide is 2.25 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1937, was $7,300, ex- clusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1937) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $1,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of AUgust 26, 1937 (IH. Doc. 248, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest Published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local inter- ests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas as required for subsequent ilaintenance. Terminal facilities.-There are a few lightly constructed landings for small boats scattered along the waterfront of North East. There are two fish-packing plants, two marine railways, several bulkhead Wharves, and a number of small boathouses. The facilities are con- Sidered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing by contract, to restore authorized project dimensions, was started on December 1, 1947, and completed December 14, 1947. A total of 20,011 cubic yards of material (place measure) was re- 452 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 moved and deposited on shore in approved disposal areas. The costs and expenditures were $9,442.91, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was cofl1 pleted in 1939. Maintenance dredging in fiscal year 1948 restored the channel to authorized project dimensions. The total costs and expenditures were $40,291.11 of which $28,488.71 was for new work and $11,802.40 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.--No funds are available and no work is proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___________________________$28,488.11 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 11,802.40 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 40,291.11 Net total expenditures--- _---------------------------------- 40,291.11 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 _----- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ --------------------- 40291.'11 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1945 Cost of new work...............--------------- --- Cost of maintenance..........------------------------------------- ........... . $2 4 - ,442 -- ----- --- 9442-9- Total expended- - - - _------ - - 2, 359.49....442. - Allotted- ....... - - ----------- -------- __- ,_-- 400. 00 -2, 2...... -$40. 51 9: 442. Amount allotted during fiscal year------------ --------------- $18,000.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------- 8,557.09 Net amount to be accounted for ------------------------ 9,442.91 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------- 9,442.91 5. ROCK HALL HARBOR, MD. Location.--Rock Hall Harbor is a shallow, open cove on the east side of Chesapeake Bay immediately to the south of Swan Point and 23 miles southeast of Baltimore. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts No. 548 and 1226.) Previous projects.--The original project was dated June 3, 1896. Modifications were made by the River and Harbor Acts of June 13, 1902, and March 4, 1913. For further details see page 493 of the Annual Report for 1920 and page 370 of the Annual Report for 1938* Existing project.-Provides for a channel 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the 10 foot depth curve in Swan Creek Inlet to a channel of the same dimensions, 700 feet in length parallel to the harbor terminals at Rock Hall; an anchorage basin of the same depth 100 feet wide, 250 feet long in a northwesterly extension of the channel fronting the harbor terminals; an anchorage basin 8 feet deep, 100 feet wide and 350 feet long on an extension of the centerline of the 10 foot basin; with an anchorage basin 8 feet deep, 200 feet wide and 600 feet long attached to and extending in a south- westerly direction from the west end of the above mentioned 8 foot basin; with twin breakwaters at the harbor entrance. RIVERS AND HARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 453 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $103,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest 1948) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $3,500. The existing project was adopted by the.River and Harbor Act of bUgust 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 204, 75th Cong., 1st sess.) and modified by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948 (H. Doc. 273, 80th ong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project docu- hlent. Local cooperation.-Localinterests have constructed a bulkhead 500 feet long and have acquired and reserved for public use an area 100 feet wide behind the bulkhead with a highway connection States, hereto. It is required that they furnish free of cost to the United when and as required, all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas for new work and subsequent maintenance; and hold and save the United States free from damages due to the lIlprovements. It is believed these terms will be met. Terminal facilities.-There are several private terminals, a marine railway, a public timber-pile wharf, and a public bulkhead Wharf about 500 feet long. Present facilities are adequate for exist- ing and reasonably prospective commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project is about 50 percent Co0iplete. The work remaining to be done is that authorized by the 'iver and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948. The condition is the same as that reported in the project document. The total costs and ex- Penditures of the existing project were $52,539.01, of which $52,- 000.40 was for new work and $538.61 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948C . __--__ ___--___$139,757.13 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ____ _____ __--- -10,300.65 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. 150,057.78 Net total expenditures------__ __--------------------- -- 150,057.78 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948... ------------------- 150,057.78 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 cost of new work ........................... .. . ....... ... ......... st of maintenance---------.---------------. - $449.90 $88.71 .--. - __. Total expended................. ---..- .--- . 436.00 102.61 .......... . .. .. . . . All.... " ""otted--- ................................. 450.00 __......... .. 88.61 ............ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------ ----------------------------------- 51,000.00 6. CHESTER RIVER, MD. Location.-Chester River rises in Kent County, Del., flows in a generally southwesterly direction, and empties into Chesapeake 454 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Bay. Its total length is about 50 miles. Kent Island Narrows is a passage connecting Chester River and Eastern Bay. Wells Cove i an indentation on the easterly side of Kent Island Narrows about 0.4 miles south of the highway bridge crossing the Narrows. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 548 and*1226.) Previous projects.-The original project for the main river wa adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1881. For further details, see page 333 of Annual Report for 1935. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep at mean low water and 60 feet wide from Crumpton to Jones Landing, a distance of 5.5 miles, the lower end of the improved section being about 33 miles from the mouth of the river; for a channel 7 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide from Chester River to Eastern Bay through Kent Island Narrows; and a channel 7 feet deep at mean low water and 75 feet wide, extending from the 7 foot depth curve in Kent Island Narrows 800 feet into Wells Cove with a basin of the same depth and 300 feet square at the head of the channel. The mean range of tide is 2.4 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $42,400 exclusive of the amount expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,200. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1873, and September 19, 1890 (H. Ex. Doc. 65, 51st Cong' 1st sess.) and June 30, 1948 (H. Doc. 380, 80th Cong., 1st sess.)* Maps of the locality are printed in House Documents 797 and 1587,' Sixty-third Congress, second and third sessions, respectively, and in House Document 380, 80th Cong., first session. Local cooperation.-Localinterests are required to provide with- out cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-waY' and spoil-disposal areas necessary for the construction and subse" quent maintenance when and as required; and hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction works' These conditions apply only to the work to and in Wells Cove. It is expected that these conditions will be met. Terminal facilities.-There are two bulkhead wharves on the Chester River section, in poor condition, with dockage room of 100 and 120 feet, and available depths of 2 and 6 feet, respectively. In Kent Island Narrows there are 8 timber pile wharves adjacent to crab and oyster houses, in fair condition, aggregating approxl> mately 700 lineal feet of dockage, with available depths of from 3 to 13 feet. In Wells Cove there is a small wharf, a small marine railway and a public landing. All of the facilities are privatelY owned except the public landing on Wells Cove. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Completed maps, bY hired labor, to show results of condition survey made in fiscal year 1947. The costs were $185.91, and the expenditures were $1,043.24, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 42 percent complete. The work remaining to be done to complete the project is to widen the channel from the 75 foot dredged width to the 100 foot project width in the Kent Island Narrows section, RIVERS. AND IIARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD.,, DISTRICT 455 and the work authorized by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948. The controlling depth at mean low water from Crumpton to Jones Landing is 3.6 feet, ascertained in October 1946; and in the Seat Island Narrows section from Eastern Bay to the bridge was . feet, and from the bridge to Chester River was 4.7 feet, ascer- tained in June 1945; and in Wells Cove is 3.5 feet ascertained in March 1946. The total costs and expenditures of the existing proj- ect ere $107,156.48 of which $18,060.84 was for new work, and 89,095.64 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Droposed for the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $29,400 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950, as follows: Neork dredging, by contract, to complete project in Wells Cove, Mar. 1, 1950, to June 30, 1950_.. -- ------------------------ $16, 400 aintenance dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions in Kent Island Narrows, Mar. 1, 1950, to June 30, 1950------------- 13,000 Total for all work ----------------- --------------------- 29,400 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ -----------. $56,102.30 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-- N -89,095.64 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 145,197.94 yet total expenditures ._ -__ - --------- --- 145,197.94 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948..__-__-.-----.------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---------. 145,97.94 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of new work ost of naintenanee------------$18, 848. 20 $254.58 $2, 303. 55 $5,495.76 - $185.91 otal:expended - ---................. --- _ - 18, 902. 95 66. 00 2, 497. 13 4,638.43 1, 043. 24 Allotted----- ................ 1,231. 76 3, 000. 00 -436. 87 5, 500.00 181. 67 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------... .. _ . . $861.57 Amount allotted during fiscal year--- ---------- 181.67 *Amount to be accounted for __-------- . -- - 1,043.24 Gross amount expended----- ...--...--...---------------------------- 1,043.24 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-_-. ________________---- ----------- 24,300.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work_____________ ------------- ----- __- _ 16,400.00 For maintenance __ _ -- - -________ -------- 3,000.00 Total ___________-_______ -__-- _--- - 29,400.00 7. CORSICA RIVER, MD. Locaton.-Corsica River rises in Queen Annes County, Md., and flows in a general westerly direction for about 10 miles, emptying 456 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 into Chester River about 8 miles above Queenstown, Md. The river is tidal to the head of navigation at Centerville, Md. The drainage area is about 37 square miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1226.) Previous projects.-The original project was dated August 2, 1882. The cost and expenditures on it prior to adoption of existing project in 1912 were $30,000. For further details see page 1790 of Annual Report for 1915. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide at mean low water from the 8-foot contour in Chester River to the wharf at Centerville, with a turning basin 200 by 300 feet at the upper end. The length of the section included in the project is about 5 miles, and its lower end extends into Chester River. The mean range of tide is about 2 feet and the extreme tidal range is 4 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1913, is $10,168, exclusive of amount expended on previous project. The latest (1922) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,100. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-There is one solid bulkhead wharf of about 1,000 feet frontage served by this improvement. It is privately owned and is open to general public use. It is in good condition and is considered adequate for existing commerce. (For further details see H. Doc. 652, 66th Cong., 2d sess.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenancedredg- ing by contract, to restore authorized project dimensions, waS started on April 20, 1948, and completed May 4, 1948. A total of 59,131 cubic yards of material (place measure) was removed and deposited on shore in approved disposal areas. The costs were $34,820.74 and the expenditures were $38,160.76, all for mainte- nance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was con- pleted in 1916. Maintenance dredging in fiscal year 1948 restored the project to authorized dimensions. The total costs and expendi- tures were $94,843.46 of which $39,070.85 was for new work and $55,772.61 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance July 1, 1948, $3,147.80, will be applied to the cost of preparing a condition survey of the project May 1, 1949, to May 30, 1949. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ------ --------------------- $39,070.85 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.___________________________ 55,772.61 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--_- _ 94, 843.46 Net total expenditures------------ --------------- _______________ 94,843.46 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 --- --- --- 3,147.80 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----.. __ 97,991.26 RIVERS AND IIAR BORtS-BALTIMOREJ, MD., DISTRICT 457 Fiscal year ending June 30- f ewwork-- -------------------- "------ Cost of maintenanco- - ------------ ------------ ------------- $3, 340. 02 $34,820. 74 Total expended.3----------------------- ----------------------------------- 8, 160. 76 Allotted------ ---------- 4,009.38 37, 299. 18 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------------- $4,009.38 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- 39,000.00 Dedeuctions Amount to be accounted for___------------------ __ 43,009.38 on account of revocation of allotment 1-------------- 1,700.82 orss amount Net amount accounted for _ --------- to be------------------------------------ 41,308.56 expended 38,160.76 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--- ------------------- 3,147.80 8. KNAPPS NARROWS, MD. Location.-.This waterway is a small channel separating Tilgh- man Island from the mainland of the eastern shore of Chesapeake $ay about 40 miles south of Baltimore, Md. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 9 feet deep at fean low water, 75 feet wide, widened at the bends from deep water 11g .iChesapeake Bay to deep water in Harris Creek, Md., with a turn- basin located west of the drawbridge, 7 feet deep at mean low Water, approximately 320 feet long and 120 feet wide. The mean range of tide is 1.4 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1932, was $68,700. The latest (1945) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $3,000. The existing project channel was authorized by the Public Works Administration September 16, 1933, and subsequently adopted by the 7 River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935. (See H, Doc. 308, 2d Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local inter- ests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas as needed for future main- tenance. Terminal facilities.-There is a bulkhead wharf on each side of the southerly abutment of the bridge across the Narrows. In addi- tion, there are several small-boat landings within the Narrows and a marine railway for the repair of boats of few feet draft. Operationand results during fiscal year.-A condition survey of the project by hired labor was commenced and completed during the Year. The costs and expenditures were $2,140, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1935. The controlling depth at mean low water was 5.7 feet in the channel and 5.0 feet in the basin, ascertained in May 1948. The total costs and expenditures were $79,237.40 of which 458 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 $46,121.20 (Public Works funds) was for new work, and $33,116.20 (regular funds) was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $26,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions, July 1, 1949, to September 1, 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------ $46.121.20 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------ -- 33,116.20 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-79-237.40 Net total expenditures ----------------- --------------- 79,237.40 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 179,237.40 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ---------------- ------ - - - - - - ------------- Cost of new work-------------- ............----------- ------------ - Cost of maintenance- -------------- $26, 324. 94 $4, 62.1 Total expended...---------------------------- 8, 22,689.30 287.01 Allotted....................--------------------------------35, 00.00 2, 000. 00 -2, 023.80 2, Amount allotted during fiscal year--- ------------------------- $2,140.00 Gross amount expended------------ ------------------. 2,140.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance --------------------------- 2,000.00 1 Includes $46,121.20 Public Works funds. 9. BLACK WALNUT HARBOR, MD. Location.-Black Walnut Harbor is a large tidal cove on the east side of Chesapeake Bay at the south end of Tilghman Island near the entrance to the Choptank River, and is about 50 miles south of Balti- more, Md. It is about 4,500 feet long. (See U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Existing project.--This provides for a channel 6 feet deep and 60 feet wide to and including an anchorage basin of the same depth 400 feet square. The mean range of tide is about 1.4 feet. Greater fluctuations are caused by prolonged high winds on Chesapeake BaY. The harbor is well sheltered except from the south. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $28,000. The latest (1939) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $1,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (House Doc. 217, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent mainte- nance as required, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. It is believed that these terms will be met. RIVERS AND IIARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 459 Terminal facilities.-There are a few small timber wharves at Fairbank, one of which is publicly owned. Similar facilities exist at Bar Neck. There is also a small marine railway and. boat-repair Yard on Barney Cove, the western prong of the harbor. Sufficient areas are available for the erection of additional terminals if re- quired. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done and the Condition is as described in the project document. Proposedoperations.--The sum of $28,000, allotted in July 1948, Will be expended during the fiscal year 1949 for new work dredging by contract to complete the project, July 1, 1948, to April 15, 1949. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ --- -------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 - --- ---------- N Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ---------- 7et total expenditures----------------------------------------- ---- ---------- Aotal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------- Amount allotted in July 1948 $------------------- Uobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 - 28,000.00 10. TOWN CREEK, MD. Location.-Town Creek is a tidal estuary connecting through Tred Avon River and Choptank River with the east side of Chesa- Peake Bay, about 50 miles south of Baltimore. The creek is about 4,300 feet long. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart N0 . 1225). Exi sting project.-This provides for a channel 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide opposite Shipyard Cove; thence 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide to a point about 2,700 feet above the mouth; thence 7 feet deep and 60 feet wide to and including a turning basin of the same depth, 100 feet wide and 200 feet long, at the head of the creek; together with anchorage basins approximately 300 feet square adjacent to the channel in Shipyard Cove and in Crockets Cove, with depths of 10 and 8 feet respectively. The plane of reference is mean low Water. The mean range of tide is about 2 feet. Greater fluctua- tions are caused by prolonged high winds. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $32,500. The latest (1939) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $1,500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (House Doc. 219, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for initial work and for subsequent main- tenance as required; remove, free of cost to the United States, all Wrecks and similar obstructions in the creek within the limits of the Improvement; hold and save the United States and its agents free romr all claims for damage to oyster beds, and other damage result- 460 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 ing from the improvement; and provide at the turning basin a suitd able bulkheaded landing open to all on equal terms. It is believed that these terms will be met. Terminal facilities.--There are two timber packing-house wharves on the west bank of Town Creek. There are also a number of small timber-landing piers scattered along both sides of the creek and at each of the five boat yards. All of the wharves are privately owned but are open to the public for transaction of business with the owners. The terminals appear to be adequate for present needs. Sufficient areas are available for the erection of additional terminals by private interests. There are also five modern boat-building and repair yards located along the creek. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done and the condition is as described in the project document. Proposed operations.--.The sum of $32,500, allotted in July 1948 will be expended during the fiscal year 1949 for new work dredging by contract to complete the project, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financialsummary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ------------------------- ----- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___..------------------------- _ .---- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 . Net total expenditures_______ ___________________-________ - Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ..... __-- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-----_ . Amount allotted in July 1948------- ------------------------ $32,500.0 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 32,500.00 11. ISLAND CREEK, MD. Location.-Island creek is a tidal estuary with numerous tributa* ries; it enters the Choptank River about 2 miles south of the town Of Oxford, Md. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep and 75 feet wide, at mean low water, through the entrance bar. The mean range of tide is about 2 feet. The existing project was adopted bY the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937. (See H. Doc. 75, 75th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published map.) The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1936, is $6,800. The latest (1936) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is '$500. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local inter- ests must furnish spoil-disposal areas for maintenance dredging operations when required. Terminal facilities.-There are several substantial pleasure-boat wharves along the shores of the creek. Minor and relatively inex- pensive alterations to these wharves would produce adequate facili- ties for the handling of farm produce. Sufficient areas are available for the construction of additional terminals if and when needed. RIVERS AND IIAIIBOIIS-BALTIMORE, MD., I)ISTICT 461 Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of payment of liabilities incurred during the fiscal year 1947. There Were no costs and the expenditures were $1,068.80, for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1939. The controlling depth in the channel through the entrance bar was 4.2 feet at mean low water, ascertained in Septem- ber 1946. The total costs were $7,298.73, of which $6,229.93 was for new work and $1,068.80 was for maintenance. The expenditures were $6,229.93 for new work and $1,068.80 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------------- $6,229.93 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ 1,068.80 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--_ _ ------ 7,298.73 Ne total expenditures---------------------------------- 7,298.73 otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- 7,298.73 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-.....------------- ------------- ----------------------------- Cost Ofmaintenance---------------------. ------------------------- $1, 80 068. TotalIexpended. ----------------------- _ . ----------------------------------- 068. $1, 80 Allot ted.------------------------ -------------------------- -- 1,068.80- balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------- - $1,068.80 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 1,068.80 12. LA TRAPPE RIVER, MD. Location.-La Trappe River rises in Talbot County, and flows in a generally southwesterly direction, and empties into the Choptank River about 12 miles above the mouth. The river is about 4 miles long. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Existing project.-This provides for dredging a channel 11 feet deep at mean low water and 150 feet wide across the bar at the mouth, and 8 feet deep at mean low water and 75 feet wide inside the bar as far as Trappe Landing, with a turning basin at the latter Point. The length of the section included in the project is about 3 Ililes, the lower end extending into Choptank River. The mean range of tide is 2 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1896, is $9,750. The latest (1922) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,400. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 13, 1892. (Annual Report for 1891, p. 1216.) Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-There is one wharf, consisting of 225 feet of solid bulkhead and 200 feet of open-pile construction, which is Served by this improvement. It is privately owned, but open to the general public. The wharf is partially dilapidated, however, the Usable portion is considered adequate for existing commerce. Suffi- 804711----48-vol. 1- 30 462 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 cient areas are available for the construction of additional terminals if and when needed. Operatons and results during fiscal year.-Operationsconsisted of a field reconnaissance of the project to determine whether the commerce over the project is sufficient to justify maintenance oper- ations. The total costs and expenditures, all for maintenance, were $32.27. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1908. The controlling depth in the channel at the mouth is 10.5 feet and at the upper end is'7.0 feet, ascertained in February 1929. The channel is adequate for existing commerce. The costs of the existing project were $8,063.87 for new work and $16,000.24 for maintenance, a total of $24,064.11. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------------- $8,063.87 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_________________-__ __ 16,000.24 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----------. 24,064.11 Net total expenditures------ _- : . . ...... .............. . 24,064.11 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_...____ . Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ -- 24, 064.11 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work------- Cost of maintenance...--------------------------------- . --------------------------.. 32. 27 Total expended------------------- ------------------------------------- 32.27 Allotted-. - .32. --------- -------------------------- ----------- - 22 Amount allotted during fiscal year $32.27 Gross amount expended .. . 32.27 13. WARWICK RIVER, MD. Location.-This river, formerly named Secretary Creek, is in Dorchester County, Md., and flows into Choptank River about 25 miles above its mouth. It is a tidal estuary about 1 mile long with little fresh-water inflow and practically no drainage area. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Previous project.-The original project was dated June 14, 1880. It was for a channel 7 feet deep and 75 feet wide from the mouth to the head of navigation at Secretary Landing about 1 mile. For fur- ther detail of previous project see page 1789 of Annual Report for 1915. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide at mean low water from the 10-foot contour in Chop- tank River to Secretary Landing and a turning basin at the latter point. The length of the section included in the project is about 1/2 miles, the lower half mile extending into Choptank River. The mean range of tide is 2 feet and the extreme tidal range is 3.7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1891, was $18,600, exclusive ItIVEItS AND IIAltlIORS-itALTIMO1ti," MDi., 1DISTlIICT 463 of amounts expended under the previous project. The latest (1922) apProved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,700. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 13, 1892 (Annual Report for 1891, p. 1219). No map has been published. Local cooperation.-Nonerequired. Terminal facilities.-Thereis one canning house, one warehouse, and a petroleum products storage terminal. There is one solid bulk- head wharf with 450 feet of dockage space in good condition which ' Privately owned but is open to general public use, which is con- sidered adequate. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations consisted of completing after dredging survey and maps, by hired labor. The costs were $3,477.47 and the expenditures were $3,028.70, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was com- Pleted in 1904. The controlling depth at mean low water upon com- lletion of maintenance dredging in June 1947 was 9.1 feet. The "total costs of the project were $95,312.72 of which $22,040.82 was for new work and $73,271.90 was for maintenance. The total ex- Penditures were $95,312.72. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _ $22,040.82 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- ------------ 73,271.90 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 95,312.72 Net total expenditures-........ . 95,312.72 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-__ ... ... 95,312.72 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work ... ------------------------ -----------. . ---------- . .... -i----.-- $45, 153. 43 -- -- $3, 477. 47 st of maintenance--------..........---- ...........----............-------------- otal expended ---------------.................-------.........----------- 45, 602. 20 3, 028.70 Allotted -------------------------------------------....... .... $50, 000. 00 .....-........- -1, 369. 10 lBalance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ ----.- _ $4,397.80 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment- - 1,369.10 Net amount to be accounted for _ 3,028.70 Gross amount expended ---------------- ------------------- 3,028.70 14. CAMBRIDGE HARBOR, MD. Location.-This harbor is a tidal estuary on the south side of Choptank River about 18 miles above its mouth. It is approximately 70 miles southeast of Baltimore Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Previous projects.-The original project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act approved March 3, 1871, and was modified by the acts of August 11, 1888, and June 13, 1902. For further details see page 1789 of Annual Report for 1915, page 424 of Annual Report for 1924, and page 373 of Annual Report for 1938. 464 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-This provides for a channel 150 feet wide and 16 feet deep at mean low water from that depth in Choptank River to the Market Street bridge over Cambridge Creek, thence 100 feet wide and 16 feet deep to the head of the harbor, with a turning basin of the same depth and of irregular dimensions comprising approx1 mately 2.4 acres; an anchorage basin 10 feet deep, 400 feet long - and 175 feet wide on the west side of the channel and a second basin of the same depth 225 feet long and 200 feet wide on the east side of the channel below the bridge; and a channel 60 feet wide and 7 feet deep from that depth in Choptank River to the municipal boat basin north of the harbor entrance. The mean range of tide is about 1.7 feet. The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1948, $144,000 ex- clusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $3,400. The existing project was authorized by the following River and Harbor Acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1925 Channel 12 feet deep and 150 feet wide to the draw- 11. Doc. 210, 68th Cong., 1st sess. bridge 10 feet deep and 100 feet widle from the bridge to the upper end of the harbor turning basin. with a Aug. 26, 1937 Channel 14 feet deep from that depth in Choptank Rivdrs and Harbors Committee Doc IRiver to the head of the harbor with widths of 7, 75th Cong., 1st sess. 150 feet below the Market St. Bridge in Cam. bridge and 100 feet above, and a turning basin of the same depth at the head of the channel; for an anchorage basin 10 feet deep, 400 feet long, and 175 feet wide on the west side of the channel and a second basin of the same depth long and 200 feet wide on the east side225 feet channel; and a channel 60 feet wide and of the deep from that depth in Choptank River to 7 feet municipal boat basin. the June 30, 1948 Moditication providing for present project. 11.Doe. 381, 80th Cong., 1st sess. Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.--Local interests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States, all necessary rights-of-way and suitable spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and subsequent mainte- nance, as and when required; hold and save the United States free from damage due to constructon works; remove the wrecks which lie in the area to be dredged at the head of the creek; and lower the water main crossing the creek north of the Market Street bridge. It is believed that these terms will be met. Terminal facilities.-The water front of Cambridge is generally built up of solid bulkhead wharves and pile and timber piers, only a few of which have mechanical freight-handling facilities. With the exception of a municipally owned terminal which is open to the public, the wharves are privately owned. There are two marine railways with boat-repair shops, five oil and gasoline terminals, two large fertilizer companies and one large packing house located on the shores of Cambridge Creek. The facilities are generally ade- quate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is 14 per- cent complete. The work remaining to be done consists of that work RIVERS AND HARBORS--ALTIMORIE, MD.,, DISTRICT 465 authorized by the River and Harbor Acts of August 26, 1937, and June 30, 1948. The controlling depths at mean low water, ascer- tained September 1944, were 10.6 feet in midchannel for half-proj- ect width above the drawbridge to the turning basin at the head of Cambridge Harbor, 4.7 feet in the turning basin, and 4.5 feet in the approach channel to the yacht basin. The total costs and expendi- tures of the existing project were $21,336.88, of which $20,652.81 Was for new work, and $684.07 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --- -------------------- $81,973.94 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------- 7,671.37 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ------- 89,645.31 Net total expenditures ---------------------------------------- --- 89,645.31 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 89,645.31 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ....... --..........---.- .- $50. -.. ost of maintenance.........-----------..-------------............. $599. 17 83 $34.07 ._ -- -. otal expended-- 5--------------------------586. 00 64.00 34. 07 ....... Allotted ---------------------------------- .............. 600.00 50. 00 34.07 -- ----- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project__ _ _ ____________---------------------$123,500.00 15. SLAUGHTER CREEK, MD. Location.-This is a waterway about 8 miles long and tidal throughout connecting with Little Choptank River 5 miles from its mouth. It lies in Dorchester County, Md., between Taylors Island and the mainland of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Existing project.-This provides for dredging a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide at mean low water through the bar at the mouth, a distance of about one-third of a mile, the lower end of the section extending about 900 feet into Little Choptank River. The mean range of tide is about 1/2 feet and the extreme tidal range is 2.9 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1911, is $4,140. The latest (1917) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is$100. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912. (See H. Doc. 87, 62d Cong., 1st sess.). No map has been published. Local cooperation.-Nonerequired. Terminal facilities.-There is one solid bulkhead wharf about 300 feet long, served by this improvement. It is privately owned but open to general public use, and is considered adequate for existing com- merce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations consisted 466 REPORT OF CHIEF OF1 ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 of payment of outstanding liabilities incurred in the fiscal year 1947. There were no costs and the expenditures were $619.40 for mainte- nance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1913. The controlling depth at mean low water is 4.3 feet, ascertained in September 1946. The total costs were $4,140 for new work, and $1,119.40 for maintenance, a total of $5,259.40. The total expenditures were $5,259.40. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 $4,140.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-_ 1,119.40 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 5,259.40 Net total expenditures 5,259.40 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----- _- 5,-259.40 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1918 Cost of new work ..- --.- .........----.... Cost of aintenanc ------------------------ $619.40 Total expended ...----------------- -------- ------------ - --- -- $619.40 Allotted --------------- .... -------------------------- 619. 40 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -- $619.40 Gross amount expended ---------- -- ------ 619.40 16. HONGA RIVER AND TAR BAY (BARREN ISLAND GAPS), MD. Location.--Honga River is a tidal estuary of Chesapeake BaY and penetrates Dorchester County on the Eastern Shore of Mary- land between Hoopers Island and the Mainland; Tar Bay is a water area between Barren Island and the mainland peninsula and Hoopers Island. Fishing Creek connects Tar Bay and Honga River. Back Creek is a branch of Honga River extending into upper Hooper Island, the mouth is about 2 miles south of Fishing Creek. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1224.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 60 feet wide and 7 feet deep at mean low water from the 7 foot contour in Chesapeake Bay, through Tar Bay and Fishing Creek to the 7 foot contour in Honga River, a length of 25,300 feet; and for a channel in Back Creek 7 feet deep and 60 feet wide from the 7 foot depth curve in Honga River to a point near the head of Back Creek, with a turning basin of the same depth, 150 feet long and 200 feet wide at the head of the channel, a length of about 5,500 feet. The mean range of tide is about 1.4 feet. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $69,500, with $7,000 annually for maintenance. The existing project was adopted under the provisions of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 and by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935, (Rivers and HIarbors Committee Doc. 35, 74th Cong., 1st sess.) and RIVERS AND IIARIORS-BA-ILTIMORIE, MD.;'DISTRICT 467 modified by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948. (H. Doc. 80, 80th Cong., 2d sess.). Maps are published in the project documents. Local cooperation.-The project was modified subject to the con- ditions that local interests provide, without cost to the United States, all necessary lands, easements, rights-of-way, and disposal areas for execution of the project and for subsequent maintenance, a" and when required; hold and save the United States free from damages due to construction and maintenance of the project; and Provide and maintain, without cost to the United States, a suitable ublic landing and approach channel. It is expected that these terms Will be complied with. Terminal facilities. Numerous small private wharves are scat- tered along Fishing Creek and Back Creek. A public wharf is lo- cated on Fishing Creek and four oyster houses and a marine railway are located on Back Creek. The facilities are adequate for existing and reasonably prospective commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing by contract, to restore authorized project dimensions, was started December 20, 1947, and completed January 17, 1948. A total of 86,600 cubic yards of material (place measure) was removed and deposited overboard in approved disposal areas adjacent to the dredged channel. The costs were $34,290.13 and the expenditures Were $37,221.69, all for maintenance. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The project is about 40 percent Complete. The work remaining to be done is that authorized by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948. The controlling depth in Fishing Creek is 7.0 feet at mean low water ascertained in January 1948, and in Back Creek is about 2.0 feet, ascertained in March 1946. The total costs and expenditurese were $79,116.11 of which $27,- 667.94 (Emergency Relief Funds) was for new work and $51,448.17 Was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed for the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $42,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 for new work dredging, by contract, July 1, 1949, to De- cember 15, 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- .------ -__ ________._______ 1$27,667.94 51,448.17 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 179,116.11 Net total expenditures---------- ...- _ 179,116.11 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_----------------- - '79,116.11 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work c Cost ofnaintenance... .......-. . .-- -------------.----. . .... . . $2, 988. 26 $34, 290. 13 Total expended................. ........................ ........ .7 37, 221.69 Allotted........................ -------------- I-------------- I $,000 -- 11.74 34, 290.13 1 1 1 1 1 T 468 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- $2,931.56 Amount allotted during fiscal year------------------------- 50 800.00 Amount to be accounted for --------------- 53,731.56 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment 16,509.87 Net amount Gross amount to be accounted for _- expended_ - :_ 37 221.69 Netssamount tbend accounted--fo------------------------ _ -- : 37,221.69 37221.69 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------------------------------------- 42,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 0 1950, for new work--- ---------------------------------- 42,000.0 ' Includes $27,667.94 Emergency Relief funds. 17. DUCK POINT COVE, MD. Location.-Duck Point Cove is a small indentation on the east shore of Fox Creek, about 2/ miles above the mouth. Fox Creek is a shallow tidal estuary about 4 miles long entering Honga River about 4 miles above its junction with Hooper Strait, which, in turn, connects with Chesapeake Bay on the east side, at a point about 15 miles north of the mouth of the Potomac River. Duck Point Cove is about 4,000 feet long. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1224.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 60 feet wide and 6 feet deep, from that depth in Fox Creek to a mooring basin of the same depth, 100 feet wide and 300 feet long, roughly parallel to the county road at the head of the waterway. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $26,000. The latest (1938) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $1,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 241, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Localinterests are required to furnish, free of cost to the United States, all necessary rights-of-way and suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and for subsequent maintenance as required, and hold and save the United States and its agents free from all claims for damages to oyster beds as a result of the work of improvement. Further requirements are that local interests con- struct a timber bulkhead 300 feet long on the northeast edge of the mooring basin; and that a suitable public agency acquire and dedi- cate to public use the strip of land between the timber bulkhead and the county road to the northeast. It is believed these terms will be met. Terminal facilities.-There are two privately owned packing- house wharves on the north bank of Duck Point Cove which are open to the public for transaction of business with the owners. The facilities are adequate for present needs. The commissioners of Dorchester County have indicated that a public terminal would be built. Sufficient areas are available for the construction of addi- tional terminals if, and when, necessary. Operations and results during fiscal year.-..None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done and the condition is as described in the project document. RIVERS AND HARBORS-BIALTIMORE, MD)., DISTRICT 469 Proposed operations.-The sum of $26,000, allotted in July 1948 Will be expended during fiscal year 1949 for new work dredging by contract to complete the project, July 1, 1948, to May 30, 1949. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----- -------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -------------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------------ ---- et total expenditures .---------- ------------------ --- Tal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------- Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------------- $26,000.00 Unoblgated balance available for fiscal year 1949_ _ _ 26,000.00 18. FISHING BAY, MD. Location.--McCreadys Creek, Goose Creek, and Farm Creek are Small tidal estuaries of Fishing Bay, a large estuary at the head of Tangier Sound. Fishing Bay is connected by Hooper Strait with Chesapeake Bay to the west about 15 miles above the mouth of Poto- mac River. McCreadys Creek enters the bay about 3>2 miles above the mouth. Farm Creek enters Fishing Bay about 6 miles above the maouth and approximately opposite the mouth of McCreadys Creek. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1224.) Existing project.-This provides for channels 6 feet deep and gen- erally 60 feet wide at mean low water, suitably widened where neces- sary to offer adequate sheltered anchorage space from deep water in '5shing Bay to the vicinity of the county or packing-house wharves in McCreadys Creek, Farm Creek, and Goose Creek. The mean range of tide is about 2 feet. The estimate of cost of new work made in 1937 is $38,600. The latest (1937) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $5,500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937. (See H. Doc. 186, 75th Cong., 1st sess., which Contains the latest published map.) Terminal facilities.-A public wharf built with the aid of Federal funds is located on McCreadys Creek about.200 feet above the mouth. There is a privately owned pile-and-timber pier about 1,500 feet above the mouth of Goose Creek. There are two privately owned Wharves on Farm Creek. There is also a public wharf owned by Dorchester County. The private wharves on each of the waterways are open to the public for transaction of business with the owners. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations consisted of payment of liabilities incurred during the fiscal year 1947. There Were no costs; the expenditures were $235.50, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The project was completed in 1939. The controlling depth, ascertained in September 1946, was 4.1 feet in Farm Creek; 3.1 feet in Goose Creek; and 2.4 feet in 1 cCreadys Creek. The total costs and expenditures were $36,574.31 of which $33,874.19 was for new work and $2,700.12 for mainte- nance. Proposed operations.-The sum of $37,000 allotted in July 1948 470 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 will be expended in the fiscal year 1949 for maintenance dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions in Farm Creek, Goose Creek, and McCreadys Creek, July 1, 1948, to October 1, 1948. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _$33,874.19 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ 2,700.12 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ 36,574.31 Net total expenditures -------------------- 36,574.31 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ -------------------- ---- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.----------- ....- 36,574.31 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------...--------------------- ----------------------------- Cost of maintenance--------. - ..---- - ------------------------- -------- --- $2,700.12 ------ Total expended. ............. $235.50 ""'-----l-i--------I----,_,, 464.62 2 t d- Alo Allotted - - - - -- - ---- - - - -------- ._ _ - - - -2,700.12 - - - - - .i.2, - - -- - - -......................... 00.1 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $235.50 Gross amount expended--------- 235.50 Amount allotted in July 1948-- ._ "... ----.. _____ - 37,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949._- - -_- - 37,000.00 19. NANTICOKE RIVER, MD. Location.-The Nanticoke River flows in a southwesterly direc- tion to Tangier Sound, Chesapeake Bay, and is about 50 miles long. The town of Nanticoke, Md., is on the east side of the river, about 3 miles above the mouth, just north of Roaring Point. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 567.) Existing project.-This provides for the construction of a small- boat harbor 7 feet deep, 120 feet wide, and 400 feet long in the marsh at Nanticoke, with an entrance channel of the same depth and 60 feet wide, protected on either side by stone jetties in the river. The mean range of tide is about 2.6 feet. The estimate of cost of new work made in 1937 was $82,000. The latest (1937) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $1,500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937. (See H. Doc. 242, 75th Cong., 1st sess., which con- tains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local inter- ests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas as required for subsequent maintenance and guarantee the.United States and its contractors against claims for damages to oyster beds attributable to subsequent maintenance. Local interests were unable to comply with the terms of local co- operation for subsequent maintenance. Terminal facilities.-There are three privately owned wharves open to the general public and a marine railway which are adequate for existing and reasonably prospective commerce. RIVERIS AND IIARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 471 Operations and results during fiscal year.--A condition survey of the project by hired labor, was commenced and completed during he year. The costs and expenditures were $658.57, all for main- tenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1939. The controlling depth was 4.0 feet at mean low Water in the channel and 6.8 feet in the basin, ascertained in June 1944 and April 1948. The total costs and expenditures were $75,- 554.29 of which $73,243.18 was for new work and $2,311.11 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $30,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 for maintenance dredging to restore project depth in the channel and basin, by contract, July 1, 1949, to April 15, 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. ... . - --.... --- .---- $73,243.18 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__---------------------------2,311.11 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ -------- 75,554.29 Net total expenditures_____________ ------------- 75,554.29 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----- ------ 75,554.29 Totalance unexpended, July 1, 1947 - Amount allotted during fiscal year_- - --------- -- $658.57 Gross amount expended-.... - ------------....- 658.57 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance___.. ._____-.____-_ _-.. _.-.---. 30,000.00 20. NANTICOKE RIVER (INCLUDING NORTHWEST FORK), DEL. AND MD. Location.-The headwaters of Nanticoke River consist of numer- ous branches rising mainly in the northern portion of Sussex Coun- ty, Del. The river is about 50 miles long and flows in a southwesterly direction from its source to Tangier Sound. The Northwest Fork is a branch of the Nanticoke which rises in Tent County, Del., and flows past Federalsburg, Md., in a generally southerly direction through Dorchester County, Md., to its junction With the main river opposite Riverton, Md. It is about 30 miles in length. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 77.) Previous projects.-The original project for the Nanticoke River Was adopted August 18, 1894. For further details see page 1790 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 378 of Annual Report for 1938. There has been no previous project for Northwest Fork. Existing project-Nanticokce.-This provides for a channel 12 472 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the 12-foot contour in Tangier Sound to the highway bridge at Seaford, Del. The length of the sec- tions included in the project is about 11 miles, extending over 32 miles of the river; the lower end of the first section of the project is about 8 miles above the mouth of the river. The mean range tide is 3.4 feet and the extreme tidal range is 4.3 feet. O Northwest Fork.--This provides for dredging a channel 6 feet deep and 60 feet wide at mean low water from upper Browns wharf to within one-half mile of the southern boundary of the town of Fed- eralsburg, with a turning basin at the upper end. The length of the section included in the project is about 54 miles, and its lower end is 11/4 miles above the mouth of the river. The mean range of tide iS 2.6 feet, and the extreme tidal range is 3.3 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $114,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $3,200. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: < Acts Work authorized Documents June 3, 1896 A 9-foot channel, 100 feet wide up to Seaford, Del., with a turning basin. H. Doc. 323, 53d Cong., 3d sss June 25, 1910 Slight wideniig between the bridges in the harbor and Annual Report 1895, p. 1165, at Seaford, I)el. 1I. D)oc. 674, 61st Cong., 2d SCSS. Do....... A channel 6 feet deep, 60 feet wide in Northwest Fork, together with turning basin. H. Doc. 869, 60th Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1945 A channel 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide from the 12-foot ses. contour in Tangier Sound to the highway bridge S. Doc. 69, 77th Cong., 1st at Seaford. (Contains published map.) Local cooperation.-Localinterests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas necessary for the improvement and for subse- quent maintenance, when and as required, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the im - provement. It is believed that these conditions will be met. Terminal facilities.-The water front at Seaford consists largely of unconnected pile and timber bulkhead wharves with earth fills. One public wharf is used principally for unloading fuel oil for the local utility plant. The remaining wharves are privately owned. A rail siding extends along a considerable portion of the water front and offers facilities for interchange of rail and water traffic. Existing terminals are reasonably adequate for present and pros- pective commerce. The terminal facilities on the Northwest Fork are all privately owned and open to general public use. They consist of one solid bulk- head wharf of 80-foot frontage and three landings each with 6 0-foot frontage. The depths of water are from 2 to 8 feet. The landings are log revetments backed by earth fill and are in poor condition. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is 48 per- cent complete. The work remaining to be done is that authorized bY the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. The controlling depth is 9 feet at mean low water in Nanticoke River, ascertained in December 1944, and 5 feet at mean low water in the Northwest RIVERS AND HARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 473 Fork, ascertained in September 1921. The total costs and expendi- tures of the existing project were $78,748.85, of which $43,815.31 Was for new work, and $34,933.54 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed for the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $75,200 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 for dredging by contract, July 1, 1949 to April 30, 1950 as follows. New work dredging of the channel authorized by the Act of Mar. 2, 1945- _...--- $70,200.00 Maltenance dredging of- the emainder of the project to restore authorized dimensions _____------ ------------------ 5,000.00 Total for all work ---------- ------------------ 75,200 00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- $48,815.31 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__ ---- --------- 34,933.54 N Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------------- 83,748.85 Tet total expenditures . _.........-..-- 83,748.85 otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-........-.. 83,748.85 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work Costof maintenance. --------.------.--------------..-- .......- .............. -$1, 460. ) $160.75 -.. . -... Total expended.... xpnd . ........ _ _ __ .._ _ -_ 1,4 60 .0 0 16 0.7 5 . . . . . . All. otted.. . 1, 460. 00 1................-.............. 160. 75 .. Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of ex- isting project------------------------------------------ 70,200.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work__-____----- -- - -- -------------.. 70,200.00 For maintenance _____ -5,000.00 Total-..-_. -- - 75,200.00 21. WICOMICO RIVER, MD. Location.--This river has its source in the northern part of Wicomico County, Md., and flows in a generally southwardly direc- tion, emptying into Monie Bay, a tributary of Tangier Sound. (See TJ.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 77 and 567.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of June 10, 1872. For further details see page 1789 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 380 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 14 feet deep and 150 feet wide from Chesapeake Bay to Salisbury; a depth of 14 feet in the channels and turning basins in the North and South Prongs With channel widths of 100 feet and a basin 6 feet deep, 100 feet Wide, and 400 feet long at Webster Cove with a channel of the same 474 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 depth and 60 feet wide, extending to the 6-foot contour in Wicomico River. The plane of reference is mean low water. Mean range of tide is about 3 feet and the extreme tidal range is 4.4 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1945, is $410,747, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $15,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts .Work authorized Documents Sept. 19, 1890 Channels b9 feet deep from Main St. Bridge to about 2 II. DI:oc. 20, 51st Cong., 1st s7 miles below. andl Annuial Report, 1890, p. 947 June 25, 1910 Extension of 9-foot depth into the North Prong from I. IDoc. 569,61st Cong., 2d sess. Main St. Bridge to the Salisbury 1)am and turning basin. Mar. 2, 1919 Extensionof 9-foot depthinto South Prong to the head II. Doc. 1509, 63d Cong., 3 sess. of navigation at Cathell St., including a turning basin atd extending the project down to the mouth July of the river in Monie Bay. 3, 1930 A 12-foot channel below the Main St. Bridge. Aug. 26, 1937 A l1-oot channel, 150feet wide, depthsof 14 feet in the North and South Prongs anl a basin6 feet deep at Senatecommn ittee print 75th Cong lst sess.(Contains latestpUp- Webster Cove and approach channel thereto of the lished imiap.) same depth. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with except local interests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas as required for future maintenance. Terminal facilities.-The present water front at Salisbury con- sists of pile-and-timber bulkheads with earth fills. Some of the wharves have warehouses and factories with mechanical freight- handling facilities and rail sidings. With exception of a wharf on the North Prong owned by the State roads commission, and a wharf on the South Prong, owned by the county, all of the terminals are privately owned. A shipyard, with two marine railways with capac- ities of 1,200 and 500 tons, respectively, is located on the right bank of the river below the Prongs. Areas for the development of new terminals on the North and South Prongs are limited. Areas for a considerable expansion of terminal facilities are available on the main river. A public wharf on the main river at Salisbury is de- sirable but not essential. There is a pile-and-timber wharf which is situated about 4 miles above the mouth of the river at Mount Vernon. There is a wharf of similar construction at White Haven. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations, all bY hired labor, consisted of preparation of contract plans and specifica- tions; determining location of spoil disposal areas; and preparation of dredging estimates. The costs were $4,782.38 and the expendi- tures were $8,395.63, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project is about 99 percent complete. 'The controlling depths at mean low water were 1.0.1 feet in the main river channel, and 8.0 feet in the North Prong and 7.0 feet in the South Prong, ascertained in August 1946. The controlling depth at mean low water in the entrance channel and basin at Webster Cove was 5.3 feet and 5.2 feet respectively, ascer- tained in August 1947. The total costs were $546,991.99 of which $407,847.03 (Federal funds) and $14,000 (contributed funds) was RIIVERIS AND IARBORS-BALTIMORE , MID.,'DISTRICT 475 for new work, and $125,144.96 was for maintenance. The expendi- tures were $532,983.74 (Federal funds), and $14,000 (contributed funds), a total of $546,983.74. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance. July 1, 1948, $121,104.84 less accounts payable of $8.25, the amount of $121,- 096.59 will be used for maintenance dredging by contract to restore to its authorized dimensions, July 1, 1948 to May 15, 1949.project the No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 . -------------------- $457,847.03 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _ - 125,144.96 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ ' 582,991.99 us accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------- 8.25 U Net total expenditures._.. -__-_ ---------------- 582,983.74 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948 __--------- 121,104.84 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _----- --- 1 704,088.58 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ofnew work.. Cost of maintenance-.- --- . -. . .-- ----.... ------ 23, 300. 79 $10, 320. 71 4 82. 38 $4, 'TOtal expended .... 21, 354. 46 8, 645. 54 8, 395. 63 "'otted --. I............. . $30, 000. 00 3, 621. 50 125, 878. 97 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------- ------------------ $3,621.50 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ 142,878.97 Amount to be accounted for ___._..___-_____146,500.47 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment_ -- 17,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for_--- --- ------ 129,500.47 Gross amount expended------------------------------------- 8,395.63 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 121,104.84 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- ---- ---------------- 8.25 Balance available, June 30, 1948-------------- 21,096 .59 1--------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project 3--------------------------- 3000.00 1In addition, $14,000 was expended from contributed funds for new work. 22. UPPER THOROUGHFARE, DEAL ISLAND, MD. Location.-This is a natural waterway lying between Deal Island and the mainland of Somerset County, Md., on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1224.) Previous projects.-An appropriation was made in 1882, the Work done being limited to surveys. For further details, see page 382, Annual Report for 1938. 476 REPORT OF CHIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-This provides for an entrance channel from Tangier Sound 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide, thence of irregular width to and along the south shore of the thoroughfare, protected by breakwaters at the entrance, with a turning basin at the inner end 9 feet deep on the south side of the channel to within 50 feet of the bulkhead along the south shore, an anchorage area 6 feet deep and 150 feet wide extending across the waterway parallel to the highway bridge to within 50 feet of the bulkhead on the south shore, and an anchorage area of 650 feet long, 300 feet wide, and 9 feet deep on the north side of the channel between the breakwater and the 6-foot anchorage. The mean range of tide is about 2 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1937, was $73,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1937) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $3,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 30, 1935 1 A 9-foot channel 75 feet wide protected by breakwater at the entrance, with turning basin at the inner end Rivers and Harbors Committee and anchorage area 6 feet deep and 150 feet wide. Doc. 37, 72d Cong., 1st sess. Aug. 26, 1937 Widening the entrance channel to 100 feet, extending I1. Doc. 76, 75th Cong., 1st ses the 9-foot turning basin and 6-foot anchorage, and dredging an additional anchorage area on the north (Contains latest published map side of the channel. 1Included in Public Works Administration program, Sept. 16, 1933. Local cooperation.--Localinterests are required by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935, to provide a suitable dock at the turning basin, which shall be open to the public on just and equal terms; to build a dike for retaining dredged material along the south shore of the thoroughfare west of the bridge; to provide necessary lands behind the dike for the deposit of dredged material; and to construct a suitable road for free public use along the water front connecting with the local road system. Fully complied with. AP' proved by the Chief of Engineers June 13, 1939. Under the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937, local inter" ests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States neces- sary rights-of-way and suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and subsequent maintenance as required. It is provided further that the work of improvement shall not be undertaken until local in- terests have constructed or entered into firm contract for the con- struction of a suitable public wharf at the turning basin in accord- ance with plans approved by the Chief of Engineers, together with a suitable road along the water front connecting with the local road system. All conditions of local cooperation have been met and ap- proved by the Chief of Engineers June 13, 1939. Terminal facilities.---Thereis a small packing-house wharf on the shore of Tangier Sound south of the project channel; two small packing houses along the approach channel at which the sea food is landed; and a public wharf at the turning basin with a suitable road connecting it with the road system. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. RIVERS AND IIARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 477 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- i eted in 1939. The controlling-depth is 6.7 feet at mean low water a the channel and turning basin and 5.8 feet in the anchorage basin 11ortherly of it, and 5.0 feet in the anchorage near the highway bridge, ascertained in August 1946. The total costs and expendi- ures of the existing project were $67,193.56 of which $62,115.64 including $37,342. 7 0 Public Works funds) was for new work, and 5,077.92 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is lroposed for the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $39,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, to restore project dioensions in the channel and anchorage, July 1, 1949, to April 1, 1950. Cost and financial sumniary cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $62,445.73 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_----------- -------------- 5,077.92 Total cost Total amount of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 167,523.65 appropriated to June 30, 1948_---------- --- 67, 523.65 Fiscal year ending June 30- _ _1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of new work-----------------------..................... 'ootalof aexpitenanded------------ .-----------..----------................ $1, 102. 61---------- .........-------------- ................ ..---------.--.........--.. 1,102.61------. Allotted ---------------- -- - -- _-- - _-- 1, 102. 61 . Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance_ ---------------------- -. - - $39,000.00 1 Includes $37,342.70 Public Works funds. 23. LOWER THOROUGHFARE AT OR NEAR WENONA, DEAL ISLAND, MD. Location.-This is a tidal waterway, about 1~2 miles long and from one-eighth to one-half mile wide, branching off from Tangier Sound between Deal Island and Little Deal Island, Md. It is about 20 miles north of Crisfield Harbor, Md. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 78.) Previous projects.-The original project was dated March 3, 1881. For further details see page 1790 of Annual Report for 1915. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 60 feet wide and 7 feet deep from that depth in Tangier Sound to and including a moor- lng basin of the same depth, 100 feet wide and 300 feet long, in the maarsh at the head of the cove at Wenona. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $35,800, ex- clusive of amounts expended under previous projects. The latest (1939) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: 804711----48 vol.1------31 478 REPORT OF CHIEF O' 1 NGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized Documents June 25, 1910 A channel 6 feet deep, 80 feet wide, from Tangier H. Doc.76, 60th Cong., 1st sess. Sound to the wharves at Wenona; widening the angles andlthe end to furnish anchorage basins. sesS. Mar. 2, 1945 Modifiedto provide a channel 60feet wide, 7 feetdeep I. Doc. 238, 76th Cong., 1st s from 'angier Sound to and including a mooring (Contains latest published ,10 basin 7 feet deep, 100 feet wide, 300 feet long, in the marsh at tho head of the cove at Wenona. Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights-of-waY and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maint nance as required; hold and save the United States free fromla claims for damages attributable to the execution and maintenance ° the improvement; and construct a timber bulkhead 300 feet long on the west edge of the mooring basin; and a suitable public agency is required to acquire and dedicate to public use the strip of land be- tween the timber bulkhead and the county road to the west. Itis believed that these terms will be met. Terminal facilities.--There are three packing-house wharves and a small marine railway above the head of the project channel at Wenona. The facilities are privately owned but are open to the pub" lic for transaction of business with the owners. Present facilities are adequate for existing commerce. Sufficient areas are available for the construction of additional terminals when and as required. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None . Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 25 percent complete. The work remaining to be done consists of the modification authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. The controlling depth is 1.2 feet at mean low water, ascertained in August 1946. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project were $8,825.20, of which $7,200 was for new work, and $1,625.20 was for maintenance. "Proposed operations.-Th'esum of $28,600, allotted in July 1948 will be expended during the fiscal year 1949 for new work dredging by contract to complete the project March 15, 1949, to June 30, 1949. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------------- $12,200.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------ 1,625.20 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 13,825 20 Net total expenditures _ ________________ 13 825.20 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- 13,825.20 year ending June 30-- 8Fiscal 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------------------------------------------- ---------- Cost of maintenance----............------------------------------------ .....------- 20 Total expended..----------- --------------------- ----- I---- ----- 925.20--------- Allotted.-.-...- ...---.----------- - -------------------.. - 925.20 --------- RIVERS AND IILARBORS--BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 479 Amount allotted in July 1948_.-..------------------------- --- $28,600.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------- -- -- 28,600.00 24. CRISFIELD HARBOR, MD. tLocation.-The harbor is situated along the western limits of the town of Crisfield on the east bank of Little Annemessex River, an estuary of Tangier Sound on the east side of Chesapeake Bay. (See *S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1224.) Previous projects.-The original project was adopted by the liver and Harbor Act approved March 3, 1875, and modified by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1907. For further details see page 1790 of Annual Report for 1915, page 432 of Annual Report for 1924, and page 384 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at ean low water, 425 feet wide from the 12-foot contour in Tangier lound to Somers Cove Light, thence 266 feet wide to the bend about 1,800 feet southwest of the railroad pier, and thence of irregular Width to a point opposite the Consumers Ice Co.; a spur channel 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the ice plant to Hop Point; a chan- nel 7 feet deep and 60 feet wide from the 7-foot depth curve in Little Annenessex River, via Cedar Creek, a land cut, and Daugherty Creek to Big Annemessex River; and a mooring basin 7 feet deep, 60 feet wide and approximately 875 feet long roughly parallel to .rick Kiln Road, with a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide lead- ing therefrom to.the 7-foot project channel connecting Little An- nemessex and Big Annemessex Rivers. The mean range of tide is 2.6 feet. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1946, is $169,200, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (194 5 ) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $3,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and hrbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents 5 'ar. 3, 1925 A 12-foot channel of varying widths to opposite the If. Doc. 355, 68th Cong., 1st sass.' Consumers Ice Co., thence 10 feet deep and 100 feet Ag wide from the ice plant to Hop Point. g. 26, 1937 7-foot channel 100 feet wide from opposite Hop Point Rivers and Harbors Cormmittee to an anchorage parallel to Brick Kiln Rd. D1)oc.2, 75th Cong., 1st sass.' 1 Do----- For the 7- by 60-foot channel in Little Annemessex II. I)oc. 72, 75th Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1945 River. A mooring basin 7 feet deep, 100 feet wide, and ap- IH.Doec. 457, 76th Cong., 1st sess.' proximately 875 feet long roughly parallel to Brick Kiln lid., with a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide leading therefrom to the 7-foot project channel connecting Little Annemessex and Big Annemes- sex Rivers. 1Contain the latest published maps. Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 457, 76th Cong., 1st sess.), in modifying the existing proj- ect to provide for the-mooring basin adjacent to Brick Kiln Road and the approach channel thereto, imposed the conditions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, necessary rights- 480 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 of-way and suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and subse- quent maintenance, and that a suitable public agency acquire, an dedicate to public use, a strip of land not less than 50 feet wide of the south and west sides of the Federal right-of-way and a striP of land on the east side of the basin between the Federal right-of-waY and Brick Kiln Road. Fully complied with except that local interests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas as required for future mainte" nance. . Terminal facilities.-The water front of Crisfield Harbor is largely built up with solid bulkhead wharves and pile and timber piers. The majority of the wharves are privately owned, but are open to the public on equal terms. A few of the terminals have mechanical freight-handling devices, but the bulk of the freight is transferred by hand. There are three boat-repair yards, with ma- rine railways having capacities up to 250 tons. The existing termi" nals are generally adequate for present commerce. Sufficient areas are available above Hop Point and on Somers Cove for the construce tion of additional terminals when and as needed. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work dredging by contract to provide mooring basin 7 feet deep, 160 feet wide and 875 feet long, roughly parallel to Brick Kiln Road, with a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide leading therefrom, was started Feb- ruary 7, 1948, and completed March 15, 1948. A total of 155,371 cubic yards (place measure) of material was removed and deposited on shore in approved disposal areas. The costs were $51,620.48 and the expenditures were $51,575.16, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was c o r pleted in March 1948. The controlling depths at mean low water were 10.1 feet in midchannel for half-project width from Tangier Sound to Consumers Ice Company Wharf; 11.0 feet in midchannel for half-project width from the ice plant to Hop Point; and 6.5 feet in midchannel for 80 percent of project width from Little Annemes' sex River to Big Annemessex River via Cedar and DoughertY Creeks, ascertained in September 1944. The controlling depth in the mooring basin and connecting channel is 7.0 feet ascertained in March 1948. The total costs were $178,726.52 of which $175,842.27 was for new work and $2,884.25 was for maintenance. The expenditures were $178,681.20 of which $175,796.95 was for new work and $2,884.25 for maintenance. Proposed operations.--The unexpended balance, July 1, 1948, $5,424.84 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948----------- ----------_ ---- _ $45.32 Condition survey of mooring basin by hired labor, Apr. 1, 1949, to Apr. 15, 1949------------------------------------------- 5,379.52 Total for all work...----.....------------------------------. 5,424.84 No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. RIVERS AND HARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 481 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ------------------------ $263,582.31 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 19485---------- ------------- 5,723.71 of permanent costpayable, work to June 30, 1948-------------.. 269,306.02 us Total accounts June 30, 1948. ------------------------- 45.32 Net total expenditures_ ---------------------------- 269,260.70 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948___------------------------------ 5,424.84 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------- ---- 274,685.54 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ......------------------------- ------------------------------- $51,620.48 of maintenance ...........--------------------- $2, 600. 00 $284. 25 ---------------------- Total expended............ ..... 2,684.00 300.25 .......-------..... 1, 575. 16 tted... 2,600. 00 ......---------------.... 284.25 --.............. 57,000.00 mount allotted during fiscal year-_..------------------------ $57,000.00 ross amount expended-------- ----------------- 51,575.16 ..-----------. 5,424.84 0 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 utstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948__ ... __-------------------- ------- - - 45.32 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ----- -------- --- 5,379.52 25. BROAD CREEK, MD. Location.--This is a tidal waterway, connecting Pocomoke Sound and Little Annemessex River, Md. The north end of Broad Creek is 1.8 miles south of Crisfield. It lies north and south, is about 22 miles in length, and traverses a low, marshy region, the level of Which is only slightly above high water. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1224.) dExisting project.-This provides for dredging a channel 6 feet deep at mean low water, 100 feet wide in the straight reaches, and 130 feet wide at the bends from the 6-foot contour in Pocomoke Sound through Broad Creek to the 6-foot contour in Little Annemes- sex River, a distance of about 2 miles. The mean range of tide is 1.9 feet and the extreme tidal range is 3 feet under ordinary conditions. The estimated cost for new work, made in 1911, was $57,200. The latest (1922) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,600. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912. (See H. Doc. 269, 62d Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-None. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was com- Pleted in 1917. The controlling depth at mean low water is 4.2 feet in midchannel for half-project width, ascertained in July 1944. The costs and expenditures under the existing project were $28,227.19 for new work and $46,900.81 for maintenance, a total of $75,128.00. 482 REPORT OF OCHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.--No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $14,200 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging to restore project depth in the channel, by contract, July 1, 1949, to April 1, 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 $28,227.1981 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------- 46,900 81 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 75,128.00 Net total expenditures --- - 75 ,128.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 - 75,128.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work....----------- -- ---- ------ __ - ------- Cost of maintenance----------------------- $2,099.90 $197.28--- .-- Total expended.--------- 20 00 1-- 8-__ _-_._-- A--------------- ------- 2,100.00 197.18----------------...... Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 00 1950, for maintenance---------------- -- --------- $14,200. 26. POCOMOKE RIVER, MD. Location.-This river is a tributary of Pocomoke Sound, an estu- ary of and on the easterly side of Chesapeake Bay about 40 miles north of Cape Charles, Va. Previous project.-The original project for Pocomoke River waS adopted June 18, 1878, and modified by the River and Harbor Act of August 5, 1886. For further details see page 1789, Annual Re- port for 1915, and page 385, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.--This provides for a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide from that depth in Pocomoke Sound through "The Muds" to deep water in the river; and a channel 9 feet deep at mean low water and 100 to 130 feet wide from Shad Landing to above the bridge at Snow Hill, widened to 150 feet to form a turning basin at the upper end, a distance of 42 miles. The mean range of tide is 2.5 feet and the extreme tidal range is 3.7 feet. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1946, iS $167,450 exclusive of amounts expended under previous projectS. ' The latest (1948) approved estimate of cost for annual mainte- nance is $21,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents ---- Ir-- ------- --- I_ June 3, 1896 A 9-foot channel from Shad Landing to Snow Hill_ -- Annual report for 1895, p. 1167. Aug. 30, 1935 For a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide from 11. Doe. 227, 74th Cong., 1st sess. Pocomoke Sound to Pocomoke River. Mar. 2, 1945 Extension of channel above bridge at Snow Hill, II. Doc. 429, 76th Cong., 1st sess. 100 feet wide, 9 feet deep, widened to 150 feet to form a turning basin at the upper end. 1 Contains latest published map. RIVEItS ANI) IARIUIORSI-BATIM)IORE, MI).,,DISTRI(CT 483 Local cooperation.--Fully complied with except that local inter- ests are required to furnish releases from damage to oyster beds and spoil-disposal areas as required for future maintenance. Local interests are also required under the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, to contribute one-half the initial cost of extending the channel above the bridge at Snow Hill, but not to exceed $4,250; furnish free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights- Of-way and spoil-disposal areas. It is expected that these terms will be met; however, no attempts have been made to fulfill the terms of local cooperation. Terminal facilities.-The present water fronts at Pocomoke City and at Snow Hill consist of pile and timber bulkheads with earth i ll s . Some have warehouses and factories with mechanical hand- ling facilities and rail sidings. Practically all are privately owned; most of them are in bad repair. Any appreciable increase in com- Ilerce at Pocomoke City would necessitate the construction of a new terminal and the repair of existing terminals. Considerable land areas are available for the development of additional terminals if and when needed. OfOperations and results during fiscal year.-A condition survey Of the project, exclusive of that portion above the bridge at Snow ~ ll, Was commenced and completed during the year by hired labor. The costs were $4,222.43 for maintenance. There were no expendi- tlures. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is 96 per- cent complete. The work be done is the extension of the channel above the bridge at Snow Hill. The controlling depth Was 4.7 feet at mean low water through "The Muds" at the mouth of the river ascertained in September 1947 and 9.0 feet in the sec- tion from Shad Landing to Snow Hill as ascertained in March 1948; and 3.4 feet in the natural channel above the bridge at Snow Hill, as ascertained in April 1939. The total costs were $252,265.76 of Which $161,457.83 was for new work and $90,807.93 was for main- tenance. The expenditures were $248,043.33 of which $161,457.83 Was for new work and $86,585.50 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance July 1, 1948, 4,300, plus $78,000 allocated in July 1948 for maintenance dredg- ing, plus $6,000 allocated in July 1948 for new work dredging, a total of $88,300 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 ----------- ------- _ _- . _ $4,222.43 New work dredging by contract above the bridge at Snow Hill, to complete the project.-------------- ------------------------ 6,000.00 Maintenance dredging by contract to restore project dimensions in the section of channel through "The Muds" -------------- 78,077.57 Total for all work--- --------.------- ---- - -..-- 88,300.00 No work is proposed for fiscal year 1950. 484 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 $181 957.83 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------ 90, 807.93 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -- 272,765.76 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------- 4,222.43 Net total expenditures -------- 268,543.33 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 4,300.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------272,843.30 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work----------------... Cost of maintenance. . _.- -.- --------------- $1, 13 ------ ".--$58, 040 1,132. l..___ Totl expended---------------- ----------- 68, 049. 05 1,132.27 ------------ llotted ----- $60,000.00 $--------- 2,000.00 _ _....-. . .. -$2,818.8 4,300 Amount allotted during fiscal year_. ------------ $4,300.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-- - 4,330.00 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ---- 4,222.43 Balance available, June 30, 1948_______________ _________ 77.57 Amount allotted in July 1948--------------------------- 84,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 84,077 .5 27. TWITCH COVE AND BIG THOROUGHFARE RIVER, MD. Location.--This is a tidal waterway about 4 miles long traversing Smith Island, Md., in a southeasterly direction from Chesapeake Bay on the west to Tangier Sound on the east. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1224.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at mean low water and 60 feet wide from Twitch Cove on Tangier Sound through Big Thoroughfare River, thence through the canal at Ewell, Md., thence through Levering Creek and Big Thorough- fare River to the vicinity of Swan Point, thence of the same depth and 100 feet wide through the offshore bar to deep water in Chesa- peake Bay, with twin jetties at the entrance; and for a channel 4 feet deep and 25 feet wide around the point between Big Thorough- fare River and Tylers River. The mean range of tide is 1.7 feet, and the extreme tidal range is 3 feet under ordinary conditions. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1938, was $159,400. The latest (1937) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,700. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: RIVERS AND IHARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 485 Acts Work authorized Documents JulY:25, 1912 A channel 4 feet deep and 25 feet wide from Tangier H. Doc. 285, 62d Cong., 2d sess. Sound into Big Thoroughfare River, and one of the same dimensions around the point between said July 3, 1930 River and Tylers River. ly channel 5 feet deep at mean low water and 25 feet H. Doc. 313, 71st Cong., 2d sess. wide from Twitch Cove on Tangier Sound through Big Thoroughfare River to a point on Levering Creek about 800 feet north of the canal at Ewell, Aug. 30, 1935 Achannel 7 feet deep and 60 feet wide from Twitch Rivers and Harbors Committee Cove through Big Thoroughfare River to a point Doec. 67, 74th Cong., 1st sess. on Levering Creek about 800 feet north of the canal June 20, 1938 at Ewell. Md. June 20 138 Present project dimensions of the main channel with Rivers and Harbors Committee twin jetties at the entrance. Doc. 49, 75th Cong., 2d sess. (Contains latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with except that local inter- ests are to furnish spoil disposal areas as needed for future mainte- nance. Terminal facilities.-Thereare nine small open-pile wharves pri- Vately owned open to the general public use, which are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The project was completed in November 1940. The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: 5.1 feet from Tangier Sound to the Branch channel to TYlerton, thence 7 feet to Ewell, Maryland, for 80 percent of the project width, and 3.7 feet around the point between Big Thorough- fare River and Tylers River, thence 6.2 feet to deep water in Chesa- Peake Bay, ascertained in August 1945. The north and south jetties have sunk in several places., The costs and expenditures for the existing project were $210,433.26, of which $164,174.53 was for new Work and $46,258.73 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The sum of $10,000 allotted in July 1948 Will be expended during the fiscal year 1949 for repairs to north Jetty by contract, January 1, 1949, to May 30, 1949. The sum of $15,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 for maintenance dredging July 1, 1949, to December 15, 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948____------------------- - $164,174.53 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---___--__-___-___ ___-__ 46,258.73 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-............ 210,433.26 - Net total expenditures-. ----------------------____ ---- 210,433.26 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ... .. Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- _ 210,433.26 486 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work...____ Cost ____ of maintenance_----------_ ___------------ -- - I--- I_ - -- -- _ --------- 172. 83 4, 537. 13 12, 797. 11 12 81 - Total expended ----------------.. 13, 992. 37 4, 0400 13, 550. 00 -30. 5 Allotted.------------------------ 123.25 19, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 -6, 652. 95 Amount allotted in July 1948_ $10 000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 10-000-00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 00 1950, for maintenance----15,---------------------------000 28. STARLINGS CREEK, VA. Location.-Starlings Creek, about 1,500 feet long, is an estuary of Pocomoke Sound at the southerly end of Saxis Island, Accomac County, Va., about 11 miles southeasterly of Crisfield, Md. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1223 and 1224.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at mean low water and 60 feet wide from that depth in Pocomoke Sound to the mouth of Starlings Creek, with a turning basin of the same depth and 1,000 feet long and 100 feet wide inside the entrance, all essentially as shown on the project map. The mean range of tide is 2.4 feet. The estimate of cost for. new work, made in 1935, was $27,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $2,500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935. (See Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 46, 74th Cong., 1st sess.) This document contains the latest published map. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with, except that local inter- ests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas as needed for future main" tenance. Terminal facilities.--There is about 1,000 feet of bulkhead wharf available inside the creek, a portion of which is at public property and the balance is in front of the seafood packing houses. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing by contract to restore authorized project dimensions was started April 10, 1948, and completed April 16, 1948. A total of 30,477 cubic yards of material (place measurement) were removed and deposited on shore in approved disposal areas. The costs and ex- penditures were $12,175.24, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was col- pleted in 1937. Maintenance dredging in the fiscal year 1948 re- stored the channel and basin to authorized project dimensions. The total costs and expenditures were $51,020.12 of which $16,537.47 was for new work and $34,482.65 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance July 1, 1948, $2,- 009.50, will be applied to the cost of preparing a survey to determine the condition of the project, by hired labor, February 15, 1949 to March 15, 1949. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. RIVERS AND IHARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 487 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --------------------------- $16,537.47 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__----------------------- 34,482.65 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-----------.. 51,020.12 et total expenditures __________----------- 51,020.12 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------- --------------- 2,009.50 _ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------- __ 53,029.62 .... .... .... 1944 1945 I------ -- - Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1946 1947 1948 ost of new Work----- -- ----- CosLOfXaintnani~e--------------($640.09--------------$791._16 $12, 175. 24 TOtal expended............ 791.16 12,175.24 20, 873.95 -------------- ------------ Al. d _-------................ 16. 25 ..............------------- . 18, 975.90 -4, 000.00 bsal ance unexpended, July 1, 1947-____------------------- $18,184.74 eductions on account of revocation of allotment -. 4,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for-- -.-------------- --------------------- -- 14,184.74 ross amount expended___________----------- 12,175.24 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----- -------------- 2,009.50 29. TANGIER CHANNEL, VA. Location.--This is a tidal channel about 1 mile long, extending from Tangier Island, Va., in a northeasterly direction to deep water in Tangier Sound, Chesapeake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1223.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide from the 8-foot contour in Tangier Sound to day marker No. 4, and thence 8 feet deep and 60 feet wide to the town of Tangier, with an anchorage basin adjacent to the town 400 feet square and 7 feet deep. The length of the sec- tion included in the project is about 1 mile, its lower end extending into Tangier Sound. The mean range of tide is 1.7 feet and the extreme tidal range is 4.7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $70,800. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual maintenance is $2,250. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act o IMarch 2, 1919 (H. Doc. 107, 63d Cong., 1st sess.) ; changes in works Channel and anchorage dimensions were authorized by the Public Administration January 3, 1934, and by the River and larbor Act of August 30, 1935 (Rivers and Harbors Committee oc. 51, 72d Cong., 2d sess.), and modified by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 141, 77th Cong., 1st sess.). These documents contain the latest published maps. Local cooperation.-Localinterests are required to furnish, free of cost to the United States, all necessary rights-of-way and spoil- disposal areas for new work and subsequent maintenance, when and as required, and guarantee the United States and its agents 488 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 against all claims for possible damage to oyster beds as a result of the dredging operations. It is believed that these conditions will be met. Terminal facilities.--There are three privately owned pile and timber piers adjacent to the west side of the anchorage basin at Tangier. The piers are generally open to the public when not in use by the owners. Qperations and results during fiscal year.--Maintenance dredg- ing to remove shoaling in the channel above a depth of 7 feet, and new work dredging to complete the project by accomplishing the modifications authorized in the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, were performed under one contract. Dredginl operations commenced March 19, 1948 and were completed April 7, 1948; 38,688 cubic yards of new work material, and 20,134 cubic yards of maintenance material was removed and deposited on shore in approved disposal areas. The costs were $23,021.17 of which $15,341.02 was for new work and $7,680.15 was for maintenance. The expenditures were $21,539.35. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was co" pleted in 1948. New work dredging and maintenance dredging in the fiscal year 1948, established authorized project dimensions. The costs under the existing project were $30,969 (regular funds), and $42,000 (Public Works funds), a total of $72,969 for new work, and $59,500.17 (regular funds) for maintenance, a total of $132,- 469.17. The total expenditures were $132,458.28. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance July 1, 1948, $2,- 031.60, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 .$10.89 Condition survey, by hired labor, May 15, 1949, to June 15, 1949- 2,020.71 Total for all work ------------------------------------ 2,031.60 No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----- 72,969.00 $--------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------------- 59,500.17 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---- 132,469. Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 _ 10.89 Net total expenditures ------------------------------ 132 ,458.28 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948----------__- - 2,031.60 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 134,489.88 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 194E Cost of new work--------------- ----------------------. $15, 341.02 Cost of maintenance --------- - -$83.69 ---------------- $894. 05 $1, 358.12 7,( Total cost.------------------- 83.69 1------------- 894.05 1,358.12 23, 021.17 Total expended----------------................ 9,669.03 -------------- 894.05 2, 829.05 21,5393 Allotted ...-...----------------------- 78. 28-- ------ 894. 05 7,000.00 19,400.00 i Includes $42, 000 Public Works funds. RIVERS AND HARBORS--BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 489 ualance unexpended, July 1, 1947 . ---- --- ---------------- $4,170.95 Amount allotted during fiscal year-- ----. ------------------ 19,400.00 Gros to be accounted Amount expended for---------------------------- 23,570.95 oss amount ......----------------------------------- 21,539.35 Balance Ou uttanding liabilities, June June unexpended, 30, 1948- 30, 1948- ----------------------- -------------------------- 2,031.60 10.89 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------- 2,020.71 30. WATERWAY ON THE COAST OF VIRGINIA Location.-The waterway lies between the barrier beach along the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Virginia portion of the main- and peninsula on the west. It extends from the south end of Chin- Coteague Bay through a number of creeks, thoroughfares and bays, to enter Chesapeake Bay in the vicinity of Fishermens Inlet, just SOuth of Cape Charles, the southern tip of the peninsula, for a dis- tance of 83.7 miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts h. 1220, 1221, and 1222.) Existing project.-This provides for an inland waterway 6 feet deep and 60 feet wide from Chesapeake Bay to Chincoteague Bay, Va. The mean range of tide is about 3 feet. Greater fluctuations in Water level are caused by high winds and storms. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $680,000. The latest (1939) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $15,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910 (H. Doc. 957, 60th Cong., 1st sess.), and modified by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 268, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project docu- bnent. Local cooperation.-Local interests are to furnish free of cost to the United States, as and when required, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for Subsequent maintenance, and hold and save the United States free from all claims for damage resulting from the work of improve- ment. These terms have been met, except that local interests must furnish spoil-disposal areas for subsequent maintenance. Terminal facilities.-The larger towns in the area adjacent to the route of the desired improvement have fairly substantial pile and timber wharves which are used primarily by boats engaged in the Seafood business. There are also a number of small landings scat- tered along the shore between the towns. The Pennsylvania Rail- road owns and operates a water terminal at Franklin City. There are also wharves at the various Coast Guard stations in the area. All of the wharves are privately owned, but are open to the public for transaction of business with the owners. No mechanical freight- handling facilities are available. The terminals are adequate for existing commerce. A material increase in commerce which would follow the proposed improvement makes desirable but not essential the erection of adequate terminals at Chincoteague, Wachapreague, Willis Wharf, and Oyster. Adequate public facilities are available at Ocean City. 490 REPORT OF CHIEF OP ENGINEERS, tU. S. ARMY, 1948 Operations and results during fiscal year.-Completed new work dredging by contract in the section of the waterway across KegO tank Bay from the mouth of Northams Narrows to the mouth of East Branch of Gargathy Creek, then across the marshes to Gar- gathy Narrows. 3,975 cubic yards of material were removed to complete this section of the project. The costs were $14,211.51 and the expenditures were $20,512.79, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The controlling depth in that portion of the waterway through Cat River and Bogues Bay was 3 feet at mean low water ascertained in October 1945, and in the portion of the waterway between Gargathy Narrows and Northam Narrows 6 feet at mean low water, ascertained in July 1947. No work has been done in the remainder of the waterway and its con- dition is as described in the project document. The project is about 24 percent complete. The total costs and expenditures of the exist- ing project were $135,416.95 of which $107,269.61 was for new work, and $28,147.34 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.--The unexpended balance July 1, 1948, $134.84, will be used to prepare specifications, by hired labor, for new work dredging on the section of the waterway from Chinco- teague Channel to Wachapreague Inlet, April 15, 1949, to June 15, 1.949. The sum of $22,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 to restore project dimensions in the Gargathy Creek sec- tion of the project, February 1, 1950, to June 30, 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 $107,269 61 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__ __________ 28,147.34 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 135,416.95 Net total expenditures----- ------ ________________ 135,416.95 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948,_. 134.84 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 135,551.79 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 194f 8 Cost of new work-- .....-------------- - $1, 424. 48 $33, 253.30 $48, 975. 87 $14, 211.51 Cost of maintenance .---------...... $160. 62 •_ _'---I-------I----- Total cost................. 160.62 1,424.48 33, 253.30 48, 975.87 14,211,51 Total expended_ ................ 2, 308.95 158, 99 34,148.66 43, 044.72 20,512. 79 Allotted--------............----........-------.....- -3, 355.12 4,200.00 93, 800.00------------------- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------ _------_ $20 ,647.63 Gross amount expended ----------------------- ----- 20512.79 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------- 134.84 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ---------------------------------------- 573,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance.----..------__---------__- - 22,000.00 RIVERS ANDI IIARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD.,,DISTRICT 491 31. CHINCOTEAGUE BAY, VA. Location.-Chincoteague Bay is a shallow sound on the Atlantic coast of Maryland and Virginia. 'Greenbackville and Franklin City OCcupy low-lying ground on the westerly shore of the bay 4/y miles from its southwest end. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1220.) Existing project.-This provides for an L-shaped harbor 5 feet deep, 60 feet wide, and 1,500 feet long, with an approach channel of 1e same depth and width in Chincoteague Bay. The mean range O tide is about 2 feet. The estimate of cost of new work, made in 1937, was $25,700. IShTe latest (1948) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance $3,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 233, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local inter- ests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas as required for subsequent maintenance. Terminal facilities.--A public marginal wharf with highway con- nection has been built along the south side of the channel. . Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenancedredg- ing by contract, to restore authorized project dimensions, was started December 4, 1947, and completed January 10, 1948. A total of 23,138 cubic yards of material (place measurement) was re- moved and deposited on shore in approved disposal areas. The costs and expenditures were $21,003.74, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- leted in 1939. Maintenance dredging in fiscal year 1948 restored the Project to authorized dimensions. The total costs and expendi- tures were $46,629.94 of which $25,125.92 was for new work and $21,504.02 was for maintenance. Proposedoperations.-The unexpended balance July 1, 1948, $1,- 996.26, will be applied to the cost of a survey to determine the con- ditlon of the project, by hired labor, April 1, 1949, to April 15, 1949. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _________________ $25,125.92 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..----------------------_ 21,504.02 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------------46,629.94 Net total expenditures- ____ __.--....... ..... .. 46,629.94 Unexpended balance, June 30, 194 8 -.. _.. 1,996.26 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------- 48,626.20 492 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30-... 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work!--__-- - ____._--------------------------------- =------r~ - - 4 = - - - - - - Cost of maintenance-__ _________---------------------$500.28----------- $200 Total expended---------- ------------------------.............---------- Allotted-------------------------------- $1, 000.00 -499.72 Amount allotted during fiscal year.--._----------..--------- $23,000.00 Gross amount amount expended------------ expended ------------------- 21,003 .4 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_____----------------------- 1,996.26 32. OCEAN CITY HARBOR AND INLET AND SINEPUXENT BAY. NIM Location.-Ocean City is on a barrier island between Sinepuxent Bay and the Atlantic Ocean about 35 miles south of the entrance to Delaware Bay. (See U. S.' Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1220.) Existing project.--This provides for the. construction of an inlet between the Atlantic Ocean and Sinepuxent Bay, with a depth of 10 feet and width of 200 feet, protected by jetties; a channel 6 feet deep and 150 feet wide from the inlet to Green Point, and thence 100 feet wide into Chincoteague Bay ; a channel 10 feet deep at mean low water, 100 feet wide, and 3,000 feet long from the inlet channel into the marsh area south of the railroad on the west side of Sine- puxent Bay, with two turning basins of the same depth; and for a channel 6 feet deep and 125 feet wide from the inlet channel to a point opposite North Eighth Street in Ocean City, thence 75 feet wide into Isle of Wight Bay. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, was $870,000 including $500,000 contributed by local interests. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $32,000. The mean range of ocean tide is 3.4 feet. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents 1 Aug. 30, 19352 Construction of an inlet between the Atlantic Ocean Rivers and Harbors Committee and Sinepuxent Bay, 10 feet deep and 200 feet wide, Doc. 38, 72d Cong., 1st sess. protected by jetties, a channel 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the inlet to Ocean City, 6 feet deep and 150 feet wide to Green Point, and 100 feet wide - Do. ...... into Chincoteague Bay. Modification providing a 10- by 100-foot channel from Rivers and Harbors Committee the inlet to the west side of the bay with 2 turning Doc. 60, 74th Cong., 1st sess. basins, a channel 6 feet deep 125 feet wide from the inlet channel to opposite North 8th St., Ocean City, and 75 feet wide into Isle bf Wight Bay. 1Contains latest published maps. 2 Included in Public Works Administration program Sept. 16, 1933. The site chosen for the inlet under this authorization was that opened just south of Ocean City by natural forces during a severe storm iD August 1933. This eliminated the necessity for an 8-foot channel from the inlet to Ocean City. a Included in Emergency Relief program, 1935. Local cooperation.--Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.--There are two storage basins for pleasure RIVERS AND IIARItORS--IALTIMORE, MI)., DISTRICT 493 and small commercial craft and numerous privately owned pile and tirber piers and bulkhead wharves on the Sinepuxent Bay side of Ocean City. The commercial fish harbor has a public bulkhead land- ing about 1,000 feet long, several private bulkhead wharves open to the public for transaction of business with the owners, and a boat repair yard with a marine railway capable of handling boats up to about 150 tons. The Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic Railway has a spur line parallel to and 200 feet from the commercial fish harbor. Adequate space is available for expansion of facilities if required. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Repair of the north Stone jetty, by contract with maintenance funds, was completed July 18, 1947. 82 cubic yards of concrete were placed in the voids to solidify the jetty and complete the contract. Maintenance dredging by contract to restore authorized project dimensions in the Inlet, Sinepuxent Bay, and Isle of Wight Bay, was COmpleted July 31, 1947. There were 255,942 cubic yards of ma- terial (place measurement) removed and deposited on shore in approved dumping areas. Maintenance dredging by contract to restore authorized project dl iensions in the Inlet Channel and entrance to Commercial Fish iarbor was commenced and completed during the year; 62,784 Cubic yards of material (place measure) have been removed and deposited on shore in approved dumping areas. A condition survey of the channels by hired labor, was commenced and completed during the year. A condition survey of the north and south jetties was commenced, by hired labor, during the year. The costs were $112,877.93 and the expenditures were $110,- 958.54, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1936. The controlling dimensions are as follows: Depth Width Date Section (Feet) (Feet) ascertained Inlet Channel- -.---.---------------------------------------- 10 200 November 1947. 4 tarfercialFish to mean low water (Atlanti Ocean) at Ocean10 Channel to Isle of Wight Bay: 00 Sepdatu ember 1947. Inlet to North 9th St-----------------------------------7.9 125 October 1944. , Oh North 9th St. into Bay. . . . ..------------------------------------ 4. 5 75 May 1947. nnel in Sinepuxent Bay---............-...............4.6 150 July 1947. hannel in Chincoteague Bay---------------------------------------- 4.9 100 Do. in Ptbayse to mean low water (Atlantic Ocean) at Ocean City, Md., which datum is lower than that The costs of the existing project were $856,499.53 of which $283,- IEmergency 007.93 was Public Works funds for new work, $67,185.09 was Relief funds for new work and $506,306.51 was regular funds for maintenance. The total expenditures were $844,455.61 of which $283,007.93 was Public Works funds for new work, $67,- 185.09 was Emergency Relief funds for new work and $494,262.59 Was regular funds for maintenance. In addition $500,000 of con- tributed funds was expended for new work. Proposedoperations.--Theunexpended balance July 1, 1948, $37,- 407.70 will be expended as follows: 8047 11----48-vol. 1 32 494 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 _ . _ _ $12,043.92 Maintenance: Complete condition survey of the north and south jetties, July 1 5,363:78 1948, to Aug. 1, 1948__... 5,363.7 Survey and studies of the project, by hired labor, to establish a 00 feasible subsequent maintenance program July 1948 to June 1949 20,00 Total for all work --------------- 37,407.70 - _---------------- The additional sum of $70,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for repairs to the north jetty, from June 30, 1949, to November 15, 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--- -______________ i $350,193.02 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- 506 306.51 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 856,499.53 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-- 12,043.92 Net total expenditures______________________________ 844,455.61 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 --------------------------- 37,407.70 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.-------------- 881,863.31 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 " Cost of new work-------------------------------.---.. Cost of maintenancenw . . $2,317.14 ............. $35, 739. 36 $46, 119. 31 $144,94.09 $112, 4 Total expended .------------_ 1, 529. 47 35, 687. 43 44, 476.94 137, 307. 31 Allotted--------------------- ------------- 94,200.00 228, 647.46 -31,100.00 70, 0001 1Includes $283,007.93 Public Works funds and $67,185.09 Emergency Relief funds; in addition $500,000 contributed funds were expended for new work. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- --- $78,366.24 Amount allotted during fiscal year--- ---------------------- 70,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--- 148,366.24 Gross amount expended-_________ --------- _ $110,960.34 Less reimbursed expenditures ---------------- 1.80 110,958.54 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-_ 37,407.70 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_-- - _ -- 12,043.92 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts ..---- 1,150.70 13,194.62 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 24,213.08 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance--------------------------------- 70,000.00 33. FISHING CREEK, MD. Location.-This creek is a narrow winding tidal stream which enters Chesapeake Bay from the west 56 miles south of Baltimore and about 26 miles south of Annapolis, Md. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep with DI R RIVERS AND THARBIORS--ALTIMORE, MD.; ST TCT 495 Widths of 100 feet and 60 feet from deep water in Chesapeake Bay to an anchorage of the same depth, 120 feet wide and 400 feet long, located in the marsh 500 feet above the mouth of the creek, and for twin stone jetties at the entrance. The mean tidal range is about 1 foot. The estimate of cost of new work made in 1937 was $97,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $5,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 241, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except that local inter- ests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas as needed for future main- tenance. Terminal facilities.-Seven hundred feet of bulkhead wharf are available on the south side of the entrance channel running west from the bayshore, and a pile and timber wharf has been con- structed on the west side of the basin by the United States Navy Department. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations consisted of payment of obligations incurred the previous fiscal year. The COsts were $8,210.76 and the expenditures were $9,760.25, all for tlmaintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1942. The controlling depth determined in June 1947 was 7.o feet. The total costs were $161,259.75 of which $111,242.07 was for new work and $50,017.68 was for maintenance. Proposedoperations.-No funds are available and no work is pro- Posed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__ ...-.-.--- __-_____ $111,242.07 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__--------------------- 50,017.68 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.-. --.-- 161,259.75 Net total expenditures-------------..- . _-------- 161,259.75 'otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.------------------ 161,259.75 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of new work.. - -.. .,6.49 .- . .. . . 53 . . $2,. 611. . $3,. 193.37 . . ... . $8,. 210..- 76 Cost of maintenance........... $17, 067. 49 $18, 455. 89 Total expended ---------------- 17, 516. 99 18, 455. 89 3, 000. 00 1, 255. 41 9, 760. 25 r Allotted______....._______________................... -- 477.87 18, 455. 89 20, 000.00 -6, 500.00 515. 6 i Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.------------------------- $9,244.59 I Amount allotted during fiscal year--.----- ,-.---. -- 4,000.00 I Amount to be accounted for.- _-____--- --- 13,244.59 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-. --- - - 3,484.34 Net amount to be accounted for-------------------- 9,760.25 Gross amount expended__--------------------------_ ------- 9,760.25 496 REPORT OF CHIEF (OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 34. HERRING BAY AND ROCKHOLD CREEK, MD. Location.-HerringBay is a wide-mouthed indentation on the west side of Chesapeake Bay about 20 miles below Annapolis, Md It is about 3 miles long from north to south and penetrates the shore for a depth of about 1 mile. Rockhold Creek, which is about 22 miles long, is an estuary which extends northward from the nort erly end of Herring Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep and 60 feet wide from the 7-foot contour in Herring Bay to the vicinitY of the county wharf on Rockhold Creek, with a turning basin of the same depth, 100 feet wide and 150 feet long at the head of the channel, and a stone breakwater approximately 900 feet long on the east side of the entrance channel. The mean range of tide is about 1.5 feet and the extreme tidal range about 4 feet. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1938, was $49,300. The latest (1938); approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $1,800. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 3, 1930 A channel 60 feet wide, 5 feet deep, from the 6-foot con- Rivers and Harbors Committee tour in Herring Bay to the 3-foot contour in Rock- Doc.34, 71st Cong., 2d sess. hold Creek. June 20, 1938 For the present project channel dimensions, 7 feet H. Doc. 595 75th Cong., 3d es deep and 60 feet wide, the turning basin 7 feet deep, (Contains latest publishedaIMs and a stone breakwater 900 feet long. Local cooperation.--Fully complied with except local interests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas as required for future mainte- nance. Terminal facilities.-These consist of a public wharf on Rockhold Creek about 600 feet below the county bridge, open to all, together with a few private landing stages. No freight-handling devices are installed on any of the wharves, which are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing by contract to restore authorized project dimensions, was started December 15, 1947, and was completed December 19, 1947. There were 17,496 cubic yards of material removed from the chan- nel and disposed of in off-shore dumping areas in Chesapeake BaY. The costs were $7,670.13 and the expenditures were $8,036.46, all for maintenance. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg' pleted ii 1940. The controlling depth, determined by after dredg- ing survey of December 1947, was 6.0 feet. The total costs and expenditures were $60,435.49 of which $50,591.47 was for new work and $9,844.02 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. RIVERS AND HARBORS--BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 497 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.--.---------- ---------- $50,591.47 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------ ------------ 9,844.02 Net Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 60,435.49 Tt total expenditures------------------------------------- 60,435.49 TOtal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------- 60,435.49 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work------.........-------.... ............ ---------------..............-- -------------------------------- Cost of maintenance ........................... $584.44 $840.03 $749.42 $7, 670. 13 TOtal exp ended...____________ _______________ 232.50 1,191.97 383.09 8,036.46 Allotted-. - ........... .............. _....i_ 1, 000. 00 18, 000. 00 ..........-----------... -9, 155.98 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-- --------------------- $17,192.44 eductions on account of revocation of allotment ----------- 9,155.98 Net amount to be accounted for ......-------------------- 8,036.46 Gross amount expended . ....------------------- ----------- 8,036.46 35. BROADWATER CREEK, MD. Location.-BroadwaterCreek enters the west side of Chesapeake Bay about 11 miles south of the entrance of Annapolis Harbor. The Creek is about 3,000 feet long and 500 feet wide. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 550 and 1225.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide from that depth in Chesapeake Bay to the mouth of the creek, with jetty protection, thence 6 feet deep, 60 feet wide, and 2,600 feet long to a turning basin 6 feet deep and 120 feet square in Broadwater Creek, at the head of the channel. The length of the Section included in the project is about 5,400 feet from deep water In the Chesapeake Bay to the basin at the head of Broadwater Creek. The mean range of tide is about 1 foot. Greater fluctuations in Water level are caused by prolonged high winds on Chesapeake Bay. The estimate of Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $70,000. The latest (1941) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,500. The existing project was adopted by the iver and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 622, 77th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.--The State or other local interests are re- quired to contribute 50 percent of the first cost, but not to exceed $30,000, and responsible local agencies are required to give assur- ances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will provide a suitable public terminal open to all on equal terms, furnish without cost to the United States suitable areas for spoil disposal for the initial work and subsequent maintenance, when and as required, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvements. Terminal facilities.-A few small privately owned timber piers Scattered along the shores of Broadwater Creek appear to be ade- quate for the present limited traffic on the waterway. 498 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done and the condition is as described in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _____ ______ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ------------- Net total expenditures --------------------------------- ----- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------------ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ---------------------------------------- $70,000.0 36. PARISH CREEK, MD. Location.-ParishCreek is a small branch of the West River, all estuary of the Chesapeake Bay on the Maryland western shore, at Shadyside, Md., about 7 miles south of the mouth of the Severn River. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1225.) Existing project.-The existing project provides for a channel 8 feet deep and 50 feet wide, widened at the ends, from deep water in West River to the head of the south fork of Parish Creek, and an anchorage basin at the junction of the north fork having a depth of 6 feet and an area not exceeding 1Y2 acres. The mean tidal range is about 2 feet. The estimate of cost of new work, made in 1931, was $19,300, including $1,000 to be contributed by local interests. The latest (1931) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $300. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935. (See H. Doc. 185, 72d Cong., 1st sess., which con- tains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to contribute $1,000 toward the cost of the improvement, furnish suitable spoil disposal areas free of cost to the United States, and give assurances satisfactory to the Chief of Engineers that they will provide a suitable water-freight terminal at the, head of Parish Creek, open to all on equal terms. The total funds required to complete the project were provided by the Works Progress Administration. Local interests furnished disposal areas free of cost to the United States. Not fully complied with in that a public wharf has not been provided. Terminal facilities.-Thereare numerous timber piers, one bulk- head wharf, two marine railways, 300 feet of concrete bulkhead and 350 feet of timber bulkhead on Parish Creek. The piers and bulkheads are privately owned, but are open to the public for trans- action of business with the owners. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-A condition survey of the project, by hired labor, was commenced and completed during the year. The costs and expenditures were $1,585.72, all for main- tenance. RIVERS AND IIARORS-BALTIMORE, MD.,'DISTRICT 499 Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was com- Pleted in August 1936. The controlling depth at mean low water IS4.0 feet in the channel and 5.0 feet in the anchorage basin, deter- ined by condition survey completed in March 1948. The total costs Were $20,755.99 of which $19,170.27 was for new work and $1,- 585.72 was for maintenance. The total expenditures were $20,- 755.99. The new work funds were made available by the Works Progress Administration. Proposed operation.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed for the fiscal year 1949. Funds in the amount of $21,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging to restore the Project to authorized dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------- ------------- '$19,170.27 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----.--------- ----------- 1,585.72 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ------- -'20,755.99 yet total expenditures ._ ------------- ....... -------------- 120,755.99 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------- -------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.... ------- '20,755.99 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 new w ork n........ C ost of f__tn -............... .. to f maintenance--.-..--. --------------- ----------- -------------- ---------- $1,585.72 lotal ----------------------- ------ ---- ---.-----. 1,585.72 ex e de . . . . . . __ . .. . .. . . . . . . ° ted-------------- - .--.-----.. -...----------... .--.. .....-..... ..... ...... .. ......- 1,585.72 SInlcludes $19,170.27 Works Progress Administration funds. Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------------- $1,585.72 Gross amount expended.------------------------------------ 1,585.72 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance __--------------------------------- 21,000.00 37. CADLE CREEK, MD. Location.--Cadle Creek is a tidal tributary, which penetrates the Ilortheastern bank of Rhode River about three-fourths of a mile above its mouth. Rhode River is an estuary on the north side of West River which enters the west side of Chesapeake Bay about 7 fliles south of Annapolis. The creek is about 3,300 feet long. (See . S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 550 and 1225.) Existing project.--This provides for a channel: 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide through the bar at the mouth. The length of the sec- tio1 included in the project is about 400 feet. The mean range of tide is about 1.2 feet. Greater fluctuations in water level are caused by prolonged high winds on Chesapeake Bay. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $14,000. The latest (1939) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is$500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 465, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest Published map is in the project document. 500 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-Localinterests are required to furnish, free of cost to the United States, necessary rights-of-way and spoil disposal areas for new work and subsequent maintenance when and as required; hold and save the United States and its agents against claims for damages attributable to the work of improvement; and construct at local expense a suitable public terminal with a public highway approach thereto. It is believed that these terms will be met. Terminal facilities.--There are several light timber wharves scattered along the shores of Cadle Creek. The wharves are pri- vately owned but most of them are open to the public without charge when not in use by the owners. Sufficient areas are avail- able for the erection of additional wharf facilities. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--No work has been done and the condition is as described in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed for the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $14,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new work dredging to complete the project, by con- tract, July 1, 1949, to November 1, 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30; 1948 ---- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_-_-------____________ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--- - ------- Net total expenditures --------------------------------------- _ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _. Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---------------------- ---------------- $14,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30,00 1950, for new work ------------------------ -------------- 14,000.0 38. MILL CREEK, MD. Location.-Mill Creek is a small tidal inlet connected with White- hall Bay, an indentation on the west side of Chesapeake Bay, 1 mile north of the mouth of the Severn River. The creek is 2 miles long, generally 1,200 feet wide. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 550 and 1225.) Existing project.--This provides for a channel 6 feet deep and 60 feet wide from the 6-foot depth contour in Whitehall Bay to the same depth inside the mouth of Mill Creek. The length of the sec- tion included in the project is about 500 feet, located at the mouth of the creek. The mean range of tide is about 1 foot. Greater fluc- tuations are caused by high winds and storms. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $14,000. The latest (1938) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 100, 76th Cong., 1st sess.)' The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.--Localinterests are required to furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-waY RIVERS AND IHAtlI OItS--ALTIMORE, MI)., DISTRICT 501 and spoil disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance as required. It is believed that these conditions will be met. Terminal facilities.-There are a few scattered pile and timber wharves along the shores of Mill Creek. The wharves are used Chiefly for mooring small sea-food" and pleasure boats. There is also in the cove immediately southwest of the mouth of the creek a Wharf about 200 feet long which was formerly used by the Navy Department for the handling of coal. Sufficient areas are available for the construction of additional terminals as and when required. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done and the Condition is as described in the project document. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Droposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $14,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new work dredging to complete the project, by con- tract, July 1, 1949, to October 15, 1949. cosCost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ------ ---- --- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------- ------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ---- Tet total expenditures _.___.. _... otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------- ------------------ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--_ ---- $14,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work _ - ___--- ---------------- ------- - 14,000.00 39. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of work under this heading for the fiscal year amounted to $118,996.13. The expenditures were $110,943.62. The balance unexpended July 1, 1948, $9,420.50, plus allotments of $34,650.00 for contingencies and $30,000.00 for Examinations and Surveys, made in July 1948, a total of $74,070.50 will be applied as follows: Aceounts payable, June 30, 1948_ --. $-------- _ -$5,368.44 Preparation of preliminary examination and survey and review re- ports, by hired labor, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949 _- -_ 34,052.06 Contingencies, work as required, by hired labor, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949------------------------------------------ 34,650.00 The additional sum of $150,000 can be profitably expended dur- 'ng the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--.- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---- ..------------ $760,355.66 Minus Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------------- 760,355.66 accounts payable, June 30, 1948----- 5,368.44 U Net total expenditures. _------------- ----- 754,987.22 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948._____ ---- _ . ___- .______ 9,420.50 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ _- 764,407.72 502 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- . 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------..............-- Cost of maintenance-----------.... -$30,673.62 $31,812.22- $79,748.61 $79,046.47 $118, Sott exnd .... 34, 495.74 82, 679.18 80, 226.76 ................. ----------- 76,750.00 42,325.36 79,689.72 100 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947----------------- $20364.12 Amount allotted during fiscal year.---------------- - 100, 000 00 Amount to be accounted for _ ----------------- 120,364.12 Gross amount expended __-- --------- $110,943.87 Less reimbursed expenditures------------------------ .253 110,943.62 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------------------- 9420.50 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 5,368.44 Balance available, June 30, 1948-- 4,052.06 Amount allotted in July 1948 ----------------------- _ __ 64650.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- - 68,702.06 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 160,00 00 1950, for maintenance------------------------------150,000.0 40. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS Forreport full last Cost and Juneexpenditures 30, 1948 to Estimated Name of project see Annual 30, 194ount aJune required to Report for- New work Maintenance complete 1. Middle River and Dark Head Creek, Md.... 2. Elk and Little Elk Rivers, Md. 4------------ 1947 1932 590,121.28 1 $38,715.25 $2, 955.45 44, 342.35 (2)$7,10 3. Queenstown Harbor, Md. ------------------ 1947 44, 858.27 27, 642. 19 (2) 4. Channel connecting Plain Dealing Creek and Oak Creek, Md.' - .----------------------- 1940 111, 57 116, 000 5. Claiborne Hdarbor, Md.$---- ................ _ 1933 42, 973. 65 48, 584.27 (2) 7790 6. Tilghman Island Harbor, Md.78s 8.. --... -. 1922 29.73 0 7. Tred Avon River, Md.a -__..______________ 1923 12, 692. 87 1, 140. 93 22,000 8. Choptank River, Md. _,_.................. 1947 84, 296.34 28, 246. 58 (2) 9. Tuckahoe River, Md.- ......... - ____-----. 1923 9, 727.36 1,092.64 (2) 10. Waterway from Little Choptank River to Choptank River, Md..---------............ 1939 305.45 58,700 11. Broad Creek River, Del..------------...... 1946 64, 520.00 45, 623.87 (2) 12. Tyaskin Creek, Md..-------------...-....... 1923 16, 296.63 18, 266.39 (2) 13. Manokin River, Md. 7- ---------------- 1919 to 34, 788. 05 31, 874.44 (2 14. Back Creek, Anne Arundel County, Md.__. 1946 23,061.22 89.03 (2) 15. Annapolis Harbor, Md.-----------......... 1946 25, 774.19 1,672.08 (2) 16. Cypress Creek, Md........................... 1947 3,057. 27 ....... (2) 1 In addition $165,581.43 of U. S. Navy Department contributed funds were expended. 2 Completed. aChannels adequate for commerce. 4 Awaiting local cooperation for completion to full width for 1,500 feet of lower end of project 5 In addition, $8,414.09 was expended from contributed funds. 6 Awaiting local cooperation. 7 Abandonment recommended in 1926 (H. Doc. No. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess.) 8 Insufficient potential commerce to justify the improvement. * Awaiting local cooperation for work in north fork. 10Includes $2,000 expended outside the project limits. RIVERS AND HARBORS-BALTIMORE, MD.IDISTRICT 503 41. PLANT ALLOTMENT, BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948--------------------- -- $1033,497.09 Net total cost to June 30, 1948-------- ---- 103,497.09 us accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 79,305.19 SIin Gross total US accounts payable, June 30, 1948...-------------- ---- costs toJune 182,802.28 30, 1948---------------------- 31,307.05 Net total Unexpended expenditures---------------------------- 151,495.23 balance, June 30, 1948_-__----------------------- 333,502.74 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 484,997.97 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 tal expended -$49, ................ 889. 94 $14, 520. 21 $135, 103.90 $196, 246. 51 -$218, 756.80 llotted-.. .. .- .---.-.--. 20, 000. 00 380, 000.00 50,000. 00 -50, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------------------------- $164,745.94 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-.-- ----- 50,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for--------------------------- 114,745.94 ross amount expended---------------------$1,979,362.13 ess reimbursed expenditures--------------------- 2,198,118.93 218,756.80 Outstanding Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------- liabilities, June 30, 1948.-..- . ---- _ 31,307.05 333,502.74 mount covered by uncompleted contracts------- 52,664.33 83,971.38 Balance available, June 30, 1948_-_--------- 249,531.36 ccounts receivable, June 30, 1948.......-------------------------- 79,305.19 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------- 328,836.55 Status of all investigations for navigation, called for by River and Harbor Acts and committee resolutions. Date trans- Locality Authorization Act mitted to Document Recommen- Congress No. dation - ----------------------------------- -- t- Assoteague Channel, Va. and Small-. House Publio Works ers Drain, Assoteague Island Va., Committee Resolution,. With a view to determining if rec- June 17, 1948 onmmendations should be modified at this time. Assoteague Island, Va. and Smallers ...... -............ rain Assoteague channel, Va., with a view to determining if rec- Oamendations should be modified at this time. Back Creek, Channel into and har-. River and Harbor Act,. Mar. 17, 1948 11.580,80th Favorable bor in, Hooper Island Md., Honga Mar. 2, 1945 Cong., 2d , River and Tar Bay, .etterton, Md., harbor id. at-.......-- River and Harbor Act, sess. July 24, 1946 Bi Thoroughfare River, and Twitch River and Harbor Act, gove, Md., construction of boat Mar. 2, 1945 basin at Ewell. t ----- 1 I I 504 REPORT OF OCHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Date trans- Locality Authorization. Act Document Recomlen" mitted to No. dation Congress Carpenter Point, Md. channel from Havre de Grace to Red Point via I do ------------------- I I Chapel Creek, Dorchester County, River and Harbor Act, Md. July 24, 1946 Charlestown, Northeast River, Md., River and Harbor Act, to Havre de Grace, Channel. Marc. 2, 1945 Chesapeake Bay Md., channels to River and Harbor Act, Jefferson Islands as aid to naviga- Aug. 26, 1937 tion. Cox (Coxes) Creek, tributary of River and Harbor Act, Unfavor- Stony Creek, Md. July 24, 1947 Mar. 2, 1945 able. Cristleldar Hbor, Md..- ...- . ----do.... . Deep Creek Accomack County, Va. .... do Fox Creek, nsley's Cove,Dorchester River and Harbor Act, County, Md. July 24, 1946 Goose Creek, Manokin River, Som- House Public Works erset County, Md. Committee Resolution, Governors Run, Calvert County, July 8, 1947 River and Harbor Act, May 7, 1948 H. 670,80th Favorable. Md., harbor for small boats. Mar. 2, 1946 Cong., 2d Havre de Grace, Md., to Red Point, sess. River and Harbor Act, channel via Stump Point and Car- Mar. 2, 1945 penter Point. Holdens Creek, Va-..--.---.... . River and. Harbor Act, ............... June 30, 1948 Honga River, Lakes Cove, Dorches- River and Harbor Act, chester County. Md. July 24, Honga River and Tar Bay, including River and1946 channel into and harbor in Back Mar. 2, 1945 Harbor Act, Mar. 17, 1948 H.580, 80th Creek, Hooper Island, Md. Cong., 2d Hooper Island, Md., Honga River ---- do Publi- sess. Works.. .... do........ ---..... do.--- and Tar Bay, including channel into and harbor in Back Creek. Insleys Cove, Fox Creek, DI)orchester River and Harbor Act, County, Md. July 24, 1946 Jeffersonlslands, ChesapeakeBay,Md. River and Harbor Act, channels to, as aid to navigation. Aug. 26, 1937 Jenkins Creek, Md.---........... House Public Works Committee Resolution, July 8, Johnsons Creek, a branch of the River and1947 Harbor Act, Wicomico River, in Somerset July 24, 1946 County, Md. Kent Island, Little Creek, Queen - - do -.....-............ Annes County, Md. Lake Placid, Shore Acres, Anne --- .do-------------...... Arundel County, Md. Lakes Cove, Honga River, Dorches- ----do ....- - .... ....... ter County, Md. Levering Creek at Ewell, Md.... .... do -----------------.. Little Creek, Kent Island, Queen Annes County, Md. Little Magothy River, Md.......... River and Harbor Act, June 30, 1948 Little Queenstown Creek with -a House Public Works view to determining if improve- Committee Resolution, ment in this vicinity at Queens- June 17, 1948 town Harbor, Md., is advisable at this time Lowes Wharf, Talbot County, Md. River and Harbor Act, anchorage at July 24, 1946 Magothy River (Ross Cove), Md... River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1948 Magothy River (Little), Md...... -- River and Harbor Act, June 30, 1948 Manckin River, Goose Creek, Som- House Public Works erset County, Md. Committee Resolution, July 8, 1947 Marumsco Creek, Lower Somerset River and Harbor Act, County, Md. Mar. 2, 1945 Miles River, opposite Oak Creek River and Harbor Act, Bridge to give outlet to Miles July 24, 1946 River, Talbot County, Md. Nanticoke River, Bivalve, Wicomico River and Harbor Act, County, Md., harbor for small Mar. 2, 1945 boats. Northeast River, Cecil County,Md., River and Harbor Act, from Church Point to Stony Run. July 24, 1946 Northeast River, Md., at Charles- River and Harbor Act, town to Havre de Grace, channel. Mar. 2, 1945 -_ __ a RIVERS AND HARBORS--BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 505 Date trans- Locality Authorizatio Act mitted to Document Recommen- Congress No. dation Oeean City Hlarbor an Inlet, and ------ o inePuxent Bay Md. gleton and Wainut Lake, Anne ..... do.-----.----------- June 17, 1948 H.712,80th ..... do..... "nel County, Md. Cong., 2d. sess. POcokoke River Md., from Old ..... do-----....-- ------- _... .......... ock Buoy to Williams Point. PowellsBay, Accomack County, River and Harbor Act, ael, atWisharts Point, and chan- June 30, 1948 nelconnecting said bay with the "tnallast, Public Landing, harbor at, Worces- River and Harbor Act, uter County, Md. Mar. 2, 1945 vieenstown Harbor, Md., with a House Public Works *iew to determining if improve- lent in vicinity of mouth of Little CommitteeResolution, June 17, 1948 Rheenstown Creek is advisable at almse Bay, Channel to Chesa- River and Harbor Act, Peake Bay, and for prevention of Mar. 2, 1945 damge from erosion near mouth of tiver, Anne Arundel Coun- Rt ed Point to Havre de Grace, Md. - - - - - - - - a Carpenter via Stump Point and tel Point. Rhodes Point, channel to Tylerton, ..... Somerset County, Md. do-----... ..... --------- - - - - - - - - S5S Cove, Magothy River, Md..... Slaels, Talbot County, Md... River and Harbor Act, --------------- 8ineluixent July 24, 1946 Bay, Ocean City Harbor River and Harbor Act, --------------- ad Inlet, Md. Mar. 2, 1945 Iallers )rain, Assoteague Island, House Public Works --------------- --------------- rea. With a view to determining if Committee Resolution, ied a nt nations should be modi- June 17, 1948 So h at this time. d River, Anne Arundel County, River and Harbor Act, .o:,prevention of damage from Mar. 2, 1945 eron near mouth, Ramsey Bay, ............ Stmannel toChesa peake Bay. 1 mee Point, Md., channel de race, Md,. to Red from Pa nt,via Bay and HIonga River, Md...... ..... do.................- Mar. 17, 1948 H.580,80th ..... do.... Cong., 2d Taylors Landing, Worcester County, ....- ses. do................. Tedious Creek, Dorchester County, River and Harbor Act, mid, with a view to establishing July 24, 1946 ------------ ,"ch jetties asmay be necessary. Olchester Beach Area, Md......... River and Harbor Act, TWitch Cove and Big Thoroughfare July 30, 1948 River and Harbor Act, I,,d.,* River, Md., construction of boat Mar. 2, 1945 basin at Ewell. walnut Creek Anne Arundel County do................... ..... Ad. lying between Bay Ridge and rudel-on-the-Bay. June 17, 1948 Valnut Lake and Ogleton Lake, do ... H.712,80th ..... nel to Arundel County, Md., chan- ..... do----- ---------- Anne Cong., 'Vebster Cove, Somerset County, 2d sess. Md. constructing jetty in project channel. Vicomico Creek, in Somerset Coun- River and Harbor Act, t, Md., Johnsons Creek, a branch July 24, 1946 Vishart Point, Powells Bay, Acco- River and Habor Act, mack County, Va., and channel June 30, 1948 connecting said bay with the "Ballast" I I I 506 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 42. SOUTH PLYMOUTH RESERVOIR, CANASAWACTA CREEK, N. Y' Location.-The South Plymouth dam site is in Chenango CountY, N. Y., on Canasawacta Creek, 4 miles above its junction with the Chenango River near Norwich, N. Y. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheet, "Norwich, New York.") Existing project.--The plan of improvement consists of a damn of the earth-filled type, 1,000 feet long at the top of the embankment and rising 110 feet above the streambed, with a gate-controlled out- let and a side-channel spillway in the right abutment. SpillwaY will be on rock and the outlet tunneled beneath it. The reservoir will have a storage capacity of 18,000 acre-feet at spillway crest. The reservoir will control 92 percent of the watershed of Canasawacta Creek or 4 percent of the Chenango River watershed above Bind" hamton, N. Y. The reservoir area will be 515 acres and the pool will extend 2.5 miles upstream. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, as a modifica- tion of the plan for flood control in southern New York and eastern Pennsylvania authorized by the act of June 22, 1936, as modified by the act of August 18, 1941. (H. Doc. 702, 77th Cong., 2d sess.) The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $6,200,000, of which $5,000,000 is for construction and $1,200,000 is for lands and damages. Local cooperation.--None required. See page 7. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies, preliminary design, and foundation investigations in connection with the development of the project plan were continued by hired labor. The cost of this work was $12,175.69 for new work. The expenditures were $11,484.50. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Reservoir surveys and founda- tion investigations were nearly complete, and engineering studies and preliminary design are approximately 15 percent complete. Completion of detailed design and preparation of contract plans and specifications by hired labor, and construction of the project by contract remain to be done. The costs, all for new work, were $34,777.31. The expenditures were $34,086.12. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year $138,913.88, plus $20,000 allotted in July 1948, amount- ing to $158,913.88, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948- ------------------------ $691.19 New work July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949: Surveys, foundation inves- tigation, gross appraisal of reservoir lands, preliminary design, and initiation of detailed design for the dam and reservoir, by hired labor_ 158,222.69 Total ------------------------------------------ 158,913.88 Funds in the amount of $107,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950 to prepare contract plans and specifications, by hired labor. FLOOD CONTROL---BALTIMORE, MI)., DISTRICT 507 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ----------- -------- $34,777.31 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-----1--- ----------------- --- Total costpayable, inus accounts of permanent work to June 30, 1948_- - --- 34,777.31 June 30, 1948 ------------ ---------- - 691, 19 S Net total expenditures ------------------------- -- 34,086.12 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ..-------------------------- 138,913.88 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__ --- 173,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work............... --------...........-------------------------- $2, 543.07 $20,058.55 $12, 175.69 maintenance......... ost .... --------- ----------- ------------ -------- Total expended-................ .... ..... .............. 3, 251.75 19, 349.87 11,484. 50 AIf a .... zed-- .-..---. ...... 173,000.00 ------------ .............-------------- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------------------- $150,398.38 Gross amount expended --------------------------------- 11,484.50 ut Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------- -------- 138,913.88 utstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ---------------------------- 691.19 available, June 30, 1948 ------------------ 138222.69 A AmountBalance allotted in July 1948___------ ---------------- 20,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 __---.. -158,222.69 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --_--- - _----------- ------- - '6,007,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work----------- -------------------- 107,000.00 43. GENEGANTSLET RESERVOIR, GENEGANTSLET CREEK, N. Y. Location.-The Genegantslet dam site is on the Genegantslet Creek, 3 miles above its junction with the Chenango River and about 2 miles west of Greene in Chenango County, N. Y. (See U. S. Geo- logical Survey quadrangle sheet, "Greene, N. Y.") Existing project.-The plan of improvement consists of a dam of the earth-filled type, 1,660 feet long at the top of the embankment and rising 100 feet above the stream bed with a gate-controlled outlet and a side-channel spillway in the left abutment. Outlet and spill- way will be placed on rock. The reservoir will have a storage capac- ity of 30,250 acre-feet at spillway crest. The reservoir area will be 923 acres, and the pool will extend 4.8 miles upstream. The reservoir Will control 90 percent of the watershed of Genegantslet Creek or 6 Dercent of the Chenango River watershed above Binghamton, N. Y. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- lroved December 22, 1944, as a modification of the plan for flood control in southern New York and eastern Pennsylvania authorized by the act of June 22, 1936, as modified by the act of August 18, 1941 508 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 (H. Doc. 702, 77th Cong., 2d sess.) . The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $6,000,000, of which $5,420,000 is for construction and $580,000 is for lands and damages. Local cooperation.--Nonerequired. See page 7. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Surveys, foundation exploration, engineering studies, and preliminary design, by hired labor, for development of the project plan were completed excep for a study of a possible alternate spillway plan. Foundation inves- tigation in preparation for final design was in progress by hired labor and by contract. The cost of this work was $79,865.28 for new work. The expenditures were $83,193.31 all for new work. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-Preliminarydesign plans are complete except for a study of an alternate plan for the spillway. Foundation investigations are approximately 90 percent complete. The preparation of detailed design and contract plans and specifi- cations by hired labor, and construction by contract remain to be done. The cost, all for new work, was $139,844.97. The expeditures ,were $139,443.61. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $88,556.39, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 $401.36 New work: Complete study ofpreparation inv4r/1es '7igauioneaniutate alternate spillway, complete otdetailed design foundation and7plans, investigations ana nitiate preparation of detailed design and plans, all by hired labor, from July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949_ 88,155.03 Total------------- --------------------------- 88,55639 The additional sum of $1,700,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950: Complete contract plans and specifications by hired labor and initiate construction by continuing contract, including related 00 government costs--------_ _$1,150,000 Acquire land and rights-of-way for dam and work areas, by hired 00 labor_-------------------------.-- - - - 200,00 Procure government furnished materials by contract, including 00 related government costs__------- ----- _150,00 Relocate utilities out of the dam and reservoir area by contract, 000 including related government costs------------------------ 200, Total-- _ _---_ ------ ------- $1,700,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 - _ --------------------- $139,844.97 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 .. _----------- ---------- __ __--- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- 139 844.97 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------ _ _ ---- 401.36 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 139,443.61 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-------- .------------- 88,556.39 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-._.......... 228,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL---BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 509 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944. 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost 0f new Work.. $1,794.91 $17,450.80 $40, 733.98 $79,865.28 -atenance------------------------------------ ---------------- --- Otexpended-- ---- 347. 11 19, 098. 07 36, 805.12 83,193. 31 ---- 110,000.00 83, 000. 00 ....--------......... 35,000. 00 valance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------------------- $136,749.70 Aount allotted during fiscal year.---------------------------- 35,000.00 ro Amount to be accounted for ---------------------------- 171,749.70 Gss amount expended_------------------------------------ 83,193.31 SOuBalance unexpended, June 30, 1948._ tstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------- ---------- 88556.39 ----------- 401.36 Balance available, June 30, 1948.------------------------ 88,155.03 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_- _____________ ___-- ------------ 5,772,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work --------- __________-- 1,700,000.00 44. SOUTHERN NEW YORK FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT Location.-The work covered by this project is in the upper water- ed of the Susquehanna River to and including the Chemung River. This includes about 6,050 square miles in south central New York, and about 1,480 square miles in northern Pennsylvania. (See U. S. Geological Survey index maps of New York and Pennsylvania.) xisting project.-The Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, authorized the construction of detention reservoirs and re- ated flood-control works for protection of Binghamton, Hornell, withand orning, anee other towns in New York and Pennsylvania, in accord- plans approved by the Chief of Engineers on recommen- dation of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors. The indi- idual units which constitute the approved plan of improvement are described in the following paragraphs: Davenport Center Reservoir: This reservoir will be located on harlotte Creek near Davenport Center, N. Y. The dam will be of the earth-filled type, 3,900 feet long at the top of the embankment aind rising 104 feet above the stream bed, with a concrete spillway 4 the right abutment and the outlet conduit in the valley floor. The reservoir will provide a storage capacity of 52,500 acre-feet. The estirnated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $9,000,000, of Which $6,200,000 is for construction and $2,800,000 is for lands and damages. West Oneonta Reservoir: This reservoir will be located on Otego Creek near West Oneonta, N. Y. The dam will be of the earth-filled tYpe 1,200 feet long at the top of the main embankment and rising 86 feet above the stream bed, with a concrete spillway and outlet con- duit in the right abutment. The main embankment will be joined at the left abutment by a low dike, 6,700 feet in length. The reservoir 8 04711-48 vol. 1 33 510 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 will provide a storage capacity of 34,500 acre-feet. The estimate cost of new work, revised in 1947, is $9,397,200, of which $7,993,200 is for construction and $1,404,000 is for lands and damages. East Sidney Reservoir: This reservoir will be located on OuleO Creek near East Sidney, N. Y. The dam will be of concrete gravitY and earth-filled type, 2,000 feet long at the top of the embankment and rising 128 feet above the stream bed, with five outlet conduits in the spillway section of the dam; 750 feet of the dam, including the spillway, is concrete gravity section and 1,250 feet is rolled-earth embankment. The reservoir will provide a storage capacity of 32,300 acre-feet. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $6,900,000, of which $6,150,000 is for construction and $750,000 is for.lands and damages. Copes Corner Reservoir: This reservoir will be located on Butter- nut Creek near Copes Corner, N. Y. The dam will be of the earth- filled type, 1,150 feet long at the top of the embankment and rising 75 feet above the stream bed, with a concrete spillway and outlet conduit in the right abutment. The reservoir will provide a storage capacity of 37,900 acre-feet. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $7,700,000 of which $5,500,000 is for con- struction and $2,200,000 is for lands and damages. Whitney Point Reservoir: The reservoir is located on the Otselic River near Whitney Point, N. Y. The dam is of the earth-filled type, 4,300 feet long at the top of the embankment and rising 90 feet above the stream bed, with a concrete spillway and outlet con- duit in the left abutment. The reservoir has a storage capacity od 87,600 acre-feet. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $5,200,000, of which $4,016,000 is for construction and $1,184,000 is for lands and damages. Arkport Reservoir : The reservoir is located on the Canisteo River near Hornell, N. Y. The dam is of the earth-filled type, 1,200 feet long at the top of the embankment and rising 100 feet above the stream bed, with a concrete spillway and outlet conduit in the right abutment. The reservoir has a storage capacity of 8,000 acre-feet. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $1,922,- 000, of which $1,785,000 is for construction and $137,000 is for lands and damages. Almond Reservoir: This reservoir will be located on Canacadea Creek near Hornell, N. Y. The dam will be of the earth-filled typ e, 1,350 feet long at the top of the embankment and rising 90 feet above the bed of the stream, with a concrete spillway and outlet conduit in the left abutment. The reservoir will provide a storage capacity of 14,800 acre-feet. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $6,000,000, of which $4,990,000 is for construction and $1,010,000 is for lands and damages. Oxford, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for the con" struction of earth levees and the clearing of the Chenango River channel, consisting of the following features: About 2,100 feet of earth levee on the left bank of the Chenango River, extending from high ground near Cemetery Drive and running mostly along the railroad to high ground near Main Street; removal of the dam and island below Main Street; raising of the Delaware, Lackawanna & FLOOD CONTROL--BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 511 Western Railroad over the levee; and appurtenant drainage struc- Oures. The improvement provides protection for the village of xford on the left bank against a flood discharge approximately double the maximum flood of record, which occurred in July 1935. ~Th estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $126,- h0, of which $80,000 is for construction and $46,100 is for lands. The estimated local costs of lands and damages is $37,500. Lisle, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for channel re- alement and the construction of earth levees and concrete flood alls, consisting of the following features: Relocation of about ,000 feet of the Dudley Creek channel, extending from 1,200 feet Ouence West of the intersection of Cortland and Main Streets to the con- with the Tioughnioga River; realinement of some 5,700 feet Othe Tioughnioga River channel east of the village; about 4,150 feet of earth levee and 970 feet of concrete wall on the right bank of Dudley Creek and the Tioughnioga River, extending from Main Street just above Collier Street to the railroad crossing on River Sreet; raising of about 1,860 feet of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Vestern single-track railroad over the levee; relocation of about 1,600 feet of Cortland Street; a new bridge over the relocated Dud- ey Creek; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement Sovides protection for the village of Lisle against flood discharges 20percent greater on the Tioughnioga River and about 100 percent greater on Dudley Creek than the corresponding discharges of the maximum flood of record, which occurred in July 1935. The esti- mated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $648,000, of ~hich $600,500 is for construction and $47,500 is for lands and alages. The estimated local cost of lands and damages, revised in 148 is $112,000. Whitney Point, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for chan- nel realinement and construction of earth levees, consisting of the .lO1ing features: Realinement of about 1,800 feet of the Tio- 1 ghnioga River channel, above the confluence with the Otselic r'ver; about 7,100 feet of earth levee along the right bank of the toughnioga River, extending from high ground on Main Street above the village to Collins Street just below the village; and ap- Purtenant drainage structures. The improvement, supplemented by the Whitney Point Reservoir above the area, will provide pro- tection for the village of Whitney Point against a flood ,discharge arproximately 20 percent greater than the maximum flood of record, hich occurred in July 1935. The estimated Federal cost of new Work, revised in 1948, is $440,000, of which $434,400 is for con- Struction and $5,600 is for lands and damages. The estimated local cost of lands and damages, revised in 1948, is $85,000. Binghamton, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for the Construction of earth levees and concrete flood walls, consisting of the following features:, About 900 feet of channel excavation and about 1,400 feet of earth levee along Phelps Creek, town of Port Dickinson; new concrete wall on the right bank of the Chenango IRVer extending downstream from high ground near the city limits to the existing flood wall, a distance of about 500 feet; raising about 3 feet the existing earth levee on the right bank of the Chenango 512 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 River, extending from the Cutler Dam downstream for a distance of about 1,200 feet; about 2,900 feet of earth levee on the left bank Of the Chenango River:north of the city limits in the village of port Dickinson, extending from Church Street to high ground just north of the city line; about 3,900 feet of earth levee on the left bank of the Chenango River from DeForest Street to Noyes Island; neW concrete flood walls and river-bank revetment for a distance of about 5,500 feet, extending on the left bank of the Chenango River from Noyes Island to the junction with the Susquehanna River; about 700 feet of concrete flood wall and raising of about 1,000 feet of existing concrete flood wall on the right bank of the Susquehanna River, extending from the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rail- road downstream to the Tompkins Street Bridge; about 2,000 feet of earth levee, about 1,800 feet of concrete flood wall on the right bank of the Susquehanna River, extending from Stuyvesant Street to the mouth of the Chenango River; about 8,300 feet of earth levee and about 2,000 feet of concrete flood wall on the left bank of the Susquehanna River, extending from Pierce Creek to high ground at State Highway Route No. 17 about one-half mile below Pennsy * vania Avenue; a concrete pressure conduit, 1,200 feet long, to carry the flow of Park Creek from Vestal Avenue to the Susquehanna River; about 700 feet of levee extending from the Erie Railroad to high ground along the right bank of the Chamberlain Creek near the mouth; a weir, a drop structure, about 1,300 feet of earth levee, about 1,500 feet of channel excavation, 700 feet of channel paving, and raising of about 500 feet of existing concrete flood wall for the improvement of Pierce Creek from its mouth to about 1,000 feet above Conklin Avenue; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement, supplemented by the authorized flood-control danms above the area, will provide protection for the city of Binghamton against a flood discharge approximately 20 percent greater than the maximum flood of record, which occurred in March 1936. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $2,779,100, of which $2,696,100 is for construction and $83,000 is for lands and damages. The estimated local cost of lands and damages, re- vised in 1948, is $640,000. Local interests have contributed an addi- tional amount of $163,095.63 for the construction of iryprovements not included in the authorized project. Elmira, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of earth levees, concrete flood walls, a concrete conduit and a pumping station, and consists of the following features. About 17,700 feet of earth levee, and about 4,100 feet of concrete flood wall on the right bank of Chemung River, extending from South Hoffman Street to a point below the city near the upper end of Big Island; about 10,800 feet of earth levee and about 6,900 feet of concrete wall on the left bank of the Chemung River extending from Durland Avenue to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad at the mouth of Newtown Creek; about 10,000 feet of earth :levee on the right bank of Newtown Creek, extending from about the intersection of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad and East Church Street to high ground near the intersec- tion of Sullivan and Warren Streets; about 4,300 feet of earth levee FLOOD CONTROLI3--BALTI1MORE , MD., DISTRICT 513 '8 the right bank of Diven Creek; about 2,000 feet of concrete con- duit enclosing Hoffman Brook from West Second Street to the hemung River; clearing island and river banks of trees and brush feora distance of about 32 miles in the Chemung River; about 14,300 eet of earth levee on the left bank of Seely Creek, extending from the Erie Railroad to high ground approximately 1,000 feet north- est of the intersection of South Broadway and Pennsylvania Avenue, a pumping plant for the disposal of interior drainage; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement will provide 'otection 'for the city of Elmira against a Chemung River dis- charge approximately equal to that of the maximum flood of record, which occurred in May 1946. The estimated Federal cost of new Work, revised in 1948, is $7,100,000, of which $6,965,000 is for con- Struction and $135,000 is for lands and damages. The estimated local cost of lands and damages, revised in 1948, is $900,000. Corning, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for the con- Struction of a pumping station, earth levees, and concrete flood walls, Consisting of the following features: About 4,300 feet of earth levee, enlargement of about 8,610 feet of existing earth levee, and about ,100 feet of concrete flood wall on the right bank of Chemung River, extending from the Erie Railroad bridge to high ground at Park Avenue below the city; about 200 feet of concrete flood walls; about 2,500 feet of earth levees, and enlargement of about 11,500 feet of existing earth levee on the left bank of the Chemung and Cohocton IVers, extending from the Erie Railroad bridge over the Cohocton hiver to the mouth of Post Creek; about 2,500 feet of earth levee and enlargement bank of Post of about 4,700 feet of existing earth levee on the right Creek from its mouth to Watkins Street; realinement Of about 3,000 feet of channel, about 8,800 feet of earth levee, about 3,000 feet of channel excavation, a pressure conduit about 400 feet long, a drop structure and a weir for the improvement of Cutler Creek, extending from its mouth to high ground at Deckertown Road and Hornby Road; and appurtenant drainage structures. The im- provement provides protection for the city of Corning against a food discharge approximately equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in May 1946. The estimated Federal cost Of new work, revised in 1948, is $2,155,900, of which $2,041,400 is for construction and $114,500 is for lands and damages. The esti- mated local cost of lands and damages, revised in 1948, is $260,000. Painted Post, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for chan- nel realinement and the construction of earth levees and concrete flood walls, consisting of the following features: Realinement of about 6,000 feet of the Cohocton River Channel, extending from about one-half mile above State Highway Route No. 17 to the Che- Elung River; construction of about 2,500 feet of earth levee and raising of about 1,200 feet of existing flood wall along the left bank of the Cohocton River, extending from the mouth of Hodgman Creek to the Chemung River; about 2,900 feet of earth levee, and about 2,100 feet of concrete flood wall, extending on the left bank of Jlodgman Creek, from its mouth to high ground above State High- Way No. 2; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement Provides protection for the village of Painted Post against a flood 514 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 discharge approximately equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in May 1946. The estimated Federal cost of the new work revised in 1948, is $418,300, of which $402,000 is for construc- tion and $16,300 is for lands and damages. The estimated local cost of lands and damages, revised in 1948, is $55,000. Addison, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for the coW struction of earth levees and concrete flood walls, consisting of the following features: Construction of about 3,100 feet of earth levee and about 700 feet of concrete flood wall on the right bank of the Canisteo River, extending from high ground on Steuben Street near the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad to the mouth of Tuscarora Creek; removal of existing dam, mill, and raceway from the channel; con struction of about 2,200 feet of earth levee on the left bank of Tus- carora Creek, extending from Tuscarora Street to the Canisteo River; constructing about 4,600 feet of earth levee on the right bank of Tuscarora Creek, extending from high ground at south edge of the village to South Street; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement, supplemented by the Arkport and Almond Reser- voirs above the area, will provide protection for the village of Addi son against a flood discharge on the Canisteo River approximately 28 percent greater than the maximum flood of record, which occurred in July 1935. Protection is provided on Tuscarora Creek against a flood discharge approximately equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in May 1946. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $839,000, of which $818,000 is for construe" tion and $21,000 is for lands and damages. The estimated local coSt of lands and damages, revised in 1948, is $140,000. Bath, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for the construce tion of earth levees and concrete flood walls along the Cohocton River, consisting of the following features: Construction of about 10,400 feet of earth levee and about 1,250 feet of concrete flood wall, extending from above Cameron Street to below the turn-out of the Bath & Hammondsport Railroad; including about 600 feet of cut-off levee between the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad and U. S. Highway No. 15; three stop-log structures across railroad tracks; a sandbag opening at Cameron Street; and a sill across the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad tracks below Cameron Street; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement will provide protection for the village of Bath against a flood dis- charge approximately equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in July 1935. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $626,000 for construction. The estimated local cost of lands and damages, revised in 1948, is $65,000. Avoca, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for the construc- tion of earth levees, channel improvement, and channel realinement, consisting of the following features: Improvement and realinement of about 8,300 feet of the Cohocton River Channel, extending from above the Erie Railroad to below the junction of Main Street and State Highway Route No. 2; construction of about 8,500 feet of earth levee on the left bank of the Cohocton River, extending from high ground above Alexander Avenue to about 1,300 feet below the junction of Main Street and State Highway Route No. 2 ; about 4,500 FLOOID CONTROI)---NIABAIMORE, MnI)., DISTRICT 515 feet of earth levee on the right bank of Salmon Creek, extending from high ground above Alexander Avenue to the Erie Railroad; a,ew highway bridge for State Highway No. 2 over the Cohocton Wiver; raising of the Erie Railroad bridge 4 feet; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement provides protection for the village of Avoca against a flood discharge approximately double the naximum flood of record, which occurred in July 1935. The esti- Sated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $444,100, of hich $405,100 is for construction and $39,000 is for lands and damages. The estimated local cost of lands and damages is $95,000. Canisteo, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of earth levees, consisting of the following features: About 8,000 feet of earth levees on the right bank of the Canisteo River, extending from high ground 1,570 feet west of State Highway Route 0. 21 above the village to a point at the intersection of Ordway Lane and East Main Street; about 7,400 feet of earth levee on the left bank of Purdy and Bennett Creeks, extending from Main Street fridge to high ground above Greenwood Street, and 1,000 feet of farth levee on the right bank of Bennett Creek, extending upstream from Main Street Bridge; a concrete check dam with wing levees above Greenwood Street; a new highway bridge at Greenwood Street; alterations to existing timber check dams in Bennett Creek; Channel excavation in Bennett and Purdy Creeks; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement, supplemented by the Ark- 1)ort and Almond Reservoirs above the village, will provide protec- tion for the village of Canisteo against a flood discharge approxi- mately 30 percent greater on the Canisteo River than the maximum ood of record, and on Bennett and Purdy Creeks the channel Capacity will be approximately equal to the discharge of the maxi- flood of record, which occurred in July 1935. The estimated 1nurn ederal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $972,000, of which $961,000 is for construction and $11,000 is for lands and damages. estimated local cost of lands and damages, revised in 1948, is $8 0,00. H rnell, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for channel ealinement and the construction of earth levees, concrete flood Walls, and check dams consisting of the following features: Realine- mnent of about 4,600 feet of Canisteo River Channel, and about 5,800 feet of earth levee on its right bank, extending from Seneca Street ~Pstream to the junction of the Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern Railroad and the Erie Railroad; construction of about 4,500 feet of earth levee, extending on both sides of Seneca Street from the Canis- teo River to Wrightman Avenue and the junction of Cleveland Avenue and Bethesda Drive; construction of about 7,200 feet of earth levee, about 2,500 feet of concrete flood wall, and raising of about 1,500 feet of existing concrete flood wall, on the right bank of the Canisteo River, and about 12,000 feet of channel improvement, extending from Seneca Street to the Erie Railroad; construction of about 2,500 feet of earth levee, about 2,100 feet of concrete flood wall On the left bank of Canisteo River, extending from a point opposite Walnut Street to the Irie Railroad; a ring-earth levee about 2,800 feet long around the sewage-disposal plant on the left bank of the 516 REPORT OF CHIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Canisteo River; about 4,500 feet of realinement and improvement of the Canisteo River Channel, with about 4,500 feet of earth levee on its right bank, extending from Cedar Street downstream to about 1,400 feet above East Avenue; about 2,400 feet of channel paving, 1,400 feet of earth levee, raising of about 1,900 feet of con- crete flood wall, and construction of one check dam on Canacadea Creek; about 1,600 feet of channel paving and construction of three check dams on Chauncey Run with about 300 feet of new wall and about 300 feet of capping; a weir, a check dam, 3,030 feet of chan- nel paving, 4,800 feet of flood walls and levees, and related work on existing walls, all on Crosby Creek; removal of six bridges, erection of four bridges, miscellaneous bridge structures, and three drop structures; and appurtenant drainage structures and small stream control works. The improvement, supplemented by the Arkport and Almond Res- ervoirs above the area, will provide protection for the city of Horneld against a flood discharge approximately double the maximum flood of record, which occurred in July 1935. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $4,460,000, of which $4,000,000 is for construction and $460,000 is for lands and damages. Almond, N. Y.: The plan of improvement provides for channel realinement and the construction of earth levees, consisting of the following features: About 4,750 feet of earth levee on the left bank of Canacadea Creek, extending from high ground above the village to high ground below the village; realinement of about 3,200 feet of channel on Canacadea Creek, extending downstream from Angel- ica Street; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement will provide protection for the village of Almond against a flood dis- charge approximately equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in July 1935. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1947, is $206,800, of which $203,500 is for construction and $3,300 is for lands and damages. The estimated local cost of lands and damages, revised in 1946, is $24,000. Dams and reservoirs Davenport Cen- Oneonta........ Charlotte reek... 5 104 52,500 $6,200,000 $2,800,000$9,000,000 ter. West Otego Creek.... 2 86 34,500 7,993,200 1,404, 000 9,397,200 --- East Sidney ......- do.......-...Ouleout Creek .... 4 128 32,300 6,150, 000 Butternut 3 75 37, 900 5, 500, 000 2, 750, 000 6,900,(00 200, 000 7, 700, 000 Copes Corner .. Sidney-......-... Creek.. Whitney Point 2 Binghamton- .... Otselic River-...... 1 90 87, 600 4, 016,000, 1,184,000 5, 200,000 Arkport 2. . _.. Hornell......... Canisteo River.... 50 100 8, 000 1, 785, 000 137,000 1,922,000 Almond_... . -"" Creek 3 90 14, 800 4, 990, 000 1,010, 000 ,000 Total----- ..------------- ---- - -- .......36,634,200 9,485,000 ---........ 46,119,200 1Alldams arelocated all inNew York State; areofearth fill type except East Sidney. 2 Completed. FLOOD CONTROL---BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 517 Local flood-protection works Estimated Federal Cost Location New York River R, Type of Structureo • 0O ------- ford Chenango....------ 40 Levee and channel improve- $80, 000 $46,100 $126,100 Lisle ment. l Tioughnioga-... 12 Walls, levee, and channel re- 600, 500 47, 500 648, 000 Whit alinement. Whitney Point I do...----------- 10 Levee and channel realine- 434, 400 5, 600 440, 000 pi ngm -dedt. inghamton 1 Susquehanna... 328 Wall, levee, and conduit--l 2, 690, 100 83, 000 2, 779 100 S- .......----- heung--- 0 Lee 27- do------------ 6, 4 , 000 135, 000 7, 100, 000 Caingteol --- : do--------- 44 ----------- do------------2,041,400 114,5() 2, 155,900 Post ainted .. Cohocton.....-------- Wall, levee, and channel re- 402, 000 16,300 418, 300 addhon ... Canisteo.-------------.. d--- d _ - 818,000 21,000 839,000, Avocai .... Cohocton.--------- 21 Wall and levee----------.. --- 626, 000 --- 626, 000 -- ---- do-----------.. . 30 Levee and channel improve- 405, 100 39,000 444, 100 -anistC3 ment and realinement. Ornell 2---Canisteo----------36 Levee and wall------------ 961, 000 11,000 972; 000 ...... do- 42 Wall, levee, and channel re- 4, 000, 000 400,000 4, 460, 000 Alod -- -alinement. Almond Canacadea Creek 6 Levee and channel realino- 203, 100 3, 300 206, 800 ment. Total,..... --.--- - - --......... _ _--------- -20, 233, 000 982,300 21, 215, 300 1Construction completed. 2 Part of project completed. f poes not include contributed funds of $160,095.63 by the city of Binghamton and $3,000 by the village rt Dickinson. onstruction cost estimates include relocation. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Fully com- 91ed with, except that local cooperation for Almond, N. Y. has been Withdrawn. Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, is effective, and authorization for the Almond, N. Y. project Will expire May 20, 1953, unless acceptable assurances are given before that date that requirements of local cooperation will be com- Dlied with. QOerations and results during fiscal year:--. Davenport Center Reservoir: Engineering studies, detailed de- Sign and preparation of plans and specifications for the relocation of New York Central Railroad tracks out of the reservoir area were initiated by contract. Engineering studies, design and foundation i'vestigations for the preparation of detailed plans for the dam and OUtlet work were continued by hired labor. The cost of this work Was $31,328.43, for new work. West Oneonta Reservoir. Engineering studies, design and prep- aration of plans were continued by hired labor. A study of alter- nate reservoir sites was undertaken. The cost of this work was $4,146.74 for new work. East Sidney Reservoir: Construction of the dam and appurte- nant works proceeded under a continuing contract with new work funds. The work performed included diversion and care of the Stream; removal of 149,260 cubic yards of common excavation and 48,480 cubic yards of rock excavation; placement of 65,000 cubic Yards of embankment, and 20,175 cubic yards of concrete; and re- location of New York State Highway 7-B around the dam site. Contracts for furnishing the operating equipment were awarded 518 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 and about 40 percent of the equipment has been delivered. Two contracts for furnishing cement were also awarded and delivery of about 15 percent was accomplished, Acquisition of the land for the project was continued by the State of New York. Rights-of-WaY were furnished for all required work areas and reimbursement was made to the State for the cost of lands acquired. The cost was $1,351,972.75 for new work. Copes Corner Reservoir: Engineering studies, foundation ifl vestigation, design, and preparation of plans were continued bY hired labor including a study of alternate reservoir sites. The cost of this work was $48,120.36 for new work. Whitney Point Reservoir: Reimbursement was made for the cost of the lands and for utility relocation accomplished by the State of New York. Maintenance of the dam and reservoir area was con- tinued by hired labor. The reservoir gates were closed during the flood of March 1948 and were most effective in reducing downstream stages, thereby decreasing flood damages in unprotected areas. The cost of this work was $366,542.49 of which $347,432.89 was for new work and $19,109.60 was for maintenance. Arkport Reservoir: Reimbursement was continued for the cost of lands and for utility relocations accomplished by the State of New York. Maintenance of the dam and reservoir area was con- tinued by hired labor. The reservoir, operated satisfactorily, how- ever, limited benefits were realized since no runoff of excessive unag nitude occurred in the watershed above the reservoir. The cost of this work was $54,861.80 of which $47,966.28 was for new work and $6,895.52 was for maintenance. Almond Reservoir: Construction of the dam and appurtenances was advanced by continuing contract with new work funds. The work performed included the placement of 2,370 cubic yards of concrete in the tunnel lining, completing this work; placement Of 3,595 cubic yards of concrete in the tunnel intake structure and the spillway weir; the excavation of 1,361,272 cubic yards of earth and 90,309 cubic yards of rock from the channel and from borrow areas; and the placement of 884,627 cubic yards of embankment and 11,150 cubic yards of riprap and rock paving in the dam proper and in the fill for relocating the Erie Railroad and New York Highway No. 36. Relocation of the Erie Railroad tracks was started under a separate contract with the railroad. Relocation of County High- way No. 66 was accomplished under a contract with Steuben County. All materials have been delivered under the contract for furnishing the operating equipment for the project. Acquisition of reservoir lands was continued by the State of New York and re- imbursement to the State was in progress. The cost was $2,321, 119.77, for new work. Oxford, New York: Reimbursement was made to New York State for the cost of lands acquired for the project. An inspection of the channel improvement works was made during the fiscal year by maintenance forces. The cost of this work was $739.65 of which $707.60 was for new work and $32.05 for maintenance. Lisle, New York: Maintenance of the previously completed Tio- ughnioga River Channel improvement, was continued by hired FLOOD CONTROL---BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 519 labor. New work operations under the contract for relocating Dud- ley Creek Channel and constructing earth levees and concrete flood ofas,were completed June 15, 1948. This completed construction Of the authorized local improvement for Lisle, N. Y. Reimburse- ent of the State of New York for the costs of lands acquired for echannel improvement portion of the project was continued. The $1Was $236,274.35 of which $236,172.30 was for new work and .05 for maintenance. Whitney Point (Village), N. Y.: Construction operations on the authorized local improvement for this project were completed by 1tract on June 14, 1948. Reimbursement of the State of New nork for the cost of lands acquired for the Tioughnioga River Chan- elportion of the project was continued. The cost of this work was $303,292.50, all for new work. Olnghamton, New York: Reimbursement was made to the State New York for the cost of lands acquired for the channel improve- .ent portion of the project, by hired labor. Construction by con- Chct with new work funds for paving 643 feet of Pierce Creek Channel was continued from the previous fiscal year and completed aeltember 30, 1947. This work completes the construction of the authorized improvement for Binghamton, New York. Preparation record drawings and the Operation and Maintenance manual was Completed by hired labor with new work funds. Maintenance of the C$mpleted project was continued by hired labor. The cost was $68,775.45 of which $64,583.15 was for new work and $4,192.30 as for maintenance. Elmira Section No. 2: Construction of flood protection works inthis section was advanced by continuing contract. The scope Of the contract was increased by a modification providing for con- ruction of an intercepting sewer 5,750 feet long on the left bank of theChemung River to carry storm drainage from the protected areas to the pumping station in Section No. 3. Construction operations turing the year included excavation of 490,577 cubic yards of ma- terial from the borrow areas ; placing of 441,336 cubic yards of earth In levees and structural backfill; placing of 4,987 cubic yards of rock Drotection for embankment; driving of 31,160 square feet steel Sheet piling; and the placement of 15,039 cubic yards of concrete in offman Brook Conduit, concrete flood walls and miscellaneous structures. Reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the Hoffman Brook portion of the project was continued. The cost was $1,709,355.51, all for new work. Elmira Section No. 3: Engineering studies, detailed design and Preparation of plans and specifications were completed by contract. A continuing contract for construction of a pumping station, levees and flood walls of this section was initiated in March 1948. The work Performed under this contract included clearing of the site, exca- Vation of inspection trenches for embankment foundation and place- ment of levee fill. The cost was $117,728.00, for new work. Corning Section No. 1: Reimbursement was made to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the project. Main- tenance of completed structure was continued by hired labor. The cost was $20,028.26 of which $17,918.21 was for new work and 520 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 $2,110.05 was for maintenance. Painted Post, N. Y.: Reimbursement to the State of New or rk for the cost of lands acquired for the project was continued. .Main tenance of completed structures was continued by hired labor. The cost was $292.04 of which $176.46 was for new work and $11 for maintenance. Addison, New York: Operations under the continuing contract for construction of levees, flood walls, and miscellaneous d r a i n a ge structures were completed in December 1947. This work completes the construction of the authorized local improvement for Addison, N. Y. The cost was $233,380.25, for new work. Bath, N. Y.: Work proceeded under a continuing contract for construction of earth levees, concrete flood walls and stop log stru e tures. This included 106,879 cubic yards of common and borrow excavation; the placement of 65,450 cubic yards of earth in levees and structural backfill; the placement of 2,774 cubic yards of con" crete in flood walls and miscellaneous structures; and the construc- tion of three railroad stop log structures. The cost was $354,843.52, all for new work. Avoca, N..Y.: Reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the project was continued. The completed channel improvement work was maintained by hired labor. The cost was $3,612.58 of which $3,606.95 was for new work and $5.63 for maintenance. Canisteo, N. Y.: Construction of the project was completed June 7, 1948, by contract with new work funds. The work performed included the excavation of 106,000 cubic yards of material fron Purdy and Bennett Creek channels, levee foundations, and miscel- laneous structures; placement of 119,800 cubic yards of levee em- bankment and structural backfill; placement of 15,300 cubic yards of rock protection; and placement of 2,900 cubic yards of concrete in the check dam and wing levees. Reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the channel improve- ment was continued. In connection with operations under the neW work contract, 2,411 cubic yards of maintenance material was re- moved by the contractor from Purdy Creek channel and from check dams. The cost of all work was $544,456.32 of which $541,663.37 was for new work and $2,792.95 was for maintenance. Hornell, N. Y.: (Upper, Middle, and Lower Sections, ChaunceY Run, and Canacadea Creek). Reimbursement was continued for the cost of lands acquired for the project and utility relocations accom- plished by the State of New York. The completed channel improve- ment works were maintained during the fiscal year by hired labor. The cost was $62,719.77 of which $58,127.52 was for new work and $4,592.25 was for maintenance. Hornell, Crosby Creek: Engineering studies and design for the development of the plan of improvement were in progress by hired labor with new work funds. The cost was $379.22 for new work. Almond (Village), N. Y.: Assurances of local cooperation were withdrawn by the State of New York. In view of this and in accord- ance with provisions of the Flood Control Act of 1941, notice was issued to the State that the project authorization would expire May 20, 1953. Costs were incurred incidental to acquisition of project FLOOD CONTROL--BATIMORE, MI)., DISTRICT 521 rights-of-way. The costs were $480.99, for new work. TSummary of Operations and Results During the Fiscal Year: e outstanding operational occurrence of the year was the storm and flood of March 1948. Heavy rains over the Upper Susquehanna Rier Basin, accompanied by high temperatures melting the snow, caused a flood on the North Branch of the Susquehanna River above Sayre, Pa. ;on March 21 and 22, 1948. The flood exceeded the high- stage of record at Conklin, New York and the second highest age of record in the reach between the mouth of the Chenango RiVer and the mouth of the Chemung River. The major damage Was to towns and communities in Broome and Tioga Counties, N. Y. and to highways along the North Branch. The gates at Whitney Point Reservoir were closed from March 19 through March 22 and Were effective in reducing downstream river stages from 2.19 feet on the Tioughnioga River at Itaska, N. Y. to 0.4 feet on the Sus- ehanna River at Sunbury, Pa. The local flood protection at Bing- amton, N. Y., supplemented by Whitney Point Reservoir, which reduced the river stage 1.2 feet at this location, provided complete lrotection for the city. Arkport Reservoir with its uncontrolled outlet was outside the reaches of this storm. Summary of Costs and Expenditures: The total costs for the fiscal year were $7,834,450.75 of which $7,794,502.77 was for new ork and $39,947.98 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $6,667,491.75. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The Southern New York project 18 approximately 42 percent complete, exclusive of the Genegantslet and South Plymouth Reservoirs, which are in addition to the com- prehensive program for southern New York, authorized by the 1944 btlood Control Act, and described separately. The cost of new work o June 30, 1948, and the percentage of construction work com- Pleted for each project unit are as follows: Cost of new work to Percent of Unit June 30, 1948 construction '(all funds) completed eservoirs: Ct p)avenport Center --- $239, 166. 58 0 past Oneonta ... Sidney--------- -------------------------- 186, 917.05 0 6 ast 1, 693, 676. 68 28 opes Corner 1... 147, 161.37 0 Whitney Point.---................ 4,876, 475.90 96 Arkport- . 1, 863, 766. 54 100 Almond-------------------------------------- 3, 479,132.01 69 1.a flood protection: .1,1disle (xrord .°a ..... _ fod --- ----------------------------------------------- 87, 925. 52 _....... 100 620, 963. 12 100 ... - --... Jhitney Point-- .... :: :: : :.. ....... .. 392, 842.42 100 inghamnton 2... Elmira2----.................-.------- 2, 590, 978. 14 100 irang .. 3, 743, 555.73 57 2, 124,885.88 100 Painted Post--- -: ... . .. . ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . 402, 785. 52 100 A ison -------------- --...... ------- ----.......................... 812, 170.93 100 Aocas - """'"""""''^"""""--- 472, 753.19 78 433, 519. 54 100 isteo------------ ------------------------------------- 954, 513.06 100 3, 049, 635. 95 68 23, 557.96 0 Total---------------------.................... 28,196, 383.09 i Costs for preliminary work only. Does not include $163 095.63 contributed funds. IncludesCanacadea dreek, Chauncey Run, and Crosby Creek. L Iocal cooperation withdrawn. 522 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The remaining work necessary to complete the existing pro- ject consists of completion of the units on which construction ha started; completion of engineering studies, design, and preparatiof of plans; and initiation of construction of the remaining proje t units. The total cost of new work to June 30, 1948, was $28,359,478 of which $27,461,111.45 was from regular funds, $735,271.64 from Emergency Relief funds, and $163,095.63 from contributed funds' The total expenditures for new work to June 30, 1948, were $27. 181,651.77 of which $26,283,284.50 was from regular funds, $735,- 271.64 from Emergency Relief funds, and $163,095.63 from con- tributed funds. The total cost for maintenance to June 30, 1948, was $203,379.66' The total expenditures were $198,875.50. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $4,392,290.00 plus undistributed costs of $1,436.76, plus $5,891,400.00 allotted in July 1948, amounting to $10,285,126.76, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948---_ _ ------------- $1,183,767.87 New work from July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949: Davenport Center Reservoir: Complete engineering studies and prepare contract plans and specifications for the construction of the dam and appurtenant works ------------------------------ $30,000.00 Complete engineering studies and prepara- tion of contract plans and specifications, for relocating the New York Central Railroad tracks, by contract----- --- _ 30,200.00 Complete engineering studies and prepara- tion of contract plans and specifications by contract, for relocating New York State Highway No. 23- 25,000.00 85,200 85,200.00 West Oneonta Reservoir: Continue engineering studies and design, by hired labor -- -- 40,500.0 East Sidney Reservoir: Complete reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of land acquired for the dam and reservoir area, by hired labor ---------- ---------------- 429,400.00 Relocate various utilities within reservoir area, by contract-------------------- 280,000.00 Continue construction of concrete and earth-fill dam, spillway, and outlet works by continuing contract, including related government costs-------- ----------- 2,756,638.55 Continue procurement of government fur- nished equipment and materials, by con- tract------------------------------- 600,500.00 Construct a shop, a garage, dam tender's quarters, an access road and miscellane- ous facilities by contract, including re- lated government costs - _ -- - 50,000.00 Clear reservoir area of timber and under- growth by contract, including related government costs---------------------- 91,900.00 4,208,438.55 FLOOD) C()NTROIr---BALTIMORE, MI)., I)ISTRICT 523 Copes Corner Reservoir: Continue engineering studies and detail de- Whi sign, by hired labor ---------------------------- $33,800.00 tney Point Reservoir: Continue reimbursement for cost of lands acquired for the dam and reservoir area, and for the utility relocations accom- plished by the State of New York, by labor---------------- ------------------ 2,200.00 Ark porthired Reservoir: Continue reimbursement for the cost of lands acquired for the dam and reservoir area, and for the utility relocations ac- complished by the State of New York, Am by hired labor _---------------------------------- 26,200.00 Rond Reservoir: Complete reimbursement to State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the dam and reservoir area, by hired labor.. $265,000.00 Relocate utilities by contracts---------- -- 373 800.00 Complete construction of the dam and ap- Purtenances by continuing contract, in- cluding related government costs-------1, 646,000.00 Complete procurement of government fur- nished materials, by contract--_ -- 17,300.00 Oxford, N. ..: ~-------- 2,302,100.00 Continue reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the channel portion of the project, by Lis hired labor- -- - - - - - - 38,100.00 Continue reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the project, by hired labor__....... 22,000.00 Prepare record drawings and the operation and maintenance manual, by hired labor 5,100.00 27,100.00 Whitney Point (Village), N. Y.: Complete reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the channel portion of the project, by hired labor_......... _ ..... ...... 7,800.00 Make final payment on contract for con- struction of flood protection works, in- cluding related government cost........ 29,000.00 Make final payment on contract for tempo- rary relocation of railroad facilities, in- cluding related government costs...._._ 5,100.00 Prepare record drawings and the operation and maintenance manual, by hired labor 5,300.00 47,200.00 Binghamton, N. Y.: Continue reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the channel portion of the project, by hired labor ..... _. . . _ 25,100.00 lmira, N. Y., Section No. 2: Continue reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the Hoffman Brook Conduit portion of the project, by hired labor---------- 75,800.00 Relocate Utilities, by Contracts ---------- 19,000.00 Continue construction of Section No. 2, by contract, including related government costs ..------.--.- _..--. __--- 1,296,200.00 524 I:'PORT OF CHIIE ' OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMIY, 1948 Section No. 3: Continue construction of levee, wall, pumping station and closure structure by continuing contract, includ- ing related government costs.. .. $337,500.00 $1,728,500.00 Corning, N. Y.: Complete reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the Cutler Creek conduit portion of the project, by hired labor _ 31,000"00 Painted Post, N. Y.: Complete reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the channel improvement section of the project, by hired labor__ 15,500.00 Addison, N. Y.: Complete reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the channel improvement section of the project, by hired labor--------------- 21,500.00 Prepare record drawings and the Operation and Maintenance manual, by hired labor 5,300.00 26,800.00 Bath, N. Y.: Complete construction of the project by contract, including related government costs ................. ............. 130,000.00 Relocate utilities, by contract- 23,300.00 153,300.00 Avoca, N. Y.: Complete reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the channel improvement section of the project, by hired labor_ 10,600.00 Canisteo, N. Y.: Complete reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for the channel improvement section of the project, by hired labor-------------- 12,000.00 Prepare record drawings and the Operation and Maintenance manual, by hired labor 5,500.00 17,500.00 Hornell, N. Y.: Complete reimbursement for the cost of lands acquired for upper, lower, and mid- dle Hornell sections and Canacadea sec- tion, and for the utility relocations ac- complished by the State of New York, by hired labor--------- ---- 135,400.00 Prepare contract plans and specifications for channel improvement on Crosby Creek, by hired labor-.... ...... 54,600.00 190,000.00 Almond (Village), N. Y.: Complete reimbursement to the State of New York for the cost incurred incidental to acquisition of project rights of way, by hired labor _ .___ ___ 2,900.00 Total, new work --- ----------------.. ---- _-- 9,012,038.55 FLOOD CONTROL-IBALTIMOREI], M)., DISTRICT 525 Maintenance from July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949: The following listed units of the Southern New York flood-control project will be maintained - b hired labor: Whitney Point Reservoir------- ------- $26,700.00 Arkport Reservoir...._ ------------ 12,500.00 Oxford, N. Y., local flood protection --- 2,200.00 Lisle, N. Y., local flood protection------ 6,300.00 Whitney Point (Village), N. Y., local flood protection____ ...-..-- - _ 1,500.00 Binghamton, N. Y., local flood protection 6,300.00 Corning, N. Y., local flood protection .... 7,100.00 Painted Post, N. Y., local flood protection- 3,500.00 Avoca, N. Y., local flood protection_ 2,300.00 Canisteo, N. Y., local flood protection - - 3,420.34 Hornell, N. Y., Channel improvement.. 17,500.00 $89,320.34 Total new work and maintenance------------------- 9,101,358.89 Total new work, maintenance and ac- counts payable ------------------------------ 10,285,126.76 The additional sum of $4,888,300 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work, from July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950: Davenport Center Reservoir: Reimburse the State of New York for the cost of lands acquired for dam and work areas, by hired labor; initiate constructiop by continuing contract for relocation of utilities----------------- $1,000,000 West Oneonta Reservoir: Continue preparation of construc- tion plans and specifications, by hired labor.. 45,000 East Sidney Reservoir: Complete construction of the project by continuing contract, including related government costs 897,700 Copes Corner Reservoir: Continue preparation of construc- tion plans and specifications, by hired labor 40,000 Whitney Point Reservoir: Continue reimbursement for cost of lands acquired for the dam and reservoir area and for the utility relocations accomplished by the State of New York, by hired labor; complete preparation of contract plans and specifications, by hired labor; and initiate and complete by contract, reservoir clearing and construction of miscel- laneous facilities, including the dam tender's quarters_ 321,400 Arkport Reservoir: Construct automatic stage recording gage by contract, including related government costs ...--. 32,000 Almond Reservoir: Relocate New York State Highway, con- struct the dam tender's quarters and appurtenances, and clear reservoir area by contract, including related govern- ment costs------------------ --------------- 218,800 804711----48-vol. 1- 34 526 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Elmira, N. Y., Section No. 2: Complete construction of this section of the project by continuing contract, including related government costs-------------- 946,000 Section No. 3: Complete construction of this section of the project by continuing con- tract, including related government costs 682,000 1,628,000 Hornell, N. Y.: Complete reimbursement for cost of land acquired for the channel improvement and for utility relocations accomplished by the State of New York, by hired labor; complete preparation of contract plans and specifications for the Crosby Creek Section, by hired labor, and initiate con- struction on flood walls and channel rec- tification by continuing contract-_ _ -------------- 620,400 Total, new work- ______________ ___ $4,803,300 Maintenance, from July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950: The project units at the following listed locations will be main- tained by hired labor: East Sidney Reservoir_ Whitney Point Reservoir $10,000 -- 17,000 Arkport Reservoir---_ 8,000 Almond Reservoir ------ -- 10,000 Oxford, N. Y., local flood protection----------..... 1,500 Lisle, N. Y., local flood protection 5,000 Whitney Point (Village) N. Y., local flood protection_ 1,500 Binghamton, N. Y., local flood protection_ 6,000 Elmira, N. Y., local flood protection------- ----- Corning, N. Y., local flood protection- 2,000 Painted Post, N. Y., local flood protection.--------- 5,000 Addison, N. Y., local flood protection--------- - 1,500 Avoca, N. Y., local flood protection- __- - - - - 1,000 1,500 Canisteo, N. Y., local flood protection - _r Hornell, N. Y., channel improvement ------ 4,000 11,000 Total maintenance ----------------------- ---- 85,000 Total new work and maintenance _ _-------------------- 4,888,300 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ..----------------------12$28,196,383.09 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 --------------- 203,379.66 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.....--------- 12 28,399,762.75 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948.... ..____________.. 1,436.76 Net total cost to June 30, 1948- ----- --------. -- .28,401,199.51 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- - 1,183,767.87 Net total expenditures . ------------------ _---- 12 27,217,431.64 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 4,392,290.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948........... 2 31,609,721.64 527 -- FLOOD CONTROL-BALTIMORE, M)., DISTRICT MI)., DISTRICT 527 FLOOD CONTI OI -- BAIII:IMORE Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 14 1945 1946 1947 1948 new work-... Cost of maintenance ........... - -of $864, 280.41 37, 462. 53 $543, 112. 30 28, 700. 24 $430, 824. 00 $3, 446, 522.87 27, 534. 28 39, 680. 38 $7, 794,502 77 39, 947.98 Total cost---------------............ 901,742.94 571, 812. 54 458, 358. 28 3, 486, 203. 25 7, 834, 450. 75 Total expended .............. 976, 874.95 409, 402. 92 551, 920. 54 3, 409, 837. 77 6, 667, 491. 75 Allotted - - - -842, 334.50 273, 650. 00 6, 840, 700.00 1, 504, 300. 00 5, 011, 300. 00 Amount Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------ ------------------- allotted during fiscal year _-___----__ $6,048,481.75 -5,017,300.00 __ i Amount to be accounted for------------------------ 11,065,781.75 eductions on account of revocation of allotment _6,000.00 S Net amount to be accounted for- ----------------- 11,059,781.75 Gross amount expended _- $6,758,728.89 - Less reuimbursed expenditures ----------------- 91,237.14 6,667,491.75 o Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 4,392,290.00 Autstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------- $1,183,767.87 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts 3,003,722.20 4,187,490.07 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------- ---- 204,799.93 Amount allotted in July 1948------- 5,891,400.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ....... 6,096,199.93 A- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ----------------------------------- 39,963,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work ------------------------------------ 4,803,300.00 For maintenance ------------------------------------ 85,000.00 Total, ---------------------------------------- 4,888,300.00 SIncludes 2 $735$163,095.63 In addition, ,271.64 Emergency Relief funds. contributed funds were expended for new work. 45. STILLWATER RESERVOIR, LACKAWANNA RIVER, PA. Location.--The Stillwater dam site is on the Lackawanna River, 37 miles from the mouth of the stream and about 2 miles upstream from Forest City, Susquehanna County, Pa. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheet "Pennsylvania-Honesdale.") Existing project.-This provides for the construction of the Still- Water Dam, of the concrete gravity type, with spillway crest 50 feet above river level. The reservoir capacity will be 13,300 acre- feet, of which 12,480 acre-feet will be flood-control storage and 820 acre-feet will be utilized to maintain the existing water-supply reser- Voir for Forest City, Pa., at this site. The reservoir area will be 550 acres, and the pool will extend 3 miles upstream. The reservoir will control 55 percent of the watershed above Carbondale, 28 percent above Olyphant, and 17 percent above Scranton. The existing project Was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, as a modification of the southern New York and eastern Pennsyl- 528 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, IJ. S. ARMY, 1948 vania project authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. The estimated Federal cost for new work is $2,420,000d of which $866,000 is for construction and $1,554,000 is for lands and damages, as shown in the project document. ed Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approve June 28, 1938, applies. Operationand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Completion of plans and speci- fications has been suspended pending disposition of the reviewi report of the Lackawanna River. Construction has not been initi- ated. The cost of preliminary work and expenditures were $77," 336.62 for new work. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year amounted to $2,663.38. No operations are proposed pending action on the recommendations contained in the Lackawan- na River review report. No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 $77,336.62 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. 77,336.62 Net total expenditures _____ _.______________ -__ 77,336.62 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 . . ..... .. .... 2, 663 38 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 - . 80,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-------------- $4, 554. 51 $27, 698. 70------------- ............. $43. 70 ---------- Cost of maintenance...---------- -- , ----------------------------- - ---------------------- Total expended................. 6,383.82 27, 762.82 "..-"-- ' ..... . 43. 70 Allotted......................---------------------.. 5, 000.00 ----------- ,._. 5000------------- --- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ .. .--------------------- $2,663.38 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---- 2,663.38 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--- ----------------------------------- 2,340,000.00 46. SWOYERVILLE AND FORTY FORT, PA. Location.-Swoyerville and Forty Fort, Pa., are situated on the Susquehanna River in Luzerne County, Pa. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheet, "Pennsylvania-Pittston.") Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of levees and related works along the north bank of the Susquehanna River and along Abraham Creek. The improve- ment will provide protection for the communities of Swoyerville and Forty Fort against a flood discharge equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in March 1936. The existing project FLOOD CONTROL-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 529 Was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 702, 77th Cong., 2d sess.) The estimated Federal cost tor new work, revised in 1946, is $1,934,200 for construction. The local cost of lands and damages, revised in 1946, is $111,500. Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. The Common- Wealth of Pennsylvania has established drainage district No. 23 to Cover the drainage area of the North Branch of the Susquehanna River in the Borough of Forty Fort, Swoyerville, Wyoming, and West Wyoming, County of Luzerne. Assurances of local cooperation have been furnished by Luzerne County, Pa. . Operations and results during fiscal year.-Minor engineering investigations by hired labor, were made at a cost and expenditure of $70.45. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Work has been suspended pend- ing completion of a review report for the North Branch, Susque- hanna River. Preparation of preliminary plans is complete. The preparation of contract plans and specifications, and construction of the project, remains to be done. The cost and expenditures, all for new work, were $24,617.27. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year amounted to $5,382.73. No further work is contem- Plated pending completion of the North Branch, Susquehanna River .review report. No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30; 1948_ _ ----- _--_---------_-- $24,617.27 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_.- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_-------------- 24,617.27 et total expenditures .-------------------------------------24,617.27 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 5,382.73 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ ----------- 30,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1940 1947 1948 Cost Of new work.- .- - ".... $11. 97 60 $21,298. $2,242.44 $993.81 45 $70. Cost Ofmaintenance Aota o_- I ---- 1expended_________ ______________ - ___---- 20,000.00 3,597. 59 949.23 70. 45 Allot ted_ 20, 000.00 __---------------------. 10,000.00 .__ ____ T,1i 5mlance unexpended, (ross amount July 1, 1947__.._ - expended_________________-_ -- .. $5,453.18 70.45 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ...--.... 5,382.73 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --.-................- 1,904,200.00 530 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 47. WILKES-BARRE-HANOVER TOWNSHIP, SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, PA. Location.--The city of Wilkes-Barre, with Hanover Township adjoining, is located in the central part of Luzerne County, Pa., on the left bank of the North Branch of the Susquehanna River approx- imately 62 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Geological Survey quad- rangle sheets "Pennsylvania-Pittston and Wilkes-Barre.") Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a system of levees and concrete flood walls, consisting of the following features: About 24,660 feet of earth levee and 160 feet of concrete flood wall along the left bank of the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, extending from high ground at the Lackawanna & Wyoming Valley Railroad near Union Street in Wilkes-Barre down-stream along the left bank of the river to high ground near the mouth of Solomon Creek in Hanover Town- ship; one impounding reservoir including 3,200 feet of earth levees; one relief culvert and eight pumping stations for the disposal of interior drainage; appurtenant drainage structures; and about 17,900 feet of electric transmission line with four transformer substations for furnishing power to the pumping stations. The im- provement provides protection for the city of Wilkes-Barre and Hanover Township against a flood discharge equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $3,940,000 for construction. The estimated local costs of lands and damages is $210,000. The completed portions of the project were turned over to local interests for maintenance and operation. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. All rights-of- way requirements have been met. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the Solomon Creek pumping station was completed by contract with new work funds. Installation of operating platforms, access panels, and cable splices was completed by contract. Local interests formally accepted the completed portion of the project March 4, 1948, and assumed responsibility for operation and maintenance subject to completion of work then under contract. Engineering studies, de- signs, and preparation of plans were continued for the reconstruc- tion of the Hanover Township sewer by hired labor. General repairs and clean-up of the completed portion of the project were continued by hired labor. The cost was $128,504.08, all for new work. The expenditures were $133,195.60. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the project as authorized is 90 percent complete. The work remaining to be done is to raise approximately 6,400 lineal feet of levee through the City of Wilkes-Barre an elevation of two feet by constructing thereon approximately 3,400 lineal feet of wall and 3,000 lineal feet of ad- ditional levee fill, and reconstruct the Hanover Township sewer by contract; complete repairs and general clean-up by hired labor; FLOOD CONTROL--BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 531 and prepare final drawings and reports by hired labor. The costs Were as follows: w e ork, regular funds -------- - ---- $2,639,525.15 ---------------- N work, Emergency Relief Funds -------------------------- 872,714.73 Total costs for new work----------- ------------ 3,512,239.88 The expenditures were as follows: New work, regular funds_____------ ----------------------- $2,639,050.60 New work, Emergency Relief Funds ------------------------- 872,714.73 Total expenditures for new work-. ------------------ --- 3,511,765.33 t-Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $7,191.52, less outstanding liabilities of $474.55, amounted to $6,716.97, which will be used to continue preparation of contract plans and specifications for Hanover Township sewer and to continue general cleanup and preparation of final drawings and reports, all by hired labor. The additional sum of $380,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950: Construct Hanover Township sewer by contract, including related government costs .. ------------ $130,000 Raise 6,400 feet of levee through the city of Wilkes-Barre by contract, including related government costs---- --------- 250,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------------------- 1 $3,512,239.88 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------ -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --- _ 13,512,239.88 nus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_--- -- -- __ __ ___ -474.55 Net total expenditures------_____ __-_____ _____ 1 3,511,765.33 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948 --------------------------- 7,191.52 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948..------------ 13,518,956.85 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 (ost of new work $76, 509. 67 $5, 884.42 $10, 468. 65 $68, 879.29 $128, 504. 08 ost of maintenance... Total expended................. 111, 206.58 8, 166.08 9, 748. 35 64, 185. 10 133, 195.60 Ill. . ed- --.................... -,,1° - - -70, 096. 80 -20, 000. 00 158, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 16, 400.00 ' 3alance unexpended, July 1, 1947----- --- - $123,987.,12 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------------- 16,400.00 Amount to be accounted for_ - ..-------- __- __.. - 140,387.12 Gross amount expended--.......-. --------- . $133,197.60 ess reimbursed expenditures -------------------- 2.00 133,195.60 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 7,191.52 532 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948. _._. 474.55 Balance available, June 30, 1948 6,16.91 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 3.15 of existing project-- - 421 043'-- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 380,00.0 June 30, 1950, for new work 380, 1 Includes $872,714.73 Emergency Relief funds. 48. KINGSTON-EDWARDSVILLE, SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, PA. Location.-The boroughs of Kingston and Edwardsville, Pa., are located in Luzerne Country, Pa., on the right bank of the North Branch of the Susquehanna River approximately 62 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheet, "PennSYl- vania--Pittston.") Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a system of levees consisting of the following features: About 18,169 feet of earth levee along the right bank of the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, extending from high ground, near Rutter Avenue and Church Street in Kingston southeasterly to the river, thence downstream along the right bank of the river to the Kingston-Edwardsville borough line, thence northerly general- ly parallel to the Edwardsville borough line, to high ground near Toby Creek and Plymouth Street; a concrete pressure culvert 16 2 feet in diameter, about 6,659 feet long with impounding basin, levees, and intake structure to carry the flow of Toby Creek; three . pumping stations for the disposal of interior drainage; 3,080 feet of concrete intercepting sewer; appurtenant drainage structures; and about 16,700 feet of electric transmission lines with 2 trans- former substations for furnishing power to the pumping stations. The improvement provides protection for the boroughs of Kingston and Edwardsville against a flood discharge equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $4, 348,000 for construction. The estimated local cost of lands and damages is $370,000. The completed portions of the project were turned over to local interests for maintenance and operation. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Fully complied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The preparation of record drawings, final reports, and the Operation and Maintenance Manual was continued by hired labor. The cost, all for new work, was $2,379.25. The expenditures were $2,142.71. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-Constructionof the project was completed in August 1943. The work remaining to be done is to complete record drawings, final reports and the Operation and Maintenance Manual. Normal maintenance was carried on bY local interests. The total cost of the project to June 30, 1948, was $4,346,379.42, all for new work, of which $3,183,831.00 was regular funds and $1,162,548.42 was Emergency Relief funds. The expend- FLOOD CONTIOL -BALTIMItIORE, Ml)., )DISTRICT533 itures, all for new work, were $4,346,319.74, of which $3,183,771.32 Was regular funds and $1,162,548.42 was Emergency Relief funds. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fisecal year $1,649.55 less outstanding liability of $59.68 amounts to $1,589.87, which will be used to complete record drawings and the Operation and Maintenance Manual, by hired labor. No additional expenditure is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 1$4,346,379.42 ostof maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----- STotal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- __------ 14,346,379.42 nus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 59.68 Net total expenditures__----------- ------------ nexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 14 346,319.74 1,649.55 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 4,347,969.29 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of r ew work ,$18, ost of n 445. 07 $1,292. 99 $1, 567. 35 $2, 949. 59 $2, 379. 25 Total exl en e--------------- 23, 262. 25 -6, 660.33 1,746. 65 3, 094. 20 2,142.71 Allottedl ---- -- 28, 579.13- .cc~ balance unexpended, July 1, 1947___-------------- ----- $3,792.26 Gross amount expended----- ..-------------------------------- 2,142.71 0 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--..----------------- 1,649.55 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-. ------. --..... .. - 59.68 Balance available, June 30, 1948- --- .---- 1,589.87 blkludles $1,162,548.42 Emlergency Relief funds. 49. PLYMOUTHI, SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, PA. Location.-The borough of Plymouth is located in Luzerne County, Pa., on the right bank of the North Branch of the Susque- hanna River, 59.5 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheet "Pennsylvania-Wilkes-Barre.") Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a system of levees consisting of the following features: About 8,680 feet of earth levee along the right bank of the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, extending from high ground near the Carey Avenue Bridge downstream along the right bank of the river to Mras Street, thence northerly to high ground near Main Street approximately paralleling Flat Road; a diversion channel about 2,670 feet long on the outside of the levee system from Main Street to the river, paralleling Flat Road; two pumping stations for the disposal of interior drainage; appurtenant drainage structures; and about 4,100 feet of electric transmission lines, with one trans- former sub-station for supplying power to :the pumping stations. The improvement provides protection for the borough of Plymouth against a flood discharge equal to the maximum flood of record, 534 .EIPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 which occurred in March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $1,733,400 for con- struction. The estimated local cost of lands and damages is $150,000. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Local interests have furnished assurances that all the requirements will be complied with. All rights-of-way requirements have been met. Operation and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the Brown and Wadham Creeks pumping stations and installation of pumps and operating equipment was completed by contract with new work funds May 10, 1948. Preparation of final drawings and reports were initiated by hired labor. The costs were $278,048.59' for new work. The expenditures were $297,659.61. Condition at end of fiscal year.--Construction of the project, as authorized, is 99 percent complete. The remaining work consists of furnishing and installing electrical protection equipment, by con- tract and completing final drawings and reports, by hired labor. The total costs of this work were as follows: New work, regular funds--- ----------------------------- $1,717 839.16 New work, emergency funds-- -.----........- 4, 356.76 Total cost of new work-- ----------------- 1,722,195.92 The expenditures, all for new work, were as follows: New work regular funds-- $1,716,570.48 New work, emergency funds--- 4,356.76 Total expenditures for new work---------------------- 1,720,927.24 Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year $12,429.52, less accounts payable of $1,268.68, amounted to $11,160.84 which will be expended for furnishing and installing electrical protection equipment by contract, and for completing record drawings and the Operation and Maintenance Manual bY hired labor. No additional operations are proposed, during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-_ ----.------. --- _ _ -- 1$1,722,195.92 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_....___.___________-______---- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 1 1,722,195.92 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 - 1, 268.68 Net total expenditures ----------------- --------- 11720,927.24 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 12,429.52 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- ------. - 11,733,356.'76 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work....-...- ...... $72, 451.81 $6,370.85 $11, 620.53 $287, 364. 13 $278, 048. 59 Cost of maintenance............----------- ------------................................---- Total expended.-------....... -- --- - 111, 468.93 9, 347.60 12, 134.94 267,819.68 297, 659. 61 Allotted- _------ ..----------- -------------- 5, 000.00 560, 500.00 ------------ 24, 500.00 FLOOI) CONTROL--BALTIMORE, MD.,. DISTRICT 535 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947----------------- $285,589.13 mount allotted during fiscal year_ ......--------------24,500.00 G Amount to be accounted for----- 310089.13 ross amount expended--- ----------- $297,891.17 ess reimbursed expenditures- -------- 231.56 297,659.61 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_------------------ 12,429.52 Autstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- ..... -$1,268.68 mount covered by uncompleted contracts 616.75 -- 1,885.43 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------- --------- 10,544.09 Includes $4,356.76 Emergency Relief funds. 50. SUNBURY, SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, PA. Location.-Sunbury, Pa., is situated on the Susquehanna River in Northumberland County, Pa. (See U. S. Geological Survey quad- rangle sheet "Pennsylvania-Sunbury.") Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for 10,000 feet of levee on the right bank of Shamokin Creek, one pumping Station, interceptor sewer and appurtenant works in the Shamokin Creek section; approximately 4,000 feet of levee, 12,100 feet of con- crete flood wall, interceptor sewers, four pumping stations and apurtenant structures along the left bank of the Susquehanna River. The improvement will provide protection for the city of Sunbury against a flood discharge equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, as .odified by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (II. .oc. 366, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The estimated Federal cost, revised I1 1948, is $7,300,000 for construction exclusive of contributed funds of $129,000. The estimated local cost of lands, damages, and Utility relocations, revised in 1948, is $200,000. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Assurances of cooperation have been furnished by the city of Sunbury and have been accepted. Operations and results during fiscal year.- Shamokin Creek section: Construction was continued on this section of the project under a continuing contract. The work under Way consisted of construction of levees, a pumping station, inter- ceptor sewer, and miscellaneous drainage structures, which in- Volved the excavation of 389,110 cubic yards of material; placement of 315,190 cubic yards of levee embankment; placement of 980 cubic Yards of reinforced concrete; and installation of drainage facilities and pumping station equipment. Upper Susquehanna River section: Construction was continued On this section of the project under a continuing contract. The work Under way consisted of construction of levees, concrete flood walls, .a Pumping station, and miscellaneous drainage structures which involved the excavation of 131,430 cubic yards of material; place- "lent of 77,180 cubic yards of levee embankment; placement of 1,494 cubic yards of concrete; and installation of drainage facilities 536 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 and pumping station equipment. Construction by contract of the closure structures was started January 9, 1948. The work under way included the construction of two railroad closure structures on the Upper Susquehanna River Section and construction of one high- way and one railroad closure structure on the Shamokin Creek sec- tion. In addition, separate contracts were negotiated with the Reading Railroad and Pennsylvania Railroad for temporary rail- road relocations. Lower Susquehanna River section: Construction plans arid speci- fications were completed. Construction by continuing contract was started on this section of the project on March 31, 1948. The work under way included placement of levee fill; construction of rein- forced concrete flood walls; and construction of three pumping sta tion substructures, interceptor sewers, and appurtenant drainage facilities. This work involved the excavation of 62,000 cubic yards of earth, rock and concrete materials; placement of 26,470 cubic yards of leve embankment, and structural backfill; and the driving of 18,200 square feet of steel sheet piling. Summary of costs and expenditures. The costs for the fiscal year on all sections of the project were $1,634,464.81, for new work. The expenditures were $1,563,523.02. The costs and expenditures in- clude $10,500.00 of contributed funds which is partial payment for sewer construction requested by local interests. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionof the Shamokill Creek section is 97 percent complete. Construction of the Upper Susquehanna River section is 77 percent complete; and the Lower Susquehanna River section, 4 percent complete. The cost of ne V work to June 30, 1948 was $2,196,326.43. The expenditures were $2,093,257.79. The costs and expenditures include $10,500 of con- tributed funds which is partial payment for sewer construction re- quested by local interests. Proposed operations.-Theunexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $1,314,942.21 (which includes a local contribution of $27,000, as partial payment for sewer construction requested bY local interests), plus accounts receivable, $6, plus $885,600 allotted in July 1948, amounts to $2,200,548.21. This amount will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 1948- ----- _- __-.-- -- $103,074.64 New work Shamokin Creek section: Complete construction of levees, pumping station and appurtenant works by contin- uing contract, including related govern- ent costs------------------$95,200.00 Relocate Pennsylvania Power and Light Co. transmission lines by contract; including related government costs -----. _ - 6, 900.00 Raise the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks and bridge at levee crossing by contract, in- cluding related government costs------- .... 238,400.00 340,500.00 FLOOD CONTROL---BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 537 Upper Susquehanna River section: Complete construction of levees and pump- ing station by- continuing contract, in- Scluding related government costs ...... $171,200.00 omplete construction of closure structures by contract, including related govern- ment costs..---..... __.. . ... 42,500.00 Temporary railroad relocations by contract, including related government costs..--- 15,000.00 Lower Susquehanna River section: 228;700.00 Continue construction of levees, walls, and pumping stations by continuing contract, including related government costs - 1, 524,973.57 Temporary railroad relocations by contract, including related government costs-_ 3,300.00 1,528,273.57 Total--- 2 2n0a48 2 The additional sum of $2,000,000 can be profitably expended of rng the fiscal year 1950 for new work to continue construction of flood walls, pumping stations and interceptor sewers by continu- 8 contract, including related government costs. Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ $2,185,826.43 ' " Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- accounts receivable, June 30, 1.948 2,185,826.43 --- 6.00 Minus Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ----- 2,185,832.43 accounts payable, June 30, 1948_------- ---- 103,074.64 le Net total expenditures ------------ 2---------- 2,082,757.79 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ 1,287,942.21 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 3,370,700.00 Fiscal year ending June30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work - -............ $60, 320. 38 $20, 611.95 $25, 605. 95 $446, 447.75 $1,623, 964.81 otaexpended-- .-------------- 66,542.75 26, 089.02 26,320.95 413,807.74 1,653, 023.02 Allotted- -... . - 00 60, 0 1 700.0000 1,400,000001, 874,000.00 talance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------------- AmOunt allotted during fiscal year---_ ---------------- 966,965.23 1,874,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- 2840965.23 aeductions on account of revocation of allotment . 23 Net amount to be accounted for 218401965.23 Gross amount nPnrl 2,840, 965.23 Les s reimbursed . .1, expenditures- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 563, 3. 2 5 10,500.00 2 1,553,023.02 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------- 1,287,942.21 538 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ---- _- -_ 103,074.64 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts . 1,178,935.80 1 282,010.44 :Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------- 5,931.00 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------- _________ Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 5,937.77 Amount allotted in July 1948------------- 885,60000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 891, 537.7 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 00 of existing project - 3,043,700. Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 2000,000.00 June 30, 1950 for new work. 2,000,000.0 CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------- $10,500.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ____ _____- ----- - -------------- ~ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 10,500.00 Net total expenditures ------------ 10,0000 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948- _ 27,000.0 Total amount contributed to June 30, 1948------------_ 37,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ----------------------- Cost of new work ......... ..... ....... ------------ ------------ ---------- $1, 500.00 Cost of maintenance ...... .....------------ ......... ...--------------- ....- -------- Total expended.----------------- --------- -------------------------------- 10,500 Contributed---------------- -------------------------------. $10, 00.00 27,00000 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -----------............ $10,500.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------_ -------- _ 27,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- ---- -------- __------_ - 37,500.00 Gross amount expended-___________________________________ 10,500.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------- 27,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_______________ ______ __ 91500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending --- =--- June 30, 1950, for new work-------_ 55,000.00 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAl. SUMMARY FOR SUNBURY, PA. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ___$2,196,326.43 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- -- .. ------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---. 2,196,326.43 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- .......... .103,074.64 Net total expenditures-------------------------- 2,093,257.79 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_. 1,314,942.21 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- ----- -3,408,200.00 FLOOD CONTROL----BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 539 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 f newWork Ofst ost of -- naitenanice---- - - - --.- $60 320).38 $20, 611.95 - $25,605. 95 $446, 447.75 --................ $1,634, 464.81 Total expended.......... 55, 542.75 26, 089.02 26, 320.95 413, 07.74 1, 563, 523. 02 Allotted and contributed-------... 60,000.00 16, 700. 00 1, 400, 000. 00 10,500.00 1, 901, 00.00 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947---- -------------- $977,465.23 Amount allotted during fiscal year..---------------1,901,000.00 Amount to be accounted for G ross amount 2,878,465.23 expended_______--------- --- $1,574,023.02 ess reimbursed expenditures ---------------- 10,500.00 1,563,523.02 0 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------- 1,314,942.21 Autstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- ------ $103,074.64 mount covered by uncompleted contracts.... 1,178,935.80 1,282,010.44 Balance available, June 30, 1948--------- ----- 32,931.77 cCounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------- ----------- 6.00 A Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 __-------- 32,937.77 mount allotted in July 1948- ----------------------------- 885,600.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 _ . '918,537.77 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_----------------------------------- 3,135,200.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for new work--------- -------------------- 2,055,000.00 51. WILLIAMSPORT, SUSQUEHfANNA RIVER, PA. Location.-Williamsport, the county seat of Lycoming County, Pa., is located on the left bank of the West Branch of the Susque- hanna River, 40 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Geological quad- rangle sheets, "Pennsylvania-Trout Run and Williamsport.") Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a system of levees and concrete flood walls, consisting of the following features: About 25,225 feet of earth levee and 4,275 feet of concrete flood wall along the left bank of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, extending fromi high ground near Meade Street and Lose Avenue generally parallel to and on the right bank of Millers Run to the Susquehanna River, thence extending up- Stream along the left bank of the river and Lycoming Creek; about 24,390 feet of earth levee and 3,740 feet of concrete flood wall along 11g the left bank of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, extend- from high ground at Mill Lane generally parallel to and on the right bank of Lycoming Creek to the Susquehanna River, thence ex- tending upstream along the left bank of the river to Carothers Lane, thence to high ground along the Pennsylvania Railroad; about 10.275 feet of earth levee and 1,565 feet of concrete flood wall along the right bank of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River in South Williamsport, extending from high ground at Central Avenue 540 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERiS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 and Charles Street, along Charles Street to the river, thence up- stream along the river to high ground at Maynard Street; a rein- forced concrete pressure culvert about 2,250 feet long to provide for control of Hagermans Run; 11 pumping stations for the dispoal of interior drainage; and appurtenant drainage structures. The improvement will provide protection for the city of Williamsport and the borough of South Williamsport against a flood discharge equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. The estimated Federal cost of the neW work, revised in 1948, is $17,000,000 for construction, which does not include $64,000 of local contributions. The estimated local cost of lands, damages, and utility relocations, revised in 1948, is $900,000. Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. Local interests have furnished assurances that all the requirements will be com- plied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the flood walls and closure structures of Levee Unit No. 1 was completed under a continuing contract September 12, 1947. The work under way included raising West Third Street Bridge; placing new bridge approach ramps; and construction of flood walls and levees. The work performed required the excavation of 22,464 cubic yards of earth, concrete, and other materials; placement of 23,292 cubic yards of fill for levees, approach ramps, and structures; and the placement of 2,633 cubic yards of reinforced concrete. Relocation of two water main crossings through the levees was started Febru- ary 25, 1948 under a continuing contract with new work funds. The raising of bridges and tracks of the Reading Railroad and PennsYl- vania Railroad over Lycoming Creek and Millers Run have been initiated under separate contracts. Construction of Levee Unit No. 2, except work along Millers Run, was started December 29, 1947, by continuing contract with new work funds. The work under way consisted of construction of levees, flood walls, a pumping station, and miscellaneous drainage struc- tures which required the excavation of 25,500 cubic yards of ma- terials and the placement of 20,673 cubic yards of levee fill. Engin- eering studies, design, and the preparation of plans for work along Millers Run were continued by hired labor. Construction of Levee Unit No. 3, except the pumping stations and closeure section, was continued under the continuing contract with new work funds. The work under way consisted of construe- tion of levees, flood walls, and miscellaneous drainage structures, which required the excavation of 369,115 cubic yards of materials; placement of 274,721 cubic yards of levee fill; and the placement of 14,403 cubic yards of rock protection. Construction of the three pumping stations was started on February 25, 1948, by continuing contract with new work funds. The work under way consisted of construction of the Hepburn Street Pumping Station and the Penn and Basin Street Pumping Stations. Engineering studies, design FLOOD CONTRO--BALTIMORE, MI)., DISTRICT 541 and preparation of plans for the closure section of this unit were continued by hired labor. Construction of Levee Unit No. 6; except the pumping stations, cosures, Hagerman's Run conduit, and railroad relocations; was started on March 31, 1948, by continuing contract with new work funds. The work under way consisted of construction of levees, tood walls, and miscellaneous drainage structures, which required e excavation of 71,820 cubic yards of materials and the placement of 38,310 cubic yards of levee fill. Engineering studies, design and Preparation of plans for pumping stations, HIagerman's Run pres- SUre conduit, closure sections, and utility relocations of this unit Were continued by hired labor. Engineering studies and design, were continued by hired labor on Levee Units Nos. 4 and 5. The costs for the entire project during the fiscal year were $1,264,- 101.13, of which $42,337.47 were contributed funds, all for new Work. The expenditures, all for new work, were $1,245,741.25, of Which $42,337.47 were contributed funds. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-Construction of Levee Unit 0. 1 is complete except for the water main crossing work and the raising of the railroad tracks over Lycoming Creek. Construction of Levee Unit No. 2, except work along Millers Run, is approxi- nmately 10 percent complete. Construction of Levee Unit No. 3, ex- cept the closures, is approximately 51 percent complete. Construc- tion of Levee Unit No. 6, except the closures, relocations, and in- rior drainage facilities, is approximately 14 percent complete. agineering studies, designs, and preparation of plans and specifi- cations for the remaining units are as follows: Levee Unit No. 2, Protection along Millers Run, approximately 60 percent complete; losures, Levee Unit No. 3, approximately 50 percent complete; evee Unit No. 4, approximately 45 percent complete; Levee Unit ,o. 5, approximately 15 percent complete; and closures, interior Irainage facilities, and relocations Levee Unit No. 6, approximately 5 ercent complete. The cost of this works is as follows: New work, contributed funds ---------------------------- $42,337.47 New Work, regular funds______ ------------------- ----- 3,563,36'8.64 New work, emergency relief funds- ___- __- - -_ 1,887.03 Total cost for new work---------------------------- 3,607,593.14 The expenditures were as follows: New work, contributed funds_ ------------ -- _- -$42,337.47 New work, regular funds _..._ 3,463,291.88 New work, emergency relief funds ___----------- __- 1,887.03 Total expenditures for new work_ --_------ _______-_ 3,507,516.38 P oposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the iscal year, $2,282,698.12 (which includes local contribution of $3,140), plus $1,900,000 allotted in July 1948, amounts to $4,182,- 698.12, which will be applied as follows: 804711- i-48 -vol. 1-----35 542 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, * . S. ARMY,.1948 16 9 Accounts payable, June 30, 1948--_.. New work: - ---- $100 ,u . I" Levee Unit No. 1: Complete raising of Reading Railroad track and bridges over Lycoming Creek and Millers Run, by contract, including related Govern- ment costs------- -------------------- $537,000.00 Complete raising of Pennsylvania Railroad track and bridges over Lycoming Creek and Millers Run, by contract, including related Government costs_ -- - - _203,000.00 Complete relocation of two water main cross- ings through the levees, by contract, includ- ing related Government costs-- ------------ 30,000.00 770,000.00 Levee Unit No. 2: Complete construction of levees, flood walls, pumping station and appurtenant works along Susquehanna River, by continuing contract, including related Government costs 665,500.00 Complete contract plans and specifications for levees, stream diversion, and railroad reloca- tions along Millers Run by hired labor and initiate construction by continuing contract. 470,200.00 1,135,700.00 Levee Unit No. 3: Complete construction of levees by continuing contract, including related Government costs 48,800.00 Continue construction of pumping stations by continuing contract, including related Gov- ernment costs--- 703,100.00 Complete contract plans and specifications for closure sections, by hired labor and initiate construction by continuing contract .__-- - 468,100.00 Complete temporary relocation of Pennsyl- vania Railroad by contract, including related government costs------------------------ 3,000.00 1,223,000.00 Levee Unit No. 4: Continue engineering studies and design by hired labor. 127,500.00 Levee Unit No. 5: Continue engineering studies and design by hired labor.. .-- ._ __ _ 16,700.00 Levee Unit No. 6: Complete construction of levees by continuing contract, including related Government costs 500,200.00 'Complete studies and designs for railroad re- locations by hired labor and initiate con- struction by contract -------------------- 309,521.36 809.721.36 Total--------------------------------- ------ 4,182,698.12 The additional sum of $2,110,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Levee Unit No. 2: Continue construction of the Millers Run por- tion of the unit by continuing contract, in- cluding related government costs-- -.--------- - ------ $362,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL---BALTIMORE, ALD., DISTRICT 543 Levee Unit No. 3: Continue construction of pumping stations and closures by continuing contracts, including Government costs ----------------------------- 632,000.00 Levee related L Unit No. 4: Complete preparation of contract plans and Specifications by hired labor and initiate Levee construction by continuing contract-------------------- 1,016,000.00 eveeUnit No. 5: Continue preparation of contract plans and specifications by hired labor_ -------------------- 100,000.00 Total______________ ------------------------ 2,110,000.00 Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS ost ef new work to June 30, 1948 - ------------------- 1$3,565,255.67 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------- -------- -------- Min Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948..--.. 1'3,565,255.67 us accounts payable, June 30, 1948- ----------------- 100,076.76 Net total expenditures. ----------------- ---------- 3,465,178.91 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------ 2,279,558.12 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- .-------- 15,744,737.03 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 onew work .... Cost ofmaintenance..-.--.------------- Cost $72,664.13 $118,968.18 $95, 243. 39 $1, 065, 160. 86 $1, 221, 763. 66 Totalexpended................. 67, 777. 89 115, 259.37 103, 370. 59 986. 34 981, 1, 203,403. 78 _Allotted----------------65, 860, 00 2, 100, 000.00 100, 000. 00 2, 236, 000. 00 'Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_---.-.- - .-. -w----- $1,246,961.90 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ ----. ----- --- .--- 2,236,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-- ------- 3,482,961.90 ross amount expended__- essreimbursed expenditures .----- ------------ $1,245,868.36 42,464.58 1,203,403.78 u Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----_ _--------- - 2,279,558.12 A u t st a n d i n g liabilities, June 30, 1948 $100,076.76 -------- amount covered by uncompleted contracts -- 2,173,068.46 2,273,145.22 Ac Balance available, June 30, 1948----------- ----------- counts receivable, June 30, 1948............ .... ... . ------- 6,412.90 ..--- Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 -------- 6,412.90 lount allotted in July 1948_-----------------------------1,900,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------...... 1,906,412.90 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------ ------------------ 9,355,262.97 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_ _--__--.-.-.--.----------- 2,110,000.00 'Includes $1,887.03 Emergency Relief funds. 544 REPORT OF CHIJF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _ .$42 i 337.47 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-.. . _ - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 42,337.41 Net total expenditures _ 42,337.4 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_3,140.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 45,477.4 Fiscal yc~r ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work..---------------------- Cost ofmaintenance------------------------------- $42, 337.47 ------------............ -------------- Total expended............. 2, 337.47 Contributed------------------------------_ ----------------- $23, 140.00 22, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------------------- $23,140.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ ------------------ 22,337.41 Amount to be accounted for _--------.- 45,477.4 Gross amount expended -------------------------------- 42,33747 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_________ I-.. --.. _____ _-- 3,140.0--_ 40.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion .53 of existing project- - - ____________-18 52253 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 00.00 June 30, 1950, for new work- -- 18,500. CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR WILLIAMSPORT, PA. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948____________ -________- _ $3,607,593.14 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_......___.. -- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------- 13,607,593.1 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 _ 100,076.76 '------- Net total expenditures__________________------------ 3,507 516.38 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-------- - - -_ 2,282,698.12 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ _ 15,790,214.50 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------$72, 664. 13 $118, 968.18 $95, 243.39 $1,065, 160.86 $1, 264, 101.13 Cost of maintenance.........---...--------------------- - .---------------- ------- .----------- Total expended.----------------............ 777. 67, 89 115, 37 259. 103,370.59 981,986.34 1,245741.25 Allotted and contributed-----........-------------- 6,5,850.00 123,140.00 2, 100, 000.00 2, 258,337. 47 FLOOD CONTROL---BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 545 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------- ------------ $1,270,101.90 Amount allotted during fiscal year- ..----------------------- 2,258,337.47 ro Amount to be accounted for------------------------ Leoss amount expended ------------------- $1,288,205.83 3,528,439.37 sreimbursed expenditures --_ ------- -- 42,464.58 1,245,741.25 Outs Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------- 2,282,698.12 A tanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 __----- $100,076.76 Aunt covered by uncompleted contracts -- 2,173,068.46 2,273,145.22 AoountBalance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 9,552.90 allotted in July 1948---------------------------- 1,900,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949__ _ -- 1,909,552.90 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------------------ 9,373,785.50 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work--------- 2,128,500.00 Includes $1,887.03 Emergency Relief funds. 52. TYRONE, PA. .Location.-Tyrone, Pa., is on the left bank of the Little Juniata 'ver, 15 miles above its confluence with the Frankstown Branch, and 116 miles above the mouth of the Juniata River. Bald Eagle Creek and Sinking Run, draining 53 and 7 square miles, respectively, °Y through the city. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle eet "Pennsylvania-Tyrone.") 'Xisting project.-The plan of improvement consists of 4,700 feet of levee and 2,000 feet of concrete flood walls along the Little Juniata River, 3,900 feet of channel enlargement along the banks of Bald Eagle Creek and 900 feet of pressure conduit, 700 feet of hannel enlargement on Sinking Run and 1,850 feet of pressure COnduit. Interior drainage will be provided by a pressure conduit O Schell Run, pumping stations, interceptor sewers, and appurte- nant works. The improvement will provide protection for the city of Tyrone against a flood discharge equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in March 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved December 22, 1944. (See II. Doc. 702, 77th Cong., 2d sess.) The estimated Federal cost if new work, revised in 1948, is $6,400,000, and the cost to local ilterests is estimated to be $335,400. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. A resolution was passed April 1, 1946, by the Borough Council of TYrone assuring that the requirements of local cooperation would be mnet. The Water and Power Resources Board of the Commonwealth of ennsylvania has been requested to furnish similar assurances. It is believed that the terms of local cooperation will be complied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineeringstudies and design in connection with possible modification of the project 546 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 plan were in progress by hired labor. The cost was $2,102.48 for new work. The expenditures were $4,977.78. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Contract plans and specifica tions are approximately 30 percent complete. The remaining work consists of completing studies for a modified project plan includin interior draihage studies, completing contract plans and specifi cations, and completing construction. The cost was $117,032.93 for new work. The expenditures were $119,908.23. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $20,091.77, plus accounts receivable, $2,875.30, plus $35,000 allotted in July 1948, amount to $57,967.07. his amount will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 to complete the project studies and continue preparation of contract plans and specifica- tions by hired labor. The additional sum of $80,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new work to complete preparation of con' tract plans and specifications by hired labor for the Little Juniata River section of the project. Cost and financial summary 93 Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---_____________________ $117,032. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948__ 117,032.93 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 2,875.30 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 119,908.23 Net total expenditures --- ...... .. ...... 119,908.23 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-. ........ 20,091.71_ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.......... ... 140,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work----------- -------------- $3, 929. 94 $71,070.06 $39 930.45 $2,102.48 Cost of maintenance ... ____ _. . __ ______ ___ .0 ________. --- --- Totalexpended----------------- ------------ 658.17 72,812.66 41,459.62 4977.78 Allotted...----------..... - --------------.......... 50,000.00 65,000.00 .. _...~. 25,000.0 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947________________________ $69.55 Amount allotted during fiscal year---_.. _ _- _ ------- 25,000.00 Amount to be accounted for.._-- - _. - - - 25,069.55 Gross amount expended-----_ --- _ 4 977 78 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__---------------------- 20,091. Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------------- 2 875.30 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 22,,,967. Amount allotted in July 1948 -_________.____________________ 35,000.0 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 57967.07 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -- ----------------------------------- 6,225,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fisal year ending June 30, 1950 for new work---- .-.- - .- 80,000.00 FIOOD CONTROL-ALTIMORE, MI)., DI)STIICT 547 53. HAIRRISBURG, SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN, PA. Location.-T..he Susquehanna River rises in the southern part of New York, and flowing in a general southerly direction for over 400 iles, empties into the head of Chesapeake Bay at Havre de Grace, d. Harrisburg is about 70 miles upstream from the mouth of the river. Paxton Creek flows through the city of Harrisburg into the Susquehanna River, with most of its watershed being diverted into Wildwood Lake, a reservoir at the upstream end of the town. (See C" S. Geological Survey quadrangle, "Harrisburg, Pa., and New umberland, Pa.") Sazistintq project.-The plan of improvement provides for 2,400 near feet of levee, 6,000 linear feet of concrete wall,,raising the earth dam at Wildwood Lake, pumping stations, interceptor sewers and appurtenant structures. The improvement will provide protec- tion for the city of Harrisburg against a flood discharge equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in Maich 1936. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved une 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Act approved De- cenber 22, 1944. The latest printed document is House Document 0. 702, Seventy-seventh Congress, second session. The latest esti- mated Federal cost for new work, approved in 1944, is $2,227,000. WLocal cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In accordance With the provisions of section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, local interests were notified that the time within which assurances must be given for furnishing the requirements of local cooperation would expire on April 25, 1951. The mayor and city council of Harrisburg have indefinitely deferred assurances of tocal cooperation but retained the right to accept the project any til e Within the 5-year limit stated in the act. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The entire project is awaiting assurance of local cooperation. The total costs and expenditures, all for new work were $64,673.60. Proposed operations.--No work is proposed for the fiscal year 949 and 1950 pending affirmative action on cooperation by local interests. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 - $64,673.60 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__.___ _______ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ---- 64,673.60 pet total expenditures..... -- 64, 673.60 Otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------_ -64,673.60 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 'ost -. _.. of new work .............. $11, 703. 92 $47, 298. 75 $5, 589. 17 $81. 76 .............. loSt of maintenance...........---- T otal expended................. 10,263.08 48, 714.80 5, 613. 96 81.76... Allotted.------------------------ 15,000.00 45,000.00 --$126.40 4,800.00 1-------------- - ---- -- --- ----- -- -- --- --- ----- - ------ i-, 548 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended July 1, 1947--------------------------- $126.40 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment -.------ exitinrequired Amount (estimated) prjec------------- for completion of----- ~--$126.40 -------------- to be appropriated 326.40 existing project_. __ 2,162,326.4 _. 54. YORK, CODORUS CREEK, PA. Location.-York, Pa., is on Codorus Creek, 10 miles above its con- fluence with the main Susquehanna River. Codorus Creek with its tributary branches is located in York County in the south and central parts of Pennsylvania. (See U. S. Geological Survey quad rangle sheets "Pennsylvania--York and Hanover.") Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con" struction of Indian Rock Dam, an earth and rock fill dam about 1,200 feet long at the top, rising 82 feet above the stream bed, with a reservoir providing for the controlled storage of 28,000 acre-feet at the elevation of the spillway crest. The 'dam site is located on the main branch of Codorus Creek about 3 miles above York. The outlet works are located in the right abutment and the uncontrolled spill- way is located on the right bank, discharging upstream from the tunnel outlet. The reservoir will control the entire drainage area of the main branch of Codorus Creek and 41 percent of the drainage area above York. The plan also provides for improvements to Codorus Creek Channel in the vicinity of and through the city of York for a distance of about 22,969 feet extending from 300 feet above Richland Avenue to a point downstream from the Pennsyl1 vania Railroad crossing known as Black Bridge. The improve. ments, which will increase the channel capacity to 24,000 cubic feet per second, include widening and deepening the channel, construct" ing bank protection, removing the York Roller Mill Dam, and the construction of a low-water channel approximately 3,900 feet in length in the vicinity of the York Roller Mill Dam. The improve- ment will provide protection for the city of York against a flood dis charge approximately 33 percent greater than the maximum flood of record, which occurred in August 1933. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $5,100,000. The latest estimate for annual cost of maintenance, approved in 1941, is $12,100. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operation, mainte- nance and repair of Indian Rock Dam, were continued by hired labor. The gates at the dam were not closed during the year as there were no floods on Codorus Creek. Work obtaining certificates of title was completed by hired labor. The cost for new work was $72.85. The cost for maintenance was $9,104.67. Periodic inspection and maintenance of the completed section of Codorus Creek Channel improvement was continued by hired labor with maintenance funds. Construction of the remaining major sections of Codorus Creek Channel improvement was corn"- FLOOD CONTROL---BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 549 Pleted. November 4, 1947, with new work funds under continuing contract. The work consisted of widening, deepening and aligning he channel; construction of earth-fill levees, concrete flood walls, relief culverts, and appurtenant structures. This work required the excavation of 11,450 cubic yards of material from the channel; Placement of 3,700 cubic yards of gravel backing, dumped and hand- Placed riprap; and placement of 86 cubic yards of reinforced con- crete. Acquisition of land and reimbursement to owners was con- inued by hired labor. The costs were $97,398.79 for new work and 3,532.15 for maintenance. The total costs were $110,108.46, of which $97,471.64 was for new work and $12,636.82 for maintenance. The total expenditures Were $136,448.03. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project, as authorized is 93 Percent complete. The construction of Indian Rock Dam is com- ,lete except for the steel highway bridge over the spillway. The odorus Creek Channel improvement is complete except for recon- struction of certain walls and paving formerly placed by WPA. The total cost of new work to June 30, 1948, was $4,679,545.22, of Which $4,667,957.08 was from regular funds and $11,588.14 from SEmergency Relief funds. The total expenditures for new work to ute 30, 1948, were $4,679,347.65, of which $4,667,759.51 was from regular funds and $11,588.14 from Emergency Relief funds. The total cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948, was $62,126.92. The total expenditures for maintenance to June 30, 1948, were $62,486.69. Proposed operations.--The unexpended balance at the end of the $213,600.00, allotted in July 1948, a total of $347,825.57, will be fiscal year, $133,853.80, plus accounts receivable, $371.77, plus applied as follows: ANeounts payable June 30, 1948--------------------------------_ $209.57 NeWWork, July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949: Construct the steel highway bridge over the spillway at Indian Rock Dam, by contract, including related government costs_ $56,514.51 Complete preparation of plans and specifications by hired labor and reconstruct by contract, a section of walls and bank pro- tection formerly placed by WPA, including related govern- ment costs---------------------------------------- 150,000.00 Complete minor adjustments and general clean-up by hired labor 14,540.10 Prepare record drawings and Operation and Maintenance IManual, by hired labor---.......-- .....----------....... _ 8,848.15 Complete reimbursement to owners and obtain certificates of title for the land acquired for the channel portion of the proj- ect, by hired labor........------.----...---............. 100,440.16 Total new work_-- ------------.---.--.----- --. 330,342.92 Maintenance July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949: Operate and maintain Indian Rock Dam and Codorus Creek Channel and complete sedimentation survey_.. .-.-.--- __.- ______ -_______ _ 17,273.08 Total- ...--..-- _ . .--------- - -- _ - 347 825.57 Additional funds in the amount of $12,000 can be profitably ex- Deaded during the fiscal year 1950 for operation and maintenance of Indian Rock Dam and Codorus Creek Channel. 550 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARTMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- $4,679,54522 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----- 62,126.92 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 4----------14741, 6777 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ------------------ 37 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 1 4,742,043. Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 .209 Net total expenditures_ 4 741 83434 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 133, 853.80 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_.- - - 4,875,688.14 "c- Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 iA Cost of new work.............. $24, 663. 69 $15, 827.07 $113, 360. 53 $568,, 066. 85 $97, 471 Cost of maintenance. .-....... 9, 659. 93 12, 886. 23 7, 921.31 10,, 137.01 . 12 636.82 Total cost_.....-......... 34, 323. 62 28, 713.30 121,281.84 86 578,,203. ,' Total expended .-------.---- 32, 674.89 27,111.84 125,131.93 54 7, 406.11 136,448.03 Allotted......................... -185, 500 00 219, 000. 00 115,200-00 488, 200. 00 1011), i _ , Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947. ..----. - $155,101.83 Amount allotted during fiscal year. -- 115,200.00 Amount to be accounted for__ 270,301.83 Gross amount expended--------------------- $136,458.03 Less reimbursed expenditures- --- 10.00 136,448.03 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.. Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ----------- - 133,853.80 209.57 A t xvn d by l ,I, d cuu -------- I, moi,,un cover eu uncompietea ,y nc -1 contracts ..... ,1.97,740.57 97,740.57 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------------- 36,113.23 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948--------------------- 371.7 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948... 36, 485.00 . Amount allotted in July 1948..__----------- - -213,600.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- 250,085.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 86 of existing project-------- 90,111 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for maintenance ------------------------------- 12,000.00 1 Includes $11,588.14 Emergency Relief funds. 55. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 2 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 28, 1937, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, as amended by the Flood Control Acts approved August 11, 1939, August 18, 1941, and July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 from the flood-control appropriations for any one fiscal year for the removal of accumulated snags and other debris from, FLOOD CONTRIOL-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 551 and the clearing and straightening of channels in navigable streams and tributaries thereof when such work is advisable in the interest f flood control; provided that not more than $50,000 shall be allotted for this purpose for any single tributary from the appro- Priations for any one fiscal year. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plans and specifications are complete for work of removing an abandoned dam and overbank and channel clearing on the Chenango River at Port Dickinson, N. Y. Contract award has not been made because bids received were in excess of available funds. The cost and expenditures for this Work Were $10,563.53. WProposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the sal year, $22,295.57, will be used to initiate snagging and clearing OPerations on the Chenango River in the vicinity of Port Dickinson, N. Y., by continuing contract, during the fiscal year 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ --------------------------- $10,563.53 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 10,563.53 Net total expenditures--------- ------------------ 10,563.53 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 22,295.57 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 32,859.10 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new workn ce---- .. ..- ". ""...... ...... $1,745.77 $958.66... ........ st of maintenance.-- epended................ xTotal Ill,, ..... _..................... 1,941.02 763.41 -.......... .. tte-----------------------.............. -$3, 640.00 25,000.00 ........------ ... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _-_-------- --- -_ ------- $22,295.57 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------- 22,295.57 56. EMERGENCY FLOOD CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 18, 1941 The Flood Control Act, approved August 18, 1941, authorizes the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 from the flood-control appropriations for any one fiscal year to be expended in rescue work or in the repair or maintenance of any flood-control work threat- ened or destroyed by flood. The unexpended balance of $2,708.91, from operations in prior iscal years was revoked. 552 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------.05 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-__ - $47,927' Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.-- ----- 47,927.05 Net total expenditures-- _ -- 47 927.05 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_- ------- 47,927.05 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1940 1947 1948 --.---------------------------------.------------.------- Cost of new work______________ ___ Cost Costof of maintenance--------------------------------- mintean------- ------------- ---------_-- -------------- $47, 927.05- - - Total expended ................ - - - - -- - - - - 47,927.05 --- - - Allotted-..................... ------ ------ - --- I -- 73'5.9 Balance tdrexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $2,708.91 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment _ - 2,708.91 57. EMERGENCY FLOOD CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED JUNE 23, 1947 The Flood Control Act, approved June 23, 1947, authorizes the appropriation of $15,000,000 as an emergency fund to be expended for the repair, restoration, and strengthening of levees and other flood control works which may have been threatened or destroyed by recent floods, or which may be threatened or destroyed by later floods. Funds in the amount of $225,000 were allotted in the fiscal year 1948 for emergency repairs to the Toby Creek Pressure Conduit and impounding basin, Kingston-Edwardsville, Pa. The work performed consisted of engineering studies, design and preparation of plans and specification, by hired labor. The cost was $20,455.82, all for maintenance. The expenditures were $20,305.12. The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year was $204', 694.88, which will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948------- ------------------------ $150.70 Maintenance: Advertise for bids; initiate construction consisting of raising levees and repairing emergency spillway of impounding basin, and repairing joints and improving entrance of the intake 44.18 structure, by contract, including related government costs--------204,544.1 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-_ ----- ________- __--- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------- $20,4558 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. -20,455.82 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 _ 150.70 Net total expenditures_--- ----- ____--------_ --- 20,305.12 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_._-- .-- __.-..------- 204,694.88 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ -- 225,000.00 FLOOD CONTROIr-BALTIMORE, MD., DISTRICT 553 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of new work TStof --------------------------------------- ISaintenance $20, 455.82 alexpended--------------- ------------------ --------------------------- 20, 305. 12 Allotted - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 225,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------ $225,000.00 Gross amount expended-_ _20----------------------- 20,305.12 OutBalance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------204,694.88 utstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 150.70 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- - 204,544.18 58, PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost of work during the fiscal year amounted to $148,238.50. The of end expenditures were $158,047.73. The unexpended balance at the the fiscal year, $3.33, plus accounts receivable, $186.62, plus 230,000, allotted in July 1948, less accounts payable, $17.00, amount t $230,172.95. This amount will be applied as needed during the fiscal Year 1949 to payment of expenses incurred under this heading. C Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- $650,278.43 Total cost Plu 8accounts of permanent work to June 30, 1948 650,278.43 receivable, June 30, 1948_ - _---------- ---- 186.62 inus Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------ ----------- 650,465.05 iusaccounts payable, June 30, 1948---------- -------- 17.00 U Net total expenditures--------------------- ---------- 650,448.05 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948----------------------------- 3.33 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-. 650,451.38 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 , Cost of new work........... ost of maintenance.......... Total expended ................ "-------------...------------....---------- $22, 580. 79 $42, 676. 29 $52, 542. 71 $103, 988. 76 '$148, 238. 50 ---------- 12,112.28 52, 914, 30 55, 303.45 91, 818.91 158, 047.73 Allotted------------------------ 54,000.00 62, 700. 00 83, 944.851 10, 555. 15 * 155, 000.00 - - --- - - ---- 554 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ..... $3,051.06 Amount allotted during fiscal year __ _-- 155,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- _-158,051.06 Gross amount Gross amount expended-- expended_ ---------------------------- 158,047.73 , Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 3.33 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-. 17.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948_ --- 13.62 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-- __ 186.62 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948---- 172.95 Amount allotted in July 1948_-___ 230,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 --------- 230,172.95 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 0 June 30, 1950, for maintenance. 350,000.0 59. INACTIVE FLOOD CONTROL PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures to ted full report June 30, 1948 Estiae Name of project see Annual amount Report -required to for- New work Maintenance complete Milton, Pa.--------------- 1937--------------------------- Montgomery, Pa.1---------... .- "3 19371391 Muncy, Pa.-----19372 - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- -- -- - - 00 3------------------------- Jersey Shore, Pa. . 1937-395,1 0 Bloomsburg, Pa. .. 1937 11, West Pittston,Pa** .- 1937 1700 Nanticoke, Pa.Marshyhope Federalsburg, --------------------------- Creek, Md.. 1937- 1941 - ... $4,061. 08 3-------------- 216,00 1No funds have been allotted and no work has been done on these projects. Inaccordance with the P O visions of the 1941 Flood Control Act, the 5-year limitation clause on assurances of local cooperatio been Invoked. Project authorization will expire June 1951. 2No funds have been allotted and no work has been done on these projects. Request for assurances has been withheld pending results of investigations in connection with the review report on the Susqueha River in Luzerne County, Pa. 8Awaiting local cooperation. Status of all investigationsfor flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions i Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recomeno Congress No. datioO Catatonk Creek Basin in the vicinity Commerce Committee "._... of Candor, N. Y. (tributary of the resolution, June 20,1944---------------... Susquehanna River). Chenango and Susquehanna Rivers Flood Control Commit-..................... in Broome County, N. Y. tee resolution, Dec. 18, 1945 Juniata River and tributaries, Penn- Flood Control Act, Dec.. sylvania, with special reference to 22, 1944 proposed Raystown Reservoir. Lackawanna River, Pa.... Commerce Committee- .. ..---------- resolution, July 8, 1942 Marshyhope Creek, Md.......... Flood Control Commit- ................... tee resolution, March 1, 1946 Marshyhope Creek and tributaries, Flood Control Act, July .......................... Maryland. 24, 1946 -- I FLOOD) CONTR'l'I---BALTIMORE, I )., DISTRICT 555 1 I Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recommen- Congress No. dation MInkey Run Creek in Corning, N. House Public Works ... -- - -- - Y. and vicinitytibutary of the Committee resolution, Ousquehanna River. January 28, 1947 OwegoCreek, inthe vicinity Owego, Commerce Committee . . - -- - -- - .anna .(tributary of the Susque- resolution, June 20, 1944 aYstown Reservoir, Juniata River Flood Control Act, De- Slo tributatries, Pennsylvania. cember 22, 1944 onion Creek,Hanover Township, Flood Control Commit- a, tributary of the Susquehanna tee resolution, March -- - - - - - - Usqufohanna River 22, 1946 and tributaries, Commerce Committee or iood control on Catatonk Creek resolution, June 20, 1944 .. - -- - -- - Susin invicinity of Candor, N. Y. orSquehanna River and tributaries, Commerce Committee for flood control on Owego Creek resolution, June 20, 1944 .- - - - - - I thevlicinity of Oweo, N. Y. S.quehanna River, North Branch, Flood Control Commit-. *a., and tributaries. tee resolution, July 5, . . - -- - -- - 1946 R sqUehanna River, West Branch, Flood Control Commit- , and tributaries. tee resolution, May 29, Susquehanna River, Pa., flood con- 1946 .- - - - - - - Flood Control Commit- troln Luzerne County, Pa., at tee resolution, Jan. 31, and in vicinity of Wilkes-Barro, 1946 . . - -- - -- - and contiguous areas. .ingston, Susquehanna River, Pa., flood con- Flood Control Commit- troo1on Solomon Creek in Hanover tee resolution, March .- - - - - - - S waship, Pa. 22, 1946 Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, Decemn- ber 18, 1945 SSusqehanna and Chenango Rivers Commerce Committee 8l .quehanna roome County, N. Y resolution, Jan. 14, 1946 .. . . -- -- -- River in vicinity of Flood Control Act, 1)e- ,.icot ta, , Johnson City, and Ves- cemnber 22, 1944 N1 y" Susquehanna River, floodprotection Commerce Committee r Cortland, N. Y., and vicinity. resolution, April 17, 1946 l SlS euchanna River and tributaries, House Public Works e York, Pennsylvania, and Committee resolution, Inaryland, with a view to improve- Jan. 28, 1947 omentof Monkey Run Creek in 8 Co ing,N. Y., and vicinity. uchanna River and tributaries, eb Flood Control Commit- aew York, Pennsylvania, and tee resolution, April 19, o yland, with view to providing 19416 Protection Din.. at and in the vi- ci of Nichols, Tioga County, Susquehanna River, at and in the- Flood Control Act, July Vicinity of Sidney, N. Y. 24, 1946 I I --- A- IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE WASHINGTON, D. C. DISTRICT This district comprises a portion of south central Pennsylvania, Western Maryland, eastern West Virginia, and northern Virginia elbracing the western part of Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries from Cove Point, Md., to a line due west through Wolf Trap Light to the watershed line between the northerly arm of Winter Harbor and Garden Creek, Va. District engineer: Col. D. G. White, Corps of Engineers, to April 0, 1948; Capt. J. W. Califf, Corps of Engineers, Acting district engneer to June 4, 1948, and Col. Henry C. Wolfe, Corps of En- gineers , since that date. Division engineer of the North Atlantic Division, New York, . y., comprising the New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Balti- aore, Md., Washington, D. C., and Norfolk, Va., districts: Col VF. IHeavey, Corps of Engineers, acting division engineer to July 17, 1947, Col. B. C. Dunn, Corps of Engineers, since that date. Navigation Projects Navigation Projects-Continued Page Page *1.Washington Harbor, D. C.. 558 23. Broad Creek, Va.-----------593 2. Potomac River, north side of _ 594 24. Jackson Creek, Va. _ .-- . Washington Channel, D. C. 561 25. Milford Haven, Va.- .---- 595 3. Potomac River at Alexandria, 26. Examinations, surveys, and Va. ------------------ 4. Potomac River below Wash- 565 w. contingencies (general) .. -- 597 598 27. Inactive navigation projects 56. Vernon, Va. ington, D. C.----------- Potomac River at Mount 566 28. Plant allotment ---- -- 598 569 Occoquan Creek, Va. 570 Flood Control Projects 7. Bransons Cove, Lower Macho- 29. Washington, D. C., and vicin- doc River, Va. _ . 572 ity__----------01 8. Monroe Bay and Creek, Va._. 573 30. Cumberland, Md., and Ridge- 91 Neale Sound, Md.......... 574 ley, W. Va. ------------ 603 10. St. Catherines Sound, Md.. 575 31. Savage River Dam, Md.--- -- 605 12. Breton Bay, Md..... ... 576 32. Waynesboro, Va. ..------- 607 12Channel to Island Creek, St. 33. Salem Church Reservoir, Va. 608 George Island, Md.__ _ 13. Little Wicomico River, Va.... _ 577 578 34. Emergency repairs to the Ana- costia Levee, Washington, 14. St. Jeromes Creek, Md ..... 580 D. C.------------- 609 15. Cockrells Creek, Va..... _ _ 581 35. Emergency Flood-Control 16. Cranes Creek, Va..... __.. 582 Work under Authority of 17, Rappahannock River, Va.. 583 the Flood Control Act ap- 18. Hoskins Creek, Va .......... 586 proved August 18, 1941__- 610 19. Totuskey Creek, Va..... _ 587 36. Preliminary examinations, 20. Urbanna Creek, Va......... 589 surveys, and contingencies 21. Whitings Creek, Va....... 591 for flood control--- ------- 611 22. Carters Creek, Va......... 37. Inactive flood-control projects 612 592 80 4711---48 vol. 1-36 557 558 REPOR' ()O!CHIEF ()O ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 1. WASHINGTON HARBOR, D. C. Location.-Washington Harbor is located at the junction of the Anacostia River with the Potomac River within the District of Columbia, 108 miles up-stream of the mouth of the Potomac River, southerly 202 miles by water from Baltimore, Md., and northerly 195 miles from Norfolk, Va. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 560.) Previous projects.-The original project for the Potomac River was adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1833, July 11, 1870, and August 2, 1882. For further details, see page 1791 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 295 of Annual Report for 1934' The River and Harbor Act of September 19, 1890, authorized an allotment for work on the Anacostia River; joint resolution of Con- gress of April 11, 1898, made appropriation for a survey; and a project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 13, 1902 (H. Doc. 87, 55th Cong., 3d sess., and Annual Report for 1899' p. 1443). For further details see page 430 of Annual Report for 1.932 and page 421 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This project is a combination and extension of the latest projects for the Potomac River at Washington, D. C., and the Anacostia River, D. C. The project provides for: (1) Virginia Channel, from Giesboro Point to Francis Scott Key Bridge, 24 feet deep and 400 feet wide, with the width increased as necessary to afford a low-water cross-section area of 25,000 square feet; (2) Washington Channel, from Hains Point to the head of Washington Channel, 24 feet deep and 400 feet wide; (3) Anacostia River from Giesboro Point to Anacostia Bridge, 24 feet deep and 400 feet wide, with turning basin 800 feet wide and approximately 2,400 feet long of same depth opposite the Naval Gun Factory; (4) Anacostia River from Anacostia Bridge, 24 feet deep and 200 feet wide to turning basin 400 feet square of same depth at foot of Fifteenth Street SE. The channel lengths including turning basins are: Virginia Chan" nel, 25,000 feet; Washington Channel, 10,000 feet; and Anacostia River, 15,000 feet. The plane of reference is low-water datum which is 0.35 foot below mean low tide as observed from 1932 to 1942. Tidal ranges are: Mean, 2.9 feet; irregular, 4.5 feet; and extreme, 10.7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $447,000, exclusive of expenditures on previous projects. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $83,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 22, 74th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published maps are in the project document. Terminal facilities.-On the Virginia Channel (Georgetown water front) there are 10 wharves generally of the bulkhead type, of timber, stone, and concrete, privately owned. Railroad and crane service are available at a number of the wharves. On the Washington Channel are 2 yacht basins with a total capacity for 198 yachts, under jurisdiction of the District of Columbia and 12 wharves of open pile and bulkhead construction, all owned by the Federal RIVERS AND IIARBORS-WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 559 Government, but most of which are leased to private parties or serve "of governmental agencies. On the Anacostia River are about 23 miles commercial water front on which are located 7 privately owned and 2 Government wharves, and 3,500 linear feet of bulkhead with slips for governmental agencies. In addition, there are numerous Small stagings and floats used by yacht clubs for mooring small ties. Some boats.The of the wharves and slips have transfer and rail facili- wharves of the Washington Harbor are only open to the Public by special arrangement, except for the District of Columbia fish wharves on the Washington Channel. Terminal facilities, except for those in the Washington Channel, are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The Tidal Basin gates were repaired and operated throughout the year at a cost of $4,531.75. Patrols were made over the entire Washington Harbor area in July 1947 and June 1948 to insure that reinfestation by the water chestnut plant (Trapa natans) had not occurred. The work was accomplished by hired labor and Government plant at a cost of $1,000 Snags and miscellaneous debris were removed from Virginia Channel with Government plant and hired labor in April 1948 at a cost of $155.78. SHIydrographic surveys were made in December 1947 in Virginia channel from Easby Point to Hains Point, and in Anacostia River from the foot of Fifteenth Street SE., to Hains Point. The work Was accomplished by hired labor and Government plant at a cost of $3,545.78. Under the provisions of section 3 of the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, the United States hydraulic dredge Dalecarliawas engaged during September 1947 in removing shoals in the Potomac River opposite Hains Point. Approximately 10,350 cubic yards ere removed at a cost of $4,000.00 under an allotment to Potomac iver at Washington, D. C. Total costs for the year were $13,233.31 applied to maintenance. Total expenditures were $12,195.98. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 50 percent completed. The channels and basins in the Anacostia River are completed and those at the forks of the channel at Hains Point are partially completed. Except for dredging between the limits of 2,000 feet above and 3,000 feet below the Memorial Bridge no new work has been done downstream of Key Bridge in the Vir- ginia Channel. The controlling depths throughout the harbor were as follows: Virginia Channel, Key Bridge to the Pennsylvania lailroad bridge 13.9 feet for a width of 400 feet and 15.5 feet for a Width of 200 feet October 1947 and from the Pennsylvania Rail- road bridge to Hains Point 12.8 feet for a width of 400 feet October 1947 and 15.6 feet for a width of 200 feet; Washington Channel, 17.7 feet for a width of 400 feet and 22.2 feet for a width of 200 feet, February 1946; Anacostia River to Anacostia Bridge 19.4 feet for a width of 400 feet, October 1947, upstream of Anacostia Bridge to foot of Fifteenth Street SE. 21.1 feet October 1947, and under the 560 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 drawspan of the bridge 21.1 feet for a width of 100 feet. of The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists of (1) removal of rock in Virginia Channel upstream of Memorial Bridge; (2) dredging in Virginia Channel from Hains Point up- stream to a point 3,000 feet below the Memorial Bridge. Total cost of the existing project was $481,209.68 of which $16 2 ,- 006.33 was for new work and $319,203.35 was for maintenance, which includes $4,000 for emergency dredging under provision of section 3 of the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945. The total expenditures were $480,172.15. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $2,774.70 plus an allotment of $242,400 for maintenance and $6,600 for operations and care, made in July 1948, a total of $2 5 1,774.70' will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------- $1,037.53 Maintenance: Operation and repair of tidal gates, Tidal Basin, Washington, D. C., by hired labor----------------------_ 6,600.00 Patrol and removal of isolated water chestnut plants in the Potomac River within the District of Columbia with Govern- ment plant and hired labor (July 1948 and June 1949) 800.00 Dredge by contract from the Virginia Channel 604,000 cubic yards of material (Aug. 1 to Dec. 31, 1948) 241,600.00 Removal of snags and miscellaneous debris from Virginia Channel with Government plant and hired labor (September 1948) . 1,737.17 Total maintenance ------------------------------- 251,774.70 The additional sum of $356,400.00 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, in Anacostia River 612,000 cubic yards (Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1949)_ -- - _ __$336,600.00 Operation and repair of tidal basin gates, by hired labor ..------- 7,000.00 Patrol of the Washington Harbor area, by hired labor, to remove scattered water chestnut plants (July 1949) _-----------_ Hydrographic survey of Washington Channel from Fourteenth 800.00 Street Bridge, N.W., to Hains Point with Government plant and hired labor------_______________ ________ 2,000.00 Hydrographic surveys and studies to determine capacities of disposal areas at Oxon Run, Daingerfield Island, and Hunting Creek for future dredging in Washington Harbor (July 1949- June 1950) ----------------------------------------- 10,000.00 Total maintenance---------------- -- -------------- 356,400.00 The above amount exceeds the average expended for maintenance on this project during the preceding 5 years, but is necessary in order to restore project dimensions which were not maintained during the war years. RIVERS AND HARBORS---WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 561 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- $3,191,007.11 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 2,150,812.97 5,341,820.08 inu Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------...... accounts payable, June 30, 1948--------------- ------- 1,037.53 U Net total expenditures --------------------------. 5340,782.55 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 2,774.70 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 5,343,557.25 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Costof new work Costof mainteanco ..----------- $10, 134. 15 $31 , 711. 90 $4, 862.72 $5, 723.43 $13, 233.31 Total expended................ 28, 268.91 8,920.28 5, 936. 28 12,195. 98 10, 605.91 -A-O-tted-------- . . . .36, . 000. 00 6, 800. 00 500. 00. 11750. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------- $3,220.68 A ount allotted during fiscal year_ --------------- 11750.00 Amount to be accounted for--------- ------------ 14,970.68 Gross amount expended-. _-- ---------------------- 12,195.98 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------ 2,774.70 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- - -_ _ _ _ -_ _ - - - 1,037.53 Balance available, June 30, 1948 1,737.17 Amount allotted in July 1948-_ ___________ _--------------- 249,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 250,737.17 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------- 285,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance--- ------------------------- 356,400.00 2. POTOMAC RIVER, NORTH SIDE OF WASHINGTON CHANNEL, D. C. Location.--The area covered by the project is the north side of the Washington Channel water front upstream of the War College, all located in the District of Columbia. (See U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Chart No. 560.) Existing project.-This provides for development the commer- cial water front of Washington Channel by construction of (1) a of Yacht harbor in 4 sections on the upstream half of the section, with berthing space for about 286 boats; (2) 2 wharves for activities of the District of Columbia; (3) 3 wharves for existing transportation lines and general service; (4) construction of bulkhead walls; and (5) removal of the old and dilapidated existing structures. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $6,486,000, of which the District of Columbia is to contribute $389,000, the cost of the two wharves for District of Columbia activities. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of 562 REPOrT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 August 30, 1935 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 13, 73dN Cong., 1st sess.)., Detailed plans approved by the Chief of Engineers, September 24, 1945, provide for the following modifications in the items of con! struction: (1) A yacht harbor in 3 sections on the upstream half of the water front with berthing space for about 356 boats; (2) 1 wharf for the combined use of the police and fire departments of the District of Columbia; (3) 3 wharves for existing transportation lines and general service; (4) construction of bulkhead walls; an6 (5) removal of the old and. dilapidated existing structures. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-The entire water front is Governmentl owned and facilities are leased to individuals or serve governmental agencies. Two yacht basins to accommodate 198 yachts and small boats together with a public sales and service pier, and a large corm mercial pier have been completed under the existing project. Of the 12 commercial piers only 5 can be classed as modern. The only wharves open to the public are those owned by the District of Colum* bia at the municipal fish market where daily rental rates are charged. The facilities are considered inadequate for existing cofm merce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Plans and specificad tions for Pier No. 4, an excursion pier, were reviewed and modified so that work on the substructure could be advertised. Bids were received and a contract in the amount of $339,883.00 was awarded. The majority of the vertical creosoted wooden piling for the pier proper and the steel sheet piling for the bulkhead wall were placed during the fiscal year. The work under contract was approximately 50 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. Preparation of leases and inspection of property was continued during the fiscal year at a cost of $1,370.12. Total cost for the year, all for new work, was $205,784.96, of which $21,853.82 was contributed funds, and $183,931.14 was United States funds. The expenditures were $164,062.02, of which $22,398.76 was contributed funds, and $141,663.26 was United States funds. Conditionat end of fiscal year.--The existing project was approx1 imately 45 percent complete. Construction of the first two yacht basins was completed in November 1940 and the basins were leased for commercial use and transferred to the District of Columbia, for operation on December 3, 1940. Commercial pier No. 5 at the foot of N Street SW., was completed in December 1941 and jurisdiction of the structure was transferred to the District of Columbia for operation March 21, 1942. Removal of existing structures and dredging for construction of excursion pier No. 4 was completed November 6, 1941. A contract was awarded for the construction of the substructure of pier No. 4 during fiscal year 1948 and the work was 50 percent complete. Plans and specifications for Yacht Basin No. 3 were 75 percent complete. Plans and specifications for piers No. 2 and 3 were 7 percent complete. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists of (1) construction of two yacht basins; (2) construction of two RIVERS AND HARBORS-WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 563 Piers for activities of the District of Columbia; (3) construction of the superstructure for pier 4, an excursion pier; and construction of a pier for existing transportation lines and general service; (4) completion of bulkhead walls; and (5) completion of removal of existing structures. Total costs, all for new work, were $1,503,287.01, of which $1,114,294.31 was United States funds and $388,992.70 was contrib- uted funds. Total expenditures were $1,461,019.13 of which $1,- 072,026.43 were United States funds and $388,992.70 contributed funds. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $271,344.04, will be applied to new work as follows: ccounts payable, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- $42,267.88 Corpletion of substructure of pier 4 by contract (July 1, 1948 to November 19, 1948). ------------------- --------- 189, 648.15 Review and modification of plans and specifications for superstructure Of pier 4 (Aug.1, 1948 to Nov. 1, 1948) -..-------------------- 4,500.00 Ornpletion of plans and specifications of Yacht Basin No. 3 (Nov. S1,1948 to Feb. 1, 1949) ----------------------------------- 6,000.00 Issuing leases, inspection of leased properties, and maintenance of U Uleased properties---- ---------------- _________ ----- 2 400.00 nallocated balance __-------------------- 26,528.01 Total ----------------------------- ---- ---------- 271,344.04 The additional sum of $475,700 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for construc.tion, by contract, to complete the superstructure to pier No. 4 (July 1, 1949 to Apr. 1, 1950). Cost and financial summary U. S. FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _ _------------------- $1,104,629.13 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.--------- --- -------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .---- 1,104,629.13 ndistributed costs, June 30, 1948 ------------------ 9,665.18 Net total cost to June 30, 1948--------------------- 1,114,294.31 inus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------- ------ 42,267.88 Net total expenditures---- ------------------------ 1,072,026-. 43 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948_.-.---------------- -271,336.74 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 1,343,363.17 Fiscal year ending June 30-. 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 --- - I--I- COst of new work ............. -$20,233.01-........ ......................... $183, 931.14 COst of maintenance............ --------------- j-------------- ~ - ---- -- - j - I- ;- ;- -I-------- Total expended.................----------- 25, 605. 90 I........-----------.....--------.........------...... 141, 663.26 -- - =--5-----'.-- I Allotted...................... ...............-..--........- $413,000.00. --$400,000.00. 400, 000.00 I I . I - I 564 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_---------------------------- $13,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year--_ 40000000 Amount to be accounted for_______ 413,000.00 Gross amount expended_ 1--------41,663.26 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 271,336.74 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---------- $3,355.65 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts------ 213,737.73 217,093.38 Balance available, June 30, 1948 54 243.36 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 0.00 of existing project--------- - - -- 4,754,00. Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for new work 475,700.00 475,700 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948______________________----- $388,992.70 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___-_______________ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---- 388,992.70 Net total expenditures________________________________ 388,992.70 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 --------------------- 730 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.-------------- 389,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -------------- $15, 758.91 $32, 657. 71 $29,449.81 $28, 272. 45 $21,85382 Cost of maintenance------- ----- ----- ----- Total expended--- ..---------...........---- 12, 719. 76 27,154. 23 32, 561.99 33157.96 22398.7 Allotted------.--------------- 000.00--. 112, ----..-...-----. 6,0000 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _______________ $6,406.06 Amount allotted during fiscal year ---------------------------- 16,000.00 Amount to be accounted for __________________________ 22,406.06 Gross amount expended_------------------- _____________ 22,398.76 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_____________________ 7.30 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY, POTOMAC RIVER, NORTH SIDE OF WASHINGTON CHANNEL, D. C. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_________________________ $1,493,621.83 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_---- ---- _ - -_ ________-----* Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948....-.. 1,493,621.83 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948- _'- - - 9,665.18 Net total cost to June 30, 1948---- ---------------- 1,503,287.01 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 _.....------------- 42,267.88 Net total expenditures ------------------- ---------- 1,461,019.13 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 271,344.04 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.------. _ 1,732,363.17 RIVERS AND HARBORS-WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 565 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944' 1946 1946 1947 1948 Costf new Cost of mainwork - ---- $35, 991.92 $32, 657.711 $29, 449.81 $28,272.45 $205, 784.96 ltenance--------------------- --------------------------------------- Total expencded-- - _---- - 38, 225.66 27, 154. 23 32, 561.99 33, 157. 96 164, 062.02 Allotted - 112,000. 00 -------------- 413, .000.00-400,000. 00 416, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------- $19,406.06 mount allotted during fiscal year...-- 416,000.00 grs to be accounted for------------- ---------- Amountexpended------------------ 435,406.06 Grosamount ----------- 164,062.02 0 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------- 271,344.04 Autstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------- $3,355.65 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts------ 213,737.73 217,093.38 Balance available, June 30, 1948 --------------------- 54,250.66 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.----- ---------------------------- 4,754,000.00 Ao0unt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for new work_---------- ------------------- 475,700.00 3. POTOMAC RIVER AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. Location.-Alexandria, on the right bank of the Potomac River, s85 miles below Washington, D. C., and 105 miles above the mouth Of the river. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 560.) E'xisting project.-This provides for a depth of 24 feet in front of Alexandria between the through channel and a line drawn 20 feet outside of the established pierhead line. This area is about 6,700 feet in length and averages 300 feet in width. The plane of refer- ence is mean low water. Tidal ranges are: Mean, 2.8 feet; irregular, 4.5 feet; and extreme, 10.6 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1908, was $116,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $,9000. The existing proiect was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of lune 25, 1910 (H. Doc. 1253, 60th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.-Alexandriahas 12 regular shipping wharves or landings; 9 of these are privately owned (of which 4 are open to the public by special arrangement) and 3 owned by the United States. The terminal and transfer facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-A total of 125,327 CUbic yards of material was dredged from the Alexandria water front and deposited on the Oxon Run flats in July 1947. The work Was accomplished by the United States hydraulic dredge Talcott at a cost of $27,161.22. 566 REP()Ro'. OF CHIF ()F ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Patrols and removal of scattered water chestnut growth (TraPs nctans) were accomplished by hired labor and Government plant " June 1948 along the Alexandria water front at a cost of $1,100.00. The cost for the year, all for maintenance, was $28,261.22. Total expenditures were $27,992.32. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was col pleted in December 1911. The controlling depth in August 1947 was 24.7 feet in the lower section and 24.2 feet in the upper section. Total costs were $310,056.38, of which $95,214.52 was for new work and $214,841.86 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $308,956.38. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $6,814.36, less accounts payable of $1,100.00, a total of $5,714.36, will be reported for revocation. The sum of $900 can be profitably expended for maintenance during the fiscal year 1950 for patrol of and removal of scattered water chestnut growth by Government plant and hired labor from the Alexandria water front and vicinity (July 1949). Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __$95,214.52 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ 214, 841.86 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ 310,056.38 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-............. 1,100.00 Net total expenditures ----------------------------- 308,956.38 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948- 6,814 36 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.----------_ 315,770.74 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1 48 Cost of new work....................... Cost of maintenance- -.....--------.... $2, 2109.98 $977.65 $2, 172.60 $1, 874. 17 --- $28 3, 2612 Total expended ...........- ------..... 2, 219.98 32 490.00 2,60. 25 1,043. 07 27, 992, Allotted........... ...-- ----------- ........... 36,200.000 [ 2,300.00 ..---.. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---- ______________ $34,806.68 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 27,992.32 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------------------- 6,814.36 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 1,100.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948. ------------------------ 5,714.36 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance-----------------900.00 4. POTOMAC RIVER BELOW WASHINGTON, D. C. Location.-The Potomac River is formed 21 miles below Cumber- land, Md., and flows southeasterly about 285 miles and enters Chesa- peake Bay, about 80 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 557, 558, 559, and 560.) RIVERS AND HARBORS-WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 567 20Eisting project.-This provides for a channel 24 feet deep and 0 feet wide between the mouth of the river and Giesboro Point at ashington, D. C., a distance of 108 miles. The plane of reference 2imean low water. Tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.3 feet at the mouth, 2.9 feet at Washington; irregular, 2 feet at the mouth, 4.5 feet at ashington; extreme, approximately 6 feet at mouth, 10.7 feet at ashington. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1891 was $158,400. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $20,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of lilarch 3, 1899 (H. Doc. 33, 52d Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- shed map is in the Annual Report for 1902, page 1038, and in OUse Document 859, Sixtieth Congress, first session. Terminalfacilities.-In general, the improvement is a main river channel, and terminal facilities are only served where the channel runs close to either bank of the river. In all, 13 wharves are thus Served. These wharves are of open and solid fill construction and bulkhead type. The facilities are considered adequate for existing COkmerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-During July and August 1947 and May and June 1948, water chestnut growth (Trapa atans) was removed from areas adjacent to the channel from Al exandria, Va., to Aquia Creek, Va., and tributaries within these limits except Occoquan Creek, Va., and the Potomac River at Mt. ernon, Va., by Government-owned underwater cutting machines and hired labor at a cost of $26,324.55. During the year a total of 1,000 acres of heavily infested areas was cut and 1,550 acres of scattered growth was cut from the Potomac River and all tributaries from Washington, D. C., to Aquia Creek, Va. a Ydrographic surveys were made at Mattawoman, Smith Point, and MVaryland Point Bars at a cost of $6,800.26. Total costs for the year were $33,124.81, all for maintenance. Total expenditures were $18,598.17. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in June 1905. Controlling depths for the project width of 200 feet were as follows: Controlling Name. of bar depth Date Feet Fa aral Magazine .... 23.7 une 1944. 1944. Maa U ------------ ------------------------- --- ------------ 23.7 Ju~ne Sttw oman .... - ... - - - - - - - ....... - - - - - -... - -- -- - - - - .. -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- - 23. May 1948. DerSmith Point.. __. __. 23.6 June OWer Smith Point-Maryland Point--- -....................-.-----.-- 4 21. June 1948. 1948. leBottom ............. --------------------------------------- - 23.4 June 1947. Total costs were $918,510.01, of which $153,836 was for new Work and $764,674.01 for maintenance, which includes $1,000 for each of the following tributaries: Little Wicomico River, Va., Her- ring Creek, Md., Coan River, Va.; and $20,000 under allotments to tributaries for water chestnut eradication. Total expenditures were 568 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGItNEERS, U. S. ARMVY, 1948 $889,244.77. In addition, a total of $101,161.92 of United States Public Health Service funds has been expended for removal of water chestnuts. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended June 30, 1948 of $33,878.83 plus an allotment of $27,500, made in July 1948, a total of $61,378.83, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 ----------------------------- $29,265.24 Maintenance: Eradication of water chestnut growth by Government Plant and hired labor downstream of the District of Columbia on the main river and tributaries (July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949) 32,113.59 Total maintenance-------------------------- 61,378.83 The additional sum of $167,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Eradication of water chestnut growth by Government plant 000 and hired labor (July 1, 1.949 to June 30, 1950)------------- $25, Hydrographic surveys of shoals reported in vicinity of Hallowing Point, Cedar Point, and Higgins Point. Reestablishment of destroyed triangulation control at Kettle Bottom Bar, Smith- Maryland Point Bar, and Mattawoman Bar by Government00 plant and hired labor (July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950) -17,000 Dredging by contract from Mattawoman and Smith-Maryland Point Bars in the Potomac River, 696,328 cubic yards (Sep 125,000 tember 1 to December 31, 1949) 125,00 Total maintenance--... . . . 167,000 The above amount exceeds the average expended for maintenance on this project during the preceding 5 years, but is necessary in order to restore project dimensions. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--- ------- $153,836.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 764,674.01 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ 1 918,510.01 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-----_ -29,265.24 Net total expenditures___________________________ 1 889,244.71 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ----- 33,878.83 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__-------------- 1923,123.60 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work...------------------------------- - Cost of maintenance... .-.-.- $134,215. 92 $57, 582. 94 $36, 856.82 $29,406.58 $33,124.81 Total expended...---------------.......... 135, 730. 59 35, 333. 22 47, 5685.60 26, 188. 92 18, 598 17 Allotted.......................------------............... 76, 300. 00 19, 200. 00 46, 000.00 11,000 t 1 In addition, $101,161. 92 of U. S. Public Health Service funds were expended for water chestnu eradi cation. RIVERS AND HARBORS-WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 569 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------------- $41,477.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year.--------------------------- 11,000.00 Gross Amount to be accounted for------------------------------52,477.00 oss amount expended ------------------------------------- 18,598.17 O Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..------------------ 33 878.83 utstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------------- 29,265.24 June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 4,613.59 allottedavailable, AmountBalance in July 1948 ------------------------------- 27,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949...-------.... 32,113.59 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 3 0, 1950, for maintenance------------------------ 167,000.00 5. POTOMAC RIVER AT MOUNT VERNON, VA. Location.-Mount Verion lies in Fairfax 4 County, Va., on the right bank of the Potomac River about 1 / miles below Washing- on, D. C. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 560.) 'Wide Existing project.-This provides for dredging a channel 200 feet and 9 to 10 feet deep, at mean low water, between the main Channel of the Potomac River and the Mount Vernon wharf, a dis- tance of about 2,200 feet, with a turning basin of the same depth and a radius of 200 feet at the wharf. Tidal ranges are: Mean, 2.2 feet; rregular, 3 feet; and extreme, 9.7 feet. The estimate of the total cost of the project made in 1888 was $26,000. There is no approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- lance. The existing project was'authorized by the following river and harbor acts: A t Work authorized Documents Channel 6 to 7 feet deep, 150 feet wide, from Potomac Annual Report, 1879, vol 1, p. 831 3, Iiver channel to Mount Vernon wharf, with turn- ing basin at wharf. Channel increased to 9- to 10-foot depth, 200-foot Annual Report, 1888, vol. 1, p. 814. ( width, turning basin to have 200-foot radius. Terminal facilities.-There is one privately owned and operated Wharf on the Mount Vernon estate at the head of the channel. Operations and results during fiscal year.-A total of 87,431 Cubic yards of material was dredged from the entrance channel and turning basin and deposited on adjacent flats. The work was ac- complished by the United States hydraulic dredge Talcott at a cost of $1 5 ,8 3 5 . 8 8 . Total cost and expenditures for the year were $15,835.88 applied to maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was par- tially completed in May 1891. The controlling depth in March 1948 Vas 12.2 feet for a channel width of 150 feet. The costs and expendi- tures under the existing project were $67,485.88, of which $17,000 was for new work and $50,485.88 was for maintenance. Proposedoperations.-Thebalance unexpended June 30, 1948, of $164.12 will be reported for revocation. 570 REPOiRT OF CHIEF OF 'ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The sum of $1,000 can be profitably. expended for maintenance during the fiscal year 1950 for patrol of the Potomac River at Mt. Vernon, Va., by hired labor and Goternment plant to remove scat- tered growth and to insure that no reinfestation of the area by the water chestnut plant occurs. (July 1949.) Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 3 0 , 1948and_ i s $17,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 50,485.88 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 67,485.88 Net total expenditures 67,485 88 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ___itures--------------------------------------- 164. Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 67,65000 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .......-------------........... -- ---------- Cost of maintenance--........... $5,555.79 $10, 182.00- -.$2,018.00- $1, 500.00- Total expended .......------ . . 6,555.79 6, 562. 26 5, 637.74 1, 00. ----00 - 15 , , Allotted-.:-- --.. 12,200.00 -----...------.............. 1,500.00 1,000.00 1S 0" Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ,000.00 $1_____ Amount allotted during fiscal year-------- 15,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--------------------------- 16,000.00 Gross amount expended-------__.. __ ____________ 15,835.88 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948____. 164.1 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 00 30, 1950, for maintenance_ 1,000. 6. OCCOQUAN CREEK, VA. Location.-OccoquanCreek is formed by the junction of Bull and Broad Runs, about 5 miles southeast of Manassas, Va., and floWS about 13 miles in a southeasterly direction, emptying into the Potomac River about 26 miles below Washington, D. C. (See UI. $ Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 560.) Previous projects.-The original project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1873. For further details see page 1792, Annual Report for 1915, and page 363, Annual Report for 1936. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep and 150 feet wide from deep water in the Potomac River to TaylorS Point, and thence 100 feet wide to the town of Occoquan, 6 miles from the mouth, and the protection of the channel above Taylors Point by riprap-stone dikes 2,200 feet long. The plane of reference is mean low water. Tidal ranges are: Mean, 2 feet; irregular, 3 feet; extreme, approximately 8 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1907, is $64,000 eX clusive of expenditures on previous projects. The latest (1923) approved estimate for annual cost of-maintenance is $3,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of RIVERS AND HARBORS--WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 571 eptember 19, 1890 (H. Doc.75, 51st Cong., 1st sess.) ; was modified December 5,1890 (see Annual Report for 1890, p. 1089, and for 1891, p. 1254) ; and was extended by River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1907 (H. Doc. 190, 59th Cong., st sess.). The latest published map is in House Document 661, Sixty-third Congress, second session. Terminal facilities.-There are 10 landings or wharves in Occo- quan Creek. The principal terminal is solid fill and open-pile struc- ture; all the other wharves or landings are solid bulkhead struc- tures. The terminal facilities are considered sufficient for the pres- ent traffic. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Removal of water chestnut growth (Trapa natans) by Government plant and hired labrWas in progress in Belmont Bay and Occoquan Bay and Creek uring July 1947 and June 1948. Approximately 200 acres of heavy Plant growth and 1,000 acres of scattered growth were removed ,ro Occoquan Creek and its tributaries, at a cost of $2,000. IlYdrographic surveys were made of four bars down stream of Occoquan, Virginia, at a cost of $1,152.27. Total costs for the year were $3,152.27 applied to maintenance. ?otal expenditures were $6,152.27. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 92 Percent completed in April 1908. The work remaining to be done to complete the project is the construction of a dike at Upper Mud ar, which is not at present considered necessary. Stone dikes agregating 1,953 linear feet have been built and channels aggre- gating 2.6 miles have been dredged. The controlling depth was 4.8 feet over Lower Mud Bar in May 1947. Total costs were $148,139.12 Of Which $41,252.95 was for new work and $106,886.17 for mainte- alance. Total expenditures for the existing project were $146,139.12. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $2,000, plus an allotment of $3,800, made in July 1948, a total of 5,800, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_---- ------------------------ _ $2,000 ailntenance: Eradication of water chestnut growth from Occoquan Creek, Va., with Government plant and hired labor (July 1948 and June 1949) 3,800 Total------------------------------------------------ 5,800 The additional sum of $2,000 can be profitably expended for maintenance during the fiscal year 1950, for eradication of water chestnut growth from Occoquan Creek, Va., with Government plant and hired labor (July 1949 and June 1950). Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -------------------------....... $66,252.95 106,886.17 inus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------------------.. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_. 173,139.12 2,000.00 i Net total expenditures--------------------------- 171,139.12 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948---- -------------------- - 2,000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_.------------ 173,139.12 572 REPORT OF CHTIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 - - -- - ----- 1I I - I I Cost of new work- .I......-. .-. ...-. "-..- '5 7 Cost of maintenance ------ $2, 000.00 $2, 71.55 $3, .00 $5 810.33 Total expended------------- 000.0 330.00 2,, 2,698.64 2,253.24 Allotted --- 534 622 -Allotted...j 4, 500.00 2,000.00 7, 000. 00 1,12 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $7,00000 Amount allotted during fiscal year____152_______________------ Amount to be accounted for 8,152.21 Gross amount expended_--- -6,152-7 --- -------------------------------------- _- 6,52 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 2 000 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948----------------------- 200 Amount allotted in July 1948-- 3,800.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of ex- 700.00 isting project_ ---------------------------------- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 00000 1950, for maintenance-2,-00.,0 7. BRANSONS COVE, LOWER MACHODOC RIVER, VA. Location.-Bransons Cove is located in Westmoreland CountY, Va. It is a small indentation on the right bank of Lower Machodoc River, 1 mile upstream from its junction with the Potomac River' It is approximately 26 miles upstream from the mouth of the poto- mac River at Chesapeake Bay, and 85 miles southeast from Washing* ton, D. C. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 558)* Existing project.--This provides for an entrance channel 7 feet deep, 60 feet wide, and 950 feet long beginning at deep water in the Lower Machodoc River and a boat basin within the cove of the same depth, 800 feet long, 120 feet wide for the first 430 feet and 200 feet .water. wide for the remaining 370 feet. The plane of reference is mean loW The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.8 feet; irregular, 2.2 feet; and extreme, approximately 7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1946, was $28,600. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948 (H. Doc. No. 420, 80th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Theexisting project was approved subject to the conditions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil disposal areas for the initial work and subsequent maintenance when and as re- quired; release the United States from damages to property and oyster grounds incidental to dredging, both for initial work and future maintenance when and as required and construct, at their own expense, a suitable public wharf and landing area open to all RIVERS AND HARBORS--WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 573 on equal terms. It is expected that these requirements will be met lromptly. Terminal facilities.--There are two privately owned wharves at the mouth of the cove and four small privately owned foot wharves Within the cove, which are considered adequate,for present com- ercetf Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done under to Project. The controlling,depth in March 1946 was 1.5 feet at can low water in a swash channel at the entrance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is lroposed during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------- ---------- --------- fmaintenance to June 30, 1948 --------- ------------- ---------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ------- --- ------- Totalotal expenditures .....------------- -- -------------- ---------- otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-..--------------------------- oun t (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------ -------------------------- $28,600.00 8. MONROE BAY AND CREEK, VA. Location.--Located in Westmoreland County, Va., 75 miles south- ly from Washington, D. C., Monroe Bay is a slight indentation on the right bank of the Potomac River. Monroe Creek is a tidal stream m iles in length and discharges into Monroe Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 558.) Wxisting project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep, 100 feet Wide, and 950 feet long, through the bar at the entrance, and thin the creek a channel 7 feet deep, 100 feet wide, and 2,500 feet oufg, with turning and anchorage basin 500 feet in width at the UPer end in the vicinity of the Colonial Beach waterworks. The Pane of reference is mean low water. The mean tidal ranges are: eaean, 1.6 feet; irregular, 2.5 feet; and extreme, approximately 7 The estimate of cost of new work made in 1928 was $15,200. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $700, The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of uly 3,1930 (H. Doc. 172, 70th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- lshed map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.-There are 13 wharves and landings in the creek, of which 3 are open to the public. There are two marine rail- 'ays. None of the wharves has terminal or transfer facilities, and the structures are considered inadequate for present and future pen needs. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-A hydrographic sur- Vey was made by Government plant and hired labor in July 1947 at a cost of $370.23. Total costs and expenditures for the fiscal year Were $370.23, applied to maintenance. : ,, 804711----48--vol. 1 37 574 REPORT (OiF CHnIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. s. ARMY, 1948 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was co. pleted in April 1931. The controlling depth in July 1947 was feet in the entrance channel and 6.6 feet inside the creek. The costs and expenditures under the existing project were $31,623.93, of which $12,460.07 was for new work and $19,163.86 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance, June 30, 1948, of $129.77 will be reported for revocation. itis No work is proposed during the fiscal years 1949 or 1950, as it is believed maintenance will not be necessary. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___________________________ $1,46086 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 19,163.86 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 31, 62393 Net total expenditures 31,623.9. .......- ----------- - - 129. Unexpended balance, June 30, 19481___29___________________ 1 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ 31,753.70 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work....----- .........-------..--. -- - ------- -- ------ "- --. Cost of maintenance........... --- "" --- ''"- "'----- "----, Total expended-- - - - - - --.- - -- --..- - - - - - -- - - --.- ----- - 370.23 500.0(0 Allotted-------------- _ 1nn Amount allotted during fiscal-year_---------__ __ _______________ $500.2V ------------------------------------- Gross amount expended Grossamoud 37023 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_______________________ 129. 9. NEALE SOUND, MD. Location.-Neale Sound is a tidal estuary of the Wicomico River, Charles County, Md., situated near the junction of the Potomac and Wicomico Rivers, 38 miles.upstream of Chesapeake Bay. It extends in a southeasterly direction parallel with the Potomac River, from which it is separated by Cobb Island and a marshy barrier shore which is breached in a number of places. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 558.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide through the lower entrance into Wicomico River and a second channel 6 feet deep at the upper entrance extending from deep water within the sound through the marshy barrier at the head of Cobb Island to deep water in the Potomac, with widths of 60 feet within the sound and 80 feet elsewhere. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.9 feet; irregular, 2.5 feet; and extreme, approximately 7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1937, was $15,600 eX- clusive of $1,000 contributed by local interests. The latest (1937) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,100. RIVERS AND IIARBORS-WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 575 The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act SAugust 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 159, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-Two wharves open to the public, 24 small privately owned wharves and stages and 1 small marine railway are located on the waterway. The facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results duringfiscal year.-None. 1Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in February 1939. The controlling depth in May 1944 was 5.3 feet in the upper channel for a width of 50 feet, and 7.4 feet in the loWer channel for a width of 80 feet. Total cost and expenditures existing project were $12,600. In addition, $1,000 con- uder thefunds tributed was expended for new work. Proposed operations.- An allotment of $900, made in July 1948, ail be applied to a maintenance hydrographic survey of the upper d lower entrances by Government plant and hired labor, Sep- teiber 1948. tNo Work is proposed during the fiscal year 1950, as it is believed ,1atmaintenance will not be necessary. Cost and financial summary C of new work to June 30, 1948---------------------------- $12,600.00 of maintenance to June 30, 1948------- Cost -------------- ----- NeTotal cost of pernlanent work to June 30, 1948----------- 12,600.00 t total expenditures - - --- -- ---------------- a amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-------------- ---- 112 600 .00 112,600.00 Alount allotted in July 1948----------------------------- 900.00 Ulobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- _ -- 900.00 1 additio0 , $1,000 contributed funds was expended for new work. 10. ST. CATHERINES SOUND, MD. Location.-St. Catherines Sound, located in St. Marys County, d ., isan indentation, 2 miles long and 2 mile wide, on the left bank O.the Potomac River, just downstream from the mouth of the P2orlico River. It is 34 miles upstream from the mouth of the 8P tomac River at Chesapeake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic urvey Chart No. 558.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep, 100 .eet ide and 700 feet long at the lower entrance from the Potomac ~ver into St. Catherines Sound, and a second channel 6 feet deep, 00feet wide and 3,300 feet long at the upper entrance from the .i0comico River into St. Catherines Sound. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.9 feet; irregular, 2.5 feet; and extreme, approximately 7 feet. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1947, is $19,800, exclu- Sive of $600 to be contributed by local interests. The latest (1938) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $800. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2,1945. (H. Doc. 242, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest Published map is in the project document. 576 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-Theexisting project was approved subjectto the provisions that local interests contribute$600towardthe co of the work, furnish, free of cost to the United States, suitable spoil- disposal areas for new work and for subsequent maintenance as re- quired, hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the execution and maintenance of the improvemeent and agree to provide and maintain a public wharf. It is expected that these requirements will be met promptly. Terminal facilities.--Thereare 11 small wharves and stagings u cated in St. Catherines Sound and 18 in White Neck Creek, a tribf tary of St. Catherines Sound. All are privately owned, but one wharf in White Neck Creek is open to the public. There are also two marine railways in the creek. The terminal facilities are considered ade- quate for present commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done under the project. The controlling depth in April 1938 at mean low water was 2.5 feet for an 80-foot width in the upper end of the soun d and 5.5 feet in the lower end of the sound. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $19,800 can be profitably expended for new work during the fiscal year 1950 to accomplish dredging, by contract, to complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June.30, 1948________ _...---- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- - --.- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 - ----.-- Net total expenditures- ...... __ ___----------- - Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------ - _-- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of 00 existing project ---... .- ---------- $1980000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30,00 1950, for new work ------------- 19,800.00 11. BRETON BAY, MD. Location.--This is a tidal estuary about 6>2 miles long, located in St. Marys County, Md., entering the Potomac River on its left bank 30 miles upstream of the mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 558.) Previous projects.-The:original project for improvement,WaS adopted June 18, 1878, and modified in 1886 and 1890. For further details, see page 290 of Annual Report for 1910. Existing project.--This provides for dredging a channel 10 feet deep at mean low water and 200 feet wide from the mouth to Leonardtown, Md., a distance of 64 miles, with a turning basin of same depth 400 feet by 600 feet at the Leonardtown wharf. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.7 feet; irregular, 2.7 feet; and extreme, 4.5 feet. RIVERS AND HARBORS-WASHINGTON, D. C:, DISTRICT 577 The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1899, is $36,400, ex- clusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1903) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,000. The existing project was adopted bythe River and Harbor Act of June 13, 1902 (H. Doc. 209, 56th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest Published map is in the Annual Report for 1889, page 1002. Terminal facilities.--There are two popen pile wharves at Leonardtown privately owned but open to the public, and an open ile Standard Oil wharf. The terminal facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 90 Dercent complete in May 1907. The work remaining to be done to complete that project consists of dredging the channel to the full has not justified Project width of 200 feet. Subsequent navigationin December 1940 completion of the project. The controlling depth Was 8.9 feet for a width of 150 feet. Total costs and expenditures of the existing project were $22,302.55, of which $10,423.55 was for new work and $11,879 for maintenance. .Proposedoperations.-An allotment of $900, made in July 1948, Will be applied to maintenance, hydrographic survey of the chan- el, by Government plant and hired labor, August 1948. No work is proposed during the fiscal year 1950 as it is believed laintenance will not be necessary. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- $47,923.55 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 11,879.00 e Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948....--- 59,802.55 ttotal expenditures _-------..-------------------------- - 59,802.55 Otalamount appropriated to June 30, 1948-----------59,802.55 Aount allotted in July 1948. - - - - - 900.00 nohligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...--------- 900.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project....---------------------------------------- 26,000.00 12. CHANNEL TO ISLAND CREEK, ST. GEORGE ISLAND, MD. Location.Island Creek in St. Marys County, Md., is a tidal estu- aryon the right bank of St. Marys River at its junction with the Potomac River, 11 miles upstream of the Chesapeake Bay. It lies entirely within the lower half of St. George Island. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 557.) EXisting project.-This provides for a channel 5 feet deep, 50 feet Wide, and 2,000 feet long from the St. Marys River through the en- trance to Island Creek and a turning basin 5 feet deep, 200 feet wide, and 500 feet long within the creek. The plane of reference is mean lo0Water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.5 feet; irregular, 2.5 feet; and extreme, approximately 7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $22,500. The latest (1938) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $800. 578 REPORT OF C(IIE O JniNGINIERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 99, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in the project document. to Local cooperation.--The existing project was approved subject td the provisions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, necessary rights-of-way and suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and for subsequent maintenance, hold and save the United States free from damages that may result from dredging, and agree to provide suitable terminal facilities which will be open o all on equal and reasonable terms and which will have adequate highway connection. It is expected that these requirements will be met promptly. Terminal facilities.-OnIsland Creek there are five small, private landings or stagings which are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done under the project. The controlling depth in April 1938 was 1 foot at mean low water in the entrance channel. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $22,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 to accomplish dredging, by contract, to complete the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- __.____ __-___ ________ .-.- ---- - Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- --------- Net total expenditures.___..__.__._____ __ - - _____ ___ -- --- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 --------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of 00 existing project_ ---------------------------------------- $22,50000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 00 1950, for new work ___-__- ____-_________22,500.0 13. LITTLE WICOMICO RIVER, VA. Location.-Little Wicomico River is a tidal estuary 6 miles in length lying in Northumberland County, Va., flowing in a southeast" erly direction to the Potomac River, which it enters on the right bank one-half mile upstream of its mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 557.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep, 150 feet wide, and 4,800 feet long, extending from deep water in poto- mac River to deep water in Little Wicomico River, for two stone jetties extending to the 8-foot contour in Potomac River, and for bulkhead walls from the inner ends thereof extending sufficientlY into Little Wicomico River to stabilize the dredged inner channel. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges in the Potomac River at the entrance are: Mean, 1.2 feet; irregular, 2.5 feet; and extreme, approximately 7 feet. The mean tidal range with' in the river is approximately 1 foot. ITVEIRS AND IIAnltIORS-WASIIINGTON, I). C., DISTRICT 579 The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1935, was $75,000, Including $5,000 contributed by local interests. The latest (1945) aplroved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $6,600. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 24, 74th e, 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project docu- Local cooperation.- Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are two wharves open to the public and numerous small wharves and stagings for private use, an oyster shucking and packing plant, and a marine railway and boat-building Yard. These facilities are considered adequate for present com- mierce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-A survey was made and Plans and specifications were prepared for placing approxi- 'nately 4,000 tons of stone on the north and south jetties at a cost of p661.55. Placing of 3,070.25 tons of stone on the north and south Jetties by contract was started May 12 and completed June 29, 1948 at a cost of $29,909.38. IIYdrographic survey was made between the jetties at a cost of $93.74. Demobilization of the United States dredge Talcott was completed in July 1947 at a cost of $218.79. Total costs for the year, all for maintenance, were $30,883.46. TOtal expenditures for the year were $5,275.91. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in April 1937. The controlling depth was 8.0 feet at mean low ater for a width of 150 feet in June 1947 in the entrance chan- nel between the jetties. Within the creek the controlling depth was 7.9 feet for a width of 150 feet in July 1945. Total costs under the existing project were $157,492.14, of which $81,885.43 was for lew work and $75,606.71 was for maintenance. Total expenditures Were $129,580.97. In addition $5,000 contributed funds were ex- pended for new work. Proposeld operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $36,082.30, less accounts payable of $27,911.17, a total of $8,171.13 illbe reported for revocation. N 0o work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The additional sum of $16,400 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Dredging by contract from the entrance channel between the Jetties 28,000 cubic yards (September 1949) .-- _ _ _- -- _ ._.--- $15,400 Hydrographic survey in the entrance channel between the jetties and of the break-through north of the jetties, by Government Plant and hired labor. (August 1949)-_--- - 1,000 Total--------------------------------------------- 16,400 The above amount on this project duringexceeds the average expended for maintenance the preceding 5 years, but is required in order to maintain project dimensions, 580 REPORT' OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 CostoCost. and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ . $81 885.43 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 - 75,606-71 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 157,492'14 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 27,91 Net total expenditures.____________________________ .1129,5809 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948----------------- 36 082.30 NTtotalepndtrs------------------65,08323 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 165,663.2 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- -..-- - ......-.... _..---------.--- .__, Cost of maintenance . ..................... $1,053. 59 $5, 065.98 $23, 575.84 Total expended------------------ --------------- 3,558.39 23,833.40 5,275.91 Allotted------ ------.------------.-- - 10, 000.00 2, 500.00 17, 750.00 38, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------------------------- $2 858.21 Amount allotted during fiscal year.. __- -- _______ 381500 00 Amount to be accounted for ---------------------------- 41 358.21 Gross amount expended_ 5275 91 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 36,082.30 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _ $1,046.48 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- _.-----_ 26,864.69 27,911.11 Balance available, June 30, 1948 8,171.13 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 400.00 1950, for maintenance 16,40 L In addition, $5,000 coutributed funds was expended for new work. 14. ST. JEROMES CREEK, MD. Location.-St. Jeromes Creek1 is a tidal estuary in St. MarYs County, Md., on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay, 6 miles north of Point Lookout, at the mouth of the Potomac River. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 557). Previous project.-The original project for improvement was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1881. For further details see Annual Report for 1890, page 114, and Annual Report for 1938, page 432. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 100 feet wide and 7 feet deep from Chesapeake Bay to the vicinity of Airedele, thence 60 feet wide to deep water in the creek, with a turning basin of the same depth 200 feet wide and 300 feet long opposite Airedele. The project is 4,900 feet long. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.3 feet; irregular, 2 feet; and extreme, approximately 7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1937, was $19,500, exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,400. RIVERS AND HARBORS-WASHINGTON, D., C. DISTRICT 581 The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of ligu5st26, 1937 (H. Doc. 174,75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- ed map is in the project document. . Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with, except that local inter- ests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas for future maintenance as needed. Terminal facilities.-There are 10 privately owned wharves, 2 of Which are open to the public. It is considered that the present ter- 1 alnal facilities are adequate for present and prospective commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-An after dredging sUrVey was completed at a cost of $375.71. The cost for the year, all for maintenance, was $375.71. Total expenditures were $16,161.94. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- leted in December 1938. The controlling depth in June 1947 was t.5 feet in the entrance channel and basin, Total costs and expendi- ures under the existing project were $41,662.85, of which $17,- 56.95 was for new work and $23,805.90 for maintenance. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, of $,619.10 will be reported for revocation. uThe sum of $600 can be profitably expended for maintenance during the fiscal year 1950 for making a hydrographic survey of the Project. Cost and financial summary ost of new work to June 30, 1948 ..... - - ..--- ':..... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.---.- ----------- . .. ----- $44,356.95 23,805.90 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-, -- _. 68,162.85 i Net total expenditures nexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ ------ ------ .68 -- -- ,162.85 1,619.10 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-...- ..-69,781.95 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 ' 1948 COSt of new w ork---....-.. ..-- -.. -. ---..-.. f maintenance -----.------.--------- -.-.. _----.---- _-... -. ---..-.- . .-.- ---..----- .. -..--.-.-.... 2t - $23, 430.19 . -.$375.71 ---... 'Total expended-------------..---... --------------..............--............ -- 7,643.96 16, 161. 94 Allotted-....................................... .......... .............. 25,425.00............. Balance unexpended, July'l, 1947---------------------- .. $17,781.04 os amount expended.--------- ----------- . -----------. 16,161.94 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.------- ----------- -- 1,619.10 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, -- _.......... 1950, for maintenance-..--- ................ -- .- 600.00 15. COCKRELLS CREEK, VA. Location.-Cockrells Creek is inNorthumberland County, Va. It is a tidal estuary entering the Great Wicomico River near its mouth 582 n+r oCI clrlv (o)r Rwo rANNInERS, v. S. nARMY, 19S on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay about 75 miles north of Norfolk, Va. The creek is 3y miles long. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 558.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 180 feet wide and 18 feet deep extending from the entrance to the deep water south of Tims Point, a total distance of 8,500 feet. The mean tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.2 feet; irregular, 2 feet; and extreme, approximately 7 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $99,00. The latest (1927) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,500. The existing project was adopted by the river and harbor act of July 3, 1930 (H. Doc. 107, 70th Cong., 1st sess.), and the latest pub- lished map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Theauthorized project provides that local in- terests shall furnish, without cost to the United States, satisfactory spoil disposal areas for the deposit of dredged material. The condi- tions have not been complied with. Terminal facilities.--here are three steamboat wharves, nine fish factory developments, with from one to five docks each, two canning factory wharves, two oil wharves, a marine railway, and about two dozen small landings, all of which are privately owned and open to the public only by special arrangement. The fish factory docks all have special unloading and conveying machinery for han- dling fish cargoes. The other wharves have no transfer or terminal facilities. The wharf structures are all of timber construction and are considered adequate for present needs. Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done under the project. The controlling mean low water depth in November 1945 was 15.4 feet for a width of 100 feet at the entrance bar and 11.5 feet within the creek. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___________________________ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ________________________ -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------ ------ Net total expenditures----------------------------------- ----- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ~ _-- -- SE= ------- Amount Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------- ------------------------------- $99,000.0 16. CRANES CREEK, VA. Location.-Cranes Creek in Northumberland County, Va., is a small tidal estuary entering the right bank of the Great Wicomico River, 22 miles upstream of the Chesapeake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 534.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep, 80 feet wide, and 1,500 feet long from deep water in the Great Wico" mico River to deep water within Cranes Creek. The plane of refer- RIVERS AND HARBORS-WASIIINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 583 ence ismean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.1 feet; ir- regular, 2.0 feet; and extreme, approximately 7.2 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1939 was $7,500. The lt (1939) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act ofMarch 2,1945 (II. Doc. No. 687, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The latest lublished map is in the project document. thLocal cooperation.-Theexisting project was approved subject to h conditions that local interests construct and maintain a public ha with improved approach road, furnish spoil-disposal areas or initial dredging and subsequent maintenance when and as re- ~uired, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. It is expected that these quirements will be met promptly. T erminal facilities.-There are several small privately owned fWharves and landings on the creek which are considered adequate r present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. theCondition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done under Il roject. The controlling depth in October 1939 was 2 feet at ean low water in the entrance channel. Proposed operations.-A new work allotment of $7,500, made in uly 1948, will be applied to completion of the existing project. tho work is proposed during the fiscal year 1950, as it is believed at maintenance will not be necessary. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------------------- Net total expenditures ----------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------------------- nount allotted in July 1948_ ----------------- $7,500.00 obligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 7,500.00 17. RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER, VA. .Location.RappahannockRiver rises in the Blue Ridge Moun- tains, in Virginia, and flows southeasterly about 212 miles to enter Chesapeake Bay, about 40 miles north of Old Point Comfort. (See *. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 534, 535, 536.) 1 .revious projects.-The original project was adopted by the iver and Harbor Act of March 3, 1871, and modified in 1879. For further details see page 1793 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 433 of Annual Report for 1938. 2 0 0hxisting project.--This provides for a channel 12 feet deep and 2 feet wide between the mouth and Port Royal and 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide between Port Royal and Fredericksburg by dredg- Ing and the construction of 20,401 feet of crib and pile dikes and 1,906 feet of riprap-stone dikes, the dikes being designed to retain 584 REPORT:OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 the excavated material deposited behind them. The length of sece tion included in the project is 107 miles. The plane of reference iS mean low water. Tidal ranges are: Mean, 2.8 feet at Fredericks' burg, 1.6 feet at Tappahannock; irregular, 3.5 feet at FrederickS, burg, 2.5 feet at Tappahannock; extreme, 6 feet at Fredericksburg 5 feet at Tappahannock. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1905, was $171,000, exclusive of amount expended on previous project. The latest (1926) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $22,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1905 (Annual Report for 1906, pp. 1110-1113). The latest published map is in the Annual Report for 1910, page 1364. Terminal facilities.-In the section under improvement exten ing from Fredericksburg, Va., to Tappahannock, Va., a distance of 65 miles, there are 26 wharves, of which 9 are solid bulkhead type and 17 are open pile structures. From Tappahannock to the mouth there are 15 open pile wharves. Most of the wharves are open to the public. The terminals are considered adequate.for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Replacement and repairs were made to 2,920 feet of timber dike at and below Freder- icksburg, Va. Work was in progress from September 1947 to Jan" uary 1948. The work was accomplished by the United States der- rick boat Benning at a cost of $73,583.76. Snags and overhangg trees were removed Ifrom Fredericksburg, Va., down stream to Port Royal, Va., in February 1948. The work was accomplished by the United States derrick boat Benning at a cost of $12,438.99* Hydrographic surveys to determine channel conditions were made during August 1947 by Government plant and hired labor at a cost of $648.22. Total costs for the fiscal year were $86,670.97, applied to mainte- nance. Total expenditures were $85,119.25. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was corn" pleted in April 1910. The controlling depth was 4.1 feet at Freder- icksburg Bar opposite the Standard Oil Wharf and 10.9 feet at flaY field Bar in July 1947. The total cost under the existing project was $993,758.89, of which $217,487.20 was for new work and $776,- 271.69 for maintenance, which includes $994.59 for Parrotts Creek and $1,000 each for Greenvale, Mill, Beach and Queens Creeks. Total expenditures were $992,207.17. In addition, $600 contributed funds was expended for maintenance on Queens Creek. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, of $1,751.67, plus an allotment of $62,000, made in July 1948, a total of $63,751.67, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948_ 1,551. $------------------ Maintenance: Repairing and replacing timber dikes below Fredericksburg, Va., by Government plant and hired labor (Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1948)---------------------------------------------60,500.00 Hydrographic surveys of eight bars down stream of Fredericks- burg, Va., by Government plant and hired labor (September and October 1948) ----------------- 1,699.9 Total maintenance. -- -----..-.-.... 63,751.67 RItVERS ANDHARBORS----WASHINGTON,. D., C..DISTRICT 585 The additional sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Dredging by contract 150,000 cubic yards of material Sept. 1 to Nov. 30, 1949----------------- ------------------- $4,000 Rydrographic survey of seven bars down stream of Fredericks- burg, Va., by Government plant and hired labor (Mar.'15 to . Apr. 30, 194 9 ) ___ .....---- ; --.--- -- ---- ---- .- 2,000 Total maintenance -- -- ------- ------- ----- 50,000 The above amount exceeds the average expended for maintenance O° this project during the preceding 5 years, but is necessary, in order to maintain project dimensions. Cost and financial summary : Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 - ------ ---- $414 633.03 Ct of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----- ----- --- -- 889,771.69 inus Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- -. - 1,304,404.72 us accounts payable, June 30, 1948-- 1,551.72 .y Net total expenditures ----------.---- - - ---- 1,302,853.00 nepended balance, June 30, 1948-__----________ ----------- 1,751.67 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 1,304,604.67 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of newwork ...--.-------- "- -- ...- ---- --.-...-- ...-- -.-- -ii-.-------..- -- Ot Ofnew work tf nmaintenance..__ . . . . .. $614.70 $12,370.66 $92,871.16 670. 97 $86, 'otalexpended ---------------- $8,397.35_-----..-. , 268.14 97, 588.38 85,119. 25 Allotted-.---------------------.----- - 70, 500.00 21, 600.00 41,050.00 56, 097.73 'nAaddition, $600 contributed funds was expended for maintenance on Queens Creek. , alance unexpended, July 1, 1947- -_ . - - .... $30,773.19 Amount allotted during fiscal year-_..- .- 57,250.00 -- A mou t _ _ _ ---- -------- -- ------- Ded uctions Amount to be accounted for---------------- ------------ 88,023.19 on account of revocation of allotment._: --------- - 1,152.27 ross Net amount to be accounted for... ' - 86,870.92 os amount expended._.----------------------. 85,119,25 SBalance unexpended, June 30, 1948 .' 1,751.67 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ..-. . .. '- 1, 551.72 SBalance available, June 30, 1948- - 199.95 ;-.. Srmount allotted in July 1948. ..........------------------------- -... 62,000.00 obligated balance available for fiscal year 1949.-- - - 62,199.95 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ------------ -... .....-.. ...... 50000.00 586 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 18. HOSKINS CREEK, VA. Location.--Hoskins Creek is a tributary on the right bank of the Rappahannock River in Essex County, Va., 42 miles upstream from its mouth in Chesapeake Bay and one-half mile downstream froi the town of Tappahannock, Va. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 535.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 10 feet deep froe- that depth in the Rappahannock River to the highway bridge threeh quarters of a mile above the mouth with widths of 100 feet throun the bar in the Rappahannock River and 80 feet within the creek, suitably widened at bends, and a turning basin of the same depth 250 feet long and 200 feet wide at the public landing one-half mile above the mouth of the creek. The total length of the improved sec tion is 1.1 miles. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.6 feet; irregular, 2.5 feet; and extreme, approximately 7.5 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1948, is $44,360. The latest (1940) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,500. The existing project was adopted by the following river and har- bor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocuments and reports Aug. 26, 1937 Channel 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide in the Rappa- Rivers and Harbors Committee hannock River, 60 feet wide within the creek, with Doc. 8, 75th Cong., 1st sess. a turning basin 250 feet long and 200 feet wide. Mar. 2, 1945 Increasing channel depth to 10 feet and width within II. Doc. 129, 77th Cong., 1 sesst the creek to 80 feet. (The latest published inaP il is It. )oc. 129.) Local cooperation.-Therequirements under the project prior to the 1945 modification have been fully complied with. Modification Of the project was approved subject to the provisions that local inter* ests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way and maintenance, when and as required, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. It is expected that these requirements will be met promptly. Terminal facilities.-Two bulkhead landings and two wharves are now in the creek. The facilities are considered adequate for navigation. Operations and results during fiscal year.-A hydrographic sur- vey was made by Government plant and hired labor in February 1948 at a cost of $863.25. Total costs and expenditures for the fiscal year were $863.25 applied to maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project as modified in 1945 is about 55 percent complete. The project prior to modifica- tion was completed in January 1939. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists of dredging to the dimensions as modified in 1945. The controlling depth in February 1948 was 3.0 feet in the entrance channel. Total costs and expenditures under the existing project were $28,625.47, of which $19,362.22 was for RIVERS AND IIARBORS---WASIINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 587 new Work and $9,263.25 for maintenance. In addition $500 of con- tributed funds were expended for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, Of $136.75, plus an allotment of $27,500 for maintenance made in SlEY 1948, a total of $27,636.75, and an allotment of $25,000 for bew Work made in July 1948 a total of $52,636.75 for all work, will e plied as follows: laintenance: Restoring project dimensions prior to modification at the entrance to Hoskins Creek, approximately 76,000 cubic yards Ne be dredged by contract (Oct. 1 to Nov. 30, 1948)_ .-. -_ _ _ $27,636.75 e ork: Dredging the channel from the old project depth of cfeet to thetomodified project dimensions, approximately 70,000 ubic yards be dredged by contract (Oct. 1 to Nov. 30, 1948)_. 25,000.00 Total maintenance and new work........------ -------- 52,636.75 Both maintenance and new work will be performed concurrently. o work is proposed during the fiscal year 1950, as it is believed maintenance will not be necessary. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. - $19,362.22 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.:.-.------- - - - -.... -9,263.25 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------------............ 28,625.47 et total expenditures ------------------------------------ 128,625.47 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ...............-------------------------.. 136.75 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---.---------- 128,762.22 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 dn 1945t I 1Ad 9In 16V 1 1L47 I .d 94 Cos, of new work lostoft aintenance . -- durin . ............... fisl -......--. y ..... .... ............................. -........ ........ - otal expended........--------------------........................ ..... 863.25 Allotted............... ..... 1, 000. 00 Amount allotted during fiscal year-.. .. $1,000.00 oss am ountexpended-_......... - ........ ......... ........ 863.25 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948. . 136.75 r ount allotted in July 1948.... . . 52,500.00 nobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949................ 52,636.75 IIn addition, $500 contributed funds was expended for new work. 19. TOTUSKEY CREEK, VA. Location.---Totuskey Creek, located in Richmond County, Va., fows in a southerly direction about 15 miles to the Rappahannock .tiver, which it enters on the left bank about 35 miles upstream from its mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 535.) SExisting project.-This provides for a channel 10 feet deep from that depth in the Rappahannock River to and including a turning basin below Totuskey Bridge, 4.5 miles upstream, with a width of 150 feet through the bar at the entrance and 100 feet thence up- 588 REPORT' OF . CHIEF OF ENGINEERS,' U. S. ARMY, 1948 stream, suitably widened at bends, and the construction of dike at Booker bar. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.6 feet at the mouth and 2 feet at Totuskey Bridge;: irregular, 2 feet at the mouth and 2.5 feet at TotuskeY Bridge; and extreme, approximately 7.5 feet at the mouth. The estimated Federal cost for new work revised in 1948, i $145,650. The latest (1939) approved estimate for annual costs of maintenance is $3,500. The existing project was adopted by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 14, 1880 Dike construction at Booker Bar.. .................. Annual Report for 1880, Vol. 1, Aug. 30, 1935 Channel 8 feet deep'and 150 feet wide at mouth, H. Doe. 183, 72d Cong., 1st sess. 80 feet wide upstream and repair of dike at Booker se' bar.3 Mar. 2, 1945 Channel 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide at mouth and 100 feet wide upstream. H. isi Doec. 686, 76th Cong., 3d i (The latest published ap H. Doec. 686.) Local cooperation.-The requirements under the project have been fully complied with, except that local interests are to furnish spoil-disposal areas for subsequent maintenance, when and as re- quired; and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. Terminal facilities.-There are 2 county-owned wharves and 13 privately owned wharves or landings. Terminal facilities are con- sidered adequate for existing and future commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditionsat end of fiscal year.-The existing project as modified i in 1945 is about 25 percent complete. The project prior to mod fica- tion was completed in February 1937. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists of dredging to the dimensions as modified in 1945. The controlling depth in July 1942 was 8.2 feet on Phillips Bar. Total costs and expenditures under the existing project were $77,356.61, of which $37,648.46, United States funds, and $1,000.00, contributed funds, were for new work and $38,708.15 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $108,000 can be profitably expended for new work during the fiscal year 1950 for accomplishing dredging by contract to complete the modified project. (Sept. 1, to Dec. 31, 1949). n' . ,' Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30,'1948. _-_--_-.... ... 1$37,648.46 ---.... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-...-.. ,_--_ .. 38,708.15 - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-.---176,356.61 Net total expenditures L:.-------- -----_ --- __ 176,356.61 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948. - ----- ------. 91.85 ' Total amount appropriated' to June 30, 1948 -. .... 76448.46 RIVERS AND HARBORS---WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 589 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1946 1947 1948 1944 1945 Cost f f Stwork---------- ------- " maintenanc-------------------------- Onew ----------------------------------------- $303.09 $12,905.06----------- otalaexpended ...... .....- - .- 303.09 12,905.06- -------- Allotted $6,000.00 lotted --------- $6,00000 -------------- 7,300.00--------- .alance unexpended Julyl,1947 --------- --------------- $91.85 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ .--------------------- __ 91.85 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project .... ----------- ---------------- 108,000.00 Alunt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 19 5 0, for new work......----------------------------- 108,000.00 1In addition, $1,000 contributed funds was expended fornew work. 20. URBANNA CREEK, VA. Location.-Urbanna Creek rises in Virginia and flows in:an eiSterly direction about 5 miles to the Rappahannock River, which enters about 15 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 535.) . E'xisting project.-This provides for dredging a channel 150 feet Wide and 10 feet deep from deep water in the Rappahannock River o Burtons wharf, a distance of 4,675 feet, including a turning basin the same depth approximately 400 feet wide and 1,575 feet long t etween the Standard Oil wharf and Burtons wharf, and for jetties to Protect l the channel through the outer bar. The jetties are 2,612 1 eet long-one of riprap, 1,895 feet long and one of timber 717 feet ong. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.5 feet; irregular, 2.5 feet; and extreme, 7.8 feet. The estimate of costs for new work, made in 1947, was $54,000, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The latest 938) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents and reports Channel 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide through Annual report, 1875, pt. 2, p. 139. mar 3 bar at entrance. 1879 Extended to include removal of bar within harbor Annual report,, 1884, pt. 1, p. 158. 2 brush and oystershell dikes at entrances--------......... Annual report, 1889, pt. 2, p. 1009. mar 2 (Jetty at upstream side of entrance--.........----- Annual report, 1897, pt. 2, p. 1335. ------..... .1945 , Extend turning basin at upper portion of project... . . Doc. 285, 76th Cong., 1st sess. (Contains map.) the latest published Local cooperation.-Modification of the project in 1945 was aProved subject to the conditions that local interests furnish spoil- cSposal areas as and when required and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the work and Subsequent maintenance. It is expected that these requirements will he Dmet promptly. 80 4711----48 vol. 1 38 590 EPORT, OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Terminal facilities.-This waterway has 11 improved wharves of open-pile construction, and a marine railway. There are several shore landings intermittently used by craft for embarking lumber and there are several small wharves used for private purposes and of no commercial importance. These facilties are considered ade quate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project prior to the 145 modification was completed in January 1914. The jetties were completed in August 1913 and the dredging in January 1914. TI stone jetty is in good condition; the timber dike has been partially destroyed. No work has been done on the modified project. The controlling depth in July 1944 was 8.7 feet at mean low water aP1 proximately 400 feet downstream of the steamboat wharf. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project were $84,855.54' of which $38,811.77 was for new work and $46,043.77 for mam tenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available, and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $16,000.00 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Hydrographic survey of channel and turning basin, and restablishment of destroyed triangulation control by Government plant 000 and hired labor (August 1949)____ __________$11,- New work: Completion of the modified project by dredging the extension to the turning basin. 30,000 cubic yards by contract (October and No- 15 000 vember 1949) .--------------------------------------------- , Total ----------------------------------------------- 16,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-__ __________ $38,811.77 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ 46,043 77 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 84,855.54 Net total expenditures_ ---------------------- 84,855.54 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------------84,855.54 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 48 194 rte''. C ost of new work ...... ... . . . . . .... - ------- ----- ~ Cost of maintenance---...... -----------. ............ $479.80 Total expended .............--.. ------------- ------------ 1944 1945 $479.80. 1946 - 1947 I_.19 -- 5=s= Allotted..............-------------.....-----............. 479.80 Amount allotted during fiscal year__.------ -------- $11,000.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment- 11,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ----------------------------------------- 1500000 RIVERS AND HIARBORS-WASIIINGTON, D. C., I)TSTRICT 591 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work______________ _--------------------------- 15,000.00 For maintenance_______- -------------------- --- 1,000.00 Total __ __ .. ________________ . _----------------- 16,000.00 21. WHITINGS CREEK, VA. Location.-Whitings Creek lies entirely within Middlesex County, a., and is a small tidal estuary entering the right bank of the Rap- lahannock River about 13 miles upstream of its mouth at Chesa- leake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 534.) 1xisting project.-This provides for a channel 4 feet deep, 70 feet Wide and 3,100 feet long from the 4-foot contour in the Rappahan- iock River across the offshore bar into the creek. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.5 feet; rregular 2 feet; and extreme approximately 7.8 feet. The estimated Federal cost for new work, revised in 1947, is $22,500. The latest (1939) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,200. oThe existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act OlVMarch lished map 1945 (H. Doc. 582, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The latest pub- 2,is in the project document. tLocal cooperation.-The existing project was approved subject Sthe pprovisions that local interests give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will construct a suitable public f harf and improved approach road ; hold and save the United States f ee from claims for damages resulting from the improvement; and ~urnish spoil-disposal areas for initial work and subsequent main- enance when and as required; and contribute $500 toward the first cost of the improvement. It is expected that these requirements will he met promptly. Terminal facilities.-There are eight small privately owned Vharves or landings on the creek which are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. thheCondition at end Project. The year.-No of fiscal depth work has been done under controlling in May 1939 was 1 foot at mean water in the entrance channel. Wu Proposed Proposed duringoperations.-No funds are available and no work is the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _- _ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ N Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Tet total expenditures_ ..... _ .______ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project .. ___.._.. ...----------------- ... ... $22,500.00 592 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS,,t. S. ARIMVt, 194, 22. CARTERS CREEK. VA Location.-The creek is a small tidal estuary with three prongs in Lancaster County, Va., entering the Rappahannock River l~o the left bank, 10 miles upstream of the mouth. The creek is 66 miles northerly from Norfolk, Va. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 534.) Existing project.-This provides for an entrance channel 15 feet deep, 200 feet wide, and about 2,200 feet long across the entrance bar; a channel in Eastern Branch at Gallyhook Point 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide, and 1,100 feet long; and in Carters Cove a channel 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide, and 1,700 feet long to the Humphreys Marine Railways, Inc.; and for a jetty 742 feet long on the downstream side of the entrance channel. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, .4 feet; irregular 2.5 feet; and extreme, .7.8 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1930, is $36,450, exclusive of $4,000 to be contributed by local interests. The latest (1930) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance of the channel in Carters Cove is $1,000. There is no approved estimate of maintenance for the other portions of the project. d The existing project was adopted by the following river an harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Document and reports June 13, 1902 Channel 15 feet deep, 200 feet wide 2,200 feet long H. Doc. No. 185, 56th Cong.' 1st across entrance bar, a channel in fEastern Branch sess. at Gallyhook Point 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide and 1,100 feet long and a jetty on the downstream side of the entrance channel. 21 July 3, 1930 Channel in Carters Cove 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide 1 D)oc. No. 518, 70th Cong., 2d and 1,700 feet long to Humphroys Marine RIy. sess. blish (Contains the latest p i map.) Local cooperation.-Modificationof the project covering the chan, nel in Carters Cove provides that local interests shall contribute $4,000 for the cost of the work. This condition has not been complied with and compliance is not expected in the near future. Terminal facilities.-There are 11 wharves on the creek, all of timber construction. All of the wharves are privately owned and open to the public by special arrangement. The existing wharf facilities are considered adequate. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The entrance channel and GallY- hook Point Channel in eastern branch were completed in April 1908 and the jetty was completed in March 1906. Work has not .been commenced on the new channel in Carters Cove, authorized bY the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930. The project is 73 percent complete. The controlling depth at mean low water in the entrance channel was 16.0 feet, July 1940; in the Gallyhook Channel, 14.0 feet, July 1940; and in Carters Cove, 8.7 feet in July 1944. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project were $30,870.54, of which $28,397.55 was for new work and $2,472.99 was for maintenance, which includes $1,000 for emergency dredging in RIVERS AND HARBORS-WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 593 Carters Cove, under provision of Section 3 of the River and Harbor .t of July 3, 1930. In addition $700 contributed funds was ex- ended for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Sroposed during the fiscal year 1949. :The sum of $1,500 can be profitably expended on maintenance for a hydrographic survey during the fiscal year 1950. The above amount exceeds the amount expended for maintenance on this droject during the preceding 5 years but is necessary in order to determine the condition of channels. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ..------------------------ $28,397.55 maintenance to June 30, 1948.......-------------------------- '2,472.99 mostof Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_- --------- 30,870.54 1ettotal expenditures -- ------------------------ 30,870.54 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. - ------------- 30,870.54 1944 ' 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work----------------------------------------------------- of maintenance---.--------- ----. $282.06 otexpended---------------------------------............. ------ $282.06 Allott - . .......... 282.06 ------------ ............ ----------- -------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ----------------------------------------- $8,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance---- ---------- _-------------------- 1,500.00 In addition, $700.00 contributed funds was expended for maintenance. 23. BROAD CREEK, VA. Location.--Broad Creek is a small tidal estuary in Middlesex oounty, Va., tributary to the Rappahannock River, which it enters Sthe right bank about 1 mile upstream of its mouth at Chesapeake ,xisting ay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 534.) project.--This provides for a channel 7 feet deep, 100 feet wide and 4,100 feet long from deep water in the Rappahannock liver to deep water in Broad Creek. The plane of reference is mean low Water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.2 feet; irregular, 2 feet; and extreme, approximately 7.5 feet. 1 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947, is $32,700. The latest (1939) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $900., The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of larch 2,1945 (H. Doc. 381, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in the project document. 594 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-The existing project was approved subject to the provisions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the Unitedial States, suitable spoil-disposal areas when and as required for initial work and for subsequent maintenance, hold and save the Unted States free from claims for damages that may result from dredg- ing and give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the ArmY that they will provide a suitable wharf and access road, open to all on equal and reasonable terms. It is expected that these require ments will be met promptly. and Terminal facilities.-There are 14 privately owned wharves an landings on the creek, many of which are open to the public by special arrangements. There is one marine railway on the creek. The terminal facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None, Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done un under the project. The controlling depth in March 1939 was 2 feet at mean low water in the entrance channel. Proposed operations-A new work allotment of $32,700 made il i July 1948 will be applied to completion of the existing project bY dredging a channel 7 feet deep, 100 feet wide and approximately 4,100 feet long across the offshore bar at the entrance, from deep water in the Rappahannock River to deep water in the entrance o Broad Creek, approximately 82,000 cubic yards to be dredged b3 contract (Sept. 15, to Oct. 31, 1948). No work is proposed during the fiscal year 1950 as it is believed maintenance will not be necessary. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------------- Net total expenditures --------------------------------- --- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---------- ---- Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- $32,700.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949----------------- 32,700.00 24. JACKSON CREEK, VA. Location.-The creek is a tidal estuary with two prongs in Middle- sex County, Va., entering the Piankatank River on its left bank 1>2 miles upstream of the mouth. The creek is 47 miles northerlY from Norfolk, Va. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 534.) Existing project.-This provides for an entrance channel 8 feet deep at mean low water with a width of 60 feet increased to 80 feet at the outer end following in general the existing channel. The plane of reference is mean low water. The tidal ranges are: Mean, 1.2 feet; irregular, 2 feet; and extreme 7.6 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1934 is $11,800. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $800. RIVERS AND IIARIBOIRS-WASIIINGTON, D. C., I)ISTRICT 595 of The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act August 30, 1935 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. No. 41, dd Cong., 2d sess.), and the latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. WTerminal facilities.-The waterway has one county owned public harf, 22 small privately owned wharves and 2 marine rail- Ways. The terminal facilities are considered adequate for present ommerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project was completed in arch 1937. The controlling depth in May 1944 was 8.2 feet at mean ow water. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project were $8,500, all for new work. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed during the fiscal year 1949.. The sum of $800 can be profitably expended for maintenance by aking a hydrographic survey during the fiscal year 1950. The Obve amount exceeds the average expended for maintenance on this roject during the preceding 5 years, but is necessary in order to 'ermine the condition of channels. Cost and financial summary Cost ofnew work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------------- $8,500.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------------- Net Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 8,500.00 t 'Total expenditures--------------------------------------- amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------------- 8,500.00 8,500.00 Arount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 0,for maintenance ------- ..---------------- -- ------------ 800.00 25. MILFORD HAVEN, VA. Location.-Milford Haven in Mathews County, Va., is a tidal tuary or strait on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay, about I liles north of Old Point Comfort. It lies between Gwynns land and the main shore at the mouth of the Piankatank River. See U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 534.) epxsting project.-This provides for dredging a channel 10 feet deep at mean low water, with a minimum width of 200 feet, through the bars at the northwest entrance and between Cricket Hill and Callls wharf, a distance of 1 mile, and for the construction of a stone are: Mean, 1.3 feet; irregular, 2 feet; and extreme, 7.1 feet. Jetty, 1,183 feet long, at the northwest entrance. The tidal ranges The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1909, was $27,500. The latest (1917) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $1,000. 596 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS,. U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was adopted by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents and reports 3d ses Mar. 3, 1899 Channel 10 feet deep and 200 feet wide through H. Doc. No. 299, 53d Cong3d e the bars at the northwest entrance (Contains the latest publishe .~,P. Annual Report for 1895, Pt' 2' 1267-1270. ' June 6, 1900 Dredging shoal between Cricket Hill and Callis Annual Report for 1900, pt. P wharf. 1114. Construction of jetty 333 feet long at entrance.. Annual Report for 1906, pt. 2, P 1241. Extension of jetty at entrance by 800 feet-..... Annual Report for 1909, pt , Terminal facilities.--The waterway has eight improved wharves of open pile construction and a small marine railway. The terminal facilities are considered adequate for the present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was cor pleted in May 1913. The controlling depth in July 1944 was1 Ate feet at mean low water on the entrance bar and 11.9 feet on the inner bar. The total costs and expenditures were $38,189.63, ,. which $24,568.25 was for new work and $13,621.38 was for mnin- tenance. Proposed operations.---No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $1,200 can be profitably expended on maintenance for a hydrographic survey during the fiscal year 1950. The above amount exceeds the average expended for maintenance on this project during the preceding 5 years, but is necessary in order to determine the condition of channels. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ------------------------- _ $24,56825 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ..-------------------- 13,62138 Total cost of permanent work to June 30,'1948--------------38,189.63 Net total expenditures--------------------- - 38,189.63 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__. --- -- 38,189.63 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.------i-- - --------------- _.------.--- -------- ,- - " Cost of maintenance.......................----- . $231.65 Total expended-----.... ------ ---------------------... $231.65----------. Allotted------------.....................---------------------............. 231.656 --- --------------------- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, .00 1950, for maintenance --------------- _------------------- _. $1,200. RIVERS AND HARBORS-WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 597 26. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of work during the fiscal year amounted to $139,951.70. 1 Penditures were $138,251.69. The balance unexpended June 30, S4, $12,066.49, plus allotments of $168,100 made during July and August 1948 will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to ayment of expenses incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $157,000 can be expended profitably during the fiscal year 1950. • Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ---------------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. -------------------- $1,058,329.04 ius Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 nus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- ---------- 1,058,329.04 4,707.77 U Net total expenditures --- --------------------- 1,053,621.27 expended balance, June 30, 1948------------ ---------- 12,066.49 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------- 1,065,687.76 Fiscal year ending June 30- I I 46 I 947 I 1948 Onew work------- ost of ------------ aintenanc.. $17, 271.99 $24, 295.32 $44,684.14 $84,1. 53 $139, 951.70 expended ....------------- otal Allotted - ............ -...-..... Allotted- 10, 174.00 ........60, 500. 00 25,839.24 I 44, 469. 23 26, 000. -_ 00 _ 83 ,909.84 68, 000.00 138, 251.69 131, 780.00 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947 $18,538.18 ount allotted during fiscal year ------------ 131,780.00 Amount to be accounted for-- ..- ------- 150,318.18 Lss amount expended--._._ _,--.. $139,676.69 r eimbursed expenditures ----------------- 1,425.00 138,251.69 Outsstanding Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ liabilities, June 30, 1948.. ------ 12,066.49 6,446.70 available, June 30, 1948_ _.____ 5,619.79 mountBalance mA allotted in July and August 1948 ____ _._-- _- - 168,100.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_ .... 173,719.79 mount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 30, 1950, for June maintenance........ . ... --...... 157,000.00 598 IREPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 27. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS Cost. and expenditures Estimasted For last to June 30, 1948 full report _... -... amoIt Name of project see Annual retlird to New work Maintenance comoplet Report for- 1. 1 Acotink Creek, Va.' --------------------- $14,o 1878 $5,000.00 2, 000 2. Neabsco Creek, Va.---------------------- 1884 5, 000.00 (3) 3. Aquia Creek, V.a..........................1928 52, 464.84 $11,750.00 4. Potomac River at LowerCedar Point, Md.2 1920 10, 233. 51 6, 216.49) 5. Upper Machodoc Creek, Va.2....-........ 1916 20, 281.28 6, 118.72 6. Nonini Bay and Creek, Va.2 -............1946 78, 446. 21 *31, 233. 86 7. Lower Machodoc2 Creek, Va.2 -----........ 1904 9, 916, 47 600. 00 (3) 54,000 8. Coan River, Va. 4____________ 1937 9. Smith Creek, Md.2 - - -__________________ 1936 5, 252.22 ---------- (3) 10. Patuxent River, Md.2 2 5 -- - - - 1905 14, 000. 00 - -- (3) 11. D)ymers Creek, Va. --------------------- 1912 5,581.99 3, 418.01 (3) 12. Mulberry Creek, Va.2.-------------------- 2 1940 2, 392.60 1, 767. 10 13. Locklies Creek, Va. -------- -------- 1928 11, 581.22 518.78 14. Mill Creek, Va.2'--- 1937 5, 444.95 ....-------------- 1 No commerce reported. 2 Channels adequate for commerce. 3 Completed. 4 Awaiting local cooperation. 5 Abandonment recommended in 1903. (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 32, 61st Cong., 2d sss 28. PLANT ALLOTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948 462,75 Net total cost to June 30, 1948------ _------ 46207,6057 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------- Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------------------ 670,361.29 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 -------------------- 7660284 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 593,758.45 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948___________--- -- -26934.94 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 566,823.51 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I79 $41,9 7.55 Total expended.............---------------....$76, 755.04 $71, 148.94 -$128, 854. 15 -$18, 486. 37 $4, 97 55 Allotted.....----------.............. --------...........--.--------- 125, 000. 00--...-.. -40, 000. 00 -91, 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------- -.---- - ___-.. $106,062.61 Amount allotted during fiscal year_.- - -------- - 9000.00 Amount to be accounted for. --------------------------- 115,062.61 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-------------- 100,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for ----- _ 15,062.61 Gross amount expended_ ___----------- -$706,859.64 Less reimbursed expenditures------------- ------ 664,862.09 9755 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__,---------------- -26,934.9 RIVERS AND IARBORS-WASIIINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 599 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948----------- $93, 577.79 -mlount COVter d hd.f ._rac ontn t s _ 275.00 .... I- - -II-I - -- 9 3 ,8 5 2 .7 9 C Balance available, June 30, 1948..------------------ -120,787.73 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 207,603.57 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------ 86,815.84 Status of all investigations fornavigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions I Date trans- Locality mitted to Document No. Recoin- Authorization act mendation Congress Anac stiaRiver, I). . and Rivers and Harbors .. -- - -- - - Committee resolution, Aniverssta an Nov. 17, 1937. Potomac River and Harbor Act, in ve and adjacent waters Mar. 2, 1945. Colund near District of shle'anla, forcomprehen- drovnd coordinated im- lenet and develop- 8renth waters and 1iwvest1 and Potomac terstat and near Wash- do.........------------I-------- ..... " i" airnID 1. C. to provide nleaI S- sailing base. PelCt d., deep water River and Harbor Act, on Patuxent River, July 24, 1946. d., and s uitable naviga- elon channel thence to onnu.ns 1 Island. .lam Creek, Westmnore- River and Harbor Act, ......----- -------- aWl rountY, Va. Mar. 2, 1945. Whart, Essx Coun- do ---------------------------- -------....................--- tyie ,.",on the southwest iriver the RIappahannock Ofanfug of tuo a harbor e secure and connecting iransons C v, ,ower Ma- ---- do...------- ..-------July 23,1947.. H. 420, 80th Cong., Favorable. Odo River, 1st sess. erosi Beach, Va. erson study. Va., beach River and Harbor Act, ... -- - -- - July 3, 1930; Act of Congress, July 31, 1945. PDoe Creek and FreshWater River and Harbor Act, .istric con-tof . Columbia, _ for Mar. 2, 1945. .....---- do...... ......... nae-Pre hensive and coordi- atvelo improvement and anielo ent of Anacostia o Potonma c Rivers and aaent waters and their r armhnr unty Creek, V Richmond* ----- do......- ........ -- -- --- -- -- --- resh aterMd.Pond and Deep ---- do................ .. ------------ Creek, RtacksCreek, Northumber- River and Harbor Act, -- -- --- -- -- --- lan County, Va. atto Creek, Wicomico June 30, 1948. River and Harbor Act, ------------ River, on western shore of July 24, 1946. Iaryland, in vicinity of rok Point, Charles IotUnty, Md. May 10, 1948. 1[.663, 80thCong., 1)o. oiuy9t Ceek, Calvert River and IHarbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. 2d sess. 1Ioskdicreek, Va...........Rivers and Harbors ..........-.--. -.. . - - -- - -- - Committee resolution, 'lull Creek, Va -.......... May 5, 1943. River and Harbor Act, ------------------- July 24, 1946. --------------- Jakson la d Creek, Westmore- River and tHarbor Act, ----------------- County, Va. Mar. 2, 1945. esro Bay and Creek, Senate Public Works estmoreland County, Va. Committee resolution, July 22, 1947. _ --- 600 REPORT OF CHIEF OF NGINEERS, U; S. ARMY, 1948 Locality I S[ Authorization act Date trans- mitted to Document No. Rccoa Congress nsendatioo Neale Creek, Md., area River and Harbor Act, July 26, 1947..------ Unfavor- where empties into Poto- Mar. 2, 1945. able. mac River, with view to L.ri .- removing sand bar and providing safe harbor. Parrotts Creek, Middlesex .....-- do....:... . ..... County, Va. Patuxent River, Md., with River and Harbor Act, - ---- - - - - a view to establishing a July 24, 1946. deep-water port at Bene- dict and a suitable naviga- tion channel thence to Solomons Island. Point Lookout Creek, in the vicinity of Point Lookout, o.-.--.- ... ....- -. St. Marys County, Md. Port Tobacco Creek, Md.... River and Harbor Act, July 26,1947. ....... Do. .....--.---- (Mar. 2, 1945) Potomac and Anacostia .......... ., Rivers and adjacent waters in and near District of Co- lumbia, for comprehensive and coordinated improve- ment and development of such waters and their shores. Potomac and Anacostia ..... do------..... . .-------------- ----- .- - --- Rivers at and near Wash- ington, D. C. to provide a municipal sailing base. Potomac River at and near ----......------------------- do .. ------------- ---- Washington, D. C. Potomac River and tributa- . ...... do---....,--------------, ries, at and below Wash- ington, ). C., with a view to elimination of the water chestnut. Potomac River, at and below Rivers and Harbors Com- Washington, 1). C., and mittee resolution, Sept. Washington Harbor. 18, 1945. Queens Creek, Mathews Rivers and Harbors Com- ------------i, County, Va. mittee resolution, Nov. 20, 1946. Rappahannock River, Va., River and Harbor Act, southwest side, in vicinity Mar. 2, 1945. of Bowlers Wharf, Essex County, to secure harbor of refuge and connecting channels. Rock Point, Charles County, River and IHarbor Act, Md., entrance to Hatton July 24, 1946. Creek from Wicomico River. St. Patricks Creek, Md__ _ River and Harbor Act, May 10, 1948. H. 671,80th Cong., Favorable: Mar. 2, 1945. 2d sess. Solomons Island to Benedict, ---- do.... ------.......... Patuxent River, Md. Tanners Creek, St. Marys County, Md. - - - - - - - - - Taskmers Creek, Northum- --. i do-....-- . . berland County, Va. Washington Harbor and Po- Rivers and Harbors Com- tomnac River at and below mittee resolution, Sept. Washington, )D.C. 18, 1945. Washington, 1)D.C., to pro- River and Harbor 'Act, vide a municipal sailing Mar. 2, 1945. base on the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers at and near. Washington, D. C., Potomac --- do-------------- River at and near. -- ---------- Washington, D. C., Potomac ..... do.. ... River with a view to elimi- nation of water chestnut at and below. Water Chestnut, elimination of, from Potomac River and tributaries, at and below Washington, D. C. Wicomico River, at entrance River and Harbor Act, -- to Hatton Creek, in vicin- July 24, 1946. ity of Rock Point, Charles County, Md. r. mo w .w. I I FLOOD CONTROL-WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 601 .29WAStHINGTON. D. :C.;AND VICINITY ' ' Loation.-Washington D. C., is located at the junction of the Cacostia River with the Potomac River, within the District of olumbia, 110 miles .upstream from- the, mouth of the Potomac Iver. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart 560.) Previous project.--A project providing for levees and grade rais- Ing toprotect Boelling Field was authorized by the Emergency Relief Sppropriation Act, approvedJune 22, 1936. Items of,the project on Which work remained to be done on June 30, 1937, were trans- efrred to the authorized project described in this report for com- Pletione ti a Sle isting project.-The existing project originally provided for levees and grading of park land to protect the downtown portion of ashington, the Arlington: Experimental Farm, Boelling Field, and lnacostia Naval Air Station at an estimated cost for new construc- ion of $522,500 and an estimated cost for land and damages of $16,000 It was modified to provide levees and grading in the vicinity Of the reflecting pool and grade raising of short sections of Seven- tenth Street NW,, and P Street SW. The estimated cost of the additional new construction under the modified project, revised in 1948, is $1,200,000. ' The existing project was authorized by the following flood con- trol acts: Acts Documents and reports Work authorized ' June 22, 1 936 Levees and grade raising to protect the downtown . DI)oc. 101, 73d Cong., 1st sess.x portion of Washington, the Arlington Experimental Farm, Bolling Field, and Anacostia Naval Air J3~1'24, 19 Station. 46 Levees, wall, park grading, and grade raising of 17th IIH. Doec. 622, 79th Cong.,. 2d sess.' St. NW., and P St. 8 W. :, Contains the latest published maps. i t Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. Local coopera- tioa for the existing project is fully complied with. Structures in the modified project are to be placed on Federal property and streets of the District of Columbia. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. There were 1o costs. Total expenditures for the year were $622. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The original project for flood Protection at Washington, D. C., exclusive of the Arlington Experi- pmental Farm levee, was 94 percent complete in 1939., The Potomac thark levees were completed in 1939 and the Anacostia levees for the protection of Boelling Field and the United States Naval Air tation were completed at the end of the fiscal year 1940, except for retopping of a section of earth levee and repairs to sea wall, which Were completed in December 1943. The construction of an earth embankment over the Stickfoot Branch sewer and a grout cut-off Plug under the conduit where the Stickfoot Branch sewer passes trough the Anacostia levee completed the project in January 1946. tMaintenance the Governmentof all flood-protective structures has been assumed by agencies in custody of the property on which the 602 REPORT OF CIIEIF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 structures are located. The protection work for the Arlington area is no longer required since the facilities originally to be safeguardeding no longer exist. The construction work for the Pentagon Butdn involved raising land areas, roads, and structures above flood stages No work has been undertaken on the levees and grading in the vicinity of the reflecting pool or on grade raising of sections Of Seventeenth Street NW., and P Street SW.26.59 Total costs for all work were $331,926.59, of which $225,42ef was from regular funds and $106,500 was from EmergencY Reli funds, all applied to new work. Total expenditures were $332,538.18' of which $226,038.18 was from regular funds and $106,500 waS from Emergency Relief funds. In addition to the above costs and expenditures, the sum of $161,995.39 was expended for work iE" cluded in the Bolling Field project authorized by the Emergen Relief Appropriation Act, approved June 22, 1936, uncompleted items of which were transferred to the authorized project for cow., pletion, and $5,000 was reimbursed by the District of Columbi covering its share for construction of the earth embankment over Stickfoot Branch sewer. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, of $3,133.24, plus accounts receivable of $611.59, a total of $3,744.83, will be applied as follows: New work: Revision to manual for the operation and maintenance of Ana- 00.00 costia levee ---------------------------------------- $1,000. Engineering studies for flood protection structures at Sevdnteenth Street NW.. 44.83 274483 -- __ - -- 3,744.83 Total- - - -________ Additional funds in the amount of $30,000 can be expended profit- ably during the fiscal year 1950 on new work to continue engineering studies for flood protection structures at Seventeenth Street NW.' and P Street SW., Washington, D. C. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ------------------------- $331,926.59 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__- - ------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 331 926. Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 - - - - 611 59 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 -332,538.18 Net total expenditures _ __------- ---- _____-______ 1332,53818 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------------------------- 3,133 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 335,671.42 1 In addition, $161,995.39 was expended for work included in the Bolling Field project authorized by the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act approved June 22, 1936. P LOO) 4 CONTROI- VASIINGTON, 1). C., l)ISTRICT 603 Fiscal year ending June 30- -------- ---------------------- ----- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of ne. work -----. $6, 219. 58 $3, 524. 95 $17, 019. 58 150. 64 - -. -- f el .-------- - ------------- ----------------- talexptelnc ----- 10, (97. 03 -------------- 20,531.41 153.35 $622.00 Allott S ------------------ 12, 52.33 7,40.00 ------------ .....-------------- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------------- $3,755.24 Gross amount expended ---------------------- 622.00 Acc Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- 3,133.24 ounts receivable, June 30, 1948. --------------------------- 611.59 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 -------------- 3,744.83 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_ _--------------_-------------- ------------ 864,800.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 95 30, 1 0, for new work.--------- --------------------- ----- 30,000.00 30. CUMBERLAND, MD., AND RIDGELEY, W. VA. Location.-Cumberland, Md., and Ridgeley, W. Va., are located its1the North Branch of the Potomac River, 21 miles upstream from Junction es with the South Branch of the Potomac River and 197 upstream from Washington, D. C. (See U. S. Geological Sur- ey quadrangles, Frostburg and Flint Stone, Md., W. Va., and Pa.) Existing project.-This project provides for channel improve- ents of North Branch of Potomac River from Western Maryland ailway bridge in South Cumberland upstream to the mouth of Islse Creek, with levees and fill along the left bank from Smiths aland upstream to Western Maryland Railway bridge and a levee along the right bank from the downstream corporate limits of ridgeley, W. Va., to a point about 150 feet above Johnson Street fridge; channel improvements and flood walls along Wills Creek Smor its mouth upstream to a point in the Narrows about 500 feet Ulstream from highway bridge on U. S. Highway No. 40; levee and ood wall in West Cumberland, Md., on left bank of North Branch o Potomac River from mouth of Wills Creek upstream to Kelly Boulevard; levee and flood wall in Ridgeley, W. Va., on right bank tNorth Branch of Potomac River from Carpenter Avenue up- reain to Patapsco Street near the upstream corporate limits of Sddgeley, W. Va.; interior drainage facilities in Cumberland and S est Cumberland, Md., and Ridgeley, W. Va.; removal of Chesa- leake and Ohio Canal dam and construction of a new industrial dan on the North Branch immediately above mouth of Wills Creek; and alteration and reconstruction of highway and railroad bridges. The estimated cost of new construction, revised in 1948, is $14,- a00,000, of which $2,500,000 would be required by local cooperation al- $12,400,000, the cost to the United States. 604 REPORT OF1 CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U.: S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the following flood-control acts: Acts Work authorized Documents and reports I- ------ .. - i.' 1st sess. June 22, 1936 Levees, retaining walls, a movable dam, and channel H. Doc. 101, 73(1 Cong., clearing for Cumberland, West Cumberland and South Cumberland, Md., and Ridgeley, W. Va. July 24, 1946 Levees, walls, channel improvement, removal of Report on file in the Office of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal dam and construction Chief of Engineers. l c i d inricra of Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. Assurances o local cooperation with the project plan have been received. Local interests have contributed $20,000 to cover the cost of surveys or rights of way which they are required to furnish. Operationsand results duringfiscal year.--The design of interir drainage structures was continued and plans and specifications for the first contract unit of pressure conduits and sewers were corn pleted. 1 Total costs for the year were $69,283.34, all for new work. Tota expenditures were $61,997.35. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Designs and construction plans and specifications for the interior drainage structures of pressure conduits and sewers were divided into two groups, of which those for Group I are completed and those for Group II are in preparation; Also in preparation are designs and plans for the interior dr a i n ag e pumping stations. No construction work has been started. Total costs to June 30, 1948, have been $376,829.75, all for peW work. Total expenditures have been $372,594.34. In addition, $49,997.85 has been expended from Emergency Relief funds. Proposedoperations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 19448, $28,477.54, plus an allotment of $500,000 made in July 1948, a total of $528,477.54, will be applied as.follows: Accounts payable June 30, 19481- -- . .... _. _ $4,235.41 New work: , Completion of contract plans and specifications for the second, unit of pressure conduits, sewers, and pumping stations_ 70,000.00 Model studies.....-... 20,000.13 Real estate operations uontrutio 01 tne nrs Construction of the first berland, Md. preparatory!to _ unit oP prssr landcoacquisitioni .ut.i.m unit of pressure conduits in .. .0 Cum. 34,242.1 4000.00 - , T otal ' L _ _ _.--------------- - - .. .. 528 ,4 77,54 Additional funds in the amount of $1,800,000 can be expended profitably during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work:' Completion of plans and specifications for remainder of entire project .- .......... - $50,000.00 Land acquisition for channel improvement 50,000 00 To initiate, construction under a continuing contract for the second unit of pressure conduits, sewers, and pumping station substructures .... ,-,., , ~- ... .. 1,700,000.00 Total ----------- ----- - ... $1,800,000.00 FLOOD CONTROLr--WASIINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 605 ,sit and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 '$376,829.75 t of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------------- \ins Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ -. .. '376,829.75 s accounts payable, June 30, 1948. ---------------------- 4,235.41 The Net total expenditures------------ 1372,594.34 lexpended balance, June 30, 1948_----------- ------- -28,477.54 _--- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---------- ' 401,071.88 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new- 3 ost of e Work $37, 086. 42 .----------- $66,639.24 $96, 268. 28 $44, 480. 59 $69, 283.34 Totaiexpieflafl e----©._--------- . -------------- 58,------------- 500. 45 ----------- ----- ------- 106, 938.44 48,117.34 61, 997.35 Allo te ned -33,968.88 .. ---------------------------- 0, 000.00 110,000.00 78, 000.00 alance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----- - - - ---------- $12,474.89 Amount allotted durming fiscal year------------ ------------ 78,000.00 Amountexpended___ rssamount to he accounted for----------- --------------- 90,474.89 _ ------- - ----------------- 61,997.35 0 uts. Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 - 28,477.54 Astanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ------- $4,253.27 Aunt covered by uncompleted contracts . 2,221.16 6,474.43 June 30, 1948. .... - -. ........-.-- 22,003.11 allottedavailable, Balance Am 0 unt in July 1948......-----.. .. 500,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .. 522,003.11 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of eisting project---------------------------- 11,498,900.00 Arount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending Jne 30, 1950, for new work- . -. ... . - 1,800,000.00 S In addition, $49, 997. 85 was expended from Emergency Relief funds. 31. SAVAGE RIVER DAM, MD. aLocation.-On Savage River, in Garrett County, Md., approxi- ~ tely 4.5 miles above the junction with North Branch of the Poto- Cac River, and immediately downstream of the junction of Crabtree gCeek and Savage River, and approximately 4 miles northwest of 1~3Oiington, Md. (See U. S. Geologial Survey quadrangle, Grants- e, 1Md.-Pa.) Existing project.-The construction of an earth- and rock-fill sta:, with a maximum height of 184 feet above the stream bed, was tarted in 1939 as a project of the Works Progress Administration, ~ader sponsorship of the Upper Potomac River Commission. Work eas suspended in December 1942, due to the war. The present proj- ecProvides for completion of the earth and rock-fill 'dam by the 804711--- 48 vol. 1-- 39 606 REPORT O+ CHIEF OP ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Corps of Engineers, United States Army, and includes about 850,000 cubic yards of earth- and rock-fill embankment to be placed and other necessary appurtenant structures. The estimated Federal cost of the project, revised in 1948, is $2,750,000, and the estimatedor cost to local interests is $200,000. The project is primarily fon regulation of stream flow for industrial purposes, and pollutill abatement, with some incidental flood control. The reservoir the have a storage capacity of 20,000 acre-feet. Authorization for the project is contained in the Flood Control Act approved July *' 1946 (H. Doc. 622, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). sh Local cooperation.-Local interests are required to make a cast contribution of $200,000 toward the cost of the work. The upper Potomac River Commission has indicated it will contribute $200,000 toward completion of the dam from available funds. ti- Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineeringinvesti gations to determine the present status of the uncompleted pro0je and hydrologic and hydraulic investigations for modifications$f the outlet tunnel to obtain a greater degree of flood control, were completed during the fiscal year. The preparation of construil plans and specifications for the uncompleted portion of the dam was 80 percent completed during the year. k Total costs for the fiscal year were $47,340.63, all for new work. Total expenditures were $42,563.04. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was appro ' imately two-thirds completed by the Work Projects Administraf tion prior to the termination of work in 1942. The major items o work required to complete the structure consist of the placement of approximately 850,000 cubic yards of earth and rock fill in the emd bankment, 94,000 cubic yards of earth and rock excavation and 5,200 cubic yards of reinforced concrete in the spillway and ou tlet works, and installation of slide gates, valves, and other operating equipment. No construction work on the uncompleted portion o the dam has been started. Total costs to June 30, 1948, have been $54,452.21, all for new work. Total expenditures have been $49,258.57. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, of $6,741.43, plus an allotment of $400,000 made in July 1948, a tota of $406,741.43, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------------- $5,193.64 New work:9 Completion of plans and specifications-- -- ______-24,547.19 Construction of first stage of embankment portion of dam 377,000.00 43 Total-------------------------------------------- 406,741. Additional funds in the amount of $1,700,000 can be expended profitably during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work:0 Completion of construction of the embankment portion of dam. $1,440 000 Fabrication and delivery of control chamber equipment ----- 260,000 Total__--------------------------------------------- 1,700.000 1'LOOD CONTROL--WASIIINGTON, ~D. C. T)ISTRICT 607 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- ------------------.- $54,452.21 Costof maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ of permanent costpayable, work to June 30, 1948 . 54,452.21 us Total lins accounts June 30, 1948....------ ------- ------- 5,193.64 Je Net total expenditures --- ---------------------- 49,258.57 oexpended balance, June 30, 1948...------------------------- 6,741.43 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- ----------- 56,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1945 1946 1947 1948 1944 Cos 0 now ork- $7,111.58 $47,340.63 o ai nc------------ ------------------------------------------------- otal xpen - ance. - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------- - 6,695.53 42,563, 04 otted 15, 000.00 41,000.00 $alance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------- ---------- $8,304.47 mount allotted during fiscal year-------------- ---------- 41,000.00 Gro Amount to be accounted for--..._------------------- 49,304.47 ss amount expended..----.........------------------------- 42,563.04 unexpended, June 30, 1948_...-- ------------ 6,741.43 Out •Balance tanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.------------------- 5,330.30 Any Balance available, June 30, 1948-. ---- -------- 1,411.13 ounted allotted in July 1948_------------------------ 400,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-_..... 401,411.13 orfunt (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion existing project --------------------------------- _ 2,294,000.00 'uOunt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1 9 5 0 , for new work ....-------. ------------------ 1,700,000.00 32. WAYNESBORO, VA. SLocation.-This project is located at Waynesboro, Va., which oc- Cupies both banks of the South River, about 25 miles above the douth. South River is a tributary of the South Fork of the Shenan- boah River. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle, Waynes- oro, Va.) t Eisting project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- atruction of approximately 17,500 lineal feet of levees and walls along the South River and Rockfish Run, enlargement of 10,700 lineal feet of the South River channel to a bottom width of 175 feet ai side slopes of 1 on 3, construction of a pressure conduit 1,700 feet long to carry the flow of Spring Run through the city, and in.. terlor drainage to be provided by four pumping stations and the jecessary intercepting sewers. The total estimated cost to the 5ited States, revised in 1948, is $2,400,000 and to local interests, 0,000. Authorization for the project is contained in the Flood 608 REPORT OF CHIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Control Act approved July 24, 1946 (H. Doc. 622, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published maps are in the project document:of Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. The councll o the town of Waynesboro has passed a resolution assuring local co- operation. The requirements of local cooperation, however, have not been furnished. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been initiated on the existing project. Proposed operations.-None. Funds in the amount of $75,000 can be expended profitably during the fiscal year 1950 for iniating engineering investigations and for starting the preparation of de- tailed plans. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ___________ --- ._______.- ----- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ..----- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-..... -...---.----- Net total expenditures ------------------------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--...... ... - Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 00 of project of existing eistng _.. ___ ------ rojct---- _ ------------ . $200400 00000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 00.00 June 30, 1950, for new work .75,000 33. SALEM CHURCH RESERVOIR, VA. Location.-The Salem Church multiple-purpose reservoir to be located on the Rappahannock and Rapidan Rivers in Culpeper and Orange Counties, Va., would be created by a concrete gravitY .dar on the Rappahannock River, located 5.6 miles above Frederic. 8 burg, Va., and 113 miles above the mouth. (See Army Map Service quadrangle, Salem Church, Va., and U. S. Geological Survey quad rangle, Spotsylvania. Va.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of a concrete gravity dam, approximately 1,300 feet long, with a maximum height of 208 feet above bedrock, and earth eP.- bankments extending from both abutments, totaling 16,000 feet in length, with a maximum height at the left abutment of 63 feet. The spillway would consist of 2 sections, 1 of 15 crest gates, 30 feet wide by 25 feet high, located in the gravity section, and the other of ~ 50- by 53.5-foot fixed-wheel gates located in the bedrock of the righ abutment. The spillway channel curves toward and enters the river 650 feet below the dam. The total discharge capacity of the spillway would be 545,000 cubic feet per second. The project pro- vides for a power plant, to be constructed integral with the dam at the left side of the river channel, containing two 2 7 ,2 50-kilowatt generating units with provision for additional installation. The reservoir will afford flood protection for Fredericksburg, Falmouth, and areas downstream for a flood of approximately 200,000 cubic FLOOD CONTROL -- WASIINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 609 Deetsecond. Estimated cost of the project, revised in 1948, is per $33,000,000, of which $1,250,000 would be for lands and damages. uthorization for the project is contained in the Flood Control Act roved July 24, 1946, which stipulated that the maximum eleva- eon of the power pool should not exceed elevation 220 feet mean sea el The latest published maps are in the project document. (See . oe. 119, 80th Cong., 1st sess.) Local cooperation.-See page - for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preparationswere thade to initiate engineering investigations and studies to determine h economics of the authorized project. Total costs and expenditures for the fiscal year were $21.33. dondition at end of fiscal year.-No construction work has been done.. Total costs and expenditures to June 30, 1948, were $21.33. 9 roposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, of '98.67, will be applied to new work, engineering and economic vestigations and studies of the authorized project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --------- ----------- $ 21.33 of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_......... 21.33 et total expenditures----------- -------- ----------- 21.33 "expended balance, June 30, 1948_----------------------- 9,978.67 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_- ...------- -10,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 of new work_ -ost ... 0 .......... ... ... .... ...... ... ............ 21.33 o1t ofmaintenance _......... Total expended..-..... $ 21.33 Allotted ----- 10, 000.00 -- --- -- -- ount allotted during fiscal year________--_----------- $10,000.00 ross amount expended------------ ------------------ 21.33 Out Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- ......-.......... 9,978.67 standing liabilities, June 30, 1948 _-------------------- 3.16 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ...------- 9,975.51 Atount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion f existing project ........-------------.... ..---------.....--..... 32,990,000.00 34' EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO THE ANACOSTIA LEVEE, WASHINGTON, . C., UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAW 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS The emergency repair work to the upper 4,000 feet of the Ana- Cotia levee located on the left bank of the Anacostia River at river 610 REPORT OF CHIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 mile 1.5 in the District of Columbia, is being made in compliance with Public Law 102, 80th Congress, approved June 23, 1947, which authorized the sum of $15,000,000 to be appropriated as an emer gency fund to be expended under the direction of the Secretary e the Army and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repair, restoration, and strengthening of levees and other flood- control works which have been threatened or destroyed by recet floods, or which may be threatened or destroyed by later floodS.d An allotment of $36,000 was made during fiscal year 1948 anf will be applied to the repairs, by contract, to restore the section levee to its original grade and cross-section. Construction plan Of and specifications were completed at a cost of $2,483.02. No con- struction work was started during the fiscal year. Total costs to June 30, 1948 were $2,483.02. Total expenditures were $1,129.07. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $34,870.93, will be applied during fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------------ $1-353 95 Emergency repairs to the Anacostia levee-------------------- 33 51698 Total -_ 34,870.9 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __________________________ 2 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------$2,483--------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 2,483 5 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------- Net total expenditures--------- 1,129.0 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948__--------------------------- 34,870 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ 36,000'00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-----------...................-------------. .............. ------------ ----------............-- Cost of maintenance ............ .............. .......................... . == n;,( Total expended................. v. V ---- --- 1~ ,.I ,n 00 Allotted------ ------------ 36, UU - Amount allotted during fiscal year --------------------------- $36,000.00 Gross amount expended. -------------------------------- 1,129 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------- -- 34,870.93 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 1353"9 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------ 33,516.98 35. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF TIHE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 18, 1941 The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, as modified bY the Flood Control Acts of 1946 and 1948, respectively,, states ,That FLOOD CONTROL--WASIIINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 611 the Secretary of the Army is hereby authorized to allot from any epropriation heretofore or hereafter made for flood control, not to xceed $2,000,000 for any one fiscal year to be expended in rescue York Or in the repair, restoration, or maintenance of any flood con- trol work threatened or destroyed by flood, including the strength- eniUg, raising, extending, or other modification thereof as may be qecessary in the discretion of the Chief of Engineers for the ade- quate functioning of the work for flood control." ti ursuant to this act, emergency work was performed in connec- R with the ice conditions on the Potomac River at Washington, February 16, 1948. '., T he total costs for the fiscal year 1948 were $2,264.20. There ere no expenditures. The total costs to June 30, 1948, were $46,992.28. Total expendi- tures were $44,728.08. DI.The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, of $2,264.20, will be ap- led to the payment of accounts payable of $2,264.20. Cost and financial summary Ct of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- St of maintenance to June 30, 1948_------------------ ----- $46,992.28 Ii usTotal of permanent costpayable, work to June 30, 1948 ......-- .... 46,992.28 lsaccounts June 30, 1948 --------------------- 2,264.20 tIe Net total expenditures-------------------------------- 44,728.08 expended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 2,264.20 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_------------- : 46,992.28 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 osto nw w rk' r. ot ai-nanc -$44, 728.08::::::::::----: - ----------------- $2,264.20 Otal expended -.. ... 44,728.08----------------------............-----.............------------------------ Allott,- e.-------.........-...... 50, 000. 00 $5, 271.92 -------......................-----...... 2,264. 20 ount allotted during fiscal year ------------------------- $2,264.20 aance unexpended, June 30, 1948_--------_-------------------- 2,264.20 ttanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------ --------------------- 2,264.20 86. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL Total costs for the year were $49,076.63. Total expenditures were $1033.97. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, amounting to be 2,280.26, plus an allotment of $35,000 made in July 1948, will be applied to accounts payable, amounting to $2,551.64, and to pay- eat of expenses to be incurred under this heading. Additional funds in the amount of $25,000 can be expended profit- ably during fiscal year 1950, 612 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.- - ------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. $794,221 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------221 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948. 2,551.64 Net total expenditures_____________ 791,669. Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ 12 280.26 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 803,950. Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- -----------------.--- ----.-- . -.------- -- 3 Cost of maintenance - $379, 714. 65 $53, 627. 28 $31, 290. 85 $50, 219 96 49 Total expended--------------- 400, 225. 71 58, 164. 06 14, 578. 68 59, 342.11 4i7 Allotted---------------------.........................203, 000. 00 57, 000. 00 24, 000.00 28, 200.00048, Balance unexpended, July l, 1947 $11,314.23 Amount allotted during fiscal year 4800000 Amount to be accounted for_----_____-- __ ______- 59,314.23 Gross amount expended ------------------ $51,217.58 Less reimbursed expenditures --------------------- _ 4,183.61 47, 033.9 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.- ----- 12,280.26 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-- --- 2,551.64 Balance available, June 30, 1948- 9,728.62 Amount allotted in July 1948_________________ -------------- 35,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 -------- 44,728.6 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 00.00 30, 1950, for maintenance 25,000 00 37. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS Name of project For last full report see Cost and expenditures to June 30, 1948 -u-rei Estimated amou Iltto t__ Annual Re- complete port for- New work Maintenance 1. Harpers Ferry, W. Va.l- - ---------------- 1937 $184,900 2. Moorefield. W. Va.l- ..... .- ..... 1941 $7, 928.12 ...------- -- 158 -1 Awaiting local cooperation. FLOOD CONTROL---WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT 613 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation 1Aacestia River and tributaries...... Flood Control Act, June -------------- ------------ Big Wills Ore 22, 1936. trolg Will Creek, Pa., for flood con- Flood Control Commit- ------------ ilat and in the vicinity of Hynd- tee resolution, July 23, 1946. Fra b l, loyaaa., flood control onFlood Control Commit- ------------- the e RaCreek, Va.,aiver Pomac tributary of tee resolution, July 5, ppy Front Royal, Va. 1946. Creek,orPotomae River, flood Flood Control Commit- rotection ------------ tee resolution, July 5, Ycndoan Borough, Pa., for flood tantron on Big Wills Creek, tribu- 1946. Flood Control Commit- ............ tee resolution, July 23, Littly of the Potomac River. 1946. rl is Creek, Pa. for flood con- ......-...... do------------ Sroat nd .n vicinity of Hyndman ------------ toac liver and tributaries, for ............ do-....--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - Litect o along Big Wills and h vicWi lls Creeks, Pa., at and in Pa vicnity of Hyndma n Borough, otonay River, flood control on -Flood Control Commit- it iy Creek for Front Ioyal and tee resolution, July 5, 1946. -------------- ------------ Heod C floodee (Big and Little) Pa., for control at and in the vicinity Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, July 23, --------------- 1----------- yndman Borough. Pa. 1946. I I ' a IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT This district comprises a small portion of southeastern West Vir- ginia, central and eastern Virginia, and a portion of northern North tarolina embraced in the west shore drainage basins tributary to bee southern part of Chesapeake Bay south of the watershed line ytWeen '' and the northerly arm of Winter Harbor and Garden Creek, a., the eastern shore drainage basins south of and including francock River, Va.; the drainage tributary to the Atlantic Ocean roVm White Creek and Gargathy Inlet, inclusive, to the Virginia- 4Orth Carolina State line; the Roanoke River Basin above Weldon, N.I C.; oWan Meherrin theRiver River Basin Basin above Murfreesboro, N. C.; and the above the confluence of the Nottoway and 1jackwater Rivers, Va. It also includes the Virginia portion of the Intracoastal Waterways between Norfolk, Va., and Beaufort Inlet, C.," andthe portion of the waterway from Norfolk to the sounds of NOrth Carolina north of Albemarle Sound. District engineer: Col. G. T. Derby, Corps of Engineers. Division engineer of the North Atlantic Division, New York, . Y., comprising the New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Balti- ,0re, Md., Washington, D. C., and Norfolk, Va., districts: Col. u' F. Heavey, Corps of Engineers, acting division engineer to uly 17, 1947, Col. B. C. Dunn, Corps of Engineers since that date. IMF ROVEMENTS Navigation Navigation-Continued Page Page 2. Onancock River, Va... .... 616 23. Lafayette River, Va_ 670 2. Nandua Creek, Va__ 618 24. Atlantic Intracoastal Water- 4. Occohannock Creek, Va___ 620 way between Norfolk, Va., 4. Little Machipongo River, Va_ 622 and the St. Johns River, 5. Oyster Channel, Va.. . 623 Fla. (Norfolk District) .---- 672 6. Cape Charles City Harbor, Va 626 25. Knobbs Creek, N. C........ 677 7. York H Spit Channel, Va___ 628 26. Blackwater River, Va ...... 679 8. orn Harbor, Va ...-.. 631 27. Examinations, surveys, and 10, Mattaponi River, Va.__ 632 contingencies (general) - 681 11 Pamunkey River, Va ..... 635 28. Inactive navigation projects _ 682 11Channel Connecting York 29. Plant allotment -- - 682 River, Va., with Back Creek 1 to Slaights Wharf- 638 12. Thimble Shoal Channel, Va _ 639 Flood Control 14. James River, Va 641 30. Roanoke River Basin, Va. and 14 Appomattox River, Va- 15. Deep Creek, Va --- 645 649 N.C. 31. Buggs Island Reservoir, Roan- 685 17. Pagan River, Va_:-. _-__ - 651 oke River Basin, Va. and 18- Nansemond River, Va _,- 653 N.C 687 189.Hampton Creek, Va ... 654 32. Philpott Reservoir, Roanoke 192 Willoughby Channel, Va .... 657 River Basin, Va_ 690 201 Newport News Creek, Va .. 658 33. Preliminary examinations, sur- 21 Channel to Newport News, veys, and contingencies for Va 2222Norfolk ---- - 661 flood control.. 692 Harbor, Va-_ 663 34. Inactive flood control projects 693 615 616 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 1. ONANCOCK RIVER, VA. Location.-This river, a tidal stream, rises in Accomac CountY Va., flows in a westerly direction about 6.5 miles and empties into Chesapeake Bay. The portion under improvement extends from the mouth of the river to Onancock, Va., a distance of about 5 miles which is the approximate length of the tidal reach. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic SurveyChart No. 1223.) the Previous projects.--The original project was adopted bY the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1879, and was modified bY the River and Harbor Act of September 19, 1890. The modified project was superseded by a project adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910, work under which was completed in 1911. For further details see page 1799 of Annual Report for 1915, page 493 of Annual Report for 1924, and page 388 of Annual Report for 193 Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water, 200 feet wide across the bar, a distance of 5,200 feet, and generally 100 feet wide in the river to a point roughly 1,200 feet above the mouth of the North Branch, widened at the upper end to form a,basin 200 feet square; and a turning basin about 2.3 acres in area at Onancock. It also provides for a channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide in the lower 500 feet of Joynes Branch and an anchor- age basin 6 feet deep and 3.9 acres in area at the mouth of Titlow Creek. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is 1.7 feet and the extremes are 1.5 and 2 feet. The estimate of cost for new work revised in 1948, exclusive amounts expended on previous projects, was $160,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $6,500d The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1925 A channel 12 feet deep and 200 feet wide across the H. Doc. 219, 68thCong., 1st sess bar and generally 100 feet wide in the river with a turning basin near the head of navigation. Aug. 26, 1937 Extending the 12-foot channel in North Branch with H. Doc. 74, 75th Cong., 1st ses ) a basin 200 feet square and a 6-foot channel 100 feet wide in Joynes Branch, and an anchorage basin (Contains latest published 0 8p 6 feet deep, at the mouth of Titlow Creek. 5 Mar. 2, 1945 Modification of the requirement of local cooperation.. H. Doc. 358, 76th Cong., 1st ses Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, in providing for the extension of the channel in North Branch, a channel in Joynes Branch, and an anchorage basin at the mouth of Titlow Creek, imposed the condition that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of way and spoil-disposal areas when and as required for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance. A resolution by the town council of Onancock, giving assurances that the condition of local cooperation will be met, was approved by the Division Engineer, North Atlantic Division on April 12, 1948. All instruments of right- of-way and disposal-area permits have been executed. Terminalfacilities.-There are five small timber wharves on this river with a total wharfage space of about 980 linear feet as follows: RIVERS AND IIARBORS--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 617 Three at Onancock and one each at Poplar Cove and Finneys. are permitted to tie up at the wharves without charge. Two iessels uWharves at Onancock are privately owned but are open to general payment of wharfage. A county road extends to them.pon eac horfuse These facilities are considered adequate for existing COmmerce OPerations and results during fiscal year.-Surveys, plans and Secifications for new work, with Government plant and hired labor, ere made during the year at a cost of $3,979.72. GSurveys, plans and specifications for maintenance work, with cooernment plant and hired labor, were made during the year at a st of $7,783.28. The total cost and expenditure of the work was $11,763, of which '3,979.72was for new work and $7,783.28, for maintenance. 7 7 Condtion at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about pdeercent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Controlling depths Name of channel Left Midchannel Right Date outside for half outside determined quarter project width quarter Feet Feet Feet hto Onancock -------- 10. 1 10.2 7.1 Sept.-Oct. 1947 A th ranch -------------------------------- 2. 1 1.7 1.3 Do. n 8Ynes Branch ow1.5eek 1.7......2.9.. rage Basin at mouth of Titlow Creek------- - 1. 8 Do. 4. 4 1.0 Do. The head of navigation is at Onancock, Va. Navigation is practi- cable throughout the year. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists Of extending the 12-foot channel in North Branch to a point roughly b,200 feet above the mouth of the branch, the extended channel to be Widened at the upper end to form a basin 200 feet square; pro- Viding a channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide in the lower 500 feet of Joynes Branch; and providing an anchorage basin 6 feet deep and 3.9 acres in area at the mouth of Titlow Creek. Depths are re- ferred to mean low water. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $100,- 269, of which $90,039.21 was for new work and $10,229.79, for raintenance. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fical year, $67,825.68, plus an allotment of $70,000 made in July 1948, a total of $137,825.68, will be applied as follows: New work: Completion of the project in accordance with the River and Harbor Act of 1945: Dredging, by contract, 3 months, December 1948-February M aintenance: 1949 Dredging, by contract, between the mouth and the .-----.. . $67,825.68 town of Onancock, Va., 3 months, September-November 1948__ 70,000.00 Total for all work---- -.....-.. ---.-.- _ _--_ 137,825.68 618 REPORT OF CHIEF OP ENGINEERIS, T1. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $8,000 maintenance funds can be profitabl expended during the fiscal year 1950, for a condition and contro survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 1.5 months, JMarch- April 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------____ $123588 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. 34,983' Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 158,571.18 Net total expenditures_ 158 571.78 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 -- 67 82568 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ 226,397.46 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 948 Cost of new work.. - $ 3,979.72 Cost ofmaintenanc............ Z ........ :..::_::_ :..... Cost of maintenance---------------------- --- ---------- -- $216.72 7783.28 Total cost-------------- ------- -------- ---- ----------- _ 216,72 1 1763. ...........-------------..... Total expended----....--.......--- ....-------------- ....------------- 216.72 1.. Allotted------------------------------------------- $8,000.00----------- 7 1, 8 504--, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------_----------- $7,783.28 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ 71,805.40 AmountAmonttobeaccunedfo----------------------------1116.0 to be accounted for ,,,,, ________ 79 588.68 Gross amount expended__.....---------------------- 113.0 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------- 67,825.68 Amount allotted in July 1948_ _ 70,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 137,825.68 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------- 2 200.00 thatorcan aitenc-"'---~---"--------------------2200 30,195, Amount be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 8,0000 30, 1950, for maintenance_. _. ..... _._ .____ _.._8,000.00 2. NANDUA CREEK, VA. Location.-This creek, a tidal estuary of Chesapeake Bay, lies wholly within the limits of Accomac County, Va. From its source it flows in a southwesterly direction for about 4 miles, thence in a northwesterly direction for about 2 miles, and empties into Chesa- peake Bay about 10 miles south of Watts Island light, and about 28 miles north of the harbor at Cape Charles City, Va. It is about 1 mile wide at its mouth and gradually narrows as the source is aP" proached. At Nandua, a distance of about 5 miles from the mouth, its width is about 300 or 400 feet. The area of its watershed is about 15 square miles, with an average elevation of about 6 or 8 feet above sea level, about one-fourth of which is marsh and timber land, the remainder being under cultivation. Being an arm of Chesapeake RIVERS AND IARIBORS-NORF(OLK, VA., DISTRICT 619 ay, Nandua Creek is affected by the lunar and wind tides which afect that body. There are no other currents, and even in periods of excessive rainfall no change in flow is perceptible. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1223.) xisting project.--This provides for dredging a channel 9 feet beep at mean low water over a bottom width of 100 feet across the bar at the mouth, a distance of about 700 feet. Under ordinary con- the mean tidal range is 1.5 feet, and the extreme about 4.5 Oet°ons The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1930, was $8,110. The latest (1930) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $500. The existing project was adopted by the following river-and- arbor acts: ts Work authorized Documnents u 8 , 1896 A channel 8 fet deep and 100 feet wide across the bar Annual Report for 1895, p. 1302. S1930 at the mouth. (Contains latest published mlap.) ,193 channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide through the l. Doo. 165, 71st Cong., 2d sess. bar at the mouth. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-Two wharves, privately owned, are located on Nandua Creek, having an available frontage of about 100 linear feet each. Boats which load and discharge cargoes at these wharves are charged a nominal fee for wharfage. They are of open-pile con- Struction, and are not equipped with any mechanical means for andling cargoes, all loading and discharging of cargoes being ac- COmplished with hand trucks. These wharves are adequate for the existing commerce, and it is believed that these facilities will take Care of any expansion in commerce that may develop as a result of the improvement of the stream. Sufficient space is available for the construction of larger wharves and warehouses, if necessity de- mands. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Miscellaneous office expenses in connection with a maintenance condition survey pro- Posed for fiscal year 1949 were incurred during the year at a cost and expenditure of $7.51. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1931 by natural scour. The controlling depth as ascertained in 1931 was 9 feet at mean low water. The head of navigation is at Nandua, Va. Navigation is practi- cable throughout the year. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $6,995.32, of which $6,987.81 was for new work and $7.51, for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $1,992.49, plus an allotment of $1,000, made in July 1948, a total of $2,992.49, will be applied to a condition and control Srvey, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.5 month, July 948. 620 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $25,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Condition and control survey with Government plant and hired labor, 0.5 month, July 1949--. . -- ---- Dredging across bar at mouth, by contract, 0.8 month, October 1949 -- $3500 ,------ 22,000 200 Total .. 25,500 Total------------------------- Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------------- - $6,98 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_-- .......-- ---_ - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------------- Net total expenditures--- _____ -_ Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948______ __________ __________ 6,995.3 199249 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------- 8,98781 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost'of new work.------------- ----------------------------------------- .--.. Cost of maintenance----.... ..... ..... -------.---..--..- :---- -..- . Total expended-----------.. .... ......---------------------------------- ---------- Allotted... ...----- -----------...... .... .. .-- $2,000.00 ...-- - ----- -- - Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ ------------------ - $2,000100 Gross amount expended. -------------------- 5 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- 1,992.49 Amount allotted in July 1948. 1,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949----------- 2,99249 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 00.00 1950, for maintenance- -- 25,5 3. OCCOHANNOCK CREEK, VA. Location.---This creek, a tidal estuary of Chesapeake Bay, forms a portion of the dividing line between Accomac and Northampton Counties, Va., and lies wholly within the limits of these two counp ties. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1223.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide from that depth in Chesapeake Bay upstream to the vicinity, of Davis and Morley wharves, a distance of about 50 miles, with approach channels of equal dimensions to the wharves and a turning basin 9 feet deep, 200 feet wide, and 300 feet long adjacent to Concord wharf. Under ordinary conditions the mean RIVERI AND IIARIBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 621 tidal range is about 1.5 feet, with extreme fluctuations of 1.5 feet belo and 6 feet above mean low water. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947, was $91,300. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance Xs $3,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and arbor acts: Acts -. _.. Work authorized Documents ocuments Sly 3,1930 Channel 9 feet deep at mean low water over a bottom HI.Doc. 165; 71st Cong., 2d sess. Mar.2 width of 100 feet across the bar at the mouth. o. 223 78thCon s sess (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.--TheRiver and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, adopting the present project channel, imposed the condition that 8ocal interests agree to furnish suitable areas for disposal of dredged SPoil for new work and subsequent maintenance when and as re- quired, to provide suitable terminal facilities open to all on equal terms, and to hold and save the United States free from claims for darages resulting from the improvement. This condition has not bee complied with. Terminal facilities.-There are three timber wharves on this stream with an available frontage of about 100 linear feet each. The wharfage facilities are believed to be adequate for the existing COmmerce on the creek. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. 2 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about ercent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The controlling P27 depth as ascertained in April 1942 was 6 feet at mean low water. The head of navigation is at Rue's Wharf. Navigation is practi- cable throughout the year. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists Of dredging a channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide from that depth n Chesapeake Bay upstream to the vicinity of Davis and Morley eqharves, a distance of about 5/ miles, with approach channels of qual 0 dimensions to the wharves and a turning basin 9 feet deep, ar0 feet wide, and 300 feet long adjacent to Concord Wharf. Depths are referred to mean low water. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $47,- 1744.34, of which $13,859.14 was for new work and $33,315.20 for raintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no operations are proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $6,000 in maintenance funds can be profitably ex- enaded during the fiscal year 1950, to a condition and control survey, With Government plant and hired labor, 1.2 months, July-August 1949, $04111--48 vol. 1------4 622 REPORT O()F CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 19148 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- $13,59.14 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------.. ._0 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 47,17434 Net total expenditures__4 ..............------ .. 47,17434 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------. 3-----47,17434 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------- - 47,17 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of 44000 existing project ---------------------------- $77 440.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 6,000.00 1950, for maintenance_ __ - - 6,00.--_____________ 4. LITTLE MACHIPONGO RIVER, VA. Location.-This river, locally known as Parting Creek, has its source in the marsh of Bell Neck, Northampton County, Va., flo S in a southerly and easterly direction about 5 miles, and empties i1to Great Machipongo River, about 12 miles by water from Great Machipongo Inlet, and about 28 miles north of Cape Charles, Va. The drainage area is about 11 square miles. No information is available as to the discharge of this stream. The length of the tidal reach is about 2 miles. The Great Machipongo Inlet and the Great Machipongo River are the waterways connecting with the Atlantic Ocean, and have a controlling depth of 16 feet. Willis wharf, a town with a population of about 500, is located on the west bank about 1 mile above its junction with the Great Machipongo River. TS high-water width varies from about 450 feet at the mouth to 350 feet at Willis wharf. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1221.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep a at mean low water and 80 feet wide from the town of Willis Wharf to deep water in the river below. The mean range of tide is about 4.6 feet. The extreme tidal range is from about 0.7 foot below mean low water to about 2 feet above mean high water. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1929, was $10,000. The latest (1929) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930 (II. Doc. 260, 71st Cong., 2d sess.). The latest pub" lished map is in that document. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-There are 13 pile or timber wharves or land- ings and a marine railway located at the town of Willis wharf,5 of the wharves being used for icing and packing fish and other sea foods and 7 being used for oysters and clam packing; they are not open to public use. The other wharf is used as a landing place for party fishermen or sportsmen. No wharves have railroad connec- tion. The nearest railroad station is at Exmore, about 1i2 miles from Willis wharf. The facilities are adequate for the character of commerce involved. A small shipyard with marine railway of suffi- cient size to haul out and overhaul fishing and oyster boats and other vessels does a considerable business. RIVERS AND IAIBORS-NORIFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 623 Operations and results during fiscal year.-A maintenance con- dion survey, with Government plant and hired labor, was made uring the year at a cost and expenditure of $798.64. Condition at end of fiscal year.--Construction of the existing ject was commenced in February 1931 and completed in May fe . The controlling depth as ascertained in June 1948 was 5.0 et at mean low water. 79 T e total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $15,- te 4 of 'hich $15,000 was for new work and $798.64, for main- ace. iProposed operations.--The unexpended balance at the end of the fscal year, $2,201. 36, plus an allotment of $10,000, made in July to48, a total of $12,201.36, will be applied to dredging, by contract, restore project dimensions, 0.5 month, August 1948. abThe additional sum of $4,000 maintenance funds can be profit- year 1950 for a condition and con- bly expended during the fiscal plant 1 Survey, with Government and hired labor, 0.8 month, ebruary 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------------- $15,000.00 Costof maintenance to June 30, 1948_-------------------------- 798.64 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----------- 15,798.64 Ottotal expenditures -.-- -------------------------- 1 15,798.64 expended balance, June 30, 19482--------------------------- 2,201.36 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_------------- 18,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- Co 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 os new work ..-------------------..... ----- .......--------- --------------- :--------$8. ota l mainten e .. . . --- --- -- 798.64 pot T~aexpende ded _ - _---------- ----.... - - - - - - - - - ------ -- -- - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- 798.64 Allotted -- ---- -------- $3,000.00---------------------- alance unexpended, July 1, 1947..---..--------------------- $3,000.00 oss amount expended------------------------------------- 798.64 A Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..--.......--- ..------------- 2,201.36 ount allotted in July 1948-------------------------------- 10,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949--------... 12,201.36 Anunt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 00 50, for maintenance------------------------------- 4,000.00 5. OYSTER CHANNEL, VA. Location.-Oyster Channel is located on the lower eastern side of the Delmarva Peninsula which separates Chesapeake Bay from the Stlantic Ocean. It is about 11 miles north of Cape Charles and about 5~ miles south along the Atlantic cbast from the Virginia-Maryland State line. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1222.) 624 REPORT OF CIIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-This provides for a channel, about 0.9 mile long, 60 feet wide, and 6 feet deep at mean low water, from deep water in Liscombes Channel to and including a turning basin of the same depth 200 feet long and 125 feet wide along the water front at Oyster, Va. The mean range of tide is about 4.4 feet. Greater fluc tuations in water level are caused by prolonged high winds along this section of the Atlantic coast. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, was $54,600. The latest (1940) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 716, 76th Cong., 3d sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945P in adopting the existing project, imposed the condition that loca interests construct a timber bulkhead 200 feet long on the southeast side of the mooring and turning basin; acquire and reserve for pub- lic use a strip of land at least 50 feet wide abutting the southeas edge of the bulkhead for its entire length; provide a public highwaY connection between the bulkhead and the existing county road to the south; furnish free of cost to the United States all necessarY rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for new work and subsequen maintenance when and as required; remove, free of cost to the United States, all wrecks, piles, and other structures within the limits of the improvement; and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement. d The Board of Supervisors of Northampton County has adopted a resolution giving assurances that the conditions of local coopera tion would be met, which was approved by the Chief of Engineers on December 1, 1941. The bulkhead has been constructed and the land adjacent thereto filled with dredged material; all disposal per-' mits have been obtained; the wrecks and piles removed; and con- struction of the access highway has been initiated. Terminalfacilities.-There are about nine private wharves along the waterfront of Oyster and a public bulkhead, 200 feet long, on the southeast side of the turning basin. An access highway connects this ,public bulkhead to the county highway system. The facilities appear to be adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work dredging, by contract,. to provide a channel about 0.9 mile long, 60 feet wide, and 6 feet deep at mean low water from deep water in Liscomrbes Channel to and including a turning basin of the same depth 200 feet long and 125 feet wide was commenced January 19, 1948 and con* tinued to May 22, 1948 when the work was completed. There were removed 99,720 cubic yards of material, place measurement. The cost of the work was $52,088.09. Surveys, plans and specifications for new work with Government plant and hired labor were made during the year at a cost of $2,511.91. The total cost and expenditure of the work was $54,600, all for new work. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 625 Condition at end of fiscal year.--Construction of the existing roject was commenced in January 1948 and completed in May 48 The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Controlling depths Date Name of channel 80 percent of project width, determined 40 percent on either side of center line T asnel Basi------------ arllng -------------------------------- April-May 1948 6o-----------"."--"'- 6D The head of navigation for boat traffic is about 200 feet above the ( rnng basin at the head of the project. Navigation is practicable roughout the year. all The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $54,600, for new work. 1 roposed operations. The allotment of $35,000, made in July 148, Will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.8 month, December 1948----------------- $4,000 Dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions, 2 months, April-May 1949------------------------ -------- ---- 31,000 Total -------- ...------------------ 35,000 The additional sum of $51,800 can be profitably expended during e fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.8 month, January 1950 ..-------------- __--------- $5,000 Dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions, 2 months, April-June 1950.. ------------------------- ..--------- 46,800 Total ----------------------------------------------- 51,800 Cost Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------- ---------------- $54,600 of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- Net Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- . 54, 600 e total expenditures__--- ,__,- ____-- ----------------- 54,600 lamount appropriated to June 30, 1948------- ------------ 54,600 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1940 1947 1948 cost ofnew work-.............. CO°tO ne _.......... ... __... ok------------------ ------------- ------------------ ..... & __.. -...... $-54, 600.00 - --- $ 600.00 54, Allotted_________ -_ -- - 54, 600).00 626 IEPOOR'r OF CHIEF (OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------------- $54,600 Gross amount expended ---------------------------------- Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------- ---- Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ---------------- 35,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 51,800 1950, for maintenance---- ------ 6. CAPE CHARLES CITY HARBOR, VA. Location.-The town of Cape Charles, Va., is located on Chesa- peake Bay on the west side of the peninsula separating the bay from the Atlantic Ocean. It is about 11 miles north of the southern extremity of the peninsula and 45 miles south of the Maryland Virginia State line. Cape Charles City Harbor is an artificial lanld locked harbor situated on the south side of the town. (See U. 8 Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1222.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 18 feet deep an 500 feet wide from that depth in Chesapeake Bay through CherrY" stone Bar and Inlet to the entrance to Cape Charles City Harbor, a distance of 2.71 miles, thence a basin in the harbor of the same depth 600 to 1,000 feet wide and 3,000 feet long, thence a channel 10 feet deep, 100 to 180 feet wide and 260 feet long connectin g basin of the same depth 180 feet wide and 420 feet long at the head of Mud Creek. The project also provides for protective works in the form of a stone jetty on the north side of the harbor entrance and a sand mole 1,350 feet long south of the harbor entrance All.3 depths are referred to mean low water. The mean tidal range is 2.3 feet with extremes of 2.5 feet below and 8 feet above mean low water. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $298,300. In addition, $445,291.03 was expended from military funds for pard tial completion of the 18-foot project. The latest (1945) approve estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $15,000. No estimate Of cost of maintenance was approved for the original project. d The existing project was authorized by the following river an harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents .I/..( - , P 1. ~nc4. Sept. 19, 1890 Dredging a channel through Cherrystone Inlet and H. Doc. 29, 51st Cong., 1stSX bar 16 feet deep and 100 and 200 feet wide, respec- and Annual Report 1890, tively; dredging an entrance channel 100 feet wide, 16 feet deep; dredging a harbor 11 acres in area, 14 feet deep; and construction of stone jetties on each side of the entrance to the harbor. e ss' June 20, 1938 Modified to provide a basin 10 feet deep, 180 feet wide, II. DI)oc. 580, 75th Cong., 3d s and 420 feet long, at the head of Mud Creek, with a channel 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide, extending to that depth in the present harbor, flaring through its inner 250 feet to a width of 180 feet. e ss' Mar. 2, 1945 A channel 18 feet deep and 500 feet wide from that H. Doc. 90, 79th Cong., 1st s depth in Chesapeake Bay to the harbor entrance, thence a basin in the harbor of the same depth 600 to 1,000 feet wide and 3,000 feet long. I Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-The conditions imposed by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1938, were fully complied with and approved by the Chief of Engineers on March 30, 1940. RIVERS AND IIARIORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 627 The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, in adopting the present project dimensions, imposed the conditions that local inter- and when required and at no cost to the United tates et provide asnecessary all lands for the initial construction and subsequent haintenance; give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will provide and maintain substantial bulkheads and other terminal facilities adequate to permit full utilization of the improve- fent; and will reserve at least 1,000 lineal feet of berthing space for general public use on equal and reasonable ers;such along andbulkheads agree to hold and save the United States free from all aims for damages resulting from the improvement. tLocal interests have furnished all lands necessary for dredging te harbor to a reduced width of 800 feet. The other terms of local ve Coeration imposed by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, not been complied with. t erminal facilities.-There are four wharves and two transfer slps, maintained by the Pennsylvania Railroad, in the outer harbor aing a total dockage space of about 1,500 feet. Two of these strarves are open to public use without charge under certain re- rictions; the others are used exclusively by the railroad company. 1 ere is also a bulkhead, 400 feet long, located on Mud Creek on the heoot project, which is open to the public without charge. With " e addition of the 1,000 lineal feet of bulkhead required of local interests these facilities would be adequate for existing commerce. dOPerations and results during fiscal year.-A maintenance con- 'zlon survey of the harbor and approach channels with Govern- enat plant and hired labor in progress at the beginning of the fiscal atr, was continued to July 1, 1947 when the work was completed ta cost and expenditure of $1,033.78. C7ondition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was about of Ofehe ercent complete at the end of the fiscal year. Partial completion project to provide for a reduced width in the harbor of 800 eet w as commenced in August 1942 and completed in January 1943. e controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Controlling depths Date Name of channel Left Midchannel Right determined outside for half outside _ quarter project width quarter erry Feet Feet Feet C errystone Bar Channel................... 17.4 18. 0 17. 4 June 1947. Ca rystonIe Inlet Channel___.................16. 4 16. 2 16.3 D)o. ,d Chariles City Hiarbor.................. 14. 1 16. 4 14.9 )o. reek ek ------------------------------ 8. 8.9 8.10057io 10.0 5.7 1)o. The head of navigation for boat traffic is the head of Mud Creek. avigation is practicable throughout the year. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists Of Widening the south side of the main harbor from its present Widths of from 400 to 800 feet to widths of from 600 to 1,000 feet to a depth of 18 feet over a distance of 3,000 feet. Depths are referred to mlean low water. 628 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $646y- 053.38, of which $565,340.30 was for new work, including $445 ' 291.03 expended from Military funds for partial completion of the 18-foot project, and $80,713.08 for maintenance. Proposed operations.--No funds are available and no operations are proposed during the fiscal year 1949.. ed The sum of $6,000 maintenance funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for a condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 1 month, December 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _______________-______ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------ -- $565,340.30 80,71308 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. 646,053.38 Net total expenditures ------------------------------------ 646,053.38 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 646,053.38 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ..------ .- ________ .-..--.------------- -_- -------------- -- 33.78 Cost of maintenanr ------------..............-- ... ...... $6, 167. 41 $8, 932. 27 $4,266. 54 Total expended------------------------4, 088. 11 11, 011.57 4, 266. 54 Allotted--------------.............. . ----------.............--------. 20, 400. 00 -------------- ------------- $1,033.78 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------------------------- Gross amount expended -- _______ 1,--------------- 1,033.7 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project _178260 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 600000 30, 1950, for maintenance--6,000. 7. YORK SPIT CHANNEL, VA. Location.-York Spit Channel lies in the lower Chesapeake Bay' opposite the mouth of York River and about 20 miles northerly from Atlantic Ocean at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1222.) Previous project.-The original project was adopted March 3, 1905. For further details see page 389 of the Annual Report for 1932. Existing project.-This provides for a channel approximately 5 miles long, 1,000 feet wide, and 39 feet deep at mean low water between the contours of that depth in Chesapeake Bay opposite yor Spit. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is 2.5 feet and the extreme 3.3 feet. The extremes of irregular fluctuation, due to combined wind and tides, referred to mean low water, are minus 2 feet and plus 9.5 feet. RIVERS AND HARBORS--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 629 The estimated cost of new work revised in 1946 was $996,500. The $36,t (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Documents Work authorized Mar 3 r -- ___ -- ---- ar, 105 A channel 35 feet deep and 601)feet widc----___----- If. I)oe. 186, 57th Cong., 2d sess. ,1913 Channel width increased to 1,0( feet..--------------- H, Doc. 1190, 62d Cong., 3d sess. Mar., ,1930 1945 Channel depth increased to 37 feet------- Channel depth increased to 39 feet .-- ------- 11. Doe. 29, 71st Gong., 1st sess. :---------- - In accordance with report on file in office of the Chief of Engineers dated June 30, 1942, (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.None required. fTerminal facilities.-For a description of the terminal facilities or this channel, see Baltimore Harbor and Channels, Md. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing . the channel to a depth of 37 feet at mean low water, with the 9ited States hopper dredge Comber, was commenced January 14, 48, and continued intermittently to the end of the fiscal year. h ere were removed 235,051 cubic yards of material, credited oace measurement, dredged and hauled and 328,301 cubic yards eOMaaterial agitated, a total of 563,352 cubic yards. The cost and expenditure of the work was $146,708.13. ' 12 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 1 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The controlling 8epth as ascertained in May 1948 was 37.4 feet in midchannel and 6.2 feet along the edges. Depths are referred to mean low water. ofThe work remaining to be done to complete the project consists fdredging the channel to a depth of 39 feet at mean low water over a width of 1,000 feet and length of about five miles. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project prior to fiscal year 1942 was included in the project for Baltimore Harbor and Channels, Md. Since that date, the total cost and expenditure has been $725,286.26, of which $74,358.58 was for new work and 650,927.68, for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the cal plus$136,000 1948, year, $33,113.74, plus an allotment of $8,000 made in July to be revoked and reallotted from another proj- ect, a total of $177,113.74 will be applied,as follows: Maintenance: Dredging to a depth of 38 feet with a United States hopper dredge, 2.0 months, July-August 1948--------------- $170,000.00 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 1 month, April-May 1949 ...--------..------- 7,113.74 Total _______________ "-- __'_ _ w__ .... $177,113.74 630 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $510,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Initiation of channel deepening to 39 feet in accordance with the River and Harbor Act of 1945, dredging, with a United States hopper dredge, 5 months, October 1949- 00 February 1950 $500,000. Maintenance: Condition survey with Government plant and hired 00 labor, 2 months, July-August 1949 10---------------000.0 Total for all work _ 510,000.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $74,358.58 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---- 650 927.68 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 1 725,286.26 Net total expenditures_ -------- __- 725,286.26 -______________________ Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------- 33113.14 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -------------- 758,400.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ..... ........---------...--------------...........-------------- --------- 3 Cost of maintenance- --...........--- . 2,074.71 $------ $81, 547.43 $118, 350.07 $3,041.25 $ -1 ---. 1 Total expended..---------------- 935,82 77, 039.98 118,350.07 3,041.25 1470 Allotted------------------.........--------------.............. 153, 500.00 92, 000.00 -97, 600. 00 172,000.00 1Costs and expenditures prior to fiscal year 1942 are included in the project for Baltimore Harbor and Channels. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------- -1--------- $ 7,821.87 Amount allotted during fiscal year------------------- - 247,000.0 Amount to be accounted for. ... __........,, ._254,821.87 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment e ccuntd or-----------------------5,818 Amontto --------------- 75,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for------------------------ 179, 821.87 Gross amount expended---------------............. __........ 146708.13 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----- ---------------- 33,113.74 Amount allotted in July 1948--------------------------------- 8,000 00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 41,113.74 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project existingproject.------------ ------------------------------- 922,100.00 Amount that caa be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work_ maintenancew work-------------------------------------- 500,000.00 0,000.00 Totalr maintena--------------------------------- ----- 510,000.0 T otal_____. ____________________________.____.________ 510 ,000 .00 RIVERS AND) JIA1tBOtS-NORFOLK, VA., I)ISTItI(CT 631 8. HORN HARBOR, VA. Location.--This is a tidal estuary 4 miles in length, located in 4Mathews County, Va., entering Chesapeake Bay on its western shore 1 iles northerly of Norfolk, Va. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic urvey Chart No. 494.) Existing project.-Thisprovides for a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet Wide across the entrance bar. The plane of reference is mean ,ow Water. The mean tidal range is about 2 feet with winds causing variations of 2 to 3 feet. The estimate of cost of new work made in 1933 was $12,000. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act ofJuly 3, 1930 (H. Doc. 124, 70th Cong., 1st sess.), and modified by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 22, 73d Cong., 2d sess.), which removed the re- quirement that local interest contribute $6,000 towards the cost of the improvement. The latest published map is in the latter document. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal failities.-There are 18 wharves and stagings and 1 marine railway within the harbor. Two wharves are open to the l~ublic, and two are solely for fuel oil companies. The existing facili- ties are considered adequate. erations and results during fiscal year.--Maintenance dredg- Oin. ig, by contract, throughout the project was commenced July 7, 1947 and continued to July 25, 1947 when the work was completed. There were removed 22,664 cubic yards of material, place measure- ienrt. The cost of the work was $15,050.51. A maintenance condition survey, with Government plant and hired labor, was made during the year at a cost of $1,937.44. The total cost and expenditure of the work was $16,987.95, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the existing Project was commenced in April 1937 and completed in June 1937. The controlling depth' as ascertained in March 1948 was 7.0 feet at mean low water. o The head of navigation for boat traffic is at the Standard Oil Co.'s dock. Navigation is practicable throughout the year. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $32,- 086.79, of which $11,486.79 was for new work and $20,600 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no operations are Proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $43,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.8 month, September 1949-------------------------- $4,000 Dredging the entrance channel, by contract, 1 month, December 19 49-January 1950 ------------------------------------- 39,000 Total ---------------------------------------------- 43,000 632 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 3,14----------~;------------- $11,469 ---20,600.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948._______________ ____-- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 32,086.79 _- 32,0 Net total expenditures 32,086.79 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 .--....---- - _-- 32,086.79 Fiscal year ending June 30- 8 1944 1945 1946 1947 194 lam' Cost of new work ........... .. ......... --... Cost of maintenance ............ .____--- - 16, 98/9 $500.00 $1,692.07 $ 9.98 I-- Total expended.----------------- ------ 500.00 1,692.07 1,419.98 16,98796 As 22,100.0 Allotted......................--------------..... 500.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------------ $18987.95 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment ------------- 00000 Net amount to be accounted for- . 16,98 Gross amount expended-------16, Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 43,00000 1950, for maintenance __ _ _ _ _43,000 0 9. MATTAPONI RIVER, VA. Location.-Mattaponi River rises in central Virginia and floWS in a southeasterly direction for about 120 miles to its junction with the Pamunkey River at West Point, Va., forming the York River. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 504.) Previous projects.-The original project was adopted by the Rive and Harbor Act of June 14, 1880, and modified by the River an Harbor Act of July 13, 1892. For further details see page 531 of Annual Report for 1918 and page 438 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for an entrance channel 16 feet deep, 5,600 feet long, and 200 feet wide across the shoal separating the deep waters of the Mattaponi and York Rivers below the town of West Point and the enlargement to an equal depth of the natural channel in Mattaponi River opposite the existing terminals at and in the vicinity of Sixth and Seventh Streets of that town over an area having a maximum length and width of 1,000 feet and 100 feet; a channel 9 feet deep and 150 feet wide from the mouth to Locust Grove, a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Locust Grove to Rosespout, with a basin immediately above Rosespout 7 feet deeP, 180 feet wide, and 400 feet long, and snagging between the mouth and Dunkirk, Va. The distances from the mouth to Locust Grove, Rosespout, and Dunkirk are 28, 34, and 41 miles, respectively. The plane of reference is mean low water. Tidal ranges are: Mean, 3.9 feet at Walkerton, 2.9 at West Point; extreme, 4.5 at Walkerton, 3.9 feet at West Point; irregular, 7 feet at Walkerton, 6 feet at West Point. RIVERS AND IIARBORS--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 633 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $170,600, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The latest (1942) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $7,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Act Work authorized Documents Mar. 2, 1919 Improved channels to Pointers (Rosespout) and H. Doe. 861, 64th Cong., 1st sess. Ag.30 snagging to Dunkirk. g.30,1935 Chanels 9 anto d 7 feet deep, mouth to Rosespout, Rivers and Harbors Committee 1 including, basin 7 feet deep at latter point and Doe. 47, 73d Cong., 2d sess. uly 24, 1946 2 snagging, Chael mouth to Dunkirk. 1 16 feet deep at and immediately below H. Doc. 766, 78th Cong., 2d sess. West Point. Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.--The conditions of local cooperation imposed by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935, were fully complied With and approved by the Chief of Engineers on March 31, 1941. The River and Harbor Act of July 24, 1946, in adopting the l ldification of the project to provide for an entrance channel 16 feet deep across the shoal between the Mattaponi and York Rivers d the enlargement of the natural channel in Mattaponi River at est Point, imposed the conditions that local interests give as- Surances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will (a) arovide suitable areas for the disposal of dredged material when and as required for the initial work and subsequent maintenance; (b) hold and save the United States free from damages arising froma the improvement; and (c) dredge to an equal depth adequate aPproach and berthing areas adjacent to the terminals at Sixth "nd Seventh Streets of the town of West Point. These conditions have not been complied with. No progress will be made towards Obtaining compliance until funds are available. S ermninal facilities.-In the portion of the waterway between W alkerton and Pointers there are two shore landings. In the deeper Dortions of the waterway below Walkerton there are about 14 Wharves of open-pile construction and about 13 shore landings. Five Of these wharves are located at West Point, Va. All of the facilities are privately owned, but some are open to public use at nominal .harfage charges. The facilities are considered adequate for exist- IRg commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance snag- bing and bank trimming operations with the United States derrick boat Roanoe between Aylett, Va. and the mouth were commenced September 2, 1947 and continued to October 25, 1947 when the work Was completed. The cost of the work was $8,504.21. A maintenance condition survey, with Government plant and hired labor, between Rosespout and the mouth was made during the Year at a cost of $4,450.35. The total cost and expenditure of the work was $12,954.56, all for maintenance. 634 REPORwT OF1 CH[IEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was abOUt 35 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Controlling depths Name of channel dtrmiled Sde ate Left Midchannel Right outside for half outside quarter project width quarter ---------- - -- - - -- - - - -- Lc- Entrance channel_______________----------- _ Feet 11.4 Feet11.8 Feet11.6 41. October 1941. West Point to Locust Grove---------.....--. 9 9 9 January l'D Locust Grove to Rose out--------------...... 6. 2 5. 4 5.4 1)0..-- Turning Basin----------------------------- 0. 1 6.5 5.5 )o. The head of navigation for boat traffic is at Aylett, Va. Navigation is practicable throughout the year. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consits of dredging an entrance channel 16 feet deep at mean low water, 5,600 feet long, and 200 feet wide across the shoal separating th deep waters of the Mattaponi and York Rivers below the town a West Point and the enlargement to an equal depth of the natural channel in Mattaponi River opposite the existing terminals at and in the vicinity of Sixth and Seventh Streets over an area having a maximum length and width of 1,000 feet and 100 feet. ,.The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was o$99 310.41, of which $32,586.39 was for new work and $66,724.02, for maintenance. d o Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the en the fiscal year, $333.20, plus an allotment of $4,100, made in July 1948, a total of $4,433.20 will be applied to a maintenance snagg i n g and bank trimming, with Government plant and hired labor, 1 month, January-February 1949. The additional sum of $153,400 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Completion of the project in accordance with River and 000 Harbor Act of 1946, dredging, by contract, 3 months, March-May 1950 $138, Maintenance: Snagging and bank trimming, with Government plant and hired labor, 2 months, February-April 1950 $9,400 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 1.2 months, September-October 1949 .... 6,000 15,400 Total for all work-_-------- -------------- 153,400 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __$83,835 8 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_________________________ 127,164.25 Total cost Cos ofofmaitennceto permanent work to June 30, 1948 une30,194------------------- 211,000-12 Net total expenditures_ __ _-___-___ -_ 3______________ 211,000.12 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 333,20 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_------- .- 211,333.20 RIVERS AND IIARBORS---NORFIOLK VA., DISTRICT 635 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of new work ao aintenanr ing iscal year....... $712.24 $12,954.56 talexpended------------------------------- 712.24 12,954.56 000.-00 Allotted------------------------------------------ --........... . .... -$5, ............. 9,000. 00 .------------- alance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------ ----------------- $4,287.76 Aount allotted during fiscal year_------------- ------------ 9,000.00 Gr Os amount to be accounted for---------------------------- Amount expended.------------------------------------- 13,287.76 12,954.56 Ao Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ----------- 333,20 ount allotted in July 1948---------------------- 4,100.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-- 4,433.20 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project._. . 138,000.00 Aount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work --------------------------------------- 138,000.00 For maintenance -------- .---------------------- 15,400.00 Total ------------------------------------------- 153,400.00 10. PAMUNKEY RIVER, VA. Location.-Pamunkey River rises in central Virginia and flows th a southeasterly direction for about 130 miles to its junction with Meattaponi River at West Point, Va., forming the York River. See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 504.) 10xisting project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide between the mouth of the river and Bassett Ferry, a lstance in of 47.5 miles, thence 5 feet deep and 50 feet wide to Man- tl Bridge,a distance of 5.2 miles. All depths are referred to mean low Water. Tidal ranges are: Mean, 4 feet at Newcastle Ferry, 2.9 feet at West Point; extreme, 5 feet at Newcastle Ferry, 3.9 feet at P st Point; irregular, 7.5 feet at Newcastle Ferry, 6 feet at West the estimate of cost for new work made in 1948 was $61,900. The latest(1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is ,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: T ' r Acts I------------------ ----------------------- Work authorized - I-------- Documents - - -~-I Dredging and snagging for channel 5 to 6 feet deep Annual Report, 1875, pt. 2, p. 162. and 40 to 60 feet wide to Hanovertown, Va. JUe 14,1880 For channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide on lower Annual Report, 1885, pt. 2, p. 982. bars with dikes on 2 bars. Limits dredging and snagging for channel 7 feet deep Annual Report, 1908, pt. 1, p. 249. Mar. and 100 feet wide to Bassett Ferry. 2, 1945 A channel 5 feet deep and 50 feetwide between Bassett I. Doc. 671 76th Cong., 3d sess. Ferry and Manquin Bridge. (Contains latest published map.) -- -.~ 636 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, US. .ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945' in adopting the project for a channel 5 feet deep and 50 feet wide between Bassett Ferry and Manquin Bridge imposed the conditions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, al lands, easements, and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas fo the initial work and for subsequent maintenance when and as re- quired, and give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will provide and maintain suitable terminal facilities, open to all on equal terms. A resolution by the Board of Supervisors of Hanover Countill Va., giving assurances that the conditions of local cooperation il be complied with, has been received and was submitted April ' 1948, to higher authority or approval. Terminal facilities.-There are no wharves existing in the im" proved section. Six shore landings are located along the banks where deep water is available. They appear to be adequate for the require[ ments of present and prospective commerce. In the deep portion f20 the waterway below the section under improvement there exist wharves or landings. Operations and results during fiscal year. -Maintenance snagc ging and bank trimming operations with the United States derrik boat Roanoke between Bassett Ferry and the mouth were col" menced October 26, 1947 and continued to December 28, 1947 when the work was completed. The cost of the work was $8,260.06. d A maintenance condition survey with Government plant and hired labor between Bassett Ferry and the mouth was made during the year at a cost of $5,739.94. 'The total cost and expenditure of the work was $14,000, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 76 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. Channels aggregat" ing 1.6 miles have been dredged. Longitudinal sheet pile dikes, ag gregating 1,478 linear feet, and permeable spur dikes, aggregating 2,332 linear feet, have been built. The dikes are in good condition The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Controlling depths Name of channel Date determined Left Midchannel Right outside for half outside quarter project width quarter Feet Feet Feet ................... Mouth to Bassett Ferry------------------ 3.7 4.6 5.1 November 1g47' 80 per cent of project width 40 percent on either side of center line Feet Bassett Ferry to Manquin Bridge... .. 5. 0 October 1939. The present head of navigation, for other than rowboats and fishing skiffs, is at Bassett Ferry, Va. Navigation is practicable throughout the year. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists RIVERS AND HARBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT-., 637 dredging a channel 5 feet deep at mean low water and 50 feet wide between Bassett Ferry and Manquin Bridge. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $153,- 6.9.7, of which $31,376.44 was for new work and $122,248.53 for maystenance. willProposed operations.-An allotment of $9,400, made in July 1948, be applied to maintenance snagging, bank trimming, and Benoval of shoals, with Government plant :and hired labor, between assett Ferry and the mouth, 2 months, February-April 1949. 'The additional sum of $48,220 can be profitably expended during the iscal year 1950, as follows:. New Work: Conmpletion of the project in accordance with the . River and Harbor Act of 1945; snagging, bank trimming and dredging, with Government plant and hired labor, between Manquin Bridge and Bassett Ferry, 6.5 months, October, 1949-April Saintel9 - ... ... .. $30,470.00 Condition and control survey, with .Government plant and hired labor, 1 month, November, 1949 $6 ,000.00 nagging, bank trimming and removal of shoals, with Government plant and hired labor, between Bassett Ferry and the mouth, 2.5 months, April- June 1950----------- ----- 11,750'.00 . ' 17,750.00 Total for all work- -- -- --- : --- --- 48,220.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- . -- $31,376.44 : of maintenance to June 30, 1948.--, _-.---,- -.. -: -... 122,248. 53 STotal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 153 624:97 amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 tal .... 153,62497 Fiscal. year ending June 30- 1944 1946 1946 1947 1948 QOat aintenW of orkance -- --- --------- ---:--------- - -- --- $14, 000. 00 Totapeexpended --.. -------- .. ..--- ----- ----------------- :::, : : 14, 000.00 _---- Allotted-... .. .... ............ ........ $5, 000. 00- ------------ 9, 000. 00 lance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _' .".. v._ . . 5,000.00 aount allotted during fiscal;year .. _ ..- 't .i ' .9,000.00 Gross Amount to be accounted for. 14,000.00 amount expended..... . , "-14,000.00 Arnount allotted in July 1948--___ nobligated balance available for fiscal------. _ _-...... year 1949-- --.-. 9,400.00 ..... 9,400.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.-..- .--- ,-- - -30,470.00 80 vol. 1-------41 4711----48- 638 RIEPORT OF CHtIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: 470.00 For new work------------------,75 3 0.00 For maintenance--------------------------------- Total ._____ 48,220.00 11. CHANNEL CONNECTING YORK RIVER, VA., WITH BACK CnE TO SLAIGHTS WHARF Location.-The channel known as the Thorofare lies in yor County, Va., 39 miles northerly from Norfolk, Va., and connects Back Creek, a tidal estuary on the west shore of Chesapeake 3ay with the York River. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 494.) d Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep and 80 feet wide across the York River flats, and 60 feet wide through the Thorofare. The plane of reference is mean low water. The mean tidal range is 2.4 feet with winds causing variations of 2 to 3 feet. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1934, including $2,500 contributed by local interest, was $22,500. The latest (1935) aP proved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,000. t of The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor A August 30, 1935 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 6, 74th Cong, 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. o Tdrminal facilities.-Thereare no landings or other Tacilitie$s the Thorofare. A public wharf and a number of small wharves als a landings in Back Creek serve the individual owners. These facilitie are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg0 ing, by contract, throughout the project was commenced July d 1947 and continued to August 9, 1947 when the work was completed. There were removed 30,248 cubic yards of material, place measure ment. The cost and expenditure of the work was $15,997.61.. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the existin project was commenced in June, 1937 and completed in August 1937. The controlling depth as ascertained in August, 1947 was 7.0 feet at mean low water. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was 560.01, of which $14,854.71 was for new work and $17,705.30, for maintenance. In addition, $2,500 was expended from contributed funds for new work. Proposed operations.-Theunexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $2,794.70, will be applied to a condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.5 month, MaY, 1949. The additional sum of $36,600 can be profitably expended during the fisal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions 1 month, 32,600 August 1949-----------------------------------------$32 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired 000 labor, 0.5 month, May 1950________________________________ Total.------ --- _- -- ------- - --- 36,600 RIVERS AND IItARBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 639 Cost and financial summary of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 1 $14,854.71 of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------------- 17,705.30 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_------------ 32,560.01 et total expenditures ---------------- ----------------- 132,560.01 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------------------------- 2,794.70 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------- 35,354.71 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost off m Cost new wooainteala . ..-------- .------------ --------------------- $1, 707. 69 $15, 997.61 xpeaindc e_- -d - ------------------ $1,707.69 15,997.61 Allotted--- -- ... .. __.I .... ------- . $3, 000.00 24,000.00 -6, 00.00 dalance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $25,292.31 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment.---------------- 6,500.00 Gross Net amount to be accounted for_--.------- -------------- 18,792.31 amount expended-----.......-------------------------------15,997.61 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-.--------------------- 2,794.70 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ------------------------------- 36,600.00 SIn addition, $2,500.00 was exI ended frcm contributed funds for new work. 12. THIMBLE SHOAL CHANNEL, VA. Location.--Thimble Shoal Channel lies between Hampton Roads nd the ocean, and is 20 miles northeast of the center of Norfolk 0 ofarbor, extending southeasterly 11 miles from a point 1/4 miles east Thimble Shoal Lighthouse toward the entrance to Chesapeake Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1222.) 2 Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of June O, 1910. For further details see page 470, Annual Report for 1932. Existing project.-This provides for dredging a channel 11 miles ong, 750 feet wide, and 40 feet deep at mean low water. Under Ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is 2.6 feet and the extremes 2 and 3 feet. The extremes of irregular fluctuation, due to combined Wind and tides, referred to mean low water, are -2 feet and +9.5 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1928, was $2,325,- 000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $50,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of A ugust 8 , 1917 lished map (H. Doc. 140, 65th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- is in House Document 551, Sixty-first Congress, second seSSion. Local coo peration.-None required. Terminal facilities.-Fora description of the terminal facilities 640 REPORT, OF CHIEF OF' ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 for these points see this heading under "Norfolk Harbor" and "Channel to Newport News, Va." Operations and results during fiscal year.-A maintenance co dition survey, with Government plant and hired labor, was nade during the year at a cost and expenditure of $1,937.49. :Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was co pleted in June 1929. The controlling depth as ascertained in June 1948 was 40.0 feet in midchannel and 38.3 feet along the edgeS. Depths are referred to mean low water. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $3372,- 030.23, of which $2,283,772.56 was for new work and $1,088,257.67 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-4Theunexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $3,103.41, plus an allotment of $186,500, made in July 1948, less $136,000 to be revoked and reallotted to another proJect, a total of $53,603.41 will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Dredging with a United States hopper dredge, 0.5 month, Sep- 0.0 tember 1948---------------------_---------- $42,500-0 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired 03.41 labor, 2 months, May-June 1949 ----- 11,103----------- Total _- 53,603.4 The additional sum of $190,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, with a United States hopper dredge, 2 months, July- August 1949 ----------------------------------- _1800000 180,00 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired 00000 labor, 1.5 months, April-May 1950 ---------------- 10,000. Total. . . .. t _.. 190,000.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- --.-_: .$2,617,381.67 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948...... 1,088,257. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .3,705,639.11 Net total expenditures '.'_. 3,705,639.4 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 .. 3,103.l Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---------- 3,708,742.52 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work...i...,,. ----- 37, g; Cost of maintenance ...----- $141,123.46 $85, 808. 99 $187,858.72 $7, 935. 79 I-... I I-- $1~7~ Total expended-............. 143, 916.86 80,085.61 187, 858.72 7, 935. 79 937r.49 5 00 Allotted _ -- _ ~ ----- { --------------- 204, 500 00 -568,000. 00 125,445.44_1 3-00.n Aote----- -----..... 1454 20,500 -58000 5,ut,.-,.- RIVERS AND HARBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT , 641 Bat w^_ ,ance unexpended, July 1, 1947 .----------. -- ------- $990.90 $1- ount allotted during fiscal year---------050.00------------- Gro to be accounted Amount expended for- -- --- ' :------- - -- - 5,040.90 s amount ..------- -------- --.--- --.---- 1, 937.49 ABalance unexpended, June 30, -.----.---- ount allotted in July 1948---_ 1948.... --------- ------- 3,103.41 . 186,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 - ". L -' 189,603.41 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June ,1950, for maintenance -190,000.00 13. JAMES RIVER,' VAi' Location.-.This river: is :formed by the junction of the Cowpas- tlre and Jackson Rivers in Botetourt, County, Va., flows easterly 340 miles, and empties into Hampton Roads at Newport;News, Va. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 529, 530, and PreviousProjects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of July 11, a870. For further details see page,1797 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 461 of the Annual Report for 1938. S0Existing project.-This provides for a channel 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide from the mouth to Hopewell, 69.2 miles; thence 25 feet deep and 200 feet wide, following the cut-off route between Hopewell and the Richmond deep-water terminal; 17.2 miles; thence a chan- Rel 18 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the deep-water terminal to he Richmond lock, 4.4 miles, and they removal of the obstruction in bichlond Harbor known as Trigg cofferdam; and for a turning basin 200 feet wide, 600 feet long and, 18 :feet deep in Richmond Depths of channels are referred to mean low water. :The total length of channel included in the project is 90.8 miles, which is the navigable section. r ; ' The mean tidal ranges ,under ordinary iconditions,.for different Parts of the river are as follows: Mouth, 2.7 feet; Jamestown, 1.85 feet; City Point, 2.8 feet; Dutch Gap, X3.5: feet; Richmond, 3.9 'feet. ollowing are the extreme ranges under ordinary conditions at the a e localities: Mouth, 2.1 to 3 feet; Jamestown, City Point, 2.3 to 3.2 feet; Dutch Gap, 2.9 to 3.9 feet;1.6 to 2.3, feet; Richmond, 3.2 to 4.2 feet. The ordinary fluctuations of stage at Richmond, due to floods, are 6 to 12 feet above: mean low water.. The extreme fluctu- ations are 16 to 32 feet. The flood heights below Richmond diminish rapidly, the extreme, according about 11 feet lower at Dutch Gap, to available information, being 14 miles below;,and 17 to 18 feet lower 20 miles below. : .' The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947, exclusive of the amount expended on previous' projects, was $6,826,400.' The latest (1945) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $101,500 The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts:: 642 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized Documents S. Ex. Doc. 147, 47th Cong 1st July 5, 1884 Channel 22 feet deep from mouth to Richmond and construction of spur and training dikes. sess. June 13, 1902 Extension of improvement to Richmond lock gate---.... . Doc. 234, 56th Cong., 1st Mar. 3, 1905 Forming a turning basin by widening channel at e ss ' Richmond. Cong.d s t. July 3, 1930 Present project dimensions_.........-.......... _ H.. Doc. 314, 71st Cong.,C inittee t Aug. 26, 1937 Removal of the Trigg cofferdam...................... Rivers and Harbors ss. Doc. 68, 74th Cong., 2dsess. Mar. 2, 1945 Turning basin in Richmond Harbor-------.............----- H. Doc. 738, 77th Co 2 dsS.,' I Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-The conditions of local cooperation im osed by the River and Harbor Acts of July 3, 1930, and August 26, 1937 were fully complied with and approved by the Chief of Engineers partly on January 26, 1931, and partly on June 13, 1946. The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, in adopting the proY ect for a turning basin in Richmond Harbor, imposed the conditlons that local interests furnish free of cost to the United States suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and subsequent maintenance when and as required, and hold and save the United States free from all claims for damages incidental to the work. These conditions were fully complied with and approved by the Chief of Engineers on October 20, 1947. Terminal facilities.-The river's commerce at Richmond is han- dled at the city-owned terminals, city wharf, and Richmond do° i ' and at 14 privately owned wharves located within or in the imme di ate vicinity of Richmond Harbor. The Richmond deep-water ter- minal at the head of the 25-foot depth serves oceangoing vessels and the larger ships engaged in coastwise trade. Below the deepe water terminal the improvement is served by 42 wharves. Richmond terminals and wharves, together with the wharves be tween Richmond and the river's mouth, are adequate for the river's commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work, by cof- tract, consisting of drilling, blasting, and removal of rock and over burden in the 25-foot channel at Falling Creek and in the 1 8 -foo channel between Richmond Deepwater Terminal and Richmond Lock, in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year, was continued to November 15, 1947 when the work was completed. There were removed 38,428 cubic yards of overburden and 33,195 cubic yards of rock, place measurement. The cost of the work was $525,804.92. New work, by contract, consisting of drilling, blasting, and re- moval of rock and overburden in the 18-foot turning basin in Rich- mond Harbor was commenced October 18, 1947 and continued to November 26, 1947 when the work was completed. There were re- moved 24,317 cubic yards of overburden and 2,357 cubic yards of rock, place measurement. The cost of the work was $70,988.39. Surveys, plans and specifications for new work in the turning basin in Richmond Harbor were made, with Government plant and hired labor, during the year at a cost of $607.38. Maintenance dredging, by contract, in the 25-foot channel be- tween Jordan Point and Hog Island, in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year, was continued to September 12, 1947 when the RIVERS AND) IAROIRS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 643 Work Was suspended at the request of the contractor. Work was resumed November 4, 1947 and continued to December 24, 1947 cuben the work was completed. There were removed 1,047,473 UiC yards of material, place measurement. The cost of the work $173,811.89. Maintenance 25 dredging, by contract, in section "B" of Rocklanding thoal -foot channel was commenced July 14, 1947 and continued ro September 8, 1947 when the work was completed. 'There were reroved 78,318 cubic yards of material, place measurement. The st of the work was $49,901.28. Vi aintenance dredging, by contract, in the 25-foot channel in the 2 icnity of Richmond deep-water terminal was commenced October 5. 1947 and continued to January 16, 1948 when the work was Comrpleted. There were removed 120,886 cubic yards of material, 'lace measurement. The cost of the work was $34,098.89. elaintenance dredging, by contract, in Tribell Shoal 25-foot chan- 22 Was commenced December 29, 1947 and continued to January 2 1948 when the work was completed. There were removed 107,- c7 eubic yards of material, place measurement. The cost of the workWas $42,402.41. C Maintenance 0 b dredging, with the United States hopper dredge ca" er, in Dancing Point-Swann Point and Goose Hill 25-foot annels was commenced March 11, 1948 and continued to April 421948 when the work was completed. There were removed 405,- 422 cubic yards, place measurement. The cost of the work was t$67,597.25 oMaintenance condition, control and miscellaneous surveys, river Olaband regulation work studies, with Government plant and hired or, were carried on during the year at a cost of $71,416.67. The total cost of the work was $1,036,629.08, of which $597,- 400.69 was for new work and $439,228.39, for maintenance. The total expenditure was $1,052,895.66. 1 ondition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- peted in November 1947. The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows: Controlling depths Name of channel -Date determined Left Midchannel Right outside for half outside . - quarter project width quarter MOUTII TO HOPEWELL Feet Feet Feet 'reklan ing Shoal Channel................ 25.0 25.0 25.0 May 1948. riell S hoal Channel............... ..... 21.4 25.0 25.0 June 1948. ill Channel...... ................ Qo 25.25.0 25.0 25.0 March-April Dante 1948. ing Point-Swann Point Channel-.... 24.2 24.4 24.4 February-April V k 1948. Snoke Point Channel 25. 0 25.0 25.0 April 1948. CJnaIIoilt-l[arrisoi B.liar--Windminill Point 23.7 25.0 24. 1 June 1948. 1ty Point Channel ------------------------- n dto Richmonid deetp-water terminal l1eih 0well 25.0 23.2 25.0 22. 9 23.6 22.1 April 1948. May-June 1948. in amo deep-water terminal to Buxton 17.7 18.0 18.0 April-Novem- , vno dock. ber, 1947. st on line dock to a point 200 feet down- A Stream from Richmond lock. 18.0 18.0 18.0 Do. IPoi nt 200 feet downstream from Rich- .............. 16.2 .............. April 1945. ouncdLock to tho Lock. 644 REPORT OF IIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The head of navigation for boat traffic is at Richmond, Va. Navigation is practicable throughout the year. 55 'The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $9,5ing 566.88, of which $6,796,240.22 was for new work, representin c $6,212,403.69 from regular funds and $583,836.53 from publi Works funds, and $2,759,326.66, for maintenance, including $837.98 applied to the removal of shoals in Bennetts Creek, Va., under the provisions of section 3 of the River and Harbor Act approved OC, tober 17, 1940.; of Proposed operations.--The unexpended balance at the end the fiscal:year, $35,899.17 less $30,172.39 revoked in July 1948, plus an allotment of $425,000, made in July 1948, a total of $430: 726.78, will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, in Richmond Harbor to restore project dimensions after freshets, 1 month, when and as needed- .- $70,000'00 Dredging, by contract, between Richmond deep-water terminal and Hopewell, Va., to restore project dimensions, 2.5 months, October 1948-January 1949_.-. _ __ 120,000.00 Dredging, with a United States hopper dredge, shoals between HIopewell, Va. and the mouth, 2.2 months, October-Decem- ber 1948. 187,000.00 Construction of 8 dredging ranges in Dancing Point-Swann Point channel, with Government plant and hired labor, 1 .month, September 1948_-.-___.-_- 13,000.00 Condition, control, and miscellaneous surveys, river flow studies and regulation works, with Government plant and hired labor, 12 months, July, 1948-June, 1949_ 40,726.78 Total for all work. ,_=._-. . $430,726.78 The additional sum of $868,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, in' Richmond Harbor to restore project $85,000 dimensions after freshets, 1.5 months, when and as needed.--- $85, Dredging, by contract, between Richmond deep-water terminal and Hopewell, Va., to restore project dimensions, including easing the left bank of Jones Neck cut-off, 4 months, September 1949- 000 January 1950-- ---------------- -_- -- - --- 212,000 Dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions in City Point 00 Shoal Channel, 0.8 month, July 1949--------------------- 35,000 Dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions in Jordan Point- Harrison Bar-Windmill Point Channel, 1.5 months, July- 70000 September 1949, ----------- --------------------------- 0, Dredging, with a United States hopper dredge to restore project di- mensions in Weyanoke Point, Dancing Point-Swann Point, Goose Hill, Tribell and Rocklanding Shoal Channels, 3 months, Sep- 000 tember-November 1949 __.. a ......-----------. 270,000 Repairs, by contract, to jetties between Richmond and Hopewell, 000 Va., 6 months, July-December 1949---------- -... ------- 126,000 Construction of 12 dredging ranges, with Government plant and hired labor, in Tribell Shoal Channel, 1.5 months------------- 20,000 20, Condition, control and miscellaneous surveys, river flow studies and regulation works, with Government plant and hired labor, 12 60,000 months, July 1949-June 1950-------------------------- Total....----------- ,w.----------_ 868,000 RIVERS AND tARBOtS-NOIRFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 645 Cost and financial summary of new work to June 30, 1948 --------------------- ' $7,559,240.22 of maintenance to June 30, 1948 Cost 2,759,326.66 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------.. -. $10318,566..88 ettotal expenditures _ ---------- 10,318,566.88 expended balance, June 30, 1948 ----------------- 35,899A17 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_----.----- 10,354,466.05 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cot ne work -.... _. . $ 830. 81 . ..... $4, $205, 096. 11 $597,400. 69 ----- maintenance........-----.. of 40,208.05 $336,471.45 107, 724.82 77, 154. 57 439,228.39 Total cost----------------........... . 40,208.05 336, 471.45 112, 555. 63 282, 250. 68 1,036,629. 08 Totalxpended---------------- 41,671.89 303,435.33 150, 434. 34 265, 984.10 1, 052, 895.66 Allotted .Allotted.226, - 150. 00 -- 780, 600. 00 236,000. 00 314, 700. 00 alance unexpended, July 1,1947--------- ------------- $774,094.83 Araount allotted during fiscal year ...----....--.. .... ..---- 314,700.00 'Gros ros Amount to be accounted for .... _ - amount expended --------------------------------- 1;088,794.83 1,052,895.66 A o Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ..........--- ....--. 35,899.17 ount allotted in July 1948 ---------- ------ 394,827.61 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 430,726.78 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending une 30, 1950, for maintenance- ---- ------------------ _ 868,000.00 14. APPOMATTOX RIVER, VA. Location.--This river rises in Appomattox County, Va., flows northeasterly 137 miles, and empties into the James River at Hope- tell, Va. The portion under improvement extends from its mouth to Petersburg, Va., a distance of 11/2 miles, which is the length of the tidal and navigable reach. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No.531.) t Previous projects.-None. A survey of the river was made prior t the adoption of the existing project. For further details, see page 469, Annual Report for 1938. . 1 Existing project.-This provides:for a channel 80 feet wide and 12 feet deep from the mouth of the river to a point 400 feet above Lieutenant Run; thence 80 feet wide and of such depth, not exeed- g 12 feet, as can be obtained without rock excavation to the head .. . • ; ; ,. 646 REPORT OF COIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 of navigation at Petersburg; including a basin at the mouth of pes Run 200 feet long, 150 feet wide, and 20 feet deep; and a turnin~ basin at the mouth of Lieutenant Run 500 feet long, 140 to 160 feet wide, and 12 feet deep in the upper 300 feet, the removal of ro Vtal a depth of 18 feet in the north half of the lower 200 feet, and remol of soft material to rock in the south half of the lower 200 feet of this basin. All depths are referred to mean low water. . . The project also provides for a dam at Petersburg and the excava tion for a width of from 200 to 300 feet of a diversion channel cln- necting the river above the dam with the river at a point 2/2 miles below; for about 1.7 miles of levees on the low grounds between dh navigable and the diversion channels; for a highway bridge and a railway bridge across the diversion channel; and for other ork incidental to the diversion channel. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is 2.9 feet and the extremes 2.4 and 3.3 feet. There are no records available of the heights of stage due to ordinary floods. These are estimated at 6 to 8 feet above mean low water at Petersburg, where the extremes are from 15.6 to 17.1 feet. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $1,157,800, which includes the estimated cost (1909) of the diversion channe and work incidental to its construction, $260,000. The estimated cost of maintenance (1945) of the navigable channel is $15,000 annually. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1871 Channel 12 feet deep at mean high water and 60 feet Annual Report 1874, pt. II' P 54, wide. 2d seSS. June 13, Mar 3,190I 02 Diversion channel and work incidental thereto -.... . Do 139, 56th1Cong., 2 and Annual Reort, 1901, P 14' channel towidth of 80 feetand maintenance June 25,1910 Increasing H. Doc. 952, 60th Cong., 1t ess of diversion works. sss Jan. 21, 1927 Channel 80 feet wide and 10 feet deep at mean low H. Doe. 215, 69th Cong., 1st se water between mouth and Petersburg. 1st se"s Mar. 2, 1945 Present project dimensions- ---------- H. Doe. 223 76thCong. dnsaP, ... H..... (Contains latest published Local cooperation.---The conditions of local cooperation imposed by the River and Harbor Act of January 21, 1927, have been fully complied with. The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, in adopting the present project dimensions, imposed the conditions that local inter- ests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easementS' and rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance as required, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages attributable to con" struction of the improvement. A resolution adopted by the CitY Council of Petersburg, Va., giving assurances that the conditions of local cooperation will be met, was submitted on February 4, 1948 to the Division Engineer, North Atlantic Division, for approval- Permits have been obtained for all disposal areas needed for the work. IVERS AND HARBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 647 Terminal facilities.-Wharves and terminals served by the Appo- emattox are situated on the river front at Petersburg. The wharves COnstitute a continuous timber bulkhead on piling and have an ag- gregate length of about 2,313 feet. There is one mooring trestle Used for sand and gravel loading, located 2.5 miles downstream from Petersburg . The terminal facilities are considered adequate for the present river commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-New work, consisting o° miscellaneous office work and negotiations with local interests in Connection with conditions of local cooperation, was carried on dur- ing the year at a cost of $466. A maintenance condition survey, with Government plant and hired labor, in the vicinity of Lieutenant Run and Poes Run was made during the year at a cost of $1,307.85. The total cost and expenditure of the work was $1,773.85, of which $466 was for new work and $1,307.85, for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about Percent 83 complete at the end of the fiscal year. The controlling depth as ascertained in May and June, 1948 was 7.0 feet, at mean lOu Water. The head of navigation for boat traffic is at Petersburg, Va. avigation is practicable throughout the year. of he work remaining to be done to complete the project consists th providing a channel 12 feet deep and generally 80 feet wide from L.e mouth of the river to the lower end of the turning basin at .leutenant Run; a channel 80 feet wide and of such depth, not ex- ceeding 12 feet, as can be obtained without rock excavation from the upper end of the turning basin to the head of the existing proj- ect; extending the existing turning basin to a point 100 feet below the center line of Lieutenant Run; widening this basin to 160 feet at the bend at the mouth of the run and to 140 feet at the lower end; removing all rock lying less than 18 feet below mean low water in the north half of the lower 200 feet of the basin; removing soft ma- terial in the south half of the lower 200 feet of this basin to rock; dredging the remainder of the turning basin to a depth of 12 feet; end dredging a basin 20 feet deep, 150 feet wide, and 200 feet long atthe mouth of Poes Run. Depths are referred to mean low water. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was 91,338,323.01, of which $847,409.25 was for new work and $490,- 913.76 for maintenance. The total expenditure was $1,338,323.01, of Which $1,043,323.01 was applied to the navigable channel and $295,000 to the diversion channel. 1 Proposedoperations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the iscal year, $20,360.55, plus an allotment of $16,400, made in July 1948, a total of $36,760.55 will be applied as follows: 648t REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 New work: Miscellaneous office work in connection with 43214 plans and specifications for dredging.$------------------------ $432 Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, to remove shoals caused by freshets, 1 month, September-October 1948- ..-- $20,000.00 Snagging and,bank trimming, with Government plant and hired labor, 2 months, April-June 1949 9,400.00 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.5 month, when and as 'needed . 3,000.00 Repairs to Pocahontas levee after freshets, with Government plant and hired labor, 1 month, when and as needed- --- .....-- - 3,928.41 m mm Total maintenance ---------------------- Total for all work----. -_ ---------------- 36,760.55 The additional sum of $28,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, to remove shoals after freshets, 1 month, when and as needed: .. _ $20,000 Repairs to Pocahontas levee after freshets, with Gov- ernment plant and hired labor, 1 month, when and as ded- n .:-- - -........ ................... 3,000 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 1 month, when and as needed___ 5,000 Total- - - .-- ,---- - -..-... 28,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948____ _...... _.. . $869,90925 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 .. -.. .490,913.76 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-...-- 1,360,823.01 Net total expenditures.. - .. _----- 1,360, 823.01 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948,---_---- -20,360.55 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ 1,381,183.56 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ofnew work... ........-------------- $16, 591.61 $200. 64 00 $466. Cost of maintenance-----------------------$1,465.58 21,001.09 64,078. 86 Total.cost...... 1,4658 37,592.70 64,279. 50 Total expendedost---------------------------1,465.58 37,592.70 64,279.50 , ,773 Total expended................. .............. 1, 465. 58 37,5. 70 64,279.50 1, Allotted---........ ... . ..---. ... 4, 000. 00 71,000.00 ... . .. 20 472. i Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- .$1,662.22 Amount allotted during fiscal year--- 27,000.00 Amount to be accounted for. 28,662.22 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment- _ 6,527.82 Net amount to be accounted for --------------------- 22,134.40 Gross amount expended_. __ _____-- .-.----------- 1,773.85 RIVERS AND IIARBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 649 A Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-.. -- _ ---- --- 20,360.55 aount allotted in July 1948. 16,40000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 _. :. : 36,760,55 Afnount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project..------------------------------------ 292,300.00 ount that can be profitably expended in fiscal' year ending une30, 1950, for maintenance_ .... --------------- 28,000,00 16. DEEP CREEK, VA. Location.-This creek is a tidal estuary of James River, lying vholly in Warwick County, Va. It is about 3 miles in length, flows a southeasterly direction, and empties into James River on its northerly side about 10.5 miles upstream from the City of Newport ews, Va. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 529.) Existing project,.-This provides for an approach channel 8 8feet deep at mean low water and 100 feet wide extending from the foot depth contour in James River to a point where the natural C1eek entrance to Deep Creek is constricted, a distance of 9,040 feet; thence 8 feet deep and 60 feet wide through the ,restricted ntrance, a distance of 700 feet; the enlargement of the harbor in eep Creek opposite Menchville, Va., extending upstream to a point near Parkers Landing and to the foot of Maxwells Lane, from 6.4 acres to about 20 acres with depth of 8 feet, 400 to 740 feet wide and ,940 feet long. I Under ordinary extremes conditions the mean tidal range is 3 feet. The of irregular fluctuation referred to mean low water due to the combined effect of wind and tides are -2 feet and feet. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $197,000. +9.6 Shelatest (1948) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance i $11,100. aThe existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents : Aug. 26, 1937 Channel 6 feet deep from James River tollicks Land- H. Doc. 76, 74th Cong., 2d sess. ing with widths of 80 feet and 50 feet; a turning basin 6 feet deep, 100 feet wide and 150 feet long; an anchorage basin 6 feet deep and 6.4 acres in area; and a timber jetty 800 feet long on the north side of the anchorage. u 30, 1948 Present project dimensions and elimination of tim. II. Doe. 601, 80th Cong., 2d sess. ber jetty. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.---The River and Harbor Act of July 1948, i1 adopting the existing project, imposed the conditions that re- Ponsible local interests give assurances satisfactory to.the Secre- tary of the Army that they will: (a) Provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas necessary for the construction and subsequent maintenance f the project, when and as required; (b) hold and save the United' States free from damages due to the construction and maintenance of the improvement; (c) provide, maintain and operate, without 650 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 cost to the United States, adequate terminal and mooring facilities within the harbor, including access roads, open to all on equal and reasonable terms; and (d) release the United States from all claims for such damages as might occur to public or leased oyster bottoms that may be affected by the construction and maintenance of the project. These conditions have not been complied with. Terminal facilities.--There are three small timber piers, havin a combined total length of 775 feet, and one walkway 150 feet long on this creek. All are privately owned but are open to the public without charge. The piers have no rail connections but are served by State highways. The existing facilities are adequate for present commerce but should be enlarged to provide for increased commerce anticipated upon completion of the existing project. Operations and results during fiscal year.-A maintenance con dition survey, with Government plant and hired labor, was made during the year at a cost and expenditure of $1,695.67. ut Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 13 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The controlling depth as ascertained in June 1948 was 5.5 feet at mean low water. The head of navigation for boat traffic is Parkers Landing at the head of the project. Navigation is practicable throughout the year. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists of dredging an approach channel 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide eX- tending from the 8-foot contour in James River to a point where the natural creek entrance to Deep Creek is constricted, a distance of 9,040 feet; thence 8 feet deep and 60 feet wide through the restricted entrance, a distance of 700 feet; the enlargement of the harbor.i Deep Creek opposite Menchville, Va., extending upstream to a poin4 near Parkers Landing and to the foot of Maxwells Lane, from 6.4 acres to about 20 acres, 400 to 740 feet wide and 1,940 feet lon* Depths are referred to mean low water. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project vas $48,222.43, of which $25,637.45 was for new work and $22,584.98' for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $20,697.68, plus an allotment of $5,500, made in July 1948, a total of $26,197.68 will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions, 1.5 months, 00.00 May-June 1949------------------------------------$22,600. Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired 68 labor, 0.5 month, February 1949 3,------------597-------- Total-------------------------------------------- 26,197.68 The additional sum of $175,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Completion of project in accordance with River and IHarbor Act of 1948: Dredging, by contract, 3 months, April-June 1950 _ $172,000 Maintenance: Condition and control survey, with Government plant 3500 and hired labor, 0.5 month, January 1950-- 3,- Total----------------- 175,500 RIVERS AND HARBORS--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 651 Cost and financial summary ost of new work to June 30, 1948--5---------------- ---- --- $25,637.45 Costof maintenance to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.. ----------- 48,222.43 .tota.. _et -48,222.43 et total expenditures fexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 20,--------------------------- 20,697.68 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-...--------------- 68,920.11 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1946 1947 1948 1944 1945 ofnew Work -......----------------------- ost ---- --------- $1,9 maintenanc,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .". Cost 2, 272.90 18, 333.75 1, 695. 67 tl expend ------------------------------- 38,700.00 ------------ 4,30000 Allotted ..-------------------------------------- ----.. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $18,093.350 mount allotted during fiscal year ...---------------------- 4,300.00 to be accounted Amountexpended for..--------------------------- 22,393.35 1695.67 Gros5Samount ---------------------------- ----- 20,697.68 Am Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..--------------------- ount allotted in July 1948---------------------------------5,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 -------- 26,197.68 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of 172,000.00 existing project-------------------------------------------172,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work ......--------------------------------------- 172,000.00 ------------------------ ,500.00------------ For maintenance .-- ----------------------- ___ 175,500.00 Total---- 16. PAGAN RIVER, VA. Location..-This river, a tidal stream, rises in Isle of Wight County, Va., flows northeast 10 miles, and empties into James River. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 529.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 14, 1880 and March 3, 1905. For further details see page 1798 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 442 of Annual Report for 1937. zxisting project.--This provides for a channel having a least width of 80 feet and a depth of 10 feet at mean low water between the wharf of the Smithfield, Newport News & Norfolk Steamship Co. (formerly the Old Dominion Steamship Co.) at Smithfield, and the 10-foot contour in James River, a distance of about 6/~ miles. inder ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is 2.7 feet. No data for extreme ranges of tides are available. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1920, exclusive of alount expended on previous projects, was $54,600. The project Was completed at a saving of approximately $23,800. The latest 652 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,000 The existing project was authorized by the following river an harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocurnents June 25, 1910 Channel widening at bends-- ------------------.. . I)oc. 397, 60th Cong., 1st sess Mar. 2, 1919 Present project dimensions..--------.................------------ . D) )oc. 591, 64th Cong 1st a (Contains latest published Local cooperation.--None required. is Terminal facilities.-There are 16 wharves or landings on th river, of which 14 are at Smithfield, Va., and 2 at Battery park' about 1 mile above the river's mouth. The length of dockage aval- able at Smithfield is about 1,100 feet. At Battery Park the length of dockage is about 85 feet. The facilities are considered adequate for present and prospective requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-A maintenance co" dition survey with Government plant and hired labor was made during the year at a cost and expenditure of $3,585.41. Condition at end of fiscal year.--Construction of the existinfl project was commenced in December 1922 and completed in APril 1923. The controlling depths as ascertained in April 1948 were 5.6 feet across the bar at the mouth and 4.4 feet between the upstream end of the bar and the head of the project. Depths are referred to mean low water. The head of navigation is at Cofer Landing, 9 miles above the mouth. Navigation is practicable throughout the year. 3 The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $17 079.66, of which $30,754.48 was for new work and $142,325.18 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The allotment of $5,100, made in July 1948 will be applied to a condition and control survey, with Govern. ment plant and hired labor, 1 month, March 1949. The additional sum of $193,400 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions, 3.5 months, 00 July-October 1949 $188,4 Condition and control survey,: with Government plant and hired 5,000 labor, 1 month, April 1950_ 5_________0_ Total ----------------- _ . ----------- 193,400 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- -.--------. _ ---. $51,425'4" Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------. 142, 25.1 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- -_ 193 750.67 Net total expenditures-----......------------------------------- 193,750.67 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.-.------_ ------ 193, 750.6 RIVERS AND IIARBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 653 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 st ofew work... st fmalntenance $3,609.74 $4.85 $3,585. 41 Potal expended - 3, 600 74 4.85 3,58541 l Alltte - __- --- _ _ --- _- --- --- - - --- --- -- 7, 200.00 - --- I--- c-- - I-- ------ ---- Grosse unexpended, July 1,1947 --- ---- .,-----------_alance --- $3 585.41 amount expended----------------------_ _ __ _3,585.41 $3,585.41 1n7ount allotted inJuly 1948---------------------------_ _5,100.00 I nobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------------ 5,100.00 I Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance- ------------------------- ---- 193,400.00 I: 17. NANSEMOND RIVER, VA. tyoction.---This river, a tidal stream, rises in Nansemond Coun- Sa., flows northerly 25 miles, and empties into James River im- the mouth of the latter stream in Hampton Roads. ee U. S. above Sediately Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 529.) Previous project.-The original project for Nansemond River Was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1873, and 1 0dified by the act of June 18, 1878. For further details, see page txo of Annual Report for 1915, and page 412 of Annual Report Ezisting project.-This provides for dredging a channel between ha .outh and a point 0.45 mile above the highway bridge at Suffolk, tistance of about 18.66 miles, 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide, with taurninge basin 200 feet square at Suffolk; and dredging a channel ta the Western Branch between its mouth and Reids Ferry, a dis- Slee of about 2 miles, to a depth of 10 feet over a bottom width of Sfeet. Depths of channels are referred to mean low water. Nrts he mean tidal ranges under ordinary conditions for different ~M of Nansemond River are as follows: Suffolk bridge, 3.4 feet; Ye.1ans Point, 2.8 feet. The extreme ranges under ordinary con- ditions at the same localities are as follows: Suffolk bridge, 2.8 fee.t o 4 feet; Newmans Point, 2.3 feet to 3.3 feet. (1eamount the estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1930, exclusive of expended on previous projects, was $135,000. The latest 30) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,500. The bor existing project was adopted by the following river and har- acts: Work authorized Documents Aug. 11, 1 888 Channel 12 feet deep, 400 to 200 feet wide, Town Annual Report for 1887, p. 1001. Point to mouth of Western Branch; thence, 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide to Suffolk; turning basin 200 feet square at Suffolk: and spur dikes and training walls 3 at mouth of Western Branch. ly 3, 1930 Present project dimensions---------------------........................... H. Doc. 184, 70th Cong., 1st sess. _ '1 Or latest published map, see H. Doe. 1246, 62d Cong., 3d sess, 804711----48vol. 1 ------42 654 REPORT oF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, in adopting the present project dimensions, imposed the condition that local interests shall furnish without cost to the United states suitable areas for the deposit of dredged material. This condition was fully complied with and approved by the Division Engineer' South Atlantic Division on December 6, 1930 and November 11, 1931. Terminal facilities.-There are 15 wharves on the river, of which 4 are at Suffolk, Va. All are open-pile construction and are pri- vately owned. The facilities are considered adequate for commerce. For further details see page 490, Annual Report for 1932. Operationsand results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the existing project was commenced in February 1931 and completed in Febru ary 1932. The controlling depth in Nansemond River, as ascertained in January 1942, was 9.2 feet and in the Western Branch, as ascer- tained in March 1932, was 10 feet. Depths are referred to mean low water. The head of navigation is at the junction of Smiths and Cahoons Creek, which form the Nansemond River, 19 miles above the mouth. Navigation is practicable throughout the year. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $184, 620.93, of which $137,477.11 was new work and $47,143.82 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The allotment of $10,000, made in July 1948, will be applied to a condition and control survey, with Govern- ment plant and hired labor, 2 months, January-February 1949. The additional sum of $161,600 in maintenance funds can profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, for dredging, bY contract, to restore project dimensions, 3 months, August-October 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ___----_____________ $167,477.11 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- 54,143 82 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ 221,620.93 Net total expenditures ------ _____-------_____ 221,620.93 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- 221,620.93 Amount allotted in July 1948______- -- ___________-------- 10,00000 ----------- Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 600.00 30, 1950, for maintenance_ __ _____ ______ 161,60 18. HAMPTON CREEK, VA. Location.-This creek is a tidal estuary of Hampton Roads, lo- cated entirely within Elizabeth City County, Va. It is about 3 miles in length, flows in a southerly direction, and empties into Hampton RIVERS AND IIARBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 655 about 1.5 miles west of Fort Monroe. (See U. S. Coast and e1v8as odetic Survey Charts Nos. 400 and 1222.) 1 8Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of June 18 1878. For further details see Annual Reports for 1878, 1879, and 1'.Pages 72, 85, and 465, respectively. Xzsting project.-This provides for dredging a channel 12 feet aeep from the vicinity of Old Point Comfort across Hampton Flats ad up the creek to Hampton Highway bridge at Queen Street about a 2 iles, with a width of 200 feet in the outer portion of the channel a d a width of 150 feet in the creek, suitably widened at the bends; and annel in Herberts Creek having widths of 100 feet and 80 feet are a depth of 12 feet, extending from the channel in Hampton reek upstream to Jackson Street about 0.6 mile. All depths are teferred to mean low water. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is 2.feet and the extremes -2 feet and -- 9.5 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1945, was $139,000. i elatest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance The existing project was authorized by the following river and arbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents eDt. 19, 1890 Channel 9 feet deep, varying from 200 to 300 feet wide Annual Report, 1889, p. 974. on bar at mouth: and same depth and 200 feet wide Aug, from mouth to Hampton Highway bridge. 0, 1935 Present project dimensions.........--------------------- Rivers and Harbors Committee ar, 5Doc. 34, 72d Cong., 1st sess. 2,1945 A channel in Herberts Creek having widths of 100 Doc, o. 559 76th Cong., 3d sess. feet and 80 feet and a depth of 12 feet from Hamp- (Contains latest published map.) ton Creek to Jackson St. 19Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of August 30, 935, in adopting the project for a 12-foot channel from Old Point cifort to Hampton, Va., imposed the conditions that (a) local erests shall furnish, free of cost to the United States, suitable areas for the disposal of the dredged material during initial con- yruction and for future maintenance when and as needed, and o) that no work on the project shall be undertaken until the deposit S dredged material in suitable adjacent waters which are now or ay hereafter be used for the cultivation of oysters under the laws the State, has been authorized under the laws of the State: Unless t is determined that no waters in which such deposit is to be made wider the plan of operations contemplated in the report of the ditrict engineer are now or may hereafter be so used. These con- tions have been fully complied with and approved by the Chief of i on March 11, 1937. The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, in adopting the bneers Project for a channel in Herberts Creek, 80 and 100 feet wide and 2 feet deep, extending from the channel in Hampton Creek up- stream to Jackson Street, imposed the condition that local interests furnish free of cost to the United States, suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and for maintenance, when and as required, and old and save the United States free from claims for damages re- aulting from the improvement. Compliance with these conditions is expected at an early date. 656 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Terminal facilities.-There are about 14 private wharves located on Hampton Creek, with a total frontage of about 2,550 feet. One public wharf owned by the county of Elizabeth City, open t the public without charge, and a wharf owned by the HamptonYacht Club are utilized without charge by visiting yachts. There areabout five private wharves located on Herberts Creek, with a total frnt age of about 1,250 feet. There are no public wharves on Hrbertcan Creek. None of the wharves has direct rail connection, but all ca. be reached by streets of the city of Hampton and by county roads The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerc'. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Surveys, plans ent specifications for new work in Herberts Creek with Government plant and hired labor were made during the year at a cost and ex, penditure of $1,970.01. t Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was abou 89 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The controllin depths at mean low water are as follows: Controlling depths - -- ---- - Dated Name of ohannel Left Midchannel Right determined outside for half outside quarter project width quarter Approach Channel--------..........---------------......... Feet 11. 1 Feet 11.0 Feet 11.5 e Sep tber 1943. Hampton Creek -------------------------- Herberts Creek.___.___-___________-__ 9. 3 3.6 10. 9 4.4 9. 7.2 948. The head of navigation for boat traffic is at the Queen Street Highway bridge in Hampton Creek and at a point 0.5 mile above the mouth in Herberts Creek. Navigation is practicable thr o u ghi the year. fsts The work remaining to be done to complete the project cons100 of dredging a channel 12 feet deep, at mean low water, and 80 to ed feet wide in Herberts Creek, extending from the existing improv channel in Hampton Creek upstream to Jackson Street. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $13 072.01, of which $125,757.86 was for new work'and $9,314.15, der maintenance, including $5,681.85 applied to Herberts Creek uc er the provisions of section 3 of the River and Harbor Act of October 17, 1940. In addition, $40,000 was expended from contributed fun for new work. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of t~ fiscal year, $13,029.99, plus $39,572.39 revoked and reallotted fro other projects in the district, plus $35,000 to be contributed by local interests, and an allotment of $3,000, made in July 1948, a total o $90,602.38, will be applied as follows: New work: Completion of project in accordance with River and Harbor Act of 1945, dredging, by contract, in Herberts Creek, 1.5 months, September-October 1948.----. - ..---- . .--- $8602 38 Maintenance: Condition and control survey, with Government plant 3 0000 and hired labor, 0.5 month, October 1948 3,000.. Total for all work. 90,602 3 RIVERS AND HARBORS--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 657 The additional sum of $4,000 in maintenance funds can be profit- trly expended during the fiscal year 1950, for a condition and con- OctobUrvey, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.5 month, er 1ber949. Cost and financial summary Cost of ney work to June 30, 1948---__-------------------- ' $137,757.86 ot maintenance to June 30, 1948-----9--------------- 9,314.15 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948..--------- 1 147,072.01 total expenditures 1 Pended balance, June 30, 1948--- ....------------------------ 13,029.99 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------- - 1_160, 102.00 ' : : Fiscal year ending June 30-- ; 1944 1946 1946 1947 1948 0 new work . ---. ......... $1, 01 970. Total en ane---- 33 $1,008. 702.811 $2, -- " _--- 01---0---1- - -970.---- Ilottted • 20, 367.70 2,702.81 -------------- 15,000.00 rount allotted during fiscal year_ -------- ------------- $15,000.00 . amount expended-..._ ... ..---- -- - - ----------- 1,970.01 4no unt B3alance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------- ------ allotted in July 1948.----.--- . .-------- 13029.99 -------.--- 42,572.39 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- .___-- - 55,602.38 4Aunt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June , 1 9 50, for maintenance---------------------------------- 4,000.00 LI addition, $40,000 was expended from contributed funds for new work, 19. WILLOUGHBY CHANNEL, VA. Location.--This channel is located in Hampton Roads and extends tri deep water in Hampton Roads to the entrance to Willoughby 1, (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 400 and existing project.-This provides for dredging a channel 10 feet Sepat mean low water, over a bottom width of 300 feet, from deep Wtyer in Hampton Roads to a point opposite the extreme tip of o0 oughby Spit, a distance of approximately 8,400 feet. Under -inary conditions the mean tidal range is 2.7 feet and the extremes , and +9.5 feet. lat he estimate of cost for new work made in 1929 was $8,500. The $500st (1929) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is ~T h e existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act lisheuly 3, 1930 (H..Doc. 507, 70th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest pub- ed1 mapis in the project document., ,Ocal cooperation.-Nonerequired. Terminal facilities.--There is a ferry wharf, owned by the 658 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Chesapeake Ferry Co. and used by its ferries operating between Willoughby Spit and Old Point Comfort, and a private yacht basin on this project. The yacht basin has facilities for berthing, plies, and engine repairs open to the public at nominal charges d The facilities have connections to a State highway and are considee adequate for existing commerce.con Operations and results during fiscal year.-A maintenance cOde dition survey, with Government plant and hired labor, was made during the year at a cost and expenditure of $633.41. .eWa Condition at the end of fiscal year.-The existing project an constructed in June 1931. The controlling depth as ascertained June 1948 was 10 feet at mean low water. as The total cost and expenditure of the existing project wa $24,733.68, of which $8,500 was for new work and $16,233.68, for maintenance. Proposed operations.--The unexpended balance at the end of t fiscal year, $866.59, will be applied to miscellaneous surveys, com putations, and preparation of maps. No funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as it is believed that the present condition of the project will meet the needs of navigation until a later date. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ $8___---------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-----------.. 1623368 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------------- Net total expenditures 6659 24,------------------------- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------------ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------- 25,600.2 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ---- ......-----------..-----...... -------------------- .......... 4 Cost of maintenance--...-- ---------...-------------------------------..............--------......... ____________ -633.41 Total expended----------------............................-------------.............------....---..-----------------.. Allotted----------- ------------- ----------------------------------- Amount allotted during fiscal year----------------------------- $3,0000 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-------------- 1 00 Net amount to be accounted for---------------------6. 13,4 Gross amount expended--------------------------------- Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ .____ .66.59 s__ 20. NEWPORT NEWS CREEK, VA. Location.-Newport News Creek, Va., is located on the southern end of the peninsula between the James and York Rivers and within the corporate limits of the city of Newport News. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart Nos. 400 and 1222.) IIVERS AND IIARBOIS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 659 Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water with widths varying from 200 to 60 feet from deep Water in Hampton Roads to and through the municipal boat harbor entrance, thence 12 feet deep at mean low water and 150 feet wide to and including a turning basin and anchorage of the same depth 220 feet Wide and 400 feet long in the upper end of the harbor. The mean tidal range is 2.7 feet and the extremes 2.1 and 3 feet respec- tively. The extremes of irregular fluctuations due to combined wind and tides referred to mean low water, are -2 feet and +9.5 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946 was $145,000. i [e latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance 1S $7,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 24, 1946 (H. Doc. 559, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest pub- hed map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of July 24, 1946, in adopting the existing project, imposed the condition that local thterests give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they Will (a) reserve at least 400 linear feet of harbor frontage suit- etly bulkheaded for public use without assessment of the usual rental charge; (b) promulgate, adopt, and enforce such regulations as may be necessary for the safe and easy movement and anchorage ou vessels within the harbor; (c) maintain such portions of the tulkhead and wharf terminals on the harbor as may be necessary 0 Provide adequate facilities for the handling of commerce; (d) a'ultaneously dredge and maintain within the harbor the side areas between the terminals and the recommended harbor channel; (e) Simultaneously dredge and maintain, during the operational e of the existing storm sewers at the upper end of the recom- eended improvement, a catch basin opposite the discharge of these Sewers. The city of Newport News, Va., has contributed the sum of $40,000 in lieu of actual performance of the required dredging. aresolution adopted by the City Council of Newport News, giving assurances that the conditions of local cooperation would be met, was approved by the Assistant Secretary of the Army on November 4 1947. An ordinance, adopted by the City Council of Newport h ews and embodying regulations for the control of traffic in the arbor, has been approved by the district engineer. erinal facilities.- Terminal and transfer facilities consist of aPProximately 7,150 linear feet of timber bulkheads and fills, 43 small finger piers and 2 marine railways. Of these facilities, 31 s'all finger piers and 1,180 linear feet of timber bulkheads and fills tre Publicly owned and are open to general public use. These facili- tes are adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Surveys, plans and Specifications for new work were made with Government plant and hired labor during the year at a cost of $2,789.37. at ew work dredging, by contract, to provide a channel 12 feet deep mean low water and 200 to 60 feet wide from deep water in m tampton Roads to and through the municipal boat harbor entrance, thence 12 feet deep and 150 feet wide to and including a turning 660 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS,. U. S. ARMY, 1948 basin of the same depth 220 feet wide and 400 feet long in the upper end of the harbor was commenced January 19, 1948 and continued to April 14, 1948, when the work was completed. There were ree moved 180,256 cubic yards of material, place measurement. The cost of the work was $132,810.63. The total cost and expenditure of the work was $135,600, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the existing project was commenced in January, 1948 and completed in April 1948. The controlling depths at mean low water are as follows Controlling depths )Date, Name of channel Left Midchannel Right determine outside for half outside quarter project width quarter Feet Feet- Feet 1 1948 Entrance channel-------- -------------: . - Fee 12.0 120 12.0 April 1948 Newport News Creek-----------------------....... 12.0 12.0 12.0 0 Turning Basin----------12.0 12.0 12.0. The head of navigation for boat traffic is the upstream end of the turning basin at the head of the project. Navigation is practicable throughout the year. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project Was $135,600, all for new work. Proposed operations.-Of the unexpended balance at the endu the fiscal year, $9,400, the amount of $7,400 was revoked in July 1948. The remainder, amounting to $2,000, will be applied to mainf tenance, condition and control survey, with Government plant a hired labor, 0.4 month, March 1949. The additional sum of $42,800 can be profitably expended durin the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions, 1 month $38800 July 1949--------------- ------------------------- $38 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired 4 000 labor, 0.8 month, February 1950........---------------. .--- Total for all work-. ..-- - --........- 42,800 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- .--1- -- --- $135,600 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.. - . .------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------------- Net total expenditures .-- ,- .---- -:: , -- 53100 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948. . .. . . Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. . ' 145,00 14 ,w RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 661 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 e work Cost o omat tenane ----------------------- 600.00 $135, ................................. e expended_ unt 135, 60000 Alltted -------------- -- ----- 135,600.00 145,000.00 Grosnt allottedexpended during fiscal year--------------------------------$145,000 ------------------------------------ -- 135,600 amount Amo Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 9,400 revoked in July 1948_- __------------------------------7,400 °unt Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------------ 2,000 Ar unt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 950, for maintenance----- --------------------------------- 42,800 21. CHANNEL TO NEWPORT NEWS, VA. SLocation.-This channel lies to the west of the north entrance to Wiorfolk Harbor Channel and connects deep water in James River N ampton Roads. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart e Previous projects.- Adopted June 13, 1902. For further details, Re Page 1797 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 459 of Annual port for 1938. Xisting project.-This provides for dredging a channel 40 feet eeeP at mean low water, 600 feet wide, increased to 1,000 feet at the "'hte ins , and 3Y4 miles long through the shoal north of Middle Ground ti the Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is 2.7 feet h extremes 2.1 and 3 feet. The extremes of irregular fluctua- +9.5 at0h due to combined wind and tides, referred to mean low water, are -- 2 feet and feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1927, was $1,- at ,515, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The 2t (1927) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is aThe harborexisting project was authorized by the following river and acts: AetsWork authorized Documents S19 10 Channel 35 feet deep and 400 feet wide------------............... H. Doc. 550, 61st Cong., 2d sess. S8,1917 Channel 35 feet deep and 600 feet wide........------------.H. Doc. 605, 63d Cong., 2d sess. n21 21, 192 Present project dimensions--..... ..... Doc. 486, latest H. (Contains published 67th Cong., map.) 4th sess. LOcal cooperation.-Nonerequired. ihberminal facilities.--There are four piers at Newport News, lhch are the property of the city, and which are open to general l 1Dc use on equal terms. All of the other piers and wharves served this8 improvement are owned by private corporations or cornm- 662 R ,:PORIT OF CHIEF OF lENGINEERSi, TU. S. ARMY, 1948 panies. The principal terminal and transfer facilities are those of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. and the Newport News ShiP building & Dry Dock Co. There are also at Newport News awharf used by steamers of the Eastern Steamship Co. and a small-boat harbor. The facilities are considered adequate for present co- merce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Miscellaneous office expenses in connection with a maintenance condition survey pro- posed for fiscal year 1949 were incurred during the year at a cost and expenditure of $78.96. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the existing project was commenced in March 1929 and continued intermittently to June 1931 when the work was completed. The controlling depth as ascertained in October 1946 was 40.0 feet in midchannel and 35.6 feet along the edges. Depths are referred to mean low water. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $1,- 546,548.78, of which $1,252,261.99 was for new work and $294, 286.79, for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $2,421.04, plus-an allotment of $91,000, made in July 1.948, a total of $93,421.04 will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, with a United States hopper dredge, 1 month, Septem- 00.00 ber-October 1948-----------------------------------$85,0 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired 2,421:04 labor, 0.5 month, April 1949 2,42 Construction of 4 dredging ranges, with Government plant and 0.00 hired labor, 0.5 month, August 1948 _____._______________ 6 Total __ 93,421.04 TheTotbe additional sum of $4,000 in maintenance funds canl profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for a condition an control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.5 mon May 1950. Cost and financial summary 261g99 Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ----------------- $1,477,261 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------__ '306,7 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---- Net total expenditures_ ___ _---. 1 784,048 1784,04. 7 78 "-.-___.-----___.- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948__-------------------- --- 2142. Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-__ ---- 1,786,469.82 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.----------- ------------------------------------------------ 96 Cost of maintenance............------------............ .. $74, 712.20 $31, 242.35 4 1 2. $2, 000.01 242.35 74,712. 20 Total expended---------------.................--..............31, 2,000.01 33,000.00 74,914.56 Allotted.......-.................................. 2...... RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NORFOLK VA., DISTRICT 683 Aount allotted ross amount during fiscal expended_ year- ------------------------ -'-------------- $2,500.00 78.96 SBalance unexpended June 30, 1948 -------------- 2 2,421.04 Aount allottedin July 1948 --------------------- ------ 91,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... 93,421.04 Ahunt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 0, 1950, for maintenance-....-----.------------------- 4,00000 22. NORFOLK HARBOR, VA. Location.-Norfolk, Va., is 187 miles south of Baltimore, Md., rad 30 miles from the entrance to Chesapeake Bay at Cape Charles 4 Cape Henry. The harbor extends from the 40-foot contour in axton Roads to a point 2,500 feet above the Norfolk & Western ailway bridge over the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, distance of 16.03 miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey arts Nos. 400 and 452.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of Au- 14,ot1876; July 5, 1884; modified June 30, 1885; and by River ad 1arbor Acts of September 19, 1890; June 3, 1896; July 7, 1898; Jdure 13, 1902; March 3, 1905; and March 2, 1907. For further jdetails see page 1795 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 454 of Anaual Report for 1938. 7~E sting project.-This provides for a main channel 40 feet deep, 7a feet wide, from Hampton Roads to the mouth of Southern tranch of the Elizabeth River, and 450 feet wide up this branch to cle Belt Line Railroad bridge, a total distance of 11.88 miles, in- cludng an approach and turning area to the same depth over a e xnum width of 830 feet opposite the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, briending downstream 3,250 feet from the Bilt Line Railroad y*idge; thence 35 feet deep, 375 feet wide and 1.05 miles long to the S1 ginian Railway bridge; thence 35 feet deep, 250 feet wide, and Y.10mriles long to a point 1,900 feet above the Norfolk & Western atllway bridge, with adequate widening of the channel at the bends, eurning basin 35 feet deep and 600 feet by 600 feet at the upstream Br, making a total distance of 16.03 miles; a channel in the Eastern 44anch, 25 feet deep, 500 feet wide, and 1.09 miles long, from the ~' foot channel at the mouth to the Norfolk & Western Railway a~bdge, including within its limits, for a distance about 1,000 feet ove the mouth, a channel 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide to a point D osite the terminal of the Imperial Tobacco Co. in Berkeley; tence 25 feet deep, 300 feet wide, and 0.55 mile long, to the Campo- stella Bridge; thence 25 feet deep, 200 feet wide, and 1.20 miles 4g to the Virginian Railway bridge; and for maintenance at a depath of 25 feet of the existing turning basin approximately 52 in extent at the head of the existing project just below the tlrgiian Railway bridge; a channel in the Western Branch, be- tween the 40-foot channel at the mouth and a point about 3,000 eet above the West Norfolk Highway bridge, a distance of about .72 miles; 24 feet deep, 300 feet wide, 0.78 mile, and 200 feet wide, 0.37 mile to the bridge; thence 18 feet deep, 150 feet wide, 0.57 664 REPORT OP CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, I.US. ARMY, 1948 mile; a channel in Scotts Creek between the 40-foot channel at the mouth and a point 100 feet above the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad bridge (about 0.73 mile upstream), 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide; anchorage areas on the west side of the 40-foot channel opP site Lambert Point and south of Craney Island aggregating 171acres consisting of: One anchorage space 1,200 by 2,400 bY 30 feet deep; one anchorage divided into two spaceseach 1,200 by 1,200 by 2feet deep; one space 900 by 1,900 by 16 feet deep; and another anorae of 45 acres, 12 feet deep, near Pinner Point; and a trapezoind shaped disposal area of about 2,500 acres of flats adjacent to and north of Craney Island, enclosed by stone-faced levees of sana pumped from existing deposits adjacent to and within the dispos area, three sluiceways in the westerly levee, two rehandling basich1 each 200 by 800 feet, 40 feet deep, spaced 500 feet apart, an approach and exit area 3,800 feet long, 600 feet wide, and 28 feet deep necting the rehandling basins with the 40-foot channel. All dept Ceoe are referred to mean low water. Te The mean tidal range is 2.7 feet and the extreme 3 feet. The eand tremes of irregular fluctuations, due to combined effect of tides a wind, referred to mean low water, are -2 feet and +9.62 feet. e The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, exclusve amounts expended on previous projects, is $14,085,200. The lates (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance: $943,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river an harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents . - i-M ~- -- -- _ , i. HAMPTON ROADS AND ELIZABETH RIVER Mar. 2, 1907 A channel 30 feet deep to the navy yard......... .... H. Doc. 381, 59th Cong., sts June 25, 1910 Aug. 8, 1917 T)epth of 35 feet to the navy yard .... D)epth --....... If. Doc. 551, 61st Cong., 1st sess of 40 feet and width of 750 feet to the mouth of H. D)oc. 140, 65th Cong., the Southern Branch. SOUTHERN BRANCH June 25, 1910 For a channel with depths of 22 and 25 feet---.... ._. H. 1)oc. 551, 61st Cong., 2d sesS, Aug. 8, 1917 Depth of 40 feet and width of 450 feet from the mouth to the Belt Line R.R. bridge. 1H. Doc. 140, 65th Cong., 1st sess, Mar. 3, 1925 Channel 30 feet deep and 375 feet wide to the Virginian H. Doc. 226, 68th Cong., 1st s Ry. bridge, thence 25 feet deep and generally 200 feet wide to the Norfolk & Western Ry. bridge. Aug. 30, 1935 2 Depth of 25 feet and width of 200 feet from the Norfolk H. Doc. 182, 73d Cong., 2d ses & Western Ry. bridge to a point 2,500 feet above, with a turning basin 500 feet square. June 30, 1948 Approach and turning area 40 feet deep and a maxi- 1I. I)oc. 545, 80th Cong., 2d se5S' mum width of 830 feet opposite Norfolk Naval Shipyard, thence a channel 35 feet deep and 375 and 250 feet wide to a point 1900 feet above the Norfolk & Western Ry. bridge and a turning basin 35 feet deep and 600 feet by 600 feet at the upstream end. EASTERN BRANCH July 5, 1884 Improvement of the Eastern Branch ...... _........ Annual Report, 1885, P. 101s Mar. 2, 1907 Width of 500 feet and depths of 25 feet and 22 feet.... H. Doc. 373, 59th Cong.,st sss Do....---Removal of shoals at the mouth.- ....... Specified in act. -.......... 1st sess, Mar. 3, 1925 Depth of 25 feet and width of 200 feet from the Nor- H. Dl)oc. 226, 68th Cong., 1 folk & Western Ry. bridge to the Virginian Ry. bridge. July 3, 1930 The 30-foot channel to a point opposite the terminal HT.I)oc. 37, 71st Cong., 1st sess, of the Imperial Tobacco Co. in Berkley. Mar. 2, 1945 Depth of 25 feet and width of 300 feet from the Nor- H. Doc. 224, 76th Cong., 1st ss' folk & Western Ry. bridge to the Campostella Bridge. RIVERS AND HARBORS--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 665 Acts ; Work authorized Documents WESTERN BRANCH T.4,1913 Channel with depth of 24 feet and widths of 300 and H. Doe. 566, 62d Cong., 2d sess. 200 feet to the West Norfolk highway bridge. uly 3, 1930 For the 18-foot channel to a point about 3,000 feet H. Doc. 265, 70th Cong., 1st sess.' above the West Norfolk highway bridge. SCOTTS CREEK For the present project dimensions .--------------- H. Doe. 189, 70th Cong., 1st sess. ANCHORAGES JUne25, 1910 A 30-foot anchorage at Lambert Point....-------------. H. Doe. 551, 61st Cong., 2d sess. 1917 Present project dimensions of the anchorage at Pinner 11. Doc. 605, 63d Cong., 2d sess.' July 3,1930 Point. Present, project dimensions of anchorage opposite H. Doe. 143, 70th Cong., 1st sess. Lambert Point and elimination of the 35-foot 0t; 17, 1940 anchorage authorized by the act of Aug. 8, 1917. Extension of present anchorage to afford 2 anchorage H. Doe. 683, 76th Cong., 3d sess. spaces 22 feet deep and 1 anchorage space 16 feet deep. DISPOSAL AREA 24, 1946 A trapezoidal-shaped area of about 2,500 acres of flats H. Doe. 563, 79th Cong., 2d sess.' adjacent to and north of Craney Island, including sluiceways, rehandling basins and approach and exit areas. SI A- S fetainslatest published maps. ncluded inthe Emergency Relief program, May 28, 1935. Load l cooperation.--The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, in deo ting the project for a channel in the Eastern Branch, 30 feet 13eep and 300 feet wide, extending from the 40-foot channel to a t/nti oppositethat Se condition terminal the local of the Imperial Tobacco Co., imposed interests give assurance satisfactory to the aecretary of War and the Chief of Engineers that they will provide od maintain, without cost to the United States, a branch channel coequal depth to the tobacco terminal. This condition has not been COpliPed with. a All prior requirements and conditions imposed by the River bnd Harbor Acts of August 30, 1935, and October 17, 1940, have een complied with. The River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935, dequires local interests to furnish suitable areas for the disposal of fledged material for future maintenance as and when needed for the 2 5-foot channel of the Southern Branch of Elizabeth River above. ,orfolk & Western Railway bridge. o,ie River and Harbor Act of July 24, 1946, in adopting a trape- Zoial-shaped disposal area of about 2,500 acres adjacent to and 1rth of Craney Island imposed the conditions that-- c(a) Users of the disposal facilities, other than the Engineer seartment, shall pay to the district engineer a fixed unit toll for ch Use, including the cost of rehandling dredged material into the Osoal area, the amount of such toll to be determined by the Chief •Ia^engineers and to include interest on and amortization of the net estment and operation and maintenance costs. (b) The Commonwealth of Virginia will-- ot (1)Convey to the United States, by appropriate legislation or d' erwise, title to the submerged lands permanently occupied by the disposal e limitsarea anddisposal of the terminate all existing area; it being oyster leasesthat understood in effect within the United 666 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ABMY, 1948 States will compensate private oyster growers for crops in pro d u c tion on the submerged lands at the time of occupancy by the United States.for (2) Terminate, prior to the initiation of the construction and for the useful life of the disposal area, the leases of private oyster growers for leaseholds in areas on the south side of Hampton Rond which may be necessary for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the disposal area, including dredging for fill materia adjacent to the disposal area; it being understood that at the time of the termination the United States will compensate these oyster growers for crops in productionUnited (3) Except as provided in (1) and (2) above, release the United States from all claims for such damages as may occur to public or leased oyster bottoms from the construction, maintenance,and operation of the project. t h. These conditions have not been complied with. Legislation aUt- orizing.the State of Virginia to comply with the conditions of cooperation was adopted by the State legislature on April 2,.1948. local Further compliance is awaiting action by the State of Virginia. The River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948, in modifyingthe project to provide for a channel in the Southern Branch, 35 feet deep and 375 and 250 feet wide from the Belt Line Railroad brid e to a point 1,900 feet above the Norfolk & Western Railway brldge' with a turning basin 35 feet deep and 600 feet by 600 feet at the uP stream end and an approach and turning area, 40 feet deep and a maximum width of 830 feet opposite the Norfolk Naval Shipyard imposed the conditions that local interests give assurances satisfac tory to the Secretary of the Army that they will (a) furnish free cost of the United States adequate and convenient shore area dfor Of the disposal of material to be initially dredged; (b) provide ade quate approach and berthing areas at and in the vicinity of the terminals which would use the recommended improvement, with such dredging to be accomplished immediately upon completion or concurrently with execution of the recommended improvement; (c) hold and save the United States free from all claims for darn ages arising from the original construction and the future mainal 11 nance of the project; and (d) release the United States from claims for such damages as might occur to public or leased oyster beds that may be affected by the construction and maintenance the project. These conditions have not been complied with. .o 'Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities within the limit this improvement include about 227 wharves, piers, etc., With an aggregate length available for wharfage purposes of about 32 miles It is considered that the facilities are adequate for the present corn merce of the port. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work surveYd on the Craney Island Disposal Area were made during the year a a cost of $9,039.55. Maintenance dredging, with the United States hopper dredge Comber, in the 40-foot channel between the Norfolk-Portsmout RIVlERS 667 AND ITAR1BORS--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT Belt Line Railroad bridge and deep water in Hampton Roads was CoRmmenced July 16, 1947 and continued intermittently to March 10, 1948 when the work was completed. There were removed 1,- 06,448 cubic yards of material, place measurement. The cost of the work was $469,866.39. SMaintenance dredging, with the United States hopper dredge Comber, in the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River, 25-foot chan- nel Was commenced September 18, 1947 and continued intermit- tently to March 10, 1948 when the work was completed. There were removed 319,934 cubic yards, place measurement. The cost of the wrkwas $88,502.96. Patrols of Norfolk Harbor and Hampton Roads, with Govern- Cent plant and hired labor, in cooperation with the United States Coast Guard to check on sources of oil pollution were made inter- Inittently throughout the year at a cost of $6,439.09. laRemoval of floating debris, with Government plant and hired labor was carried on as needed during the year at a cost of $10,- Condition, control and miscellaneous surveys, tide gaging and ag e compilations, with Government plant and hired labor, were Carried on during the year at a cost of $22,048.14. pThe total cost and expenditure of the work was $606,892.65, of Which $9,039.55 was for new work and $597,853.10, for mainte- nance. 46 COndition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about d ercent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The controlling deth at mean low water are as follows: Controlling depths Name of channel Left Midchannel Right Date determined outside for half outside quarter pr'oject width quarter 4 foot channel Feet Feet Feet ernpton oads to junction of 40.0 40.0 40.0 January-March 1948. branches. Jlunetion ofbranches to Belt Line 40. 0 40. 0 40. 0 ])o. SUt R bridge.anch: 1 elt Line I. R. bridge to Vir- 28.9 28.0 29.2 )December1947. g Ry. tan bridge. VirgiRiatRy. bridge to point 23.6 22.9 22.0 November 1947. O2,00 feet above the Norfolk & EastWestern Ity. bridge. 3 nction of branches to Norfolk 20. 4 23. 1 21.4 January-March 1948. - western Ry. Bridge. Norfolk & Western Ry. bridge 22. 1 23. 9 23.7 January-March 1948. Sesto Virginiaan Ry. bridge. ester n Branch. 0-foot channel at the mouth to 14.3 15. 6 15. 0 April 1934. West Norfolk highway bridge. west Norfolk highway bridge to 18. 1 19. 5 18.2 1 )o. Scottsa oint 3,000 feet upstream. ----------- reek....................... -- 9.3 10. 7 9. 3 Do. The work remaining to be done to complete the project consists f dredging a channel 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide in the Eastern $ranch between the 40-foot channel at the mouth and a point OPPosite the terminal of the Imperial Tobacco Co., a distance of 668 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 about 1,000 feet; widening the 25-foot channel in the Eastern Branch between the Norfolk & Western Railway bridge a5d the Campostella Bridge from 200 to 300 feet, a distance of 0.55 mingle, including maintenance to a depth of 25 feet of an existing turning basin approximately 52 acres in extent at the head of the existin project just below the Virginian Railway bridge; completion t dredging three additional anchorage basins south of the present Craney Island Anchorage (two anchorage spaces each, 1,200 feet bY 1,200 feet to a depth of 22 feet, and one anchorage space, 900 feet bY 1,900 feet to a depth of 16 feet) ; construction of a trape zo idal-shap ed disposal area of about 2,500 acres on the flats adjacent to and nortach of Craney Island, including sluiceways, rehandling basins, approach and exit areas, etc.; and deepening the channel in the Southern Branch to 35 feet, 375 and 250 feet wide from the Belt Line rail road bridge to a point 1,900 feet above the Norfolk and Western Railway bridge with adequate widening of the channel at the bends' a turning basin 35 feet deep and 600 feet by 600 feet at the upstrea end, including an approach and turning area, 40 feet deep over a maximum width of 830 feet opposite the Norfolk Naval ShipYardd extending downstream 3,250 feet from the Belt Line Railra bridge. Depths are referred to mean low water. . . h The total cost of the existing project was $11,859,653.31, of hihef $6,439,903.62 was regular funds and $49,978.50, Emergency Belief funds, a total of $6,489,882.12, for new work; and $5,369,77.19 regular funds for maintenance. The expenditures were $11,8 9 674.81, regular funds and $49,978.50, Emergency Relief funds, total of $11,859,653.31. In addition, $23,935.71 was expended from contributed funds for new work. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $18,949.52, plus an allotment of $762,400 made in July 1948, a total of $781,349.52 will be applied as follows: New work: Widening the Eastern Branch of Elizabeth River 25-foot channel in accordance with River and Harbor Act of 1945: Dredging, by contract, 0.5 month, September 1948.------------------ $32,000.00 Dredging, with United States hopper dredge, 0.5 month, December 1948- January 1949-------------------- 40,200.00 Provision of a 30-foot channel in Eastern Branch of Elizabeth River in accordance with River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930: Dredging, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.4 month, May 1949.. 35,800.00 Advance planning, consisting of Definite Proj- ect Report, Plans, Specifications, etc., for Craney Island Disposal Area with Govern- ment plant and hired labor, 12 months, in- 33,960.45 termittently, July 1948-June 1949------....---.... $141,960.45 RIVERS AND HIAIRBORS--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 669 Maintenance: Dredging with United States hopper dredge in the 4 0-foot channel between the Belt Line' R.R. bridge and deep water in Hampton. Roads, 4 months intermittently, December 19 48-May 1949 (including 1 month for repairs) ----------------------------- 340,000.00 Dredging, by contract, in Eastern Branch 25- foot channel, 2 months, September-Novem- 1 ber 1948 125,000.00 Dredging, with United States hopper dredge, in Craney Island 30-foot anchorage, 1 month, June 1949 _ 85,000.00 Patrols of Norfolk Harbor and vicinity, with Government plant and hired labor, to check on 19 sources of oil pollution, 12 months, July' 48-June 1949_------------------ 10,000.00 Construction of dredging ranges for hopper dredging, with Government plant and hired labor, 2 months, October-November 1948,_ 25,000.00 Removal of floating debris, with Government plant and hired labor, when and as required, '' 12 months, July 1948-June 1949 15,000.00 Condition, control, and miscellaneous surveys, tide gaging and gage compilations, with Government plant and hired labor, 12 months July 19 48-June 1949 -------------------- 39,389.07 639,389.07 Total for all work ............. I_.----- - - - -..-.-. 781,349,52 The additional sum of $1,164,000 can be profitably expended dur- g the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New Work: Partial completion of the Southern Branch 35- foot channel in accordance with River and Harbor Act of 1948 _....... __ _. __ $500,000.00 Advance planning for Craney Island Disposal Area, 4 months, July-October 1949 ------- 50,000.00 Ar~~55 puuv 000EF; 00~n vvv.vv vlaintenance: Dredging, with United States hopper dredge, in the 40-foot channel between the Belt Line R.R. bridge and deep water in Hampton Roads, 4 months intermittently, December 19 49-May 1950. ___ , ,.-.------ 360,000.00 Dredging, with United States hopper dredge in the Eastern Branch 25-foot channel, 1 month, intermittently, December 1949-January 1950 90,000.00 Dredging, with United States hopper dredge, in the Craney Island 30-foot anchorage, 1 month, June 1950_ . -....... _-.- _ 90,000.00 Patrols of Norfolk Harbor and vicinity :with Government plant and hired labor, to check sources of oil pollution, when and as re- quired, July 1949-June 1950. .. : 12,000.00 Removal of floating debris, with Government plant and hired labor, when and as required, July 1949-June 1950_-. . ._ . 12,000.00 Condition, control, and miscellaneous surveys,' tide gaging and gage compilations, with Gov- ernment plant and hired labor, 12 months, July 1949-June 1950_------.----- 50,000.00 614in00n n00 V1-,, VV . vv Total for all work. .. ......----------------------------------- 1.,164,000.00 804711----48-vol. 1------43 670 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ____________________ 1$9,051,586 39 _- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ .5,441,10 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- Net total expenditures --------------------------------- 4,493, 396.852 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 18,949 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 __----------- 14,512,3463 Fiscal year ending Juno 30- 1944 15 1945 1946 1947 1948 $9 039 55 Cost of new work............$31,315.06--------------------- Cost of maintenance-----------............ 513, 758. 77 $427,968.26 $283, 312. 55 $134, 518.32 Total cost---------------................. 545, 073.83 427, 968.26 283, 312. 55 134,518.32 606,892.65 Total expended---------------................. 564, 239. 95 404, 165.31 283, 312.55 134, 518. 32 Allotted ....-.................. - -9, 350.00 328, 600.00 591,100. 00 -126, 000. 0 548, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------------ 400 $77,45 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ 548,00000 Amount to be accounted for _ - - ________________ -- 625,892.65 Gross amount expended..... 6069. Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------------- 8,9400 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------------- 762,400. Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 781,349.52 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 7 , 00 of existing project ... .... . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950:00 For new work-------------------------- 550 000 For maintenance ------------------------------------- 614 00000 Total 164,000.0 1,----------------- SIn addition, $23,935.71 was expended from contributed funds for new work. 23. LAFAYETTE RIVER, VA. Location.-This river is a tidal estuary of Hampton Roads' formed by two branches lying wholly in Norfolk County, Va., ans except for a small portion of its headwaters, in the corporate litn of the city of Norfolk. The two branches, each about 2 miles long' flow from the northeast and southeast and join at a point about 3'. miles above the mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 78, 400, 452, 1222, and 1227.) Existing project.--This provides for dredging a channel 8 feet RIVEIRS AND) IIAI ORS--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 671 deep and 100 feet wide from deep water in Hampton Roads to the oampton Boulevard bridge, a distance of about 1/s miles. Under trdnary conditions the mean tidal range is 2.7 feet, and the ex- trernes of irregular fluctuations referred to mean low water due to COmbined effect of wind and tides are -2 feet and +9.62 feet. The estimate of cost of new work, made in 1937, was $12,000. 8he latest (1937) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance z$1,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 5, 75th Cong., st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937, in adopting the existing project, imposed the conditions that !1) no work shall be undertaken by the United States before local trierests have dredged initially, at their own expense, or have con- buted the necessary funds for dredging initially, a suitable chan- el of project dimensions above the shoal at the mouth of the river; (2)local interests shall furnish, free of cost to the United States, Suitable spoil-disposal areas for the initial improvement and sub- equent maintenance as required; (3) local interests shall release the United States and its contractors from all claims for damages that may result from the dredging operations. These conditions Were fully complied with and approved by the Chief of Engineers , March 22, 1939. Terminal facilities.-The only wharf of importance on Lafayette ,iver is an open-pile structure about 300 feet long, owned and operated by the Norfolk Country and Yacht Club. It is used by easure boats operated by members of the local yacht club and by Visiting members of other yacht associations for landing, obtaining Drovisions, and fuel supplies. A number of small landings of light Construction and three small marine railways are located elsewhere on the river and its tributaries. The wharf and landings are pri- vately owned and are not open to public use. The existing facilities are not adequate for present pleasure-boat traffic, and considerable klevelopment to accommodate potential traffic would be required. Ample room for development is available. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the existing kroject was commenced in June 1939 and completed in July 1939. The controlling depth as ascertained in May 1947 was 10 feet at mean low water. 11.The headBridge. ,'hway of navigation for boat traffic is at the Cottage Toll Road Navigation is practicable throughout the year. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $13,- 048.19, of which $12,048.19 was for new work and $1,000 for main- tenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and rio operations are Proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $2,000 in maintenance funds can be profitably ex- Dended during the fiscal year 1950 for a condition and control sur- Vey, With Government plant and hired labor, 0.5 month, September, 1949. 672 REPORT OF CHIEF,,OF 'ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-, . :_ __ $12 048.19 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. ... _.. 1000 00 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------dtrs, 13,048.19 Net total expenditures 13,04819 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. --- 13,048 19 ttlepniu----------------- Net -------- Fiscal year ending June 30- 3081 1948 1944 1945 1946 1947 aintenance Cost of new work.. ------ ---------- - - . - Cost of maintenance, ....--------------------------..... - ---- -- --.-- _..___--0 - - -$0l- 0 $1, 000. 00 Total expended----l.-- ---------------- ---...--..---- _---- 1,ooo. 00 Allotted--.------------- r$1,000.00 ------------ ----- ---.. -- --- --- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 00 1950, for maintenance-------------------- $2,000 24. ATLANTIC INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY BETWEEN NORFOLK, VA.' AND THIE ST. JOHNS RIVER, FLA. (NORFOLK DISTRICT) Location.--The improvement described herein consists of two inland water routes approximately paralleling the Atlantic coast south of Norfolk, Va., and located (1) between a point in the Soth ern Branch of Elizabeth River,: Va., 2,500 feet above the Norfolk & Western Railway bridge and the Virginia-North Carolina State line in North Landing River, a'distance of 27.2 miles, and (2) be- tween the mouth of Deep Creek, Va., and the mouth of Pasquotank River, N. C., a distance of 64.6 miles. These routes are shown o United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 452, 1227, 829, and 830. Previous projects.-Partialprojects were adopted by River and and Harbors Acts of March 3, 1873, June 18, 1878, March 3, 1879, June 14, 1880, March 3, 1881, and September 19, 1890. For further de- tails see page 497, Annual Report for 1932, and page 476, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water and 90 feet to 250 feet wide following the Southern Branch of Elizabeth River, 5.2 miles, the Virginia Land Cut, 8.3 miles, and Northlanding River; 13.7 miles; the construction' of a tidal guard lock at Great Bridge, Va.; and for the protection of the canal property in the vicinity of the lock against flooding by storn tides through construction of necessary dikes and appurtenant works. It also provides for channels 10 feet deep at mean low water and 80 feet to 100 feet wide in Deep Creek, 3.1 miles, Turners Cut, 4.3 miles, and Pasquotank River, 35.1 miles; maintaining Disma Swamp Canal, 22.1 miles, to a depth of about 9 feet mean canal level over a width of 50 feet; the protection of banks in Turners Cut With sheet piling, and cutting certain sharp points in Pasquotank River to shorten its course. RIVERS AND IIARBORS-NORFOLKC, VA., DISTRICT 673 Data relative to the completed locks included in the project " : I " T' ! i .~-~---- I Depth on Dimensions miter sills Miles frot Year Nor. Great- Character of opened Actual folk, Location est foundation to navi- cost Va. Width length Width gation chf avail-Lift Upper Lower can . able ber for full width 12.04 A reet Feet Feet Feet Feet Albemarle and Oes- 5 600 2.7 () () Piles in sand 1932 $499, 913.00 a(eake Canal and shells. (7 reat Bridge, 10ismal Swamp Ca- 52 300 12 12 12 Natural earth 1940 348,878.83 nal (Deep Creek, with cut-off 33 1 Va.). walls. Dismal Swamp Ca- 52 300 12 12 13 - do-------- 1941 372,556.40 nal (South Mills, N.C.). 16 feet at mean low water. The Southern Branch of Elizabeth River and the Deep Creek sec- tons of the two routes are tidal, the mean range being about 2.7 feet With extreme of -2 and +9.6 feet. The remaining sections are houtidal with fluctuations of 1 to 2 feet in level due to winds. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1947, was $3,435,300. he latest (1945) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance as $272,700, including $140,000 for operating and care. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized I)ocurments Mar. 3, 1899 Present project dimensions and original route, water- H. Doc. 317, 54th Cong., 1st sess., way from Norfolk, Va., to sounds of North Carolina. and Annual Report 1896, p. 1086; H. Doc. 131, 55th Cong., 3(1sess., July 25 5, 1912 Original route of the Norfolk-Beaufort Inlet section.._ and Annual Report, 1899, p. 1485. . Doc. 391, 62d Cong., 2d sess. Mr, Do Mar. 3, 1925 Purchase of Chesapeake & Albemarle Co. Canal....1. Purchase of Lake Drummond Canal (Dismal Swamp Doe. 589, 62d Cong., 2d sess. Rivers and Harbors Committee July 3, 1930 Canal). Construction of a tidal lock at Great Bridge at a limit Doc. 5, 67th Cong., 2d sess. 1 S. Doc. 23, 71st Cong., 1st sess. of cost not to exceed $500,000. S26, 19342 Operating and care of the works of improvement pro- vided for with funds from War Department appro- nriat.ions for rivers asnd harhors. Sontains latest published map, both routes. ersmanent Appropriations Repeal Act, Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-Terminal facilities serving the two water routes at the northern terminus are described in the report for 6orfolk 6 Harbor, Va. South of Norfolk there are 3 piers, 15 wharves, landings, 5 marine railways, and 3 bulkheads serving these routes. The landings are publicly owned and are open to the public without harge The remaining facilities are privately owned and are open to the public at a nominal charge. These facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Repairs and recon- Struction, by contract, of a wooden sheet pile bulkhead around the 674 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 boat basin at the Great Bridge Reservation; construction of a steel sheet pile bulkhead on the north side of Virginia Cut; and repairs to revetment on the south side of Virginia Cut between the lock and the bridge at Great Bridge, in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year, were continued to July 17, 1947, when the work was completed. The cost of the work was $2,520.68. Maintenance dredging, by contract, in the Dismal Swamp Canal at the mouth of the Feeder Ditch and in Deep Creek near the lock at Deep Creek, Va., was commenced September 23, 1947 and con" tinued to November 3, 1947, when the work was completed. There were removed 21,234 cubic yards of material, place measurement' The cost of the work was $16,375.92. Maintenance dredging, by contract, in North Landing River be- tween Blackwater Creek and the Virginia-North Carolina State line was commenced November 29, 1947 and continued to JanuarY 5, 1948 when the work was completed. There were removed 149,692 cubic yards of material, place measurement. The cost of the work was $55,344.47. Snagging and bank trimming operations.with the United States derrick boat Roanoke in the Dismal Swamp Canal were commenced March 28, 1948 and continued to June 11, 1948, when the work was completed. The cost of the work was $15,676.44. Repairs and reconstruction, by contract, of bulkheads at Great Bridge and Deep Creek, Va., and South Mills, N. C., were comn" menced March 15, 1948, and continued to the end of the fiscal year. The cost of the work was $42,947.34. Condition, control and miscellaneous surveys, maps and water level studies, etc., with Government plant and hired labor, were made during the year at a cost of $14,869.37. Operation and care of the locks, bridges, buildings, wharves, canal plant, grounds and roads, etc., was carried on during the year as required. The cost of the work was $189,589.86 for operation and $123,982.77 for ordinary maintenance and repair. The total cost of the work was $461,306.85, of which $147,734.22 was for maintenance and $313,572.63, for operation and care. The total expenditure was $462,541.55. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was aboud 99 percent complete at the end of the fiscal year. The Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal was acquired by the United States from the Albe- marle and Chesapeake Canal Co. on April 30, 1913, for $500,000.00. The Dismal Swamp Canal was acquired by the United States from the Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. on March 30, 1929, for $500,000. A tidal guard lock in the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal at Great Bridge, Va., was completed in 1932. Locks at Deep Creek, Va., and South Mills on the Dismal Swamp Canal were built in 1940 and 1941 respectively. (See table in paragraph Existing Project.) The locks are in good condition. IV1IERS AND IIARtBORS-NOFOLK, VA., I)[STRICT 675 The controlling depths at the end of the fiscal year are as follows: Controlling depths Name of channel 80 percent of ])ate determined project width, 40 percent on either side of center line OutFeet 8ViroUe ranch of the Elizabeth River, Va -....------------- eet 12.0 April-May 1948. NOhrta Cu, Va . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .2 12. 0 March-July 1943. auee Lnding River, Va------------------------------------- 312.0 10.0 January 1948. June 1948. CekbVais . .- Tu a4Canal TPasers Cut, N. -------------- 9.0 5 10.0 )o. May 1946. isotank River, N. C---------------------------- ----------- 9.4 January- February 1947. 1) hsare referred to mean low water. Sj)epths are referred to Virginia Cut datum. lDeIpths arereferred to North Landing River datum. )epths arereferred to Canal datum. s are referred to ordinary low water. work remaining to be done to complete the project consists f The Protection to canal property in the vicinity of the lock at Great 1oidge, Va., against flooding by storm tides, through construction Eecessary dikes and appurtenant works. $3he total cost of the existing project was $9,744,950.49, of which 396,276.30 (including $1,000,000 for the purchase of the Albe- Voarle and Chesapeake Canal and the Dismal Swamp Canal) was for new work; $3,215,348.53 for maintenance; and $3,133,325.66 r operation and care. The total expenditure was $9,743,060.19. P - oposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the ldCal year, $77,150.30, plus an allotment of $454,500, made in July I , a total of $531,650.30 will be applied as follows: s A" Cnt ---- payable June 30, 1948------------------------ $1,890.30 iaintenance: Completion of work under contract for con- struction of bulkheads at Great Bridge and Deep Creek, Va., and at South Mills, N. C., 9 months, July 1948-March 1949-_ $73,047.67 Replace bulkheads at North Landing Bridge With a wooden sheet pile bulkhead, by con- tract, 1.5 months, January-February 1949 32,500.00 Replace bulkheads at Lake Drummond Reser- vation, with a wooden sheet piling bulkhead, 1 month, February-March 1949_.----------- 20,000.00 Dredging, by contract, to remove shoals in Deep Creek and Dismal Swamp Canal, 1.5 months, April-May 1949 _ __-- 25,000.00 Replace bridge on access road to Deep Creek Reservation, by contract, 1.5 months, No- vember-December 1948 ----------------- 20,500.00 Snagging and bank trimming with Government plant and hired labor, in both waterways, 3.5 months, July-October 1948----------- 16,500.00 Condition, control, and miscellaneous surveys and water level investigations, with Govern- ment plant and hired labor, 12 months, July 19 48-June 1949.----- -------- __- -- 25,000.00 212,547.67 676 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 . Maintenance (operating and care): Operation------------------------------ $210,000.00 Ordinary repairs_ 107,212.33 317,212.33 .- i650.30 Total for all work------- -.----- ----- 531,65030 The additional sum of $1,078,500 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950, asfollows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, to remove shoals in Deep Creek and Dismal Swamp Canal, 2 months, May-June 1950 ------------ $35,300.00 Dredging, by contract, to remove shoals in North Landing River between Blackwater Creek and the Virginia-North Carolina State Line, 2 months, March-April 1950- -- _-_- 111,400.00 Replace bridge at North Landing, Va., with a double-leaf horizontal swing bridge, by con- tract, 12 months, July 1949-June 1950-_ 443,000.00 Snagging and bank trimming, with Govern- ment plant and hired labor, in both water- ways, 4 months, July il1949-November 1950_ 18,800.00 Replace bulkheads at South Mills, N. C., with a wood sheet pile bulkhead, by contract, 1 month, December 194920000.00 Condition, control, and miscellaneous surveys and water level investigations, with Govern- ment plant and hired labor, 12 months,: July 1949-June 1950. -- -- 30,000.00 500.00 $658, Maintenance (operating and care):' " Operation---------- ---------------- 220,000.00 Ordinary repairs - ..- .- - 188,000.00 Improvement and reconstruction'- -_'------ 12,000.00 20,00 Total for all work . :-- 1,078500 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ..- _--, $3,688,371.95 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948,. 6,401,47854 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 - _ Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 Net total expenditures ..------ --. _, - .--__ 80.19 10,08850.49 1,9 6 10,087,15960.1930 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948. 7.,15030 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- --.- - 10,165,110.49 RIVERS AND IIARBORS---NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 677 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 - 1946 1947' 1948 of new Work ----------- ----------- $1,762.71------- ----- of maintenance--:--:--- i$501,059.94 $323, 458.43 230,643.28$408, 756.11 $461, 306.85 Total Cost--- 501,059.94 323,458.43 232,405.99 408,756.11. 461 306.85 -"-- - ':- ta expended. Vitalexpended ... ....- 5633, 930.63 337, 391.40 232, 405. 99 405, 631. 11 462, 541.55 Allottedd . . .. .. . . .. .. .7 -----.. ------ 717. 70 :430, 650. 00 6554,900. 00 -2, 237.29 = 463, 300.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947..,.- $76391.85 ount allotted during fiscal year. -- :- - - .. : 483.,600.00 Amount Ied uctions to be accounted for--------__------------- -- -559,991.85 on account of revocation of allotment.... - 20300.00 G Net amount to be accounted for. ----- ---- 539,'691.85 os amount expended '462,541.55 June 30, 1948__.,- -- , >77,150.30 coveredunexpended, o Balance mount by uncompleted contracts . x"I . 59,326.09 l Balance available, June 30, 1948_- ,----17,824.21 mount allotted in July 19482 ...---- .- ,----- - -,-454,500.00 ----. Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .. . 472,324.21 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of . existing project------------------- ------------------- 9,000.00 A3ount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June , 19 50, for maintenance----- . ... .. . ......--------- 1,078,500.00 25. KNOBBS CREEK, N. C. Location.-This creek is a nontidal, fresh-water stream emptying to Pasquotank River from the west, about 18 miles above its mouth in Albermarle Sound. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1228.) Existing project.--This provides for a channel 10 feet deep at dean low water, from that depth in Pasquotank River to the Nor- aolk Southern Railroad bridge, 100 feet wide in Pasquotank River and generally 60 feet wide in the creek, with a turning basin in the t harp bend opposite the plant of the Chesson Manufacturing Co. eilng a branch of Pasquotank River, Knobbs Creek is affected by he wind tides which influence that stream and Albemarle Sound. b, extreme cases the water rises 4 to 5 feet above mean low water, but the average fluctuation of the water surface is about 1 foot. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1927,. was $79,000. The latest (1927) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act Of July 3,1930 (H. Doc. 102, 70th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in the project document. Local cooperation.--Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.--There are eight wharves with an aggregate available frontage of 1,200 or 1,400 linear feet located on Knobbs 678 REPORT OF CIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1 94g Creek. The existing wharves are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the existing project was commenced in January 1931 and completed in July 1931. The controlling depth as ascertained in February 1933 waS 10 feet at mean low water. The head of navigation for boat traffic is the Norfolk Souther Railway bridge at the head of the project. Navigation is practicable throughout the year. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $100, 800.13, of which $80,500 was for new work and $20,300.13 for n8aif tenance. Proposed operations.---The allotment of $4,700, made in July 1948, will be applied to snagging and bank trimming, with Govern- ment plant and hired labor, 1 month, October-November 1948. The additional sum of $7,200 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Snagging and bank trimming, with Government plant and hired labor, 1 month, November-December 1949-------- $4,700 Condition and control survey, with Government plant and hired labor, 0.5 month, February 1950 _ ---------------- 2,500 ------------------------------------------- Total............ 7,200 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ --------------- _ ---- - $80,50000 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------- 300 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 100,800.13 Net total expenditures.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100,800.13 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------ - 100, 800.13 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 19)48 Cost of new work ..... ..---.------ ___. .. ... . . Cost of maintenance........-- ---I------- .............. --------.... $5, 415.62 $4, 884. 51 ___-, Total expended-----------................. --- -------- ---. 5,415.62 4,884.51 a8 Allotted -------------------.........................-------------............. $7,000.00 3,800.00 --...-------.... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_--------_ _----.--.-.-.--- $499 87 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment--------------- 499 00 Amount allotted in July 1948-------------- ______ 4,700.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ---------------- 470000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance -. - -.-.. ... ... ..... - --. - -- - 720000 7,200 RIVERS AND IIAItBORS-NOItFOLK, VA., DIS'TRICT 679 26. BLACKWATER RIVER, VA. Location.-The river rises in Prince George County, near Peters- bur, Va., and flows in a general southeasterly direction of 80 miles, hre it unites with the Nottoway River to form the Chowan River Which empties into Albemarle Sound. The portion under improve- T ent extends from its mouth to Franklin, Va., a distance of 13 miles. (SeeU. S. Geological Survey, Holland quadrangle, Virginia.) and revious project.-The original project was adopted by the River Hd arbor Act of June 18, 1878. For further details see page 1802 OfAnnual Report for 1915 and page 480 of Annual Report for 1938. exzsting project.--This provides for a channel 12 feet deep and roenerally 80 feet wide from the mouth to a point just downstream trom the Seaboard Air Line Railway bridge at Franklin, Va., a dis- tance of 14.5 miles including cut-off channels of like dimensions i rough two bends at Cherry Grove and Georges Bend, and a turn- Ct basin of 3.2 acres at Franklin, Va. The stream is nontidal. The P rtion of the river under improvement is subject to freshets of tort duration, causing rises of 3 to 4 feet, but the general stage Of Ae river remains for the greater part of the time at the elevation SAlbemarle Sound, with which it connects. ahe estimate of cost for new work revised in 1948, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects, is $263,100. The latest 145) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $7,000. arbhe existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents ar, 2, 1907 Clearing the 13 miles of river below Franklin, Va., of H. Doe. 177, 59th Cong., 1 sess. obstructions so as to afford a condition of easy Mar, navigation for boats of 7-foot draft. 2,1945 Present project dimensions....---------------------.................... II. Doc. 101, 76th Cong., 1st sess. (Contain latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, 4nadopting the present project dimensions, imposed the conditions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the S'itial work and for subsequent maintenance as required and give aSsurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will con- truct at Franklin, Va., additional terminal facilities suitable for the mooring of large barges and for the efficient transfer of cargo etiWeen barge and terminal. These conditions have not been com- Plied with. thEasement deeds to Cherry Grove and Georges Bend cutoffs and te turning basin, together with covering title insurance policies, Were submitted on May 3, 1948, to the Chief of Engineers for ap- Proval. All disposal permits have been received. A resolution adopted by local interests giving assurances that the conditions of local cooperation will be met was approved by the Assistant Secre- ary of the Army on February 11, 1948. Terminal facilities.-There is a wharf at Franklin, Va., and three Small wharves and a warehouse between this point and the mouth 680 REPORT ;OF) CHIEF. OF1 ENGINEERSi U.: S. ARMIY, 1948 of the river. All of these are:privately owned ibut are open to the general public on equal terms. The facilities are considered ade quate for existing commerce. n Operationsand results during fiscal year.-New work, consi tis of miscellaneous office work; and negotiations with local interests ir connection with conditions of local cooperation, was carried on dur- ing the year at a cost and expenditure of $529.30. bout Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was ablio 5 percent complete at the end' of the fiscal year. The control depth as ascertained in May-September 1945 was 7.7 feet at mean low water. , The head of navigation for boat traffic is at Burdette, Va. Navi- gation is practicable throughout the year.' . The work 'rermaining to'be done to' complete the project consists of providingga channel 12 feet deep and generally 80 feet wide fro"m the mouth to apoint just'downstream from the Seaboard Air Line Railway bridge at Franklin, Va., a distance of 14.5 miles, includin cut-off, channels of like ldimensions at' Cherry Grove and GeorgeS Bend, and a turning basin of 12 feet deep and 3.2 acres at Franklin, Va. Depths are referred to mean low water. The total cost and expenditure of the existing project was $78,100, of which $22,044.33twas'for new work and $56,055.67, for main- tenance.' ' ' ,! Proposed operations-The allotment' 'of $9,400, made in July, 1948, will be applied to maintenance, snagging and bank trimming' with Government plant and hired labor, 2 months, November 1948 January 1949. The additional sum of $250,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Completion of the project in accordance with the River and Harbor Act of 1945: Dredging, by contract, 3 months, April-June, 1950 -.--- --.$241,100 Maintenance: Snagging and bank trimming, with Government plant and hired labor,, 2 months, December 1949-February, 1950.. ------ 9,400 Total'for all work. ---.--- ' -- -- ' ' . . 250, 500 SCost and financial,summary Cost of new work to June 30 1948 ' ' $36,044.33 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----- --- 56,055.6 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 194892,100.00 Net total expenditures ._--------------92,100.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- 92,100.00 RIVERS AND IIARtBORS-NORFOLK, VA. DISTIICT 681 Fiscal year ending June 30-x- : 1944 1945 1946': ' 1947 148 19 Cost onew work --------------- $4,568.77 $14,440.24 $361.69 $529. 30 -- maintenance-- -- -- ----- ----------- --------------------------------------- otalexpended------------------------------ 4,568.77 14,440.24 361.69 529.30 Allotted.. -------------------- 5, 000.00 26, 300. 00 -11, 400 00 alance unexpended, July 1, 1947 - - - -- - - '$529 30 oss amount expended_ ---------------------------- --- 529.30 alance unexpended, June 30, 1948_- - ----- - -- - - 9 . lount allotted in July 1948__------------------------------9,400.00 bligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 --------------- 9,400.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.._____..... -------------------- 241,100.00 mAlount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending , : June 30, 1950: For new work--------- ---------------- ------- 241,100.00 or maintenance.... .... ------------- ------------ 9,400.00 Total ------------------------------------ ------ 250,500.00 27. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, ANDICONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost and expenditure of the work: during the fiscal year was 117,434.58. The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, 49,389.95, plus an allotment of $107,000 for contingencies, made in uly 1948, plus an allotment of $34,450 for Examinations and Sur- Vey 8 made in July 1948, a total of $190,839.95, will be applied, as .eeded during the fiscal year 1949, to payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $534,300 can be lProfitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, of which $389,800 t.ill be applied to Examinations and Surveys and $144,500, to Con- ltgencies. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_... - ... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.----.--- --. $1,154,751.01 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-,..---.- 1,154,751.01 het total expenditures --------------- ------------------- 1,54,751.01 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948---.. ....---------------------- 45,439.95 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------- 1,200,190.96 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of new work.. 0st of maintenance -.... . $33, 515.91 $47, 172. 11 $75, 020.97 $182,645.02 $117, 434.58 Total expended................ 39, 399.42 39, 542. 65 75, 020.97 182, 645.02 117,434.58 Allotted... oted - -- . .. . .. . 56, 600.00 74, 200.001 138, 637. 29 148, 349.87 -- ----- --- -- 682 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947 $14 524.66 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ ____________ Amount to be accounted for_---- _--_ 162 874.53 Gross amount expended_ - - -- 68 11,________________434 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--.._- --- 45 -10000.00 4...... Amount allotted in July 1948_. . 152 .9_ Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------ 52439 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 534,300 30, 1950 for maintenance _ 534, 28. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures E:stirated project full report to June 30, 1948 a' nount e Name ofName prectsee of Annual or uired to Report for- c ompleto Report for- New work Maintenance 1. York River, Va...-------------------___ 1941 $180, 904.20 $128,000 l $173, 354. 65 (3) 2. Little River (Creek), Va.' ------------------ 1946 (2) (2) (3) 3. Portsmouth Harbor, Va., channel to Nanse- 1947 165, 565. 50 ' 66, 162. 32 mond Ordnance Depot.'-t ......-........ (3) 4. Channel from Phoebus, Va., to Deep Water 1944 a 11, 500. 00 11, 750. 00 in Hampton Roads.' 1Channels adequate for commerce. 2 Project completed by U. S. Navy and Pennsylvania R. R. Co. a Completed. 4 $4,172.18 revoked during fiscal year 1948. a In addition, $1,199.57 expended from contributed funds. 29. PLANT ALLOTMENT, NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948--- .----------------- $25,933- Net total cost to June 30, 1948____-_ -__--_ _ - 25,933.28 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------- 35,751.60 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------- -- _61,684.88 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------- ------ 21062733 Net total expenditures -------------------------- -148,942.45 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------ 306,79203 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--- 157,849.58 RIVERS AND HARBORS--NORFOLK, VA. DISTRICT 683 Balance unexpended Jul 1,1947 --------------------- $382,696.07 eductions on account of revocation of allotment--------------- 150,000.00 G Net amount to be accounted for-_- ------------------- 232,696.07 Less amount expended----------- ---------- $911,554.53 essreimbursed expenditures ------------------- 985,650.49 -74,095.96 Balance 'utstanding unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 306,729.03 liabilities, June 30, 1948.------------------------- 300,284.45 Ae Balance available, June 30, 19486----------------------- 6,507.58 ounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------------------------- 35,751.60 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------- 42,259.18 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Recom- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. mendation Congress Cer reek, Gloucester River and Harbor Act, .......----------------- Abemrl Va. July 26, 1946. 1 are Sound and Pas- River and Harbor Act, ........-------------- tank River, side chan- Mar. 2, 1945. 12feetdeep toElizabeth Y frotaNorfolk, Va. to Beaurt, N. C., Inland erwy.a ack o Bay Va. areliing Senate Public Works with a view inundation Committee resolution, ..----------- nd iproving drainago June 9, 1948. tioO tons in those por- c0 f of Princess Anne haRiver, York County, River and Harbor Act, ....-------------------------- lu 'and channel connect- June 30, 1948. Coveack River with Front lackRiver thto Wallace Creek, Senate Public Works--.....-..---.....-------- abeC City County, Committee resolution, annel. ha', July 15, 1947. rtN. C., to Norfolk, River and Harbor Act,------------------ sidCh nland Waterway, Mar. 2, 1945. idphannel 12 feet deep to abeth City,N. ., via Alb uotank River and Albnmarle Sound. balkrtInlet, N. C., to Nor- River and Harbor Com-.............. Va. , B Inland Water- mittee resolution, Oct. e-30, 1945. (ontts rowns , Va. reek, York River and Harbor Act, .. June 30, 1948. Cow Pay, Gloucester River and Harbor Act, ...............- -------- coUnty Va. and channel Mar. 2, 1945. l...............- .do ................... .do o.................. Mar. 31, 1948 H. 601,80th Cong., Favorable. 2d sess. ..............- ----- ------- ------- -------------- .--.. ---.... ---- 684 REPORT OF CHIIEF OF ENGINEERS, IU. S. ARMY, 1948 Recomn Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to DocumentNo. nendatiOn Congress Elizabeth River, Southern Senate Public Works Branch, Norfolk Harbor, Committee resolution, Va., including Norfolk Mar. 4, 1947. Creek. Elizabeth River, Southern River and Harbor Act, Feb. 14, 1948 H. 545, 80th Cong., F avorable. Branch, Norfolk Harbor, Mar. 2, 1945. 2d sess. Va. Finneys Creek, Accomac do.................... ---..... County, Va., and channel connecting said creek with Wachapreague Inlet and the Atlantic Ocean. Front Cove to Back River, River and Harbor Act, --------.--.. -- - - -- - - --- Do. Va., channel connecting. June 30, 1948. Hague, The (Smith Creek), River and Harbor Act, Va. Mar. 2, 1945. --. - -- - - Harpers Creek. Mathews River and Harbor Act, County, Va., and the chan- July 24, 1946. nel connecting said creek with Mobjack Bay. Hopewell, Va., at or near, ---.....-- do...I with a view to construction of a harbor for light draft vessels. James River, Va............. River and Harbor Com- mittee resolution, June + i1 , -- -- 7, 1945. -------------- Kings Creek, Northampton River and Harbor Act, County, Va. Mar. 2, 1945. - -- - - - - - - - - ------------ Lafayette River, Va.......... River and IHarbor Com- mittee resolution, Mar. 2, 1939. Little Creek, Princess Anne River and Harbor Act, Co unty, Va. Mar. 2, 1945. -- -- . --- -.........- Lynnhaven Inlet and Bay ..... ..--.... (do.... and connecting waters,Va., with a view to preparing a plan of improvement and estimate of cost, particu- larly to prevent shoaling, in the interest of shellfish production and navigation. ,-------r --------- r r,; Mobjack Bay, and channel ..... do...... . . . . . . connecting, Browns Bay, Gloucester County, Va. Mobjack Bay, and the chan- River and Harbor Act, --------------- - - - - - - - - - - - nel connecting with HIar- July 24, 1946. pers Creek, Mathews County, Va. Nansemond River, Va., im- River and Harbor Com- ------------- provement and mainte- mittee resolution, July nance of channel through 20, 1946. Bennett Creek. Norfolk Harbor, Va., includ- Senate Public Works ing Norfolk Creek, South- Committee resolution, ern Branch of Elizabeth Mar. 4, 1947. River. Norfolk Harbor, Va., East- Senate Public Works ern Branch of Elizabeth Committee resolution, Feb 14, 1948. River. June 10, 1947. Norfolk Harbor, Elizabeth River and Harbor Act, Feb. 14, 1948 H. 545,80th Cong., Do. River, Southern Branch, Mar. 2, 1945. 2d sess. Va. Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort, ..... do-------.. --.. ---.......----------- N. C., Inland Waterway, side channel 12 feet deep to Elizabeth City, N:. C., via Pasquotank River and Albemarle Sound. II Norfolk Va., to Beaufort River and Harbor Com- ......... ----. Inlet, N. C., Inland Water- mittee resolution, Oct. ----------,---- --. way. 30, 1945. Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Senate Public Works ................... Inlet, Inland Waterway, Committee resolution, with view to relieving in- June 9, 1948. undation and improving drainage of farm lands in Princess Anne County along Back Bay and North Landing River, Va., and tributaries. _ I I. FLOOD CONTROIr--NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 685 i-- I Date trans- Recom- Locality mitted to Document No. mendation Authorization act Congress rth Landing River, Va., nvietributaies, ---.-- ----------- ------------ ------ to relie ing with a inunda- age nd ip roving drain - Prtionditi.ons in those Poouty of Princess Anne leOtnk River and Albe- River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. River and Harbor Com- mittee resolution, Jan. 27, 1937. a v' Ureek, York County, House Public Works Sifth a view to deter- Committee resolution, inteent if improvement in June 17, 1948. lnteablest of navigation is sableat this tinme. yCreek, Va........... River and Harbor Corn- mittee resolution, Feb. at e r s Creek, Newport 8, 1946. River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946. a. Creek (The Hague), River and Harbor Act, .... -.-. ------ Mar. 2, 1945. Norfolk Basin (Nor- folkth Senate Public Works Crreek), Va. Committee resolution, Mar. 4, 1947. rosion Beach ,tudn.Va., River and Harbor Act, July 3, 1930; Act of Callace Creek El Congress, July 31, 1945. Senate Public Works Laoun ty , \a, channel Committee resolution, ac iver to Public July 15, 1947. ite arbor, Va........... River and Harbor Com- mittee resolution, Mar. 5, 1946. 30. ROANOKE RIVER BASIN, VA. AND N.C. ' covered by this project consist of a series Vf dars and reservoirs on the Roanoke River and its tributaries in )rglinia t and North Carolina, within a radius of 100 miles from a8Vlle, Va. lesting project.-Thre Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, approved the general plan for the comprehensive develop- 9losofthe Roanoke River Basin for flood control and other pur- oses as set forth in House Document 650, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, and authorized the construction of the Buggs Island eservoir on the Roanoke River in Virginia and North Carolina, ld the Philpott Reservoir on the Smith River in Virginia as the iitial step of this development at an estimated cost of $36,140,000. eo Ollowing is a list of the dams and reservoirs included in the 19 rehensive plan. The estimates of cost as given were revised in 498 Dams and reservoirs Estimated cost Distance Distance Reservoir Power de- Name Nearest city above Height of dam and type capacity velopment Land and mouth Construction Land and Total 3 damages 2 Miles Acre-feet Kilowatts Buggs Island, Va. and N. C.4__ Boydton, Va......... 178.7 144 feet-Concrete gravity and earth 2, 921, 000 5 110, 000 $53, 240, 000 $25, 630, 000 $78, 870, 000 0 fill. 6 Philpott, Va.'. .... Bassett, Va - -- 336. 2 220 feet-Concrete gravity .._ _-----. 249, 800 14, 000 11, 360, 000 650, 000 12, 010, 000 Gaston, Va. and N. C......... Roanoke Rapids, 144. 9 108 feet-Concrete gravity and earth 432, 000 54, 000 19, 400, 000 2, 500, 000 21, 900, 000 N. C. fill. .,Smith Roanoke Rapids, N. C--...__ ..... do.....--...------- Mountain, Va.......... Altavista, Va---- Leesville, Va.......-......... ... -,,do---,- ....... --------------- _--do................ 137. 5 314. 2 293. 7 79 feet-Concrete gravity_-_-_____ 244 feet-Concrete gravity.......--------- 95 feet-Concrete gravity and earth fill. 50, 700 825, 000 76, 900 58,800 41, 000 20, 000 19, 500,000 18, 900, 000 6,600,000 1, 900, 000 3, 100, 000 700, 000 7 21, 400, 000 22, 000, 000 7, 300, 000 Taber, Va-----........_ ...... 275. 0 54 feet-Concrete gravity--------- 1,200,000 6,900,000 Melrose, Va-. __..........__ Brookneal, Va- .-- 262. 9 110 feet-Concrete gravity and earth 34,000 120, 800 12,000 43, 000 5, 700, 000 12, 700, 000 4, 300, 000 817, 000, 000 V fill. c Randolph, Va-............... Chase City, Va.......- 227. 8 147 feet-Concrete gravity and earth 305, 000 48, 000 15, 900, 000 3, 400, 000 19, 300, 000 00 fill. Stuart, Va. and N. C ........ 297. 2 Spray, N. C-.........---- 138 feet-Earth fill _ ____ ____ 163, 000 15, 000 6,500,000 800, 000 7, 300, 000 Schoolfield, Va. and N. C-..... Danville, Va-........ 265. 9 126 feet-Concrete gravity and earth 248, 000 80,000 20, 000, 000 4, 600,000 24,600,000 fill. 00 1 Mouth of Roanoke River at Albemarle Sound. 2 Includes highway, railrcad, and utilities relocation. 3 Exclusive of transmission lines. 4 Details of these project items are given in individual reports. b Does not include three 32,000 kilowatt units to be installed at a later date. 6 Authorizing legislation provided for earth dam; concrete gravity dam now under consideration for construction. Includes cost of canal, dikes, and 2 powerhouses. 8 Includes cost of earth dam on Whipping Creek, diversion conduit, power canal, powerhouse, etc. VA., I)ISTRICT FLOOD CONTROI -L-NORFOLK, 687 Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. ouggs Island and Philpott Reservoirs are the only projects in the aotlprehensive plan that have been authorized for construction in t cordance with the above authorization, and individual reports on the two reservoirs are given in the following pages. All operations peviously reported under the heading "Roanoke River Basin, Va. and N. C.," for those two projects are now contained in the individ- tal reports, and previous costs and expenditures have also been transferred to those reports. 31. BUGGS ISLAND RESERVOIR, ROANOKE RIVER BASIN, VA. AND N. C .Location.-Thesite for the proposed Buggs Island Dam is on the 1anoke River, about 178.7 river miles above the mouth. It is in ecklenburg County, Va., 20.3 miles downstream from Clarksville, ana.'18 miles upstream from the Virginia-North Carolina State line, top 80 miles southwest of Richmond, Va. At the elevation of the p. of gates, the reservoir will extend upstream on the Roanoke iver 56 miles and on the Dan River 34 miles. a zisting project.-This project provides for the construction of eaoncrete gravity dam with wing and saddle dikes on the right and left banks, with a total length of approximately 22,035 feet. The bain dam will consist of a nonoverflow concrete section on the right k 629 feet long, a concrete spillway section 1,092 feet long, a con- ecete Power intake section 614 feet long, and a concrete nonoverflow anCon on the left bank 450 feet long. The right bank earth wing and saddle dikes will total 9,030 feet in length and the left bank wing and Saddle dikes will total 10,220 feet in length. The maximum eagRt of the concrete section will be 144 feet above bed rock and the earthfill dikes will vary in height to a maximum of 45 feet. At the e vation of the top of gates, the dam will provide a total storage io aeity of 2,921,000 acre-feet, of which 1,345,000 acre-feet will be Reod storage; 1,085,000 acre-feet, power draw-down; and 491,000 acre feet in dead storage below the surface of the minimum power ool. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinated sys- fl of reservoirs in the Roanoke River Basin for the control of Wat er , the generation of hydroelectric power, the regulation of low- 'h flow for the abatement of pollution, and for other purposes. Bioe initial power installation will be 110,000 kilowatts, with provi- on for the addition of three 32,000-kilowatt units at a later date. The estimate of cost, revised in 1948, is $53,240,000 for construc- 0 tof ad $25,630,000 for lands and damages, including the relocation orkhways, railroads, and utilities, a total of $78,870,000 for new T he existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act thproved December 22, 1944, which approved the general plan for to comprehensive development of the Roanoke River Basin for Sgod control and other purposes as set forth in House Document 650, is Venty-eighth Congress, second session. 'The latest published map Printed in the project document. Local Cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. perations and results during fiscal year.-Operations by hired 688 REPORT' OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U.4 S ARMY, 1948 labor consisted of preparation of contract plans- and specificat for the construction of the project, and an investigation: the tungsten deposits in the reservoir area. Land acquisition act i0Vl consisted of compilation of tract ownership data; preparatio" of tract maps, appraisal reports, and title certificates; preparatio outleasing plan for reservoir lands; preparation of relocation la tons for cemeteries; and negotiation for the purchase of 17,646 acres t be consummated early in fiscal year 1949. gh- Operations, by contract, included construction of an access hio way on the left bank; construction of a Government constructioa camp; construction of a cofferdam adjacent to the left banK, eXCa vation therein for the dam and powerhouse foundation, and placnto of fill for the switchyard; and construction of an access railroad tO the dam site. Continuing contracts were awarded for the construe tion of the concrete dam and powerhouse substructure, and for fur nishing concrete aggregate, sluice gates, intake gates, trash racl , and plate steel penstocks. rwe The cost was $2,622,876.59 for new work. The expenditures $2,778,866.51. ' Condition at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof contract plafl and specifications for the entire project was about 65 percent co n plete. Land acquisition work accomplished consisted of compilation of about 80 percent of all tract ownership data; preparation of trcle maps and appraisal reports on 28,931; acres; preparation of title certificates on 166 tracts; preparation of outleasing plan for reSer voir lands acquired to date; preparation of:relocation plans for5- cemeteries; perpetual easements' over 67 acres for the access the road; leasehold interest in 56 acres for the access highway on oir left bank; and fee title to 7,574 acres for the dam site and reserV t area. The access 'highway, Government construction canlp,~ ''l- stage cofferdam and foundation excavation therein, and access rail road were completed. Contracts were initiated for the constructiSh of the concrete dam and powerhouse substructure, and for furnisd ing concrete aggregate, sluice gates, intake gates, trash racks,,ned plate steel penstocks. The 'total costs under the project have be $5,360,388.81 for new work The expenditures have been' 293,652.49. Proposed operations.-The'unexpended balance at the end fiscal year 1948, $3,606,347.51, plus an allotment.of $9,004,000, of the made in July 1948,, a total of. $12,606,347.51 will be applieda follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1947...__. _-- $66 736 New Work: Contract: . . Dam and powerhouse substructure ' Equipment for dam and powerhouse- . Alterations and relocations- -- "; ' , , $,00 .O $5,300,000.00i I: ..... 2,400;000.00 , 950,000.00: Reservoir clearing.......--- --- .......----- .200,000.00 Hired labor: Preparation of plans and specifications .. . 289,611'.19 Land acquisition . 3,400,00000s 19 Total for all work ------ ----. -12,606,347 FLOOD CONTROL---NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT 6895 j The iadditional sum of $16,500,000 .can be profitably expended 1 fiscal year 1950 for construction operations as follows: iBng e~work: , otract ar an erh utrantu $9,500,000.00 Alturpment for dam and powerhouse-''--- 1,300,000.00 iteratdlior and relocations.---- --- 4,800,000.00 o tof new work to June maintenance 1948--- 30, 30, to June 1948-.- . ---- ---------- -- ---------------------- $5,360,388.81 i otal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948..- .8.81 s accounts payable, June 30, 1948.....--------- - 66,736.32 rex Net'total expenditures.:. .. ... 5,293,652.49 xpended balance, June 30, 1948. ------ 3606)347.51 S Totalamount appropriated to June 30, 1948. - "- --- ,8,900,000.00 i • , Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 O84 of kj . . $6,694.66 $623, 754. 55 $2,107, 063.01 $2,622, 876.59 expended. . . 471.63 :.. 529, 380.04 1,984, 934. 31 2, 778, 866. 51 t-.-.- .. - . . ... 300, 000.00 3, 700,000.00 100,000.00 4,800,000.00 Ance ut Unexpended July allotted during 1,1947 fiscal year - -.--. . . . .. . $1,585,214.02 4,800,000.00 t ed .Amountto be accounted for. . . - -....-. 6,385,214.02 ions on account of revocation of allotment. -- --- r Net amount to be accounted •s . . for . --- 6,385,214.02 Les amount expended-. -_ - -- , -- $2 ,779,499.87 Iembursed expenditures._i -- .... 633.36 2,778,866.51 Out Balance,unexpended, June 30, 1948 . 3,606,347.51 al liabilities, June 30, 1948 .... .:, anding 415,644:97. ount covered by uncompleted'contracts'..., 2,393,690.00 . .2,809,334.97 Amnt alance available, June 30, 1948 . 3 - 797,012.54 . --- . untallotted in July 1948 . .--- ------ 9,000,000.00 Unobligatd balance available for fiscal year 1949 -- 9,797,012.54 °unt i (estimated) roject .required to .,,,,be appropriated for completion . of 6 A60,970,000.00 ,mount 'that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending J u: 30 1 9 5 0 for new work ..- . .. ....--------.---- .....----- 16,500,000.00 690 IFlREPORiT OF 1CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 VA. AND N. C. 32. PHILPOTT RESERVOIR, ROANOKE RIVER BASIN, Location.-The site for the proposed Philpott Dam ison ith River, Va., 44.3 miles above its junction with the Dan River near Leaksville, N. C., and 35 miles upstream from the Virginia "-NO Carolina State line. It is in Franklin and Henry Counties, 34 air miles south of Roanoke, Va. At spillway crest elevation, the reser voir will extend upstream about 16 miles. Existing project.-The project works will consist of a concretd gravity dam 920 feet long with a maximum height of 220 feet, ahe will contain an ungated integral spillway, and a powerhous e a tel dam site. The total power installation will be approximatill 14,000 kilowatts. At spillway crest elevation, the reservoir '1 have storage capacity of 201,500 acre-feet, of which 34,100 acre- feet will be reserved for the control of floods, 111,100 acrefeet for the development of hydroelectric power, and 56,300 acrel- feet will be dead storage; 48,300 acre-feet of storage will be avail able above the ungated spillway crest elevation for additional ood storage. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a coordinater reservoir system for the control of floods in the Roanoke iver Basin, the generation of hydroelectric power, the regulation of 10W water flow for the abatement of pollution, and for other purposes. The estimate of Federal cost (revised in 1948) is $11,360,000 for construction and $650,000 for lands and damages, including hget way, railroad, and utilities relocation, a total of $12,010,000 for ne work. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act aP proved December 22, 1944, which approved the general plan forthe comprehensive development of the Roanoke River Basin for control and other purposes as set forth in House Document a flood Seventy-eighth Congress, second session. The latest published maP is printed in the project document. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. hired Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operationsby hions labor consisted of preparation of contract plans and specificatiOs for the construction of the project. Land acquisition activities con sisted of compilation of tract ownership data; preparation of pre liminary segment maps; preparation of tract maps, appraisal re ports, and title certificates; and obtaining options and purchasing land. Operations, by contract, included subsurface investigations, EI cavation for the foundation of the dam, and initiation of construc- tion of the access highway on the right bank. The cost was $260,145.02 for new work. Expenditures were $246,867.84. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof contract plans and specifications for the entire project was about 20 percent coal plete. Land acquisition work was accomplished and consisted of compilation of about 75 percent of all tract ownership data; preparad tion of preliminary segment maps; preparation of tract maps and appraisal reports covering about 27 percent of the lands to be ac- quired; preparation of title certificates on 22 tracts; options ob- tained on 9 easements totalling 7 acres for the access highway o FLOOD CONTItROL-NOittoLK, VA., DISTRICT 691 the on bank; right tained and fee title acquired to 279 acres and options ob- 238 acres. The excavation for the foundation of the dam thas 68 percent complete and construction of the access highway on b e right bank was initiated. The total costs under the project have bee $435,661.16 for new work. The expenditures have been $421,- Proposed operations.-Theunexpended balance at the end of the Scal year 1948, $278,993.70, plus an allotment, $2,000,000 made in JUy 1948, a total of $2,278,993.70 will be applied as follows: ounts payable, June 30, 1948_------------ $16,523.55 s accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 1,868.69 ew ork:$14,654.86 Contract: Dam and appurtenances 1,700,000.00 1------ re qupment for dam and powerhouse-- 200,000.00 Nired labor: Preparation of plans and specifications- 304,338.84 Land acquisition - __-_------ 60,000.00 2,264,338.84 Total for all work _------------------------------ 2,278,993.70 . The additional sum of $2,800,000 can be profitably expended dur- g the fiscal year 1950 for construction operations as follows: New work: Contract: Dam and appurtenances-- ----------- $2,400,000 l quipment for dam and powerhouse------- 150,000 Alterations, relocations and reservoir clearing 50,000 Hired labor: Preparation of plans and specifications .... 150,000 Land acquisition--------__-___-------- 50,000 Total for all work---------------------- 2,800,000 st of Cost and financial summary Cost new work to June 30, 1948_ _---_____--------_ $435,661.16 Costof maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- ------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ----- Plus accounts 435,661.16 receivable, June 30, 1948- - ---- --------- 1,868.69 ius ius Gross costs to June 30, 1948- _ ____-_--- totalpayable, accounts - -------- 437,529.85 June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 16,523.55 1 n Net total expenditures______---------------421,006.30 expended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------ 278,993.70 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 700,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost onewwork .. ....... $51,197.78 $124, 318.36 $260, 145. 02 .. ...... . . ............ .mainteance . ...... Totaleexpended........... ............................ 34, 636.78 139, 501. 68 246, 867. 84 'Allotted-- . . . . . - ---. .. . .. . . . 1 1 1 450,000.00 1 - ~~ -----------250, 000.00 I 692 REPORT. OF CIHIEF OF ,ENGINEERSi U. S. ,ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-_-- .... $275 0861 54 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ 250,00000 Amount to be accounted for-- .... 46,86784 525 Gross amount expended .- . ------------------.. _ unexpended,'June 30, 1948_ ,;r 1278,99310 9Balanc Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------------$40,090.99 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts : _. 104,402.67 1 66 . . ;,144 ,a93. Balance available, June 30, 1948 134' 69 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- --- _ .. - -- -1-'- Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 .__..136,36 00 Amount allotted in July 1948__, -------------------------- .. ... Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- 2 136,368 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of 000 0.00 existing project. - - --- . 310... Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 20000000 30, 1950, for new work. _2,800, 33. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENC FOR FLOOD CONTROL I The cost of the work during the fiscal year was $19,926.06 andthe expenditures were $21,039.58. The unexpended balance June be 1948, $378.42, plus an allotment $25,000 made in July 1948, to wil applied during the fiscal year to accounts.payable, $191.97, and t the payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading . The additional sum of $89,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 19481...-----. -_ ----- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--_-- _----- - $1,074163 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 i1,074,163. Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 . 1919 191.91 i , " 971.58 3 Net total expenditures-----------.-. . .. 1, 1;073,9 378.42 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 1,074,350 .sFiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 19 Cost of new work--.........................-----------------------...........----------- Cost of maintenance.......... $43, 051.23 $190, 390.48 $30,098.60 $14,832.63 $1 Total expended---------------- 37,064. 99 194, 560.43 32, 383. 31 13, 831. 19' 21,' 0,000.00 Allotted......................... 149,200.00 15,000.00 -7,300.00 i 0 FLO()I) CONTROIr---NORFOLK, VA., DI)ISTRICT 693 alanceUnexpended July 1, 1947------------- $1,418.00 aont allottedduring fiscal year....-------------------------- 20,000.00 Gra Gros to be accounted for.------------------- Amount expended__________ 21,418.00 aount ______------------- ------- 21,039.58 tst Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948. .---------------- 378.42 nding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------------ 191.97 A Balance available, June 30, 1948 ---------------- -- - - - 186.45 Iouat allotted in July 1948...---------------------- ---------- 25,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 . _ _.25,186.45 _ t A OUnt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for mainteance ----------------------- 89,000.00 34. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS Cost and expenditures Estimated For last to June 30, 1948 full report, amount re- Name of project see Annual . .... -- quired to -T).... 4 r^ - leporti or-- New work Maintenance egulat. eservoir and Falling Springs Re- 1947 ..........------------------ 2 $19, 200, 000 I lug Dam, James River, Va.' .uthorized a tw by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 194(, and is inactive pending further stimat thorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. Sd ledral cost of project was revised in 1948. Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Document Recom- Locality Authorization act mitted to No. mendation Congress a., with a view to re- Senate Public Works .............-...... Idation and improving Committee resolution, editions in those por- June 9, 1948. 1cess Alnne County. or and tributaries, Va. Flood Control Act, June-------------.. 30,1948. Va., review of report on Commerce Committee .. ver and tributaries, resolution, Mar. 9 1946. to Beaufort Inlet, In- Senate Public Works Way, with a view to re- Committee resolution, dation and improving June 9, 1948. do...................------------------- ....--- Conmmerce Conunittee oa Creek, Va. resolution, Mar. 9, 1946. Rou oiver and tributaries, outh ton, Va., Public Works Commit- and vicinity. tee resolution, Jan. 20, 1948. b lstong Va., and vicinity, re- ------ ou~G es. on Roanoke altrdtreport . tari L River KYB ~ - -I - ~ .. . . 1~ .. I~- . . ....... ...L.. . ~ ... IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT* This district comprises central and eastern North Carolina em- ed in the drainage basins tributary to the Atlantic Ocean from southern boundary of Virginia to Shallote River, inclusive, h the exception of the Roanoke River Basin above Weldon, C.; the Meherrin River Basin above Murfreesboro, N. C.; and Chowan River Basin above the confluence of the Nottaway ilackwater Rivers. It includes the portions of the Intracoastal lterway from the northern boundary of North Carolina to Little ver, S.C., and the portion of the waterways from Norfolk, Va., to sounds of North Carolina, south of the north shore of Albe- rle Sound. DistrictEngineer: Col. Beverly C. Snow, Corps of Engineers, to vernber 9, 1947; Col. Heston R. Cole, Corps of Engineers, since t date. ivision Engineer of the South Atlantic Division, Atlanta, Ga., "Prising the Wilmington, N. C., Charleston, S. C., Savannah, . Jacksonville, Fla., and Mobile, Ala., districts: Col. George W. lette, Corps of Engineers, to December 21, 1947; Col. Mason J. Ung, Corps of Engineers, since that date. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation Navigation-Continued Page Page 1. Atlantic Intracoastal Water- 18. Channel connecting Thor- way between Norfolk, Va., oughfare Bay with Cedar and the St. Johns River, Bay, N. C______--- - - 723 2. 2, 3. P "la.(Wilmington District) rembroke Creek, N. C_____ 696 19. 700 20. Drum Inlet, N. C------- Waterway connecting Pam- 724 4. Chowan River, N. C_ .... 702 lico Sound and Beaufort 5. Roanoke River, N. C_ __-. 702 Harbor, N. C_-_-_---_-- 725 6. Scuppernong River, N. C... 704 21. Morehead City Harbor, N. C 728 Manteo (Shallowbag) Bay, 22. Beaufort Harbor, N. C .... 731 7. ' c .........--.----- 705 23. Channel from Back Sound Pamlico Sound, N. C., to to Lookout Bight, N. C _- 733 Stumpy Point Channel-__ 8. Channel 707 24. Cape Fear River, N. C., at from Pamlico Sound and below Wilmington___ 734 9. to Rodanthe, N. C _ 708 25. Cape Fear River, N. C., Channel from Pamlico Sound above Wilmington- .... 738 10. i to Avon, N. C _ 709 26. Northeast (Cape Fear) River, elhaven Harbor N. C . 710 11., Par 12. Creek, N. C_ __. Waterway connecting Swan - 711 27. N . C ___ - .- - - - Lockwoods Folly River, 741 N. C 742 Quarter Bay with Deep Bay N. C-_.____. 713 28. Snagging and clearing under 13. authority of section 3 of Pamlico and Tar Rivers, the River and Harbor Act 14. N . C . . . . . . 714 approved March 2, 1945__ 743 15 Rollinson Channel, N. C _- 716 Examinations, surveys, and Silver Lake Harbor, N.C __ 718 29. contingencies_ 744 16, 17' Neuse River, N. C _----- 720 _ Smiths Creek (Pamlico 30. Inactive navigation projects 745 County), N. C--------- 721 31. Plant allotment 746 695 696 REPORT OF C1I1EF OP FNGINEERS, U. S. AtMY, 1948 Flood control Flood Control page Page in ns ' 32. Goldsboro, Neuse River, 34. Preliminary exam atio N. C - 750 surveys, and contingencies 752 33. Emergency flood-control for flood control - - - - - -r operations_--------. .. . 752 35. Inactive flood-control proJ 753 ects__---------------- 1. ATLANTIC INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY BETWEEN NORFI VA., AND THE ST. JOHNS RIVER, FLA. (WILMINGTON DISTRIC Location.--This waterway is a sea-level route through Ccots sounds and marine marshes, approximately paralleling the Atla tic coast between Norfolk, Va., and St. Johns River, Fla. (See S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 830 to 842, inclus' at The section within the limits of the Wilmington district beginsally the Virginia-North Carolina State line and extends geneeral southerly to Beaufort, thence southwestward to Cape Fear It"ute and thence westward to Little River, S. C., a distance of 308 sta ut miles. July Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of j 3, 4, 1836; March 3, 1837; July 7, 1838; June 18, 1878; Marc 5, 1879; June 14, 1880; March 3, 1881; August 2, 1882; Augusad 1886; September 19, 1890; March 3, 1905; June 25, 1910; August 8, 1917. For further details see page 1803 of Annual e91 Fe- port for 1915; pages 585, 587, and 589 of Annual Report for' o91rt page 522 of Annual Report for 1926; page 497 of Annual Rept for 1932; and pages 476 and 523 of Annual Report for 1938. at Existing project.-This provides for a waterway 12 feet deeP mean low water with bottom widths varying from 90 feet inlind cuts to 300 feet in open waters; for the construction, operatland and maintenance of suitable bridges; for a tidal lock in the lan cut near the Cape Fear River; for a channel 10 feet deep at ne low water and 90 feet wide in New River to the Atlantic Coast Linel Railroad bridge at Jacksonville, N. C., 21 miles; for a side channel 12 feet deep and 90 feet wide to a turning basin of the same dept 200 feet wide and 350 feet long, opposite the principal wharve ide Swansboro; for an entrance channel 6 feet deep and 90 feet tode at New River Inlet with connecting channel of same dimensionsit the Intracoastal Waterway near the mouth of New River; for mooring basins at various locations along the waterway; ford channel 8 feet deep, 90 feet wide from the waterway via Motte at. Banks Channels to a point just within Masonboro Inlet at W r i g h t sd ville Beach; and for a yacht basin 230 feet wide, 450 feet long, .er 12 feet deep near the town of Southport, connected with the water way by a suitable channel of the same depth .ver That portion of the waterway north of the mouth of Neuse Rie is nontidal; variation in the water surface, due to winds, seldoe exceeds 2 feet above or below mean stage. In the section betW/ 7 Beaufort and Cape Fear River the tidal range varies from feet at the inlets to:l foot at points between. The tidal range f New River varies from 31/ 'feet at New River Inlet to 1 foot at the head of the marshes, and nothing at Tar Laninng, 31 miles above. The mean range of tide in the section from Cape Fear River, N. ' RIVERS ANDAR.R TTP c-;.-T±-WIL NtINTON. N. C., DISTRICT 697 to Little River, S. C., varies between 4.7l in Cape Fear River, 4 feet lnterrnediate inlets, and 2 feet at pointslmidway between inlets. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $9,663,800. nahelatest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- Th is $391,000. hhe existing project was authorized by the following river and ha or acts: Acts _ I_ L i__ Work authorized Documents i ---- -- -- lUly25,1912 Original route of the Norfolk-Beaufort Inlet section.. H. Doe. 391, 62d Cong., 2d sess. Purchase of canal-------------- 11. Doe. 589, 62d Cong., 2d sess. Change in route; following changes approved by H. Doe. 1478, 63d Cong., 3d sess., Secretary of War Apr. 14, 1919: and H. Doe. 1136, 64th Cong., 1st Albemarle Sound-Pamlico Sound section: sess.' Changed from "Alligator River-Rose Bay route" to "Alligator River-Pungo River route." Pamlico Sound-Neuse River section: Changed from "Pamlico Sound-Brant' Shoal-Neuse River route" to "Goose o Creek-Bay River route." A 3-foot channel 100 feet wide from Beaufort to Swans- H. Doec. 1775, 64th Cong., 2d sess. uly .18, born, thence 40 feet wide to Jacksonville. 1918 Alligator River-Pungo River route (proposed land Approved by Secretary of War cut connecting the rivers): Changed from a straight May 15, 1919. line to a bent line approaching nearer the town of 3a3'21,1927 Fairfleld N C. A 12-foot ciannel 90 feet wide from Beaufort to Cape H. Doe. 450, 69th Cong., 1st sess. 1l 3,1930 Fear River, N. C. A waterway 8 feet deep and 75 feet wide from Cape H. Doe. 41, 71st Cong., 1st sess. 4ar 4 1933 Fear River to Winyah Bay. Construction of a suitable bridge near' Fairfield, Rivers i and Harbors Committee 26,19343 N. C. Doec. 5, 72d Cong., 1st sess. Operating and care of the works of improvement pro- vided for with funds from War Department appro- ug. 30, 1935 priations for rivers and harbors. A 10-foot channel 90 feet wide in New River from the H. Doec. 67, 74th Cong., 1st sess.' Aug. 28, 1937 Inland Waterway to Jacksonville. Increasing dimensions of waterway to 12 feet deep and Rivers and Harbors Committee 2 S,193 90 feet wide. Doc. 6, 75th Cong., 1st sess. A 12-foot side channel 90 feet wide to Swansboro-..... Rivers and Harbors Committee, Doe. 16, 75th Cong., 1st sess.' To provide a yacht basin near Southport, 12 feet deep, H. Doc. 549, 75th Cong., 3d sess' 230 feet wide. and 450 feet long, with connecting o channel. SA 6-foot channel 90 feet wide from New River Inlet H. Do. 691, 75th Cong. 3d sess. ar 2, 1945 to the Inland Waterway. Do 946 mooring basins .......... ... .. -..... -H. - An 8-foot channel 90 feet wide from waterway to H. Doe. 660, 76th Cong., 3d sess.t Doe. 346, 77th Cong., 1st sess.' e 30, 1948 Masonboro Inlet. 2-footchannel in New River.... .. ._..- - H. Doe. 421, 80th Cong., Ist sess.' public est N 4 3 3 published maps. ,72d Cong. , 5 'e.o-r, anent appropriations repeal act. Cooc a l cooperation.---Complied with; except for the following: se itions in House Document 346, Seventy-seventh Congress, first the 1n, which requires that local interests furnish, free of cost to ldie nited States, all lands, easements, and right-of-way and spoil .siosalareas for the improvement and subsequent maintenance, hen and as required, and hold and save the United States free from ou ts for damages resulting from the improvement, (The board of tent Y commissioners, ,New Hanover County, has signified its in- iti lon of complying with all local cooperation requirements) ; con- se sons in House, Document No. 421, Eightieth Congress, first ession, which requires that' local interests give assurances satis- castory to the Secretary of:the :Army that they will furnish, free of ost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and 698 REPORT OF ClHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 suitable areas for disposal of dredged material during construction and for subsequent maintenance, as and when needed; hold tin save the United States free from damages due to the constructio works and subsequent maintenance, including damages to oyster beds, and provide adequate terminal facilities at Jacksonville, OP to all on equal terms. Terminal facilities.-There are numerous wharves and landing l 1 along the present waterway, used mostly for shipping agricultura and timber products. These wharves are of the open pile and tinre. type. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerof Operationsand results during fiscal year.-The work consisted f maintenance dredging by contract and with Government plant and hired labor, dike repairs by hired labor, operation and care of- bridges, and miscellaneous surveys. 17, During the periods July 1 to September 30, 1947, March 8 toved 1948, and June 1 to 30, 1948, the contract dredge Marion removed 275,186 cubic yards from shoals in the through waterway, at a of $88,850.33. (d Between June 16 and 30, 1948, the contract dredge NorthWo removed 81,804 cubic yards from shoals in the through waterwaY' at a cost of $32,575.35. Between January 4 and 28, 1948, and March 12 and 16, 1948, trom United States dredge Josenhans removed 79,290 cubic yards from shoals in the through waterway, at a cost of $29,011.90. d 355 Between May 10 and June 30, 1948, the contractor remove d35 feet of old bulkhead, constructed 475 feet of new bulkhead an at tiebacks, as bank protection in the vicinity of Coinjock Bridge, a cost of $40,124.35. Shinn Creek dike at Mile 251 was repaired by hired labor at cost of $594.74. Costs in connection with contract for installation of power o erated mechanism at Wilkerson Creek and Hobucken Bridges $129.66. htof Costs in connection with the acquisition of additional righ way along the Adams Creek-Core Creek land cut were $538.12. The bridges at Coinjock, Fairfield, Wilkerson Creek, Hobuckef and Core Creek were operated and maintained at a cost Oe $67,645.22 for operation.and $18,209.61 for ordinary maintenanc and repair.el During March 1948, 105.3 tons of riprap and 55.75 tons of grade stone were placed by hired labor as bank revetment at Core orel Creek Bridge, at a cost of $4,274.39. Highway warning signals were installed at Fairfield, Wilkersof Creek, Hobucken, and Core Creek Bridges at a cost of $4,250.86. Miscellaneous surveys cost $30,605.20. The total costs were $316,809.73 for maintenance. The expendi tures were $236,461.43 99 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The entire project is about 99 percent complete. That portion of the project between the Virginia North Carolina State line was commenced in August 1923 and cod pleted in February 1930; the 12-foot channel between Beaufort a. Cape Fear River was commenced in March 1927 and completed in December 1932; the 12-foot side channel to Swansboro was Co, RIVERS AND HIARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 699 menced in December 1938 and completed in January 1939; the 10- 3t channel in New River to Jacksonville was commenced in July Oo 7-39 and completed in October 1939; the 6-foot channel from New iver Inlet to the Waterway was commenced in March 1940 and ?onpleted in June 1940; the 12-foot channel from Cape Fear River, co ., to Little River, S. C., was commenced in February 1939 and tpmleted in June 1940 and the yacht basin at Southport was dredged aCntrollingduring September 1940. At the close of the fiscal year the depths were as follows: Between Virginia State line Sid Beaufort, 10.5 feet; Beaufort to Cape Fear River, 10.2 feet; Side channel to Swansboro, 12 feet; channel in New River to Jack- be~~ille, N. C., 7.9 feet; channel to New River Inlet, 6 feet; and eeen Cape Fear River, N. C., and Little River, S. C., 10.5 feet. The total costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were lic'754,024.93 ($14,673,742.57 regular funds and $80,282.36 Pub- .5 orks funds), of which $9,401,800.55 was for new work and $15,52,224.38 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $84,681,600.90, of which $14,601,318.54 was regular funds and 8282.36 Public Works funds. 0roposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, lu2 2 ,802.27, plus an allotment of $375,000 made during July 1948, ap .accounts receivable $8,088.06, a total of $655,890.33, will be a led as follows: unts payable, June 30, 1948_.----- 4 aintenance: ----------------------- $80,512.09 Snagging and bank trimming with United States plant and hired labor, 2 months, as needed -------- $7,000.00 Dredging in the Beaufort to Cape Fear River section and channel in New River, under existing contract, July-September 1948_ a ------------------- 120,097.77 Dredging in the Cape Fear River, N. C., to Little River, S. C., section, under existing contract, July- December 1948________ --------------- _ 260,000.00 Construction of bank protection works in vicinity of ACoinjock Bridge, under existing contract, July 1948 34,213.08 cquisition of about 614 acres of additional right-of- Way along Adams Creek-Core Creek land cut------ 4,377.99 Miscellaneous surveys, plans, and specifications .---- 17,689.40 aieaintenance (operating and 443,378.24 care): Operating Coinjock, Fairfield, Wilkerson Creek, Ho- Sbucken, and Core Creek bridges --------------- 80,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair of above bridges-__ 10,000.00 Installing power-driven equipment at Hobucken and Wilkerson Creek bridges under existing contract __ 42,000.00 132,000.00 Total for all work_-----_- _ _--------__ --------- -_ 655,890.33 The additional sum of $390,000 can be profitably expended dur- i the fiscal year 1950, as follows: 1 aintenance: Snagging and bank trimming with United States plant and hired labor in land cuts, 2 months, as needed---------- $7,000 Dredging by contract, as needed.............------- 267,000 lMiscellaneous surveys, plans, and specifications-------. 26,000 $300,000 700 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMIY, 1948 Maintenance (operating and care): Operating Coinjock, Fairfield, Wilkerson Creek, Ho- bucken, and Core Creek bridges---......... ..-.. $80,000 Maintenance and repair of above bridges..----------... 10000 0,00 Total for all work . . .- S..-. $90,000 Total for all work------------- --------------- Cost and financial summary 60501.47 Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-...... .------ --.... 9,858.3 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.. ..-------..... .----- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948: - --. - 15,068 O06 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948. .----- ------- 38 Gross total costs to June. 30, 1948_-- ....- ... -9 15,06 2 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ........ 1 Net total expenditures . . .... : ' . 14, 98794 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 ,1 .... 0.... Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 .... 15. 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 194 , 1945 1946 1947 Cost of new work. .. --. I- --- I: __: _ --.i , ' . - "3i 6,_s6' Cost of maintenance.......-----------..... $589,596.07 x$328,968.79 $290, 756.09 $156, 679. 7 236,461 Total expended.--------------- 61, 369. 61 245, 922. 56 377, 964.48 001.1' 158001.97 Allotted . 263, 000. 00 .--------------------- 464, 129. 33 262,850. 00 59, 391 26 $, 6 5 2 0 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 .... ............ 0 Amount allotted during fiscal year. ..-------- --.... ...--- - , Amount to be accounted for---__-.- -L- ------. 43-0 00 552 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-------.. --. - Net amount to be accounted for ... :..509 63 Gross amount expended----------------------------------- Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ... 22,802. Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948..,. .... $80,512.09 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 182,460.26 262,972.35 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------................... 9,8806 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948....................-----------------------8,0 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948.._...m... 375,000 Amount allotted in July 1948.. .............................. Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....1 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 262000.00 of existing project.......................................6 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 000.00 June 30, 1950, for maintenance_.- .......---- ....... 390, 2. PEMBROKE CREEK, N. 'C. Location.-Pembroke Creek is a small nontidal stream flow11 south and southeasterly 91/2 miles to the western end of Edenlt0 Bay, an indentation on the north shore at the west end of Albe' marle Sound. The town of Edenton is situated at the mournth the creek. RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 701 Ezisting project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep, 80 upstream feet wide from the improved channel in Edenton Bay of the U 0 eet; thence 8 feet deep and 50 feet wide to the wharf estited States fish hatchery, two-thirds mile above the mouth. The ltimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $12,500. The lates t (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act Of arch 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 235, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest Plished map is contained in that document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, . provided that local interests furnish, free of cost to the and rilted States, suitable spoil-disposal areas for the initial workhave 51or subsequent maintenance as required. Local interests ' aified their intention of meeting all local cooperation require- eats when and as required. therminal facilities.-The Farmers Peanut Co. has a wharf at the mouth of Pembroke Creek, at the end of the west branch of ae improved Edenton Harbor Channel. The United States fish hatchery has a small wharf, a small marine railway, and a boat- house on the south shore of the creek. Bisecting the lower portion O the creek for some 2,000 feet, a row of piles maintained by the 4 ' G. Brown Lumber Co. forms a log pond of about 28 acres on the north side of the creek. There is ample room on the shore of creek for additional terminals should the needs of commerce o0erequire. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done on the existing project. A depth of 4 feet is available from the improved tannel in Edenton Bay to the United States fish hatchery wharf, -o-thirds mile above the mouth of Pembroke Creek. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is oposed during the fiscal year 1949. dThe sum of $12,500 can be profitably expended for new work during the fiscal year 1950 to provide a channel 12 feet deep and 80 feet wide from the improved channel in Edenton Bay upstream 0 feet, thence 8 feet deep and 50 feet wide to the United States fish hatchery, by contract, September 1949. Cost and financial summary Cot of new work to June 30, 1948__----------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_..--------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---- ..... ----------- et total expenditures_- -.-.. .. . . ...------------- balance, June 30, 1948-._------------- - -expended Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------........... ... ... Aount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion . existing project-------.-_ .__.. ____.--.----____._ $12,500.00 4 Anountthat can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 30, 1950, for new work-....... ..........--......... 12,500.00 804711-48-Vol. 1-46 702 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. AIRMY, 1948 3. CHOWAN RIVER, N. C. Location.-Chowan River is a nontidal, freshwater streah formed by the Nottaway and Blackwater Rivers, both of whI are entirely in Virginia, and have their confluence at the Virg " ia North Carolina State line. From the confluence of the two streai'so the Chowan River flows south and southeast 52 miles to emptY den the northwestern end of Albemarle Sound 4 miles west of ton, N. C. and Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deepwad 80 feet wide from the mouth to the confluence of the Notta a and Blackwater Rivers, Va., including a cut-off channel of likhe dimensions through a sharp bend near Riddicksville, N. C., The estimate ofcost for new work made in 1938 is $15,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $500. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor A t of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 101, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The lates published map is contained in this document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Assurances were aP proved by the Chief of Engineers January 13, 1948. Terminal facilities.-None. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. the Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done onth existing project. A depth of 11 feet is available from the m to the head of the project at the confluence of the NottawaY " and Blackwater Rivers, 52 miles above. k is Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no wor is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $15,000 can be profitably expended for new Oand during the fiscal year 1950 to provide a channel 12 feet deep ad 80 feet wide from the mouth to the confluence of the Notta"aY and Blackwater Rivers, including a cut-off of like dimensions through a sharp bend at Mile 50, by contract, September 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__....__________________------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ._________________ __ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_......- . Net total expenditures--- --- ---------------.-- ---------- ----------- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------- ---- ---- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ._----------- - - - - Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 00 of existing project ... . . $.. Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 15,00000 June 30, 1950, for new work ........ __ 15,000 4. ROANOKE RIVER, N. C. Location.-This stream rises in the Blue Ridge Mountains, west of Roanoke, Va., and flows southeasterly about 200 miles to Clarks' ville, Va., where it is joined by Dan River, its principal tributary; and thence in the same general direction about 198 miles and enlP ties into the westerly end of Albemarle Sound, N. C. (See U. $. RIVERS ANI) HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 703 Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1228 and Post Route Map North" Carolina.) de isting project.-This provides for dredging a channel 12 feet Sep and 150 feet wide from the 12-foot contour in Albemarle und into Roanoke River and thence upstream to a point about 4'mile above the town of Plymouth, N. C., 10 miles; thence a chan- nel 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide to Hamilton, 53 miles; thence a hannel 8 feet deep and 80 feet wide to Palmyra Landing, 18 miles, with a cut-off channel of like dimensions about 2 miles above Wamilton; and thence a channel 5 feet deep and 50 feet wide to _Veldon, N. C., 50 miles, by dredging, snagging, and regulation. aepths of channels are referred to mean low water. The rise and abo of the river, resulting from freshets, is from 18 to 33 feet for miles below Weldon, but this fluctuation diminishes w ard70 toout the mouth, the variations in water levels being from 1 to 2 feet in the lower 15 or 20 miles. The total length of channels included in the project, is 131 miles. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1938, is $638,500. he latest (1938) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $6,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and arbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents kar. 3,1871 Inmlrovement of the river betweenthe mouth and S. Doc.23, 42d Cong., 21 sess., and ly 3 19 Weldon. Annual Report, 1872, p. 726. 1 Juo 20, 193 Entrance channel 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide----- .Doc. 211, 70th Cong., 1st sess. 1 S 1038 resent project dimensions .____............. 11.I).Do. 694,75th Cong., 3d sess. Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. ilerminal facilities.-There are eight wharves at Plymouth. One tYUle farther upstream there is a large wharf and bulkhead, a tiansit shed, and crane runway for handling wood pulp and pulp meaterials. Between this point and Hamilton there are 10 wharves. ~tween -Hamiltonand Halifax thee are 13 log landings. These alites appear to be adequate for existing commerce. ofOPerations and results during fiscal year.-The work consisted oe maintenance dredging, by contract, and miscellaneous surveys. Ween .et August 1 and September 23, 1947, the contract dredge A lington removed 67,109 cubic yards of material from the chan- el below Plymouth at a cost of $17,711.86. Periodic project sur- 7eys cost $23.76. The total costs were $17,735.62 for maintenance. e expenditures were $17,735.62. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project has been omnpleted to the practicable limit. Dredging to obtain the present Project dimensions from the mouth to Palmyra was commenced 1" September 1940 and completed in August 1941. As it is im- Practicable to obtain and maintain the project above i edging, snagging and regulation, the percentage ofPalmyra by completion 1 uncertain. At the close of the fiscal year the limiting depths at local mean low water were as follows: Between Albemarle Sound and 1 mile above Plymouth, 12 feet; thence to Hamilton, 7.4 feet; 704 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 thence to Palmyra, 4 feet; and thence to Weldon, 1 foot. The Wa remaining to be done consists of completing by dredging, 8 a ging and regulation, a channel between Palmyra and Weldon stsa depth of 5 feet and a minimum width of 50 feet. The total cost and expenditures under the existing project to June 30, 1948, otere $404,584.34 for new work and $217,495.50 for maintenance, a total of $622,079.84 Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $523.66, will be expended for miscellaneous surveys during the fiscal year. ur - The additional sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended drt, ing the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, as needed between Plymouth and Palmyra Landing, September October, and November, 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- _ $404,584.34 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------- -- 622,7.84 Net total expenditures- _----- -66 622---- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--- _-------------- -523.6 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 622603. Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -..... -------------- ------------ 7 3-- 735.62 Cost of maintenance------------..... 5, 000. 00 $6,132. 11 $5,867.89 $1,55. 84 Total expended...--------------..............-- , 000. 00 6,132. 11 , 867. 89 1, 554. 84 Allotted....................... -1,000.00 12,000.00 -------------- 50,114.12 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ ------------------ - -$48, 5928 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------- 7500000 Amount to be accounted for_.._ _-____.------ ____123,55 28 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment_ 105,30000 Net amount to be accounted for 18,259.28 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------ 17,7 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__.-------.--- 523.66 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending Jun e 30, 1950, for m ainten an ce E.0 50,000 __...........P _.._ ,00V 5. SCUPPERNONG RIVER, N. C. Location.-This river rises in the center of a peninsula between Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds. It flows generally northerly ma ing a long bend eastward to the town of Columbia, then turninl westward again until it flows into Albemarle Sound. (See u. 's Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1228.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts°o March 3, 1879, and June 13, 1902. For further details, see page 1802 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 490 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.--This provides for a channel 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide across the bar; thence 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide RIVERS AND HARBORS--WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 705 ap to and in front of the town of Columbia; thence 8 feet deep and 40 feet wide to Spruills Bridge, near Creswell, including six C1ar et -offs; thence 7 feet deep and 30 feet wide to the highway bridge Cherry; and a turning basin 7 feet deep, of a triangular form 150 feet wide on a side, near Cherry Bridge, at the mouth of Mauls Creek The total length of channels included in the project is about 20mfiles The plane of reference is mean low water. This is a nontidal Stream, the oscillations of the surface being controlled by the Wiands, which cause ordinary variations of 1 foot. The extreme readinge of wind tides is 5.1 feet, as determined by 1 year's tide-gage The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1925, was $59,000, eexclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,500. 2 Project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2,1919 (H. Doc. 1196, 62d Cong., 3d sess.). The latest published Sis in the project document. Terminal facilities.-There are 11 wharves, piers, etc., on Scup- Pernong River, of which 9 are at Columbia. The total berthing oPace at Columbia is about 300 feet. All wharves are privately fonned and operated. The present facilities appear to be adequate or existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. 1Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was com- ted in 1925. The controlling depths at the end of the fiscal year Were 9.7 feet from the mouth to Columbia; thence 8.7 feet to Spruills Bridge; thence 5.2 feet to Cherry. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $59,914.95 for new WYk and $41,804.25 for maintenance, a total of $101,719.20. o roposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. YearThe sum of $15,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal ar 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, between the outh and Columbia, October 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. __-------------_.. _ __ .. $81,163.63 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ - _____.-------- . 54,865.81 iet Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------......... 136,029.44 ,'otalotal expenditures --------------- 136,029.44 .------------- amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 136,029.44 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance--- .-- -- - -15,000.00 6. MANTEO (SHALLOWBAG) BAY, N. C. inLocation.-ManteoBay or Shallowbag Bay, formed by a natural indentation of the shore line, is on the northeastern side of Roanoke Island, N. C. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1229.) 6 fxisting project.--This provides for a channel 100 feet wide and th eet deep at mean low water from that depth in Roanoke Sound to ofe town of Manteo, about 22% miles, and for a connecting channel Of the same dimensions extending south through Roanoke and 706 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Pamlico Sounds to Oregon Inlet, about 11 miles. The variations of the water surface are due to winds and seldom exceed 2 feet above below mean stage. The extreme range of wind tides, determined bcot 1 year's gage readings at Manteo, is 5.1 feet. The estimate o f9 for new work, revised in 1941, is $55,503. The latest (1948) approved estimate of annual cost of maintenance is $10,000. d The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized 1)ocuments June 25, 1910 Channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Roanoke II.I)oc. 906, 60th Cong., 1st sess Sound to Manteo. 1st sess e ss' Oct. 17, 1940 Connecting channel of same dimensions to Oregon II. DI)oc. 313, 76th Cong., ists Inlet. 1 Contains latest published maps. Terminal facilities.-Thereare 17 wharves on the portion of this harbor under improvement. They have a total frontage of 1 60 feet. The existing facilities are considered adequate for Present commerce. Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-Surveys and prepara tion of plans and specifications for maintenance dredging to cofn' mence in July 1948 cost $2,212.70. Total costs were $2,212.70 for maintenance. Expenditures were $2,211.60. ke Condition at end of fiscal year.-The 6-foot channel from Roano11 Sound to Manteo was dredged during August and September 1911 The channel to Oregon Inlet was commenced in August 1941 andhe completed in November 1941. At the close of the fiscal year the controlling depth in the channel to Manteo was 5.8 feet and to Oregon Inlet 4.2 feet. The total costs under the existing projeco June 30, 1948, were $63,383.84 for new work and $84,168.82 for maintenance, a total of $147,552.66. The total expenditures we $147,551.56. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $47,788.40, will be applied to maintenance as follows: Dredging in the channel to Manteo and to Oregon Inlet under existing 00.00 contract, July and August 1948_ _________________________- $41 000.00 Dredging, by contract, in channel to Oregon Inlet, as needed------ 5 1,000.00 Miscellaneous surveys and contingencies_ _ ------ _ _--------- Total for all work..................--------------------------------- 47,78840 The additional sum of $10,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 and will be applied to maintenance dredging' by contract, in the channel to Oregon Inlet, May 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-----__-- _ $63,38384 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------- 168 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---- 147,55266 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 - .... Net total expenditures_---------- - -- ---- 147,551.56 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948....47,------------78840 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-_-. -- 195,339.96 RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 707 r cning June 30 1944 1945 1946 19417 1948 Cost ofnew w- __ cst OfnoQw t nCos work---------------- ------------- --- - -- enaOfm'nnc---: --- -------------- $5881.65 ----------- --- $29,892.44 -------------- -------------- -$2,212.70 A1-llotted Dn - ---- - d- $, 271 78 -- 1 950. 26 ----- 38,1563. 30 ...........---------. 33,823.83--- -2, 500.00 -$289.21 2,211.60 50, 000. 00 rnount allotted during fiscal year---------------------- $50,000.00 os amount expended------------------------------------- 2,211.60 utBt alance unexpended, June 30, 1948_------------------ 47,788.40 Ato a.ding liabilities, June 30, 1948-...... $1.10 unt covered by uncompleted contracts-- 35,341.00 35,342.10 Balance available, June 30, 1948--------------------- - 12,446.30 Alount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending se 30, 1950, for maintenance--------------------------- 10,000.00 7. PAMLICO SOUND, N. C., TO STUMPY POINT CHANNEL Location.-Stumpy Point Bay is a circular indentation 2 miles in dla neter on the mainland side near the northerly end of Pamlico shund. The town of Stumpy Point is situated on the northeasterly n e of the bay and the hamlet of Lake Worth is situated on the "j'Westerly shore. r 'stfting project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at o an low water, 75 feet wide and about 8,000 feet long, from the 7- }ot c e nto u r in Pamlico Sound through Stumpy Point Bay to Lake at th, with a boat basin, same depth, 50 feet wide by 600 feet long i the inner end. Lunar tides are imperceptible. Normal variations lthe water surface due to wind action seldom exceed 1 foot, but fay be as much as 5 feet during severe storms. The estimate of cost e new work (1948) is $32,500. The latest (1948) approved {ate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,000. JThe existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of une 30, 1948 (HI. Doc. 422, 80th Cong. 1st sess.). The latest ublished map is in that document. p ocal cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948, Stovided that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United eates, all lands, easements, rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas e cessary hold toquired; the construction and subsequent maintenance as for and save the United States free from damages due p. he construction and subsequent maintenance of the project and thrOlde and maintain adequate terminal facilities with access blereto which shall be open to all on equal terms. These require- ments have not as yet been met. ieerminal facilities.-At Lake Worth the bulkheads in the exist- g basin provide about 550 linear feet of berthing space, and a Wholesale fish house provides about 250 linear feet. Part of the Sace along the bulkheads is publicly owned. There are numerous Sall cheaply constructed wharves along the shore of Stumpy Point fay. No mechanical freight-handling devices are available. The ac lities are considered adequate for existing and prospective Glarerce, 708 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. the Condition at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done onfeet existing project. A depth of 4 feet is available to within 500 feet of the entrance of the existing basin at Lake Worth; the controllin depth in the remaining 500 feet of the channel is 2.7 feet and 2 feet in the basin. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948________-_________. -.------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.....__-_--_ - ------.. -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---- -----......... Net total expenditures_----------------------------- ----- r-r Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.. --.----.----- ----- -..... Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-. . ---- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -... 2,50 ......... ................ 8. CHANNEL FROM PAMLICO SOUND TO RODANTHE, N. C. Location.-The village of Rodanthe is on the narrow barrie beach between Pamlico Sound and the Atlantic Ocean, about 25 miles north of Cape Hatteras and 15 miles south of Oregon les; The main 6-foot depth contour in Pamlico Sound lies about 3 mile offshore (westward) at this locality, but at a point about opposit Rodanthe, a narrow slough, known locally as Pughs Channel, bringsd the 6-foot depth to within 1 mile of the beach. (See U. S. Coast a"f Geodetic Survey Chart No: 1232.) 0 Existing project.--This provides for a channel 6 feet deep, 100 feet wide, from the 6-foot contour in Pamlico Sound to the shore, with a basin at the shore end of the same depth, 80 to 100 feet wide and having a total length, including arms, of about 1,200 feet Lunar tides are imperceptible. Normal variations in the water surface due to wind action seldom exceed 1 foot, but maY be a5 much as 5 feet during severe storms. The estimate of cost for ned work, revised in 1946, is $10,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,000. of The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act t March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 234, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in that document. 5 Local cooperation.-The River. and Harbor Act of March 2,194 provided that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and for subse- quent maintenance as required. The Board of County Comm1 sioners, Dare County, has signified its intention of meeting all local cooperation requirements, when and as required.d Terminal facilities.-There are two wharves with a combift frontage of 90 feet in the existing basin at Rodanthe, in addition tO the bulkheaded portion generally used by the Coast Guard. These facilities are open to the public when not in use by their owners. RIVERS ANDI) ARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 709 The existing facilities are believed to be adequate for present and ospective commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. exonition at end of fiscal year. No work has been done on the in ting project. A depth of about 4.5 feet is available in the exist- ifg channel from Pamlico Sound to and including the basin at ProPosed operations. No funds are available and no work is Prposed during the fiscal year 1949. dhe sum of $10,000 can be profitably expended for new work Wiing the fiscal year 1950 to provide a channel 6 feet deep, 100 feet epth e, from Pamlico Sound to Rodanthe, with a basin of the same at the ncluding shore arms of end, 80 1,200 about to 100 feet feet, wide and having a total length by contract, October, 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------------------------- of maintenance mt to June 30, 1948__---..----------.. ---- ---------- Total cost of pemanent work to June 30, 1948..----------- --------- .Nettotalexpenditures -_ -.------------------ --------- expended balance, June 30, 1948 --------- ---------- --------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 .----.---- -------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------------------------------- $10,000 Aunt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending ne 30, 1950, for new work --------- ----------- 10,000 9. CHANNEL FROM PAMLICO SOUND TO AVON, N. C. b Location.-The village of Avon is on the narrow barrier beach etWeen Pamlico Sound and the Atlantic Ocean, 9 miles north of Cale Hatteras. West of the village the sound is 25 miles wide. out 4 miles offshore a shoal or bar parallels the beach from Hat- toras Inlet, 15 miles southwest of Avon, to Oregon Inlet, 30 miles horth of Avon. Cape Channel, a natural opening in the bar 6 miles uthwest of Avon, has a controlling depth of 6 feet; from that open- b a depth of 5 feet is available to Black Hammock Channel, a asin with depths of over 10 feet, 1500 feet from the shore line at CVon Shoreward of the basin the water is very shallow. (See U. S. oast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1232.) xizsting project.-This provides for a channel from Pamlico hound to Avon, 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide, with a basin at the ho'e end, same depth, 100 feet wide and 300 feet long. Lunar tides are imperceptible. Normal variations in the water surface due to W(ind action seldom exceed 1 foot, but may be as much as 5 feet dur- ing Severe storms. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $26,500. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual Sst(of maintenance is $1,000. The aexisting project was adoped by the River and Harbor Act of pqarch 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 316, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest Published map is in that document. 710 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. AIRM[Y, 1948 Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminalfacilities.-Thereare two wharves in the basin at AVore with a total frontage of about 150 feet. The existing facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. on Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was cOIhe menced in September 1946 and completed in October 1946. At the close of the fiscal year the controlling depth to Avon was 6.4 feet The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to Ju 30, 1948, were $28,000 for new work. is Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. cl The sum of $8,000 can be profitably expended during the fis year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, June 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ $28,000 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ____._- - -- 8, Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 28,00 Net total expenditures_ --- ------------ -_ 28'000 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 28 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work------ ---------------- --- -------------- $99.84 $27, 900. 16 Cost of maintenance---------------- ---------------- ---------------------- Total expeinde-l(--------------- ------------- ------------- 22. 07 27, 977.93 -- Allotted..---------------------- ----------- 26, 50. 00 ----....................-------- 1, 50. 00 - Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending $8,000 June 30, 1950, for maintenance__ ____ __ 10. BELHAVEN HARBOR, N. C. Location.-The town of Belhaven is at the junction of Pantego Creek and Pungo River, about 11 miles above the mouth of the latter. The harbor consists of the lower reaches of Pantego Creel and is about 6,000 feet long. Pungo River forms part of the Intra- coastal Waterway between Norfolk and the St. Johns River. Nor- folk is 130 miles north of Belhaven and Beaufort 66 miles south. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1231.) at Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep mean low water and 100 feet wide, extending from deep water jf Pungo River to a point about 800 feet east of the highway bridge, with a turning basin 800 feet long and 300 feet wide at the upper end; and for the construction of timber breakwaters at the mouth of Pantego Creek. Pungo River is a nontidal stream with little slope. Variations in the water surface, due to winds, seldom exceed 2 feet above or below mean stage. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1938, was $106,500. The latest (1938) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $7,500. RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, 711 N. C., DISTRICT The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: rActs s_ Work authorized Documents JUly 3, 1930 Present project dimensions of the channel and turning H. Doc. 778, 69th Cong., 2d sess.t June 201935 Tijbasin, 18 mber breakwaters at the mouth of Pantego Creek. H. Doc. 693, 75th Cong., 3d sess.l Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.--Fullycomplied with. Terminal tfont, facilities.-There all of timber are 12 wharves along the town water construction; 1 is owned by the town and is open to all Without charge; 4 have rail connections. The facilities are Cosidered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--That portion of the project pro- Viding for the present channel and turning basin was commenced y, March and completed in August 1931; the timber breakwaters 1wre commenced in December 1939 and completed in September h40". At the close of the fiscal year the controlling depth in the tannel to Belhaven was 12 feet, and 10.9 feet in the turning basin totthe upper 1otal costs end; the breakwaters were in fair condition. The and expenditures 4 under the existing project to June 30, and, were $128,876.22, of which $126,687.41 was for new work p$2,188.81 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Droposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $10,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal ear 1950 for maintenance as follows: bredging, by contract, in turning basin, June 1950 ----------------- $5,000 lepairs to breakwaters, by contract, June 1950------- --------- 5,000 Total for all work_ -------- ---------- 10,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------- $126, 687.41 Cst of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ---------------- 2,188.81 NToe totalTotalexpenditures cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------- ---------------------------------- 128,876.22 128,876.22 amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -128,876.22 1---------------- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending une 30, 1950, for maintenance--.-.-- -- --------- __ 10,000.00 11. FAR CREEK, N. C. Location.-Far Creek is in Hyde County, N. C., and flows easterly into Pamlico Sound at a point about 95 miles south of Norfolk, Va. (See U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1232.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at lean low water and 60 feet wide from Pamlico Sound to a point about 200 feet below the highway bridge at Engelhard, with a 712 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 turning basin at the head. The total length of channels included if the project is about 2 miles. There is some lunar tide in Pamlico Sound, but the principal variations in the level of the water surface are due to winds. Ordinary winds cause a variation of about 1foot, while severe storms will double or triple this variation. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1929, was $30,00. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. The project was authorized by the River and Harbor approved July 3, 1930 (, Dc. 112, 71st Cong. 1st sess)The Act, Act latest published map is in this document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. th a Terminal facilities.--There are six wharves at Engelhard with a total frontage of about 410 feet, all privately owned. The existing facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. as Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project waof commenced in March and completed in May 1931. At the close o the fiscal year the controlling depth to Engelhard was 7.2 feet.30e total costs and expenditures under the existing project to June 30' 1948, were $34,500 for new work and $75,140.34 for maintenance a total of $109,640.34. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $15,000 made during July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dredging, by contract May 1949. The additional sum of $10,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, MaY 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ .. $34 500 004 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 75 14034 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 109,640.34 Net total expenditures_- -------------- - 109,640 34 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 109,64034 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work --------------------------------------------------------- Cost of maintenance -------------- ------------ $23,747.85 $9,758.56 Total expended------------------ --------------... ----... --... 3,870. 65 29,635. 76- - Allotted-------------..............-------.....--....-----------..... ----.............----- 36,000.00 -2,493. 59 Amount allotted in July 1948_-------------------------------- $15,000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- ..--.. _ -- 15,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance... .. _ 10,000 10. 000. RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 713 12, WATERWAY CONNECTING SWAN QUARTER BAY WITH DEEP BAY, N. C. thLocation.---Swan Quarter Bay and Deep Bay are shallow bays on te north side of Pamlico Sound about 10 miles east of the mouth:of Panlico River. The town of Swan Quarter is at the head of Swan Bay. By boat route, Belhaven on Pungo River lies 26 miles ouarter northwesterly, and Washington on Pamlico River lies 45 miles esterly. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Chart No. 1231.) 8 feetin project.-This provides for a channel 60 feet wide and Q eet deep from Deep Bay through the present waterway to Swan fuarter Bay, and thence through the Swan Quarter Canal to a basin th the same depth about 500 feet long, and 60 to 300 feet wide, at the head of the canal. There is no lunar tide.: Variations in the Sater surface due to wind action seldom exceed 1 or 2 feet above or beloW mean stage. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $46,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual ost of maintenance is $1,500. :The existing project was authorized by the following river and arbor acts: Acts T)ocuments ' Work authorized t le 25, 1910 Channel 5,500 feet long, 50-foot bottom width, 6-foot II. Doc. 445, 60th Conig., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1945 depth, between Swan Quarter Bay and D)eep Bay. Channel, 8 feet deep, 60 feet wide, from )eep 3Bayto 11. Doc. 239, 76th Cong., 1st sess.' and including basin at head of Swan Quarter Canal. Contains latest published maps. Local Cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, rovided that local interests shall extinguish all claims of right, title, and interest of the Swan Quarter Canal Co. in the existing Caal; shall furnish, free of cost to the United States, a right-of- oay 200 feet wide along the canal extending 100 feet on each side o the center line and including the area enclosed by a line parallel be and 70 feet distant from the bottom edge of the cut around the asin, and suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and for Sbsequent maintenance as required; and shall, before work is Undertaken, furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of Qtar that they will construct adequate terminal facilities at Swan Quarter, open to all on equal terms. The Board of County, mmissioners, Hyde County, has signified its intention to comply With all local cooperation requirements, when and as required, except for the requirement that local interests shall extinguish all .laims of right, title, and interest of the Swan Quarter Canal Co. Inthe existing canal. Terminal facilities.-There are no wharves along the waterway nnecting Swan Quarter Bay with: Deep Bay, and none are Ieeded. At the head of the Swan Quarter Canal there are five Wharves, with a total frontage of 205 feet, generally, open to the lublic when not in use by the owners. These facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce, but a suitable warehouse and Ublic wharf should be provided if the improvement is made. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. 714 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is 28 percent complete. The part of the project providing for a channel 5,000 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 6 feet deep, through the marsh connecting Swan Quarter Bay with Deep Bay, was commenced in December 1910 and completed in May 1910. No work has been done on the part providing for a channel 8 feet deep, 60 feet Wide, from Deep Bay to and including a basin at head of Swan Quarter Canal. At the close of the fiscal year there was an available depth of 5.3 feet in the channel connecting Swan Quarter Bay with DeeP Bay, and 6.0 feet in the Swan Quarter Canal from Swan Quarte ' Bay to Swan Quarter. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $8,550.98 for new work a $10,433.40 for maintenance, a total of $18,984.38.k i Proposed operations-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- 1509,433 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------10,43---- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- 18 984.38 Net total expenditures --------------------- 1898438 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project - - - -- - - - - - - --. 37,500 37, 13. PAMLICO AND TAR RIVERS, N. C. Location.-The two names are applied to the same river, it being known as the Pamlico below Washington, N. C., and as the Tar above that point. This stream rises in Person County, flows generally southeasterly 217 miles, and empties into Pamlico Sound. The Pamlico River is 38 miles long. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 537.) Previouts projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of JulY 4, 1836, and August 30, 1852. For further details see page 502 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water and 200 feet wide from the 12-foot contour in the river below Washington to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad bridge at Washington; 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Washington to a turning basin of the same depth, 200 feet wide and 300 feet long, in Hardee Creek, 1,500 feet above its mouth; 6 feet deep and 75 feet wide to Greenville; 20 inches deep and 60 feet wide to Tarboro; thence to clear the natural channel above Tarboro to Little Falls. The length of section under improvement is 97 miles, extending from a point 14 miles below Washington to Little Falls. The stream is nontidal; variations in the water surface at Wash- ington, due to prevailing winds, seldom exceed 2 feet. The extreme range of the flood or freshet stage for the upper section is 34 feet at Tarboro. For the lower section, the extreme range due to winds is 8.3 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1937 was $754,000, exclusive of amount expended on previous project. The latest RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 715 (1937) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is The existing harbor acts: project was authorized by the following river and Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 14, 1876 Channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the mouth II. Doe. 68, 45th Cong. 3d sess. AMlar. 3 187 A to Washington. and Annual Report, 1879, p. 700. A.t, 11, 188 Clearing the channel to Tarboro 8 Clearing the channel between Tarboro and Little Annual Report, 1889, p. 1130. Mar. Falls(Rocky Mount). r 2,07 Channel 4 feet deep and 60 feet wide between Wash- Ht. Doc. 342, 59th Cong., 2d sess. Jl2 1 ington and Greenville. A 10-foot depth and 200-foot width from the mouth IH. Doc. 270, 62d Cong., 2d sess.' to Washington, thence 6-foot depth and 75-foot width to Greenville. 3,30Pr t 12-foot project to the Atlantic Coast Line resentuly Rivers and Harbors Committee Aug.26, 1937 R. R. bridge at Washington. D)oc. 11, 71st Cong., 1st sess.' 937 Present 12-foot project from Washington to a turning Rivers and Harbors Committee basin in Hardee Creek. Doc. 22, 75th Cong., 1st sess.' t Containslatest published maps. th .ecommended modifications of project.-The abandonment of S ilprovement above Tarboro, N. C., is recommended in House O ument 467, Sixty-ninth Congress, first session. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. rermminal facilities. There are 54 wharves on the portion of this iver under improvement, of which 34 are along the water front at us hington, e 19 between Washington and the mouth, and only 1 in 8sl , condition above Washington. They have a total frontage of 1 3 70 feet. The existing facilities are considered adequate for exist- "1 commerce. OPerations and results during the o° sisted of miscellaneous surveys. Thefiscal year.-The work costs were $4,000 for 8aintenance. Expenditures were $3,188.17. SConditins at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was completed in 1939. The 12-foot channel below Washington was Chmtenced in March 1931 and completed in July 1931. The 12-foot i annel between Washington and Hardee Creek was commenced cl July 1939 and completed in December 1939. The controlling fe'th at the close of the fiscal year was 12 feet to Washington, 8.5 et to and including the turning basin in Hardee Creek, 3.5 feet to Qreenville, and 1 foot to the mouth of Fishing Creek. The total costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $674,651.38 -' new work and $532,352.78 for maintenance, a total of , 7,004.16. The total expenditures were $1,206,192.33. Proposed 811.33, will operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, be applied to accounts payable, June 30, 1948. the he additional sum of $66,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance as follows: B1 ng channel between Washington and Hardee Creek, by contract, Drpril and May 1950 ................... _ .. _____ ...... $35,000 eSadging channel at and below Washington, by contract, June 1950...... an ing between Washington and Hardee Creek, with United States ant and hired labor, February and March 1950___----------- ----- 25,000 6,000 Total for all work ------ _________________ _____.. ___.... 66,000 716 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ $689,651.38 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. __ _ 532352.78 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 .................... ------- 1,222,0048316 811.83 Net total expenditures__ ________ 1,221,83 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 ..... ....... Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- -- 1,222,004.16 _ __ __ I Fiscal year ending June 30 1948 1944 1945 1946 1947 Cost of new work.............. Cost of maintenance ........... --------- _ __. $77, 441. 39 $20, 967.96 -- $4 Total expended..-....... ...... .------ .- --- ----------- 4 443 5, 35 48, 966.00 =._- 3,1---' ----- "'3181 40935 8,--= 400000 Allotted----------.. ----------... -$9,610.12 90, 000. 00 Amount allotted during fiscal year-T. _ $66 00000 62,000 00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment Net amount to be accounted for -- 4,00000 3 188-'" Gross amount expended ... 811.83 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -- 811.83 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 . Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance. 66,000.00 14. ROLLINSON CHANNEL, N. C. Location.-This channel extends from deep water in pamlico Sound to the village of Hatteras, near Hatteras Inlet, N. C. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1232.) d Existing project.-This provides for a channel 100 feet wide a 6 feet deep at mean low water from deep water in Pamlico Sound to and including a basin at Hatteras. Variation in the water surface due to winds seldom exceeds 1 or 2 feet above or below mean sthage Severe windstorms will double or triple this variation. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $60,100. .8?e latest (1948) approved estimate of annual cost of maintenance i $5,000. d The existing project was authorized by the following river an harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocuments Aug. 30, 1935 6-foot channel, 100 feet wide from deep water in II. Doc. 218, 72d Cong., 1st seSS. Pamlico Sound to natural inner basin. 1s ss. Mar. 2, 1945 Extension of 6-foot channel to and including basin II. l)oc. 236,76th Cong", ¢ap.) same depth at Iatteras. (Contains latest publishe... Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 provided that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way and spoil-dispos areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance as RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 717 required; set apart suitable space for a public landing; and hold and Savetthe United States free from claims for damages resulting from Coe unprovement. The Board of County Commissioners, Dare reounty, has signified its intention of meeting all local cooperation quirements ~ erminal facilities. There are eight wharves in the basin at attieras, with a total frontage of about 1,400 feet. The existing fat0 es are considered adequate for present commerce. f perations and results during fiscal year.-The work consisted aintenance dredging by contract and miscellaneous surveys. r etween June 19 and 25, 1948, the contract dredge Savannah removed 38,219 cubic yards of material from the channel through the outer shoal at a cost of $18,689.61 Periodic project surveys est $596.93. The total costs were $19,286.54 for maintenance. e expenditures were $1,662.85. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project is 43 percenti n complete. The 6-foot channel, 100 feet wide, from deep inaer Pamlico Sound to the natural inner basin was commenced d October, and completed in December 1936. No work has been b°oe on the extension of the 6-foot channel to and including the dasin at Hatteras. At the close of the fiscal year the controlling th *in the complete portion was 6.0 feet and 5.5 feet to and eIluding the existing basin at Hatteras. The costs under the existing Project to June 30, 1948, were $20,125.43 for new work exd $82,886.54 for maintenance, a' total of $103,011.97. .The Sxpenditures were $20,125.43 for new work and $65,262.85 for Inatenance, a total of $85,388.28. 1Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, a18,337.15, plus an allotment of $15,000 made during July 1948, otal of $33,337.15 will be applied to maintenance as follows: payable, June 30, 1948 uAcrcuts $17,623.69 ging, by contract, in channel through outer shoal, June 1949 ... 15,713.46 Total for all work-------------- ---------- ------ 33,337.15 The additional sum of $45,000 can be profitably expended during e fiscal year 1950 as follows: Ne wTork: Dredging a 6-foot channel to and including basin, same depth, Ma.~atteras, by contract, October and November 1949------------- $40,000 untenance: Dredging, by contract, in channel through outer shoal, June 1950 -- -- - -- _ ----_----- ---- - -- 5_ 5,000 Total for all work ____ ______----------- --------- 45,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948$-------------------------- $20,125.43 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----- -------- 82,886.54 hin Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ..-...-. 103,011.97 s accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------- 17,623.69 Net total expenditures ______ __ .- - 85,388.28 expended balance June 30, 1948- _ -- .--.- __ 18,337.15 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------- -103,725,43 804711-48--Vol. 1-46 718 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 - 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 i Cost of new work-............... ...-.-...... .. . . .. _ _ ---- .... .-.. - Cost of maintenance ------------- $22,500------------- .............. $1,716.93 $24, 283.07 Total expended ----------..... ...---------- _ 22, 500 1,648.34 24,351.66 1,662.85 Allotted------------------------22, 600 ...-.--.-.... 16,000.00 10,000.00 20,000-00 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ $20,0000 Gross amount expended_______________________________ Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----- 18 33.6915 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------------ ,6 9 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------- -------- 00 Amount allotted in July 1948_. _ --..- - Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ---- 15,113.46 15,. Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project 4000 40 000" Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: 40,000.00 For new work-- ,000.00 4----------------------------- For maintenance__ ___________________________ Total.. . . Total----------------------y-------------------- 45,000.00 450.0 15. SILVER LAKE HARBOR, N. C. Location.-Silver Lake Harbor is at the westerly end of Ocracoke Island, a portion of the barrier separating Pamlico Sound fronthe Atlantic Ocean. Beaufort Harbor lies about 50 miles southweest Belhaven is about 60 miles northwest. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1232.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 10 feet deep froof that depth in Pamlico Sound to and including an anchorage basineet the same depth in Silver Lake Harbor, with widths of 100 el across Big Foot Slough bar, and 60 feet in the entrance channed together with a training wall 300 feet long to protect the outer ene of the entrance channel from northeast storms. The ordinary range of tide is about 1 foot within the lake and about 21/, feet at the outer end of the connecting channel. Severe storm tides have been known to raise the water surface of the lake, as much as 5 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1941, is $71,000* The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of mainlte- nance is $7,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river an nd harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 3, 1930 Entrance channel 5 feet deep and 50 feet wide from Rivers and Harbors Com ittee Pamlico Sound to the 3-foot contour in the lake and Doc. 3, 70th Cong., 1st sess. training wall at entrance. t sess. Oct. 17, 1940 Channel 10 feet deep and anchorage basin of same 11. Doc. 325, 76th Cong.,IsP'.) depth; 100 feet wide across Big Foot Slough and 60 (Contains latest published10 feet wide in entrance. RIVERS AND HARBORS--WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 719 Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. . erminal facilities.-There are 12 small wharves extending consi the shore to the deeper waters in the lake. These facilities are Considered adequate for the present commerce. of verations and results during fiscal year.-The work consisted fet"aintenance dredging by contract and miscellaneous surveys. etWeen June 26 and 29, 1948, the contract dredge Savannah ternoved 9,478 cubic yards of material from the entrance channel so the basin at Ocracoke, at a cost of $4,747.04. Periodic project srveys cost $540.90. The total costs were $5,287.94 for mainten- anceThe expenditures were $1,138.83. com- ondition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was r1eced in June and completed in August 1942. At the end of the Year the controlling depth was 3.4 feet in Big Foot Slough bar Channel and 10 feet in the entrance channel and basin at Ocracoke. $1e t o tal costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were for3,730.49, of which $67,241.30 was for new work and $46,489.19 or maintenance. The total expenditures were $109,581.38, of ance. $67,241.30 was for new work and Wahic $42,340.08 for mainten- $1Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $1,861.17, plus accounts receivable of $5.76, plus an allotment of to ,000 made during July 1948, a total of $28,866.93 will be applied laintenance as follows: edounts payable, June 30, 1948_.. ---------- $4,154.87 b dging, by contract, in Big Foot Slough Bar, entrance channel and bn at Ocracoke, May 1949 ------------------ ..------- ------ 24,712.06 Total for all work ----------------------------------- 28,866.93 The additional sum of $7,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, in etrance channel and basin at Ocracoke, June 1950. Cost and financial summary Cof new work to June 30, 1948___----- ------------- $67,241.30 of maintenance to June 30, 1948_____------------- 46,489.19 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- Plus accounts _ __ 113,730.49 receivable June 30, 1948---------------------- - 5.76 u Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------------- ------ 113,736.25 is accounts payable June 30, 1948_----------------- 4,154.87 Tie Net total expenditures______ nexpended balance June 30, 1948_____ ___--------------_ .---------------- 109,581.38 13,861.17 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 123,442.55 ' seal Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost lew -ork__ _____-__ ofmaintenace-----------$2,086.44 $16, 000.00$641. 24 $5,287. 94 expended ------------.. - 21, 086. 44 15, 964. 24 35. 76 641.24 1,138.83 Allotted _ - - ............ . 20, 000.00 16,000.0 0 ....--------- 641.24 15, 000.00 720 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------- _ _ __ - $15,00000 Gross amount expended ----------------------------- _ 38 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-- --------------- .. . 1354 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948__.---- Balance available, June 30, 1948 5.76 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 --- ----- S712,06 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948---....15000-00 Amount allotted in July 1948------------ .... ___0_ 15,000. - 712.06 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .24,7 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending ,500.00 June 30, 1950, for maintenance--- 7,50- 16. NEUSE RIVER, N. C. Location.--Rises in the northerly part of North Carolina and flows southeasterly until it reaches Kinston; thence northeast to mouth of Contentnea Creek; thence southeast to a point 20 riles below New Bern; thence northeast until it flows into panlico Sound. Its total length is about 300 miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 538.) ad Existing project.--This provides for a channel 300 feet wide and 12 feet deep at mean low water from a point 10 miles below, uP to and in front of New Bern; 4 feet deep at dead low water to 1Kinstto and during 9 months of the year 3 feet deep at dead low water to Smithfield, to be obtained by dredging and snagging. Length a the section included in the project, about 160 miles. The strearD is nontidal; variations in the water surface at and below New Bern, due to prevailing winds, seldom exceed 2 feet above or below mean stage. The extreme range of flood or freshet stage for the uppe section of the river is 21 feet at Selma. Tide-gage readings at Newe Bern, covering 4 years, show the extreme range of wind tides to e 8.3 feet. 720 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1927, was $417,2 The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte ance is $12,500.d The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents - I -~-~-- c~------ -I June 18, 1878 An unobstructed channel 5 feet deep at low stage to Annual Report, 1879, p. 708. (Goldsboro and 3 feet deep at dead low water to Smithfeldi. June 13, 1902 Channel 8 feet deep at dead low water and 300 feet 11. Doc. 317, 54th Cong., 2d sess wide to New Bern, thence 200 feet wide at New (Annual Report, 1897, P. 1427.) Bern. Jan. 21, 1927 Channel 12 feet deep at mean low water and 300 feet H. D)oc. 299, 67th Cong., 2d sess. wide to and in front of New Bern. Latest published map is in Annual Report, 1899, p. 10,58. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. of Terminal facilities.-There are 30 wharves on this stream, at which 2 are below New Bern, 16 at or near New Bern, 3 at Bridgeton, and 9 above New Bern. They have a total frontage RIVERS AND IIAtRBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 721 about 2,900 feet. Existing facilities are considered adequate for Operations and results during fiscal year.-Miscellaneous sur- VeYs were made. The cost and expenditures were $677.73. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Except for the width of the cannel in front of New Bern, which is only 200 feet, the project is COipleted to the practicable limit. That part of the project roviding for a channel 12 feet to New Bern was commenced in to ru a r y 1929, and completed in May 1929. As it is impracticable to obtain and maintain the project depth above New Bern by "aging and dredging, the percentage of completion is uncertain. At the close of the fiscal year a channel 300 feet wide and 11.5 feet toep Was available from the mouth to New Bern. From New Bern 2.7a oint 23 miles above, the controlling depth was 3.8 feet; thence 2e feet to the mouth of Contentnea Creek, 32 miles above New ern; thence 1 foot to Seven Springs, 75 miles above New Bern. ofT total costs and expenditures to June 30, 1948, were $691,911.67, te w hich $403,066.04 was for new work and $288,845.63 for main- proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Droposed for the fiscal year 1949. Yhe sum of $12,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal oar 1950 for maintenance dredging in front of New Bern, by Cntract, November 1949. Cost and financial summary of new work to June 30, 1948 .......---------------- Cot of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ..---------------- $403,066.04 288,845.63 691,911.67 he Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------- 691,911.67 ettotal expenditures---- -- ____ _ _ _ ____ -___ ____ t amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------- 691,911.67 1945 1946 1947 11:18 Sending une 30 1944 Co-Co f new Work- _-------- --------- _- ----------- ------------ ------------ . $677.73 =i77, 73I 677, 73 I-------_ 677. 73 allotted -r-out during fiscal year--------------------- O's amount expended--_-------- -------------- _ $677.73 677.73 Anount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending Sune 30, 1950, for maintenance. -------- .......--------- 12,500.00 17. SMITHS CREEK (PAMLICO COUNTY), N. C. Location.--Smiths (Smith) Creek rises in Pamlico County, flows generally southerly, and empties into Neuse River at the town of 5riental, 25 miles southeasterly from New Bern, N. C. It is about Ililes long but navigable only 2 or 3 miles above its mouth. (See . Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 538.) e1isting project.--This provides for excavating a basin in the small bay in the center of the town of Oriental, and just inside the 722 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 mouth of the creek, to a depth of 10 feet at mean low water, and removing several lumps and projecting points in the entrance channel. Variations in the water level, due to winds, seldom exceedur 2 feet above or below mean stage. Observations of 4 years tion show that the extreme range of wind tides is 8.3 feet. 50. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1910, was $16,250 The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenan is $2,000.tof The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910 (H. Doc. No. 774, 61st Cong., 2d sess.). Thelatest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. all of Terminalfacilities.-There are 16 wharves in this harbor, al timber construction with pile foundations. They have a frontae ae varying from 6 to 40 feet, the total frontage being about 400 feet. None has rail connections. One wharf was built by the town and is to be maintained in perpetuity as a public wharf. The remaininblic wharves are all privately owned but are generally open to the eblied when not required by the owners. The facilities are consid adequate for existing commerce. sted Operations and results during fiscal year.-The work consisted of maintenance dredging, by contract, and miscellaneous surveYS Between February 5 and 17, 1948, the contract dredge Savaannel removed 49,062 cubic yards of material from the entrance cha for and inner basin. The costs and expenditures were $16,822.27 for maintenance. stig Condition at end of fiscal year.-Dredging under the existi project was commenced in September 1912. Dredging cent suspended in November 1912, when the project was 92 percent complete, due to failure of the bulkhead constructed bY local interests to retain the dredged material. The project was coIl pleted during July 1936, by Government plant and hired labor. At the close of the fiscal year the controlling depths were 10 feet in the entrance channel and 9.5 feet in the basin. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to June 30, 1948 toeal $14,471.80 for new work and $23,780.07 for maintenance, a of $38,251.87. ki Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work i proposed for fiscal year 1949. The sum of $4,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, November 1 Cost and financial summary $14, 471 80 Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--- _ __________ 0 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-- -- ._ ------------ - 23,780 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.--------- 38,251-8 Net total expenditures-----_ __---___----- --........ - 38,251.81 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.------------- 38, 25 1 81 RIVERS AND IIARIBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 723 Year ending June 30 1914 1945 1946 1947 1948 C Cost ofnew work. O1 Utenanc -------------------------------------------------------- $16,822.27 Allotted-----------------------16,822.27 Amot allotted during fiscal year-------------------- $16,822.27 amount exp.ended---------------- Gross -16,822.27 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 30, 1950, for maintenance_-------- ---------------- 4,000.00 18. CHANNEL CONNECTING THOROUGHFARE BAY WITH CEDAR BAY, N. C. abocation.---Thoroughfare Bay is on the north side of Core Sound, anout 6 miles west of the end of the peninsula at the junction of Core aPamlico Sounds. It lies about 30 miles by the boat route through GQe Sound easterly from Beaufort, N. C. (See U. S. Coast and G~etic Survey Chart No. 1233.) 50~x sting project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep and fa5eet wide, with increased widths at bends, to connect Thorough- isre Bay and Cedar Bay. The channel is about 4 miles long. There s lunar tide in the waterway, variations in the level of the water wind action. Ordinary storms will cause a foot toabove of 1 due Sartationbeing v ace or below the mean stage, while severe hnlsmay cause a variation of as much as 3 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $30,000. ioflatest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance aThe existing project was authorized by the following river and arbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents r. 19 5-foot channel, 50 feet wide . I.I)oc. 1125, 63d Cong., 2d sess. ....................---------- 1945 Present project dimensions ..------------------------ S.D)oc. 87, 76th Cong., 1st sess. (Contains latest published map.) pLocal cooperation. The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, Sttvided that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United Workes suitable spoil-disposal areas when and as required, for new sioe and subsequent maintenance. The Board of County Commis- loaers, Carteret County, has signified its intention of meeting all c7l cooperation requirements. Serminal facilities.--There are no wharves on the waterway and, ait is only a part of a through waterway, none are deemed neces- Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. eetCondition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 31 per- Int complete. The existing 5-foot channel was commenced in ncareh and completed in April 1921. No work has been done on yeaSsing the depth to 7 feet, same width. At the close of the fiscal 'r the controlling depth was 4.6 feet in the completed portion. 724 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to Jun e 30, 1948, were $9,000 for new work and $15,549.01 for maintenanc a total of $24,549.01. is Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no wor is proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $21,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new-work dredging, January 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------___ $900000 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_______________________ 15, 01 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-24,54901 Net total expenditures. __-__.- __ 241,5491 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 21,000.00 of existing project_________________________________ __ Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 21000.00 June 30, 1950, for new work_ .21, 2,00 19. DRUM INLET, N. C. Location.-Drum Inlet is an opening through the barrier beach which separates Core Sound from the Atlantic Ocean. It is about 1,100 feet wide and is about 35 miles northeast of Beaufort and oP" posite the village of Atlantic. at Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet dee the mean low water and 200 feet wide from the gorge in the inlet tthe federally improved channel in Core Sound, about 1 mile. The m1ea range of tide is 3.8 feet in the ocean and 0.3 foot in Core Soun "t Atlantic. O The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1937, was $50,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $8,000. Act The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Ac of June 20, 1938 (H. Doc. 414, 75th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in this document. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-There are no wharves along this waterwYd and, as it is only a part of a through waterway, none are deened necessary. f Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-The work consisted maintenance dredging by contract and miscellaneous surveys. $o tween April 21 and May 23, 1948, the contract dredge Hampton Roads removed 185,539 cubic yards of material from shoals in the channel leading to the inlet at a cost of $55,585.28. Periodic project surveys cost $1,714.72. The total costs were $57,300.00 for maite ance. The expenditures were $57,008.82. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was cof' menced in October 1939 and completed in February 1940. At the close of the fiscal year the controlling depth was 8 feet in the comn pleted portion. A depth of 7 feet was available on the ocean bar. The costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $52,828.22 for new work and $83,502.35 for maintenance, a total O RIVERS AND HARBORS WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 725 $86.330.57. The expenditures were $52,828.22 for new work and z211.17 for maintenance, a total of $136,039.39. $2 9Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, Te. 18 , will be applied to accounts payable, June 30, 1948. Yhe sum of $8,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 for maintenance dredging, by contract, May 1950. Cos.t and financial summary 00of new work to June 30, 1948_ - -.----------------- $52,828.22 of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------- 83,502.35 Mlinus Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ -- accounts payable June 30, 1948-......------------------- 136,330.57 291.18 --------------------- 136,039.39 Uexxpended Net total expenditures_ balance June 30, 1948....--------------------- 291.18 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 136,330.57 Year ending June 30 iscai 1944 1945 194 1947 1948 Costofne work o ec-- .. . . . . . . . .. . . $2,108.78 . $241.75 '$57,300.00 -xpended 2,108.78 241.75 57,008.182 tted--8, 319. 50, 000. 00 -47,649.47 7,300. 00 a t ross all aoted during fiscalIayear------------------------ allotted deu $57 30000 $57,300.00 s amount expended_... .__..----.----------------- -- 57,008.82 Outst Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--.--------- -------- 291.18 tanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_ ----------------- --- 291.18 unt that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending ue 30, 1950, for maintenance..--------------- ------ 8,000.00 20. WATERWAY CONNECTING PAMLICO SOUND AND T:ATTFORT HARBOR. N. C. Location.-This waterway begins at the southeast corner of Camtlico Sound, passing southwesterly through Wainwright Slough, tore Sound, The Straits, and Taylors Creek to Beaufort Harbor, a tal l e n g t h of 36.5 miles (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1233.) aPreviousprojects.-No previous project exists for this waterway as a Whole. The River and Iarbor Act of March 4, 1913, authorized cahannel 2/4 miles long connecting Core Sound and Beaufort 93arbor. For further details see page 520 of the Annual Report for 1938. zxisting project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at ean low water and 75 feet wide from Pamlico Sound to Beaufort oarborby way of Wainwright Slough, Core Sound, The Straits, and aylors Creek; also for an alternative route of the same width and epth through Back Sound by way of channels at east and west end Of Btarkers Island; for a channel 7 feet deep and 75 feet wide from the main channel in Core Sound to the town of Atlantic; for a side Channel 5 feet deep, 75 feet wide, with basin 150 feet by 130 feet, ane depth, at Davis, and for a side channel 7 feet deep, 75 feet wide, th basin 200 feet by 500 feet, same depth, at Sealevel. 726 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947, is $156,800, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $14,050. d The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized I)ocuments Sept.22, 1922 A 7-foot channel 75 feet wide from Core Sound to I. 88, 67th Cong., 1st sess. I)oc. Beaufort i arbor. I sess. Aug. 30, 19352 A 7-foot channel 75 feet wildefrom Pamlico Sound II.I)oc.485, 72d Cong., 2 e to Beaufort HIarbor via Wainwright Channel. orittee Aug. 26, 1937 A 7-foot side channel 75 feet wide to Atlantic- ...... Rivers and IHarbors Doc. 92, 74th Cong., 2 st sess. Mar. 2, 1945 Channels 7 feet deep, 75 feet wide, at east and west II.Doc. 99, 77th Cong., 1st ~ end of Iarkers Island and side channel 5 feet deep, 75 feet wide, with basin 150 feet by 130 feet, same depth, at )Davis. sess )o..... 7-foot side channel 75 feet wide, with basin 200 feet by S. Doc. 247, 77th Cong., 2d ses. 500 feet, same depth at Sealevel. I These documents contain the latest published maps. 2 Included in the Public Works Administration program Jan. 3, 1934. Local cooperation.-TheRiver and Harbor Act of March 2,1945 provided that local interests furnish, free of cost to the united State, all necessary rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for nth e work and subsequent maintenance, remove all structures from thr area to be dredged, release the United States from all claims for damages incident to the work of improvement, and provided further that local interests be required to contribute $1,000 toward the co of dredging side channel and basin at Sealevel. The Board of Count Commissioners, Carteret County,;has signified its intention of mee ing all local cooperation requirements. the Terminalfacilities.-There are five wharves on the portion ofte waterway connecting Core Sound with Beaufort Harbor. They have a total frontage of about 200 feet. Between the eastern end of this portion of the waterway and Pamlico Sound there are 15 sngi. wharves. Additional wharves are needed at several of the commu' ties along Core Sound. o Operations and results during the fiscal year.-The work Cent sisted of new-work and maintenance dredging with Governm plant and hired labor, and miscellaneous surveys. Between Decem ber 28, 1947, and February 16, 1948, the United States dredge Josenhans removed 10,058 cubic yards of material from the side Channel to Atlantic, 13,967 cubic yards from the through waterwaY' a total of 24,025 cubic yards maintenance, at a cost of $8,978'38' and 19,388 cubic yards from the side channel and basin at Da d N. C., new work at a cost of $4,815.61. Preliminary work ere periodic project surveys cost $3,103.80. The total costs ere $16,897.79, of which $4,815.61 was for new work and $12,082.18 for maintenance. The expenditures were $14,800.56, of which $4,8161 was for new work and $9,984.95 for maintenance. 6 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is abor a percent complete. That portion of the project providing foce through channel from Pamlico Sound to Beaufort was comnmen n in August and completed in December 1934; the side channel to Atlantic was commenced in January and completed in Februr' RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 727 937; the side channel and basin at Sealevel were commenced in December 1943 and practically completed in January 1944 and the de channel and basin at Davis, N. C., was commenced and com- )leted in January 1948. No work has been done on the 7- by 75-foot connecting channels east and west of Harkers Island, nor toward colpletion of the side channel and basin at Sealevel. At the end of the fiscal year the controlling depth in the complete portion was 7 feet. The total costs on the existing project for the through water- 'aY and for the side channels and basins at Sealevel and Davis to une 30, 1948, including $40,000 Public Works funds for new work and $1,000 contributed by local interests, were $250,519.16, of which $72,832.89 was for new work and $177,676.27 for mainten- ance. The total expenditures were $248,421.93, of which $72,842.89 Was for new work and $175,579.04 for maintenance. The total cost of the side channel to Atlantic, all for new work, was $18,584.53, of Which $13,171.72 was Works Progress Administration funds and $5,412.81 was contributed by local, interests. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, 6,765.05, plus an allotment of $11,750 made during July 1948, a tal of $28,515.05 will be applied to maintenance as follows: counts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------------- $2,097.23 *redging in Wainwright Slough under existing contract, July 1948 10,399.65 --- redging, by contract, in through waterway, November 1948-------16,018.17 Total for all work __.---- ---- _------------ ------- 28,515.05 The additional sum of $12,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance, dredging in through waterway and side channels at Davis and Atlantic, by contract, May 1950. Cost and financial summary ost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $92,842.89 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 --------------------- - 190,530.08 in Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -... _ 283,372.97 accounts payable June 30, 1948---- 2,097.23 Uty Net total expenditures__------------------------------- 281,275.74 texpended balance June 30, 1948------------------------- 16,765.05 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-----------_ 298,040.79 Fiscal year endting June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 i-I --- I. -- ---- -I -- ----- 1 of new work ............. Cost $372. 24 $4, 815.61 ostof maintenance ........... 000. 00 $4. $17. 675. 211 $1.362. 56 31, 162. 23 12,082. 18 ..............----- Total cost------- 4, 000.00 17, 676.21 1,362. 56 31, 534. 47 16, 897. 79 lotal ed 4, 000.00 17, 675.21 1,351.12 31,545.91 14, 800. 56 llotted ..... ............... 63.02 18, 200. 00 15, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 23,937.85 - $alance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ $7,627.76 Amount allotted during fiscal year __ _______ __ 31,750.00 ed Amount to be accounted for __ uctions on account of revocation of allotment. -_____ ..- 39,377.76 7,812.15 Net amount to be accounted for __ ..... .. ..... 31,565.61 728 REPORT OF CIIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Gross amount expended_.. ---.- ---- 14800.56 4___________________ Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 .. ... 16,76505 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....... $2,097.23 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_. 9,344.74 11,441.97 Balance available, June 30, 19485-------------------, 2300 Amount allotted in July 1948- ______________________ 17,07c3.08 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949----.....,0 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project. - 70,800 70 00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 12,000.00 June 30, 1950, for maintenance 12, 21. MOREHEAD CITY HARBOR, N. C. Location.-This harbor is on the northern shore of Bogue SoeSt adjacent to Beaufort Harbor and Inlet. New Bern, N. C., the neahe city of importance, is about 43 miles by inland waterway to tli northwest. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 420") Previous project.-The channel across the ocean bar was efor merly improved under the title of Beaufort Inlet, N. C. The project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1905 (1 ofC 563, 58th Cong., 2d sess.). For further details, see page 470 Annual Report for 1935. and Existing project.--This provides for a channel 30 feet deep ate 400 feet wide across the ocean bar at Beaufort Inlet, thence t-, depth and 300 feet wide to the marine terminals at Morehead for' enlarged to 600 feet to form a turning basin at that point, and for construction of jetties at the inlet; for a channel 12 feet deep ad 100 feet wide from the 30-foot channel to Sixth Street, Morehead City, thence same depth and 200 to 400 feet wide to Tenth Street thence 6 feet deep and 75 feet wide to deep water in Bogue S0nd The average rise of the tide is about 21/2 feet at Morehead city ane 31/2 feet at the inlet. Observations made in 1907 showed an extreI range of 4.8 feet.O The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1946, is $2,221,100 The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $135,000. nd The existing project was authorized by the following river harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 25, 1910 Channel 10 feet deep and 100 feet wide to the wharves H. Doc. 649, 61st Cong., 2d sess at Morehead City, thence 200 feet wide in front of the July 3, 1930 Channel 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the outer H. DI)oc. 105, 70th Cong., 1st sess' harbor to 6th St. in Morehead City, thence 200 to 400 feet wide to 10th St., and a channel 6 feet deep and 75 feet wide connecting with Bogue Sound. Aug. 26, 1937 2 Channel 30 feetldeep and 400 feet wide across the bar Senate committee print, 74th Cor at Beaufort Inlet, thence 30 feet deep and 300 feet 1st sess. wide to the marine terminals at Morehead City. 1Contains the latest published maps. 2 Included in Public Works Administration program, July 5, 1934, under the National Industrial e covery Act of 1933. RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 729 Local cooperation.--Theproject provides that local interests fur- uish, free of cost to the United States, spoil-disposal areas as re- quired for new work and for future maintenance and all other lands needed for the improvement, and to the further condition that local interestsuagive assurances satisfactory to an adeq te terminal open to the public the Secretary of War that on uniform terms will be ilable by the time the channel is completed. Terminals have Len completed and spoil-disposal areas for new work furnished. oands needed in connection with the construction of jetties have not been furnished. Terminal facilities.-There are 37 wharves along the main water font of the town, with a total frontage of about 1,182 feet. The aarine terminals provide 1,350 feet of berthing space with a depth alongside of 27 feet at mean low water, and facilities for transfer of Caorges between rail and water carriers. The existing facilities are nsidered adequate for existing and prospective commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.--The work consisted of .aintenance dredging by contract and with Government plant and red labor, and miscellaneous surveys. a etwee n February 19 and May 14, 1948, the contract dredge chvannah removed 25,236 cubic yards of material from the 12-foot anel and basin in front of Morehead City and 174,746 cubic Yard s from the 30-foot channel and turning basin, a total of 199,982 ubic Yards, at a cost of $74,035.70. detween July 1 and August 30, 1947, the United States hopper dredg eLyman removed 542,880 cubic yards from the ocean bar 5 "anel and the outer end of the 30-foot channel at a cost of $75,- Miscellaneous surveys cost $4,403.49. t h.e total costs were $153.994.39 for maintenance. The expendi- es Were $154,006.15. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 40 per- efoot complete. The part of the existing project providing for a 12- tt channel to Morehead City, thence a 6-foot channel westward to M~oue Sound was commenced in February 1931 and completed in te rh 1931; the part providing for the 30-foot channel to the t minals was commenced in November 1935 and completed in $guust 1936. No work has been done on the jetties proposed for ewaufort Inlet. At the close of the fiscal year a depth of 28.7 feet aWasavailable in the ocean-bar channel; 30 feet in the 30-foot chan- ael(inside) to the terminals at Morehead ttger in the outer harbor to the foot of City; 12 feet from deep Tenth Street, Morehead ,,7, and thence 6 feet westward to Bogue Sound. The total costs f er the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $1,611,102.27, $$Which $613,106.40, including $59,630.54 regular funds and $563,475.86 Public Works funds, was for new work and $977,995.87 or maintenance. The total expenditures amounted to $1,611,114.03, 'icluding $553,475.86 Public Works funds. 7 8 roposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, ,467.57, plus an allotment of $89,000 made in July 1948, plus 730 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 accounts receivable, $11.76, a total of $167,479.33, will be applied to maintenance as follows: Dredging the 30-foot channel through the inlet and the east end of the 30- by 300-foot inside channel with United States hopper dredge, 3 $135000.00 months, July 15 to October 15, 1948 ,----------------- Dredging turning basin and 30- by 300-foot approach channel, by con- 479.33 tract, March and April 1949 7,47--9.33 Total for all work_ _.____________ - 167,479.33 The additional sum of $135,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance as follows: Dredging inside and approach channels, by contract, August and Septem- $45,000 ber 1949 ----------------------------------------------- Dredging channel through the inlet with United States hopper dredge and90,000 hired labor, as needed egan_________ ----------------------------------- 135,000 Total for all work Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_. - - $657,590.64 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -------------- 1,282,553 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1,940,111.65 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 1948 ------------------- Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 940 -- 1,----------------- Net total expenditures-_, 940--5 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 2018,6232 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work-...---- Cost of maintenance-----------............ $213, 141. 53 $144, 373.76 $88, 832.23 $133, 32029 ...... 212, 586.53 144, 890.09 691.04 133, 500. 15 154,00-1 Total expended ......... 88, 00 175, 000' Allotted... ...---- -----------------.......... 144, 357. 59 234, 000. 00 61, 500.00 128, 500. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------- --------- $57-,73---2 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------- 175,00.-- Amount to be accounted for------------------------- 232,473. 1 Gross amount expended----------------------------- 154,006.15 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.----------------- 78461176 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948--------------------- Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948- - --- 78479.33 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------------ 89,00000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ------- 167479'33 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 00 of existing project ---------------------------------- 160800 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 1135, 00.00 June 30, 1950, for maintenance. IRIVERS AND 11AR130RS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 731 22. BEAUFORT HARBOR, N. C. Location.-This harbor is just inside Beaufort Inlet adjacent to tOrehead City Harbor. New Bern, N. C., the nearest city of impor- tance, is about 43 miles by inland waterway to the northwest. (See S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 420.) ~Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act of July 4, 183 6 . The total cost and expenditure was $5,000 for new work. For urther details, see page 1803 of Annual Report for 1915. th isting project.-This provides for the stopping of erosion at p e inlet by jetties and sand fences at Fort Macon and Shackleford oints and other shore protection; for a channel 12 feet deep at tlean low water, 100 feet wide in Bulkhead and Gallants Channels and 600 feet wide in front of the town of Struction of a stone bulkhead from TownBeaufort; and for the con- Marsh across Bird Shoal to the westerly end of Carrot Island. The distance from the inlet to the upper end of Gallants Channel is about 5 miles. The average rise of tide is 21/2 feet at Beaufort and 31/2 feet at the inlet. The extreme range of tides is 5 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946 exclusive of a ount expended on previous projects, is $341,700. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $20,- The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents ar. 3, 1881 9-foot channel 200 feet wide through Bulkhead Chan- Annual Report, 1881, p. 1013. nel to Beaufort; a 6-foot channel 100 feet wide to North River and Core Sound; and the construction 3)o of jetties on Shackleford Point. o. - Reduced channel 100 feet wide and 7 feet deep through Annual Report, 1890, p. 1134. r. ulkhead (Channel to Beaufort. ar. 2, 1907 Repairs to Fort Macon jetties and additional jetties Specifled in act. ne 25, 1910 and shore 10-foot protection. channel 60 feet wide from Beaufort through II. I)oc. 511, 61st Cong., 2d sess. Mar. 21,1919 allants Channel to the inland waterway. 2, 1919 r. Turning and anchorage basin 10 feet deep in front of 11. Doc. 1108, 63d Cong., 2(1 sess. Mar. Beaufort. 3, 1925 Bulkhead across Bird Shoal......--------------------................... Rivers and Harbors Committee uly 3, 1930 Doc. 8, 68th Cong., 2d sess.' Increase in depth to 12 feet in Bulkhead Channel, H. Doe. 776, 69th Cong., 2d sess.i tar. 2, 1945 Gallants Increase Channel, and in front of Beaufort. in width and length of basin in front of Beau- HI. Doc. 334, 76th Cong., 1st sess. fort, all to depth of 12 feet. contains latest published maps. Local coo peration.-The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, rovided that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United tates, as and when required, all lands, easements, and rights-of- Way and spoil-disposal areas required for initial work and for ubsequent maintenance, and hold and save the United States free from1 claims for damages resulting from the improvement. The Oard of County Commissioners, Carteret County, has signified its intention of meeting all local cooperation requirements. Terminal facilities.-There are 40 wharves contiguous to this harbor. They have a total frontage of about 1,400 feet. The existing aclities are considered adequate for present commerce. 732 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Operationsand results during fiscal year.-The work consisted of maintenance dredging with Government plant and hired labor, and miscellaneous surveys. Between February 17 and March 11, 1948, the United States pipeline dredge Josenhans removed 58,703 cubi yards of material from Bulkhead and Gallants channels and the basin in front of Beaufort at a cost of $16,649.86. Miscellaneous surveys cost $850.14. The total costs were $17,500.00 for main. tenance. The expenditures were $17,430.31.Per- Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 83 per-s cent complete. The deepening of Bulkhead and Gallants Channels and the basin in front of Beaufort was commenced in March tnd completed in July 1931. No work has been done on increasin~ the width and length of the basin in front of Beaufort. At the close as the fiscal year the controlling depth in the completed portions 7. 12 feet. The stone jetties and training wall were in fair conditio The costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $269 667.38 for new work and $323,056.03 for maintenance, a totaln d $592,723.41. The expenditures were $269,667.38 for new work $322,986.34 for maintenance, a total of $592,653.72. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $69.69, plus an allotment of $11,500 made in July 1948, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------------ -------------- $6969 Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, in Bulkhead and Gallants Chan- 1, 000 nels, October 1948_----. ------------ 1,50--------- Total for all work------------------------------------11,569.69 The additional sum of $10,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging in Bulkhead and Gallants Channels, by contract, September 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-------------------------- $274,66703 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_______________---323,0 -59-723,41 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_---- 69 6597, Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ------------------- Net total expenditures_ ..--.--------.----- ... _ 5976 53.69 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948. --------------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948._ _ ___ 597,723.41 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 19 Cost of new work ....---------------- ---------. - 9. 8. 7500 Cost of maintenance -- . ----------- $16,769.92 $8,999.85 $19 14.40 $ Total expended. .-------.....-. . --..... 16, 769. 92 8, 974. 25 19,180.00 1_~ Allotted .........--------------------...... -$12, 092. 71 35,000. 00 ---.....--........----- , 924. 17 1 ,, -- ----- RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 733 Amount allotted during fiscal year-- - ------------ $17,500.00 amount expended---_- _ ross .-_ - -17,430.31 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--. Am ount ..-- ---- covered by uncompleted contracts ----------- -69.69 _ 69.69 A ount allotted in July 948 11,500.00 nobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------------ 11,500.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion Ofexisting project-----. ----- _____.-- -.- __- --- -72,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance 1---------------------------- 23. CHANNEL FROM BACK SOUND TO LOOKOUT BIGHT, N. C. Location.--This channel extends from a point near the eastern ed of Harkers Island, about 8 miles east of Beaufort, through the Shallow waters of Back Sound and Lighthouse Bay, to and through ahackleford Banks, and into the Atlantic Ocean at Lookout Bight, Ch isabout 4 miles long. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey art No.420.) Wode .L'xisting project.-The project provides for a channel 100 feet SOund,and 7 feet deep at mean low water from deep water in Back through Shackleford Banks to deep water in Lookout Bight. he mean range of tide is 3.8 feet in Lookout Bight and 1.3 feet in 3 ack Sound, and the extreme range is 8.2 feet in Lookout Bight and 8 feet in Back Sound. l]aThe estimate of cost for new work, made in 1946, is $99,700. The 27st (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is ",000. 7 The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocuments Aug.26, 1937 5-foot channel, 50feet wide from Back Sound to Look- H. Doc. 251, 75th Cong., 1st sess.' Mar 2, out Bight. 2,1945 Present project dimensions--....--------------..............--- ..Doc. 746, 77th Cong., 2d sess.) :Contain latest published maps. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-None. Not required. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The work consisted maintenance dredging with Government plant and hired labor and miscellaneous surveys. Between December 5 and 24, 1947, the yaited States pipeline dredge Josenhans removed 74,146 cubic eards of material from six shoals in the channel. The costs and expenditures were $17,000.00 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was 33 per- Cent complete. The channel 5 feet deep,. 50 feet wide, was com- raenced in August 1938 and completed in October 1938. No work has been done on increasing the depth to 7 feet and the width to 0.2 100 feet. The controlling depth at the close of the fiscal year was feet. The costs and expenditures under the existing project to tae 30, 1948, were $24,676.08 for new work and $128,041.22 for Italntenance, a total of $152,717.30. . : 80 4711--.48--.Vol. 1-47 734 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.-No funds are on hand. An allotment Of $20,000 made during July 1948 will be applied to maintenance dredging, by contract, March and April 1949. An additional sum of $102,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, and will be applied as follows: New work: Dredging 300,000 cubic yards of material to enlarge existing channel to a depth of 7 feet, width of 100 feet, by contract, July to 000 October 1949_._- October 194------------------------------------ $75,000 70 Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, April 1950- -,0--_-------- 27 Total for all work ------------------------------------ 102,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.________________________ $24,676.08 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 128,041 22 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 152 717.30 Net total expenditures_------------------------------------ 152,717.30 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ____.---------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_.. 152,11.30 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 194 Cost of new work..-- .. -....-------- .. .-. .. _ ------ .-- ..------ )---------00..... Cost of maintenance ---------- $1,352.96 $23,739.35 $26,356. 34 121.61] _ Total expended................. 1, 352. 96 23, 739. 35 26, 320. 3 157 64 00 Allotted..------------------- -- -----......... 23, 739.35 43, 000.00 -16, 522. 05 Amount allotted during fiscal year-________________________ $17 000.00 Gross amount expended.... _... 17100000 Amount allotted in July 1948--------------------------_ 20,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949---- - 20000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 000.00 of existing project . .. 75,000 00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: 000 For new work75---------------------------------------,00000 For maintenance7------------------ ---------- 2 00 Total ------------------------------------------ 102,000.00 24. CAPE FEAR RIVER, N. C., AT AND BELOW WILMINGTON Location.-This river is formed by the confluence at Moncure, N. C., in Chatham County, of the Deep and Haw Rivers. It flows southeasterly and empties into the Atlantic Ocean at Cape Fear, near the southern extremity of the State. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 424 and 425.) Previous projects.-Authorized by River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1829; July 22, 1854; July 11, 1870; March 3, 1873; June 23, 1874; September 19, 1890; June 13, 1902; and March 2, 1907' For further details, see page 1804 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 533 of Annual Report for 1938. 00 Existing project.-This provides for a channel 32 feet deep, 40h feet wide, from the outer end of the ocean bar to Wilmington, vW1 RIVERS ANDIHARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 735 increased widths at bends; for an anchorage basin at Wilmington of the same depth, 2,000 feet long, 900 feet wide at the upper end, 1,100 feet wide at the lower end, with approaches 1,500 feet long at the UPper end and 4,500 feet long at the lower end; for a turning basin 0 Pposite the principal terminals at Wilmington, feet long, 800 feet wide, with suitable approaches32atfeet deep, 1,000 each end; for a channel 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide in the Cape Fear River, from a point near the eastern entrance of the Intracoastal Waterway to a connection with the main river channel at a point about 3 miles above; and for a channel 25 feet deep, 200 feet wide, from Hilton Bridge over Northeast (Cape Fear) River to a turning basin of the Sme depth, 600 feet wide, 11/4 miles above. The plane of reference Ismean low water. The length of the section under improvement is about 311/4 miles, the upper limit being 11/% miles above Hilton dridge over Northeast (Cape Fear) River. The average rise of tide is4.7 feet at the ocean bar, 3.6 feet at Keg Island, and 3.4 feet at ilington. The extreme range of tides is about 8.5 feet at the ocean bar, 7.3 feet at Orton Cove, and 6.4 feet at Wilmington. The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $4,609,500, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest 345) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Jly 25,1912 Channel 26 feet deep and 400 feet wide across the'bar, 1. D)oc. 287, 62d Cong., 2d sess. thence same depth and 300 feet wide, increased at ar, ar. 211M 2,1919 abends,to Wilmington. Channel 30feetdeep and 400 feet wide, across the II. Doc.746, 65th Cong., 2d sess. Se 22 ocean bar. (No work was done on this project.) t. 1922 Anew channel across the ocean bar 30 feet deep and II.Doe. 94, 67th Cong., 1st sess. 400feet wide from Baldhead Point. ly , 190 30-footproject to HIilton Bridge at Wilmington, and Rivers and Harbors Committee ar, a turning basin. Doc. 39, 71st Cong., 2(1 sess. M ar 2, 1945 Increase channel widths from 300to 400 feet, turning 131, 76th Cong., 1st sess.' II.I)oc. basin from 600 to 800 feet, and a channel 12 feet deep, 100feet wide, from Inland Waterway to river channels. o..... Increase length of southerly approach to anchorage S. Doc. 83, 76th Cong., 1st sess.' basin from 1,500 to 4,500feet, and increase depth of clhannel from outer end of ocean bar to Wilmington, turning basin, from 30 to 32 feet. I) including Channel 25 feet deep, 200 feet wide, from Hilton Bridge Northeast (Cape Fear) River to a turning S. I)oc. 170, 76th Cong., 3d sess.i basin, same depth, 1) miles above. C0itaii latest Ipublished miaps. S ocal cooperation. The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, ovided that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United ates, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas required for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance, caen and as required, and hold and save the United States free from Clair1 s for damages.resulting from the improvement. The Board iaCounty Commissioners, New Hanover County, has signified its ention of complying with all local cooperation requirements. rerminalfacilities.-There are 54 wharves of all classes at Wil-. Lngton, with a combined berthing space of 21,136 linear feet, and deths of water alongside from 10 to 30 feet at mean low water. It 736 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 is believed that the terminals at Wilmington are adequate for the commerce through this port. Below Wilmington there are 27 wharves, which are considered adequate for present needs. For further details, see Port Series No. 11, revised 1944, Corps Engineers. dof Operationsand results during fiscal year.-The work consisted f new-work dredging by contract, maintenance dredging by contract and with Government plant and hired labor, and miscellaneous surveys. e Between July 3, 1947, and June 30, 1948, the contract dredge McWilliams removed 4,688,166 cubic yards of material (neW Work) and 1,460,567 cubic yards, maintenance, from the river channel and anchorage basin, at a cost of $576,771.15 for new work and $172' 878.12 for maintenance, a total of $749,649.27. Between February 18 and June 30, 1948, the contract dredge Lake Fithian on new-work dredging removed 2,033,958 cubic yards of material from the river channel, at a cost of $309,166.29. Between September 8 and November 6, 1947, the United States dredge Dewitt Clinton on maintenance dredging removed 333,447 cubic yards of material from the river channel at a cost of $78, 593.50. Between September 1 and 27, 1947, the United States hoppe dredge Lyman, on maintenance dredging removed 405,117 cubic yards of material from Baldhead Shoal (ocean bar) channel and 81,648 cubic yards from the Smith Island reach of the river channel' a total of $486,765 cubic yards, at a cost of $37,417.16. Repairs to dredging ranges cost $822.63. Miscellaneous surveys cost $5,485.18. The total costs were $1,181,134.03, of which $885,937.44 was for new work and $295,196.59 for maintenance. The expenditures were $964,829.39, of which $688,678.16 was for new work and $276,151.23 for maintenance. 5 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 15 percent complete. Deepening and widening of the river channelto existing project dimensions of 400 feet by 32 feet and enlarging and deepening the anchorage basin and southern approach thereto wa~ commenced in April 1947 and was in progress at the close of the fiscal year. No work has been done on that part of the project pro viding for deepening the ocean bar channel to 32 feet, increasine width and depth in turning basin at Wilmington, the 25-foot channel 200 feet wide, and basin in Northeast (Cape Fear) River above Hilton Bridge, or the channel 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide, from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to river channel. At the closeb the fiscal year the controlling depths were 29.3 feet in the ocean bar channel, 28.7 feet in the river channel up to Wilmington, and 32.0 " feet in the anchorage basin at Wilmington. The total costs u nder the existing project to,June 30, 1948, were $3,098,548.74 for neW work and $5,635,266.96 for maintenance, a total of $8,733,815.70" The total expenditures were $8,512,030.52. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $479,949.78, plus an allotment of $1,464,500 made during JulY 1948, a total of $1,944,449.78 will be applied as follows: tIVERS AND IIARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 737 Work:payable, June 30, 1948 ---------- --..---------------- Accounts ew $221,785.18 Dredging to increase width and depth of river channel to 400 feet by 32 feet, under existing contracts, July, August, and Sep- tember 1948 _____.__ __ --------------------... _ 267,159.12 Dredging to increase width and depth of turning basin at Wil- mington; construction of 25- by 200-foot channel, with basin, in Northeast (Cape Fear) River and construction of channel 12 by 100 feet from Intracoastal Waterway to river channel, by contract__,-------- _- - - 1,144,500.00 Deepening ocean-bar channel to 32 feet with Government plant M and hired labor ---------------------------- ____-----120,000.00 aintenance: Dredging in river channel and anchorage basin, by contract, January-May 1949.----------------------------------120,000.00 Dredging ocean-bar channel with Government plant and hired labor, Sept. 15-Oct. 15, 1948-------------------------- 45,000.00 Miscellaneous surveys and contingencies -- 26,005.48 Total for all work-_ ------------------------------ 1,944,449.78 The additional sum of $300,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance as follows: Dredging in river channel and anchorage basin, by contract, during fiscal Year---------------------------------------------- $210,000 Dedging ocean-bar channel with Government plant and hired labor, 2 months as needed------------ ----------------------------- 90,000 Total for all work------------- ------------------------ 300,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 . --------- $7,724,163.41 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----- ---- 6,237,881.21 inus Total accounts of permanent work to June 30, 1948 costpayable June 30, 1948------------------__ ---------- 13,962,044.62 t Net total expenditures.._ aexpended balance June 30, 1948_ -------------- 221,785.18 13,740,259.44 479,949.78 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 14,220,209.22 fiscal Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 C of new work.......................................... $17,246 95 $161,381 88 $885,937.44 Sf maintenance .......... _ $215, 752. 41 $123, 494. 16 408, 967. 53 122, 525. 47 295, 196. 59 Total cost..- -------............. 215, 752.41 123, 494.16 426, 214.48 283, 907.15 1,181,134.03 otalexpended ............... . 215, 673.37 123, 573. 20 424, 896. 19 279, 744. 90 964, 829. 39 lotted- ............... 2, 500.00 266, 250.00 1,383, 400. 00 64, 838.99 552, 812.15 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947. ------ ------- $891,967.02 Amount allotted during fiscal year- -- - 552,812.15 Go Amount to be accounted for --------------------- 1,444,779.17 oss amount expended----------------------------------- 964,829.39 O tt Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------- 479,949.78 attanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ...... $221,785.18 Arount covered by uncompleted contracts. 235,666.88 457,452.06 A~m Balance available, June 30, 1948-_ ------------- - - 22,497.72 Ount allotted in July 1948.-----------_ __--- -- 1,464,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_..-... 1,486,997.72 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending une 30, 1950, for maintenance----------------------- 300,000.00 738 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 25. CAPE FEAR RIVER, N. C., ABOVE WILMINGTON Location.-For location of river see preceding report on Cape Fear River, N. C., at and below Wilmington. Jne Previous projects.-Adopted by acts of March 3, 1881, and une 13, 1902. For further details see page 1805 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 535 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a navigable depth of 8 feet feet 8 at low water from Navassa to the head of navigation at Fayetteville, 115 miles above Wilmington, by the construction of three locks an dams and by dredging of river shoals between Navassa and Fayette ville, and for a dredged channel from Wilmington to Navassa (4 miles), 25 feet deep and generally 200 feet wide with a cut-off acrOSs Horseshoe Bend and a turning basin 550 feet long and 400 feet as average width at its head. Data regarding locks and dams are as follows: Distance Distance Maximum Lift Lock and dam Location from Wil- above available mington mouth dimensions 1et 1 Miles Miles Feet 1------------ Kings Bluff-.....--..--- ....------------- 39 (19 200 by 40 .....----- 2------ wns Landing .......... ro....................... 71 101 200 by 40 3 ..........................----------------------.. Tolars Landing ........... 95 125 300 by 40 Available depth on Character Year of Acttual Lock and dam miter sills of foun- Kind of Type of construction comple- cost at low dlation dam tionl water Feet $565,85 1....--- -............. -. 9 Sand.... Fixed... Concrete lock, timber crib 1916 2---..................- 12 dam, rock filled. Concrete lock, dam rock 1917 2909, 633 filled. 660, 930 3..---.-----.-- . 9 ... do-.... .- do---- Concrete lock, concrete 1935 darm. 1Includes $906,184for increasing lift. ! Includes $356,443 for reconstruction and repairs. The tide ranges from 3.4 feet at Wilmington to 1 foot at lock 1, Kings Bluff, N. C., 39 miles above. The extreme range of lunar tides is 6.4 feet at Wilmington and 1.5 feet at Kings Bluff. The maximuret variation due to floods ranges from 70 feet at Fayetteville to 5 at Wilmington. 00, The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1937, is $2,700,7st exclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The latet (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance d $49,000, including $14,000 for operation and care of locks a dams. nd The existing project was authorized by the following river ad harbor acts: II VEAS ANDI) 1ARI ORS -WILMINGTON, N. C., I)LSTRICT 739 Acts Work authorized I)ocuments Juaoe 25,1910 The 8-foot channel and construction of 2 locks and I. I)oc. 890, 60th Cong., 1st sess. ly 3,1930 Channel 22 feet deep to Navassa. (No work was Rivers and IHarbors Committec 1lle 2 1 done on this p)roject.) l)oc. 39, 71st Cong., 2d sess. ,19341 Operation and care of locks and damrns provided for with funds from War l)epartment appropriations Aug. 30 Ir 2 forrivers and harbors. 3 ,935 Construction of lock anl darn No. 3, and repairs and I. l)oc.786, 71st Cong., 3d sess. Aug. 29 alterations to locks and darms Nos. I and 2. S , Present 1937 project dimensions from Wilmington to Rivers and HIarbors Committee 3 Navassa with cut-oif across Horseshoe Bend, and I)oc. 17, 75th Cong., 1st sess. a turning basin. 2 eromatentAppropriations Repeal Act. SCt in Public Works Administration program, Sept. 27, 1933. latetpublishcd mtaps. 'oltaens Local cooperation.--Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-Thereare six wharves between Wilmington and Fayetteville, including the public terminal at that point. They ave a total frontage of about 700 feet. The terminals appear to be adequate for existing commerce. OfOperations and results during fiscal year.-The work consisted omaintenance dredging with leased plant, miscellaneous surveys, and Operation and maintenance of three locks and dams. Between May 17 and 23, 1948, the leased dredge Marion on maintenance dredging removed 10,915 cubic yards of material from a shoal at the lower entrance to Lock 2, at a cost of $4,625.76. Miscellaneous surveys cost $7,470.10. The three locks and dams were operated and maintained, at a cost of $36,215.43, of which $28,402.09 was for operation and $7,813.34 SfOr maintenance and repairs. atRecreational facilities at each of the three locks were constructed a a cost of $3,947.62. t he total costs were $52,258.91 for maintenance. The expendi- tures were $47,279.69. TCondition at end of fiscal year.---The existing project is complete. The construction of Locks and Dams 1 and 2, and dredging of river Thoals, was commenced in August 1912 and completed in July 1917. The construction of Lock and Dam 3 and repairs and alterations to rOks and Dams 1 and 2 were commenced in January 1934 and omtlleted in July 1935. The dredging of the 25-foot channel to avassa was commenced in November 1938 and completed in Sanuary 1939. The controlling depths are 24.2 feet from Wilming- on to Navassa, 4 miles; thence 22 feet to a point 9 miles above dlmington; thence 7.0 feet at Fayetteville, 115 miles above 19 l ington. The total costs under the existing project to June 30, 148, were $3,559,946.50, of which $2,339,797.63 (including f,104,390.72 Public Works funds) was for new work, $702,850.52 for maintenance, and $517,298.35 for operating and care. The $2total expenditures to June 30, 1948, were $3,554,967.28, of which $2,27 4 , 7 5 1. 0 0 was regular funds, $1,104,390.72 Public Works fund s , and $175,825.56 expended between November 1, 1916, and June 30, 1935, on the operating and care of the works of improve- Went under the provisions of the indefinite appropriation for such Durposes 740 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $46,327.02, plus an allotment of $61,500 made in July 1948, a total of $107,827.02 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948________________________ - $4,97922 Maintenance: Dredging river channel between Wilmington and Fayetteville, 50,000.00 contract, October and November 1948------------------ Snagging between miles 16 and 110 with Government plant and 7,000.00 hired labor, May and June 1949.----.- - - 7,00- Operating and care of locks and dams: Operating locks and dams 1, 2, and 3, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 30700.00 1949----_-_-------_ 30 00.00 Maintenance and repair of locks and dams 1, 2, and 3 ..--.-- 6,959.0 New pump and pump house, lock 1 (maintenance)------------- 295908 Miscellaneous surveys and contingencies------- - - --- _- 588 Total for all work............... _ ... ......... 107,827.02 The additional sum of $72,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: dredging river channel between Wilmington and Fayetteville $35,000 by contract, as needed._ __---- -- $ Maintenance (operating and care): Operating locks and dams 1, 2, and 3, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949- - - - -- $30,700 Maintenance and repairs, locks and dams 1, 2, and 3- ----- 6,300 37,000 Total for all work ._.._ Total for all work------------------------------------ -- 72,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---.- . _ $2,488, 329168- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _________.________.__ 1,228, Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_.. - 3,717,24'36 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 4,97------------------ Net total expenditures-------------------- ------- 3,712,261'14 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948- 46,327.02 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 3,758,59116 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1916 1947 1918 ....-------------- Cost of neow work-------- ..--------- .......-------- ---- - -- -- - Cost of maintenanc ------- . $64, 079. 49 $86, 330.90 $138, 380.38 $62, 182.41 $52 258, Total expended......-----........----------- 64, 148. 18 86, 259. 61 137, 858. 03 62, 709. 43 Allotted --....................... 37, 000.00 171, 00 00 90, 600. 00 22954 91 ~2, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------- ---. $2106-71 Amount to be accounted for_.-- -..-..--..-. -- 97,606 10 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment.----------00000 Net amount to be accounted for---------------------- 93,606.71 Gross amount expended ------------------- $47,306.28 Less reimbursed expenditures--------------. 26.59 47,279.69 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948........-.....-....46,327.02 RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 741 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 .... 4,979.22 mount covered by uncompleted contracts. 3,315.91 8,295.13 S Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 38,031.89 mount allotted in July 1948._ ----------------------- 61,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... 99,531.89 Aount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending une 30, 1950, for maintenance_---------------------. 72,000.00 26. NORTHEAST (CAPE FEAR) RIVER, N. C. Location.--This river rises in the'northern part of Duplin County ard flows 130 miles southerly, emptying into the Cape Fear River at Wilmington, 30 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1235.) Existing project.-This provides for clearing the natural channel for small steamers to Hallsville and for pole boats to Kornegays gridge. Total length of section, 103 miles. The tide ranges from about 3.4 feet at the mouth of this stream to nothing a short distance above Bannermans Bridge. The extreme range of lunar tides is 6.4 feet at mouth, 2.5 feet at Castle Hayne, and 2 feet at Smiths Bridge. The upper portion is subject to freshets of from 8 to 12 feet. The blaxlmum variation due to floods is 5 feet at mouth, 8 feet at Korne- gays Bridge, and 13 feet at Bannermans Bridge. The estimate of'cost for new work, revised in 1945, is $11,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of mainten- ace is $2, 0 0 0 . The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act, September 19, 1890. (See H. Ex. Doc. 35, 51st Cong. 1st sess., Which 1181.) contains latest published map, and Annual Report, 1890, p. Local cooperation.--None., Terminal facilities.-The wharves on the portion of the river under improvement by the United States number seven, all of which are Just above Hilton Bridge. They have a total frontage of about 1,850 feet. The water terminals are considered adequate for exist-' ing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Clearing of the natural channel was begun in 1890 and completed in.1896. The river is in fair Condition for 521/2 miles above the mouth. The governing depths are 15 feet for 23/4 miles above the mouth; thence 6 feet to a point 48 miles above the mouth, and thence 3 feet to Crooms Bridge, 56 Emiles above the mouth. Above Crooms Bridge the river is navi- gable only during freshets, which may occur any month of the year. he total costs and expenditures under the existing project to June t0, .1948,were $10,687.96 for new work, and $61,138.57 for main- tenance, a total of $71,826.53. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $5,000, will be applied to maintenance snagging between the mouth a4d Crooms Bridge, 56 miles above, with Government plant and ired labor, January and February 1949. 742 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U S. ARMY, 148 The additional sum of $5,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, and will be applied to maintenance sn a ggin g with Government plant and hired labor, as needed. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------ $10,68.96 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.------------------- 61138 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 71,826.53 Net total expenditures 7----------------------------- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-------------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_--- 76,826.53 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 Cost of new work-------.... ---------- I----------------- Cost of maintenance--....... $1,936. 70 .. i-------------- Total expended ................. 1,936.70---------------- ...........-----....-------------.... ((Jo Vv- Y::l Allotted.---------------------- 2,500.00 -$563.30.---------------------- Amount allotted during fiscal year.----- $5,000 _.000 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--. ------ Amount that can be profitably expended in'fiscal year ending 5,0 00 June 30, 1950, for maintenance...... .0.0.0............ 5 27. LOCKWOODS FOLLY RIVER, N. C. Location.-Lockwoods Folly River is a small stream about 50 miles long, lying wholly in Brunswick County, which empties into the Atlantic Ocean at a point 12 miles west of the mouth of the Cape Fear River. Supply, 19 miles above the mouth, is the practical head of navigation. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1236 and U. S. Geological Survey map of North Carolina.) Existing project.---This provides for a channel 100 feet wide an 6 feet deep at low water from the ocean to the bridge at Supply, 19 miles above, to be secured by dredging through the oyster rocks and mud flats. The average rise of the tide is about 41/ feet near the inlet and 2 feet at Supply. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1892, was $60,000. The latest (1896) estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $500. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved September 19, 1890 (Annual Report for 1887, p. 1099)* The latest published maps are in this report. Terminal facilities.-Thereare no wharves on this river. Natural landings are used for loading and are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Priorto the fiscal year 1940, no work had been done on this project since 1897, when the project was about 33 percent completed. At the close of the year, between the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and Genoes Point, the con- trolling depth was 4 feet, thence 3 feet to Supply, 21 miles above RIVERS AND IARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 743 the mouth, the head of navigation. The total costs and expenditures uader the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $30,912.42, of ich $17,818.50 was for new work and $13,093.92 for mainten- ance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended, June 30, 1948, $5,000, will be applied to maintenance dredging, by contract, etween the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and Genoes Point, 'ebruary 1948. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial-summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------- ------- $17,818.50 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -----------------------. 13,093.92 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 30,912.42 Net total expenditures---- -_._..----. .- - 30,912.42 Iexpended balance, June 30, 1948. --------- 5,000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 35,912.42 Fiscal Year ending June 30 I 1944 I 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of no work .............. ----------- ---------------, .............. -............... Cost of mOw aintenanco ..........................-- $1,931. 32--------------------------------- Total expenled -. -------------- -------------- 1,931.32----- ....--------------------------- Allotted. - .-....- ......- . 1,931.32 .. .... -.... ... $5,000 Anount allotted during fiscal year__---- ---------- .. .. __$5,000 alance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- ----- 5,000 28. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 3 OF THE RIVER AND HARBOR ACT APPROVED MARCH 2, 1945 The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $300,000 from river and harbor aPpropriations for any one fiscal year for the removal of accumu- lated snags and other obstructions and for protecting, clearing, and straightening channels in navigable harbors, streams, and tributaries thereof when such work is advisable in the interest of havigation During the fiscal year 1947 an allotment of $86,000 was received fo r dredging a channel through an encroaching sand spit and rip- rapping the north side of the dredged cut, in order to reduce currents through Masonboro Inlet, at the southern extremity of rightsville Beach, N. C., and to restore former conditions so far aS practicable. Operations during fiscal year.-The work consisted of dredging and placing riprap with Government plant and hired labor, con- Struction of timber groins by contract, and miscellaneous surveys. Between July 10 and 15, 1947 the United States dredge Josenhans remRoved 20,839 cubic yards of material from a cut through the sand spit, at a cost of $6,125.58. 3 etween September 11 and 15 and November 8 and 14, 1947, the U. S. dredge Dewitt Clinton removed 34,799 cubic yards of 744 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 material from a cut through the sand spit, and dredged and deposited 43,067 cubic yards of material on south end of WriPghts ville Beach in the vicinity of Groins 5 and 6, at a cost of $22,9134'1 Five timber groins were constructed by contract at a cost 0 $33,108.17. During November 1947, 336.4 tons of riprap were placed bY hired labor behind Groins 1, 2, and 3, at a cost of $4,117.64. Miscellaneous surveys cost $11,487.69. The total costs were $77,752.55. The expenditures were $77,513.81. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The work was completed in November 1947. The total costs of the work to June 30, 1948, were $78,279.60' The expenditures were $78,027.67. 339 Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance, $7,972.3 will be expended as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948_-------------------------------$21.93 Surveys and hydraulic studies during the fiscal year 1949------------- 2. Total for all work ----------------------------------- 7,97233 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------.-. - .---------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-----------------------9 Total n_ cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-. Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948. .-........ -. ua 78,2793 25193 Net total expenditures _____ .__.___________._______ 78,027.67 .. Unexpended balance June 30, 1948....----..--..--...... 7,92 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------- 86,000. Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 -... Cost of new work----------.............. ...-------------- .--------------............. Cost of maintenance -- __--........ . .............---- $527.05 $7, Total expended.1-5-3.8r ---- 77 613--------- Allotted. -------------..-------- - -- _ --- : _----- --- , 00. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ $85,486-14 Gross amount expended---- _ --- -- -77,513..8 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--........-.- _ __._ 7,972.,33 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....... $251.93 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 97.06 348.99 Balance available, June'30, 1948-- . .. . 7,623.34 29. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES The costs during the fiscal year were $29,094.84. The expendi tures were $28,260.17. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $4,364.93 plus an allotment of $28,650, a total of $33,014.93 will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to payment of expenses incurred under this heading. The sum of $70,600 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. RIVERS AND HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 745 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_.._.-..-.- --------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 - - $419,524.55 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .------- 419,524.55 us accounts receivable June 30, 1948 --------------------- 443.67 MiU Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 . 419,968.22 1us accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------- 1,290.94 u Net total expenditures..----------------------------- 418,677.28 Uexpended balance June 30, 1948-.- .. -- 4,364.93 4 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-_ 423,042.21 iscal Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost ew worktenan-----------$43 73 $29 of maintenance. 4161 $11,2133 $37, 239.24 $ 32, 094. 84 1oral expended-................. 12,416.16 11,721.03 34, 439 95 46, 169. 92 28, 260. 17 All ted---......--........ .... 10,000.00 25, 000.00 28, 500.00 33, 000. 00 32,550.00 talance unexpended, July 1, 1947-- -- - .- ------------- - -- $75.10 -Arount allotted during fiscal year--. ------ - ------ 32,550.00 Amountexpended o amount to be accounted ..... for...------ ------- 32,625.10 ross .............. .---------------------- 28,260.17 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -utst ------------------- 4,364.93 Ustanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--- . ----- ..-- ..-- 1,290.94 Ac Balance available, June 30, 1948 . 3,073.99 .----------------- counts receivable, June 30, 1948..-------------------- ----------443.67 Am Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----------3,517.66 tount allotted in July 1948-_-. -- . ..-- -- 28,650.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .._ .. 32,167.66 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance. _---------------- ----.- 70,600.00 30. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures Estimated full report, to June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project see Annual quired to Report for- complete New work Maintenance 1, Waterway from Norfolk, Va., to the sounds 2. of North Carolina (Wilmington district)l 1946 2 ---------- (3) 3. wbegun Creek, N. C. ..------...............---------- 1928 $4, 802.08 $246. 58 (3) 4. Qurlqmans River, N. C.I------....... 1910 13,750.00 -(3) . etenton Harbor, N. C.I-------......... - 1941 73, 750.00 2,970.84 (3) River, N. 6.S. shie River,N. O .---.... N.hrin ---- .. C...---------------------- 1945 47, 734. 34 49, 592.20 (3) 1945 40, 402.73 15, 394.93 (3) . oackay Creek, N. C.------.. ------------- 1938 13, 374. 60 4, 773.03 (3) 9. Sishing Creek, N. C.........-------------------- 1931 22, 715. 10 8, 632. 85 (3) 10. ut River, N. C...............---------------------- 1936 12, 452.02 21, 469. 88 (3) 11. tayRiver N. .1..--------.............------....-- 1941 44, 381. 56 49, 518.44 (3) 12. Swift Creek, N. C.1----------------------- 1940 1, 600. 00 5, 422. 00 (3) 13 Tr tentnea Creek, N. C.1................. 1941 64, 394. 56 32, 247. 15 (3) 14 ent River, N. C_ ........... __.... 1946 115, 199. 45 69, 786.75 $14, 500 16. arbor of Refuge at Cape Lookout, N. C... 1934 1,368, 798. 72 32,853. 75 1,600, 000 16. tilthsCreek (Wilminlngton), N. C....... 1941 8, 507.45 17.61 (3) 17 - ck River, N. C ................. ... 1941 12, 358. 40 36,071.85 (3) Shalltte River N. C.----- -------.................... 1933 18,181.37 6, 467.81 (3) Channels adequate for commerce. a aeport of Norfolk, Va., district. 4 ompleted. commerce reported. 746 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 31. PLANT ALLOTMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs June 30, 1948_ --------------------- $369 85 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 369,58.185 Plus accounts receivable June 30, 194849 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948_-----------__ 419,539.04 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948_ 41,82113 Net total expenditures_____ _______________ 377,711.9140 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948_---- 130,12140 -- -- ~83.31 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 507,833 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 - 80 291.63 Total expended --------................. $258, 689. 28 ------ $137, 710 -$642, 827. 76 $124,153 64 Allotted -........................- -540, 000 176,000.00.............. 827, 694.11 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_-_ ----- ______--------- $887 97826 Amount allotted during fiscal year-_ 212,459 Amount to be accounted for-------------------- 1,100,43822 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment 790 025 19 ------ 310,413 Net amount to be accounted for____ ____ _ 310,413. -________ Gross amount expended............-----------------. $1,913,488.29 Less reimbursed expenditures------------ 1,733,196.66 180,29163 180,29.6 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 130,121.40 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ....... $41,827.13 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. 32,802.25 14,629.38 Balance available, June 30, 1948_,... .55,492'02 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948.-.- _- -4_9,951. Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948- __ 105,443.21 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions Locality Authorization act Date trans- mittedraecoaio to Document 9 - t.t1.eationt Congress No. Albemarle Sound, N. C., chan- River and Hlarbor Act, .-------------------- nel to Thoroughfare, either via Mar. 2, 1945 Lower Cashie River, Middle River, and Bachelors Bay, or via any other route. Albemarle Sound, Inland Water- HIouse Public Works .. way from Norfolk, Va., to Committee resolution, Beaufort Inlet, N. C., with a Apr. 13, 1948 view to determining the extent that the Inland Waterway af- fects the farm lands between Albemarle Sound and the Pun- go River. Albemarle Sound, Inland Water- Senate Public Works .. way from Norfolk, Va., to Committee resolution, Beaufort Inlet, N. C., with a Apr. 20, 1948 view to determining the extent that the Inland Waterway af- fects the farms lands betweenb Albemarlo Sound an(l the Pun- go River. RIlVERS ANDI) HARBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., )ISTRICT 747 Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued " - i^--- .. Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation I I I ---- ''''''''''''''''' - 1 --- Bachelors Bay, N. C., Lower River and Harbor Act, --------------- Cashie River and Middle Riv- Mar. 2, 1945 , Channel via, from Thor- fghareto Albemarle Sound, l : or via any other route. House Public Works Committee resolution, July 8, 1947 Rivers and Harbors Cornm- mnittee resolution, Apr. 1, 1946 House Public Works Committee resolution, e xtil tautiort tHarbor, N. C., for Apr. 20, 1948 lding Harbor to Lennox- Villa Point and increasing chan- e dimensions in Taylors taufort larbor, N. C., to Pam- Senate Public Works ltoo Sounl(, with a view to de- Committee resolution, rir inilng the advisability of Mar. 9, 1948 In0(lifyirlg the existing i)a ly Way at this time,project with irti icular reference to (leel)en- Crekoh channel of Taylors eaufort to Jacksonville, N. C., Rivers and harbors i Conm- July 23, 1947 If. 421, 80th Favorable. inland waterway and New mittee resolution, June Cong., 1st IBlver to Jacksonville, N. C. 7, 1945 sess. tiffort, N. C., to Cape Fear evlr, Inland Waterway, in- Rivers and Harbors mittee resolution, Com- Nov. vil Nl. . Waterway to Jackson- 30, 1945 e,. C., forside channel to 'titer Creek west of More- anfort. N. C., to Cape Fear House Public Works Sliver, Inland Waterway, chan- Committee resolution, iel front Banks Channel to the July 8, 1947 OCan via Masonboro Inlet. Iaufort, N. C., to Norfolk, Va., Rivers and Hiarbors Com- June 11, 1948 If. 723, 80th I)o. offand Waterway, in vicinity mnittee resolution, Nov. Cong., 2d "ehairfield, N. C. tInlet, a1for'With w, N. C., to Norfolk, a view to dletermin- 28, 1944 House Public Works Committee resoliuton, sess. S the extent that the Inland Apr. 13, 1948 , terway affects the farm ds aand timnlber lands be- P,en Albemarle Sound and utfort Inlet, N C., to Norfolk, Senate Public Works a , With a view to deterrnin- Committee resolution, e extent that the Inlandl h,\y Apr. 20, 1948 tanlerway affects the farm S(1Sland timber lands he- S g A Ibemarelo Sound and 1) lngo tiver. S ahven arbor, N. C., to mod- Rivers and 1[arbors Com- by eXisting project for timber mittee resolution, Sept. thre Creek. tego waters at mouth of Pan- 25,1945 Ca ear River at and below River an(d Harbor Act, ington, N. C. July 24, 1946 ap ear River at and below Commerce Committee Wilnlington, N. C. resolution, Feb. 7, 1946 C(ae Fear River, N. C., to Beau- Rivers and harbors Com- fhrt, i* C., Inland Waterway, mittee resolution, Nov. incld ing waterway to Jack- 30, 1945 tonville, N. C., for side channel to eltier Creek west of More- teat City. arolina IBeach, N. C- _.-...... River and Hiarbor Act, Casy Island, Pamlico Sound, July 24,1946 do .--------------- --.... Claninel via, from Wallace N l,,arel to Sheep) Island Slue, ' , Cross-Rock Cihannel. 748 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued ... c Date trans- Reconi Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. mendation Congress { ! { Cashie (Lower) River, N. C., River and Harbor Act, .. Middle River, and Bachelors Mar. 2, 1945 Bay, channel via, from Thor- oughfare to Albemarle Sound, N. C., or any other route. Core Sound, waterway from Parm- Rivers and Harbors Com- .. lico Sound to Beaufort Harbor, mittee resolution, Apr. N. C., via (Harbor improve- 1, 1926 ments at and in vicinity of Mar- shallberg, Carteret County). Cross-Rock Channel between River and Harbor Act, ,... Wallace Channel and Sheep July 24, 1946 Island 81ue, via Casey Island, Pamlico County, N. C. Davis Slough, N. C., Channel 10 ........... .-- to 12 feet deep from Oregon In- let to Pamlico Sound via. Fairfield, N. C., effect of im- Rivers and Hlarbors Com- .... :do...... .... do... -- Favorable. provement of Norfolk, Va., to mittee resolution, Nov. Beaufort, N. C., Inland Water- 28, 1944 way, on farm lands in vicinity. Far Creek, N. C ....-. _-........ Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, June 27, 1945 Ifarkers Point Basin, at Ilarkers River and Harbor Act, Island, Carteret County, N. C. July 24, 1946 HIatteras Inlet, channel to Hat- Rivers and fHarbors Com- teras, N. C.. mittee resolution, June 19, 1945 Ifolden Beach, Brunswick Coun- River and Harbor Act, ty, N. C. July 24, 1946 Manteo to Oregon Inlet, N. C., ...... do ........... . and channel with depth of 12 to 15 feet through Ocean lBar, etc. Manteo to Oregon Inlet, N. C., Rivers and Harbors Corn- channel, to a point at or near mittee resolution, Aug. Wanchese on Mill Creek, N. C. 23, 1945 Manteo to Oregon Inlet, N. C., Rivers and 'Harbors Com- channel of 12-foot depth with mittee resolution, Apr. suitable width. 1, 1946 Marshallberg, Carteret County, ....-- do-................. N. C., harbor improvements in vicinity, on waterway from Pamlico Sound to Beaufort Harbor, N. C., via Core Sound. Masonboro Inlet, Inland Water- House Public Works way, Beaufort to Cape Fear Committee resolution, River, N. C., channel from July 8, 1947 Banks Channel to the ocean via. Middle River, N. C., Lower River and Harbor Act, Cashie River, and Bachelors Mar. 2, 1945 Bay, channel via, from Thor- roughfare to Albemarle Sound, N. C. Mill Creek to Pamlico Sound, Rivers and Hlarbors Com- N. C., branch channel to Wan- mittee resolution, Aug. chose on Mill Creek, Manteo 23, 1945 to Oregon Inlet, N. C. Morehead City, N. C., side chan- Rivers and Harbors Com- nel from Beaufort, N. C., to mittee resolution, Nov. Cape Fear River Inland Wa- 30, 1945 terway (Peltier Creek). Neuse and Trent Rivers, N. C - -.. River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946 ------------------------ : Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, House Public Works N. C., Inland Waterway, with Committee resolution, a view to determining its af- Apr. 13, 1948 fects on farm lands and timber lands between Albemarle Sound and Pungo River. Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, Senate Public Works N. C., Inland Waterway, with Committee resolution, a view to determining its affects Apr. 20, 1948 on farm lands and timber lands between Albemarle Sound and Pungo River. (Interim report.) RIVERIS AND HAtRBORS-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 749 Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Locality 'Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation Va., to Beaufort Inlet....- do ...................... .......-.. If , Va., to Beaufort, N. C., Rivers and IHarbors Com- ..... do . ...- Favorable. I eWaterwa, in vicinity lan1 snittee resolution, Nov. ,00 aireld, N. C. 28, 1944 Channel, N. C., 12 to SBar River and Harbor Act, 15feet deep, and channel from July 24, 1946 Iregon Inletto Manteo, N. C., - to 12feet deep. ------------.. l 1ouse Channel, N. C., chan- ..... do..............--- el10 to 12 feet deep from tl ------ ------ Ore- via Inlet to Pamlico Sound, Oregon Inlet to Manteo, N. C., Rivers and Harbors Com- ca rnel and branch channel to mittee resolution, Aug. M pointat or near Wanchese on 23, 1945 -- - - - - - - Orego 0 i N. C River sand Harbors Com- 0 mittee resolution, Apr. rRon Inlet, N. C., anl channel 5, 1946 River and Harbor Act, -- - - -- - - - pIm TManteo to Oregon Inlet; July 24, 1946 artieularly with view to pro- viding depth of 12 feet to 15 feet through the Ocean Bar Chan- e, th ence a channel 10 to 12 at deeplthrough the inlet to , lico Sound via Davis Otugh, r Old House Channel or 0'he regonInletsuitable lore route. to Manteo, N. C., Rivers and Harbors Com- uannelof 12-foot depth with P~b o le width. mittee resolution, Apr. 1, 1946 ----- l--------l-- ------------ bor Sound to Beaufort Hiar- ..... ' . C., waterway via Core . do.............. --1----------1--- ----------- at nd (Harbor improvements berg, in vicinity of Marshall- b r Carteret County). barlco Sound to Beaufort Har- Senate Public Works ... bor. N C., with a view to de- Committee resolution, terolning the advisability of Mar. 9, 1948 ~ 0 (olryingthe existing project a .ay way at this time, with ui llar reference to deepen- reekthe channel of Taylors g cblieo Sound to Beaufort l[ar- House Public Works N. C., for extending liar- or, Committee resolution, l-r to Lennoxville Point and Apr. 20, 1948 in ,teasing channel dimensions ~ ['aylors Creek. C. co Sound to Mill Creek, N. Rivers and Harbors Com- branc i channel to Wan- mittee resolution, Aug. toese on Mill Creek, Manteo 23, 1945 toaregon Inlet, N. C. NhO Sound to Oregon Inlet, River and Harbor Act, . .,cannel 10 to 12 feet July 24, 1946 "a Davis Slough, Old Ouse Channel or other more itable to co route. Sound, y N. C., channel Rivers and Harbors Com- July 23, 1947 HI. 422, 80th Do. Stumpy Point. mittee resolution, Apr. Cong., 1st olieSound, N. C., channel 12, 1946 sess. River and Harbor Act, mIOnVallace W Channel to Sheep . July 14, 1946 PN a Slue, via Casey Island, Cross-Rock Channel. "., ,arbego Creek, N. C., Belhaven Rivers and Harbors Com- .....--.---..- ilngbo, N. C., to modify exist- mittee resolution, Sept. pe roject. 25, 1945 elt reek N. C., west of Rivers and Harbors Com- doreheade City, sidechannel mittee resolution, Nov. hrh Ileaufort, N. C., to Cape ear Iver, Inland Waterway. 30, 1945 80 4711--48-Vol. 1-48 750 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for navigationcalled for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to D~ocurnerit Recon Congress No.L' N mondation ------------------------ I-----I Pungo River, Inland Waterway House Public Works Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, Committee resolution, N. C., with a view to (determin- Apr. 13, 1948 ing the extent that the Inland Waterway affects the farm lands and timber lands be- tween Albemarle Sound and. Pungo River, Inland( Waterway Senat.e Public Works Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet Committee resolution, N. C., with a view to determin- Apr. 20, 1948 ing the extent that the Inland Waterway affects the farm landis and timber lands be- tween Albemarle Sound and. Purviance Creek, New Hanover River and Hlarbor Act, July 26, 1947 County, N. C. Mar. 2, 1945 Rollinson Channel, N. C., to House Public Works provide breakwaters at en- Committee resolution, trance to the harbor at fHat- May 13, 1947 teras, N. C. Scuppernong River, N. C-....... Commerce Committee resolution, May 16, 1945 Sheep Island Slough to Wallace River and Harbor Act, Channel, via Casey Island, July 24, 1946 Pamlico Sound, N. C., Cross- Rock Channel. Smiths Creek, N. C-------.......--.. Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Apr. 1, 1946 Taylors Creek, Pamlico Sound Senate Public Works to Beaufort H.arbor, N. C., Committee resolution, with a view to determining the Mar. 9, 1948 advisability of modifying the existing project in any way at this time, with particular ref- erence to deepening the chan- nel of. Thoroughfare, channel to Albe- River and HIarbor Act, marie Sound, N. C., either via Mar. 2, 1945 Lower Cashie River, Middle River, and Bachelors Bay, or via any other route. Trent and Neuse Rivers, N. C.. River and lHarbor Act, July 24, 1946 Wallace Channel to Sheep Island ..... Slough, via Casey Island, Pan- lico Sound, N. C., Cross-Rock Channel. Wanchese, N. C., branch chan- Rivers and harbors Com- nel to the Manteo to Oregon mittee resolution, Aug. Inlet, N. C., channel. 23, 1945 32. GOLDSBORO, NEUSE RIVER, N. C. o Location.-The work covered by this project is on that portion NIVeuse River near Goldsboro, N. C., lying between points 94.8 an 102.5 miles above New Bern, N. C. -o Existing project.-This provides for the construction of a cuthef channel for the control of floods, about 6,400 feet long, across t bend in Neuse River just above mile 95. The estimated Federal cost (revised in 1946) is $85,200 for construction, and the estimated costs to local interests are $12,500. The project was authorized b the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 3 77th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published map.)ted Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Assurances accepte on January 15, 1948. FLOOD CONTROL-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 751 Operations and results during fiscal year.-The work consisted of constructing a cut-off channel, a check dam, placing riprap, and niscellaneous surveys. From September 16 to December 3, 1947, 10.62 acres of right-of- Way were cleared and grubbed, 5.25 acres cleared and 110,996 cubic Yards of material removed from the cut-off channel, by contract, at a Cost of $29,278.49. A treated timber check dam was constructed by contract at a cost of $11,125.79. During May 1948, 236.65 tons of riprap were placed by hired labor along the north bank to prevent scour, at a cost of $1,677.79. An automatic river gaging station was moved to a new location, at a cost of $3,351.72. Miscellaneous surveys cost $868.31. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project was commenced in Seltember 1947 and completed in May 1948. The total costs on the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $46,302.10. The expendi- tures were $45,875.18. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, 39,324.82, will be applied as follows: counts payable, June 30, 1948 ----------- _--------------- _$426.92 urveys during fiscal year to determine condition of project- -- 1,000.00 ,laintenance dredging, as needed during fiscal year ..---------------- 4,000.00 Placing bank revetment to prevent bank scour, if found necessary-..... 33,897.90 Total for all work.----------------------------------- 39,324.82 The project will be completed with available funds. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $46,302.10 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ .. . .. . . .. inusTotalcost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- ....... 46,302.10 us accounts payable June 30, 1948_ -------- -- '---.---. 426.92 Un Net total expenditures-------------------------------- 45,875.18 Iexpended balance June 30, 1948-------------------------- 39,324.82 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 85,200.00 lscealyear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Otwor--few 46,302.10 4------------------------------- Cost of aintenancoe. . . . .- I- ............. [ -------- - . .. . . . . I. .------- . ..----- - - -.. . . --.- otl (Iended - - - -- - - - - - - - - . - - - -. . . - -.. -- -- - - -- -.. .. . . .4 5 ,8 75 .1 8 Al~tn . -----... .............. ..-. .............. ........................................ 85, 200.00 mount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------. $85,200.00 ross amount expended_____. 45,875.18 Su Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948............-.... 39,324.82 U1tstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948...... $426.92 mount covered by uncompleted contracts. 500.00 -------------------- 926.92 Balance available, June 30, 1948 .194---------------.-- 38,397.90 752 REPORT OF CHIEF OFENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 33. EMERGENCY FLOOD CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 18, 1941. The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, authorized the allotment from flood-control appropriations of not to exceed $1,000, 000 for any one fiscal year, to be expended in rescue work or in the repair or maintenance of any flood-control work threatened or destroyed by flood. The record freshet of September 1945 breached the dikes protecte ing the White Oak drainage district, on the left bank of the Cape Fear River in the vicinity of lock and dam 1, in 11 places. The sum of $55,000 was allotted during the fiscal year 1947 for the repair of these dikes pursuant to section 5 of the Flood Control Act of August 18, 1941. No work was done during fiscal year 1948. The expenditures were $202.97 for accounts payable as of June 30, 1947. The unobligated balance of $18,539.76, was revoked during-the fiscal year. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ..- _-_--------_ _ ----------- 2 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------6---------------- 36, Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 36,60 24 Net total expenditures _ '..--.------.---.- 36 460.24 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948... 36,460.24 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1948 194794 Cost of new work------------------------------------ ----------- - - - --- ---- Cost of maintenance- ---...............---------------.......... --- ---- ............. -- ----............. $36, 460. 24 - --..--- ---------.--- Total expended-................. .----... I 36,257.27 ---- 5,000. 00 -18, 639 Allotted ............---------------...----------- .... / .. . . ... ----------------........... ........ ........... . -- I__ 1 !".I Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947............---------------------.. $1874273 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment........ 1853976 Net amount to be accounted for------- -.---- ---- ----- 202.97 Gross amount expended_-------. --..........-..........-. 34. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The costs during the fiscal year were $28,135.83. The expendi tures were $27,147.52. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $14,478.88 plus an allotment of $45,000, made in July 1948, a total of $59,478.88 will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 for payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading. The sum of $48,500 can be profitably expended during the fisal year 1950. FLOOD CONTROL-WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT 753 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-....----------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_. -----....----... .-- $83,395.45 Total cost of permanent work to June 30,.1948.--------- 83,395.45 ns accounts payable June 30, 1948_-.--- ------ _-_---- 1,893.04 u Net total expenditures-._ ___... ....-..---.---.----- 81,502.41 nexpended balance June 30, 1948------------------------- 14,478.88 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 95,981.29 Fiscal year ending June 30 __ __ _ 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I I I..- .. __ I - CoStof new work...... Cost Ofmaintenance ........... ....- 3;i--5"' ... . . $7, i-;006 .$.. i. $.( 174i2i.16 $3, 436 .30 I 06-0 $10, 006. 171 $17, 472. 16 $28,135.83 Total expended............ 3, 430.30 7, 000 8, 374. 83 18, 198. 77 27, 147. 52 Allotted.. ..------ ---.. -9, 118.71 15, 200 15, 000. 00 5,000. 00 40,000.00 41---------- alance unexpended, July 1, 1947...... ...------- $1,626.40 Mlount allotted during fiscal year._ ------- ....--. 40,000.00 Amount ed actions to be accounted for_ 41,626.40 on account of revocation of allotment --------------- Gross Net amount to be accounted for ...---------------------- 41,626.40 amount expended------------------ ----------------- 27,147.52 0_ It - _ Balance . . unexpended, .. .. June 30, 1948-_____ -. .- ..- . .' 14,478.88 Am.'ancling liabilities, June 30, 1948. .. $1,893.04 .lount covered by uncompleted contracts-_ 3,384.00 5,277.04 Am Balance available, June 30, 1948. 9,201.84 ount allotted in July 1948_. ..--.....-.-...- .----- 45,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 54,201.84 MAount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 19 5 0, for new work ------------------------....- 48,500.00 35. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures Estimated full report, to June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project see Annual quired to Report for- complete . n. ~ScC New work Maintenance Tar River, N. C....................... 1939 $81,265.61 .............. Completed. __ I,, 754 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Authorization act mlitted to )ocumnt Recorln I men(latiO( Congress No. Cape Fear River, N. C., for flood Flood Control Commit- - - - - - - - - - - - - control. tee resolution, May 2, 1946 Cape Fear River, iv. C., for flood Flood Control Commit- control on the Northeast (Cape tee resolution, Oct. 8, Fear) River. 1945 Core Creek, N. C., Neuse River, ..... do... --------------- for flood control. Cucklers Creek and Pantego Flood Control Act, June --------------- Creek, N. C. 30, 1948 Neuse River, N. C., for flood Flood Control Commit- --------------- control along Core Creek, N. C. tee resolution, Oct. 8, 1945 Neuse River and tributaries, for Flood Control Commit- flood control between Smith- tee resolution, Mar. 1, field and Wayne County line, 1946 N. C. Northeast (Cape Fear) River, Flood Control Commit- for flood control. tee resolution, Oct. 8, 1945 'antego Creek and Cucklers Flood Control Act, June Creek, N. C. 30, 1948 Pasquotank River, N. C-....... Flood Control Act, Dec. 22, 1944 --- -- ---- - IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT This district comprises all of South Carolina (except the local Watersheds draining into the Savannah River), western-central Itorth Carolina, and a very small portion of southwestern Virginia. It embraces the drainage basins tributary to the Atlantic Ocean between Little River and Port Royal Sound, except the watersheds It Mackay and Skull Creeks, and excluding Hilton Head Island. I ncludes the Intracoastal Waterway in the same reach. District engineer: Col. John B. Hughes, Corps of Engineers, to October 31, 1947. Col. Paschal N. Strong, Jr. (acting) Corps of .Dineers,November 1, 1947 to January 30, 1948. Col. Edward " Daly, Corps of Engineers, January 31, 1948, to date. Division engineer of the South Atlantic Division, Atlanta, Ga., comprising the Wilmington, N. C., Charleston, S. C., Savannah, Ga., lacksonville, Fla., and Mobile, Ala., districts: Col. George W. Gil- lette, Corps of Engineers, to December 21, 1947; Col. Mason J. oung, Corps of Engineers, December 22, 1947, to date. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation Navigation-Continued 1 Page Page 1. Atlantic Intracoastal Water- 10. Shipyard River, S, C------.... 776 way between Norfolk, Va., 11. Examinations, surveys, and and the St. Johns River, contingencies (general)_-_ 779 2 Fla. (Charleston district). 755 12. Inactive navigation projects_ 780 Sinyah Bay, S. C-- ...--. 758 13. Plant allotment------- 781 Waccamaw River, N. C and 4 S. C-------------------762 Flood control 50 Great Pee Dee River, S. C - 763 14. Yadkin River, N. C------- ....... 783 6. Mingo Creek, S. C- - ... 765 15. Preliminary examinations, 6. Santee River, S. C ....-------- 766 surveys, and contingencies 7. Congaree River, S. C.._... 767 for flood control--------- 785 8. Charleston Harbor, S. C_-- 770 16. Inactive flood control 9.Ashley River, S. C-------- 774 projects- __--- __ - 785 . ATLANTIC INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY BETWEEN NORFOLK, VA., AND THIE ST. JOHNS RIVER, FLA. (CHARLESTON DISTRICT) Location.-This section of the waterway begins at Little River near the North and South Carolina State line, and extends generally 0therly along the coast of South Carolina to Winyah Bay, 62 l~es; thence 63.5 miles to Charleston; thence 84.5 miles to and hcluding Port Royal Sound; a total distance of 210 miles. (See 8. ^.Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 835, 836, 837, and Previous projects.-Adopted by River and IIarbor Acts of March I 11, and June 13, 1902. For further details see page 613, Annual eport for 1932. 755 756 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-This provides for a waterway 12 feet deep at mean low water and not less than 90 feet wide from Little River to and including Port Royal Sound, with a branch channel of the same dimensions to McClellanville, a total distance of 210 miles; for the construction of three bridges crossing. the waterway in Iorryt County, S. C.; and for an anchorage basin 125 feet wide, 335 feet long, and 12 feet deep near Myrtle Beach, S. C. The mean range o tide at Little River is 5 feet: Winyah Bay, at Georgetown, 3.3 feet; at Charleston, 5.1 feet, and at Port Royal Sound, 7.2 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1947 is $7,359,900. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $191,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Sept. 19, 1890 Channel from Minim Creek to Winyah Bay. Annual Report, 1889, nP. 1184. 1st sesS, June 13, 1902 Channel from Charleston to a point opposite McClel- II. Doc. 84, 56th Cong., 190. lanville. and Annual Report, 1900, 3 Mar. 2, 1907 Branch channel to McClellanville .............. Annual Report, 1903, P 1 ess. Mar, "2, 1919 Extending the channel to Minim Creek, thence I. Dec. 178, 63d Cong., st through the Estherville-Minim Creek Canal to Winyah Bay. st Sess Mar. 3, 1925 Cut across the Santee Delta at Four Mile Creek .-.. H. Doc. 237, 68th Cong., )o...... Widening and deepening the waterway from Charles- S. Doc. 178, 68th Cong., 2ds ton to Beaufort. July 3, 1930 A waterway 8 feet deep and 75 feet wide from Cape Hi.Doc. 41, 71st Cong., 1st sess. Fear River to Winyah Bay. Aug. 30, 19351 Construction of bridges across the waterway in Iorry Rivers and Harbors Comittee County, S. C. Doc. 14, 72d Cong., 1s t sess. Aug. 30, 19351 Cut-oil between Ashepoo and Coosaw Rivers._. H. D)oc. 129, 72d Cong., 1mnlttee 1)o... . Enlarging the channel from Winyah Bay to Charles- Rivers and I[arbors Co"i ton, including the branch channel to McClellan- D)oc. 11, 72d Cong., 1st ses ville, to depth of 10 feet and bottom width of 90 feet. Aug.' 26, 1937 Increasing dimensions of waterway to 12 feet deep committee Rivers and Harbors C.s and 90 feet wide. Doc. 6, 75th Cong., 1st sCss.S. June 20, 1938 To provide a yacht basin near Southport, 12 feet deep, 11. Doc. 549, 75th Cong., 3d s 230 feet wide,, and 450 feet long, with connecting channel. Mar. 2, 1945 Anchorage basin 125 feet wide, 335 feet long, 12 feet H. I)oc. 327, 76th Cong., 1stseSS3 deep, near Myrtle Beach, S. C., 1 Included in Public Works Administration program Sept. 6, 1933. 2 Included in Emergency Relief Administration program May 28, 1935. 3 Contain latest published maps.. Local cooperation.-'-Fully complied with, except for conditions~ House Document 327, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session, whiCh require that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States as and when required, all lands, easements, and rights-of-waYd. a spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent mantr, nance; and give assurances, satisfactory to the Secretary of arl that they will provide and maintain suitable mooring piles, wia1il ways, and road connections open to the public without cost, and Will provide and operate servicing facilities for recreational craft, ope to all on equal and reasonable terms, all as may be required byte Secretary of War. Terminal facilities.--There are rail-water terminals at George town, Charleston, Yonges Island, and Port Royal, and numerobs open-pile wharves mostly for shipping agricultural products, fisb' oysters, and pulpwood. These facilities are considered adequate fo existing commerce. RIVERS AND) HARBORS-CHARLESTON, S. C., DI)ISTRICT 757 Operations and results during fiscal year.-Portionsof the most critical shoals at mouths of drainage ditches, vicinity of mile 360, Were removed by United States snagboat Wateree and hired labor at a cost of $2,839.67. Project dimensions were restored at critical shoals at mouths of drainage ditches between miles 352 and 366, by the .ipe-line dredge Washington, by contract, removing 73,784 Cubic yards of material at a cost of $30,796.40. Project dimensions Were restored at 18 shoals in a 51 mile reach of the waterway be- tween Winyah Bay (mile 410.8) and The Cove (mile 462) by the Dipe-line dredges Northwood and Cherokee, by contract, removing 1,478,646 cubic yards of material at a cost of $280,492.95. Project dimensions were restored at seven shoals in a 16-mile reach of the waterway between Dawho River bridge (mile 502) and Coosaw river (mile 518) by the pipe-line dredge Cherokee, by contract, removing 251,20 6 cubic yards of material at a cost of $51,998.44. The cost of surveys and supervision was $11,177.27. The total costs during the year were $377,304.73 for maintenance. The ex- Penditures were $377,301.17. Condition at end of fiscal year.-That portion of the existing project providing for a channel 12 feet deep and 90 feet wide was Completed in 1940; the work remaining consists of providing an anchorage basin 125 feet wide, 335 feet long and 12 feet deep near dYrtle Beach, S. C. Surveys in June 1948 showed a controlling deth 8.3 feet for a width of 60 feet centrally located at intermittent Shoals between Little River (mile 342) and mile 369; a controlling depth of 9 feet for a width of 60 feet centrally located at intermit- tent shoals between Winyah Bay (mile 410.8) and Charleston iarbor (mile 463.8) ; and a controlling depth of 8.2 feet for a width Of 60 feet centrally located at intermittent shoals between Wappoo Creek (mile 471) and Coosaw River (mile 518) ; elsewhere approxi- mately project dimensions obtain. The costs to the end of the fiscal year for new work have been $4,011,951.06 from regular funds, $3,259,294.02 from Public Works unds and $74,642.87 from Emergency Relief funds, a total of 7,345,887.95. The costs to the end of the fiscal year for mainte- nlance have been $3,873,484.67 from regular funds, $13,308.01 from ublic Works funds, and $54,915.78 from Emergency Relief funds, a total of $3,941,708.46. The total cost for all work has been $11,287,596.41. The expenditures have been $7,885,432.17 from regular funds, $3,272,602.03 from Public Works funds, and $129,- 8.65 from Emergency Relief funds, a total of $11,287,592.85. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, 31,298.71 plus an allotment of $429,000, made during July 1948, a total of $460,298.71 will be applied as follows: ccounts payable June 30, 1948__----.......--.......------------... ....... $3.56 Maintenance: Dredging by contract to restore project dimensions at intermittent shoals along the entire waterway, Sept. 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949. 418,295.15 Snagging and clearing banks as required along the entire waterway by the United States snagboat Wateree and hired labor, Oct. 1, 1948, to Jan. 31, 1949, and Mar. 22 to Apr. 30, 1949.....---------. 42,000.00 Total for all work...---------------------------------460,298.71 758 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $500,000 can be profitably expended in maintenance dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensij4 at intermittent shoals along the entire waterway, September 1, 9 to June 30, 1950. This amount exceeds the average cost for maintenance durig the past 5 years because maintenance dredging has been confine to critical shoaling areas. Cost and financial summary Cost of new:work to June 30, 1948...__. $7, 455,37.59 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _ 4011,130-------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.------ 11,466,50 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ---------------------- Net total expenditures____ __________________ 11,46650471 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948_ 31-.71 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 11,497,803. ' _ I - IFiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 194748 i'- ------ -- ,- -I -I Cost of new work............... -.............. ... --------- 1---"oi --- 3 Cost:of maintenance-----------............ $301, 719. 75 $267, 771. 21 $224, 100. 33 $314, 996.44' 3 --- =I= 1=" 1--- II Total expended................. 291, 008. 73 222, 287. 00 269, 874. 49 315, 292.04 3701 377, Q'1 Allotted.,..................... 131, 000. 00 599, 800. 00 279, 817. 62 -121, -121,000.00403, 000O 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_-- - -_____- - .... $5,599'88 Amount allotted during fiscal year------ 403,00000 Amount to be accounted for.--------...-..--.._ Gross amount expended--.------.------------- . 377 408 ,0.17 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 31,2966 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---------..---..-.- Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 31,295.00 Amount allotted in July 1948-------------------------29,000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 460,295.15 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 14000.00 of existing project-_. . . ..-------------------------------- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance........................._ 500,000.00 2. WINYAH BAY, S. C. Location.-On the coast of South Carolina, 50 miles northeast of Charleston Harbor and 90 miles southwest of the entrance to Cape Fear River, N. C. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Char No. 787.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of lA- gust 2, 1882; August 5, 1886; and June 25, 1910. For further detailS see page 1806 of Annual Report for 1915; page 549 of Annual Report for 1938; and page 442 of Annual Report for 1944. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 27 feet deep from that depth in the Atlantic Ocean to and including a turning basin RIVERS AND I TARBORS-CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 759 in Sampit River, 600 feet wide across the outer bar and in the gorge and 400 feet wide thence to a turning basin at the head of the project Via a cut-off across the peninsula in Sampit River, with a side Channel 2,400 feet long and not less than 250 feet wide leading to a turning basin at the upper end of the built-up portion of the city Waterfront, widened at the bends, to be secured and maintained by the construction of two jetties of stone on brush mattresses, spring- lfg respectively from North and South Islands, the north jetty hav- ing a length of 11,139 and the south jetty 21,051 feet. The project also provides for the continued maintenance to a depth of 18 feet for a width of 400 feet of the by-passed portion of Sampit River oDDosite the city of Georgetown. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $3,653,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $65,000. The mean range of tide at Georgetown is 3.3 feet; spring tides have a mean range of 3.9 feet. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug 5, 1886 Jetties and earthen (like to protect south jetty- . I . Ex. Doc. 258, 48th Cong., 2d sess., and Annual Report, 1885, pp. 1154-1170, and If. Ex. )oc. 117, 50th Cong., 2d sess., and An- 1 25, 1910 i enual Previous project channel dimensions and training Report, 1889, pp. 1110-1115. HI. 1)oc. 398, 58th Cong., 2d sess., wall. and Annual Report, 1904, pp. :1591-1609. ar. 2, 1945 27-foot channel from ocean, including a turning basin HI. )oc. 211, 76th Cong., 1st sess. in Sampit River. (Contains latest published mapl.) tl 30, 1948 Cut-off and side chailnel in Sampit River. .Local cooperation.-The portion of the project authorized in the liVer and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, is subject to the require- rents that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas for new work and for subsequent maintenance as required. Fully complied ith. Local interests have agreed to furnish the additional rights- of-way required for the cut-off in Sampit River authorized by River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities at the port of O oeorgetown served by this improvement consist of four wharves ordinary-timber construction, one of creosoted-timber con- truction, suitable for oceangoing vessels, and a number of smaller Wharves and landing places. These are considered adequate for the lresent commerce of the port. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-New work: Dredging in Sampit River was terminated by supplemental agreement, todification No. 2, entered into April 29, 1948; the pipe-line dredge St. Louis removed 1,968,291 cubic yards of material at a cost of $408,001 95. Dredging in the upper two and one half miles of the eastern Channel, by the pipe-line dredges Morgan and Florida,by COtract, removed 3,056,683 cubic yards of material at a cost of 760 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, IJ. S. ARMY, 1948 $397,330.90. Additional cost of $2,822.31 was incurred in connec- tion with future dredging. The total during the year waS $808,155.16 for new work. The expenditures were $687,035.69. Maintenance.-The cost and expenditures of surveys and super- vision were $666. 400 Condition at end of fiscal year.--A channel 18 feet deep and 400 feet wide from the entrance of Winyah Bay to the head of the project was completed in 1937 with the completion of Eastern Channel. The jetties were completed in 1903-4. The crest elevations range from 8 to -4 feet and are as much as 12 feet below their original heights. Dikes of various forms have been built to pro- tect the South Island beach and the shore end of the south jettY. An earth dike 4,100 feet long has been constructed east of the Eastern Channel, largely from original channel excavation, to assist in maintaining the channel. The Sampit River entrance is protected on the eastern side by a timber-and-brush training wba 2,000 feet long. The work remaining consists of providing a chan- nel 27 feet deep and 600 feet wide from that depth in the ocean across the outer bar and through the gorge; thence 27 feet deep and 400 feet wide to the head of the project, except for the upper two and one half miles of the Eastern Channel and parts of SamPit River including a turning basin at the head of the project. A reconnaissance examination during April 1948 showed a con- trolling depth of 18 feet from deep water in the ocean to the lower end of the eastern channel, 6 miles; a controlling center-line depth of 14.8 feet in the western channel from the Estherville-1inm Creek Canal to the upper end of the eastern channel, whichis maintained as a link in the intracoastal waterway; and a control ling center-line depth of 12.5 feet in the portion of the chan below the Estherville-Minim Creek Canal. This portion of th western channel is rarely used by navigation. Surveys in April and June 1948, showed a controlling depth of 16 feet from the lower end of the eastern channel to the mouth of foot Sampit River; thence a controlling depth of 18 feet for 3 0 0 -. width to the head of the project, except in the mouth of Sampit River where the controlling depth is 16.5 feet. The costs of the existing project to the end of the fiscal year have been $1,689,499.56 for new work and $1,423,252.43 for maintenance, a total of $3,112.751.99. The expenditures have been $2,989,204.76. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $727,901.63, plus an allotment of $856,600 made in July 1948, a total of $1,584,501.63, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_....---------------------------- $123,547.23 New work: Dredging by contract to provide project dimensions in the incompleted portion of Sampit River, upper 2 miles of Winyah Bay and the lower 3% miles of eastern channel, Nov. 1, 1948,45 314 to June 30, 1949............................------------------------------------- 1,45531666 Maintenance: Supervision of the completed portions of the project .. 636 Total for all work.--------------------.-------------. 1,584,501.63 RIVERS AND HARBORS-CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 761 The additional sum of $808,200 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: ework Dredging to complete the project by United States hopper dredge and hired labor to provide project dimensions in the gorge and entrance channel portion of the project, July 1, 1949, to Jan. 31, 1950__ $508,200 aintenance: Dredging by contract to restore project dimensions in Sampit River and Winyah Bay Aug. 1, 1949, to Jan. 31, 1950 300,000-------- Total for all work ------------.. _________-__....... 808,200 This amount exceeds the average cost of maintenance for the last 5 years, due to the need for removing silt deposits accumulated uring the 3-year period of construction and the expected subsi- ence of banks in the new dredged cuts. Costfand financial:summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ __...___ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---.- ,- -$4,135,351.41 - 1,537,808.80 iuTotal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ - 5,673,160.21 nus accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------- 123, 547.23 Uj Net total expenditures ------------------------------ . 5,549,612.98 rexpended balance June 30, 1948_ -- 727,901.63 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 6,277,514.61 Fiscalyear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ostofnew work...................--------------- --------------- $15,191.21 $7,935.89 $808,155.16 Cost ofmaintenance ------------ $3,796. 95 $2, 090.28 73,472.12 126.54 666.00 Total cost--.. - ....... -.. 3,796.95 2, 090. 2 8 88, 663. 33 8, 062. 43 808, 821. 16 expended... otal ---. ... - 3, 295. 87 2, 611. 36 87, 747. 98 6, 550.02 687, 701.69 Allotted ---- 9,000.00 68, 000. 00 687, 800.00 -55, 000.00 805, 000. 00 $alance unexpended, July 1, 1947..-------------------------- $610, 603.32 Atiount allotted during fiscal year-..- ..-.-...----.. --..... 805,000.00 Gr Amount to be accounted for_-- .-.--.. ----- 1,415,603.32 amount expended.. 687,701.69 uts Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---.......-.... 727,901.63 utanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ....-------------------- 123,547.23 A Balance available, June 30, 1948 ............. 604,354.40 hOunt allotted in July 1948- ------------------ 856,600.00 1,460,954.40 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-------....... Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion Of existing project ------------------------.--------... - 508,200.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending tune 30, 1950: For new work.-.-...- .5.L ---.--... .... 508,200.00 For maintenance...---..-.--.-------- ---- ----.. 300,000.00 Total- -....--. 11.. -------. ..- __ 808,200.00 762 REPORT OF CIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 3. WACCAMAW RIVER, N. C. AND S. C. Location.-This river rises at Lake Waccamaw, N. C., and flowe southwest 139.9 miles into Winyah Bay, near Georgetown, CO (See U. S. Geological Survey map of North and South Carolina, 1929.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 12 feet deep at low water, with 80 feet bottom width, from the mouth of the river to Conway, 41.5 miles; thence a channel 4 feet deep at low water and 50 feet wide to Red Bluff, 25.5 miles above Conway; thence a cleared channel to Lake Waccamaw. The usual seasonal variation in water surface is about 7.5 feet at Conway and about 12 feet at Star Blufr 80 miles above the mouth. The tidal variation in Winyah BaY is 3.3 feet and at Conway at lower river stage it is 1.2 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1930, was $262,800. The latest (1930) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte nance is $4,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Do.1 4t -- Cn. 2d June 14, 1880 Channel 12 feet deep to Conway and cleared channel, S. Ex. Doe. 117, 46th Cong1880 Conway to Lake Waccamaw. sess. and Annual Report, p. 848. 1st ses. July 3, 1930 Channel 4 feet deep from Conway to Red Bluff. . 1. Dl)oc. 82, 70th Congl 1t se (Contain latest publishedil np.) Recommended modifications of project.-Recommendation waS made to Congress in 1926 that the project be curtailed by elimina- ting all work between Star Bluff and Lake Waccamaw (IL Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess.) Terminal facilities.-At Bucksport there is a wharf with an eleC- trically operated boat lift, where marine fuel may be obtained. At intermediate landings there are privately owned wharves, a num" ber of which are used for loading pulpwood on barges. These facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The channel was cleared of the most serious obstructions between Enterprise (mlle 27) and Conway (mile 41.5) by United States snagboat Wateree removing snags, stumps, logs and overhanging trees at a cost and expenditure of $13,000, chargeable to maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The 12-foot channel to ConWfaY (mile 41.5), was completed in 1924, and that depth obtains for most of the distance. There has been no commercial navigation above Conway during the past several years. A survey during 1939, and an investigation during FebruarY 1942, showed full project dimensions in the 4-foot channel above Conway to Sessions Landing (mile 54) ; thence to Red Bluff (mile 70), sand bars limit the controlling depth to 2.8 feet at low water for a width of 30 feet. No work having been done above Red Blu for several years, the channel is obstructed by logs and snags and cannot be navigated safely. RIVERS AND IIARBORS--CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 763 The costs and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year have een $262,813.58 for new work and $172,813.29 for maintenance, a total of $435,626.87. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $4,500 made during July 8' will be applied to maintenance snagging, as required, from 1erprise (mile 27) to Red Bluff (mile 70), with United States Sfagboat Wateree and hired labor, February 21 to March 10, 1949. The additional sum of $8,000 can be profitably expended for maintenance snagging, as required, from Enterprise (mile 27) to Red Bluff (mile 70), with United States snagboat Wateree and hired labor, Feb. 1-28, 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948____---. --- -------- $262,813.58 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--- -.-- - 172,813.29 Net Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- -435,626.87 ot total expenditures ...........------------------------------------ 435,626.87 al amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------------- 435,626.87 scal Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 .1948 0 aosto ew work-------- --- =-- - . _ -- --...- _. ... . astofmaintenance- ---- -- $127.1 .$2,307.47 $2,905 . 48 $13,000 .-------------- Oalexpended................. 127. 71 2, 307.47 2, 905. 48 ............. 13, 000 S--------................. ............. 3, 800. 00 -----.. --........... --......--...-- 13, 000 AOunt allotted during fiscal year- --------- __. ___------- $13,000 as amount expended__ _--.------------------ -------- 13,000 n ou nt allotted in July 1948------------------------------ 4,500 ligated balance available for fiscal year 1949----- 4-------500 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ---------------------------- . 8,000 4. GREAT PEE DEE RIVER, S. C. Location.-Great Peedee (Pee Dee) River rises in the mountains .North Carolina and flows generally southeast for 435 miles into lnyah Bay, near Georgetown, S. C. Above the Uharie River, 233 les from the mouth, it is called the Yadkin. (See U. S. Geological urvey map of South Carolina, 1929.) fE'isting project.-This provides for a cleared 9-foot channel o Waccamaw River via Bull Creek, to Smiths Mills, and thence y 3 ./4-foot channel to Cheraw at all stages of water. The tidal Variation at low-water stage is 2.3 feet at Waccamaw River and 3 inches 16 miles above. The ordinary flood stage is 18 feet above the low-water stage at Smiths Mills, 17 feet at Atlantic Coast Line 10ilroad bridge, and 30 feet at Cheraw Bridge, respectively 55, , and 172.5 miles from the mouth. The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1900, was $235,345. h4e latest (1900) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- ice is $5,000. 764 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D)ocunents June 14, 1880 Removal of obstructions to secure a navigable depth S. Ex. Doc. 117, 46th Con.188 of 9 feet to Smiths Mills and 3Y feet to Cheraw. Annual sess., and Annual Report, p. 844. (For map see June 13, 1902 To secure a 3%-foot channel between Cheraw and Atlantic Coast Line R. R. bridge by dredging, H. "Report 1889, for56th Doc.124 1 *1 2d '2 (1ong.,d sess. snagging, and constructing timber and pile dams. Recommended modifications of project.-Recommendation was made to Congress in 1926 that the project be curtailed by elimina- tion of all work between Jeffreys Creek and Cheraw (1H. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess.). Terminal facilities.-At various places along the stream are landings for the handling of pulpwood. There are practically na other terminal facilities, except privately owned small sheds at a few landings to protect freight. as Operations and results during fiscal year.- The channel Bull cleared of the most serious obstructions between the head of -l Creek at Great Pee Dee River (mile 32.5) and the Seaboard rand road bridge (mile 73) by United States snagboat Watereerean hired labor, removing stumps, logs, snags and overhanging tree at a cost and expenditure of $10,000 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was counl pleted in 1909. Project dimensions obtain from the head of Bull Creek at Great Pee Dee River (mile 32.5) to Smiths Mills (mile 55), the head of commercial navigation. g A survey during January 1939, and an investigation durith January 1942, showed a cleared channel 3 feet deep from Smithrs Mills (mile 55) to Jeffreys Creek (mile 91); thence 2 feet to Mars a Bluff (mile 105); thence less than 1 foot to Cheraw (mile 1745) e The costs and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year h e been $183,712.41 for new work and $252,673.06 for maintenance' a total of $436,385.47. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $5,000 made duringJulY 1948, will be applied to maintenance snagging, as required, fron' the mouth of Bull Creek (mile 20) to the Seaboard railroad bridg d near Poston (mile 73) by United States snagboat Wateree a hired labor, February 1-20, 1949. The additional sum of $8,000 can be profitably expended for maintenance snagging, as required, from the mouth of Bull Creek (mile 20) to the Seaboard railroad bridge near Poston (mile 73).3 United States snagboat Wateree and hired labor, January 1 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___-_--_ _____-- $18371 '06 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------- 252673 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_---- . 436,385 4 Net total expenditures- ----....-.---..---... 436,385.47 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---....--.--.... -436,38.41 RIVERS AND IIARBORS-CIARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 765 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1047 1948 Cost of new work... st of laintenance- - ----- $48. 79 $3, 220. 63 $9,774.32 $10,494. 05 $10, 000 otalexpended................. - 4.7 3, 220. 63 9, 774. 32 10, 494. 05 10, 000 Allotted 7, 000. 00 15, 00. 0(0 .... _ _ 10, 000 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------- $10,000 0ross amount expended- 10, 000 Smount allotted in July 1948 _ -------- 5,000 nOblhgated balance available for fiscal year 1949 5,000 Arount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ______________-__----- 8,000 5. MINGO CREEK, S. C. Location.-This stream rises in the northern part of Williams- burg County, S. C., about 12 miles east of Kingstree, flows south- easterly about 45 miles in Williamsburg and Georgetown Counties, and enters Black River at a point about 25 miles above the mouth of the latter and about 30 miles by water from Georgetown, S. C. o e head of navigation is regarded as being 11 miles above the ~Outh. (See U. S. Geological Survey map of South Carolina, Previous projects. -The original project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 11, 1888. For scope of previous Projects,' see page 1807, Annual Report for 1915. Gxisting project.-This provides for a channel 60 feet wide and 8 feet deep at mean low water from the mouth to Hemingway 2ridge, 11 miles, by making four short cut-offs. The rise of tide is 2 feet and freshet rise 41~2 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, made in 1910, The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual costwas $22,000. of mainte- nance is $400. The existing project was adopted by the River and IHarbor Act of uly 25, 1912 (H. Doc. 782, 61st Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-Fully complied. with. lo Terminal facilities.-Severallandings for loading pulpwood are foc ated along the creek. These facilities are considered sufficient or present and prospective commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1913. The creek was last cleared of obstructions between its mouth at Black River and the Hemingway highway bridge (mile 11.4), the head of commercial navigation during January 1945, The costs and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year have een $12,050 for new work and $6,550 for maintenance, a total of $18,600. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $2,500, made during July 1948, will be applied to maintenance snagging, as required, be- ween the mouth at Black River and the IHemingway highway 80 4711-48-Vol. 1-49 766 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 bridge (mile 11.4) with United States snagboat Wateree and hired labor, March 11-20, 1949. No work is proposed during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-.. ---- _-$2 __--__. 0'10 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 36200 Net total expenditures_-------------------------------------- 36200 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------- 3 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 Cost of new work------------------------------------- .--.--..-- Cost of maintenance............ ............------------------------.. $2,800::-----------------:_--------- Total expended----------------.-----------..---2,800_.. - Allotted ------------------------------------ .............. 1,800 .........------------- 5 Amount allotted in July 1948. ... .$ 00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949--- ....... 6. SANTEE RIVER, S. C. Location.--This river is formed by the confluence of the, Con' garee and Wateree Rivers, about 29 miles southeast of Columnbia S. C. It flows generally southeast for 143 miles and enterstho Atlantic Oce'an about 45 miles northeast of Charleston harbore The upper 56 miles have been inundated by Lake Marion of thd South Carolina Public Service Authorities. (See U. S. Coast a Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1238 and U. S. Geological Survey 'aPa of South Carolina, 1929,) ch Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor: Act of ofarch 3, 1881. For further details of previous projects see page 1808 Annual Report for 1915, and page 558 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.--This provides for snagging the entire rie The plane of reference for the lower river is mean low water, the mean tidal range at the mouth being 4.5 feet. Tidal action'extend 48 miles above the mouth, about 10 miles above Lenuds FerrY During June 1941, the river was closed to navigation 'at Wils°ns Landing, 87 miles above the mouth, by the construction of the Santee Dam by the South Carolina Public Service Authority. Theri is no approved estimate of annual cost of maintenance.: ct The existing project was adopted by the River and Harborp approved September 19, 1890 (Annual Report for 1889, p. 1184). Recommended modifications of project.-In Senate Documne 189, Seventy-Eighth Congress, second session, transmitted to Cori gress April 24, 1944, the Chief of Engineers recommended' it' provement of the Santee, Congaree, and Broad Rivers for nav1i " tion, for power development, and for other beneficial uses at, an estimated initial cost of $51,511,000. the Terminal facilities.--There are no terminal facilities along river; however, there are two landings used for loading pulpvo rd on Wadmecon River, a tributary entering Santee River about' miles above its mouth. In the tidal reach there are several privatel' owned landings which are used infrequently. : ' IRVERS AND HARBORS----CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 767 Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-In June 1941 the river was closed to navigation at Wilson Landing (mile 87) by the construc- t on of the Santee Dam of the Santee-Cooper hydroelectric project. The controlling depth in the 12 miles next above the Intracoastal Waterway. crossing at mile 7 is about 9 feet; thence 4 feet to Lenuds Ferry, 31 miles above the crossing. The head of the tidal reach is at mile 48, about 10 miles upstream from Lenuds Ferry. 4he controlling depth from Lenuds Ferry to Santee Dam, about 49 miles, has been reduced to probably no more than 2 feet by the diversion of the waters to the Pinopolis Reservoir and Cooper River. The flow passing the dam has been reduced to 500 cubic feet per second, the minimum permitted under the terms of the Federal Power Commission license, except when floods require Opening spillway gates. Navigation between points on the Santee RiVer above the dam and the seacoast is possible via the Cooper River and the Santee-Cooper project. The costs and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year have been $178,544.05 for maintenance. P'roposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $8,000 can be profitably expended for maintenance Snagging, as required, from the crossing of the Intracoastal Water- way ;(mile 7) to the mouth of Wadmecon River (mile 20) with United States snagboat Wateree and hired labor, March 1-31, 1950. This amount exceeds the average cost of maintenance during the Past 5 years, because no snagging was done during the fiscal years 1944, 1947, and 1948. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------- ------------------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------- $99,750.00 178,544.05 e Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 278,294.05 et total expenditures ..... ... ._ _ . ... _278,294.05 otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---- 278,294.05 Fiscal year ending Jun 30 1944 1945 I 1946 T 1947 1948 Cost of l i Total O, Id e dn e nc - -- - - -- -- -- --- -- -- ---- $ 1, 44 7. 18 $2 , 252 .38 - - - -_ - _- - - -- ------- Allotted - ------------.-- ------ 00 21,000447.182252.38.. ~~2,000.00 252.38 ------ ---- _. _--- Aount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance__-------------------------- $8,000 7. CONGAREE RIVER, S. C. Location.--This river is formed by the confluence of the Broad and Saluda Rivers at Columbia, S. C., and flows southeasterly 50 riles, there uniting with the Wateree River to form the Santee liver. (See U. S. Geological Survey map of South Carolina, 1929.) SExisting project.--This provides for a 4-foot navigable channel OVer the lower 49 miles of the river, to be secured by dredging and 768 irEPO:l'r OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 bank protection, and for the construction of a lock and dam to ex- tend deep water to Gervais Street Bridge, Columbia, S. C. The variation in water surface due to freshets is about 24 feet at the mouth of the river and about 39 feet at Columbia, the plane o reference being ordinary low water. o The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1925, is $514,000. The latest (1928) approved estimate of annual cost of maintenance is $5,200, including $200 for operation and care of the lock and dam. Data concerning the lock and dam are as follows: Location, 2 miles below Gervais St., Columbia, S. C., 47 miles above mouth of river. Ifeet Length between miter sills- ._ - _____ - 55 Clear width......- ---------------------------------------- 10 Lift--------------- -------------------- -------- 6 Depth of miter sills at low water--- Character of foundation: Ledge granite. Kind of dam, movable: Chanoine wickets. Cost to date: 000 Original structure--_____ -- __ -$225,000 Alterations 56,000 Total_ . ......--------------------------------------------- 281,000 Completed, 1914. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents - - 2( Aug., 5, 1886 Improvement of the lower 49 miles_ ___................. 11.sess., Ex. )oc. 254, 48th o and Annual Report,1 Mar. 3, 1899 Construction of a lock and dam -................... 1140. I. Ex. 1)oc. 66 153dCong.,2 2d sess., and Annual Report, 1890, s 1183. June 25, 1916 Rebuilding the dam and raising the crest ............ . Doc. 608, 61st (ong., 21 sess. Aug. 8, 1917 Iank protection --------------------------- ....-- . . 11. Doc. 702, 63d Cong., 2'1 Se5 June 26, 19341 Operating and care of lock and dam provided( for with funds from War DeI)artment appropriations for rivers and harbors. 'Permanent Appropriations Repeal Act. Recommended modifications of project.-In Senate Document 189, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, transmitted to Cded gress April 24, 1944, the Chief of Engineers recommended improvement of the Santee, Congaree, and Broad Rivers for navigation, for power development, and for other beneficial uses at an estimated initial cost of $51,511,000. Terminal facilities.-Thereare no public terminals on the rierat A contracting company has leased the Government reservation at the lock and dam site, near Columbia, and has constructed a whrf for the handling of stone. Several landings along the river were formerly used for handling logs and veneer timbers. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The river was cleared of the most serious obstructions between mile 18 and mile 8, completing work begun in the previous fiscal year, by United States snagboat Wateree and hired labor, removing stumps, loS and overhanging trees at a cost of $4,262.34. RIVERS AND IIARBORS-CIIARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 769 An experimental timber pile groin 800 feet long was constructed ia the river, vicinity of mile 39.5 at a cost of $9,229.27. The total Cost during the year was $13,491.61 for maintenance. The expendi- tures were $13,491.61. COperatingand care of lock and dam across Congaree River, near Iolumbia, S. C.-Repairs were made to protect property at the lock and dam at a cost of $271.06 for maintenance. The expendi- tures were $372.10. Condition at end of fiscal year.-That portion of the existing project which covers dredging and bank protection has been aPproximately 71 percent completed for many years, the work renmaining consisting of revetting about 20,000 feet of banks in the vicinity of Congaree and Gill Creeks, beginning about 5 miles below Columbia. An examination in April and May 1946 showed b.controlling depth from the mouth to the lock and dam at Colum- bia, S. C., of 4 feet, except during the low-water stage resulting roMn the week end shutdowns of upstream power plants, when the controlling depth is 1 foot. The portion of the project covering the lock and dam has been Clomleted as described in paragraph "Existing project." The lock and dam were placed out of commission in August 1920, and the building and grounds are being leased. The costs to the end of the fiscal year have been $364,823.87 for 1 lew work, $2,725.82 for operating and care, and $429,300.95 for aintenance, a total of $796,850.64. The expenditures have been $796,850.64. In addition, the sum of $109,833.10 was expended thWeen August 7, 1906, and June 1935, on operation and care of e orks of improvement under the provisions of the permanent and indefinite appropriation for such purposes. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $5,200, made in July 1948, will be applied as follows: Maintenance and protection of property at the lock and dam- _ __ _ $200 aintenance snagging, as required, between the mouth at Santee River and the lock and dam (mile 49), by United States snagboat Wateree and hired abor, May 1-20, 1949--------------------------------------- 5,000 Total for all work --------------------------------------- 5,200 The additional sum of $16,400 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950; $16,000 for maintenance snagging, as re- 9uired, between the mouth at Santee River and the lock and dam (mile 49) by United States snagboat Wateree and hired labor, April 1 to May 31, 1950, and $400 for maintenance and protection Of Property at the lock and dam. This amount exceeds the average cost of maintenance during the past 5 years, due to the resumption of commerce and to the Prospect of continuing commerce on the river. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------------------.$364,823.87 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-_-------_ -------- _- 541,859.87 Ne Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- -906,683.74 yet otaltotal expenditures amount ....---------------.------------ appropriated to June .- 30, 1948---. ---- 906,683.74 906,683.74 770 REPORT OF OHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1946 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work --...., .... ... .•...r ....... --.-. 3 26 Cost of maintenance-----------. $513.22-, 4,371.41 $21,007.36 $ Totalexpended----------------........ 13.22 -4,364.44 20,913.29 ' 2 913 29 ,.,13 863. 71 Allotted-- --------------- ----- 350.00 $200 11, 500 00 18, 000 00 40 0 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $4,46----------------------- Amount allotted during fiscal year4----------------- ' ---- sc 7 Amount to be accounted for -------------------------- 13,863.1 Gross amount expended_ 5,138637 Amount allotted in July 1948--------------- 5,200.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_ 5-20 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project... .. _ 149,00000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 00,00 June 30, 1950, for maintenance.. . 16,40000 8. CHARLESTON HARBOR, S. C. Location.-On the coast of South Carolina, about 15 miles south' erly of the middle point of the coast line, 50 miles southwest 'e Winyah Bay, S. C., and 80 miles northeast of the mouth of the Savannah River. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos.. 1239 and 470.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of August 30, 1852; June 18, 1878; August 11, 1888; March 3, 1899 June 25, 1910; August 8, 1917; and July 18, 1918. e For further details see page 1808, Annual Report for 1915; page 579, Annual Report for 1926; page 562, Annual Report for 1938< Existing project.-This provides for commercial purposes d channel 35 feet deep, 1,000 feet wide from the sea to the inner en of the jetties, thence 600 feet wide to Town Creek, thence 500 feet wide through Town Creek, thence 600 feet wide to the navy. yard and thence 400 feet wide to Goose Creek, with a turning basin 700 feet wide at the port terminals, together with a channel 30 feet deep, 600 feet wide in Cooper River around the east and north sides of Drum Island; also an anchorage area 30 feet deep in the water area between Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie; also d channel in Shem Creek 10 feet deep and 110 feet wide from Aflared entrance from Hog Island channel to and including a turning basi 130 feet wide and 400 feet long with the upper end 250 feet up stream of the Mount Pleasant public wharf. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $4,191,000t exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects. The lates (1946) approved estimate of annual cost of maintenancei $615,000. The existing project includes the maintenance of two entrance jetties completed in 1895 under previous projects. These jettie are of stone on log-mattress foundation, the north jetty 15,43 feet long and the south jetty 19,104 feet long; the distance between their axes at the outer end is 2,900 feet. The height as originallY IVERS AND HARBORS-C[ARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 771 built, except the submerged inner portions and the gap left in the ofuth jetty, was 12 feet above mean low water for the greater part Of their length. The Chief of Engineers authorized 35 feet depth for 600 feet Width in Cooper River around the north and east side of Drum Island on July 23, 1942. The project:also provides for a 40-foot channel 1,000 feet wide trO, the sea to, the,inner ends of the jetties, described above, thence 600 :feet wide to the south pier at the navy yard, and thence 1,000 feet wide to the commandant's wharf, at an estimated first cost of $3,603,000 and $250,000 annually for maintenance, both ggures being additional to the estimates for the commercial project en iv above, and that it be considered as a national defense rather "an ,a commercial measure and be prosecuted only as found necessaryin the interest of national defense. The mean tidal range is 5.2 feet, though this is increased to 7 or d feet under the ,influence of northeast winds or storms of long duration. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts, Work authorized )ocuments 1~ 78 2 Jetties ---------------------------------------- . . Annual Report, 1878, pp. 553-572. ul 1917 18 Increase in depth to30fet withwidth of 500 feet be- tween the jetties and 1,000 feet seaward thereof. H. Doc. 288, 62d Cong., 2( sess. S1918 The 40-foot channel to the navy yard. (Act provided H.c. 1946, 64th Cong., 2d seas., that the 40-foot channel should not be undertaken pt. I,pp. 21-29, 57, 58, and 61-63. "until the proposed new drydocks at this navy yard, carrying a depth of 40 feet of water over the blocks, has been authorized." This dock was authorized in the Naval Appropriation Act approved July 1, 121 9 1918 (40 Stat. L. 725).) 1 1927Present project dimensions of the channels for com- II. Doc. 249, 69th Cong., 1st sess. 2 mercial purposes, and for the present project widths 0 of the 40-foot channel which was authorized as a t.: national-defense measure. 17, 1940 The 35-foot channel depth from the sea to the head II.Doe. 259, 76th Cong., 1st sess. of the project via Cooper River and Town Creek, also a channel in Shem Creek to Mount Pleasant, 110 feet wide and 10 feet deep, including a turning 2 basin at the upiper end. r 2,1945 An anchorage area 30 feet deep in the water area be- H. Doc. 156, 77th Cong., 1st sess. tween Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie. a Completed under previous projects. ontains latest published maps. SLocal cooperation.-The project authorized in the River and harbor Act of October 17, 1940 (H. Doc. 259, 76th Cong., 1st Sess.),is subject to the requirements that local interests furnish, ree of cost to the United States, suitable spoil-disposal areas as and when required for initial work and for subsequent mainte- nance., All prior requirements have been fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-Piers and slips extend for about 1 mile along the eastern water front of the city of Charleston, and an additional mile is covered by marginal wharves. The South Caro- na;State Ports Authority operates the terminal at Columbus treet, large. piers near Market Street and Queen Street, and Operates the belt-line railway serving all wharves and warehouses, and connecting,with trunk lines entering the city. Modern facilities are also at the Southern Railway coal pier and the wharves of the 772 IREPOR_'T OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Standard Oil Co., 'the Todd Shipyards Corp., the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, the Southern Railway Co., and the Concentration Warehouse and Compress Co. On Cooper River above the navy yard a compress and warehouse company has a marginal wharf 750 feet long; and the Texas Corp the Sinclair Refining Co., and the Davison Chemical Co. maintain piers at their properties; and the South Carolina State ports Authority operates a large terminal capable of berthing four cargo vessels. The facilities are considered adequate for existing corn merce. For further details, see Port Series No. 9, revised 1940, Corps of Engineers. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work: Dredg' ing to provide project dimensions in a portion of the entrance channel was done by the United States hopper dredge Ger g and hired labor, removing 1,221,865 cubic yards of material at a cos- of $182,549.11. Additional cost of $370.18 was incurred in connec tion with future dredging. The cost and expenditures were $182-, 919.29. Maintenance: Project dimensions were restored at shoals 5, 5Ae 6, 6A and 6B in Cooper River and Town Creek by the pipe292line dredges Ventnor and Washington, by contract, removing 710 ,2 cubic yards of material at a cost of $163,639.23. Project dimee sions were restored at shoals 5A and 6 in Cooper River bY the pipe-line dredge Baltimore, by contract, removing 1,101,89 5 cubic yards of material at a cost of $288,066.43. Project depth was re-n stored for a minimum safe navigable width at shoals 6C and in Cooper River and South Channel by the United States hopper dredge Culebra and hired labor, removing 276,796 cubic yards Oa material at a cost of $29,196.24. Project depth was restored for minimum safe navigable width at shoal 7 in Cooper River a South Channel and a portion of the Entrance Channel bY the United States hopper dredge Gerig and hired labor, removing 885,904 cubic yards of material at a cost of $132,773.18. The channel in Cooper River adjacent to the Port Terminals wed cleared of debris by the United States snagboat Wateree and hired labor at a cost of $4,490.46. Model study was commenced i Charleston Harbor by United States Waterways Experimn Station at a cost of $29,482.42. The cost of surveys and supervision was $13,811.58. The total cost during the year was $661,459.54 for maintenance. The ex penditures were $700,648.11. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The jetties protecting the en- trance channel across the bar were completed in 1895. These jetties are described in "Existing project." That part of the existing project comprising the Entrance a nd South Channels has been 90 percent completed. The parts of the existing project comprising Cooper River and Town Creek Chan nels, including the 35-foot channel around the north and east sides of Drum Island, were completed in 1942. Other work remainin to complete the project consists of providing an anchorage area 30 feet deep in the water area between Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie, and completing dredging to project dimensions in he Entrance and South Channels. RIVERS ANI) IIARBORS-CIIARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 773 Surveys during the latter part of the fiscal year in the Entrance Channel, South Channel, and Cooper River Channel showed a con- trolling 35 depth of 34 feet for not less than 600-foot width from the -foot contour in the ocean to the intersection of Cooper River and South Channel, where the controlling depth at shoal 7 is 27.5 feet; thence approximately project dimensions to the head of project, except at shoal 6 in Cooper River, north of Drum Island, YLere the controlling depth is 31.5 feet for 600-foot width, and at Goose Creek, the head of the project, there is a controlling depth 24.5 feet for a width of 400 feet. Surveys in Town Creek showed a controlling depth of 30 feet for w"idth of 350 feet. A survey in Shem Creek during May 1948 Shows that for project width controlling depth is 6.1 feet. The cost of the existing project has been $1,679,964.34 from regular funds and $57,813.37 from Public Works funds, a total of $1,737,777.71 for new work, and $3,182,024.84 from regular funds for and $56,086.63 from Public Works funds, a total of $3,238,111.47, maintenance, a grand total of $4,975,889.18, exclusive of $600 contributed funds. The expenditures have been $4,861,981.42 from regular funds, a 113,9 0 0 , from Public Works funds, a total of $4,975,881.42. In addition $600 from contributed funds were expended for mainte- nance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $1,876.67 plus an allotment of $622,000 made during July 1948, a total of $623,876.67, will be applied as follows: Acounts payable June 30, 1948_ ________-------------- $7.76 New work: Dredging to provide project dimensions in the Entrance and outh Channels, thereby completing the 35-foot project by a United States hopper dredge and hired labor, when available for a period of onths.------------------------------------------- 178,000.00 haintenance: Dredging by contract to restore project depth for minimum safe navigable width at shoals in Cooper River and Town Creek chan- nels, Dec. 1, 1948, to March 31, 1949 _ _- _-_-----_-366,386.49 Model study of Charleston Harbor by U. S. Waterways Experi- iment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949_ 79,482.42 Total for all work------_--- ------------------ -- 623,876.67 The additional sum of $800,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Dredging by contract to restore project dimensions in Cooper River and Town Creek channels Oct. 1, 1949, to Feb. 28, 1950-------$785,000 Dredging by contract to restore project dimensions in Shem Creek, Feb. 1-15, 1950_---------------------------------------15,000 Total for all work-- --------------------------------- 800,000 thhis amount exceeds the average cost for maintenance during te Past 5 years, due to increased shoaling in the harbor, resulting irom the enlargement of the project during 1942 and from scour- ng in Cooper River between Charleston and Pinopolis Dam caused by the great increase in fresh-water discharge as a result of the oPeration of the Santee-Cooper hydroelectric project, and further as a result of the diversion into the Cooper River by the Santee- 774 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cooper hydroelectric project of the major portion of the heavily silt-laden waters of the Santee River, a delta-building river. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _- $8,324,232.8 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-- 6 1 . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ 11,964,3363.7 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948 ------------------ Net total expenditures ,964 326.0 11-------------------------- Unexpended balance June 30, 1948------------------------- 18766 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. .. 11,966,202.7 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 . 1945 1946 1947 1948 182919'.29 Cost of new work. ............. $2, 000.00 $80. 71 $ 1 4164 Cost of maintenance _ ..... --.. _ $302, 897. 62 $765, 166. 84 155, 541.67 5689,757.53 Total cost--.....--...........-- 884, 378366 302, 897 62 765, 1663.84 157,541673. 5 - Total expended..--........... 300, 994. 48 656, 373.01 261, 973.90 5157,076.84 "-1o Allotted.............. -- ..... 110,000.00 901,750.00 669,700.00 216, 600.00 541 " Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ---------------- $344 444.'07 Amount allotted during fiscal year-_ _541000 0 Amount to be accounted for... ............... 885,444.07 Gross amount expended--.- - ... - - - - 883,56'4 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------ 1,86 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ....... $7.76 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 7.20 14.96 Balance available, June 30, 1948-..-- .-.--. .. 1 21 00,.11 Amount allotted in July 1948.. --------- 622,00000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 623,861 71 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 2,453,000.00 of existing project. ----------- ---.------ 2... Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance-. - , ....... ...... 800,000.00 1In addition, $600 were expended from contributed funds. 9. ASHLEY RIVER, S. C. Location.-Rises near Ridgeville, S. C., and flows southeasterlY 40 miles, uniting with the Cooper River to form the harbor 0 Charleston, S. C. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart Nos. 1239 and 470.) he Previous projects.-The original project; was adopted bY the River and Harbor Act of June 14, 1880. For further details see page 1809, Annual Report for 1915, and page 566, Annual Report for 1938. t Existing project.-This provides for a channel 30 feetdeep a mean low water and 300 feet wide from the mouth to the Standard RIVERS AND HARBORS-CHIARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 775 .Wharf, 7.8 miles, suitably widened at bends and at the head of the lmprovement; and for maintenance, to a depth of 12 feet and a width of 100 feet, of the approach channel to the municipal yacht basin. The mean tidal variation is about 5.2 feet. :The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1937, was $391,150, exclusive of the amount expended on previous projects. The latest (1937) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $26,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents 1912 July25, Channel 20 feet deep and 240 feet wide up to Standard Rivers and Harbors Committee 2,ug137 wharf. Doc. 4, 62d Cong., 2(1 sess. 937 Enlarging channel topresent projectdimensions and Rivers and Harbors Committee for maintenance of entrance channel to Municipal D)oc. 449, 74th Cong., 2d sess. Yacht Basin. (Contain latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-The facilities extend 51 miles above the United States lighthouse wharf adjacent to Tradd Street and in- lude the wharves of the American Agricultural Chemical Co., tlanters Fertilizer & Phosphate Co., Wood Preserving Corp., and he Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. The fertilizer company harves are equipped with mechanical unloading devices. These terminals are considered adequate for existing commerce. At the municipal yacht basin there are three docks of creosoted-timber construction for the accommodation of local and transient yachts. For further details see Port Series No. 9 revised. Corps of Engi- fleers. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Project dimensions Were restored in the entrance channel to the municipal yacht basin by the pipe-line dredge Cherokee, by contract, removing 53,924 cubic yards of material at a cost of $14,938.62. The cost of surveys and supervision was $718.77. The total cost during the year was $15,657.39 for maintenance. The expenditures Were $15,657.39. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1940. A survey during June 1948 showed a controlling depth of 14 feet for 150-foot width. A survey during May 1948 in the entrance channel to the munic- ipal yacht basin showed a controlling depth of 6 feet for 50-foot Width. The costs at the end of the fiscal year have been $255,496.41 for new work and $256,983.31 for maintenance, a total of $512,479.72. The expenditures have been $512,479.72. In addition, $700 from contributed funds were expended for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $3,219.53, plus an allotment of $15,000 made in July 1948, a total of $18,219.53, will be applied to maintenance dredging, by contract, .orestore project dimensions in the entrance channel to the munic- lDal yacht basin September 1-15, 1948, 776 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $150,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Dredging, by contract, to a depth of 25 feet and a width of 150 feet in Ashley River and turning basin, Nov. 1, 1949, to Jan. 31, 1950-$135,000 Dredging, by contract, to restore project dimensions in the entrance 000 channel to the municipal yacht basin, Oct. 1-15, 1949 ----------- Total for all work_ ----------------------------------- 150,000 This amount exceeds the average cost of maintenance during the past 5 years due to need of removing shoals accumulated during war years, when only partial project dimensions were maintained. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- $260,996.41 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------- 256,98~ ~ Total cost of permapent work to June 30, 1948---------- 517,9797 Net total expenditures__.- - ___. -____- 1 517,979.72 ____________ Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_------------------- 3,219. appropriated to June 30, 1948 . 521,199.25 Total amount 1 211 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 10947 1948 Cotofn wk--------------- _ • Cost of new work. . ..------.- -. ---------- .-----------..--- .- --...--.. _ --. -- 657.39 Costo--24 of m aintenance ..-------- -- $502. 73 $60, 970. 15 $90, 007. 12 $3, 408. 7.5 Total expende(---................. 446. 20 ... ---- ~-I 61,... 026. 68 79,362. 40 ------------- ....------- 1414 7 "-'g5O0O Allotted----------------- ........................ 4,000. 00 103, 500. 00 42, 230. 00 .. 6,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------. -----_ ------- - $2,876.92 Amount allotted during fiscal year 30,000 00 Amount to be accounted for--_---------_ _ ---- 32, 87 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-- 14,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for ---------------------- 18,876.92 Gross amount expended----- 15,65 39 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------- 3,21953 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--__ 3,219 . Amount allotted in July 1948- 15,000 00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 18,219.5 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 0.00 June 30, 1950, for maintenance_ ___________150,000.00 1In addition, $700 were expended from contributed funds for maintenance. 10. SHIPYARD RIVER, S. C. Location.-This waterway is a salt-water tidal tributary o Charleston Harbor, S. C. It has its source about one-half mile below the United States navy yard, whence it flows southerly abott 3 miles and empties into Cooper River about three-fourths mile above Drum Island, (See U, S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No, 470.) RIVERS AND ITARBO3ORRS-CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 777 Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of July 25, 1912; March 3, 1925; July 3, 1930; August 30, 1935; and August 26, 1937. For further details of previous projects see page 610, Annual leport for 1932, and page 463, Annual Report for 1944. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 30 feet deep at mean low water and 200 feet wide, widened at the entrance, from deep water in Cooper River to the vicinity of the plant of the Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co., with a turning basin 30 feet deep OlPosite the Gulf Oil Corp. terminal and a turning basin 30 feet deep at the upper end of the project. The mean tidal variation is 5.2 feet. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1946, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, is $543,000. The latest (1946) approved estimate of annual cost of maintenance is $121,900. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Muly 3, 1930 Channel depths of 12 and 20 feet-.. ... ......-----.. Rivers and Harbors Committee, Aug. 20, 1935 28-foot channel from Cooper River to the Gulf Oil D)oc.13, 71st Cong., 2d sess. Rivers and Harbors Committee, Corp.'s terminal, and the deepening of the channel Doc. 43, 73d Cong., 2(1sess. above that point to 20 feet from the depth of 12 feet Ag. previously authorized without local cooperation. g. 26, 19371 Enlargement of the channel to a depth of 30 feet and a Rivers and Harbors Committee, width of 200( feet up to the Gulf ()il Corp.'s terminal l)oc. 38, 75th Cong., 1st sess.2 \Mar. with a turning basin 30 feet deep at the latter point. r. 2, 1945 Extension of the existing 30-foot channel to vicinity of H. D)oc. 93, 79th Cong., 1st sess. the Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co. p)lant. with a turning basin at the upper end. 1Included in Emergency Relief Administration program May 28, 1935. Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Prior requirements for the part of the project authorized in the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937, have been fully complied with. The modification of the project authorized in the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, is subject to the conditions that local interests furnish, without cost to the United States, necessary rights-of-way and suitable 5 S oil-disposal areas for the initial dredging and for subsequent Tnals maintenance when and as required; establish and maintain term- satisfactory to the Secretary of War; and hold and save the United States free from all claims for damages resulting from the Irnprovements. These requirements have not been met. The South Carolina State Ports Authority, representing local in- terests, was contacted on November 15, 1945, and was fully advised as to requirements. The most interested agency in the proposed project and the South Carolina Ports Authority have tentatively agreed to act Jointly in meeting the requirements of local cooperation; however, to date no concrete commitment in writing has been obtained. Terminal facilities.--In the lower three-quarter mile of the channel are the large marginal wharves of the Gulf Oil Corp., and the Shipyard River Terminal Co., the latter handling chiefly fer- tilizer and tiliilizer materials. These wharves accommodate deep- 778 REPORT'OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 draft, ocean-going vessels. On the upper channel are the North State Lumber Co.'s wharf, one small privately owned wharf and Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co.'s wharf for handling ores. ect Operations and results during fiscal year.-Former pro dimensions were restored in the former 30-foot project and turn- ing basin, by the pipe-line dredge Cherokee, by contract, removing 163,504 cubic yards of material at a cost of $31,358.10. Former project dimensions are being restored in the former 30-foot project and turning basin by the pipe-line dredge Cherokee, by contract commenced June 21, 1948. 50,055 cubic yards of material have been removed at a cost of $13,204.83. The cost of surveys and supervision was $75.30. The total cost during the year was $44,638.23 for maintenance. The expenditures were $34,977.61. Condition at end of fiscal year.--That part of the former project providing for a 20-foot channel from the upper end of the Gulf Oil Corp. terminal to opposite the site of the former Tuxbury Lumber Co. wharf was completed in 1936; the former 30-foot channel from Cooper River to the upper end of the Gulf Oil Corp. terminals, including the turning basin opposite thereto, was completed 1939; the work remaining consists of widening the entrance in channel in Cooper River and providing a channel 30 feet deep nd 200 feet wide from the head of the present 30-foot channel to the vicinity of the plant of the Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co., with a turning basin 30 feet deep at its upper end. A survey during June 1948 showed a controlling depth of 18.2 feet from Cooper River to the lower end of the flared entrance to the upper end of the Gulf Oil Corp. terminal, including the turning basin opposite thereto, for a 200-foot width; thence a controlling depth of 17 feet to the head of the former 20-foot project, for a 100 foot width. The costs to the end of the fiscal year have been $81,260.39 from regular funds and $31,563.71 from Emergency Relief funds, a total $112,824.10, for new work; and $838,939.97 from regular funds for maintenance, a total of $951,764.07.d The expenditures have been $910,539.74 from regular funds and $31,563.71 from Emergency Relief funds, a total of $942,103.45. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $46,984.52, plus an allotment of $100,000 made during July 1948, a total of $146,984.52, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948-..-......-- .....-- ... ..... . $9,660.62 Maintenance: Dredging by contract to complete restoring project dimensions in the formerly authorized 30-foot channel and turning basin, July 59,07869 1 to Aug. 15, 1948---------------------------------- 59,078 Dredging by contract to restore project dimensions in the former 21 30-foot channel and turning basin Mar. 1 to Apr. 30, 1949 __ , 845, Total for all work_------------,..----...-..-..- . 6,9, The additional sum of $580,200 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Widening entrance channel in Cooper River and extending $30200 30-foot channel, Dec. 1, 1949, to Apr. 30, 1950------------------$430 Maintenance: Dredging by contract to restore 30 feet depth in the for- merly authorized 30-foot channel and turning basin, Oct. 1 to Nov. 30, 000 1949, and May 1 to June 30, 1950-------------..-..--- -. O0 .... .Total for all work . .... . . .. ...-.-. .0 8. "... R[VERS AND HARBORS-CIIARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 779 This amount exceeds the average cost of: maintenance for the Past 5 years because of the need for more frequent dredging to Provide for the increased use of the stream by deep draft vessels. Cost and financial summary Crh t ost of new work to June 30, 1948-----.-------.-.- -- 1 $116,974.10 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-- --------------- 838,939.97 • Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 955,914.07 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948----------- 9,660.62 u Net total expenditures--__ Tnexpended balance June 30, 1948 .... . 946,253.45 46,984.52 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 .- 993,237.97 1 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of new work- - ost f maintenance -..-..-... . $55, 436.39 $26, 235.07 $305, 185. 60 $182, 514. 14 $44, 638. 23 Toltalexiended................. 55, 400. 17 26, 271. 29 305, 184. 49 182, 515. 25 34, 977. 61 Allotted .----..... -............ 45, 000.00 236, 000. 00 138, 000.00 100, 000. 00 75, 700. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------------- $6,262.13 mAount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------- 121,900.00 Amount to be accounted for__ --------- 128,162.13 eductions on account of revocation of allotment.---.--.-.-. 46,200.00 Net amount Gro ss amount to be accounted for-_ -..--- ------ 81,962.13 expended--.----.-..- ----------------. 34,977.61 u kltst-.. Balance I. . unexpended, .. . June. 30, 1948.--. ...--------- 46,984.52 A4 . . oanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-... umoint covered by uncompleted contracts.. .. $9 ,660.62 . . 37,323.90 46,984.52 lnmount allotted in July 1948 .-----. -------- ------ - 100,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949.-------------- 100,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project._.----- ------------ _-_-_-_-- - 430,200.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work--------------------------------------- 430,200.00 For maintenance ....-- - -------.--------------------- 150,000.00 Total -------------------------------------------- 580,200.00 1Includes $31,563.71 Emergency Relief funds. 11. EXA1MINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of the work during the year was $8,395.49 for examina- tions and surveys and $44,120.88 for contingencies, a total of $52,516.37 from regular funds. The expenditures during the year Were $8,526.49 for examinatons and surveys, and $44,125.11 for Contingencies. The unexpended balance June 30, 1948 of $18,545.92 for examinations and surveys and $13,130.55 for contingencies, a total of $31,676.47 plus allotments of $1,500 fbor examinations and surveys and $43,800 for contingencies made during July 1948, a total of $76,976.47 will be applied during the fiscal year to accounts 780 IEPO()R' OF' CHIEF' () ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 194 payable, $451.43, and to the payment of expenses to be incurred under these headings. The additional sum of $43,000 for examinations and surveys d al $65,500 for contingencies, a total of $108,500, can be profitablY expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cosl'and financial summary Cost'of new work to June 30, 1948 ------------ - --- 81 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 - - ---$1-,-030--, Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_- -- 1,030,779 81 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948_-......._451.4 Net total expenditures---------------- 1,030,328.38 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948--------------------- 31,676 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 1,062,004.85 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 194 Cost of new work .............. I ... _....... Cost of maintenance---............ $27, 364.11 $49, 50.5.42 $78, 955. 91 Tlotal expnded--------------................ 28, 855. 94 47, 783. 29 79, 343. 04 8, 435. 3 52, 51.00 Allotted-.... .................. 19, 000.00 83,3(0). 0) 49, 600. 00 70,000.00 45,000.00 ~----"- F Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-.- $39 328.01 Amount allotted during fiscal year-_ 60,000.00 Amount to be accounted for 99,328.01 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment- 15,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for _____ 84,328.01 Gross amount expended .. -------------------------- 52,651 60 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_-...... ______ 31,676.47 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 $451.43 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts 150.02 601.45 Balance available, June 30, 1948_____.._._.. _ 31,075.02 Amount allotted in July 1948_ 45,300 0 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 76 375 02 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_- 108,500.00 12. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last Cost and exlenditures Estimated full report, to June 30, 1948 anotlInt re Name of project see Annual luire( to t ° Report for- compl New work Maintenance I__.__ 1. Yadkin River, N. C.t ....... . -........ 1892 $102, 808.91 .............. $4, 191.00 2. Salkahatchio River, S. C.1 ............ 1896 15, 840. 73 (2) 3,. Lumber River, N. C. and S. C.1 ......... 1897 19, (X8).(X) 4. Lynch River and Clark Creek, S. C.1t..... 1910) 9, 50)).0) 5. Little Pee D)ee River, S. C.'-............... 1919 19, 519.99 $25, 650.01 26,()00.00 30, 450. 001 6. Edisto River, S. C.' .... _.................1938 33, 102. 65 9(), 00 7. Wateree River, S. C. ..................... 1941) 60),(8)0. 00 151, 783. 83 8. Abbapoola Creek, S. C...................... 1947 14, 000 9. Ileresford Creek, S. C.......... .........-- 1947 10. Russell Creek, S. C ....... .............. 1947 I No commerce reported, 2 Completed. RIVERS IARBORS-CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT AND)A 781 13. PLANT ALLOTMENT, CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT " Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs June 30, 1948--------------------- $103,003.22 Pl Net total cost to June 30, 1948-_ ..------- 103,003.22 us accounts receivable June 30, 1948-------------- ----- 11,688.00 inus Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 114,691.22 accounts payable June 30, 1948 ------ ----- 23,255.94 U Net total expenditures_------------------------------ 91,435.28 nexpended balance June 30, 1948- ----- ---------- 135,651.69 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--- 227,086.97 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Total eXpen(led ..---- ........ --- $139, 403. 23 -$112, 236. 91 -$122, 879. 97 -$92, 751. 80 $14, 095. 74 Allotted - ------- -- 181, 000. 00 -30, 000. 00 -170, 995. 04 -50, 000.00 alance unexpended, July 1, 1947 $199,747.43 eductions on account of revocation of allotment-------- ----. 50,000.00 Gross amount Net amount to be accounted for_-- ---------- 149,747.43 expended--- _ _--- -------.- $160,689.96 es reimbursed expenditures-------------- 146,594.22 14, 095.74 Autstanding o Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- liabilities, June 30, 1948... .. Atrount covered by uncompleted contracts, ----- ---- 23,255.94 26,292.07 135,651.69 49,548.01 ]Balance available, June 30, 1948 counts receivable, June 30, 1948__ ---------- --------- 86,103.68 ii,688.00 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948... 97,791.68 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions I I Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation I I I -- >rt, S. C. construction of River and Harbor Act, basin at or near on the July 24, 1946. --------------- coastal Waterway. rt, 8. C, to the ocean, nel via St Helena Sound River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. - - - - - - - - - - - ort Royal Sound. )lina, aglam landing site, South ..... on Santee-Congaree do.......... . .... e, S. C., via Wateree Riv- Commerce Committee eJunction of Santee River - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - resolution, Nov. 17, igation and hydroelectric 1938. Ir). 'ear River N. C., to Win- Rivers and Harbors Com- 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l ay, 8. O., Intracoastal erway mittee resolution, June improvement near Singleton Swash. at 20, 1940. Fear River N. C., to St. Commerce Committee 's River, Fla., Intracoastal resolution, Mar. 14, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - erway, for construction of 1946. 1 boat basin near Ocean '0 Beach, S. C. 80 4711-48--Vol. 1-50 782 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Recomn Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Congress No. endation Charleston Harbor, S. C., with a River and Harbor Act, ------------- view to extending Shem Creek July 24, 1946. Channel. Charleston Harbor to the Pinop- River and Harbor Act, --------------- olis power plant, South Caro- Mar. 2, 1945. lina, Cooper River, S. C. -------------- Charleston, S. C., to Columbia, Commerce Committee ---------------- S. C. waterway, Cooper River resolution, Mar. 27, between Charleston and Pin- 1944. opolis Dam, S. C. Cooper River, S. C. diversion of Commerce Committee --------------- flood waters from Santee River. resolution, Apr. 2, 1941. Cooper River, S. C. from River and Harbor Act, --------------- Charleston Harbor to the Pin- Mar. 2, 1945. opolis power plant. Cooper River between Charles- Commerce Committee - - - - - - - - ton and Pinopolis Dam, S. C. resolution, Mar. 27, (Review of waterway from 1944. Charleston to Columbia, S.C.). Congaree-Santee Buckingham River and Harbor Act, Landing site, South Carolina Mar. 2, 1946. (navigation, flood control, and development of power). Florence County, S. C., Jefferys ..----... do.................. Creek. Great Pee Dee River to Lumber ..... do............... River via Pee Dee (Little) River, S. C., to remove logs, and other obstructions. Jefferys Creek, Florence County, S. C. Little River, N. C. and S. ... . Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Apr. 30, 1940. Murrells Inlet, S. C............ River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. -------------- Myrtle Beach, S. C., with view River and Harbor Act, to establishing harbor for light- July 24, 1946. draft vessels. - ----- Ocean Drive Beach, S. C., con- struction of boat basin at or near on the Intracoastal Water- way. Ocean Drive Beach, S. C., con- Commerce Committee struction of small boat basin at resolution, Mar. 14, or near on the Intracoastal 1946. Waterway, Cape Fear River, N. C., to St. Johns River, Fla. Pee Dee (Little) River, S. C., River and Harbor Act, from junction of Lumber River Mar. 2, 1945. to the Great Pee Dee River, to remove logs, debris, and other obstructions. Pinopolis Dam, S. C., to Charles- Commerce Committee ton via Cooper River (Review resolution, Mar. 27, of waterway from Charleston 1944. to Columbia, S. C. Pinopolis power plant to Charles- River and Harbor Act, ton Harbor, S. C., via Cooper Mar. 2, 1945. River. -------------- Port Royal Sound, S. C., chan- do_................. .....---- nel from Beaufort, S. C., to the ocean, via. St. Helena Sound, S. C., channel .....-- do.............. -----------rr from Beaufort, S. C., to the ocean, via. St. Johns River, Fla., to Cape Commerce Committee M_".._____. ' Fear River, N. C., Intracoastal resolution, Mar. 14, Waterway for construction of 1946. small boat basin near Ocean Drive Beach, S. C. Sampit River with particularref- Senate Public Works erence to a cut-off from Winyah Committee resolution, Bay. June 20, 1948. Santee-Congaree Buckingham River and Harbor Act, Landing site, South Carolina Mar. 2, 1946. (navigation, flood control, and development of power). FLOOD CONTROL-CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 783 Status of all investigations for navigation calledfor by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued - Date trans- Locality Authorization act initted to Document Recom- Congress No. . mendation 8 I . .I.--- -- ,-.-I.- I -~~l-~; attee River, N. C. and S. C., Commerce Committee salt-water intrusion and diver. resolution, Apr. 2,1941. 8at of water into Cooper River. S River (Lower), N. C. and Sec. 6, River and Harbor Sti (navigation and irriga- Act, Aug. 30, 1935. antee River system, North Car- Rivers and Harbors Com- allna and South Carolina. mittee resolution, Dec. onte Rriver, S. C., from june- 28, 1946. Commerce Committee den via Wateree River to Cam- resolution, Nov. 17, d' S. C. (navigation and 1938. 8hy "roeleetrie power). to Creek Channel, Charles- ° Ho arbor, S. C. River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946. ipYard River, S. C ......... Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Nov. 20, 1945. - -- ~------- +-- SiRleton Swash, Cape Fear Rivers and Harbors Com- 8ir, N. C., to Winyah Bay, mittee resolution, June tteree River S. C., from June- 20, 1940. 0 of Santee to Camden, S. Commerce Committee - resolution, Nov. 17, 0,ir--r ti (navigation and hydroelec- 1938. ,,_hower). S. C., with partic- BlarRay, Senate Public Works Sa reference to a cut-off on Committee resolution, itRiver. - - -- - - Apr. 20, 1948. RiverBay8. C., to Cape Fear Rivers and Harbors Com- terer, N.., Intracoastal Wa- mittee resolution, June -y Improvement at and 20, 1940. nea Singleton Swash. 14. YADKIN RIVER, N..C. " r Location.--The Yadkin River rises on the eastern slope of the B1ue Ridge Mountains in western North Carolina, flows generally nrtheasterly 100 miles to the vicinity of Donnaha, N. C., thence Southeasterly 104 miles to a point near Badin, N. C., to its con- Auence with the Uharie River where its name changes to the Great Iee Dee River. (See U. S. Geological Survey map of North Caro- tla, 1940.) oExisting project.-This project provides for the construction of four detention reservoirs, two on the Yadkin River and two on 4eddies River, a tributary entering the stream at North Wilkes- boro, N. C. The dams will be concrete gravity structures with legths of from 475 to 800 feet and heights of from 64 to 90 feet. he reservoirs will have a total storage capacity of 141,700 acre- feet The estimate of Federal cost for new work, revised in 1948, is 14,301,000. Port The project was recommended by the' Chief of ,Engineers in re- dated June 19, 1946, and authorized by the Flood Control Act apDroved July 24, 1946. Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.---Work was com- menced on advance planning for Reddies sites 1 and 3. The costs during the year have been $55,867.31-for new work. The expendi- tures have been $44,404.26. 784 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Condition at end of fiscal year.-A project report for Reddies sites 1 and 3 is being prepared. Topographic surveys, dealing si both sites, have been made. This work includes detailed 8jte w' topography, river sections, and reservoir area confirmation work Foundation exploration has been made, including 715 feet of core drilling at Site 3 and 1352 feet at Site 1. A substantial part of the planning, including design and related office studies, has been completed. The costs during the year have been $55,876.31 for new work. The expenditures have been $44,404.26. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $25,595.74, plus an allotment of $70,000 made during July 1948, a total of $95,595.74, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------------- $11,463.05 New work: Complete project report on Reddies sites 1 and 3 40,132.69 Preparation plans and specifications for Reddies sites 1 and 3-- 44,000 Total for all work_---- - 95,595.7 __--------. The additional sum of $100,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for completion of plans and specifica" tions on Reddies sites 1 and 3. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 55,8631 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ------- ---- 55,86731 ----------- Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948_ 11,463 Net total expenditures_ __ __------------_ 44,404.26 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 -----.. 25,595 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 70 000'00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 . worke Cost of new -- ... ,. ........... - .. . Cost of maintenance-..... .. .. __. __ __..- ..-- .... -, -.... ---..... .........---------- .- .......-..........------------ -- .. ..-----. 55, Total expended --------------- ------------ ------------ .... ------- .. - ----------. .. Allotted.... ...................................... 70, 0000 Amount allotted during fiscal year -----------------. .$70,00060 - - - Gross amount expended__--_ _ _-_ - , 44,404 -2 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 _ 25,5951 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 $11,463.05 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_. 8.45 11,471 Balance available, June 30, 1948. 14,124.2 Amount allotted in July 1948-.............. -- -_ ._ _-.... _: 70,0000 _._--- Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .84,124.2 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 000.00 14161 0 of existing project....................---------------------------- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_ -- 100,000,00 100 000 FLOOD CONTROL---CHARLESTON, S. C., DISTRICT 785 15. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost of the work during the year was $5,794.45. The ex- enditures were $6,459.96. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $3,899.60, plus an allotment of $25,000 made during July 1948, a total of $28,899.60 will be applied during the fiscal year to accounts Dayable, $13.35, and to the payment of expenses to be incurred "rder this heading. The additional sum of $18,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ - -. . - .. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.....------------------------ $242,618.75 Min Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------. 242,618.75 us accounts payable June 30, 1948. ----------------------- 13.35 Net total expenditures________-_-_ 242,605.40 Iexpended balance June 30, 1948--__-_---- _- -- --- 3,899.60 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 246,505.00 'iscal Year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cot of new work... ...................................................... st of aintenance ............ - - - $6,388. 50 $5, 274. 12 $47,988.06 $4, 887. 12 $5, 794. 45 Totaln d ed_____________ _ 5, 076. 47 6, 586. 15 45, 013. 91 7,182. 41 6, 459. 96 Allotted ----- ------ 57, 830.00 5,000. 00 .............. 5,000.00 alance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _------ ------- -- --.-. $5,359.56 rAount allotted during fiscal year--- ------- _ --------- 5,000.00 Amountexpended_ Gross amount to be accounted for_------------------------- 10,359.56 ----------------------------------- 6,459.96 .ut Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 3,899.60 standing liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------------ 13.35 lount SBalance available, June 30, 1948--- allotted in July 1948 _--_ --------- . 3,886.25 25,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 . 28,886.25 AJount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_______--_ --------------- 18,500.00 16. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures Estimated full report, to June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project see Annual quired to Report for- complete New work Maintenance 1 1. disto River, S. C...--....-----....---..---......----------....... 1947 1$6,378.86 .............. $256,621.14 1'1'e sum of $3l,621,14 was revoked (luring the fiscal year 1948. 786 REPORT OF CHIEF. OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 'Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood control acts . and committee resolutions Date trans- Recom Si Locality Authorization act mitted to Document nmedation ; ,Congress No. ------------ BUtckinghabi Landing Site, S. ., River 'and Harbor Act, on Santee-Congaree River. Mar. 2, 1945. Congaree-Santee Buckingham .-.. do_....----d Landing Site, S. C. Conway, S., C., flood protection Flood Control Commit- Waccamaw River, N. C. and tee resolution, July 23, S. C. 1946. Santee-Congaree Buckingham River and Harbor Act, Landing Site, S. C. (naviga- Mar. 2, 1945. tion, flood control and develop- --------------- ment of power). Santee River (Lower), N. CO.and Sec. 6, River and Harbor S. C. (navigation and irriga- Act, Aug. 30, 1935. tion). - - - - - - - - Waccamaw River, N. C. and Flood Control Commit- S. C., for flood protection of tee resolution, July 23, Conway, S. C. 1946. 'Yadkin (Upper) River, N. C0.... Commerce Committee resolution, Mar. 24, 1945. IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS ' IN THE SAVANNAH, GA:!,DISTRICT This district comprises a very small :portion :of southwestern North Carolina, western South; Carolina, eastern Georgia, and a Sba l l portion of northeastern Florida embraced in the drainage asins tributary to the Atlantic Ocean between Port Royal Sound, S'C., and the harbor at Fernandina, Fla. It' includes the Atlantic ntracoastal Waterway between these points. District engineer: Col. Paschal N. Strong,; Corps of Engineers. Division engineer of the SouthAtlantic Division, Atlanta, Ga., ooPrising the Wilmington, N. C., Charleston, S. C.; Savannah, a., Jacksonville, Fla., and Mobile, Ala., districts: Col. George W. illette, Corps of Engineers to December 22, 1947; Col. Mason J. OUng, Corps of Engineers since that date. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation . PgNavigation--Continued Page Page 2. Savannah Harbor Ga_._._. 787 10: Examinations, surveys, and Savannah River below Au- contingencies (general):_ 813 3 . gusta, Ga--.....__ .. 793 11. Inactive navigation projects 814 Atlantic Intracoastal Water- 12. Plant allotment,,, --.- 814 way between Norfolk, Va., and the St. Johns River, Flood control 4 Fla. (Savannah district). 797 13. Clark Hill Reservoir, Savan- 4, Darien Harbor, Ga....-.. 801 nah River Basin, Ga. and . Altamaha, Oconee, and Oc- S. C. -.....---- 816 6 mulgee Rivers, Ga ?' Brunswick Harbor, Ga_ ------ 802 14. 805 15. Macon,Ga Preliminary examinations, 819 7. Satilla River, Ga_._---.. -- 808 surveys, ;and contingen-, . St. Marys River, Ga. and cies for flood control. ..... 821 Fla-_...... 9 Pernandina Harbor, Fla .... 809 16. 811 Inactive flood-control proj- ects 821 1. SAVANNAH HARBOR, GA. Location.-The entrance is 75 statute miles south of Charleston arbor, S. C., and 70 statute miles north of Brunswick Harbor, Ga. See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 440.) Previous projects.-Adopted by specific acts of Congress May 18, 1826; March 3, 1855; August 7, 1856; and by River and Harbor SActs of March 3, 1873; June 23, 1874; September 19, 1890; June 3, 1896; 1Unualand June 13, 1902. For further details, see page 1810 of Report for 1915, and page 578 of Annual Report for 1938. xisting project.-This consists of eliminating the regulating darn across South Channel, relocating the inland waterway in the vicinity, further extending training walls, revetments, and jetties, and providing for- (a) Channels 36 feet deep and 500 feet wide across the ocean bar between stations 245 and 194, 9.7 miles; thence 34 feet deep and generally 400 feet wide, increased to 550 feet opposite the 787 788 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Atlantic Coast Line terminals, between stations 194 and 103, with a turning basin 34 feet deep at the Mexican Petroleum CoTrP refinery, 17.2 miles; thence 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide to the foot of Kings Island, 0.6 mile; thence 30 feet deep and 200 feeta wide to the vicinity of the Atlantic Creosoting Co. terminal, wit a turning basin 30 feet deep, 2.1 miles; thence 30 feet deep and 200 feet wide to a point 1,500 feet below the Atlantic coastal highwaY bridge, with a turning basin 30 feet deep at the upper end, 10is miles; a total length of 31.05 miles; and with such modification thereof as the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers way consider desirable. (b) Enlargement of contracted portions of the channel and SUCh enlargements of the channel as may be necessary to smooth odi- abrupt changes and for otherwise improving the hydraulic condi tions with a view to reducing shoaling. e- (c) The maintenance of the channels, anchorage basins, enlarg ments at Drakies Cut, Kings Island, West Broad and Barnar Streets, mooring dolphins near Fort Oglethorpe, and the existin training walls and jetties. The plane of reference is mean low water, which varies for dif- ferent parts of the harbor. The mean range of tide is 7.6 feet at the upper end of the harbor, and 7.1 feet at the lower end. Extreme ranges are about 10.5 feet and 11 feet, respectively. Tides below mean low water occur six or seven times a month and minus 2 fot tides occur from six to eight times a year. The mean tidal range has been increased by the improvement about 2.8 feet at the upper end. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $9,060,700 exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The late i (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance 1i $1,500,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized 1)ocuments fI-- - 1 -__...._- - June 23, 1874 Regulating works.... ..... ......... _ .. _ ..... Annual report 1873, P. 747 . Mar. 2, 1907 Tentative provision for a 26-foot channel from the 11. )oc. 181, 59th Cong., 1s quarantine station to the Seaboard Air Line Ry. bridge. June 25, 1910 Definite provision for the 26-foot channel ............ July 25, 1912 A 21-foot channel from the Seaboard Air Line Ry. II. Doc. 563, 62d(1Cong., 2d se bridge to the foot of Kings Island. Aug. 8, 1917 A 30-foot depth from the sea to the quarantine station. If. Doc. 1471, 64th Cong., 2( sess. Jan. 21, 1927 A 21-foot channel above Kings Island -.............. I. l)oc. 261, .69th Cong.,1st seS Do...... Channel 30 feet deep, with general width 500 feet, O II. D)oc. 262, 69th Cong., 1st from the ocean to the quarantine station, thence 26 feet deep, general width 400 feet, to the Seaboard Air Line Ry. bridge, thence 21 feet deep and 300 feet wide to Kings Island. Widening at West Broad and Barnard Sts.; anchorage basin; mooring dolphins; regulating dam across South Channel; relocation of the inland waterway; dredging 1)rakies Cut to 13 feet; widening to 525 feet at Kings Island; extension of training walls, revetments, and jetties. Consolidation of projects relating to Savannah HIarbor. July 3, 1930 Channel 26 feet deep and 300 feet wide from the Sea- S. )oc. 30, 71st Cong., 1st ses board Air Line Ry. bridge to the foot of Kings Island. Aug. 30, 1935 Authorized the30-foot project and the elimination from If. Doe. 276, 73(i Cong., 2(1sess* the project of (a) the regulating dam across South Channel; (b) the relocation of the inland waterway; and (c) the further extension of training walls, revet- ments, and jetties. It[VERS AND) HAtBORS() -SAVANNAI., GA., I)ISTRMLCT 789 Acts Work authorize(d I)ocuments Mar. 2, 1945 I)eepening the channel and turning hasin above the 11. D)oc. 283, 76th Cong., 1st sess. l Seaboard Air Line Ry. bridge from 26 to 30 feet and widening the channel ojpposite the Atlantic Coast NLine terminals to a maximum of 550 feet for a length NoV 7, 1945 I)eepening the channels to 36 feet deepl and 500 feet l. l)oc. 227, 79th Cong., Ist sess.' wile across the ocean bar between stations 245 and 194; 34 feet deep and generally 400 feet wide, in- creased to 550 feet opposite the Atlantic Coast Line terminals, between stations 194and 103, with a turning basin 34 feet deep at theMexican Petroleum Corp. refirnery; and with such modifications thereof as the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers ly 19 m24, consider desirable. nay 196 24, Extending channel 30 feet deep, 200 feet wide, up- II. l)oc. 678, 79th Cong., 2(1 sess.' stream from Atlantic Creosoting terminal to a point 1,500 feet below the Atlantic coastal highway bridge, with turning basin 30 feet deep at upper end. S 0Contains the latest published maps. Local cooperation.--The . River and Harbor Acts approved NOvember 7, 1945, and July 24, 1946, impose the conditions that local interests shall: (a) Provide, free of cost to the United States, "a lands and rights-of-way required for the initial construction and subsequent maintenance when and as required; (b) hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction Works. By resolution adopted March 13, 1929, the city of Savannah ,.ade available certain lands necessary for improvement and the future maintenance of the harbor at Kings Island, and binds itself to furnish, when required, such dumping grounds as may be needed the future improvement and maintenance of Savannah Harbor. The city of Savannah has secured for the United States practically all of the dumping privileges required for improvement under the existing project. Terminal facilities.-There are 49 piers and wharves to serve Waterborne commerce of the port. These facilities, with the use of dolphins, have a combined berthing space of 32,900 feet, with depths of water alongside ranging from zero to 32 feet at mean low Water. Six of-these terminals are opposite the city on Hutchinson between ~bland while the remaining 43 are on the. south side of the river points 3 miles below and 5.5 miles above the center of the 1tY. Thirteen piers and wharves are operated by railroads, 5 by il companies, 2 by coal companies, 1 by a cotton warehouse com- pany, 5 by ship repair companies, 1 by a local steamship company, and 6 by various private industries. The site of a former shipyard has been acquired by the city of.Savannah for future development Of industrial sites. There is a large municipal wharf at the center 8l the city. All have railway and highway connections except the p on Hutchinson Island, which have railway connections only. as are being prepared for the construction of a State Port aereninal to be located 3 miles below the center of the city. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. For urther details see Port Series No. 14, Corps of Engineers (revised Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: Gov- etrmlent plant and hired labor operated between the sea and City ront channel opposite the United States Engineer Yard, removing 790 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 4,716,973 cubic yards of material at a cost of $635,324.71. In addi- tion, 686,899 cubic yards of material were removed from the ine side disposal area at a cost of $91,086.47. The contract dredge Admiral operated in Upper and Lower Flats channels between stations 153 and 170, removing 1,331,826 cubic yards of material at a cost of $142,863.15. The contract dredge Baltimore removed 14,057 cubic yards of material from Whitehall and Kings Islan channels between stations 89 and 106, while operating on new work, at a cost of $1,804.92. Under a separate contract for new work, the dredge Baltimore was credited with removing 260, 19 cubic yards of maintenance material in Lower Flats, Long Island Crossing, and Quarantine channels between stations 162 and 19s at a cost of $46,550.79. Engineering studies and surveys co $66,760.94. The total cubic yardage removed was 7,010,234 and the cost was $984,390.98. The expenditure was $1,003,720.14. of ,The following tabulation shows the name of plant, sections the harbor over which work was performed, yardage removed, an methods of dredging:. ,; Cubic yards reno Name of channel g gitatio Regular clredging ' ...- dredging I)redge Geri: 725 155, 'ybee knoll, station 202-214 _ . . . . . - __--134, 371 174,30 'Tybeeroads, station 214--234-, .. ... -..-....... -.......... ..... 670, 310 '1'ybee bar, station 234--236. ----- ---------.---------- 87, 761 D red ge Henry Bacon: . City front, station 121-127 -................... 498, 903 -- ---------------.................... Wrecks, station 127--136 --------------- -------------------- 1, 436, 105- - 5-fathom hole, station 136-140_ ......----------- 291, 527 Obstructions, station 140-147 126, 8(11 - - -..................-............... The Bight, station 147--152.. .....-------------------------------------- _ 181,087 Upper Flats, station 152-158- _--- ____....-. __---- 507, 156 -- Long Island crossing, station 173+333--177--.....-------------------- 74,827-- ' wInside disposal area, station 184-190. .-.-.----- _........... --- 686,899- Dred ge Clinton: 5-fathom hole, station 136-137+275- ___---------------- - 90, 3 -- Long Island crossing, station 173+5(-00-181+100....................... 287, 3;34 --- Dred ge Admiral: Upper Flats, station 153--162.: _... ,,- - ............................ -829, 900 - Lower Flats, station 162-170- 501,926- -------------------------................................-- Dredgo Baltimore: Whitehall, station 89--1010....- _-------------------- ------ 6,680 -- Kings Island, station 1(X)-106+685..------ -..--------- ------- 7,:377-- Lower Flats, station 162--168+680 .......- - ....... .. .. --.........104, 059 - 100, 070 ---- Long Island crossing, station 178-190---------------------------................................... r Quarantine, station 190--194.....-------------------------------................................... 56,350--- 329, 955 STotal number of cubic yards removed-._....._.................. 6, 680, 279 SNew ork. --Government plant and hired labor operated on the bar channels, removing 546,183 cubic yards of material at ac of $49,215.91. Under a contract for dredging in the upper lid*e of the harbor and for the extension of the harbor, the dre d Baltimore, owned by the Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., remoedi 3,266,235 cubic yards of material at a cost of $436,716.75. In avd tion, the dredge Baltimore, under a separate contract, remost 1,836,300 cubic yards of material from the lower harbor at a coe of $337,336.86. The total yardage removed was 5,648,718 and the cost was $727,257.60 for new work. Preliminary work, enginer ing studies, and surveys cost $18,375.07, RIVERS ANDI) ARBORS-SAVANNAIT, GA., DISTRITCT 791 The total cost was $841,644.59 for new work.; The expenditure as $636,119.25. The following tabulation shows the name of plant, sections of arbor over which work was performed, yardage removed, and methods of dredging: Cubic yards removed Name of channel Regular Agitation dredging dredging : ..._ ege (er . ,Yee knoll, station 202--214..... --------.------- _ _... ,- -..-- -- 55, 70)) 213, 044 bre1lYb, ge roads, station 214--234 ..............------------------------------------- .. 121,863 .155, 576 ltimore: t entworth, station 81+63081)9+300 .-. - - ------------------ 2, 158, 152........... 'tehall, station 89+300--100----.........- 512, 899 -- L rog Islanld, station 100-106(+685 ------------------- ........---------------.. .. - 595, 184 .. owar Flats, station 162-168+680..................... ..------------------ 756, 470 .. Qua Island crossing, station 178--190------.......----.. . ---- ------ 746, 716 arntine, station 190-194 ................... .......... ..-------------------------------------- 333, 114 .......... Total number of cubic yards removed.--- .... .....- --- 5, 280, 098 368, 620 68 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about Percent complete. The 30-foot channel and extension of the harbor above the Seaboard Air Line Railway bridge was completed ,ebruary 5, 1948. The 36- and 34-foot channels are being main- tained at the previous project depth of 30 feet until the channels frthe present project are completed. The previous 30-foot project (got the sea to old quarantine station was completed in 1930, and 2 e rest of the 30-foot channel in 1937. That part of the previous g2 foot channel from the Seaboard Air Line Railway bridge to the oot of Kings Island was completed in 1931, and toot of Kings Island to the Atlantic Creosoting the rest, from the wharf, including the turning basin opposite the Savannah Sugar Refinery's wharf, 1937. Cross-tides channel was closed with a hydraulic fill in th 3 7 . The anchorage basin and mooring dolphins near Fort Ogle- Strpe structed, all completed were in 1926; of the 10 dolphins originally con- have been destroyed. The channel enlargements at rakies Cut, Kings Island, and at West Broad and Barnard Streets, ere completed in 1931, 1929, and 1924, respectively. Whitehall Wannel training wall was completed in 1929 and was replaced by three spur dikes in 1937. These spur dikes are in good condition. ig Island training wall was raised and extended in 1940 and is good condition. Long Island training wall hydraulic fill was CO Pleted in 1931 and other training walls and jetties prior to 1929, and are in far condition. at June 1948, least depths in midchannel for half project width at mean low water were 30 feet in the bar channel from the sea to .Station 185; thence 26 feet to the Seaboard Air Line Railway bredge; thence 30 feet or greater to the upper limits of eXept for a depth of 27 feet through the Seaboard Air the harbor Line Rail- Way bridge. The turning basin opposite the Savannah Sugar oefinery had a controlling depth of 32 feet. The turning basin DPposite the Southern Paperboard Corp. had a controlling depth of 30 feet for the (upper limit of harbor) lower two-thirds of the asin. Above that point the controlling depth was 28 feet. The 792 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 least depths do not occur abreast, and there was a practicable navigation channel 27 feet deep for one-half project width from the sea to the Seaboard Air Line Railway bridge and 32 feet deep from that point to the upper reaches of the harbor. The shoalsre below the bridge are soft mud; above the bridge the shoals are generally sand. The costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, have been $6,129,737.88 for new work and $17,525,350.24 for maintenance' a total of $23,655,088.12. The expenditure was $23,451,742.02.48, Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, le19i amounting to $789,108.01, plus an allotment of $1,914,400 made i July 1948, a total of $2,703,508.01, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948- _$203,346.10 New work: Dredging 36-foot channel between station 194 and outer end of bar with United States hopper dredge Gerig 3.4 months be- 263,930.36 tween July 1 and Dec. 31, 1948-__ _ - 263, Dredging 34-foot channel between stations 178 and 109 with pipe-line dredge Baltimore, contract No. W-09-133-eng-1138 dated Feb. 26, 1948 with Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., 7 09,89 months between July 1, 1948 and Jan. 31, 1949 --------- 1,104 Total new work-- ----.--.--- _ _- _-- 1,571,28635 Maintenance: Dredging in 36-foot channel between station 194 and outer end of bar with United States hopper dredge Gerig 1.8 months be- 136521.36 tween July 1 and Dec. 31, 1948_ 136, Dredging in 30- and 34-foot channels between station 194 and upper end of harbor with United States pipe-line dredge Henry 000.00 Bacon 9 months between Aug. 1, 1948, and June 30, 1949__ 595,000 Dredging inside disposal area for United States hopper dredge Gerig with United States pipe-line dredge Henry Bacon 1 500.00 month between Sept. 1, 1948, and June 30, 1949------- 66,-- Dredging in 34-foot channel between stations 178 and 109 with pipe-line dredge Baltimore, Contract No. W-09-133-eng-1138 dated Feb. 26, 1948, with Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co. 7 200.30 months between July 1, 1948, and Jan. 31, 1949 334,2--------- S 1.66 Total maintenance ....----------------------------------- 1,132,0801 Total for all work ------------------------------- 2,703, 0 The additional sum of $1,818,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Dredging 36-foot channel between stations 194 and 245 to partial project width and depth with a Government hopper dredge for 33,000 about 6 months between July 1, 1949, and June 30, 1950 $ ,----- Maintenance: Dredging in 36-foot channel between station 194 and outer end of bar with United States hopper dredge Gerig or other Government 340,000 hopper dredge 4 months between July 1, 1949, and June 30, 1950- Dredging in 30- and 34-foot channels between station 194 and upper end of harbor with United States pipe-line dredge Henry Bacon 860,000 12 months between July 1, 1949, and June 30, 1950.00 Dredging in 34-foot channel between stations 109 and 103 with Government and/or contract pipe-line dredge 3 months between 85,000 July 1, 1949, and June 30, 1950---------- -------------- Total maintenance_------------------------------ 1,28500 Total for all work --------------------------------- RIVERS. AND) HARLBORIS-SAVANNA:H, GA., DISTRICT 793 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- : $13,390,121.86 Cst of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ..---------------------- 17,824,244.50 Min Total cost of permanent work to June 30, us accounts payable June 30, 1948---------. ...-- 1948------ --------------- 31,214,366.36 203,346.10 U Net total expenditures ...---------------------..... .... 31,011,020.26 expended balance June 30, 1948----- .-. ... 789,108.01 ----------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 31,800,128.27 1 i Scea year eniding June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 of eost rk--- $110,415.16 $841,644.59 Ost aintenance_. . ".--- $665, 132. 45 $843, 137.:22 1,i3, 682.00 695, 772. 15 984,390. 98 Total cost---------------... .... . 665,132. 45 843,137. 22 1, 013, 680.00 806,187. 31 1, 826, 035.57 Total expended----- ............ 665, 623.03 845,067. 74 1, 011,657.15 795, 467.15 1, 639, 839.39 Allotted *.......-.-............. 100, 000.00 1,327. 700.00 1, 958, 800.00 422, 000.00 1, 324, 220. 00 al ance unexpended, July 1,1947-------------------------$1,104,727.40 Amount allotted during fiscal year ,570,920.00 1----------- ed Amount to be accounted for________________________ 2,675,647.40 uctions on account of revocation of allotment_ -246,700.00 Net amount Gross amount to be accounted for--------------- ------ 2,428,947.40 expended --------------------------------- 1,639,839.39 Out Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 789,108.01 utotanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_.:_ $203,346.10 ount covered by uncompleted contracts. 325,129.04 528,475.14 A Balance available, June 30, 1948_.--- -..-------- ---- 260,632.87 ount allotted in July 1948---------------------------- 1,914,400.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ........- 2,175,032.87 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project__________--------------- _ -------- 1,563,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work_- _ ..- ___ --- __ . ___.-- __ ___--533,000.00 For maintenance_ _____--------------------------- 1,285,000.00 Total______________ __________________ ________ 1,818,000.00 2. SAVANNAH RIVER BELOW AUGUSTA, GA. Location.-This river is formed by the confluence of the Tugaloo d Seneca Rivers on the northwestern part of the South Carolina- Georgia boundary line. It flows southeast for 314 miles, forming the boundary line, and empties into the Atlantic Ocean 16.6 miles below Savannah, Ga. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps of South Carolina and Georgia.) Previous project.-.Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of larch 3, 1881. A subdivision between new work and maintenance ishot possible. For further details see page 1813 of Annual Report or 1915 and page 581 of Annual Report for 1938. 1 75 x'isting project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep and 7 feet wide (at ordinary summer flow, which corresponds to a 'ischarge of 4,000 second-feet at Augusta, Ga.), from the upper end of Savannah Harbor to the head of navigation at Augusta, 3 ahiles above Fifth Street Bridge, about 199 miles. The improve- ment is to be obtained by construction of one lock and dam at New 794 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Savannah Bluff, use of contraction works, closure of cut-offs, bank protection, removal of snags, overhanging trees, and wrecks, and dredging troublesome bars. The mean tidal variation at the mouth of the river is 7.1 feet. The freshet variation above the normal po00 level (elevation 114.5 mean sea level) of the New Savannah lock and .dam at the head of the improvement is about 13 feet Bluff ordinarily, with an extreme of 34 feet. The pertinent data for the lock and dam are given in the following table: Lock and dam atNew Savannah Bluff Nearest railroad station- -------- __ --- Distance above Bull St---------------------Savannah, _._Augusta, Ga., 13 miles. Ga., 188 miles. Lock dimensions . ___________ 56 by 360 feet. Lift of lock----------__-_____ ___ 15 feet. Depth on lower miter sill at low water_ 10 feet. Depth on upper miter sill at normal pool level . 13.5 feet. Character of foundations------------------- Piles in sand, clay, and gravel. Kind of dam---------------------------- Fixed. 1 Type of construction Concrete. Completed.------------------------------ 1937. Total cost ------------------------------ $1,473,812.10. 5 steel vertical-lift pressed-control gates, set between concrete piers and resting on concrete sill. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, is $3,340,000 exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $78' 000, including $27,000 for operating and care. nd The existing project was authorized by the following river a harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Sept. 19, 1890 For a 5-foot channel.. ..... . . oc. 255, 51st Cong ' 2(1ses .. .......... -.... and Annual Report, 8Iste py 5 . June 25, 1910 Special improvement by bank protection work of 2) H. D)oc. 96 2,60th Cong., st e or 25 miles of the river immediately below Augusta. st s July 3, 1930 The present 6-foot channel project and the lock and I. l)oc. 101, 70th Cong., 1 iamn. 3d Co Aug. 30, 19351 Provision made for locating the lock and dam at New Senate committee print, 73d Savannah Bluff. 2(1 sess.tee Aug. 26, 1937 Conditions of local cooperation modified........... Rivers and Harbors Committes Doc. 39, 75th Cong., 1st SCSS 1Included in the Public Works Administration program, Sept. 27, 1933. 2 Contains the latest published map, Local cooperation.--Fullycomplied with. Terminal: facilities.-The only water terminals served bY t, improvement are at Augusta and at or near Savannah. The cit of Augusta owns and operates, on equal terms to all, a wharf and warehouse; a short distance below this terminal the Pure Oil Co has a terminal (storage capacity of 27,500 barrels) for berthin and discharging oil barges; and just outside the eastern city lialt is the Merry Bros. Brick & Tile Co.'s terminal. This companY ae has terminal facilities at Savannah. At Savannah there is o municipal wharf, suitable for berths for river steamers, open.t the public on equal terms. In addition, there are extensive facll' ties at Savannah, privately owned, for oceangoing and smaller vessels. Along the river there! are numerous natural landin RIVERS AND 11ARBORS SAVANNAH;I GA., Di)STRICT 795 Without wharves or railway connections. The terminal facilities are considered ample for existing commerce.' Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: The United States snagboat Macon and hired labor did maintenance Snagging July 1 to September 16, 1947, removing 886 obstructions tween miles 20 and 188; December 11, 1947, to February 19, 1948, removing 799 obstructions between miles 14 and 180; and May 6 to June 30, 1948, removing 596 obstructions between miles 22 and 202, a total of 2,281 obstructions, at a cost of $55,361.96. Surveys and engineering studies cost $8,641.51. The minimum daily flow of the river at the New Savannah Bluff navigation dam during 1947 was 1,800 cubic feet per second on September 7, 1947. The minimum weekly flow was 2,250 cubic feet per second. The minimum daily and weekly flow of record Previous to 1947 was 1,105 and 1,220 cubic feet per second, re- *Pectively. p Power plants with storage on the river are the Stevens Creek plant, 9 miles above Augusta, and the six plants of the Georgia power Company, on the headwaters. No regulation of flow is required at the headwater plants, but the Stevens Creek plant is lequired to pass the natural flow of the river when this is at or be- low 6,550 cubic feet per second., The Stevens Creek plant has so OPerated during the past year, but the effect of the headwater Plants on the natural flow of the river has not been determined. 1Maintenance (operating and care) : The lock and dam at New Savannnah Bluff was operated and ordinary repairs to the struc- tUre and appurtenant works were made, including preparation for dewatering the lock chamber to make necessary inspections, at a cost of $42,317.84. The total cost of work from regular funds, was $106,321.31- $64,003.47 for maintenance and $42,317.84 for operating and Care. The expenditure was $110,772.57. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1939. The lock and dam at New Savannah Bluff was Completed in 1937 and the open channel works in 1939. The lock and dam is in good repair. In general, the open-channel works are in fair condition, however a few of the structures are in need Of repair. The controlling depth at ordinary summer water was 4 feet or greater for about 70 percent of the fiscal year. This depth corresponds to a height of 4.2 feet on the Butler Creek gage and to a discharge of 4,000 second-feet at Augusta. The costs and expenditures on the existing project to June 30, 948, were as follows: 'Public Works Regular funds funds T'otal o, ts: work........ ---------------------------------------- $1, 117,237.02 $1,634,562.24 $2,751, 799. 26 t aintenance ... 1,529, 024. 92 1, 529 024. 92 ) erating and care-....-------------------------- ---- 273, 058. 54 . 273, 058. 54 Total...---------------------- -----------------------............ 2, 919, :320. 48 1, 634, 562. 24 4, 553, 882. 72 Denditures- -- -----............ ...... . ....... 2, 918, 414. 45 1, 634, 562. 24 4, 552, 976. (69 796 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended and accounts receivable June 30, 1948, amounting to $16,690.85, plus d allotment of $99,500 for maintenance and operation and care mu in July 1948, a total of $116,190.85, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable July 1, 1948 _-------------- --- $906.03 Maintenance: Snagging and removal of sand shoals with United States Snagboat 9,3987 Macon 6.5 months between-July 1, 1948, and June 30, 1949-- 69, Operation and care, (New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam): Operations--------------------------- $25,700.00 Ordinary repairs-------------------- 12,000.00 Improvement and reconstruction -------------- 7,686.03 Emergencies_------------------------------- 500.0 4588603 45,886.03 Total for all work .... ___ - _----... 116,190.85 The additional sum of $227,600 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: M aintenance: Snagging and removal of sand shoals with United States snagboat 7 81000 months between July 1, 1949, and June 30, 1950----------- - $81, Repairs with hired labor to open channel works (pile dikes and bank revetments) between mile 47.5 and 187 (Zero Mile at Bull St., Savannah, Ga.) between Jan. 1, 1949, and June 30, 1950--- ..-. .. . $30,000 Construction, by contract or hired labor, bank revetment at mile 188, (zero mile at Bull St., Savannah, Ga.) between July 1, 1949, and June 30, 1950_ - 75,000 ,A 000 Operation and care, (New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam) Operation ----------------------- ---- 28,000 Ordinary repairs------------------------------ 5,800 Improvements and reconstruction 6, 800 Emergencies ----..-..-------. . _ ... 1,000 41,600 _ ----- ," Total for all work- ---- -227,600 This work will be necessary to operate and properly maintain the lock and dam and provide a reasonable channel for comerce using this river. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--. -.. -.--- __ _--- - $2,845,22936 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -------- 1,802,083'4 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ 4,647,362 3 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948----- Net total expenditures_----------------------------- 4,646456.78 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948------- -------------- 169085 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 4,663,147.63 Fiscal year eitling June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 Cost of now work ------------------------- --- - -1 . 31----------------- Cost of maintenance-....--- . $29, 09. 44 $27, 6735.00 $60, 872.04 $61,340. 40 Total expended-----.. --.. --....------....... 30, 062. 16 24, 236. 65 63, 847.01 57, 106. 41 110, Allotted .-------------------.......................-- 30, 000. 00 77, 500. 00 97, 100. 00 -14, 00)0.00 110,100. RIVERS AND ITARBORS-SAVANNAHI, GA., DISTRICT 797 -------------------------- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.... Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------------- $17,363.42 110,100.00 G Amount to be accounted for- - 127,463.42 Leross amount expended _-------------------- ess reimbursed expenditures------------.. $110,852.57 80.00 110,772.57 u Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---- Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 .... -----------_ 16,690.85 906.03 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts - 2,304.93 3,210.96 4mountBalance allottedavailable, June in July 1948 30, 1948----- _ .------------- 13,479.89 --------------------- ___.. - 99,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 112,979.89 Amount that can be profitably fiscal year ending une 30, 1950, for maintenance--------------------------- 227,600.00 3. ATLANTIC INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY BETWEEN NORFOLK, VA., AND THE ST. JOHNS RIVER, FLA. (SAVANNAH DISTRICT) Location.-This section of the waterway Sound, S. C., with Fernandina, Fla. (See U. S.connects Port Royal Coast and Geodetic turvey Charts Nos. 838-841, inclusive.) For Cumberland Sound o St. Johns River section see page 824. lPrevious projects-between Savannah, Ga., and Fernandina, .l.---'Previous improvements in this section were authorized by River and Harbor Acts of August 2, 1882, August 11, 1888, July , 1892, and March 3, 1905. 1 For further details see pages 1814, 1821-1823 of the Annual eport for 1915, and page 585 of the Annual Report for 1938. Sean 5 Existing project.-This provides for a waterway 12 feet deep at low water and not less than 90 feet wide between Port Royal ound, S. C., and Savannah, Ga.; for a waterway 12 feet deep at ean low water, with widths of 90 feet in land cuts and narrow treams and 150 feet in open waters, between Savannah, Ga., and ernandina, Fla., to follow in general the alinement of the existing Waterway, except for such cut-offs or other changes in the route as ray be found desirable and justified by the resultant benefits to nRvigation ; and for a suitable anchorage basin at Thunderbolt, Ga. The total distance from Port Royal Sound, S. C., to Fernandina, a., is 165 miles. The project also provides for the following: (1) temoving logs and snags from Generals Cut, Ga.; (2) an alterna- tie and more protected route, 7 feet deep at mean low water from .oboySound to Brunswick Harbor, via Darien River, Three Mile Cut, Altamaha River, One Mile Cut, Buttermilk Sound, Mackay tiver, Back River, Clubb Creek, and Plantation Creek; (3) a pro- tected channel 7 feet deep at mean low water and 75 feet wide around St. Andrews Sound extending from the main route of the Raterway in Jekyll Creek through Jekyll Sound, Little Satilla iver, Umbrella Cut, Umbrella Creek and its south branch, through 4over Cut to Dover Creek, thence up Dover Creek and through a narrow neck of land to Satilla River, thence through a of Todd Creek and through Floyd Creek to the mainland cutof route south the waterway in Cumberland River; (4) a channel 5 feet deep at mean 80 4711-48-Vol. 1-51 798 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 low water and 50 feet wide to connect Baileys Cut to: Satilla River and Dover Creek, Ga.; (5) a loop to 8 feet deep at mean low waet to reach the wharves at the southern end of Cumberland Sound; (6) an alternative route 9 feet deep and 150 feet wide in that part of Frederica River, Ga., not now traversed by the main route, at be additional cost to the United States. In general, the work is to be accomplished by dredging, supplemented by, training walls as a, The mean tidal range between Port Royal, S. C., and Fernandita Fla., is from 6 to 8 feet, with fluctuations from 1 to 21/ feet, dueto winds and lunar phases. 1/ The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1938 is $961,600 exclusive of amounts expended under previous projects.: The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance s $195,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents BEATUFORT,S. C.j TO SAVANNAH, GA., SECTION " ,'": :*/*, June 3, 1896 Route No. 2 adopted -).... ..... 2 53d Cog., 3 s Mar. 3, 1899 Route No. 1 adopted--- ----- July 25, 1912 Provided for Archer Creek (this route now tI.Doc.513, 62d Cone. Haban- ss doned). SAVANNAH, OGA,TO FERNANDINA, FLA., SECTION . : July 13, 1892 Original 7-foot channel _ --.......- . I . 41,52 i 1 t: 25, 1938. Punta Rasa to Fort Pierce and Rivers and Harbors Com- Stuart, Fla., waterway of 12- mittee resolution, Oct. ; foot depth and suitable width. 13, 1943. Rice Creek, Putnam County, River and Harbor Act, - -- , - ------ Fla. July 24, 1946. Roberts Bay, Fla., channel across, ----. do---------- '' Sarasota (Little) Bay and chan- I nel through Caseys Pass, Fla., r etc. i { Roberts Bay (Venice Bay), Fla., Rivers and Harbors Com- --------------- , channel from Little Sarasota mittee resolution, June Bay to HIatchett Creek, Fla. 28, 1946. ----------. r .- Safety Harbor, Fla., channel to, River and Harbor Act, Tampa Bay. Mar. 2, 1945. St. Augustine Harbor, and vicin- do.. ....- - - ' ity, Fla. St. Augustine Harbor, Fla ...... Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, June 10, 1941. St. Johns River, Fla., to Camp River and Harbor Act, IBlanding, Kingsley Lake, Fla., Mar. 2, 1945. waterway from. ;,,, ----------- St. Johns River, D)eLeonfprings;, Rivers and Harbors Com- Fla., waterway. mittee resolution, Apr. 13, 1939. St. Johns River, Fla., near Dex- River and Harbor Act, ter Lake, interconnecting wa- Mar. 2, 1945. terway to Lake Harris, Fla., Florida east coast, interlocking open-river and canalized chan- nels, etc. St. Johns River to Indian River, Rivers and Harbors Com- Fla., channel from Sanford to mittee resolution, Jan. near Titusville. 27, 1937. St. Johns River, Fla., Jackson- Commerce Committee ville to the ocean, to determine resolution, Nov. 2, 1945. effect of Federal project im- - -- -- ---- provements at entrance of river to contiguous shore lines. Do---...........--------------- Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Nov. 8, 1945. St. Johns River-Kissimmee Riv- River and Harbor Act, er, Fla., and thence to Okee- Aug. 30, 1935. chobee-Cross Florida Canal. St. Johns River at Palatka, Fla., River and Harbor Act, interconnecting waterway to Mar. 2, 1945. Indian River at Sebastian, Melbourne, Eau Gallie, Cocoa, or such other locality most suit- able, Florida east coast, inter- locking open-river and canal- ized channels, etc. St. Johns River, Fla., intercon- River and Harbor Act, necting waterways to Titus- Mar. 2, 1945. ville, Florida east coast, inter- locking open-river and canal- ized channels, etc. St. Johns River, Fla., intercon- ..... do.... . ...--- I--------... .. necting waterway to Lake To- hopekaliga, thence to Leesburg on Lake Harris, thence to We- kiva River, Fla., Florida east : . coast, interlocking open-river and canalized channels, etc. St. Joseph Sound, channel from do--..... ---------- deep water to and turning basin at Ozona, Fla. RIVERS AND HARBORS-JACKSONVILLE FLA., DISTRICT 925 Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Locality mitted to Document Recom- Authorization act mendation Congress No. St. Luie River a -. II I Okeecob ver and Commerce Committee Chee Canad .. resolution, Juno 17,1942. Commerce Committee resolution, Feb. 6, 1940. River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. Rivers and Harbors Com- ----------- mittee resolution, June 27, 1945. River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. - - - AIo---------- -------------- River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946. --------- - Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, June 28, 1946. River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. ---------------- o, "' Ueast coast, interlocking e - iver and canalized chan- 3ebaetc 'an Inlet, Fla............. River and Harbor Act, --- - - - - - - - - - July 24, 1946. '- - ----................ 0 Senate Committee on Public Works resolu- tion, June 1, 1948. Sti e.rings Run to Lake Eus- River and Harbor Act, - - - - - --- - ---- - - Stake Oklawaha River via Mar. 2, 1945. even riffi,Fla. a 8 Creek near Clearwater, Rivers and Harbors Com- r foralternate route from mittee resolution, Aug. orar*nSPrings, Wall Springs 2, 1946. vens Creek near Clear- VWate jal r, to Old 'Tampa Bay, via lsacblshatchee River to With- Start eo River, Fla. SarttoFort Pierce and Punta Rivers and Harbors Com- ------------ --------------- oot,F forwaterway of 12- mittee resolution, Oct. la., l8 epth and suitable width. 13, 1943. o onee IRiver, Fla., and Ga., Sec. 1, River and Harbor -- - -- --- - - - -- - - - or wavigation, flood control, Act, Jan. 21, 1927. l)ort) and irrigation (308 re- 5 11Wanee River, Ga. and Fla., River and Harbor Act, ith a view to improvement in Mar. 2, 1945. ieinterest of navigation and ampa ay Fla. channel to rdge t Bradenton, Fla. ..... do--.........------------ 804711--48-Vol. 1-59 926 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued 1- "-" I I i Date trans- Becolli Locality Authorization act mitted to Document mendatiol Congress' No. I I I -- -- I- _i Tampa Bay Channel, channel di- ..... do-- rectly north to vicinity of Max- ...-......-- ..........- I---- -------------- imo Point neat St. Petersburg, Fla. Tampa Bay Channel, channel di- ..... do-............... rectly north to vicinity of Mul- let Key and with a view to providing protected harbor and turning basin. Tampa Bay, Fla., channel to ..... do.------..----------........-----.... ....... Safety Harbor. Tampa (Old) Bay, Fla., channel ..... do ................. to Oldsmar, Fla. Tampa (Old) Bay, to Anclote Rivers and Harbors Com- ----------- ---- I - ---- ---- - -------- ---- ----- River, Fla., for alternate route mittee resolution, Aug. from Tarpon Springs, Wall 2, 1946. Springs, or Stevens Creek near Clearwater, to Old Tampa Bay, Caloosahatchee River to Withlacoochee River, Fla., In- tracoastal Waterway. Tampa Harbor, Fla............ Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Mar. ----------------------- 21, 1945. Tarpon Springs, Fla., for alter- Rivers and Harbors Com- nate route of the Intracoastal mittee resolution, Aug. Waterway from Caloosahat- 2, 1946. chee River. to the Withlacoo- chee River, Fla. Taylor Creek, Lighthouse Ser- River and Harbor Act, . ------- vice depot adjacent to Fort Mar. 2, 1945. j Pierce Harbor, Fla., Jackson- ville, Fla., to Miami, Fla., In- tracoastal Waterway, sidechan- nels or spur channels to, etc. Titusville, Fla., to, at, or near -----..... do1 .... ... Eau Gallie, Fla., auxiliary side .... ....--------- channel from the Intracoastal Waterway from Jacksonville to Miami, through and easterly of Merritt Island, via Banana Creek and River. Titusville, Fla., side channel or ..... do- ----....- ...-... spur channel from the Jackson- ville, Fla., to Miami, Fla., In- tracoastal Waterway, and turn- ing basin or harbor at. Titusville, Fla., to the St. Johns do---- ..... ------------.......... ------- -- River and thence to Lake.To- hopekaliga, Fla., Florida east coast, interlocking open-river an(l canalized channels having depth of 12 feet, etc. Tohopekaliga Lake, intercon- River and Harbor Act, I... necting waterway to Okeecho- Mar. 2, 1945. I bee Cross-Florida Canal, via the Kissimmee River and Lake Okeechobee, Florida east coast, interlocking open-river and ca- nalized channels having depth of 12 feet, etc. Tohopekaliga Lake, intercon- ..... do-------------..... necting waterway to the St. Johns River, Fla., Florida east coast, interlocking open-river and canalized channels having depth of 12 feet, etc. Venice Bay, Fla., channel across River and Harbor Act,. Sarasota (Little) Bay and chan- July 24, 1946. nel through Caseys Pass, Fla. Venice Bay (Roberts Bay), Fla., Rivers and Harbors Com- channel from Little Sarasota mittee resolution, June Bay to Hatchett Creek, Fla. 28, 1946. Venice Inlet (Caseys Pass), Fla., River and Harbor Act, Sarasota Bay, Fla. Mar. 2, 1945. Waccasassa River and its tribu- ..... do ................. taries, Florida, with view to im- provement in the interest of navigation, flood control, and related purposes. FLOOD CONTROI---JACKSONVILLE, FLA., DISTRICT 927 Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions---Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Reconm- Congress No. mendation Vall rin ,. .-r, Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Aug. 2, 1946. out, removal Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------- ------ 45, 989.56 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ....... $1,563.24 Amount covered by,uncompleted contracts.: 1,290.28 853.52 2,t Balance available, June 30, 1948 ------ 43,136.04 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 _461.13 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 .......... 43,597.17 Amount allotted in 1948_- - --... - --..-. 64,400.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 107,997.17 Amount that can be ,profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance- .... . -.. 225,500.00 MTV:ERS ANI) IA13BORS---MOB[LE , ALjA., DI)STICT 1001 27. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures ,Estimated . full report," ":. to June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project see Annual quired to Report for-- complete N wwork M1aintenance 1. Ochlockonee (Ochlockney) River, Ga. and Fla 1 1900 $5, 000. 00 ---------..... $20, 000 2. Carrabelle Bar and Harbor, Fla . ...... . 1946 363, 686.38 $273, 687.77 (4) a. Upper Chipola River, Fla., from Marianna 1941 . 36, 781412 : 63,193. 43 4, 200 4 to its mouth.t 5 4. Holmes River, Fla.t. '-......-........... 1931 , 8 62. 05 36, 652.41 (4) 6. Dauphin Island Bay, Ala.l .... 1946 ..... 118,800 6, Oostanaula and Coosawattee Rivers, Ga.l . 1907 32, 656. 41 .............. -5, 500 7. Cahaba River, Ala. 1 . -----....... 1894 45, 000.00--------------.. ( 8. 9. . .... Tallapoosa River, Ala 2----------------- Noxubee River, Miss2................. 1893 43,97.92 ----- 7) --- --- 1902 47, 527. 52 14, 472:48 (4) 10.Old Town Creek, Miss.' 2- - - - : -- - - --......... -- 1887 i 3,000.00 7,000 11. Pascagoula River, Miss........ 1941 15, 000.00 126, 321.5 (9 12. Leaf and Chickasawhay Rivers, Miss ... 1919 23, 089. 94 42, 676.26 1,900 143. luff Creek, Miss ........... --------- 1893 ' 1,000.00------------- (4) 15. Bayou Galere, Miss. ..-----.......... 1946 8, 900 1. Chitto Bogue, La. to--'- -- 1909 14, 912.60 12,929.94 30,000 16. Pass Christian Harbor, Miss............. : 19347 5,100.00 .. 23,000 17. East Pearl River, Miss .8. . --- --- ' 1933 37, 127. 93 34, 14. 18 (4) 18. Pearl River, Miss., Edinburg to Jackson 1. 1911 ' " 31, 872. 06 36, 990. 55 31, 600 'No commerce reported. Abandonment recommended in H. Doe. 467, 69th Cong., lst sass. Channel adequate for commerce. ' Includes $2,160.80 for work on La Grange Bayou, Fla. 'The records indicate that this project has not been completed, however, $5,000 in excess of the estimated cost has been expended. cos has been expendicatethat this project has not been completed; however, $3,846.92 in excess of the esti- mated cost has been expended. 8 That portion of the Noxubee River in Noxubee County, in the State of Mississippi, was declared non- aavigable on Feb. 24, 1934, act 8. 2337, 73d Cong., 2d sass. (48 Stat. 356). 'Maintenance only. , . . oiConsidered unworthy of further improvement. 28. PLANT ALLOTMENT, MOBILE, ALA., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948 --------------------- $1,077, 897. 32 Net total cost to June 30, 1948-- - - ... 1. 077,897.32 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------- -. 82,133.81 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 .- . 1,160,031.13 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ' _ . 236,893.69 Net total expenditures. . -. _._ .. 923,137.44 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ ...... 284,568.54 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 - .. - 1 207,705.98 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Total expended----------................. $42, 405.65 $-250, 877.87 $-344, 726. 95 $171,727.50 $-130, 171.06 Allotted ....-------------------- 588,200.00 -250,00000 -350,00.000 175, 000. 00 ._2----- .yt. . -- .-- -. -62,094. - ~ 37 1002 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENOINEERS, V. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--.---.. --.__ --.----- $216,491.85 Amount allotted during fiscal year_----. __-----------_ ---- 37,905.63 Amount to be accounted for------------------------ 254,397.48 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment ------------- 100,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for __________________-_ 154,397.48 Gross amount expended------------------- $728,164.00 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------- 858,335.06 -130,171"06 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948___________________ 284,568.54 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 .... _ 236,893.69 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_ 12,882.67 249,776.36 Balance available, June 30, 1948.--------------------- 34792.18 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---. -------.--- __ _ _ _ -- 82,133.81 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-- 116,925.99 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recolm- Congress No. mendation Alabama River, waterway to River and Harbor Act, -- - - - - - ------- - - - Escambia River, Fla. and Ala. Mar. 2, 1945. Alabama-Coosa Branch of Mo- Commerce Committee ^--------------- ------------ bile River System and tributa- resolution, Jan. 18, 1939. ries thereof, for flood control, navigation, hydroelectric pow- er, etc. (final report). Alabama-Coosa Branch of Mo- Rivers andtfarbors Com- bile River System, Ga. and mittee resolution, Apr. Ala. (final report). 28, 1936. Apalachicola Bay, Fla......... Rivers and Harbors Com- --------------- mittee resolution, Apr. 29,1937. Apalachicola Bay, Fla., East River and Harbor Act, --------------- Point. July 24, 1946. Apalachicola Bay, Fla., with a ..--... do--..........----------- --------------- view to construction of a yacht basin. Apalachicola River and tributa- Sec. 1, River and Harbor --------------- ries, Ga., Ala., and Fla., for Act, Jan. 21, 1927. navigation, flood control, pow- er and irrigation. Biloxi Harbor, Miss.............- Rivers and Harbors Com- --------------- ------------- mittee resolution, Oct. 21, 1938. Biloxi Harbor, Miss., Channel Rivers and Harbors Com- --------------- from Back Bay to Ott Bayou. mittee resolution, Feb. 11, 1941. --- - - - Biloxi Harbor, Miss.,- 40-foot River and Harbor Act, --------------- channel, to serve as deep-water Mar. 2, 1945. outlet to Gulf of Mexico. Biloxi Harbor, Miss., Channel to Rivers and Harbors Com- --------------- to deep water in Mississippi mittee resolution, Feb. Sound along east side of Deer 11, 1941. Island. Bon Secours Bay, Ala., to the Rivers and Harbors Com- --------------- Gulf, waterway to Oyster Bay. mittee resolution, Sept. 25, 1945. Chattahoochee River, Ga., and River and Harbor Act, --------------- connecting waterways. July 3, 1930. Chickasawhay, Leaf and Pasca- House Public Works --------------- goula Rivers, Miss. Committee resolution, May 13, 1947. Chipola River, Ala. and Fla., Rivers and Harbors Com- --------------- hydroelectric power at Look mittee resolution, Apr. and Tremble Falls, at Dawson 24, 1945. Hill-Clarksville site, and at Darling Slide site. RIVERS AND HARBORS-MOBILE, ALA., DISTRICT 1003 Status of all investigationsfor navigationcalled for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued I Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom. Congress No. mendation I. -I Chipola River, Ala. and Fla., River and Harbor Act, With a view to its improvement Mar. 2, 1945. in the interest of navigation, flood control, power and other related purposes. . Chipola River, Fla. and Ala., for Rivers and Harbors Com- navigation, flood control, pow- mittee resolution, Jan. Or, and related purposes. 21, 1942. hoctawhatchee River, Ala. and River and Harbor Act, Vla. July 24, 1946. Columbus, Ga., to Pensacola., River and Harbor Act, Fla., waterway to Chattahoo- Mar. 2, 1945. chee, Conecuh and Escambia Rivers. Conecuh and Escambia Rivers, Commerce Committee Fla. and Ala., channel to Brew- resolution, May 10, ---- ---- ---- ton, Ala., and beyond. 1945. Coosa River, Ga. and Ala. (final Rivers and Harbors Com- report). mittee resolution, Apr. 1, 1936. Coosa-Alabama Branch of Mo- Commerce Committee bile River System, and tribu- resolution, Jan. 18,1939. ------- ------ taries thereof, for flood control, navigation, hydroelectric pow- er, etc. (final report). ------- ------ Coosa-Alabama Branch of Mo- Rivers and Harbors Com- bile River System, Ga. and mittee resolution, Apr. -- -- -- -- - ala. (final report). 28, 1936. ---- ---- ---- East Pass from the Gulf of Mexi- River and Harbor Act, COinto Choctawhatchee Bay, Mar. 2, 1945. Fla. --- -- --- -- East Point Apalachicola Bay, River and Harbor Act, Fla. July 24, 1946. Escambia River, waterway to River and Harbor Act, Alabama River, Fla. and Ala. Mar. 2, 1945. Escambia and Conecuh Rivers, Commerce Committee Fla. and Ala., channel to Brew- resolution, May 10, ton, Ala., and beyond. 1945. Flint River, Ga.........-.... River and Harbor Act, July 24, 1946. Flint River to Albany, Ga., with Senate Public Works a view to providing a nine foot Committee resolution, depth for navigation. June 1, 1948. Fly Creek, Farhope, Ala........ River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, con- ..... do...------------- struction of waterway from Carrabelle, Fla., to Lanark, thence to Turkey Point, Alli- gator Harbor, Tide Creek and Panacea. Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Rivers and Harbors Comn- Pensacola Bay to Mobile Bay, mittee resolution, July for alternate side channel from 20, 1946. Big Lagoon to Pensacola Hlar- bor, Fla. Gulflort Harbor, Miss., 40-foot River and Harbor Act, channel to serve as deep-water Mar. 2, 1945. outlet to Gulf of Mexico. Gulfport Harbor, Miss....... Rivers and IHarbors Com- mittee resolution, May 16, 1946. Harrison County,' Miss., Beach Rivers and Harbors Com- May 24, 1948 H. 682, 80th Favorable. Erosion Study. mittee resolution, June Cong., 2d 14, 1946. sess. Harrison County sea wall, Mis- River and Harbor Act, - - - - - - - - Sissippi, beach erosion study. July 3, 1930; Act of Congress, July 31, 1945. Horn Island Pass, Miss., and House plublic Works ...- - -- -- - Pascagoula harbor, with a Committee resolution, view to relocating the Dog Riv- July 17, 1947. er Channel between Beardslee Lake and East Moss Point via Robertson and Bounds Lakes. La Grange Bayou, Fla-......... River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. Leaf, Chickasawhay and Pasca- House Publio Works goula Rivers, Miss. Committee resolution, May 13, 1947. 1004 RKIPOIrr O.L CHIEFL', 01 ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions--Continued I . 1 . Date trans- Locality Authorization act . mitted to I)ocument Recom- Congress No. mendation - --------- I I I 1 L-C- Mobile Bay to Pensacola Bay, Rivers and Harbors Com- -----.......... ..---. Gulf Intracoastal Waterway for mittee resolution, July alternate side channel from Big 20, 1946. Lagoon to Pensacola Harbor, Fla. Mobile Harbor, Ala., 40-foot River and Harbor Act, channel to serve as deepwater Mar. 2, 1945. -- - - -- - - outlet to Gulf of Mexico. Mobile River and itstributaries, Rivers and Harbors Com- to locate the salinity line. mittee resolution, Oct. 16, 1944. Mobile, Tennessee and Tombig- River and Harbor Act, .- - - - - - - bee Rivers, 12-foot waterway, Mar. 2, 1945. Ohio River to the Gulf of Mex- ico (report to be made by special board). Mobile, Tennessee and Tombig- Rivers and Iarbors Com- bee Rivers, 12-foot waterway, mittee resolution, Oct. .. ----- Ohio River to the Gulf of Mex- 5, 1943. ico (report to be made, by special board). Ohio River to the Gulf of Mexico. ..... do---.....-- 12-foot waterway via the Ten- nessee, Tombiglee and Mobile -- --. - - - Rivers (reportto be made by special board). Ohio River to the Gulf of Mexico, River and Harbor Act, 12-foot waterway via the 'Ten- Mar. 2, 1945. nessee, Tombighee and Mobile Rivers (report to be made by special board). - .. ......- ...... - - Pascagoula Harbor, Misd., 40- ..... do................. foot channel to serve as deep- water outlet to Gulf of Mexico. Pascagoula Harbor andt Horn Is- House Public Works land Pass, Miss., with a view to Committee resolution, relocating the l)og River chan- July 17, 1947. nel between Beardsleo Lake .. and East Moss Point via Rob- ertson and Bounds Lakes. Pascagoula, Leaf and Chickasa- House Public Works whay Rivers, Miss. Committee resolution, May 13, 1947. Pearl River, Miss., to provide Rivers and Harbors Com- 9-foot channel up to Jackson. mittee resolution, June 6, 1939. Pensacola, Fla.,to Columbus, River and Harbor Act, Ga., waterway via Chattahoo- Mar. 2 1945. chee, Conecuh and Escambia Rivers. Pensacola Bay to Mobile Bay, Rivers and Harbors Com- Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, mittee resolution, July for alternate side channel from 20, 1946. Big Lagoon to Pensacola Hiar- bor, Fla. Pensacola Harbor, Fla...........River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. Do.................. Rivers and HIarbors Com- mittee resolution, Nov. 20, 1945. .. _....... _ Perdido Bay, Ala. and Fla.,en- River and Harbor Act, trance and deep water in the Mar. 2, 1945. bay to the Gulf of Mexico via most practicable route. St. Andrews Bay, Fla.,32-foot Rivers and Harbors Com- Feb. H. 559, 80th 24, 1948 Favorable. channel, or lesser depth, with mittee resolution, Mar. Cong., 2d suitable widths, to Gulf of 13, 1945. .... ......... Mexico. St. George Sound at East Point, River and Harbor Act, Fla. July 24, 1946. -..---...-----. .............. St. Josephs Bay, Fla........... River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. ....-..-.......- St. Marks, Fla., canal to Talla- ..... do.................. hassee. St. Mary DeOalvez Bay to River and Harbor Act, Sound Bay, Fla.,waterway July 24, 1946. across Santa Rosa Peninsula, Fla. Sioux Bayou and connecting wa- ..... do......... .. terways, Mississippi. FLOOD CONTROL--MOBILE, ALA., DISTRICT 1005 'i ,Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans Locality. Authorization act mitted to , Document Recom. Congress No. mendation Tennesseet Tombhigbee and Mo- River and Harbor Act, bile Rivers, 12-foot waterway, Mar. 2, 1945. Ohio River to the Gulf of Mex- ic. report, to ' be, made by special board). Tennessee, Tombigbee and Mo- Rivers and Harbors Com. bile Rivers, 12-foot waterway, mittee resolution, Oct. Ohio River to the Gulf of Mex- 5, 1943 . c~Co'(report to be made by special board). Tennessee and Tombigbee Rivers and Harbors Com- Rivers, waterway connecting mittee resolution, Feb. (e arrioriver route) (report 27, 1934. tobe made by special board). Texar Bayou, Fila............... River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. Tombi bee, Tennessee and Mo- bile ~ivers, 12-foot waterway, Ohio River to the Gulf of Mex- e'o(reportto be nmade by spDeiai t lboard). '.;. :., , TO lhigbee, Tennessee and Mo- Rivers and Harbors Com. bile Rivers, 12-foot waterway, mittee resolution, Oct. Ohio River tothe Gulf of Mex- 5, 1943. i (report to be made by spl)ecial board). Tombigbee River, Ala. and Miss. River and Harbor Act, and canal connecting the Tom- Mar. 2, 1945. bigbhee and Tennessee Rivers. Tombighee ries, Miss.,River.and tributa- Rivers and Harbors Com- improvement of mittee resolution, Apr. 1West Fork for navigation, flood 15,1946. control and related purposes. Tomblgbee and Tennessee Rivers and Harbors Com- Rivers, waterway connecting mittee resolution, Feb. (Warrior River route) (report 27, 1934. to be made by special board). Tombighee and Warrior Rivers, Rivers and Harbors Com- Ala. and Miss., construction of mittee resolution, Mar. Ilmpounding dam 1 on Sipsey 10, 1937. ,for 1ork of Black Warrior River navigation, flood control,. ater power, irrigation, etc.. Valley Creek, Alay..., ...:....... Rivers and Harbors Comrn mittee resolution, Feb. 28, 1945. Do......... .......... . Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Sept. 18, 1945. Warrior and Tombighee Rivers,' Rivers and Harbors Com Ala. and Miss., construction of mittee resolution, Mar. impounding dam 1 on Sipsey 10, 1937. Fork, of Black Warrior River for navigation, flood control, water power, irrigation, etc. Water Hyacinth obstruction in Rivers and Harbors Com- Louisiana and other States af- mittee resolution, Feb. fected. 6, 1945. West Gap, St, George Island, River and Harbor Act, Fla. July 24, 1946. 29. ALLATOONA RESERVOIR, COOSA RIVER BASIN, GA. Location.--The site of the proposed Allatoona Dam is on the Etowah River, in Bartow County, Ga., about 48 miles upstream from Rome, Ga., about 5 miles due east of Cartersville, Ga., and about 2,000-feet, downstream from the, mouth of Allatoona Creek. The reservoir will extend up the Etowah River about 32 miles. Existing project.-This provides for'construction of a reservoir for flood control, regulation of stream flow for navigation, and the development of hydroelectric 'power. The concrete gravity-type 804711-48-Vol. 1-64 1006 REPORT OF CH1IEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 dam will be built to an approximate height of 190 feet above the river bottom, or from elevation 690 feet to 880 feet mean sea level, with a fixed crest at elevation 835, and will be equipped with nine Tainter gates, 40 feet wide and 25 feet high, and two regulating gates 20 feet wide by 25 feet high, providing an overflow section having a discharge capacity of 300,000 cubic feet per second with water surface at elevation 868.8. Two 48-inch-diameter sluicing conduits with free discharge valves are to be included in the dam. This dam will create a reservoir covering 20,300 acres with a gross capacity of 722,000 acre-feet at elevation of 860, the top of the Tain- ter gates. The estimated cost, revised in 1948 is $31,922,000. This project was authorized by the Flood Control Acts of August 18, 1941, and December 22, 1944 (Public, No. 228, 77th Cong., 1st sess.), as outlined in House Document 674, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-From July 1, 1947 to June 30, 1948, the following construction in connection with the project was performed: Hired labor: Construction of houses for employees engaged in construction of dam, and storage warehouses, at a cost of $12,- 079.97; acquisition and clearing of lands cost $305,538.69; prelim- inary surveys and work incidental to recreational development studies, and to design of dam and powerhouse appurtenances, cost $301,642.11. Contract: Clearing of reservoir below elevation 730 was com- pleted; paving streets in housing area was completed; excavation, construction of forms and placement of concrete was continued; fabrication of the scroll cases was started and the penstocks were practically completed, at a cost of $6,041,039.93. Supply contracts for powerhouse equipment were partially completed at a cost of $1,029,955.55; cost on supply contracts for head gates, radial gates, and sluice-gate assemblies was $877,298.09. The net total cost, including adjustment of undistributed items, was $8,518,278.12 for new work. The expenditures were $7,643,- 616.25. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-The existing project, commenced in March 1944, was about 49.4 percent complete. The work remain- ing to be done to complete the project consists of continuing con- struction of dam, powerhouse, and appurtenant works; furnishing and installing equipment, purchase of crawler crane; excavation of tailrace, construction of saddle dams; purchase and installation of flood reporting equipment; completion of plans for and construction of recreational facilities; completing plans and negotiations for treatment and relocation of public utilities, and roads required by construction of the project; continuation of acquisition of lands required for the reservoir and clearing of reservoir. The total cost under the existing project was $14,452,606.61, in- cluding undistributed costs, for new work. The expenditures were $12,986,110.14. FLOOD CONTROL-MOBILE, ALA., DISTRICT 1007 Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $3,788,803.45, including accounts receivable, plus an allotment of $8,000,000.00 made in July 1948, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_...--------------------------- $1,468,090.06 New work: Survey, design, and engineering investigations __ $240,357.89 Construction of dam, powerhouse, and appurte- nant works----------- -------------- 4,650,251.04 Supply contracts for: Main turbines, service turbines, generators, hydraulic, gauge boards and governors for main turbines------------------ 496,232.49 Head gates, radial gates, hoists, and power- house crane __--- ------------- 133,804.65 Outside and inside electrical equipment- -_- 589,723.02 Clearing reservoir area -------------- 627,000.00 Land acquisition ------------------------- 447,274.13 Relocation of highways and utilities----- -- 1,540,913.92 Relocation of railroads------------------ 1,595,156.25 10,320,713.39 Total for all work ------.----------------------- 11,788,803.45 The additional sum of $7,148,680 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Surveys, design, and engineering investigations---- ---- $125,949.44 Construction of dam, powerhouse and appurtenant works ... 1,969,130.19 Clearing reservoir area ...------------------------------ 721,701.00 Land acquisition--------- ---------------------------- 552,650.37 Relocation of highways ------ .--- --------------- 2,195,249.00_ Tailrace excavation----------------------------------- 420,000.00 Construction of saddle dams-------------------------- 650,000.00 Flood reporting equipment ------ --------------------- 52,000.00 Crawler crane-------- --------------- ----------- 65,000.00 Reservoir management and public use facilities --------------- 397,000.00 Total-- _...- .-------- ------------ _ r 7,148,680.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------.---- $14,501,882.83 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------- ------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- ...... 14,501,882.83 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948__ _ -......--.-------- -49,276.22 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 -------- --------- 14,452,606.61 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ------------ 1,593.59 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-- ....----------------- 14,454,200.20 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-- ------------------- 1,468,090.06 Net total expenditures -- ------------------------- 12,986,110.14 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------ 3,787,209.86 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 16,773,320.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---.... ..-----------$257, 168.37 $96, 055.84 $495, 527.04 $4,451, 338.04 $8, 567, 554.34 Cost of maintenance...... ______________________ Total expended....-.---- -- 244, 823.12 95, 758.65 450, 542.84 3, 951, 406. 28 7, 643, 616.25 0. 00~a 30 . 00 8 42, 00. 0 Allotted....................... -2 14 60.0--------,93 000.00 300, 000.00 8, 425, 000. 00 1-2, 104, 680. 00-------------- 16,9083, 1008 REPORTi OF O1in1F OF ENGiNEE'RS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---.---.... -..-----. _ - $3,005,826.11 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------- 8,425,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- - - 11,430,826.11 Gross amount expended------------------- $7,644,210.82 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------- 594.57 7,643,616.25 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948______________ _ 3,787,209.86 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....-------. 1,468,090.06 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts._ 2,319,119.80 3,787,209.86 Balance available, June 30, 1948__ ________ __ -- Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 1,593.59 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948- - 1, 593.59 Amount allotted in July 1948 ----------------------------- 8,000,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949--------....... 8,001,593.59 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --- - - --. - - ---. ----. 7,148,680.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ...................---------------------. 7,148,680.00 30. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 2 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 28, 1937, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, as amended by the Flood Control Acts approved August 11, 1939, August 18, 1941, and July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 from the flood-control appropriations for any one fiscal year for the removal of accumulated snags and other debris from and the clearing and straightening of channels in navigable streams and tributaries thereof when such work is advisable in the interest of flood control; provided that not more than $50,000 shall be allotted for this purpose for any single tributary from the appro- priations for any one fiscal year. The contractor cleared 55 acres of trees and undergrowth from the flood plain of the Chattahoochee River channel in the vicinity of West Point, Ga., from October 24, 1947, to February 27, 1948, com- pleting about 20 percent of the proposed work. Work was suspended due to inclement weather and high water. The cost was $7,307.25, charged to new work. The expenditures were $6,931.55. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $60,568.45 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------- -------- ---- --. $375.70 New work: Complete, by contract, clearing snags and other debris' from the channel of the Chattahoochee River in the vicinity of West Point, Ga. (work was commenced on Oct. 24, 1947, and was discontinued on Feb. 27, 1948, due to high water. Work will be resumed about Aug. 1, 1948, and completed about Oct. 15, 1948).------------ 14,192.75 Provide a cut-off channel on west fork of the Tombigbee River, approximately / mile long, beginning at a point / mileldown- stream from the U. S. Highway No. 45 bridge crossing-------- 46,000.00 Total all work----------------..---.-----.----.- 60,568.45 FLOOD CONTROL---MOBILE, ALA., DISTRICT 1009 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ------------------ $211,329.24 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-..--....- 211,329.24 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948~- A----..... - -.---- 375.70 Net total expenditures- .--------------------- 210,953.54 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948..---. ..-. ---------....... 60,568.45 - Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 .........-. 271,521.99 :,-c . , . -- .- ~ ---- Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work............... --. .. ... ..------------.-- -.-------- ------------- $7,307.25 Cost of maintenance ......... l'otal expended................. -------------- -------------- -------------- 6,931.55 Allotted.............. . ....... - - --.............. ... $2,500 ..... 45, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -$22,500.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year.--------------------- 68,500.00 Amount to be accounted for -------------.------ ----- 91,000.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment. - -- 23,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for_---------------------- 67,500.00 Gross amount expended_.....- ------------------------ 6,931.55 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------- 60,568.45 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _.... $375,70 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 13,258.30 13, 04. U Balance available, June 30, 1948.--- 46,934.45 31. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK PURSUANT TO SECTION 5 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPRVED AUGUST 18, 1941, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, as amended by Section 12 of the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, author- ized the allotment from flood-control appropriations of not to exceed $2,000,000 for any one fiscal year to be expended in rescue work or in the repair or maintenance of any flood-control work threatened or, destroyed by flood. Pursuant to this act, the amount of $75,000 was allotted to the Mobile district for flood fighting repairs. Work under this allotment consisted of the following: ;' ,._~-. . . . .-- - -- -. - . . -- . . - Location Work performed I .- _ __I - - --- - -- Jackson County, Fla Assisted in repairs to 176 bridges and approaches on county ..---------- , ..... road system. Jackson County, Fla., in the vicinity of Excavated 100,000 cubic yards of material from nine land Malone. cuts, using dragline, bulldozer and explosives. .Jackson County, Fla., in the vicinity of Excavated approximately 50,000 cubic yards of material Sneads. from one cut, using dragline pans and explosives. Jackson County, Fla., in the vicinity of Cut 1% miles of drainage ditch involving removal of 13,000 Cottondale. cubic yards of material, using explosives. Jackson County, Fla., near HIornsville--....---- Excavated 5,500 cubic yards of material from one land cut 1,800 feet long, using dragline and bulldozer, and opened both ends of ditch by explosives. Washington County, Fla.--.- .......------ Opened approximately 50 miles of county road, and assisted in restoration of 3 bridges. Houston County, Ala., in the vicinity of Excavated approximately 60,000 cubic yards of material, Crosby. and drained 2 ponds, using heavy equipment and ex- plosives. :Alabama-Florida line, north of Malone, Fla.. Cut ditch approximately 2 miles long involving removal of 40,000 cubic yards of excavation, using heavy equip- ment and explosives. 1010 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The cost during the fiscal year was $59,313.37. The expenditures were $41,606.40. The unexpended balance June 30, 1948, $33,393.60, will be applied to accounts payable, $17,706.97, and completion of the emergency flood-control work under way at the end of the fiscal year. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _----- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 - ------- _---- _------ $59,313.37 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 59,313.37 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--------.--_---------. 17,706.97 Net total expenditures------------------------------- 41,606.40 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-_. --.- ---- 33,393.60 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 75,000.00 . - ccc Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ofnew work--------------....------------- --------- --------------------------- Cost of maintenance---...... -------------------------- -------------------------- $59, 313.37 Total expended---......------...........---------------------------------------- 606.40 ------------ 41, Allotted------------ ----- -------------------------------------- ----------- 75,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------. ---. --. - $75,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ------------------------------- 75,000.00 Gross amount expended----------------------------------- 41,606.40 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---- -.- - 33,393.60 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-_-_-----_-_--- ------- _ 17,706.97 Balance available, June 30, 1948----..- -.-.-- 15,686.63 32. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAWS NOS. 138 AND 318, SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, PUBLIC LAW NO. 75, SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS, AND PUBLIC LAW NO. 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS Because of the heavy demands for emergency repair work to flood-control structures damaged or destroyed by the disastrous floods which occurred during the spring months of 1943, 1944, 1945 and 1947, Congress, in the acts approved July 12, 1943, Public No. 138, Seventy-eighth Congress; May 29, 1944, Public, No. 318, Seventy-eight Congress; June 5, 1945, Public, No. 75, Seventy-ninth Congress, and June 23, 1947, Public, No. 102, Eightieth Congress, authorized the amounts of $10,000,000, $12,000,000, $12,000,000, and $15,000,000, respectively, to be appropriated as emergency funds to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repair, restoration, and strengthening of levees and other flood-control works which had been threatened or destroyed by the recent floods. Pursuant to these acts, the sum of $35,000 was allotted in August 1948 to the Mobile district for emergency repair work in Jackson County, Fla. PLOOD CONTROL--MOBILE, ALA., DISTRICT . 1011 33. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CON- TINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost during the fiscal year was $52,056.76. The expenditures Were $49,604.01. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $36,- 684.91 plus an allotment of $145,000 made in July 1948, will be applied to accounts payable, $2,861.14, and to payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading during the fiscal year 1949. The additional sum of $225,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ - ------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------ - - $1,019,773.47 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-...--... 1,019,773.47 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948___------ --------- 2,861.14 Net total expenditures--------- ----------- 1,016,912.33 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948_-------------- ---- ___ 36,684.91 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948...--------- 1,053,597.24 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 -I I II I Cost of new work ........... --------- Cost of maintenance . 402.71 $83, 934.06 $57, 458.97 $78, 350.09 $52, 056.--76 $f52, 056. 76 $123, Total expended .................--- 132, 831.05 85, 030.74 57, 010. 28 80, 966. 49 49, 604. 01 Allotted.....-.............. 00 0,oo000. 65, 000. 00 ..........-----------.... 85, 000. 00 1 -- ! -- ' _ l Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 .-. ..............--..--- $1,288.92 Amount allotted during fiscal year----............... 85,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--------------------- 86,288.92 Gross amount expended ------------------------- 49,604.01 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.......... . 36,684.91 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _ _ _$2,861.14 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts _ 4,638.24 7,499.38 Balance available, June 30, 1948.-------------- ----- 29,185.53 Amount allotted in July 1948.-------------------------- 145,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 174,185.53 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance-.-..-- ------------------- 225,000.00 34. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS an C-i-elditur Cost-7- For last Cost and expenditures Estimated full report, to June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project see Annual quired to Report for- complete New work IMaintenance _--- l -I __________________________________ - .......... 1. Flomaton, Escambia River, Ala------ 1938 1$485. 25 2$149, 000 2. Brewton, Conecuh River, Ala-....--------- 1938 I487.10 2 235, 000 3. Rome, Coosa River, Ga..------------- 1941 366,213.49 (3) 4. Tombigbee River, Miss, and Ala ....... - 1941 134, 801. 39 150, 000 5. Prattville, Autauga Creek, Ala....--------- 1946 649, 280. 24 (3) 6. Collinsville, Ala--....-- -- --- -------- 1940 71, 118. 51 (4) 7. Pearl River, Miss. and La., at Jackson, Miss. 1937 ..............- 2 10, 000 Cost of plans and designs. 2 No funds have been allotted and no work has been done on this project. Completed. Completed with funds appropriated for the maintenance and improvement of river and harbor works. 1012 REPORT OF CIIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recon ion Congress No. mendat ion Alabama-Coosa Branch of Mo- Flood Control Commit- i S" bile River system, Alabama tee resolution, May 29, i and Georgia, to provide flood 1946. protection on Little, Cedar Creek near Cave Springs, and on Big Cedar Creek, Ga. Alabama-Coosa Branch of Mo- Rivers and Harbors Com- bile River system, Georgia and mittee resolution, Apr. Alabama (final report). 28, 1936. Alabama-Coosa Branch of Mo- Commerce Committee --------------- bile River system, and tribu- resolution, Jan. 18, 1939. taries thereof, for flood control, navigation, hydroelectric power, and irrigation (final report). Apalachicola River and tribu- Sec. 1, River and Harbor taries, Georgia, Alabama, and Act, Jan. 21, 1927. Florida, for navigation, flood control, power, and irrigation. Buttahatchee River, Ala. and Flood Control Commit- Miss. tee resolution Feb. 9, 1939. - -,,,,,------------ Do.................... Rivers and Harbors Com- I mittee resolution, Feb. -- ------1-- I" ~~1-- 1, 1939.. ... . . Chipola River, Ala. and Fla..... Flood Control Act, Dec. 22, 1944. Chipola River, Ala. and Fla., River and Harbor Act, with a view to its improvement Mar. 2, 1945. in the interest of navigation, floodcontrol, power, and other related purposes. Chipola River, Ala. and Fla., Rivers and Harbors Com- for navigation, flood control, mittee resolution, Apr. power, and related purposes. 24, 1945. Choctawhatchee River, Fla..... Flood Control Act, Dec. -------------- 22, 1944. Choctawhatchee River, Fla. and Flood Control Act, July ------------- Ala. 24, 1946. Choctawhatchee River and tribu- ----------- '--~ taries, Ala. and Fla. .---- do---- " Chunky River, Miss., --- do.-- Cold Water Creek, Calhoui d ----------------- County, Ala.--... ------------ + Coosa River, Ga. and Ala. (final Rivers and Harbors Com- report. mittee resolution, Apr. 1, 1936. Coosa River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, June Georgia and Alabama. 22, 1936. Coosa River and tributaries, at Flood Control Act, July. and in vicinity of Rome, Ga. 24, 1946. -- r-----.-- Coosa-Alabama Branch of Mo- Flood Control Commit- bile River system, Ala. and tee resolution, May 29, Ga., to provide floo(1 protection 1946. on Little Cedar Creek near Cave Spring, and on Big Cedar --------------- Creek, Ga. Coosa-Alabama Branch of Mo- Rivers and Harbors Com- . bile River system, Ga. and mittee resolution, Apr. Ala. (final report). 28, 1936. Coosa-Alabama Branch of Mo- Commerce Committee . ----.- ---- - bile River system, and tribu- resolution, Jan. 18,1939. taries thereof, forflood control, navigation, hydroelectric power, and irrigation (final report). Luxapalila River, Ala. and Miss.. Flood Control Commit- . It resolution, Feb. 9, 1939. Do....................... Rivers and Harbors Com- . mittee resolution, Feb. 1, 1939. r--rr--r-- ----- Noxubes River, Ala. and Miss... .... do............... . -- -- -- Pearl River, for flood control River and Harbor Act, in Pearl River, Marion, H1inds, Mar. 2, 1945. ------------- and Lawrence Counties, Miss. Pearl River and tributaries, Mis- Flood Control Act, July . sissippi. 24, 1946. 'LOOD CONT:ROIr--()MOBILE, ALA., DISTRICT 1013 Status of all investigationsfor flood control called for by flood control acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation ilPsey River, Ala. and Miss..... Flood Control commit- ... tee resolution, Feb. 9, 1939. Do............ Rivers and Harbors Com- . ------.................-------------- mittee resolution, Feb. 2, 1939. Sucarnoochee Creek, Ala........ Rivers and Harbors Com- ...............-------------------- mittee resolution, Apr. Tombigbee River ies, Mississippi and tributar- 13, 1939. Flood Control Commit----------------------..............-- and Alabama. tee resolution, May 2, 1939. Tpmbighee River and tributar- Commerce Committee--------... ----------- ies, Mississippi. resolution, May 2, 1939. Tomnbigee River and tributar- Rivers and Harbors Con----------------- ies, Mississippi, improvement mittee resolution, Apr. of West Fork for navigation, 15, 1946. flood control, and related pur- poses. Tombigbee and Warrior Rivers, Rivers and Harbors Com-------- ------................--------- Ala. and Miss., construction of mittee resolution, Mar. Impounding damrnNo. 1 on Sip- 10, 1937. sey Fork of BIlack Warrior River, for navigation, flood con- trolW,ater power, irrigation, Warrior and T'ombighee Rivers, .....-do--.........-------------------------------- Ala. and Miss., construction of inpounding (lam No. 1 on Sip- Sey Fork of Black Warrior Ilver, for navigation, flood con- trol, water power, irrigation, etc. IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT This district comprises all of the State of Louisiana, the drainage areas of the right bank tributaries of the Red River south of Fulton, Ark., embraced in the drainage basins tributary to the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico, except the Mississippi River including its right bank levees above Warrenton, Miss., and small eastern and western portions of Louisiana tributary to Pearl River and Sabine River and Lake. The district boundary extends in a northerly and Westerly direction from the Gulf of Mexico along the easterly and northerly watershed line of the Sabine River and Lake to include the right bank tributaries of the Red River south of Fulton, Ark., in the States of Arkansas and Texas, and the south bank levees immediately above Fulton, Ark., in Miller County, Ark., and Bowie County, Tex., crossing the Red River at Fulton, Ark., and con- tinuing south along the east bank of the Red River to the Louisiana- Arkansas State line; thence, easterly along the State line to a point West of the Mississippi River at the approximate location of United States Highway No. 65; thence, along the west bank of the Mississippi River to a point west of Warrenton, Miss., crossing the river at that place and following southerly along the east bank of the river to the Louisiana-Mississippi State line; thence, along that line to the westerly watershed line of the Pearl River Basin to the north bank of the Rigolets, thence along the north bank of the Rigolets to Long Point, thence following a line bearing true south crossing the Intracoastal Waterway to Lake Borgne Light No. 41, thence generally easterly to a point 1 mile due south of the southerly Point of Grand Island, thence to a point 1 mile due north of the northeasterly tip of the Isle au Pitre group of islands, thence to a Point 1 mile due north of the northerly point of the Chandeleur Islands, and thence following a line bearing S. 500 E. into the Gulf of Mexico. It includes the sections of the Intracoastal Waterway from Lake Borgne Light No. 41 to the Sabine River and the Passes of the Mississippi River. It exercises jurisdiction over flood-control Work on the Mississippi River from Warrenton, Miss., to the Head of Passes; on the Red River including its east bank tributaries, in the State of Louisiana, and its west bank tributaries from Fulton, Ark., to its junction with Old River and the Atchafalaya River; the Atchafalaya River; and in the Atchafalaya Basin; and over channel maintenance dredging and stabilization from Warrenton, Miss., to the Head of the Passes, under the supervision of the president, Mississippi River Commission, and the division engineer. Lower Mississippi Valley Division. (For report on projects under Mississippi River Commission, see vol. 2 of this report.) 1015 1016 REPORT OF OUIIEFIOF ENGINEERS, If. S. ARMY, 1(.94S District engineer: Col. John R. Hardin, Corps of Engineers, United States Army. Division engineer of the Lower Mississippi Valley Division, Vicksburg, Miss.; comprising the New Orleans, La., Vicksburg, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn., districts: Maj. Gen. R. W. Crawford, United States Army. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation Navigation-Continued Page page 1. Ouachita and' Black Rivers, 29. Calcasieu River and Pass, ' Ark., and La--.---- . . 1017 La- ..- 1090 2. Overton-Red River Water- 30. Lake Charles Deep Water way, Ark., and La- .... 1022 Channel, La_ 1094 3 . Cypress Bayou and Water- 31. Removing the Water Ilya- ' Sway between : Jefferson, cinth (Louisiana) -- _ - 1096 S: Texas, and Shreveport, La. 1025 32. Examinations, Surveys and. 4. Bayou Bonfouca, La...... 1027 Contingencies (General) - 1098 5. Bayou Lacombe, La __.... 1029 33. Bayou Segnette- .----. 1099 6. Chefuncte River and Bogue 34. Inactive navigation projects 1100 • :Falia, La - -, - -- 1029 35. Plant allotment 1101 7. ,Tangipahoa River, La..... 1031 8. Tickfaw, Natalbany, Pon- Flood control chatoula, and Blood Riv- 36. Jonesville, La _ i107 ers, La_ -. 1-. -- 1032 37. Red River below Denison 9. Amite , River and Bayou Dam, Tex., Okla., Ark., Manchac, La.-- . 1034 and La ---------------- 1108 10. Bayou Grosse Tete, La-.... 1036 38. Texarkana Reservoir, Tex__1109 11. Gulf Intracoastal Waterway 39. Ferrells Bridge Reservoir, between Apalachee Bay, Tex ------- 1111 lsa Fla., and the Mexican 40. . Mooringsport Reservoir Border (New Orleans Dis-. Tex., and La.- - _--- 1112 trict)-----------------1037 41. Red River levees and bank . 12. The Inland Waterway from stabilization below Deni- Franklin to the Mermen- son Dam, Tex., Okla., tau River, La_, . 1048 Ark., and La-..:.1113 13. Bayous LaLoutre, St. Malo,, 42. Red River in vicinity of and Yscloskey, La .. _ 1052 Shreveport, La ---------- . 1116 14. Bayou Dupre, La --- -... 1053 43. Bayou Bodcau Reservoir, 15. Mississippi River, Baton La-. .---. -- - .1119 Rouge to Gulf of Mexico, 44. Bayou Bodcau, Red Chute, La .--. . .1055 and Loggy Bayou, La .... 1122 16. Waterway from Empire, La., 45. Wallace Lake Reservoir, La_ 1123 to the Gulf of Mexico, La. 1065 46. Bayou Pierre in vicinity of 17. Barataria Bay, La ..-......1067 Shreveport, La._- ._-. 1125 18 B3ayou Lafourche, La, ....- 1068 47. Bayou Pierre, La ..- .... 1127 19. Bayou Terrebonne, La- . 1071 48. Aloha-Rigolette Area, Grant 20. Little Caillou Bayou, La .. _ 1073 and Rapides Parishes, La_ 1128 21. Waterway from Intracoastal 49. Pineville, Red River, La .... 1130 Waterway to Bayou Du- 50. Lake Pontchartrain, Jefferson .3 lac La. (Bayous Grand Parish, La ........ :.__ 1131 Caillou and LeCarpe, La.) 1074 51. Bayou Teche and Vermilion 22. Atchafalaya River, Morgan River, La. 1133 .City to Gulf of Mexico, 52. Mermentau River,,La.-_'_ 1136 , La :.. .. , ....- - 1076 53. Snagging and Clearing under ;' 23. Bayou Teche, La- ----- _ 1078 Section 2 of Flood Control 24. Petit Anse, Tigre, and Carlin' Act approved August 28, Bayous, La-.- -- .- . 1081 1937, as amended..-..-.- -1140 25. Waterway from White Lake 54. Preliminary examinations,: to Pecan Island, La..-..... 1084 surveys and contingencies 1 26. Mermentau River, Bayou for flood control.- _.... 1142 ' Nezpique and Bayou des 55. Emergency flood-control " Cannes, La_- 1085 work under authority of 27. Bayou Plaquemine Brule, the Flood Control Act' ap- La-------------------.1088 proved August 18, 1941, 28. Bayou Queue de Tortue, La- 1089 as amended----- ---- - 1143 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1017 Flood control-Continued Flood control-Continued 56 Emerencyflood-control Page Page 56. Emergency flood-control 57. Emergency bank protection work under authority of work under authority of Public Laws Nos. 138 and Flood Control Act ap- 318, Seventy-eighth Con- proved December 22, gress, Public Law No. 75, 1944, as amended .------- 1146 79th Congress, and Public 58. Inactive flood-control Law No. 102, 80th Con- projects- _ -_---- 1146 gress_-----------------1144 1. OUACHITA AND BLACK RIVERS, ARK. AND LA. Location.-OuachitaRiver rises in Polk County, Ark., and flows about 600 miles in a general southeasterly and southerly direction through Arkansas and Louisiana. It is joined by Tensas and Little Rivers at Trinity, La. (Jonesville, La.), below which place it is called Black River, and enters Red River 35.5 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Geological Survey State maps and Mississippi River Commission alluvial valley quadrangle maps.) Previous projects.-The project was adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1871, June 10, 1872, August 14, 1876, and July 5, 1884. A separate project for work in the Ouachita River between Camden and Arkadelphia was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 11, 1888. For further details, see page 1869 of the Annual Report for 1915, and page 900 of the Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.--This provides for a navigable depth of 61/ feet at.low water from the mouth of Black River, La., to Camden, Ark., a distance of 351 miles, by the construction of six locks and dams, with necessary dredging, and for removal of logs, wrecks, and Overhanging trees, etc., between mouth of Black River and Arka- delphia, Ark., 417 miles, and for a channel 7 feet deep and of suit- able width from the improved channel of the Ouachita River above dam No. 6 to the vicinity of the railroad bridge over Lake St. Mary, thence a canal of the same depth and 70 feet in width along the south side of the railroad embankment to high ground near Felsen- thal, a distance of 3,600 feet, with a suitable turning basin near the inner end. The project also provides for operation and care of all locks and dams included therein. The location and description of the locks and dams which are included in the project are contained in the table following: C) 00 O Locks and dams, Ouachita River, Ark. and La. O 0©o 0H Great est Depth Dis- Above Width avail- on Year Year tance mouth of lock able Lift at miter Character of opened of No. Location from of cham- length low sill at foundation Kind of dam Type of construction to com- Cost nearest Black ber for full water normal navi- ple- town River width pool gation tion 0 of lock level 2 Harrisonburg, La.... .Miles 0. 1 Miles 73.3 Feet 55 Feet 268 Feet 14. 4 Feet 6. 9 Piling in clay- _ Movable.... Concrete Poiree needle dam; 1918 1921 $470, 394. 69 z steel mitering lock gates. z ti! 3 4 Riverton, La..--------- Monroe, La..------------ 2.0 4.0 134.0 178.1 55 268 14.8 6. 5 Piling in sand ... -_ -. _do- ....-..... do_ ----- - .----- 1919 1920 681,072.84 - 55 268 8.9 6.5 ...- do---------- ---... do .... 1915 1915 1641.630.23 5 Sterlington Reach, La__ .6 208.3 55 268 6. 9 6. 6 Piling in clay-......... do ...... Concrete Chanoine wicket 1924 1926 901,096. 17 dam; steel mitering gates. (/2 26 Near Felsenthal, Ark -_ 3.3 238. 7 55 268 9. 7 7. 6 Piling in sand .........----- do ------....... do......----............------ 1913 1923 3914,844.67 28 Near Calion, Ark..-...- 10.5 297.5 55 268 13.5 6. 5 Piling in clay ........-- do ------ -------- 1912 1926 4 915, 445. 96 I Dam failed Aug. 10, 1917, and was rebuilt under permanent indefinite appropriation 3 Includes cost of original structure to June 30, 1919 ($559,539.34), and the cost of modifi- for operating and care of canals. Type of dam now is concrete Poiree needle pass and cations to permit elimination of lock and dam 7 ($355,305.33). Chanoine wicket weir. 4 Includes actual cost of original structure to June 30, 1919 ($592,922.43), and the cost of 2 Locks 6 and 8 are located in the limits of the Vicksburg district but are operated by the modification to permit elimination of locks and dams 7 and 9 ($322,523.53). New Orleans district on a reimbursable basis. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1019 Floods ordinarily cause fluctuations of stage from 25 to 45 feet between high and low water. Extreme floods occasionally increase this range about 10 feet. The flood of March-April 1945 produced crest stage at Monroe, La., 0.7 foot higher than the maximum pre- Viously recorded. The latest revised estimate of cost of the system of locks and dams, made in October 1920, as modified by the actual cost of Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 6, since completed, was $4,576,838.52. The estimate of cost for construction of the canal to Felsenthal, made in 1936, is $36,000. The latest (1941) approved estimate for annual cost of maintaining the improvement by removing obstructions to naviga- tion between Camden,,Ark., and the mouth of Black River, La., is $130,500. No estimate for maintenance above Camden has been approved. The latest (1936) approved estimate of annual cost of maintaining the canal to Felsenthal is $2,000. The estimate of an- nual cost of operation and care, revised in 1941, is $136,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1871 Open-channel work from Arkadelphia to the mouth.. H. Ex. Doe. 60, pt. 4, 41st Cong. 3d sess., Annual Report, 1876 p. 336. July 5, 1884 Extension of open-channel work into Black River ... Annual Report, 1883, p. 1155. June 13, 1902 Construction of locks and dams 4 and 6 (canalization Specified in act. work based on report contained in H. )Doe. 448, 57th Cong., 1st sess.; Annual Report 1902, p. 1435). Mar. 2, 1907 Construction of locks and dams 2 and 8; elimination Do. from the plan of lock and dam 1. June 25, 1910 Obtaining sites for locks and dams 3 and 7.........- Do. July 25, 1912 Construction of locks and dams 3 and 7---------------Do. Aug. 8, 1917 Construction of lock and dam 5-...-----------------. 1)o. Mar. 2, 1919 Modification of locks and dams 6 and 8 by raising Rivers and Harbors Committee their pool levels, which with dredging obviates the Doc. 7, 65th Cong., 2d sess. necessity for constructing locks and dams 7 and 9. une26,19341 Operating and care of locks and dams provided for with funds from War Department appropriations for rivers and harbors. Aug. 26, 1937 For the 7-foot channel and construction of a canal Senate committee print, 75th Mar. 2, 1945 3,600 feet long to Felsenthal, Ark. Cong., 1st sess.2 ar. 2, 1945Modification of local cooperation by elimination of H. Doe. 104, 76th Cong., 1st sess. requirement for provision of highway from main highway system to the canal terminal, for Felsen- thal Canal. Permanent Appropriations Repeal Act. 'This document and Annual Report for 1913, p. 2336, contain the latest published maps. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with for that portion of Project in New Orleans district. For that portion of project in Arkansas, see Annual Report of the Vicksburg district, page 1154. Terminalfacilities.-At Monroe, La., there is one private electric crane and one private warehouse. At West Monroe there are two private warehouses with conveyors. At Camden, Ark., there are three private warehouses. At Champagnolle Landing there is a Private dock for the loading of gasoline into barges. These existing facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Patrolof the water- Way, removal of snags, and maintenance of signs and markers were carried on at a cost of $3,533.83, and miscellaneous surveys at a cost of $182.70, all for maintenance. 1020 REPORT O1 CIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The six locks and dams (numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8) were operated and ,maintained by hired labor forces. Operating:and care cost of the four locks and dams 2, 3, 4, and:5 under the juris- diction of the New Orleans district was $92,929.21.! (Locks and dams 6 and 8 are located in territory of the Vicksburg district, but are operated and maintained by the New Orleans district under a reimbursable agreement. Funds for their operation and care are retained, and reported by the Vicksburg district, and, therefore not included in this report.) :.., 0 The total costs during the fiscal year were $96,645.74, of which $3,716.53 was for channel maintenance and $92,929.21 .for opera- ting and care of locks and dams. The total expenditures'were $97,763.12. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project is 99 percent comn plete. The sixlocks and dams embraced in the existing project for slack- ,water improvement of the Ouachita River were completed in 1924 and provide navigation to Camden, Ark. (See table under existing project.) Construction of the canal to Felsenthal, authorized in 1937, has not been started. The head of navigation is Arkadelphia, Ark., to which point boats may occasionally run during high water if snags, over-hanging trees, or similar :obstructions do not interfere. From January to June the gage at Monroe generally exceeds pool stage (13.3 feet), caused by the river above, and minimum depths exceeding 7 feet are usual between the mouth of Black River and Camden, Ark., a distance of 351 miles. At intervals during this period the reading of the Camden gage exceeds 15 feet, and minimum depths of 7 feet may be expected.between Camden and Arkadelphia. During the remainder of the year the pools furnished by the six dams, with moderate dredging in Black and Ouachita Rivers, provide depths of 6.5 feet between the mouth of Black River and Camden, Ark., and depths of only a few inches may be expected between Camden and Arkadelphia, Ark. The controlling depth (June 1948) was 61/2 feet (mean low water), mile 0 to mile 351, Camden, Ark., except at following points: Mile 102.7, 5-foot depth (shoal area approximately 100 feet long). Mile 93.4, 5-foot depth (shoal area approximately 200 feet long). Mile 87.3, 5-foot depth (shoal area approximately 400 feet long). Mile 77.7, 5-foot depth (shoal area approximately 500 feet long). Mile 75.6, 4.5-foot depth (shoal area approximately 800 feet' long at. Bayou Louis). Mile 0.2, 2-foot depth at mean low water (shoal area approximately 500 feet long). . SThe total costs to the end of the fiscal year under the existing project were $434,706.74, of which $168,962.30 was for mainte- nance and $265,744.44 for operating and care of locks and dams. The total expenditures were $430,860.48. Proposed operations.-T--he balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $16,240.74, plus an allotment of $130,000 made in July 1948, a total of $146,240.74, will be applied as follows: RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1021 Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 __----------- ----------. ..... - .- $3,846,26 Maintenance, by hired labor: Dredging with United States hydraulic' pipeline dredge, as required, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949.. $38,821.02 Supervision, inspection and patrol of waterway.. . 2,000.00, .... - 40,;821.02 Maintenance (operating and care of locks and dams 2, 3, 4, 5), by hired labor: " " Operations _--------_---------- - - ... 82,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair ------------- 19,573.46 101,573.46 Total for all work_....... .. :--'1--- z..-- -,7---- 146,240.74 The additional sum of $253,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: ;::-:; :;!. :,i' ',:-, .. , . , Maintenance, by hired labor: Dredging with United States hydraulic pipeline'dredge, as " required ...... $121,000 Patrol of waterway-....-l-IL- ... ~-.. ci. ''.2,000: S .. 1 .... .'.' $123,000 Maintenance (operating and care of locks and dams 2, 3,4' .5: by hired labor:.... Operations ___. ' .: _ .. 9 0.: r Ordinary maintenance and repair -,.- L( . .. - ... /40,000 " 900 . . 130,000 Total for all work.__.' ' ': ',,i ' ( 2563,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to.June 30, 1948 ._ Cost of maintenance to June 30,1948' ~ $434,,o70.. 706.74 ,. Minus Total cost of permanent work, to June 30, 1948 ~434,706.74 Minus accounts payable, June30, 1948 , " 3,846,26 Net total expenditures. ''.-.: " 't.' 430,860i48 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948! : 1624074 Total amount appropriated to June '30 1948 ' '447,101.22 Fiscal year ending June 30 ' 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 COSt of new work------------------------- Cost of maintenance--- .--- -- $199, 032.94" $139, 028.,06 - ,... $96, 645. 74 T'Iotal expended--------.. .. . . . '. - _- - 200, 518. 02 .132,:579.:34 ' 97,763.12 Allotted. . . '336.932.73 25,368.49 84, 80.00 Balance unexpended, July 1,' 1947_ .. - - - :,$29,203.86 $ Amount allotted during fiscal year, ' ' ' - "' "' '; ' " 207,800:00 Amount to be accounted for....:, . .-- 237,003.86 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment .. 123, 000.00 Net amount to be accounted for---------------------- 114,003.86 Gross amount expended __------______-. __--._ ---- .- 97,763.12 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ...... - Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.. _-- .. -. . - $3,846.26 16,240,74 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.... 3,198.48 :' ' 7,044.74 Balance available, June 30, 1948-----.--.-. -.. -.-----. 9,196.00 804711-48-Vol. 1-65 1022 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted in July 1948__________________________-_ 130,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... 139,196.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project __----_______--_____.. -____-- 54,100.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance 253,000.00 2. OVERTON-RED RIVER WATERWAY, ARK., AND LA. Location.-Red River rises in the arid regions of eastern New Mexico, flows in a general easterly and southeasterly direction for 1,300 miles, and enters the Mississippi River at Red River Landing, La. (See U. S. Geological Survey State maps and Mississippi River Commission alluvial valley quadrangle maps.) Previous projects.-The original project was adopted May 23, 1828. Modifications were made June 10, 1872, June 18, 1878, March 3, 1879, August 2, 1882, July 5, 1884, August 11, 1888, and Septern- ber 19, 1890. For further details see pages 1868 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 895 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide, extending from the Mississippi River (mile 300) through Old River (7 miles) and Red River (31 miles), thence by a lateral canal leaving Red River through its right bank, at or near mile 31, and extending through land cuts and existing waterways, modified as required, across the Mississippi-Red River backwater area and along the right bank Red River flood plain to Shreveport, La. (mile 325), to be secured by dredging and by construction and operation of nine locks, tentatively 650 feet long and 55 feet wide, with a depth of 12 feet on sills, a pumping plant, bridges, drainage structures, and appurtenances, and the continuing improvement of Red River from Fulton, Ark., to mile 31, a distance of approximately 431.9 miles, by systematic clearing of the banks, snagging, dredging shoals, building levees (either alone or in cooperation with riparian States), closing outlets, revetting caving banks, and preventing in- jurious cut-offs. Floods ordinarily cause fluctuations of stage between high and low water of from 30 to 45 feet. Unusual floods occasionally increase this range about 10 feet. The flood of March-April 1945 produced crest stages 1 to 3 feet higher than maximums previously recorded. The latest (1948) approved estimated cost of new work of the channel to Shreveport is $53,000,000 for construction and $100,000 annually for maintenance and $600,000 for operating and care, in- cluding that now required. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 13, 1892 Continuing improvement from Fulton, Ark., to Atch- Annual Reports, 1890, p. 1830; 1891, afalaya River, La. p. 1957. July 24, 1946 Dredging 9 by 100-foot channel, 9 locks, a pumping H. D)oc. 320, 80th Cong., 1st sess. plant, bridges, drainage structure and appurten- ances. RIVERS ANDI) HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1023 Local cooperation.-Forthe 9- by 100-foot channel local interests are to furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and overflow and spoil-disposal areas required for initial construction and subsequent maintenance; and to furnish as- surances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they will defray the cost of alteration or replacement of existing highway bridges; rmaintain all bridges and utility crossings at their expense; provide adequate terminal and transfer facilities, open to all on equal terms under regulations approved by the Secretary of War; hold and save the United States free from damage incident to construction, main- tenance, and operation of the improvement; and furnish evidence satisfactory to the Secretary of War that, by the date of completion of the improvement, at least 1,000,000 tons of commerce annually Will be available to carriers on the waterway, and that a barge line or lines with adequate vessels and auxiliary equipment for handling such commerce will be operated to and below Shreveport. Negotiations have been conducted with the Louisiana Depart- n'ent of Public Works to determine the proper State agency from Which assurances will be obtained. Request for assurances of local cooperation has not yet been made. Local cooperation is not required for the improvement of Red River from Fulton, Ark., to mile 31. Terminal facilities.-None. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Surveying and map- Ping of proposed Red River Lateral Canal from mile 31 to mile 97 Was initiated and completed by contract at a cost of $55,890.68 and geological, hydraulic, and other studies, in connection with the planning of the project, were initiated by hired labor at a cost of $22,903.61, all for new work. Maintenance surveys were performed by hired labor at a cost of $880.07. The total costs were $79,674.36, of which $78,794.29 was for new work, and $880.07 for mainte- nance. The expenditures were $76,179.25. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Only preliminary work toward accomplishing the authorization in the River and Harbor Act ap- proved July 24, 1946, has been done. Maintenance in recent years provides navigation to Shreveport, La., at medium and high stages. The head of navigation is the Arkansas-Oklahoma State line, to which point boats may occasion- ally run during high water if snags, overhanging trees, or similar obstructions do not interfere. From January to July the prevailing stage is 6 feet and over, and minimum depths are about 4 feet to Fulton, Ark., 5 feet to Shreveport, La., and 6 feet to Alexandria, La. During the remainder of the year stages near zero may be expected, with minimum depths less than 1 foot from Fulton to Shreveport, 1 to 2 feet from Shreveport to Alexandria, 3 feet from Alexandria to mouth of Black River, and 6.5 feet thence to the mouth. Total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year Were $2,213,337.95, of which $488,723.20 was for new work and $1,724,614.75 was for maintenance. The total expenditures were $2,209,842.84. 1024 REPORT:OF. HIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 . N Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal ,yearamounting tox$51;811.19 will be applied at follows: Acco Unts payable, June 30, i1948 ... '$3,495.11 New work by hired labor:Advance planning for lateral canal . --- ------ ---- 46,20571 2,110. 37 Maintenance, by hired labor: Channel patrol --- - 7 'Total for all work -; _- -------- ---- 51,811.19 -The additional sum of $378,000 can be profitably expended during the:fiscal year: 1950 as follows: : NIewworki !Advance planning for Overton-Red River Waterway (lateral ' canal)__.:. :: .. ,:.: -:..._. 2-_.------------------------ $325,000 Maintenance, by hired labor: Dredging by' United States hydraulic pipe- ,line dredge, as required_. ,_.. .- - ------- 53,000. "H l ' Total for'al!'work .- ' _ -- - -. -- 378 000 Cost and financial summary ,. Cost of new;work toJune 30, 1948. : $2,042,600.70 Cost of maintenanceto June 30, 1948.; .-,-- ...... ...----------- 1 ,724,614.75 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ...- 3,767,215.45 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-.. ..-- ..-. _.._ 6 3,495.11 7 .,: _3:7 " Net total expenditures.._ . . ... . .. 3,763,720.34 Unexpended balance,,June 30, 1948_ - .- - --------- - 51,811.19 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. _ ..... 3,815,531.53 I Fiscal year-ending Jund 30 b 1944' '1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work L.... ..------------..-------------- --....----...--. --------. $78, 794. 29 Cost of tenance......... . .......------------......................... $808.64 880.07 --acs-- -- . ----. 808.64 70, 674.36 Total expended.'------- ------- ------------ 808. 4 76, 179.25 Allotted.......................... - -----.. -- --.-.---... -. _-- 38, 776.82 77, 9000.00 Balance unexpended,'July 1,1947. -. ,-_-" $50,090.44 Amount allotted during fiscal year--..... ~ ---- - 106,000.00 --- 3,,- : Amount to,be accounted for.-...----------- 156,090.44 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment__---------------- 28,100.00 .:- Net amountto be accounted for-. - - .---.--- 127,990.44 Gross: amount, expended, - -..... - .--........ 76,179.25. : Balance'unexpended;June30, 1948----------------- 51,811.19 Outstanding liabilities,' June> 30, 1948. : ' $3,495.11 Amount covered -by uncompleted contracts. . 1,660.63 3# -'u .1 ' ,5,155.74 3 : -... ! Balance available, June30,' 1948-..... '. - -. 46,655.45 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion ofexisting projectp c... ...--- ---.- - -.. 52,875,000.00 Amount that' can be: profitably expended in fiscal year ending . June 30, 1950: / f For new work----- i 0f in i ... ,' 1 325,000.00 ..-------------------------- For maintenance-. . .,--.-.--------------.. 53,000.00 Total--.-----.. -.-.-.. -. --. 378,000.00 RIVERS1 AND IIARBORS-NEW ORLEANS,: LA., DISTRICT, 1025 3. CYPRESS BAYOU AND WATERWAY BETWEEN JEFFERSON, , TEX., AND SHREVEPORT,;LA. : Location.--This bayou rises in northeast Texas and flows :in a southeasterly direction to Caddo,Lake, through this lake toBig Willow Pass, and through Big and Little Willow Passes; Soda:Lake, Twelve Mile Bayou, the new diversion canal, and Cross' Bayou to the Red River at Shreveport, La., a distance of about 132 miles. (See U. S. Geological Survey State maps.) ' ' Cypress Bayou properends where it, enters Caddo Lake, but the namne is frequently applied to the whole waterway above described. Existing project.-This provides for dredging and straightening the channel, removing obstructions, and clearing the banks for 66 miles from Red River at Shreveport, to Jefferson, and'for the con- struction of a dam without' a lock at the'foot of Caddo Lake. n Caddo LakeDam ' ' Location... At foot of Caddo Lake, La.,'and Tex., about 23 miles above mouth of Jefferson-Shreve- Bel . portwaterway I Below Mooringsport, La 2----------miles. , ' Length _ ....-.. -_ ^.- 3,400 feett. TYpe. :------Fixed, on pile foundation. Date of completion_ Dec. 21, 1914. Cost._____________________ _ $100,553.47. Below the dam, fluctuations of water level depend chiefly upon backwater from Red River, the maximum being about 10 feet. At the dam, fluctuations are from 2.5 feet below to 13.3 feet above the crest of the spillway, and at Jefferson the maximum was 30.4 feet., The estimate of cost for new work was $20,000 for open-channel work (Annual Report, 1872) and $100,000 for the dam (1907). The latest (1933) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,700. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts:: 7'; Acts Work authorized Documents rune 10,1872 Open channel work ........-- ----------------....... Annual Report, 1872, p. 572. une 26, 1910 Construction of the dam-----------.................-----------. 220, 6th Cong., 1st sess The latest published map is in House Document 378, Seventy- fourth Congress, second session. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-There is one publicly owned brick ware- house 50 by' 150 feet,'at Jefferson,Tex. The following :terminal facilities are located at Mooringsport,LLa: ' i . One privately owned covered dock, 60 by 60 feet, open to all small boats One privately owned pipe rack, not decked , . 'I ' One privately owned boat ways The warehouse at Jefferson has not been used for several years, since no commerce has moved in that vicinity. The wharf, dock, Piperack and boat ways at Mooringsport are all owned by oil 1026 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 companies. There are no terminal facilities at Shreveport. The existing terminal facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The waterway was patrolled and repairs of the spillway structure at Caddo Lake darn were initiated by hired labor forces at a cost of $1,487.54 for mainte- nance. Care of Caddo Lake dam was carried on at a cost of $12.28, operating and care. The expenditures during the fiscal year were $224.15. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The dam at the foot of Caddo Lake was completed in 1914, completing the project. Its construc- tion and maintenance insure a 4-foot navigable depth at low water from that point to Jefferson, the head of navigation, but prevent possible navigation to Shreveport, except for such light draft boats as may pass over the dam at high stages. Below the dam, navigation is largely dependent upon backwater from Red River. A stage of from.15 to 24 feet on the Red River gage at Shreveport, depending on the run-off from Cypress Bayou drainage area, is necessary to provide a 4-foot depth up to the dam. Such stages are short in dura- tion and irregular in occurrence. The total costs and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were as follows: United States Contributed funds funds Total Cost of new work ........ .... ........................ $202,817.48 ............... $202, 817.48 Cost of maintenance ...........------------------------------- 182, 614. 94 $50, 000 232, 614.94 Cost of operating and care.....--- - 137, 160. 89 ................ 137,160. 89 Total cost ----....................................... --------- 522, 593.31 50, 000 572, 593.31 Total expended.. ...... _._.......__..... -.... -.. 521,317.70 50, 000 571, 317. 70 Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $27,673.37, plus an allotment of $1,500 made in July 1948, a total of $29,173.37 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948_-------.-.____ . .- _ _____ $1,275.67 Maintenance, by hired labor: Repairs to Caddo Lake Dam._-----_ $21,612.46 -_- Supervision and patrol of waterway_ ...-. 1,000.00 -- 22,612.46 Maintenance (operating and care), by hired labor: Ordinary repairs to Caddo Lake Dam _---------------------------------------- _ 5,285.24 .. Total for all work_-.--.--.-- ---.---- . .____.. __. 29,173.37 The additional sum of $14,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance, by hired labor: Repairs to Caddo Lake Dam beyond those performed with 1948 funds ----------------------------------- $10,000 Snagging and channel patrol -------------------------- 1,000 ---- $11,000 Maintenance (operating and care), by hired labor: Caddo Lake Dam _----- 3,500 Total for all work- ----.--.-----.- ...--.--------- .-- 14,500 RIV.ERS ANDIHARBORS -NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1027 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_------------------------- $202,817.48 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--------------_-------- 319,775.83 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --- 522,593.31 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 1,275.67 Net total expenditures_------------------ - 521,317.64 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 --------------------- 27,673.37 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ ' 548,991.01 -"" i Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1.948 I. 'I -------- I--- Cost of new work----------------------- 0 ost of maintenance............ ..............------ ""ii$47,8.iii 24."- 5.4i $1, 499.82 Total oxpendelod ................ ...... ............. 2, 179.84 410.72 224.15 Allotted ... ................................. 8, 409. 59 - 4, 821.51 26, 900. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_---------------------- $997.52 Amount allotted during fiscal year___ --------------------- 26,900.00 ---- Amount to be accounted for_--------------------- 27,897.52 Gross amount expended_________ ---------------------- 224.15 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------27,673.37 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 1,275.67 Balance available, June 30, 1948__-------------------- 26,397.70 Amount allotted in July 1948____------------------------------ 1,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 27,897.70 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30 1950, for maintenance_ .------------------------ 14,500.00 1In addition, $50,000 was expended from contributed funds for operating and care. 4. BAYOU BONFOUCA,LA. Location.-This stream rises about 5 miles north of Slidell, La., and empties into Lake Pontchartrain 5 miles west-southwest of that town. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1268 and Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, alluvial valley maps, Slidell and Chef Menteur quadrangles.) Existing project.-This provides for dredging a channel 10 feet deep at mean low water and 60 feet wide on the bottom from Slidell to deep water in Lake Pontchartrain, a distance of about 9 miles. The average range of water level, due to tide, is 0.8 foot. The estimate of cost for new work, made in was $22,000, of which $5,500 was contributed by local interests. The latest (1948) 1"924, approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act approved January 21, 1927 (H. Doc. 474, 68th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-All terminal facilities are at Slidell and con- sist of three loading slips and three wharves, with tram-track con- nections and skids for loading timber. There are also marine ways 1028 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 and a graving dock. All terminal facilities are privately owned and considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Patrol of waterway and removal of snags was accomplished at a cost of $2,072.84 for maintenance. The expenditures were $436.79. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted ,in 1931. The controlling depths (March 1948), mean low Gulf, were: Over the bar at the mouth of the bayou, 8 feet; mile 0 to highway bridge, 10 feet; and highway bridge to head of naviga- tion, 7 feet. The head of navigation is at the town of Slidell, La., 73/4 miles above the mouth of the bayou. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $52,621.97, of which $30,997.27 was for new work and $21,624.70 for maintenance. In addition, $5,500 was expended from contributed funds for new work. The total expenditures were $50,985.92. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year 1948, $2,063.21, plus an allotment of $3,000 made in July 1948, atotal of $5,063.21, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948________________________ _ $1,636.05 Maintenance, by hired labor: Channel patrol and removal of snags ... 3,427.16 Total--------------------------------------------- 5,063.21 0 The sum of $800 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 in channel patrol and snagging. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $30,997.27 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--- -- _ --------- 21,624.70 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 52,621.97 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_--------------------- 1,636.05 Net total expenditures-__---__-. -___-__-_ ' 50,985.92 .... ,-------------------- Unexpended balance June 30, 1948-- 2,063.21 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ - 53,049.13 Fiscal year ending Juno 30 _ _ 1944 " _ -I-- 1945 } 1946 1947 1 ---1948 Cost of hew wrk :....- ----. Cost of maintenance .---- --. $13,416 $36.82 47. 18 -- 79 436-- Total exPended."::1:: 13, 416 36.82 47. 18 -{ I I _ ''17,000 ..... 3, 500.00 --.- " ....... 2, 500. 00 "1 - - 1 L :- i - .--- _htLCi-~L--.----..--. - Amount allotted during fiscal year. :.? :.---._ _ $2,500.00 Gross :amount .expended!i-.- -C l--. . , ----- -. 436.79 f ' Balanceunexpended,June 30,1948 2,063.21 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 19481: . ... - - .-. 1,636.05 i Balance available, June 30, 1948-..... .... . .- 427.16 Amount allotted in July 1948--...-.. -, . . 3,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-...... 3,427.16 Amount.that. can :be profitably ,expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance........................... 800,00 l In addition, $5,500 was expended from contributed funds for new work. RIVERS AND I1A1BORS0-N1EW ORL1EANS, LA., D)[STRICT 1029 5. BAYOU LACOMBE, LA. Location.-Bayou Lacombe rises in the southeastern portion of St. Tammany Parish and flows in a southerly direction into Lake Pontchartrain about 12 miles east of the Rigolets. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1269 and Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, alluvial valley maps, and Slidell quadrangle.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 60 feet wide and 8 feet deep through the entrance bar in Lake Pontchartrain and the removal of snags and overhanging trees from the portion of the bayou between the mouth and the fish hatchery, located about 8.2 miles above the mouth. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide is 0.8 of a foot. The variation due to winds is from 3 to 6 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, was $5,600 With $900 annually for maintenance. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935, which provides for dredging and snagging (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 53, 72d Cong., 2d sess.)- The latest Published map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.-The wharves which were previously used at the sawmills have deteriorated badly. There are no other terminal facilities along the bayou; however, the condition of the banks is such that handling facilities could be constructed at reasonable cost as required. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1938. The controlling depth, mean low Gulf, March 17, 1947, was 7.5 feet over the bar and from mile 0 to railroad bridge, mile 5.1. The total costs under the existing project have been $5,409.80, of which $4,715.91 was for new work and $693.89 for maintenance. The total expenditures have been $5,393.73. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $600 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for channel patrol. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___--------- $4,715.91 --------............... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 --.---------- ------- 793.70 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ 5,509.61 Net total expenditures------......-------------------. 5,509.61 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 --- _------------ 5,509.61 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance------------------- ------- $600.00 6. CHEFUNCTE RIVER AND BOGUE FALIA, LA. Location.-The Chefuncte River rises in the upper portions of Tangipahoa and Washington Parishes, La., and flows southerly into Lake Pontchartrain, opposite New Orleans. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1269 and Corps of Engineers, Missis- sippi River Commission, alluvial valley map, Covington quad- rangle.) 1030 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Previous projects.-Authorized by the River and Harbor Act of June 10, 1872. For further details of previous projects, see page 731, Annual Report for 1913, and page 783, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep at mean Gulf level from that depth in Lake Pontchartrain via Chefuncte River and Bogue Falia to Washington Street, Covington, La. The total length of improvement is 14 miles. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide at the mouth is about 10 inches, and near Covington about 3 inches, and the extreme range about 14 inches and 5 inches, respectively. The variation of water surface in the upper Chefuncte River and Bogue Falia, due to floods, is about 8 feet; that in the lower Chefuncte River at Lake Pontchartrain, due to winds, is about 3 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1927, was $8,460, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized I)ocuments .Mar. 3, 1881 Dredging of bar at mouth of Chefuncte River in Lake II. Ex. Doc. 54, 46th Cong., 2d Pontchartrain and dredging and removal of ob- sess., and Annual Report, 1880, structions in Chefuncte River and Bogue Falla to p. 1181. Covington, La. Width and depth not specified. July 3, 1930 For a definitely stated project with the present project Rivers and Harbors Conmmittee dimensions. Doc. 2, 70th Cong., 1st sess. For latest published map see Annual Report for 1916, p. 2437. Terminal facilities.-There are no terminal facilities on the Bogue Falia. On the lower Chefuncte, wharves used in connection with the boatyards have been constructed at Houltonville and Madi- sonville and these, in addition to minor wharves constructed by owners of pleasure boats, are adequate for navigation needs. On both waterways additional sites are available if needed. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Patrolof the water- way was carried on. The total costs and expenditures were $89.45. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Owing to maintenance work under the previous project, the work required by the project adopted in 1930 was completed in 1929. The obstructions in the Chefuncte River and Bogue Falia were originally removed in 1886, and the channel through the bar was originally dredged in 1903. The con- trolling depths (October 1947), mean low Gulf, were: Over the bar at the mouth of the Chefuncte River, 8 feet; in the river to the Bogue Falia, 10 feet; in the Bogue Falia to mile 12, 6 feet; and from mile 12 to Washington St., Covington, La., mile 14. 5, 2.5 feet. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project were $67,854.67, of which $19,342.24 was for new work and $48,512.43 for maintenance. Proposed operation.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $160.55, will be applied to maintenance channel patrol. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., I)ISTRICT 1031 The sum of $16,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging, bank clearing, snagging and channel patrol. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----- ----- __ $24,563.24 48,512.43 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... 73,075.67 Net total expenditures__------------------------------ 73,075.67 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------........----------------- 160.55 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 73,236.22 ,---- - Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 .I I ---- Cost of new work. ............. Cost of maintnance ..... -- . -:::::::::::: . .$89. 45 Total expended................. ------------ .---------.-- -- -- - ------------ 89.45 Allotted -- ------- ............................ ----- ..--------- 250.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------- ----------- $250.00 Gross amount expended--------------------------------------- 89.45 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------- ---- 160.55 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_------------------------- 16,000.00 7. TANGIPAHOA RIVER, LA. Location.-This river has its origin in the State of Mississippi and flows in a generally southerly direction about 110 miles to Lake Pontchartrain, La. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1269, Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, Allu- Vial Valley maps, and Ponchatoula quadrangle.) Existing project.-This provides for improvement, without dredging, by removing overhanging trees, snags, and obstructions for a distance of 531/2 miles above the mouth. The variation of the Water surface, due to freshets, is from 3 to 20 feet in the upper reaches, from 2 to 5 feet in the lower reaches, and from 2 to 4 feet in the lower reaches due to tides and winds.- The estimated cost of new work, made in 1878, was $10,700. There is no approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 10, 1872 ---------------- Itmprovement without dredging by re- H. Ex. Doe. 54, 46th Cong., ,:moving overhanging trees, snags, 2d sess. and Annual Report, and obstructions to navigation from 1871, p. 553. 'Wells te the mouth. June 14, 1880......---------------- --......------------ resent project-----........... Annual Report, 1879, p. 946. For latest l)ublishedl map, see It. )oc. 257, 66th Cong., 1st sess, 1032 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Recommended modifications of project.-The project has been recommended for abandonment (H. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess.). Terminal facilities.-None. Operations and results during fiscal year.-During the period February 10 through March 18, 1948, the trees that were blown into the stream by the September 1947 hurricane were removed by hired labor forces from 15.25 miles of the waterway at a cost of $2,944.74. Patrol of the waterway was accomplished at a cost of $234.67. Total costs and expenditures were $3,179.41, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project was completed in 1884. The controlling depths (October 1947) mean low Gulf, were: Over bar, 4 feet; bar to mile 12.5, 6 feet. The total costs and expenditures were $25,761.61, of which $11,500.00 was for new work and $14,261.61, for maintenance. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $320.59, will be applied to maintenance channel patrol. No work is proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ___----.-----_____- ---- $11,500.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_-.___..--.. -----.. --. 14,261.61 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948....---------. 25,761.61 Net total expenditures----.....-. -.-.. ........ - . - -- 25,761.61 .320.59 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 26,082.20 ___ Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 -.... I.-"-I I I- Cost of new work............... Cost of maintenance.......... Total expended-........ -- -- ----3,179.41 Allotted---------............------........... ......................----- ------------.......... 3, 00. 00 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------- $$3,500.00 Gross amount expended...- ------------------------ 3,179.41 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------ 320.59 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-_- -- _------------ 6.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948------ ...-..-.-----. -- 314.59 8. TICKFAW, NATALBANY, PONCHATOULA, AND BLOOD RIVERS, LA. Location.-Natalbanyand Blood Rivers are tributaries of Tick- faw River; Ponchatoula River is a tributary of Natalbany River. Tickfaw River rises in the extreme southwestern part of the State of Mississippi and flows in a southerly direction to Lake Maurepas, a distance of about 105 miles. RI VlERS AND : IEoA[ltRS--NE.1:W ORLEANS, iLA., ])ISTRICT 1033 Natalbany River flows in a generally southerly direction and discharges into Tickfaw River about 2 miles above its mouth. Ponchatoula River flows in a southerly and southwesterly direc- tion and discharges into Natalbany River about 3%i miles above its mouth. Blood River is a small stream flowing in a southeasterly direction and discharging into Tickfaw River about 71/ miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1269, Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, alluvial valley maps, and Springfield and Ponchatoula quadrangles.) Existing project.-This provides for the removal of obstructions in the Tickfaw River from its mouth to a point 26 miles above, on the Blood River from its mouth to the head of navigation, about 4 miles, and on the Natalbany and Ponchatoula Rivers for a distance of 151/2 miles, the total length of improvements being 451/2 miles. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide is about 10 inches at the mouth of the Tickfaw River and about 3 inches at the head of navigation on each stream. The extreme variation of water surface due to freshets is about 9 feet in the upper reaches of all streams and about 30 inches at the mouth of the Tickfaw River. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1881 was $10,230. There is no approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1881 (H. Ex. Doc. 54, 46th Cong., 2d sess., and Annual Report for 1880, p. 1182). The latest published map is printed Opposite page 2439 of the Annual Report for 1916. Local cooperation.-None. Terminal facilities.-There are a number of small private wharves on each of these streams, and all the unloading is done by hand. The terminal facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Debris, resultant of the September 1947 hurricane, was cleared from 34.13 miles of the Project streams by hired labor forces during the period March 19 to April 29, 1948, at a cost of $6,192.99. Inspection and patrol of Waterways were performed at a cost of $448.87. The total costs Were $6,641.86 for maintenance; the expenditures were $6,925.16. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1921. The controlling depths, mean low Gulf, were Tick- faw River (February 1948) : Over the bar, 8 feet; mile 0 to mile 14.25, 13 feet; mile 14.25 to mile 17.25, 8 feet; mile 17.25 to mile 18, 7 feet; overhanging trees and snags beyond mile 18 prevent navigation. ' Natalbany River (March 1948) : Mile 0 to mile 9, 10 feet; mile 9 to Springfield bridge, 7.5 feet. Ponchatoula River (February 1948) : Mile 0 to mile 3, 10 feet; mile 3 to mile 3.85, 8 feet, with snags and overhanging trees. Blood River (February 1948) : Mile 0 to mile 3.2, 11 feet. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $39,802.21, of which $8,115.49 was for new work and $31,686.72 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $40,- 085.51. 1034 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $3,074.84, plus accounts receivable of $348.93, a total of $3,423.77, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948____________________________________ $65.63 Maintenance, by hired labor: Clearing, snagging and channel patrol, as required ----------------------------------------------- 3,358.14 Total------ --------------------------------------- 3,423.77 The additional sum of $2,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for snagging and channel patrol. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_____________ __________ $8,115.49 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948____________________- - 31,686.72 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 39,802.21 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 348.93 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------------_ _ ----- 40,151.14 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 65.63 Net total expenditures ________-_________________ 40,085.51 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948__________________________ 3,074.84 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 43,160.35 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---... ..------------------------------------------------- --- .............. ............. ........... .............. Cost of maintenance----............----------------------------------------------------- $6,641. 86 Total expended...6-------------------------------------------------------------6, 925. 16 Allotted ... ...--------------------- 10,000.00 .................---------------------------........... ---------------- Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------- $10,000.00 Gross amount expended..----------------------------------- 6,925.16 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 3,074.84 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_...... $65.63 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- 804.27 869.90 Balance available, June 30, 1948_--- -- --- __ -- -- __- - 2,204.94 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- .--. ----- _ 348.93 Unobligated balance ai ailable, June 30, 1948-.......- _ 2,553.87 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ____________ _ 2,000.00 9. AMITE RIVER AND BAYOU MANCHAC, LA. Location.-Bayou Manchac is a tributary of Amite River. Amite River has its origin in the State of Mississippi, and flows in a generally southerly direction about 170 miles to Lake Maurepas, La. Bayou Manchac has its origin in Iberville Parish, La., and flows eastwardly about 183/4 miles, discharging into Amite River about 358/> miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic RIVERS ANI) HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., I)[STRICT 1035 Survey Chart No. 1269 and Corps of Engineers Mississippi River Commission alluvial valley maps, and Springfield and Denham Springs quadranges.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts of June 14, 1880, August 11, 1888, and July 13, 1892. For further details see page 830 of Annual Report for 1926, and page 788 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 60 feet wide and 7 feet deep at mean low water, from that depth in Lake Maurepas to Port Vincent, and for the removal of obstructions between that point and the bridge of the Louisiana Railway & Navigation Co. across Bayou Manchac. The total length of improvement is 44 miles. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide in Amite River is about 10 inches at the mouth and about 4 inches in Bayou MIanchac, the extreme ranges being about 14 and 6 inches, respec- tively. A variation of water surface from 6 to 12 feet sometimes occurs in the upper Amite and Bayou Manchac, due to freshets. A rise of 30 inches in the lower Amite is sometimes caused by high Winds. The estimated cost of new work, made in 1924, was $5,000, ex- clusive of amounts expended on previous projects, with average annual maintenance of $1,200. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of January 21, 1927 (H. Doc. No. 473, 68th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Terminal facilities.-There is a small warehouse at Clio and one at Port Vincent, and a small wharf at Maurepas. In the upper reaches, where the banks are high, landings are made on the bank. The terminals are considered adequate for the existing commerce. There are no wharves open to the public. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1928. The controlling depths, mean low Gulf, on February 25, 1948, Were: Amite River: 6 feet on bar at entrance; 16 feet mile 0 to mile 21.5,, and 12 feet, mile 21.5 to mile 32. Bayou Manchac: 4 feet over bar at Amite River, 5 feet mile 0 to highway bridge. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $6,754.74, of which $3,332.86 was for new work and $3,421.88 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $11,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for bank clearing, snagging and channel patrol. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-----------------------. $28,233.68 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_---------------_--- 62,734.09 --------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 90,967.77 Net total expenditures------------------------------------ 90,967.77 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_----------------- 90,967.77 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance---- __ $11,000.00 ' 1036 REPORT1OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 10. BAYOU GROSSE TETE, LA. Location.-This bayou rises in Pointe Coupee, Parish, La., and extends in a generally southeastern direction entering Bayou Plaquemine 8 miles below Plaquemine lock. (See Corps of Engi- neers, Mississippi River Commission, alluvial valley maps, New Roads, Fordoche, Osca Bayou, and Grosse Tete quadrangles.) Existing project.-This provides for improving the stream for a distance of 29 miles from its mouth to a point 5 miles above Marin- gouin, La., by removing snags and trees and by dredging a channel 60 feet wide on bottom and 5 feet deep at mean low water. Mean 'low water is 2 feet above mean low Gulf level. Under ordinary con- ditions the mean range of tide is about 3 inches at the mouth and nothing at the head, and the extreme range about 6 inches at the mouth. The variation of water surface due to flood conditions may be from 2 to 8 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $180,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $2,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912 (H. Doc. 348, 62d Cong., 2d sess.). The latest pub- lished map is printed opposite page 2540 of the Annual Report for 1917. Terminal facilities.-There are no wharves on the bayou. The banks are firm and high. The steamboats and launches operating on the stream unload their cargoes at any desired point, carrying the freight by hand into the stores, which are generally on the bank of the bayou. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Surveys and patrol of the waterway were carried on at a cost of $468.46 for maintenance. The expenditures were $231.21. Condition at end of fiscal year.--A channel 5 feet deep at mean low water, and 60 feet wide was completed in 1914 to mile 10.3, and from that point to the head of the project a channel 5 feet deep and 40 feet wide was dredged in 1916. The project is considered to be 16 percent complete with the dredging of the stream 20 feet wider above mile 10.3 remaining to be done. The controlling depths (October 1946), mean low Gulf, were: From mile 0 to mile 1.3, 10.5 feet; mile 1.3 to mile 2.0, 7.5 feet; mile 2.0 to mile 8.0, 6.5 feet; mile 8.0 to mile 14.3, 5.5 feet; mile 14.3 to mile 23.0, 4.5 feet; mile 23.0 to mile 26.0, 3.5 feet; not navigable between mile 26 and mile 29; snags between miles 10 and 26. The head of navigation is at mile 29. The total costs under the existing project, to the end of the fiscal year, were $96,637.72, of which $29,392.49 was for new work and $67,245.23 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $96,- 400.47.0 Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the' fiscal year amounting to $268.79 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948_----- --- __----------..--- $237.25 Maintenance, by hired labor: Patrolling waterway -------------------- 31.54 . Total maintenance-----------.-----..----.-.-.--.. 268.79 RIVERS AND HARBORS--'NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1037 The additional sum of $8,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for bank clearing, snagging and channel patrol. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- -i i$29,392.49 ----------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ........---..---------- 67,245.23 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 96,637.72 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- --- --------- --- 237.25 Net total expenditures. ------- --------------- 96,400.47 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-....-_------- -- 268.79 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948..... -, 96,669.26 scal year ending June 30 1944 1945 : 1946 1947 1948 0 ost of new work Cost ofm. of m woaintenance-............- r .. --...- .aintenance . ........... ............. . -..... .. ................... ...:...- . - -..... 4.. 46 TOtal expended.........---..... A 11,. _-..... _.........--- ------- _ _ __ 231.21 l . r--------------------- ---.. ---.. I -- -------- -- --- - ---- o-o.oo Amount allotted during fiscal year. .... $5,500.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment---- - - 5,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for., -------- 500.00 Gross amount expended.------- -- _-231.21 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --- 268.79 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 -------........------- 237.25 Balance available, June 30, 1948-_-_--- - - ---.- 31.54 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------------............. 150,608.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance--------------------------- 8,000.00 11. GULF INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY BETWEEN APALACHEE BAY, FLA., AND THE MEXICAN BORDER (NEW ORLEANS DISTRICT) Location.--The section of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway within the New Orleans district extends from Lake Borgne Light No. 41, near the mouth of the Rigolets, to the Sabine River, La., and Tex. The section from' Lake Borgne Light No. 41 to the Mississippi River follows the Rigolets and Lake Pontchartrain to the lake end of the State-owned Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, thence by way of this canal to the Mississippi River, a distance of 40.5 miles. By Public Law No. 675, Seventy-seventh Congress, approved July 23, 1942, the project was modified to provide for a land cut through the marsh from the Rigolets to a point on the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal about 2.25 miles from the Mississippi River, eliminating Passage through Lake Pontchartrain and five drawbridges, a dis- tance of 30.8 miles to the Mississippi River by this route. From the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal to the entrance to Harvey lock, the route follows the. Mississippi River for a distance of 5.5 miles. 804711-48-Vol. 1-66 1038 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The section from the Mississippi River to Atchafalaya River, La., leaves the Mississippi River through Harvey lock about 3.3 miles above Canal Street and follows Harvey Canal No. 1 and Bayou Barataria to Bayou Villars, a land cut south of Lake Salvador to Harvey Canal No. 2, Harvey Canal No. 2 to Larose, La., and a land cut to Houma, La., thence over a land cut south of Bayou Black and Bayou Cocodrie, thence through Bayou Cocodrie and a land cut to Bayou Black; thence through Bayou Black, Bayou Chene, and Bayou Boeuf to the Atchafalaya River about 0.5 mile south of Mor- gan City, La., a total distance of 95.5 miles. An alternate connection with the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Algiers, La., about 10.3 miles below Harvey lock, consisting of a lock and land cut about 9 miles in length intersecting the Intra- coastal Waterway at about mile 6, is now under construction. An alternate route from the Mississippi River at Plaquemine (113 miles above New Orleans), follows Bayou Plaquemine and lower Grand River to and through a lock now under construction at Bayou Sorrel in the East Atchafalaya Basin protection levee, thence through the levee borrow pit to Berwick Bay; and thence through Berwick Bay to Morgan City, La., a total distance of 56 miles. This alternate route is to be enlarged from the vicinity of Morgan City to Indian Village, La., and to be extended from Indian Village, La., through Bayou Grosse Tete and a new land cut to and through a'new terminal lock and entrance channel to the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Port Allen, La., a distance of 65 miles. The section from the Atchafalaya River to Vermilion River, La., begins at the western end of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya section and follows the Atchafalaya River about 2.5 miles, portions of Little Wax Bayou, Possum Bayou, cut-offs, a land cut passing through North Bend Plantation to Bayou Bartholomew; Bayou Bartholomew to Little Bay, a land cut skirting the north edge of Cote Blanche Island and the west edge of Weeks Island to Vermilion River, about 24 miles below Abbeville, La., a total distance of about 63.6 miles. Franklin Canal, St. Mary Parish, La., extends southwesterly from Franklin, La., on Bayou Teche, for 5.15 miles to Bayou Port- age, a section of "The Inland Waterway from Franklin to the Mer- mentau River, La. ;" and through the bayou for 0.75 mile to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, 121 miles west of Harvey lock. The section from Vermilion River to Mermentau River, La., begins at the western end of the Atchafalaya-Vermilion section and follows Vermilion River 1.3 miles, a part of the Schooner Bayou cut-off canal, and a land cut running in a general northwesterly direction to Mermentau River at a point about 0.5 mile above its entrance into Grand Lake and about 16 miles below the town of Lake Arthur, La., a total distance of about 42.7 miles. Vermilion lock has been constructed about 1.75 miles west of Vermilion River to prevent the ingress of salt water from Vermilion Bay. The section from Mermentau River to Calcasieu River, La., begins at the western end of the Vermilion-Mermentau section and follows the Mermentau River upstream for about 1.5 miles, a land cut running in a west-southwesterly direction to Lake Misere, passing north of the lake and Bayou Misere, westerly to Sweet RIVERS AND HARBORS -NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1039 Lake, south and west of Sweet Lake, northwesterly to Bayou Tete Bois, through Bayou Tete Bois, Black Bayou, and cut-offs to a point on Calcasieu River about 16.6 miles below the city of Lake Charles, La., a total distance of about 37.1 miles. A salt-water guardlock is to be constructed in the waterway at or near mile 231 west of Harvey lock. The section from the Calcasieu River to Sabine River, La., and Tex., begins at the western end of the Mermentau-Calcasieu section, and follows the Calcasieu River upstream about 1.6 miles, a land cut running in a southwesterly direction 2.8 miles, thence west 22 miles to Sabine River at a point about 3 miles below Orange, Tex., a total distance of about 27.1 miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1116, 1268, and 1269; Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, allu- vial valley maps, Rigolets, Chef Menteur, Spanish Fort, Baton Rouge, Grosse Tete, Chicot Lake, White Castle, Foster, Napoleon- ville, Morgan City, Belle Isle, Bayou Sale, Jeanerette, and Derouen quadrangles; U. S. Geological Survey maps, New Orleans (east), St. Bernard Bertrandville, Lake Cataouatche (east), Barataria, Cutoff, Houma, Gibson, Abbeville (southeast), Abbeville (south- West), Schooner Bayou (southeast), Schooner Bayou (southwest), Schooner Bayou (northeast), Schooner Bayou (northwest), Grand Lake East (northeast), Grand Lake East (northwest), Latania Lake, Lake Misere, Boudreaux Lake, Sweet Lake, Lake Charles, Moss Lake, Black Lake, Cameron Farms and Phoenix Lake quad- rangles; and navigation maps of Intracoastal Waterway, Port Arthur, Tex., to New Orleans, La.) Previous projects.-Previous projects for the different sections of this improvement were adopted by the following river and harbor acts: August 11, 1888; March 2, 1907; March 3, 1909, June 25, 1910; February 27, 1911; July 25, 1912; August 8, 1917; July 18, 1918; March 2, 1919; and September 22, 1922. For further de- tails see pages 878-895 of Annual Report for 1924. Existing project.-This provides for a waterway 12 feet deep and 125 feet wide at mean low Gulf except in the section between Lake Borgne Light No. 41, and New Orleans (via land cut through the marsh and Industrial Canal), 33.1 miles long where a width of 150 feet is provided; an alternate route 9 feet deep by 100 feet wide in the section between Lake Borgne Light No. 41 and New Orleans (via the Rigolets, Lake Pontchartrain, and Industrial Canal), 40.5 miles long; an alternate connection with the Mississippi River below Algiers, 12 feet deep and 125 feet wide, about 9 miles long; a channel 12 feet deep and 125 feet wide for the Plaquemine-Morgan City alternate route from the Mississippi-Atchafalaya section of the waterway, in the vicinity of Morgan City, through Lower Atchafalaya River (Berwick Bay) and the borrow pit of the East Atchafalaya protection levee to and through Bayou Sorrel lock Which is now being constructed under the existing project "Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries," thence through Lower Grand River to Indian Village, and thence by way of Bayou Grosse Tete and a new land cut to and through a new terminal lock and entrance channel to the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Port 1040 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Allen, La., opposite the lower limit of the Port of Baton Rouge; a channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Indian Village on the Plaquemine-Morgan City alternate route through Bayou Plaque- mine and Plaquemine lock to the Mississippi River at Plaquemine, La. (pending completion of Bayou Sorrel lock, traffic on the Plaque- mine-Morgan City alternate route is being rerouted through the new land cut around Lake Palourde, through Bayous Milhomme and Long, Bay Natchez, and connecting streams to Lower Grand River, thence by Bayou Plaquemine to Plaquemine) ; improvement of Franklin Canal as a connecting channel from Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (mile 121) to Franklin, La., to afford a channel 8 feet deep and generally 60 feet wide with a width of 100 feet in its upper 300 feet; and a salt-water guard lock in the waterway at or near mile 231 west of Harvey lock. The project also provides for the following: Widening at bends; passing places; mooring basins; locks or guard locks; such railroad bridges over artificial cuts as are necessary; purchase of pipe-line dredge; construction and opera- tion of new drainage canals and pumping facilities to restore parish drainage systems where intercepted; construction of a double-leaf bascule, four-lane highway bridge with approaches at State High-, way No. 61, Louisiana; construction of movable bridges at Mis- souri Pacific Railroad and State Highway Nos. 31 and 996; fixed trestle bridges for crossing of proposed landside drainage canals; lift bridges at Louisiana Highway No. 168, Port Allen, La., and at Texas & Pacific Railway, Port Allen, La., a fixed bridge at Texas & Pacific Railway, Morley, La.; construction of bulkheads and jetties at Lake Borgne and Chef Menteur, La., if found necessary; and for annual payments to the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans for use of a portion of the Inner Harbor Naviga- tion Canal. The length of the waterway within the New Orleans district is 384.1 miles via the northerly or Port Allen route; and 299.4 miles via the southerly or Harvey Canal route. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide is about 10 inches and the extreme range is 14 inches. A severe storm may cause a high tide of from 6 to 9 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, is $43,725,500. The latest (1948) approved estimate for anual cost is $1,543,000, including $820,000 for regular maintenance and $723,000 for operation and care of locks and dams and costs pertaining to use of necessary State-owned facilities in connection with the Inner Harbor Naviga- tion Canal. Inner Harbor Navigation Canal lock Miles from New Orleans, La. (Canal St.)-_ .-2.9. Miles from Mississippi River ................ .. 0.6. Width of chamber_------------------------ 75 feet. Length available for full width., ----------------640 feet. Lift __--..--. -..---------.------ . 0-17.4 feet. Depth on miter sill at mean low Gulf level-.... 31.5 feet. Character of foundation_.......---------------... Timber piles. Kind of dam. ----------------------------- None. Type of construction Reinforced concrete. Opened to navigation --------.-.. ---- ---- February 1923. Cost- _- __ - -._ - ----.. ..-- . . $8,648,491.53. RIVERS AND HARBORS---NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1041 Harvey lock Miles from New Orleans, La. (Canal St.) .---...---- 3.3. Miles from Mississippi River----------------- 0.13. Width of chamber------------------------- 75 feet. Length available for full width--.... ------------- 425 feet. Lift D------- ..... ..... wGu------ 0 to 19.6 feet. epth on miter sill at mean low Gulf level._-___.. 12 feet. Character of foundation...--....---------------- Timber piles. Rind of dam------------------------- None. Type of construction -------------------- Reinforced concrete. Opened to navigation.........--------------------- 1934 and completed 1935. Cost (including approaches)----------------- $1,775,132.24. Plaquemine lock Miles from New Orleans, La. (Canal St.)......-.. 113. iles from Mississippi River---------------- 0.10. idth of chamber-..._-----------..------- 55 feet. Length available for full width...--.....--------- 260 feet. Lift 0 to 28 feet. Depth on miter sill at mean low Gulf level .....- 10 feet. Character of foundation..... - -- -- Timber piles. Kind of dam-- .------------------------ None. Type of construction---- ----------------- Concrete. Completed and opened to navigation 1909. Cost $1,302,006.38. o ilion lock -Verm Miles from Abbeville, La.----- ----- ----- 26. Miles from Vermilion River---------------- 1.75. Width between abutments_----- -- -------- 56 feet. Length available for full width--.......---- ---- 1,182 feet. Lift 0 to 5 feet, either direction. Depth on gate at mean low Gulf levell---------- 12 feet. Character of foundation ------ -.--.--------- Timber piles. Kind of dam-..................----------------- Reinforced-concrete spillway dam, vertical cast-steel gates, timber-pile foundations. TYn V f f -- -- Reinforced concrete. l c~eof st l .L..c ioirfin ---tf- ---- - ---- Opened to navigation 1933 and completed 1934. Cost- ------------- $330,765.27. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: . Acts Work authorized Documents I Mar. 3, 1925 Construction of waterway from New Orleans, La., to II. Doe. 238, 68th Cong., 1st sess. Galveston Bay, Tex. 'Jan. 21 1927 Extension of waterway to Corpus Christi, Tex La Do. July 3, 1930 A channel 100 feet wide and 9 feet deep from Lake H. Doe. 341, 71st Cong., 2d sess. Pontchartrain to Mississippi Sound. June 26, 1934 2 Operation and care of locks and dams provided for with funds from War Department appropriations for rivers and harbors. July 23, 1942 Enlargement of waterway from 100 feet wide and 9 II. )oc. 96, 79th Cong., Ist sess. feet deep to 125 feet wide and 12 feet deep, from Apa- lachee Bay, Fla., to Corpus Christi, Tex., and its extension to the vicinity of the Mexican border, except between Mobile Bay, Ala. and New Or- leans, La., where the width shall be 150 feet; and for rental of Inner IIarbor Navigation Canal facil- ities. lar. 2, 1945 Alternate connection with the Mississippi River in S. Doc. 188, 78th Cong., 2d sess. the vicinity of Algiers at New Orleans. See footnotds at end of table. 1042 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized Documents 1 July 24, 1946 Enlargement and extension of the Plaquemine-Mor- S. Doc. 242, 79th Cong., 2d sess. gan City route from the Mississippi-Atchafalaya section of the waterway, in the vicinity of Morgan City, to and through a new terminal lock and en- trance channel to the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Port Allen, opposite the lower limit of the Port of Baton Rouge. Do..... Restoration, improvement and maintenance of the S. Doe. 189, 79th Cong., 2d sess. Franklin Canal as a terminal branch channel, 8 feet deep and 60 feet wide from its confluence with the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to Franklin, La. Do-..... A salt-water guard lock in the waterway at or near S. DI)oc. 231, 79th Cong., 2d sess. mile 231 west of Harvey Lock. I2 The latest published map is printed in Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act. IH.Doec. 230, 76th Cong., 1st sess. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with, except for provision of spoil-disposal areas along the upper 5 miles of the Plaquemine- Morgan City section. Local interests have furnished assurances satisfactory to the Chief of Engineers for connection at Algiers, La. Condemnation proceedings have been initiated and the United States has been given possession of all rights-of-way and spoil disposal easements required for the construction of Algiers lock. When final locations are chosen, local interests will be required to furnish rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the section from Port Allen to Indian Village, and rights-of-way for the guard lock at mile 231. For Franklin Canal, local interests are to make a cash contribution equal to one-third of cost of construction, but not to exceed $22,000, to provide adequate terminal facilities open to all on equal terms; and to furnish a minimum 300-foot right-of-way, including cession of existing canal, together with suitable spoil- disposal areas. Assurances for this canal have been accepted by the Office, Chief of Engineers. Terminal facilities.-The terminals at New Orleans which are most generally used by Intracoastal Waterway traffic are those controlled by the State of Louisiana on the Inner Harbor Naviga- tion Canal. Since April 1, 1944, the portion from the Mississippi River to its intersection with the New Orleans Rigolets section of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway has been under lease to the United States and is now operated by the United States toll-free, 24 hours per day. Except for the terminal facilities at New Orleans, facilities are in general confined to privately owned piers, wharves, or oil docks. At Morgan City on the Atchafalaya River there are two large and three small wharves open to all without charge. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New Work: Con- struction of the alternate connection in the vicinity of Algiers, La., also known as the Algiers Lock and Canal, was continued. Excava- tion for the Algiers Lock, consisting of the removal of 137,430 cubic yards of material with hauling equipment and the removal of 231,943 cubic yards of material by hydraulic pipe-line dredge, was completed by contract at a cost of $203,740.97. Incidental hired labor operations for the Algiers Lock excavation during the RIVERS AND IARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1043 fiscal year, involving the cutting of the Mississippi River levee to provide egress for the contractor's hydraulic dredge and partial unwatering of the locksite, were performed at a cost of $14,596.15. Driving of timber piling for the foundation and steel sheet pile cut-off for Algiers lock was commenced in February 1948, and at the end of the fiscal year this contract was 77 percent complete at a cost of $185,784.56. Work during the period on the contract for the concrete floor for Algiers lock consisted of the erection of a field office, building of construction roads, delivery of reinforcing steel and other materials, and delivery and erection of concrete batching and mixing equipment. Costs on the concrete floor con- tract were $272,260.72. Utilities crossing the relocated portion of the Intracoastal Water- Way between Larose and Bourg, La., in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya section, were altered by reimbursable agreements at a cost of $594. New work by hired labor consisted of field investigations and office studies for preparation of a definite project report for Algiers lock and canal, field surveys and preparation of plans and specifica- tion for Algiers lock and model study of the Algiers lock by the Waterways Experiment Station; field investigations and office studies for preparation of definite project report for the salt water guard lock near mile 231 and field surveys and preparations of Plans and specifications for the Salt Water Guard Lock; and field investigations, office studies and related advanced planning for the modification of the Plaquemine-Morgan City alternate route. The total costs of these hired labor operations were $251,906.04. Maintenance: Dredging by Government plant and hired labor Was performed as follows: 93,126 cubic yards of shoaled material were removed from the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal lock fore- bay and tailbay by the United States pump barge No. 3 and 224,475 cubic yards by the United States hydraulic pipe-line dredge Pullen, Which also removed 120,408 cubic yards from Harvey lock forebay and tailbay; 6,767 cubic yards were removed from Plaquemine lock forebay and chamber by the United States pump barge No. 2 and 41,900 cubic yards were removed from that lock forebay and chamber by the leased hydraulic pipe-line dredge Tchefuncta. During the period February 12 through March 19, 1948, the United States hydraulic pipe-line dredge Pullen removed 185,950 cubic yards from Bayou Plaquemine and during the period March 24 through April 27, the leased hydraulic pipe-line dredge Tche- functa removed 272,140 cubic yards, making the total yardage removed from Bayou Plaquemine 458,090, restoring the bayou to Project dimensions. Between April 28 and May 11 the "hair-pin" turn at mile 7.3 in Bayou Plaquemine was improved for navigation by the removal of 168,000 cubic yards of material from the point on the left bank by the leased hydraulic pipe-line dredge Tchefuncta. The above work was done at a cost of $380,911.47. Periodic inspections of the waterway, removal of obstructions, as required, inspecting and repairing automatic tide gages, hydrau- lic surveys, miscellaneous examinations, and related engineering Studies were carried on by Government plant and hired labor at a cost of $27,084.45. 1044 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 During the period February 4 through 7, 1948, the leased hydrau- lie pipe-line dredge Pontchartrainremoved 26,500 cubic yards of shoaled material from mile 98.25 in the Intracoastal Waterway west of Harvey lock at a cost of $7,705.89. By contract, 302,816 cubic yards were removed in dredging a 12- by 150-foot channel in the New Orleans-Rigolets section between mile 23 and mile 31 east of Harvey lock by hydraulic pipe-line dredge Moreland II at a cost of $58,445.12. Cost incidental to rental lease for use of Inner Harbor Naviga- tion Canal facilities was $259,200.00, for maintenance. The following work was accomplished under operating and care: The Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, Harvey, Plaquemine, and Vermilion locks were operated throughout the fiscal year; the locks, grounds, and structures were maintained in good condition, and all necessary and routine work thereon performed by hired labor at a cost of $381,863.54. The cost of operating the Paris Road pontoon bridge and the Florida Avenue Bridge was $42,782.78. Reconstruction of fender system and other related work necessary to repair hurricane dam- age of Paris Road pontoon bridge was performed at a cost of $21,008.08. The total costs during the fiscal year (all funds) were $2,107,883.77 of which $928,882.44 was for new work, $733,346.93 for maintenance, and $445,654.40 for operating and care. The total expenditures were $1,843,906.55. Conditionat end of fiscal year.---The project, as modified by River and Harbor Acts approved March 2, 1945, and July 24, 1946, is 33 (revised) percent complete. Harvey lock was completed in 1935; the reservation comprises 3.3 acres. Plaquemine lock was completed in 1909; its reservation comprises 19 acres. Vermilion lock was completed in 1934; the ground on which it is constructed is possessed by the United States under an easement deed to a strip of land 300 feet wide along the Intracoastal Waterway. Dredging of the canal, except for the work authorized under River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1945 and July 24, 1946, was completed in 1944. Inner Harbor Navigation Canal lock was leased by the United States from the board of commis- sioners of the Port of New Orleans, effective April 1, 1944. .New work remaining to be done to complete the existing pro- ject consists of completion of dredging a 12- by 125-foot alternate connection below Algiers with new lock, which is now under con- struction, construction of three bridges, relocation of highways, railroads and utilities, and rearrangement of drainage, including the construction of two pumping stations or siphons; completion of dredging 12- by 125-foot alternate route between Port Allen and Morgan City with new lock, three bridges and relocation of high- ways, railroads and utilities; improvement of Franklin Canal as a connecting channel from Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to Franklin, La., to afford a channel 8 feet deep and generally 60 feet wide with a width of 100 feet in its upper 300 feet; construction of salt-water guard lock in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in the vicinity of mile 231 west of Harvey lock, construction of permanent bridges at RIVE:RS'AND HARBORS-- NEW ORLEANS, LA., I)ISTRICT 1045 Louisiana Highway No. 61 (Paris road), mile 13.0 east of Harvey lock, and bulkheads and jetties at. Chef Menteur and Rigolets at miles 22.7 and 33.7 east of Harvey lock. The Bayou Sorrel lock, under construction with funds for Flood Control, Mississippi River and tributaries, is located in the East Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee, and upon completion will be incorporated as part of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway alternate route from Port Allen, La., to Morgan City, La. The navigation connection (Pigeon Gap), for this route, through the East Atcha- falaya Basin Protection Levee has been closed necessitating the re- routing of Gulf Intracoastal traffic using this route through present channels on the east side of the levee and through a land cut north and east of Lake Palourde to Morgan City, La. The controlling depths and widths at mean low Gulf on dates indicated were as follows: July 1948: New Orleans-Rigolets section 12 feet by 150 feet; except for shoals in outside quarters which restrict bottom widths between miles 17-21 to 120 feet, mile 30-31 to 100 feet, mile 31-32 to 110 feet and mile 32-33 to 125 feet; April 1948: Mississippi River Atchafalaya River section, 12 feet by 68 feet; Atchafalaya River-Vermilion River section, 12 feet by 60 feet; Vermilion River-Mermentau River section, 12 feet by 86 feet; Mermentau River-Calcasieu River section, 12 feet by 92 feet; Calcasieu River-Sabine River section, 24 feet by 125 feet; Plaque- mine-Morgan City section, 9 feet by 100 feet. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal Year (all funds) were $22,053,649.28, of which $14,698,054.23 was for new work (including $353,541.19, Public Works funds), $3,730,972.10 for" maintenance, and $3,103,138.04 (excluding $521,484.91, costs for works of improvement under provisions of the permanent indefinite appropriation for such purpose) for operation and care of locks and bridges. The total expenditures Were $21,241,871.27. In addition, the sum of $521,484.91 was ex- pended between January 1, 1927, and June 30, 1935, on the opera- ting and care of works of improvement under the provisions of the Permanent indefinite appropriation for such purpose. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $2,669,563.95, together .with a contribu- tion of $22,000 and an advance of $44,000 from local interests for construction of Franklin Canal, St. Mary Parish, La., plus an allot- ment of $3,140,000 made in July 1948, a total of $5,875,563.95 will be applied as follows:: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- $56,530.58 New work: By contract: Construction of Franklin Canal, St. Mary Parish, La............-------- --- ------. $66,000.00 Continuation of construction of alternate connection with Mississippi River at Al- giers, La.- - ---- --- 2,508,400.39 Construction of Salt Water Guard lock, mile 231, west of Harvey, La..- ----.... -. - - 1,800,000.00 Temporary pontoon bridge between high- ways Nos. 69 and 80 over Bourg-Larose :.. cut-off_._ _ ...-- ,, ...... 22,465.93 1046 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 New work-Continued By hired labor: Preparation of plans and specifications, alter- nate connection with Mississippi River at Algiers, La. - 122,028.91 Preparation of plans and specifications, Salt Water Guard lock, mile 231, west of Har- vey, La. ___ 74,547.84 Surveys, borings and planning for extension of Plaquemine-Morgan City Route, includ- ing lock near Port Allen, La. 26,201.65 Unallocated_ _ __ ._._..._ 698.08 Total new work _______________________ ___ 4,554,342.80 Maintenance: By hired labor: Maintenance dredging in lock forebays, chambers, and tail bays, as required from July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949_.___- 176,720.65 Maintenance dredging in Waterway east and west of New Orleans, as required from July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949---------- 290,000.00 Patrol of Waterway, supervision and con- tingencies---------------------- ----- 20,000.00 Rental payment for Inner Harbor Navigation Canal_ ----------------------------- 260,000.00 Total maintenance ________ ____________ __, 746,720.65 Maintenance (operating and care): By hired labor: Operation and maintenance of Plaquemine lock July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949: Operation_---------- ------ .-_ - 79,300.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair. .... 18,169.92 97,469.92 Operation and maintenance of Harvey lock, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949: Operation__ _. . 67,700.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair-..... 14,300.00 82,000.00 Operation and maintenance of Vermilion lock, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949: Operation . ...---..--- _---___ . .. . 59,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair...... 13,500.00 72,500.00 Operation and maintenance of Inner Harbor Navigation Canal lock and bridge across the canal at St. Claude Ave., July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949: Operation of lock and bridge .--....-- 144,300.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair ._._. 12,700.00 157,000.00 Operation and maintenance of Paris Road Bridge, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949: Operation-.--_------- --- _-- - 26,600.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair...... 3,400.00 30,000.00 Operation and maintenance of Florida Ave. Bridge, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949: Operation----------------------_.-_ 10,855.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair _-.. 2,145.00 12 LV , 000 ..... 00 Total maintenance (operating and care) ----------- 451,969.92 Total for all work..------------- ------------ 5,875,563.95 RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1047 The additional sum of $7,328,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Continuation of construction by contract of [alternate connection with Mississippi River in the vicinity of Algiers, La. $5,550,000 Maintenance, by hired labor: Dredging, Clearing, Snagging, Inspection and patrol of waterway, as required, during period July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950---------------------------- $758,000 Rental payments, Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, fiscal year 1949 and 1950-------------------------- 520,000 Total, maintenance__------------------------------ 1,278,000 Maintenance (operating and care), by hired labor: Operation and maintenance of Plaquemine lock: Operation- _-- --------------------- 80,000 Ordinary maintenance and repair ---------------- 2,500 Improvement and reconstruction (replacement of gate sills)------------------------------- 22,500 105,000 Operation and maintenance of Harvey lock: Operation-- ----------------------------- 70,000 Ordinary maintenance and repair--------------- 12,000 -- - 82,000 Operation and maintenance of Vermilion lock: Operation_ ------- ---------------------- 60,000 Ordinary maintenance and repair- 5,000 65,000 Operation and maintenance of Inner Harbor Navigation Canal Lock and St. Claude Ave. Bridge: Operation of lock and bridge__------------------ 145,000 Ordinary maintenance and repair --------------- 10,000 Improvements and reconstruction (guidewalls)---- 50,000 205,000 Operation and maintenance of Paris Road bridge: Operation --------------------- ,-----_ 27,000 Ordinary maintenance and repair---------------- 3,000 -- - 30,000 Operation and maintenance of Florida Ave. Bridge: Operation-------------------------------- 11,000 Ordinary maintenance and repair--------------- 2,000 13,000 500,000 Total for all work ___----------------------------- 7,328,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___---------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.------------------2_ _ $18,745,485.08 8,358,801.40 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.--------- 27,104,286.48 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948. ------------------------ 228,000.14 Net total cost to June 30, 1948..-------------------- 26,876,286.34 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 56,530.58 Net total expenditures_.---------------- ------------ 26,819,755.76 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948___------ _------------- 2,669,563.95 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 29,489,319.71 1In addition, $273,266.97 was expended from contributed funds for new work. SIncludes $1,070,432.68 from Permanent Indefinite Appropriation. 1048 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 19 48 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945. 1946 1947 19 48 Cost of new work------------........ $4, 187, 284.02 $73, 463.58 $20, 787.81 $173,649.05 $928, ,882.44 Cost of maintenance......... 354, 925. 73 834, 506. 29 853,126.29 841,385. 44 ,001.33 1, 179, Total cost............... 4, 542, 209. 75 907, 969.87 873, 914 10 1,015, 034. 49 2, 107, 883 77 Total expended. 4, 691, 963.18 829, 047.28 898,091. 03 • ,2,657 1,222, 065.77 1 843, 906.55 I Allotted....-----------........---......3, 714,265.27 940,000.00 2,950,000.00 309, 434.71 2, 752,600 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -- $1,760,870.50 Amount allotted during fiscal year-----------------------3 2,752,600.00 Amount to be accounted for--- - 4,513,470.50 Gross amount expended --------------- $2,781,111.60 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------- 937,205.05 1,843,906.55 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948. 2,669,563.95 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_..... $56,530.58 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-. 1,169,428.51 1,225,959.09 Balance available, June 30, 1948- . . 1,443,604.86 Amount allotted in July 1948- .. ...... -. - - 3,140,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... -_ 4,583,604.86 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_-.-... --. __ _- ..... 25,496,838.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal' year ending June 30, 1950: For new work------------ For new work . --------------------------- 5,550,000.00 1780.0 For maintenance _---::::::-- 1,778,000.00 ------------------------------------------ Total ............ 7,328,000.00 aIn addition, $22,000 was allotted from contributed funds, and $44,000 was allotted from advanced funds. 12. THE INLAND WATERWAY FROM FRANKLIN TO THE MERMENTAU RIVER, LA, : Location.-This canal.extends from Hanson lock on Bayou Teche through Hanson Canal and Bayou Portage to the Intracoastal Waterway, along the Intracoastal Waterway to mile 161, west of Vermilion Bay. The total length of the waterway is 26.8 miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1116; Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, alluvial valley maps, Foster, Bayou Sale, Jeanerette, and Rerouen quadrangles; {U S. Geological Survey maps, Abbeville (southeast), Abbeville (southwest). a th R Existing project.--This project, as modified by the River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946,. (S.Doc. 231, 79th Cong., 2d sess.) provides for a waterway from Bayou Teche at or near Fraklin, La., to the Mermentau River, having a depth of 5 feet below mean low Gulf and a bottom width of 40 feet, with appro- priate side slopes; also the purchase of the Hanson Canal. This project, reported in the Annual Report for 1924 under the headings, Intracoastal Waterway, Franklin to Mermentau, La., and Intracoastal Waterway from Vermilion River to Schooner RIVERS AND HARBORS-+-NEW ORLEANS, ;LA., DISTRICT 1049 Bayou, La., has largely.been superseded by the project "Gulf Intra- 11946, coastal, Waterway (New Orleans district.)" The River and Harbor Act approved July 24, (S. Doc.231, 79th Cong., 2d sess.), authorized the incorporation of the existing project "Inland Water- Way from Franklin, La. to the"Mermentau River," west of Ver- milion Bay, in the modified project "Mermentau River, La :" Under ordinarytconditions the mean range of tides is about 10 inches and the extreme range about 14 inches. A severe storm may cause a high tide of from 6 to 9 feet. Ir r{°;;> : The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, was $125,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $ 2 2,000,!including $12,000: foroperation and care of Hanson lock. Data regarding the lock'are as follows: Hanson lock Miles from Franklin; La - - -- - 1.5. Miles from Bayou Teche- _----.-- ------ : 0. Width of chamber, _ r-. . 26:5 feet. Length available for full width ~._--- Lift. _._9 epth on miter sill at low water : ---- . _- 4 93'7 feet. 0 to 5 feet. 5 feet. t Character of foundation ..... --- , --- Timber T- piles. of dam____-----,---.... -ind - -- - None. Type of construction -...- Concrete buttresses, wooden S; . mitering gates, earth-lock chamber. Conpleted .- .-- -..- 1907. Operated by the United Ct' -, , : !States since 1923. Cost_ ---- i - -- - - - ---- $65,000, including 4.1 miles of canal. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized '. ' I)ocuments mar. 2, 1907 The general project (waterway from Franklin to the IH. Doe. 640, 59th Cong., 2d sess. ' , Mermentau River, La.). lar 3, 1909 fAuthorized the Secretary of War to make such changes eb27 1911 in location of channel as might be desirable. u1y 25, 1912 Authorized the purchase of the so-called Hanson Canal between Bayou Teche and Cote Blanche S Bay, at a cost not to exceed $66,000. , 1 ar.2, 1919 Construction of the Schooner Bayou cut-off . . I.Doc. 1336, 62d Cong., 3d sess. June26,19342 Inclusion of operation and care of. locks in project provided for with funds from War Department ap- 24,1946 July propriations for rivers and harbors. July 24, 1946 Ti eincorporation of the existing project west of Ver- 8. Doc. 231, 79th Cong., 2d sess. milion Bay in the modified project "Mermentau River, La." Contains latest published map. 9Permanent Appropriations Repeal Act. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing in Schooner Bayou cut-off, station 0+-00'to station 167+39, Was accomplished by Government plant and hired labor during the Period January 12 through February 5, 1948, when 31,966 cubic Yards were removed at a cost of $14,168.68; and inspection and Patrol of the waterway were accomplished at a cost of $299.84; both for maintenance. Hanson and Schooner Bayou locks were 1050 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 operated, as required, throughout the fiscal year; the locks, struc- tures, and grounds were maintained in good condition, and all necessary and routine maintenance work thereon performed at a cost of $16,018.67, operating and care. The total costs were $30,487.19; total expenditures, $31,476.30. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project was considered complete prior to the modification by the River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946, which provided for channel enlargement and realinement from Vermilion Bay to White Lake and from White Lake to Grand Lake; for channel enlargement of North Prong of Schooner Bayou and for construction of a gated control structure in the new channel near Schooner Bayou lock, and the incorporation of the existing project "Inland Waterway from Franklin to the Mermentau River, La.," west of Vermilion Bay, in the modified Flood Control, General, project "Mermentau River, La." The Hanson Canal and lock were acquired on October 16, 1923; the lockmaster's house was completed in 1924; the United States property on which the lock is situated is a strip of land 300 feet wide between parallel lines running from Bayou Teche to Bayou Portage, containing 148 acres. Dredging from Vermilion Bay to the Mermentau River was completed in 1912. Schooner Bayou lock and dam were completed in 1913 and 1914, respectively, and the lockmaster's house in 1917. The United States reservation at Schooner Bayou lock comprises two acres. The channel is navigable throughout its length, with controlling depths (January 1948), mean low Gulf, as follows: Gulf Intra- coastal Waterway to Schooner Bayou lock, 6.0 feet; Schooner Bayou lock to White Lake, 7.0 feet; over bar into White Lake, 4.0 feet; through White Lake, 5.0 feet; White Lake to Collicon Lake, 2.0 feet; through Grand Lake, 5.0 feet. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year under the existing project were $593,040.95, of which $249,051.81 was for new work, $136,462.45 for maintenance, and $207,526.69 for operation and care of locks. The total expenditures were $759,246.52. In addition the sum of $165,298.55 was expended under the provisions of the permanent indefinite appropriation for such purpose. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $4,841.57 together with accounts receiv- able of $1,240.44, plus an allotment of $12,000 made in July 1948, a total of $18,082.01 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------_ ---------------- $333.42 Maintenance, by hired labor: Dredging between Franklin, La., and Vermilion Bay, as required-_ -,-------------_ -__------ $3,000.00 Channel patrol.. -__------ _. ..--- --- ---.---- 817.37 3,817.37 Maintenance (operating and care), by hired labor: Operation of Hanson lock---. -_------- 8,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair.------------------ 5,931.22 13,931.22 Total for all work_------------------- -------------------- 18,082.01 NOTE.-For maintenance of the waterway west of Vermilion Bay and the opera- tion and maintenance of Schooner Bayou lock, see the Flood Control, General, project "Mermentau River, La." RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1051 The additional sum of $12,800 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance (operating and care), by hired labor: Operation and maintenance of Hanson lock --------------------- $12,000 Channel patrol--------- -------------------------------- 800 Total------------------ ----------------------------- 12,800 Note.-For maintenance of the waterway west of Vermilion Bay and the operation and maintenance of Schooner Bayou Lock, see the Flood Control, General, project "Mermentau River, La." Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 .. ,... .. __ ___: $249,051.81 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 1 509,287.69 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......--------- 758,339.50 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------- ------- 1,240.44 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948.....--------------------- 759,579.94 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--------------------. . 333.42 Net total expenditures _... 759,246.52 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------------------- 4,841.57 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 764,088.09 Fiscalyear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------------------------- Cost of maintenance------------ $7, 310. 15 $8,699.66 $14, 518. 34 $12,080.31 $30, 487. 19 Totalexpended.----------------- 7,347.03 8,541.89 14, 981.93 11,920. 19 31,476.30 Allotted.....-................-------------- 13,800. 00 25,000. 00 884.65 12, 00 17,300. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $19,017.87 Amount allotted during fiscal year ----------- ----------------- 17,300.00 Amount to be accounted for.--------------------------- 36,317.87 Gross amount expended...------------------------------------ 31,476.30 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- ------- _ _--- 4,841.57 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 .... $333.42 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-. 179.35 512.77 Balance available, June 30, 1948--_--------------------- 4,328.80 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948_-------------------------- 1,240.44 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948.....-----------.. 5,569.24 Amount allotted in July 1948---____-__ _ ------------ - 12,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949...... 17,569.24 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.-------- ------------------ 12,800.00 1Includes $165,298.55 from permanent indefinite appropriation. 1052 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 13. BAYOUS LA LOUTRE, ST., MALO, YSCLOSKEY, LA. Location.-From their common head at the small settlement of Yscloskey, Bayou La Loutre flows southeasterly for 29.4 miles to Eloi Bay, and Bayou Yscloskey northeasterly for 2.2 miles to Lake Borgne. Bayou St. Malo leaves Bayou La Loutre at mile 19.4 flowing northwesterly 6.5 miles to Lake Borgne. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1270 and 1271, and U. S. Geologi- cal Survey maps, Shell Beach, Lake Eloi, Lake Eugenie, and Morgan Harbor quadrangles.) . Existing project.--This provides for a channel 5 feet deep and 40 feet wide from deep water in Lake Borgne to the shore line at the mouth of Bayou Yscloskey; a channel 6 feet deep and 40 feet wide from deep water in Lake Borgne through Bayous St. Malo, La Loutre, and Eloi to deep water in Lake Eloi; and a channel 5 feet deep and 30 feet wide in Bayou La Loutre between Hopedale and Bayou St. Malo, the total length of the improvements being 30.0 miles. The normal tidal variation is about 1 foot. Hurricane tides 6 feet above normal, have been reported. The estimated cost of new work made in 1948 is $88,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $12,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 275, 75th Cong., 1st sess.), and modi- fied by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (S. Doc. 116, 77th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The following main- tenance work was performed by hired labor: Clearing and dredg- ing Bayou La Loutre between Hopedale, La., and Bayou St. Malo, La., and removing 40,444 cubic yards in the bar channels of Bayous Yscloskey and St. Malo, La., at a cost of $31,000.87; patrol of waterway and maintenance of signs and markers at a cost of $882.62. The total cost and expenditures for maintenance were $31,883.49. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project, prior to the modi- fication adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, was completed in 1940. The existing project as modified is 50 percent complete. To complete the existing project, it is necessary to dredge a chan- nel 5 feet deep and 30 feet wide in Bayou La Loutre between Hope- dale and Bayou St. Malo. The controlling depths (May 1948), mean low Gulf, were: Bayou La Loutre: Over bar in Bay Eloi, 4 feet; mile 0 to mile 14.3 (Bakers Canal), 5 feet; and mile 14.3 to Bayou Yscloskey, 3 feet. Bayou St. Malo: Over the bar, 5 feet; mile 0 to mile 6.5 (Bayou La Loutre), 5.5 feet. Bayou Yscloskey: Over bar, 3 feet; through jetties, 4 feet; and from jetties to Bayou La Loutre, 3 feet. Total costs and expenditures under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $98,564.26, of which $43,619.54 was for new work and $54,944.72 for maintenance. RIVERS AND HIARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1053 Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year 1948, $7,716.51, will be applied as follows: New work, by hired labor: Surveys and engineering studies-_ : $4,000.00 Maintenance, by hired labor: Snagging and channel patrol _- . -.... 3,716.51 Total for all work -- ------------------ 7,716.51 The additional sum of $52,380.00 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work, by contract: Dredging 5- by 30-foot channel in Bayou La Loutre from Hopedale, La., to Bayou St. Malo_ . _ : -: ,- . $40,380 Maintenance, by hired labor: Dredging bar channels; snagging and channel Spatrol, as required-........... ......-.----.---------- ---- . 12,000 Total for all work- ..-- ... -_ _---- - -----.. --------. 52,380 Cost and financialsummary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ....... $43,619.54 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948... _54,944.72 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .----------- 98,564.26 Net total expenditures_--:. ...... .. . ... 98,564.26 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-. - --- -- _-......_--.-- 7,716.51 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- ...- - 106,280.77 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Post cost of new work---- of maintnance-------------$07.60 -------------------------------------------------- $13,606.92 $22..42------- $31, 883. 49 Total expended.................. 3,334.92 13, 491. 53 37.81 -------------- 31, 883. 49 Allott ed......................... -- _..- . 13,500.00 .-------.--. $14,000 26,600.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ---.... -. $14,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year. --.. .-25,600.00 Amount to be accounted for'-., 39,600.00 Gross amount expended-...----------. - ------------ 31,883.49 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- ---- . - . ...--,. 7,716.51 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------- --- 40,380.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work.'- -------- ---------- 40,380.00 For maintenance---------------.----- . -- ---------- 12,000.00 Total-----.... .... . .52,380.00 ..........---..-------------- ---......--- 14. BAYOU DUPRE, LA. Location.-Bayou Dupre has its head in the marshes 3 miles east of the Mississippi River levee and extends east and north to its mouth in Lake Borgne. The. Lake Borgne Canal leaves the east bank of the Mississippi River through a lockat Violet, La., and joins Bayou Dupre 3.6 miles above its mouth. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1269 and U. S. Geological Survey maps Chalmette and Martello Castle quadrangles.) 804711-48-Vol. 1-67 1054 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep from the highway bridge at Violet, La., to deep water in Lake Borgne with widths of 80 feet in the canal and bayou and 100 feet in the lake, and a turning basin 100 feet wide and 200 feet long at Violet, La.; the length of the improvement being 7.3 miles. The mean range of tide in Lake Borgne is 1.5 feet, with occasional variationS, due to winds, of 2 feet; hurricane tides of 6 feet have been reported. Violet lock, a privately owned connection with the Mississippi River is now inoperative. The lock is in bad order and the forebaY, lock chamber, and tailbay have become silted to such an extent that the gates cannot be operated at present. The estimated cost of new work made in 1937 was $52,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for cost of maintenance is $5,000 annually. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 321, 75th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-There is a private wharf at Violet, La., used by the shrimp and oyster cannery, and a switch track to the Louisiana Southern Railway. An additional area for a public ter- minal is set aside under the provisions of local cooperation. These facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1939. The controlling depths (October 1947) were: Over bar, 4.5 feet; in bayou to highway bridge, 5.5 feet. The bayou is navigable throughout its length. Violet lock, a privately owned connection with the Mississippi River, is now inoperative. The lock is in bad order and the forebay, lock chamber, and tailbay have become silted to such an extent that the gates can no longer be operated. Right-of-way monuments were established on Lake Borgne Canal by United States plant and hired labor during 1942. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $65,305.01, of which $38,915.00 was for new work and $26,390.01 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $65,- 305.01. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of fiscal year, $2,600, plus an allotment of $4,000 made in July 1948, a total of $6,600 will be applied to surveys, snagging and patrol of waterway. The additional sum of $35,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, for dredging the channel, as required, and surveying and patrolling the waterway. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948....--------------------------- $38,915.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--..-.......-..-...-.. 26,390.01 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------......... 65,305.01 Net total expenditures------------------------------------- 65,305.01 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.....-.-..-.-..--.-..-... 2,600.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.-....... 67,905.01 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., 1)ISTRICT 1055 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work Cost of raintnauce- - - - $25, 237.49 $179. 77 Total expended................. .............. 25, 281.40 135.86 l, . 'lotted----------------------- ted - ... . .. . ... -- j -----------35, .............. 35,000.00 000. 00 -8,500.00 -8, 500. 00 -$1,082.74 -- $1, 082. 74 $2,00 $2,600 Amount allotted during fiscal'year --------------------- $2,600.00 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------------ 2,600.00 Amount allotted in July 1948_________--------------------- 4,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_...... 6,600.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance______---------- ---------- 35,000.00 15. MISSISSIPPI RIVER, BATON ROUGE TO THE GULF OF MEXICO, LA. Location.-The Mississippi River between Baton Rouge and the Gulf of Mexico flows in a general southeasterly direction through the southeastern portion of the State of Louisiana. At the Head of Passes, 233.1 miles below the Louisiana Highway Commission bridge at Baton Rouge, the river is broken up into three main mouths, Southwest Pass, South Pass, and Pas a Loutre, two of Which, Southwest Pass and South Pass, are improved under the existing project. The distances from Head of Passes to the mouths of Southwest and South Passes are 20.1 miles and 13.5 miles, re- Spectively. The mouth of Southwest Pass is 141 miles from Mobile, Ala., on the east, and 349 miles from Galveston, Tex., on the west. The mouth of South Pass is 18.5 miles northeast of the mouth of Southwest Pass. A barge channel, about 5 miles long, from the left bank of the Mississippi River at or near mile 234.5 above Head of Passes, is to extend into and northerly through Devils Swamp, La. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1269, 1271, and 1272; Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, alluvial Valley maps, Zachary, Baton Rouge, White Castle, Donaldsonville, Mount Airy, St. Bernard and Bonnet Carre quadrangles; and U. S. Geological Survey maps, Lagan, Hahnville, Luling, New Orleans (West), New Orleans (East), Bertrandville, Barataria, Pointe a la H1ache, Black Bay, Empire, Fort St. Philip, Venice, Cubits Gap, Pas a Loutre (West), Southwest Pass, South Pass, Burrwood, and Mud Pan Bayou quadrangles.) Previous projects.-Previous projects for the different sections of this improvement were adopted by the following river and harbor acts: July 4, 1836; March 3, 1837; August 30, 1852; July 8, 1856; and January 21, 1927. For further details see page 1847, Annual Report for 1915; page 724, Annual Report for 1937; and pages 767 and 775, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for channel dimensions as fol- lows: Between a line one-half mile below the Louisiana Highway Com- mission bridge at Baton Rouge and the upper port limits of New 1056 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Orleans, 35 feet deep (mean low Gulf) by 500 feet, a distance of 128.6 miles. Within the limits of the port of New Orleans, where that au- thority has jurisdiction over both banks of the river, 35 feet deep (mean low Gulf) and a maximum width of 1,500 feet, measured from a line generally 100 feet from the face of the left-bank wharves, but not closer than 100 feet to wharves on the right bank, a distance of 17.2 miles. From the lower limits of the port of New Orleans to the Head of Passes, 40 feet deep (mean low Gulf) by 1,000 feet wide, a distance of 86.7 miles. Southwest Pass from Head of Passes to the outer ends of the jetties, 40 feet deep (mean low Gulf) by 800 feet wide, a distance of 21.2 miles. Southwest Pass Bar, 40 feet deep (mean low Gulf) by 600 feet wide. South Pass from Head of Passes to the outer ends of the jetties, 30 feet deep (mean low Gulf) by 450 feet wide, a distance of 14.2 miles. South Pass Bar, 30 feet deep (mean low Gulf) by 600 feet wide. The general plan of improvement of Southwest Pass provides for contracting the pass to a uniform cross section with approximately 1,420-foot surface width by means of jetties, spur dikes, and bulk- heads; for channel improvement by dredging and retaining the dredged material between the dikes, bulkheads, and jetties; for dredging a channel through the outer bar inclining to the left of the jetty axis; for the construction of small revetted openings through the narrow portions of the banks of the pass for purpose of strengthening these banks; for closure of minor outlets not required for maintenance of the banks; for the construction of sills to pre- vent the enlargement of The Jump and Cubits Gap; for dredging to elevation minus 35 feet in the river at Head of Passes as far up as Cubits Gap, a distance of 3.5 miles; for repairs to sill across Pas a Loutre and bank revetment at Head of Passes; for construction of dikes with a view to reducing the width of the river above Head of Passes; for the construction of a submerged deflecting dike above the Head of Passes; and for other minor work. The east jetty is approximately 24,950 feet in length and the west jetty 19,699 feet.. The jetties are composed of a substructure of brush mattresses, originally built to about the elevation of mean low water, sur- mounted with a superstructure of concrete and large riprap. Spur dikes are composed of cribwork of round piling filled with willows and stone, or with a curtain of round piles along the upstream face. The general plan of improvement of South Pass provides for the construction and maintenance of jetties and spur dikes; mainte- nance of a sill across Pas a Loutre; for dredging a channel 35 feet deep and no specified width through the shoals of the river between Cubits Gap and Head of Passes, 312 miles, and for seaward exten- sion of east jetty at mouth of pass; removal of west dike and con- struction of spur dikes and bank revetment at Head of Passes; removal of false point at the head of South Pass to bottom elevation of minus 45 feet and revetment of new bank line. The east jetty foundation is 12,070 feet long; the inner east jetty is 11,170 feet long; the west jetty is 7,820 feet long; and the inner west jetty is RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1057 4,710 feet long. The jetties are composed of a substructure of brush mattresses surmounted by a superstructure of stone and concrete. Spur dikes are composed of a cribwork of round piling filled with Willows and stone. The plane of reference is mean low Gulf level. Variation of water surface is 16 inches at the mouths and 10 inches at the heads of the Passes, due to tides. The extreme range of tides at the mouths of the passes due to storms is about 28 inches. At New Orleans the extreme range of water surface is about 20 feet due to floods. At Baton Rouge the extreme range is about 45 feet due to floods. The existing project for Mississippi River, Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico, La., was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: ~~ ._ • ~ .1.. ,,1.1--*-*---LI Acts Work authorized D)ocuments I- - - - - - - ----.-.------ --------- - - 3Mar.3, 1875 Authorized James B. Eads and associates to create Une 19, 1878 and maintain a wide and deep channel, South Specified in Acts. Mar. 3, 187 Pass. One 6, 1900 For maintenance by the United States and the appro- Do. priation of not exceeding $100,000 annually for that une 13, 1902 purpose, South Pass. For a navigable channel in Southwest Pass of 35-foot H. Doc. 329, 56th Cong., 1st sess., depth, the details of the work subject to modifica- and Annual Report, 1900, p. 2287. tion at the discretion of the Secretary of War. May 28, 1908 Specified in act. Do... {For Dredging shoals between Head of Passes and Cubits Gap. dredging in the river-. . Removal of west dike and construction of spur dikes Do. Report by Board of Engineer offi- cers (Annual Report 1916, pp. and bank revetment at Head of Passes. 2420-2426). Mar. 3, 1909 Provision made for increasing the plant by the addi- Specified in acts. tion of a large dredge. (2) Further contraction of the lower mile of the jetty Interim report of board on revised channel in Southwest Pass to a width of 1,420 feet plan for navigation structures, by means of dikes, and removal of the sill across the Cubits Gap to the mouths of the head of South Pass. Passes, Oct. 20, 1934. (2) Do. Removal of the sill across the head of South Pass._, June 26, 1934 For continuing maintenance operations with funds Permanent Appropriations Repeal from regular annual War Department appropria- Act. tions, South Pass. (3) Spur dikes at the head of Southwest Pass and the con- Second interim report of board on struction of new dikes and extension of existing revised plan for navigation struc- dikes on the east bank of the Mississippi River at tures, Cubits Gap to the mouths Pilottown, La. of the Passes, July 12, 1935. (4) Additional spur dikes at the head of Southwest Pass Final report of board on revised and construction of new dikes and extension of plan for navigation structures, existing dikes in the lower jetty channel, Southwest Cubis Gap to the mouths of the Pass. Passes, Dec. 20, 1935. June 20, 1938 Channel 35 feet deep at mean low water and 1,000 feet H. Doec. 597, 75th Cong., 3d sess. wide, Head of Passes to upper limits of the port of New Orleans; 35 feet deep and 500 feet wide to a line S-mile below river bridge at Baton Rouge, except that, within the limits of the port of New Orleans the channel shall be 1,500 feet wide. (6) Dredging in Mississippi River between Cubits Gap Interim report of board of officers and Head of Passes to bottom elevation of -55 feet appointed to determine what and construction of bank control structures and work may be advisable to com- channel correction dredging in Southwest Pass be- plete the existing ,project for low mile 10. Southwest Pass, Mississippi River * * *; dated June 10, 1938. (6) Improvement at the head of South Pass by removal D)o. of the false point at this locality to a bottom eleva- tion of at least -45 feet, including revetment of the new bank line. SEmergency act. Authority of Secretary of War, Oct. 31, 1934. 8Authority of Secretary of War, Sept. 20, 1935. SAuthority of Secretary of War, July 22, 1936. Authority of Secretary of War, June 30, 1938. 1058 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized I)ocuments . Mar. 2, 1945 Combines projects of Mississippi River, Baton Rouge H. Doe. 215, 76th Cong., 1st sess" to New Orleans, Mississippi River, South Pass, and Southwest Pass, adding thereto project for Missis- sippi River from New Orleans to Head of Passes to provide a single project, "Mississippi River, Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico," with channel dimen- sions as follows: Baton Rouge to New Orleans, 35 feet deep, mean low Gulf, by 500 feet wide; port limits of New Orleans, 35 feet deep, mean low Gulf, by 1,500 feet wide; New Orleans to Head of Passes, 40 feet deep, mean low Gulf, by 1,000 feet wide; Southwest Pass, 40 feet deep, mean low Gulf, by 800 feet wide; Southwest Pass Bar Channel, 40 feet deep, mean low Gulf, by 600 feet wide; South Pass, 30 feet deep, mean low Gulf, by 450 feet wide; South Pass Bar Channel, 30 feet deep, mean low Guff, by 600 feet wide. July 24, 1946 Barge channel 12 feet deep and 300 feet wide, 5 miles I. Doe. 321, 80th Cong., 1st sess. long, from left bank, Mississippi River at or near 234.5 into and northerly through Devils Swamp, La. June 30, 1948 The project for flood control and improvement of the Specified in act. Lower Mississippi River modified and expanded to include the Devils Swamp project at Baton Rouge, La. * Contains latest published map. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $31,329.000. The latest (1945) revised estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $1,194.000. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-Some 100 piers, wharves, or docks serve the port of New Orleans. Practically all wharves on the east or left bank parallel the river bank forming nearly a continuous covered quay about 10 miles long. Public wharves controlled by the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans (the dock board) cover 62 percent of the im- proved water front. The board also controls the terminal facilities on the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (the Industrial Canal) which connects the Mississippi River with Lake Pontchartrain and turning basin (1,000 by 1,000 feet). Since April 1, 1944, the por- tion of the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal from the Mississippi River to its intersection with the New Orleans-Rigolets section of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, exclusive of terminal facilities, but inclusive of the lock and the bridges at St. Claude Avenue and at Florida Avenue, has been under lease to the United States and is now operated by the United States on a toll-free basis, 24 hours per day. From the turning basin to the river the canal has a controlling depth of 30 feet. A quay wharf of reinforced concrete, 265 feet wide by 2,400 feet long owned by the dock board is located on the west bank of the canal. All public port facilities are served by paved roadways (generally city streets) and by the Public Belt Railroad, municipally owned and operated, which connects with all 12 trunk lines entering New Orleans. The existing terminal facilities include a ship-side grain elevator, general cargo and cotton wharves, fruit landings, bunkering facili- ties, terminal warehouses, railroad terminals, marine railways,. and drydocks. They are considered adequate for present commerce. (For further details see Port Series No. 20, "The Port of New Orleans, La.," 1947.) RIVER S AND IARBRI()RS-NE W ORLEANS, LA., I)ISTRICT 1059 Modern terminal facilities were installed by the city of Baton Rouge in 1926. A reinforced concrete dock for deep-sea vessels, 308 feet in length, has a covered-shed area of approximately 20,000 square feet and is equipped with a 12-ton locomotive crane. At- tached to the downstream end of the wharf is a floating wharf boat 231 by 40/ feet, of 2,000-ton capacity. The facilities are served by a transfer boat and municipal terminal, having a capacity of 40 cars Per day. Private terminals for handling oil and other products are located at points on both sides of the river between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. The facilities are considered adequate for the existing commerce. (For further details see "Terminals and Landings on the Inland Waterways of the United States," vol. I November 1941.) Operationsand results during fiscal year.-New work performed COnsisted of surveys, field investigations, collection of engineering data, office studies, and the initiation of a model study for Southwest Pass channel by the Waterways Experiment Station, all for the use in preparing plans and specifications for the improvement of the river and passes to obtain project dimensions prescribed in act of March 2, 1945. Total costs for new work for the fiscal year were $71,045.44. Maintenance work performed on the project was as follows: a. Devils Swamp Barge Channel.-No work done during this fiscal year. This item has been transferred to the project for flood control and improvement of the Lower Mississippi River. b. Baton Rouge to New Orleans.-Maintenancework consisted of dredging 455,767 cubic yards of material by hired labor and United States hydraulic dredges (hopper and pump barge) at Red Eye Crossing, mile 223.5 above Head of Passes, along the alignment of the front and rear range lights for a distance of approximately 2,300 feet. At Medora Crossing, mile 211 above Head of Passes, maintenance dredging was performed by hired labor forces and United States hydraulic dredges (hopper and pump barge), for a distance of approximately 2,000 feet, removing 269,972 cubic yards of material. At Granada Crossing, mile 203 above Head of Passes, mainte- nance dredging was performed by hired labor forces and United States hydraulic dredges (hopper and pump barge), for a distance of approximately 1,900 feet, removing 379,188 cubic yards of ma- terial. Surveys were made of Red Eye, Medora, Granada, Bayou Goula, and Philadelphia Point Crossings, as required. Costs were as follows: Maintenance by hired labor: Dredging and surveys------ ----------- $147,223 c. New Orleans Harbor.-Maintenance dredging was accom- Plished with hired labor and United States hydraulic pipe-line dredge by removing 802,415 cubic yards of material from the chan- nel to provide project dimensions within the harbor at New Orleans beyond the 100-foot line from the face of the wharves along the left bank, from Stuyvesant docks intermittently downstream as far as the Toulouse Street wharf. The distance actually dredged was 1060 REPORT OF CHIE OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 17,767 feet. The work performed was as follows: Stuyvesant docks, 183,035 cubic yards removed; Orange-Robin Street wharves 95,055 cubic yards removed; Erato-Julia Street Wharves, 418,435 cubic yards removed; and Bienville-Toulouse Street wharves, 105,890 cubic yards removed. On November 17, 1947, Contract W-16-047eng-1516 was made with the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans for a more efficient and expeditious use of dredges to provide navigable depths in the project channel in the Port of New Orleans, and within the 100-foot limit along the left bank wharves. Since this reciprocal agreement a United States hydraulic pipe-line dredge removed 37,659 cubic yards of material from within the 100-foot line and a hydraulic pipe-line dredge, owned by the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, removed 22,341 cubic yards of material outside the 100-foot line. :.River traffic signal lights in the vicinity of Gretna, La., and Governor Nicholls Street in New Orleans, to govern the movement of vessels during flood stages on the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Algiers Point, Port of New Orleans, were in operation from July 1 to 7, 1947, February 27 to March 21 and March 28 to May 12, 1948. Necessary surveys to determine the condition of the channel in the harbor were made. Costs were as follows: Maintenance by hired labor: Dredging and surveys ------------------- ------ $166,101.66 Operation of signal lights-_ ----- - ------- _ 17,905.84 Total- - -- ---------------- _ ------------ 184,007.50 d. Southwest Pass.-Maintenance work consisted of dredging 28,264 cubic yards of material by a United States hydraulic hopper dredge at the Head of Passes for a distance of approximately 3,500 feet along the entrance range into Southwest Pass. At mile 11 below Head of Passes, Outlet E-1 in Southwest Pass was closed hydraulically by a United States hydraulic pipe-line dredge. A total of 438,715 cubic yards of material was required for the closure. At the Burrwood wharf, mile 15 below Head of Passes, Southwest Pass, maintenance dredging was performed by a United States hydraulic pipe-line dredge to provide berthing space for the new United States hopper dredge Langfitt, removing 78,685 cubic yards of material. Pile clusters were placed by hired labor forces for mooring the hopper dredge. At the Southwest Pass Barand Lower Jetty Channel mainte- nance work consisted of dredging 2,780,361 cubic yards of material by United States hydraulic hopper dredges between mile 17.5 below Head of Passes and buoy No. 1 on the outer bar, a distance of approximately 16,900 feet. On November 15, 1947, contract was awarded for the placement of approximately 66,000 tons of stone, within available funds, in repair of the east jetty, Southwest Pass, to bring the jetty to re- quired grade and section. Placing of stone commenced on February 3 and stopped on May 24 when funds became exhausted with 44,000 tons of stone having been placed. Work was resumed on June 23, RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRIrCT 1061 1948, when additional funds were made available, and was still in progress as the fiscal year ended... : . Repair and maintenance of permeable pile dikes and bulkheads, and routine channel surveys and miscellaneous:hydraulic investiga- tions, examinations, and observations were made by hired labor forces. Shore and floating plant, and the Burrwood reservation were maintained. Repairshave been completed to permeable pile dikes 19.74L and 17.35R and the West Headland dike which were damaged by passing vessels. Repairs to several other pile dikes are Pending Costs were as follows: Maintenance by contract: Repairs to east jetty, Southwest Pass-. .... _ . .. . . $676,147.51 Maintenance by hired labor: Dredging.....------------._ .... ---------------------- 614,724.62 Repair and maintenance of dikes, bulkheads and other structures 9,681.60 Placing of pile clusters for berthing dredge Langfitt. 15,695.04 Routine channel surveys, miscellaneous observations and opera- tion of Burrwood Base----....... ...--------.----.-----.- 99,756.35 Total---- _........... ...-----.------- - - - 1,416,005.12 e. South Pass.-No dredging was performed on South Pass Bar. No work was done on outlets and revetments., Routine channel surveys and miscellaneous observations' were made. Port Eads Reservation was partially maintained. Repairs to the concrete cap of the east jetty which was broken and pulled out of place by a Passing vessel are pending. f. Cost for supervision, inspection, and maintenance of channel Patrol from Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico was $14,317.85. g. Hydraulic surveys, investigations, and studies continued through the fiscal year 1948. Data obtained included complete hydographic surveys of Southwest and South Passes and the river below Wilder Flats as required; continuous water-level records at controlling points throughout the passes; discharge measurements in each of the three main passes; gagings of minoroutlets; sound- ings by supersonic depth finder of four longitudinal ranges; and analyses of materials at the bottom from samples obtained. Periodic surveys were made of Southwest and South Passes, of both bar channels, at the Head of Passes, at Pas a Loutre, Cubits Gap, New Orleans Harbor, and Red Eye, Medora, Granada, Bayou Goula, and Philadelphia Point crossings. "Average discharge at each of the three main passes of the lower Mississippi River in percentages of the total discharge of the river at the Head of the Passes during the flood cycles are as follows: 19391 19401 19412 1942. 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Southwest Pass .... 36.62 36.31 38.03 37. 20 38.37 38. 15 34. 25 34. 28 38. 15 34. 96 South Pass......... 18.80 17. 29 16.66 17. 04 17.28 17. 39 18. 41 17. 36 18.37 18. 46 Pas a Loutre....... 44. 58 46. 40 45.31 45.76 44.35 44.46 47.34 48.36 43. 48 46. 58 Total.- 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100,00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1Discharge determined simultaneously for all 3 passes. Data based on 4 discharge observations during flood stages, which lasted only 1 month during the fscal year 1941. 1062 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 h. Total costs for maintenance work for the fiscal year were $1,761,553.47. The total costs for new and maintenance work for the project during this fiscal year were $1,832,598.91 ; total expendi- tures were $1,738,793.73. Condition at end of fiscal year.--a. Devils Swamp Barge Chan' nel.-This item has been transferred. b. Baton Rouge to New Orleansand New Orleans Harbor.-This portion of the project was completed in 1940 and maintenance dredging only is required at the upper river crossings and in New Orleans Harbor. Minor deficiencies in project dimensions at the lower end of Dumaine Street and Governor Nicholls Street wharves in the New Orleans Harbor were not corrected because of the presence of revetment mattresses at these points. Existing depths opposite these locations are adequate for present and anticipated future commerce. A natural channel of project dimensions or greater was available throughout the remainder of the project. The normal width of channel between 35-foot contours within the limits of the port of New Orleans varies from 1,600 to 2,400 feet. Thalweg depths exceed 100 feet. Shoals along edges of the channel, which develop at various points during falling river stages, make dredging necessary to maintain project depths to wharves along the east bank. c. Southwest Pass.--Deepening of the pass and bar channel from 35- to 40-foot depth, as approved by Act of March 2, 1945, is yet to be performed. The east jetty, which has settled and deteriorated because of lack of maintenance during the war years, was restored to effective grade and section for a distance of about 2,800 feet during the fiscal year 1948, and further repairs are scheduled to be made during fiscal years 1949 and 1950. The west jetty is also in a deteriorated condition due to settlement and storm action. It is ineffective, permitting considerable flow over it during high water, which undoubtedly decreases velocities; thus allowing jncreased shoaling in the bar and jetty channels. Major repairs are required to bring it to effective grade and section, but these repairs have been deferred because of lack of adequate funds. Numerous dike structures and bulkheads are in need of extensive repairs and have also been deferred because of lack of adequate funds. For last complete report on the existing works of this pass, see pages 957-958 of the Annual Report for 1947. Channel conditions on June 30, 1948, were as follows: 35-foot channel Length of Minimum channel central Minimum Average depth width width Miles Feet Feet Feet Entrance channel into head of the pass ....... 1.0 550 780 35 Through pass from head to sea end of jetties... 20. 2 320 620 35 Through bar channel at mouth of pass......... 1.0 630 830 37 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1063 d. South Pass.-Projectdepth obtained in the pass throughout the fiscal year. Repairs to the concrete cap of the east jetty, which was broken and pulled out of place by a passing vessel, are pending. Controlling channel conditions on June 30, 1948, were 30 feet deep over a width of 120 feet on the bar channel at the Gulf entrance to the pass. For last complete report on the existing works of this pass, see Pages 958-959 of the Annual Report for 1947. Total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year Were $49,526,009.20, of which $25,283,867.68 was for new work and $24,242,141.52 for maintenance; total expenditures, $49,009,400.65. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to-$42,072 .2 2 , plus an allotment of $1,822,000, made in July 1948, a total of $1,779,927.78 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 ----------------------------- $76,569.18 New work, by hired labor: Continuation of field investigations and office studies in connec- tion with definite project report.---------------------- 20,215.37 Maintenance: By contract: Repairs to east jetty, Southwest Pass- -- -- $452,000.00 By hired labor: Continuation of field investigations and stud-, ies in connection with the Definite Project Report ----------- -------------- 100,000.00 Maintenance dredging in Southwest Pass bar and lower jetty channel by United States hopper dredge Langfitt as required between _- July 1, 1948 and June 30, 1949_.-- -516,000.00 Maintenance dredging in South Pass bar and jetty channel by United States hopper dredge Langfitt as required between July 1, 1948 and June 30, 1949------------- 20,000.00 Maintenance dredging at Head of Passes by United States hopper dredge Langfitt as re- quired between July 1, 1948 and June 30, 1949------- --------------------- 40,000.00 Maintenance dredging in New Orleans Har- bor by United States dredge Pullen or Omega as required between July 1, 1948 and June 30, 1949------------- ------ 200,000.00 Maintenance dredging at Red Eye and other crossings by United States hopper dredge Langfitt or by United States Pump Barge No. 3 as required between July 1, 1948 and June 30, 1949----------- 80,000.00 Repairs and maintenance of dikes, bulkheads, and other structures, Southwest Pass and Head of Passes, as required between July 1, 1948 and June 30, 1949----------------- 78,143.23 Routine channel surveys and miscellaneous examinations and operation of Burrwood Base as required between July 1, 1948 and June 30, 1949_---------------------- 163,000.00 Operation of signal lights for traffic control through New Orleans Harbor during high water from July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949__ 12,000.00 1064 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Maintenance--C ontinued Routine channel surveys from Baton Rouge to Head of Passes as required between July 1, 1948 and June 30, 1949_----------------- $12,000.00 ,Channel patrol as required between July 1, 1948 and June 30, 1949.----------------- 10,000.00 : $1,683,143.23 Total for allwork ---------------------------- 1,779,927.78 The additional sum of $2,735,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: By contract: Repairs to east and west jetties, Southwest Pass $1,350,000 ----------- By hired labor: Maintenance dredging by United States hopper dredge Lang- fitt at bar and jetty channels, Southwest and South Passes, at Head of Passes and in Southwest Pass as required during fiscal year ---------------------------------------- 648,000 Maintenance dredging by United States dredge Omega in New Orleans Harbor as required during fiscal year -------------- 200,000 Maintenance dredging at Red Eye and other crossings as re- quired during fiscal year----__- - -----. -----.-. _ 80,000 Repair and maintenance of dikes, outlets, revetments, and other structures as required during fiscal year- ----------- 150,000 Channel surveys, examinations, channel patrol and operations of Burrwood Base, including raising Burrwood Reservation by hydraulic fill, as required during fiscal year ------------ 292,000 Operation of signal lights for traffic control in New Orleans Harbor during high water. ---------------------------- 15,000 2,735,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___ _--.--..-..-..--. - $27,013,856.21 .. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------.-.----.-.-... ' 24,411,196.62 51,425,052.83 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------......... Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948_--...---.-.-.......-.... 350,621.87 Net total cost to June 30, 1948-. -...-------.-..---- 51,775,674.70 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 76,569.18 Net total expenditures-_____ ....- .. _____--- .-.- ...-.. 51,699,105.52 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------.---- -42,072.22 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 51,657,033.30 Fiscalyear ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------... ------.--.----- __ ----- __-- - $3,668.19 $53,156.25 $71,045.44 Cost of maintenance ............ - $517,378.68 63 307.05 1,221,513. $774, 751,043.74 1,761,553.47 Total cost--. -.. -- 617,378.68 774, 307. 05 1,225,181.82 804,199.99 1,832,598.91 Total expended---------------................. 339,389.88 790, 691. 24 1, 243, 320.89 820, 781. 12 1,738, 793. 73 Allotted 775, 000. 00 1,475, 000. 00 ......................-----------.............. 391, 882. 12 1, 691, 700. 00 1Includes $3,379,675.65 from Permanent Indefinite Appropriation. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., D[STRICT 1065 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -- ....-- -- $105,021.51 Amount allotted during fiscal year........--------------- 1,636,700.00 Amount to be accounted for ------------------------- . ... 1,741,721.51 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment- . 45,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for.-- .. ....... . 1,696,721.51 Gross amount expended ..............-- -- 1,738,793.73 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-- ..---- -- -42,072.22 Jutstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 .... _ :.. $76,569.18 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts, 45,080.94 121,650.12 Balance available, June 30, 1948-------------- ------- -163,722.34 A mount allotted in July 1948-8_-------------------_----- 1,822,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- ...... 1,658,277.66 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion :of existing project...---.........----------------------- 6,000,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance----......------ ---------- .2,735,000.00 16. WATERWAY FROM EMPIRE, LA., TO THE GULF OF MEXICO ' Location.-Waterway from Empire, La., to the Gulf of Mexico Via Bayous Long and Fontanelle. Existing project.' The plan of improvement provides for con- struction and maintenance of a waterway, from, the State-owned canal and lock at Empire, La., to the Gulf of Mexico to provide a channel 9 feet deep and 80 feet wide, at an estimated cost to the United States of $1,100,000 for initial construction and annual mlaintenance of $40,000, with provision for extension of the jetties to the 9-foot depth contour at an estimated cost to the United States of $1,100,000 if and when it becomes apparent that such extensions Will be more economical than maintenance dredging of the entrance channel. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act aproved July 24, 1946. (See H. Doc. 697, 79th Cong., 2d sess.) The only published map is in this document. Local cooperation.--The project is authorized subject to the con- dition that local'interests furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas necessary for initial construction and subsequent maintenance of the improvement as and when required, and undertake to improve, maintain, and operate, as toll-free facilities State, and parish-owned navigation improvements in the vicinity of Buras and Empire. .Assurances have been received from the State of Louisiana, De- Partment of Works, covering the operation and maintenance of the lock at Empire, La. Terminal facilities.-Privately owned wharves' and' transfer. facilities at Buras and Empire are adequate for handling present and prospective commerce. Operations and results during fiscal' year.-Plans and 'specifica- tions were issued on May 21 and bids were opened on June 22, 1948, for constructing a 9- by 80-foot channel, embracing the excavation of 2,100,000 cubic yards, from Empire, La., to the 9-foot contour in 1066 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 the Gulf of Mexico. Contract will be awarded to the low bidder in July 1948. Preliminary costs chargeable to the contract were $17.22 for new work. Expenditures were $15.94. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionon the project will commence during the fiscal year 1949. Costs in the amount of $17.22 have been incurred for new work. The expenditures were $15.94. Proposedoperations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $261,984.06, plus an allotment of $250,000 made in July 1948, a total of $511,984.06, will be applied as folloWs: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948__________ _________ $1.28 New work: By hired labor: Surveys and engineering studies and planning----- 2,000.00 By contract: Construction of channel ------------------- ______262, 000.00 Construction of jetties to 6-foot contour (continuing contract)_ 247,982,78 Total for all work ------------------------------ 511,984.06 The additional sum of $588,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 in completing the jetties to the 6-foot contour. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___. ______-- -_______ - $17.22 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- .-------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ..-..... 17.22 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 1.28 Net total expenditures---__--__----------------------- 15.94 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.------------------------- 261,984.06 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 262,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-------......-------......-------............---------.......................................$17. 22 .............. Cost of maintenance--------------............--------------------------- C~ ---..........------------- Total expended ................ ______________I '""" """'-""" 15. 94 I-C Allotted---------------- Allotted. -------------------- .................................................... -j ............. $12, 000 $12,000 28), 000.00 210,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------- .___ ____ - $12,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year-----------__ __-----_ _ 250,000.00 Amount to be accounted fo- -- -.- ___ --- - 262,000.00 Gross amount expended- .--------.----------- _ --------- 15.94 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------- 261,984.06 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 - _ --..-..-. ..... - 1.28 Balance available, June 30, 1948_ ------------------- 261,982.78 Amount allotted in July 1948__---........... .250,000.00 --... ----.. - Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 511,982.78 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------ 1,938,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_- __________-------__ ----- -- 588,000.00 RIVERS ANI)D ARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1067 17. BARATARIA BAY, LA. Location.-This waterway is in Jefferson Parish, La., and ex- tends about 37 miles in a generally southerly direction from the Junction of Bayou Villars and Big Barataria Bayou, through Big 13arataria Bayou, Bayou Dupont, a canal (Dupre Cut) through the marsh, Bayou Cutler, Bayou St. Denis, and Barataria Bay to the east end of Bayou Rigaud, at Grand Isle, and connects with the Gulf of Mexico through Barataria Pass. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey charts Nos. 1116 and 1273 and U. S. Geological Survey Maps, Barataria, Bay Dogris, Wilkinson Bay, and Barataria Pass quadrangles.) Existing project.-This provides for dredging a channel 5 feet deep at a mean low Gulf level and 50 feet wide on the bottom from the junction of Bayou Villars and Big Barataria Bayou to Grand Isle, a distance of about 37 miles. The Secretary of War is author- Ized, in his discretion, to change the location of the route and in- crease the dimensions of the channel if the estimated cost of the improvement to the United States is not increased thereby. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide is 12 inches at the mouth and zero at the head, and the extreme range 24 inches and 12 inches, respectively. The variation of water surface near the mouth, due to hurricanes has been as high as 6 feet. The estimated cost of new work for a canal 5 by 40 feet along route No. 6, revised in 1924, was $87,500. The latest (1928) ap- proved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1919 (H. Doc. 200, 65th Cong., 1st sess.). The only pub- lished map is in that document. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-Two public wharves, one at Lafitte and one at Grand Isle, are available to all boats without charge. About 7 miles below Lafitte there is an extensive oil terminal for transfer- ring the production of the Lafitte field to barges. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Inspectionand patrol of the waterway were carried on at a cost of $449.46 for mainte- nance. The expenditures were $449.46. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was completed in 1925. The controlling depths (August 1947), mean low Gulf, were: Over the bar, 7 feet; Bayou Rigaud to Millets Store, 6 feet; through Barataria Bay, 4.5 feet; over bar into Bayou St. Denis, 5 feet; through Bayou St. Denis, 8 feet; through Bayou Cut- ler, 9 feet; through Dupre Cut, 5 feet; through Bayou Dupont, 8 feet; and through Bayou Barataria, 9 feet. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $119,787.40 of which $73,037.11 was for new work and $46,750.29 was for maintenance. The total expenditures were $119,787.40. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work pro- posed for fiscal year 1949. The sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging and snagging the channel, as required, and channel patrol. 1068 REPORT Ol'OCHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --------------------- $73,037.11 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------- 46750.29 Total cost: of permanent work to June 30, 1948_-.---- 119,787. 0 Net total expenditures 119,787.40 . Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.....- . __ -54 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_----------- 119,787.94 Fiscal year ending lune30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work----------.----------------------------------------------- --- Cost of maintenance,-,.,. -.--- ............ $2, 307. 12 $7, 271. 13 $2, 421. 75 $449. 46 Total cost-.. -- - . .----- -. - 2, 307. 12 7,271. 13 2,421.75 449 46 Total expended ..... .. .... ...........-------------.... 2, 407.12 5, 695. 59 3, 897. 29 449. 46 Allotted..-------------------------. ..... --........-- 28,000.00 ...--------..........-- -16,000.00 45000 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- $450.00 Gross amount expended--------- --------------- 449.46 . Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------------- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance----- ----- . __ _.- ....- 60,000.00 .18. BAYOU LAFOURCHE, LA. Location.,---Prior to 1902 Bayou Lafourche was an outlet of the Mississippi RiVer, its head being at Donaldsonville, La., 80 miles above New Orleans. It flows in a general southerly direction to the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of 107 miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Charts Nos. 1116 and 1274; Corps of Engineers, Mis- sissippi River Commission alluvial valley maps, Donaldsonville, White Castle, and Napoleonville quadrangles; and U. S. Geological Survey maps, Madewood, Labadieville, Lafourche, Lac des Alle- mands, Gibson, :Houma, Cut Off, Lake Felicity, Mink Bayou, Lee- ville, and Belle Pass quadrangles.) Previous projects.-Authorized by River and Harbor Acts of June 18, 1878, and August 11, 1888. For further details, see page 850 of Annual Report for 1915, page 833 of Annual Report for 1925, and page 791 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.---This provides for the permanent closure of the head of the bayou, without a lock; for a channel 6 feet deep and 60 feet wide from Napoleonville to the Intracoastal Waterway at Lockport; anda channel of same dimensions from the Intracoastal Waterway at Larose to the Gulf of Mexico via Belle Pass ; the closure of Pass Fourchone and for a jettied entrance at the mouth of Belle Pass. The total length of improvement is about 79.25 miles. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide is about 3 inches at the head and 10 inches at the mouth of the bayou. Tropical hurricanes have been known to cause a variation of 10 feet at the mouth and severe rains and overflow have caused a variation of 3 to 10 feet at the head. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $871,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $50,000. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., I)ISTRICT 1069 The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935 (H. 'Doc. 45, 73d Cong., 1st sess.). The latest pub- lished map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-:There are numerous private warehouses and wharves and stiff-leg derricks for handling cane along the bayou: At Thibodaux there is a dock with freight transfer and ware- houses. At Lockport the Barker Barge Line has a large wharf with covered shed, and the Southern Pacific Railroad maintains a large 'wharf with covered shed. At Golden Meadow each of thessea-food canneries has docking facilities suitable for its needs. Four oil com- Panies'have docks at Leeville for transferring the production of the Leeville oil fields to barges. The terminal facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-The leased hydraulic pipe-line dredge, Henry III, restored the channel of Belle Pass to Project dimensions by removing 86,064 cubic yards of material be- tWeen stations 22+00 (Lafourche) and -7 +70 (Lafourche) in the Gulf, during the period October 13 to 26, 1947"at a cost of $22,136.- 78; and Government plant and hired labor, during the period Octo- ber 25, 1947, to February 13, 1948, accomplished the buttressing of the sheet pile section of the jetties by placement of stone and raising the grade of the existing stone jetties; also extending the east jetty inland, full grade and section, to station 8+00, (Lafourche) and also extending the west jetty inland, to full grade and section, to station7 +00 (Lafourche) ; groins connecting each jetty with an existing earth mound were placed at station '4+90 (Lafourche), east jetty, and station 3+88 (Lafourche), west jetty. A standard gage was installed in Belle Pass channel near the end of the east jetty. A total of 10,492.21 tons of stone were placed in the above operations; all at a cost of $192,344.98. Inspection and patrol of the waterway, removal of snags, and maintenance of signs and markers were carried on at a cost of $1,329.20 for maintenance. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $215,810.96 for mainte- lance and the total expenditures were $215,732.21,. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was 31 ,The (revised) percent complete. The dredging between Larose, La., and the Gulf of Mexico was completed in 1939. breakwaters at the mouth of Belle Pass were completed in 1939, but were subsequently damaged by storm action, which required the placement of addi- tional stone. Additional stone was placed adjacent to both sides of the steel sheet pile breakwaters in 1940, and in the repair and exten- sions of the breakwaters in 1941. The east and west jetties were flanked by the Gulf during the fiscal year 1947, causing shoaling in the jettied channel. During the fiscal year 1948 maintenance dredging of the channel was accom- plished by contract in Belle Pass; the stone jetties were repaired and extended inland about 700 feet from the shore line; and the steel sheet pile section was strengthened, for about 250 feet Gulfward of the stone jetties, by the placement of stone on both the Gulf and bayou sides. Work remaining to be done under the existing project consists of dredging the project channel between Lockport and Napoleonville, 804711-48-Vol. 1-68 1070 REPORT 01' CHIEF' OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 La. Additional strengthening of the steel sheet pile section and the installation of an automatic tide gage for recording hurricane and storm tides are items of work which will necessarily have to be per- formed in the very near future. The controlling depths, (June 1948), referred to mean low Gulf, were as follows: Over bar and through jetty channel to HIavoline Canal, 6 feet; Havoline Canal to Golden Meadow, 5.5 feet; Golden Meadow to Larose, 7.5 feet; Larose to Lockport, 9 feet; Lockport to Raceland, 5.5 feet; Raceland to S. P. R. R. bridge, 5.5 feet; S. P. R. R. bridge to Thibodaux, 4.5 feet; Thibodaux to Labadieville, 4 feet; Labadieville to Napoleonville, 3.5 feet. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $558,572.50, of which $271,088.65 was for new work and $287,483.85 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $558,- 549.35. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $2,932.62, plus an allotment of $11,000 made in July 1948, a total of $13,932.62, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948__________________________________ $23.15 Maintenance: Byihired labor: Supervision, inspection and patrol of waterway._ -. $5,000.00 Surveys and engineering studies ---------------- 8,909.47 13,909.47 Total all work - ____________________________-- - 13,932.62 The additional sum of $127,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: By contract: Jetty repairs .. _____.---..------------------------$75,000 Channel dredging, as required--------------------47,000 $122,000 By hired labor: Surveys, supervision and inspection _ 5,000 Total all work ------------------------------------- 127,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__________________----___ $524,024.13 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------_ _ 302,929.23 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 826,953.36 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--- 23.15 Net total expenditures_ ------ __________ 826,930.21 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---_ 2,932.62 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 829,862.83 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ----------------------------- ----------- --....--..... Cost of maintenance-----------............ $3, 519. 37 $28, 547.08 $875. 58 $2,826.21 $215, 810.96 Total expended ................. 3, 522. 06 28, 647.08 875. 32 2,782.07 215, 732.21 Allotted ....................... ------ ............. 10, 000. 00 -900.00 123, 946.90 97,500.00 fIVEtRs AND H1AtiotIrB(-NEWc OtLtEANS, LA., DISTRIC'T 1071 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_---------------------- $121,164.83 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------- 97,500.00 Amount to be accounted for --- 218,664.83 Gross amount expended__----------------------- 215,732.21 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------2,932.62 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 $23.15 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 1,870.41 -1,893.56 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 1,039.06 Amount allotted in July 1948 ____------ ----------------- 11,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 . 12,039.06 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project- ---- ____--- __----------------- 600,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending Jude 30, 1950, for maintenance- .--------------------- - 127,000.00 19. BAYOU TERREBONNE, LA. Location.-Bayou Terrebonne rises in Lafourche Parish, La., and flows 53 miles in a southerly direction to Terrebonne Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1116 and 1274, and U. S. Geological Survey maps, Houma and Dulac quadrangles.) Previous projects.-The River and Harbor Act of June 14, 1880, mnade the first appropriation, and in 1909 an allotment was made from the Emergency Appropriation Act of March 3, 1905. For further details see page 1851 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 793 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel of suitable width and a depth of 6 feet at mean low Gulf from Bush Canal, 12.9 miles from the mouth of the bayou, to the St. Louis Cypress Co.'s bridge at Houma, La., a distance of 24.1 miles. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide is about 10 inches at the mouth and 4 inches at Houma, the extreme ranges being about 14 inches and 6 inches, respectively. The variation of water surface in the upper portion is from 3 to 4 feet, due to floods; in the lower portion from 1 to 3 feet, due to wind and tide. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1912, was $75,000, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $6,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: __I~ _ __ ActsI Work authorized Documents --- _ ISIIL-I --I----------------------------- Jlune26, 1910 Dredging channel 6 feet in depth and of a navigable HI.Doc. 1163, 60th Cong., 2d sess. width from Iouma, La., to Bush Canal, a distance of 24 miles. July 25, 1912 Amending proviso relative to local cooperation ...... Mar. 4,1913 ...--------------- For latest published map see Annual Report for 1916, p. 2449. 1072 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-Ingeneral, boats land and discharge freight directly on the bank. An oil terminal and a small private wharf are located at Montegut, La. There are several small private wharves at Houma, La., one of which is a covered wharf served by the Southern Pacific Railroad, but no public wharves. The terminal facilities are considered adequate for present commerce. Operations and results duringfiscal year.-Patrolof the water- way was carried on at a cost and expenditure of $237.52, for mainte- nance. Condition at end of fiscal year.---The existing project was com- pleted in 1916. Plans and specifications for maintenance dredging to restore Bayou Terrebonne to project dimensions were issued on January 6 and bids opened on February 5, 1948; however, inasmuch as there has been a change in plans for the work, the low bid was not accepted and the original plans and specifications have been revised and will be advertised on July 7, 1948, bids to be opened August 6, 1948. The controlling depths, (December 1947), referred to mean low Gulf, were: Sea Breeze to Bush Canal, 6 feet; Bush Canal to Bourg Canal, 5.5 feet; Bourg Canal to Intracoastal Waterway, 3.5 feet; Intracoastal Waterway to upper end; 4.5 feet. The head of naviga- tion is at Bayou Cane. i The total costs and expenditures under the existing projects to the end of the fiscal year were $215,736.42, of which $73,024.88 was for new work and $142,711.54 for maintenance. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting: to $253,562.48, will be applied as follows: Maintenance: By hired labor: Surveys and engineering studies__.. $5,000.00 By contract: Initiation of dredging from Intracoastal Waterway to Bourg Canal.. --------------------------- . -- ------- 105,562.48 Total for all worki. .. LL.. .. 110,562.48-- Balance ..-....- ,,...-- ---- .---... 143,000,00 ----------- (NOTE.-Balance, $143,000, will be transferred to other projects after receipt of bid, as follows: $105,000 to Little Caillou Bayou; $38,000 to Waterway from I.,W. W. to Bayou Dulac (Bayous Grand Caillou and LeCarpe, La.) ) The additional sum of $45,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: . By contract: Completion of dredging from I. W. W to Bourg Canali. $43,000 By hired labor: Snagging and channel patrol,:--------------- - 2,000 Total for all 'work.-----... --.-..-.. ---....- .... 45,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_.-....--.-- ..-..--.-.. - $120,088.71 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_...--..--....-.... .- - 142,711.54 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------ .. 262,800.25 Net total expenditures---- -------- . ....------------. 262,800.25 . Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.-...-.-.....- .253,562.48 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.- --.-... 516,362.73 RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1073 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1 1946 1947 1948 st of new work............................-- Cost of aintenance----.. - ---------- --- I------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------- $2.37.52 Total expended•---------------------------- -__"------------- ---- ---------- 237.52 Allotted Alota ----------- - ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------- ~----------- ------------ jI253,800.00 253,800.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year-.----------------------- $253,800.00 Gross amount expended ---- ----------- -------- 237.52 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------ 253,562.48 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.....-------..-------------------- 45,000.00 20. LITTLE CAILLOU BAYOU, LA. Location.-Little Caillou Bayou has its source in Bayou Terre- bonne, 41/2 miles below Houma, La., and flows 32.8 miles in a southerly direction to Terrebonne Bay. (See U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Chart No. 1116 and U. S. Geological Survey maps, louma and Dulac quadrangles.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 5 feet deep at mean low water by 40 feet wide on the bottom from the head of the bayou, at Bayou Terrebonne, to Robinson Canal, about 20 miles. The normal fluctuation of tide is 3 to 6 inches, but winds may raise or lower the water surface about 1 foot. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1922 was $85,000, With $3,000 annually for maintenance. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved January 21, 1927 (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 5, 69th Cong., 1st sess.). Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-Freightis unloaded directly on or from the banks. This method is considered satisfactory for existing com- mrerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Inspection and patrol of the waterway, removal of snags and other obstructions, as re- quired, and maintenance of signs and markers were carried on at a cost and expenditure of $225.30, for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-In 1928 and 1929 obstructions Were removed and the channel was dredged from the head of the bayou to Robinson Canal, 20.6 miles, obtaining a channel 5 feet deep at mean low Gulf by 40 feet wide on the bottom, and com- Pleting the project. Local interests furnished spoil areas for maintenance dredging between mile 0 and mile 20.6; plans and specifications were pre- Pared but advertisement was delayed until additional spoil areas Were furnished. Work will be advertised in July 1948, jointly with "Bayou Terrebonne" and "Waterway from the Intracoastal Water- Way to Bayou Dulac, La. (Bayous Grand Caillou and Le Carpe, La.) ." The controlling depths, (December 1947), referred to mean low Gulf were: Bayou Terrebonne to Robinson Canal 4 feet; Robinson. Canal to mouth 3.0 feet. 1074 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $104,621.13, of which $77,761.04 was for new work and $26,860.09 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $274.70, will be applied as follows: Maintenance: By hired labor: Patrol of Waterway---------------------_ $274.70 By contract: Initiation of dredging, between miles 0 and 20.6 .. 105,000.00 Total for all work --------------------------------- 105,274.70 Deficit_----------------------------------------- 105,000.00 (NoTE.---Deficit of $105,000 will be cleared by transfer of like amount from Bayou Terrebonne, La., project.) The additional sum of $39,000 can be prof tably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: By contract: Completion of dredging between miles 0 and 20.6------- $37,000 By hired labor: Snagging and channel patrol _ 2, 000 ---------------------- Total for all work ------------------------------------ 39,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_.----.---______-----___ $77,761.04 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_----__ ___ ____--___ -26,860.09 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ...--------- 104,621.13 Net total expenditures ------------------------------------ 104,621.13 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_. --. __--_____ ______ -- - 274.70 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- -_ 104,895.83 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work. . .------------ ---------------------------------- ------------- --------- Cost of maintenance ....... ----- - ---...... ------ - $-.----30 $225. Total expended......------.......... .-- . ..---------- ..---...--------. .-.-.------- -225.30 Allotted ......................-----------------------------.............-----...---.................... ----- 00.00 -------------------------- Amount allotted during fiscal year_ $105,000.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment ------------- 104,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for.-.--__ -- _____...-._ 500,00 Gross amount expended _------- ..... ----- ____ __ ---- ---- 225.30 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------- _ -. 274.70 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance. __ _____ _____ __.39,000.00 21. WATERWAY FROM THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY TO BAYOU DULAC, LA. (BAYOUS GRAND CAILLOU AND LECARPE, LA.) Location.-Bayou LeCarpe is a tidal stream which rises about 1.5 miles southeast of Houma in Terrebonne Parish and flows southerly into Bayou Pelton, thence into Bayou Grand Caillou, which flows southwesterly into Caillou Bay, a total distance of about 40 miles. RIVERS ANI) HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1075 (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1116 and U. S. Geological Survey maps Houma, Dulac, and Dog Lake quad- rangles,) Existing project.-This provides for a waterway 5 feet deep and 40 feet wide from the Intracoastal Waterway at Houma through Bayou LeCarpe, Bayou Pelton, and Bayou Grand Caillou to Bayou Dulac, about 16.3 miles. The normal fluctuation due to tides is 3 to 10 inches, but winds may raise or lower the water level 1 to 3 feet. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1945, was $56,250. The latest (1935) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $3,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act approved August 30, 1935 (H. Doc. 206, 72d Cong., 1st sess.). The project document contains the lastest published map. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-There are several private wharves and a number of stiff-leg derricks for handling cane along the banks of the waterway, which are considered adequate for existing com- merce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Patrol of the water- Way was carried on at a cost and expenditure of $474.61, for mainte- nance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1938. Local interests furnished additional spoil areas for maintenance dredging from mile 0 to mile 5.9. Plans and specifications were pre- Pared and work advertised. Work was not awarded, and will be readvertised in July 1948, jointly with "Bayou Terrebonne" and "Little Caillou Bayou." The controlling depth, (April 1948), mean low Gulf, was 5 feet throughout. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $52,297.86, of which $51,279.83 was for new work, and $1,018.03 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $25.39, allotment of $38,000 made during the fiscal year 1949, will be applied as follows: Maintenance: By contract: Initiation of dredging mile 0 to mile 5.9-__ _ $37,000.00 By hired labor: Patrol of waterway__ __--------------------- 1,025.39 Total for all work ----- - ----------------------------- 38,025.39 The additional sum of $500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for channel patrol. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948....------------------------- $51,279.83 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 1,018.03 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... 52,297.86 Net total expenditures_.------------------------ 52,297.86 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 25.39 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-...----. -- 52,323.25 1076 REPORT OF ,CIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work----. -------------- -------------------------------------- 61 Cost of maintenance. .. .. -... .. -. -. ---. -.. -.-... . $474. Total expended -.............. -- I~T~--,- ________ _____ _ -_ 74y6 1 4 Allotted-.---...-... ...-..-... l..-.---. - $10,000- --.... 1 -$10, 000 Amount allotted during fiscal year -i -- .- .. $44,800.00 Deductions on account of revocation.of allotment ........... 44,300.00 Net amount to be accounted for. . 500.00 Gross amount expended -474.61 '-------- Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--. _ _ 25.39 Amount allotted in July 1948 - 38,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year'1949 ... 38,025.39 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_... _, . _.-- .--- -.. _ 00 500.00 22. ATCHAFALAYA RIVER, MORGAN CITY. TO THE GULF OF Si '; MEXICO,. LA. Location.-The Atchafalaya River is an outlet of the Mississippi as well as of the Red River. It begins at Old River on the northern boundary of Pointe Coupee Parish and flows generally south a dis- tance of about 170 miles and empties into Atchafalaya Bay, an inlet of the Gulf' of:Mexico. The section under improvement is from the 20-foot: contour'in Atchafalaya Bay, 4 miles beyond the mouth of the Atchafalaya 'River, to the 20-foot contour in the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of about 15% miles. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1276, Corps of Engineers, MississipPi River Commission, alluvial valley map, Point au Fer quadrangle, and navigation maps of Intracoastal Waterway and Atchafalaya River system.) ,, . , Existing project.-This provides for a channel 20 feet deep and 200 feet wide, extending from the 20-foot - contour in'Atchafalaya Bay 4 miles beyond the mouth of the Atchafalaya River to the 20- foot contour in the Gulf of Mexico, the total length of channel being 153, miles. The project depth refers to mean low water, Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide- is about 10 inches, the extreme range of tide about 14 inches. During the 'hurricane of August 1915 there was a rise of tide of about 10 feet. The estimated cost of new work, made in 1910, was $500,000. The latest (1916) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $120,000. The existing project was adopted by the River: and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910 (H. Doc. 669, 61st Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published map accompanies House Document 410, Fifty-sixth Con- gress, first session.. , : Terminal facilities.-At Morgan City there are several small private wharves and two large and three small public wharves open to the use of all without charge. There are no warehouses needed, as the business section is on the river front and all freight is trans RIVERS AND I1ARBORS---NE W ORLEANS, LA., D)ISTRICT 1077 ferred'directly from boats to stores. The terminals are considered adequate for the existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg- ing by the United States hydraulic pipe-line dredge Wahalak to restore a 10- by 100 foot channel at the mouth of the Atchafalaya River, vicinity of Eugene Island, between Atchafalaya Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of 8 miles, was completed on August 13, 1947; 829,841 cubic yards were removed during the fiscal year at a cost of $67,769.17. Supervision, inspection and patrol of waterway, and maintenance of signs and markers were carried on at a cost of $1,214.87. The total costs were $68,984.04. The total expenditures Were $106,177.90. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- Pleted in 1914. The controlling depths (February 1948), referred to mean low Gulf, were:, Over the bar, 10.feet; through Eugene Pass, 22 feet; Eugene Pass to Beacon 42, 9 feet; Atchafalaya Bay. to Morgan City, ample. Demands of present commerce indicate maintenance of recent years inadequate. Depths more nearly those of adopted Project depths are necessary. . The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal Year were $785,313.90, of which $501,963.23 was for new work and $283,350.67 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $785,- 072.22. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year: amounting to $1,222.62, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------ ------------------- $241.68 Maintenance: , o aBy hired labor: Surveys and patrol of waterway ................ 980.94 to ------------ :tal ---- : - ------- --.--.--- 1,222.62 SThe additional amount of $250,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 in:channel maintenance dredging. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_----........---..-------------. $501,963.23 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 283,350.67 . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948,..----. 785,313.90 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948......---------------...---..... 241.68 Net total expenditures-_ -.... ------------------------- 785,072.22 . Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------.-- 1,222.62 Total: amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 786,294.84 .iscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 0Cot of new work ------- -- - _-- -------------- ost of maintenance--------------- ------ $38, 8.35. 02 $8, 98404 Total expended...... .. . . -1,399.48 109. ( 70,__...... 103,177.90 370R7. 0 ... $10,000 -$9, 01)0 Allotted.......... $10, 000 -$9, 000 70, 500. 00 37, 300.00 ' .+.. -""",.....,+..,... .. ........++....+ ,, . .+...'.v. +.w . "..p^ns.Ana . .w.... .:,. r r.+.n. ., . . c-rn ... +--_x-r-w.ryr-ro-- . ,.:an w~m nw+wr 1078 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------ $70,100.52 Amount allotted during fiscal year_--- _ _ 40,800.00 Amount to be accounted for-_ 110,900.52 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-------------- 3,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for___________________ _ 107,400.52 Gross amount expended______ __-______-___________ 106,177.90 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 1,222.62 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------------- 241.68 '-------_ Balance available, June 30, 1948------------ _ _---_ 980.94 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_ ____________ .. 250,000.00 23. BAYOU TECHE, LA. Location.-Bayou Teche has its source in Bayou Courtableau, in St. Landry Parish, and flows in a southeasterly direction, a distance of 125 miles, to where it joins the lower Atchafalaya River, about 101/2 miles above Morgan City, La. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1116 and Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission alluvial valley maps, Palmetto, Opelousas, Carencro, Arnaudville, St. Martinville, Loreauville, Derouen, Jeanerette, Foster, and Belle Isle quadrangles.) Previous projects.-Authorized by River and Harbor Acts of July 11, 1870, and September 19, 1890. For further details, see page 1851, Annual Report for 1915, and page 798, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 8 feet deep and 80 feet wide on the bottom from the mouth of the stream to New Iberia, La., 54.5 miles, thence 6 feet deep and 60 feet wide on the bottom to Keystone lock, 18 miles, and thence 6 feet deep and 50 feet wide on the bottom to Arnaudville, La., 34 miles, to be secured by dredging, removing snags and overhanging trees, and construction of a lock and dam and regulating works. The plane of reference is mean low Gulf level. Keystone lock Distance from New Iberia ------------------------------- -- 18 miles. Distance from Intracoastal Waterway...-_.....---..-.-- ... 82.5 miles. Width of chamber---- ------------------------------ 36 feet. Length available for full width_-..-------.-.---.-.---.-.--- 160 feet. Lift- ---------------------- ---------------------- 8 feet. Depth on miter sill at mean Gulf level ----------..--..- ----- Do. Character of foundation---------------..---...-...--. Timber piles. Kind of dam- -_--------------------.-.-.-.--.--.__ - ..-. Timber, rock-fill. Type of construction------------------------------. Concrete. Year completed---------------------------_------- 1913. Cost --------------------------------------------- $257,720.48. Installation of movable crest gates on Keystone Dam is provided for in the flood-control project for Bayou Teche and Vermilion River, La. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide is about 10 inches at the mouth, 4 inches just below the lock, and zero above the lock, the extreme range of tide being about 12 inches, 6 inches, and RIVERS AND I-IARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1079 zero respectively. The variation of the water surface above Key- stone lock due to freshets is from 2 to 7 feet, while just below the lock it has been as high as 12 or 15 feet and near the mouth about 4 or 5 feet. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $1,000,000, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance from mouth to Arnaudville is $12,000, plus $21,000 for operating and care of the lock and dam. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Sept. 19, 1890 Improvement of the stream from its mouth to St. Annual Report 1889, p. 1532. Martinville by removing obstructions and dredging. ar. 2, 1907 Construction of lock and dam and the extension of H. Doe. 527, 59th Cong., 1st sess. the improvement to Arnaudville, La. ar. 2, 1919 Increase of channel dimensions from mouth to Key- H. Doc. 1329, 62d Cong., 3d sess. une 26,19341 stone lock. Operation and care of lock and dam provided for with funds from War Department appropriations for rivers and harbors. 1Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act. For latest published map, see H. Doc. 288, 66th Cong., 1st sess. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Ter ninal facilities.-Small, privately owned wharves are avail- able at all the towns along the bayou; public landing is permitted 'without charge. There are privately owned terminals for transfer- ring crude oil to barges near the towns of Charenton, Jeanerette, Olivier, and St. Martinville. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance work Was done by Government plant and hired labor as follows: During the period April 19 to May 20, 1948, snags, piling, and overhanging trees, obstructive to navigation, were removed from 41 miles of the waterway, New Iberia to mile 96; inspection and patrol of the Waterway and maintenance of markers were carried on as required through the fiscal year, all at a cost of $18,118.91. Keystone lock was operated throughout the fiscal year and the lock, dam, structures, and grounds were maintained, as necessary, and routine work thereon was performed, all at a cost of $16,024.54. Hired labor forces repaired Keystone lock and performed emer- ency repairs to Keystone dam during the period October 20, 1947, to January 7, 1948, at a cost of $59,643.99. The total costs were $93,787.44, of which $18,118.91 was for maintenance, and $75,668.53 for operating and care. The expendi- tures were $95,778.28. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project is about 71 (revised) percent complete. Keystone lock and dam were com- pleted in 1913. The dredging and snagging done in 1916 completed that part of the existing project for the 6- by 50-foot channel from Arnaudville to Keystone lock. The contract dredging done in 1918- 20 completed that part of the previous project for a 6- by 50-foot channel from Keystone lock to mile 39.7 above the mouth. The 1080 C REPORT OF OHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 8- by 80-foot channel from New Iberia to the mouth is 98 percent complete. From the mouth to mile 5.8 a channel 8 by 80 feet, or greater, already existed, and a new channel has been excavated, 8 by 80 feet from this point to mile 50.06, about 3.65 miles below New Iberia, and 8 by 60 feet from this point to New Iberia. The work required to complete the existing project is the widening of the channel to a bottom width of 80 feet from mile 50.06 to NeW. Iberia, and to a bottom width of.60 feet from New Iberia to Key- stone lock. Keystone lock is in good condition and Keystone dam is in need of major repairs or replacement, which is scheduled to be done in fiscal year 1949. The controlling depths (January 1948) were: 7 feet, mouth of lower Atchafalaya River at Berwick Bay to Baldwin, La.; 8 feet, Baldwin, La., to New Iberia, La.; 5.2 feet, New Iberia, La., to Key- stone lock, La.; 7.6 feet, Keystone lock, La., to St. Martinville, La.; and 6 feet, St. Martinville, La., to mile 96 (Poche Bridge). The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $1,280,040.60, of which $708,625.40 was for new work, $314,606.71 for maintenance, and $256,808.49 for operation and care of the lock and dam. The total expenditures were $1,372,- 759.94. In addition, the sum of $91,389.25 was expended between July 1, 1913, and June 30, 1935, on the operating and care of the works of improvement under the provisions of the permanent in- definite appropriation for such purpose. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting. to $11,583.86 plus accounts receivable of $1,793.19 and an allotment of $165,000 made in July, 1948, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948--- ,----- --------... - $463.10 Maintenance: By contract: Reconstruction or replacement of Keystone dam $126,000.00 Dredging between Baldwin and New Iberia-..... 25,000.00 Engineering and contingencies_ 4, 650.24 -- - 155,650.24 Maintenance (operating and care): By hired labor: ? .. . , Operation and maintenance of Keystone lock._ 15,900.00 Ordinary maintenance and repair-,- -6,363.71 __.... -- -- 22,263.71 Total for all work. ... , .... _. l -_.... 178,377.05 The additional sum of $23,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance (operating and care): Operation and maintenance of Keystone lock: Operation .---=-. -.. -. --- --- .-- - $17,000 Ordinary maintenance and repair .................... 4,000 $21, 000 Maintenance: Patrol and supervision of- waterway,._,., .......--..$2,000 Total for all work. .....---- ---- L-- -- :.-. -- 23,000 RIVERS AND HARBORS -NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1081 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948,_- .------. ------ $754,329.83 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..-------- ------ 1 662,804.45 1,417,134.28 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 . ...---------- Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ------ ----- ------ 1,793.19 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948---...---- -------------- 1,418,927.47 Minus accounts payable, Julie 30, 1948......------ -------......----.. 463.10 SNet total expenditures .---------------------------1,418,464.37 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948..---------- ----------.- 11,583.86 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------- .1,430,048.23 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work - ---- Cost of maintenance------------ $11,409.34 $10,974.46 $20, 826.84 $15,612.44 $03, 787.44 Total expended ....... .. ..---- 11, 540.44 11, 009. 52 20, 963.61 15,129.61 95,778.28 Allotted 12,000.00 ~..[.....-...~... 5,000.00 6,517.29 106,100.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947..-------. --------------- $1,262.14 Amount allotted during fiscal year ....--- ----------------- 106,100.00 Amount to be accounted for --..--- ------ ----------- 107,362.14 Gross amount expended ----..---------------------------- 95,778.28 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-. - --------- 11,583.86 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- ... $463.10 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts _ 3,906.60 4,369.70 Balance available, June 30, 1948..--------------- 7,214.16 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948__------------------------ 1,793.19 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948_ __----- _ - -- 9,007.35 Amount allotted in July 1948..-......----------------------------- 165,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ....... 174,007.35 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project .....--....-- ---- ---.----------- --- 291,374.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance-..--------------------- - 23,000.00 'Includes $91,389.25 from permanent indefinite appropriation. 24. PETIT ANSE, TIGRE, AND CARLIN BAYOUS, LA. Location.-Bayou Tigre is a tributary of Bayou Carlin; Bayou Carlin is a tributary of Bayou Petit Anse. Bayou Petit Anse has its source in Iberia Parish about 5 miles northwest of New Iberia. It flows in a southwesterly direction for about 15 miles to its inter- section with the Intracoastal Waterway, thence for a distance of about: 3 ;miles to Vermilion Bay. :Bayou Tigre has its source in Vermilion Parishabout 6 miles northeast of Abbeville and flows ina southerly direction for about 7 miles to its junction with Bayou Carlin.: Bayou ,:Carlin has its source in Lake Peigneur in Iberia Parish and flows in a southerly direction about 7.5 miles to its con- 1082 REPORT 01F CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 fluence with Bayou Petit Anse at a point about 2.3 miles above the Intracoastal Waterway. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1116, and Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commis- sion, alluvial valley maps, Derouen quadrangle, and U. S. Geological Survey map, Abbeville, N. E., quadrangle.) Existing project.-This provides for dredging a channel in Bayou Petit Anse 9 feet deep and 80 feet wide from the Intracoastal Waterway to the north end of Avery Island; a channel 5 feet deep and 40 feet wide from the Intracoastal Waterway via the McIlhennY Canal to deep water in Vermilion Bay; and a channel 9 feet deep over a bottom width of 80 feet in Bayou Carlin from Bayou Petit Anse to Lake Peigneur. The total length of the improvements is 16.1 miles. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide is about 10 inches. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1945, was $218,500. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $7,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 30, 19351 A channel in Bayou Petit Anse 60 feet wide and 9 feet 11, Doc. 225, 72d Cong., 1st sess. deep from the Intracoastal Waterway to a point 3.2 miles upstream, thence 40 feet wide and 5 feet deep to highway bridge at head of Avery Island; and a channel in Bayou Carlin 40 feet wide and 6 feet deep from Bayou Petit Anse to Lake Peigneur. Aug. 26, 1937 A channel in Bayou Petit Anse 9 feet deep and 80 feet Rivers and Harbors Committee wide from the Intracoastal Waterway to the north I)oc. 40, 75th Cong., 1st sess. end of Avery Island and a channel 5 feet deep and 40 feet wide from the Intracoastal Waterway to Ver- milion Bay by way of the McIlhenny Canal. Mar. 2, 1945 A channel in Bayou Carlin 9 feet deep and 80 feet wide HI. Doec. 594, 78th Cong., 2d sess.' from Bayou Petit Anse to Lake Peigneur. I Included in the Public Works Administration program Sept. 6, 1933. 2 Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except for furnishing suitable terminal at head of Avery Island; however, assurances have been accepted by the Department of the Army. Title to the right-of-way, except terminal, has been conveyed to the United States. Under a permit issued March 24, 1937, the Texas Pipe Line Co. enlarged the 5- by 40-foot channel in Bayou Petit Anse above mile 3.2 to a depth of 9 feet and a width of 80 feet at an estimated cost of $30,000. Terminal facilities.--There is an extensive oil terminal at the head of the improvement on Bayou Petit Anse and several private docks and cane hoists. (Terminal facilities are further described in H. Doc. 225, 72d Cong., 1st sess.) These facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Dredgingby contract to provide a new 9- by 80-foot channel in Bayou Carlin from Bayou Petit Anse to Lake Peigneur, mile 0 to mile 7.4 was in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year and was completed on November 6, 1947, when 1,219,683 cubic yards had been removed (788,809 cubic yards this fiscal year) ; at a cost of $173,711.38 for new work. RIVERS AND HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1083 In order for the new project channel to serve its purpose, it was necessary to perform maintenance dredging in Mcllhenny Canal during the, period November 6 and 13, 1947, when 22,207 cubic Yards were removed by cohtract at a cost of $3,565.78 for mainte- nance. Inspection, patrol, and survey of waterway, and mainte- nance of signs were carried on at a cost of $3,059.57; and Govern- ment plant and hired labor cleaned out plugged drainage ditch at a cost of $312.05, all for maintenance. The total costs were $180,- 648.78, of which $173,711.38 was for new work and $6,937.40 for maintenance. The expenditures were $183,296.79. Condition at end of fiscal year.-All work under the project, as existent at that time, was completed in 1939; and the work author- Ized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945 for a 9- by 80-foot channel was completed in 1947, with the exception of dredging in the vicinity of T. & N. O. R. R. bridge and Louisiana State Highway Department bridge crossing Bayou Carlin, which Was eliminated from the contract by modification and will be ac- coImplished at a later date when reinforcement of bridge piers has been completed. The modified project is 99 percent complete. The coqtrolling depths were: (January 1948) Bayou Petit Anse: Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to head of navigation, mile 6.1, 10 feet; Bayou Tigre: Impossible to enter bayou due to shoal at mouth bayou Carlin:Mouth to Lake Peigneur, 8 feet (10 feet throughout, except for 6.5-foot depth over 400-foot "plug" between railroad and highway bridges) ; Mcllhenny Canal: Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to Vermilion Bay, 6 feet. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal Year were $311,864.72, of which $268,070.87 was for new work, including $47,858.13, Public Works funds; and $43,793.85 from regular funds for maintenance. The total expenditures were $311,- 410.59. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $25,899.53, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948.--------- --------------------- $454.13 New work: By hired labor: Dredging Bayou Carlin vicinity T. & N. O. R. R. bridge.----------------------------- $10,419.42 -- 10,419.42 Maintenance: By hired labor: Dredging in Petit Anse Bayou, surveys and patrolling waterway as required ------------- 15,025.98 --------- 15,025.98 Total for all work-.------- ---------- ------- 25,899.53 No work is proposed for fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------------------- -- $268,070 S7 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------- -------- . 43,793.85 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 311,864.72 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.---------------------- 454.13 Net total expenditures- -----_ ----------------- ----- 311,410.59 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------- -------------- 25,899.53 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-.--..---. - 337,310.12 1084 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--- --------.--------- 11--... --- :---. Cost of maintenance...--. ----..--..--.............------------.............. $36,869.20 $1,73, 711:38 6,937.40 $1,305.32 1,231.30 78 Total cost------.............. ..........--. -------...... 1,305. 32 38, 100. 50 180,648 79 Total expended..-.-------- ... ............. 1,391.75 34, 911.93 183,296 Allotted --------- --- ----- j $10,000 160, 000. 00 54, 000 00 21,500. w Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 .. $187,696.32 Amount allotted during fiscal year-.-21, 500:00 Amount to be accounted for ----- 209,196.32 Gross amount expended....------- ------- -- 183,296~79 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------- 25,j899 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.........__ ............ 454.13 Balance available, June 30,11948----- 25,44540 25. WATERWAY FROM WHITE LAKE TO PECAN ISLAND, LA. Location.~-The waterway from White Lake to Pecan Island is an artificial canal extending from the 5-foot contour in White Lake almost due south for a distance of approximately 1.8 miles to Pecan Island. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1277 and U. S. Geological Survey map Pecan Island quadrangle.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 40 feet wide and 5 feet deep from that depth in White Lake to Pecan Island via the existing canal, with suitable protective works at the entrance. The total length of the improvement is 1.8 miles. The water elevation, mean low Gulf, in White Lake varies between plus 3.5 feet and minus 1.5 feet with an average of plus 0.9 foot. The estimate of cost for new work made in 1942 is $20,000. The latest (1937) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance,is $700. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act approved August 26, 1937 (H. Doc. 78, 75th Cong., 1st sess.) The latest published map is in the project document. The River and Harbor Act approved July 24,, 1946, authorized the incorporation of the existing project in the modified project "Mermentau River, La." (See S. Doc. 231, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Terminal facilities.--There is a small cattle-loading pen and a ramp near the head of the canal, which are considered adequate for prospective commerce. Operationsand resultsduring fiscal year.-The following mainte- nance work was performed by Government plant and hired labor at a cost of $3,974.80: Dredging of the waterway to project dimen- sions between stations 0+00 and 15+00 and 77+50 and 86+00 during the period February 11 to 14, 1948, when 5,996 cubic yards .of shoaled material were removed; inspection and patrol of the waterway and maintenance of signs. The expenditures, were $3,635.00. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Dredging of the 5- by 40-foot channel was completed in 1931. The work remaining to be done is the construction of suitable protection works in the lake. The project is approximately 55 percent complete. RIVERS AND I-ARBORS--NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT, 1085 The controlling depth, (February 1948), was.5 feet. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $21,645.57, of. Which $10,903.83 was for new work and $10,741.74 was for mainte-. nance. The total expenditures were $21,305.77. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the endof the fiscal Year amounting to $1,065.00, will be applied as follows: . Accounts payable, June 30, 1948- . --- --- - - .-.- , - :- $339.80 Maintenance: By hired labor: Survey and patrol of waterway . ....-. --- . 725.20 Total_ - - .. -- -- . --- ------ --- 1,065.00 SNo work is proposed for this waterway during fiscal year 1950; as Project has been incorporated into: the Flood Control project 'ermentau River, La." ' " Cost and financial summary. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___ i- .... ----- .-..- +' .. $10,903.83 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-...---- ---- 10,741,74 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 . 21,645.:57 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948. ------------. ' 339.80 Net total expenditures------... -- . -i, -- -- ----- i . 21 305.77 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948..-1....- - -, ---- : ,.065.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 22,370.77 • . z : ' ," .. ., ., - :. year ending June 30 Fiscal 1944 1940 1946 1947 1948 lwwork------------ CotO __-_--------- ----------------- stof aintenance --............... $6, 658.77 ......---------------... $3,974.80 ot expended..---------------------------- -- ---- 5 28 3,636.00: ....... Allotted--------------- -$0.83 9, 500.00 -$2, 800 $ ,,268.77 . -- 600.00 Ialance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------------- $5,300.00, Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------- 4,900.00 Amount to be accounted for --------------------- 10,200.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment..----- ----- 5,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for_ ""4-- - ..... ,4,700.00 Gross amount expended .---- -- ----- ------- .----- 3,635.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 . . ....... 1,065.00 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---...------------------------ 339.80 Balance available, June 30, 1948 --. ...---..... .------- . 725.20 26. MERMENTAU RIVER, BAYOU NEZPIQUE, AND BAYOU DES CANNES, IA.: Location.--Mermentau River is formed by the junction of Bayous, des Cannes and Nezpique, 2.25 miles above Mermentau, La., and flowing in a southwesterly direction empties into the Gulf of Mexico. Bayou Nezpique rises in Evangeline Parish, flows in a southerly direction, and empties into the Mermentau River. Bayou des Cannes rises in Evangeline Parish, flows in a south",. southwesterly direction, and emptiesi into the, 1Mermentau; River, 8 04711-48-Vol. 1-69 1086 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1116 and 1278, and U. S. Geological Survey maps, Evangeline, Hathaway, Me'- mentau, Jennings, Lake Arthur, Gueydan, Thornwell Latania Lake, Catfish Lake, Grand Cheniere, and Bayou Lebauve quadrangles.) Existing project.-The project provides for the removal of ob- structions to navigation to secure the natural channel throughout the entire Mermentau River, a distance of 71.5 miles, and through Bayou Nezpique from its mouth to 25 miles above, and Bayou des Cannes from its mouth to Evangeline bridge (mile 8.5) ; for imr" proving the channel in Lower Mud Lake by constructing a brush dam to concentrate the action of the current and by dredging; and for removing a portion of the wrecked dam 7 miles above the mouth; and for dredging a channel 9 feet deep over a bottom width of 100 feet from the Intracoastal Waterway to the junction of Bayous Nezpique and des Cannes. That part of the project below Grand Lake, mile 25, has been superseded by the flood-control project "Mermentau River, La." Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide on the Mermen- tau River near the mouth is 10 inches and near the head about 3 inches, the extreme range being 14 inches and about 5 inches, respectively. The variation of the water surface near the mouth may be as much as 7 or 8 feet, due to hurricanes on the Gulf, and near the head from 8 to 12 feet, due to freshets. On Bayou Nezpique, under ordinary conditions, the range of tide is about 3 inches at the mouth and nothing at the head. On Bayou des Cannes, under ordinary conditions, the range of tide is about 3 inches at the mouth and nothing at the head. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, was $53,615; and that for the removal of the dam, made in 1916, $1,500. The latest (1935) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $2,200. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 13, 1892 General project ..----------------------- Annual Report, 1891, p. 1862. July 27, 1916 Remonoval of portion of wrecked dam near mouth of 11. Doc. 1232, 64th Cong., 1st sess. Mermentau River. Mar. 2, 1919 Improvement of Bayou des Cannes...--------------- .. . Doc. 1398, 65th Cong., 3d sess. Aug. 30, 19351 Channel in Mermentau River 9 feet deep plus I foot Rivers and IHarbors Cormnittee 2 overdepth from Intracoastal Waterway to the DI)oc.36, 72d Cong., 1st sess. source at confluence of Bayous Nezpique and des Cannes. 1 Included in the Public Works Administration program Mar. 28, 1934. 9 Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Terminal facilities.-There are several small, privately owned wharves at Grand Cheniere and a public terminal at the town of Lake Arthur. At Mermentau, La., the Southern Pacific Railroad owns a wharf served by a spur track. Privately owned terminals for transferring crude oil to barges are at the following locations: One on Lake Arthur near the town of Lake Arthur; one on the Mermentau River' near the town bf Mermentau; two on Bayou Nezpique near Jennings; and four on Bayou des Cannes, one near RIVERS AND) HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1087 Evangeline, one at Mermentau, and two near Jennings. The facili- ties are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Patrol of waterway and maintenance of signs and markers were carried on. The total costs and expenditures were $578.65 for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project, except for the 9- by 100-foot channel, was completed in 1917. The 9- by 100- foot channel was completed in 1935. The controlling depths, mean low Gulf, were: Mermentau River (January 1948) : Over bar at Gulf of Mexico, 4 feet; mile 0 to Lower Mud Lake, 6 feet; Lower Mud Lake to Grand Cheniere, 5 feet; Grand Cheniere to Upper Mud Lake, 11 feet; Upper Mud Lake to Grand Lake, 14 feet; through Grand Lake, 4.5 feet; Grand Lake to Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, 6 feet; Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to Lake Arthur, 10 feet; Lake Arthur to head of naviga- tion, 24 feet. Bayou Nezpique (November 1947) : Mile 10 to Miller- ville, 15 feet; mile 0 to mile 10, 17 feet (snags were scattered throughout the area). Bayou Des Cannes (January 7, 1948) : Mile 0 to mile 6.2, 9 feet (stream clear to mile 6.2; snags and overhang- ing trees above mile 6.2). Snagging and clearing in Bayou des Cannes from the Evangeline tidge (State Highway No. 1045) to a point about 3 miles down- stream was approved to be done in fiscal year 1949. The total costs and expenditures (regular funds) under the exist- ing. project to the end of the fiscal year were $81,935.76 of'which $27,580.35 was for new work, and $54,355.41 was for maintenance. The total costs and expenditures (Public Works funds) under the existing project were $29,974.42, all for new work. The total costs and expenditures, all funds, were $111,910.18 of which $57,- 554.77 was for new work, and $54,355.41 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $2,421.35, plus an allotment of $17,500 made in July 1948 a total of $19,921.35 will be applied to mainte- nance by hired labor clearing and snagging Bayou des Cannes, as required, and inspection of the waterways. No work is proposed in the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. ------------------------ $57,554.77 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- 54,355.41 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------....... 111,910.18 Net total expenditures_ ------ ----- -------- 111,910.18 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 2,421.35 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-..---. - 114,331.53 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Costost of maintennce----....---- of new work ....... -------------------.------------------------------ $578.65 rl'ottl explltlded_ ---------------- --.------------------------ -------------- 578. 65 Allotted------------------------ -$1.26 1 --- -------- I -------------- j --- :--- ---- 3, 000. 00 '1088 REPORT 'OF 'CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, TU. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted during fiscal year.- - ---------- $3,000 00 Gross amount expended ------- '8 65 Balance 'unexpended; June 30, 1948.- _--- 2,421.35 Amount allotted in July 19481 _-----------------------17,500.00 Snobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 19,921.35 .27. BAYOU PLAQUEMINE BRULE, LA. Locationn This stream rises in the southwestern part of St. Landry Parish and flows about 75 miles in a southwesterly direc- tion, discharging into Bayou des Cannes about 3:/4 miles above Mermentau, La. The section under improvement is from the mouth for a distance of about 19 miles to near Crowley, La. (See U. S. Geological Survey quadrangles Estherwood and Mermentau.) .existing;project.--This provides for a channel 6 feet deep at mean low Gulf and bottom width of 60 feet from the mouth to a point near Crowley, La., a distance of 19 miles, by dredging and removing obstructions. Under ordinary conditions thh mean range of tide is about 2 inches at the mouth and nothing at the head, the extreme range being about 4 inches and nothing at mouth and head, respectively. Due to floods the variations of water surface are at times about 10 feet., The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1913, was $33,000. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 25,.1910. (H. Doc.,789, 60th Cong., 1st sess.) There is no published nimap. Terminal facilities. The town of Crowley has constructed a feeder canal from the end of the improvement to Crowley and a warehouse at Crowley, both of which are open to all carriers without charge. This canal has shoaled to a controlling depth of 2 feet and practically no commercial traffic now uses the facilities at Crowley. Along the bayou, landings are made on the hanks. Upon completion of maintenance dredging of the canal from the improvement to Crowley the facilities,will be considered adequate for existing corn- merce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Inspection and patrol of waterway, removal of snags and other obstructions, and mainte- nance of signs and markers were carried on at a cost of $480.73. The expenditures were $424.10. Condition at end of fiscal;year.-The existing project was corn- pleted in 1915. The channel is in poor condition. The controlling depths (January 1948), mean low Gulf, were: Mile 0 to mile 8, 7 feet, with numerous snags; not navigable above mile'8 due to overhanging trees and snags. The head of navigation is at mile 19 from the mouth of the bayou. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $68,721.02, of which $32,759.90 was for new work and $35,961.12 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $68, 664.39. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $75.90, will be applied as follows: RIVERS AND IHARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA,, DISTRICT 1089 Accounts payable, June 30, 1948..... ...- - -_ ,- ,i - - - . -_ . $56.63 M.1aintenance: By hired labor: Patrol of waterway .:.. 19.27 The additional sum of $42,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows:. Maintenance: , SBy hired labor: . Dredging and snagging between mile 0 and mile 14.5_ ...: .... $41,000 : Channel patrol. . _" - .-- -- - 1,000 Total..__..- -- _ _--~ -- , .-- - 42,000 SCost anidfinancial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.-_-- . ., - .. $32,759.90 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.. ---------- 35,961.12 cost of permanent work to June 30; 19481 . i. 68,721.02 Minus Total accounts payable, June 30, 1948- ... .. : -;-,,-.- ,56.63 Net total expenditures --- ..- r------ , 68,664:.39 nexpended balance June 30, 1948_ . ..- 75.90 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------- .. 68,740.29 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 : I 1945. , 1946 . 1947 1948 Costof new work--.--- -------. --------- -------- ------ Ooaintenance--------------- 6, 615.69 _. $480. 73 otal expended .......... __.. . .. 6,015.69--.-------424.10 oetted - $26 500 r $19884.01 5.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year $500.00 ross amount expended........ -- 424.10 0 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948,..r r , -- 75.90 utstanding liabilities, June 30, 1)48. ... 56.63 Balance available, June 30, 1948....... " 19 27 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.------------------------- 42,000.00 28. BAYOU QUEUE DE TORTUE, LA. Location.--Bayou Queue de Tortue rises in the western part of Lafayette Parish, La., and flows in a southwesterly, then westerly, direction between Acadia and Vermilion Parishes, entering the Mer- nentau River about 5 miles above the head of Lake Arthur. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey chart No. 1116.) The stream is 50 to 110 feet wide and about 60 miles long. The section under improve- Ient is 14 miles long, measured through the proposed cut-offs, and extends from the mouth to the Southern Pacific Railroad bridge at Riceville, La. The stream is:tidal. The watershed.area is about 285 square miles. The discharge at low about 40 second-feet. Existing project.---This provides for the removal of obstructions from its mouth to the Southern Pacific Railroad bridgeat Riceville, 1090 REPORT (O) CHIEF OF' ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 La., and for dredging 10 cut-offs, aggregating 1,765 feet in length, reducing the distance from the mouth of the bayou to the bridge to about 14 miles. The necessary rights of way for the cut-offs have been furnished free of cost to the United States. No channel dimen- sions were specified. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide is about 5 inches at the mouth and nothing at the head, and the extreme range about 10 inches and nothing, respectively. During severe rains there is at times a rise of 6 feet. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1921, is $45,000. The latest (1912) approved estimate for annual maintenance is $1,000. The existing project was adopted by the river and harbor act of July 25, 1912 (II. Doc. 609, 61st Cong., 2d sess.) The latest published map is printed opposite page 2466 of the Annual Report for 1916. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with on August 17, 1920. Terminal facilities.--There are no terminal facilities on the bayou other than a warehouse and a small wharf at mile 6, which is used principally for shipping rice. Landings at the pumping plants are generally made on the banks. The terminals are considered ade- quate for the existing commerce. There are no public wharves open to use of all carriers on equal terms. (For a full description of terminal facilities, see 11. Doc. 652, 66th Cong., 2d sess.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-In 1915, snagging of the stream and clearing of cut-offs 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, and 10 were done. In 1921, cut- offs 1, 2 and 3 were partly dredged, and 3 was partly cleared. The balance of the work was done between November 28, 1922, and March 12, 1923, the project being completed on this latter date. The total expenditures under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year have been $39,000, of which $33,355.18 was for new work, and $5,644.82 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work iS contemplated during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for channel patrol. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__________________________ $33,355.18 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__________________ 4,276.10 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ....... 37,631.28 Net total expenditures ________________________ _________. 37,631 28 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 37,631.28 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_-_ __ -_ $500.00 29. CALCASIEU RIVER AND PASS, LA. Location.-CalcasieuRiver has its source in southwestern Louisi- ana, and flows in a generally southerly direction to the Gulf of Mexico. About 25 miles from the Gulf it debouches into Calcasietu Lake, which lake is about 18 miles long. The connection between the lake and the Gulf, about 7 miles long, is known as Calcasieu Pass. RiVERS ANI) :HARBORSNEW ORLEANS, LA., DI)STRICT 1091 (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 591 and 592; U. S. Geological Survey maps, Edna, Thompson Bluff, Hecker, Moss Bluff, Lake Charles, West Lake, Moss Lake Hackberry, Sweet Lake, Brown's Lake, Holly Beach, Grand Bayou, and Cameron quad- rangles; and Corps of Engineers, Mississippi .River Commission navigation maps of Intracoastal Waterway and Atchafalaya River system.) Previous projects.-The original project for this improvement Was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of June 10, 1872. Appro- Priations were made by the River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1881, August 2, 1882, July 5, 1884, and August 11, 1888. The project Was modified by the River and Harbor Acts of September 19, 1890, July 13, 1892, and September 22, 1922. For further details, see Annual Report for 1936, page 719, and Annual Report for 1938, Page 819. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 35 feet deep and 250 feet wide from the wharves of the Lake Charles Harbor and TerminaI District by way of Calcasieu River including Clooney Island Loop, to the head of Choupique cut-off; thence by a land-and- Water cut along the west shore of Calcasieu Lake; thence to and through Calcasieu Pass by a designated route to the Gulf of Mexico, Subject to such change in alinement as is approved by the Chief of Engineers; the reconstruction and extension of the existing jetties initially to the seaward end of the east jetty, and further extension to the 15-foot depth contour if found advisable to reduce mainte- nance dredging costs; dredging a channel 35 to 37 feet deep and 250 feet wide between the jetties, and an approach channel 37, feet deep and 400 feet wide from the sea end of the jetties to a depth of 37 feet in the Gulf of Mexico; also for the improvement of the river from Lake Charles to Phillips Bluff by removing logs, snags, over- hanging trees, and by dredging. Total length of improvement is 94.7 miles. Under ordinary conditions, the mean range of tide is 10 inches at the mouth, diminishing to zero at Phillips Bluff, the extreme range being 14 inches and zero, respectively. The estimate of cost for new work, including $3,400,000 for the extension of the jetties to the 15-foot contour, revised in 1947, is $11,315,000. The latest (1946) approved estimate for cost of main- tenance is $278,000 annually. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Modification of original project of 1872, dated May 12, H. Ex. Doc. 46, 46th Cong., 3d 1881, )providedfor general improvement of the river sess.; and Annual Report 1881, from Phillips Bluff to the mouth by removing logs, p. 1301. snags, and overhanging trees, and by dredging. Aug. 26, 1937 Channel 30 feet deep and 250feet wide from the Lake II.Doc. 299, 75th Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1945 Charles (locks to the Gulf of Mexico. Channel 30 feet deep and 250 feet wide around Clooney II. Doc. 465,77th Cong., 1st sess. Island2. July 24, 1946 Channel depth of 35 feet from the wharves of the Lake S. Doc. 190, 79th Cong., 2d sess. Charles Harbor and Terminal D)istrict, including (Contains latest published map.) Clooney Island Loop, to the jetty channel, a uni- formly increasing depth of 35 to 37 feet in the jetty channel, and a depth of 37 feet in the approach channel in the Gulf of Mexico. 1092 REPORT OF OHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 'Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with. Under'date of January 5, 1922, a permit was granted by the As- sistant Secretary of'War to the police jury of Calcasieu Parish to enlarge this river where necessary between Lake Charles and the eastern 'end of the Calcasieu-Sabine section of the Intracoastal Waterway to a depth of 30 feet over a bottom width of 125 feet. Terminal facilities.-Terminal facilities at the Port of Lake Charles'are owned by the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal Dis- trict:and operated by a' board of commissioners. In addition to the municipally owned terminals, there are several privately owned and operated wharf structures located on the existing ship channel. (For further details see "Port and Terminal Facilities at the port of New Orleans and Lake Charles, La." 1944.) Operations and results 'during fiscal year.-Hired labor forces completed hydrographic and dredging surveys between Lake Charles, La.; and the-32-foot contour in the Gulf of Mexico; and inspected and patrolled the waterway, removed snags and other obstructions,'and maintained signs, all at a cost of $16,444.87 for maintenance; and completed plans and specifications for dredging project channel of 35 by 250 feet between the wharves at Lake Charles and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway at a cost of $9,416.99 "U. for new work. :The S. hydraulic hopper dredge Langfitt removed 581,500 cubic yards of shoaled material from Calcasieu Pass and Bar Chan- nel, between approximate station 1900-+00 and the -32-foot contour in the Gulf of Mexico, during the period January 5 to 21, 1948, at a cost'of $46,894.83. The total costs during the fiscal year were $72,756.69, of which $9,416.99 was for new work and $63,339.70 was for maintenance. Total expenditures were $62,654.12. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Dredging under the existing project, prior to the modifications adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1945, and July 24, 1946, was completed in 1941. The Calcasieu Pass jetties, initiated under the previous project, now 'extend to the 12-foot contour and are in good condition. The East'Jetty, 8,620 'feet long, of which 7,170 feet have been built to approximately 6 feet above mean low Gulf, extends seaward from the existing Gulf shore line a distance of 6,820 feet. West Jetty, '8,050 feet long, of which 2,570 feet have been built to approximately 4 feet above mean low Gulf, extends seaward from the existing Gulf shore line a distance of 6,795 feet. The jetty structure is considered complete unless at a later date it is found necessary to extend the jetties seaward to the 15-foot contour, as provided for the project. Work remaining to be done consists of deepening the 250-foot channel to 35 feet from Lake Charles Harbor down to the vicinity of the Intracoastal Waterway, including the dredging of a 35- bY 250-foot channel in the loop around Clooney Island, all of which was placed under contract on June 30, 1948; continue the deepening of the 250-foot channel to 35 feet between the Gulf Intracoastal Water- way and the Gulf of Mexico; and extending jetties seaward to the 15-foot contour if and when found necessary. RIVERS ANID IIARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1093 The project as modified is considered 38 (revised) percent com- Plete. The controlling depths were: (April 1948) 30 feet over the bar, 36 feet through the jetty channel, 30 feet through Calcasieu Pass, 34 feet through Calcasieu Lake,. and 30 feet from Intracoastal Waterway to Lake Charles. (November 1947) 22 feet from Lake Charles to West Fork, and 13 feet from West Fork to Old Town Ferry. The total costs of the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $5,344,289.66, of which $4,268,111.93 was for new work and $1,076,177.73 was for maintenance. The total expenditures were $5,334,213.19. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the iscal year amounting to $578,200.45, plus allotments of $60,000 for noaintenance and $500,000 for new work, made in July 1948, a total of $1,138,200.45 will be applied as follows: A:CCounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------- --- - ,$10,076.47 ew W ork :" By hired labor: Surveys and preparation of plans and specifica- tions for deepening channel from Lake Charles to the Gulf of Mexico, La._ - -------------------------- 7,000.00 By contract: Initiating the deepening of channel, Lake Charles to the Gulf of Mexico, La .--..---------- ---------------- 1043,583.01 :1,050,583.01 Maintenance: By contract: Dredging the bar channel during the fiscal year, as required-------- -------------------------------- 77,540.97 Total for allwork-------- ------------------- -- 1,138,200.45 The additional sum of $1,070,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: By contract: Complete the deepening of channel, Lake Charles to Gulf of Mexico_ _....------- - ---- - .---- $995,000 Maintenance: By hired labor: Dredging the bar channel with United States hopper ' dredge, as required, and channel patrol and maintenance of . markers, _•_-._ --- --------------. .----- ------- 75,000 Total all work--- . --.----- -- -- ----- - 1,070,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-..--. --- .- , $4,764,025.56 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948,...- - - - - 1,271,028.61 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 '. 6,035,054.17 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948..--------- , 10,076.47, Net total expenditures ----- - 6,024,977.70 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---- - - --. - - 578,200.45 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. - -' : 6,603,178.15 1094 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 --- - _______________- -i I-- I I I.- Cost of new work............... $12,966.45 $9,416.99 Cost of maintenance ........... 227, 337. 06 $27, 865. 12 $249, 744. 55 $57, 752. 46 63, 339.70 Total cost:...... ........ 240, 303. 51 27, 865. 12 249, 744. 55 57, 752. 46 72, 756. 69 Total expended.-...-- ....... 256,105. 47 29, 782.64 248, 172.71 57, 496. 88 62,654. 12 Allotted-------------------.................. i 370,000.00 -48,000. 00 i 18,000. 00 00c 630, 000 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_,_.___.. __ $10, 854.57 Amount allotted during fiscal year ._____ 823,800.00 Amount to be accounted for 834,654.57 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment_ 193,800.00 Net amount to be accounted for---.---- .___----- 640,854.57 Gross amount expended _ .__ - . - 62,654.12 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ . - - 578,200.45 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _ ... $10,076.47 Amuntlln covered hby uncmnleted contracts 53 9(1 10,129.67 Balance available, June 30, 1948.---. ---.---_ - 568,070.78 Amount allotted in July 1948______________ _____________ _ 560,000.00 'Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- . . 1,128,070.78 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.- ..... - ----- ----------... 6,496,300.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work . - .-- .-..--- -- -- _ _- - -- -- -- - 995,000.00 For maintenance--- ___ _- _ . ..- -_- - 75,000.00 Total--- _--------- 1,070,000.00 30. LAKE CHARLES DEEP WATER CHANNEL, LA. Location.--The Lake Charles Deep Water Channel, 24.9 miles in length, extends from the Calcasieu River to the Sabine River, fol- lowing the Calcasieu-Sabine section of the Intracoastal Waterway. The channel has access to deep water through the Sabine River, Sabine-Neches Canal, Port Arthur Canal, and Sabine Pass to the Gulf of Mexico. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 592; U. S. Geological Survey maps, Moss Lake, Black Lake, Cameron Farms, and Phoenix Lake quadrangles; and Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, navigation maps of Intracoastal Waterway and Atchafalaya River system.) Existing project.-This provides for the maintenance of a chan- nel 30 feet deep, with a bottom width of 125 feet, from Calcasieu River to the Sabine River. Under ordinary conditions, the mean range of tide is 2 to 3 inches; variations of 1 to 2 feet may be experienced due to high water on the Sabine or Calcasieu River. The estimated cost of the work, made in 1931, is $50,000 for the first initial maintenance and $30,000 annually thereafter. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: RIVERS ANDI) HARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1095 Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 30, 1935 1 Maintenance of channel 30 feet by 125 feet from Lake H. Doc. 172, 72d Cong., 1st sess. Charles, La., to Sabine River. Aug. 26, 1937 Section of Calcasieu River from Intracoastal Water- H. Doe. 299, 75th Cong., 1st sess. way to Lake Charles dropped from existing project. (modifying project for Calcasieu River and Pass). 1Included in the Public Works Administration program, Jan. 3, 1934. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with. Under a permit granted January 5, 1922, the police jury of Calcasieu Parish ex- pended $2,630,350 in enlarging the Calcasieu-Sabine River section of the Intracoastal Waterway to a depth of 30 feet over a bottom Width of 125 feet. Terminalfacilities.-(Seeproject for Calcasieu River and Pass.) Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Inspection and patrol of waterway and maintenance of signs and markers were carried on at cost of $278.84 for maintenance. The expenditures were $222.21. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The controlling depths (April 1948), mean low Gulf, were: Lake Charles to Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, 30 feet; through Calcasieu Lake, 34 feet (central depth) 29 feet (side extremities) ; through Calcasieu Pass, 30 feet; through the jettied channel, 36 feet; and over the bar, 30 feet. The channel is navigable throughout. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $240,674.98, all for maintenance. The total ex- Penditures were $240,618.35. Included in both total costs and ex- penditures are Public Works funds in the amount of $79,577.63. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $77.79, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948-------------------------------- $56.63 Maintenance: By hired labor: Patrol of waterway ---------------------------- 21.16 Total ------------------------------------------------ 77.79 The sum of $600 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950 for patrolling the waterway. Cost and financial summary C ost of new work to June 30, 1948_ . .- -. -.- --- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _--------- -------- $240,674.98 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 240,674.98 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------- --- 56.63 Net total expenditures _ ---------------------- 240,618.35 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.------------------------ 77.79 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 240,696.14 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.... Cost of maintenance------------. $130. 59 $1,267.43 ...--.--..-----... -- $278.84 Total expended----.....-----........---.. 125.94 1,370.08 ._______ _ ._222.21 __............. Allotted...-.................. 67, 5m)0. 00 -$1,700 -$1,027.22 300. 00 1 - - I - ------ - I --- - -.. i-- -. ;-r:j 1096 REPORT OF: CHIEF OF ENG[NEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted during fiscal year--.---------- _-------_ $50,500.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment -------------- 50,200.00 Net amount to be accounted for- _ 300,00 Gross amount expended_. . . -------------- 222.21 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 77.79 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--- ----------_ _---_ 56.63 Balance available, June 30, 1948-- ------------------ _ 21.16 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ......------ _ 600.00 31. REMOVING THE WATER HYACINTH (LOUISIANA) L.:o cation.--Lakes and streams tributary to the Gulf coast. SExisting project.---This project provides for the extermination or removal of plants: from the navigable waters of the States of Florida,. Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, so far as they are or may become an obstruction to navigation, by any mechanical, chemical, or: other; means ,whatsoever; for the construction and operation of boats equipped' with suitable machinery for such re- moval;:and:for the;construction and operation of booms to prevent the drifting of plants from one stream to another. The latest (1942) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $200,000. *The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts : Acts Work authorized I)ocuments Mar. 3, 1899 Made appropriations' for the States of Florida and Louisiana and provided for the extermination or H. Doc. 91, 55th Cong., 3d sess. removal of plants, the building of boats, and the' establishment of booms. June 13, 1902 Authorized the use of mechanical, chemical, or other means whatsoever. Mar. 3, 1905 Made the appropriation available for the State of Texas. Do. _... In making appropriations for Florida, provided that Mar. 2, 1907 no chemical process injurious to cattle shall be used. July 25, 1912 Made: the appropriation available for the State of Mississippi and also made available for use in that State the operating plant pertaining to the work in Louisiana. July 27, 1916 Made the appropriation available for the State of Alabama. Local cooperation.-None required. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities of the various streams from which hyacinths were removed are described in the reports for the improvement of these streams. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-The destruction plant Kenny and three aquatic vegetation destroyers of the semi-sub- merged, rotary saw type, destroyed a total of 11,779,755 square yards of hyacinths and alligator weed in Bayous Bienvenue, Black, Boeuf, Chene, Blanc, Cherami, Chevreuil, Copassaw, Crocodile, Des Allemands, Desire, Du Large, Folse, Grand, Lafourche, l'Eau Bleu, Long, Milhomme, Penchant, Pierrepart, St. John, Segnette, Stink- ing and Tiger, and in the Amite, Belle, Blind, Blood, Natalbany, Ponchatoula and Tickfaw and Upper Grand Rivers, Bourg Canal, the Intracoastal Canal, Hammond Hiway Canal, New River Canal RIVERS AND I:fARllORS-NEW OIEANS, LA., IISTRICT 1097 and Black Lake. A total of 982,517 square yards of hyacinths and alligator weed was removed by conveyors from Bayous Black, Du Mar, Folse, Litte Black and Lafourche. No hand removal work was Undertaken. A one year contract was entered into March 30, 1948, for expert Services in connection with the study and investigation of a means of destroying water hyacinths and other marine growth in the navigable waterways of the New Orleans District. Operation on a sufficiently large scale adequately to meet all of the needs and commitments of the District were limited by the lack of sufficient operating plant and the resulting inability to spare any of the operating plant available, for needed repair work. Under the circumstances it was impracticable to conduct much preventive maintenance in feeder areas, which is considered an important fac- tor in the program for overall control of the vegetation. Operations Were mainly confined to the main navigable waterways over which the greater portion of commerce moved. . A pilot model, the first of six additional aquatic vegetation de- stroyers was designed and tested during the year.: Tests on this Plant proved it to be unsatisfactory for use and it was returned for necessary changes. A large plant of the destroyer type was also Completed and tested during the year with similar results. Revisions to the crushing machinery and pick-up conveyor on the U. S. Kenny Were still pending at the end of the fiscal year. The total costs during the fiscal year were $240,286.46; total expenditures were $238,676.68, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-From 1900 to 1902 a boat with suitable machinery for removing and crushing hyacinths was Operated. From that time until 1936 the hyacinths were sprayed With a solution of arsenic and soda, hand removal, and booms and barricades. The use of arsenic and soda has been discontinued and removal by hand supplanted by the use of mechanical equipment and the best available chemicals. Present methods of control are by means of a crushing plant, power operated conveyors, semi-sub- merged, rotary saw type destroyers, and booms and barricades. Excellent results are being obtained within the limits of available Plant. Lack of adequate operating plant: seriously handicapped Operations and work was confined to the main waterways over Which the greater portion of commerce moved. The total costs to June 30, 1948, were $2,426,696.46, and the total expenditures were $2,426,427.77, all for maintenance. Proposedoperations.--The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $67,563.73, plus accounts receivable $171.83, and an allotment of $353,500.00 made in July 1948, a total of $421,235.56 will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: : Accounts payable June 30, 1948- -..- - : $440.52 Maintenance by hired labor and Government plant, as required, July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949: Mechanical destruction . : 373,000.00 Destruction by chemicals-:. . - ..- . 35,700.00 Experimental work.. --- - 6,000:00 Examinations, surveys, reports-... .... i.. .. ......- 6,000.00 Unallocated balance- .-. .. . o 95.04 Total------_ . ,.------. ----- -- 421,;235.56 1098 REPORT OF CIHIEIF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $500,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance by hired labor and Government plant, as required, July 1, 1949, to June 30, 1950: Exclusion by structures ----------------------------------- $24,000 Mechanical destruction_ ----------------------------------- 428 300 Destruction by chemicals ---------------------- ------------ 35700 Experimental work --------------------------------------- 6,000 Examinations, surveys, reports------------------------------- 6000 Total ---------------------------------------------- 500,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--------------- _ $2,426,696.46 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 2,426,696.46 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-171.83 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--------------------- 2,426,868.29 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 440.52 Net total expenditures_---------------------------- 2,426,427.77 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 67,563.73 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 2,493,991.50 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I II I I i Cost of new work............... Cost of maintenance. _--..... $119,898. --------- -- 9 936)9j-- -------- i36993 $119, -- $161, i ~6: ,$1131 666.36 --- 1, 496 47 $240, 286.46 Total expended--........-.....--------- 118, 976. 54 115, 501.45 173, 294. 30 1 , 702. 77 123 238, 676. 68 Allotted----........--...---...----......... 80, 000. 00 213, 300. 00 214, 000. 00 .... 250, 000. 00 - -- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 . .. $56,240.41 Amount allotted during fiscal year. ____ ._. _. _ 2501000.00 Amount to be accounted for.... .. . . ..... 306,240.41 Gross amount expended._. _...... ... __.. __._..... _._._ 238,676.68 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--_------- _ 67,563.73 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....... $440.52 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 12,639.73 13,080.25 Balance available, June 30, 1948. ..-.--- ..----------- 54,483.48 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948. . ___ 171.83 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948---.--- 54,655.31 Amount allotted in July 1948-........... __ _ 353,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-...... 408,155.31 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_..._..____..._...__.._._ 500,000.00 32. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of work during the fiscal year amounted to $154,301.77, the expenditures were $152,783.40. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $22,475.72, plus an allotment of $40,500 made in July 1948, a total of $62,975.72, will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 in payment of expenses incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $236,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. RIVERS AND I-ARBORS-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1099 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_..--------------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- $1,957,705.46 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1,957,705.46 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 1,276.90 Net total expenditures---1----------------------- ,956,428.56 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948--------------------------- 22,475.72 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 1,978,904.28 _ -' Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I - - - I -I---- Cost of new work............. Cost of maintenance- .......... i --- i------4, .------ ,478 $04,426.4 $60,47861 $0, 2-------------i7641.96 523.35 $1,301.77 $127, 541. 96 Total expended-................. 60, 344.74 95, 772.28 101,201.55 127, 340.13 152, 783.40 Allotted-....................... 166,250.00 116, 440.00 73,239.11 123, 850. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------- $51,409.12 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------------- 123,850.00 Amount to be accounted for-_ ------- ------- 175,259.12 Gross amount expended____-------------------- 152,783.40 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------- ----- 22,475.72 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 $1,276.90 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 5,146.88 6,423.78 Balance available, June 30, 1948 -- - . 16,051.94 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------------ 40,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ..... 56,551.94 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance--- _-----------------_ 236,500.00 33. CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT OF BAYOU SEGNETTE, LA., UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 3 OF THE RIVER AND HARBOR ACT APPROVED MARCH 2, 1945 Section 3 of the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorizes the Secretary of War to allot not to exceed $300,000 from any appropriations for any one fiscal year for improvement of rivers and harbors, for removing accumulated snags and other debris and for protecting, clearing, and straightening channels in navigable harbors and navigable streams and tributaries thereof. The sum of $20,000 was made available during the fiscal year 1948 for dredging Bayou Segnette, La., beginning at lower end of the Westwego Canal and ending at Lake Salvador, and for removing all debris therefrom. Dredging was accomplished under this author- ization during the period April 12 to 16 and June 2 to 16, 1948, when 91,015 cubic yards had been removed by dragline and hired labor forces. The costs during the fiscal year amounted to $15,195.05; expen- ditures were $12,210.12. 1100 OF CHIEF 0rtR'ItENGINEERS, OF U. S. ARMY, 1 948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_____ --- ----- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- ..---- $15,195;05 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 15,195.05 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------- 2984.93 Net total expenditures------------------------------- 12,21012 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 _ -------------------- 7,789.88 Total amount appropriated to June.30, 1948--- - _ - 20,00000 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.. $15 9 - " Cost of maintenance. .- 15, 15.05 otal expended --------------- ------------ ----- ----------------------------- 12, 210.12 Allotted.------------------------------------------------------------------20 0000 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------- $20,000.00 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 12,210.12 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ 7,789.88 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _. $2,984.93 7,8. Amount covered by uncompleted contracts .10 2 985.03 Balance available, June 30, 1948 4,804.85 . 34. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS Cost and expenditures to For last June 30, 1918 Estimat ted full report amount re, Name of project see Annual quired to Report Mainte- conmple te for- New work niance - - -- -- -- 1. Tensas River and Bayou Macon, La...... 1942 $38, 366. 57 $85, 352. 16 ( 2) 2. Rondeway and Vidal Bayous, La ..-------... 1892 2,000.00 ------.. (3) 3. Boeuf River, La.'-........................ 1942 .. 30, 0(x). 00 103, 736. 88 (5 °) 4. Bayou Bartholomew, La. and Ark.4 7 . ... 1931 45, 873. 53 42, 857.25 (3) 5. Bayous ID'Arbonne and Cortney, La. ..... 1941 19, 000. 00 37, 803.88 (3) 6. Sulphur River, Ark. and Tex.8 ..---------- 1919 45, 988. 99 .. (3) .7. Bayou Dorcheat, Loggy Bayou and. Lake Bisteneau, La_ -.------ 1887 5 000.00) -------------- .. (3) 8. Bayou Pierre, La. l, ' . . 1887.. :.. 8,600.00 ....... . (3) 9. Cane River, La. 4 1910 2,500. 00 1, 999.50 () 10. Little River, La. 4 -1908 ..... 2, 500.00---- .. (_3) 1. Pass Manchac, La ....... . __... _.... 1942 1, 374.10 9, 838.68 (') 12. Big Pigeon and Little Pigeon Bayous---379.20 La.. L. -.- ...., a . 3 37,669.0 (3) ( 13., Intracoasta to Bayou fromeLa1946 River'Waterway theo. Missisippi 5,866.64 sippi River to Bayou 'ieche, La-------1946 . . 5,866.64 () 14. Grand Bayou Pass, Lai ... L.. . 1946 . 7, 676.34 13, 980. 43 (3) 15. Vinton Waterway, La. ... 1937 $1 , 000 16!. BayouVermilionLa_..1.-2.. - -,,.1947 34, 900.00 200,168.83- (3) 1 Channels adequate for existing commerce., - s Local cooperation required. , Completed. ' Abandonment recommended in H. Doeo 1692; 64th Cong., 2d sess, and H. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. S Curtailment recommended ,in H. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. 6 Channels adequate for existing commerce. Abandonment recommended in H. Doc. 1694, 64th Cong., ' - 2d sess., and I.,Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess.: 7 No commerce reported. . . . . 1, ' Abandonment recommended n'I "Doc. 467; 69th Cong., 1st sess. 8"This project has not been completed as it has been superseded for most of its length by the 12 x 1 2 5 -foot Gulf Intracoastal Waterway which coincided with or parallels it. Costs and expenditures prior to July 1, 1939, are reported under previous projects of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway between Apalachee Bay, lla., and the Mexican border (New Orleans District). 1 o Due to' decline of traffic, local interests are no longer sufficiently interested to provide rights-of-WSY and dumping privileges. RIVERS ANI) HARBORS- -NEW ORLEANSLA., 'DISTRICT 1101 35. PLANT ALLOTMENT,. NEW' ORLEANS, 'LA., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948 -.... .- --- $1,088,493.41 Net total cost to June 30, 1948------ .....- 1,088,493.41 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948..........- . . .--.-- 79,723.62 Net total expenditures ---------- 1,008,769.79 1-------- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ....---------------------- 436,601.47 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- - ... 1,445,371.26 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Total expended-------------................. -$211,980. 09 -$46, 068.26 -$123,113. 46 $91,168.62 $197, 648.26 ...................... Allotted-------------------- -80, 000.00 -345, 000. 00 -90, 000. 00 136, 395. 33 369, 879. 17 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-_-- ... $264,370.56 Amount allotted during fiscal year_------.------ 469,879,17 Amount to be accounted for- -...--. -. -- 734,249.73 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment---------. 100,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for .... - ------ -- 634,249.73 Gross amount expended--...---....-----.----------- - 197,648.26 Balance unexpended. June 30, 1948-------- - ----------- 436,601.47 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-__ $79,723.62 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 100,202.89 179,926.51 Balance available, June 30, 1948. ----------------- 256,674.96 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions My I)ate trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to D)ocument Itecorn- Congress ' No. mendation Armite River and tributaries, River-and HIarbor Act, ----- .- - . Louisiana (flood control, irri- Mar. 2, 1945. gation, navigation and( drain- age, and for the prevention of stream pollution and salt-water intrusion. Anite River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, DI)ec. Louisiana (flood control, rice 22, 1944. irrigation, navigation pollution, salt-water intrusion and drain- age). Assumption Parish, Bayou River and Harbor Act, I-------------------------. J3oeuf, La., in the interest of Mar. 2, 1915. navigation, flood control, bene- flcial uses of water, malarial control, and prevention of stream pollution in Lafourche Bayou, La., from Donaldson- ville to the Intracoastal Water- way, and of the location of locks at the head of Bayou Lafourche at or near I)onaldsonville. Atchafalaya (East) Basin protec- River and Harbor Act, ...............-.--- tion levee, all streams and Mar. 2, 1915. bayous in Louisiana, east to the Mississippi River. I)o.................. Flood Control Act Dec. 22, 1944, 804711---48-Vol. 1-70 1102 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions--Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recomn Congress No. mendation - -I I I _-- -- Atchafalaya (West) Basin pro- ..... do-----------------................. , -------------...............-- tection levee, all streams and bayous in southwest Louisiana west of, and south of latitude of Boyce. Atchafalaya River, La., Morgan River and Harbor Act, ........ ___ City, La., to Gulf of Mexico SMar. 2, 1945. (partial report Louisiana, all streams and bayous between east Atchafalaya Basin Protec- tion levee and Mississippi River). Do..-- - -.................. Flood Control Act, Dec. 22, 1944. Barataria Bay and connecting River and Harbor Act, channels, Louisiana, to provide Mar. 2, 1945. a continuous waterway from the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Barataria Bay, La., with a view Rivers and Harbors Com- to providing a connecting wa- mittee resolution, Nov. terway to Grand Ecaille. 13, 1946. Bell City I)rainage Canal, La.... River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. Black Cypress and Cypress Riv- River and Harbor Act, ers via waterway from Shreve- Aug. 26, 1937. port, La., to Jefferson, Tex. 1 Black Cypress River, Tex., and River and Harbor Act, La, on Jefferson, Tex., Shreve- June 20, 1938. port, La., waterway. 1 -- -- ------- - - - - - - - Bocuf Bayou, Assumption Par- River and Harbor Act, ish, La., in the interest of navi- Mar. 2, 1945. gation, flood control, beneficial uses of water, malarial control, and prevention of stream pollu- tion in Lafourche Bayou, La., from Donaldsonville to the In- tracoastal Waterway. Boeuf Bayou to Chevreuil .... do------........------......--------------........------------- Bayou, La., via Grand Bayou. Boeuf Bayou, Lafourche Parish, .... do..................., ---- ............... .......-------------- ---------- La. Calcasieu River, La., for naviga- Commerce Committee S.. ............... I . tion, flood control, and irri- resolution, Feb. 8, 1939; gation. Flood Control Com- mittee resolution, Jan. 26, 1939; Rivers and Harbors Committee resolution, Jan. 24, 1939. Chandeleur Islands to Industrial Commerce Committee Canal, New Orleans, La., 40- resolution, Apr. 19, foot ship channel, Mississippi 1943. River, emergency outlet to Gulf of Mexico. Do------------------....................... Riversand Harbors Com- mittee resolution, May 5, 1943. Chevreuil Bayou to Boeuf River and Harbor Act, Bayou, La., via Grand Bayou. Cypress Creek, T'ex. ......... Mar. 2, 1945. ~----------------- ... do(1 ..------.......... --- --- --- --- ------------- Cypress River above Jefferson, River and Harbor Act, La., in Jefferson, Tex.-Shreve- Aug. 30, 1935. port, La., Waterway (reser- voirs). 1 C ypress and Black Cypress Riv- River and Harbor Act, ........... ers via waterway from Shreve- Aug. 26, 1937. port, La., to Jefferson, Tex. (reservoirs in). 1 Cypress River, Tex., and La., on River and Harbor Act, Jefferson, Tex. - Shreveport, June 20, 1938. La., Waterway (reservoirs in). I Donaldsonville, Lafourche River and Harbor Act, Bayou, La., to the Intracoastal Mar. 2, 1945. Waterway 'via Bayou Boeuf, Assumption Parish, or other streams, in the interest of navi- gation, flood control, etc. See footnotes at end of table. RIVERS AND HARBORS--NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1103 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation DuLarge Bayou,. La., outlet to River and Harbor Act, . Gulf of Mexico to accommo- Mar. 2, 1945; Flood (late 7 shrimp vessels of 6- or Control Act, l)ec. 22, -foot draft (partial report 1944. Louisiana, all streams and Bayous east of East Atchafa- Glaya Basin Protection Levee). Golden Meadow, La., to the Gulf River and Harbor Act, .. of Mexico, via Lafourche Mar. 2, 1945. 1ayou. Grand Bayou, connecting Bayou .....d o .. . BOeuf and Bayou Chevreuil, Ila. Grand Caillou Bayou, La., out- River and Harbor Act, ............... let to Gulf of Mexico to accom- Mar. 2, 1945. no(ldate 7 shrimp vessels of 6- or -foot draft (partial report Louisiana, all stream and bay- ous east of East Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee). Do- .............. . ...... Flood Control Act, Dec. 22, 1944. Grand Caillou and LeCarpe Rivers and Harbors Com- Bayou, La. mittee resolution, Apr. 4, 1938. Grand Ecaille, with a view to Rivers and Harbors Com- l)roviding a connecting water- mittee resolution, Nov. Way to Barataria Bay, La. 13, 1946. Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to River and Harbor Act, D)onaldsonville, La., via Bayou Mar. 2, 1945. Boeuf in the interest of naviga- tion, flood control, beneficial uses of water, malarial control and prevention of stream pollu- tion in Lafourche Bayou and the location of locks at the head of Bayou Lafourche at or near Donalmdsonville. Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to the Gulf of Mexico, via Bara- taria Bay and connecting chan- nels, Louisiana. TIouma, La., outlets to open wa- River and Harbor Act, ters of Gulf of Mexico, to ac- Mar. 2, 1945; Flood commodate vessels of shrimp Control Act, Dec. 22, trawler type of 6- or 7-foot draft 1944. (Via Bayous 'Terrebonne, Petit Caillou, Grand Caillou and I)uLarge, Terrebonne Parish, La.) (partial report, Louisiana, all streams and Bayous east of A tchafalava). Industrial anal New Orleans, Commerce Committee La., to Chandeleur Island- resolution, Apr. 19, Mississippi River emergency 1943. Outlet to Gulf of Mexico, 40- foot ship channel. l)o..................... River and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, May 5, 1943. Jefferson-Shreveport Waterway, River and Harbor Act, Tex., and La., enlarging exist- Aug. 30, 1935. ing project and establishing Reservoir on Cypress River above Jeflerson, l'ex. Jefferson-Shreveport Waterway, River and Harbor Act, ''Tex., and La., via Red River Aug. 26, 1937. to Mississippi River, including reservoirs in Cypress and Black Cypress Rivers. efferson-Shreveport Waterway, River and Harbor Act, ... ''ex., andi La., thence via Red June 20, 1938. I Red IRiver to the Mississippi River, survey for navigation, flood control, power, and irri- gation, including water supply reservoirs in Cypress and Black Cypress Rivers. I See footnotes at end of table. 1104 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom on Congress No. mendatiion Lafourche Bayou, La., from Don- River and Harbor Act, ... aldsonville to the Intracoastal Mar. 2, 1945. Waterway, via Bayou Boeuf, Assumption Parish, or other streams, for navigation, flood control, beneficial uses of water, malarial control, prevention of stream pollution, and of the lo- cation of locks at the head of said bayou at or near Donald- sonville, La. Lafourche Bayou, La., from Lee- River and Harbor Act, ville or Golden Meadow to the Mar. 2, 1945. Gulf of Mexfco. Lafourche Parish, Bayou Boeuf, -do.............. --..... La. LeCarpe Bayou, and Grand Cail- Rivers and Harbors Com- lou Bayou, La. mittee resolution Apr. 4, 1938. Leeville, La., to the Gulf of Mex- River and Harbor Act, ico, via Lafourche Bayou. Mar. 2, 1945.: Louisiana, all streams and bayous --..... do ------.......... between East Atchafalaya Ba- sin protection levee and Missis- sippi River (flood control, irri- gation, navigation, and (drain- age, and for the prevention of stream pollution and salt-water intrusion). Louisiana, all streams and bayous Flood Control Act, Dec. between East Atchafalaya Ba- 22, 1944. sin protection levee and Missis- sippi River (flood control, rice irrigation, navigation, pollu- tion, salt-water intrusion and drainage). Louisiana, all streams and bayous River and Harbor Act, in southwest part,west of West Mar. 2, 1945. Atchafalaya Basin protection levee, and south of latitude of Boyce (flood control, irrigation, navigation, and drainage, and for the prevention of stream pollution and salt-water in- trusion). Louisiana, all streams and bayous Flood Control Act, Dec. in southwest part, west of West 22, 1944. Atchafalaya Basin protection levee, and south of latitude of Boyce (flood control, rice irri- gation, navigation, pollution, salt water intrusion, and drainage). Louisiana, waters of, and other Rivers and Harbors Com- States affected by water-hya- mittee resolution, Feb. cinth obstructions. 6, 1945. Mandeville, La., protection of River and Harbor Act, shoreline and repairs to existing Mar. 2, 1945. protective works at, on Lake Pontchartrain. Mississippi River, all streams River and Harbor Act, ............ and bayous in Louisiana west Mar. 2, 1945.- of, to the Atchafalaya (East) Basin protection levee. Do..................... Flood Control Act, Dec. 2, 1944. Mississippi River at and below Commerce Committee New Orleans, La., decrease in resolution, Apr. 25, 1940. salinity. Do....-............... Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Apr. 25, 1940. RIVERS AND HARBORS--NEW ORLEANS;' LA.; DISTRICT 1105 Status of all investigations for navigation called foo'by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions--Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act' imitted to Document, Recom- Congress No. mendation Mississippi River, emergency -- Commerce Committee .. .---- Outlet to (,Qulf of Mexico, 40-foot resolution, Apr. 19, 1943. ship channel from the Indus- trial Canal, New Orleans, La., eastward to the Rigolets and thence to Chandeleur Islands. Do. Uo,--------------- Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, May Mississippi Iliver at or near New 5, 1943. River and Harbor Act,' Orleans, La., to the Gulf of Mar. 2, 1945. M exico, Ship canal via the best available route or routes. lississip s pi River at New Or- Rivers and Harbors Com- July 24, 1947 Unfavorable. lean ex ., , La., to Corpus Christi, mittee resolution, Oct. I' Intracoastal Waterway 30, 1915. Alternate lock connection with ississippi River in vicinity of Agiers at New Orleans). Morgan City, La., to Gulf of River and Harbor Act, Mexico, Atchafalaya River, La. Mar. 2, 1945. (Partial report Louisiana all streams and bayous between east Atchafalaya Basin Protec- tion Levee and Mississippi River) I)o.... . . ............. Flood Control Act, Dec.' 22, 1944. -------------- New Orleans, La., emergency Commerce Committee outlet from the Mississippi resolution, Apr. 19, 1943. River to the Gulf of Mexico, 40- , ., . foot ship channel via the Indus- trial Canal eastward to the R igolets, and thence to Chan- deleur Islands. I ,, D)o......--......----------- Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, May 5, 1943. New Orleans, La., to the Gulf of River and Harbor Act, « «I Mexico, ship canal via the best Mar. 2, 1945. available route or routes, Mis- sissippi River at or near New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La., construction River and Harbor Act, of seaplane base on Lake Pont- Mar. 2, 1945. chartrain, in vicinity of. Ouachita River and tributaries, Flood Control Commit- Ark., and La. 2 tee Resolution, Feb. 10, - -- - - - - - - - - 1938. Ouachita River System, La., and Flood Control Commit- Ark., and connecting water- tee resolution, Jan. 26, Ways, singly or together, for 1939; Commerce Com- -------- 7 navigation, floodcontrol, and mittee resolution, Feb. I. Irrigation. 2 8, 1939; Rivers and' Har eorsCommittee resolu- tion, Jan. 24, 1939. Ouachita River, with view to River and Harbor Act, 7177770 7 Construction of a darn at or near Mar. 2, 1945. Rockport, Ark., in the interest of navigation, floodcontrol, and the development of hydroelec- tricpower. 2 Ouachita River, Ark., with view Flood Control'Act, July to providing navigation from 21, 1946. Camden, Ark., to Rockport, Ark. 2 Petit Caillou Bayou, La., outlet River and HIIarbor Act, .... .......... ... to Gulf of Mexico to accommo- Mar. 2, 1945. (late shrimp vessels of 6- or 7-foot draft (partial report Lou- isiana, all streams and bayous east of east Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee). See footnotes at end of table. 1106 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions-Continued .......... Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation .1 1 1 I I I- Pontchartrain Lake, La., con- River and Harbor Act, struction of seaplane base in Mar. 2, 1945. the vicinity of New Orleans, and protection of shore line and repairs to existing protective works at Mandeville, La. Rigaud Bayou, La............. Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Sept. 25, 1945. Schooner Bayou, North Prong, River and Harbor Act, Vermilion Parish, La. Mar. 2, 1945. Segnette Bayou, La............ Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Mar. 12, 1946; River and HIar- bor Act, July 24, 1946. Red River, La., Ark., Okla., and Rivers and Harbors Com- Tex., for navigation, flood con- mittee resolution, Feb. trol, water power, and irriga- 25, 1938. tion. 1 Red River, La., Ark., Okla., and Flood Control Commit- Tex., and connecting water- tee resolution, Jan. 26, ways, singly or together for 1939; Rivers and IHar- -navigation, flood control and bors Committee resolu- irrigation. I tion, Jan. 24, 1939, and Commerce Committee resolution, Feb. 8, 1939. Shreveport-Jefferson Waterway, River and Harbor Act, La., and Tex., enlarging exist- Aug. 30, 1935. ing project and establishing I reservoir on Cypress River above Jefferson, Tex. Shreveport-Jetfferson Waterway, River and Harbor Act, La., and Tex., thence via Red Aug. 26, 1937. River to Mississippi River, in- cluding reservoirs in Cypress and Black Cypress Rivers. 1 Shreveport-Jefferson Waterway, River and Harbor Act, ..---. .. .. ... La., and Tex., thence via Red June 20, 1938. River to Mississippi River. Survey for navigation, flood control, water power, and irri- gation, including water supply reservoirs in Cypress and Black Cypress Rivers. 1 Sulphur River, Tex., and Ark., ..... do----------------- .----------- ----------..--. navigation, flood control and water power. I Tangipahoa River and tributar- River and Harbor Act, ies, Louisiana (flood control, Mar. 2, 1945. irrigation, navigation, and drainage, and for prevention of stream pollution and salt-water intrusion). Terrebonne Bayou, La., outlet River and Harbor Act ............. to Gulf of Mexico to accommo- Mar. 2, 1945. (late shrimp vessels of 6- or 7-foot draft (partial report Loui- siana, all streams and Bayous east of East Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee). Do............... .. Flood Control Act, Dec. 22, 1944. Water hyacinth obstruction in Rivers and Harbors Com- Louisiana and other States af- mittee resolution, Feb. fected. 6, 1945. i To be incorporated in a comprehensive report on Red River and tributaries, Louisiana, Arkansas, Okla- homa and Texas, for navigation, flood control, power and irrigation, which will be prepared by the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors. 2 Combined with review of reports Ouachita River and Tributaries, Arkansas and Louisiana submitted by District Engineer, New Orleans District, Mar. 30, 1948. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1107 36. JONESVILLE, LA. Location.-The work covered by this project is on the right bank of Black River at Jonesville, La., 56.5 miles above the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the encirclement of the town of Jonesville by earth levees and concrete flood wall. A floodgate structure will be provided for discharge of Surface water during periods of normal river stages and for exclu- sion of stream waters during flood stages. A pumping unit, will be Provided for use when high river stages prevent natural drainage. The project will protect the people and property of Jonesville, La., against floods. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936 (H. Doc. 196, 73d Cong., 2d sess.). The estimated cost (revised in 1948) is: Federal Govern- raent, $382,000 for construction; local interests, $162,000, of which $100,000 is for construction and $62,000 is for lands and damages. Local cooperation.-Assurances have not been received. In addi- tion to the local cooperation specified by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, Conference Report No. 2319, 80th Con- gress, 2d session, on the Civil Functions appropriation Bill 1949, States "No part of the $268,000 earmarked for Jonesville, La., in the report under this item shall be used unless and until local interests 1 make available for use on the project at least $100,000." Operationand results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No construction work has been Performed on the project. Proposed operations.-An initial allotment of $268,000 plus $100,000 to be contributed by local interests will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows. New work: By contract: Construction of bulkhead along Black River----------- _ ----- _ $140,000 Construction of sanitary interceptor sewer and pumping plant..... 15,000 Initiate construction of levee and appurtenances----- ---------- 165000 By hired labor: Plans and specifications, field surveys ...------- ------------ - 48,000 Total --------------------- --------------------- 368,000 The sum of $114,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal Year 1950 to complete construction of the levee, construct the flood- gate and pumping facilities, and complete construction of the pro- ject. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948....------- --------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------- ----------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ....... Net total expenditures__.._.._..---------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 - - - -- --- _ _ ---- _ _ 1108 REPORT; OF ,CHIEF OF :ENGINEERS, U.'S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ofnewwork -- s-oaitnac------------------------- r : ' -- =---------- ---- Total expended. .-------.. - ..- ---- ------------------- -- ----- Alotted- . e_..-r-- --- ,-. . ,. --- Amount allotted in July 1948_ 1 . __ .:_ _ $268, 000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949~ . ._. 268,000 Amount (estimated) required t'be appropriated for completion of existing project.= .. . . - 114,000 Amount that can be profitably fiscal. year ending. 1 00 June 30, 1950, for, new work . ... .. ... 11400 37 RED RIVER BELOW DENISON DAM,. NEW ORLEANS DISTRICT ,Location.--The workcovered by this'project is located on the Red, River and its tributariesbelow Denison Dam, in Oklahoma,AArka n sas, Texas and Louisiana: 'Existing project.-'The Flood 'Co0frolM ct' approved July 24, 1946, approved thd general plan for flood control on Red River below, Denison Dam,'Tex., and Okla., whichi;provides for the constrtction of six flood-control reservoirs 'in "combination 'with"existing or authorized Federal and' non-Federal levee improvements, modified as required, and channel stabilization at locations where levee set- backs are impossible or uneconomical. This act further authorized the incorporation of the several separate existing projects. for flood control along the Red River below Denison, above the jurisdic- tion of the Mississippi River Commission, into this project. The total estimated increased cost to the United States (revised in 1948) is $54,783,000 for construction in addition to that required for the incorporated projects. (H. Doc.'602, 79th Cong., 2d sess.) Following are lists of the reservoirs and local protection works considered in the general flood-control plan' for the Red River below Denison Dam, and the existing flood-control projects incor- porated into the project, in the New Orleans district: . t'.-. YS { ", .New'projec S ".' .Dririage toge acre-feet: Estimated' Project Stream area, construc' square Conserva- Flood tion cost miles tion control t . _ . Sulphur River.... Texarkana Reservoir, Tex.t-...... 3, 400 . 60,000 2,030, 000 2, $29, 503, 000 ) Ferrells Bridge Reservoir, Tex. Cypress Creek - 850 4, 000 410, 00 8, 632, 000 Mooringsport Reservoir, La. and .....-do-........... 2,740 150,000 ' 660, 000 8,335, 000 T''ex.1 Bayou Pierre in vicinity ofShreve- -- ;--. ... .- , 185,000 port, La.1 ................ . .. Enlargement and extension of ------------------------------ 8,128,000 levees and construction of revet- , . ments, dikes, and similar works for bank stabilization, Ark., La. and Tex.l Total ....................----------------........... ----------------------------- 54, 783, 000 I Details presented in individual report. F LOOI) CONTROL-NEW ORLEANS, LA., ISTRICT 1109 Incorporated projects For last Flood full re- P'roject Type of work Control Estimated port, see Act cost Annual Report for- pstead County levee district No. 1, kIe - Levee enlargement.---- .... . 1938 $200, 000 1941 IAtrkansas. . delRiver Parish, La.------------ -- ...---- do. (1 -- - 1936 1 180, 000 1939 atchitochces 'a'ish, La.-..... evee and appurtenances '--L---- 1936 1,303,00() 1945 atx, Grant Parish, La.' .. Levees...---------- --------- 1938 71, 000 1938 rloha area, Grant and Rapides Iti olette Levees and appurtenances . 1941 1, 590, 1.). 100 Plneville, RedRiver, La.3 . _ __... .. do -. ---- ..........--. 1941 220,000 ...- o ax, G(rant Parish, Ia. . ... .... Cut-off _- --- 1----938 50, (00) 1938 alie' Point, Ia.4 h.e.v. ._.-.- . . do.....-- ---------. 1936 1:35,000()1945 e(1River in vicinity of Shreveport, La.3 Bank protection_- . 1944 3,950, 000) Back 1 Bayou Reservoir, La.------ ---- Flood-control reservoir . 1936. 540,000 19'5 aYou o0(etcanlReservoir, Ia.3 .... o ..--- 1938 4, 465,0)0 .1- 6 PYou Bodcau, Red Chute and Loggy Channel improvement ---- 1941 319, 2(x) ... 3ayou , La.3 Iallace Lake Reservoir, La.s. . Flood-control reservoir_ .- 193 1,182, 000 - - 6 ayou Pierre, La.3 -------------........ Channel enlargement .... 1936 :300,)0 .... .- Completed. Conpletoe, except for a proposel floodgate on Cane River. 4 Detailspresented in individual reports herewith. way ornplete. 'lTheunexpended balance is being applied to reimbursement of local interests for rights-of- 6 No Work has been accomplishe(d on this project. 6Icludecl in this report. Local cooperation.-Requirements of local cooperation for existing flood-control improvements along the main stem have been Dmet, except with respect to rights-of-way for the authorized levee Project at Pineville, La. Local interests represented by officials of the four States concerned, have indicated willingness to comply With requirements usually prescribed under existing flood control acts. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The operations dur- ing the fiscal year, together with costs and expenditures for those Projects on which work was in progress, are shown in individual reports. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The condition of the various Projects on which work has been initiated is given in individual reports. 38. TEXARKANA RESERVOIR, TEX. Location.-The work covered by this project is on the Sulphur River in Cass and Bowie Counties, Tex. The dam site is 45 miles above the mouth of Sulphur River, and approximately 8 miles south- West of Texarkana, Tex. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of an earth-fill dam 27,400 feet long and 90 feet high, including a spillway 700 feet long and outlet works with a capacity of 18,000 cubic feet per second. The reservoir will control the run- off from 3,400 square miles of drainage area, and will have a stor- age capacity of 2,090,000 acre-feet of which 60,000 acre-feet are for conservation and the remainder for flood control. The estimated cost of the" project (revised in 1948) is $29,503,000, of which $21,856,000 is for construction and $7,647,000 is for lands, damages, and relocations, The existing project was authorized by the Flood 1110 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Control Act approved July 24, 1946 (H. Doc. 602, 79th Cong. 2d sess). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The following new work was accomplished by hired labor: Dam site: Acquisition of land for dam site, mapping, surveys, studies, planning, soil explora- tions, borings and analysis, at a cost of $63,885.17; Reservoir: Sur- veys, mapping, studies, negotiations and preliminary designs for highways, railroads and utilities relocations at a cost of $156,- 696.83; United States Fish and Wildlife Service made investiga- tions and reports at a cost of $1,243.00; the Waterways Experiment Station initiated soil analyses and designs at a cost of $74,417.56; and the Office, Division Engineer, LMVD, made studies and design at a cost of $3,923.97. The total costs for new work were $300,- 166.53; the expenditures were $290,589.35. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No construction work has been performed on the project. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $300,166.53; expenditures were $290,589.35, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948, of $359,410.65, plus an allotment of $3,350,000, will be applied dur- ing the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948____________________________ $9,577.18 New work: By contract: Initiate construction of earth work-------$2,500,000.00 Acquisition of lands for dam site-------- 506,000.00 Clearing of dam site work area ----------- 130,000.00 Relocation of transmission line--- _ 35,000.00 By hired labor: Continue surveys and design, and preparation of plans and specifications... 528,833.47 3,699,833.47 Total for all work-______ _________________-_ - 3,709,410.65 The additional sum of $6,000,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 to continue construction of the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- .---------- $300,166.53 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 __._._.._ _ ... __----- STotal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ 300,166.53 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.---------------------- 9,577.18 Net total expenditures-_ 290,589.35 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_____________ _________ 359,410.65 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 650,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .... --------------------------------------------- , ------------- 300, 166.53 Cost of maintenance..... ... [2 . .... . otal expended. ------------. ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ , 589.35 Tllotted- -------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- (110,8).00 FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1111 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ -------------- ----------- $650,000.00 Gross amount expended...._______ ------------------------- 290,589.35 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------ --- 359,410.65 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _. $9,577.18 mount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 58,503.41 68,080.59 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------- ------ 291',330.06 Amount allotted in July 1948_ --------------------------__ 3,350,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------....... 3,641,330.06 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.--..- --------------------------- 25,503,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_- ----------------------- 6,000,000.00 39. FERRELLS BRIDGE RESERVOIR, TEX. Location.-The work covered by this project is on Cypress Creek in Harrison, Upshur, Morris, and Camp counties, Tex., 8 miles west of Jefferson, Tex. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the Construction of an earth-fill dam, 9,800 feet long and approximately 50 feet high, and includes a 200-foot spillway with a capacity of 68,000 cubic feet per second. The reservoir will have a gross stor- age capacity of 414,000 acre-feet, including 410,000 acre-feet of flood-control storage and 4,000 acre-feet of conservation storage. The reservoir will extend 24 miles upstream. The project will afford Substantial flood protection of Cypress Creek Valley from the dam site to confluence with the Red River and together with the opera- tion of the other reservoirs proposed in the Red River Basin will Provide flood protection along the main stem of the Red River below Denison Dam. The estimated cost (revised in 1948) is $7,807,000 for construction and $825,000 for lands and damages, a total of $8,632,000. The project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946. (H. Doc. 602, 79th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The following new Work was performed by hired labor: Surveys, mapping, studies and Planning, at a cost of $33,206.62; soil analyses and design by the Waterways Experiment Station at a cost of $1,761.98 and studies and design at a cost of $156.65. The total cost of new work was $35,125.25. The expenditures were $34,712.64. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No construction work has been Performed on the project. The total costs to the end of the fiscal Year were $35,125.25; expenditures, $34,712.64. Proposedoperations.-Theunexpended balance on June 30, 1948, of $65,287.36, plus an allotment of $130,000, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 --------- __ ____________----$412.61 New work, by hired labor: Continue surveys, design, and subsurface exploration of dam site_ - -194,874.75 Total- ---------- ----------------. -- .195,287.36 1112 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $1,000,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 to continue the design, initiate real estate activities, clear the dam site and initiate construction of the em- bankment.' Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-------------------------- $35,125.25 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- -------- .............- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ...... 35,125.25 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- 412.61 Net total expenditures ------------------ - __34,712.64 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 65,287.36 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ 100,000,00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -- ---- ,--------:-------------:----------------------------'. . 35, 125. 25 Cost of maintenance --- --- ,--- .------ --- ------------ . ....... -- . - I-- -- . --- .----- .--- . Total expnded ::.------ ----------------.----------------- 4 04,712. Allotted---------------------------- -------- ----------------- -- 100,0)0.)0. Amount allotted during fiscal year. $100,000.00 Gross amount expended............. ... ,-. .. ... 34,712.64 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 65,287.36 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948..... .... $412.61 A ou tc redA b u com lete cotraQts( 20 01 35 20,443.96 Balance available, June 30, 1948-_ _ ------ 44,843.40 Amount allotted in July 1948_......... .- -__...__.-... _ -- 130, 000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-. ,.. 174,843.40 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---......... ,.. ..............- ..... 8,402,000 00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work 1,000,000.00 40. MOORINGSPORT RESERVOIR, LA. AND TEXAS Location.--The work covered by this project is in Caddo Parish, La., and Harrison and Marion Counties, Tex. The dam is located on Cypress Creek, approximately 25 miles above the mouth and just east of Mooringsport,;La. oExisting project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of an earth-fill dam, 22,100 feet long and approxi- mately 40 feet high, and includes a 750-foot spillway with a capacity of 226,000 cubic feet per second. The reservoir will have a gross storage capacity of 810,000 acre-feet, including 660,000,acre-feet of flood-control storage and 150,000 acre-feet of conservation stor- age. The reservoir will extend 19 miles upstream. The project will afford substantial flood protection of Cypress Creek Valley from the dam site to confluence with the Red River and, together with FLOOD CONTROL---NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1113 the operation of the other reservoirs proposed in the Red River asin, will provide flood protection along the main stem of the Red River below Denison Dam. The estimated cost (revised in 1948) is $7,702,000 for construction and $633,000 for lands and damages, a total of $8,335,00. The project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946 (H. Doc. 602, 79th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published map). Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No construction work has been performed on the project. Proposed operations.-An initial allotment of $100,000 will be expended during the fiscal year 1949 to initiate field surveys, foun- dation exploration at the dam site, design, and preparation of plans and specifications. The additional sum of $1,000,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 to complete surveys and design, and initiate real estate activities, preparation of foundation, and construction of the embankment. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___ ---------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 .......----.....------------ ---------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--...---..---..---- -- Net total expenditures__,-_ .... .----------------------- Total amount appropriated to June 3w0,1948..------------------------- Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of new work....-- Cost of maintenance. -------------------------.------------- --------- -- --- T Otal expended... ..... . -.. .. .. ' -. - -.------- "-------------- Allotted-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------.. Amount allotted in July 1948 ---. - - - -------------- . $100 000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-------- 100,000 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.--, -,.--.--- ---- -------- - 8,235,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work------------------------------ 1,000,000 41. RED RIVER LEVEES AND BANK STABILIZATION BELOW DENISON DAM, TEX.,'OKLA., ARK., AND LA. Location.--The improvements covered by this project are located along both banks of Red River from the vicinity of Index, Ark., Mile 490, to the latitude of 'Alexandria, La., mile 121 (mile 105, 1946 survey). Existing project.--The pIlan of improvement provides for the en- largement and extension of existing and authorized Federal and non-Federal levees and other flood-control improvements, construc- 1114 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 tion of. new levees on both banks of Red River and on tributaries contiguous thereto, and for the protection of the valley of the main stem of Red River by construction of revetment and other bank stabilization works where needed to protect the banks from caving at locations where levee set-backs are impossible or uneconomical and to prevent the disruption to transportation facilities when threatened by caving banks, all between Denison Dam and the upper limit of the Mississippi River backwater, below which is under the jurisdiction of the Mississippi River Commission. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946. (H. Doc. 602, 79th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published map.) The estimated Federal cost of the project (revised in 1948) is $8,128,000. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. All the re- quirements for the project have not been met; however, local in- terests have met the requirements on all work under way and have indicated their desire to comply with the requirements. The estima- ted cost of local cooperation is $200,000. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The following new work was accomplished by contract; the costs were $213,662.45: Cane River Levee and Drainage District, stations 12-1-84-1771 +46, items R-201-161-R, A, B, C & D, including item R-193.7, McMills Levee, stations 430+00-452+20=451--80 c.s. and item R-180.8-R, Montgomery Ferry levee, stations 840-1-00-874+86= 875+00 c.s. and 3 drainage structures, stations 12+84-500--00, 599+84 and 875-1771--46, (estimated contents 2,623,100 cubic yards), commenced February 15, 1948. The contract is 24 percent complete with embankment completed and sodded between stations 0-1-00 and 315±00, approximately 620,616 cubic yards in place. North Bossier Levee District, Item R-370-366-L, riverside en- largement, stations 887+42-989+-00 and 1036+83-1070+00, was commenced March- 15, 1948, and completed on May 3, 1948, with 94,499 cubic yards in place. -19thLouisiana Levee and Drainage District, levee enlargement, items R-170-150-L, A and B, (estimated contents, 1,437,000 cubic yards, which includes 97,000 cubic yards for Kateland Pond), was commenced on March 15, 1948. The contract is 24 percent complete, with 341,086 cubic yards in place. Red River Levee District No. 1, riverside enlargement and spur levee, item R-410-402-L, stations 1255+00-1505+72, (estimated contents, 294,000 cubic yards), was commenced May 4, 1948. The contract is 46 percent complete with 135,824 cubic yards of fill placed in completing embankment between stations 1255-1-00 and 1317+00 and partially completing embankment between stations 1317+00 and 1335+00. Long PrairieLevee District, riverside enlargement, item R-390- 370-L, stations 353+00-549-+-00 and 824+00-887-42, was com- menced June 1, 1948. The contract is 31 percent complete, with 60,658 cubic yards of embankment completed intermittently be- tween stations 353+00 and 869+00. FLOOD CONTROI--L-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1115 Bossier Levee District, levee enlargement, item R-280-275-L, sta- tions 2475+00-2679±71, was commenced April 19 and all em- bankment was completed on June 24, 1948, when 119,938 cubic Yards had been placed. During the period March 26 and May 7, 1948, a channel was Constructed across the point, vicinity McNeely, La., from mile 159 to mile 156.5, Red River, thereby diverting the flow from McNeely Bend, where bank caving was endangering the levee, railway and highway. A total of 457,700 cubic yards was removed 372,400 cubic yards by the United States dredge Pullen at a cost of $124,- 218.12 and 85,300 cubic yards by two leased draglines at a cost of $17,122.58; charges for the United States cutterhead dredge Todd at Vernon-Mayer Bend amounted to $25,000; all for new work. The total cost of new work was $380,003.15; expenditures, $329,- 147.00. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project is 5 percent com- Plete, with approximately 13 miles of levee improved. Plans and SPecifications on the following items are in preparation: Item Status Red River, Bayou Pierre Levee District, levee enlargement----.....--....------------90 percent complete. Caddo Levee District, levee enlargement_-- Work suspended. Garland Levee District _----------------- 10 per complete. Bossier Levee District, Vernon-Mayer new levee________________________________ Completed; right-of-way requested of local interests. Havana Bend Levee------------------- Inactive Zimmerman Ring Levee.---------- ---- Inactive. Enlargement of levees to the authorized section will be continued and bank stabilization works will be constructed at locations where retiring the levee is impractical and uneconomical, and to improve alignment of the river. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal Year were $380,003.15; expenditures, $329,147, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948, $1,270,853, plus an allotment of $1,000,000 will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948-------------------------- $50,856.15 New work: By contract: Amount required to complete existing contracts- ......- 1,066,826.41 Construct levees, new and enlargements -------------- 742,891.14 Construct floodgate, Garland Levee District- ----------- 100,000.00 Construct bank stabilization works-------------------- 300,000.00 2,209,717.55 By hired labor: Surveys and engineering studies_ _--------- ------ __ _ .10,279.30 Total for all work ------------------------.----- 2,270,853.00 An additional sum of $917,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 in strengthening deficient levees at scattered loca- tions, in stabilizing banks at locations where retiring the levee is not practical, and in improving the channel alinement. 1116 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --- - $380,003.15 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-, - -- __ - --- --------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ....... 380,003.15 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------_ 50,856.15 Net total expenditures ----------------------------- 329,147.00 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948.. ..-------- 1,270,753.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ _ 1,600,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.. ......----------------......-----..... ------------------------ ------------- $380,003. 1 Cost of maintenance--...... ------------ ---------------------- -------------------- ..............----------------------------- Total expended.....------------...........-------------- 329,147.00 Allotted-------...........--........... ..... .......------------------------------------- 1, 600, 000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year------------------------- $1,600,000.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment--.....--.....--------------- Gross amount expended ----- ____ ___________________ 329,147.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-........._....... 1,270,853.00 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- ---.. $50,856.15 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts._ 971,057.97 1,021,914.12 Balance available, June 30, 1948_ 248,938.88 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 -.--.---248,938.88 Amount allotted in July 1948-_ _ _ _ 1,000,000.00 a Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-...... 1,248,938.88 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project .................... ....... ..... 5,528,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending - June 30, 1950, for new work ........... .. .......... 917,000.00 42. RED RIVER IN THE VICINITY OF SHREVEPORT, LA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located along Red River in the vicinity of Shreveport, La., from Eagle Bend to Twelve Mile Bayou Bend (mile 295-315), including the water front of Shreveport on the west bank (mile 305-308) and Bossier City on the east bank (mile 305-309), in Caddo and Bossier Parishes, La. (Reference U. S. Geological Survey map, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan provides for improvement of Red River from the former mouth of Twelve Mile Bayou, mile 313.2, to the lower end of the Bossier City water front, mile 304.6, comn- prising restoration, enlargement and extension of existing protec- tion works where deficient or ineffective, or their replacement bY other types of protection where required, including works on the right bank along Twelve Mile Bayou Bend (mile 313.2 to 311.0), and along the Shreveport.front (mile 306.5 to 305.7) ; on the left bank along Honore Bend (mile 310.9 to 308.6) and along Bossier PLOOD CONTROIr--NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1117 City front (mile 305.9-305.8), a length of approximately 29,000 feet; as well as construction of new bank protection works where required on the right bank along Douglas Island Bend (mile 308.7 to 307.1), and on the left bank along the Bossier City front (miles 307.1 to 306.5 and 305.7 to 304.6), a length of approximately 18,000 feet. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- Proved December 22, 1944 The estimate of cost (revised in 1946) is, Federal Government, $3,950,000 for initial construction; local interests $37,500 for lands and damages. The latest published map is in House Document 627, Seventy- eighth Congress, second session. Local cooperation.-Localinterests are to furnish free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way required for the improvement, and furnish assurances satisfactory to the. Secretary of War that they will maintain all works when con- Structed, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damage incident to the construction and maintenance of the im- Provement. Assurances of the Bossier levee district were approved by the Secretary of War on January 29, 1947, and those of the city of Shreveport and the Caddo levee district were approved by the Secretary of War March 19, 1946. Rights-of-way for construction Will be furnished as required.; Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work by hired labor Consisted of surveys and mapping, engineering studies and Preparation of plans and specifications at a cost of $34,492.13. The United States cutter head dredge Todd placed hydraulic fill at the following locations at a cost of $160,372.15: St. Louis-S. W. Railroad bridge__. In progress at beginning of fiscal year; completed July 14, 1947, with 60,955 cubic yards placed this year. Douglas Bend, item D-307.9-R ------- During the period July 16, and August 2, 1947, with 128,615 cubic yards placed. Twelve Mile Bend, item D-312.7-R .. During the period August 15 and Septem- ber 6, 1947, with 156,890 cubic yards placed. Stabilization of both banks of Red River from the former mouth of Twelve Mile Bayou to the lower' end of the Shreveport water front was continued and the following new work was accomplished by contract at a cost of $1,213,366.99. Construction of board revet- rlent and pile revetment, items D-307.9-R, R-308.1-R, D-312.7-R, 1 -312.0R, and R-313.OR, work on which was in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year, was completed on September 19, 1947, With 4,450 linear feet of board revetment and 4,676 linear feet of Pile revetment in place (3,562 and 2,476 linear feet, respectively, Placed this fiscal year) ; during the period August 27 and October 23, 1947, 19,780 linear feet of steel fascine box revetment was Placed to protect approximately 2,000 linear feet of bank at item 305.2-L, 3end, itemRed River; approximately 3,000 linear feet at Honore D-310.0-L, was protected by rock.groins to supplement existing partial bank protection, between March 15 and June 26, 1948, approximately 19,514 tons of stone having been placed to 804711-48-Vol. 1-71 1118 REPORT OF: OHIIF OF ENCGNEES, I). S. ARMY, 1948 complete 35 groins; practically all work, except stoning last spur dike and general clean-up, was completed on contract for construec tion of approximately 2,715 linear feet of clump dikes, including approximately 691 linear feet of root dike at item D-311.9-R; work on item R-309.5-L commenced on April 26, 1948, and at the end of the year, mattress weaving, ballasting and grading were complete and upper bank paving practically complete; work on item R-310.2-L commenced June 14, 1948, and at the end of the year all upper bank grading, mattress weaving and ballasting were complete, with upper bank paving remaining to be done; work on pile revetment at Honore Bend, item D-309.0-L, was commenced on December 1, 1947, and completed on May 7, 1948, when 3,300 linear feet of pile revetment, including 100 linear feet of baffle dikes and 240 linear feet of root dike had been completed; 1,850 linear feet of pile revetment, including 170 linear feet of baffle dike and 190 linear feet of root dike were constructed at Douglas Island Bend, item R-307.5-R, during the period April 2 and June 22, 1948. On June 27, 1948, operations commenced on construction of 890 linear feet of standard board revetment at approximately mile 308.2, Red River. Partial grading was accomplished. The total costs under the existing project for the fiscal year were $1,408,231.27; expenditures, $1,244,188.59, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-A total of 7,365 linear feet of board revetment, 9,826 linear feet of pile revetment, 5,865 linear feet of clump dikes, approximately 19,780 linear feet of steel fascine boxes, and 3,000 linear feet of rock groins, to supplement existing partial bank protection, was placed under the plan of improvement for stabilization of both banks of Red River in vicinity of Shreve- port. The project is approximately 51 percent complete. Completion of items D-311.1-R, R-310.8-L, and D-310.4-L, and bank stabilization now in progress will complete the plan of im- provement for the project. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $2,104,442.11, including deferred charges for material acquired without cost amounting to -$141,966.77. Expenditures were $1,885,375.99, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $489,624.01, plus an allotment of $1,000,000, will be applied during the fiscal year as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948_---------------------------- $77,099.35 New work: Amount required to complete existing contracts-------------- 321,865.11 ------ Amount required to complete existing hired labor work....... 19,104.81 By contract: Bank protection----------------------------- 1,000,000.00 By hired labor: Engineering, surveys, preparation of plans and specifications------------------------------------------ 71,554.74 Total- ----------------------------------------- 1,489,624.01 An additional sum of $375,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for placement of dredged fill behind pile revet- ments now installed and to construct an additional 0.4 mile of bank protection. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1119 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.--______------------------ $2,104,442.11 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------------------- U. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------- - 2,104,442.11 ndistributed costs, June 30, 1948-------------------------- -141966.77 Net total cost to June 30, 19481-------- ,;962,475.34 inus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------- --------- __ _ _ 77,099.35 Net total expenditures-----1--------------------- 1,885,375.99 nexpended balance June 30, 1948 --------------------- 489,624.01 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------- 2,375,000.00 -T1 I Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 SI --- ~ 1 ----- I--- -L--- -- -- -~- ost of new Work $686, 959. 93 i _. . $1, 408. . . . .- 231.27 osfOfnew work -------- ------------ --:---_ $9, 250. 91 .-. . . . C0 of lraintenalce __..._._.. . . - ----------- ---------------- ---- . . ?Iotal expended .....---------------..- ----- .... - 9, 234.37 631, 953.03 1, 244. 188. 59 Allotted._ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 00U,000. 00 - ----- y1,475,00.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------------- $833,812.60 Amount allotted during fiscal year____--------------------_ 900,000.00 Amount to be accounted for---- 49 -------------- 99 1,733,812.60 rossreimbursed Less amount expended- ----------- $1,249,995.99 expenditures..--- - 5,807.40 1,244,188.59 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.------------------ 489,624.01 liabilities, June 30, 1948 ..-... $77,099.35 Autstanding 359,379.38 mount covered by uncompleted contracts._ 436,478.73 A Balance available, June 30, 1948--.------------------ 53,145.28 mount allotted in July 1948---------------------------- 1,000,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ------- 1,053,145.28 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.----.-------- ------------------- 575,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work----------------------- 375,000.00 43. BAYOU BODCAU RESERVOIR, LA. Location.-"The work covered by this project is in Red River Basin on Bayou Bodcau in Bossier Parish, La., 72 miles above the mouth of Loggy Bayou and 35 miles northeast of Shreveport, La. (See U. S. Geological Survey State map, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of an earth-fill dam rising 76 feet above the stream bed with a reservoir providing for a controlled storage capacity of 3 5 7,000 acre-feet. The outlet works are located in the south abut- ment, and an uncontrolled spillway is located on the north abutment. The reservoir will control 656 square miles, or 53 percent, of the entire drainage area of Bayou Bodcau. The construction of a flood- Way for the diversion of Bayou Bodcau and Cypress Bayou to im- 1120 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 prove flood protection was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. This authorization was modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, which authorized the construction of a reservoir and other flood-control works, in lieu of the construction of a floodway for the diversion of Bayou Bodcau and Cypress Bayou, La., to improve flood protection, and further modified by the War Department Civil Appropriation Act approved June 28, 1939, which provided that the reservoir and other flood- control works on Bayou Bodcau and Cypress Bayou, La., authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, shall be con- structed in accordance with the revised plans and cost estimates in the Office, Chief of Engineers. The estimate of cost of new work (revised in 1947) is $3,046,000 for construction, $406,000 for high- way and utility relocations, and $1,013,000 for lands and damages, a total of $4,465,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate of an- nual cost of maintenance is $15,000. The latest published map is in House Document 378, SeventY' fourth Congress, second session. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Work on contract for construction of a portion of Bayou Bodcau Dam, which was in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year, continued, and at the end of the fiscal year, clearing and grubbing, diversion and care of bayou, excavation, stripping and miscellaneous grading were prac- tically complete. The rolled fill section from station 216+00 to station 245+00 was to grade, lacking only top soil and road gravel to complete. About 10 percent of the concrete required in the spill- way section has been placed. The field office which had been comn- pleted in the previous fiscal year was destroyed by a tornado on December 31, 1947, and was replaced. The contract is appro x i mately 70 percent complete and the costs for the fiscal year were $766,168.37. On April 8, 1948, operations commenced on construction of outlet structure and closure section for Bayou Bodcau Dam, and at the end of the fiscal year, construction of rolled earth fill closure section and excavation for outlet structure were in progress. The contract is 29 percent complete and the costs for the fiscal year were $62,306.86. During the period October 6, 1947, to June 29, 1948, rearrange- ments of utilities were initiated by contract at a cost of $419.60. Costs for investigations and reports by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service amounted to $904. The following costs were incurred by hired labor: $14,104.81 for surveys, mapping, soil investigations, studies and planning; $48,' 536.24 for acquisition of lands for dam site and reservoir; $13," 020.06 for engineering investigations and dismantling building at Barksdale Air Force Base; and $17,196.41 for plans, designs, studies and planning, malaria studies for reservoir, and design, drawings, and specifications for State Highway relocations. Cost of new work during the fiscal year was $909,636.29; expen- ditures were $855,795.91. SCondition at end of fiscal year.-The project is 29 percent corn" plete. Construction operations for the outlet structure and closure 1LOOD CONTROL-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1121 section of the dam were commenced on April 23, 1947, and are Scheduled for completion by April 1950. This will complete all Construction work on the project. Total costs under the existing project at, the end of the fiscal Year were $1,277,989.66; expenditures, $1,218,299.64 all for new Work. Proposedoperations.-Theunexpended balance on June 30, 1948, $2,048,000.76, plus an allotment of $794,700, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948_..... ---- . - - ----- -- $72,710.48 New Work: Amount required to complete existing contracts------------1,843,255.28 Amount required to complete existing hired labor work Y contract: 196,201.13 ------ Construction of bridge, Highway 70 _------------ --------- 130,000.00 Relocations and adjustments of utilities------------------- 217,000.00 By hired labor: Continue real estate activities.. ----------------------- 383,533.87 Total.-. ... ...---..- - ...... _-2,842,700.76 The additional sum of $414,00 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Complete relocations and adjustments of utilities ------------------- _ $32,000 complete real estate activities_ -- :-- - -- ---- ---- 372,000 aintenance - _ 10, 000 a ------.---.----------------- .----------.... Total..... . ...... 414,000 Total----------------------------- - -------------- 414,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.. -- $1,277,989.66 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..........--------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ..---.... 1,277,989.66 ndistributed costs, June 30, 1948....... .- ..... ,-------- 13,020.06 Net total cost to June 30, 1948__. _., ------ .. 1,291,009.72 Mnus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.. ------ _------- 72,710.48 Net total expenditures .---- ---.-..-- ----..-_ 1,218,299.24 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948- ..---......-------- -- 2. 048,000.76 Total amount appropriated to June 30; 1948. ----. 3,266,300.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 19465 1946 1947 1948 t f new work.. . ... ......... ...... $3, 210. 96 $158, 307. 40 $909, 636. 29 Stof maintenance ------------ ---------- Totai expended-ce- .......... --- :"_ --- - ----------- 14, 916.01 151, 074.69 855, 795.91 Allotted - - - - - - - 2, 079, 486.37 -86, 500.00 1,076.800.00 balance unexpended, July 1, 1947. .. .---.-- $1,826,996.67 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- 1,076,800.00 Amount to be accounted for...... --............ 2,903,796.67 Gross amount expended.......----- ----------------. - 855,795.91 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948......... 2,048,000.76 1122 REPORT OF; CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ..... $72,710.48 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 1,929,052.15 63 2,001,762.63 SBalance available, June 30, 1948_----------------------- 46, 238.18 Amount allotted in July 1948. ------------------------------ 794,700.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 840,938.18 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 000.00 of existing project .... . .0400.. Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work------------------------------------- 404,000.00 For maintenance 10 00000 Total-------------------------------------------- 414,000.00 44. BAYOU BODCAU,RED CHUTE,,AND LOGGY BAYOU, LA. Location.-The work covered by this project is in Red River Basin, below the site of the proposed Bayou Bodcau Reservoir, on Bayou Bodcau, the.lower portion of Bayu Bodcau known locally as Red Chute and Loggy Bayou, Bossier, Bienville, and Red River parishes, La. (See U. S. Geological Survey State map, scale 1: 500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- tinuous clearing and snagging on Bayou Bodcau and Red Chute be- tween miles 14.1 and 57.0, except for bendways at cut-off locationsl where snagging only will be done, the construction of three channel cut-offs having a total length of 1.36 miles, and enlargement of 1.9 miles of the channel of Loggy Bayou between mile 3.9 and mile 6.4. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved August 18, 1941, which modified the project for the BaYOu Bodcau Reservoir, La., authorized by the act of June 22, 1936, as modified by the acts of June 28, 1938, and June 28, 1939, to provide for the channel improvements described above. The estimated cost (revised in 1947) is $319,200 for construction. Local cooperation.-Section3 of the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, applies. Assurances of local cooperation have been approved by the Secretary of War December 13, 1944, and local interests are actively engaged in fulfilling provisions of those as- surances. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Contractfor accomr plishing 3.4 miles of clearing and snagging and 4.40 miles of chan- nel excavation in Loggy Bayou, work on which was in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year, was completed on January 8, 1948, with 0.89 mile of channel cleared and snagged and 1,285,943 cubic yards excavated during this fiscal year. (A total of 1,335,952 cubic yards was excavated under this contract.) The costs chargeable to this contract during the fiscal year amounted to $253,975.96 for new work. The expenditures were $254,380.04. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project, as in the revised plans and specifications confines the Federal project to the improve- ment of Loggy Bayou between miles 0 and 7.8. It was completed January 8, 1948. Local interests propose to improve Red Chute and Bayou Bodcau. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW O(RLEANS, LA., DISTRICT ;1123 The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year were $306,509.47 for; new work. Proposed operations.-None. The unexpended;balance June 30, 1948, $12,690.53, is available for revocation.: The project. is com- Plete. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 .---------------------- $306,509.47 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- - . 306,509.47 Net total expenditures___.__.------------------------- 306,509.47 _- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ ----- - 12,690.53 "------------ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-_------- : 319,20000 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 '1948 ----------- Cost of new work -------------..... ----.. - $401.57 '$42, 631.94 $253, 975.96 cos ~00ine~a~e--------------------"" ost of maintenance----------- -.-------------------- _------- _401.57.42.631.. . 9 94.253. 95--- ................................... llotal cost_______-_ .401.57 42, 631, 94 253, 975. 96 'I'otal expended ............ 379.52 42, 249.91 254,380.04 Allotted----------------......-- ..--------- --- 188, 0.00 86, 00.00 34, 700. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ...------- $232,370.57 Amount allotted during fiscal year- ----------------------- 34700.00 Amount to be accounted for------ -------- 267,070.57 Gross amount expended -------............--------------------- 254,380.04 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 - ------. _.-.- 12,690.53 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------ ------------- Balance available, June 30, 1948----------- -- - -- - . 12,681.48 45. WALLACE LAKE RESERVOIR, LA. Location.--The work covered by this project is in Red River 3 asin on Cypress Bayou, Caddo and De Soto Parishes, La., 66 miles above the mouth of Bayou Pierre and about 14 miles southeast of Shreveport, La. (See U. S. Geological Survey State map, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of an earth-fill dam 4,940 feet long at the top, including 644 feet of spillway and outlet works, rising 48 feet above the stream bed, with a reservoir providing for storage of 96,200 acre-feet, including a conservation pool of 7,600 acre-feet., The outlet works and uncontrolled spillway are centered about 1,250 feet north of the south abutment. The reservoir will control 260 square miles, or about 20 percent of the total drainage area of Bayou Pierre, Cypress Bayou, and tributaries combined, and will afford complete protec- tion against floods for an area of about 90,000 acres of valley below the dam. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- Proved June 22, 1936. (H. Doc. 378, 74th Cong., 2d sess.) The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1946, is $1,158,000 for 1124 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 construction and $24,000 for preparation of land titles, a total of $1,182,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $10,000. The latest published map is in House Document 378, SeventY, fourth Congress, second session. The Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, incorporated this project in the new project "Red River below Denison Dam." Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. Local interests have furnished practically all necessary lands and flowage rights at a nominal cost to the United States. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Processingof rightS- of-way and easements was carried on at a cost of $2,766.00, and malaria studies and field explorations were made at a cost of $1,881.63, all for new work. Maintenance of earth dams, structure and access roads was carried on by hired labor at a cost of $4,747.32 for maintenance. The total costs during the fiscal year were $9,394.95, of which $4,647.63 was for new work and $4,747.32 for maintenance. The expenditures were $8,925.22. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The main portion of the dam, work on which was started August 2, 1942, was completed during the fiscal year 1943, and the stabilization of the railroad embank- ment was commenced on June 19, 1946, and completed November 20, 1946; placing of fill in the closure section of the dam was com- menced November 24, 1946, and was completed December 28, 1946. The project is complete, except for processing of rights-of-waY and easements which is approximately 87 percent complete. Total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $1,182,545.36, of which $1,177,612.41 was for new work and $4,932.95 for mainte- nance. Expenditures were $1,182,059.42. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948 of $4,940.58, plus an allotment of $10,000, will be applied dur- ing the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30. 1948 __ --------------------- __ $485.94 New work: Amount required to complete existing hired labor work--- _ 3,866.02 Maintenance: Maintenance of spillway, pilot ditch, embankment and utilities, including malaria control ..-------- _------,_ 10,588.62 Total for all work----- ----- ----------------------14,940.58 The additional sum of $10,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance of the dam and operation of the reservoir. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _..... ... _ ___.......... $1,177,612.41 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ 932.95 4-------------- 4 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- .----...- 1,182,545.36 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948..----------------------- 148.53 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948_._--.-. ----.-- 1,182,693.89 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_----------------------- 634.41 Net total expenditures.---------------------------- 1,182,059.42 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948._ 4,940.58 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- .------- 1,187,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL--NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1125 - Fiscal yea r ending June 30 1944 ' 1945 1946 1947 ] 1948 Cost of ne w work ........ ..--------- ------------------------ $5, 397. 88 .$215,779.15 $4,64763 Cost of m aintenance. ........... - ---------------------------------- 4, 747. 32 , Tot al cost... . ., .... ,, -. 5,397.88 215, 779.15 9,349.95 Tot a l expf - 5, 250.88 215, 912.48 8, 925. 22 ended-. - Allotted. -. - - -------- = ,29.,000.0 230,029.16- ------.-- 5,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ....----- ------- - , $8865.80 Amount allotted during fiscal year ......--..---------------- 5000.00 Amount to be accounted for._. - 13,865.80 Gross amount expended.._-.....-...-L----- ---- . 8,925.22 ' Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 . ' 4,940.58 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 19481_-- ... . $634.47 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- .: 5, 647.29 . ... .... . - : 6,281.76 Balance available, June 30, 1948-----........----------------... -1,341.18 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----- -------------- ----------- 148.53 ___ ___ __ Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-------- -1,192.65 Amount allotted in July 1948.----- ------------- ---- 10,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year' 1949 .._ ___ 8,807.35 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance------ ----------- --- 10,000.00 46. BAYOU PIERRE IN VICINITY: OF SHREVEPORT, LA: Location.--The work covered by this project is located along the Upper reaches of Bayou Pierre in Caddo Parish, La., between the city of Shreveport and the junction of Cypress Bayou:andBayou Pierre. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the Channel improvement and enlargement of Ockley Drive ditch in the Outskirts of Shreveport, La., and of Bayou Pierre, at intervals, be- tween Shreveport and the junction of Cypress Bayou and Bayou Pierre. This project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- Proved July 24, 1946. The latest estimated cost (revised in 1948) is: Federal Government, $185,000 for construction; local interests $168,500, of which $92,500 is for construction and $76,000 is for lands and damages. The latest published map is in House Document 285, Seventy-ninth Congress, first session. . . Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. Assurances of local cooperation were furnished by the Caddo Levee District and city of Shreveport on February 11, 1948, but have not yet been ac- cepted by the United States. In addition to the usual requirements of local cooperation, the project, as authorized, requires that local Interests make a cash contribution of one-third of the cost of con- Struction, and this requirement has been fulfilled. The estimated Cost of local cooperation, exclusive of the cash contribution toward construction, is $76,000. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Acquisition of local COoperation, preparation of detailed plans, studies, surveys, and 1126 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 preparation of contract plans and specifications were carried on by hired labor at a cost of $31,337.79 for new work. The expendi- tures were $31,228.28. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Contract was awarded for chan- nel improvement, Bayou Pierre, mile 83.26-mile 64.70, on June 28, 1948. Notice to proceed has not been issued. Plans and specifications are 95 percent complete for channel improvement of Bayou Pierre at the following locations: Miles 83.26-83.80, west branch; miles 83.60-84.9, east branch; and miles 0.00-0.4, Ockley Drive ditch. Work under contract and that covered by plans and specifications in preparation will complete the pro- ject. The costs to the end of the fiscal year were $31,337.79 for new work; expenditures, $31,228.28. Proposed operations.-Theunexpended balance on June 30, 1948, of $97,771.72, plus an allotment of $56,000 and $84,500 contributed funds will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948______________________________ $109.51 New work, by contract: Channel excavation and clearing and snagging_ 238,162.21 Total -------------------------------------------- 238,271.72 The project will be completed with the available funds. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___ _____________-________ $31,337.79 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ........ .....-- .. _______-_--- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _..... 31,337.79 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948__.----------------------- 109.51 Net total expenditures__----------------------------- 1 31228.28 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_. ____ ____.... 97,771 72 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-------_ 1129,000.00 I _ Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I I *I - -- Cost of now work .............. $31,337.79 Cost of maintenance .......... Total expended................. -------------------------------- . .. .. ... .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. .... . . . . . .. . . . . 31 2'28.28 3 Allotted. .. .................... 129, 000. 00 Amount allotted during fiscal year._ $129,000.00 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 31,228.28 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 97,771.72 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....... $109.51 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 821.62 931.13 Balance available, June 30, 1948_ .... _ __ _________ 96,840.59 Amount allotted in Aug. 1948 ------------------------------- 56,000.00. Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949___ _ __ 152,840.59 ' In addition, local interests have contributed $84,500. FLOOD CONT'ROL--NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1127 47. BAYOU PIERRE, LA. Location.--The work covered by this project is in Red River Basin below Shreveport, La., along the channel of Bayou Pierre from Bayou Wincey to the mouth at Grand Ecore, La. (See U. S. Geological Survey State map, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the widening of the channel at intervals from Bayou Wincey, mile 30 to mouth at Grand Ecore, La., consisting of 12.9 miles of channel Widening and 29.7 miles of snagging. The project will reduce flood damage and improve sanitary and living conditions over a wide area. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of June 22, 1936. (H.Doc. 378. 74th Cong., 2d sess.). The esti- mate of cost for construction is $300,000. The estimated annual cost of maintenance is $13,500. The latest published map is in House Document 378, Seventy-fourth Congress, second session. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. The require- ments have been fulfilled. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Surveys and obser- Vations on Bayou Pierre, La., from Bayou Wincey, mile 30, to its mouth at Grand Ecore, La., were performed by hired labor at a cost of $4,900.80 for maintenance. The expenditures were $5,577.93. Condition at end of fiscal year.-New work under the existing lroject has been completed. The costs and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $261,000 from regular funds and $38,529.13 from Emergency Relief funds, a total of $299,529.13 for new work; the costs from regular funds for maintenance were $31,406.91; expenditures, $31,403.91. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948, of $35,596.09, plus an allotment of $10,000, will be applied during the fiscal year .1949 as follows: A198------------------- ------------- $3.00 Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 __$.------------------------- $3.00 aintenance: Amount required to complete existing hired labor work----------- 862.21 By contract: Channel maintenance by clearing and snagging- .. _ _ 40,730.88 By hired labor: Surveys and observations 4,000.00 4------------------ Total .----------------------------------------- 45,596.09 The additional sum of $15,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance of the project channel. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ --------------------- $299,529.13 Co s t of maintenance to June 30, 1948. --------------------- 31,406.91 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .--------- 330,936.04 Mius accounts payable, June 30, 1948_- ------------------ 3.00 S Net total expenditures. ----------------------- 330,933.04 Uexpended balance June 30, 1948.. 35,596.09 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. - - 366,529.13 1128 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ..... ... _i . .. . . .,8.........SO.. . _-.. .. . . .. Cost of maintenance------ ------------------------ __--___ ___ __- ---- $2,091.31 * ' Total expended---------------- .---........... .. ..............1,411. 18 ........ , Allotted.........-----... ..............---------......-------...... ..------ $32,585.20 .....-- 10,000 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 __ _-------------------_ $31,174.02 Amount allotted during fiscal year ---------------- 10,000.00 Amount to be accounted for---------------------------- 41,174.02 Gross amount expended _ ___________ 5,57793 5 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -------------------- 35,596.09 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948..... $3.00 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_ 26.31 29.31 ... _. Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------------- Amount allotted in September 1948 _..- 3566.78 10,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ..... 45,566.78 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_....... .... 15,000.0 48. ALOHA-RIGOLETTE AREA, GRANT AND RAPIDES PARISHES, LA. Location.-The work covered by this project lies on the left bank of Red River in Grant and Rapides Parishes, between miles 125 and 171 above the mouth. (See U. S. Geological Survey State map, scale 1 :500,000.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for pro- tection of some 46,000 acres of alluvial plain in the Aloha-Rigolette area, now subject to overflow by Red River waters, by enlarging and raising the existing levee from mile 151 to mile 141, and extend- ing it to the hills on the left bank of Bayou Rigolette. Interior drainage, intercepted by levee construction, is to be channeled to and through Bayou Rigolette to a sump and a floodgate system in the levee at Bayou Rigolette, by construction of a diversion ditch from Bayou Darrow to Saline Bayou, and fills at head of Bayou Darrow, and channel clearing of Bayou Rigolette and portions of Waden and Saline Bayous.: The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, which modified the project for Grant Parish below Colfax, La., as authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, to provide for construction of the above described works. The estimate of cost is $1,590,100 (Federal) for construction and $50,000 (non-Federal) for rights-of-way. Load cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Acts of assur- ances by 19th Louisiana Levee District and Red River, Bayou Dar- row, and Rigolette Levee District were accepted by Secretary of the Army February 13, 1947. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Surveys, borings, mapping and preparation of plans and specifications were accom* FLOOD CONTROL--NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTtICT 1129 Plished by hired labor at a cost of $18,857.22; revision of detailed Plans was carried on at a cost of $481.84. The following new work was accomplished by contract: On June 3, 1948, construction of Aloha-Rigolette levee, item R-140.8-L, between stations 815+00 and 1073+18.27, commenced. The con- tract is 22 percent complete with 66,515 cubic yards placed, com- Pleting levee between stations 987+00 and 1017+00, at a cost of $17,549.59; on June 28, 1948, the contractor commenced excavating the drainage ditch, Bayou Darrow to Saline Bayou, mile 0 to mile 1.23 and mile 1.71 to mile 4.27 and removed 3,106 cubic yards with costs of $6,202.32 incurred. Total costs during the fiscal year were $43,090.97, all for new work; expenditures, $35,486.85. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project is approximately 5 Percent complete. .Contract has been awarded for clearing and snagging in Bayou lgolette between miles 0 and 24, in Saline Bayou between miles 0 and 1.14, and in Waden Bayou between miles 0 and 3.75; however, notice to proceed has not been issued. Contract for construction of two bridges over the drainage ditch will be awarded in July. Work remaining to complete the project consists of construction of levee gap closure, Bayou Darrow, stations 810+70-815+00; con- Struction of two closures at head of Bayou Darrow; completion of levees to project grade; construction of additional levees; and con- Struction of Bayou Rigolette floodgate structure . Total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal year Were $71,266.85 for new work; expenditures, $62,848.28. 'Proposedoperations.-The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948, of $477,601.72, plus an allotment of $500,000, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows : {ccounts payable, June 30, 1948 __- __-- - - - . . - -..... $8,418:57 dew work: Amount required to complete existing contracts-: _ 171,444.36 Amount required to complete existing hired labor work-.. .--. contract: Continue construction of levees and dikes at the head of - 7,977.06 Bayou Darrow.__..._.. . ---- . ----------- ----- _--------- 739,761.73 By hired labor: Complete surveys and preparation of plans and specifi- cations .. -- .---------.. . - 50,000.00 - -- - --------- -- Total---------------------- ----------------- Total. ...- -.. .. .. . 97612 977,601.72 The additional sum of $549,600 can be profitably expended in the fical year 1950 to complete construction of the project by the construction of the floodgate at Bayou Rigolette and the completion of levee construction. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 - -.. $71,266.85 ost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..--.. .- ----- --. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 71,266.85 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948..---.--.. . 8,418.57 Net total expenditures-- ... --...... ---.... 62,848.28 aexpended balance June 30,.1948-. . 477,601.72 Total amount appropriated to June 30,1948z.._ t1 . 540,450.00 1130 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS.. -. S ARMY. 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .-.--- ------------------------ $109.43 $14, 248.92 $43,09091 Cost of maintenance...........____--" "_ _ ~ ~II~ __ Total expended -.....-.... 434. 47 1 - -355,52 .... -- 6, 6--- .---- - 3--- -"""-------I------------ - ----- -------~--~-- 109. 41 13, 4 --- --48181 ------------- Allotted ,. -................ 526,62.47-------- - -- -- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-. $513 088 51 Gross amount expended -------------- ------ 35,486.85 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-_- _ _- 477,601.72 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 -_____ $8,418.57 A.-. J -..--.- 1---77.---1 -- - 4 _l- ___ _- lmountlucoveredu y uncompleted contracts. 292,257.5714 300,676. Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 176,925.58 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------- 5000000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 676,925.58 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion00 of existing project- - - - - 549 600.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_ 549,600.00 49. PINEVILLE, RED RIVER, LA. Location.-The work covered by this project lies on the left bank of Red River in Rapides Parish between the crossing of the Louis" ana & Arkansas Railroad at mile 122 and the crossing of the Missouri Pacific Railroad at mile 124. (Mississippi River Commis- sion maps, alluvial valley of the Mississippi River, scale 1:250,000, and quadrangle maps, scale 1:62,500.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the en- largement of 0.8 mile of levee on the Pineville city front, the recon- struction of 1,500 feet of the Louisiana & Arkansas bridge approach fill, the construction of 0.6 mile of new levee, and the construction of one floodgate. It also provides for the enlargement of 0.5 mile of existing levee in the Rocky Bayou Loop. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, which modified the project for Grant Parish below Colfax, La., as authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, to provide for construction of the above- described works. The estimate of cost (revised in 1946) is $220,000 (Federal) for construction and $55,000 (non-Federal) for lands and damages. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. These require- ments have not been fulfilled. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Work on detailed plans has been deferred, pending negotiations with local interests for the required rights-of-way. Surveys and soil borings for relo- cation of Pineville city front levee were made, steps toward acquir- ing rights-of-way were taken, and plans and specifications were in preparation covering this levee. The total costs during the fiscal year were $1,634.33; expenditures, $1,658.24, all for new work. FLOOI) CONTROL---NEW ORLEANS, LA., I)TSTRICT 1131 Condition at end of fiscal year.--No construction work has been initiated on this project. The total costs and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $22,067.59, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $137,122.56, plus an allotment of $60,800 made in July, 1948 Will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: New work: By contract: Construction of Pineville levee------- -- - ------- - - - -- $170,000.00 Construction of drainage structures-------------------- 18,500.00 By hired labor: Engineering, surveys, preparation of plans and specincations_ 9,422.56 Total . ..---------------------------------------- 197,922.56 The project will be completed with the available funds. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 .......---------------------- $22,067.59 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__. ------------- - - _-- - -------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-_ 22,067.59 Net total expenditures----------------- ---------- 22,067.59 Uexpended balance, June 30, 1948.------------- -------- 137,122.56 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- -------- 159,190.15 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .-------- ------ -------------- -$1, 116.56 $3, 125. 83 $1, 634.33 ost of maintenance. . Allt of aintted------ ------------------------------- --- 142,-999.32- ---------- otal expended .. - --.-. . ... . ..-...... ... 258.52 3, 9;10.00 1, 658.24 Allotted , 142, 999. 32 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------------ $ 138,780.80 Gross amount expended------- ---------------------- 1,658.24 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------- 137,122.56 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948. ---------- ------ 6,204.50 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------- 130,918.06 Amount allotted in July 1948.------------------------ 60,800.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- .... 191,718.06 50. LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN, JEFFERSON PARISH, LA. Location.-The work covered by this project lies on the southern Shore of Lake Pontchartrain in Jefferson Parish, between the Or- leans and St. Charles Parish lines. (Mississippi River Commission rmaps, alluvial valley of the Mississippi River, scale 1:250,000 and quadrangle maps, scale 1:62,500.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the re- construction and landside enlargement of the existing lake shore embankment for a distance of about 10 miles across Jefferson Parish, with suitable erosion-protection works lakeward therefrom, and enlargement of return levees along Orleans and St. Charles Parish lines to prevent flanking. 1132 REPORT OF CHIEF 01F ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the flood-control act approved July 24, 1946. (H. Doc. 691, 79th Cong., 2d sess.) The estimated Federal cost of construction revised in 1948 is $1,500,000 and the cost to local interests is $340,000, including $300,000 con- tribution toward cost of construction. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements for local cooperation as provided by laW local interests are required to contribute 25 percent of the initial cost of construction but not in excess of $300,000. Local interests have indicated their desire to comply with these requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.--No work has been done on the project. Proposed operations. -An allotment of $900,000, made during July 1948, plus $300,000 local contribution, will be applied as fol- lows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------------- None New work: By contract: Initiate and complete levee enlargement along St. Charles-Jefferson Parish line ---------------- $144 400 Enlargement of Lakeshore levee by hydraulic fill, Orleans to St. Charles Parish (First stage) _. - 992,000 By hired labor: Engineering studies, surveys, and prep- ration of plans and specifications- - - . 63,600 Total for all work --------------------------------- $1,200,000 The additional sum of $600,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: By contract: Complete enlargement of Lakeshore levee, Orleans to St. Charles Parish------------------------- $210,000 Initiate and complete levee enlargement along Orleans-Jefferson Parish line.. .. 79,000 ..----------------- Initiate and complete construction of concrete flood- wall at 4 pumping stations for wavewash protection. 286,000 Total for all work ------------- $575,000 By hired labor: Surveys and preparation of plans and specifications_ ----------------------------------------- _________________ 25,000 Total for all work .......... --------------------- 600,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. . ............. ... -. -- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- _--L-- _- . ------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------------- --- Net total expenditures- - = --..-. .. .. -.. .. _..i ...-------- ----- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948..--- ---. --- .- --- Amount allotted in July 1948-.._ ._ _- ..._. . __ $900,000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_ .. .. 900,000 Amount (estimated), required to be appropriated for completion of existing project... , ...........-.................... 600,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-............................. 600,000 FLOOD CONTROL--NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1133 S 51. BAYOU TECHE AND VERMILION RIVER, LA. o Location.-Bayou Teche has its source in Bayou Courtableau, in St. Landry Parish, and flows in a southeasterly direction a distance of 125 miles to its confluence with the lower Atchafalaya River, about 101/2 miles above Morgan City, La. Vermilion River, also called Bayou Vermilion, is formed by the junction of Bayous Fusi- lier and Bourbeau, west of Arnaudville, La., and flows in a south- Westerly direction to the western end of Vermilion Bay, a distance of 72 miles. Bayou Teche is connected with the Vermilion River by Bayou Fusilier and Arnaudville, and: by Ruth Canal, an artificial, Privately owned, nonnavigable waterway, constructed for diversion of Water from Bayou Teche to Vermilion River for rice irrigation. (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1116 and 1277; Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission alluvial valley maps; and U. S. Geological Survey maps.) Existing project.--This provides for increasing the pool eleva- tion in Bayou Teche above Keystone lock by 3 feet, by means of the installation of movable crest gates on Keystone Dam; the excava- tion of a channel with a bottom width of 30 feet at elevations vary- lng from +6 feet to +2 feet from the head of Bayou Teche at Bayou Courtableau to a point approximately 21 miles downstream; the excavation of a navigable channel 8 feet deep and 80 !feet wide from the ..- 7-foot contour in Vermilion Bay to the Intracoastal Waterway at its junction with the Vermilion River; the excavation of a channel in the Vermilion River, 9 feet deep by 100 feet wide from the Intracoastal Waterway to Lafayette, La, (fixed bridge at Louisiana State Highway No. 1092); and channel improvements of a nonnavigable channel from Lafayette to the junction of Bayous Bourbeau and Fusilier of adequate capacity to carry flood flows of the upper Vermilion Basin. The plane of reference is mean low (See also individual report of navigation project for 1Bayoulevel. Gulf Teche, La.) The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $2,617,000. The estimated local cost of new work is $150,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate of Federal cost of annual maintenance is $25,000. SThe existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of August 18, 1941. (S:. Doc. 93, 77th Cong., 1st sess., which also con- tains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.---See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements for local cooperation' as provided by law, local interests are required to give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that they can and will prosecute all work required for construction, operation, and maintenance of improvements in Ruth Canal; that they will maintain and operate all bridges, pipe- line crossing, and:other utilities included in or affected by the imnprovements; and that they will operate the control structure in Ruth Canal in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Sec- retary of War. Assurances that these conditions will be complied With have been given by local interests and have been accepted by the Secretary of the Army December:7,, 1943, as satisfactory. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The following work was accomplished by hired labor: New: Revision of detailed plans 804711-48-Vol. 1-72 1134 RE:PO L'r o CHIEFw OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 and specifications, procurement of local cooperation in obtaining right-of-way, surveys, planning and investigations, all at a cost of $15,816.73. Maintenance: Observations and surveys were carried on at a cost of $8,020.79. The following work was accomplished by contract: New: During the period March 25 and August 30, 1947, 11. 3 miles of clearing and snagging in Bayous Fusilier and Vermilion, between miles 67.7 and 79.0 and 1,250 cubic yards of earth fill dike in Bayou Fusilier were accomplished; and channel improvement of Bayou Teche between miles 103.8 and 124.8 commenced on September 30, 1947. No work could be done during the period February 9 to March 24, 1948, due to high stages of the bayou; however, work was resumed on March 24 and 569, 378 cubic yards were excavated and bridges numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9 were completed. The costs chargeable to these contracts were $121,606.86. On August 22, 1947, work commenced on the new swing bridge across Vermilion River at approximately mile 35.6, to replace the existing pontoon bridge at Woodlawn, Vermilion Parish, La. The contract is 86 percent complete. The fender system is complete with four navigation lights installed; all piling is in place; the timber approach spans have been com- pleted; all concrete work has been completed and all steel and ma- chinery have been assembled and painted. The costs chargeable to this contract were $126,523.25. Repairs to approaches and abutments of railroad bridge No. 143.09, Vermilion River, La., were made by contract at a cost of $5,129. Maintenance: Dredging in Vermilion Bay, station 178+00 to station 216±00, was accomplished by the leased hydraulic dredge Tchefuncta during the period September 13, to 19, 1947, when op- erations were suspended on account of the storm and work was considered complete. A total of 96,000 cubic yards was removed at a cost of $18,949.61. The total costs during the fiscal year were $296,046.24, of which $269,075.84 was for new work and $26,970.40 for maintenance; total expenditures, $275,341.03. Condition at end of fiscal year.-During the fiscal year 1945 the 8- by 80-foot new channel from approximate 7-foot contour in Ver- milion Bay to Intracoastal Waterway, and channel improvement in Vermilion River, La., 9-foot by 100-foot project, Intracoastal Waterway to mile 12.5, were completed by contract, and the chan- nel between miles 11.0 and 28.4 was completed by United States plant and hired labor forces. During 1946 work was completed on the 9- by 100-foot project, mile 28.4 to mile 52.0, and the 6- by 60- foot project, mile 52.0 to mile 57.1; by contract. Work was com- pleted during the fiscal year 1947 on Vermilion River between miles 57.4 and 67.7 and in 1948 between miles 67.7 and 79.0 and construct- ing an earthfill dike in Bayou Fusilier. The project is 72 percent complete. The work remaining to complete the project consists of com- pleting excavation in Bayou Teche to provide a nonnavigable chan- nel of 30-foot bottom width from Port Barre, La., to a point approxi- F'LOOD CONTROL-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRISCCT 1135 rlately 2 miles downstream from Arnaudville, La., a distance of 21 miles, accomplishing necessary alterations to existing bridges, construction of the swing span across Vermilion River at approxi- mately mile 35.6, to replace existing bridge at Woodlawn, Vermilion Parish, La., all of which work is now under construction; construct- ing movable crest (flashboards) on Keystone Dam to raise the pool level in Bayou Teche above that point and additional enlargement of Vermilion River below Abbeville and above Ruth Canal; and constructing improvements in Ruth Canal by local interests. The controlling depths (January 1948) in Vermilion River were: 6 feet over bar at Vermilion Bay; 8 feet, bar to Gulf Intracoastal Waterway; 9 feet, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to Abbeville, La.; 7 feet, Abbeville, La., to Milton, La.; 6 feet, Milton, La., to one quarter mile below Pinhook Bridge (Lafayette, La.) ; and 4 feet One quarter mile below Pinhook Bridge to Pinhook Bridge. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal Year were $1,868,774.51, of which $1,818,818.68 was for new work and $49,955.83 for maintenance. The total expenditures were $1,844,945.57. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948, of $122,054.43, plus an allotment of $615,000, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------------- $23,828.94 New work: Amount required to complete existing contracts $97,892. 59 Amount required to complete existing hired labor work 929.18 BY contract: Modification of bridges on Vermilion River--------- 40,000.00 Construction of channel improvements on Vermilion River _-_------.-_--- ------.--- 554,403.72 -- -- 693,225.49 3y hired labor: Construction of moveable crest on Keystone Dam... 5,000.00 Maintenance: Dredging on Vermilion River------------------- 10,000.00 Surveys, gages and observations------------------5,000.00 15,000.00 - Total for all work--_-----. _-_-----------------_ 737,054.43 The project will be completed with the available funds for new Work. The additional sum of $25,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for maintenance of the project. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_- .----- $1,818,818.68 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-----_ ------- 49,955.83 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ------- _ 1,868,774.51 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 23,828.94 Net total expenditures-_- -- _---- ..- ---- 1,844,945.57 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948----------- -------------- 122,054.43 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 1,967,000.00 1136 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 I - - ---- - - - Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work....---. -... $232, 472.03 $517, 245. 66 $646, 498. 28 $152, 340. 77 $2(69,075.84 Cost of maintenance-,..... . -- - .-----..... --....... .............-------... 22, 985.43 20,970.40 Total cost ....... - L .,.. 232, 472.03 517, 245. 66 646, 498. 28 175, 326. 20 296, 046.21 Total expended. -.........--- 198, 788. 62 477, 796. 89 696, 528. 20 196, 225. 99 275,341 .03 ~rn Allotted........... ........ 1,390, 000.00 15,000.00 515, 000. 00 . - 000 20,00o. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-..------_ _ ------ $377,395.46 Amount allotted during fiscal year-_ 20,000.00 Amount to be accounted for---.. 397395.46 Gross amount expended...--......_ . -- $292,664.97 Less reimbursed expenditures- --------------- 17,323.94 275,341.03 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- 122,0543 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ...... $23,828.94 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts 90,689.58 114,518.52 114 518.5 Balance available, June 30, 1948.... -- 7,535.90 Amount allotted in July 1948....._______________ 615,000.10 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------- 622 ,535.91 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ................... _ .. - 25,000. 0 52. MERMENTAU RIVER, LA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located 35 to 70 miles southeast of Lake Charles, La., along the lower Mermentau River below Grand Lake, mile 25, to the Gulf of Mexico; the Inland Waterway from Vermilion Bay to White Lake, White Lake to Grand Lake, and from Schooner Bayou to the Intracoastal Water- way--Gulf section (Schooner Bayou cut-off) ; the North Prong of Schooner Bayou; and the waterway from White Lake to Pecan Island, La., an artificial canal, extending from the 5-foot contour in White Lake, almost due south for a distance of approximately 1.8 miles to Pecan Island. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1277 and 1278, and U. S. Geological Survey maps.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement covers flood con- trol, navigation, irrigation, and salinity control in the coastal marsh of the lower Mermentau River Basin and provides for chan- nel enlargement of the lower Mermentau River below Grand Lake, mile 25, to a minimum section of 3,000 square feet below mean loW Gulf level for discharge of, flood flows; construction of a sector gated control structure at Catfish Point, mile 24 above mouth of Mermentau River for discharge of flood flows and control of tidal flows and salt water intrusion in the Mermentau River; channel enlargement and realinement of the Inland Waterway from Ver- milion Bay to White Lake and from White Lake to Grand Lake to a minimum section of 3,000 square feet below mean low Gulf level for interflow between lakes and discharge of flood flows; construec tion of a sector gated control structure in the enlarged channel immediately north of the existing Schooner Bayou Lock Reserva- tion for discharge of flood flows and control of tidal flows and salt water intrusion; channel enlargement of North Prong of Schooner Bayou and Schooner Bayou cut-off to 6 by 60 feet, mean low Gulf level, for navigation purposes; and maintenance of the existing FLOOD CONTROL---NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1137 4 5. by 0-foot, mean low Gulf level, waterway from White Lake to Pecan Island, La., for navigation. In addition, the project provides for the incorporation of that section of the project, "Inland waterway from Franklin, La. to Mermentau River," west of Vermilion Bay, a waterway that in- cludes the existing Schooner Bayou lock., Miles from Abbeville, La. -- --.-. __ 32. Miles from Vermilion River------------ 9. Width of Chamber___-- -3-- 36 feet. Length available for full width- ------ 300 feet. Lift --------------------------------- 3 feet. Depth on meter sill at low water------------ 8 feet. Character of foundations --------------- -Timber piles. Kind of dam_-- ---------------- Timber. Type of construction -- Concrete buttresses, wooden gates turning on horizontal hinges at bottom, earth-lock chamber. Lock completed and opened to navigation 1913. Dam completed 1914. Cost-- ..----... - __.__-- -_ _ $40,018.10 for lock and $8,500 for dam. Under ordinary conditions the mean range of tide on the Mer- rnentau River near the mouth is 10 inches and near the head about 3 inches, the extreme ranges being 14 inches and 5 inches, respec- tively. The variation of the water surface near the mouth may be as much as 7 or 8 feet, due to hurricanes on the Gulf, and near the head from 8 to 12 feet, due to freshets. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $5,500,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance and operation on the project, "Mermentau River, La." is $90,600, of which $43,000 is for operating and care of the control Structures. For 1948 annual costs of maintenance and operation and other details for the incorporated projects "Waterway from White Lake to Pecan Island, La." and 'Inland Waterway from Franklin, La., to the Mermentau River, west of Vermilion Bay," refer to pertinent river and harbor sections of this report. The existing project was authorized by the following acts: _ c- . . , .... Acts Work authorized , Documents I -- ________ ---------- r--- ----- Aug. 18, 19411 Channel enlargement, lower Mermentau River, from S. Doc. 94, 77th Cong., 1st sess. mile 15 to the Gulf of Mexico; and construction of a lock and controlspillway at Catfish Point, mile 24. 3 Jiily 2 4 , 1946 2 Channel enlargement; lower Mermentau River, be- S. Doc. 231, 79th Cong., 2d sess. low Grand Lake, mile 25; construction of a gated control structure at or near Grand Cheniere, mile 7; channel enlargement and realinement of Inland Waterway fromn Fanklin, La., to Mermentau River, La., from Vermilion Bay to White Lake, via new channel, and from White Lake to Grand Lake; channel enlargement of North Prong of Schooner Bayou; construction of a gated control structure in the new channel near Schooner Bayou Lock; and inclusion of the project "Waterway from White ILake to Pecan Island, La." and the portion of the project "Inland Waterway from Franklin, La., to the Mermentau River," west of Vermilion hay in the modified project "Mermentau IRiver, La." I Flood-control act. 2 River and harbor act. 8 Contains latest published map. 1138 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. The cost of maintenance and operation of the project will be borne by the United States. The acts of assurances, providing that local interests will comply with all requirements of local cooperation, furnished by Vermilion and Cameron Parish Police Juries, La., and supported by the agreement of the Louisiana Department of Public Works to bear any and all costs incurred by the police jury of Vermilion Parish, was accepted as satisfactory by the Secretary of War on April 22, 1947. Rights-of-way for channel enlargement of Mer- mentau River have been made available. Local interests have been requested to furnish lands and easements required for construction of Catfish Point Control Structure. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The following new work was accomplished by hired labor: Field surveys, borings, foundation explorations, discharge and salinity observations, and preparation of plans and specifications; soil analyses and investiga- tions for structures; and designs, drawings and specifications for the Grand Cheniere, Catfish Point, and Schooner Bayou control structures, all at a cost of $112,068.97. Hired labor, utilizing the leased hydraulic pipe-line dredge Tchefuncta, continued operations on the Mermentau River channel improvement, mile 25 to mile 0, until September 2, 1947, when work was suspended at the Grand Cheniere Bridge, mile 8.2. Approximately 1,927,000 cubic yards of the remaining 3,278,000 cubic yards were removed during the fiscal year. The cost of these operations amounted to $226,876.97. The total costs during the fiscal year were $338,945.94; total ex- penditures were $352,018.54, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Field surveys, foundation ex- plorations, and soil analyses and investigations for the entire project were completed during fiscal year. Discharge and salinity observations are continuing items of work. Designs, drawings and specifications for the Mermentau River control structure at Grand Cheniere, mile 6.5, was completed, and at Catfish Point, mile 24, was 75 percent completed. Catfish Point was selected as the Mermentau River control structure site and the concrete phase of this structure will be advertised on July 19, 1948, and bids are to be opened on September 2, 1948. Design, drawings, and specifications of the Schooner Bayou Control Structure was 25 percent complete. The preparation of plans and specifications for other items of channel improvement was 20 percent complete. The project is approximately 12 percent complete. Work remaining to complete the project consists of construction of a gated control structure at Catfish Point, mile 24 above mouth of Mermentau River; channel enlargement of Mermentau River below mile 8.2; construction of a gated control structure in the enlarged channel immediately north of the existing Schooner Bayou Lock Reservation; channel enlargement and/or realinement of Inland Waterway from Vermilion Bay to White Lake and from White Lake to Grand Lake; and channel enlargement of North Prong of Schooner Bayou and Schooner Bayou cut-off. The controlling depths (September 1947) in the Mermentau River were: Over the bar, 3 feet; mouth to Lower Mud Lake, 8 feet; through Lower Mud Lake, 10 feet; Lower Mud Lake to the Grand FLOOD CONTROL---NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1139 Cheniere Bridge, 8.0 feet; Grand Cheniere Bridge, mile 8.2, to Grand Lake, mile 25, 15 feet; through Grand Lake to Intracoastal Waterway-Gulf section, 6 feet; and Intracoastal Waterway to Lake Arthur, 10 feet. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $528,468.07; ex- Penditures, $526,911.51, all for new work. Proposedoperations.-The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948, of $466,088.49 plus the sums of $1,000,000 for construction and $10,000 for maintenance allotted from Flood Control, General, ap- propriations and the sum of $28,500 for maintenance allotted from Rivers and Harbors appropriations, will be applied during the fiscal Year 1949 as follows: Ac counts payable, June 30, 1948_ $1,556.56 New ew work:ts payable, June 30, 1948--------------------------- Amount required to complete existing hired labor work_ _---------------------------------- $7,604.00 Bycontract: Initiate construction of Catfish Point floodgate structure--------- ------------------- 1,000,000.00 Initiate construction of Schooner Bayou floodgate 400,000.00 hired labot: BYhistructure------------------------------ Completion of design, plans and specifications--. 56,927.93 1,466,088.49 Maintenance: Channel maintenance and U. S. Fish and Wild- life Service .............----------------- 17,000.00 Operation and care of Schooner Bayou lock------. 21,500.00 38 500 00 Total for all work.------------ ------------------- 1,504,588.49 An additional allotment of $1,876,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Complete construction of control structures .----------........ $540,000 Continue enlargement and realinement of project ----------------- channels.... ----------------- 1,267,000 ----- 1,807,000 Maintenance: Maintenance channel dredging------- ------------ -- 21,000 Operation and care of locks and floodgates ------------ 43,000 Fish and Wildlife service ------------------ -------- 5,000 Total maintenance.._...-------------------------- 69,000 Total for all work - --------------------------- 1,876,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- $528,468.07 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_----------------..-.----.._ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ._--------- 528,468.07 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948__----. -. _------_ 1,556.56 Net total expenditures ---------------------- _- 526,911.51 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ ------- _________------- 466,088.49 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ 993,000.00 1140 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 I'- I - I.- Cost of new work .... ... $19, 553. 23 $1,754. 56 $380.55 $167, 833. 79 $338, 945.04 Cost of maintenance ....-...... ,24--------- --2----8-- Total expended.. .--.--- - 19, 360. 54 1, 934.31 393.49 153, 204.63 352,1 4 Allotted .............--- -.... 970; 000.00 .----------------- . Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947..._ ..--------------------- $818107 Gross amount •-----t---expended--._-- ----- -352,018.54 -'-------'''- Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---_-- -- 466,08849 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ..... $1,556.56 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.. 19,082.07 20,638.63 Balance available, June 30, 1948... .--. -119- 445,449.86 Amount allotted in July 1948_--- ----..- .------- 1, 038,500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_.. 1,483,949.86 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--- ... -- ---------- 2 608 000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work- - - - - - - - 1 807,000.00 For maintenance ........ ...... 69,000.00 Total-- 1,876,000.00 .---------------------------------------- 53. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 2 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 28, 1937, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, as amended bY the Flood Control Acts approved August 11, 1939, August 18, 1941, and July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 from the flood-control appropriations for any one fiscal year for the removal of accumulated snags and other debris from, and the clearing and straightening of channels in navigable streams and tributaries thereof when such work is advisable in the interest of flood control; provided that not more than $50,000 shall be al- lotted for this purpose for any single tributary from the appropria- tions for any one fiscal year. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Completion of engi- neering studies for channel improvement, including surveys, plans and specifications on Mustang Creek and Swan Lake by hired labor was accomplished at a cost of $1,135.87. (The specifications for Swan Lake were advertised on October 30, 1947; however, the bids were canceled as this work was combined with that being done on Red River levees below Denison Dam.) The following new work was accomplished by contract: Bayou Galion: Between May 26 and September 5, 1947, 8.32 miles of channel were cleared and snagged at a cost of $24,752.99. New River: Excavating channel between miles 0 and 2.22 was accomplished during the period January 15 and April 2, 1948, when 108,125 cubic yards were removed. A total of 6.50 miles of clearing FL1!aOOI) CONTROLN--NIW ORLEANS, IA., ):ST]RICT 1141 and snagging was accomplished from April 21 to June 30, 1948; all at a cost of $32,519.06. Bayou Francois: During the period February 12 and April 20, the channel was cleared from mile 0 to mile 8.26 at a cost of $12,- 895.69. Bayou Vincent: During the period September 16 and December 21, 1947, 18,913 cubic yards were excavated and 0.49 mile was cleared and snagged at a cost of $11,682.63. The following new work was initiated and was in progress at the end of the fiscal year: Mustang Creek: A total of 29,343 cubic yards was removed from .ustang Creek during the period March 19 and May 21, 1948. Work is in progress on clearing and snagging between miles 25.60 and 21.51 and miles 21.51 and 19.90. This work commenced on March 16, 1948, and at the end of the fiscal year 3.91 miles of channel had been cleared and snagged. The costs chargeable to these contracts Were $17,664.31. Bayou L'Eau Bleu: During the period May 27, 1948, and the end of the fiscal year, 4.40 miles of channel were improved by the re- mnToval of 70,317 cubic yards by hired labor at a cost of $15,484.44. The costs incurred during the fiscal year amounted to $114,- 842.39, all for new work; the expenditures were $105,247.01. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-Plansand specifications on Bark- mlan Creek were issued on April 8, 1948, for clearing and snagging approximately 3.5 miles of existing channel from mile 1.7 to mile 5.2 and excavating approximately 100,000 cubic yards in improving channel from mile 5.2 to mile 7.06. Bids were scheduled for opening on May 10; however, the opening date was postponed to July 15, 1948, due to local interests not having furnished the necessary as- Surances of local cooperation as required by law. The total costs under the existing project to the end of the fiscal Year were $123,047.60; expenditures $113,503.01 all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended for all items on June 301 1948, $86,997.92 plus an allotment of $105,000, a total of $191,997.92 will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- _ $9,544.59 New work: Amount required to complete existing contracts-- _-------- 3,723.39 Amount required to complete existing hired labor work___ 25,139.70 Barkman Creek ...._-------- ----------------- --------- 75,000.00 Little Bayou Boeuft_- .....--.... , L----- ......-.-... 25,000.00 Little Cypress River.. ---......------------------ -- 25,000 00 Ponchatoula Creek ....-------------- 25,000.00 BY hired labor: Surveys on project streams--.----- ------- 3,590.24 Total ._.. ------------------ _ _191,997.92 The additional sum of $250,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for clearing and snagging streams in Louisiana and portions of Arkansas and Texas within the New Orleans dis- trict. 1142 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_________________________ $123,047.60 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-....... .----- ------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 123,047.60 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 9,544'59 Net total expenditures ___113,503.01 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 86,997'92 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 _ 200,500.93 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.---..-------------------------------------$8,205.21 $114, 842.39 Cost of maintenance.------ ----- -----------------------.--.-- 21 8, 205. 114, 842.39 Total cost-----------------------------................-------------.................-------... Total expended-------------------------..................--------------........----------.. 8, 256.00 105, 24701 -. -------------- Allotted-------........................ Allotted- $25,000 12, 500.00 50 50, 93 - -- ----- -- - Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _ ------------..-- -_$141,744.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------- 99,800.93 Amount to be accounted for------. - ------------- _ 241, 544.93 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment 49,300.00 Net amount to be accounted for. -------------- 192 244.93 Gross amount expended-------------------------------- 105,247 01 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------------------- 86,997.92 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ..... $9,544.59 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts._ 3,723.39 13,267.98 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 73,729.94 Amount allotted in July 1948_ ___- _ _.-------------------105,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 178,729.94 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending 250,000.00 June 30, 1950, for new work__.__.....__.......____250,000. 54. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTIN- GENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost of work during the fiscal year was $109,318.34 expendi- tures, $103,441.80. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $46, 423.56, plus an allotment of $95,000, less outstanding liabilities if the amount of $12,359.69, or a total of $129,063.87, will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to payment of expenses in- curred under this heading. The additional sum of $158,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 on preliminary examinations, surveys and con- tingencies. F'LOOD CONTROL-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DI)TSTRICT 1143 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- $265,741.92 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .--------- 365,741.92 inus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_8------------------ 8915.48 Net total expenditures _------ ------------------- 256,826.44 nexpended balance June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 46,423.56 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948___--------- . 303,250.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------- - . ost of rnaintenance...-------- $687.30 ---- - $11,319.15 --- $18, (009.79 $50, 447. 86 $109,318.34 Total expended..-.....- ........ 680. 75 9, 959. 02 19, 252. 20 47, 533.19 103, 441. 80 Allotted - _------------------ -20, (x)0.00 39, 000.00 ----------. 40, 950. 00---........ 125, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------- $24,865.36 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------ 125,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--.---------------------- 149,865.36 Gross amount expended_--------------------------------- 103,441.80 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 46,423.56 _- _--------------- outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _... $8,915.48 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_- 3,444.21 12,359.69 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 34,063.87 Amount allotted in July 1948_ _ ------------------------ - 95,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 . _ _ 129,063.87 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance------------.-------------- 158,000.00 55. EMERGENCY FLOOD CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 5 OF FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 18, 1941, AS AMENDED Section 12 of the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, amends section 5 of Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, and authorizes the allotment from flood control appropriations of not to exceed $2,000,000 for any one fiscal year to be expended in rescue work or in the repair or maintenance of any flood control Work threatened or destroyed by flood. The following work was accomplished under this act during the fiscal year: Restoration was completed at Columbia levee and re- Pairs were initiated at Delta County Levee Improvement District No. 2, Tex., both at a cost of $29,413.55. The drainage bayou, ditches, and road culverts were cleaned out in the town of Columbia at a cost of $16,583.67. Concrete riprap was placed at Lucas Bend Dike No. 1 at a cost of $2,800. The total costs incurred during the fiscal year were $48,797.22 for maintenance; expenditures were $48,797.22. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $279,599.97 for 1maintenance. The total expenditures were $278,138.50. 1144 IioErPOR'I OF ciIrF OF ENGINEERS, t. S. ARHIY, 1948 The balance unexpended as of June 30, 1948, $45,861.50 plus accounts receivable, $1,508.21, will be applied to emergency flood control work during fiscal year 1949, as follows: Accounts payable---- ----- _--- . _------------ $2,969.68 ------------------------------- Completion of Columbia levee ....... 15,518 5 Repairs to Columbia drainage structure__________________________ 16,845.29 Repairs to Delta County Levee Improvement District No. 2______ 8,353.03 Miscellaneous repairs and restoration to Natchitoches Parish levees 3,683 14 47,369.71 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- $279,99.9 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 279,599.97 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 1, 508.21 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 --------------- 281,108.18 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 2,969.68 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 278,138, 50 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 45,861.50 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948..-... 324,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------..........................................................------------------------------------------------ Cost of maintenance ..-------- .--.--.---- _-- ---.------- --- $230,802. 75 .------------- $48, 797", Total cost ---------------- 230, 802. 75 48, 797 22 91 Total expended ............... . 229, 807. 59 48, 330. Allotted-------..-.............---.....................---------............ $310,000 14,000.00 ........... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ---------------------------- $94,192.41 Gross amount expended ____ _ _ 48,330. 9 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.....,_ ..... ..--------- 45,861.50 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-........ $2,966.68 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts'... - 14,548.79 17,5147 Balance available, June 30, 1948---.. .----.-.- --.. ' 28,346.03 Accounts receivable, June 30, 19485----... - . .--- 1, 508.21 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948.- - .__- 29,854.24 56. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAWS NOS. 138 AND 318, SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, PUBLIC LAW NO. 75, SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS, AND PUBLIC LAW NO. 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS Because of the heavy demands for emergency-repair work to flood-control structures damaged or destroyed by the disastrous floods which occurred in the springs of 1943, 1944, 1945, and 1947. Congress in the act approved July 12, 1943, Public No. 138, SeventY eighth Congress; in the act approved May 29, 1944, Public No. 318, Seventy-eighth Congress; in the act approved June 5, 1945, Public FLOOD CONTROL--NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1145 o.'75, Seventy-ninth Congress, and in the act approved June 23, 1947, Public No. 102, Eightieth Congress, authorized the amounts of $10,000,000, $12,000,000, $12,000,000 and $15,000,000 respec- tively, to be appropriated as emergency funds to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repair, restoration, and strengthen- ing of levees and other flood-control works which had been threat- ened or, destroyed by the recent floods. Pursuant to these acts, the amount of $7,023,542.91 was allotted to the New Orleans District for emergency flood control works On the Mississippi River and its tributaries, and along the shore of Lake Pontchatrain. Emergency flood-control work within the New Orleans District was accomplished during the fiscal year 1948 at a cost of $558,940.05. The expenditures were $546,177.60. Total costs to June 30, 1948 were $6,76,7,944.33 and expenditures were $6,751,864.33. The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $271,678.58, will. be applied to accounts payable, $18,379.73, and to the completion of emergency repairs to flood-control works now Under construction. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948...--------. - - --- ------------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------- -------- $6,767,944.33 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-.-....... 6,767,944.33 inus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_------------- -- 16,080.00 Net total expenditures-----------------------------6,751,864.33 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------........-------------- 271,678.58 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. ------------ 7,023,542.91 ,,, -- cal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost o fnew work_ - -- Lost o f maintenance-------------------- 067, 905.03 $2,414,839. 44 $725, 724.44 $3, $559, 940.05 1 ' ta1 expended..-- --- .------------------------- 5,339, 299.46 865, 851.90 546,177.60 Allott 4 -d-__-_ -- ..----------. - 5, 610, 000. 00 762, 409. 54 -19, 402. 00 670,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-- $147,856.18 Amount allotted during fiscal year-_..... .. _...... _... 753,691.90 S Amount to be accounted for. _ eductions on account of revocation of allotment__ .. -...... _ 901,548.08 83,691.90 Net amount to be accounted for....._......_ ._*_ ... 817,856.18 ross amount expended --------------- $744,927.38 Less reimbursed expenditures ------------- 198,749.78 546,177.60 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948....--.......-.-..- 271,678.58 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ..... 18,379.73 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts._ 64,059.11 82,438.84 Balance available, June 30, 1948 . 189,239.74 1146 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 57. EMERGENCY BANK PROTECTION WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED DECEMBER 22, 1944, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, as amended by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment from flood-control appropriations of not to exceed $1,000,000 per year for construction of emergency bank-protection works to prevent flood damages to highways, bridge approaches and public works, when in the opinion of the Chief of Engineers, such work is advisable: Provided that not more than $50,000 shall .be allotted for this purpose at any single locality from appropria- tions for any one fiscal year. Pursuant to this act, the amount of $35,000 was allotted to the New Orleans District for protection works at the Pinhook Bridge on United States Highway No. 90 over Vermilion River near La- fayette, Louisiana. No work was done during the fiscal year. The balance unexpended as of June 30, 1948, $35,000, will be applied during fiscal year 1949 to emergency bank protection, exca- vation and riprap, by hired labor. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ _---------------- ------- ------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_______________________ ------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -. ------- Net total expenditures------------------------------ -- --- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_------------------------- $35,0 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 35,000 Fiscal year ending June 30 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work......----------- ....------------..------------.------------ ..-------.------------ Cost of maintenance-------------------------------------------------------------- - Total expended--------------------------------------------------------------- Allotted------------------------- ------------------------------------------- $35,000 Amount allotted during fiscal year-_-----. ---- ___...-. -_ - $35,000 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.-_______________--- 35,000 58. INACTIVE FLOOD CONTROL PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures Estimated full report, to June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project see Annual quired to Report for- complete New work Maintenance 1. Columbia, La .........................--------------------------- 1941 $204,739.73 .(--.------- -(1) 2. Hempstead Co. Levee Dist. No. 1, Ark.'. -- 1941 88,005. 78 .. () 3. Black Bayou Reservoir, La. 1945 .... .'---------------- 2$540,000 4. Red River Parish, La.'_....-.- - -..... 1939 149, 435.04 ..-------------- (1) 5. Natchitoches Parish, La..'-..-----------------. 1945 742, 764.33 ..------------- 560, 23 6. Colfax, La.5 ...... ... ............... 1938 70, 348.04 -...... () 7. Grant Parish below Colfax, La........... 1941 38,808.89 ..---------------- (1) 8. Saline Point, La.......................... ------------------------ 1945 99,630. 58 .(-----_--1 4) I Completed. 2 Work niot started; deferred ifending further study. 3 New project included in "Red River below Denison Dam" by Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946. y" 4 The unexpended balance of $30,369.42 will be applied to reimbursement of local interests for rights-of-wS ' These projects have been incorporated in the project "Red River below Denison Dam." FLOOD CONTROL---NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1147 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions D)ate trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to I)ocument Recom- Congress No. mendation AAmite River and tributaries, River and Harbor Act, touislana (flood control, irriga- Mar. 2, 1945. tion, navigation and drainage, andl for the prevention ofstream trusion). and salt-water in- Pollution Amite River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, Dec. ILouisiana (flood control, rice 22, 1944. tirriation, navigation, pollu- dron,salt-water intrusion, and drainage) Assumption Parish, Bayau River and Harbor Act, --------------- Boeuf, La., In the interest of Mar. 2, 1945. navigation, flood control bene- consaluses of water, malarial Flood Control Act, Dec. ...........--------------------------- Atehafalaya (west) Basin protec- 22, 1944. ..... do-.....-------------------------- tionlevee, all streams and bay- 8us in southwest Louisiana est of, and south of latitude f Boyce ACthafalaa River, La., Morgan River and Harbor Act, (pty to the Gulf of Mexico Mar. 2, 1945. b(artial report, all streams and falYous between East Atcha- alaya Basin protection levee andMissisippi River). Flood Control Act, Dec. --- --- -- Bartholomew Bayou, Ashley 24, 1944. 2 Flood Control Act, June nd other alack Counties, Arkansas. 28, 1938. -- -- -- -- -- Cypress and Cypress Riv- and Harbor Act, ers va Waterway from Shreve- River Aug. O6, 1937. B ort, La., to Jefferson, Tex. 2 LackCypress River, Tex., and River and Harbor Act, .,ron Jefferson, Tex.,-Shreve- June 20, 1938. loackr, a., Waterway.2 River, Catahoula and Con- Flood Control Act, Aug. Scordia Parishes, La. 2 11, 1939. Odcau Bayou, Ark., and La., Flood Control Commit- construction of reservoir at tee resolution, May 2, Braley Bridge orat Mars Hill 1946. Bn Lafayette County, Ark. 1 S La, eutBayou Assumption Par- River and Harbor Act, iah, inthe interest of navi- Mar. 2, 1945. gation, flood control Uses ofwater malarialbeneficial control, and prevention of stream pol- lution in Lafourche Bayou, La., vonaldsonville to the Intra- Coastal Waterway . oeufRiver, in Catahoula, Flood Control Act, Aug. Franklin, Caldwell, Richland, 28, 1937. West Carroll and Morehouse Parishes La. 1 addo Lake Dam and Jefferson- Flood Control Act, June Sreveport Waterway, La., 22, 1936. Cand Tex., on Red River. 1 tO easleu River, La., for naviga- Commerce Committee tion, flood control and irri- resolution, Oct. 8, 1939; Flood Committee reso- lution, Jan. 26. 1939; Rivers and Harbors Committee resolution, Jan. 24, 1939. See footnotes at end of table. 1148 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, ,U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigationsfor flood control called for. by flood-control acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recon- Congress No. mendation _ _ __ _ _ Cypress and Black Cypress River and Harbor Act, River, reservoirs in Jefferson, Aug. 26, 1937. Tex.,-Shreveport, La., water- way. 1 Cypress River above Jefferson, River and Harbor Act, .. Tex., establishment of reser- Aug. 30, 1935. voirs on Jefferson-Shreveport waterway. 1 Cypress River, Tex., and La., River and Harbor Act, ............... water supply reservoir in Jef- June 20, 1938. ferson-Shreveport waterway. 1 Donaldsonville, Lafourch River and Harbor Act, . .. Bayou, La., to the Intracoastal Mar. 2, 1945. Waterway via Bayou Boeuf, Assumption Parish, or other streams, in the interest of navi- gation, flood control, etc. DuLarge Bayou, La. outlet to River and Harbor Act, Gulf of Mexico for shrimp ves- Mar. 2, 1945 and Flood sels of 6- or 7-foot draft (partial Control Act, Dec. 22, report Louisiana, all streams 1944. and bayous east of east Atcha- falaya Basin protection levee). Grand Caillou Bayou, La., out- --------------------.. let to Gulf of Mexico for shrimp vessels of 6-or 7-foot draft (par- tial report Louisiana, all streams and Bayous east of east Atchafalaya Basin protec- tection levee.) Houma, La., outlets to open wa- ...... .... ters of Gulf of Mexico, to ac- commodate vessels of shrimp trawler type of 6- or 7-foot draft (via Bayous Terrebonne, Petit Caillou, Grand Caillou and DuLarge, Terrebonne Parish, La.) (partial report, Louisiana, all streams and bayous east of Atchafalaya). Jefferson-Shreveport Waterway, River and Harbor Act, Tex., and La., enlarging project Aug. 30, 1935. and establishing reservoirs in Cypress and Black Cypress Rivers. 1 Jefferson-Shreveport Waterway River and Harbor .Act, Tex., and La., thence via Red Aug. 26, 1937. River to Mississippi River, in- cluding reservoirs in Cypress and Black Cypress Rivers. 1 Jefferson-Shreveport Waterway, River and Harbor Act, Tex., and LA., thence via Red June 20, 1938. River to Mississippi River survey for navigation, flood control, water power and irri- gation, including water supply reservoirs in Cypress and Black Cypress Rivers. I Lafourche Bayou, La., from Don- River and Harbor Act, aldsonville to the Intracoastal Mar. 2, 1945. Waterway via Bayou Boeuf, Assumption Parish, or other streams, for navigation, flood control, beneficial uses of water, malarial control, prevention of stream pollution, and of the location of locks at the head of said bayou at or near Donald- sonville, La. Little Missouri River, Ark., con- Flood Control Commit- struction of dam at Murfrees- tee resolution, July 3, boro site. 2 1945. Macon Bayou in Franklin, Mad- Flood Control Act, Aug. ison, Richland, East Carroll, 28, 1937. and West Carroll Parishes, La. 1 Loggy Bayou, Red River, La., Flood Control Act, June east bank. 1 28, 1938. See footnotes at end of table. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1I 149 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions--Continued °----,_ --- ~~-~e I -- - -------- - ," -- , -- '- )ate trans- Locality Authorization act Iflitte(l to D)ocument Recom- Congress No. mendation -------------- I--- -------- I - River and Harbor Act, -------.........------ .... Mar. 2, 1945. Flood Control Act, Dec. I.........------------- ---- 22, 1944. River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. Flood Control Act, Dec. 22, 1944. River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945; Flood Control Act, Dec. 2, 1944. . .. do----....... . iUlio Bayou, ;cche Bayou, Flood Control Commit- aen 1Calcasieu iver, La., Ser- tee resolution, Feb. 2, Ient layoul, La., for flood con- 1944. trol and drainage. achita River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, Aug. 28, 1937. Ouachita River and tributaries, Flood Control Commit- Ark., and La. 2 tee resolution, Feb. 10, 1938. Ouachita River and tributaries, Flood Control Commit- rk., nid La., for flood protec- tee resolution, Apr. 13, tion Jonesvillo, La. 2 1938. Olachita River, Blakely Dam Flood Control Commit- for flood control power, etc. tee resolution, May 11, (final report)a 1938. Aachita liver System, La., and Flood Control Commit- Ark., for navigationl, flood con- tee resolution, Jan. 26, troI and irrigation. 2, 1939; Commerce Cot- mittee resolution, Feb. 8, 1939; Rivers and Iiar- bors Conmmittee reso- lution, Jan. 24, 1939. Ouachita River with view to River and Iarbor Act, ostrucetion of a dam at or near Mar. 2, 1945. liockport, Ark., in interest of llavigation, floodl control, and th development of hydroelec- tric Dower. 2 (Ouachita IRiver andl tributaries Flood Control Commniit- for floodl ,ke, Ark. protection 2 Calion tee resolution, Nov. 15, 194 5. See footnotes at end of table. 804711.--48-Vol. 1-73 1150 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom" Congress No. mendation --- I I - Petit Caillou Bayou, La., outlet River and Harbor Act, to Gulf of Mexico for shrimp Mar. 2, 1945. ------- -- vessels of 6- or 7-foot draft (par- tial report Louisiana, all streams and bayous east of east Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee). Do...----------................... Flood Control Act, Dec. 22, 1944. Pontchartrain Lake, La., with a Senate Public Works view to determining whether Committee resolution, modification of the recommen- Oct. 11, 1947. dations contained therein is ad- visable at this time in view of the recent hurricane and re- sultant floods. Red River, Ark. .............. Flood Control Act, May --------------- 6, 1936. Red River, Ark. 1.............. Flood Control Act, June --------------- 22, 1936. Red River, La., Ark., Okla., and Rivers and Harbors Com- --------------- Tex., for navigation, flood con- mittee resolution, Feb. control, water power and irri- 25, 1938. gation. 1 Red River, La., east bank of, Flood Control Act, June from hill line of south bank of 28, 1938. Loggy Bayou, thence along east bank of Red River to Cou- shatta Bayou, Red River Parish. 1 Red River, La., Ark., Okla., and Flood Control Commit- Tex., and connecting water- tee resolution, Jan. 26, ways, singly or together for 1939; Rivers and Har- navigation, flood control, and bors Committee resolu- irrigation. I tion, Jan. 24, 1939; Com- merce Committee reso- lution, Feb. 8, 1939. Rockport, Ark., construction of River and Harbor Act, damn at or near, in the interest Mar. 2, 1945. of navigation, flood control, and development of hydroelectric power. 2 Saline River, Ark. 2............ Flood Control Act, Aug. 28,1937. Serpent Bayou, La., for flood Flood Control Commit- control and drainage. tee resolution, Feb. 2, 1944. Shreveport-Jefferson Waterway Flood Control Act, June and Caddo Lake Dam, La., 22, 1936. and Tex. I Shreveport-Jefferson Waterway, River and Harbor Act, La., and 'lex., via Red River Aug. 26, 1937. to Mississippi River, including reservoirs in Cypress and Black Cypress Rivers. I Shreveport-Jefferson Waterway, River and Harbor Act, --------------- La., and Tex., thence via Red June 20, 1938. River to Mississippi River, sur- vey for navigation, flood con- trol, water power and irriga- tion, including water supply reservoirs in Cypress and Black Cypress Rivers. 1 Sulphur River, Ark. 1.......... Flood Control Act, June 22, 1936. Do Flood Control Act, Aug. -........................ --------------- 28, 1937. Sulphur River, Tex. i .......... Flood Control Act. June --------------- 28, 1938. River and larbor Act, Do----.......----------..............---- --------------- June 22, 1936. Sulphur River, Tex., and Ark., River and Harbor Act, --------------- improvement for navigation, June 20, 1938. flood control, and water power. I See footnotes at end of table. FLOOD CONTROL-NEW ORLEANS, LA., DISTRICT 1151 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions-Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom. Congress No. mendation 'ngiahoa River and tributar- River and Harbor Act, .. - --- -- irrtig ouisiana n (flood control, Mar. 2, 1945. rigatjio , navigation, rainage and for prevention and of itra pollution and salt-water intrusion) Terrebonne Bayou, La., outlet River and Harbor Act, tveo° lf of Mexico for shrimp Mar. 2, 1945. tesiels of 6- or 7-foot draft (par- tial report Louisiana, streams and bayous east of east all levechafalaya Basin protection 0Do. .-----............--.. Flood Control Act, Dec.-.........- ------------ 22, 1944. o be incorporated in a comprehensive re ort on Red River and Tributaries, Louisiana, Arkansas, Okla hoea and Texas, for navigation, flood control, power and irrigation, which will be prepared by the Board of iners for Rivers and Harbors. by Cobined with review of reports Ouachita River and Tributaries, Arkansas and Louisiana submitted trict Engineer, New Orleans District, March 30, 1948. i IMPROVEMENTOF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE VICKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT This district comprises a very small portion of southwestern Ten- 11essee, western Mississippi, and southern Arkansas as embraced in the drainage basins of the eastern tributaries of the Mississippi River south of Nonconnah Creek to Mississippi-Louisiana State line, inclusive, and of the western tributaries from the Arkansas River to the Arkansas-Louisiana State line, exclusive of Red River in Arkansas. District engineer: Col. R. G. Lovett, Corps of Engineers. Division engineer of 'the Lower Mississippi Valley Division, i.cksburg, Miss., comprising the New Orleans, La., Vicksburg, Lss., and Memphis, Tenn., districts: Maj. Gen. R. W. Crawford, United States Army. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation Page Flood Control-Continued Page 1. Arkansas River and tributar- 9. Blakely Mountain Dam on ies, Ark. and Okla. (Vicks- Ouachita River, Ark ..... 1165 burg district) ----- -- 1154 10. Ilomochitto River, Miss ____ 1167 2. Ouachita and Black Rivers,, • 11. Snagging and clearing under Ark. and La. (locks and :Section 2, Flood Control dams 6 and 8)_------ 1154 Act, approved August 28, 3* Removing snags and wrecks 1937, as amended .... _._ 1169 from the Mississippi River below the mouth of Mis- 12. Emergency flood control work under authority of Public souri; River and from Old Laws Nos. 138 and 318, and Atchafalaya Rivers - 1155 4 Examinations, Surveys and Seventy-eighth Congress, SContingencies (general)_- 1157 Public Law No. 75, Sev- 5. Inactive Navigation Projects 1158 enty-ninth Congress, and 6. Plant allotment, Vicksburg, Public Law No. 102, lMiss. District -.-- r---- 1159 Eightieth Congress ..... 1171 Flood Control 13. Preliminary examinations, sur- 7. Little Missouri River Basin, veys and contingencies for Ark. - 1159 Flood Control-_-------- . 1172 8. Big Black River, Miss_ ---- 1163 14. Inactive flood control projects 1174 1153 1154 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 1. ARKANSAS RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES, ARK. AND OKLA. (VICKSBURG DISTRICT) For report on this improvement, see page 1352. A 2. OUACHITA AND BLACK RIVERS, ARK. AND LA. (LOCKS AND D MS 6 AND 8 AND CHANNEL MAINTENANCE FROM ARKANSAS- LOUISIANA STATE LINE TO HEAD OF NAVIGATION) For detailed report on location, previous projects, existing proJ, ect, local cooperation, terminal facilities, operations and results during fiscal year, and condition at end of fiscal year paragraphs of this project, refer to annual report of the New Orleans district, page 1017. By agreement with the New Orleans district that district is to operate the entire project, billing the Vicksburg district for the work done above the Arkansas-Louisiana State line, and to make report of all operations including that for fiscal year 1948. Proposed operations for the reach included in the present Vicks- burg district limits and cost and financial summary follow. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $71,100.21, and accounts receivable, $173.20, plus an allotment of $45,000 made in July 1948, a total of $116,273.41, will be applied to maintenance, using Government plant and hired labor, as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_______________________________ $7,640.13 Maintenance: The amount of $50,333.28 will be applied to reimburse- ment of the New Orleans District for balance of work done in con- struction of Camden Cut-off. No dredging or snagging is proposed 8 for fiscal year 1949_---------_---- ----- ___._ _--__ 50,333.28 Operating and care: Operations (2 locks) -------------------------- $48,700 Ordinary repairs------------- ---------------- 9,60 58,300.00 Total for all work ----------------------------------- 116,273.41 The additional sum of $145,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredging with United States pipe-line dredge Todd in pools 6 and 8, lj/ 2 months (July and August 1949)..--------...... $63,000 Snagging with United States towboat Capt. Eric Bergland and United States derrick boat 3701 2 months (July and August 1949) at approximately $6,000 per month. 12,000 000 $75,000 Operating and care: Operations (2 locks)______--------------------- - _ 60,000 Ordinary repairs... ----------------- _------------ 10,000 70,000 work70145,000 for Total all RIVERS AND HARBORS-VICKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT 1155 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ------------------------ $5,248,618.94 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.-------------------- 7,282,228.26 lu Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 12,530,847.20 lus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-.--------------------- 173.20 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------------------- 12,531,020.40 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 7,640.13 Net total expenditures---------------------------- 12,523,380.27 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948- --------------- ---- 71,100.21 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 12,594,480.48 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------- Cost of maintenance,,...------ $243 $1982--2 72 6-----------1---I---------- $34,285---42 ---- -- 1492.62 $ 3.33 $243, 640.61 $198, 282.72 --- 34,285.42- 4,426 19633 Total expended................. 241, 654.21 193, 981.10 39, 459.31 41, 624.99 102, 305.87 Allotted------------------------ 40, 000. 00 400, 000. 00 -- 932. 73 146, ..............- 144, 200. 00 I I _ _ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 .------------------------ $29,206.08 Amount allotted during fiscal year---.---------------------- 144,200.00 Amount to be accounted for._------------------------ 173,406.08 Gross amount expended----------------------------------- 102,305.87 SBalance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------------- --- 71,100.21 Autstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ._------- -$7,640.13 mount covered by uncompleted contracts-----......--- 52,405.69 60,045.82 Balance available, June 30, 1948_.------------- ------ A - 11,054.39 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------- ------ 173.20 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948.--- 11,227.59 mount allotted in July 1948----------------------------- 45,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 56,227.59 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 for maintenance.--------------------------- 145,000.00 3. MOVING SNAGS AND WRECKS FROM THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER BELOW THE MOUTH OF MISSOURI RIVER AND FROM OLD AND ATCHAFALAYA RIVERS Location.-The stretch of the Mississippi River under jurisdic- tlon-of the Vicksburg engineer district extends from the mouth of Arkansas River to Warrenton, 10 miles below Vicksburg, Miss. (See ississippi River Commission maps, alluvial valley of the Missis- s8Ppi River.) The work in the New Orleans district on the Missis- ppi River from Warrenton to the Passes and 8 miles of Old River and 30 miles of Atchafalaya River is handled by that district in connection with flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries. 1156 REPORT OF CHIEF' OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Previousprojects.-Forthe removal of these obstructions general appropriations were made at regular intervals as early as 1824. For further details, see page 1880, Annual Report for 1915. Existing project.-This is a continuation of the plan adopted in 1879, and provides for the removal and destruction of snags, wrecks,1 drift heaps, and other obstructions to navigation in the MississiPP River from the mouth of Arkansas River to Warrenton, Miss.; also for the felling of large trees on or near caving banks, thereby de- creasing the number of snags to be destroyed thereafter. The work is done by district's steel hull snag boat, Chas. H. West, built in 1934; and other plant; all fitted with necessary equipment and appliances and operated by Government employees. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents .............. Annual appropriations or allotments made 1879 to 1886, inclusive, except in 1883 and 1885. Aug. 11, 1888 1 Annual expenditure of $100,000 made available each year. Mar. 3, 1909 Atchafalaya and Old Rivers from their junction with the Mississippi and Red Rivers to Melville, La., included in the project. Mar. 2, 1919 Appropriation of $50,000 additional to cover increased costs due to war conditions. June 30, 1922 2 Mar. 2, 1923 2 Allotments of $25,000, $20,000, $17,500, and $13,000, June 7, 1924 2 respectively, to cover increased costs. Apr. 15, 19262 June 26, 1934 3 Maintenance provided for with funds appropriated for the preservation and maintenance of rivers and harbors, since June 30, 1935. I Se. 7. 2 War Department Appropriation Act. 3 Permanent Appropriations Repeal Act. Terminal facilities.-At Greenville, Miss., there is a municipal concrete wharf and a municipal floating wharf. At Vicksburg, Miss.' there is a paved municipal wharf 375 feet in length with inclined ramp exits through levee wall. In addition, at Vicksburg below mouth of Yazoo Canal there are a Federal barge line transfer ter- minal with railroad connections and two private floating docks for the unloading of petroleum products from barges. In addition, pipe lines from bulk plants to barge landings for handling petroleum products, and log slips are located on the reach south of the mouth of Arkansas River. Further details are contained in the following reports :,Transportation Series Report No. 2, 1929, Transportation in the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys; Transportation Series Report No. 4, 1946, Transportation Lines on the MississiPPi River System. : The present facilities are considered adequate for existing cowrn merce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-The work under the subproject in force was completed. Further work, including patrol- ling, buoying, and removal of snags as necessary for navigation was accomplished under the project for flood control, MississiPPi River and tributaries. This work is classed as maintenance. Total RIVERS AND IIARIBORS-VICCKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT 1157 costs and expenditures during the fiscal year, under the subproject in force, were $5,000. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project being one of con- tinuous maintenance of channel, no estimate of completion and total Cost can be made. Each freshet brings down new obstructions, and constant changes in location of channel uncover old obstructions. This work is of great benefit to commerce and navigation of the river, and disasters caused by vessels striking channel obstructions seldom occur. Operations provided a channel reasonably free from obstructions at the end of the fiscal year, and there is sufficient plant available to take care of future work. Total cost and expenditures on the exist- ing project in that stretch of the river under the jurisdiction of the Vicksburg District to June 30, 1948, was $272,500 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-No funds are available under this project for fiscal years 1949 and 1950. The work will be continued as neces- sary for navigation under the project for flood control, Mississippi River and Tributaries. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_------------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- $272,500 TN Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- ------- 272, 500 et total expenditures. ----------------------- --------------- 272,500 Ttal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------------- 272,500 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost o f new work--------------------------- --- Cost o'f maintenanc -------------- $22, 500 $22, 500 $22, 500 ...........-----------... $5, 000 Total expended................. 22, 500 22, 500 22, 600 .............. 5, 000 Allott d----------------------------------- 45, 000 5,000 ... 3 l alance unexpended, July 1, 1947_--------- ------------------ $5,000 Gross amount expended_------------------------------------- 5,000 4. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of the work during the fiscal year was $8,574.02. Ex- Penditures were $8,516.76. An allotment of $14,500 made in July 1948,'will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to pay- Rlent of expenses under this heading. The additional sum of $18,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 - -------------- ___ _ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ $407,685.68 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ -407,685.68 Net total expenditures.. ---------------------- _--.-----407,685.68 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__---- 407,685.68 1158 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ___.--i" I* 1-------- I ----- Cost of new work ............... .-----;02 Cost of maintenance ............ $6,030.60 287. 86 $13, $13, 891.30 $18, 462. 19 SI I I-- i Total expended ................. 6, 240. 26 12, 780. 79 12, 918.07 I 19,888.07 8,51676 -- I ______________ ________________ -- I Allotted_...................... 22, 000. 00 14, 560.00 I..----------... 8,300. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947----------------------------- $216.716 Amount allotted during fiscal year -------------------------- 8,300.00 Amount to be accounted for-_ _______ 8,516.76 Gross amount expended ------------------------ . $8,740.53 Less reimbursed expenditures--------------------- 223.77 8,516.76 Amount allotted in July 1948 ---. --------- __ -- 14 500.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 --------------- 14,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_. -____- ___--- -________- __ 18,000.00 5. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS Cost and expenditures to For last full June 30, 1948 Estimated Name of project report see amount Annual required to Report for- New work Maintenance complete - -I I I ----- 1. Arkansas River, Ark, and Okla_........... 1943 $380, 966. 95 $2, 913, 897.66 2. Little Missouri River, Ark-................ 1873 19, 991.94 (2) (2) 3. Little Tallahatchie River, Miss-........... 1913 19,000.00 ---- - - - - (2) 4. Bear Creek, Miss.....----................ 1920 3, 346.62 2,086.16 (2) 5. Tchula Lake, Miss_..-- 1921 19, 384.89 26, 585.08 6. Bayou Bartholomew, La. and Ark-.-.-.." 1931 45, 873.53 42, 857. 25 7. Saline River, Ark_........................ 1931 26, 900.00 12, 791.67 8. Yalobusha River, Miss................ 1937 7, 000.00 15, 936. 38 9. Tallahatchie and Coldwater Rivers, Miss.. 1939 43, 481.48 173,066.02 (2 7) (2 6 7) 10. Big Black River, Miss .....-------------.......... 1895 15, 000.00 ............. 11. Big Sunflower River, Miss................. 1942 560,026. 65 459, 327.90 12. Mouth of the Yazoo River, Miss-........... 1942 1,179, 210. 87 123, 271.05 (8 0) 13. Steele and Washington Bayous and Lake 1947 19,049.81 10,110.00 Washington, Miss. (258) 14. Yazoo River, Miss-.......................... 1947 359, 660. 70 480, 605.04 21 Existing project is for maintenance Completed. only. 8 Abandonment recommended in H. Doc. 1692, 64th Cong., 2d sess., and IH. Doe. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. 4 Channels adequate for existing commerce. Abandonment recommended in H. Doc. 1694, 64th Cong., 2d sess., and H. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. SAbandonment recommended in I. D)oc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. * See report of the Mississippi River Commission for operations in connection with the Yazoo BI3asll flood-control project including channel clearing and rectification and Grenada Reservoir on Yalobusba River. 7 See report of the Mississippi River Commission for operations in connection with the Yazoo Basin flood- control project, including Sardis Dam and Reservoir, on the Little Tallahatchie River, Arkabutla 1)am, and Reservoir on Coldwater River and channel clearing on Tallahatchie and Little Tallahatchie Rivers. a No funds available and no woric proposed for fiscal years 1949 and 1950. 9 Curtailment recommended in H. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. toAbandonment recommended in H. Does. 1694, 64th Cong., 2d sess., and 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. See report of Mississippi River Commission for operations in connection with the Big Sunflower River, etc., Miss., flood control project, including channel clearing and snagging in Steele Bayou. RIVERS AND HARBORS--VICKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT 1159 6. PLANT ALLOTMENT, VICKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948$-------------------------- -- $12,966.20 Net total Pl us accounts cost to June 30, 1948------------------------ -12,966.20 receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------- ---- 1,896.34 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948_ ....-------------------- -- 11,069.86 nus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-.------------- _173.04 ---- ---- U Net total expenditures- -------------------------- -11,242.90 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948.--------------------------- 11,040.88 Total amount appropriated to June 39, 1948-------------- --- 202.02 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947..---------------------- $63,477.98 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment--------------- _ 50,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for,._-------------------- S 13,477.98 Gross amount expended----------------------- $23,615.97 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------------- 21,178.87 2,437.10 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------ 11,040.88 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts __ utstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948----_ _... .. 173.04 3,826.96 4,000.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948__----_------- --------- 7,040.88 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 1,896.34 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--------- 8,937.22 7. LITTLE MISSOURI RIVER BASIN, ARK. Location.-The Little Missouri River rises in the southeastern corner of Polk County, Ark., on the southern slope of the Missouri Mountains and flows in a southeasterly direction a distance of 147 mliles in a tortuous course to enter the Ouachita River 27.6 miles above Camden, Ark. Terre Noire Creek rises in the Athens Plateau, midway between Arkadelphia and Amity in Clark County, and flows in a general southeasterly direction a distance of about 45 miles to enter Little Missouri River on the left bank 2 miles above the mouth of the Parent stream. Ozan Creek, formed by the junction of North Folk, Middle Fork, and South Fork near Blevins, in Hempstead County, flows in a gen- eral northeasterly direction a distance of about 25 miles to join Little Missouri River on the right bank at mile 73.2 above the mouth, 1160 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-The Flood Control Act approved August 181 1941, approved the plan for the Narrows Reservoir for flood control and other purposes on the Little Missouri River, Ark., and for local flood protection on the main river below Murfreesboro, Ark., and on the Terre Noire and Ozan Creeks, as set forth in House Document 837, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session, and authorized $3,000,- 000 for the initiation and partial accomplishment of the project. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, authorized the completion of the project for Little Missouri River in Arkansas at an estimated cost of $3,800,000. The plan of improvement provides for the construction of the Nar- rows Reservoir on the Little Missouri River above Murfreesboro, Ark., with a gross storage capacity of 410,000 acre-feet and a power plant at the dam site with an initial installation of hydroelectric generating facilities having a capacity of 15,000 kilowatts and with provisions for future enlargement of those facilities; channel clear- ing and snagging of the Little Missouri River and the excavation of 12 cut-offs between the mouth and mile 70; on Terre Noire Creek snagging of the channel between the Missouri Pacific Railroad cross- ing and the mouth, the enlargement of 0.9 mile of silted creek chan- nel, the repair of levee crevasses in the side levees, and the construec tion of required drainage ditches; and clearing, snagging, and en- largement of the channel of Ozan Creek between the lower end of the existing drainage ditches to the mouth. The following is a list of the individual projects considered in the approved plan: Estimated cost 1 Location Type of protection Federal Local Total Narrows Reservoir near Murfrees- Reservoir and power plant._ $13, 450, 000 .... __ _ $13, 450, 000 boro, Ark. Little Missouri River, Murfrees- Channelimprovement...... 460, 000 $15,000 475, 000 boro, Ark., to the mouth. Channel improvement and Terre Noire Creek, Ark----------............ 12.3,700 10,000 133, 700 repairs to levees. Ozan Creek, Ark.---------------Channel improvement...... 58, 000 5,000 63, 000 1 Revised in 1948. Local cooperation.---See page 7 for requirements. Fully com- plied with on Terre Noire Creek. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Narrows Dam: Con- struction of the dam was continued. Building of haul roads and tem- porary river crossings, construction of field office and garage, haul- ing lumber for contractor's buildings, construction of cableway and concrete plant, and clearing of damsite were completed. Stripping for abutments was in progress. Cofferdam construction for care and diversion of river was in progress, with the first stage of the cofferdam being complete. Access bridge was completed with the exception of handrails and insignia. Work was continued on a model study of conduits and Howell- Bunger Valves for the dam by the Waterways Experiment Station. Preparation of a preliminary report on reservoir management FLOoD CONTOL-VIO S1tJLU MISS., b)ITITICT 1161 1 and the need for facilities for public use of the reservoir area was initiated. Acquisition of lands for damsite and reservoir area was continued. Terre Noire Creek: A total of 165,773 cubic yards of excavation Was completed in the enlargement and realinement of 4.6 miles of channel; 7,590 cubic yards were excavated for channel cut-off and 20.18 miles of snagging and clearing and removal of drift rack were accomplished. Ozan Creek and Little Missouri River below Murfreesboro: None. Total costs during the fiscal year were $1,627,409.41. Total ex- Penditures were $1,533,107.41, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Narrows Reservoir: Surveys and mapping of the reservoir area, and property survey started in fiscal year 1946, are complete. Appraisals of the value of cinnabar mines and mineral rights in the reservoir area are complete; founda- tion explorations are complete; real estate planning report is com- plete. Access road is complete. Contract was awarded for construc- tion of dam and powerhouse, and the work is approximately 10 per- .cent complete, and is continuing. Preliminary work including build- ing of haul roads, temporary river crossings, contractor's buildings, cableway system and concrete plant is complete. Clearing of dam Site which started May 7, 1947, is complete. Stripping for abut- ments was started June 28, 1947, and is continuing. Appraisals and acquisition of lands is under way. Contract was awarded July 18, 1947 for turbines, generators and governing equipment and manu- facture of these items is under way. Contract was awarded Janu- ary 28, 1948 for furnishing the gates. Six contracts were awarded in March 1948 for furnishing power transformers and switching equipment,and station power and control equipment. One contract Was awarded June 7, 1948 for furnishing traveling crane. Preliminary studies have been initiated regarding the need for Provision of facilities for public use of the reservoir area. A model study of conduits and Howell-Bunger Valves for the dam, by the Waterways Experiment Station is continuing. Terre Noire Creek: The Terre Noire Creek unit of the project, entailing excavation of 292,872 cubic yards of material for enlarge- m1ent and realinement of 4.6 miles of channel, 7,590 cubic yards of excavation for channel cut-off 20.18 miles of snagging and clear- ing, and removal of the drift rack is complete. In addition, repairs to levees along Terre Noire Creek were ac- complished with emergency funds, a total of 128,978 cubic yards of material being placed in construction of levee, 7,165 cubic yards being moved in excavation for ditches, and 7,116 cubic yards in ex- cavation for cut-offs. This work is complete. Ozan Creek and Little Missouri River below Murfreesboro: Sur- veys, mapping, and soil investigations are complete. The work of design and preparation of plans and specifications is complete. Total costs to June 30, 1948, were $2,790,675.28, and total ex- penditures were $2,672,902.69, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year $2,291,147.31, plus accounts receivable, $1,701.41, plus 1102 REPORT OF' OHi F OF tNGINEtRS, i. S. ARM~, 1948 0 an allotment of $2,800,000, received in July 1948, a total of $5, 92,- 848.72, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable 30 June 1948_ ----------------------------- $132,649.03 New work: Narrows Reservoir: Dam and powerhouse ----------------- $4,289,262.20 Lands-------------------------------- 281,290.48 Relocations of highways, utilities, and cemeteries_ --- __---__-------------347,095.15 Investigations, studies, design, and con- tingencies--------------------------- 25,164.87 1270 ' 4.942,812.70 Terre Noire Creek: Lowering pipe line crossing_ 12 099. 7 8 Ozan Creek: Review of plans and specifications - - 346.21 Little Missouri River, Ark.: Review of plans and specifications 4,941.00 Total for all work--------------------------------- 5,092,848.72 The additional sum of $5,253,800 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Narrows Reservoir: Dam and powerhouse_-_ __---------------$3,625,100 Reservoir clearing-___- - ___________--_- 700,000 Lands and damages including relocations..... 320,000 Facilities for reservoir management and public use of the reservoir area.---.---------- 110,000 $4 0 $4,755,100 Ozan Creek, Ark: Channel clearing and excavation-_--_ - 53,700 Little Missouri River, Ark: Channel clearing and excavation -.. 445,000 Total for all work------------- ---------------------- 5,253,800 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-_ -------.---------.. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..--........------ _ $2,790,675.28 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... 2,790,675.28 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 13,175.03 Net total cost to June 30, 1948_--..--.---.---.----. - 2,803,850.31 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 1,701.41 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 --------------------- 2 805,551.72 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948' ----------------------- 132,649.03 Net total expenditures ---------.-----.---.------ 2,672,902.69 . Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.__.___________-.-- ___._ 2,291,147.31 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-_------__ -4,964,050.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work...-------------- $76,613.38 $127, 184. 37 $130,270. 96 $768, 214.80 $1, 627, 409. 41 Cost of maintenance-----....---------------- --------------------------------------------- Total expended----------------................. 65, 10 434. 133, 767. 66 116, 448.03 759, 751.15 1,533,107.41 ........ 54,050.00 Allotted................. 11,000.00 2,410,000.00 4,000.00 2,200,000.00 FLOOD CONTROIr--VICKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT 1163 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $1,624,254.72 Amount allotted during fiscal year.------------------------- 2,200,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ------------------ 3,824,254.72 Gross amount expended__------------------$1,557,028.10 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------- 23,920.69 1,533,1.41 1,533,107.41 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_-------------------- 2,291,147.31 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948__------- 599,810.80 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_ _- 1,362,652.04 1,962,462.84 Balance available, June 30, 1948... --------- 328,684.47 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948,------------------------- 1,701.41 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 ------- 330,385.88 Amount allotted in July 1948-----.---------------------- - 2,800000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------- 3,130,385.88 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_____-- -------------------------- 6,337,600.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work----------------------------.. 5,253,800.00 8. BIG BLACK RIVER, MISS. Location.-The work covered by this project is on Big Black iver, Miss., which flows into the Mississippi River about 25 miles below Vicksburg, Miss. (See U. S. Geological Survey State map, Scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for im- Provement of the flood channel by means of channel clearing and suitable cut-offs from a point between Choctaw and Webster Coun- ties, Miss., to the mouth, 325.6 miles. The project will lessen the trequency and duration of floods on 180,000 acres of bottom lands. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- Proved June 22, 1936. The estimate of cost is $850,000 for construc- tion and $60,000 for lands ond damages. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual Federal cost of maintenance is $75,000. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance work Was continued, intermittent clearing, poisoning and snagging hav- ing been completed in the main channel between miles 35 and 290.5; In the Right Bank Canal between miles 275.5 and 296.0; and in the Left Bank Canal between miles 275.5 and 290. The work was sus- pended at 53 percent of completion. Cost of maintenance was $87,235.38. Expenditures were $79,- 776.26. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1941 and is being maintained. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 was $910,185.31; cost of main- tenance was $325,508.21; total expenditures were $1,228,103.20. 1164 RePoa'tr o' CIEF OF' ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $38,582.11, plus an allotment of $60,000, made in July 1948, a total of $98,582.11, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 $7,590.32 Maintenance: Channel clearing and snagging with Government plant (tractors) approximately 5 months, (July, August, September, 79 October, November, 1948) ------------------- -- 90,991.79 Total for all work--_ ---------------------------------- _ 98,582.11 The additional sum of $75,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, applied to maintenance, channel clearing and snagging with Government plant (tractors) approximatelY months (July, August, September, October, and November 1949)* Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _________________________ $910,185.31 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__ 325,50821 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- 1 235,693.52 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----- -------------- _ 7,590.32 Net total expenditures ... - 1,228,103.20 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------ ----------------- _ 38,582.11 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 1,266,685.31 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- - -----. .-- ,-............. $22. 92 ..---- - 38 Cost of maintenance..---......... $33, 865.07 70, 225. 57 $12, 161. 03 $14, 629.67 $87,23 Total cost.----- -.---- 33, 865.07 70, 248. 49 12, 161. 03 14 62967 87 235 38 26 Total expended---------------- 26, 928. 27 78, 154. 50 8, 873. 79 18, 096. 32 79,76. Allotted..........------------------------------- 70, 00.00 49, 185. 31 -------------- 65, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ---- _________________ $53,358.37 Amount allotted during fiscal year --------------------------- 65,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- ______________________ 118,358.37 Gross amount expended- -------------- -- __ $81,345.73 Less reimbursed expenditures ------------ -- - 1,569.47 79,776.26 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948____________________ 38,582.11 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------------ 7,590.32 Balance available, June 30, 1948 _____________________ 30,991.79 Amount allotted in July 1948 ___- __________________________ 60,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949...... 90,991.79 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_ __..............________ 75,000.00 FLOOD CONTROIr--VICKSBURlG, MISS., DISTRICT 1165 9. BLAKELY MOUNTAIN DAM ON OUACHITA RIVER, ARK. Location.--The work covered by this project is at the head of Lake flamilton (pool of Carpenter Dam) and approximately 10 miles northwest of Hot Springs, Ark., in Montgomery and Garland Coun- ties, Ark. (See U. S.Geological Survey State map, scale 1:500,000.) Previous project. -Authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1938, this provided for participation by the United States in the cost of onstruction of a multiple-use reservoir not to exceed $2,000,000. o construction was undertaken. Existing project.-This provides for construction of Blakely Iountain Dam on Ouachita River for flood control and other pur- Poses in the Ouachita River Basin. The estimated cost (revised in 1948) is $31,000,000 for construction and $170,000 annually for lmaintenance and operation. The project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved eCember 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 647, 78th Cong., 2d sess., which con- tains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-None required. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Studies to determine design and capacity of power installation, and foundation investi- gations were continued. Work in connection with the acquisition of ands Was continued, and is 55 percent complete for dam site and spillway area, 90 percent complete for housing area, and 1 percent COmplete for reservoir area. Studies for reservoir management and to determine the need for facilities for public use of the reservoir Wrea initiated and are approximately 50 percent complete. were Planning report on spillway area was completed and contract was awarded August 15, 1947, for construction of the spillway. Clearing of the site was 95 percent completed; common excavation was es- sentially completed, 103,950 cubic yards having been excavated for the structure. Rock excavation was under way, 4,060 cubic yards having been moved; 13,500 square feet of line drilling and broach- ing were completed for spillway. All excavation for spillway was essentially completed. Placing of concrete was commenced on May 14, 1948 a total of 768 cubic yards being placed in pavement and 249 cubic yards in walls of structure. .A model study of the flood control tunnels for the dam was ini- tiated by the Waterways Experiment Station in February 1948 and is 80 Percent complete. Studies for report on dam site and borrow areas were in progress. Property survey was in progress. Cost of new work during the fiscal year was $450,409.52. Ex- Denditures were $478,375.61. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The construction work on the SDillway was started August 15, 1947, and is approximately 66 per- cent complete. All excavation for the spillway is essentially com- Plete. A total of 768 cubic yards of concrete has been placed in pave- Aent and 249 cubic yards in walls of structure. Acquisition of lands for dam site and spillway is approximately Percent complete; order and agreement for access road have been P5 Obtained from the County and placed on record; preliminary owner- 804711-48.-vol. 1-74 1166 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 ship data are being secured in reservoir area; 30 units from the Jones Mill housing project have been secured by transfer frorn FHA, and closing of acquisition is practically complete. Studies for reservoir management and public use of the reservoir area are approximately 50 percent complete. A model study of the flood control tunnels for the dam, being made by the Waterways Experiment Station, is 80 percent complete. Preparation of detailed plans is continuing. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948, was $733,922.25; expenditures were $758,286.03. Proposed operations.--The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $2,791,713.97, plus accounts receivable, $898.95, plus an allotment of $3,200,000 made in July 1948, a total of $5,992 '- 612.92, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June30, 1948__-__________.___-_ $29,316.31 New work: Diversion tunnels- -- $4,830,000.00 Dam and outlet works_---- ----. --- --- 50,000.00 Lands---------------------------------504,205.73 Relocations----------------------------- 250,000.00 Spillway----------------------------.............................. 108,637.61 Miscellaneous ---------------------------- 33,387.00 Investigations, studies, design and con- tingencies -------------------------- 187,066.27 5,963,296.61 Total for all work ------------------------------- 5,992,612.92 The additional sum of $3,700,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Diversion tunnels, transitions, and appurtenant work $290 00 Dam and outlet works ---------------------------------- 2,200000 Powerhouse equipment_ -__ -------------------------- 410,000 Lands and damages inicluding relocations --------------------- 800,000 Total for all work-. -------------------------- 3,700,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $733,922.25 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 . -----......------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ...--------- 733,922.25 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 52,781.14 Net total cost to June 30, 1948------------------------ 786,703.39 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 898.95 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-..--.--.-- _ _ ._ -787,602,34 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 29,316.31 Net total expenditures-..-----------.----- 758,286.03 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948___-- _______----------- 2,791,713.91 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---.----- 3,550,000*00 ILOOD CONTROL -VICKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT 1167 Fiscal year ending June 30-- Cost of new Work - -------------------- ------------- $153,733.50 $129,779.23 $450,409.52 al expended- ------------------------------------ 139, 026.17 140, 884. 25 478,375. 61 Allotted----. ......--...------------ 1,550, 000. 00------------- 2, 000, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-- --------------------- $1,270,089.58 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------------ 1,800,000.00 9 ross amount Amount to be accounted for - - 3,070,089.58 expended- ----------- -$482,797.83 ess reimbursed expenditures ------------------- 4,422.22 478,375.61 ut Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 2,591,713.97 utstanding liabilities; June 30, 1948 --..-- - 29,316.31 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts----- 1,788,593.45 1,817,909.76 Balance available, June 30, 1948--------------- 773,804.21 ccounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 898.95 S Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--------- 774,703.16 Amount allotted in July 1948----------------------------- 3,200,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 3,974,703.16 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project..--- ---------------------------- 24,750,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work..---------- ----------------- 3,700,000.00 10. IIOMOCHITTO RIVER, MISS, Location.-The project is located along the Homochitto River in Adams and Wilkinson Counties, Miss. (See Corps of Engineers, ilssissippi River Commission alluvial valley maps, Artonish, Woodville, and Kingston quadrangles.) 'xisting project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- Struction of a number of cut-offs, aggregating approximately 5.8 miles in length, which will reduce the length of the river from 0osetta, Miss., to its mouth from 37.7 miles to 30.6 miles; construc- tion of small earth dams at points where the new cut-offs leave and reenter the existing channel; clearing and snagging operations along both banks from mile 1 to mile 35; and blasting along sides and bottom of the channel where its development is retarded by stumps or hard nonerodible clay strata. The project will result in clearing the river bed and banks of ob- Structions, shortening the channel, and producing a more uniform slope, thereby resulting in faster run-off of floodwaters in the basin, minimizing the damages to crops and highways and making prac- ticable more general use of farm and timber lands which have been hitherto subject to frequent extended inundation. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act aPproved June 22, 1936, and modified by the Flood Control Acts 1168 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, 1U. S. ARMY, 1948 approved June 28, 1938, and August 18, 1941. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1941, is $200,000. The latest (1948) aP- proved estimate for annual Federal cost of maintenance is $25,000. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance snag' ging and clearing and removal of drift racks from the channel be tween miles 0 and 30 were completed. Bank protection at United States Highway No. 61 bridge was completed. Stream gaging and inspections were in progress. Costs during the fiscal year were $37,936.51 for new work and $24,887.29 for maintenance. Expenditures were $62,720.12. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The construction of cut-offs be- tween mile 4 and mile 30 above the mouth of the channel has been completed. In addition clearing and snagging have been completed between miles 0 and 30. The project is complete. Maintenance, con- sisting of clearing and snagging and removal of drift racks has been performed by hired labor between miles 0 and 30. Revetment of the north bank at United States Highway No. 61 bridge, by con- tract, has been completed. Costs to June 30, 1948, were $205,000 for new work, and $88, 814.35 for maintenance. Expenditures were $293,808.58. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $9,191.42, plus an allotment of $20,000, made in July 1948, a total of $29,191.42, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 _________.___________________ _ $5.'11 Maintenance: Channel clearing and snagging and removal of accu- mulated drift racks -------------------------------------- 29,185 Total for all work_---------------------------------- $29,191.42 The additional sum of $25,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 to be applied to channel clearing and snagging as maintenance. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--- .------- $205,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- ------ 881814'3 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. ----------- 293,814.35 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---.-_------------------ 5.11 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 293 808 58 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 9----------------191. Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.-------------- 303,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-------------- ............. $74.47 $2,291.22- ....-.... $14,947.96 $37, 836. Cost of maintenance----------..........- 8,396.87 7, 590.81 $10, 928.00 14, 789.38 24,7 Total cost.............-..... 8, 471.34 9,882.03 10, 928. 00 29, 737.34 62 7280 . Total expended.----------------- 6, 537.51 11,822.36 6,234.57 23, 650. 68 62,720 12 Allotted...................-.... 26, 000. 00 -.............. 14, 000. 00 35, 000. 00 30,000 FLOOD CONTROL-VICKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT 1169 balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------------- $41,911.54 Amount alloted during fiscal year----------------------------- 30,000.00 G Amount to be accounted for ------------------- $62,788.26 71,911.54 ross amount expended ---- ess reimbursed expenditures -------------- 68.14 62,720.12 0 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----- ------------ 9,191.42 Autstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------- ------ 5.77 mount covered by uncompleted contracts- ...... - 3,994.23 4,000.00 Balance Acccounts available, June 30, 1948------------------ 5,191.42 receivable, June 30, 1948...--------------------------- 0.00 A Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 _------ ------- 5,191.42 mount allotted in July 1948.------------------------------- 20,000.0 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ------ 25,191.42 Amount 3 that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 0, 1950, for maintenance ------------------------- 25,000.00 11. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER SECTION 2 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 28, 1937, AS AMENDED t The Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, as18,amended by he Flood Control Acts of August 11, 1939, August 1941, and July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 rom the flood-control appropriations'for any one fiscal year for the reloval of accumulated snags and other debris from, and the clear- ig and straightening of channels in navigable streams and tribu- aries thereof when such work is advisable in the interest of flood ttrol; provided that not more than $50,000 shall be allotted for th1s Purpose for any single tributary from the appropriations for any one fiscal year. to funds previously allotted for work under this head, he thnsumaddition of $55,300 was made available during the fiscal year 1948 for Snagging and clearing and other improvement on Black Pond Slough, vicinity of Dermott, Ark., Caney Bayou, vicinity of Pine ~luft, Ark., Big Bayou Slough, vicinity of Dermott, Ark., and Yalo- busha River, Miss. The following work was done: Snagging and clearing and removal of two shoals in Black Pond Slough, between mile 0.0 and 13.7, completing this project; and work was initiated on cut-off at mile 295 on Yalobusha River and clearing operations are approximately 50 percent complete. Plans and specifications for the work on Caney Bayou and Big Bayou Slough are complete and right-of-way for construction is available. Total costs to June 30, 1948, were $245,210.85. Expenditures Were $242,062.61, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $56,293.31, plus an allotment of $80,700 made in July 1948 a total o $136,993.31, will be applied to completion of the authorized work, as follows: 1170 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Accounts payable June 30, 1948_- .------ .-- ___-______ __-__ $3,148.24 Black Pond Slough, Ark., snagging and clearing.. $2,957.49 Caney Bayou, Ark., snagging and clearing and re- moval of drift rack, mile 0 to 0.3, in the vicinity of Pine Bluff, Ark. -------------------------- 9,599.55 Big Bayou Slough, Ark., channel clearing and snag- ging between miles 0.0 and 6.4 in vicinity of Dermott, Ark. ---------------------------- 24,313.60 Yalobusha River, Miss., completion of cut-off at mile 295 and extension of channel improvement upstream._---------------------------- 45,974.43 Skuna River, Miss., channel improvement-------- .... 50,000.00 133,845.07 Total for all work ------- -- _____________________ _136,993.31 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $245,210.85 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--.............- ----- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ----- 245,210 85 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 3,148.24 Net total expenditures _--_-----------_____---- - 242,062.61 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948...... 56,29331 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948._ -. 298,355.92 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 _____ 1946 1194 1947 19'.8 911 $33, Cost of new work............... ........................................ $43, 243.03 Cost of maintenance.......... Total expended..-------------............-- ....... . .. . ....... 43, 242.09 30,7 4.60 Allotted.....----..................------ -- 476.16 60, 000.00 25, 000.00 55, 30(0.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------ 31 757.91 Amount allotted during fiscal year. .. ..--......-- 86000 00 Amount to be accounted for_- - - . - _-- ---- 117,757.91 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------------- 30,70000 Net amount to be accounted for_-....-_ ...- 87,057.91 Gross amount expended-. ----------------------- $30,800.36 - Less reimbursed expenditures --------------------- 35.76 30,764.60 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948................... 56,293.31 Outstanding A -....... . ......- liabilities, . June . 1... . 30, 1948.-------------- L _ 3,148.24 5 'Qe1n1 1 Amount covered by uncompleted contracs ......... 3,33,429.93 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------ 22,863.38 Amount allotted in July 1948_---__--------------------- -- 80,700.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------- 103,563.38 FLOOD CONTROL--VICKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT 1171 12. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAWS NOS. 138 and 318, SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, PUBLIC LAW NO. 75, SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS, AND PUBLIC LAW NO. 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS Because of the heavy demands for emergency repair work on ood.-control structures damaged or destroyed by the disastrous floods which occurred in the spring of 1943, 1944, 1945 and 1947, Congress in the act approved July 12, 1943, Public, No. 138, Seventy- eighth Congress, in the act approved May 29, 1944, Public, No. 318, Seventy-eighth Congress, in the act approved June 5, 1945, Public, No. 75, Seventy-ninth Congress, and in the act approved une 23, 1947, Public No. 102, Eightieth Congress, authorized the amounts of $10,000,000, $12,000,000, $12,000,000 and $15,000,000, respectively, to be appropriated as emergency funds to be expended Utder the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of .he Chief of Engineers for the repair, restoration, and strengthen- ing of levees and other flood-control works which had been threat- ened or destroyed by the recent floods. The sum of $431,000 was allotted during the fiscal year 1948, for emergency flood control work in the Vicksburg District pursuant to the acts of June 5, 1945, and June 23, 1947. During the fiscal year emergency repairs were performed by the construction of earth work in the repair of levees on Terre Noire Creek, Ark., Hannaberry Ark., Yazoo River, Miss., in Atchafalaya Drainage and Levee .ake, Cistrict and Straight Bayou Drainage District, and on Abiaca creek; drainage ditches and cut-off on Terre Noire Creek;Little Big Bayou Meto revetment; dike repairs on Hannaberry Lake and Major tayoudikes, and extension of Hannaberry Lake dike. Meto flood fighting operations were carried on. During the period 210,000 cubic Yards of earthwork were placed; dike repairs were completed; 1,500 linear feet of dike extension were constructed; and 1,940 squares of revetment were placed. Cost of work during the fiscal Year was $410,280.85 for maintenance. Expenditures were $410,- 81.77, all from regular funds. Total costs to June 30, 1948, were $3,405,417.23 for maintenance. t x enditures were $3,403,085.87. In addition, costs and expendi- Cures of $4,677.40 were incurred from contributed funds. The balance unexpended, $41,715.72, will be applied to accounts payable, and future emergency operations. Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..---------------- -- $3,405,417123 ll Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... accounts payable, June 30, 1948 -------------------- 3,405,417.23 2,331.36 Net total expenditures.-------------------------.. 3,403,085.87 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------ ------...... 41,715.72 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948............ 3,444,801.59 1172 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 is 191 Cost of new work ................... Cost of maintenance..------- --- 1- -...... -- ..............---- $79, 545.58 $2,023,197.24 $282,607.76 -- 410, I280 85 281.,1 Total expended ....-... .. :... $342,939.10 313, 552. 76 1, 950, 886.85 385, 425.39 410 31_------o0. 00 Allotted..-............- ...-.. 00 500, 000, 000. .1,678, 386. 62 890, 299.98 -54, 885. 01 46 ,r L, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947$------------------- 2099749 Amount allotted during fiscal year --------------- 431000 00 Amount to be accounted for. 451,997.4 Gross amount expended_ ------ __ $419,715.20 Less reimbursed expenditures..----------------- 9,433.43 410,281.77 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948______ Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_ Amount covered by uncompleted contracts - .. - -- _ ___ 2,331,36 10,762.21 41,715 13,093.57 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 28,622.15 ' CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ____- _ ___---- _ ---- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------$4677 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ------ 4, 677.40 Net total expenditures.__.-- --.. _-_----------- 4 677 40 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------40 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1 94 Cost of new work-------------- ------...............------.............. ------.................----------.........-------------------............-- Cost of maintenance- .------------------------------ $4, 677.40--- ....------------- Tot expended Total ---------------- xpndd ..... ........... -----....-.- ... ..........-- - - _..... - - 4,677.40--"- 4,677._4 ...... ...--- --- _ Allotted--......---.......... ..... . . .... "..-....--"-.. 6,425.00 -$1,747. 60 13. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIS FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost of the work during the fiscal year was $102,791.08, With expenditures of $97,492.49. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $26,496.41 y plus accounts receivable, $49.80, plus an allotment in July 1948 $45,000, a total of $71,546.21, will be applied to accounts payable' $6,422.80, and as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to payment of expenses under this heading. The additional sum of $46,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 in payment of expenses under this heading. IFLOOD CONTROLr-VICKSBURG, MISS., DISTRICT 1173 :Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-------_---------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 - --------------------- $ 882,221.15 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. - -- 882,221.15 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------------------49.80 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ------------------- 882,270.95 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948__----------- --- 6,422.80 Net total expenditures------------------------------- 875,848.15 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 _---- ..------------- 26,496.41 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.------------- 902,344.56 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 c5t of now work----------- - - - - ----------------- ------------ Coft o maintenance------------ $57, 994.21 $89652.93 $127,441. 56 $50, 741. 37 $102, 791.08 Total cost................. 57,994.21 89, 652.93 127,441.56 50, 741.37 102, 791.08 Total exponded................. 56, 868. 95 87, 831. 17 124, 251. 56 55, 858. 55 97,492.49 'lotted.... 56, 500.00 1756,000. 00 57, 146. 55 5,000.00 120, 000. 00 balance unexpended, July 1, 1947. ----- 3,988.90 Aount allotted during fiscal year-...---- --- ----------- --- 120,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ----------------------- ... 123,988.90 Gross amount expended..---, ----- - -- $101,321.21 Less reimbursed expenditures --------------- -- 3,828.72 97,492.49 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-----------------.... 26,496.41 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_-.--.------------- ----- 6,422.80 Balance available, June 30, 1948-.. ------------------- 20,073.61 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ------------------------------ 49,80 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----.......... 20,123.41 Amount allotted in July 1948...---------------------------- 45,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949--.---- 65,123.41 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance------------------ ----------- 46,000.00 1174 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 14. INACTIVE FLOOD CONTROL PROJECTS Cost and expenditures to imated For last full June 30, 1948 Estimated Name of project see A ureport port for- New work Mainte- complete nance 1. Calion, Ouachita River, Ark....---------------- 1945 $109.8575 2. Buffalo River, Miss.----------------------1940 3. North Little Rock to Gillett, Ark. (Below Plum Bayou) -- --------------------- 1946 3877, 552.82 .............. ( 4. Big Sunflower River and tributaries, Deer 4 Creek, and Steele Bayou, Miss.....------------ 1946 '298, 364.36... I Preliminary work was initiated but was suspended in view of the statement of local interests that theY are unable to comply with the requirements of local cooperation. 2No work has been done because of the lack of sufficient funds. 3 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1947, $147, 4Transferred to jurisdiction of Mississippi River Commission by the Flood Control Act of 1946, frm which funds for future work will be allotted. 6 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1947, $401,635.64. Status of all investigationsfor flood control called for by flood control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- ocument ecom 0 Locality Authorization act mitted to No. mendatiO Congress Arkansas River, protection of levees Flood Control Commit- -- - -- - - - - below Pine Bluff, Ark. tee resolution, Apr. 19, 1945. Arkansas River and tributaries, Flood Control Commit- - - - -- - - - - flood control, and bank erosion tee resolution, Dec. 8, protection of agricultural lands at 1944. ---------,---- and in vicinity of Farelly Lake Levee District, Arkansas. Bear Creek, a tributary of Big Black Flood Control Act, July --- -- -- -- -- River, Miss. 24, 1946. --------------- Boeuf and Tensas Rivers and Bayou Flood Control Commit- - -- -- -- -- Macon, Ark. and La., to extend tee resolution, May 23, flood control and drainage work 1946. up Big Bayou and Black Pond Slough, Ark.' Boeuf and Tensas Rivers and Bayou Senate Public Works Macon, Ark., and La., for flood Committee resolution, control and drainage or other fea- June 1, 1948. - -- -- -- -- -- tures in the vicinity of Lake Chi- cot, Ark. - --- ------ Chicot Lake, Ark., Boeuf and Tensas ..... do.....---- do.. Rivers and Bayou Macon, Ark and La., for flood control and - - - - -- - -- - - drainage or other features in the vicinity of. ------ --- Macon Bayou, Boeuf and Tensas Flood Control Commit- Rivers, Ark. and La., to extend tee resolution, May flood control and drainage work 23, 1946. - -- -- -- -- -- up Big' Bayou and Black Pond Slough, Arkansas.' Macon Bayou, Bocuf and Tensas Senate Public Works Rivers, Ark., and La., for flood Committee resolution, control and drainage or other fea- June 1, 1948. - - - -- -- - - tures in the vioinity of Lake Chi- cot, Ark. Opookta Creek Attala County, Flood Control Act, July --------------- Miss., for flood control and drain- 24, 1946. -- -- -- -- age. Potacocowa Creek, Miss............. -.--- do---...... .----- - - - -- -- - - Tensas River, Boeuf River and Flood Control Commit- Bayou Macon, Ark, and La., to tee resolution, May extend flood control and drainage 23, 1946. - -- -- -- -- -- work up Big Bayou and Black Pond Slough, Arkansas.' Tensas and Boeuf Rivers and Bayou Senate Public Works Macon, Ark., and La., for flood Committee resolution, control and drainage or other fea- June 1, 1948. turesin the vicinity of Lake Chi- cot, Ark. 1 Field report by the Mississippi River Commission, IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE MEMPHIS, TENN., DISTRICT This district comprises a portion of southeastern Missouri, the Western portions of Kentucky and Tennessee, a small portion of northern Missisippi, and northeastern Arkansas. It includes the area embraced in the drainage basins of the eastern tributaries of the Mississippi River south of the Ohio River basin to Nonconnah Creek, inclusive, and those of the western tributaries south of the Little River Diversion Channel and Commerce, Mo., to the mouth of the Arkansas River but not including any portion of the Arkansas liver drainage basin nor that of the White River basin above Peach Orchard Bluff, mile 168.7. District engineer: Col. E. P. Lock, Jr., Corps of Engineers to ov. 1, 1947; Col. L. A. Foote, Corps of Engineers, since that date. Division engineer of the Lower Mississippi Valley Division, Vicksburg, Miss., comprising the New Orleans, La., Vicksburg, and Memphis, Tenn. districts: Maj. Gen. Robert W. Craw- 1l5s1., ford, United States Army. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation Flood control-Continued Page Page 1. White River, Ark. (below 8. Snagging and clearing under Peach Orchard Bluff)- 1175 authority of section 2 of 2, Wolf River (Memphis the Flood Control Act ap- IIar- bor), Tenn--------- 1177 proved August 28, 1937, as 3. Removing snags and wrecks amended-- -- -- -- -- 1187 from the Mississippi River 9. Emergency flood-control work under authority of the below the mouth of the Flood Control Act approved Missouri River, and from the Old and Atchafalaya August 18, 1941- ----- 1188 10. Emergency flood-control work Rivers ,.. _ _ ._ 1180 under authority of Public 4. Examinations, surveys, and Laws Nos. 138 and 318, contingencies (general) --..1182 Seventy-eighth Congress, 5. Inactive navigation projects-- 1183 Public Law No. 75, Sev- 6. Plant allotment----- --- 1183 enty-ninth Congress and Public Law No. 102, Eight- ieth Congress. 1189 Flood control 11. Preliminary examinations, surveys, and contingencies 7. Memphis, Wolf River, and for flood control- - 1190 Nonconnah Creek, Tenn.- 1184 1 12. Inactive flood-control projects 1191. 1. WHITE RIVER, ARK. (BELOWjPEACII ORCHARD BLUFF) Location--This river rises in northwestern Arkansas and flows 690 miles, first north into Missouri, then southeasterly through Arkansas to the Mississippi River, 33 miles above Arkansas City, Ark. (See Mississippi River Commission alluvial valley maps, scale 1175 1176 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 1:62,500 and scale 1:500,000, for river from mouth to vicinitY O Newport, Ark., and U. S. Geological Survey State map, scale 1:500,000.) The White River enters the Memphis district at the foot of Peach Orchard Bluff, Ark., and flows 169 miles in a southeasterly direction to the Mississippi River, 4 miles north of Rosedale, Miss. o Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts March 3, 1871, June 23, 1874, August 14, 1876, June 14, 1880, July 5, 1884, and March 3, 1899.d For further details see page 1874, Annual Report for 1915, and page 938, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for channel maintenance be be tween the mouth of the river and Batesville, 301 miles, by snaggi& and dredging and by contraction works. The stream has an ord- nary freshet fluctuation of 15 feet throughout the portion covered by the project, and an extreme stage fluctuation of 60 feet at the mouth, and of 36 feet at Clarendon. No estimate of cost has been given, and since 1899 the work has been prosecuted under annual estimates for maintenance by snagging and dredging. The latest (1934) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance belov Peach Orchard Bluff is $125,000. nd The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor act: Acts Work authorized Documents July 13, 1892 Open-channel work.........--......- Annual Report, 1893, p. 2112. J Terminal facilities.--Railwayspur tracks are available for trans- fer of freight between car and boat at Clarendon. There is a log slip for use of the owners only at Clarendon. Present facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-All operations during the fiscal year 1948 were for maintenance by hired labor with Gov- ernment plant. In snagging operations during the fiscal year 1948 the snagboat Tom Stallings operated over the river between the mouth and Peach Orchard Bluff, Ark., removing 570 snags. The cost and expenditures were $35,714.79. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project being for mainte- nance, completion is not contemplated. Depths of less than 4/ feet existed over a shoal in the mouth of the White River and at Maurys Reach, Loftin Log Yard Bend, Horse Shoe Lake Bend, Erwin Bend, Coffey's Bend and Foot of Loggy Bayou Bend during the fiscal year 1948. Access to the Mississippi River was not re- quired. It was believed that a dredge cut through the.shoal at the mouth of the river would result in less depths on shoals above that point. Snagging operations have materially improved the condition o the channel from the mouth to Peach Orchard Bluff (169 miles). This river is generally spoken of as navigable within the limts of this district (mouth to Peach Orchard Bluff), by boats of 3 .-fot draft, at any time. Under ordinary conditions, boats of 6-foot draft RIVERS AND HARBORS--MEMPHIS, TENN., DISTRICT 1177 ,1ay be taken to Peach Orchard Bluff from the 1st of February to the last of June. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, depths were available on the White River which would permit navigation Of vessels of 3-foot draft between the mouth and Peach Orchard luff (169 miles), with the exception of a shoal approximately 4,000 feet long in the mouth of White River where depths of 4 feet or less existed during the period August 12 to November 10, 1947, and Iecember 28, 1947, to January 5, 1948. The total costs and the total expenditures to June 30, 1948, were ,245,514.88 for maintenance. Proposed operations.-An allotment of $45j000 made in July 1948, will be applied to snagging operations by Government plant and hired labor between the mouth and Peach Orchard Bluff, Ark., Sbout 32 months of work during August, September, October and ovember. The additional sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year of 1950 for snagging operations by Government plant and hired labor between the mouth of White River and Peach Or- chard Bluff, Ark. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.----------------------- $1,245,514.88 ITotal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.........- 1,245,514.88 pettotal expenditures --------------------------------- - 1,245,514.88 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- --- 1,245,514.88 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 cost of new work ------ ------------------------ ---- --------------------------- st of maintenance............ $53, 538. 31 $35,580. 78 $33, 463. 31 $25, 000. 00 $35, 714. 79 Total e Pended ---------------- ...... 53, 542. 09 35, 577. 28 33, 463.31 25, 000. 00 35, 714. 79 Allotte d-------------.- . . . --. - 70, 000. 00 20, 125. 00 -22, 285. 21 33, 000. 00 .. ... ..---..--... .. -.. --- . -- balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------------ $2,714.79 mlount allotted during fiscal year ...------------------------- 33,000.00 Amount to be accounted for.-- ---------------------- 35,714.79 ss amount expended_. ----------- -------------- 35,714.79 Amount allotted in July 1948 ---------------------- - 45,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 -- _- 45,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance--- ------------ 50,000.00 2. WOLF RIVER (MEMPHIS HARBOR), TENN. Location.--Wolf River rises in Benton County, Miss., and flows generally northwesterly about 100 miles, through Shelby County, enn., emptying into the Mississippi River within the corporate its of the city of Memphis, Tenn. (See Mississippi River Com- lission alluvial valley maps, scale 1:62,500, and scale 1:500,000.) 1178 REPORT OF CHIEF' OF : ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 a Previous projects.-The River and Harbor Act of August 18, 1894, authorized dredging at the mouth of Wolf River as an item in the improvement of Memphis Harbor, the work being carried out under the supervision of the Mississippi River Commission. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 9 feet deep at low water (712 feet below zero on the Memphis gage) from its mouthto Hindman Ferry Road with bottom widths of 250 feet from the mouth to Keel Avenue and 200 feet from Keel Avenue to Norh Second Street :Road, and thence 125 feet wide from North Second Street Road to Hindman Ferry Road. ..The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1935, is $1,185,000'. The latest (1935) approved estimate of cost for annual mainte, nance is $104,000. The work of improvement under the existing project up to North Second Street Road was authorized September 6, 1933, by the Public Works Administration, and the existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act approved August 30, 1935 (Rivers and Har- bors Committee Docs. 26, 72d Cong., 1st sess., and 45, 74th Congl 1st sess.). Sketch maps are printed in the project documents. Local cooperation.--The work under the existing project is sub- ject to the condition that local interests shall furnish, free of cost to the United States, all rights-of-way required for channel enlarge- ment and straightening, and suitable areas with retaining levees where needed for disposal of dredged material during initial con" struction and future maintenance as and when needed, and shall furnish assurance satisfactory to the Secretary of War saving the United States free from damages resulting from the work. The work is also subject to the provision that no works shall be under- taken on any section of the channel through or above any bridge until such bridge has been altered in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of War, without cost to the United States. The conditions as pertaining to the improvement up to North Second Street Road have been complied with. Conditions above that point have not been complied with. Terminalfacilities.-There are 27 terminals operating in the port of Memphis, which comprises the upper 2 miles of Tennessee Chute, 2 miles of the Mississippi River upstream therefrom, and the lower- most 3 miles of Wolf River. Two terminals are operated by common carriers; 3 by contract carriers; 2 by common and contract carriers; and 20 are operated privately. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Maintenance dredg ing during the fiscal year of 1948 was conducted with leased plant. The dredge Wilkinson moved a total of 542,321 cubic yards of ma- terial in maintaining a channel of project dimensions. The total costs for the year were $86,124.32 and total expendi- tures were $85,480.53. Condition at end of fiscal year.---The existing project was about 50 percent complete. At the end of the fiscal year ample depths existed in the channel below a point 900 feet above Hall Street. Project depth at low water is maintained in this reach by dredging as required. From this point to beyond North Second Street Road depths of from 1 to 2 feet obtain during the low-water season. The work re- RIVERS AND HARBORS-MEMPIIIS, TENN., DISTRICT 1179 glaining to be done to complete the project is the extension of the channel from North Second Street Road to Hindman Ferry Road, as authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1935. Exclusive of maintenance dredging done during the fiscal year 1936 with Mississippi River funds which were included in the annual report of the Misissippi River Commission for that year der the caption "Dredges and dredging," the total costs to June ', 1948, were $1,262,395.19, of which $586,500 were from Public Work funds for new work, $658,395.19 were from regular funds for maintenance, and, to cover the cost of retaining levees required of local interests, there have also been costs charged to contributed funds amounting to $17,500.. total expenditures from Federal funds were $1,243,994.73; eThe expenditures from contributed funds were $17,500. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, jraounting to $16,391.17, plus an allotment of $100,000 made in uly 1 9 48, a total of $116,391.17, will be applied as follows: Acc.ounts payable---------------------- ------------------- $2,050.46 aintenance:. Dredging by leased plant in Wolf River between its mouth and a point approximately 3,000 feet below North Second Street Road 104,340.71 Dredging surveys (hired labor) ------------------------ 10,000.00 Total maintenance_---..- ----------------- --------- 116,391.17 . The additional sum of $110,000 can be profitably expended dur- 1ng the fiscal year 1950 for maintenancedredging by leased plant from the mouth of Wolf River upstream to a point approximately ,000 feet below the North Second Street Road. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------- $586,500.00 Cost of maintenance to June 80, 1948- --------------------- 658,395.19 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ....-- 1 1,244,895.19 pl Net total cost to June 30, 1948--------------------- ------ ------------ Ialus us accounts receivable, June 30, 1948__---------- accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------- --------- 900.46 4t Net total expenditures_------ ------------------- ---- 11,243,994.73 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948__------------------------_ 16,391.17 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.------------ 1,260,385.90 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 0 o new work.... Cost t of maintenance...------------ $50, 04 882. 559. $75, 26 $45, 712. 18 204.82 $98, 124. $86, 32 'xtal expended---------------................. -50, 200.64 75, 987. 08 45, 087.21 98, 826. 70 85, 480. 53 Allotted... ......-..... _.. - 149, 000. 00 140, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 -........... 1I addition, the sum of $17,500 was expended from contributed funds for new work. 1180 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947 -__- __.__-________-_ $101,871.10 Gross amount expended----------------------- _ $85,748.00 Less reimbursed expenditures -------------------- 267.47 85,480.53 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 16, 391 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948. 2,0-0"- Balance available, June 30, 1948----------- 1434071 Amount allotted in July 1948. .000.00 100 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 19494,340 exi g ojctear-------------------------14301 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of 500.00 existing project_ __ .___. ___. __ 598 500" Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance-.- ---.... - ---- 110000 -110,000.00 3. REMOVING SNAGS AND WRECKS FROM THE MISSISSIPPI RIVt BELOW THE MOUTH OF MISSOURI RIVER AND FROM OLD AND ATCHAFALAYA RIVERS 3 Reports on work done under this title were formerly submitted bY the St. Louis engineer district. Beginning June 30, 1940, report e are submitted by districts receiving allotments for work under th project. Location.-The Mississippi River from its confluence with the Ohio River to the mouth of the Arkansas River. Previous projects.-Generalappropriations were made at irreg ular intervals as early as 1824. For further details, see page 1880, Annual Report for 1915. Existing project.-This is a continuation of the plan adopted in 1879 and provides for the removal and destruction of snags, wrecks drift heaps, and other obstructions to navigation in the MississiPPi River between the mouth of the Ohio River and the mouth of the Arkansas River; also for the felling of large trees on or near caving banks, thereby decreasing the number of snags to be destroyed thereafter. The work is done by the district's steel-hull snag boat, Arkansas II, built in 1940. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Annual appropriations or allotments made 1879 to ....----.... 1886, inclusive, except in 1883 and 1885. Aug. 11,1888 Annual expenditure of $100,000 made available each year. Mar. 3, 1909 Atchafalaya and Old Rivers from their junction with the Mississippi and Red Rivers to Melville, La., included in the project. Mar. 2, 1919 Appropriation of $50,000 additional to cover increased costs due to war conditions. June 30, 1922 2 Mar. 2, 1923 2 Allotments of $25,000, $20,000, $17,500, and $13,000, June 7, 1924 2 respectively, to cover increased costs. Apr. 15, 1926 2 June 26, 1934 8 Maintenance provided for with funds appropriated for the preservation and maintenance of rivers and harbors, since June 30, 1935. 1Sec. 7. ' War Department Appropriation Act. * Permanent Appropriations Repeal Act. RIVERS AND HARBORS---MEMPHIS, TENN., DISTRICT 1181 Terminal facilities.-Exclusive of terminal facilities at Memphis, benn., there are at other localities privately owned and operated barge-to-bank sand and gravel plants, pipe lines from bulk plants o barge landings for handling petroleum products, and log slips. At Helena, Ark., in addition to other terminal facilities, there is a river and rail terminal operated by the Federal Barge Line that is available for public use. For facilities on port of Memphis, see report on Wolf River (Memphis Harbor, Tenn.). t Operations and results during fiscal year.-All operations during he fiscal year 1948 were for maintenance by hired labor with Gov- ernment plant and consisted of removal of snags from the channel between Cairo, Ill. (mile 966), and the mouth of the Arkansas River mile 575) with the snag boat Arkansas II. The result of these OPerations was the removal from the channel of 491 snags with l 18 sssippi River flood control funds. The costs and expenditures were $433.56 for maintenance. t Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project being one of con- tinuous maintenance of channel, no estimate of completion and otal cost can be made. Each freshet brings down new obstructions, and changes in location of channel, which are constantly going on, uncover old obstructions. Operations provided a channel reason- ably free from snags at the end of the fiscal year, and there is suffi- cient Plant to take care of future work. The total costs and expenditures under the existing project to June 30, 1948, for maintenance were $318,833.56. Proposed operations.-Operations will be carried out with Mis- sissippi River flood control funds. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ----------------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ -------------------- $318,833.56 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------- 318,833.56 Net total expenditures----------------- --------------- 318,833.56 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------------- 318,833.56 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ost of new-work-...................- nist of maintenance- $21, 446. 17 -$29,924.99 $17, 845. 02 - - $5, 956. 08 - --.- - 56 $433. .Total xpended.._ 30, 211.70 17, 127.12 6,847. 58 433.56 Allotted -- - 66, 500. 00 -13, 300.00 433. 56 - lialance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------------- $433.56 Gross amount expended_ ---------------------- -------------- 433.56 804711--48--vol. 1- 75 1182 REPORT. OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, ,U. 8. ARMY, 1948 4. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of work during the year amounted to $15,105.17; the expenditures'were $14,629.89. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $8,248.67, plus an allotment of $7,000, made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 to accounts payable, $619.07, and to payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading.: The additional sum of $11,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ----------------- ---------- Cost of maintenance to,June 30, 1948---------- _ __________ $241,262.43 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_. 241,262.43 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------------- 619.07 Net total expenditures- ---------.-------. -240,643.36 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.- _-......-.......... 8,248.67 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-__- ....... 248,892.03 S: . .. Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work------------------------------------ ----------------- Cost of maintenance- ....... .- $3, 182. 75 $9, 749. 68 $10, 069. 85 $3,016. 55 $i5, 105. 17 Total expended................. 3, 768.95 9, 714. 26 9, 810. 11 3, 215. 73 14,629. 89 Allotted--...................--------------......--........---------------...... 23,000.00 11, 500.00 -15,000.00 12,500.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------------- $10,378.56 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------------- 16,500.00 Amount to be accounted for--------------- _ 26,878.56 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment --------------- 4,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for------------------------ 22,878.56 Gross amount expended---._--...-..----.- . __ $14,644.69 Less reimbursed expenditures.---------- ----------- 14.80 14,629.89 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------------------- 8,248.67 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948. .---1-.-.-.-.-. --- _- - 1,205.07 Balance available, June 30, 1948---..-..-----_-_------ - 7,043.60 7,000.00 Amount allotted in July 1948................-----------------------....,,,... . ... , Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-..-...... 14,043.60 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance------- ----- ..-- ---------- 11,000.00 RIVERS AND HARBORS--MEMPHIS, TENN., DISTRICT 1183 5. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures to full re- June 30, 1948 Estimated port see amount re- Name of project Annual quired to Report New work Mainte- complete for-- nance 1. St. Francis and L'Anguille Rivers and I Blackflsh Bayou, Ark....------------------ 1943 $92, 000. 34 $300, 449. 43 (1) 2. Obion River, Tenn... 1911 28,716.75 ..----------- ( 3. Forked Deer River, Tenn., including South Fork ....-------------------------------- 1912 25, 000. 00 12, 818. 50 (1) Existing project is for maintenance only. 2Recommended for abandonment in II. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess. 8Completed. 6. PLANT ALLOTMENT, MEMPHIS, TENN., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948---------- ------------- $104,189.45 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 ..--- ------------ -------- Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948_- ; .-.----- ---- 104,189.45 15,933.35 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--- -------- _---- --- - 120,122.80 9,590.81 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------- Net total expenditures------------------------------- 110,531.99 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---.......-------------------- 2,743.48 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------- 113,275.47 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of maintenance--- -...----------------------- - Total expended ------------ -- $27, 537. 27 -$35, 359. 01 $2,837. 80 -$17, 908.27 $2, 893. 41 Allotted-..... . ,--------------- . -129,000.00 ..--.-..- -- -3,148.35 -28, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ....------------... ..-------. - $33, 636.89 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment------- -- 28,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for- _ .-- --... - -- - 5,636.89 Gross amount expended..------ ----- -- - $184,487.06 Less reimbursed expenditures. ..-------..-... 181,593.65 2,893.41 iBalance unexpended, June 30, 1948, . 2,743.48 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948f- .. .,. -..- 4 9,590.81 Balance available, June 30, 1948 . -- 6,847.33 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ------:. 15,933.35 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--- ----------- 9,086.02 1184 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for navigation called for by River and. Harbor Acts and Committee Resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom'o Congress mendat I I H. 627,80th Cong., _- II. Hatchie River, Miss. and River and Harbor Act, Apr. 20, 1948 I. 627, 80th Cong., Unfavorable Tenn., in the interest of July 24, 1946. 2d sess. navigation and flood control 1 HIatchie River and tributaries, Rivers and Harbors ---- do.- ..... DO. do--------- .---- Mississippi and Tennessee, Committee resolution, for improvement of Tus- July 10, 1946. cumbia River in interest of navigation and flood control 1 Loosahatchie River, Tenn., River and Harbor Act, from its mouth to the 0. K. Mar. 2, 1945._ Robertson Rd. and includ- ing the area west of the Illi- nois Central R. R. and north of Wolf River, to ex- tend navigation facilities of Memphis Harbor. Memphis Harbor, extension River and Harbor Act, of navigation facilities on Mar. 2, 1945. Loosahatchie River, Tenn. Memphis (West) Harbor Ar- River and Harbor Act, kansas, construction of har- July 24, 1946. bor on Mississippi River. Memphis Harbor (Wolf Rivers and Harbors River), Tenn. Committee resolution, Sept. 18, 1945. Mississippi River at West River and Harbor Act, Memphis, Ark., with a July 24, 1946. view to the construction of a harbor. Tuscumbia River, Miss., in Rivers and Harbors interest of navigation and Committee resolution, flood control. July 10, 1946. Wolf River (Memphis Hiar- Rivers and Harbors bor), Tenn. Committee resolution, Sept. 18, 1945. 1 Field report was prepared by Mississippi River Commission. 7. MEMPHIS, WOLF RIVER, AND NONCONNAH CREEK, TENN. Location.-The work covered by this project lies within and ad- jacent to the city of Memphis in Shelby County, Tenn., on the left bank of Wolf River and the right bank of Nonconnah Creek from the confluence of these streams with the Mississippi River upstream for approximate distances of 10 and 4 miles, respectively. (See U. S. Geological Survey map of Tennessee, scale 1:500,000, and Mississippi River Commission alluvial valley maps, scale 1:62,500 and 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a system (eight sections) of levees, flood walls, and bank protection, consisting of the following features: About 22,200 feet of earth levee and two concrete railroad floodgates along the right bank of Nonconnah Creek, extending from high ground near Tennessee Chute south of Riverside Park to high ground at Bodley Avenue east of Prospect Street; about 14,200 feet of concrete flood wall and 32,050 feet of earth levee along the left bank of Wolf River, extending from downtown Memphis to high ground near Douglas Park; construction of six new pumping stations and eight storage FLOOD CONTROL---MEMPHIS, TENN., DISTRICT 1185 reservoirs with appurtenant works for the disposal of interior drainage; the construction of a culvert under North Bellevue Boule- vard near Cypress Creek for the enlargement of the Cypress Creek Reservoir. The project will provide protection, with 3 feet free- board, for the city of Memphis and adjacent areas against a Mis- sissippi River flood of 54.5 feet stage, or 4.1 feet higher than the rmaximum flood of record, which occurred in February 1937. The Droject was adopted by the Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, and so modified by the War Department Civil Appropriation Act approved June 28, 1939, that the cost of providing pumping sta- tions and outlet works for interior drainage shall be borne by the United States, and further amended by the Flood Control Act ap- Proved July 24, 1946, to increase the total estimated cost of the project by $1,500,000. The estimated cost of construction, revised in1948, is $13,250,000. Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. General assur- ances given by the city of Memphis and Shelby County, Tenn., were approved by the Secretary of War on August 2, 1938. The rights- Of-way for flood-protection works along Nonconnah Creek were ac- cepted on March 29, 1939. The rights-of-way for the section 4 levee, Cypress Creek pumping station and Cypress Creek Reservoir were accepted on August 27, 1940; for section 2, Wolf River levee, and section 3,Wolf River flood wall, were accepted December 4, 1941; for Fairfax Creek pumping station were accepted February 7, 1947; for May Street pumping station were accepted May 6, 1947; and for Section 6, Wolf River levee, were accepted January 28, 1948. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Planningand design Were continued during the year for sections of the project not yet completed. Construction of section 3 flood wall and of bank restora- tion and bank protection along sections 2 and 3 were completed. Construction of May Street pumping station was continued and was approximately 85 percent complete on June 30, 1948. The costs for the year were $502,213.65, and the expenditures were $505,647.95, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plans and specifications were completed for section 7 levee, reservoirs, and conduits. Construc- tion of May Street pumping station was approximately 85 percent complete. Bids for the construction of section 6 levee, reservoirs, and conduits were opened June 29, 1948. Bids for Fairfax pumping station were reopened November 18, 1947, but were rejected. Plans prepared by contract for the Marble Bayou and Workhouse Bayou pumping stations were completed. Contracts were made for the purchase of critical supplies and equipment for pumping stations at Fairfax, Workhouse Bayou and Marble Bayou. Sections 8, 4 and 2 levees, section 3 wall, Nonconnah and Cypress Creek pumping stations, Nonconnah Reservoir and North Bellevue Boulevard culvert have been turned over to local interests for main- tenance and operation. The total costs to June 30, 1948, were $4,789,951.79, and the total expenditures were $4,778,240.54, all for new work. 1186 REPO T OF CHIEF .OF ;ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 'Proposed operations.---The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $2,150,459.46, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_:- - ' --- $12,422.22 New work: . : , .. Continue detailed plans and design and specifications, including 00 field investigation on remaining items. 54000. Completion of May St. pumping station--------------- 34 548.00 Construction of section 6 levee.-_ 730,00.00 Initiate construction on :Fairfax,r Workhouse Bayou, and 924 S:Marble Bayou pumping stations ..- 1,319.48 Total ...... ----- ---- 2,160,459.46 Additional funds in the'amount of $908,500 can be profitably ex- pended during fiscal year 1950 for the continuation of Workhouse Bayou and Marble Bayou pumping stations and for the construction of section seven levee. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 1 :-------- : $4789, 951.79 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 19482 _ - -__ S:Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948: - 4,789,951.7 ,Undistributed costs, June 3.0,710.91 30,:1948 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 4,790,662.7 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_- Net total expenditures .... .. .Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 _-, . __ _ . -- 1 12,422.22 4,7 78,240.54 2,150,459.46 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.......--------- 6,928,700.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.. ............ $211,863. 52 $57,122.20 $43,802.95 $419, 182. 84 $502, 213. 65 Cost of maintenance------------....------ ------------- -- _-- ---------------------- 6 Total expended............... 234, 151.75 73, 633.31 43, 118.06 404, 855.28 505, 647.9 Allotted ---... -..-............ .-.. 23,000.00 1,898,000.00 .. --.. --....... 1,052,000.00 Balance unexpended, July .1, 1947-_.. ... -. $1,604,107.41 Amount allotted during fiscal year-. ...... . ._. 1,052,000.00 . Amount to be accounted for. 2,656,107.41 Deductions on. account of revocation of allotment.- ---- ---. ---- - Net amount to be accounted for__.....,.___I _ 2,656,107.41 Gross amount expended, _. . ,,.. $508,158.96 Less reimbursed expenditures. : . ' 2,511.01 505,647.95 46 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -------- 2,150,459. Outstanding liabilities, June' 30, 1948 - - 13,334.27 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. 208,069.75 S: 221,404.02 SBalance available, June' 3(),1948 . _ . 1,929,055.44 Amount (estimated) required. to be appropriated for completion of existing project.--.. ..... . ... ..... 6,321,300.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_------------------------------ 908,500.00 FLOOD CONTROLr--MEMPHIS, TENN., DISTRICT 1187 8. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 2 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 28, 1937, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, as amended by the Flood Control Acts approved August 11, 1939, August 18, 1941, and July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 from the flood control appropriations for any one fiscal Year for the removal of accumulated snags and other debris from, and the clearing and straightening of, channels in navigable streams and tributaries thereof when such work is advisable in the interest of flood control; provided that not more than $50,000 shall be allotted for this purpose for any single tributary from the appro- priations for any one fiscal year. Funds were made available during the fiscal years 1947 and 1948 for snagging and clearing on the following streams in the Memphis District: Obion River tributaries, Tennessee, and Hatchie River tributaries, Tennessee. Channel clearance, consisting of removal of snags, drift, and Other debris by hired labor and Government plant, was accom- Plished during the fiscal year 1948 as follows: Miles Obion River tributaries, Tennessee -------------------------------- 5.0 Eatchie River tributaries, Tennessee ----------------------------- 9.5 Summary of stream clearing cost and expenditures Fiscal Year 1948 Stream Cost Expenditures 1 Sbion River tributaries, Teneessee----------- ------------- $57, 346. 67 $62, 651.97 1atchie River tributaries, Tennessee--------------..--------------- 116, 690. 38 118, 920. 43 ......-----------------------------------------------.................. Total--......... 174,037.05 181,572.40 Total channel clearance work performed to June 30, 1948, in the Memphis District is as follows: Miles Hatchie River (and its tributaries), Tennessee and Mississippi_ 157.75 Obion River (and its tributaries), Tennessee- ----. ----- ------- _ 213.88 Mayfield Creek, Kentucky -. -- ---------------- ------ 5.00 The total costs to June 30, 1948, were $548,879.40, of which $508,- 879.40 was from regular funds and $40,000 from Emergency Relief funds. The total expenditures were $548,830.59. Proposedoperations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $11,795.72, plus an allotment in August 1948 'of $45,000 for work on the Obion River tributaries and $19,300 for work on the Hatchie River tributaries, will be expended during the fiscal year 1949, 1188 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------_ $548,879.40 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 548,879.40 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 48.81 Net total expenditures 548, 830.59 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 __11,795.72 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 560,626.31 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------- ------------------------------ $94,216.04 $174,037 Cost of maintenance-------.------------------------------- ------------------- Total expended.---------... -------.. $3.81 86, 631.88 181,572 4 Allotted------------........................------ --5, 285.78 -_----__-----_$25, 00.00 150000. 00 105, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_____________________________ $88,368.12 Amount allotted during fiscal year--- ------------------------ 105,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-------_----------. - 193,368.12 Gross amount expended_____________________ $184,931.13 Less reimbursed expenditures ------------------- 3,358.73 181,572.40 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__---- ____________ 11 795.72 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _ _--- ----- ___ _ -_ 1_ 148.81 Balance available, June 30, 1948 __----------- --------- 11,646.91 Amount allotted in August 1948 ----------------------- 64,300.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 75,946.91 9. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 18, 1941 The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, authorized the allotment from flood-control appropriations of not to exceed $1,- 000,000 for any one fiscal year to be expended in rescue work, or in the repair or maintenance of any flood-control work threatened or destroyed by flood. Pursuant to this act, $25,000 was allotted to the Memphis district in June 1943 and $108,350 during fiscal year 1944. The following emergency work was accomplished during the fiscal year 1944: Strengthening Tennemo-Booth's Point roadway embankment involving placement of 190,375 cubic yards of earth; protection of Tennemo-Booth's Point roadway embankment; pro- tection of Spur Dike levee station 5/5+00, Tiptonville-Obion River levee; and emergency flood protection on Memphis, Wolf River, and Nonconnah Creek, Tenn., project. In addition, expenditures were made in the amount of $25,000 for costs incurred during the floods of May and June 1943. During the fiscal year 1945, emergency work was accomplished on strengthening Tennemo-Booth's Point roadway embankment in- volving 49,221 cubic yards of earth. FLOOD CONTROL---MEMPHIS, TENN., DISTRICT 1189 No costs were incurred during the year, and there were no expenditures. The total costs and expenditures to June 30, 1948, were $132,138.95. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -- ------------------------- -- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------------- $132,138.95 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-_------ 132,138.95 et total expenditures------- June -------------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_----------------- 132,138.95 132,138.95 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 - -------------- 1-----L.- Cost of new work... Cost of mIaintenlance.. ------------- -------------- ........ -$114,697.76 17,397.94-------------------------------------- lotal expended ............... 50 98,819. 33,324. 51 -$5.06----------.--- Allotted----------------------- 350.00---------------------------- -$1,211.05 108, 10. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAWS NOS. 138 AND 318, SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, PUBLIC LAW NO. 75, SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS, AND PUBLIC LAW NO. 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS Because of the heavy demands for emergency repair work to flood-control structures damaged or destroyed by the disastrous floods which occurred in the springs of 1943, 1944, 1945, and 1947, Congress, in the act approved July 12, 1943, Public No. 138, Seventy- eighth Congress, in the act approved May 29, 1944, Public No. 318, Seventy-eighth Congress, in the act approved June 5, 1945, Public No. 75, Seventy-ninth Congress, and in the act approved June 23, 1947, Public No. 102, Eightieth Congress, authorized the amounts of $10,000,000, $12,000,000, $12,000,000, and $15,000,000 respec- tively, to be appropriated as emergency funds to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repair, restoration, and strengthening of levees and other flood-control works which had been threatened or destroyed by the recent floods. Pursuant to these authorities, emergency work was accomplished during the fiscal year 1948 as follows: Emergency protections: Booth's Point to Obion River (Embankment): The work con- sisted of the placement of 67,707 cubic yards of earthwork. Total costs during fiscal year were---__------------------- $25,022.33 St. Francis River-St. Francis Drainage District of Clay and Greene Counties, Ark.: The work consisted of emergency re- pairs to crevasse closures. The costs during the fiscal year were 7,895.78 St. Francis River-Levee District No. 4 of Dunklin County, Mo.: Levee repairs (preliminary work). The costs during the fiscal year were-------------------------------- 2,567.71 Surveys: Jackson Bayou_ ------------ 4.45 St. Francis River-Levee District No. 4 of Dunklin County, Mo.- 3,700.18 1190 REPORT OF CHIEF OF, ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The total costs during the fiscal year were $39,190.45, and the expenditures were $38,046.97 for emergency flood-control work. The total costs to June 30, 1948, were $1,653,659.78, and expendi- tures were $1,652,228.12. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $66,- 072.38, will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to com- plete work now under way and to the payment of expenses incurred under this heading. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-- ------------------ $1,653,659.7 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948__________ 1,653,659.78 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 4.35 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--------------------- 1653,664.13 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--------- 1436.01 Net total expenditures -------------------- 1,652,228.12 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 66,072.38 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------1,718,300.50 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944' ' 1945 1946 1947 : 1948 Cost of new work------------- Cost of maintenance...... ------------ .. $244,104.71 ------------------ $311, 537. 26 $686,577. 25 $372, 250. 11 ------- $39, 190 4 ;- Total expended.... . ..... 277, 348:39 86, 200.78 797, 976. 59 452, 655.39 38, 046.97 Allotted---- - .:.-284,372.38 1,,319, 272.29 62, 755.11 -28,099.28 8000 U0 Balance unexpended, July 1 1947 :1 _ _ --.. .. -: $24,119. 35 Amount allotted during fiscal year.__ '_ - 190,200.00 Amount .tobe accounted for . .. 214,4319.35 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment'_ 110,200.00 C,Net amount. to be accountedfor_ _ _ ._ 104,119.35 Gross amount expended_, $38645.75 Less reimbursed expenditures , - 598.78 . ... 1.. 38,046.97 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__:L. L_:,_----: 66 072.38 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 , ,2,827.01 Balance available, June 30, 1948 -- _'' ' - - ! ::- :-- ' - 63,245.37 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- 4.35 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-. .- 63,249.72 11. PRELIMINARY; EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL i.. The cost of work during:the fiscal year was $45,006.10. The ex- penditures were $45,791.11,. The unexpended balance June 30, 1948, amounting to $21,931.43, plus an allotment of $60,000, made in July 1948, will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to payment of expenses to be incurredunder this heading. The addi- FLOOD; 'CONTROL--- MEMPIIS, TENN., DISTRICT' 1191 tional sum of $46,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948..------------- ----------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------ --- $420,855.30 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948: .... 420,855.30 inus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.------------------ 1590.76 Net total expenditures------------------------- --- 419,264.54 unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------- --- -- 21,931.43 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ....------------ 441,195.97 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost Ofnew work Cost _--- -------- --- 16-37.8f ------------ ............ o1t omaintenacewor maintenance-............ ... $16,137.89 ""$1 1 - " $15, 88.88.6of $115,015. 21 $97, 316.97 $45, 006. 10 Total expended. ...-------- + 15, 890.70 111,804.81 110, 993.92 103, 393.47 45,791.11 Allotted ------------------............. 20, 000. 00 239, 90099 75, 000.00 --- 60, 000 00 alance unexpended, July 1, 1947----------------- :--: i- $7,722.54 Amount allotted during fiscal year....----------------- -- 60,000.00 * Amount to be accounted for . ......- ------ - -- 67,722.54. Gross amount expended.. ...--------- - -------- $45,868.90 . : Less reimbursed expenditures --------------- 7779 45,791.11; Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948. -- - 21;931.43 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------ ---- -- . 1,590.76 Balance available, June 30, 1948. - - .20,34067 Amount allotted in July 1948 -------- ------- ------- r 60,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949. ' 80,340.67 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year - ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance- ......- -- - ._ 46,50000 12. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS Cost and expenditures to ' For last full June 30, 1948 Estimated report see . amount re- Name of project Annual Re- quired to port for- 'Mainte- complete New work nance. 1. Clarendon to Laconia Circle, White River 2. BigBasin, Ark--------------------------- Creek and L'Anguille River, White 1937 .........------- $8960,000 River Basin, Ark..--------------- 2- - - - - - 137 ------- 86,400 3* Tiptonville to Obion River, Tenn. .. . 2 1941 $608, 434. 27 --------- " ,(1) 4. Augusta tol.Clarendon, White River, - -Ark. ..- 1946 8 151, 427. 13 - ': ' (4) 6. De Valls Bluff, White River, Ark.2 .....- 1946 9, 646. 47 ..-."."...'.". (4) 1Completed. Transferred to jurisdiction of Mississippi River Commission by Flood Control Act of 1946. Expenditures have been $142.481.38; unexpended balance is $465.,804.40. 4Funds for future work will bheallotted from flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries. Unexpended balance $353.53. 1192 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all, investigations for flood control called for by flood control acts and committee resolutions LDate trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recornl Congress mendation I -I _ _I i Big Bay Ditch, Straight Flood Control Act, July Slough, and St. Francis 24, 1946. Bay,1 Ark., and tributary area. Big Creek, St. Francis River ..... do.................. and its tributaries, Ark., for flood control, drainage, and allied purposes.' Blackflsh Bayou, St. Francis ---..... do...... ......... River and its tributaries, Ark., for flood control, drainage, and allied pur- poses.' Cache River, Ark. (interim Rivers and Harbors Com- report in connection with mittee resolution, Jan. White River Basin, Mo. 24, 1939, and Com- and Ark.). mittee on Commerce resolution, Feb. 8, 1939. Eight-Mile Creek and Locust Flood Control Act, July Creek, and their tribu- 24, 1946. taries, Ark.' Fifteen Mile Bayou, St. .....----- do............. Francis River and its trib- utaries, Ark., for flood con- trol, drainage, and allied purposes.' Frenchman Bayou, St. ....--- do................. Francis River and its trib- utaries, Ark., for flood con- trol, drainage, and allied purposes.' Hatchie River, Miss. and River and Harbor Act, Apr. 20, 1948 HI. 627,80th Cong., Unfavorable Tenn., in the interest of July 24, 1946. 2d sess. navigation and flood con- trol.2 Hatchie River, Miss. and Rivers and Harbors Com- ..... do........ ..... I)o. do.......-------- Tenn., for flood control and mittee resolution, May drainage in Madison, 25, 1945. Chester, Hardemnan, Fay- ette, and McNairy Coun- ties, Tenn.2 Hatchie River and tribu- Rivers and Harbors Com- ..... Do. taries, Miss., and Tenn., mittee resolution, July for improvement of Tus- 10, 19462 cumbia River in interest of navigation and flood control.2 L'Anguille River, Ark.s...... Flood Control Commit- May 3, 1948 H. 651,80th Cong., Favorable tee resolution, Sept. 18, 2d sess. 1944. Little River, Mo. and Ark., Flood Control Commit- for flood control, particu- tee resolution, Feb. 23, larly Big Lake area and 1944. Elk chute drainage dis- trict, Mo.2 Little and Tyronza Rivers, Flood Control Act, July St. Francis River and its 24, 1946. tributaries, Ark., for flood ............... control, drainage, and allied purposes.' Locust Creek and Eight- .......... . . . . Mile Creek, and their trib- utaries, Ark.' Memphis (West), Ark., flood House Public Works ---- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - control on Mississippi Committee resolution, River at and in vicinity of. Jan. 28, 1947. Mississippi River below .....----do.....-------------- Cairo, Ill., for flood control at and in the vicinity of West Memphis, Ark.' _ __.__ __~__. -- FLOOD CONTROL--MEMPHIS, TENN., DISTRICT 1193 _____________ T I Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation Mississii River Apr. 20, 1948 H. 627, 80th Cong., Favorable below Flood Control Commit- Oape Girardeau, Mo., and 2d sess. Obion and Forked Deer tee resolution, Apr. 26, 1944. Rivers and tributaries, Tenn., for flood control and drainage in l)yer, Lauder- dale, ake, Obion, Gibson, aadn.Crockett Counties, Ob~ol~ and Forked Deer Do. Sivers, Tenn., for flood Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, May 25, control and drainage in 1945. Vadison, Henderson, t enry, Carroll, and Ches- ster C(ountics, Tenn.2 t. mrancis Bay, Straight Flood Control Act, July Slough, and Big Bay 24, 1946. area i Ark., and tributary Str Francis River and its tributaries, ------.....-- I----.------- Ark., with Siecial reference to Tyronza and Little Rivers; Big Oreek; and Blackfish, Fif- teen Mile, and Frenchman Bayous; and the tributaries of these streams for flood control, drainage, and allied P urposes.i St. Francis River, Ark., for Committee ----------------------------------- lood control in Cross and Commerce July 16, 1945. St. Francis Counties.2 resolution, Straight Slough, Big D)itch, Flood Control Act, July ..--------------------------- and St. Francis Bay, Ark., 24, 1946. and tributary area.l uscm nbia River, Miss., in Rivers and Harbors Corn- .-........ ........ Interest of navigation and mnittee resolution, July flood control. 10, 1946. Tyronza anrid Little Rivers, Flood Control Act, July-------.. -------------------- St. Francis River and its 24, 1946. tributaries, Ark., for flood control, drainage, and allied Purposesi White River Basin, Mo. and -------- .. ..... Rivers and Harbors Cornm-- Ark. (interim report cover- mittee resolution, Jan. ing Cache River, Ark.). 24, 1939, and Commerce Committee resolution, Feb. 8, 1939. 1Field report being made by the Mississippi River Commission. 2 Field report was made by the Mississippi River Commission. r -. IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT This district comprises all of Texas south of the Red River drain- age basin exclusive of the drainage basin of the Rio Grande and its tributaries above and including the Pecos River; that portion of Western Louisiana in the Sabine River and Lake drainage system; exclusive of the Louisiana section of the Gulf Intracoastal Water- Way and tributary waterways; and the portion of eastern New M.exico embraced in the drainage basins of the Brazos and Colorado Rivers. It includes the Intracoastal Waterway in Texas from the Sabine River to Brownsville. District engineer: Col. D. W. Griffiths, Corps of Engineers, to July 23, 1947. Lt. Col. Joe A. Clema, Corps of Engineers, from July 24, 1947, to August 12, 1947 (acting), and Col. B. L. Robinson, Corps of Engineers, from August 13, 1947, to date. Division engineer of the' Southwestern Division, Dallas, Tex., comprising the Galveston, Tex., Albuquerque, N. Mex., Little Rock, Ark., and Tulsa, Okla., districts: Col. Henry Hutchings, Jr., Corps of Engineers. .IMPROVEMENTS ' Navigation . : Navigation-Continued Page 1. Sabine-Neches Waterway, 21. Brazos Island Harbor, Tex_ - 1263 Tex_ _- 1196 22. Snagging and clearing under 2. Neches and Angelina Rivers, '"= authority of section 3 of the Tex ------------------ 1203 .i River and Harbor Act ap- proved March 2, 1945-...-..1268 3. Gulf Intracoastal Waterway between Apalachee Bay, 23. Examinations, surveys, and Fla., and the Mexican bor- contingencies (general) ... 1269 der (Galveston District) - ' 1206 24. Inactive navigation projects_: 1270 4. Galveston Harbor, Tex- ..- 1217 25. Plant allotment.. - ---- 1271 5. Galveston Channel, Tex .-. , 1220 Flood control 6. Texas City Channel, Tex .- - 1223 26. Mill Creek, Brazos River, 7. Channel to Port Bolivar, Tex. 1226 Tex--------------- 1277 8. Houston Ship Channel, Tex 1228 27. Buffalo Bayou, Tex_-..-- - 1278 9. Double Bayou, Tex ------ 1233 28. Trinity River and tributaries, 10. Anahuac Channel, Tex_--- 1234 Tex_------------- . . 1283 11. Trinity River and tributaries, 29. Benbrook Reservoir, Tex- 1284 Tex :1236 30. Lavon Reservoir, Tex-------1286 12. Cedar Bayou, Tex- ... _ :-1239 31. Grapevine Reservoir, Tex_: , 1288 13. Clear Creek and Clear Lake, 32: Garza-Little Elm Reservoir, Tex: ___ __------ - 242 Tex.------------------- . 1292 14. Dickinson Bayou, Tex------- 1244 33. Fort Worth Floodway, Tex 1294 15. Chocolate Bayou, Tex_.:_- 1245 34. Dallas floodway, Texas-- -_ 1296 16. Bastrop Bayou, Tex-_ .-.--. 1246 :35. Whitney Reservoir, Brazos 17. Freeport Harbor, Tex - 1248 River, Tex- --.- ..- . 1297. 18. Channel from Pass Cavallo to 36. Belton Reservoir, Leon River, Port Lavaca, Tex ------ 1251 . Tex-- 1301 19. Guadalupe River, Tex ---- - 1254 37. Eastland, Leon River, Tex : 1302 20. Port Aransas-Corpus, Christi , 38. ;Eagle Lake to 'Matagorda, Waterway, Tex,._ . -- 1256 Colorado :River,. Tex .... ,1303 H:. {1195 1196 REPORT OF' CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Flood Control-Continued Flood Control-Continued page Page 39. Columbus, Colorado River, 47. Emergency flood-control work Tex- _ 1304 under authority of the 40. La Grange, Colorado River, Flood Control Act approved 1320 Tex--- ---------------- 1305 August 18, 1941------- 41. Brady, Brady Creek, Tex- 1307 48. Emergency flood-control work 42.. under authority of Public 42. Lake Brownwood Reservoir, Laws Nos. 138 and 318, Pecan Bayou, Tex------- 1308 Seventh - eighth Congress, 43. Hords Creek Reservoir, Pecan Public Law No. 75, Seventy- Bayou, Tex------------_ 1310 ninth Congress, and Public 44. North Concho River, Tex.. - 1314 Law No. 102, [Eightieth Congress ----- 13-2- 1321 45. Navidad and Lavaca Rivers, 316 49. Preliminary examinations, sur- .-- -Tex -....------- 1316 veys, and contingencies for 1322 46. Canyon Reservoir, Guadalupe flood control------- 132 River, Tex-------------- 1318 50. Inactive flood-control projects 1323 1. SABINE-NECHES WATERWAY, TEX. Location.-This is a consolidation of the old improvements of "Harbor at Sabine Pass and Port Arthur Canal" and "Sabine" Neches Canal, including Sabine River to Orange and Neches River to Beaumont, Tex." Sabine Pass is on the Gulf of Mexico, approxi- mately 58 miles east of Galveston and 280 miles west of Southwest Pass, Misissippi River. It connects Sabine Lake with the Gulf of Mexico. The Port Arthur Canal extends from near the upper end of Sabine Pass to the Port Arthur docks at the mouth of Taylors Bayou, a distance of 7 miles. Near its upper end, the Sabine-Neches Canal joins and extends to the mouth of the Neches and Sabine Rivers. The waterway next extends up the Neches River to Beau- mont and up the Sabine River to Orange. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 517 and 533.) Previous projects.-The original project for improvement of Sabine Pass was adopted by River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1875, and subsequent projects and modifications by River and Harbor Acts of August 2, 1882, June 3, 1896, June 13, 1902, and June 19, 1906. The Port Arthur Canal was conveyed to the United States free of cost in 1906, and the River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912, incorporated it in the project. The Sabine and Neches Rivers were first improved under the River and Harbor Acts of June 18, 1878, and March 3, 1899, and the Sabine-Neches Canal was first improved under the River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1905, and March 2, 1907. The project was enlarged by the River and Harbor Acts of February 27, 1911, July 25, 1912, March 2, 1919, and September 22, 1922. For further details, see page 1863 of Annual Report for 1915 for the Sabine and Neches Rivers, Sabine Pass, and Port Arthur Canal, and page 985 of the report for 1916 for Sabine-Neches Canal. (See also pp. 1100 and 1105 of Annual Report for 1921 and p. 874 of Annual Report for 1926.) Existing project.-The existing project dimensions provided for in the various channels and basins comprising the waterways are shown in the following tabulation; RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1197 Adopted project dimensions Section of Sabine-Neches Waterway, Tex. Depth in feet be- Bottom width in feet low mean low Gulf level Sabine Pass outer bar channel------............------- --------- 800 -----.---------------- 100 at inner end, increasing (1) binePass jetty channel...-------------..............------------ to 800 at outer end. Sabine Pass achorannel-bain--- ----------------------------- 500--.......---------------- 36 800 by 3,000 long, exclusive 34 of channel. Port ArthurCanal Port Arthur: 400------- .------------- 36 East turning basin--------.......----------------------- 420 by 1,800 long-...-------- 36 600 by 1,700 long--...------- 36 West turning basin_----------- ------------ 250 ..------------------- 36 thannel froe Port Arthur west turning basin to Taylors Bayou turning basin.. .. Taylors Bayou turning basin ........------------------ 150 to 1,000 by 2,900 long-..... 36 8abine-Neches Canal: Port Arthur Canal to mouth of Neches River------------- 400-......--------------------- 36 150 ...------------------------- 30 N1 outh of Neches River to mouth of Sabino River___ ..- 350-----..------------------- 36 River, mouth to lower end of Smiths Bluff cut-off-...... 'echs 36 Neches River lower end of Smiths Bluff cut-off to Beaumont 350___.------------------- turning basin, including cut-oils. 34 turning teauniot basin ...... ---------------------------- 500 by 1,500 long....-------- leanInonrt tllrning basin extension------------------------ 350 by 2,300 long--....------ 34 ches River from Beaumont turning basin to vicinity of Penn- 200-------------------------- 30 SYlvania shipyard. River, mouth to cut-off near Orange------------- ------- 125 oabine --- _-- .-------------- 30 200 by 3,000 long.......--------.... 30 Sabin River to Orange municipal wharfd.....----------------- 25 abi liiver cut-off to highway bridge.--------- . ...--------- 15(---------.---..---- 100------------------------- 12 dal Cow - . .. .. . .--------------------------- Bayou----------- yoaye i. o.nn . Channel . _ . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 100.................-------------------. 13 Turning basin............----------------------- 300 by 500-------------- 13 1 ' 36 at inner end, increasing to 37 at outer end. The project also provides for two stone jetties at the Sabine Pass entrance from the Gulf of Mexico, the western jetty to be 21,860 feet long and the eastern jetty to be 25,270 feet long. The project further provides for the removal of the guard lock in the Sabine- Neches Canal and the construction of suitable permanent protective Works along the Sabine Lake frontage owned by the city of Port Arthur to prevent dredged material from entering Sabine Lake and to prevent the erosion of the material deposited. The mean tidal variation at the entrance is about 1~2 feet, at Port Arthur about 1 foot, and at Orange and Beaumont about five- tenths foot. Prolonged north winds during the winter season have depressed the water surface as much as 3.4 feet below mean low tide while tropical disturbances have caused heights as much as 7 feet above mean low tide. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, exclusive of $385,500 contributed funds and value of useful work performed and of amounts expended on previous projects, is $14,791,500. The latest (1946) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance dredging is $808,000. 804711-48-voI. 7 ------ 1198 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents --- July 25, 1912 *1 ~- =.----- - -- I Existing project dimensions of jetties, a 26-foot channel H. Doc. 773;61stCong. 2d sesS through Sabine Pass, Port Arthur Canal, and Port Arthur turning basin; a new turning basin at Port Arthur 26 feet deep, 600 feet wide, and 1.700 feet long; a 25-foot depth in Sabine-Neches Canal, Neches River to Beaumont and Sabine River to Orange, including cut-offs and widening of the channels as recommended by the Chief of Engineers and ap- proved by the Secretary of War, and purchase of a new dredge. Se pt.22, 1922 Deepening the channels to 30 feet from the Gulf to Hf. I)oc. 975, 66th Cong., 3d sess. Beaumont, with increased widths and an anchor- age basin in Sabine Pass 32 feet deep over an area of about 2,000 by 1,000 feet. Do....... Deepening the Port Arthur turning basin and con- S. Doec. 152, 67th Cong., 2d sess. necting channels thereto to 30 feet. For taking over and deepening Taylors Bayou turning basin and connecting channel to 30 feet. For a 30-foot depth in the channel from the mouth of Neches River to cut-off in Sabine River near Orange. Mar. 3, 1925 Removal of guard lock in Sabine-Neches Canal-----.. II. l)oc. 234, 68th Cong., 1st sess. Jan. 21, 1927 Increased widths of channels as follows: Sabine Pass H. Doc. 287, 69th Cong., 1st sess. jetty channel and Sabine Pass to 300 feet; Port Arthur Canal to 200 feet; Sabine-Neches Canal, from Port Arthur Canal to mouth of Neches River, to 150 feet. For dredging 2 passing places in Sabine- Neches Canal, easing of bends, removal and recon- structing Port Arthur field office, extending Beau- mont turning basin upstream 200 feet above the new city wharves, and for an anchorage basin in Sabine Pass, 4,500 feet long, 800 feet wide, and 30 feet deep. Aug. 30, 1935 1 A depth of 32 feet in the channels from the Gulf to the Rivers and HIarbors Committee Beaumont turning basin, including all turning Doc. 27, 72d Cong., 1st sess. basins at Port Arthur. Do....... Deepening the channels to 34 feet with increased Rivers and Harbors Committee widths from the Gulf to the Beaumont turning Doc. 12, 74th Cong., 1st sess. basin, including all turning basins at Port Arthur. Do....... Construction of suitable permanent protective works Specified in act. along the Sabine Lake frontage owned by the city of Port Arthur. Aug. 26, 1937 Taking over and maintaining channel from Sabine Rivers and Harbors Committee River to Orange municipal wharf. D)oc. 3, 75th Cong., 1st sess. Do....... Dredging 500 feet from the eastern end of Harbor Rivers and HIarbors Committee Island and for abandonment of the channel south D)oc. 20, 75th Cong., 1st sess. and west of Harbor Island. June 20, 1938 Increased widths of channels from the Gulf to the H. Doc. 581, 75th Cong., 3d sess. Beaumont turning basin and channel connecting Port Arthur west turning basin and Taylors Bayou turning basin; deepening the Beaumont turning basin and Beaumont turning basin extension to 34 feet; and for dredging a new cut-oilff from Smiths Bluff cut-off to McFaddin Bend. Oct. 17, 1940 Abandonment of the Orange turning basin; dredge a S Doec. 14, 77th Cong., 1st sess. channel 25 feet deep, 150 feet wide, suitably widened on bends, to the highway bridge and dredge a cut-off channel opposite Orange 25 feet deep and 200 feet wide, approximately 2,400 feet long. Mar. 2,1945 Extension of Beaumont turning basin upstream 300 H. Doec. 685, 76th Cong., 3d sess. feet. Do....... Widening Port Arthur west turning basin to 600 feet.. S. D)oc. 60, 77th Cong., 1st sess.2 Do....... Dredging a channel from the Beaumont turning basin S. D)oc. 158, 77th Cong., 2d(sess. to vicinity of Pennsylvania Shipyard, 200 feet wide and 30 feet deep. I Previously authorized Sept. 6, 1933, by Public Works Administration. 2 Contains the latest published map. RIVERS AND IIARBORS---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1199 Acts Documents Work authorized July 24, 1946 I. Doec. 571, 79th Cong., 2d sess. Deepening the Sabine Pass outer bar channel to 37 feet and the Sabine Pass jetty channel to 37 feet at the outer end, decreasing to 36 feet at the inner end; deepening to 36 feet Sabine Pass Channel, Port Arthur Canal, Port Arthur east and west turning basins, Taylors Bayou turning basin, and the chan- nel from Port Arthur west turning basin to Tayors Bayou turning basin; deepening to 36 feet and widening to 400 feet the Sabine-Neches Canal from Port Arthur Canal to the mouth of Neches River except through Port Arthur bridge; deepening the Neches River channel from the mouth to the Beau- mront turning basin to 36 feet with widening to 350 feet from Smiths Bluff to the Beaumont turning basin; deepening the junction area of Neches River at the Beaumont turning basin to 36 feet; and widening the Sabine-Neches Canal betweern the Neches and Sabine Rivers to 150 feet. I)o . . Improvenment of Cow Bayou, Tex., by the construc- IF. Doc. 702, 79th Cong., 2d sess. tion of a channel 100 feet wide and 13 feet deep at mean low tide and about 7.7 miles long, extending from the navigation channel in Sabine River to a point 0.5 mile above the county bridge at Orange- field, Tex., with a turning basin 300 feet wide, 500 Do .. feet long, and 13 feet deep at Orangefleld. H. Doec. 626, 79th Cong., 2d sess. Improvoement of Adams Bayou, Tex., to provide a channel 12 feet deep at mean low tide and 100 feet wide on bottom extending from the 12-foot depth in the Sabine River to the first county highway bridge across the bayou, a distance of about 8,600 feet., The project is subject to the condition that no dredging shall be done by the United States within 50 feet of existing pierheads or established pierhead lines. Local cooperation.--Fully complied with except for the provisions of the River and Harbor Act of June 20, 1938, and July 24, 1946, Which require local interests to furnish free of cost to the United States rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for initial work and for subsequent maintenance, when and as required, and release the United States from any claims for damages due to construction and subsequent maintenance. Cooperation remaining consists of (1) furnishing rights-of-way and release from damage liability for Widening a part of the channel connecting Port Arthur west turning basin and Taylors Bayou turning basin (act of June 20, 1938), and (2) all cooperation required by act of July 24, 1946, except between Port Arthur and the Gulf of Mexico. Terminal facilities.-Modern terminal facilities adequate for present commerce exist. (See pp. 839 and 840, Annual Report for 1938, and Port Series No. 22 (revised 1946), Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work: From January 26 to 28 and from April 17 to June 30, 1948, the Govern- ment hopper dredge Biddle removed 1,692,169 cubic yards of ma- terial from the outer bar and.jetty channels in deepening operations at a cost of $109,917.18. From February 8 to June 30, 1948, a total of 1,132,673 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from 11,177 linear feet of channel between Port Arthur and Sabine Pass and in the Port Arthur turning basins at a cost of $141,186.64. Advance planning for improvement of Adams and Cow Bayous was done at a cost of $10,819.10. A pro rata distribution of debit plant rental balance of the Government pipe line dredge Omega amounted to $340.04. Maintenance: A pro rata distribution of debit plant rental bal- 1200 REPORT ' OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 ance for the Government pipe line dredge Omega amounted to $10,944.19. Repairs to spoil retaining levees were made at a cost of $3,231.04. Periodic surveys and inspections and preliminary sur- veys for proposed dredging were made at a cost of $8,573.36. A total of 2,111,000 cubic yards of material was removed from a total of 43,677 linear feet of channels and basins at a cost of $166, 501,43, as follows: Cubic Linear feet Government plant Location Period yards of channel Cost or contract removed dredged Contract........... Sabine Pass channel an- February8 to June 355, 992 11,177 $42,499.43 chorage basin, Port 30, 1948. Arthur Canal, turning basins, approach chan- nels, and Sabine-Ne- ches Canal. Contract---------........... Sabine River Channel.... January 15 to Feb- 62, 821 3, 000 13, 335.22 ruary 6, 1948. 78 ,Government hop- Sabine Pass outer bar January 26-28 and 1, 692, 187 29, 500 110,666.7 per dredge and jetty channels. April 17 to June Biddle. 30, 1948. The total cost of all work for the year was $451,512.98, of which $262,262.96 was for new work and $189,250.02 was for mainte- nance. The total expenditures were $426,140.01. . Condition at end of fiscal year.-The Sabine Pass jetties are com- pleted to full project dimensions. The existing project for dredging was about 77 percent complete. The work remaining consists of completing deepening the Sabine Pass outer bar and jetty channel, deepening Sabine Pass Channel, Port Arthur Canal, Neches River channel from the mouth to Smiths Bluff, and the junction area of the Neches River at the Beaumont turning basin; widening and deepening a part of the channel from Port Arthur west turning basin, to Taylors Bayou turning basin, the Sabine-Neches Canal from Port 'Arthur Canal to mouth of the Neches River, except through Port Arthur bridge, and the Neches River from Smiths Bluff to the Beaumont turning basin, widening the Sabine-Neches Canal between the Neches and Sabine Rivers, dredging a channel in Adams Bayou, dredging a channel in Cow Bayou, and dredging a turning basin in Cow Bayou at Orangefield. The controlling depths below mean low tide in the various chan- nels and basins were as follows: Sabine Pass outer bar channel, 35 feet; Sabine Pass jetty channel, 36 feet; Sabine Pass anchorage basin, 32 feet; Port Arthur Canal, 30 feet; Port Arthur east and west turning basins, 37 feet; channel connecting Port Arthur west turning basin with Taylors Bayou turning basin, 37 feet; Taylors Bayou turning basin, 37 feet; Sabine-Neches Canal from Port Arthur, Canal to mouth of Neches River, 32 feet; Neches River, mouth to Beaumont turning basin, including cut-offs and the Beau- mont turning basin, 33 feet; Beaumont turning basin extension, 35 feet; Neches River Channel from Beaumont turning basin exten- sion to vicinity of Pennsylvania shipyards 30 feet; Sabine-Neches Canal, mouth of Neches River to mouth of Sabine River, 33 feet; Sabine River, mouth to cut-off near Orange, Texas, 25 feet; Sabine River to Orange municipal wharf, 24 feet; Sabine River, cut-off to RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1201 highway bridge at Orange, Texas, 21 feet;' Adams Bayou, 7 feet; and Cow Bayou, including turning basin at Orangefield, 0 feet. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was as follows : Now work Maintenance Total la funs ---------------------------------- $9,979,751.75 $9, 109, 363.37 $19, 089, 115.12 Public Works funds.. ------------------------------- 1,363, 652.47 ..--------------- 1,363, 652. 47 otalUnited States funds ..------ 11, 343, 404. 22 9, 109, 363. 37 20, 452, 767. 59 Contributed funds (existing project)....----------------- 53,500.00 .. 353, 50X). 00 Total all funds- ..----------------- ----------- -. 11, 696, 904.22 9, 109, 363. 37 20, 806, 267. 59 Value ofuseful work performed.....------------------------32, 000. 00 ...-...... 32, 000. 00 Total cost of project ---..........----------------------.. 11, 728, 904. 22 9,109, 363. 37 20, 838, 267. 59 The total expenditures were $20,427,079.35, of which $19,063,- 426.88 was from regular funds, including $1,965.49 for Mississippi River flood relief work, and $1,363,652.47 from Public Works funds. In addition, $353,500 was expended from contributed funds for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $901,405.33 plus accounts receivable of $2,970.43 together with allotments of $1,280,000 made in July 1948, a total of $2,184,375.76 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948..---------------------------- $28,658.67 New work: Complete enlargement between Sabine Pass and Port Arthur, including turning basins, under an existing contract (July to Decem- ber 1948)--------------------------- $634,000.00 Complete deepening Sabine Pass outer bar and jetty channels with Government hopper dredge (January 1949)------------- ----- 50,000.00 Dredge Adams Bayou, by contract (March and April 1948)__ _______________ 86,000.00 Dredge Cow Bayou, by contract (February to June 1949)---------------------------460,000.00 Complete advance planning for improvement of Cow Bayou (July 1948 to March 1949)---- 12,056.38 Total for new work-------------------------------- 1,242,056.38 Maintenance: Dredge Sabine Pass outer bar and outer end of Sabine Pass jetty channels with Govern- ment hopper dredge (January to May 1949)_ 500,000.00 Dredge inland channels where necessary, by contract (July 1948 to June 1949) --------- 413,660.71 Total for maintenance- --------------------------- 913,660.71 Total for all work ------------------------ - 2,184,375.76 The additional sum of $2,310,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Enlarge Neches River Channel from mouth to Beaumont (August 1949 to June 1950)------ --- _ $1,110,000 1202 REPORT OF CHIEF OF. ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Maintenance: Dredge Sabine Pass outer bar and jetty channels with Government hopper dredge (April to June 1950)- $300,000 Dredge inland channels where necessary, by contract (July 1949 to June 1950)-- 400,000 Repair east and west jetties, by contract (July 1949 to June 1950)-_ _-- - - -________________ _ 500,000 Total for maintenance- 1,200,000 Total for all work--------------- _____________________ 2,310,000 Maintenance funds for fiscal year 1950 exceed the average for the last 5 years as a result of increased construction costs, making de- ferred jetty repairs, and the fact that average maintenance costs for the last 5 years have been greatly reduced as a result of enlarge- ment dredging operations and curtailment of maintenance opera- tions in fiscal years 1947 and 1948. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- _ $16,524 235.73 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948________________________ 11,489040.15 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 - 128,013,275.88 _ Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 2,970.43 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------------------- 28,016,246.31 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 28,658.67 Net total expenditures --------------------------- ___ 27,987,587.64 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--. --------- ___--_____ '901,405.33 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ----------- 28,888,992.97 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-------------............... $602, 581. 51 .............. $14, 385. 13 $22, 295. 53 $262, 262.96 Cost of maintenance---....--........ 558, 030.67 $500, 947. 12 701, 938. 06 143, 283.92 189, 250.02 Total cost-----................. 1,160, 612.18 500, 947.12 716, 323. 19 165, 579.45 451,512. 98 Total expended.....----............-------- 1, 290, 305. 12 508, 870.73 626, 994.34 267, 466. 12 426, 140.01 Allotted--------....--.....................-- -122, 024.83 1, 050, 000. 00 325, (00. 00 -127, 189. 90 1, 322, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $5,545.34 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------- ------ 1,652,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------------- 1,657,545.34 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment. 330,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for------ 1,327,545.34 Gross amount expended_--------- ___----__-____ ----- 426,140.01 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------- 901,405.33 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------- -- $28,658.67 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-------...... 714,471.57 743,130.24 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 158,275.09 1In addition, $931,006.78 was expended from contributed funds for new work. RIVERS AND HARBORS----GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1203 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 _------------------- 2,970.43 A Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 --------- 161,245.52 mount allotted in July 1948----------------------------- 1,280,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------- 1,441,245.52 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------ 2,206,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950:110000.00 For new work--------------------------- - 1,110,000.00 For maintenance ------------------- - 1,200,000.00 Total - i n------------------------------------- 2,310,000.00 2. NECHES AND ANGELINA RIVERS, TEX. Location..-The Neches River has its source 60 miles southeast of Dallas and flows generally southeast 416 miles to Sabine Lake 4 ailes east of Port Arthur, Tex. The Angelina River flows southeast 200 miles to its confluence with the Neches River 126 miles above its mouth. The authorized features are located as follows: Rockland Dam on Neches River approximately 3 miles west of Rockland, Texas; McGee Bend Dam on Angelina River approximately 10 miles northwest of Jasper, Texas; Dam A on Neches River approximately 4 miles west of Horger, Texas; Dam B on Neches River approxi- flately one-half mile north of Town Bluff, Texas. (See U. S. Geo- logical Survey Base Map, Northeast Texas, Scale 1:500,000). Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for dams and reservoirs to be located at the Rockland and McGee Bend dam Sites on the Neches and Angelina Rivers, respectively, which will effect a large measure of flood protection to agricultural lands in the lower river valley and to the city of Beaumont, reduce the hazards to navigation resulting from floods, and ;provide a regulated flow in the lower river to supply municipal, agricultural, and industrial demands. In addition these proposed projects would permit the development of a large amount of firm power. The plan also provides for construction of Dam A, located on the Neches River below Rockland Dam, for the development of power; and Dam B, located below the confluence of the Angelina and Neches Rivers, to regulate the daily fluctuations in discharge from the tur- bines in the upper projects and to develop a limited amount of power. Construction of Rockland and Dam A Reservoirs and of power facilities at Dam B is to be deferred until justified by future condi- tions. 1204 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The following tabulation gives descriptive data on these dams and reservoirs. Name of dam Nanle----------------.............. Rockland McGee Bend Dam Dam Dam A Dam B Nearest city......................... Rockland, Tex. Jasper, Tex. Horger, Tex. Town Blu,,t Tex. I)istance above mouth of Neches River (river mile).----------------- 160.4--------......... 151.3........ 142----------............ 113.7. Height of dam above river bottom (feet)..-------------- ---------- 106.---------- 128.-------- 32-----------. 45. earth Type of dam-.....--.................Earth fill- Earth fill-... Concrete----. Concrete and Storage capacity-flood control (acre- _-.. feet) --------... -----------.. 1,020,100...... 1,148,900.... None.......... None. Power and regulation of flow (acre- feet)... 1,125, 500-..... .---------------.--------- 1, 383, 500.... Pondage- Pondage. D)ead storage (acre-feet)... ..----------- 1,141, 700...... 1, 508, 40--.... None.......... None. Estimated cost (1947): Construction- - .._. - ..s-- $35, 416, 000.... $37, 137, 000.. - $2, 814, 400..... $5,012, 000. Lands and damages------------- 5,425, 000 --.. 5, 583, 000.. 5, 600..... 1,419, 00. Total --------------- 841, 000.---- 40, ---...... --...... 42, 000-- 720, 2,820,000..... 000. 6,431, The estimated cost of the project, based on 1947 prices, is $80,379,400 for construction and $12,432,600 for lands arinddamages, a total of $92,812,000, including $5,000,000 to be contributed by local interests. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act, approved March 2, 1945, for regulating the flow of Neches River and tributaries for the benefit of navigation, the control of floods, the conservation of water, and the development of hydroelectric power. (See S. Doc. 98, 76th Cong., 1st sess.) Local cooperation.-Thisproject was adopted subject to the pro- vision that before construction is started upon any element of the project, the State of Texas or other responsible local agency give as- surances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that upon completion of the entire project it will contribute toward the first cost of the work the sum of $5,000,000. The Lower Neches Valley Authority, a local body authorized by the Texas Legislature, has furnished assur- ances that they will contribute $2,000,000 upon completion of Dam B Reservoir, exclusive of power facilities, and $3,000,000 upon com- pletion of McGee Bend Reservoir. These assurances were accepted by the Secretary of War on March 27, 1947. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of control and topographic surveys, sub- surface investigations and office studies necessary for preparation of detailed plans for Rockland Dam, McGee Bend Dam, Dam B, and Dam A. Preparation of detailed plans and specifications for spill- way and headworks, Dam B, was completed by contract. Construc- tion of initial earth embankment, diversion channel and water- supply system for Dam B was completed. Work was started by con- tract on all major items of government furnished materials for Dam B. Bids were received for construction of spillway, completion of the earthen embankment, docking facilities, and construction building for Dam B. Land acquisition was started for Dam B. Total cost during the fiscal year was $271,225.41, for new work from regular funds, of which $143,405.82 was by hired labor and $127,819.59 by contract. Total expenditures were $282,261.79. RIVERS ANI) IARBORS---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1205 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 1.6 Percent complete. Preliminary surveys, subsurface investigations and office studies were approximately 100 percent complete for Rockland Dam, McGee Bend Dam, Dam B, and Dam A. Plans and Specifications for Dam B were 90 percent complete. Construction of initial earthen embankment for Dam B was 100 percent complete. To complete the project, completion of detailed plans and construc- tion of the authorized units must be accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $1,449,995.65 for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures Were $1,449,441.22. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $2,145,558.78 plus accounts receivable of $4,324.72, together with an allotment of $1,818,100 made in July 1948, a total of $3,967,983.50 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948-------------------------- $5,741.77 ew work: Neches and Angelina Rivers project: Review of engineering studies and design- 12,654.74 Dam B: Continuation of detailed plans by hired labor-------- 11,692.23 Preparation of master plan for reservoir management and 2,000 00 public use by hired labor -------------------------- 315,000.00 Clearing of reservoir area by contract------------------- Construction of spillway and completion of earthen em- 2,237,337.77 bankment by continuing contract--------------- Supply of government furnished materials by contract .. 486,875.00 Alterations to United States Highway 190 by contract ..-- 1,880.00 Land acquisition_..... 889,060.22 Total for all work ----------------------- 3,967,983.50 The additional sum of $200,000 Federal funds and $1,818,900 contributed funds can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work Federal funds, McGee Bend Reservoir: Detailed plans and specifications by hired labor ------------------------- $200,000 New work contributed funds, Dam B Reservoir: CY.-^.lI .A.I.. tt .lf tn CU llwav and earthen embankment by continuing contract--------------- --------------- $891,500 Clearing of reservoir area by continuing contract -------------- 570,900 Supply of government furnished materials by contract --------- 4,100 Review of detailed plans by hired labor--------------------- 6,000 Master planning for reservoir management and public use _----- 3,000 Land acquisition ------------------------ - 343,400 Total contributed funds_------------------------------- 1,818,900 Total for all work----------- ------------------------- 2,018,900 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- ------------------ $1,449,995.65 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948..---------- 1,449,995.65 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948-------------------- 862.62 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 .......... ----------- _ 1,450,858.27 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- .............. 4,324.72 1206 REPORT01 CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 } Gross total costs to June 30, 1948_ 1,455,182.99 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948._. -------------- ... . . - 5,741.77 Net total expenditures ---- - 1,449,441.22 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-_ _ _ --------- 2,145,558.78 Total amount appropriated:to June 30, 1948 ------------ 3,595,000 00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ------ I . 1 I -- ~ Cost of new work -... . . . . ... .--- ,$814, 073.97 $364, 696.27 $271, 225.41 Cost of maintenanc--------.-------$81,03 Total expended. -800, 010.80 367, 168.63 282 261.7 Allotted..... -------- .. . --... ----- - ---------...... 1,062, 000. 00 315,000. 2,218, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------------------- $209,820.57 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ __ --------- 2,218,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------------- 2,427,820.57 Gross amount expended--------------------_ $282,264.29 Less reimbursed expenditures.--- _------ 2.50 282,261.79 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------- 2,145,558.78 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948... 5,741.77 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.--- :1,708,161.15 1, 713,902.92 Balance available, June 30, 1948-----------------------..... 431, 655.86 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------... 4:324.72 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948- 435,980.58 Amount allotted in July 1948,,..__________ . . 1,818,100.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- ... 2,254,080.58 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------------------------------- 82,398,90000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-......-_ 200,000.00 3. GULF INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY BETWEEN APALACHEE BAY, FLA., AND THE MEXICAN BORDER (GALVESTON DISTRICT) Location.-This section of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway ex- tends from a point on the Sabine River about 3 miles below Orange, Tex., to Brownsville, Tex., a distance of about 421 miles; with a flood-discharge channel, about 7 miles in length, in the Colorado River, extending from Matagorda, Tex., to the Gulf of Mexico; a tributary channel in the San Bernard River, extending from the Intracoastal Waterway crossing to the State highway bridge some 30 miles above the crossing; a tributary channel, in the Colorado River, extending from the Intracoastal Waterway upstream a dis- tance of 17 miles; a tributary channel about 14 miles in length ex- tending from the Intracoastal Waterway to Palacios, Tex., a tribu- tary channel about 2 miles in length, extending from the Intra- coastal Waterway to Rockport, Tex.; a tributary channel about 6 RIVERS AND IIARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1207 miles in length extending from the Intracoastal Waterway near Port Aransas, Tex., to the town of Aransas Pass, Tex.; a tributary channel about / mile in length extending from the Intracoastal Waterway near Port O'Connor, Tex., into Barroom Bay; a tributary channel in Red Fish Bay extending from the Intracoastal Waterway to Red Fish Landing, Tex., a distance of about 1% miles; and a tributary channel in the Arroyo Colorado extending from the Intra- coastal Waterway to a point near Harlingen, Tex., a distance of about 31 miles and side channels in the vicinity of Port Ispbel, Tex. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1116, 117, 592, 533, 1279, 1280, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1287, and 1288.) Previousprojects--SabineRiver--GalvestonBaysection.-None. (1) West Galveston Bay and Brazos River Canal, Tex., River and Harbor Acts of July 13, 1892, July 8, 1896, and June 13, 1902, the latter providing for the purchase of the Galveston and Brazos River Canal, and the act of March 2, 1907. (2) Channel between Brazos River and Matagorda Bay, Tex., River and Harbor Acts of June 25, 1910, and March 2, 1919. The act of July 25, 1912, provided for the construction of highway bridges at points where the waterway intersected existing county roads. (3) Channelfrom Pass Cavallo to Aransas Pass, Tex., River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1907, and July 25, 1912. For further details, see pages 941, 944, and 947 of annual report for 1926, and page 845 of annual report for 1938. Existing project.--The existing project provides for a channel 12 feet deep at mean low water over a bottom width of 125 feet, with such passing places, widening at bends, locks or guard locks, and railway bridges over artificial cuts as are necessary from the Sabine River to Brownsville, Tex.; for the purchase or construction of a 20-inch pipeline dredge; for the maintenance of a suitable flood dis- charge channel in the Colorado River from Matagorda, Tex., to the Gulf of Mexico; for a tributary channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet Wide in the San Bernard River, extending from the main channel to the State highway bridge some 31 miles above the mouth of the stream; for a tributary channel in the Colorado River 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide, extending from the main channel upstream a distance of 17 miles, with a turning basin of the same depth, 400 feet wide and 500 feet long at the head of the improvement; for a tributary channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Palacios, Tex., through Trespalacios and Matagorda Bays to the main channel; for a tributary channel 9 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the main channel to the harbor at Rockport, Tex., and improvement of that harbor to a depth of 9 feet; for a tributary channel 12 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the main channel near Port Aransas, Tex., to the town of Aransas Pass, Tex., ending in a basin of the same depth, 300 feet wide and 2,200 feet long; for a tributary channel 6 feet deep and 60 feet wide from the main channel near Port O'Connor, Tex., into Barroom Bay; for a tributary channel 12 feet deep and 125 feet wide in Red Fish Bay from the main channel to Red Fish Land- ing with a turning basin 400 feet by 600 feet and 12 feet deep at Red Fish Landing; for a tributary channel 12 feet deep and 125 feet wide from the main channel to the vicinity of Harlingen, Tex., 1208 REPORT OF C1{T11 eNGtNEERS, U. S. OPF ARMY, 1948 via the Arroyo Colorado with a turning basin 12 feet deep, 400 feet wide, and 500 feet long at the upper end; for side channels 12 feet deep and 125 feet wide and 6 feet deep and 60 feet wide leading from Laguna Madre around the south part of Port Isabel, Tex., a total length of 1Y2 miles, and for operating and care of the water- way. From the Sabine River (3 miles below Orange, Tex.) to the Port Arthur Canal, from Port Bolivar to the west end of Galveston Channel, from Port Aransas to Corpus Christi and from Port Isabel to Brownsville, Tex., the waterway coincides with deep water chan- nels improved and maintained under other projects. The mean tidal variation is 0.5 foot at Orange, 1 foot at port Arthur, 1.3 feet in Galveston Bay, 1.8 feet at Freeport, 1 foot in Matagorda Bay, 1 foot at Corpus Christi, 1.5 feet at Port Isabel, and 1 foot at Brownsville. The extreme ranges of tide under ordinary conditions are 1 foot at Orange, 1.5 feet at Port Arthur, 2 feet in Galveston Bay, 2.5 feet at Freeport, 1.5 feet in Matagorda Bay, 1.5 feet at Corpus Christi, 2 feet at Port Isabel, and 1.5 feet at Browns- ville. The height of tides is dependent largely on the wind. Strong north winds have depressed the water as much as 2 feet below mean low tide. The modified route of the main channel between Aransas Bay and Corpus Christi Bay is subject to the provision that no dredging shall be done by the United States within 50 feet of any wharf or struc- ture, the proposed drawbridge piers and fenders near Aransas Pass, Tex., being excepted from this provision. The tributary channel in the Colorado River is subject to the pro- vision that no dredging shall be done by the United States within 50 feet of any wharf or structure excepting the highway bridge which crosses the river at mile 8.3. The tributary channel from Palacios, Tex., through Trespalacios and Matagorda Bays, the tributary channel to Aransas Pass, Tex., and the tributary channel to Harlingen, Tex., are subject to the pro- vision that no dredging shall be done by the United States within 50 feet of any wharf or structure. The tributary channel to Red Fish Landing, Tex., is subject to the provision that the depth of the channel and basin be limited to 6 feet and the width of the channel be limited to 60 feet until certain assurances are furnished by local interests. The estimate of cost of new work revised in 1948 is $29,418,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $1,- 198,000, including $190,000 for operating and care of structures. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents 1 Mar. 3, 1925 Channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide, from Sabine 1. )oc. 238, 68th Cong., 1st sess. River to Galveston Bay, and for a 20-inch pipe-line dredge. Jan. 21, 1927 Channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide, from Galveston Do. Bay to Corpus Christi. Aug. 26, 1937 Maintenance of a flood-discharge channel in the Colo- Senate committee print, 75th raedo River. Cong., 1st sess. June 20, 1938 Channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide in San Bernard H. I)oc. 640, 75th Cong., 3d sess. River. 'I'ox. See footnote at end of table. RIVERS AND IARIBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1209 Acts Work authorized Documents 1 -- ____________________ --- 'I-- -- - June 20, 1938 Channel in the Colorado River, 9 feet deep and 100 H. Doc. 642, 75th Cong., 3d sess. feet wide with a turning basin. D)o------ Chalnnel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Palacios H. Doc. 564, 75th Cong., 3d sess. through Trespalacios and Matagorda Bays. Do----.. Channel 9 feet deep and 200 feet wide from the main I. Doec. 641, 75th Cong., 3d sess. channel to the harbor at Rockport, and improve- ment of that harbor to a depth of 9 feet. I)o- .. Channel 06feet deep and 100 feet wide from the main H. Doe. 643, 75th Cong., 3d sess. channel to Aransas Pass, Tex. July 23, 1942 Enlargement of waterway from Sabine River to Public Law 675, 77th Cong Corpus Christi and its extension to Brownsville, Tex., so as to provide a depth of 12 feet and width of 125 feet throughout. Mar. 2, 1945 Channel 6 feet deep and 60 feet wide from main chan- H. Doe. 428, 76th Cong., 1st sess. nel near Port O'Connor, 'ex., into Barroom Bay. Do..... Enlargement of channel from main channel to I. Doc. 383, 77th Cong., 1st sess. Aransas Pass, Tex., to provide a depth of 9 feet and width of 100 feet. S. Doec. 248, 78th Cong., 2d sess. Channel 12 feet dcep and 125 feet wide from main chan- nlel to Red Fish Landing, Tex., with a turning basin. Do Channel 12 feet deep and 125 feet wide from main H. Doec. 402, 77th Cong., 1st sess. (See Public Law 14, 79th Cong.). channel to vicinity of Hlarlingen, Tex., via Arroyo Colorado with a turning basin. JUly 24, 1946 Filling a portion of the shallow-draft channel adjacent H. Doec. 627, 79th Cong., 2d sess to the Port Isabel turning basin, construction of a channel to connect the shallow-draft channel with the main channel near the shore line of Laguna Madre, and enlargement of the shallow-draft chan- nel west of this connection, all to a depth of 12 feet and bottom width of 125 feet. )Do...... Rerouting the main channel along the north shore of 11. Doc. 700, 79th Cong., 2d sess. Red Fish Bay between Aransas Bay and Corpus Christi Bay with no change in present authorized dimensions and to provide for deepening the tribu- tary channel from Port Aransas to the city of Aransas Pass to 12 feet and extension of the turning basin to a length of 2,200 feet at the same depth. 'I. Doc. 230, 76th Cong., 1st sess., and the project documents contain the latest published maps. Operating and care of the waterway was included in the project July 1, 1935, under the provisions of the Permanent Appropriations Repeal Act approved June 26, 1934. Local cooperation.-The main channel from the Sabine River to 1Brownsville, Tex., was authorized subject to the provisions that local interests defray the cost of constructing or remodeling all highway bridges, together with their subsequent maintenance and operation, and furnish, without cost to the United States, all rights- of-way and necessary spoil-disposal areas; and operate and main- tain the railroad drawbridge across the main channel (when con- Structed) in vicinity of Aransas Pass, Tex., in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army; that work on the Sabine River-Galveston Bay section not be commenced prior to the receiving by the Secretary of the Army of satisfactory as- surances relative to the availability, by the date of its completion, of adequate vessels, terminals, and auxiliary equipment for the economical handling of at least 400,000 tons annually; that the general carrier service required for the New Orleans-Sabine River section be extended to terminals on Galveston Bay, and at Houston; and that work on the Galveston Bay-Corpus Christi section not be commenced prior to the receiving by the Secretary of the Army of satisfactory assurances relative to the availability, by the date of its completion, of adequate vessels, terminals, and auxiliary equipment for the economical handling of at least 300,000 tons annually (H. Doec. 238, 68th Cong., 1st sess., and H. Doec. 700, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). Local interests have complied with all of the above requirements 1210 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 except those pertaining to the modified route between Aransas BaY and Corpus Christi Bay. The tributary channel in the San Bernard River was authorized subject to the provisions that work not be undertaken without assurance of extension of the Intracoastal Waterway to the river, and that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas for initial work and for subsequent maintenance, hold and save the United States free from any damages resulting from the improvement, and agree to provide suitable terminal facilities, including turning basins, wharves, etc., and to maintain an adequate portion thereof open to the general public on equal terms to all (H. Doc. 640, 75th Cong., 3d sess.). The tributary channel in the Colorado River was authorized sub- ject to the provisions that local interests provide, without cost to the United States, all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil- disposal areas for initial work and for subsequent maintenance, give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army relative to the provision of necessary terminal and transfer facilities, including a highway connection, and hold and save the United States free from any damage resulting from the execution and maintenance of the improvement (H. Doc. 642, 75th Cong., 3d sess.). The tributary channel to Palacios, Tex., was authorized subject to the provisions that local interests provide and maintain a suitable harbor basin and furnish, free of cost to the United States, all rights-of-way and suitable spoil-disposal areas for initial work and for subsequent maintenance (H. Doc. 564, 75th Cong., 3d sess.). The tributary channelto Rockport, Tex., was authorized subject to the provisions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, necessary rights-of-way and suitable spoil-disposal areas for initial work and:for subsequent maintenance, and hold and save the United States free from any damages resulting from the improvement (H..Doec. 641, 75th Cong. 3d sess.). The tributary channel to Aransas Pass, Tex., was authorized subject to the provisions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all necessary lands, easements, rights-of-waY, and suitable areas for the disposal of material excavated in the con- struction and maintenance of the channel, as and when required, and hold and save the United States free from all claims for dam- ages resulting from construction and maintenance of the improve- ment (H. Doc. 643, 75th Cong., 3d sess.; H. Doc. 383, 77th Cong., 1st sess.; and H. Doc. 700, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). The tributary channel into Barroom Bay was authorized subject to the provisions that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, all necessary lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable areas for disposal of spoil, as and when needed, and hold and save the United States free from any claim for damages result- ing from the construction and maintenance of the channel (H. Doc. 428, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The tributary channel to Red Fish Landing, Tex., was authorized subject to the provisions that local interests furnish, free of cost to United States, all necessary lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and subsequent mainte- IIVERIS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1211 flance when and as required; hold and save the United States free from any damages resulting from: the improvement; and install sUitable mooring facilities freely accessible to all during storm Periods; and subject to the provision that the depth of the channel and basin be limited to 6 feet and the width of the channel be limited o 60 feet until local interests furnish assurances satisfactory to "he Secretary of the Army that bona fide arrangements have been made which guarantee tonnage sufficient to warrant improvement to the greater dimensions and that terminal facilities as required for the proper accommodation of such commerce will be promptly pro- vided (S. Doc. 248, 78th Cong., 2d sess.). The tributary channel to the vicinity of Harlingen, Tex., was authorized subject to the conditions that local interests furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will Provide, free of cost to the United States, all necessary lands, ease- maents, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas for the initial im- Provement and its subsequent maintenance, when and as required, Provide suitable terminal facilities, suitably reconstruct the high- Wa bridge at Rio Hondo, provide such access roads and servicing facilities for supply of fresh water and fuel along the route as may be required by the Secretary of the Army upon recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, and hold and save the United States free irom claims for damages resulting from the improvement (H. Doc. 402, 77th Cong., 1st sess.). The side channels in the vicinity of Port Isabel, Tex., were author- ized subject to the provisions that local interests furnish free of Cost to the United States all necessary rights-of-way and spoil- disposal areas for initial construction and subsequent maintenance, as and when required, and hold and save the United States free from damages owing to the construction and maintenance of the improvement (H. Doc. 627, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). Local interests have complied with all of the above requirements except those pertaining to the upper 3~ 2 -mile reach of the tributary channel in the San Bernard River; the tributary channel in the Colorado River; the tributary channel into Barroom Bay; the tribu- tary channel to Red Fish Landing; upper 17 miles of the tributary channel to the vicinity of Harlingen, Tex.; and the enlargement of the tributary channel to Aransas Pass, Tex., none of which has been complied with other than the furnishing of the assurances to hold and save the United States free from any damages in con- fection with the construction of the tributary channel to Red Fish Landing. Terminal facilities.-There are terminal 'facilities at Orange, Port Arthur, Galveston, Freeport, Port Aransas, Corpus Christi, Port Isabel, and Brownsville where this waterway coincides with channels improved under other projects. (See Port Series, Nos. 6 and 14, Corps of Engineers and report on Brazos Island Harbor, Tex.) There are privately owned piers and wharves at Palacios, Rockport, and Aransas Pass, and a municipal pier at Palacios and Aransas Pass. The facilities are adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work: Advance Planning surveys for improvement of the channel and construction of locks at the Colorado River crossing were made at a cost of 1212 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 $8,258.58. Final costs amounting to $5,173.91 under a contract for dredging between Corpus Christi Bay and North Bird Island were paid. From July 27, 1947 to June 10, 1948 a total of 9,874,640 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from 108,000 linear feet of channel between Three Islands and the Arroyo Colorado and in the Arroyo Colorado at a cost of $946,034.26. From July 1,1947 to February 2, 1948, a total of 5,372,122 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from 66,000 linear feet of channel between North Bird Island and Baffin Bay at a cost of $566,059.52. From February 3 to June 30, 1948, a total of 4,427,726 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from 57,000 linear feet of chan- nel between Baffin Bay and the Mud Flats at a cost of $825,119.97" From June 10 to 30, 1948, a total of 544,224 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from 6,271 linear feet of channel between the Arroyo Colorado and Red Fish Bay at a cost of $84,184.36. A pro rata distribution of debit plant rental balance of the Government pipe-line dredge Omega amounted to $15,350.22. Maintenance: Periodic surveys not chargeable to subsequent dredging were made at a cost of $41,801.39. Work of reestablishing reference lines and erecting signs between Port Arthur and Corpus Christi was done at a cost of $3,812.68. Snagging was done by the Government derrick boat No. 8 at a cost of $18,352.34. A total of 8,852,982 cubic yards of material was removed from a total channel length of 220,995 feet at a cost of $1,017,183.72, as follows: Linear Government Cubic feet of plant or Location Period yards channel Cost contract removed dredged Aransas Bay----------------.................... Contract-...... Dec. 3, 1947 to June 3,010, 024 59,415 $248, 132.83 Do-. ---- Colorado River to Matagorda Bay. 30, 1948. Nov. 4, 1947 to Jan. 10, 1948. 3,405, 932 80, 885 302, 247 55 Port Bolivar entrance channel... Nov. 5 to Dec. 20,1947. )o-........ 490, 943 7, 640 57,142.46 Government Freeport Harbor to Colorado Sept. 23, 1947 to June 1,946, 083 73, 055 409, 660.88 pipe-line River. 30, 1948. dredge Sam Hlouston. Operating and care: The Mud Bayou Bridge, near High Island, Tex., Brazos River Floodgates, near Freeport, Tex., and Colorado River Floodgates, near Matagorda, Tex., were operated and main- tained by hired labor at costs of $18,508.71, $37,467.79, and $48,- 083.01, respectively. (Costs of operating and maintaining flood- gates reduced by crediting $11,774.17 to Br.azos River Floodgates and $76.90 to Colorado River Floodgates in collections from towing companies for damages). Work of installing electric motors and auxiliary fixtures at the Mud Bayou Bridge was completed by hired labor at a cost of $2,753.22. Work of installing two steel sheet pile guide walls at the Colorado River floodgates, by contract, was completed October 30, 1947 at a cost of $14,897.99. From July 28 to August 19, 1947 repairs to west gate sector hinges at the Colorado River floodgates were done by contract at a cost of $55,- 390.19. From January 19 to May 18, 1948, repairs to east gate sector hinges were done by contract at a cost of $37,085.30. Pre- liminary investigations for improvement and reconstruction of RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1213 the guide walls at both crossings amounted to $1,374.51. Poiree Daam recesses at the Colorado River floodgates were cleaned by contract in July 1947 at a cost of $3,393.03. The total cost of all Work for the fiscal year was $3,750,284.70, of which $2,450,180.82 Was for new work, $1,081,150.13 was for regular maintenance, and $218,953.75 was for operating and care. The total expenditures Were $3,381,242.95. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 58 percent complete. The dredging of the main channel from the Sabine River to Rockport, from Corpus Christi Bay southward to the Mud Flats, and from Port Isabel to the Arroyo Colorado was completed. The tributary channel in the San Bernard River was completed to 26 miles upstream. The tributary channels to Palacios and Rockport, Tex., were completed. The tributary channel to Aransas Pass, Tex., was completed to a depth of 6 feet over a bottom Width of 100 feet. Construction of a railway bridge near High Island, Tex., of two floodgates at the Brazos River crossing, and of two floodgates at the Colorado River crossing was completed. Work remaining consists of dredging the modified route of the main chan- rel in the vicinity of Aransas Pass, Tex., completing main channel between Corpus Christi and Brownsville, Tex., completing tribu- tary channels in San Bernard River and to Aransas Pass, Tex., dredging branch channels into Barroom Bay and in Red Fish Bay to and including a terminal basin at Red Fish Landing, dredging side channels in the vicinity of Port Isabel, Tex., and converting floodgates at the Colorado River crossing into locks. The controlling depths over usable widths at mean low water Were 10 feet from the Sabine River to Galveston; 9 feet from Galveston to Freeport Harbor; 9 feet from Freeport Harbor to the Colorado River; 9.5 feet from the Colorado River to Port O'Connor; 10 feet from Port O'Connor to Corpus Christi; 0 feet from Corpus Christi to Brownsville; 10 feet in the flood-discharge channel in the Colorado River; 7 feet in the lower 26-mile reach and 3.5 feet in the upper reach of the tributary channel in the San Bernard River; 5 feet in the lower 6-mile reach and 0 feet in the upper reach of the tributary channel in the Colorado River; 7.5 feet in the vicinity of the harbor basin and 9 feet in the remainder of the tributary chan- nel to Palacios, Tex., 8.5 feet in the tributary channel to Rockport, Tex.; 6 feet in the tributary channel to Aransas Pass, Tex.; 0 feet in the branch channels into Barroom Bay and in Red Fish Bay; 5 feet in the tributary channel to Harlingen, Tex.; and 3 feet in the side channels at Port Isabel, Tex. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was as follows: Operating New work Maintenance and care Total I8gular funds -------............--------------.... $16, 630, 429. 16 $6, 258,010.66 $1, 215, 310.80 $24, 103, 750. 62 Public Works funds.........-------------------....... 466, 476. 8 .....---------------------------- 466, 476. 58 Other funds 1------- ----- ----- 33, 172.98 33,172.98 Total--.......---------......-------------- 17, 096, 906.74 6, 258, 010. 66 1,248, 483.78 24, 603,400. 18 1Permanent indefinite appropriation for operating and care purposes. 804711-48-vol. 1- 77 1214 REPORT OF CHIIF OF ENGINEERS, T. S. ARMY, 1948 The total expenditures were $24,208,808.99, of which $23,74 ,' 332.41 was from regular funds and $466,476.58 was from public Works funds. In addition, $33,172.98 was expended between July 1, 1934, and June 30, 1935, for operating and care of the works of improvement under the provision of the permanent indefinite aP" propriation for such purposes. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $2,427,859.88 plus accounts receivable of $9,779.16 together with allotments of $3,821,000 made in July, a total of $6,258,639.04, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948__ ____________________ 380,022.37 New work: Preliminary surveys for extending tributary channel in Arroyo Colorado to Rio Hondo, Tex.. (July 1948 to June 1949)---------- $10,000.00 Complete dredging under existing contract between Baffin Bay and Mud Flats (July to September 1948) ------------------- 610,000.00 Complete dredging under existing contract between Arroyo Colorado and Red Fish Bay, a part of the tributary channel to Harlingen, and a part of the side channels at Port Isabel (July to October 1948) ... 738,600.00 Dredge remainder of side channels at Port Isabel, by contract (May and June 1948) 12,000.00 Preliminary surveys and field investigations for rerouting main channel between Aran- sas and Corpus Christi Bays (July 1948 to June 1949)-....... ................ 80,000.00 Preliminary surveys and field investigations for conversion of Colorado River Flood- gates into locks (July 1948 to June 1949)_ 22,945.52 Complete dredging main channel between Corpus Christi and Brownsville, by con- tract (September 1948 to July 1949) . 2,089,000.00 Dredge channel to and turning basin at Red Fish Landing, by contract (January to June 1949)_ _____________- 129,000.00 Total for new work __-_-_____ - __-____-_- __- -- $3,691,545.52 Maintenance: Dredge shoaled reach in vicinity of Halls Lake, between Galveston and Chocolate Bay, with Government pipe-line dredge Sam Houston (September 1948)- - 50,000.00 Dredge shoaled reach of tributary channel to Palacios with Government pipe-line dredge Sam Houston (October 1948) -- 20,000.00 Dredge shoaled reach in San Antonio Bay with Government pipe-line dredge Sam Houston (December 1948 to June 1949)._ 300,000.00 Emergency dredging at Brazos and Colorado River crossings following river rises, as nec- essary during fiscal year, with Government pipe-line dredge Sam Houston.---------- 140,000.00 Dredge shoaled reaches between Freeport Harbor and San Antonio Bay, by contract (October 1948 to March 1949)---------- 210,000.00 Dredge shoaled reach between Port Isabel and Arroyo Colorado, by contract (Janu- ary to June 1949)_- _------. _-------- 250,000.00 RIVERS AND HARBORS--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1215 Reestablish reference lines and erect signs along waterway between Port Arthur and Port Isabel, Tex. (July 1948 to June 1949) 58,909.47 Total for maintenance ....---------------------- $1,028,909.47 OPerating and care: Mud Bayou Bridge: Operation_------------------------ 21,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repairs---- 3,500.00 Improvement and reconstruction 12,500.00 Brazos River Floodgates: ---------------------- Operation_____ 42,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repairs. - 16,000.00 Improvement and reconstruction------.. 500,000.00 Colorado River Floodgates: Operation------------------------- 42,000.00 Ordinary maintenance and repairs ------ 15,000.00 Improvement and reconstruction.------- 506,161.68 Total for operating and care-------------------- _ $1,158,161.68 Total for all work- ------------------------------ 6,258,639.04 The additional sum of $3,334,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Continue dredging tributary channel to Harlingen, Tex., by contract (July 1949 to June 1950)------ $650,000 Initiate dredging of tributary channel in Colorado .-- River, by contract (July 1949 to June 1950)-- 352,000 Enlarge tributary channel to Aransas Pass, by con- tract (September 1949 to March 1950)----------- 250,000 Total for new work._---.---------------------------- $1,252,000 Maintenance: Dredge shoals between Port Arthur and Port Bolivar, by contract (July to October 1949)-------------- 100,000 Dredge shoals between Galveston and Port O'Connor, by contract (November 1949 to June-1950) --- 250,000 Dredge shoals between Port O'Connor and Port Aransas, Tex., by contract (October 1949 to July 1950) _______--------------------------- 250,000 Dredge in vicinities of Brazos and Colorado River Floodgates following rises (as required)---------- 75,000 Dredge tributary channel to Palacios, Tex., by con- tract (March and April 1950)----------- ------ 100,000 Dredge tributary channel to Aransas Pass, by contract (September 1949 to March 1950)--------------- 100,000 Dredge tributary channel in San Bernard River, by contract (July to September 1949) ----- ..- 100,000 Remove shoaling between Corpus Christi and Port Isabel, by contract (July 1949 to June 1950)-..- 625,000 Dredge flood-discharge channel in Colorado River, by contract (January to April 1950)_------- __ -_ 150,000 Total for maintenance------------------- - $1,750,000 Operating and care: Mud Bayou Bridge: Operation---------------------18,000 Ordinary maintenance and repairs------------- 2,500 Improvement and reconstruction----- --- _ 25,500 Brazos River Floodgates: Operation -------------------------------- 42,000 Ordinary maintenance and repairs------------- 15,000 Improvement and reconstruction -------------- 100,000 1216 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Colorado River Floodgates: Operation_ -------------------------------- 42,000 Ordinary maintenance and repairs-----------_ - 12,000 Improvement and reconstruction ------ 75,000 Total for operating and care-------------------- $332,000 Total for all work-----------------------------$3,334,000 The maintenance funds for fiscal year 1950 exceed the average for the last five years as a result of deferred dredging operations, increased construction costs and unusually heavy maintenance dredging to stabilize the channel southward of Corpus Christi, Texas. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- $17,631,067.44 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 8,926,958.34 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 26,558,025.78 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948---------------_ --- 8,825.00 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 --------- 26,566,850.78 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- - 9,779.16 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--- 26,576,629.94 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 -- -------- 380,022.37 Net total expenditures_ __------------------------ 26,196,607.57 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 2,427,859.88 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------28,624,467.45 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 I Cost of neow work -----........--...... $5, 751, 334. 60 $772, 348.05 $1, 024,447. 14 $723, 493. 58 $2, 450, 180. 82 Cost of maintenance ........------------.... 723, 326. 32 886, 485. 80 1, 069, 777. 12 682, 639. 47 1, 300, 103.88 Total cost..............------------- 6, 474, 660.92 1,658,833.85 2, 094, 224.26 1,406, 133.05 3, 750, 284,70 -- Total expended-.........---------........ 6, 245, 658. 53 2, 215, 673.29 1, 876, 211.90 1, 600, 588. 52 3, 381, 242.95 Allotted........-................ 4,310, 000.00 2,737,000. 00 00 2,579, 00000. 000. 64, 450. 00 4,064, 200.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------- ------- _ $1,744,902.83 Amount allotted during fiscal year---.-.-------------- . _ 4,064,200.00 Amount to be accounted for__.----- __ _________-_ $3,408,452.03 5,809,102.83 Gross amount expended------------------- Less reimbursed expenditures ------------ 27,209.08 3,381,242.95 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------- ------------ 2,427,859.88 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_ .-----.$380,022.37 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_- 1,226,858.99 1,606,881.36 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------ 820,978.52 .. Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------ ----------. 9,779.16 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----------- 830,757.68 Amount allotted in July 1948_ __-__-_-__------------------- 3,821,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 4,651,757.68 RIVERS AND IIARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1217 Amount( estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-- _----------------------------- --- 8,629,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work -- -1--------------------- 1,252,000.00 For maintenance 2,------------------------ 2,082,000.00 Total__-------------------------------------- 3,334,000.00 4. GALVESTON HARBOR, TEX. Location.-The entrance to this harbor is situated on the Gulf of Mexico, on the northern portion of the coast of Texas, 328 miles West of Southwest Pass on the Mississippi River and 278 miles northeast from the mouth of the Rio Grande. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 520.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Acts approved June 23, 1874, June 14, 1880, and August 5, 1886. For further details see page 1854, Annual Report for 1915, and page 851, An- nual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for two rubblestone jetties ex- tending from Galveston Island (on the south) and Bolivar Pen- Insula (on the north) into the Gulf of Mexico (the south jetty being 35,900 feet long and the north jetty 25,907 feet long), and for a channel 800 feet wide arid 38 feet deep from deep water in the Gulf to a point between the jetties 2 miles west of the seaward end of the north jetty, thence 800 feet wide and 36 feet deep to Bolivar Roads. The project also provides for the construction of 13 groins to protect the sea wall along the Gulf shore from about Twelfth to Sixty-first Street, Galveston, Tex. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is 1.6 feet on the outer bar and 1.4 feet on the inner bar. The extreme ranges are 2.3 and 2.1 feet, respectively. The height of the tides is de- Pendent largely on the wind, and during strong "northers" in the Winter season the water surface may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $3,072,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate of cost of annual mainte- nance is $420,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Aug. 5, 1886( Construction of 2 rubblestone jetties....--------------... . Doc. 85, 49th Cong., Ist sess., and Annual Report 1886, p. 1311. Mar. 2, 1907 Extension of the jetties to present project length and H. Doe. 340, 59th Cong., 2d sess., construction and operation of a dredge. and Rivers and Harbors Con- snittee Doc, 11, 59th Cong., 2d sess. July 18, 1918 Deepening channel to 35 feet with 800-foot width for H. Doe. 758, 65th Cong., 2d sess. experimental period of 2 years. Jan. 21, 1927 Maintenance of channels 800 feet wide, 35 feet deep HI. Doc. 307, 69th Cong., 1st sess. on outer bar and 34 feet on inner bar. Aug.30,19351 Maintenance of channels 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide Rivers and IHarbors Committee leading to State highway ferry landings. :Doc. 31, 72d Cong., 1st sess. )o....... Construction of 13 groins along Gulf shore from 12th to 61st Sts. in the city of Galveston, at a limit of cost of $234,000 (10 groins were constructed under H. Doc. 400, 73d Cong., 2( sess. this limitation). 1 Previously authorized Sept. 6, 1933, by Public Works Administration. 1218 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Acts Work authorized Documents Apr. 4, 1938 2 Completion of the project for construction of 13 groins. Aug. 30, 1935 Deepening channel to 36 feet from the Gulf to a point Rivers and Harbors C o rnnitte 2 miles west of seaward end of north jetty. Doc. 57, 74th Cong., 1st sess..3 June 30, 1948 Deepening channel to 38 feet from Gulf to a point 2 H. Doc. 561, 80th Cong., 2d sess miles west of seaward end of north jetty and 36 feet thence to Bolivar Roads and revoking authority for maintenance of ferry channels, provided that no dredging be done by the United States within 50 feet of any existing pierhead, pierhead line, wharf, or structure. 9 Public, No. 463, 75th Cong. 3 Contains latest published map. Terminal facilities.-There are no terminals on Galveston iar- bor, but it is the entrance channel leading to extensive terminal facilities located on Galveston Channel, Texas City Channel, and Houston Ship Channel. (See Port Series No. 6, pt. I, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: The Government hopper dredge Manhattan removed 533,018 cubic yards of material from the inner and outer bars during the periods from July 1 to 6, 1947 and August 21 to October 5, 1947 at a cost of $73,365.69. The Government hopper dredge Biddle removed 438,575 cubic yards of material from the inner and outer bars dur- ing the period from February 10 to 16 April 1948 at a cost of $153,394.30. There were additional costs of $27,374.09 for periodic surveys, inspections, preparation of plans and specifications, and experi- mental work with radar surveys. A pro rata distribution of debit plant rental balance for the Government pipe-line dredge Omega amounted to $3,675.00. The total cost of all work for the fiscal year was $257,809.08. The total expenditures were $257,004.46. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project is 93 per- cent complete. The jetties were completed in 1910. The 35-foot channel was completed in 1922. The 36-foot outer bar channel was completed in 1938. The groins along the gulf side of the Galveston sea wall were completed in 1939. Work remaining consists of deepening the inner and outer bar channels to 36 and 38 feet, re- spectively. The controlling depths below mean low tide were 33 feet in the inner bar channel and 33 feet in the outer bar channel. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $7,- 706,817.93, of which $2,867,886.03 was for new work, and $4,- 838,931.90 was for maintenance, including $13,121.45 from Public Works funds. The total expenditures were $7,706,923.91, including $13,121.45 from Public Works funds. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $21,925.51 plus accounts receivable of RIVERS AND IIARBORS--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1219 $105.98 together with an allotment of $470,000 made in July 1948, a total of $492,031.49 will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Dredge inner and outer bar channels with Government hopper dredge (August 1948 to December 1948)_ . $474,000.00 Erection of 8 new dredging ranges by contract (August to November 1948)---------------- 18,031.49 Total----------------------------------------- 492,031.49 The additional sum of $1,129,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Deepen inner and outer bar channels with Government hopper dredge (July, August 1949 and February, March 1950). $204,000.00 Maintenance: Dredge inner and outer bar channels with Gov- ernment hopper dredge (July, August, 1949 and February, March 1950) -- ------------ 425,000.00 Repairs to north and south jetties, by contract (October 1949 to March 1950)--------- 500,000.00 Total for maintenance------------------------------ 925,000.00 Total for all work------------------------------- 1,129,000.00 Maintenance funds for fiscal year 1950 exceed the average for the last five years as a result of increased construction costs and the necessity for making deferred jetty repairs. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---.---------------------- $11,289,882.60 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ 4,925,058.62 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 - 16,214,941.22 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-. 105.98 '---------- __ Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 -------- --------- 1.6,215,047.20 Net total expenditures--------------------------------- 16,215,047.20 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------- ------- ----- 21,925.51 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 16,236,972.71 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Oost of new work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oost of maintenance-- .----- - $132,868.09 $118, 533.69 $144, 634.92 572.90 $257,809.08 $275, ------ $132 Cf e 868.9----- Total expended.........-- 135, 224. 54 .....-----.. 118, 445. 19 145, 352.79 275, 755. 94 257, 004. 46 Allotted..................--------.......------------- 228, 000. 00 186, 000. 00 154, 000.00 250,000. 00 1220 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------_ -------- _ 28,929.9 Amount allotted during fiscal year-----------_ 250,000 00 Amount to be accounted for _________________________ 278,929.97 Gross amount expended----_________________________ _ 257 ,004.46 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948___________________ 21 925.51 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 _'105.98 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 ----------- 22 031.49 Amount allotted in July 1948 470,00000 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 492, 031.49 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion 00 of existing project .204,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work--------------------------------------- 204,000.00 For maintenance_ ------------------------------------- 925,000.00 Total------------------------------------------ 1,129,000.00 5. GALVESTON CHANNEL, TEX. Location.-This channel extends from a point in Galveston Harbor between Bolivar Peninsula and Fort Point across the former inner bar to and along the wharf front of Galveston, and has a length of about 5 miles and a width of 1,200 feet. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 520.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 36 feet deep at mean low tide and 1,200 feet wide from Bolivar Roads (outer end of the old inner bar near Fort Point) to Forty-third Street, thence to Fifty-first Street with a width of 1,200 feet and 32 feet deep, in the city of Galveston, and for its extension, when the interests of navigation and commerce require it, with a width of 1,000 feet and depth of 32 feet at mean low tide, to Fifty-seventh Street in the city of Galveston, and for an extension of the sea wall, which lies along the Gulf front of Galveston, from its angle at Sixth Street and Broadway to the south jetty, with protection at its junction with the south jetty, this extension of the sea wall being for the purpose of protecting the outer end of the channel from the effects of hurri- canes. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 1.3 feet and the extreme range about 2 feet. The height of tide is dependent largely on the wind, and during strong north winds in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimated Federal cost of new work, revised in 1948, is $4,- 935,700; the estimated cost to local interests is $710,300; the total estimated cost is $5,646,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance of the channel is $270,000. ILZVERS AND) IIARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1221 The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized D1ocuments June 13, 1902 A channel 1,200 feet wide and 30 feet deep from outer I. Doe. 264, 56th Cong., 2d sess. Mar. end of the inner bar to 51st St. 3,1905 ar. Purchase or construction of a hydraulic pipe-line Manr, dredgo. Mar. 2,1907 Extension of thoe channel from 51st to 56th St., with H. I)oc. 768, 59th Cong., 2d sess. ue25, 11 ldepthlof 30 feet and widlth of 700 feet. Je 25, 1910Conditional extension of the channel with a width of H. I)oc. 328, 61st Cong., 2d sess. 1,000 feet and depth of 30 feet between 51st and 57th Sts. uly 27, 1916 Extension of the sea wall from angle at 6th St. and iH. Doc. 1390, 62d Cong., 3d sess. Biroadway to a point-abreast of the nearest battery iit. Sept.2, 2 , 1922 at For)t Sanl Jacinto. Further extension of the sea wall to junction with II. 693, 66th Cong., 2d sess. )Doc. south jetty and protection of this junction and for repairing the sea wall in front of the Fort Crockett Ua.21, 1927 vathe channel to 32 feet ----------------- )eepening . I)oc. 307, 69th Cong., 1st sess. Aug. 30, 1935 Deepening the chanrunel to 34 feet from Bolivar Rd. to Rivers and Harbors Committee 43d St. Doc. 61, 74th Cong., 1st sess. Jne 30, 1948 Deepeningthe channel to 36 feet from Bolivar Roads I. Doc. 561 80th Cong., 2d sess. to 43d St. provided that no dredging be done by the (Contains latest published map.) United States within 50 feet of any existing pier- head, pierhead line, wharf, or structure. Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with except for the furnish- ing by local interests of assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will hold and save the United States free from claims for damages due to the construction and maintenance of the Project as modified by the River and Harbor Act of June 30, 1948. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities at Galveston are lo- cated almost entirely on the south side of the channel. The principal Wharves are owned by the city of Galveston and extend from Tenth Street to Forty-first Street. The terminal facilities at Galveston are considered adequate for existing commerce. .(For further de- tails see Port Series No. 6, pt. I, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: Peri- odic surveys and inspections, upkeep of reference lines, beacons, and survey markers, and preparation of plans and specifications Were done at a cost of $7,964.58. A pro rata distribution of debit Plant rental balance for the Government pipe-line dredge Omega amounted to $3,859.29. The total cost of all work for the year was $11,823.87. The total expenditures were $10,684.78. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The channel dredging was about 63 percent complete and the entire project was about 83 percent complete. The sea-wall extension, with fill and paving, was com- pleted in 1926. The channel was completed to a depth of 34 feet from the outer end of the old inner bar at Fort Point light to Forty- third Street in the fiscal year 1938. The work remaining consists of dredging the channel to a depth of 36 feet from Bolivar Roads to Forty-third Street and to a depth of 32 feet from Forty-third street to Fifty-seventh Street with 1,200-foot bottom width from Forty- third Street to Fifty-first Street and 1,000-foot bottom width from Fifty-first Street to Fifty-seventh Street, the work on the latter sec- tion being contingent on the development of the water-front facili- ties on the Chicago, Rock Island, and Gulf Railway and adjacent properties. 1222 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The controlling depth in the channel was 27 feet at mean low tide over a least bottom width of 1,125 feet. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was as follows: New work Maintenance Total United States funds: 84 Channel-...---- --------------------------.. $1, 670, 874. 19 $4, 921, 493. 65 $6, 592, 367.8 ......... -- Sea wall---...,---- .______ .. __ _. 2, 289, 213. 54 149, 461.71, 67525 Total United States funds -----------------. 3, 960, 087.73 5, 070, 955. 36 9 031, 043. 7 Contributed funds.........----------------------------- -274-- 710, 274.77 710, - Total...--..---.....--............ ----------- 4, 670, 362.50 5, 070, 955. 36 9, 741,317.86 The total expenditures were $9,741,493.43, including $710,274.77 contributed funds for sea wall construction. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $10,376.85 plus accounts receivable of $175.57 together with an allotment of $520,000 made in July 1948, a total of $530,552.42, will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Dredge channel by contract (September 1948 to January 1949)_ $500,000.00 Maintenance of sea wall extension slope and pavement (July 1948 to June 1949) ---------------------------------- 20,552.42 Reestablish reference lines and survey markers (July 1948 to June 1949)--------- -------------------------------- 10,000.00 Total.----------------------- -- ----------------- 30,552.42 The additional sum of $260,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredge channel, by contract (October 1949 to March 1950)....-- $250,000 Maintenance of sea wall extension slope and pavement (July 1948 to June 1949)- ------------------------------------ 10,000 Total for all work---- ------- -- ------------ __._ 260,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-_---------------- .- ' $3,960,087.73 Cost of maintenance'to June 30, 1948.----------------------- 5,070,955.36 _-_- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948..... 9,031,043.09 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 175.57 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948_-----.-.----------------- 9,031,218.66 Net total expenditures ------------------ . -------------- 19,031,218.66 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.---------------10,376.85 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------.-. ' 9,041,595.51 In addition, $710,274.77 was expended from contributed funds for new work. RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1223 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of nlew work ....... 316.-40 -- 823----87 kna . - .........-- Cost of n o raint Haintean----------- - $4, "---- 808.03- "------2582779 $258 , 217.79 $, $9, 173.0 ..1 1 - ------------------- $418, 316.40 $182.87 Total expended................. 150, 312. 67 258, 217.79 9, 56. 24 419, 247. 83 10, 684. 78 Allotted - ..................... 278, 500.00 --- ----- - 301,000.00 115,000.00 -5, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--.------------------------- $26,061.63 Amount allotted during fiscal year.-------------------------- 15,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------------- 41,061.63 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment. ----------- 20,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for......------------------ 21,061.63 10,684.78 amount expended_...... Gross amount Gross expended--------------------------------- 10,684.78 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 10,376.85 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------- 175.57 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948..------ 10,552.42 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 520,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 530,552.42 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------- ----------------------------- 975,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance-... -------------------------- 260,000.00 6. TEXAS CITY CHANNEL, TEX. Location.-Texas City is on the mainland of Texas on the west side of Galveston Bay, about 10 miles northwest of the city of Gal- veston. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 520 and 1282.) Previous projects.-Adopted by River and Harbor Act approved March 3, 1899, and enlarged by River and Harbor Act approved June 25, 1910 (H. Doc. 328, 61st Cong., 2d sess.). For further details see page 1856, Annual Report for 1915, and page 858, An- nual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 36 feet deep at mfean low tide and 400 feet wide on bottom from deep water in Galveston Harbor to the harbor at Texas City, a distance of about 6z/ miles, with a pile dike on its north side 28,200 feet long covered with clay and other material dredged from the channel, with a harbor 1,000 feet wide on bottom and 36 feet deep at mean low tide extending approximately 4,250 feet to the southward of the south property line of the Monsanto Chemical Co., and for the construc- tion of a rubble-mound dike a short distance south of the existing pile dike and extending between stations -1+600 (the shore) and 26+000, a distance of 27,600 feet. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 1.3 feet and the extreme range is about 2 feet. The height of tide is dependent largely on the wind, and dur- 1224 REPORT OF ENGINEERS, OF CHIEF1 U. S. ARMY, 1948 ing strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1948, is $3,155,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects but inclusive of $28,740.68 contributed by local interests. The latest (1948) aP- proved estimate of cost of annual maintenance of the channel and dike is $211,500. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 4, 1913 A channel 300 feet wide and 30 feet deep and construe- I. IDoc. 1390, 62(1 Cong., 3d sess. tion of a pile dike 28,200 feet long north of channel. July 3, 1930 For a harbor 800 feet wide and 30 feet deep at Texas II.DI)oc. 107, 71st Cong., 1st sess. City, and the construction of a rubble-mnound d(like. Aug. 30, 19351 Rivers and Harbors Extension of rubble-mound dike to the shore line..... Committee i)oc.46,73d Cong., s2d sess. Do-..... Deepening the channel and harbor to 34 feet---------........ ivers and arbos Committe Aug. 26, 1937 An extension to the harbor, 1,000feetsouthward,8(00 ivers andl IarborsCoT,1 ittee feet wide and 34 feet deep, provided that no dredg- I)oc.47, 75th Cong., 1stsess. ing be done by the United States within 75 feet of any pierhead line or structure. s. June 30, 1948 Deepen channel and harbor to 36 feet, widening chan- Ii. Doc. 561, 80th Cong., 2d ses nel to 400 feet and harbor to 1,000 feet and changing name of project to "Texas City Channel, Tex.," provided no dredging be done by the United States within 50 feet of any existing pierhead, pierhead line, wharf, or structure. 1 Previously authorized Sept. 6, 1933, by Public Works Administration. 2 Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Underthe provisions of the River and Har- bor Acts of August 26, 1937, and June 30, 1948, local interests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States necessary rights-of-way and suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and for subsequent maintenance as required and release the United States from claims for damages attributable to the work of improve- ment and furnish assurance satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will construct a common-carrier oil terminal sub- stantially as proposed. None of these conditions have been complied with. All prior requirements have been fully complied with. Terminal facilities.-Modern terminal facilities, privately owned, are located on the mainland at the inner end of this channel and are considered adequate for existing commerce. (See Port Series No. 6, pt. 3, revised 1935, Corps of Engineers.) A seatrain terminal, privately owned was completed in 1940. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: From August 23 to October 5, 1947, a total of 2,925,207 cubic yards of material was removed from 32,061 linear feet of channel by con- tract at a cost of $182,776.40. From October 13 to 28, 1947, a total of 422,491 cubic yards of material was removed from the turning basin by contract at a cost of $89,838.40. Miscellaneous surveys and inspections, and repair of reference lines and survey markers were done at a cost of $6,953.12. The total cost of all work for the fiscal year was $279,567.92. The total expenditures were $277,- 147.88. RIVERS AND IIARIORS---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1225 Conditionat end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 73 per- 1ing cent complete. The work remaining consists of extending the turn- basin 1,000 feet southward and enlarging the project, including the turning basin extension, to a.depth of 36 feet over a bottom width of 400 feet in the channel and 1,000 feet in the turning basin. The channeland the harbor turning basin, except the authorized extension referred to above, were completed in 1936 to a depth of 34 feet over bottom widths of 300 feet and 800 feet, respectively. The pile dike was completed in 1915 ; the rubble-mound dike in 1934. The controlling depth in the channel was 33 feet, and in the com- Dleted portion of the harbor turning basin was 35 feet at mean low tide. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was as follows: New work Maintenance Total Regular funds-. . ------------------- $2, 151, 680. 52 $3, 927, 769. 22 $6, 079,449. 74 Public Works funds...---------------------------- 136, 295.78 ...- ----------- 136, 295.78 Total United States funds.....------------- 2, 287, 976. 30 3, 927, 769.22 6, 215, 745. 52 Contributedfunds-...........------------------- 28, 740.68 ----------------- 28, 740. 68 2, 316, 716.98 Total all funds....................--------------- 3, 927, 769.22 6, 244, 486.20 The total expenditures were $6,243,812.50, consisting of $6,078,- 776.04 regular funds, $136,295.78 Public Works funds, and $28,- 740.68 contributed funds for new work. Proposedoperations.-The balance unexpended*at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $7,936.64 plus an allotment of $6,000 made inJuly 1948, a total of $13,936.64, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948.-------------------------------_____$673.70 Maintenance: Reestablishment and upkeep of reference line----- 13,262.94 Total _ _1_ _- --------------------- -------------- 13,936.64 The additional sum of $550,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredge shoal areas of channel, by contract (January to June 1950). $300,000 Make repairs to rubble-mound dike, by contract (January to -.....,-_ June 1950)-----------------------------------------------250,000 Total for all work ---------------------------------- 550,000 Maintenance funds for fiscal year 1950 exceed the average for the last 5 years as a result of increased construction costs, previously deferred dredging, and the necessity for making repairs to the rubble-mound dike. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ..........--------- ... 1 $2,654,798.78 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------- --- ------- ,_ 4,122,852.43 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_.., ..- 1 6,777,651.21 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 -----------. _....... - 673.70 Net total expenditures---- .. ------ ..------------- 6,776,977.51 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948,------- ------------ -- -7,936.64 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. ...-.-------- 6,784,914.15 I In addition, $28,740.68 was expended from contributed funds for new work. 1226 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30-- I, , ? 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 - - - I. 'Ir - - - . -- Cost of new work -------...................... . . . $279,----2 Cost of maintenance...... --..... $58, 178. 75 $126,230.30 $6,532.00 $11, 839. 12 279,5 Total expended. ...............- 14, 463. 36 169, 945. 69 6,058.49 14, 058. 97 277,14 17.88 Allotted......................... 100, 000. 00 127, 200. 00 95, 000.00 -I---ZSS0 2, 216. 41 65, UV .00 - i i DO uuvo Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ $220,084.52 Amount allotted during fiscal year..-_ 75,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-------------------------_ 295,084.52 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment -- -10,000.00 ,Net amount to be accounted for ----------------------- 285,084.52 Gross amount expended..----------------------------------- 277,147.88 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__--__ _____________ 7,936.64 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 673.70 Balance available, June 30, 1948_ -_______-____-__ 7,262.94 Amount allotted in July 1948_- ______ - --- -- ______________ __ 6,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 _ 13,262.94 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------- 838,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance 550,000.00 7. CHANNEL TO PORT BOLIVAR, TEX. Location.-PortBolivar is at the end of Bolivar Peninsula and 4 miles north of the city of Galveston. The channel connects the port with the channel in Galveston Harbor. (See U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Chart No. 520.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1907. For further details see page 1856, Annual Report for 1915, and page 860, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 30 feet deep at mean low tide and 200 feet wide on bottom, beginning at deep water in Galveston Harbor and extending to a turning basin 1,600 feet long, with an average width of about 750 feet and 30 feet deep at mean low tide in front of the wharves. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 1.3 feet and the extreme range about 2 feet. The height of tides is dependent largely on the wind, and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1946, is $150,000, exclusive of amount expended on previous projects. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance of the channel and turning basin is $20,000, which provides for a depth of 20 feet in the channel and 20 feet in the turning basin, 500 feet RIVERS AND HARBORS---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1227 square and an area 150 feet wide and 700 feet long in front of the highway ferry landing, these dimensions being sufficient to accom- modate existing commerce. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents iune 25, 1910 Excavation of a channel 30 feet deep and 200 feet wide, H. Doc. 328, 61st Cong., 2d sess. 2, 119 war. turning basin 1,000 feet square. with 1919 Increase length of turning basin to 1,600 feet and de- H. Doe. 1122, 65th Cong., 2d sess. crease width to about 750 feet. (Contains the latest published map.) Recommended modifications of project.-Underdate of June 24, 1926, the Chief of Engineers recommended that the project be cur- tailed by providing for a channel depth of 20 feet, 200 feet wide, with a turning basin of the same depth 500 feet square (H. Doc. 467, 69th Cong., 1st sess.). Terminal facilities.---The terminals consist of two privately Owned piers, one 400 feet wide by 1,200 feet long, and the other 210 feet wide by 1,200 feet long, and a highway ferry landing owned by the State of Texas at the south end of the turning basin. The facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance:From October 29 to November 4, 1947, a total of 26,516 cubic yards of 'material was removed from 600 linear feet of channel at a cost of $3,760.91. A pro-rata distribution of debit plant rental balance of the Government pipe-line dredge Omega amounted to $63.86. Peri- odic surveys and inspections were made at a cost of $786.89. The total costs and expenditures for the fiscal year were $4,611.66. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was 57 per- cent complete. The channel, 200 feet wide, and turning basin 1,000 feet square, were completed in 1912. The work remaining consists of enlarging the turning basin to project dimensions. Project di- rmensions have not been maintained in the completed part since lesser dimensions are adequate for existing commerce. The controlling depths at mean low tide were 20 feet in the chan- nel, 7.5 feet in the turning basin at entrance to slip No. 3, and 12 feet in the channel to the new ferry landing. The total cost and expenditures for the project to June 30, 1948, were $655,227.76, of which $85,213.85 was for new work and $570,- 013.91 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $888.34 plus an allotment of $15,000 made in July 1948, a total of $15,888.34, will be applied to maintenance dredging of a portion of the turning basin by contract (August 1948). The additional sum of $20,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging in the portion of the turning basin in front of the highway ferry landing by contract (August 1949). Maintenance funds for the fiscal year 1950 exceed the average for the past five years as a result of increased construction costs. 1228 REPOIRT OF CHIEF OF ENG[NEERS, U. S. ARM Y, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_______________________ $133,924.60 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948______ 616,114.66 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 750,039.26 Net total expenditures___ 750,039.26 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 888.34 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -------------- 750,927.60 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 19,7 1948 Cost of new work.------------------------..------ 6 -$805. Cost of maintenance-........... 97 $11, 267. 35 $7, 475. 37 $4, 611.6 Total expended------------................. 832.44 11, 267. 35 7, 475.37 .............. == 4,611 66 -=~ rS- :......................-----....--------------. Allotted------------------------- 7,000.00 -$9,639.38 5,000. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-___-__- ______ _____________ $500.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year_______________________-___ 17,500.00 Amount to be accounted for _______________ 18,000.00 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment --------------- 12, 500.00 Net amount to be accounted for------------ 5 500.00 Gross amount expended___ • 4,611.66 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_________---- __--- _ 888.34 Amount allotted in July 1948- ---------------------------- 15,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 15,888.34 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion' of existing project----------- ----------------------------- 64,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance-------------------------- ------ 20,000.00 8. HOUSTON SHIP CHANNEL, TEX. Location.-The channel connects Galveston Harbor, at a point opposite Port Bolivar, with the city of Houston, Tex., extending 50 miles in a northwesterly direction across Galveston Bay through the San Jacinto River and Buffalo Bayou to a turning basin at the head of Long Reach with a light-draft channel 7 miles long and from the turning basin to Main Street, Houston. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 1282 and 532.) Previous projects.-Authorized by River and Harbor Act of June 10, 1872, modified in 1877, andby River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1879; March 3, 1899; February 20, 1900; March 3, 1905; and March 4, 1913. For further details see page 1856 of the Annual Report for 1915 and page 862 of the Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 36 feet deep at mean low tide from deep water in Galveston Bay to and including the Houston turning basin, with a width of 400 feet from Bolivar Roads to 5,000 feet above Baytown, thence 350 feet to the mouth of RIVERS AND HARBORS--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1229 Boggy Bayou, thence 300 feet to the Houston turning basin (about 1,000 feet wide) ; for turning points at the mouth of Hunting Bayou and at the lower end of Brady Island; for such off-channel silting basins on any part of the waterway as the Chief of Engineers may consider advisable; and for suitable widening of the bends at Lynch- burg, Norsworthy, Manchester, and Harrisburg. The project also rovides for suitable widening of the channel in front of the naviga- tion district's wharf at Manchester; for certain cut-offs and easing of sharp bends; for construction of a dike 26,000 feet long to protect the channel in upper Galveston Bay; for a light-draft extension of the channel 10 feet deep at mean low tide and 60 feet wide, with- out easing the bends, through Buffalo Bayou from the turning basin to the mouth of White Oak Bayou in Houston, Tex. ; and for a branch channel 10 feet deep at mean low tide and 60 feet wide in the old channel of Buffalo Bayou behind Brady Island. The mean tidal range under ordinary conditions is about 1.3 feet in the lower part of Galveston Bay, 0.6 foot in the upper bay, and less than 0.5 foot in the San Jacinto River and Buffalo Bayou. The extreme ranges under ordinary conditions are about 2 feet, 1.2 feet, and 1 foot, respectively. Freshets sometimes cause rises of over 12 feet in Buffalo Bayou. The height of the tides, however, is depend- ent largely on the wind, and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimate of cost for new work revised in 1948 is $18,919,000 exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, and exclusive of $1,365,000 contributed by local interests. The latest (1948) ap- Proved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $918,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized 1)ocumnenta Mar. 5, 1905 Easing or cutting off of sharp bends and construction Rivers and Harbors Committee of a pile d(like. 1)oc. 35, Gi61stCong., 2d sess. Mar. 2, 1919 A channel 30 feet deep, widening bend at Manchester, II. )oc. 1632, 65th Cong., 3d sess. and enlarging the turning basin. Mar. 3, 1925 A light-draft extension of the channel to the mouth of H. Doc. 93, 67th Cong., 1st sess. White Oak Bayou. July 3, 1930 Widening the channel through Morgan Point and to 11. D)oc. 13, 71st Cong., 1st sess. a point 4,000 feet above 3Baytown and widening certain bends. Aug. 30, 1935 I I)cepening to 32 feet in the main channel and turning Rivers and Harbors Committee basin, and for a 400-foot width through Galveston l)oc. 28, 72(1 Cong., 1st sess. Bay. 1)o------l)eepening to 34 feet in main channel and widening Rivers and Harbors Committee from Morgan Point to turning basin. l)oc. 58, 74th Cong., 1st sess. Mar. 2, 1945 Branch channel 2 10 feet deep and 60 feet wide behind I. 1)oc. 226, 76th Cong., 1st sess. Brady Island. I)o....... Widening the channel from Morgan Point to lower H. Doe. 256, 76th Cong., 1st sess. end of Fidelity Island with turning points at the mouth of HIunting Bayou and lower end of Brady Island.3 Do .......Widening the channel from lower end of Fidelity II. Doc. 737, 79th Cong., 2d sess. Island to Il ouston turning basin, and dredging oilf- channel silting basins. June 30, 1948 Deepening to 36 feet from Bolivar Roads to and in- I. D)oe. 561, 80th Cong., 2d sess. cluding main turning basin at Houston, Tex., (Contains latest published map.) including turning 3 points at hunting Bayou and Brady Island. 1Previously authorized Sept. 6, 1933, by Public Works Administration. 2 No dredging within 15 feet of any wharf or structure. 8 No dredging within 50 feet of any wharf or structure, 804711-48---vol. 1- 78 1230 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Local cooperation.-Fullycomplied with except for the work au- thorized by the River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1945, and June 30, 1948, which is subject to the provisions that local interests shall furnish, free of cost to the United States, necessary rights-of-waY for the widening and deepening of the channel and suitable areas for the disposal of dredged material during initial construction and for future maintenance as and when needed, and release the United States from all claims for damages due to the construction and maintenance of the project. Cooperation required by the above acts has not been complied with, but no excessive delay in compliance iS anticipated. Terminal facilities.-The city of Houston and the Harris County Houston Ship Channel navigation district have constructed modern terminals which supplement privately owned wharves. The exist- ing facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. (See Port Series No. 6, pt. 2, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: From July 16 to October 31, 1947, a total of 8,745,460 cubic yards of ma- terial was removed by contract from 73,500 linear feet of channel between Morgan Point and Red Fish Reef at a cost of $605,508.46. From November 4, 1947, to January 12, 1948, a total of 4,422,894 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from 50,900 linear feet of channel between Tucker and Greens Bayous and belov Red Fish Reef at a cost of $441,255.46. From January 12 to March 23, 1948, a total of 1,912,955 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from 20,348 linear feet of channel between Clinton and the turning basin at a cost of $573,028.82, and a new discharge line was placed by contract in the concrete tunnel at the turning basin at a cost of $18,261.18. From May 22 to June 30, 1948, a total of 1,094,371 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from 7,450 linear feet of channel between Morgan Point and Baytown at a cost of $155,440.18. There were additional costs as follows: $900.06 for periodic surveys and investigations and for surveys to reestablish reference lines; $682.64 for repairs to levee around dumping grounds; $645.90 for surveys to dredge in vicinity of Turkey Bend; and $8;757.01 pro-rata distribution of debit plant rental balance of the Government pipe-line dredge Omega. The total cost of all work for the fiscal year was $1,804,479.71. The total expenditures were $1,690,428.91. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 56 per- cent complete. The channel from Bolivar Roads to and including the Houston turning basin has been dredged to a 34-foot depth over bottom widths varying from 200 feet to 400 feet (1,000 feet in the turning basin) A side or tributary channel 10 to 12 feet deep and 3,700 feet long has been dredged from the ship channel to the mouth of Goose Creek. Work remaining consists of dredging light draft extension of channel from the turning basin to the mouth of White Oak Bayou; constructing a dike 26,000 feet long to protect the completed chan- nel in upper Galveston Bay; dredging a light draft channel behind Brady Island; and widening and deepening the channel from the RIVERS AND HARBORS--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1231 lower end of Morgan Point to the turning basin, including turning Points at Hunting Bayou and Brady Island. The controlling depths were as follows: Bolivar Roads to Morgan Point. 33 feet; Morgan Point to Baytown, 31 feet; Baytown to Boggy Bayou, 27 feet; Boggy Bayou to Manchester, 29 feet; Man- chester to the turning basin, 36 feet; in the turning basin, 36 feet; light draft channel from turning basin to mouth of White Oak Bayou, 6 feet; and channel behind Brady Island, 4 feet. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was as follows: New work Maintenance Total egular funds .................... $7,345,603. 01 $12,738, 225. 88 083,828.89 $20, ---------------- ubli Works funds.......- 2, 612, 931.98 ------------------ .. 2, 612, 931.98 Total United States funds....------------- 9, 958, 534.99 12, 738, 225. 88 22, 696, 760. 87 Oontributed funds- ............. _--------.--- 1, 365, 000. 00 ........-------------- 1, 365, 000. 00 Total all funds-----------......................---------... 11,323, 534.99 J 12, 738, 225. 88 24, 061, 760. 87 The total expenditures were $23,953,649.64, consisting of $19,- 975,717.66 regular funds, $2,612,931.98 Public Works funds, and $1,365,000.00 contributed funds for new work. Proposedoperations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $307,889.20 plus an allotment of $1,100,000 llade in July 1948 a total of $1,407,889.20, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948-...----------------------------- $108,111.23 New work: Widen between Morgan Point and near Baytown, by contract (September 1948 to Feb- ruary 1949)_-_ ---- ----------------------------- 500,000.00 Maintenance: Complete an existing contract for dredging from Morgan Point to Baytown (July to September 1948)__-------------------- $137,777.97 Dredge shoal area between Baytown and Tucker Bayou, by contract (September to December 1948)-__---- ----------- --- 270,000.00 Dredge shoal area between Greens Bayou and Clinton, Tex., by contract (January to April 1949) __ - - - -- 300,000.00 Dredge shoal area between Morgan Point and Baytown, by contract (September 1948 to February 1949)-- - ------------------- 46,000.00 Dredge shoal area in light draft extension of channel at Turkey Bend (September and October 1948) -- 30,000.00 Repair levees around spoil disposal areas and rebuild waste weirs where necessary by Gov- ernment plant and hired labor as needed dur- ing fiscal year. _ _____--10,000.00 Reconstruct reference line for proposed widened channel and establish tide gages between Morgan Point and turning basin with Govern- ment plant and hired labor (July 1948 to ----------------------------- June 1949)... 6,000.00 Total for maintenance ----------------- - -- 799,777.97 Total for all work---------------------_______________ 1,407,889.20 1232 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $2,050,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Widen and deepen channel from Morgan Point to Bay- town and deepen a part of the Galveston Bay reach thence adjacent to and south of Morgan Point, by contract (August 1949 to May 1950) ----------------------------------------------- $1,200,000 Maintenance: Dredge shoaled sections of channel, by contract (July 1949 to June 1950) ----------------- $835,000 Repair levees around spoil disposal areas and rebuild waste weirs where necessary, by Gov- ernment plant and hired labor (July 1949 to June 1950) ------ ----------------------- 15,000 Total for maintenance ________________________________ _ 850,000 Total for all work ---------------------------------- 2,050,000 Maintenance funds for the fiscal year 1950 exceed the average for the last five years as a result of increased construction costs and prior curtailed maintenance operations. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__________________________ $14,063,691.86 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _______________________ 13,951,368.28 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 128,015,060.14 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 : 108,111.23 Net total expenditures-------------------- 127,906,948.91 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_______________________ 307,889.20 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-------- _ 128,214,838.11 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work . .....--.......--- ..--------- $5,174.21 $14, 277. 86 $6, 547. 93 ---- Cost of maintenance-----------............ $327, 069.96 332, 992.72 954, 210. 14 33, 963.33 $1, 804, 4 79.7 327, 069. 96 338, 166. 93 Total cost...............-------------.. 968, 488. 00 40, 511. 26 1, 804, 479.71 Total expended..--....-----------........... 269, 980. 83 397, 392. 65 951, 088. 14 62, 718. 64 1, 690, 428.91 -25, 000. 00 Allotted......................... 825, 000. 00 260, 500. 00 530, 046. 82 1, 440,000.00 1In addition, expenditures from contributed funds were $1,209,178.78 for new work and $200,000 for maintenance on pirevious projects and $1,365,000 fornew work on existing project. RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1233 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ---------------------- .. $558,318.11 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------- ---- 1,440,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ------------------------- 1,998,318.11 Gross amount expended--------------------------------- 1,690,428.91 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 307,889.20 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---- ----- $108,111.23 Amouht covered by uncompleted contracts----- 130,141.16 238,252.39 Balance available, June 30, 1948---------------------- 69,636.81 Amount allotted in July 1948.---------------------------- 1100,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949.... -- 1,169,636.81 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project..........--------------------------------------8,460,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work_------------------------------------- 1,200,000.00 For maintenance--------------------------------- 850,000.00 Total--------- --------------------------------- 2,050,000.00 9. DOUBLE BAYOU, TEX. Location.-This bayou enters upper Galveston Bay on the east Side about 30 miles north of Galveston and about 8/4 miles south of Anahuac. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1282.) Existing project.-The existing project provides for a channel 6 feet deep at mean low tide and 100 feet wide through the bar at the mouth of Double Bayou. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 0.6 foot and the extreme range is about 1.2 feet. The height of tides is dependent largely on the wind, and, during strong "northers" in the winter season, the water surface may be depressed 1/' feet below mean low tide. The latest (1928) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $10,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 3, 1899 (H. Doc. 387, 55th Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published map is contained in the project document. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities on this waterway are confined to small wharves for local use and an oil dock. They are considered adequate for the present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: Peri- odic surveys were made at a cost of $28.70. A pro-rata distribution of debit plant rental account for the Government pipe-line dredge Omega amounted to $139.48. Total cost and expenditures for the fiscal year were $168.18. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1941. The controlling depth was 6 feet at mean low tide. The total cost and expenditures under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $168,304.76, of which $10,309.75 was for new work and $157,995.01 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the 1234 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 fiscal year, $928.30, will be applied to reestablishment and upkeeP of the reference line. The additional sum of $1,500 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance of the reference line. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --------- - __ -- $10,309.75 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-__- -- ___ ____________ 157,995.01 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------------168,304.76 Net total expenditures---------____ __ -------------- 168,304.76 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 __________________________- 928.30 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------- __ 169,233.06 Fiscal year ending June 30- .. _"-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.,, --- - ------- $i6.-- Cost of maintenance----------------........ $23, 933.03 $15, 343.48 $303.52 . { _ . Total expended ................. .............. 23, 933. 03 15, 343.48 303. 52 168.18 3 nr. -,,- Allotted ......................... $25,000.00j 15, 000. 00 16,000.00 -15,823.49 500.0U _________ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947._-___---__--- ------- $596.48 Amount allotted during fiscal year_....----------------- -- 20,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ---------------------------- 20,596.48 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment.-----------------19,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for-- -.--------- ---- __. 1,096.48 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------- 168.18 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------------ 928.30 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance------------------------------------1,500.00 10. ANAHUAC CHANNEL, TEX. Location.-The town of Anahuac is on the northeast side of upper Galveston or Trinity Bay, opposite the mouth of the Trinity River, 38 miles north of Galveston and 25 miles northeast of Sea- brook. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1282.) Existing project.-There is no definite project for this channel. The River and Harbor Act approved March 3, 1905, contained an item for "Improving West Galveston Bay Channel, Double Bayou, and mouths of adjacent streams, including Trinity River, Anahuac Channel, and Cedar Bayou," but at the time of the appropriation no recommendation of definite channel dimensions had been made to Congress. A channel 6 feet deep at mean low tide and 80 feet wide was dredged in 1905 from Galveston Bay to the wharves at Anahuac, a distance of 16,000 feet. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 0.6 foot and the extreme range is about RIVERS AND IIARtBORS---GALVESTON, T EX., DISTRICT 1235 1.2 feet. The height of tide is dependent largely on the wind, and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed li feet below mean low tide. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $35,000. The latest published map is contained in House Document 440, Fifty-sixth Congress, first session. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities are at Anahuac and consist of several small privately owned wharves and slips for local Use. They are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: From April 26 to May 24, 1948, a total of 141,414 cubic yards of material Was dredged from 8,769 linear feet of channel, by contract, at a cost of $25,918.16. Periodic surveys and inspections were made at a cost of $89.38. The total cost of all work for the fiscal year was $26,007.54. The total expenditures were $26,002.14. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1911. The controlling depth was 6 feet at mean low tide. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $467,- 808.43, of which $5,975.10 was for new work and $461,833.33 was for maintenance. The total expenditures were $467,808.43. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $28.83 plus an allotment of $40,000 for the fiscal year 1949, a total of $40,028.83, will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Prorata distribution of debit plant rental account for Government pipe-line dredge Omega- -------------------------------- $373.39 Remove shoaling from the channel by contract (January and February 1949)------------------------------------ 33,655.44 Remove logs and snags from the channel by Government plant and hired labor (as needed during fiscal year)--------------- 6,000.00 Total-- ----------------------------------------- 40,028.83 The additional sum of $35,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Dredge shoaled reaches by contract (April and May 1950) ... _ $30,000.00 Remove logs and snags from the channel by Government plant and hired labor (as needed during fiscal year) -------------- 5,000.00 Total- ------------------------------------------ 35,000.00 Maintenance funds for fiscal year 1950 exceed average for last five years as result of increased construction costs and previously curtailed maintenance. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948..---------------------------$5,975.10 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------- - --------- 461,833.33 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------------- 467,808.43 Net total expenditures ----------------------------..--------... 467,808.43 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-------------------. _-.. -- 28.83 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--... ..-..- 467,837.26 1236 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work...----------------.---------------- --- ----- Cost of maintenance............ $4, 479. 89 $27, 035. 86 $36, 192. 96 $15, 450. 51 $26,007 Total expended-.,------------.. 4, 302. 57 27, 271. 06 36, 202. 60 15, 389. 61 26,002 14 Allotted--____,------------------ ........ . 38,000.00 40, 000.00 -15, 016. 54 26, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_______________________________ 30.97 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------------- 26,000.00 Amount to be accounted for___________________________ 26,030.97 Gross amount expended_______________________________ 26,002.14 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------_ 28.83 Amount allotted in July 1948 _______________________________ 40,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ------ 40,028.83 Amount that. can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ------------------------------- 35,000.00 11. TRINITY RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES, TEX. Location.- This river rises in north-central Texas and flows southeasterly about 760 miles, discharging into Galveston Bay, 37 miles northeasterly from Galveston (U. S. Geological Survey base map, Texas, scale 1:500,000). Previous projects.-The project outlined in House Document 409, Fifty-sixth Congress, first session, was adopted in part by the River and Harbor Acts of June 13, 1902, March 3, 1905, March 2, 1907, June 25, 1910, July 25, 1912, March 4, 1913 and July 27, 1916 each of which acts authorized the construction of certain-named locks and dams. The portion of the project relating to locks and dams construction was abandoned by the River and Harbor Act of September 22, 1922. For further details see page 1113 of Annual Report for 1921, and page 986 of Annual Report for 1932. Existing project.-With abandonment of the lock and dam con- struction the improvement of the Trinity River by a channel 6 feet deep and of navigable width from the mouth to Liberty (river mile 41.4) was left as the existing project, being continued as provided for in the River and Harbor Act of July 25, 1912. The existing project was modified by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, which approved a comprehensive plan of development of the Trinity River and tributaries, Texas, in accordance with the recommenda- tions set forth in House Document 403 Seventy-seventh Congress, first session, subject to such future modifications as in the discre- tion of the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of the Army may be advisable. .That comprehensive plan of development provided for a navigable channel from a point in Galveston Bay at the Houston Ship Channel to a terminus at Fort Worth, Tex. Such navigable channel was to be not less than 9 feet in depth, and to have a minimum bottom width of 200 feet in Galveston Bay and 150 feet in the river section on tangents, with shunting places and suitable IlVERlS AND HIARBR()RS-(GALVEI]STON, TEX., I)IST'IRICT 1237 Widening on curves, and with a turning basin at Liberty. The navigation locks would have clear inside dimensions of 75 feet by 400 feet. The 1945 act, however, authorized for construction at this time only that portion of the channel as far upstream as Liberty, Tex. The estimated first cost to the United States of the approved com- Prehensive plan for canalization to Fort Worth is $96,000,000 (1939 prices), with $1,760,000 annually for maintenance and operation. The River and Harbor Act of July 24, 1946, further modified the comprehensive plan for the Trinity River Basin development so as to locate the section of the navigation channel below Anahuac nearer the eastern shore of Trinity Bay, in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Document 634, Seventy-ninth Congress, second session. This modification provides for a channel not less than 9 feet in depth and a minimum bottom Width of 150 feet, and with a protective embankment along the bay side of the channel. The estimated federal cost of this portion of the comprehensive Plan below Liberty, revised in 1947, is $7,750,000, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1946) ap- Proved estimate for annual cost of maintenance and operation is $120,000. The latest published maps are contained in House Docu- ment 634, Seventy-ninth Congress. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range in the bay is about 0.6 foot and the extreme range is about 1.2 feet. The height of tide is dependent largely on the wind, and during strong northerly Winds in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 1.5 feet below mean low tide. Local cooperation.-The work recommended in House Document 403, Seventy-seventh Congress, is authorized subject to the condi- tions that local interests furnish necessary rights-of-way, suitable areas for disposal of dredged material, and make necessary changes in utilities crossing the natural river channel below Liberty; and 'ive assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they Will provide adequate terminal and transfer facilities on the water- Way, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages that may result from construction and operation of the improvements. Local interests have indicated their willingness to comply with the conditions of local cooperation for that part of the comprehensive plan contained in House Document 634, Seventy- inth Congress, second session. Terminal facilities.-The only wharves on this river are all in the first 20 miles above the mouth. They are four in number and range from 10 to 20 feet in length. All are privately owned, and usage is free at all except one. One has a hand derrick; the other three have no freight-handling facilities. They have no physical connec- tion with any railroad. They are adequate for the existing com- merce, and there is ample room for future enlargement. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of topographic surveys and hydraulic studies for preparation of detailed plans for the channel from Anahuac to Liberty. Detailed plans and specifications were cornm- 1238 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 pleted for modification of the channel from Houston ship channel to Anahuac. Total cost of the existing project was $19,493.29, all from regular funds for new work by. hired labor. Total expenditures were $19,088.64. m Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The original project was co pleted in 1925. The ruling depth at low water was 6 feet between the mouth and mile 29 and 2 feet thence to Liberty. Preliminary studies, topographic surveys, subsurface investiga- tions, and design for preparation of detailed plans were 9.6 percent complete on modification of the channel to Liberty. Preparation of detailed plans and specifications was 2.4 percent complete. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was $284,- 643.81, of which $131,749.01 was for new work and $152,894.80 was for maintenance. Total expenditures were $284,239.16. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $44,411.36 plus accounts receivable of $62.70 together with an allotment of $750,000 made in July, a total of $794,474.06 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948.___________ .________________ $467.35 New work: Engineering studies and design for preparation of detailed plans by hired labor--- $121,601.04 Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor_--__--68,405.67 Dredging from Houston ship channel to Double * Bayou by contract------------------------ . 600,000.00 Total for new work-_ 790,006.71 _--------------------------- Maintenance: Removal of logs and obstructions------ ----------- 4,000.00 . Total for all work----- ----------------------------- 794,474.06 The additional sum of $1,507,500 can be profitably expended dur- ing fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Field investigations and preparation of detailed plans and specifications, by hired labor .... $100,000 Dredging from Double Bayou to Wallisville by contract ------------------------------- 715,500 Dredging of water supply channel by contract.- 53,000 Construction of Chambers Liberty County Syphon and pumping plant by contract ..--- 302,500 Dredging river cut-off by contract------------- 329,000 Total new work------------ ------------------- ---- $1,500,000 Maintenance: Snagging near mouth of river by hired labor ._---- 7,500 Total for all work --------------- _------------------ 1,507,500 RIVERS AND HARBORS---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1239 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 - ---------- - -- - 1$2,022 154.66 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 2 696 557.11 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_-_------ 2,718,711.77 llus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948--...-------------------- 62.70 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948---------------------... 2,718,774.47 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-----------------467.35 Net total expenditures.-------------------------- 1 22,718,307.12 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------------------- 44,411.36 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948...----------.. 2 2,762,718.48 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now workc _.---------------------$19, 493.29 Cest of maintenance------- ---------------- $204. 52- Total expended...-----------............ ------------ 204.2 -- 19,088.64 Allottd............... ........... ... 0.00 -$5,757.29 $59,50........ 4,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- ------------------- --- 3 $59,500.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year------------ ------------- -- 4,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ...---------------------- 63,500.00 Gross amount expended ------------------------------- 19,088.64 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 .. ----- 44,411.36 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ------------ $467.35 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts --------- 352.00 819.35 Balance available, June 30, 1948-------------------- 43,592.01 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------------ 62.70 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948_.--------. - - 43,654.71 Amount allotted in July 1948---------------------------- 750,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... . 793,654.71 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_---------------------------------- 6,940; 500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work ----------- ---------------------------- 1,500,000.00 For maintenance....-- ------------------------- 7,500.00 Total ..L...... ------- ....---- ..-----------------. 1,507,500.00 1 In addition $66,000 was expended from contributed funds for new work. 2 Includes $252,659.92 from permanent indefinite appropriation, 1884, 1909. a Erroneously reported as allotted in August 1947 on annual report for fiscal year 1947. 12. CEDAR BAYOU, TEX. Location.-Thisbayou is about 30 miles long. It flows to the south and empties into the northwest corner of upper Galveston Bay, 1240 REPORT OF CHIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 about 1I miles below the mouth of San Jacinto River and about 28/ miles north of Galveston, Tex. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1282.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of September 19, 1890, and July 13, 1892. For further details see page 869, Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 10 feet deep at mean low tide and 100 feet wide from the Houston Ship Channel to a point on the bayou, 11 miles above the mouth. The project also includes the jetties at the mouth of the bayou provided for under the previous project. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 0.6 foot and the extreme range 1.2 feet. The height of tides is dependent largely on the wind, and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimate of cost for new work revised in 1946, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, is $63,000, of which $25,000 is to be contributed by local interests. The latest (1930) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $20,000. The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930 (S. Doc. 107, 71st Cong., 2d sess.). The latest published map is in this document. Local cooperation.-The River and Harbor Act, approved July 3, 1930, provides that local interests shall contribute 50 percent of the estimated first cost of the improvement, but not to exceed $25,000, and shall furnish, without cost to the United States, all necessary easements, rights-of-way, and dumping grounds. These conditions have not been completely met, but local interests have complied with all the necessary requirements to complete the channel to the first bend in Cedar Bayou above the mouth. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities consist of a few small wharves, privately owned, for local use located at various places along Cedar Bayou, an oil-loading wharf owned by the Atlantic Pipe Line Co. located one-half mile above the mouth of the bayou, and an oil-loading wharf owned by the Sinclair-Prairie Oil Co. located 11 miles above the mouth of the bayou. The present facilities are con- sidered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: Peri- odic surveys and inspections were made at a cost of $28.70. A pro rata distribution of debit plant rental balance of the Government pipe-line dredge Omega amounted to $253.68. The total costs and expenditures for the fiscal year were $282.38. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was about 40 percent complete. The channel has been completed to project dimensions from the Houston ship channel to the first bend in Cedar Bayou above the mouth. Two brush and stone jetties have been con- structed at the mouth of Cedar Bayou. Work remaining consists of dredging the channel to project dimensions from the first bend above the mouth to a point 11 miles above the mouth. The control- ling depths at mean low tide were 9 feet from Houston ship channel to the first bend in Cedar Bayou above the mouth and 7.5 feet thence to a point in the bayou 11 miles above the mouth. RIVERS ANDI) IIARBOR----GALVESTON, TEX., I)ISTRICT 1241 The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948 was as follows: New work Maintenance Total Regular funds . .. $12, 575.56 $211, 270. 30 $223, 845.86 Contributed funds...------------ 12, 575. 57 12, 575. 57 Total u . -----.. . ... .....-- ..- 25, 151. 713 211, 270. 30 236, 421.43 The total expenditures were $236,421.43, consisting of $223,- 845.86 from regular funds and $12,575.57 contributed funds for few work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $1,362.57 will be applied to reestablish- inent and upkeep of reference lines. The additional sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance dredging by contract (November and December 1949). Maintenance funds for the fiscal year 1950 exceed the average for the last five years as a result of increased construction costs and the fact that no dredging was scheduled for the fiscal years 1948 and 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. ------------------------- $51,662.71 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- --- 281,054.43 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 332,717.14 Net total expenditures___ ------------------------ 332,717.14 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.---------------------------- 1,362.57 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 334,079.71 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-----------------$416-----2874--------$282 Cost of mnaintelnance-- ------------------ $3- , 649 90 $441. 69 $28 763 46 $$282. 38 Total expended--------------------------- 37, 649. 90 441. 69 28, 763.46 282.38 Allotted----------------......................--------------- 22, 500.00 30,000.00 -9, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------------- $1,644.95 Gross amount expended------------------------------------- 282.38 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.---------- -----_ 1,362.57 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--.....------------------------------------- 25,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance------------------ --------------- 50,000.00 In addition, $12,575.57 was expended from contributed funds for new work. 1242 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 .13. CLEAR CREEK AND CLEAR LAKE, TEX. Location.-Clear Creek has its source about 13 miles south of Houston, Tex., and flows southeast for a distance of about 25 miles, emptying into the west side of upper Galveston Bay at a point 24 miles northwest of Galveston, Tex. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1282.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 7 feet deep at mean low tide and 75 feet wide from deep water in Galveston BaY to a new entrance to Clear Creek, and a channel 7 feet deep and 60 feet wide in Clear Creek and Clear Lake to the county highWaY bridge at League City. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 0.8 foot and the extreme range is 1.4 feet. The height of tides is dependent largely on the wind and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $76,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $10,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents June 13, 1902 A channel 4 feet deep and 50 feet wide--................ H. Doc. 449, 56th Cong., 1st sess. Aug. 30, 1935 Enlargement of the channel to depth of 6 feet and HI. Doc. 264, 73d Cong., 2d sess. width of 60 feet. Mar. 2, 1945 Realignent, enlargement, and extension of the chan- H. Doc. 319, 77th Cong., 1st sess. nel to the highway bridge near League City. (Contains latest published map.) Local cooperation.--Under the provisions of the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, local interests are required to furnish, free of cost to the United States, all necessary rights-of-way and suitable spoil-disposal areas for new work and for subsequent main- tenance when and as required, and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from construction and maintenance of the channel, none of which has been complied with. None required under prior acts. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities consist of small, pri- vately owned wharves for local use located at the town of Seabrook, at the mouth of the creek, and at various points along the length of the waterway. They are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Maintenance: Peri- odic surveys and inspections were made at a cost of $162.36. A pro rata distribution of debit plant rental balance of Government pipe- line dredge Omega amounted to $161.71. The total cost and ex- penditures for the fiscal year were $324.07. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was 28 per- cent complete. Work remaining consists of dredging the channel from deep water in Galveston Bay to a new entrance to Clear Creek and deepening the channel in Clear Creek and Clear Lake to the highway bridge at League City, Tex. The controlling depth at mean low tide was 6 feet to the highway bridge at Kemah, Tex., thence 1IVERS AND HARBORS--GALVESTON, TtX., DISTRICT 1243 4 feet to the bridge at League City, Tex. The total cost and expendi- tures of the existing project to June 30, 1948 were $121,082.19, of Which $21,290.95 was for new work and $99,791.24 was for main- tenance. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $20,175.93 will be applied to maintenance dredging of the existing channel by contract (October 1948). The additional sum of $55,700 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Dredge new entrance to Clear Creek and deepen channel in Clear Creek and Clear Lake to highway bridge at League City, Tex., by contract (August and September 1949).- -------------------- $54,700 Maintenance: Reestablish reference line where necessary-- --------- 1,000 Total for all work..--------------------------------- 55,700 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--------------------- $21,290.95 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 99,791.24 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---- -------- 121,082.19 Net total expenditures--------------- --------------------- 121,082.19 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_---------- -------------- - 20,175.93 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------141,258.12 Fiscal year ending June 30-- a, - 1944 I 1945 I 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ............... -------. $4, 228.12 $2, 666.00 $105. 88 .............. Cost of maintenance ---.--- --------- - 13, 004.46 5, 308.99 $324.07 Total cost_................ 4, 228. 12 15,670.46 5,414.87 324. 07 Total expended...-....... .... 4,500.00 ------------ 6,483.14 14,330.31 324.07 Allotted........................ .......... 15,000.00 13, 00000 -- 2,186.55 20,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.-------------- ------------ $500.00 Amount gllotted during fiscal year...---------------------------- 20,000.00 'Amount to be accounted for --------------------------- 20,500.00 Gross amount expended.-------------------------------------- 324.07 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948. ---------------------- 20,175.93 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------- ------------------------------- 54,700.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work. ------------------------------------ 54,700.00 For maintenance.--------------------------------- 1,000.00 Total.-------- -------------- --------- ------------ 55,700.00 1244 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 14. DICKINSON BAYOU, TEX. Location.-This bayou enters Galveston Bay on the west side about 20 miles northwest of Galveston. (See U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Chart No. 1282.) Existing project.-This provides for a channel 6 feet deep at mean low tide and 60 feet wide along the present route from the natural'6-foot depth in Galveston Bay through Dickinson Bay and Dickinson Bayou to the Galveston, Houston & Henderson Railroad bridge at Dickinson, Tex. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 0.8 foot and the extreme range about 1.4 feet. The height of tides is dependent largely on the wind, and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 22 feet below mean low tide. The latest (1938) approved estimate for annual cost of mainte- nance is $12,500. Authority for the original dimensions (4 by 50 feet) of this chan- nel is explained in the Annual Report for 1931, page 1093. The River and Harbor Act approved June 20, 1938, authorized the pres- ent project dimensions (H. Doc. 568, 75th Cong., 3d sess.). The latest published map is in this document. Local cooperation.-The work authorized by the River and Har- bor Act approved June 20, 1938, is subject to the provisions that local interests shall furnish, without cost to the United States, all lands, easements and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance as required. These conditions have not been complied with since no rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas were needed for initial construction. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities consist of small pri- vately owned wharves for local use. They are considered adequate for the existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Maintenance: Peri- odic surveys and inspections were made at a cost of $226.53. Total cost and expenditures for the fiscal year were $226.53. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1940. The controlling depth was 5 feet at mean low tide. The total cost and expenditures of the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $90,612.78, of which $33,942.37 was for new work and $56,670.41 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $17,273.47 will be applied to maintenance dredging in the channel by contract (October 1948). The additional sum of $1,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950 to reestablish and maintain the reference line. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __------- -- ___ __-----$33,942.37 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 56,670.41 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- 90,612.78 Net total expenditures--------------- ---------------------- 90,612.78 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-----------__ --- ___ -- -_ 17,273.47 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------_ 107,886.25 RIVERS AND HARBORS--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1245 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Costo work .. .. .. . Cost of maintenance .......... 53 $226. $56.18 $233.87 Total expended- ............... 56. 18 233.87 226. 53 Allotted _$20,000. 00 ___- __.__I -- 19, 209.95 17,000.00 - - - - - I---------- -$20..00 0 I -19 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.----------------------------- $500.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year ...---------------------------- 17,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------------- - 17,500.00 Gross amount expended---------- ------------------- 226.53 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_---------------------- 17,273.47 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance....------------------------------ --- 1,000.00 15. CHOCOLATE BAYOU, TEX. Location.-This bayou has its source about 25 miles southwest of Houston and flows southeast a distance of about 50 miles, empty- ing into Chocolate Bay, an arm of West Galveston Bay, about 12 Mniles north of San Luis Pass and 28 miles west of Galveston. It is tidal throughout its length, and the lowest stages occur during the Winter season. The drainage area is about 150 square miles. The section under improvement extends from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to a point near the town of Liverpool, a distance of about 24 miles. Existing project.-The existing project provides for a channel 6 feet deep at mean low tide and 60 feet wide from the Gulf Intra- coastal Waterway to a point near Liverpool, Tex., and for the re- moval of overhanging timber and snags. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 1 foot and the extreme range about 1Y2 feet. The height of tides is largely dependent on the force and direction of the wind and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimate of cost of new work, revised in 1945, is $93,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $5,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Har- bor Acts, approved March 2, 1907 (H. Doc. 445, 56th Cong., 1st sess.) and March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 337, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is contained in H. Doc. 337. Local cooperation.-The work authorized by the River and Har- bor Act of March 2, 1945, is subject to the provisions that local interests shall furnish free of cost to the United States as and when required, all lands, easements and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement, none of which has been complied with. 804711-48 vol.1- 79 1246 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Terminal facilitiest.---he terminal facilities consist of small privately owned wharves located at various points along the bayou. They are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 7 per- cent complete. A channel 5 feet deep at mean low tide and from 40 to 50 feet wide has been dredged from West Galveston Bay to the mouth of the bayou. The work remaining consists of dredging a new entrance from the Intracoastal Waterway to Chocolate Bayou and enlarging thence to near Liverpool. The controlling depth on June 30, 1948, in the previously dredged channel was about 4 feet at mean low tide. Total costs and expenditures of the project to June 30, 1948, were $39,760.29, of which $6,512.12 was for new work and $33,248.17 was for maintenance. Proposed operations.-Thereare no funds available for expendi- ture during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $50,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for restoration of navigable depths. No maintenance has been done on the project since the fiscal year 1920 as the commerce therein was insufficient to justify the expenditure of funds for the purpose. Consequently, the project has deteriorated until naviga- tion cannot be accommodated. During the fiscal year 1948 there was a revival of commerce, principally mud shell for the State of Texas and oil companies to resurface roads. In order that these interests may be served, maintenance dredging to restore navigable depths must be done. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -----------------------------$6,512.12 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.._--..-.---.-.------..---- 33,248.17 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--- 39,760.29 Net total expenditures_-------- ----------.---.-.--. 39,760.29 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------------- 39,760.29 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.---------------- ------------------------- 86,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.- .................. ...-- ...--. . 50,000.00 16. BASTROP BAYOU, TEX. Location.-This bayou has its source near Angleton, in Brazoria County, and flows southeast a distance of about 25 miles, emptying into Bastrop Bay, which connects with West Galveston Bay. Bas- trop Bayou and its tributaries are tidal throughout their length and the lowest stages occur during the winter season. The drainage area is about 80 square miles. The mouth of the bayou is 5 miles northwest of San Luis Pass and about 30 miles west of Galveston. The section under improvement extends from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway upstream to a point near the Missouri Pacific Railroad, a total distance of about 7/2 miles. RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1247 Existing project.-The existing project provides for a channel 6 feet deep at mean low tide and 60 feet wide from the Gulf Intra- coastal Waterway to a point near the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 1 foot and the extreme range about 12 feet. The height of tides is largely de- Dendent on the force and direction of the wind, and during strong 'northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1945, was $50,000. The latest (1945) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $4,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1907 (H. Doc. 454, 56th Cong., 1st sess.) and March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 337, 76th Cong., 1st sess.) The latest Published map is contained in H. Doc. 337. Local cooperation.-The work authorized by the River and Har- bor Act of March 2, 1945, is subject to the provisions that local interests shall furnish free of cost to the United States as and when required, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from the improvement, none of which has been complied with. Terminal facilities.--The terminal facilities consist of small Privately owned wharves located at various points along the bayou. They are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-The project was 20 percent com- Plete. The channel has been dredged to a depth of 6 feet at mean low tide over a bottom width of 60 feet from the Intracoastal Water- Way to the 6-foot depth in the bayou. Work remaining consists of dredging a new entrance from the Intracoastal Waterway into the bayou and deepening the channel to the Missouri Pacific Railroad Bridge, approximately 7.5 miles upstream. The controlling depth on June 30, 1948, was about 4 feet at mean low tide. The total costs and expenditures to June 30, 1948, were $37,049.43, of which $9,920.22 was for new work and $27,129.21 was for main- tenance. Proposed operations.-There are no funds available for work during the fiscal year 1949. The sum of $30,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for restoration of navigable depths. No maintenance has been done on the project since the fiscal year 1927 since the com- merce moving therein was insufficient to justify the expenditure of funds for the purpose. Consequently, the project has deteriorated until navigation cannot be accommodated. During the fiscal year 1948 there was a revival of commerce, principally mud shell for the State of Texas and oil companies to resurface roads. In order that these interests may be served, maintenance dredging to restore navigable depths must be done. 1248 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ __.- -_ $9,920.22 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___________________________ 27,129.21 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ 37, 049.43 Net total expenditures_____--------------------------------- 37049.43 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------------- 37 049.43 Amount (estimated)- required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ---------------------------------------- 40,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance. 30,000.00 17. FREEPORT HARBOR, TEX. Location.-This harbor is formed by the improvement of the Brazos River, Tex., from the mouth to Freeport, about 6 miles above. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 525.) The mouth of the Brazos River is about 47 miles southwest of Galveston Harbor entrance and about 137 miles northeast of Aran- sas Pass (Port Aransas). Previousprojects.-Authorized by River and Harbor Act of June 14, 1880. For further details see page 1860 of annual report for 1915, and page 872 of annual report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 32 feet deep from deep water in the Gulf of Mexico to a point about one-half mile below the Stauffer Chemical Co. plant with two turning basins, one 700 by 700 feet at Brazosport and one 600 by 600 feet at the upper end of the channel, the channel to have a width of 300 feet seaward of the jettied entrance, 200 feet from jettied entrance to the Brazosport turning basin, widened at the bend, and averaging 375 feet, thence to the upper turning basin; the widths in the approaches to the turn- ing basins to converge within a distance of 800 feet from the width of the turning basin to the width of the channel; and provides also for the extension of the channel with a depth of 30 feet and a width of 200 feet to and including the turning basin near the Stauffer Chemical Co. plant at Freeport at a cost of $18,000 when required in the interests of commerce and navigation. The work is to be accomplished as may be found desirable, by dredging, by jetties at the mouth of the harbor, and by a diversion dam in the Brazos River, a diversion channel, and necessary auxiliary works in general accordance with plan No. 6, as proposed by the district engineer, together with a lock in the diversion dam, approximately 200 feet long, 55 feet wide and 122 feet deep over the miter sills. The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, modified the act of March 3, 1925, so as to provide that when local interests shall have furnished assur- ance satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will main- tain the diversion channel, the United States shall assume the cost of maintenance of the navigable channel, estimated at $75,000 an- nually, including care and operation of the lock, if provided (Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc. 18, 70th Cong., 1st sess.). Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about 1.8 feet and the extreme range about 22 feet. Freshets in the river, except under extreme conditions, do not cause a greater variation in the water surface than the tidal action. RIVERS AND IIARBORS-GAIVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1249 The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1946, is $1,236,000, exclusive of amounts to be provided by local interests. The latest (1948) approved estimate of cost of annual mainte- nance is $158,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents - - Mar. 3, 1899 Dredging and such other work as may be deemed most Specified in act. effective in the judgment of the Secretary of War in improving and developing the harbor; for taking over the jetties aind other privately built works at the mo uth of the river. Mar. 2, 1907 E xamination authorized. The work was subsequently HI.Doe. 1087, 60th Cong., 2d sess. confined to maintenance of the jetties. leb. 27, 1911 Repairs to jetties Mar. 4, 1913 Construction of a and seagoing hopper dredge, ; dredging ---------------------- the cost to be charged to this improvement and V2 to Aransas Specified in act. Do. Aug. 8, 1917 Pass. Purchase of one 15-inch pipe-line dredge and equip- H. Doe. 1469, 63d Cong., 3d sess. ment, its operation for an experimental period of 3 years, the operation of the seagoing dredge 1/ time for 3 years, and repairs to the jetties. lar. 3, 1925 Diversion darn, diversion channel, and necessary Rivers and Harbors Committee Doe. 10, 68th (Cong., 2(d sess. auxiliary works. July 3, 1930 Maintenance of the diversion channel at the expense Rivers and t[arbors Committee Doc. 18, 70th Cong., 1st sess. of local interests. Rivers and Committee ,Harbors Aug. 30, 1935 1 Dredging the channels and turning basins to greater depths. (Project completed to within V2 mile of the upper limit of the channel with Public Works Ad- I)oc. 15, 72d Cong., 1st sess. ministration funds and contributed funds.) Rivers and IHarbors Committee Do..... Maintenance of the present project dimensions of the IDocs. 15, 72d Cong., 1st sass., and channels and turning basins at Federal expense. 29 2 73d Cong., 2d sess. I Included in Public Works Administration program, Sept. 6, 1933. Contains latest published maps. Local cooperation.-All required local cooperation has been fully complied with, except the 50-percent contribution toward the cost of the extension of the channel to Freeport, which has not been re- quested. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities consist of small pri- Vately owned wharves, and one free public wharf owned by the municipality of Freeport. Other facilities privately owned are one sulfur-loading dock, two oil docks, and acid dock, and two shell unloading docks. The existing facilities are considered adequate for the commerce that exists. Operations and results during *fiscalyear.-Maintenance: The Government hopper dredge Manhattanremoved 769,205 cubic yards of material (bin measurement) from the sea bar and jetty channels from July 7 to August: 21, 1947 at a cost of $59,883.08. A total of 581,449 cubic yards of material was removed from 7,500 linear feet of channel by contract from October 25 to November 7, 1947 at a cost of $74,860.03. Additional costs were as follows: Construction of levees around spoil-disposal areas, $4,044.84; periodic surveys and inspections, $6,675.34; experimental work on positioning of hydrographic surveys by radar, $5,359.21; and pro rata distribut- tion of debit plant rental balance of Government pipe line dredge Omega, $1,512.05. The total cost of all work for the year was $152,334.55. The total expenditures were $149,637.92. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 78 per- 1250 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 cent complete. The work remaining consists of dredging the chan- nel to and including a turning basin near the Stauffer Chemical Co. plant and constructing a lock in the diversion dam in the old BrazoS River. The controlling depths at mean low tide in the various chan- nels and turning basins were as follows: Channel from deep water in the Gulf of Mexico to seaward end of jetty, 32 feet; channel from seaward end of jetty to Brazosport turning basin, 27 feet; Brazos- port turning basin, 32 feet; channel from Brazosport turning basin to upper turning basin, 30 feet; upper turning basin, 30 feet; chan- nel from upper turning basin to turning basin at Stauffer Chemical Co. plant, 19.5 feet; and the turning basin at the Stauffer Chemical Co. plant, 20 feet. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was as follows: New work Maintenance Total Regular funds. 1, 101, 061.89 $2, 832, 575.82 $------------------------------ $3, 933, 637.71 Public Works funds---....-------------_______ 116, 574.74 ..------------------ 116, 574.74 Total United States funds--.---------.-- , 1, 217, 636. 63 2, 832, 575 82 4, 050, 212. 45 Contributed funds (includes $225,000 contributed under sec. 4, River and Harbor Act of March 4, 1915)--------------------------.... 758, 302. 79 .................. 758,302. 79 Total all funds-.1, 975, 939. 42 2,832, 575.82 4, 808, 515. 24 The total expenditures were $4,807,853.25, consisting of $3,932,- 975.72 regular funds, $116,574.74 Public Works funds, and $758,- 302.79 contributed funds for new work. Proposedoperations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $7,378.21 plus an allotment of $250,000 made in July 1948, a total of $257,378.21, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948--------------------------------$661.99 Maintenance: Dredge sea bar and jetty channels with Government hopper dredge Manhattan (August 1948 and March 1949)----------- 140,000.00 Dredge inside channels and basins, by contract (September and October 1948) ------------------------------------- 116,716.22 Total. _ 257,378.21 __------------------------------------ The additional sum of $550,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredge sea bar and jetty channels with Government hopper dredge (September 1949)-------------- ------------ ----- $100,000 Dredge inside channels and basins, by contract (August and Sep- tember 1949) ------------------ --------- ---- _ 100,000 350,000 ___- Make repairs to jetties, by contract (November 1949 to March 1950) Total--.---------------------------------------- 550,000 Maintenance funds for fiscal year 1950 exceed the average for the past 5 years owing to previously curtailed maintenance operations and increased construction costs. RIVERS AND HARBORS--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1251 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------ $1,364,735.06 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- 2,832,575.82 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_ ._---- 14,197,310.88 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--------------------- 661.99 Net total expenditures.-------------------------- 14,196,648.89 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ----------. ------------- 7,378.21 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__---------- 4,204,027.10 Fiscal year ending June 30- I -- .-- ~-~ c~I ? - 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work........ . - "-0,-.- -- - -- Cost of maintenad. ce.. - 45, 732.. 57.$10,766.39 $96, 656. 156 $5 1,723.55 $152, 334. 55 Total expended.------------- 147, 499.31 148, 800.83 96, 789. 86 53,626.44 149,637.92 F Allotted __ _ -14-----------------------------149,000.001 100,000. 00 4 9, 501.49 110, 000.00 I Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------------------- $47,016.13 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------------- 150,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ...------------------------- 197,016.13 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment ---------- 40,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for ----------------------- 157,016.13 Gross amount expended ----------------------------- 149,637.92 Balance unexpended, June 30, 19487----------------- 7,378.21 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---------------- 661.99 Balance available, June 30, 1948--- ------------------- 6,716.22 Amount allotted in July 1948---------- --------------- 250,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ....... 256, 716 22 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project...----------------------------------- 18,120.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ----------------------- 550,000.00 In addition, $758,302.79 was expended from contributed funds for new work. 18. CHANNEL FROM PASS CAVALLO TO PORT LAVACA, TEX. Location.-The bar at Pass Cavallo is 125 miles southwest of Gal- veston entrance and 54 miles north of Aransas Pass. Port Lavaca lies 26 miles to the northwest of the pass, across Matagorda and Lavaca Bays. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Chart No. 1117.) Existing project.-This provides for a depth of 9 feet and a width of 100 feet from Lynns Bayou at Port Lavaca, Tex., to deep water in Matagorda Bay near Port O'Connor, Tex., a distance of about 11 miles; for channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Port Lavaca via Lavaca Bay, Lavaca, and Navidad Rivers to Red Bluff about mile 3 on the Navidad River, a total distance of 20 miles; and for a harbor of refuge 9 feet deep near Port Lavaca with an ap- proach channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide, Under ordinary con- 1252 REIPORT OF CHIEF OF' ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 ditions the mean tidal range is about 1 foot and the extreme range about 2 feet. The height of tide is dependent largely on the wind, and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water sur- face may be depressed 2 feet below mean low tide. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $430,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate of cost for annual maintenance is $58,000. The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Juno 25, 1910 Channel to Port Lavaca, Tex., 7 feet deep and 80 feet 11. Doc. 1082, 60th Cong., 2d sesS. bottom width. Aug. 30, 1935 Extension of 7-foot channel to the shore line of Lavaca Rivers and I[arbors Conmmittee Bay at tho mouth of Lynns Bayou. i)oc. 28, 74th Cong., 1st sess. Aug. 26, 1937 Deepen and widen channel to present project dimen- Rivers and l[arbors Commnittee t sions. Doe. 37, 75th Cong., 1st sess. s 1. Mar. 2, 1945 Extension of the channel 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide I. IDoc. 314, 76th Cong., 1st ses from .Port Lavaca by way of Lavaca Bay, Lavaca and Navidad Rivers to Rod Blulf, a distance of 20 miles. Do....... To provide a harbor of refuge 9 feet deep near Port Report of Chief of Engineers dated Lavaca and an approach channel 100 feet wide and Dec. 10, 1943. equal depth. 1Contain latest published maps. Local cooperation.-Underthe River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, local interests are required to furnish free of cost to the United States all necessary lands, easements, and rights-of-way, and suitable spoil-disposal areas for the initial construction and subse- quent maintenance when and as required; hold and save the United States free from damages that may result from the construction and maintenance of the project; and provide necessary mooring facilities to which all vessels shall have free and equal access during storm periods, none of which has been complied with. Requirements under prior acts have been complied with. Terminal facilities.-The terminal facilities consist of several privately owned piers and two privately owned slips at Port Lavaca, and a municipally owned wharf; turning basin, and refrigerated sea food processing and packing plant at the mouth of Lynns Bayou. The municipally owned facilities are open to the general public and are adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work: Advance planning for improvement of the channel was done at a cost of $455.88. Maintenance: From September 20 to October 15, 1947, a total of 622,651 cubic yards of material was removed from 5,700 linear feet of channel by contract at a cost of $56,141.53. Periodic surveys and inspections were made at a cost of $1,086.87. A pro rata distribu- tion of debit plant rental balance of the Government pipe line dredge Omega amounted to $615.45. The total cost of all work for the fiscal year was $58,299.73, of which $455.88 was for new work and $57,843.85 was for mainte- nance. The total expenditures were $57,462.90. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 29 per- cent complete. The channel from the 9-foot contour in Matagorda RIVERS AND IIARBORS-GALVEISTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1253 Bay to the mouth of Lynns Bayou was completed in 1939. The work reemaining consists of dredging the channel through Lavaca Bay and the Lavaca and Navidad Rivers to Red Bluff on the Navidad River and dredging the harbor of refuge at Port Lavaca. The controlling depth at mean low water in the completed channel was 9 feet. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $380,907.35, of which $125,494.49 was for new work and $255,412.86 was for maintenance. The total expenditures were $380,721.17. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $4,500.55 plus an allotment of $64,000 made in July 1948, a total of $68,500.55, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948. ----------------- --- - $186,18 Maintenance: Dredge existing channel where necessary with Govern- ment pipe-line dredge Sam Houston (October and November 1948)-- 68,314.37 Total---------- ---------------------------------- 68,500.55 The additional sum of $212,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Dredge harbor of refuge at Port Lavaca, by contract (August and September 1949)----------------------------------------- $154,000 Maintenance: Dredge existing channel where necessary, by contract (July and August 1949)------------------------------------ 58,000 Total for all work ------------------------------- -212,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $125,494.49 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 255,412.86 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----------- 380,907.35 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 186.18 Net total expenditures------------------------------- 380,721.17 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 4,500.55 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 385,221.72 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 L- Cost of new work --- ..-------- $3, 416.91 $8, 310. 6 $1,816.25 $455.88 Cost of maintenance ...----- $13, 215. 13 55, 978. 42 32, 639. 19 1, 837. 65 57, 843. 85 T'otaI exponded-------------- 42, 607.17 60, 749. 32 39, 023.38 4, 877.33 57, 462. 90 Allotted....................... ....---- --------- 87, 500. 00 47,000.00 -30,183.27 61,500.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947----------------------------- 463.45 Amount allotted during fiscal year_---------------------------- 61,500.00 Amount to be accounted for --------------------------- 61,963.45 Gross amount expended------------------------------------ 57,462.90 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------- 4,500.55 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------_ _-----------186.18 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------ 4,314.37 1254 REPORlT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted in July 1948--------------------------------- 64,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_________ 68,314.37 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -- 304 500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work --------------------------------------- 154,000.00 For maintenance_ ---- -- .58,000.00 - Total -------- ---------------------------- ----- 212,000.00 19. GUADALUPE RIVER, TEX. Location.--This river has its source in southwestern Texas, ap- proximately 32 miles south of Junction, Tex., flows in a southeasterly direction a distance of about 458 river miles and empties into the head of San Antonio Bay, 60 miles northeast of Corpus Christi and 140 miles southwest of Galveston. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1285.) Previous projects.-Authorized in the River and Harbor Act ap- proved March 2, 1907. For further details see page 1102 of the Annual Report for 1922. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for a navi- gation channel 9 feet deep and 100 feet wide extending about 45.5 miles from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway by way of Seadrift to a point on the Guadalupe River 3 miles above Victoria, Tex. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range is about three- fourths foot and the extreme range is about 1~2 feet. The height of tide is dependent largely upon the strength and direction of winds. During strong north winds in the winter season the water surface is occasionally depressed 1 foot below mean low tide. In the river section the ordinary fluctuation is about 2 feet and the extreme fluctuation due to floods about 20 feet. The Federal cost for construction, estimated in 1946, is $13,137,- 000; the cost to local interests for lands and damages and reloca- tions is $1,066,000, a total of $14,203,000. The existing project was authorized in the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 247, 76th Cong., 1st sess.). The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-The navigation features of the project were authorized subject to the provisions that local interests furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas for construction and for subsequent mainte- nance as required, hold and save the United States free from all claims for damages that may result from the construction and main- tenance of the channel, bear all costs of required bridge modification and give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will provide adequate terminal facilities, including turning basins at Seadrift and Victoria. Terminal facilities.-Terminalfacilities consist of small wharves located at Seadrift and other locations along the river. These facili- ties are privately owned but are used to some extent by the public on RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1255 equal terms. They are considered adequate for existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during fiscal year consisted of topographic surveys and studies for the Preparation of detailed plans. Total cost during the fiscal year was $9,444.44, all for new work from regular funds by hired labor. Total expenditures were $9,749.78. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof detailed plans Was initiated. A channel 5 feet deep by 40 feet wide from deep Water in San Antonio to Victoria, Tex., was completed in 1912. The controlling depth at mean low tide in the channel across San Antonio Bay is about 2 feet. Navigation in the river is impossible due to logs, snags, and shoals. Preliminary studies, topographic surveys, subsurface investiga- tions, and design for preparation of detailed plans were 33 percent complete on modification of channel to Victoria. The work remaining to be done consists of deepening the channel to Victoria to 9 feet. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was $53,- 618.11 all for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures Were $53,923.45. Proposed operations.---The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $56,076.55 plus accounts receivable of $305.34 together with an allotment of $50,000 made in July 1948, a total of $106,381.89, will be applied to completion of preliminary investigations and design for preparation of detailed plans and Specifications by hired labor July 1948 to June 30, 1949. The additional sum of $800,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new work as follows: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor $250,000 Dredging approximately 7 miles of channel from Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to Seadrift, by contract ...--------------------------- 550,000 Total_ . ------------------------------------- _ __ _--- 800,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- $226,165.39 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- 106,100.36 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- __-332,265.75 Plus aoccounts receivable, June 30, 1948- ------------------ 305.34 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------------- --- 332,571.09 Net to tal expenditures---------- --- -------- 332,571.09 Unexp ended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------- ------- 56,076.55 Total.. .amount .. . . . appropriated j . to June 30, 1948.-- - -- 388,647.64 1256 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 948 19 Cost ofnew work-------------------------------------$20,177.60 $23,996.07_ $9,444.44 Cost ofmaintenance-------------- ------------------------------------------- Total expended........---....----------- 78 ------------- -------....... 21,407.30 22,766.37 Allotted.. ..................-....---- 11 ~.------- ............. 00 .. ------ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.-.-... $65,826.33 Gross amount expended__________________________ ______ 9,749.78 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ___________________ 56 076.55 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ___________________-___ 305. 34 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-- ----- _ 56, 381.89 Amount allotted in July 1948-______-_ ________________ 50,000,00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 _ 106,381.89 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------- ------------------------ 12,977,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work.___________ _____________ 800,000.00 20. PORT ARANSAS-CORPUS CHRISTI WATERWAY, TEX. Location.-This is a consolidation of the old improvements of Port Aransas, Tex., and the channel from Aransas Pass to Corpus Christi, Tex. Aransas Pass is on the southern portion of the coast of Texas, 180 miles southwest of Galveston and 132 miles north of the mouth of the Rio Grande. Aransas Pass connects Corpus Christi Bay and Aransas Bay with the Gulf of Mexico. The waterway ex- tends from deep water in the Gulf through the Aransas Pass jettied entrance, thence westerly 204 miles to and including a turning basin at Corpus Christi, thence westerly 1' 4 miles through the In- dustrial Canal to and including the turning basin at Avery Point, thence westerly 44 miles to and including a turning basin near Tule Lake. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts Nos. 523, 1285 and 1286.) Previous projects.-The original project for improvement of Aransas Pass (Port Aransas) was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1879. The improvement was taken over by the Aransas Pass Harbor Co. on June 30, 1890, under authority of the act of May 12, 1890. This company relinquished its rights to the United States on March 27, 1899. The channel from Aransas Pass to Corpus Christi was first improved under the River and Harbor Acts of March 2, 1907, and June 25, 1910. For further details, see page 1861 of Annual Report for 1915 and page 877. of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-The existing project dimensions provided for RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DIS'RICT 1257 in the various channels and basins comprising this waterway are Shown in the following tabulation: Adopted project dimensions Section of the Port Aransas-Corpus fDepth in Christi Waterway, Tex. Bottom width in feet fean low Gulf level Aranss Pass outer bar----------- 700---------------------------------------------- 38 Aransas Pass jetty channel...... 6()0from inner end to opposite station 90, north jetty, (1) thence increasing to 700 at outer end of jetty. 36 Inner basin at Harbor Island-..... 650 by southerly 1,000 long...--------------------------- 650 by northerly 2,000 long ..--------- ---------- 30 inner basin at Clines Point to west 400 at east and decreasing to 300 at west end-----------........ 36 n'i tumble Oil & Refining Co. basin. 'haniIel Port Aransas.-.. of Port to town of hannel to ransas.... 100----------------------------------------------2 102 Channel from Port Aransas to Cor- 400...----------------------------------------------36 Pus Christi turning basin. Corpus (hristi turning basin ... - 1,000 by 5,500 long (includes approach to turning basin). --- ... 36 ... 2000 y------- industrial Canal. Turning basin at Avry Point .. 1,000 by 1,200 long- -------------- ---------------- 36 Channel to vicinity of ' ule Lake ..-- 200---------------------------------------------- 36 Turning basin near Tule Lake .....- 900 by 1,000 long--....---------------------------------- 36 13 6-feet from inner end to opposite station 90, north Jetty, increasing to 38 feet at outer end of jetty. The project also provides for two rubblestone jetties at Aransas Pass entrance, extending into the Gulf from St. Joseph and Mustang Islands, the project lengths of which are 11,190 and 8,650 feet re- SPectively. The project further provides for a stone dike on St. Joseph Island about 19,100 feet long connecting with the north jetty and extending up this island to prevent a channel being cut around the jetty. Under ordinary conditions the mean tidal range at Aransas Pass is about 1.1 feet and the extreme range about 2 feet, and at Corpus Christi the mean range about 1 foot and the extreme about 1 2 feet. The heights of tides are dependent largely on the strength and di- rection of winds, and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface may be depressed as much as 3 feet below mean low Gulf level. The estimated cost for new work, revised in 1948, exclusive of amounts expended on previous projects, is $14,578,000. The latest (1948) approved estimate for annual cost of maintenance is $749,000. The existing project was adopted by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1899 Acquisition of the old curved portion of the north Specified in act. jetty previously constructed by private parties. June 13, 1902 Completion of north jetty in accordance with the I)o. Mar. 3, 1005 plans of its builders. Mar. 2, 1907 Connection of old curved Jetty to St. Joseph Island, Rivers and IHarbors Committee and construction of south jetty. Doe. 5, 59th Cong., 2d sess. Feb. 27, 1911 Dredging roadstead in Harbor Island Basin to depth II. I)oc. 1094, 61st Cong., 3d sess. of 20 feet and construction of 10,000 linear feet of the stone dike on St. Joseph Island. Mar. 4, 1913 Deepening of channel between jetties and the Harbor II. Doc. 1125, 62d Cong., 3(1 sess. Island Basin to depth of 25 feet, extension of jetties seaward, extension of dike on St. Joseph Island 9,100 feet, and dredging the approach channel 12 feet deep to town of Port Aranusas. 1258 REPOR'T OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 TI Acts - Work authorized Documents Sept. 22, 1922 Dredging channel from Aransas Pass to Corpus H. Doc. 321, 67th Cong., 2d sess. Christi, 25 feet deep, 200 feet bottom width. July 3,1930 Deepening entrance channel from Gulf of Mexico to H. I)oc. 214, 70th Cong., 1st sess. Harbor Island and provision of an inner basin at Harbor Island of reduced area but greater depth. Do....-. Aransas Pass to Corpus Christi Channel with depth Rivers and Harbors Committee of 31 feet. Doc. 9, 71st Cong., 1st sess. Aug. 30, 19351 Enlarging all channels from the Gulf to the western Rivers and Harbors Committee end of basin dredged by Humble Oil & Refining Co. Doec. 35, 72d Cong., 1st sess., and at its docks on Harbor Island, with Public Works 40, 73d Cong., 2d sess. Administration funds. Do....... Maintenance of channel and maneuvering basin be- H. Doc. 130, 72d Cong., 1st sess. tween breakwater and western shore line of Corpus Christi Bay. Do.... Maintenance to 30 feet depth, except on strips lying 50 Rivers and Harbors Committee feet channelward of any established pierhead lines D)oc. 13, 74th Cong., 1st sess. or within 50 feet of the foot of any wharf or structure of the approach channel, turning basin at Corpus Christi, Industrial Canal and turning basin at Avery Point. Do....... Maintenance and deepening to 32 feet of the channel Rivers and Harbors Committee from deep water at Port Aransas to and including Doc. 63, 74th Cong., 1st sess. the turning basin at Corpus Christi. June 20, 1938 Extend the main turning basin at Corpus Christi H. Doec. 574, 75th Cong., 3d sess. westward 2,500 feet at its present width and depth, deepen the existing Industrial Canal and turning basin to 32 feet and for the extension of this canal at a depth of 32 feet and general width of 150 feet, west- ward along Nueces Bay shore to a turning basin 32 feet deep, 900 feet wide, and 1,000 feet long near Tule Lake. Mar. 2, 1945 To provide a depth of 34 feet in all project channels IH.Doc. 544, 78th Cong., 2d sess. and basins from Port Aransas to and including the Tule Lake turning basin, for a width of 250 feet from Port Aransas to the breakwater at Corpus Christi, for a width of 200 feet in the Industrial Canal and in the channel between the Avery Point and Tule Lake turning basins, and for widening the Avery Point turning basin to 1,000 feet. .2 June 30, 1948 Deepen entrance channel to 38 feet from Gulf to outer H. Doec. 560, 80th Cong., 2d sess end of jetty; 38 feet decreasing to 36 feet thence to station 90, north jetty; and 36 feet in all other deep water channels and basins except 2,000-foot un- dredged part of inner basin at Harbor Island; and for a width of 400 feet in the channel from Port Aransas to the maneuvering basin atCorpus Christi. 1Included in Public Works Administration program Sept. 6, 1933, and Feb. 16, 1935. 2 Contains the latest published map. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except for the provi- sions of the River and Harbor Acts of June 20, 1938, March 2, 1945, and June 30, 1948, local interests being required to deepen and maintain at their own expense the channel through and for a dis- tance of 50 feet on each side of the bridge at the entrance of the Corpus Christi turning basin, furnish free of cost to the United States all necessary lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil- disposal areas for the initial work and for subsequent maintenance as and when required, and furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will hold and save the United States free from damages due to construction and maintenance of the im- provement; and provided further, that construction of the exten- sion from Avery Point to Tule Lake shall not be undertaken until and unless local interests furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that bona fide arrangements have been made with various industries to guarantee additional tonnage sufficient to warrant the construction and maintenance of that canal to any point up to and including the proposed turning basin near Tule Lake, none of which has been complied with. Terminal facilities.-Terminal facilities located on Harbor RIVERS AND HARBORS---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1259 Island at the head of Aransas Pass, Ingleside, Corpus Christi, and Avery Point are considered adequate for existing commerce. (See Port Series, No. 6, pt. 3, Corps of Engineers.) Operations and results during fiscal year.--New work: Advance planning for improvement of the waterway was done at a cost of $731.58. Maintenance: Periodic surveys and inspections were made at a cost of $15,001.95. Experimental hydrographic surveys with posi- tioning by radar were made at a cost of $8,917.99. Preliminary surveys for reconstruction of the reference line in the bay section by contract were made at a cost of $236.10. A pro rata distribution of debit plant rental balance of the Government pipe-line dredge Omega amounted to $6,111.82. A total of 3,974,572 cubic yards of material was removed from 73,415 linear feet of channel at a cost of $443,241.31, as follows: Linear GovernmentCubic feet of plant or Location Period yards channel Cost contract removed dredged AransasPass outer bar and jetty Oct. 6 to Dec. 9, 1947.. 572,643 17, 500 $96, 585.89 Government hoper dredge channels. - Contract .Bay section between Ingleside Dec. 2, 1947, to Jan. 24, 1948. 3,401, 929 55, 915 346, 655.42 Terminal and Corpus Christi turning basin. The total cost of all work for the fiscal year was $474,240.75, of which $731.58 was for new work and $473,509.17 was for mainte- nance. The total expenditures were $473,045.95. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 43 Percent complete. The two jetties have been partially completed, the north jetty being 9,240 feet long and the south jetty 7,385 feet long. A stone dike 20,991 feet long connecting with the north jetty was completed on St. Joseph Island in 1916. The inner basin at Harbor Island has been dredged to 30 feet below mean low tide over an area 650 feet wide and about 1,000 feet long. The channel from the inner basin to town of Port Aransas was completed in 1914. The 34-foot project, except for the Tule Lake extension, was com- pleted in 1946. The work remaining consists of extending the north and south jetties 1,950 and 1,265 feet, respectively; extending inner basin at Harbor Island; deepening the outer bar to 38 feet, the jetty channel to 36 and 38 feet, all other deep water channels, including the pre- viously dredged part of the Inner Basin at Harbor Island, to 36 feet, and widening to 400 feet from Port Aransas to the maneuver- ing basin at Corpus Christi; and dredging channel from Avery Point turning basin to and including a turning basin near Tule Lake. Extension of the inner basin at Harbor Island and extension of the jetties are not required at the present time. The controlling depths below mean low tide in the various chan- nels and basins were as follows: Aransas Pass outer bar channel, 39 feet; Aransas Pass jetty channel, 33 feet; inner basin at Harbor Island, 22 feet; channel from inner basin to west end of Humble Oil and Refining Company basin, 37 feet; channel to and including 1260 REPORT OF' CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 turning basin at town of Port Aransas, 11 feet; channel from west end of Humble Oil and Refining Company basin to Corpus Christi turning basin, 32 feet; Corpus Christi turning basin, 35 feet; Indus- trial Canal, 36 feet; and Avery Point turning basin, 37.5 feet. The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was as follows: New work Maintenance Total Regular funds------------------------------$5,651,471.32 $8, 312, 586. 05 $13,64,_57.137 Total United States funds-----------------....... 5, 975, 758. 46 8, 312, 586.05 14,288, 344.51 Contributed funds ..------------------------- -------- --------..........-.. 152, 555.09 152555.09 Total all funds-------------------------- 5,975, 758.46 8,465,141.14 14,440,89.60 The total expenditures were $14,440,560.97, consisting of $13,- 963,718.74 regular funds, $324,287.14 Public Works funds, and $152,555.09 contributed funds for maintenance. Proposedoperations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $359,992.65 including $308,000 contributed funds for new work, plus an allotment of $540,000 made in July 1948, a total of $899,992.65, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 _---_ $338.63 New work: Dredge a portion of channel from Avery Point turning basin to Tule Lake to partial dimensions, by contract (contributed funds) (September to December 1948)-- --------- Maintenance: _ _--_ _308,000.00 Dredge inland channels where necessary, by contract (July 1948 to June 1949) ____ __-___________-_____ $321,654.02 Construction of new reference line, by contract (August to November 1948)-__ ------- __ -20,000.00 Dredge Port'Aransas outer bar and jetty channels with Government hopper dredge (September, October 1948 and January, February, 1949) 250,000.00 Total for maintenance-----__- ___---_ . --- _____ 591,654.02 Total for all work - _________ __-__ ____-_ _- _ 899,992.65 The additional sum of $1,850,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: New work: Deepen outer bar and jetty channels with Gov- ernment hopper dredge (November 1949 to January 1950)- ------.------ $228,000.00 Deepen inner basin at Port Aransas and enlarge channel thence to near Ingleside Terminal by contract (August 1948 to June 1949)........ 422,000.00 Total for new work------------------------------- $650,000.00 Maintenance: Dredge inland channels where necessary, by contract (July 1949 to June 1950) ------- .- $400,000 Dredge Port Aransas outer bar and jetty channels with Government hopper dredge (November 1949 to January 1950)----------------------------- 300,000 Repair jetties at Port Aransas, by contract (July 1949 to June 1950)__- ----__ __--- __-------------- - 500,000 Total for maintenance_.. ..------ 1,200,000 .---------.--- Total for all work.-----...-.-.- --- . 1,850,000 ,---.---.- RIVERS AND HARBORS--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1261 Maintenance funds for fiscal year 1950 exceed the average for the last 5 years as a result of increased construction costs and mak- ing deferred jetty repairs. Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------ $7,348,292.89 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__---------------------- 8,375,037.91 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 15,723,330.80 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- ...------------------ 338.63 Net total expenditures---------------------------- 15,722,992.17 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 51,992.65 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 15,774,984.82 .----------- Fiscal year ending June 30- 1945 1946 1947 1948 1944 $799, 646.59 $39, 621.83 $731. 58 Cost of new work------------------ 473, 509. 17 10,884.91i 403, 947. 50 234, 939.06 Cost of maintenance-g---------- -11 $227, 402. 31 .I -I , -------- 227. 402. 31 594.09 1, 203, 274, 560.89 474, 240. 75 Total cost--------------- 150, 884.91 Total expended -------------- 112, 318.90 268,130. 34 1, 131, 631. 32 346,122. 25 473, 045.95 Allotted--------------- ---------------- -13, 000. 00 1, 315, 000. 00 74, 934.78 525, 000.00 -- 1 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-.------------------------ $38.60 Amount allotted during fiscal year.------------------------- 675,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ------------ ---------- 675,038.60 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment_---------- --- 150,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for---- ----------------- 525,038.60 Gross amount expended. ----------------------------------- 473,045.95 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948___----------------- 51,992.65 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- 338.63 Balance available, June 30, 1948 .----------------------- 51,654.02 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------ 540,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949...... 591, 654.02 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------- 8,294,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work..------------------------------------ 650 ,000.00 For maintenance----------------------------------- 1,200,000.00 Total ---------- -------------------------------- 1,850,000,00 804711-48-vol. 1-----80 1262 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _ 9_ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_____-_______ $152,555.09 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _--- -152,555.09 _ Net total expenditures--------- - ___________________ 152,555.09 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_________ 308,000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---- 460,555.09 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-.......................................-- Cost of Maintenance-------------------.-------.------------- ------------ . $ '. -- 000-00 Contributed---....----------------------------------0------------------------- Amount contributed during fiscal year'_-----------___ --- - $308,000.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_---------------------_ 308,000.00 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR PORT ARANSAS-CORPUS CHRISTI WATERWAY, TEN. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ________________________ $7,348,292.89 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------- 8 527, 593.00 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- ----- _ 15,875,885.89 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_ ' 338.63 Net total expenditures______________ __________ _ 15,875,547.26 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_____---- - . .---- 359,992.65 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948..- --- _ 16,235,539.91 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.- ---- --- _...-.--- ------------- $799, 646. 59 $39, 612.83 $731. 58 Cost of maintenance-----............ $150, 884.91 $227, 402. 31 403, 947. 50 234, 939.06 473, 509. 17 Total cost--- 150, 884.91 ------................. 227,402.31 1, 203, 594.09 274, 560.89 474, 240.75 Total expended.........-........ 318.90 112, 130.34 1,131,631.32 268, 346,122.25 05 473,045. Allotted and contributed....... .......---.... -13,000. 00 1, 315, 000. 00 74, 934.78 833,00. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947___---------------- 38.60 Amount allotted and contributed during fiscal year----------_ 983,000.00 Amount to be accounted for_____---- .- -------- 983,038.60 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment ------------- 150,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for_ --- --------------- 833,038.60 Gross amount expended- - -. - ..- .--.- ---- - 473,045.95 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 359, 992.65 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 --------- -- ------------ 338.63 Balance available, June 30, 1948_------------------_ _ 359,654.02 __540,000.00 _---------------------- Amount allotted in July 1948__--- Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ..... 899,654.02 RIVERS AND HARBORS---GALV1ESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1263 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------ 8,294,000.00 Anmount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work__--__---------------------------------- 650,000.00 For maintenance__-- ------------------------ 1,200,000.00 Total ---------- ------------------------------- 1,850,000.00 21. BRAZOS ISLAND HARBOR, TEX. Location.--At the extreme south end of the coast of Texas, about 7 miles north of the mouth of the Rio Grande, and about 125 miles south of Port Aransas. The harbor is at the inner end of Brazos Santiago Pass, which lies between Brazos and Padre Islands, and is the natural outlet from the Laguna Madre to the Gulf of Mexico. (See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 1288.) Previous projects.-Authorized by River and Harbor Acts of June 18, 1878, March 3, 1881, and March 2, 1919. For further details, see page 1017, Annual Report for 1932, and page 882, An- nual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for a channel 35 feet deep and 300 feet wide from deep water in the Gulf through Brazos Santiago Pass; thence 33 feet deep and 200 feet wide across the Laguna Madre to the junction of the channels leading to Brownsville and Port Isabel; thence 32 feet deep and 100 feet wide to the Brownsville turning basin, 32 feet deep and 300 feet wide for a length of 3,800 feet, 550 feet wide for a length of 1,340 feet, and 1,000 feet wide for a length of 1,300 feet; for a channel from the junction 32 feet deep and 100 feet wide to the Port Isabel turning basin, 1,000 feet Wide and 1,300 feet in length, with a flared entrance. The project also provides for two jetties at the Brazos Santiago Pass entrance. The project further provides that all inside channels and turning basins may be widened with the approval of the Chief of Engineers Provided local interests bear the entire cost. Under ordinary condi- tions the mean tidal range is about 1~/feet and the extreme range about 2 feet. The height of the tides is dependent, to some extent, on the wind, and during strong "northers" in the winter season the water surface in the southern end of the Laguna Madre may be raised 4 feet or more above the mean low tide in the Gulf. The estimate of cost for new work, revised in 1946, is $4,713,000, Which is exclusive of $1,683,257 contributed by local interests and of amounts expended on previous projects. The latest (1946) ap- Proved estimate of annual cost of maintenance is $178,000. 1264 iREioiR OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 104A The existing project was authorized by the following river and harbor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents July 3, 1930 Jetty channel, all inside channels and turning basins, Rivers and Harbors Committee, and 2 rubble mound jetties. Doc. 16, 71st Cong., 2d sess. May 24, 1934 Local cooperation requirements modified to provide Rivers and Iarbors Committee (P. W. A.) for the contribution of suficient funds to cover the Doc. 10, 71st Cong., 1st sess. Aug. 30, 1935 entire cost of the original dredging of all inside chan- nels and turning basins. Aug. 26, 1937 Deepening the jetty channel to 31 feet and all inner Rivers and Harbors Committee channels and the Brownsville and Port Isabel turn- Doec. 32, 75th Cong., 1st sess. ing basins to 28 feet, provided no dredging will be done at public expense within 50 feet of any estab- lished pierhead line, wharf, or other structure. Mar. 2, 1945 Enlargement of Port Isabel turning basin to 1,000 feet I1. Doec. 335, 76th Cong., 1st sess. by 1,300 feet with a flared entrance. ss l Do..---....-- Deepening to 35 feet channel from the Gulf of Mexico TI. Deoc. 347, 77th Cong., 1st se through Brazos Santiago Pass; deepening to 33 feet and widening to 200 feet channel across Laguna Madre; deepening to 32 feet channels from Laguna Madre to and including turning basins at.Browns- ville and Port Isabel; widening turning basins; and dredging present shallow-draft channel south of Port Isabel from railroad bridge to Laguna Madre and connecting channel to Port Isabel turning basin to provide a depth of 6 feet and width of 60 feet. s.1 J uly 24, 1946 An additional connecting channel 150 feet wide and H. Doe. 627, 79th Cong., 2d ses 32 feet deep between the Port Isabel channel and the Brownsville channel; and transfer shallow-draft channels at Port Isabel to Gulf Intracoastal Water- way. 1 Contains latest published map. Local cooperation.-Fully complied with except for the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 347, 77th Cong., 1st sess.), and July 24, 1946 (H. Doec. 627, 79th Cong., 2d sess.), requiring local interests to furnish free of cost to the United States all neces- sary rights-of-way and spoil-disposal areas for the initial work and subsequent maintenance, when and as required, hold and save the United States free from claims for damages that may result from the construction and maintenance of the improvements, and the addi- tional requirement under the act of March 2, 1945, that local interests furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will provide additional dock and wharf facilities at the Browns- ville turning basin. All of the above requirements relative to the enlargement of the Port Isabel Channel and turning basin (act of March 2, 1945) have been complied with. Cooperation remaining consists of complying with the above requirements relative to the enlargement of the Brownsville Channel and turning basin and the channel from the west side of Padre Island to the junction of the Port Isabel and Brownsville Channels (act of March 2, 1945) and furnishing a release from damage liability for construction and maintenance of the additional connecting channel at the junction of the Brownsville and Port Isabel Channels (act of July 24, 1946). Terminal facilities.-On the westerly side of the turning basin at Port Isabel there is a steel-sheet pile wharf about 550 feet long pro- vided with a sheet-metal transit shed 100 feet wide and 350 feet long and a precooling plant of approximately 24 cars capacity each 8 hours. Westward, about 70 feet back of the warehouse on the dock, is a sheet-metal warehouse 100 feet wide and 200 feet long. Along the north end of the turning basin, distinctly separate from other RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1265 structures, is an oil dock 300 feet long equipped for receiving and loading oil cargoes. All the facilities above mentioned are owned by the Port Isabel-San Benito navigation district. An oil refinery and two storage tank farms served by two pipe lines, all privately owned, are located near the Port Isabel turning basin. This refinery has a maximum capacity of 7,500 barrels of refined products and a tank storage capacity of 360,000 barrels. The other tank farm has a Storage capacity of 192,000 barrels. The entire terminal system has railroad and highway connections and is open to all on equal terms. All docks and wharves are equipped with facilities for bunkering ships and servicing with fresh water and electric current. The Brownsville navigation district has constructed along the north side of the Brownsville turning basin three reinforced-con- crete wharves. Two are 440 feet long and 165 feet wide, each pro- vided with sheet-metal-clad transit warehouse 120 feet wide and 400 feet long. The third dock is 400 feet long and 165 feet wide, Provided with transit shed 390 feet long and 120 feet wide. This dock is equipped with a complete set of tropical fruit unloading machinery. Along the west end of the basin is a reinforced-concrete Wharf 450 feet long and 165 feet wide, provided with a sheet-metal- clad transit warehouse 400 feet long and 120 feet wide. All of above Wharves are fronted with shipside aprons 35 feet wide, equipped With two marginal tracks. Also on west end of the basin is a timber- Pile dock 100 feet long for servicing small craft. It is equipped with electric conveyor. On the south side of the basin is a timber pile Open dock 400 feet long for servicing small craft. North of the gen- eral cargo terminal is a high-density cotton compress, privately OWned, with storage capacity of 16,000 bales requiring an area of 156,200 square feet. Also north of the terminal is a bonded ware- house which has 10-acre storage space, and which is equipped with railroad siding and a loading and unloading platform. Another cotton compress of 16,000 bales storage capacity, requiring an area of 156,200 square feet, is located at Brownsville, Tex. Near the northwest corner of the turning basin are public scales for servicing trucks. The Brownsville navigation district owns two crawler cranes for use on wharves. All concrete wharves have complete bunkering facilities. All docks and wharves are equipped with fa- cilities for servicing ships with fresh water and electric current. To the eastward of the general cargo terminal is a creosoted pile oil dock owned by the Brownsville navigation district for unloading refined oil into or loading from privately owned storage tanks. One tank farm has 15,000 barrels capacity and another, 480,000 barrels capacity. Privately owned fuel tanks have 17,000 barrels capacity bunker C and Diesel fuel. A privately owned bulk handling plant has 60,000 barrels capacity. This terminal has railroad and high- Way connections and is open to all on equal terms. Operations and results during fiscal year.-New work: From November 11, 1947, to June 30, 1948, a total of 4,064,752 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from a total of 91,526 linear feet of channel at a cost of $524,610.83. From February 20 to March 15, 1948, a total of 117,150 cubic yards (bin measurement) of ma- terial was removed from the jetty channel by the Government llopper dredge Langfitt at a cost of $49,831.88. A pro rata distribu- 1266 ,REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 tion of debit plant rental balance of the Government pipe-line dredge Omega amounted to $1,328.96. Maintenance: The Government hopper dredge Langfitt dredged the jetty channel from February 20 to March 15, 1948, removin 28,611 cubic yards (bin measurement) of material at a cost of $26,072.12. From November 11, 1947, to June 30, 1948, a total of. 1,575,929 cubic yards of material was removed by contract from 91,526 linear feet of channel at a cost of $195,931.98. There were additional costs as follows: Pro rata distribution of debit plant rental balance of Government pipe-line dredge Omega, $2,689.68; hydrographic surveys by radar, $4,280.65; and periodic surveys and inspections, $2,691.35. The total cost of all work for the year was $807,437.45, of which $575,771.67 was for new work and $231,665.78 was for mainte- nance. The total expenditures were $671,072.35. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 96 per- cent complete. The 25-foot project channels and jetties were com- pleted in 1936. The deepening of the sea bar and jetty channels to the 31-foot depth and of the inside channels and basins to the 2 8-foot depth was completed in 1940. Widening and deepening the Port Isabel turning basin to the project dimensions was completed in 1947. The work remaining consists of completing the deepening of the sea bar and jetty channels, deepening and widening the channel to the Brownsville turning basin, and dredging the wye-channel at the junction of the Port Isabel and Brownsville channels. The controlling depths at mean low tide in the various channels comprising the waterway were as follows: Depth in feel mean low tide Channel from deep water in the Gulf of Mexico through the jetty channel toinside Brazos Santiago Pass ------------------------------- 36,0 Channel from inside Brazos Santiago Pass to westerly side of Long Island 31.0 Channel from westerly side of Long Island to the turning basin at Port Isabel-----.. - ------ --------------------------------- 32.0 Turning basin at Port Isabel ---------------------------------- 32.5 Channel from westerly side of Long Island to the turning basin near Brownsville --------------------- Turning basin near Brownsville---- ------------------------ _..---.-----------_-_ - 27.5 32.0 The total cost of the existing project to June 30, 1948, was as follows: New work Maintenance Total Regular funds------..........................---------..........---------- $1,429, 199. 03 $2, 042, 246. 54 $3, 471, 445. 57 Public Works funds-------------------------.............................. 2, 848, 560. 03 .................. 2, 848, 560.03 Total United States funds--------------.................. 4, 277, 759. 06 2, 042, 246. 54 6, 320, 005. 60 Contributed funds---..............----......-----...........-------- ------- 1, 683, 257. 70 .................. 1, 683, 257. 70 Total all funds---........--..--........--..--------..... 5, 961, 016. 76 2, 042, 246. 54 8, 003, 263.30 The total expenditures were $7,867,819.49, consisting of $3,336,- 001.76 regular funds, $2,848,560.03 Public Works funds, and $1,- 683,257.70 contributed funds for new work. Proposed operations.---The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $372,688.39 plus an allotment of RIVERS AND IIARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1267 $250,000.00 made in July 1948, a total of $622,688.39,'will be applied as follows: ACCounts payable June 30, 1948__---------------------------- $135,443.81 New work: Dredge sea bar and jetty channels with Govern- ment hopper dredge (July, November, and December 1948)........----------------------$225,000.00 Complete enlargement, and dredge connecting channel at junction of Port Isabel and Brownsville channels under an existing con- tract (July to September 1948)------------ 213,872.12 Total for new work- ------------------------------ 438,872.12 Maintenance: Dredge sea bar and jetty channels with Govern- ment hopper dredge (July 1948) ----------- 28,372.46 Dredge shoaled areas of inside channels and basins under an existing contract in conjunc- tion with new work dredging (July to Sep- tember 1948)....------------------------ 20000.00 Total for maintenance ------------------------------ 48,372.46 Total for all work ....------------------------------- 622,688.39 The additional sum of $750,000 can be profitably expended in the fiscal year 1950, as follows: Maintenance: Dredge sea bar and jetty channels with Government hopper dredge (October, 1949).------------------- -------------- $100,000 Dredge inside channels and basins, where necessary, by contract (September to November, 1949)- ...-------------------------- 150,000 Make repairs to north jetty by placing thereon a concrete cap, by contract (September, 1949 to June, 1950)....-- ---------.... 500,000 Total---.----------_----------------------------.__ 750,000 Maintenance funds for fiscal year, 1950 exceed the average for the last 5 years as a result of previously deferred jetty repairs and increased construction costs. Cost and financialsummary .. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- $4,953,614.36 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- . ..- ----------- 2,042,246.54 Total cost of permanent work to June 301 1948-- .--- ; 6,995,860.90 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ......- --- --....... .. 135,443.81 Net total expenditures..------- ------------------ 1 6,860,417.09 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---.--------- --------- _ -- 372,688.39 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------- 17,233,105.48 1268 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 948. 19 Cost of new work- - _- $143, 356. 21 $57 5,771.67 Cost ofmaintenance............ $129,704.61 $366, 837.04 $186, 710.38 57, 514.88 23 1,665.78 Total cost-----------...... 129, 704.61 366,837.04 186, 710.38 200,871.09 80i 7,437.45 Total expended_ -.------....... 116,934.76 379,017.48 191,804.19 194,889.57 671,072.35 Allotted.................. 80, 000. 00 263, 000.00 365, 500.00 20, 000.00 1, 035,00.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------------------- $8,260.74 Amount allotted during fiscal year______________ __________ 1,035,500.00 Amount to be accounted for 1,043,760.74 Gross amount expended-___- -- _____________________ -671,072.35 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------- 372,688.39 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---------- $135,443.81 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts---.. 189,774.66 325,218.47 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 47,469.92 Amount allotted in July 1948_______________________________ 250,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .. 297,469.92 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ___________________________ 750,000.00 1 In addition, $1,806,619.37 was expended from contributed funds for new work. 22. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 3 OF THE RIVER AND HARBOR ACT APPROVED MARCH 2, 1945 The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $300,000. from any appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for any one fiscal year for improve- ment of rivers and harbors, for removing accumulated snags and other debris, and for protecting, clearing, and straightening chan- nels in navigable harbors and navigable streams and tributaries thereof, when in the opinion of the Chief of Engineers such work is advisable in the interest of navigation or flood control. Snagging and clearing under the above authorization was done to remove wreckage and debris from the north or seatrain slip, Texas City Harbor, Texas City, Tex., and to investigate the condi- tion of the main or central slip to determine the wreckage deposited therein by the explosion of ammonium-nitrate laden ships on April 16-17, 1947. Work during the fiscal year consisted of combined hired labor and contract operations to remove wreckage from the north slip, at a cost of $38,553.35 and of making an underwater survey of the main slip at a cost of $2,957.50. The total cost of all work for the fiscal year was $41,510.85. The total expenditures were $39,320.31. On June 30, 1948, the north or seatrain slip had been completely restored insofar as navigable waters were concerned. The work remaining consists of removing the wreckage of two vessels from the main or central slip. The total costs to June 30, 1948, were $42,885.54. The total expenditures were $42,820.31. RIVERS AND IIARBORS---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1269 The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $9,179.69, Will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ----------------- _ _---------- $65.23 Complete plans and specifications for removing wreckage from main slip. 9,114.46 Total ---------------- --------------------------- 9,179.69 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. - Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------- $42,885.54 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 - 42,885.54 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------- ------------ 65.23 Net total expenditures_ --- 42,820.31 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-.--- --------------------- 9,179.69 ----- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 52,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ...--------------------------------------------- Cost of maintenance ... -------------- ------------- -------------- $1,374.69 $41, 510. 85 Total expended--------------------- --------------------------- 3,500.00 39, 320.31 Allotted-------..------------ ...................... ---------------------------------- 30, 000. 00 22, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947------------------------------ $26,500.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------------------------22,000.00 Amount to be accounted for. ---------------- _-- ------ 48,500.00 Gross amount expended_---------------------------------- 39,320.31 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_------------------ 9,179.69 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 65.23 Balance available, Jurne 30, 1948------------------------- 9,114.46 23. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of work during the year amounted to $332,088.73 and the expenditures were $321,375.33. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year amounting to $85,099.39 plus accounts receiv- able of $1,875.59 together with an allotment of $87,000 for con- tingencies and an allotment of $25,000 for examinations and sur- veys made in July 1948, a total of $198,974.98, will be applied as needed in payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading during the fiscal year 1949. The additional sumof $380,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 . Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_---------------------- $3,015,519.27 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 3,015,519.27 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 - - - 1,875.59 1270 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------ --------------- 3,017,394.86 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-- - ---- _-'.- ---- 3, 166.83 Net total expenditures_____-------------------------_ 3,014,228.03 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 85,099.39 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__-------- -3,099,327.42 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ..----------------- --- ---------------- -------- Cost of maintenance------------............ $40,136. 04 $213,355.90 $355, 279.56 $497, 569.38 $332, 088.73 Total expended----------------................. 39, 770. 94 212, 464.91 357, 846. 98 505, 581.21 321, 375. 33 Allotted-----------------------------------.... 496,500.00 638,5 00.00 .............. 201,120.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $205,354.70 Amount allotted during fiscal year__.---------------------_ 208,120.02 Amount to be accounted for---------------------____ 413,474.72 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment_ ----.--- _ 7,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for ---------------------- 406,474.72 Gross amount expended_--------------------------------- 321,375.33 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 85,099.39 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------ $3,166.83 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-- "- -9,921.93 13,088.76 Balance available, June 30, 1948_------.-..----------. 72,010.63 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---- _ ------ _-_ --- _--. -1,875.59 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948._.. 73,886.22 Amount allotted in July 1948____----------____-___ . -__ 112,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-.... 185,886.22 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance-------------------------------- 380,000.00 24. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures to full report, June 30, 1948 Estimated Name of project see Annual amount re- Report quired to for- New work Maintenance complete 1. Johnsons Bayou, La..--------------------- 1933 $2, 261.35 $54, 042. 26 (2) 2. Mouth of Trinity River, Tex.'_-------------- 1928 79, 540.44 10, 870.95 (2) 3. 1Arazos River, Tex., from Velasco to old Washington.---..----------------------- 1924 216, 989. 48 223, 010. 52 (2) 4. East Bay Bayou (Hanna Reef), Tex.' a______ 1922 2,476. 02 847. 80 7, 500 5. Oyster Creek, Tex....---------------------- 1922 6,942. 24 7, 556.73 (2) 6. Corpus Christi, Tex., channel to Navy sea- plane base, Encinal Peninsula ------------- 1946 1, 194, 344.69 15, 579. 63 (2) 1 Channel adequate for commerce. 2 Completed. 3 No commerce reported. RIVERS AND HARBORS--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1271 25. PLANT ALLOTMENT, GALVESTON, TEXAS, DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948----------------------- $1,505,885.26 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 ---- ----------- - 1,505,885.26 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ---- --------------- 277,489.38 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------------------ --- 1,783,374.64 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1.948 ------- ---- 219,982.82 Net total expenditures. ----- ---- ------- 1,563,391.82 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948. ------- ------------ 534,093.66 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-__ _- 2,097,485.48 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Total expended ...........---------------... $185, 223.46 $91, 435. 21 -$189, 423. 60 $151, 547. 221 -$777, 668. 48 Allotted---------------------......................... 582, 359. 38 -500, 000. 00 -- 100, 000. 00 .- 217, 670. 94 -324,121. 12 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ---------------------------- $80,546.30 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment --------- 324,121.12 Net amount to be accounted for . ---.. ---- - 243,574.82 Gross amount expended_ -------- $1,774,722.23 'Less reimbursed expenditures ---------------- 2,552,390.71 -777,668.48 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..------------ ------- 534,093.66 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_ ..---..- 219,982.82 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. . 328,038.76 548,021.58 Balance available, June 30, 1948-- ------- -------- -- 13,927.92 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -------- -------------. 277,489.38 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----------- 263,561.46 Status of all investigationsfor navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom- Congress mendation Aliens Creek tributary of River and Harbor Act,........ . Brazos River, Austin Aug. 26, 1937. County, Tex., for naviga- tion and flood control. Alvin, Tex., waterway to River and Harbor Act, . Intracoastal Waterway. Mar. 2, 1945. Angelina and Neches Rivers, Rivers and Harbors ... Tex., for additional navi- Committee resolution, gation facilities. May 24, 1946. Aransas Bay at Fulton River and Harbor Act,.. (Little Bay), Tex, Mar. 2, 1945. Baffins Bay and Laguna Rivers and Harbors ... Madre, including a turn- Committee resolution, ing basin, Louisiana and I)ec. 2, 1946. Texas Intracoastal Water- way, side channel to the vicinity of Kingsville, Texas, via. 1272 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 iI ,. -- Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom- Congress mendation --- I --- I Baffins Bay and Laguna Rivers and Harbors Madre, side channel Committee resolution, through, from Louisiana Apr. 24, 1945. and Texas Intracoastal Waterway, La. and Tex., to Riviera, including turn- ing basin at latter point. Bastrop and Chocolate Bay- Rivers and Harbors --------------- ous, Tex. Committee resolution, Feb. 28, 1945. Big Sandy Creek, Tex., (tri- butary of Sabine River). River and Harbor Act, --------------- Mar. 2, 1945. -------------------- -------------------- I Brazos Island Harbor, Tex., Rivers and Harbors --------------- increased depth in the ship Committee resolution, channels. May 10, 1945. Brazos River and Colorado River crossings, ouisiana Rivers and Harbors Committee resolution, -------------------- ------------- and Texas Intracoastal June 7, 1945. Waterway, traffic inter- ruptions at. Brazos River and Freeport Rivers and Harbors Harbor, Tex., for naviga- Committee resolution, tion, flood control, and Sept. 5, 1944. other purposes on Jones Creek and vicinity, Tex. Brazos River, Tex., compre- River and Harbor Act, hensive survey for naviga- Aug. 26, 1937. tion, flood control and other water uses. Brazos River, Tex., to pro- Rivers and Harbors vide navigable channel Committee resolution, from Richmond to the In- Sept. 22, 1944. tracoastal Waterway. Buffalo Bayou and Houston House Public Works Ship Channel, Tex., for Committee resolution, navigation and flood con- Apr. 20, 1948. trol throughout Buffalo Bayou watershed includ- ing modifications of present approved plan and require- ments for local cooperation. Cedar Bayou Pass, Corpus River and Harbor Act, .. - -- - -- - Christi Pass and Pass at Mar. 2, 1945. Murdocks Landing, Tex. ... -- - -- - Chocolate and Bastrop Bay- Rivers and Harbors ous, Tex. Committee resolution, Feb. 28, 1945. Colorado River and Brazos Rivers and Harbors .. - -- - -- - River crossings Louisiana Committee resolution, and Texas Intracoastal June 7, 1945. Waterway, traffic inter- ruptions at. Colorado River, Tex......... River and Harbor Act, .. - -- - -- - Mar. 2, 1945. Colorado River, Tex., for Commerce Committee ..... - -- -- navigation and flood con- resolution, Aug. 4,1936. trol. Colorado River and tribu- River and Harbor Act, . .. . -- -- -- taries, Tex., improvement Aug. 26, 1937. for levees andflood control. Corpus Christi Pass, Cedar River and Harbor Act, .. - -- - -- - Bayou Pass, and Pass at Mar. 2, 1945. Murdocks Landing, Tex. Corpus Christi-Port Aransas Rivers and Harbors Feb. 24,1948-.- H. 560, 80th Cong., Favorable. Waterway, Tex., increased Committee resolution, 2d sess. depth in the ship channels. May 10, 1945. Cotton Bayou, Pass Cavallo, River and Harbor Act, - - - - - - - - - or any other suitable outlet July 24, 1946. to the Gulf of Mexico, from Port Lavaca, Tex., and Palacios, Tex. Dickinson Bayou, Tex....... River and Harbor Act, Mar. 2, 1945. I.........-----------......----------------- l)ouble Bayou, Tex........... .....--- do-----.....- -------- Z RIVERS AND HARBORS-GALVESTON, TEX., I)ISTRICT 1273 Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom- Congress mendation Double Bayou, East Bay Rivers and /Harbors ................................... lBayou, Oyster Creek, Committee resolution, ................................... Spindletop Gulley, and July 20, 1946. Turtle Bayou, Tex., in in- terest of navigation, drain- age, and other purposes. East Bay Bayou, Double .. . do-.................... Bayou, Oyster Creek, Spindletop Gulley, and Turtle Bayou, Tex., in in- terest of navigation, drain- age, and other purposes. Freeport Harbor and Brazos Rivers and Harbors River, Tex., for naviga- Committee resolution, tion, flood( control, and Sept. 5, 1944. other purposes on Jones Creek and vicinity, Tex. Freeport Harbor, Tex-........ Rivers and Harbors ---- ---- ---- -------------------- Committee resolution, Aug. 8, 1945. Galveston Bay, Tex., shore River and Harbor Act, ---- ---- ---- -------------------- of, with view to prevent- Mar. 2, 1945. ing its erosion. Galveston Bay and contigu- ....------- ---- ---- ---- -------------------- ous waters, Tex., with View to providing a sea- plane channel. Galveston Channel Section Rivers and Harbors of Gulf Intracoastal Water- Committee resolution, way, relocation of channel Aug. 25, 1945. to extend from a point in vicinity of Bolivar Pen- insula north of Pelican Is- land to the drawbridge in the Galveston causeway. Galveston Channel, Tex., in- Rivers and Harbors do............. ..... ... do........ Favorable creasing depth in the ship Committee resolution, channels. May 10, 1945. Galveston County, Tex., Sec. 2, River and Harbor Gulf shore of Galveston Act, July 3, 1930; Act of Island from Galveston Congress, July 31,1945. south jetty to Galveston sea wall, cooperative beach erosion study. Galveston Harbor, Tex., in- Rivers and Harbors do............. Do. ..... creasing depth in the ship Committee resolution, do..-- --- channels. May 10, 1945. Galveston Harbor to Texas -......... do.......--..------- do ........-... ..... 1)o. City channel, increased depth in the ship channel and harbor. Galveston Harbor and chan- Rivers and Harbors nels, Tex., extension of Committee resolution, ... -- - -- - existing seawall. Nov. 20, 1945. Garza ])am, Trinity River Rivers and Harbors ------------- and tributaries, Tex., at Committee resolution, and above. Nov. 30, 1945. Guadalupe River, harbor of Rivers and Harbors -- - ---. -- refuge at or near Seadrift, Committee resolution, 'Tex. Feb. 15, 1946. Guadalupe River, Tex., im- Rivers and Harbors ... -- - -- - provement for navigation, Committee resolution, flood control, power, and Apr. 8, 1938. irrigation (final report). Guadalupe River, Tex., Vic- Rivers and Harbors toria to Gonzales, for navi- Committee resolution, gation, flood control, Mar. 29, 1945. power, and related pur- poses. Gulf Intracoastal Water- Rivets and Harbors way (Louisiana-Texas sec- Committee resolution, tion), relocation of Galves- Aug. 25, 1945. ton Channel section, to ex- tend froma pointin vicinity of Bolivar Peninsula north of Pelican Island to the drawbridge in the Galves- ton causeway. 1274 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Lr Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. . Reom* Congress mendation Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Rivers and Harbors (Louisiana-Texas section), Committee resolution, for bypass channel from, July 9, 1945. at, or near Port Bolivar westerly and southerly (north and west of Pelican Island) to the Intracoastal Waterway in south Gal- veston Bay. Houston Ship Channel and House Public Works Buffalo Bayou, Tex., for Committee resolution, navigation and flood con- Apr. 20, 1948. trol throughout Buffalo Bayou watershed includ- ing modifications of present approved plan and require- ments for local cooperation. Houston Ship Channel, Tex., Rivers and Harbors ..... Favorable increased depth in the ship Committee resolution, channels. May 10, 1945. Jefferson County drainage Flood Control Act, July districts, Tex., provision 24, 1946. of outlets in interest of pro- viding egress flood waters into existing waterways in general vicinity of Port Arthur, Tex., including Taylors Bayou, for flood control, drainage, and na- vigation. John A. Hulen Camp, and Rivers and Harbors Palacios, Tex., channel to Committee resolution theIntracoastal Waterway. Sept. 13, 1944. Jones Creek, Tex., in the in- River and Harbor Act, ------ ------ ----- terest of navigation and Mar. 2, 1945. flood control. Jones Creek and vicinity Rivers and Harbors Tex., for navigation, flood Committee resolution, control, and other purposes Sept. 5, 1944. (Review of Freeport Har- bor and Brazos River, Tex.). Kingsville, Tex., side chan- Rivers and Harbors nel from Louisiana and Committee resolution, Texas Intracoastal Water- Dec. 2, 1946. way, via Laguna Madre and Baffins Bay, including turning basin. Laguna Madre and Baffins .......... .................... do-----.....-----.....-----------...............-------- Bay, including a turning basin, Louisiana and Texas Intracoastal Waterway, side channel to the vicinity of Kingsville, Tex., via. Laguna Madre and Baffins Rivers and Harbors Bay, side channel through, Committee resolution, from Louisiana and Texas Apr. 24, 1945. Intracoastal Waterway, La. and Tex., to Riviera, including turning basin at latter point. Leon River, Texas (Interim Flood Control Acts, June Report covering naviga- 22, 1936; Aug. 28, 1937; tion and flood control). River and Harbor Act, Aug. 26, 1937. Little Bay, (Aransas Bay at River and Harbor Act, Fulton) Tex. Mar. 2, 1945. Louisiana and Texas Intra- Rivers and Harbors coastal Waterway, traffic Committee resolution, interruptions at Brazos June 7, 1945. River and Colorado River crossings. Louisiana and Texas Intra- Rivers and Harbors coastal Waterway, side Committee resolution, channel to the vicinity of Dec. 2, 1946. Kingsville, Tex., via La- guna Madre and Baffins Bay, including a turning basin. I I RIVERS AND HARBORS---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1275 . . . . . . . Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom- Congress mendation Louisiana and Texas Intra- Rivers and Harbors ....--....................... coastal Waterway, La. and Committee resolution, Tex., side channel through Apr. 24, 1945. Laguna Madre and Baflins Bay to Riviera, including turning basin at latter Point. Louisiana and Texas Intra- --.----.----------------- ,----........-- do....... ....-.. .... coastal Waterway, La. and Tex., side channel to and through St. Marys Bay and Mission River to Re- fugio, including turning basin at latter point. Louisiana-Texas section of Rivers and Harbors .............................. Gulf Intracoastal Water- Committee resolution, Way, relocation of Galves- Aug. 25, 1945. ton Channel section, to ex- tend from a point in vicin- ity of Bolivar Peninsula north of Pelican Island to the drawbridge in the Gal- veston causeway. Louisiana-Texas section of Rivers and Harbors .............. ................ Gulf Intracoastal Water- Committee resolution, way, for bypass channel July 9, 1945. from, at, or near Port Boli- var westerly and southerly (north and west of Pelican Island) to the Intracoastal Waterway in south Gal- veston Bay. Mission River and St. Marys Rivers and Harbors .............. Bay, side channel to and through, from Louisiana Committee resolution, Apr. 24, 1945. and Texas Intracoastal Waterway, La. and Tex., to Refugio, including turn- ing basin at latter point. Murdocks Landing Pass, Ce- River and Harbor Act, dar Bayou Pass, and Cor- Mar. 2, 1945. Pus Christi Pass , Tex. Neches and Angelina Rivers, Rivers and Harbors Tex., for additional navi- Committee resolution, gation facilities. May 24, 1946. Neches River and tributa- River and Harbor Act, ries, Tex., in the interest Mar. 2, 1945. of navigation, flood con- trol, and other water uses. Neches River to Trinity ..-------. do.....-----..------.. ---- ----- River Tex., waterway via Pine Island Bayou and ex- tension. OYster Creek, Double Bay- Rivers and Harbors ou, East Bay Bayou, Spin- Committee resolution, dletop Gulley and Turtle July 20, 1946. Bayou, Tex., in interest of navigation, drainage, and other purposes. OYster Creek, Tex., to pro- Rivers and Harbors Vide navigation channel Committee resolution, - from Sugar Land to Intra- Sept. 22, 1944. 9oastal Waterway. Palacios and Port Lavaca, River and Harbor Act, Tex, channel to the Gulf July 24, 1946. of Mexico by way of Pass Cavallo, Cotton Bayou, or any other suitable outlet to the Gulf of Mexico. Palacios Tex., and Camp Rivers and Harbors ." .. " John A. Hulen channel to Committee resolution, the Intracoastal Waterway. Sept. 13, 1944. Pass Cavallo, Cotton Bayou, River and Harbor Act, ............. " or any other suitable outlet July 24, 1946. to the Gulf of Mexico, from Port Lavaca, Tex., and Palacios Tex. Pass Cavallo to Port Lavaca, Rivers and Harbors .......... "... Tex., channel. Committee resolution, Sept. 10, 1946. 1 1 1 1276 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 ... Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Recom- Document Congress No. mendation Pine Island Bayou and ex- River and Harbor Act, tension, Neches River to Mar. 2, 1945. Trinity River, Tex., water- way, via. Pine Island Bayou, Tex..-.- ....---- do............. Port Aransas-Corpus Christi Rivers and Harbors Waterway, Tex., increased Feb 24 1948 II. 560,2d 0th Favorable Committee resolution, Cong., 2d sess. depth in the ship channels. May 10, 1945. Port Arthur Canal and Sa- Senate Public Works bine - Neches Waterway, Committee resolution, Tex., deep water channel Apr. 20, 1948. through Sabine Lake. Port Arthur, Sabine-Neches Rivers and Harbors Waterway, Tex. Committee resolution, Apr. 11, 1946. Port Arthur, Tex., including Flood Control Act, July Taylors Bayou, for flood 24, 1946. control, drainage, and nav- igation, in Jefferson County drainage districts, Tex., provision of outlets in interest of providing egress flood waters into ex- isting waterways in general vicinity of. Port Lavaca, Tex., and Pa- River and Harbor Act, I. lacios, Tex., channel to the July 24, 1946. Gulf of Mexico by way of Pass Cavallo, Cotton Bay- ou, or any other suitable outlet to the Gulf of Mexico. Port Lavaca to Pass Cavallo, Rivers and Harbors 'l ex. channel. Committee resolution, Sept. 10, 1946. Refugio La., side channel Rivers and Harbors from Louisiana-Texas In- Committee resolution, tracoastal Waterway and Apr. 24, 1945. turning basin at, via St. Marys Bay and Mission River, Tex. Riviera, La., side channel ........... do---------- ------- .... ........... ---- -----..... from Louisiana-Texas In- tracoastal Waterway, through Laguna Madre and Baffins Bay, and turn- ing basin at. Sabine Lake, Sabine-Neches Senate Public Works Waterway and Port'Ar- Committee resolution, thur Canal, Tex., deep Apr. 20, 1948. water channel through. Sabine-Neches Waterway, River and Harbor Act, Tex., improvements in the Mar. 2, 1945. interest of navigation and prevention of damage by floods. Sabine - Neches Waterway, Rivers and Harbors --------------- Tex., in the vicinity of Committee resolution, Port Arthur. Apr. 11, 1946. Sabine-Neches Waterway Senate Public Works --------------- and Port Arthur Canal, Committee resolution, Tex., deep water channel Apr. 20, 1948. through Sabine Lake. Sabine River and tributaries, River and Harbor Act, --------------- Tex., for navigation, flood Mar. 2, 1945. control and other water uses. St. Marys Bay and Mission Rivers and Harbors --------------- River, side channel to and Committee resolution, through, from Louisiana Apr. 24, 1945. and Texas Intracoastal Waterway, La. and Tex., to Refugio, including turn- ing basin at latter point. San Antonio River, Tex., im- River and Harbor Act, --------------- provement for navigation, June 20, 1938. flood control, power, and prevention of erosion. -- FLOOI)D CONTROL----GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1277 IIf Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation - -- *1------ - 1- adrift, Tex., harbor lof Rivers and Harbors .......................-------------- refuge at or near, on Committee resolution, Guadalupe River, Tex. Feb. 15, 1946. SDindletop Gulley, ])ouble Rivers and Harbors .--- ---- -- Bayou, East B3ay Bayou, Committee resolution, Oyster Creek and Turtle July 20, 1946. Bayou, Tex., in interest of navigation, drainage, and Other purposes. Taylors Bayou, for flood con- Flood Control Act, July ..----- ---------------- trol, drainage, and naviga- 24, 1946. tion, in Jefferson County drainage districts, Tex., provision of outlets in in- terest of providing egress flood waters into existing Waterways in general vi- cinity of Port Arthur, Tex., including. Texas and Louisiana Intra- Rivers and Harbors ............ coastal Waterway, traffic Committee resolution, Interruptions at Brazos June 7, 1945. River and Colorado River crossings. Texas City Channel, Tex. Rivers and Harbors ..- ------- ----------- (dike). Committee resolution, T)ec. 16, 1944. Trinity River and tributa- Rivers and Harbors ...-- - -------------------- ries, Tex., at and above Committee resolution, Garza )am.. Nov. 30, 1945. Trinity River and tributa- Rivers and Harbors ...--------- ------------------ ries, Tex., for navigation, Committee resolution, flood control and allied Feb. 28, 1945. purposes. Trinity River and tributa- Rivers and Harbors .......--------- ------------------ ries, Tex., for navigation Committee resolution, and flood control. Mar. 31, 1944. Trinity River to Neches River and Harbor Act, --------- ----------------- River, Tex., waterway via Mar. 2, 1945. Pine Island Bayou and extension. Turtle Bayou, Double Bay- Rivers and Harbors ...--------- ------------------ ou, East Bay Bayou, Oys- Committee resolution, ter Creek, and Spindletop July 20, 1946. Gulley, T'ex., in interest of navigation, drainage and other purposes. Turtle Cove, Tex...---...----- River and Harbor Act, .....................----------- July 24, 1946. Water hyacinth obstruction Rivers and Harbors-- - - in Louisiana and other Committee resolution, States affected. Feb. 6, 1945. 26. MILL CREEK, BRAZOS RIVER, TEX. Location.-These improvements are located on Mill Creek, a perennial stream which has its source about 3.5 miles west of Bell- ville, Tex., and flows generally southeast about 18.9 miles to its confluence with the Brazos River at a point 151.9 miles above the mouth. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for en- largement of creek channel to a minimum bottom width of 50 feet, removal of all snags and timber from source to mouth, and improve- ment of channel alignment. Principal benefits to be derived would be the restoration of aban- doned farm lands and protection from floods for presently cultivated lands. The estimated Federal cost for construction, revised in 1948, is $444,000; the estimated cost to local interests including lands and damages is $41,500, a total of $485,500. 804711---48 vol. 1- 81 1278 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by River and Harbor Act ap- proved July 24, 1946. (See H. Doc. 707, 79th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done. Work to be done consists of preparation of detailed plans and construc- tion of authorized phases of the project. No costs have been incurred. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $444,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Preparation of detailed design and plans and specifications by hired labor ------------------- $31,200 Channel rectification by contract---_______________________ 412,800 Total --------------------------------------------- 444,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ . .---- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ----------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 .------------ ------- - Net total expenditures_-__----------------- _ ___.-------- ..... Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ................. .-- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------------------------------------- $444,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work --------------------------------------- 444,000 27. BUFFALO BAYOU, TEX. Location.-These improvements are located on Buffalo Bayou, a tributary of the San Jacinto River, in Harris County, west and northwest of the city of Houston, Tex. (See U. S. G. S. quadrangle sheets for Harris County.) Existing project.--This provides for the improvement of Buffalo Bayou and its tributaries above the turning basin (Houston) of the Houston Ship Channel to provide for the control of floods, the protection of the city of Houston from flood damages, and the pre- vention of the deposit of silt in the turning basin of the Houston Ship Channel by means of detention reservoirs, enlargement and rectifications of channels, the construction of control works, and any diversions which may be found advisable. The authorized cost of Federal participation for construction is limited to $9,000,000. The estimated Federal cost is $9,000,000 for construction and $12,- 684,000 for lands and relocations; the estimated cost to local inter- ests is $21,097,000, a total of $42,781,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved June 20, 1938 (H. Doc. 456, 75th Cong., 2d sess.), and the Flood Control Act approved August 11, 1939. Local cooperation.- See page 7 for requirements. The require- ments are being complied with. The offer of the Harris County FLOOD()) CONTROL---GAIVESTON, 'TEX., DISTRICT 1279 flood-control district to advance the sum of $2,900,000 to the Depart- raent for prosecution of the Buffalo Bayou project was accepted by the Secretary of War on December 18, 1940, and July 10, 1945. Operationsduring fiscal year.-Operationsduring the fiscal year Consisted of: Continuation of the acquisition of lands for Barker Reservoir, Addicks Reservoir, and Buffalo Bayou rectified channel; Preparation of plans and specifications, and curative work required in connection with the acquisition of required lands; completion of channel rectification of South Mayde Creek from Addicks Reser- Voir to Buffalo Bayou and continuation of rectification of Buffalo Bayou from South Mayde Creek to South Canal; initiation of in- Stallation of gates at Barker and Addicks Dams; and partial ac- quisition of reservoir lands. Routine maintenance and care were carried on from July 1947 to June 1948 on Barker Dam and rectified channel. Total cost during the fiscal year was as follows: New work Maintenance Total Begular ftmunds: Contract. $1,869, 964.51 ------------------ $1, 869, 964.51 Iire-d labor 58, 434.68 $101, 052. 74 159, 487.42 Total _.... ...... 1, 928, 399. 19 101, 052. 74 2, 029, 451.93 Advanced funds: None None None Total for all work...........---------------------- 1, 928, 399. 19 101,052.74 2,029, 451.93 Total expenditures were $1,829,224.49 all from regular funds. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 22.5 Percent complete. Construction of Barker Dam and appurtenant outlet works and channel rectification from Barker Dam to South Mayde Creek was completed in 1945. Revision of slopes for Barker Dam drainage ditches was continued. Construction of Addicks Dam and appurtenant outlet works, and rectification of South Mayde Creek was 80 percent complete. Review of land appraisals and reappraisals was continued on Barker and Addicks Reservoirs, and Buffalo Bayou channel recti- fication. No work was done on the second stage of the development which includes the construction of South Canal and its appurtenant intersection dam and rectification work. To complete the project, subsurface explorations and detailed design must be completed, and construction of the remaining units of the authorized project must be accomplished. 1280 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948, was as follows: New work Maintenance Total Regular funds: Contract .------------------------------- -- , 381, 551.69 $5, 381, 551. 69 ...........----------------...... Hired labor----------- ------------------ 1,357,469.08 $194,585.78 1,552,054.86 Total-----.........---------------------------- 6,739, 020. 77 194, 585. 78 6, 933, 606.55 Advanced funds: Contract.. -------........................ ............... 2, 834, 712. 92------------ 2,834, 712.92 2 Hired labor---- 65, 287.08 65, 287.08 3 Total ----------------------------- 2, 900, 000.00 ------------------ 2, 900, 000.00 0 Total all work--------------------------...... 9, 639, 020.77 194, 585.78 9, 833, 606.55 Total expenditures were $9,460,884.10, of which $2,900,000 was from advanced funds. Proposed operactions.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $1,878,493.51, plus an allotment of $86,000 for mainte- nance will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_---------------------------- $372,722.45 New work: Addicks Dam: Project signs by contract_________ -- _________ -- $400.00 Construction of Addicks Dam by contract--------__ ---- 561,580.24 Supply of lift gates, operating machinery, and supports by contract --------------------------------------- 44,621.00 Installation of gates by contract_---------------------- 23,733.93 Land acquisition by hired labor---------------------- 263,648.79 Barker Dam: Plans and specifications by hired labor ----------------- 1,189.14 Project signs by contract_ ----------------------------- 400.00 Supply of lift gates, operating machinery and supports by contract ... ..-------------------------------------- 44,621.00 Installation of gates by contract.------------------ 23,733.92 Crown stablization by contract....---------------------110,000.00 Land acquisition by hired labor----------.----_ __ 15,928.50 Channel rectification: Plans and specifications by hired labor_-- 1,538.18 Continuation of channel rectification by contract-------- 299,727.82 Relocation of Stanolind Oil Co. pipe line by contract .- - 6,015.00 Relocation of Lone Star Gas Co. pipe line by contract .. 3,056..00 Reconstruction of deer proof fence by contract--_---. Land acquisition by hired labor ---------- - 1,500.00 103,173.32 - Maintenance: Maintenance and repair to Barker Dam, Addicks Dam and Rectified channel by hired labor . 87,264.22 Total for all work ---------------------------- 1,964,493.51 The additional sum of $290,500 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Maintenance and repair Barker Dam, ------------------------ $77,000 Maintenance and repair Addicks Dam ------------------------ 90,500 Maintenance and repair Rectified Channel -------------------- 123,000 Total --------------------------------------------- 290,500 FLOOI) CONTROr---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1281 Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------- $6;,739,020.77 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 194,585.78 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----.----- 6,933,606.55 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.------------------- 372,722.45 Net total expenditures---------------------------- 16,560,884.10 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948__.------------------------ 1,878,493.51 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------ 18,439,377.61 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-------------. . $311,024.03$1, 279, 490.75 $272, 557.35 $2, 025, 660.85 $1, 928,399.19 Cost of maintenance- ....-- - . .. . 9, 418. 17 53,354. 17 30, 760. 70 101, 052. 74 Total cost------------..............---.. 311,024.03 1, 288, 908.92 325, 911. 52 2, 056, 421.55 2, 029, 451.93 261,469. 57 1,334,193.88 Total expended ...........---------------... 279,330.30 1,936, 676. 18 1, 829, 224. 49 -62, 200. 00 Allotted__..................... 122, 000. 00 3,418, 850. 00 200, 000. 00 1,834, 700. 00 I Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $1,873,018.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year------------ ------------ 1,834,700.00 Amount to be accounted for- ----------------------- 3,707,718.00 Gross amount expended ----------------- $1,838,321.09 Less reimbursed expenditures --------------- 9,096.60 1,829,224.49 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 1,878,493.51 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ------- 372,722.45 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-_- 1,309,754.31 1,682,476.76 Balance available, June 30, 1948.------------ ---------- 196,016.75 Amount allotted in July 1948_----------------------------- 86,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949... 282,016.75 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project. ----------------------------------- 13,440,472.39 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ------------------ ------- 290,500.00 SIncludes $326,027.61 rivers and harbors funds. ADVANCED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--.-----------------------$2,900,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ....... 2,900,000.00 Net total expenditures ---------------------------------- 2,900,000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------ 2,900,000.00 1282 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-.--.... .... $839, 282. 53 $473, 904.66 $38, 349. 14 $424, 847. 45 ... - .. Cost ofmaintenance-----......----------------- - ---------- ------------ Total expended-.-------------- 833, 411. 74 575, 436.44 38, 355.00 424, 847. 45------------ Allotted ---------------------------------- .. 00 00 -------... ---------.. CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR BUFFALO BAYOU, TEX. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_____________ __________ 1$9,639,020.77 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_______________________ 194,585.78 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 9,833,606.55 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 372,722.45 Net total expenditures ---------------------------- 9,460,884.10 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 1,878,493.51 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__----------- 11,339,377.61 Fiscalyear ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ....----------..-- $1, 150, 306. 56 $1, 753, 395. 41 $310, 906. 49 $2, 450, 508.30 $1, 928, 399.19 Cost of maintenance- -------.... - --------_ 9,418.17 53,354. 17 30,760.70 101,052.74 --- 1, 150, 306. 56 1, 762, 813. 58 Total cost-----------.........---........ 364, 260. 66 00 2,481,269. 2, 029, 451. 93 Total expended--------------................. 1,094, 881.31 1, 909, 630. 32 317, 685.30 2, 361, 523.63 1, 829, 224 49 Allotted...------------..... ------........... -62, 200. 00 122, 000. 00 3, 818, 850. 00 200, 000. 00 00 1, 834,700. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--__ --- _ ____--------$1,873,018.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year_-_- _._-_------__ _ -_ -1,834,700.00 Amount to be accounted for_-- -- - ______--__________ 3,707,718.00 Gross amount expended_-------_------ $1,838,321.09 Less reimbursed expenditures------ --------- 9,096.60 1,829,224.49 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.-------------------- 1,878,493.51 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-..... -.. 372,722.45 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts __ 1,309,754.31 1,682,476.76 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ..----.-----__ 196,016.75 Amount allotted in July 1948_-----.-. __ ___ -- -----___ - 86,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .. 282,016.75 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ----------------------------------- 31,637,472.39 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_-- __ .----....-------- 290,500.00 1Includes $326,027.61 rivers and harbors funds. FLOOD() CONTRL()I--GALVI±ESTON, TEX., DISTRICT. 1283 28. TRINITY RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES, TEX. Location.-These improvements are located in the upper portion of the Trinity River Basin within a 50-mile radius of Dallas, Tex. Existing project.-The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, adopted the comprehensive plan of improvement for navi- gation, flood control, and allied purposes, in the Trinity River Basin, as outlined in House Document 403, Seventy-seventh Congress, first session. This plan provides for the construction at this time of Ben- brook, Little Elm, and Grapevine Reservoirs, the modification of Garza Dam, and the improvement of the levees and floodways at Fort Worth and Dallas, for flood protection and water conservation. The act also adopted the modification contained in House Document 533, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, which provides for the construction of the Lavon Reservoir on the East Fork of the Trinity River. The River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946, further modified the authorized Lavon Reservoir to provide for con- servation storage as may be determined warranted by the Secretary of War upon the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers. The latest published maps are contained in the project documents. The estimate of cost for new work revised in 1948 is $79,450,900, and is itemized in the tables below. The flood-control works included in the comprehensive plan are listed below: Dams and reservoirs Distance Reservoir Estimated Reservoir Stream above Height Typo capacity cost mouth Acre Miles Feet feet llenbrook..--- -Clear Fork..---------- 15 130 Earth fill..,... 258, 630 16, 520, 000 Lavon __---- East Fork---.----.. 65.9 69- ..... do--------. 423, 400 16, 380, 000 Grapevine ----..- Denton Creek - 11.7 112 ....-- 200 16, 564, do------.............434, 000 Garza Little Elm Elm Fork....----------- 30 1,016,200 2 23, 321, 125 900 1 Includes $2,174,000 non-Federal costs. 2 Does not include $3,323,000 non-Federal costs. Local protection works Estimated cost Dis- tance Location Stream above Type structure Total mouth Construe- Lands tion and damages 1 - Miles Fort Worth..... Clear and West Forks. 560 Levee and channel 1,388, 000 $215, 000 $1,603, 000 clearing. Dallas.......-------- Elm Fork and Trinity 505 ..... 1,739,000 do.....-........ ....-----------... 1,739, 000 River. 1Non-Federal cost. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Section 2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies to reservoirs. Additional requirements of local cooperation for Benbrook, Lavon, Grapevine, and Garza-Little Elm Reservoirs, and Fort 1284 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Worth and Dallas Floodways are contained in the individual reports. All operations previously reported under the heading "TrinitY River and tributaries, Texas," for those projects are now contained in the individual reports and previous costs and expenditures have also been transferred to those reports. 29. BENBROOK RESERVOIR, TEX. Location.-The improvement is located in Tarrant County, Tex., on Clear Fork of Trinity River, 15 river miles upstream from its confluence with the West Fork of the Trinity River, about 10 miles southwest of Fort Worth, Tex. Existing project.-The plan of improvement, a unit of the com- prehensive plan for flood control in the Trinity River Basin, pro- vides for the construction of an earth-fill dam approximately 9,200 feet in length, including an uncontrolled concrete spillway 500 feet in length located in the left abutment. The dam has a maximum height of 130 feet above the stream bed. The reservoir provides a storage capacity of 258,630 acre-feet, of which 170,380 acre-feet are for flood control, 72,500 acre-feet for conservation storage and a sedimentation reserve of 15,750 acre-feet. The reservoir extends 10.6 miles upstream. The estimated cost of the project revised in 1948, is $16,520,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. (See H. Doc. 403, 77th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of preparation of detailed plans and speci- fications, completion of initial earthen embankment by contract, and initiation of construction of the outlet works. Total cost during the fiscal year was $538,405.34, all for new work from regular funds, of which $125,574.89 was by hired labor and $412,830.45 by contract. Total expenditures were $455,925.57. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 7 per- cent complete. Detailed plans and specifications were 70 percent complete and construction was approximately 4 percent complete. Land acquisition was continued. To complete the project detailed plans and specifications must be completed and construction ac- complished. Total cost to June 30, 1948 was $862,475.04 for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures were $777,132.77. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $1,554,167.23, plus an allotment of $3,200,000 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_ ----------------------------- $85,342.27 New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor. 32,281.09 Master planning for facilities for reservoir management and public use of the reservoir area-------------------------- 2,669.25 Construction of outlet works by contract ------------------ 955070.38 Construction of buildings and water supply system by contract. 4,316 .69 FLOOD CONTRO--- G ALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT - 1285 Construction of spillway and completion of earthen embank- ment by continuing contract_--------------------- 1,964,404.02 Clearing of reservoir area by contract--------------------- 44,000.00 Supply of Government furnished materials by contract------ 217,760.00 Cemetery relocations by contract--------------------- 4,400.00 Relocation of Southwestern Bell Telephone lines by contract,- 70,000.00 Construction of power line to dam by contract_-------------- 8,400.00 Construction of project signs by hired labor -------- 500.00 Relocation of Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R. R. by continuing contract-- ----------- ------------------ - 500,000.00 Land acquisitions by hired labor ----------------------- 865,023.53 Total for all work- --------------------------------- 4,754,167.23 The additional sum of $4,000,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for new work as follows: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor $32,000 Preparation of master plan for facilities for reservoir management and public use of the reservoir area..._---- ...------- ------------ -- 6,796 Completion of outlet works by contract ------------------------ 25,723 Relocation of telegraph lines by contract.------------------------ 15,600 Construction of spillway and completion of earthen embankment by continuing contract..--------------------- ------------ ---- 2,376,277 Reservoir clearing by contract-- .------------------------------- 44,000 Relocation of Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R. R. by continuing contract_ 754,584 Relocation of county roads by contract ----------------------- 115,000 Alterations to United States Highway No. 377 by contract....------- 326,500 Downstream slope protection by contract ------- -------- 15,000 Land acquisition by hired labor --- ------------ ---------- ---- 288,520 Total -. '--- ----------------------------------------- 4,000,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---- ---------------- $862,475.04 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_._--------- 862,475.04 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-------------- --------- 85,342.27 Net total expenditures ------ --------------------- 777,132.77 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-....------------------------ 1,554,167.23 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-.-.-._.. - 2,331,300.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work --- ---.....--------------- - --------------..... $200,843.84 $123, 225. 86 $538, 405.34 Cost of maintenance-...-------------------------- _---------- ------------------------ Total expended ...-------------------------- 198, 495.36 122, 711.84 926. 57 455, Allotted-----...........---------------- 1,600, 000. 00 731,300.00 ....-------------........ -------...............-- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------------------- $410,092.80 Amount allotted during fiscal year------------- ------------- 1,600,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-------------------------2,010,092.80 Gross amount expended---------- ------------------------- 455,925.57 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__------ ------- -__ 1,554,167.23 1286 RIEPORTIT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948----_---- -- $85,342.27 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-.....- 1,400,900.66 4293 S1,486,242.93 Balance available, June 30, 1948-----------_ ------------- 67,924.30 Amount allotted in July 1948------- ---------------------- 3,200,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949------- 3,267,924.30 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------10,988,700.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ---------------------------- 4,000,000.00 30. LAVON RESERVOIR, TEX. Location.-The improvement is located in Collins County, Tex., on East Fork of Trinity River, 55.9 miles above its confluence with the Trinity River and about 22.5 miles northeast of Dallas, Tex. Existing project.-The plan of improvement, a unit of the com- prehensive plan for flood control in the Trinity River Basin, pro- vides for the construction of an earth fill dam, approximately 9,540 feet in length, including a gate-controlled concrete spillway 568 feet in length located in the right abutment. The dam has a maximum height of 69 feet above the stream bed. The reservoir provides a storage capacity of 275,600 acre-feet for flood control, 100,000 acre- feet for conservation, and a sedimentation and dead storage reserve of 47,800 acre-feet. The reservoir extends 10 miles up the East Fork and 16.1 miles up Pilot Grove Creek. The estimated cost of the project, revised in 1948, is $16,380,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. (See H. Doc. 403, 77th Cong. 1st sess., and H. Doc. 533, 78th Cong.) The project was further modified by the River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946. The latest published maps are contained in the project documents. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of partial preparation of detailed plans and specifications and initiation of construction of earthen embank- ment. Land acquisition was started. Total cost during the fiscal year was $245,452.62, all for new work from regular funds, of which $71,523.79 was by hired labor and $173,928.83 by contract. Total expenditures were $165,030.45. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 3.6 percent complete. Detailed plans and specifications were 30 per- cent complete. Construction of initial earthen embankment was 77 percent complete. To complete the project, completion of detailed plans and specifications and construction must be accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $435,- 457.21, all for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures were $355,032.64. FLOOD CONTROL---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1287 Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $339,867.36, plus an allotment of $2,800,000, will be applied as follows: Account,s payable June 30, 1948----------------------------- $80,424.57 New woJrk: Con tinuation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor 64,582.07 Prei paration of master plan for reservoir management and pub- lic use of the reservoir area by hired labor----------------- 2,000.00 Con npletion of initial earthen embankment by contract ... - 39,541.17 Con struction buildings by contract. --------- --------- 50,000.00 Con struction of water supply system by contract------------ 16,500.00 Inst allation of power line by contract --------------------- 9,700.00 Cer aetery relocation by contract - 5,000.00 Exc avation for spillway and completion of earthen embankment b'y continuing contract----------------------------- 1,171,878.86 Con struction of project signs by hired labor--- ..-------- -.. 500.00 Rel ocation of Southwestern Bell Telephone lines by contract._ 10,000.00 Rel ocation of Texas Power & Light power line by contract- ..- 50,000.00 Rel ocation of REA power lines by contract.--------- ------- 6,000.00 Lan d acquisitions by hired labor------------------------- 1,633,740.69 Total for all work--------------------------------- 3,139,867.36 The additional sum of $3,500,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Continuation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor _ $58, 800 Preparation of master plans for reservoir management and public use of the reservoir area ------------------------------ 4,000 Excavation for spillway and completion of earthen embankment by continuing contract-------------------------------- ,110,000 Relocation of Western Union Telegraph lines by contract Initiation of relocation of Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R.R. by -.. 6,800 contract----------------------------------------- 520,900 Supply of mobile crane by contract ------------------ ---- 23,400 Supply of standby generator by contract ----------------. .. . 11,000 Alterations to State Highways 24 and 78 by contract ---------. 238,500 Relocation of Community Public Service Co. power line by contract_--------------------------------------------- 20,000 Relocation of American Telephone & Telegraph Co. lines by contract_--------------------------------------------80,000 Construction of spillway by continuing contract---------- . 1,115,100 Supply of spillway crest gates by continuing contract 110,000 Supply of spillway gate hoists by continuing contract--- 66,500 Reservoir clearing by continuing contract ----------- 110,000 Downstream slope protection by contract ... ... 25,000 Total ---------------------------------------- - 3,500,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-,- - --.. ' $435,457.21 ... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- - 435,457.21 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-------------------------80,424.57 Net total expenditures---------......---------... ------------ 355,032.64 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948....- ........... ... 339,867.36 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.,,,.-.. ... 694,900,00 1288 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work - _---------------- $153, 981. 11 $36, 023. 48 452.62 $245, Cost of maintenance- - ---------- --- -__________________--- -- - Total expended ---------------------- ........... 153,981.11 --------------- 36,021.08 16 0* Allotted--------- -------------- -----------------------........ 194, 900.00 500,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-----------------____________ $4,897.81 Amount allotted during fiscal year ---------------- 500,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ------------------------ 504,897.81 Gross amount expended--- ------------------ 165,030.45 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__ -. __---- 339,867.36 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------- $80,424.57 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts---------146,703.70 227,128.27 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ______________________ 112,739.09 Amount allotted in July 1948______________________________ 2,800,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 2,912,739.09 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_--.______- ---. -______- _____ 12,885,100.00 Zz- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work _ ________ -____ __________--3,500,000.00 31. GRAPEVINE RESERVOIR, TEX. Location.-The improvement is located in Tarrant and Denton Counties, Tex., on Denton Creek, 11.7 river miles upstream from its confluence with the Elm Fork of the Trinity River and about 20 miles northwest of the city of Dallas, Tex. Existing project.-The plan of improvement, a unit of the com- prehensive plan for flood control in the Trinity River Basin, pro- vides for the construction of an earth dam approximately 12,850 feet in length, including an uncontrolled concrete spillway 500 feet in length, located in the left abutment. The dam has a maximum height of 137 feet above the stream bed. The reservoir will pro- vide a storage capacity of 238,200 acre-feet for flood control, 160,000 acre-feet for conservation purposes, and a sedimentation reservoir of 36,000 acre-feet. The reservoir extends 22.2 miles upstream. The estimated Federal cost of the project, revised in 1948, is $14,- 390,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. (See H. Doc. 403, 77th Cong., 1st sess.) The project document contains the latest published map. Local cooperation.--Inaccordance with the recommendation con- tained in the project document, construction of the project is sub- ject to the condition that local interests (Park Cities) contribute $607,000 toward the cost of the project, for which they will receive 50,000 acre-feet of conservation storage. The project also provided for an exchange of 75,000 acre-feet of storage between Grapevine and Lake Dallas in order to secure additional flood-control storage CONTOIU----fGALVISION, r1FIx., l)r4STlI(ct ,()LOOD) 1289 in the modified Lake Dallas (Garza). This exchange is no longer required under the new Elm Fork Reservoir plan consisting of the Grapevine and Garza-Little Elm Reservoirs; however, the city of Dallas has requested that the project include 85,000 acre-feet of conservation storage for which the city of Dallas will pay the incre- mental cost now estimated to be $1,567,000. The Secretary of the Army on November 3, 1947 approved acceptance of contributed funds in the amount of $500,000 from the Park Cities as part of their contribution toward first cost of the project; the remaining $107,000 to be paid in accordance with future agreements. Also on November 3, 1947 the Secretary of the Army approved acceptance of contributed funds in the amount of $500,000 from the city of Dallas; the remaining $1,067,000 is to be paid upon completion of the project. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of partial completion of detailed plans and specifications and initiation of construction for earthen embank- mnent. Land acquisition was started. Total cost during the fiscal year was as follows: New work Regular funds: Contract ---------------------- $179,056.68 Hired labor--__------------------------------------ 115,863.51 Total------------------------ ----------------- 294,920.19 Contributed funds: Contract---------------------------------------- 28,492.50 Total for all work------------ --------------------- 323,412.69 Total expenditures were $252,905.27, of which $224,412.77 was from regular funds and $28,492.50 from contributed funds. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 3.8 Percent complete. Detailed plans and specifications were 32 percent complete and construction was 2.3 percent complete. To complete the project completion of detailed plans and construction must be accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was as follows: New work Regular funds: Contract- --------------------- $7------- $179,056.68 Hired labor ----------------------------------------- 293,239.44 Total-------------------- -------------------- 472,296.12 Contributed funds: Contract------------------------------------------- 28,492.50 Total all work __------------------------------ 500,788.62 Total expenditures were----------------------------- 430,259.35 1290 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $1,259,740.65, plus an allotment of $3,300,000, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948.___~... -- _-_-__-______-__ $70,529.2' New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor 77,304.40 Preparation of master plan for reservoir management and pub- lic use of the reservoir area by hired labor---------------- 3000.00 Partial construction of earthen embankment by contract 766,216.62 Construction of project signs by contract--_-_ '390.00 Supply of 50-ton crane by contract------------------------ 31,000.00 Construction of observation area------_-_ ------------ 4, 610.00 Construction of buildings by contract - ---.-- 40 000.00 Water supply system by contract ------------------------- 16 800.00 Relocation of Brazos River Co-op power line by contract 74,400.00 Construction of spillway and outlet works by continuing contract__ -- ----------------------------- 1,774,360.91 Reservoir clearing by continuing contract------------------ 166,600.00 Supply of service and emergency gates by continuing contract 147,500.00 Downstream slope protection by contract- _-__------ 11,000.00 Land acquisition by hired labor -,---------------------- 1,376,029.45 _ Total for all work.. -------------- ------ -----.- 4,559,740.65 The additional sum of $4,900,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor ..__ $60,000 Preparation of master plan for reservoir management and public use of the reservoir area by hired labor-________ ________ _ -- 4,000 Partial construction of earthen embankment by contract ----------- 28,742 Complete relocation of Brazos River Co-op power line.-- 2, 200 Relocation of cemeteries by contract.- ---. _-6,000 ---- Supply of 50-ton crane by contract----------------------. ------ 2,000 Construction of power line by contract--------------------------- 11,200 Construction of spillway and outlet works by continuing contract -- 570,000 Reservoir clearing by continuing contract.------------------------ 93 ,000 Supply of service and emergency gates by continuing contract.. 28,500 _ Relocation of telephone lines by contract ------------------------- 17,450 Relocation of Texas & Pacific R.R. and United States Highway No. 377 by contract -- -----........ .--. ._-____ -- _ 1,470,150 Relocation of REA power lines by contract_ ------- _ _--------- 3,000 Completion of earthen embankment by continuing contract.....---------. 2,030,258 Downstream slope protection by contract ------------------------ 33,500 Land acquisition by hired labor_----------..---------__..__..- 540,000 Total --------------------------------------------- 4,900,000 Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $472,296.12 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-...............-------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.......... 472,296.12 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- .-- ..-......-. -- 70,529.27 Net total expenditures ------------------------------ 401,766.85 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 288,233.15 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 690,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL---GALVESTON, TEX., )ISTRICT 1291 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ..................---------------- ----------- $80, 739.41 $96, 636. 52 $294, 920. 91 Cost of maintenance--...-..- ------------- - -------------- ------------ ------ Total expended---------- ------------ .-------------- 8,73941 96 , 614 67 224, 412.77 Allotted ...... - -------- 190,000.00- ..-.- 500, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.--------------------- $12,645.92 Amount allotted during fiscal year-..------------------------ 500,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--------------------- 512,645.92 Gross amount expended---......----------------------------- 224,412.77 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.--------------- 288,233.15 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948__-------- $70,529.27 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts 192,056.18 262585.45 . . . ... Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------- -- 25,647.70 Amount allotted in July 1948---------------------------- 3,300,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-- -.....--. 3,325,647.70 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ....---------------------------- - 10,400,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-...------------------------- 4,900,000.00 CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------ $28,492.50 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-......-------- -- --.-. ----.------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948...-- 28,492.50 Net total expenditures------------------------------------ 28,492.50 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.--- ------..---.-------. - 971,507.50 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_------- - 1,00000,0.00 year ending June 30- Fiscal 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work........------- ------------- -------------- ------------------------ I ' $28,492.50 Cost of maintenance-----.........--------------------------------------------------------------- Total expended .......-------------------------------------------- ------------------ 28,492.50 Contributed------............---------------------------------------------- 1, 000, 000. 00 ------........ Amount allotted during fiscal year.- .. -- .---- $1,000,000.00 .------.--- Gross amount expended 28,492.50 -----.......--.........----.................... Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948., -----------.. .... 971,507.50 1292 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR GRAPEVINE RESERVOIR, TEX. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $500,788.62 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_______ -____________ _- --- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 500,788.62 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 70,529.27 Net total expenditures ____________________________ 430 259.35 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948__________________________ 1,259,740.65 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-----_-- 1,690,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- Cost of neww 1944 1945 1946 1947 101 1948 _ --. - - Cost of new work -..-......... $80, 739. 41 $96, 636.52 $323, 412. 69 Cost of main tenance... ........ --- 27 ---- 2,905. Total expended------------- - -80, 739.41 96,614.67 252,905.27 Allotted--------------------- 190, 000.00 1, 500, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ .___-____-__.___- -- _ $12,645.92 Amount allotted during fiscal year______________________ _ 1,500,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------------- 1,512,645.92 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 252,905.27 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 1,259,740.65 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---------- $70,529.27 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-..... 1,003,463.68 1,073,992.95 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 185,747.70 Amount allotted in July'1948______ _________________ _ 3,300,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .......- 3,485,747.70 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project 1_ . 10,400,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_ _____ .__ __ 4,900,000.00 I Excludes $1,174,000 to be contributed by local interests. 32. GARZA-LITTLE ELM RESERVOIR, TEXs Location.--The improvement is located in Denton County, Tex., on Elm Fork of Trinity River, 30 river miles above its confluence with Trinity River and about 22 miles northwest of the city of Dallas, Tex. Existing project.-The plan of improvement, a unit of the com- prehensive plan for flood control in the Trinity River Basin, pro- vides for the construction of a single earth-filled dam and reservoir on Elm Fork at a site below the existing Garza Dam. This reservoir, designated as the Garza-Little Elm Reservoir, replaces the Little Elm Reservoir, the modified Garza Reservoir, and the Aubrey Reservoir. The reservoir provides a storage capacity of 526,700 acre-feet for flood control, 436,000 acre-feet for conservation, and a sedimentation reserve of 53,500 acre-feet---a total of 1,016,200 acre-feet. Of the total conservation storage 415,000 acre-feet are FLOI) CONTROL----GA LVIESTO N, TEX., I)ISITRICT 1293 to be provided for the city of Dallas; the incremental cost of which is to be borne by the city. The estimated cost, revised in 1947, is $19,028,900 for construc- tion and $4,293,000 for lands and damages, a total of $23,321,900. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. (See H. Doc. 403, 77th Cong. 1st sess., which contains the latest published map.) Local cooperation.-Constructionof the project is subject to the condition that local interests (city of Dallas) contribute the incre- mental cost now estimated to be $3,323,000, for which they will receive 310,000 acre-feet of conservation storage. In addition, the city of Dallas is required to grant to the United States perpetual fiowage easements over all lands comprising the existing reservoir and appurtenances now controlled by the city of Dallas, the power to control and limit development, including improvements existing on Garza Dam, the reservoir lands, and appurtenances and the right to breach Garza Dam in such manner and degree deemed necessary by the United States for the Garza-Little Elm Reservoir and in exchange for these rights and privileges the city of Dallas is to receive 105,000 acre-feet of additional conservation storage in the Garza-Little Elm Reservoir. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of completion of topographic surveys and subsurface investigations for preparation of detailed plans. De- tailed plans and specifications were started. Construction of a stream gaging station was accomplished. Total cost during the fiscal year was $38,974.42, all for new work from regular funds by hired labor. Total expenditures were $36,357.04. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 1.7 percent complete. Preliminary investigations and office studies were 100 percent complete. To complete the project completion of detailed plans and specifications and construction must be accom- plished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948, was $404,- 739.08, all for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures were $401,914.74. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $134,385.26, plus an allotment of $500,000 will be ap- plied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948---------- - $2,824.34 New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor 143,438.44 Preparation of master plan for reservoir management and public use of reservoir area by hired labor- - _ 1,000.00 Construction of initial earthen embankment by contract------- 225,000.00 Relocation of REA power line by contract.-------------------20,000.00 Land acquisition by hired labor -------------------------- , 242,122.48 Total for all work ----------------------------------- 634,385.26 804711-48-vo. 1-82 1294 R1EPO()tT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $3,900,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor-..... $250,000 Preparation of master plan for reservoir management and public use of reservoir area by hired labor__--------. _----____________ 3,000 Construction of spillway and second stage earthen embankment by continuing contract--------__----------- 1, 909,800 Relocation of Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R. by continuing contract_ 224,000 Relocation of State Highway No. 77 by continuing contract 112,000 -------- Relocation of transmission lines by contract_ 135 000 Cemetery relocations by contract_--------------______________ -11,200 Construction of powerline by contract --------------------------- 5,000 Construction of operator's quarters and water supply system by contract--- --------------------------------------------- 50,000 Land acquisition ..............----------------------------------------- 1,200,000 Total-------- --- ---------------- --------------- 3,900,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -$404,739.08 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_---------------40,79 . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948..--------- 404,739.08 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948....__... 2,824.34 Net total expenditures_ __--_-_ __ .----------- _ 401,914.74 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948._:-_- _._-____------- 134,385.26 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-________-_ 536,300.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-----..............--------------............................ $177,073.47 $188, 691. 19 $38, 974.42 Cost of maintenance-----...............................-------.......-------...........--........----------.....-------------.........----------- Total expended........---------.........---------............................--- 176, 012. 80 189, 544. 90 36, 357. 04 Allotted---------------------.........................-----.......--..................--- 536,300.00 ---------..........--------..........----- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947----------------------.. $170,742.30, Gross amount expended_------------------------------------ 36,357.04 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ ---.--------- 134,385.26 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------- ------- ---------- 2,824.34 Balance available, June 30, 1948__-----_ _ -_131,560.92 -___- - Amount allotted in July 1948---_------_. ---. --- ____ --- 500,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 __.. 631,560.92 Amount (estimated) required to be -appropriated for - - - completion - - - - - of existing project 1- - - - - - - - . .... -.. . 22,285,600.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_... ... . ._ .. .. ... ... .. 3,900,000.00 1 Excludes $3,323,000 (estimated) to be contributed by local interests. 33. FORT WORTH FLOODWAY, TEX. Location.-The floodway is located on the West Fork and Clear Fork of the Trinity River at Fort Worth, Tex. FLOOD CONTROL--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1295 Existing project.-The plan of improvement, a unit of the com- prehensive plan for flood control in the Trinity River Basin, pro- vides for raising and strengthening the present levees with material excavated from the channel and floodway, clearing the floodway of timber and debris, removing obstructions, and enlarging bridge opening by excavation in order to provide a safe capacity in the Clear Creek portion of 60,000 second-feet and 95,000 second-feet in the West Fork portion of the floodway downstream of the con- fluence of the Clear and West Forks. The estimated Federal cost of this modification, revised in 1948, is $1,388,000 for construction, and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $215,000, a total of $1,603,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. (See H. Doc. 403, 77th Cong., 1st sess.) The project document contains the latest published map. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition the project is authorized subject to the conditions that local interests authorize and permit the modification of the levees and floodways at Fort Worth, remove or adjust all obstructing bridges and other utilities and dams as required by the Secretary of the Army and prevent obstructions and encroachments from being placed in the floodway. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of control and topographic surveys, investi- gations, and office studies necessary for preparation of detailed plans. Total cost during the fiscal year was $13,357.88, all for new work from regular funds by hired labor. Total expenditures were $13,803.72. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 5.9 percent complete. Preliminary investigations and design for prepa- ration of detailed plans were 48 percent complete. To complete the project, surveys, explorations, and detailed design must be com- pleted and construction must be accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was $61,- 446.88. Total expenditures were $61,892.72. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year including accounts receivable, $66,582.37, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_- ---- ----------------- $29.25 New work: Engineering studies and design for preparation of detailed plans by hired labor .------------------------------------- 66,553.12 Total for all work------------------------------- --- 66,582.37 The additional sum of $24,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for initiation of detailed plans and specifications. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_------------------ .$61,446.88 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 _ 61,446.88 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------------_ 475.09 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------- ------- _ _ 61,921.97 1296 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- _ 29.25 Net total expenditures_--__ ___-_______--_______ __ 61,892.72 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_____________-___________ 66,107.28 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-------------- 128,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ----------------------------------- $39, 363.94 $8, 725. 06 $13, 357.88 Cost ofmaintenance--- ------------------------------------------------------------ Total expended--- ----- --- ----------........-... 39,363. 94 8,725.06 13, 80:3.72 Allotted------------.--.. -------- ----.... - -------.............. 000. 128, 00 . Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _________________________ _ $79,911.00 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------ _ 13,803.72 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_____________________ 66,107.28 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---------_------.-- .- 29.25 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------ 66,078.03 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-- ---------- __ --------_ -475.09 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------- 66,553.12 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project... . ..-------------------------------------- 1,260,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work- -...----- _ __-_--___-- _ 24.000.00 34. DALLAS FLOODWAY, TEX. Location.-The floodway is located on Elm Fork and West Fork of the Trinity River at Dallas, Tex. Existing project.-The plan of improvement, a unit of the com- prehensive plan for flood control in the Trinity River Basin provides for the strengthening of the levees and the clearing of the floodway. The estimated Federal cost of these modifications, revised in 1948, is $1,739,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945. (See H. Doc. 403, 77th Cong., 1st sess.) The latest published map is contained in the project document. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition the project is authorized subject to the conditions that local inter- ests authorize and permit the modifications of the levees and flood- ways at Dallas, remove or adjust all obstructing bridges and other utilities and dam as required by the Secretary of the Army; and prevent obstructions and encroachments from being placed in the floodway. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of control and topographic surveys, investi- gations, and office studies necessary for preparation of detailed plans. Total cost during the fiscal year was $30,198.58, all for new FLOOD CONTROL---GALVESTON, TEX., DI)ISTRICT 1297 work from regular funds by hired labor. Total expenditures were $28,842.70. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 7.2 percent complete. Preliminary investigations and design for prepa- ration of detailed plans were 69 percent complete. To complete the project, surveys, explorations, and detailed design must be com- pleted and construction accomplished. Total cost to June 30, 1948, was $124,960.69 all for new work. Total expenditures were $123,- 604.81. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $58,395.19, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_--------------- $1,355.88 Engineering studies and design for preparation of detailed plans by hired labor------------------------ ------------ ------ 57,039.31 Total for all work.------------- ---------------------- 58,395.19 No additional funds are required during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_.------------------------ $124,960.69 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- ------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--.....- . 124,960.69 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.-----------------------. 1,355.88 Net total expenditures.------------------------------- 123,604.81 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 58,395.19 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------- 182,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-_...... ---- -------------.........----------- $50,316. 08 .... 44, 446.03 $30, 198. 58 Cost of maintenance ------- -------------------------------------------------- 'Total expended----------- -------------------.. 50, 316.08 44, 446.03 28,842.70 Allotted- ...---------....---------- --------------------- 182,000.00 - - 947 - --- -- -- ----- -- - - - - - -- - $87,237.89 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1 ... Gross amount expended.----------------------------------- 28,842.70 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------- 58,395.19 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_---------- _- ------------ 1,355.88 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 57,039.31 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---------------------------------------- 1,557,000.00 35. WHITNEY RESERVOIR, BRAZOS RIVER, TEX. Location.-The improvement is located on the Brazos River, Tex., about 442 miles above the mouth of the river, 5.5 miles southwest of Whitney, Tex., and about 38 miles upstream from the city of Waco, Tex. (See U. S. Geological Survey sheets; Waco, Cleburne, and Grandbury, scale 1:125,000, and Whitney, Blum, and Morgan, scale 1:62,500.) 1298 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for a con- crete dam about 1,674 feet long at the top, including an 824-foot gate-controlled spillway section; two earthen embankment sections totaling 8,251 feet; and saddle dikes 7,876 feet long. The top of the dam will be about 155 feet above the river bed. The reservoir will have a controlled storage capacity of 2,017,500 acre-feet, including 1,630,500 acre-feet of flood-control storage, 131,700 acre-feet of power storage, and 255,300 acre-feet of dead storage. A powerhouse will be located adjacent to the right bank immediately downstream from the nonoverflow section of the dam. The capacity of the initial installation of hydroelectric generating facilities will be 30,000 kilowatts. The project will afford substantial flood protection to the city of Waco, Tex., and the lower Brazos River Valley and will provide for generation of hydroelectric power, and for other bene- ficial water uses. The estimated cost of the project, based on 1948 prices, is $37,- 993,000 for construction and $3,801,000 for lands and damages, a total of $41,794,000. The estimated cost of annual maintenance, made in 1939, is $70,000 for maintenance and operation, including the power plant. The Flood Control Act, approved August 18, 1941, approved the existing project in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers in House Document 390, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session, which contains the latest published maps, and author- ized $5,000,000 for the initiation and partial accomplishment of the project. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, au- thorized completion of this project. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of: completion of detailed plans and speci- fications for dam, spillway, and powerhouse by contract; prepara- tion of plans and specifications for relocation of Missouri, Kansas- Texas and Santa Fe Railroad; relocation of Texas State .Highway No. 22; completion of construction of initial earthen embankment; completion of railroad spur track; partial acquisition of lands and rights-of-way; and initiation of construction on the concrete dam and completion of earthen embankment. Total cost during the fiscal year was $2,162,117.67, all for new work from regular funds, of which $257,262.35 was by hired labor and $1,904,855.32 by contract. Total expenditures were $1,902,- 960.44. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 8.4 percent complete. Detailed plans and specifications were 94 percent complete. Construction of a portion of the earthen embankment was complete. Relocation of Texas State Highway No. 22 was com- plete. Construction of railroad spur was complete and construction of the masonry section of the dam had been started. To complete the project, detailed plans and specifications must be completed, and relocations and construction must be accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was $3,552,- 072, all for new work. Total expenditures were $3,246,092.75. Proposed operations.--Thebalance unexpended at the end of the FLOOD CONTROL()-GALVESTON TEX.,. D)ISTRICT 1299 fiscal year, $4,478,907.25, plus an allotment of $4,000,000 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 -------------------- ------ $305,979.25 New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor 29,943.14 Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by contract._ 4,300.49 Preparation of master plan for facilities for reservoir manage- ment and public use of the reservoir area----------------- 4,512.41 Construction of spur track by contract------------------ -- 5,990.73 Construction of masonry dam and completion of earthen em- bankment by continuing contract_--------------------- 4,868,110.78 Supply of oil tanks and values by contract ----------------- 7,370.00 Supply of face gates and guides by contract----------------- 141,332.00 Supply of passenger elevator by contract------------------- 18,553.00 Supply of intake gates and guides by contract---- ---------- 121,240.00 Supply of 75 kilovolt-ampere standby generator by contract__ 7,224.20 Supply of emergency control distribution power board by contract----------------------------------------- 3,966.00 Supply of tainter gates and accessories by continuing contract_ 300,000.00 Supply of slide gates by continuing contract --------------- 207,350.00 Supply of bridge steel, lift beams and trash racks by contract 128,190.00 Supply of intake gate hoists by contract-_------------------ 97,430.00 Supply of tainter gate hoists by icontract_----------------- 178,500.00 Supply of two 20,700 horsepower water turbines by continuing contract___ ------------------------- -165,850.00 Supply of two 16,667 kilovolt-ampere electric generators by continuing contract-------------------------------- 139,060.00 Supply of revolving mobile crane by contract--------------- 30,500.00 Supply of main power transformers by continuing contract-_- 63,000.00 Relocation of Texas State Highway No. 22 by contract 32,845.93 Relocation of Community Public Service Co. transmission line by contract -------------------------------------- 62,745.00 Relocation of Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R.R. by continuing contract_---- ----------------------------------- 325,000.00 Relocation of Texas Power and Light Co. transmission line by continuing contract_-------------------------------- 94,500.00 Relocation of Magnolia Pipe Line by continuing contract---.. 105,000.00 Relocation of M.K.T. Railroad by continuing contract ------- 525,000.00 Land acquisition by hired labor-------------------------- 505,414.32 Total all work---------------------------------- 8,478,907.25 The additional sum of $14,000,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor Preparation of master plan for reservoir management and public use of -... _ $20,000 reservoir area by hired labor ------------------------------ 2,000 Construction of masonry dam and completion of earthen embankment by continuing contract_------- ---------------------------- 7,700,815 Supply of face gates and guides by contract_-- ---------------- 6,468 Supply of passenger elevator by contract---------.. -------.-------- 507 Supply of intake gates and guides by contract.. ------ 2,280 Supply of 75 kilovolt-ampere standby generator by contract _ 256 Supply of emergency control distribution power board by contract- 104 Supply of tainter gates and accessories by continuing contract-..... 518,315 Supply of slide gates by continuing contract ---------------------- 212,500 Supply of bridge steel, lift beams, and trash racks by contract ...... 4,310 Supply of intake gate hoists by contract------------------------- 2,770 Supply of tainter gate hoists by continuing contract --------------- 241,500 Supply of two 20,700 horsepower water turbines by continuing contract_ ------------------------------------ ------- 179,250 Supply of two 16,667 kilovolt-ampere electric generators by continu- ing contract --------------------------------------------- 245,500 Supply of revolving mobile crane by contract-.--------------- _ -500 Supply of main power transformers by continuing contract-_ 57,725 1300 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Supply of governors by contract -____________________-__ -- _ 63,000 Supply of overhead traveling crane by contract- 68,250 Supply of metal switchgear by contract --------------------------- 12,600 Supply of auxiliary power board by contract---------------------- 12, 600 Supply of switchyard equipment by continuing contract _ 108,150 Initiate relocation of Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R.R. by continuing contract--- ------------------------------------------- 1,644,400 Relocation of Texas Light & Power Co. transmission lines by con- tinuing contract_------------------------------------------ 371,200 Relocation of Magnolia Pipe Line by continuing contract_----------- 145,000 Initiate relocation of Missouri, Kansas & Texas R.R. by continuing contract ---------------------------------------------- 1,095,000 Relocation of Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. lines by continuing contract------------------------------------------------ 52,500 Cemetery relocations by contract_----------------------------_ 52,500 Reservoir clearing by continuing contract_ _------------ _----180,000 Land acquisition by hired labor---------------------------_ 1,000,000 Total for all work--- ______ _______________________ 14,000,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ------------ __________ $3,552,072.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948________-------_ _ - _------- -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------- 3,552,072.00 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 305,979.25 Net total expenditures ----------------------------- 3,246,092.75 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 _______________________ 4,478,907.25 Total amount appropriated to June 30,1948--- -. 7,725,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------............... $17, 540. 29 $181, 164.21 $369, 493.78 $792, 107. 89 $2, 162, 117. 67 Cost of maintenance--...----------------------------------------------------- ------ Total expended----------------................. 15, 061. 50 169, 998. 27 347, 816.07 780, 608. 31 1,902, 960. 44 Allotted----.............------........--------------.................. 350, 000. 00 5, 200, 000.00 2,000.000.00 ...........-------------... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ -___ _________._-- .- __ $1,181,867.69 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------- _ __ _ -5,200,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- -- ----______- ____- 6,381,867.69 Gross amount expended_------------------- $1,903,070.44 Less reimbursed expenditures--------------- 110,00 1,902,960.44 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 4,478,907.25 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948....... . 305,979.25 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_ 3,919,474.56 4,225,453.81 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------- __ _ 253,453.44 Amount allotted in July 1948--------..-- --------- _---_ 4,000,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .... 4,253,453.44 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---------------------_-__-_-_-_-_ 30,069,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-_- _-- ___ _-_-__14,000,000.00 _----- FLOOI) CONTROL-GALVESTON, TIX. I)ISTRIICT 1301 36. BELTON RESERVOIR, LEON RIVER, TEX. Location.-The improvement is located on the Leon River about 15.5 miles above the confluence of the Leon and Lampasas Rivers, and about 3 miles north of Belton, Bell County, Tex. (See U. S. Geological Survey base map, scale 1:500,000 and U. S. Geological Survey, Belton sheet, scale 1:62,500.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for a con- crete dam about 1,666 feet long at the top, including an 873-foot spillway, and an earthen embankment about 9,986 feet long. The top of the dam will be about 176 feet above the river bed. The reservoir will have a controlled storage capacity of 1,094,400 acre-feet, includ- ing 882,100 acre-feet of flood-control storage; 126,400 acre-feet of conservation storage; and 85,900 acre-feet of dead storage. The project will afford substantial flood protection of Leon River Valley from Belton Dam site to confluence with Lampasas River; Little River Valley from confluence of Leon and Lampasas Rivers (miles 101.7) to the mouth; Brazos River Valley from Little River (miles 315.8) to the mouth. The cost of the project, based on 1948 prices, is $22,500,000. The Flood Control Act of 1946, approved July 24, 1946, author- ized construction substantially in accordance with recommendations of the Chief of Engineers, as contained in his report dated April 19, 1946, at an estimated cost of $15,500,000. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938 applies. Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-Operationsduring the fiscal year consisted of control and topographic surveys, investiga- tions, and office studies necessary for preparation of detailed plans. Total cost during the fiscal year was $82,702.50 all for new work from regular funds by hired labor. Total expenditures were $70,258.50. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 0.5 percent complete. Preliminary investigations and design for prep- aration of detailed plans were 36 percent complete. To complete the project, surveys, explorations, and detailed design must be com- pleted and construction must be accomplished. Total cost to June 30, 1948 was $82,702.50, all for new work. Total expenditures were $70,258.50. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $79,741.50, plus an allotment of $500,000 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948--------------- ----------------- $12,444.00 Detailed surveys, explorations and design by hired labor--------- 147,297.50 Preparation of detailed plans and specifications_ 100,000.00 Construction of initial earthen embankment by contract _ 220,000.00 Land acquisition by hired labor--------------------- --- _ 100,000.00 Total for all work5------------------------- - ,-,- 579,741.50 1302 REPORT'r OF' CI[IEF OF. ENGINEERS, U. SS. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $2,500,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor $140,000 Construction of outlet, works by contract----------------------- 1,040,000 Construction of spillway by contract--------------------------- 1,000,000 Land acquisition by hired labor- - ------ - - 320,000 Total_--- - - ---- ------------- 2,500,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-, . -. $82,702.50 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- __----- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- _ 82,702.50 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---- 12,444.00 Net total expenditures,-- ------ -_ -'---------- _ 70,258.50 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------------------ ---------- 79,741.50 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948..---_ 150,000.00 , Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------............... ...--------- ............... ---..........------------.....-------- ..... $82, 702. 50 Costof maintenance ... ---------....... . ......... .---- .............. . Total expended--..............----------------------------- ------........----------------------- 70, 258. 0 Allotted..--.----: -I..--- =000-------0--,00 ........----- Amount allotted during fiscal year_ --------- '-- _ - "- - .$150,000.00 Gross amount expended-..-. , .------- ------------- _---- 70,258.50 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-----.--79,741.50 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- ___------$12,444.00 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts ..------------ 1,586.59 - .!--- .. 14,030.59 Balance available, June 30, 1948,_ ............-....-.. 65,710.91 Amount allotted in July 1948..... ... .- 500,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949.-.-1- 565,710.91 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project .- ....- _- -..... -- _ 21,850,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June < 30, 1950, for new work..-- --------------------------------- 2,500,000.00 37. EASTLAND, LEON RIVER, TEX. Location.-The improvement is located in the vicinity of East- land, Tex., on the North Fork of Leon River, between river miles 0.5 and 2.4 above its confluence with South Fork of Leon River. (See U. S. Geological Survey base map, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of 5,000 feet of levee by strengthening and enlarging an abandoned railroad embankment, minor channel rectification be- FLOOD CONTROIr-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1303 1 tween miles 0.5 and 2.4, and construction of 900 feet of storm sewer ditch with concrete drainage structures. The improvement will Provide flood protection to the .city of Eastland and agricultural lands along the North Fork of Leon River. The estimated Federal cost for construction, revised in 1948, is $159,700; the estimated cost to local interests including lands and damages is $32,000, a total of $191,700. The Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized con- struction substantially in accordance with recommendations of the Chief of Engineers, dated April 19, 1946. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-No work has been done. Work to be done consists of preparation of detailed plans and construction of authorized phases of the project. No costs have been incurred. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is Proposed during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. 38. EAGLE LAKE TO MATAGORDA, COLORADO RIVER, TEX. Location.-Along the Colorado River, Tex., between the town of Matagorda and the town of Eagle Lake extending from 6.5 to 115 miles above the mouth of the river. (See U. S. Geological Survey base map, Texas, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for a sys- tem of parallel levees along the river, with the following features: About 81.2 miles of levee along the left bank ending just above Eagle Lake; about 66.5 miles of levee along the right bank ending about 5 miles above Glenflora; concrete floodwalls at the city of Wharton totaling about 1,570 feet in length; drainage ditches and channels along the landside of the levees; alterations to six railroad lines, Seven highways, and power, telephone and pipe lines within the leveed floodway. The project will provide protection to about 421,- 000 acres of agricultural lands and eight towns against major floods reasonably to be contemplated. !! il::. .. The Federal cost for construction, estimated in 1946, is $18,847,- 090; the cost to local interests, including lands and damages and bridge alterations, is estimated at $2,177,010, a total of $21,024,100. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- Proved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc, 312, 76th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements for local cooperation, as provided by,law, local interests are required to bear the expense of necessary bridge alterations and to maintain and operate the two new bridges across the cut-off at Wharton. Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-Operationsduring the fiscal year consisted of completion: of surveys, preliminary investi- gations and office studies necessary for preparation of detailed plans. Total costs during the fiscal year was $1,501.33 all for new work from regular funds by hired labor. TotalY expenditures' were $1,764.59. Condition at end of fiscal year.-No construction has been done. 1304 REPORT OF CHflEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Preliminary investigation and design for preparation of detailed plans were 100 percent complete. To complete the project detailed plans and specifications must be completed and construction accom- plished. Total cost and expenditures to June 30, 1948 were $408,000 all for new work. Proposed operations.-No funds are available and no work is proposed during the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __________________________ $408,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ ._......__.__.__----------- -_ Total cost of permanent work to June 80, 1948- - 408,000.00 Net total expenditures---_ _- _ _-.------408 000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_--------------------408 000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 s Cost of new work-......------------......... $62, 259.40 $185,639.41 $47, 876.01 $110,723.85 $1, 01.33 ..............................--........................ Cost of maintenance------------...........------- ---------------------------------- Total expended ................. 57, 126.47 173, 872.51 59. 288.63 115, 947. 80 1,764. 59 Allotted.....--------.. ---....--...-...-----....... 13,000.00 270,000.00 75,000.00 .............. ...------ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_--__ .. __- _--___.- __._. $1,764.59 Gross amount expended_ ._____ _________ ._____________ 1,764.59 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------------- -------------- -------- 18,439,090.00 39. COLUMBUS, COLORADO RIVER, TEX. Location.-On the right bank of the Colorado River, about 135 miles above the mouth, at the city of Columbus in Colorado CountY, Tex. (See U. S. Geological Survey base map, Texas, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for an earth levee about 11,924 feet long on the right bank of the Colorado River, with suitable drainage structures and bank protection where necessary. The improvements will protect the city of Columbus against major floods reasonably to be contemplated. The estimated Federal cost for construction, based on 1948 prices, is $281,000; the estimated cost to local interests for lands and dam- ages is $17,000, a total of $298,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 312, 76th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or part. In conform- ance with provisions of section 2 of the 1941 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on October 1, 1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date FLOOD CONTRO---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1305 Unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof detailed plans and specifications was complete. No construction work was done. To complete the project completed plans and specifications must be reviewed, and construction accomplished. Total costs and expenditures under the existing projects to June 30, 1948 were $41,570.63 all for new work from regular funds. Proposed operations.-No work is proposed during the fiscal year 1949, since required assurances of local cooperation have not been furnished. Upon receipt of required assurances of local co- Operation, the unexpended balance, $87,329.37, June 30, 1948, can be applied as follows: New work: Review of detailed plans and specifications and award of construc- tion contract by hired labor ..-.. --------------------- -- $1,000.00 Construction by continuing contract---.----- 8--------- 86,329.37 Total for all work ..--------------------------------- -- 87,329.37 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --------------------------- $41,570.63 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-.------. 41,570.63 Net total expenditures. ------------------------- . .41,570.63 l Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ....------------------------- 87,329.37 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -------------- 128,900.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of maintenance-....... Cost of new work . __............ ..- ,1_ --------- $14,377. 17 312.51 -- $11,965.83 -4.1-i -- 11,970.87 7. $12, 716. 14 $2, 511.49 -- , i ------------- .. ......... Allotaexpended -14 1,200.00 --- .. .. Allotted .......-------------..------ 8, 700.00 14,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.--------------------------- $87,329.37 Amount allotted during fiscal year_.------------------------------- Amount to be accounted for .---------------------------- 87,329.37 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.-------------------------- 87,329.37 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project........---------------------------------------152,100.00 40. LA GRANGE, COLORADO RIVER, TEX. Location.-The improvement is located on the left bank of the Colorado River, Tex., between mile 173.6 and mile 176.6 above the 1 outh, at the city of La Grange, in Fayette County, Tex. (See U. S. Geological Survey base map, Texas, scale 1:500,000.) I 1306 REPORT 0F' CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U.' S. ARMY, 1948 Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for about 12,470 feet of earth levee, with suitable drainage structures,.ex- tending from high ground on the upper side of the town, around low-lying portions of the town along the river, to high ground on the lower side of the town.' The improvements will protect the citY of La Grange against major floods reasonably to be expected. The Federal cost for construction, estimated in 1948, is $566,000; the cost to local interests including lands and damages is $52,500. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act aP- proved.August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 312, 76th Cong., 1st sess., which includes the latest published maps). Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or part. In conform- ance with provisions of section 2 of the 1941 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on October 1, 1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-Topographicsurveys, subsurface investigations, and engineering studies were completed for prepara- tion of detailed plans. No construction work had been performed. To complete the project detailed plans and specifications must be completed and construction of the authorized phases accomplished. Total cost and expenditures under the existing project to June 30, 1948 were $15,097.26 all for new work from regular*funds. Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance, $7,902.74, June 30, 1948, will be applied to preparation of plans and specifications. No work is proposed during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------- __ _-----.. $15,097.26 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-,- ._-------__ ------ - . -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- "15,097.26 Net total expenditures--- ------ _ "-------------__ _ _______ 15,097 26 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------- 790274 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. -_ -...... 23,000.00 -... FIscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 .. Cost of new work......--------.. $8,585.06 $6,512.20 Cost of maintenance........ ---............. ------........... ... ...---. r. s+ Total expended-................. 8,585.06 6,12.20- .............----- . 2,000,00 1 Allotted.............----.......... 7,000.00 1............-.......... ....... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947. :'. .- - $7,902.74 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.,_..,.., ---..... -------- 7,902 74 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --------------------- -----..-------------- 543,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1307 41. BRADY, BRADY:CREEK, TEX. Location.-The improvement is located on Brady Creek; between 28.6 and 30.4 miles above the mouth, in the city of Brady, McCulloch County, Tex. (See U. S. Geological Survey sheet, Brady, Tex., scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of inmprovement provides for an im- proved floodway for Brady Creek and levees and floodwalls in the city of Brady consisting of the following features: Approximately 8,800 feet of channel enlargement, 7,670 feet of earth levee, 489 feet of concrete floodwall, alteration of two highway bridges and one rail- road bridge, and the necessary drainage structures. The project pro- vides for the protection of the city of Brady from floods with a peak discharge 2.4 times as great as that of the maximum flood of record which occurred in July 1938. The estimated Federal cost for construction,! including bridge replacements, revised in 1948, is $1,715,000; the cost to local inter- ests, including lands and damages, and highway bridge replace- mrents and alterations, is $585,000, a total of $2,300,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved August 18, 1941 (H. Doc. 441, 76th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps). Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements for local cooperation as provided by law, local interests are required to bear the expense of the necessary highway bridge alterations. Local interests were formally notified March 2, 1948 of the assurances required. Operationsand results during fiscal year.---Operationsduring the fiscal year consisted of completion of preliminary field investiga- tions, topographic surveys, and office studies for design of detailed Plans and specifications. Total cost during the fiscal year was $1,895.26, all for new work from regular funds by hired labor. Total.expenditures were $1,794.09. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-Control and topographic sur- Veys, and preliminary engineering studies were complete. No con- Struction work had been performed. To complete the project, preparation of detailed plans and speci- fications, and construction of authorized units must be accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was $67,- 901.72, all for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures Were $67,800.55. ,Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $27,199.45 plus an allotment of $300,000 will be applied as follows:.} - - Accounts payable June 30, 1948-_-- --- -.-- .... . $101.17 $-- New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor._: '60,098.28 Construction of flood wall and levees by continuing contract... - 267,000.00 Total for allwork-..-- ---- -------- -r------- 327,199.45 1308 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $1,320,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor___ $2,000 Construction of flood wall and levees by continuing contract -- _ 960,500 Relocation of Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R.R. bridge by contract 357,500 Total----_--------------------------------------- 1,320,000 . Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948___-______________________ $67,901.72 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------- __---...- ------- ......- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.--- 67,901.72 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1948-_______________________ 101.17 Net total expenditures-----. _----_____-- ___ ______ - 67,800.55 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_--------------------------- 2 199 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------_ 95,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.-.............. $24,340.73 $10,675.90 $23, 174.44 $7, 815.39 $1, 89526 Cost of maintenance ............ .............. ...........------------- .............. ------------- ..............------ Total expended-------------- 20,840. 11 13, 833.66 21, 470. 15 9,862.54 1794 0 50,000.00 ....................... 20, 00 Allotted...........--............----------------------................ Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_____________________.______ $8,993.54 Amount allotted during fiscal year_---------------------------- 20 000 00 Amount to be accounted for- _---_.---.-_ -- ..----- 28,993.54 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------- 1794.09 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.--------------------- 27,199.45 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948__________________________ 101.11 Balance available, June 30, 1948.--. .--.--.-- _ -_ -_ 27, 098.28 Amount allotted in July 1948----------- -------------------- 300,000 00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949......... 327,098.28 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- 1320000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-.---. ......------------------------. 1,320,000.00 42. LAKE BROWNWOOD RESERVOIR, PECAN BAYOU, TEX. Location.-The improvement is located on Pecan Bayou near Brownwood, Tex., 57.1 miles above the mouth of Pecan Bayou. (See U. S. Geological Survey sheets, Brownwood, Coleman, and Ballin- ger, scale, 1:125,000.) Existing project.-This project is part of the plan of improve" ment on the Pecan Bayou for flood control and allied purposes; it would afford substantial flood protection to the city of Brownwood and for the valleys of Pecan Bayou and the Colorado River; it also FL(OI) CONTROIr---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 11309 Would provide additional conservation storage. The plan of improve- ment provides for enlargement of the existing earth fill dam and betterment of the existing spillway at Lake Brownwood on Pecan Bayou, Tex.; raising and strengthening the existing dam; installa- tion of spillway gates and protection against further deterioration of the present spillway channel. These measures would provide an additional 17,000 acre-feet of conservation storage, 238,000 acre- feet of controlled flood storage, and 309,000 acre-feet of storage above the controlled spillway. The estimated cost of the project, based on 1948 prices, is $12,- 830,000. The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, authorized the Plan of improvement for flood control and allied purposes on Pecan Bayou and tributaries set forth in House Document 370, Seventy- sixth Congress, first session, and authorized $1,400,000 for initiation and partial accomplishment of the plan. The Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944, authorized completion of the plan of 1iprovement. Local cooperation.-This project was adopted subject to the pro- vision that the local agency owning and controlling Lake Brown- Wood permit the United States to utilize, without cost, the existing dam, reservoir, and appurtenant works, and any of its lands needed for the construction and operation of the enlarged dam and spillway, and maintain and operate the enlarged reservoir upon completion in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of control and topographic surveys, subsurface nvestigations, and office studies necessary for the preparation of detailed plans. Total cost during the fiscal year was $14,468.95 all for new work from regular funds by hired labor. Total expenditures were $12,- 725.25. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-Preliminary surveys, subsur- face investigations, and office studies were 61 percent complete. To complete the project detailed plans must be completed and construc- tion must be accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was $163,- 026.03 all for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures Were $161,153.47. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $84,046.53, will be applied as follows: Counts payable June 30, 1948-------------------------- $1,872.56 ew Work: Preliminary engineering studies, surveys, subsurface Investigations, and office studies by hired labor.. ------------... 82,173.97 Total ------------- ------------------------------- 84,046.53 No additional funds are required during the fiscal year 1950. 804711---48-vol. 1 83 1310 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 163,026.03 $------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ ......-- -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ; 163,026.03 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948....------------------------ 1, 872.56 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 161,153.47 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-_ ___----.- -_____________ 84,046.53 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_--------------- 245,200.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- .. 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ... I:- 1 ---i -~! .r . Cost of new work- ..-..-...... $21,612.21 $100, 657.61 $20, 164.80 $6, 122.46 $14, 468. 9 Cost of maintenance-.......... ----------------------------------- Total expended................ 7, 997. 28 112, 960. 54 20, 550. 92 6,919.48 12, 726. 25 11,200.00 Allotted--......................... 145, 000.00 74,000.00 ............---- -- -- ----- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947. - -----------_- $96,771.78 Gross amount expended-- ____ ---------- ________ ______ 12 725.25 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------ ---------------- 84,046.53 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- _-. --. --. - 1,872.56 IBalance available, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 82,173.91 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------- -------- -______--_ -12,584,800.00 __ 43. HORDS CREEK RESERVOIR, PECAN BAYOU, TEX. 'Location..--The improvement is located on Hords Creek, a tribu- tary of Pecan Bayou, about 13.5 creek miles west of Coleman, Tex., and about 27.8 miles upstream from the mouth of Hords Creek. (See U. S. Geological Survey sheets, Grosvenor and Zephyr, scale, 1:62,500.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of a compacted earth-fill dam approximately 6,284 feet in length with a maximum height of 91 feet; and a crown of 24 feet; semiautomatic controlled outlet works and uncontrolled channel spillway; and water-supply appurtenances consisting of an aP" proach channel, intake structure and a 24-inch water line through the dam. The reservoir would have a total capacity of 48,607 acre-feet at design maximum water surface, of which 2,177 acre-feet would be allocated to dead storage, 5,782 acre-feet to conservation storage, 16,678 acre-feet to flood-control storage, and 23,970 acre-feet to surcharge storage. This project is part of the plan of improvement on Pecan Bayot for flood control and allied purposes. It would afford substantial flood protection to the city of Coleman, Tex., and to agricultural lands in the Hords Creek Valley and would provide municipal water supply for the city of Coleman. FLOOD CONTROL--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1311 The estimated cost of the project, based on 1947 prices, is $2,365,- 000 for construction and $195,200 for lands and damages, a total of $2,560,200. The estimated cost for annual maintenance is $38,500. The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, authorized the Plan of improvement for flood control and allied purposes on Pecan Bayou and tributaries set forth in House Document 370, Seventy- sixth Congress, first session, and authorized $1,400,000 for initiation and partial accomplishment of the plan of improvement. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, authorized completion of the plan. Local cooperation.-This project was adopted subject to the pro- Vision that a responsible local agency contribute the sum of $100,000 toward the cost of Hords Creek Reservoir. The requirements of local cooperation have been fully complied with, the sum of $100,000 having been contributed during the fiscal year 1947. The sum of $5,078.69 was also contributed during the fiscal year 1948. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of physical completion of construction of embankment and outlet works; reservoir clearing operations; par- tial acquisition of reservoir lands; and partial completion of the master plan for facilities for reservoir management and public Use of the reservoir area. Total cost during the fiscal year was as follows: Regular funds: New Work Contract-------------------. ---- ------- $1,212,216.40 Hired labor- - . -___ -------------------------- 21,179.40 Total----------------- ------------------------ 1,233,395.80 Contributed funds: Contract--........--..-.. ...---....--- ------------- 37,662.65 Total for all work- 1------------------------------ 1,271,058.45 Total expenditures were $1,225,419.64. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 76 per- cent complete. The embankment and outlet works contract was Dhysically 100 percent complete. Reservoir clearing was 100 per- cent complete. To complete the project land acquisition must be completed and additional construction must be accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was as follows: Rlegularfunds: Ncw Work Contract--- ------------------------------ $1,652,200.25 Hired labor- -- --- ..-----.---------------- 186,014.11 Total --. ----------- ........... . -------- 1,838,214.36 Contributed funds: Contract--. -------- -.--------------------- $105,078.69 Total all work........-------------.... ------------ .... 1943,293.05 Total expenditures were $1,846,988.71. 1312 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Proposed operations.-The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, $178,089.98, plus an allotment of $280,000 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948____________________________ $96,304.34 New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor 870.72 Preparation of master plan for reservoir management and public use of reservoir area by hired labor -------------- 6,749 35 Construction of embankment and outlet works by contract_ 79,788 44 Installation of emergency gates by contract_-----_ _ --- 27,825.00 General cleanup and landscaping by hired labor----------- 18,200.00 Land acquisition by hired labor_ _______________________ 90 773.44 Reservoir management and public use of reservoir area by contract. ------------- 137,578.69 Total-- --------- -------------------------- 458,089.98 The additional sum of $38,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance. Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June: 30, 1948_______________________ $1,838,214.36 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.----------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -- - 1,838,214.36 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-..-------- ---- - 96,304.34 Net total expenditures____________-_______________ 1,741,910.02 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------ 178,089.98 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-- -_ 1,920,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- ...........-------------.. $27, 014. 87 $31, 184.36 $61, 013. 26 $485, 606.07 $1, 233, 395. 80 Cost of maintenance---............---------..............----------...............--------------------- ........... ------------------..... Total expended.---------------- 26,005. 93 30, 749.82 61, 403. 54 474, 729. 78 1,149, 00. Allotted.........------------ - 2, 200.00 80, 000. 00 510,000.00 ..------------- 1,302,800.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 _______________._____ $24,310.93 Amount allotted during fiscal year_-- --------------- __-_ 1, 302,800.00 Amount to be accounted for----- -------------------- 1,327,110.93 Gross amount expended ---------------------- 1 14902095 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 178,089.98 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- -_- -- $96,304.34 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-------... 78,831.12 175,135.46 Balance available, June 30, 1948----- ..------------..-2,954.52 Amount allotted in July 1948----------- ---------.-.---- _ 280,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 282,954.52 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_ ------------------------------------- 260,200.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenacne....................... 38, 38,500.00 FLOOD CONTIRO -- GALVESTON, 'PEX., DISTRICT 1313 CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ _----------- ----------- $105,078.69 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ......-. 105,078.69 Net total expenditures------------------------------------ 105,078.69 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------- -------------------- ---- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------------ 105,078.69 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work ....------------ . .$67, - - 416.04 $37,662.65 COst of maintenance .. ----------. -------------. 2860--- 00-7-__,398- 00 0-------- Total expended-------------------------------- ---- ------------- 28, 680.00 76,398.69 Allotted ------------------------------------------------------ 100,000.00 5,078,.69 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------------ $71,320.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------- ----- 5,078.69 Amount to be accounted for------------------- --- 76,398.69 Gross amount expended.....---.------------- ---- 76,398.69 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR HORDS CREEK RESERVOIR, SPECAN BAYOU, TEX. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -------------------- $1,943,293.05 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__----------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ._---- 1,943,293.05 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 .----------. ----- 96,304.34 Net total expenditures--------------------------1,846,988.71 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948-----._----------------- 178,089.98 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---..------ - 2,025,078.69 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work . .....---- - $27,014.87 $31,184.36 - $61, 013.26 $553, 022. 11 $1,271,058.45 Cost of maintenance,.------------------------------ Total expended..--. ..- .- ..--- 26, 005. 93 30, 749. 82 61, 403. 54 503, 409. 78 1, 225, 419. 64 Allotted- .--------------------- 2, 200. 00 80, 000. 00 510, 000. 00 100, 000. 00 1,307, 878.69 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.---------------------.- $95,630.93 Amount allotted during fiscal year------------ ---------- 1,307,878.69 Amount to be accounted for -------.- --------------. 1,403,509.62 Gross amount expended----. ------------------ --------- 1,225,419.64 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-.--- -..... ._ .._ 178,089.98 Jutstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--..-..------- $96,304.34 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- .... - 78,831.12 175,135.46 Balance available, June 30, 1948 .--......----..--..--... 2,954.52 1314 1REPORIT OF 1cIITEF Ol ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted in July 1948____- ____-____________________ _ $280,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 . . 282,954.52 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------ -------------------------- 260,200.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance. ___________________________ 38,500.00 44. NORTH CONCHO RIVER, TEX. Location.-This improvement is located on the North Concho River, a tributary of the Concho River, about 6.6 miles above the mouth of the North Concho River near the city of San Angelo, Tex. (See U. S. Geological Survey base map, Texas, scale 1:500,000, and sheet wall, scale 1:62,500.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of the San Angelo Reservoir on the North Concho River upstream from San Angelo for the control of floods and the conser- vation of water. The dam will be of the earth-filled type with an uncontrolled con- crete spillway located in a draw to the south of the dam. The maxi- mum height of the dam will be 128 feet above the valley floor. The reservoir will have a total capacity of 691,400 acre-feet at design maximum water surface, of which 33,930 acre-feet will be allocated to dead storage, 80,351 acre-feet to conservation storage, 277,219 acre-feet to flood-control storage, and 299,900 acre-feet to sur- charge of storage. The reservoir will provide substantial flood protection to the flood plains of the Concho and lower Colorado Rivers and to the city of San Angelo, and provide 80,351 acre-feet of conservation storage. The estimated cost of the project, based on 1947 prices, is $18,- 525,000. The estimated annual cost of maintenance is $50,000. The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, authorized the plan of improvement for flood control on the North Concho River, Tex., as set forth in House Document 315, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session, and authorized $2,000,000 for the initiation and par- tial accomplishment of the project. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, authorized completion of this project. Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies to the San Angelo Reservoir. Operationsand results during fiscal year.--Operations during the fiscal year consisted of partial preparation of detailed plans and specifications; partial completion of earthen embankment; initia- tion of construction of outlet works; initiation of pipe-line reloca- tions; and partial acquisition of lands and rights-of-way. Total cost during the fiscal year was $941,243.93, all for new work from regular funds, of which $91,149.30 was by hired labor and $850,094.63 by contract. Total expenditures were $907,369.73. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 7*8 percent complete. Detailed plans and specifications were 38 percent complete. A portion of the earthen embankment had been corn- FLOOD CONT'IROL----GAiVISTON,' TEX., DISTRICT 1315 Pleted, relocation of Lone Star Gas pipe-line had been accomplished, and construction was started on the outlet works. Land acquisition was 8 percent complete. To complete the project, detailed plans and specifications must be completed and construction must be accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was $1,407,- 120 all for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures were $1,326,614.23. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year including accounts receivable, $1,925,518.88, plus an allotment of $4,000,000 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 --------------------- $87,538.88 New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor_ - 77,751.37 Preparation of master plan for facilities for reservoir manage- ment and public use of the reservoir area ------------ -- 4,864.48 Construction of a portion of earthen embankment by contract- 173,006.11 Construction of outlet works by continuing contract ---- _- 1,078,877.15 Supply of emergency and service gates by contract... - 453,062.00 Construction of spillway by continuing contract---------- 554,188.40 Completion of earthen embankment by continuing contract_ 1,230,172.00 Supply of overhead traveling crane by contract------------- 99,000.00 Construction of buildings by contract----_--- ------------ 24,160.00 Downstream slope protection by contract ---------------- 150,000.00 Construction of observation area and project signs by contract 5,000.00 Relocation of Humble Pipe Line by continuing contract ----- 372,102.87 Relocation of West Texas Utilities Co. power line by contract 8,684.00 Relocation of Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R.R. by continuing contract---------------- ---- - ----- ---------- -- 330,000.00 Relocation of United States Highway No. 87 by contract .. 535,000.00 Land acquisition by hired labor----------------------- 742,111.62 Total for all work -......--------------------------- 5,925,518.88 The additional sum of $4,800,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor $40,000 Construction of master plan for facilities for reservoir manage- ment and public use of reservoir area, - -------------- 3,000 Construction of outlet works by continuing contract------------ 632, 865 Construction of spillway by continuing contract_-.. --- - 856,499 Completion of earthen embankment by continuing contract- _- 1,391,111 Downstream slope protection by contract-- -- ------------- 200,000 Reservoir clearing by contract---------- ----------------- 302,500 Relocation of Humble Pipe Line by continuing contract------ 146, 697 Relocation :of Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe R.R. by continuing contract--. -45------------- ------------- 459,003 Relocation of United States Highway No. 87 by contract_..... 9,280 Relocation of county roads by contract...-------------- ----. 5,500 Relocation of San Angelo Telephone Co. lines by contract ... 4,620 Land acquisition by hired labor. ------- . 748,925 Total---- --- ..................---------------------------- 4,800,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ .- - -------.- -- $1,407,120.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948........-.-...----.---- .-..- ___ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948...,,---... 1,407,120,00 1316 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---- ------------------ 7,033.11 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 -- -- 1,414,153.11 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 87,538.88 - Net total expenditures-- _- _____________--------- 1,326,614.23 Unexpended balance, June 30,1948 ------------------------- 1,918,485.77 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- _ 3,245,100.'00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ...........-.. $74,071.45 $67, 702.45 $56, 926.32 $267, 175. 85 $941, 243. 93 Cost of maintenance. ........... ....__.......... ---------- .... -- -- .. .....--- -----. --- Total expended-----.............-- -------. 77, 790. 97 58, 435.37 50, 078. 20 232, 939. 96 907, 369.3 Allotted......................... 25, 100.00 155,000. 00 2,000,000.00 ---....----..---..-- 1, 000000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 __________ _________ $1,825,855.50 Amount allotted during fiscal year___1--------------------------1100,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ._________ ____________ 2,925,855.50 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-----_ --------- 100,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for -- _------ ------_ 2,825,855.05 Gross amount expended---------------------$909,485.10 Less reimbursed expenditures. 2,115.37 907,369.73 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ________________ 1,918,485.77 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------_ $87,538.88 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts 1,828,858.39 _ 1,916,397.27 Balance available, June 30, 1948------- -_ _-- - - 2,088.50 Accounts receivable, June 30,1948-------------------------- _7,033.11 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 9,121.61 Amount allotted in July 1948.------- . -_ ________--___-- . 4,000,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 4,009,121.61 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-- --------------------------------- 11,279,900.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ----------------------------- 4,800,000.00 45. NAVIDAD AND LAVACA RIVERS, TEX. Location.-Lavaca River rises in south central Texas and flows southeasterly 112 miles into Lavaca Bay, an arm of Matagorda BaY which is connected with the Gulf of Mexico through Pass Cavallo. Navidad River is the principal tributary of Lavaca River and floWS southeasterly about 109 miles to the junction about 11 miles above the mouth of Lavaca River. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood FLOOD CONTIOL---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1317 control on the Lavaca River at Hallettsville consisting of an im- proved channel 14,089 feet long from a point about 1.6 miles down- stream of Hallettsville to a point about 1.1 miles upstream of the city, with protective works to the Southern Pacific Railroad bridge and alterations to the Second Street low-water bridge and to three utility lines crossing the stream in this reach; and channel clearing, straightening, and enlargement for flood control upstream on the Lavaca and Navidad Rivers. The estimated Federal cost of the Project, revised in 1948, is $627,000. The River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945, authorized the plan of improvement of the Lavaca and Navidad Rivers, Tex., for flood-control and allied purposes in accordance with the plan set forth in House Document 659, Seventy-seventh Congress, second session. Local cooperation.-Localinterests are required to provide, with- out cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of- Way for the improvements and hold and save the United States free from claims for damages resulting from construction of the work; and it is further provided that relocation of the railroad bridge by the United States shall not be undertaken until local interests fur- nish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they Will make the necessary alterations to the highway bridge in the Vicinity of Hallettsville without cost to the United States, and main- tain and operate the improvements in that vicinity in accordance With regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of control and topographic surveys, hydrau- lic studies, and office studies necessary for preparation of detailed plans. Total cost during the fiscal year was $16,395.05, all for new work from regular funds by hired labor. Total expenditures were $16,713.84. Conditions at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was 6.7 Percent complete. Preliminary investigations, and engineering Studies were 83 percent complete. To complete the project detailed Plans must be completed and construction accomplished. Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was $37,- 394.77 all for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures Were $38,079.93. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year including accounts receivable, $7,632.89, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------------- $27.66 ew work: Completion of preliminary investigations and engineering Studies by hired labor---------------------------------------- ----- ----7,605.23 Total for all work -...------------------------------- --- 7,632.89 No additional funds can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950. 1318. REPORT OF 'CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- ---------- ------------ $37,394.77 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.---------------- -- ---- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- _----- - 37, 394.711 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- -- ------------------- 712.82 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 38,107.59 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 --- --------------------- - 27.66 Net total expenditures-- -- 38,079.93 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.-------.:-_-... - ..- __ 6,920.01 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.----------------45,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- .-. 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ............ $11, 291. 55 $9,708. 17 $16, 395.05 Cost of maintenance.-. .. ..-. .--..-----. ..-- . .-..------ . -----------.--.. Total expended. -............- .............. ........... 11,291.55 10,074. 54 6,713.84 ~~S--CI=-i k -- _...~./:_....._/ r.8.a/ mra Allotted-- ------ 1-- -- -- I ----- _45,000.00 -------- -- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------- 23 633.91 Gross amount expended--------------------------------- 16713.84 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.. .. .... ..........- . 6,920,07 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---.. - - $27.66 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts ------------- 1,437.80 1,465.46 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ..... ..... . .... 5,454.61 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------------ 712.82 Unbbligated balance available, June 30, 1948------- -. . 6,167 43 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_-_---_------ - _-.--_--.--- -___.--_ - ' 582,000.00 46. CANYON RESERVOIR,; GUADALUPE RIVER, TEX. Location.--The improvement is located in Comal County, Tex., on the Guadalupe River, 285 miles above its mouth, and about 7 miles northwest of New Braunfels, Tex. SExisting project.--The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a concrete gravity type dam 1,466 feet long at its crest and about 188 feet in maximum height. The spillway section will be 392 feet long and controlled by eight tainter gates, The reservoir will provide for a total storage capacity of 563,000 acre-feet, of which 180,000 acre-feet will be reserved for flood control and the remainder for stream-flow regulation and possible power develop* ment. The power installation will have -a total installed capacity of 7,040 kilowatts. * . The estimated cost of the project, revised in 1948, is $29,600,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved March 2, 1945 (H. Doc. 247, 76th Cong., 1st sess.) subject to the following provision: FLOOD CONTROIr--GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1319 That whenever any power project, not under Federal license, is benefited by the Canyon Reservoir project, the Federal Power Commission after notice to the owner or Owners of such unlicensed project and after opportunity for hearing, shall de- termine and fix a reasonable and equitable annual charge to be paid to the United States, on account of such benefits by said owner or owners or other recipients of Such benefits. ,The latest published map is in the project document. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies.' Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of subsurface investigations, hydraulic Studies, and office studies necessary for preparation of detailed plans. Total cost during the fiscal year was $92,209.53, all for new Work from regular funds by hired labor. Total expenditures were $91,872.86. . Conditions at end of fiscal year.--The existing project was ap- Proximately 1 percent complete. Preliminary investigations.and engineering studies were 79 percent complete. To complete the Project, detailed plans must be completed and construction accom- Plished Total cost under the existing project to June 30, 1948 was $213,- 808.72 all for new work from regular funds. Total expenditures Were $212,567.80. Proposed operations.--Thebalance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year including accounts receivable, $48,156.66 plus an allot- llent of $90,000 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 1---------------------- $1,365.38 ew work: Completion of preliminary investigations and engineering studies by hired labor...._-------------------------- 58,191.28 Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor_ 78,600.00 Total for allwork. . ----- -- . ... $138,156.66 The additional sum of $600,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: , New w : : New work: Preparation of detailed plans and specifications by hired labor- $300,000 :Initiate construction of earthen embankment by contract ------- 125,000 Construction buildings by contract------- ---------------- -- 50,000 Construction of power line by contract--:----... ---------- ---- 25,000 Land acquisition by hired labor.. -- - --- ----- -. . 100,000 Total: . .. ..---- - -- . 600,000 Si . : Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ----------- .: ---..-- --- $213,808.72 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948...----------------- ------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-1--1 213,808.72 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -- ------------------- '_124.46 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 -'- ----- - ----- 213,933.18 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.--------------------- - 1,365.38 r Net total expenditures ------ ------ 212,567.80 .nexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 48,032.20 Total amount annronriated to June 30, 1948-.-.------260,600.00 1320 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work . ........--------------- --.. __. $88, 111.09 $33, 488. 10 $92, 209. Cost of maintenance. .. ..... ................... . . . ... - Total expended--------------.................-------------------..............---..............---87,631.57 33,063.37 91 872.86 Allotted------------.....................-------------------------------........... 235, 600. 00 .............. 25, 00 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------------------- $114 ,905.06 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------------- 25,000.00 Amount to be accounted for__-- ___-- -- -__-- __________ 139,905.06 Gross amount expended....----------------------------------- 91,872.86 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------- 48,032.20 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------------- $1,365.38 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-..- ...... 677.84 2,043.22 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 45,988.98 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- --------------------------- . 124.46 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948.------------- 46,113.44 Amount allotted in July 1948 ____________ _________________ 90,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 136,113.44 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-- ------------------------------------- 29 249400.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_ __-__ _--- ------ ---------- --- 600,000.00 47. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 18, 1941. The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, authorized the allotment from flood-control appropriations of not to exceed $1,000,- 000 for any one fiscal year to be expended in rescue work or in the repair or maintenance of any flood-control work threatened or destroyed by flood. Operations from unexpended funds previously allotted; plus al additional allotment of $22,500, consisted of repairing breached sections of levees in four levee improvement districts. The total cost was $290,485.80 and the expenditures were $261,* 075.41 to June 30, 1948. The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $121,481.83, will be applied to completion of emergency flood-control projects under construction and other emergency flood-control work. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------- --------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. ------------------------ $290,485.80 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_----- 290 485.80 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 29,410,39 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 261 075.41 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-_ _..- ..--.-----.--- - 121,481.83 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948...... . 382,557.24 FLOOD CONTROI---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1321 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work... .3... .16.7..-",.. . Cost of uaintenanco-----... . $2, 699.65 "$65,100.01 $44,374. 7 ii: .14 163. $41, 940.30 Total expended . .......... 1,648. 80 60, 137.74 47, 536. 65 110, 988.71 40, 763. 51 . Allotted------............. 6, 620. 00 255, 750.00 -2, 312.76 100, 000.00 22, 500.00 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947 ---------------------- $139,745.34 Amount allotted during fiscal year ...--------------------------- 22,500.00 Amount to be accounted for--------------------------- 162245.34 Gross amount expended ------------------------------- 40763.51 121,481.83 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------- $29,410.39 Autstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------ Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- - 66,907.49 96,317.88 Balance available, June 30, 1948- - .---- --------------- 25,163.95 48. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAWS NOS. 138 AND 318, SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, PUB- LIC LAW NO. 75, SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS AND PUBLIC LAW NO. 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS Because of the heavy demands for emergency repair work to flood-control structures damaged or destroyed by the disastrous floods which occurred in the spring of 1943, 1944, and again in the Pring of 1945, Congress, in the act approved July 12, 1943, Public o. 138, Seventy-eighth Congress, in the act approved May 29, 1944, Public No. 318, Seventy-eighth Congress, in the act approved June 5, 1945, Public No. 75, Seventy-ninth Congress, and in the act approved June 23, 1947, Public No. 102, Eightieth Congress, authorized the amounts of $10,000,000, $12,000,000, $12,000,000, and $15,000,000, respectively, to be appropriated as emergency funds to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repair, restor- ation, and strengthening of levees and other flood control works Which had been threatened or destroyed by the recent floods. Operations from unexpended funds previously allotted and an allotment of $238,247.29 consisted of repairing breached sections of levees in 9 levee districts. Total cost was $1,228,389.83 and the expenditures were $1,183,- 799.90 to June 30, 1948. The unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year, amounting to $196,038.95, will be applied to completion of emergency flood-control projects under construction and accom- SP lishment of other projects during the fiscal year pursuant to acts referred to above. 1322 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, I. S. 'ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. ___ _ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.--______-__________ . $1,228,389.83 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 1,228,389.83 --------- Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------------ 44,589.93 Net total expenditures- .------------------------- 1,183,799.90 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 196,038.95 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--_ ---.-. _ 1,379,838.85 Fiscal year ending June 30-- ..- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.... ............... .................................... Cost of maintenance.... ...... $5, 948. 66 $392, 450. 40 $475, 277.88 $182,084.64 $172, 625..2 Total expended ................. 1, 385. 21 387, 720. 88 466,177.17 191, 376. 87 137 139.77 Allotted........................ 70,344.00 1,005,853.00--------- 65,394.56 ..........--.... 238,247.29 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------ .. _ -.--- _ --- $94, 931.43 Amount allotted during fiscal year.__ -i- _ ----- - - 503,000.00 Amount to be accounted for . . 597,931.43 , Deductions on account of revocation of allotment.-------- 264,752.71 Net amount to be accounted for Gross amount expended- ... ._ -........... .-$137,666.14 333,178.72 Less reimbursed expendituresI :i - 526.37 - 137,139. Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ... 196,038.95 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948. -. $44,589.93 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts .. . 90,461,00 135,050,93 Balance available, June 30, 1948 - - - .--- .. 60,988.02' 49. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES S. , . ... :.iFOR FLOOD CONTROL . .. .. The cost of the work during the year amounted to $125,714.09 and the expenditures were $119,860.20. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year $10,289.24, plus an allotment of $200,- 000 made in fiscal year 1949, will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to payment of expenses incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $370,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 . ... ' .---- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- --.--- i --------------- $1,590,547.61 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.......... 1,590,547.61 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--...--..-------.-.-_ 7,481.77 Net total expenditures_______ __ . _ __......... Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-------------__ .__--__ t - 1,583,065.84 10,289.24 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 1,593,355.08 FLOOD CONTROIr-GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT. 1323 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of few work. - - -8 , , , 0 OSt of maintenance-----------$78,533.71 $1170 011.28 $105,887.33 $82, 008.6,0 ------------- 77,038.71 111,860. 71 109, 794.65 87, 187. 59 119, 860. 20 Total expended................. Allotted-- --... --- 9, 295.29 ---------........ 211, 550.37 60,000.00 --60,500.00 000.00 125, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------- ------------- $5,149.44 Amount allotted during fiscal year ..-- _------- __ 125,000.00 Amount to be accounted for...----------- ---------- -130,149.44 Gross amount expended...-------- -------- --------- - -- 119,860.20 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------------- 10,289.24 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.. .. l-s:- - -- $7,481.77 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts: .... 308.10 7,789.87 Balance available, June 30, 1948-- -------- ... ---------- 2,499.37 Amount allotted in July 1948_----------------------- ...-- 200,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-..._ 202,499.37 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance------- -------------- .. 370,000.00 50. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS I - I For last full Cost and expenditures to Estimated report see June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project Annual quired to Report for- complete New work Maintenance I _ "i I,_. i- I~---I - - II -- 1. Snagging and clearing under authority of sec. 2 of the Flood Control Act approved Aug. 28, 1937, as amended------------ 1943 $25, 702.86 ..----------.......... () i Completed. 1324 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood control acts and committee resolutions - - ,--..... D)ate trans- Document Recofln Locality Authorization act mitted to No. mendatio Congress SI {-- --- --- - - -- - Aliens Creek, tributary of Brazos River and Harbor Act, River, Austin County, Tex., for Aug. 26, 1937. navigation and flood control. Big Sandy Creek, Sabine River, Flood Control Commit- x., for flood control and power tee resolution, Mar. 20, development in. 1945. Brays Bayou,. Texas, Buffalo Flood Control Commit- Bayou and Houston Ship Chan- tee resolution, July 16, . nel, for flood control and drain- 1945. age for. Brazos River and Freeport Harbor, Rivers and Harbors Com- Texas, for navigation, flood con- mittee resolution, Sept. trol, and other purposes on Jones 5, 1944. Creek and vicinity, Tex. Brazos River, Tex., comprehensive River and Harbor Act, survey for navigation, flood con- Aug. 26, 1937. trol, and other water uses. Brazos River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, Aug. .Texas. 28, 1937. Brazoria-Galveston Soil Conserva- Flood Control Act, June tion District, Texas Streams, for 30, 1948. navigation, flood control and drainage. Brownswood, Pecan Bayou, Texas, Flood Control Commit- flood protection for the town. tee resolution, Oct. 8, 1945. Buffalo Bayou and Houston Ship Flood Control Commit- Channel, Texas, for flood control tee resolution, July 16, and drainage for Brays Bayou, 1945. Tex. Buffalo Bayou and Houston Ship House Public Works Channel, Texas, for navigation Committee resolution, and flood control throughout Apr. 20, 1948. Buffalo Bayou watershed includ- ing modifications of present ap- proved plan and requirements for local cooperation. Coastal Plains Soil Conservation Flood Control Act, June District,Texas Streams, for navi- 30, 1948. gation, flood control and drainage. Colorado River, Tex., improve- Commerce Committee ment for 'havigation and flood resolution, Aug. 4, 1936. control. Colorado River, Tex., above line Flood Control Act, June between Coke and Runnels 22, 1936. Counties. Colorado (Lower) River, Tex...... do..... . .... Colorado River and tributaries, River and Harbor Act, Texas, improvement for naviga- Aug. 26, 1937. tion and flood control. Cypress Creek, Harris County, Flood Control Act, July Tex. 24, 1946. Freeport IHarbor and Brazos River, Texas, for navigation, flood con- Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Sept. trol, and other purposes on Jones 5, 1944. Creek and vicinity, Texas. Galveston-Brazoria Soil Conserva- Flood Control Act, June tion District, Texas Streams, for 30, 1948. navigation, flood control and drainage. Guadalupe River, Tex., Victoria Rivers and Harbors Com- to Gonzales, for navigation, flood mittee resolution, Mar. control, power and related pur- 29, 1945. poses. Guadalupe River, Tex., improve- Rivers and Harbors Com- ment for navigation, flood con- mittee resolution, Apr. trol, power and irrigation (final 8,1938. report). Houston Ship Channel and Buffalo Flood Control Commit. Bayou, Tex., for flood control tee resolution, July 16, and drainage for Brays Bayou, 1945. Tex. &I______ A I . ---- FLOOD CONTROr---GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT 1325 i Date trans- Document Recomn mitted to No. mendation Locality Authorization act Congress Hfouston Ship Channel and Buffalo House Public Works Bayou, Tex., for navigation and flood control throughout Buffalo Committee resolution, Apr. 20, 1948. Blayou Watershed including modifications of present ap- proved plan and requirements for local cooperation. Jefferson County drainage dis- Flood Control Act, July ...............----------------------- tricts, Texas, provision of outlets 24, 1946. In interest of providing egress of flood waters into existing water- Ways in general vicinity of Port Arthur, Tex., including Taylors Bayou, for flood control, drain- age and navigation. Jones Creek Tex., in the interest River and Harbor Act, .----- ------------------- of navigation and flood control. Mar. 2, 1945. Jones Creek and vicinity, Tex., Rivers and Harbors Conm ---------- -------------- for navigation, flood control, and mittee resolution, Sept. Other purposes. (Review of Free- 5,1944. Port Harbor and Brazos River, eoex.) Leon River, Tex. (Final report). Flood Control Act, June ..----------------------- 22, 1936. Leon River, Tex. (Interim report Flood Control Acts, June...............------------------------- covering navigation and flood 22 1936; Aug. 28, 1937; control). River and Iarbor Act, Aug. 26. 1937. Matagorda County Soil Conserva- Flood Control Act, June---------- tion District, Texas Streams for 30, 1948. navigation, flood control and dranage, Neches liver, Tex., for flood con- Flood Control Commit- .-------..........------...........---------...... trol and power. tee resolution, Mar. 20, 1945. -------------- Neches River and tributaries, Tex., River and Harbor Act, --------------- In the interest of navigation, Mar. 2, 1945. flood control, and other water Uses. Neches River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, June ...-------------------------- Texas. 22, 1936. D-o.......................... Flood Control Act, MayJune----------------------- 15, 1936. Nueces River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, June ....---------------------- Texas. 22, 1936. Do.......................... Flood Control Act, June---------------- 4, 1936. Pecan Bayou, Tex.,with respect to Flood Control Commit- ---------- ------------- flood protection for the town of tee resolution, Oct. 8, Brownswoo(l, Texas. 1945. Port Arthur, Tox., including Tay- Flood Control Act, July .......------------------------- lors Bayou, for flood control, 24, 1946. drainage, and navigation, in Jefferson County drainage dis- tricts, Texas, provision of outlets in interest of providing egress flood waters into existing water- SWays in general vicinity of. - -... ort Arthur, Tex., with a view to do....- ..... Providing protection against dlamages from Sabine Lake re- Sulting from erosion and from loods due to hurricane winds and tide. Sabine Lake, with a view to pro- ..... do......-----------I-------------- Viding protection for Port Arthur, 'ex., against damages resulting from erosion and from floods due to hurricane winds and tide. Sablne-Neches waterway, Tex., River and Harbor Act, improvements in the interest of Mar. 2, 1945. navigation and prevention of damage by floods. Sabinetver and tributaries, Tex., ..... do-......-------------------------- -------------- for navigation, flood control and Other water uses. Sabine River 'ex., for flood con- Flood Control Commit- ........----...---.......-------------.............. trol and power development in tee resolution, Mar. 20, Big Sandy Creek. 1945. 04711---48----vol. 1-----84 1326 RePowr ' OF' CHIEF OF ENGINEIERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Date trans- ocument Reco Locality Authorization act Dmitted to No mendation Congress I---- - - I- - -- - Sabine River, Tex., for flood con- Flood Control Commit- trol and power. tee resolution, Mar. 20, ------ --- - 1945. San AntonioRiver, T ex., improve- ment for navigation, flood con- River and IHarbor Act, June 20, 1938. --------------- trol, power and prevention of erosion. San Jacinto River and tributaries, in Montgomery, Walker, San Flood Control Act, Aug. 28, 1937. --------------- Jacinto, Grimes, Waller, Liberty and Harris Counties, Tex. Taylors Bayou, for flood control drainage, and navigation, in Flood Control Act, July 24, 1946. --------------- Jefferson County drainage dis- tricts, Texas, provision of outlets in interest of providing egress flood waters into existing water- ways in general vicinity of Port Arthur, Tex., including. Texas City, Tex., with a view to providing for its protection Flood Control Act, June 30, 1948, --------------- against storms and erosion. Texas Streams flowing through ..... do-...:........... Brazoria-Galveston Soil Conser- vation District for navigation, flood control, and drainage. Texas Streams flowing through Trinity Bay Soil Conservation do-..o. ..... --------------- --------- -- District for navigation, flood control and drainage. Texas Streams flowing through Coastal Plains Soil Conservation ..... do.... .......... --------------- District for navigation, flood control and drainage. Texas Streams flowing through Matagorda County Soil Conser- do-----.....---- ..... --------------- ------------- vation District for navigation, flood control and drainage. Trinity Bay Soil Conservation 1)is- trict, Texas Streams, for naviga- Flood Control Act, June 30, 1948. --------------- tion, flood control and drainage. Trinity River and tributaries, Texas, for navigation, flood con- Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee resolution, Feb --------------- trol and allied purposes. 28, 1945. Trinity River and tributaries, Texas, for.navigation and flood Rivers and harbors Com- mittee resolution, Mar. --------------- control. 31, 1944. 1 - - - - -- I - -- - 17 . - 1-. FLOOD CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS IN TIHE ALBUQUERQUE,. NEW: MEXICO, DISTRICT ; *The district comprises the watershed of fhe' ut out Canadian River and tributaries entering the, river west of the Texas-New Mexico State line; the watershed of the Arkansas, River and tribu- taries entering the river west of and including Walnut Creek, Kans., the watershed of the Rio Grande and'tributaries entering the river West of and including the Pecos River,and its tributaries; and the Watershed of the Mimbres River and its tributaries in New Mexico. District engineer: Col. Henry, F. Hannis,' Corps.of Engineers, until May 10, 1948; Lt. Col. Ivari C. Rumsey, Corps of Engineers,: actilg until June 14, 1948; Lt. Co .,,Joseph 0. Killian, Corps of Engineers, thereafter. . . Division engineer of the Southwestern ,Division, Dallas, Tex., comprising the Galveston, Tex., Albuquerque, N. Mex.,, Little Rock, Ark., and Tulsa, Okla. districts: Col. Henry Hutchings, Jr., Corps ofEnginders. IMPROVEMENTS . Flood Control, !' Flood Control--Contin ed Page ' Page 1. Colorado Springs, Fountaine . 9. Bluewater Floodway, Blue- . que Bouille River, Colo. '1327 : :waterCreek, N. Mex-- --- 1342 2. Trinidad, Purgatoire River 10 Rio Gande Basin, Albuquer- 3Colo. . 1329 :que'District- - ---..-.-- . 1343 3, John Martin Reservoir, Ar ; '11. Snagging and Clearing under kansas River, Colo. (formerly authority of Section 2 of the, Caddoa Reservoir) '------- 1331 Flood Control Act approved Conchas Dam and Reservoir,' August,28, 1937, as amended _ 1345 South Canadian River, near r 12 Emergency flood-controlwork.. Tucu12mcari, N. Mexergenflood-contol34rk STucumcari, N. Mex, .1334 ':under authority df Public Law 6. Creede Willow Creek, Coloir, 1338 No. 102, Eightieth Congress_- '1346 Rio Chamita Dam and Reservoir 340 13. Preliminary examinations, sur- ": 7. Jemez Canyon Dam and Res- veys, and ' contingencies for ervoir, Jemez Creek, N. Mex. 1340 flood control ' 1347 8. Rio Grande Floodway, Rio 14. Inactive flood-control projects 1348 Grande, N. Mex----------- 1341 15. Plant allotment ----------. 1348 SPRINGS, FOUNTAINE QUE BOUILLE RIVER, COLO. 1. COLORADO Location.-This project is located in north Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colo., on an intermittent flowing tributary of Monu- .ment Creek, a tributary of the Fountaine que Bouille River, which 18 a tributary of the Arkansas River. The project is located approxi- lately 55 miles upstream from the mouth of the 'Fountaine que 1 ouille River or about 1,333 miles from the mouth of.the Arkansas River. (See U. S. Geological Survey map, Colorado Springs :and" Pueblo quadrangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement .provides for' flood 1327 1328 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 control in Colorado Springs, Colo., by the construction of a floodway channel 10,590 feet long to discharge flows from the mouth of Templeton Gap directly into Monument Creek. The upstream 8,717 feet of floodway has a depth of 13 feet, a bottom width of 125 feet, and side slopes of 1:2 with a riprap-lined levee forming the south side. The remaining 1,873 feet has a depth of 15 feet, a bottom width of 12 feet, side slopes of 1:1.5, and is lined with reinforced concrete. The Federal cost of the project, revised in 1947, is $1,110,- 600 for construction, and the estimated cost to local interests is $262,000, which includes $242,000 contributed funds and $20,000 for lands and damages, a total of $1,352,000. Local cooperation.---The city of Colorado Springs is required to contribute $242,000 toward the cost of construction. In addition section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, as amended by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, ap- plies. (See page - for requirements.) Assurances indicating that all conditions of local cooperation would be met were received from local interests on April 22, 1948, and were approved by the Chief of Engineers on May 11, 1948. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Detailed plans were completed. The costs during the fiscal year were $35,238.63 for new work. Expenditures were $34,736.95. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof detailed plans is complete. Invitation for bids was issued on June 3, 1948; with the bid opening date scheduled for July 20, 1948, for the floodway chan- nel. Negotiations are under way with the State of Colorado and the Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe Railway Co. for construction bY separate contracts of a highway bridge and a railroad bridge over the channel. Total costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, were $88,208.22, all for new work. The total expenditures were $87,687.87. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $417,312.13 plus $605,600 allotted for new work in fiscal year 1949, and $242,000 contributed by local interests, a total of $1,264,912.13, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948--____________ _________--- __ $520.35 Construction (contract) ------------------------------------- 1,264,391.78 .........................----------------------.... Total------------------- 1,264,912.13 No additional funds will be required during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-_.--------- ----------- ___- $88,208.22 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--- ..----------.. ....- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------------- 88,208.22 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------- .....----,-- - 520.35 Net total expenditures------ ------------------------- 87,687.87 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_...----. -.----------- - 417,312.13 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-..-------------1 505,000.00 VIn addition, $242,000 has been contributed by ocal interests. FLOOD CONTROL---ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., DISTRICT 1329 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work $100. 13 $25, 480. 10 $27, 389. 36 $35, 238. 63 Cost of maintenance... 61 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 34, 736. 95 Total expended----------- Allotted --- --------- - ---- l--20 0 25, 000.00 4 23,795. 31 0.0 - .. 29, 155.61 - - - 34, 736. 95 480,000. 00 I---------------------------- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947----.----------------------- $452,049.08 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 34,736.95 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------------ 417,312.13 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 --------------- $520.35 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- ---------- 235,339.92 235,860.27 Balance available, June 30, 1948.----------------------- 181,451.86 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------------ ---- __-- Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 -------------- 181,451.86 Amount allotted in July 1948--------------------------------- 605,600.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-----------787,051.86 2. TRINIDAD, PURGATOIRE RIVER, COLO. Location. The project is located in Trinidad, Las Animas Coun- ty, Colo., on the Purgatoire (Picket Wire) River, Colo., about 29 miles downstream from the source of that stream and 157 miles up- stream from the confluence of the Purgatoire River and the Arkan- sas River. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps, Spanish Peaks and El Moro quadrangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of a channel and floodway through Trinidad, Colo., to dis- charge safely the maximum flood of record of the Purgatoire River. The project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved De- cernber 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 387, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) The esti- Mated Federal cost of construction, revised in 1948, is $2,046,240, and the estimated cost to local interests is $241,438 for rights-of- Way and bridge and itility changes, a total of $2,287,678. Local cooperation.--See page - for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements, local interests are required to make the necessary changes in public utilities, bridges, drainage inlets, and irrigation diversion facilities within the project limits. Formal notification to local interests of the requirements for local coopera- tion has not been made; however, informal discussions with respon- sible parties indicate that local interests are willing to comply with all requirements for local cooperation. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Assembly of data and preparation of detailed plans was begun. The costs during the fiscal Year were $5,273.16 for new work. Expenditures were $5,255.17. Condition at the end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans are 7 percent complete. Total costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, 1330 R:o ORT;oF CIIEF, O ,,ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 were $5,273.16, all for new work. The total expenditures were $5,255.17. Proposed operations.-The preparation of detailed plans will be continued. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $14,744.83 plus $10,000 allotted for fiscal year 1949, and $36.19 accounts re- ceivable, a total of $24,781.02, will be applied to accounts payable and to preparation of detailed plans. The additional sum of $500,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for completion of detailed plans and for initiation of construction of the channel by contract. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ------------------ $5,273.16 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..-------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------------- 5,273.16 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 --------------------------- 36.19 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 -- -------- 5,309.35 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 _ ----------------------- . 54.18 Net total expenditures. ------------------------- _ 5,255.17 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ..--..---....-------.. --- 14,744.83 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------------20,000.00 . ... Fiscal year ending June 30- I 1:944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work... .. . .........---- ..-.................---- ---.... $5,273.16 Cost of maintenance ': .....-------- :. --.--------- ---- --------------------- -,------ Totalexpended .....-- ........-- -------------- -------- . ...........---------- ------------ 5, 255, 17 Allottedi.._____-------_-------.--.------- ----.-------- 20,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year: - -- - Gross amount expended-. --------- --- -.-- ___-- - ----------- $20,000.00 5,255.117 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-- ....- _ _ -.......... 14,744.83 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------ $54.18 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- -- 64.18 ... 118.36 Balance available, June. 30, 1948 t ----- 14,626.47 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948. ------------------ 36.19 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 , ---- 14,662.66 Amount allotted in July 1948:, . , ----- i.... _,- 10,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949.---- , - 24,662.66 Amount (estimated) required :to be appropriated for completion of , existing project .-. ....... ;L .. .. ----.... 2,016,300'00 ' Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June : 30, 1950, for-new work_ . ... : 500,000.00 FLOOD. CONTROL-ALBUQUERQUE, N; MEX., DISTRICT 1331 3. JOHN MARTIN RESERVOIR,,ARKANSAS RIVER, COLO.., (FORMERLY CADDOA RESERVOIR) Location.-John Martin Reservoir is located on the Arkansas River 1,155 miles upstream from its mouth, 295 miles downstream from its source, and in Bent County, about 18 miles upstream from the city of Lamar, Colo. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Lamar and Las Animas (Colo.) quadrangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The existing project provides for construc- tion of a dam and reservoir for flood control and water conservation inColorado and Kansas. The dam is a concrete and earth fill struc- ture 'approximately 130 feet high with an overflow gated spillway 1,174 feet long. The earth section extending to the abutments flanks the concrete gravity section in the valley, and earth dikes on each abutment in continuation of the earth section extend to high ground, making the over-all length of the structure approximately 2.6 miles. The reservoir, which is one unit of a comprehensive reservoir Plan for flood control in the Arkansas River Basin, will have a stor- age capacity of 281,000 acre-feet for flood control, and 402,000 acre- feet for conservation. The estimated costs revised in'1947 are $11,533,500 for construc- tion, $3,546,500 for lands and'damages, a total of $15,080,000. The estimated 'annual cost of maintenance and operation is $70,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, under the title "Caddoa Reservoir, near Lamar in Colorado." (See H. Doc. 308, 74th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) The War Department Civil Appropriation Act approved June 24, 1940, provided that from and after the approval of that act, the Caddoa Reservoir project for flood control and water conservation in Colorado and Kansas should be known and designated on the public records as the John Martin Reservoir project. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. . . Operations and results during fiscal year.---Land acquisition was continued. The partially completed dam (construction suspended VIarch 29, 1943, and completion started on June 5, 1946) was main- tained and operated during the year on a limited storage basis. Prior to March 1948, storage for irrigation up to elevation 3,815 .(approximately 106,000 acre-feet) was permitted, and the balance of the storage provided by the unfinished structure (175,000 acre- feet) was reserved for flood control.. Beginning March 1948, irri- gation storage to elevation 3,840 (approximately 284,000 acre-feet) Was permitted. On July 1, 1947, the storage permitted for conser- vation was full and flood control releases were made until July 31, 1947, when operation reverted to demand release. Water in storage Was exhausted on October 2, 1947, and the reservoir(was operated at river run until November 1, 1947, when operation reverted to demand release. Total releases for the fiscal year commencing July 1,1947, were 359,000 acre-feet, of which 229,260 acre-feet were for irrigation and 129,762 acre-feet for flood control. Construction of ort Lyon Protective works by contract was continued and com- Pleted on September 5, 1947, and completion of the dam and ap- 1332 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 purtenant works by contract was continued. The costs during the fiscal year were $415,708.92 for new work and $59,448.37 for main- tenance which includes $239.82 representing a decrease in undis- tributed costs. The total expenditures were $473,684.81. Condition at the end of fiscal year.-Surveys and exploration in connection with construction of the project are complete. Land ac- quisition is 99.5 percent complete. The construction for relocation of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway and salvage of the abandoned railroad are complete. Soil stabilization for the reloca- tion of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway by hired labor is also complete. Construction by contract of the Fort Lyon Protective Works is complete. Construction of the dam and appurtenant works by continuing contract was commenced August 23, 1940, and sus- pended March 29, 1943. Completion of construction by contract was started on June 5, 1946, and is 90 percent complete with the in- stallation of mechanical operating equipment as the major item not completed. The project as a whole is 98 percent complete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $14,749,062.26 for new work and $293,992.67 for maintenance. Total expenditures were $14,961,128.17. In addition, costs and expenditures from Emergency Relief funds for new work have been $59,977.15. Proposed operations.-Constructionof the dam and appurtenant works will be completed. Plans and specifications for permanent operators' quarters and facilities will be completed and certain features of the facilities for reservoir management will be pro- vided. Operation of the reservoir will be continued under the temporary agreements between the States of Colorado and Kansas regarding releases until a water distribution compact is completed. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $287,193.76 plus $85,000 allotted for maintenance in fiscal year 1949, $2,099.50 accounts re- ceivable and $1,935.22 collections for quarters and utilities, a total of $376,228.48, will be applied as follows: New work: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948-------------------------.. $82,935.15 Land acquisition -------------------- -------- --- -__ 2,000.00 Preparation of plans and specifications-----------------------. 9,000.00 Construction (contract) -- ____ ___-- _ _- .____ ___ 149,512.57 Total, new work----------------------------------- 243,447.72 Maintenance: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948- _______________________ 1,376.89 _--------__ Operation----------------------_ ______ -- 30,000.00 Ordinary repairs- ------------------------------------- _ 10,000.00 Improvements and reconstruction ------------------------- 59,403.87 Special studies and records - ---------..-.-.-.--..- -- - __.. 32,000.00 Total maintenance---------------------------- ------ 132,780.76 Total for all work....---------------------............................ 376,228.48 The additional sum of $110,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for new work, and $80,000 for operation and main- tenance. FLOOD CONTROL---ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., DISTRICT 1333 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------------- $14,749,062.26 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------ ----- 293,992.67 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948...------ 1 15,043,054.93 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948_-------------------------- 285.78 Net total cost to June 30, 1948---------------------- 15,043,340.71 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 --------------------- 2,099.50 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ------------------ 15,045,440.21 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948...-------------------- 84,312.04 Net total expenditures --------------------------- 14,961,128.17 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------------287,193.76 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----------- 15,248,321.93 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1945 1946 1947 1948 1944 .. ost of new work- ........ $413, 933.02 $58, 076. 17 $96, 844. 86 $1, 512, 438. 48 $415, 708. 92 Cost of maintenance .-----..... 67, 272. 21 47, 654. 26 64, 328. 54 55, 289. 29 $59, 448. 37 481, 205. 23 105, 730. 43 161,173.40 1, 567, 727.77 475, 157.29 Total cost---------------.. Total expended--------------- 635, 121. 78 111,726.71 143, 216. 20 1, 500, 228.01 473, 684.81 Allotted---- - -675,765.99 50, 000.00 1, 686, 300. 00 100, 000. 00 537, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--.------------------ --- $223,878.57 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------537,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-------------- - -760,878.57 ross amount expended ..---- ---.-------- -- 2 9.''"' Less reimbursed expenditures...--------------- 2492.06 473,684.81 287,193.76 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.------ Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 - -------- 84312.04 mount covered by uncompleted contracts 166,494.77 250,806.81 -------- 36,386.95 Balance available, June 30, 1948...-------- 2,099.50 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ...---- --------- 38,486.45 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--------- 85,000.00 Amount allotted in July 1948.---------------------- 123,486.45 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project...--------------------110,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: 110,000.00 For new work.......---------------'0,000.00 For maintenance..------------------ -------- 80,000.00 Total------- _ ------- 190,000,OQ I4 addition, $59,977.15 were expended from enmergency relief funds fo" new work, 1334 :REPORT OF'CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 4. CONCHAS DAM AND RESERVOIR, SOUTH CANADIAN RIVER, NEAR TUCUMCARI, N. MEX. Location.-The dam is located in San Miguel County, N. Mex., on the South Canadian River approximately one-fourth mile down' stream from the confluence of the South Canadian and Conchas Rivers. It is approximately 30 miles northwest of Tucumcari, N. Mex., and 744 miles upstream from the mouth of the South Canadian River. The South Canadian River has a total length of approx i - mately 906 miles, rises in the northeastern part of New Mexico, and flows south and east to the Arkansas River in the vicinity of Web- bers Falls, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey State map of New Mexico, scale 1:500,000, and U. S. Geological Survey topographic map, Tucumcari quadrangle; scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The existing project provides for the con- struction of a flood-control dam and reservoir which will also be used for irrigation and water-supply purposes. The dam consists of a concrete gravity main section 235 feet high and 1,250 feet long located in the South Canadian River Canyon, together with earth dikes on each side having an over-all length of about 4 miles. The main section contains conduits located in its base capable of re- leasing water to maintain low-water flow and for drainage of the reservoir, and an overflow spillway 300 feet in length. The earth dikes are of varying heights up to 100 feet and the north dike con- tains a concrete ogee type emergency spillway 3,000 feet long. The project involved about 836,000 cubic yards of concrete, 3,600,000 cubic yards of fill, and 1,300,000 cubic yards of excavation. The reservoir has a gross storage capacity of 600,000 acre-feet, consist- ing of 300,000 acre-feet for water conservation and irrigation, 200,- 000 acre-feet for flood control, and 100,000 acre-feet dead storage. The total cost was $15,451,908.56, including $2,279,325.70, the cost of initiating construction of the project under authority of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935. The estimated annual cost of maintenance and operation is $55,000. The project is based on the report of the South Canadian River, N. Mex., Tex., and Okla., dated June 1, 1931 made in compliance with House Document 308, Sixty-ninth Congress, first session, and approved by the President, July 29, 1935, under the provisions of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, and adopted bY Congress in the Flood Control Act of June 22, 1936 (H. Doc. 308, 74th Cong., 1st sess.). . Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Miscellaneous minor repairs were made and the structures were operated and maintained in a serviceable condition throughout the year. The level of the reservoir was maintained near the spillway crest, elevation 4201, since July 1, 1947, it having reached a maximum elevation of 4,201.46 on June 20, 1948, and a minimum elevation of 4,198.03 on December 31, 1947. Total releases for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1947, were 137,514 acre-feet, of which 55,043 acre-feet were for irrigation, 2,257 acre-feet for power production, 645 acre-feet for spillway losses, 76,259 acre-feet of conduit re- leases and 3,310 acre-feet miscellaneous losses. Released to the FLOOD CONTROIr-ALBUQUIQUQUE N. MEX., DISTRICT 1335 Bell Ranch for irrigation were 2,382 acre-feet, and 52,661 acre-feet to the canal of the Tucumcari irrigation project under development by the United States Bureau of Reclamation. Irrigation of some lands under the project was begun on November 24, 1945,:and con- tinued through fiscal year 1948. Funds in the amount of $25,000, contributed by the State of New Mexico for the restoration of a portion of the Conchas Lodge de- stroyed by fire were returned to the State, as the State will make the necessary repairs itself. The costs for the year were $58,194.49 for maintenance which includes $180.51 representing an increase in undistributed costs. The expenditures were $55,753.41. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The existing project was com- pleted in 1940. The reservoir and appurtenances were in good con- dition and in operation at the end of the fiscal year, except that some repair work is needed in connection with the derrick stone placed downstream of the training walls. The costs to the end of the fiscal year from regular funds were $12,304,605.11 for new work, $403,666.94 for maintenance, and $309.40 undistributed. The total expenditures were $12,706,441.88. The costs and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year, Emer- gency Relief funds, were $869,977.75 for new work. The total costs to. the end of the fiscal year for all funds from departmental appropriations were $13,174,582.86 for new work; $403;666.94 for maintenance, and $309.40 undistributed. The total expenditures were $13,576,419.63. In addition, the costs and ex- Penditures for work accomplished in initiating the project under the provisions of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 Were $2,279,325.70. Proposedoperations.-Operationof the reservoir will continue as in fiscal year 1948 except that it is anticipated considerably more Water will be released to the Bureau of Reclamation for irrigation. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $18,041.98 and accounts receivable $50.62: plus $215,000 allotted for fiscal year 1949 plus $4,453.37 receipts from quarters and utilities, a total of $237,545.97 Will be applied as follows: Maintenance: Accounts payable June 30, 1948------------------------- $2,190.19 Improvements and reconstruction------ ------------------ 169,355.78 Operation- ------------------- -- ---- 30,000.00 3----- Ordinary repairs and maintenance----------------------- 20,000.00 Special studies and records....------------------------------ 16,000.00 Total for all work ------------ - .----------------- 237,545.97 The additional sum 'of $35,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950, for new work and $110,000 for operation and main- tenance. 1336 REPORT OF CHIITEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------------------- 1$13,174,582.86 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _______________________ 403,666.94 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 1 13,578,249.80 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948_...__..--___---__-_ -309.40 Net total cost to June 30, 1948--------------------- 13,578,559.20 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 50.62 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948____-__-___________ 13,578,609.82 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 2,190.19 Net total expenditures-_________________________ 113,576,419.63 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 _____ _______________ 18,041.98 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-----------1 13,594,461.61 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work............... -. $4, 305.85 .............. $1,997.64 $2.36 ..-.. . Cost of maintenance............ ----------- 44, 966. 22 50, 425.06 57, 545.23 52, 610. 42 $58, 194. 49 Total cost................. 40, 660. 37 50, 425.06 59, 542. 87 52, 612.78 58, 194.49 Total expended----------------................. 41, 643.03 49, 720. 33 58, 384.77 56, 519. 51 55, 753.41 Allotted-...--..................... -9, 400. 06 83, 000. 00 63, 000. 00 .--------------............. 67, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_-----.---------- --.-- _ $6,795.39 Amount allotted during fiscal year-----.-.-.-----. ------- . _ 67,000.00 Amount to be accounted for. .. _ _______ 73,795.39 Gross amount expended ------------------- $59,371.67 Less reimbursed expenditures..-_ ---------------- 3,618.26 55,753.41 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---__------- __ -- 18,041.98 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--.--.- 22,190.19 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-....... 4,159.32 6,349.51 Balance available, June 30, 1948.--- .------ .----- .-- 11,692.47 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948....___ ... _ . _.___. .. 50.62 ' Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 . 11,743.09 Amount allotted in July 1948...__....._______......_....... 215,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 226,743.09 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ........................... .... 182,600.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work- ---------------------------------- 35,000.00 For maintenance--------------------------- ---------- 110,000.00 Total--- ----------------------------------------- 145,000.00 1 Includes $3,492,695.92 maintenance and improvement funds and $869,977.75 Emergency Relief funds but does not include $2,279,325.70, the cost of initiating the project under authority of the Emergency iRelif Appropriation Act of 1935. FLOOD CONTRO--ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., DISTRICT 1337 CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------------- ------------- ------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- -- ---- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_--- --------- Net total cost to June 30, 1948 --------------------- ---------- Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------- Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------------------------- - ------- Net total expenditures .... - ----------- _.-.----.---------- Total amount contributed to June 30, 1948.---------------------------- Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 , 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work------------------------------------------------- Cost of maintenance.... ------------------------- ----- ------------- Total expended -------------------------------------------------------------- Contributed ----------- ------------------- $25,000.00 -$2, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------------- --- -- - $25,000 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment ----- --- 25,000 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR CONCHAS DAM AND RESERVOIR Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 1$13,174582.86 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ 403,666.94 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----- - '13,578,249.80 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948---...------------------------309.40 Net total cost to June 30, 1948---------------------- 13,578,559.20 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------- - ------- 50.62 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------------------- 13,578,609.82 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948...-------------------- ,190.19 Net total expenditures..-------------------- ----- 13,576,419.63 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 .....---------------- _-..- 18,041.98 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ ' 13,594,461.61 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1945 1946 1947 1948 1944 Cost of new work..... ----- $4,305.85 ------------- $1,99764 $2.36 -- ------ ostofmaintenance.... - 44,96622 $542506 57, 545.23 52, 610.42 $58, 194.49 Total cost...... --- 40,660.37 50, 425.06 59, 542.87 52, 612.78 49 58,194. Total expended ---------------- 41,643.03 49, 720.33 58, 384. 77 56, 519. 51 55,753.41 -- ----- Allotted and contributed........ -9,400. 06 83, 000. 00 63, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 42, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.--------------------------- $31,795.39 Amount allotted during fiscal year...------------------------67,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-------------------------- 98,795.39 1338 'REPORT OL CHIIEFL OF ENGINEERS, Ti. S. ARMY, 1948 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment 25,000.00 ^ Net amount to be accounted for----------------------- 73,795.39 Gross amount expended ---------------------- $59,371.67 Less reimbursed expenditures. --------------- - 3,618.26 55,753.41 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ 18,041.98 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------_ 2,190.19 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts------- 4,159.32 6,349.51 Balance available, June 30, 1948 _______________..-___ 11,692.47 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-----------------------_ -50.62 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948- --- 11,743.09 Amount allotted in July 1948_____________ _______________ 215,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 .. . 226,743.09 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------- 182,600.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work-.-- _- _____--------------- ----- 35,000.00 For maintenance ... ..--. --------------- ------ 110,000.00 Total-...______---------.. .------ ------ 145,000.00 1 Includes $3,492,695.92 maintenance and improvement funds and $869,977.75 Emergency Relief funds' but does not include $2,279,325.70, the cost of initiating the project under authority of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935. 5. CREEDE, WILLOW CREEK, COLO. Location.-This project is located in Creede, Mineral County, Colo., on Willow Creek, a small stream which discharges into the Rio Grande about 3.3 miles downstream from Creede. (See U. S. Geological Survey map, Creede quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of a new flume to carry the flood waters of Willow Creek through Creede, following the same alinement as that of the existing flume. The new flume would be of rectangular cross-section, varying from 18 to 20 feet in width, with a depth of flow of 5 to 5.5 feet, and an approximate length of 3,350 feet. This project was author- ized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944 (S. Doc. 104, 78th Cong., 1st sess.). The estimated Federal cost of construc- tion, revised in 1948, is $180,200 and the estimated cost to local in- terests for rights-of-way and bridge and utility relocations is $57,- 731.54, a total of $237,931.54. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements local interests are required to make neces- sary bridge and utility changes. Formal notification to local inter- ests of the requirements for local cooperation has not been made; however, the city of Creede, Colorado, in behalf of local interests has indicated in writing that every condition of local cooperation stipulated in the authorizing legislation will be fulfilled. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Preparationof de- tailed plans and specifications was continued. The costs during the FLOOD CONTROL-ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., DISTRICT 1339 fiscal year were $7,490.51 for new work. Expenditures were $7,- 419.38. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction plans and specifica- tions were 59 percent complete. The total costs under the existing Project to June 30, 1948, were $17,659.67 for new work. Total ex- Penditures were $17,649.24. Proposed operations.-Constructionplans and specifications will be completed and construction, initiated. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $2,850.76, and accounts receivable $128.45, plus $159,700 allotted for fiscal year 1949, a total of $162,679.21, will be applied as follows: New Work: Accounts payable June 30, 1948..-------...-- -------------- $138.88 Preparation of plans and specifications------------------ 12,540.33 Construction (contract)--------------- -150,000.00 Total..... - ............ .------- - - --.... 162,679.21 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------------------------$17,659.67 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948...--.----------- -- --------- Total cost of permanent work to'June 30,: 1948: --- i . 17,659.67 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ....- = -------- '----- 128.45 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 -- -- --- 17,788.12 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-:-,------------- ------ 138.88 Net total expenditures----------------------------- 17,64924 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948 .---------------.------- 2,850.76 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ .. 20,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 $9, 140.27 $7, 490. 51 Cost ofnew work- - Cost of Maintenance...00......00--------. - "$1, _--- - --028.89-- --............... -- 7,-41---. 9,_-i0.-13--- Total expended a ... ..-- 1, 019.73 9,21013 7, 419.38 Allotted5, . 00 6, 00.00 000. Balance unexpended, July 1,1947------------- - ---- -- ---. $1,270.14 Amount allotted during fiscal year ---------------------------- 9,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- _-------------- ---------- 10,270.14 Gross amount expended ......------ - - 7,419.38 Balance unexpended, June 30,"1948 -- ------ 2,850.76 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 - -- - - 138.88 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- y 1,3.2 181,039.62 1,178.50 Balance available, June 30, 1948- -. - - ---------- 1,672.26 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -- --- -- -=- -128.45 ; Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 . 1,800.71 Amount allotted in July 1948 --------- -------------- -- . 159,700 00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 - •-1--i-161,500.71 1340 REPORT OF CHI[EF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 6. CHAMITA DAM AND RESERVOIR, RIO CHAMA, NEW MEXICO Location.-The project is located in Rio Arriba County, N. Mex., on Rio Chama approximately 5 miles upstream from the confluence of Rio Chama and Rio Grande, about 6 miles northwest of Espanola, N. Mex. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Plan and Profile of Rio Chama, N. Mex., From Mouth to Mile 103, Sheet 1.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of a dam and reservoir for flood control, sediment storage and possible future power. The dam is an earth fill dam approXl- mately 205 feet high with a side channel reinforced concrete spill- way constructed for future installation of crest gates. The dam has a length of 4,800 feet for the earth fill plus an additional 442 feet for the spillway. The reservoir, which is one unit of the flood control phase of a comprehensive plan for Rio Grande and tribt- taries, N. Mex., will have a storage capacity at the spillway crest of 687,700 acre-feet for flood control and sediment storage. The estimated costs (revised in 1948) are $27,331,000 for con- struction, and $1,372,000 for lands and damages, a'total of $28,- 703,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The work has not been started. No costs were incurred and no expenditures were made to June 30, 1948. Proposed operations.-Preparation of detailed plans will be initiated during fiscal year 1950. The sum of $340,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for this work. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__----------------------- _-.-- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--__--. _------- - -. ------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- Net total expenditures -------------------------- - -------------- - Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_--------------------- -- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------------------------------------- $28,703,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work.-----------------__ ---- -.-___.- 340,000 7. JEMEZ CANYON DAM AND RESERVOIR, JEMEZ CREEK, NEW MEX. Location.-The project is located in Sandoval County, New Mexico, on Jamez Creek approximately 2 miles upstream from the confluence of Jemez Creek and Rio Grande, about five miles north- west of Bernalillo, New Mexico. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Bernalillo quadrangle, scale 1:125,000). Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of a dam and reservoir for flood control and sediment storage. The dam is an earth fill dam approximately 128 feet high with an ungated side channel spillway. The dam has a length of 700 feet for the earth fill section plus an additional 500 feet for the spillway. The reservoir, which is one unit of the flood control FLOOD CONTROL-ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., DISTRICT 1341 Phase of a comprehensive plan for Rio Grande and Tributaries, New Mexico, will have a storage capacity of 30,000 acre-feet for flood control and 90,000 acre-feet for sediment storage. The estimated costs (revised in 1948) are $7,194,800 for con- Struction and $6,200 for lands and damages, a total of $7,201,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. Operations and results during fiscal year.--None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The work has not been started. No costs were incurred and no expenditures were made to June 30, 1948. Proposed operations.-Preparationof detailed plans and initia- tion of construction is planned for fiscal year 1950. The sum of $600,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for this work. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- --------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ---------- Tet total expenditures ------------------------------------------- otal amount appropriated to June 30, 1948..-------------------- ------ A out (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project $7,201,000 --------------------------------------------- Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June ~0, 1950, for new work......----------- --- - -------- 600,000 8. RIO GRANDE'FLOODWAY, RIO GRANDE, N. MEX. Location. he project is located on the Rio Grande in New Mexico. It covers the section of the river commencing near Hot SPrings and going upstream to the lower end of the Rio Grande Canyon approximately 14 miles upstream from Espanola. 2xisting project.-.The plan of improvement provides for flood Protection and major drainage improvements by channel rectifica- tion and levee enlargement and construction as a joint undertaking b the Bureau of Reclamation and the Corps of Engineers between river miles 123 and 394 (river mile 0 being at the intersection of the New Mexico-Texas State line with the International Boundary at El Paso). The portion to be accomplished by the Corps of Engi- neers will consist of levee enlargement and construction and bank Protection work where necessary to protect levees. Levees con- •tructed by local interests now exist through the reach of the river iivolved, but are not uniform as to grade, section or standard of construction and in many places are threatened by the meandering river channel. These levees will be modified and supplemented by additional levees where required.; The levees as modified or con- structed will have a standard section with a crown of 10 feet, 3 on 1 Side slopes and a freeboard of 3 feet above maximum water surface. .The estimated costs''(revised in 1948): are $11,526,000 .for the 11tire project and $3,000,000 for the portion to be accomplished by the Corps of Engineers. - : ' . 8 04711----48-vol. 1-85 1342 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1 948 approved June 30, 1948. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition, local interests must assume responsibility for all highway bridge and public utility relocations or replacements required. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The work has not been started. No costs were incurred and no expenditures were made to June 30, 1948. Proposed operations.-Preparationof detailed plans and initia- tion of construction is planned for fiscal year 1950. The sum of $771,500 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for this work. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __-----___-__-- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--__---------. __ ---. __- - ... ---- ----- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ......---- Net total expenditures ------------------------------------- ---- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948..........---------------------- - Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.-------- -------------------------------- $3,000,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950------------------- ----------------------------- 771,500 9. BLUEWATER FLOODWAY, BLUEWATER CREEK, NEW MEXICO Location.---The project is located in Valencia County, N. Mex., on Bluewater Creek approximately 2 miles north of the town of Bluewater. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood protection to irrigated lands by construction of a small diversion on Bluewater Creek to divert flows from the present creek channel to a new floodway channel. The diversion dam would be an earth- fill structure approximately 8 feet high. The new floodway will be formed by earth-fill levees and an excavated channel and will include a concrete multiple box culvert under United States Highway 66 and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. The project is one unit of the flood control phase of a comprehensive plan for Rio Grande and tributaries, N. Mex. The estimated costs (revised in 1948) are $275,000 for construe tion, including $75,000 to be contributed by local interests, and $200 for lands and damages. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1948, approved June 30, 1948. Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements, local interests are required to assume responsibility for all highway bridge and public utility relocations required with the exception of the box culvert under United States Highway 66 and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway for which local interests are required to contribute the sum of $75,000 toward the cost of construction. Operations and results during the fiscal year.-None. FLOOD CONTROL--ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., DISTRICT 1343 Condition at the end of the fiscal year.-The work has not been started. No costs were incurred and no expenditures were made to June 30, 1948. Proposed operations.-The plans and specifications will be pre- Pared and the project will be constructed during fiscal year 1950. The sum of $200,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for this work. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_------------------------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948----------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948... .. . _..... Net total expenditures ------------------------------------ . Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_..--------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_.-------------- -------------- ---------- $200,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 -------------------------------------------------- 200,000 10. RIO GRANDE BASIN, ALBUQUERQUE DISTRICT Location.--These improvements are located on the Rio Grande and its tributaries and are in the State of New Mexico. More def- Inite locations of the individual items are given in the following Paragraph. Existing project.--The Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948, approved the general comprehensive plan for flood-control and other purposes in the Rio Grande Basin with certain modifica- tions as set forth in the act, and authorized the appropriation of $3,500,000 to be expended by the Department of the Army for the Partial accomplishment of the flood-control phase of the compre- hensive plan. The projects included in the flood control phase of the comprehensive plan as modified by the act are listed below:. Estimated cost DistanceMax um height of Project River above mouth Neares town damandheight Maximum type of Reservoir capacity Power develop- Lands, mouth dam and type paciy ment Construc- damages, Total tion and relo- cations Acre-feet Kilowatts Chiflo Dam and Reservoir.'- . Rio Grande .--. 1686.4 Cerro, N. Mexico._- . 393 feet-concrete gravity 816,000 (2) $32,337,434 $446, 938 $32, 784,372 Chamita Dam and Reservoir. Jemez Canyon Dam and Rio Chama....... 5 Espanola, N. Mexico.... 205 feet--earth fill....... " 4687, 700 (2) 27,331, 000 1, 372, 000 28,703,000 Reservoir. Jemez Creek ...... 2 Bernalillo, N. Mexico.-. 128 feet--earth fill------- 120, 000 None 7,194, 800 6,200 7,201, 000 Rio Grande Floodway ....... Rio Grande....... 1364. 4 1635.4 Several....--------------None--------------......... None None -- -- _ 11, 526, 000 Bluewater Floodway Bluewater Creek_. -......... 12 Bluewater, N. Mexico.._ 8 feet--earth fill.........- None None 6 275, 000 200 275, 200 ' Chiflo Dam and Reservoir is excluded from the present authorization, without prejudice to subsequent consideration by Congress. 3 Includes provision for future power installation. 4I For details of this project, see individual report. Maximum storage to spillway crest; present authorization requires that construction of the gates be deferred until such time as New Mexico shall consistently accrue credits pursuant to the Rio Grande Compact. Capacity without gates is 687,700 acre-feet. s Total for project; project will be constructed as a joint undertaking by the Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation; the estimated cost for the portion to be accom- plished by the Corps of Engineers is $3,000,000. z 6 $75,000 to be contributed by local interests. _ . -- 0 Go FLOOD CONTROL-ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., DISTRICT 1345 Local Cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition, local interests are required to meet specific requirements in con- nection with the Rio Grande Floodway and Bluewater Floodway Projects. (See individual reports on these projects for details.) Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The work has not been started. No costs were incurred and no expenditures were made to June 30, 1948. Proposedoperations.--See individual reports for details. 11. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 2 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 28, 1937, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, as amended by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 from the flood control appro- Priations for any one fiscal year for removing accumulated snags and other debris, and clearing and straightening the channel in navigable streams and tributaries thereof, when in the opinion of the Chief of Engineers such work: is advisable in the interest of flood control; provided that not more than $50,000 shall be expended for this purpose for any single tributary from the appropriations for any one fiscal year. The sum of $12,000 was allotted during the fiscal year to the Albuquerque District for snagging and clearing work pursuant to section 13 of the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946. Opera- tions consisted of the clearing of trees, boulders, and debris from the channel of Greenhorn Creek for a distance of approximately 3.5 miles near the town of Rye, Colo. The work was initiated on October 15, 1947, discontinued on December 5, 1947, because of severe weather conditions, resumed oi May 3, 1948, and completed on May 14, 1948. Total costs to June 30, 1948, were $10,571.63. Total expenditures were $10,849.19. T'he balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $1,150.81, Will be applied to accounts payable and unliquidated obligations. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-----... -------------------- $10,571.63 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..---------- ---------------------- Plus Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 - - 10,571.63 lus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948.----- ------------ 280.06 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948.:-- ------------------ 10,851.69 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------------- 2.50 Net total expenditures--------------------------------10,849.19 Unepended balance, June 30, 1948,..-- ----------------------- 1,150.81 Total amount appropriated to June 30,11948 ------------ 12,000.00 1346 REPORT OF CIIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------.................---------------------------............---------............................---------..............$10, 571.63 -----------------------------------------............................ Cost of maintenance............ ............................---------------------- exp d----------------- Total expended.. . ' : . --------' ------------------------------------ " ". ... 10, 849.19 849.19 10, --------------- Allotted........................ ............----------.......... .........--...... 12, 000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------------- $12,000.00 Gross amount expended-_---- -__----------- ___-_______ 10,849.19 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.----------------------- 1,150.81 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 $2.50 ------------------ Amount covered by uncompleted contracts------------- 1,148.31 1,150.81 Balance available, June 30, 1948.---------------------------_ _---- Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------.------------------ ---- 280.06 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-- -. 280.06 12. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAWS NOS. 138 AND 318, SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, PUBLIC LAW NO. 75, SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS, AND PUBLIC LAW NO. 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS Because of the heavy demands for emergency-repair work to flood-control structures damaged or destroyed by the disastrous floods which occurred in the springs of 1943, 1944, 1945, and 1947. Congress in the act approved July 12, 1943, Public No. 138, Seventy- eighth Congress; in the act approved May 29, 1944, Public No. 318, Seventy-eighth Congress; in the act approved June 5, 1945, Public, No. 75, Seventy-ninth Congress, and in the act approved June 23, 1947, Public, No. 102, Eightieth Congress, authorized the amounts of $10,000,000, $12,000,00(, $12,000,000, and $15,000,000 respec- tively, to be appropriated as emergency funds to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repair, restoration, and strengthening of levees and other flood-control works which had been threatened or destroyed by the recent floods. The sum of $7,550 was allotted during the fiscal year to the Albuquerque District for emergency repairs to levees pursuantto the authority cited above. Operations consisted of repairing a damaged section of diversion dike on Arroyo de la Matanza above Socorro, N. Mex. Operations were initiated on December 17, 1947, and were com- pleted on February 3, 1948. The costs and expenditures during the fiscal year were $6,925.35. The total costs and expenditures were $417,577.79. The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, amounting to $624.65, is available for other work under this heading. FLOOD. CONTROL---ALBUQUERQUE, N.' MEX., DISTRICT 1347 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ---------------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948..----------------------- $417,577.79 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---_ _-- .--- '417,577.79 Net total expenditures -------------------------------- . 1417,577.79 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 -624.65 .---------------------- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------ --- '418,202.44 . . . . . . .. T. ... . . Fiscal year ending June 30-- I 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work Cost of maintenanc ,-----------34 120. 78----6,48. 8 . .. . l -- 08 $45.. ------------- $6, 925. 35 925.35 T --- e3 -- _- -- 440,000.00 70llotted 24,047.00 ------------- -$53, 394.56 7, 550.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year...--- --------------- - $7,550.00 Leoss amount expended---------------$6,990.27 Less reimbursed expenditures-. -------------------- 64.92. Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 .-------------------- 624.65 SIn addition, $8,411.46 was expended from contributed funds. 13. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost of the work during the year was $89,273.71: The ex- 1enditures were $86,186.37. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $19,277.89, and $110,000 allotted for fiscal year 1949, amounting to a total of $129,277.98, will be applied to accounts Payable in the amount of $2,676.12 and as needed during fiscal year 1949 to the payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $158,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.----------------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------------ $993,836.60 cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---...------ 993,836.60 inus Total accounts payable, June 30, 19482--------------------- 2,676.12 Net total expenditures_------------ --------------- 991,160.48 nexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------------------------- 19,277.89 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---_--------- 1,010,438.37 1348 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work------- -------------------- -.----------.------------------- Cost of maintenance------------. $215,236.17 $139, 456.17 $199, 361. 87 $168,160.31 $89 273.71 Total expended--------------.............-208, 072.76 153,188. 23 191, 049. 18 176, 550. 75 86, 186.3 0 Allotted------------------.........................-- 225, 166.05 230,000.00 165,000.00 80,000.00 95,000 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947___________ _ ___ -_____-_$10,464.26 Amount allotted during fiscal year-....--------------------------- 95,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-----------------------_-_ 105,464.26 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------ . 86,186.31 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------- 19,277.89 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------- $2,676.12 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.- 4,474.36 7,150.48 Balance available, June 30, 1948_- -- --- - _______ ------- - 12,127.41 Amount allotted in July 1948-------- --------------------- 110,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-. 122,127.41 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance--------------..-.-.-..---.-.-- 158,000.00 14. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures to Estimated full report June 30, 1948 amount Name of project see Annual required to Report for- complete New work Maintenance Emergency flood-control work under authority of the Flood-Control Act approved Aug. 18, 1941.......------------------ .............. 1944 .............. $49, 147. 41 (1) (1) Completed. 15. PLANT ALLOTMENT, ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948.-.-..-.-.---. ------- - -$90,968.30 Net total cost to June 30, 1948__--. ....- _ - ..- ... -- 90,968.30 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ..-- ..- - ..- - ..- -----.. 109,883.74 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948.....................------------------------. 18,915.44 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948..-- --- ---------... 56,538.32 Net total expenditures----------.. -.. -.-.-.-. - --- 87,622.88 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948..--------------------------- 137, 623.22 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.. ------------- 100,000.34 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Total expended--------------................. $386,362.07 $84,393.31 -$24,782.38 -$67,239.93 $22,864.26 Allotted....-............... -- 100, 000.00 -6l,212. 00 ................ ....-- FLOOD CONTROL---ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., DISTRICT 1349 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $160,487.48 Gross amount expended.-------------------- $502,705.87 Less reimbursed expenditures..---------------- 479,841.61 22,864.26 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__-_----------------- 137,623.22 Outstanding liabilities June 30, 1948__----------- 56,538.32 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. ----_ - 66,032.76 122,571.08 Balance available, June 30, 1948..-------------- ----- 15,052.14 Accounts available, June 30, 1948.----------------------------. 109,883.74 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------- 124,935.88 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions Date tran Date trans- mitted to Document Recom- Locality Authorization act No. mendation Congress I_ - -- - I----------------I - r --- Alamogordo Dam and Reservoir, Sec. 7, Flood Control Act, Pecos River, N. Mex., flood con- Aug. 11, 1939. Atrol, rrigation and other uses. Commerce Committee Arkansas Colo. River and tributaries, resolution, Sept. 30, 1942. Arkansas River and tributaries, Flood Control Commit- (local flood protection along the tee resolution, July 2, -- ,------------ main Stem above Great Bend, 1943. Arkansas River or flood control at Flood Control Commit- --------------- and in the vicinity of Great tee resolution, Jan. 21, Crend, Kans. 1944. R ~ Bend, Kans., Arkansas Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, July 2, -------------- r ver and tributaries (local flood 0 Protection above). 1943. Great Bend, Kans., Arkansas Flood Control Commit- River for flood control at and in tee resolution, Jan. 21, the vicinity of. 1944. oerfano River Colo., tributary Flood Control Act, June of Arkansas River. 22 ,1936. ora River, N. Mex., tributary of Commerce Committee the South Canadian River, for resolution, Nov. 13, flood control and for making addi- 1945. tional water available for agri- cultural uses. Pecos River,N. Mex., Alamogordo See. 7, Flood Control Act, Aug. 11, 1939. tam rrigation trol, and Reservoir, uses.con- flood and other Pecos River and tributaries, Tex. Flood Control Act, June ande .rMex. 28, 1938. P ickretre (Purgatoire) River, Flood Control Commit- Coo., flood protection for Trini- tee resolution, Mar. 20, dad, Colo. 1945. Purgatoire (Picketwire) River, do.------------ .... olo., flood protection for Trini- dad Colo. iteo.rande and tributaries, N. Flood Control Act, Aug. 18, 1941. South Canadian River, and tribu- Commerce Committee tries, including Mora River, resolution, Nov. -13, N. Aex., for flood control and for 1945. king additional water avail- bleor agricultural uses. I I 4, ,. IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT This district comprises the northern and western portions of Arkansas, a portion of southern Missouri, and a small portion of eastern Oklahoma embraced in the drainage basins of the Arkansas River and tributaries above and exclusive of Pine Bluff, Ark., and below the mouth of Poteau River, near Fort Smith, Ark., and of the White River and tributaries above Peach Orchard Bluff, Ark. District engineer: Col. G. E. Galloway, Corps of Engineers. Division engineer of the Southwestern Division, Dallas, Tex., comprising the Galveston, Tex., Albuquerque, N. M., Little Rock, Ark., and Tulsa, Okla., districts: Col. Henry Hutchings, Jr., Corps of Engineers. IMPROVEMEN TS Navigation Flood control--'ontinued Page Page 1. Arkansas River and tribu- 19. South bank Arkansas River taries, Ark. and Okla. (Little (Tucker Lake), Ark-...... 1387 Rock district)- 1352 20. Blue Mountain Reservoir, 2. White River, Ark. (above Arkansas River Basin, Ark- 1389 Peach Orchard Bluff)---- 1352 21. Nimrod Reservoir, Arkansas 3. Black River, Ark. and Mo- 1355 River Basin, Ark 1393 4. Upper White River, Ark--- 1357 22. Arkansas River Basin, Little 5. Examinations, surveys, and Rock district.----- 1396 contingencies (general) ---- 1361 23. East Poplar Bluff and Poplar 6. Inactive navigation projects_- 1362 Bluff, Mo---------- 1397 24. Black River, Poplar Bluff, Mo., to Knobel, Ark-,--- 1399 Flood control 25. Clearwater Reservoir, White River Basin, M o-.......... 1401 7. Fort Smith, Arkansas River, 26. Norfolk Reservoir, White Ark_ 1362 River Basin, Ark-.------ 1405 8. Van Buren, Arkansas River, 27. Bull Shoals Reservoir, White Ark _____ -- 1365 River Basin, Ark....---- 1409 9. Crawford County, Arkansas 28. White River Basin, Little 1367 Rock district 1412 River, Ark-...----------- 10. McLean Bottom levee district 29. Snagging and clearing under No. 3, Arkansas River, Ark. 1370 authority of section 2 of the 11. Near Dardanelle, Arkansas Flood Control Act approved 12 River Ark_- ----- 1372 August 28, 1937, as amended 1.414 12. Cardens Bottom drainage dis- 30. Emergency flood-control work trict to. 2, Arkansas River, under authority of the Flood 1374 Control Act approved Au- Ark_1 --__-:----r----- gust 18, 1941-.-----_- 1415 13. West of Morrilton, Arkansas 1376 31. Emergency flood-control work River, Ark----------- under authority of Public 14. Conway County levee district Laws Nos. 138 and 318, No. 6, Arkansas River, Ark. 1378 15. Conway County levee districts Seventy-eighth Congress and Public Law No. 75, Nos. 1, 2, and 8, Arkansas River, Ark---- --- 1380 Seventy-ninth Congress, 16. Roland drainage district, Ar- first session; and No. 102 kansas River, Ark.------ 1382 Eightieth Congress....... 1416 17. Little Rock, Arkansas River, 32. Preliminary examinations, sur- Ark ---- - - 1383 veys, and contingencies for 18. South bank Arkansas River flood control_-- __ . 1417 (head of Fourche Island to 33. Inactive flood-control projects 1418 Pennington Bayou), Ark-- 1385 34. Plant allotment 1419 1351 1352 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 1. ARKANSAS RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES, ARK. AND OKLA. (LITTLE ROCK DISTRICT) The river and harbor act approved July 24, 1946, approved the multiple purpose plan for improvement of the Arkansas River and tributaries consisting of coordinated developments to serve navi- gation, produce hydroelectric power, afford additional flood con- trol, and provide related benefits in connection with other activities such as recreation and wildlife propagation (House Document 758, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). The navigation features provide for a chan- nel 9 feet deep following generally the Verdigris River from Catoosa, Okla., 52 miles downstream to the Arkansas River; thence downstream in the channel of the latter to mile 53.8; thence by a lateral canal designated as the Pendleton Canal to mile 25.3; thence down the Arkansas River to mile 21.8; thence via a land cut to White River 12.4 miles above its mouth; thence along the channel of White River for 4.9 miles; and thence via land cut to the Mis- sissippi River at a point about 15.5 miles above the mouth of the Arkansas River. A minimum channel width of 150 feet is proposed for the Verdigris River section and of 250 feet for the remaining 428.6 miles of the route. The waterway would be canalized through- out its length by three navigation locks and dams on Verdigris River an'd 24 locks and dams thence to the Mississippi River. In- cluded in the 24 are the Webbers Falls, Short Mountain, Ozark and Dardanelle locks and dams on Arkansas River which are planned to be used for power development as well as to create navigation pools. Lock chambers are 110 by 600 feet on the Arkansas River and 74 by 600 feet on the Verdigris River. The 1946 river and harbor act while approving the entire mul- tiple purpose project limited appropriations thereunder'to $55,- 000,000 for initiation and partial accomplishment of the project. No work has been done on the navigation portion of the project. The Civil Functions appropriation act approved June 25, 1948, pro- vided funds in the amount of $500,000 for initiation of planning features of work, and a like amount can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for continuation of such work. Cost and financial summary Amount allotted in July 1948_ ------------- - ---------------- $500,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work----------------------------------------500,000 2. WHITE RIVER, ARK. (ABOVE PEACH ORCHARD BLUFF) Location.--This river rises in northwestern Arkansas and flows 720 miles, first north into Missouri, then southeasterly through Arkansas to the Mississippi River, 45 miles above Arkansas City, Ark. The portion of the river within the limits of this district extends from the headwaters downstream to Peach Orchard Bluff, Ark. (169 miles above the mouth), at which point the river enters the Memphis engineer district. (See Mississippi River Commis- sion alluvial valley maps, scale 1:62,500 and scale 1:500,000, for RIVERS AND IIAIBORS - I TTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1353 river from Peach Orchard Bluff to vicinity of Newport, Ark., and U. S. Geological Survey State map, scale 1:500,000.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1871; June 23, 1874; Aug. 14, 1876; June 14, 1880; and July 5, 1884. For further details see page 1874 of Annual Report for 1915, and page 963 of Annual Report for 1938. Existing project.-This provides for channel maintenance be- tween the mouth of the river and Batesville, 301 miles, by snagging and dredging and by contraction works. The stream has an ordi- nary freshet fluctuation of 15 feet throughout the portion, covered by the project and an extreme stage fluctuation of 36 feet at New- Port and Batesville. No estimate of cost has been given, and since 1899 the work has been prosecuted under annual estimates for maintenance by snagging and dredging. The latest (1948) ap- Proved estimate for annual cost of maintenance above Peach Or- chard Bluff is $30,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of July 13, 1892, which made appropriation for completion of Prior project for improving the river from its mouth to Forsyth, Mo., and provided that the additional sum appropriated should be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of War. A project for the improvement of the river above Batesville by locks and dams is reported under the heading Upper White River, Ark. Terminalfacilities.-Railwayspur tracks are available for trans- fer of freight between car and boat at Newport. There are log slips for use of the owners only at Newport and Augusta. These ter- 'final facilities are considered adequate for existing commerce. .Operationsand results duringfiscal year.--Channel maintenance with Government plant and hired labor consisted of snagging and dredging operations. The United States dipper dredge No. 3301, during the period October to December 1947, removed 74,256 cubic Yards of material from the following crossings: Fatty Breah Shoal, Allen Gin, Rutherford Ferry Shoal, Prairie Beach Shoal, Russey Ferry Shoal, Cato Shoal and Magness Shoal. The United States snag barge Harve Goodwin snagged 14.4 miles from lock 1 (mile 300.6) to Goody Creek (mile 286.2) during June 1948 and removed 30 snags, 47 trees, 36 logs and 56 stumps and broke 3 drifts. The costs during the fiscal year were $21,542.74 and the expendi- tures were $20,670.99, all for maintenance. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project being for mainte- nance, completion is not contemplated. The total costs under the existing project to June 30, 1948, are: ?or maintenance: $ , 8 Snagging operations-----------------,688.48 Dredging operations----------------------223,024.55 Total ----- -----------------------------................ . $694,713.03 1354 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Specials: Augusta, for prevention of cut-off_ 314.84 Augusta Narrows, levee and revetment...... 50,620.16 Augusta Narrows, set-back levee.--.-----.-- 5,407.38 Little Red River snagging: 1914_---___-__---_-------------_ 500.00 1935--------......................------------- 358.80 1940-_--- --___-- -- - - .-- - . -- - 886.83 58,088.01 Total costs to June 30, 1948_ ----- - . .- - "-__.-- 752,801.04 The total expenditures were $1,092,820.98 (excluding $60,613.63 for operating and care reported under Upper White River). In addition, $3,291.44 contributed funds were expended for mainte- nance at Augusta Narrows. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, amounting to $10,153.23 plus accounts receivable of $1,052.13 to- gether with an allotment of $20,000 made in July 1948, a total of $31,205.36, will be applied to channel maintenance during the fiscal year 1949, as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_- -------- _---_ _____----- $2,032.19 Maintenance: Snagging operations between Peach Orchard Bluff and lock 1, about 2/%months with Government plant and hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949--.. ___-- ..- - 13,173.17 Dredging operations between P.each Orchard Bluff and lock 1, about 2 months with Government plant and hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949-.------____----------_ 16,000.00 Total -------------- ------------------ -------- 31,205.36 The additional sum of $30,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: Maintenance: Snagging operations between Peach Orchard Bluff and lock 1, about 1 month with Government plant and hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950----------...-. ... . .---- _ $6,000.00 Dredging operations between Peach Orchard Bluff and lock 1, about 3 months with Government plant and hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950.- .. .-. .- . . -. .-..- .- 24,000.00 Total------------------------------------------- 30,000.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-.--- . ---..-. ------- $337,801.57 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_.....----..- ---- __- - 1 755,999.47 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--- --------- _ 1,093,801.04 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------ 1,052.13 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-.-..--..-..--- -1 - 1,094,853.17 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-.-.----. ---.--- ... -- 2,032.19 Net total expenditures. ---------------------------- 11,092,820.98 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------------------------- 10,153.23 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948....----- 1 1,102,974.21 RIVERS AND HARBORS--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., I)ISTRICT 1355 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------.. Cost of maintenance............ $13, 796. 93 $2, 793.31 $24, 695.92 $13,043.79 $21, 542.74 Total expended----------------................. 11, 172. 04 6, 818. 20 23, 422. 86 12, 808. 54 20, 670. 99 Allotted--------------------.. 12, 000.00 21, 000.00 46,000.00 .......................... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------......------------------.........-. $30,824.22 Gross amount expended ---------------------- $20,708,43 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------------- 37.44 20,670.99 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 10,153.23 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------ 2,032.19 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-------...... 1,243.52 3,275.71 Balance available, June 30, 1948-----..----..............---------------... 6,877.52 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- -------------------------- 1,052.13 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--------- 7,929.65 Amount allotted in July 1948........--------------......... ........... 20,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 27,929.65 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance ---------...........----------------------..................... 30,000.00 1 Includes $358.80 Little Red River and excludes $60,613.63 Upper White River, Ark. 3. BLACK RIVER, ARK., AND MO. Location.-This river rises in Iron County, Mo., and flows in a southerly direction 300 miles to White River, at Jacksonport, Ark. (See Mississippi River Commission alluvial valley maps, scales 1.:62,500 and 1:500,000; and U. S. Geological Survey State maps, scale 1:500,000.) Previous projects.-Adopted by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1871. It is not practicable to state the amount expended under the project; however, it is known to have been very small. For further details see page 1877, Annual Report for 1915. Existing project.-Improvement of the river below Poplar Bluff, Mo., 211 miles, by snagging operations, by deepening the water on shoals by wing dams, and by concentrating the water into one main channel by the closure of secondary channels. The stream has an ordinary freshet fluctuation of 10 feet at Pop- lar Bluff, 4 feet near Corning, Ark., and 15 feet at the mouth. Its extreme stage fluctuations are 19 feet at Poplar Bluff, 11 feet near Corning, Ark., and 36 feet at the mouth. The original estimate was $80,800, to be expended in two working seasons (Annual Report for 1880, p. 1326). The River and Harbor Act of September 19, 1890, appropriated an amount to complete the estimate and authorized maintenance of the improvement. While dredging is not men- tioned in the project, it is necessary as a means of maintenance and has been authorized. The latest (1948) approved estimate for an- nual cost of maintenance is $25,000. 1356 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was adopted by the River and Harbor Acts of June 14, 1880, and March 3, 1881. (Annual Report for 1880, p. 1325.) The approximate location and course of the navigable por- tion of this stream are shown in sketch map printed in Annual Re- port for 1911, opposite page 1877. Terminal facilities.--Privatelyowned log slips or chain conveyors for the use of the owners are maintained at the several saw and stave mills. The facilities are considered adequate for the existing commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Snagging operations were conducted with Government plant and hired labor. The United States snag barge Harve Goodwin snagged 153.4 miles between the mouth and Corning (mile 153.4) during the period July to Decem- ber 1947 and 22.6 miles between Pocahontas (mile 90.7) and Schaffer Eddy (mile 113.3) during the latter part of June 1948. During these operations, 1,203 snags, 1,368 trees, 845 logs and 974 stumps were removed and 202 drifts were broken. The costs during the fiscal year were $25,316.31 for maintenance, which excludes $84.95 representing a decrease in undistributed cost during the year, and the expenditures were $23,429.07. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project being for mainte- nance, completion is not contemplated. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $80,000 for new work and $610,891.37 for maintenance, a total of $690,891.37. The expenditures were $689,898.68. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended' June 30, 1948 amounting to $2,002.46 plus accounts receivable of $95.88 together with an allotment of $20,000 made in July 1948, a total of $22,098.34, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948----. ----- - _ $1,827.51 Maintenance: Snagging operations between the mouth of Black River and Poplar Bluf , Mo., about 4 months with Government plant and hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949---------------- 20,270.83 Total - ' 22,098.34 The 'additional sum of $25,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 on maintenance: Snagging operations between the mouth of Black River and Poplar Bluff, Mo., about 42 months with Government plant and hired labor during the period July 1949 to June 1950. : ' '/. " RIVERS AND HARBORS-LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1357 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-...-.-- - - - -- $80,000.00 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-----......................... . 610,891.37 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--.--.. - 690,891.37 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948----------- ---------------- 738.94 Net total cost to June 30, 1948- Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948. - -------.--. 691,630.31 ..----------- -------- 95.88 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948.-..-.---------------. 691,726.19 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_.--------------------- 1,827.51 Net total expenditures-. _ .-......-------------- 689,898.68 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---- ---- ----------- 2,002.46 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__-------------. 691,901.14 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work r___ ---------------- -- -- __ I-------- _ Cost of maintenance---- . ------------- .----------- $5, 856. 15 $2, 438.44 $25, 316.31 Total expended .................$801. 6 )1,511.02 23,429.07 Allotted......................... -- 12,000.00 -------------- 30,000.00 _.............. Balance unexpended, July 1,1947- ..--.-- - ---------- $25,431.53 Gross amount expended_.--.---..-.- -.-- - $27,191.91 Less reimbursed expenditures----------------------- 3,762.84 23,429.07 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_----------------------- 2,002.46 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948........---------------------... ........ 1,827.51 Balance available, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 174.95 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------------- --- 95.88 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948..........-..-.. 270.83 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 20,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949...- 20,270.83 Amount that-can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June - .30, 1950, for maintenance-..- ----------------------- - 25,000.00 4. UPPER WHITE RIVER, ARK. Location.-These works are on the White River, Ark., lock and dam No. 1 being lmile below Batesville, Ark., and Nos. 2 and 3 being 7.5 and 19.3 miles, respectively, above that city. (See Mississippi River Commission alluvial valley map, scale 1:500,000, and U. S. Geological Survey map, scale 1:500,000.) ,Previousprojects.-See previous projects for White River, page 1874, Annual. Report for 1915. Existing project.-This provides for the construction of 10 fixed dams with concrete locks to give 4-foot navigation the year around. The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1907, after providing for the completion of the third lock and dam, abandoned further construc- tion work, its language fixingthe appropriation carried therein as 804711---48--vol. 1-86 1358 REPORT Ol? CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 the final one. The stream is nontidal, with an ordinary freshet fluctuation of 16 to 18 feet, and with an extreme stage fluctuation of 38 feet just-below lock No. 1 and 51 feet at Calico Rock, 39 miles above lock No. 3. The estimated cost for the 10 locks and dams originally projected was $1,600,000. The estimate of annual cost of maintenance, re- vised in 1948, is $55,000, including $37,000 for operation and care. The existing project was adopted by the following river and har- bor acts: Acts Work authorized Documents Mar. 3, 1899 Existing project adopted -- H. Doc. 78, 54th Cong., 2d sess.; ,......................... Annual Report, 1897, p. 1992. Mar. 2, 1907 Abandonment of further new work on the project.... H. Doc. 150, 59th Cong., 1st sess. June 26,19341 Operating and care of locks and dams provided for with funds from War Department appropriations for rivers and harbors. 1 Permanent Appropriations Repeal Act. The locations, dimensions, etc., of the three completed locks and dams are as follows: - Lock 1 Lock 2 Lock 3 Location....................... Batesville............. Earnharts............. Walls Ferry. Distance from mouth of river... 299.8 miles............ 308.3 miles----------............ 320.1 miles. Dimensions of locks: Length available.-------- 147 feet_...---------. 147 feet.-------------147 feet. Width available.---------- 36 feet...------------- 36 feet ..------------ 36 feet. Depth on lower sill at mean 4.3 feet................................... low water (open river). Depth on lower sill at nor- ............---...---......... 6.5 feet-------------............... 4.7 feet. mal pool. Depth on upper sill at nor- 7.1 feet..-..---. .5.3 feet-------------................5.2 feet. mal pool. Lift at mean low water and 15.6 feet...............-.......... normal pool. Lift at normal pools_.............---------...--- - 12.8 feet.------------ 14.5 feet. Foundations.----.---- - - Bedrock-...............Bedrock------------- Bedrock. .-- Dams: Kind of ----------------. . Fixed-------------- Fixed.-------------- Fixed. Type of construction-....... Timber crib filled Timber crib filled Timber crib filled with with stone. with stone. stone. Length---.................... 658 feet------................ 660.5 feet.......-----------....... 750.7 feet. Date opened to navigation...... 1904---------------................... 1905................... 1908.- Date ofcompletion.......------------ 1905--------------- 1904 .................-------------- ..... 1908. Cost of construction--...--...------$278,587.56----------............. $297,627.94----------............. $236.981.31. All dams are with concrete caps. The approximate location of these locks and dams is shown on dis- trict map (sketch) printed in Annual Report for 1911, opposite page 1877. Terminal facilities.-Log slips, derricks, and conveyors exist at the several woodworking establishments, all for the individual use of the owners. The terminal facilities are considered adequate for the present commerce. Operations and results during fiscal year.-All work was for maintenance with Government plant and hired labor at locks and dams 1, 2 and 3. Work during the fiscal year consisted of operation of the locks and routine maintenance of appurtenant river struc- tures, buildings and grounds, RIVERS AND HARBORS-LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1359 The United States dipper dredge No. 3301, during the period July to September 1947, removed 48,904 cubic yards of material from Cornwall Shoal, Maxwell Shoal, Earnheart Shoal, Cackling Pullet Shoal and the lower approach to lock 1. The costs during the fiscal year were $16,478.22 for maintenance and $32,558.81 for operation and care, which excludes $1,213.95 representing a decrease in undistributed cost during the year. The total expenditures were $47,253.57. Condition at end of fiscal year.--The new work accomplished to the end of the fiscal year is the construction of three locks and dams mentioned under paragraph "Existing project." The project, as amended is complete. These works, by aid of dredging, give all-year slack water navigation for 4-foot draft from 1 mile below Batesville to Guion, which is 33 miles upstream therefrom. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were: For new work (construction of locks and dams) ---------- $813,196.81 For maintenance (dredging and snagging) (includes $60,613.63 not covered by cost and financial summary for White River, Ark.)--------- ------------------------------- 97,823.12 For operation and care (locks and dams 1, 2 and 3)--- 376,833.09 Total costs to June 30, 1948------------------------- $1,287,853.02 The total expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $1,293,- 350.22. In addition, the sum of $1,187,282.59 was expended between January 16, 1904, and June 30, 1935, on the operation and care of the work of improvement under the provisions of the permanent indefinite appropriation for such purposes. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30; 1948 amounting to $18,568.60 plus accounts receivable of $493.85 to- gether with an allotment of $38,000 made in July 1948, a total of $57,062.45, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 to mainte- nance and operation and care of the three locks and dams as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948----------------------------- $2,599.16 Maintenance: Snagging operations in pool 1, about 1 week with Government plant and hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949 -- ---------------- $1,500.00 Dredging operations in pool 1, About 1Y2 months with Government plant and hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949-- ----------- 11,468.75 Subtotal-----------------------------------.............. 12,968.75 Operation and care: Operations-------------------------------- 24,397.50 Ordinary maintenance and repairs-------. . 13,000.00 Subtotal-------------------------------------- 37,397.50 Balance remaining..----------------------------------------- 4,097.04 Total for all work----------------------------------...... .. 57,062.45 The additional sum of $55,000 can be profitably expended during 1360 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 the fiscal year 1950 for operation and care of the three locks and dams and for channel maintenance as follows: Maintenance: Dredging and snagging pools, approaches and landings, about 2 months with Government plant and hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950--------------- $18,000 ------------------------- $24,000 Operation and care: Operations................ Ordinary maintenance and repairs------------------- 13,000 Subtotal --------------------------------------------- 37,000 Total for all work--------------------------------------- $55,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--_ ------------------------ $813,196.81 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- 11,661,938.80 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948...... 12,475,135.61 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948---...----. --. ----. --. 7,602.51 Net total cost to June 30, 1948----------------------- 2,482,738.12 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------------- -493.85 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948_._- .- Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--- __-----------.. _________ ____ 2,483,231.97 -2,599.16 Net total expenditures.___________________________ -2,480,632.81 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_-- --... -------------- 18,568.60 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---- -------- 12,499,201.41 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1946 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work............... ...................................................--- Cost of maintenance ......i .... .$21, 929. 74 $33, 446.31 $46, 055.655 $35, 485.61 $49, 037.03 Total expended ....... _.. ..... 21, 355.47 25,369.35 47, 900. 10 33, 672.00 47, 253,.7 Allotted... ....... ....... -12,000.00 43, 500.00 8, 000.00 .............. 30, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_ -------------- $35,822.17 Amount allotted during fiscal year.---------------------------- 30,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-.---------- ---------- 65,822.17 Gross amount expended------------.------- $53,973.19 Less reimbursed expenditures -------------- 6,719.62 47,253.57 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------- ------ 18,568.60 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-.-------.-- 2,599.16 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts....... 450.00 3,049.16 Balance available, June 30, 1948----.-.- -...... -. - 15, 519.44 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948, --------------------------- 493.85 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----------- 16,013.29 Amount allotted in July 1948..--.----------.--- -----.- 38,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 54,013.29 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance.... ...- 5-------.----... 55,000.00 1 Includes $1,187,282.59 from permanent appropriation for operating and care and cost applicable to oper ating and care operations in amount of $60,613.63 paid from funds allotted during fiscal years 1937 and 1938 to White River for operations on both White and Upper White River projects. RIVERS AND HARBORS--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1361 5. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of work during the fiscal year was $15,857.78 and the expenditures were $14,615.87. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $11,699.35, plus an allot- Inent of $7,000 made in July 1948, a total of $18,699.35, will be ap- plied during the fiscal year 1949 to payment of outstanding liabili- ties and other expenses to be incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $260,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 .............. --- - _ --- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948...------ $1,130,925.24 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 1,130,925.24 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-..-.----.. -------.-... 1,247.07 Net total expenditures ..--------------------------- 1,129,678.17 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 11,699.35 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948----- ---.-. 1,141,377.52 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work............... ........----- -------------- -.-------------. -- -- ---- ------------..... Cost of maintenance............ $28,727.76 $113, 612.15 $6, 670. 94 $7, 787. 91 $15, 857.78 Total expended................. 30, 448. 63 111, 628.08 8, 448. 27 8, 459.62 14, 615.87 Allotted..........-............... . 112, 000.00 --10, 000.00 ............. . 26,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-----------------------------.. $31522 Amount allotted during fiscal year...-------- -----.----.-.-- 66.000.00 Amount to be accounted for -------------------------- 66,315.22 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment. ----.... 40,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for- --------------- 26,315.22 Gross amount expended ....--- ------------------------------ 14,615.87 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..- ...-----.--.--- - 11,699.35 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------------- 1,247.07 Balance available, June 30, 1948- .-. --.---.-- 10,452.28 Amount allotted in July 1948---..........---------------...... 7,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949..... 17,452.28 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance. -------------.-.. . . .- - 260,000.00 1362 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 6. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures to full re- June 30, 1948 Estimated Name of project port see amount re- Annual quired to Report New work Maintenance complete for- 1. Arkansas River, Ark. and Okla. (above Pine Bluff, Ark.)---------------------------................................ 1938 $614, 254.98 $482, 168. 29 (1) 2. Current River, Ark. and Mo --............. . 1937 17, 000.00 119, 962.53 (2) 1Channels adequate for existing local commerce. Completion not contemplated. 2Existing commerce does not warrant additional expenditures. Status of all investigations for navigation called for by river and harbor acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation Arkansas River from Little Rock, River and Harbor Act, ......................... Ark., to Mississippi River via July 24, 1946. Grand Prairie. Grand Prairie, Ark., waterway ..... do.................... ............ from Arkansas River at Little Rock to the Mississippi River. Greers Ferry, Ark., construction of Flood Control Commit- ...... multiple-purpose reservoir for tee resolution, Apr. 5, flood control and navigation on 1940. Little Red River, Ark. (tribu- tary of White River). Little Red River, Ark., construc- Flood Control Commit- ... tion of multiple-purpose reservoir tee resolution, Apr. 5, in the vicinity of Greers Ferry, 1940. Ark., for flood control and irriga- tion (tributary of White River). Mississippi River to Arkansas River and Harbor Act, .. River at Little Rock, Ark., via July 24, 1946. Grand Prairie. Taneycomo Lake, Mo. (located on ..... do--- -----.................................-- White River). River and Harbor Act, ..--------------- __......... White River, Ark..---...----.........----.... Aug. 30, 1935. White River, Ark., construction of Flood Control Commit- multiple-purpose reservoir in tee resolution, Apr. 5, vicinity of Greers Ferry on Little 1940. Red River, Ark. White River, Ark. and Mo., im- Rivers and Harbors......... .............. provement for navigation, flood Committee resolution, control, and irrigation. Jan. 24, 1939. Commerce Committee ............................. Do------------.....-----..............------------........... resolution, Feb.8, 1939. 7. FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. Location.---On the right bank of the Arkansas River at and in the immediate vicinity of Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Ark., just downstream from the mouth of the Poteau River (mile 362.0). (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Fort Smith (Ark.) quad- rangle.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a compacted earth-fill levee, concrete flood wall, and two pumping stations on the right bank of the Arkansas River in the reach from the Missouri Pacific Railroad embankment at mile 361.8 to a point opposite mile 360. The length of the levee and flood wall is about 1.2 miles and 0.6 mile, respectively, or a total length of about 1.8 miles. Four new drainage structures, equipped with floodgates, have been built. One of the existing sewer lines inter- FLOOD CONTROL--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1363 cepts the storm run-off from approximately 3,642 acres, and the sewage from about 50 percent of the residential district of the city. In order to reduce the pump capacity which would be required: for pumping the flow in this line, a storage area comprised of an exist- ing creek channel and prosed borrow areas within the leveed area have been utilized for temporary ponding of run-off. The sewer line connects the storage area by means of a relief outlet. The project provides for the protection of the city of Fort Smith, Ark., with a 3 -foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river. The Federal cost of the project, estimated in 1947, is $1,078,600 for construction and the estimated cost of local interests for land and damages is $96,000, a total of $1,174,600. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. The necessary assurances of local cooperation submitted by local interests were approved by the Secretary of War on June 24, 1946. All rights-of- way required for construction have been furnished. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Constructionby con- tract was continued during the year and, with exception of electrical installation in the pumping stations, was essenitally complete. Work performed included the following: 17,762 cubic yards of structural excavation; 138,180 cubic yards of levee embankment; 3,888 cubic yards of concrete flood wall; 10,720 square feet of steel sheet piling and 130 tons of hand placed riprap. The costs during the fiscal year were $803,460.55 for new work and the expenditures were $691,859.87. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-Constructionof the project, with exception of installing pumps and electrical equipment is complete. Work remaining includes completion of installation of pumps, ero- sion repairs and raising railroad bridge. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $928,767.81 and the expenditures were $812,022.15, all for new work. Proposed.operations.-The balance unexpended, including ac- counts receivable, $169,083.37, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_---_--- ---------------- $116,751.18 New work: Complete construction of pumping stations and installation of pumps by contract during period July to August 1948 38,407.19 Erosion repairs by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949__ -------------------------------- - 3,000.00 Raising Railroad Bridge across Arkansas River by contract (pro rata share) during period July 1948 to June 1949...... 10,925.00 Total ----------------------------------- ---- . 169,083.37 No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. 1364 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary UNITED STATES FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $928,767.81 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_------- .------- ....--- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.-- 928,767.81 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------_ - 5.52 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948...-- ---------------. 928,773.33 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948..------------------------ 116,751.18 Net total expenditures- _.812,022.15 ...----.- - Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------.-------------- 169,077.85 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -------------- 981,100.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .......... _.-.... . ..... $14, 250.08 $28,385.96 $82, 671.22 $803,460.55 . .. Cost of maintenance.------------.. ..-...-.-- Total expended............-.......... . ..... 12, 744. 86 24, 504. 44 82, 912. 98 691,859.87 Allotted-----....... ..... ----------------- 45, 000.00 853, 600.00- ............. 82, 600.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 --------------------------- $778,437.72 Amount allotted during fiscal year. ------------------------- 82,500.00 Amount to be accounted for --------------------------- 860,937.72 Gross amount expended..-----------.-.-.-.--..-. .-.- _ 691,859.87 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948. 169,077.85 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- --------- $116,751.18 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- ...... 26,750.40 143,501.58 Balance available, June 30, 1948 25,576.27 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------. ._._.__.__....._ 5.52 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 . 25,581.79 CONTRIBUTED FUNDS Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ _------------- .-..-.---------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.---------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Net total expenditures. ..... . . . .. ..------------- --..----- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948. . . $8,500.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 8,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ------------- -----..... Cost of new work...............--------------.............. ...... ..........---- ................. -------------..... Cost of maintenance........... -..............---------------.............-- ----.....--------........ .............. Total expended ............. ............. .............. ---------------................. .... ..... ..-- Allotted------------------------......................... $8,500.00 .............. .............. -----.............-------..............-- FLOOD CONTROL---LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1365 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947. --.--. -------------- . $8,500.00 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- ----------- ------------- 8,500.00 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts ----------------------- 8,072.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948- - L --- -----. -- - 428.00 CONSOLIDATED COST AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR FORT,SMITH, ARK. Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------------ $928,767.81 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_.--------.--------- --------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--....-_-- . 928,767.81 Plus accounts receivable, June 30; 1948----..-.----- ------- 5.52 .....-------.. Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ....------------ 928,773.33 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_-... ------ -------- -- 116,751.18 Net total expenditures ..-----------------------------.. 812,022.15 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 177,577.85 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------......... 989,600.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ofnew work ........--- -----.---... $14, 250.08 $28,85.96 $82,671.22 $803,460.55 Cost ofmaintenance... ,..... -------- ----- ----- - ---- ------- _ ------- -------------- Total expended.....................--- -- ----- - 12, 744.86 504. 24, 44 82,912.98 691, 859. 87 Allotted .......................--- - ........---. . 45,000.00 600.00 853, 8,500.00 82, 500.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947----------- --------------- $786,937.72 Amount allotted during fiscal year. -------------------------- 82,500.00 Amount to be accounted for i .---.. .......- - 869,437.72 Gross amount expended-...------ -- -- ---------- -------- 691,859.87 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948: -- _-177,577.85 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- --------- - $116,751.18 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts---... ... 34,822.40 . : 151, 573.58 Balance available, June 30, 1948 .. ---------------- 26,004.27 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------- ------------------ - - 5.52 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------ .26,009.79 8. VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. .Location.-Onthe left bank of the Arkansas River at and in the immediate vicinity of the city of Van Buren (mile 353.4), Crawford County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Fort Smith (Ark.) quadrangle.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a compacted earth-fill levee, a concrete flood wall, an intercepting storm sewer and ditch, and a sanitary sewage pumping station on the left bank of the Arkansas River in the reach from high ground near the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway bridge (mile 1366 REPORT OF C1HIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 353.7) to the city limits at a point on the existing Crawford County levee opposite mile 352.7. The levee connects with the authorized project for Crawford County levee district. The total length of the levee and flood wall will be about 1.3 miles, of which approximately 0.4 mile is new levee, 0.6 mile is riverside enlargement of the exist- ing Crawford County levee, and about 0.3 mile will be reinforced concrete flood :wall. The riverbank will be riprapped at critical points along the alinements. Four existing storm drains which dis- charge into the Arkansas River will be provided with drainage structures in the levee and flood wall and will be equipped with flood- gates. An intercepting sewer and 'ditch will convey interior run-off occurring during high river stages to Ned Lake in the Crawford County levee district. The project provides for the protection of the city of Van Buren, Ark., with a 3-foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river. The Federal cost of the project, estimated in 1948, is $539,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $33,000, a total of $572,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944, as amended by Sec. 3 of the Flood Con- trol Act approved July 24, 1946, and the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Assurances of local cooperation were submitted by local interests and were ap- proved by the Secretary of War on April 21, 1947. The highway bridge approaches have not been modified by local interests; how- ever, all rights-of-way necessary for construction have been fur- nished. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Plans and specifica- tions for flood wall and pumping station were completed. Construc- tion of levee and drainage structures by contract was initiated July 3, 1947, and completed March 1, 1948. Work completed included 1.42,745 cubic yards of levee embankment, 309 cubic yards of con- crete 'and 140 tons of handplaced riprap. Construction of concrete flood wall and pumping station was initiated by contract February 26, 1948. Work completed included 2,288 cubic yards of structural excavation and 197 cubic yards of concrete. The costs Iduring the fiscal year were $215,823.14 and the expendi- tures were $199,073.65, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-All plans and specifications, with the exception of those for bank protection, are complete. Construc- tion of levee and drainage structures is complete and that of con- crete flood wall and pumping station is 12 percent complete. The project as a whole is 46 percent complete. Work remaining includes completion of construction and raising approaches to highway bridge. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $248,495.71, and the expenditures were $232,118.81, all for new work, FLOOD CONTROL-LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1367 Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $306,881.19, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 -------------------------- $16,376.90 New work: Complete construction of flood wall and pumping station by con- tract during period July 1948 to March 1949---. 182,015.29 Erosion repairs by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949----------------------------------- 4,500.00 Raising bridges across Arkansas River (pro rata share) by con- tract during period July 1948 to June 1949 ---------------- 5,989.00 Bank protection work by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949.--------------------------- ------------ 98,000.00 Total- ------- --------------------------------- 306,881.19 With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the Project will be complete. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------....----- --- ------- $248,495.71 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 248,495.71 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 __---------------------- 16,376.90 Net total expenditures------------------------------- 232,118.81 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------ ------------ 306,881.19 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_--.-------- 539,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946. 1947 1948 ------------ Cost of new work ...........---- $4,955.66' $13,178.06 $14, 538. 85 $215, 823. 14 Cost of maintenance --............-------- --------- --- ----- --- . --- ------------- Total expended ..----------...............----------------- 4, 239.49 13, 907.84 14, 897. 83 199, 073.65 Allotted........................-------------------- -------------.. 28,000. 00 301,000. 00 .....-.... 210, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------------------- $295,954.84 Amount allotted during fiscal year-. ---------------------- 210,000.00 Amount to be accounted for. -------------------------- 505,954.84 Gross amount expended.--------------------------------- 199,073.65 306,881.19 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..--.....-----------....-------.. Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ------- $16,376.90 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts--------- 169,112.94 185,489.84 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ..- ---.------- -121,391.35 9. CRAWFORD COUNTY LEVEE DISTRICT, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. Location.-On the left bank of the Arkansas River from near the eastern limits of the city of Van Buren, Ark. (mile 352.7) to near the mouth of Frog Bayou (mile 331.9), Crawford County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Fort Smith (Ark.) quadrangle.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a compacted earth-filled levee, approximately 19.8 1368 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 miles long, extending from the downstream end of the Van Buren, Ark., project at mile 352.7 downstream to mile 332, near the mouth of Frog Bayou. This levee will follow the present alinement of an existing levee except at the locations where encroachment of the river makes it aidvisable to set the levee farther from the banks. Six new drainage structures, equipped with floodgates, will be built. The existing project for the Crawford County levee district, which is a modification of the previously authorized flood-control project, provides for the protection of approximately 15,060 acres of rural lands and communities with a 1/2-foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river. The modified project differs from the previously authorized project in that it provides for a levee grade about 7 feet higher and a compacted earth-fill embankment. The Federal cost of the project, estimated in 1948, is $2,146,200 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $616,000, a total of $2,762,200. The existing project, authorized by Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, and modified by section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, and the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948, is a modification of the project authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. No. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Assurances of local cooperation were submitted by local interests and were ap- proved by the Secretary of War on April 17, 1947. Rights-of-way have been furnished for the upstream 17.7 miles of project. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Plans and specifica- tions for additional 14.8 miles of project were completed. Construc- tion of 3 miles of levee and diversion ditch was initiated by contract July 15, 1947, and completed December 2, 1947. Construction of additional 7.5 miles of levee and drainage structures was initiated by contract March 10, 1948. Work completed included 628,769 cubic yards of levee embankment, 584 cubic yards of concrete, 720 square feet of steel sheet piling and 27 tons of riprap. Raising of United States Highway No. 64 Bridge across Arkan- sas River was initiated by contract October 7, 1947. The costs during the fiscal year were $526,724.54 for new work, which excludes $288.06 representing an increase in undistributed costs during the year, and the expenditures were $414,473.11. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plans and specifications for up- stream 17.8 miles of the project are complete. Construction of up- stream 3 miles of levee is complete and of additional 7.5 miles is 41 percent complete., Raising of highway bridge is 79 percent complete. The project as a whole is 29 percent complete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $570,578.67 and the expenditures were $457,516.96, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $769,183.04, plus an allotment of $600,000 made in July 1948, will be applied durihg the fiscal year 1949 as follows: FLOOD CONTROLr--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1369 Accounts payable June 30, 1948------------- ------------ $113,349.77 New work: Complete preparation of plans and specifications by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949-------------------- 10,304.00 Continue construction of levee and drainage structures by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949----------- 783,844.27 Erosion repairs by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949--. -- -------------------------- 13,680.00 Raising railroad bridge by contract (pro rata share) during period July 1948 to June 1949- ----------------- 209,400.00 Raising bridge across Arkansas River by contract (pro rata share) during period July 1948 to June 1949--.--- .238,605.00 Total --------------------------------------- 1,369,183.04 The additional sum of $319,500 can be profitably expended during, the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Complete construction of levee and drainage structures by contract during period July 1949 to June 1950-------- $136,500 Raising approaches to highway bridge across Arkansas River by contract (pro rata share) during period July 1949 to June 1950------------------------------------------- 183,000 Total---------------------- ------------- 319,500 With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the Project will be complete by the end of the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----.......---... ------------- $570,578.67 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948...._------ --------- -- -- _. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -...-.---- 570,578.67 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948....-------- ... ------------.-- 288.06 Net total cost to June 30, 1948-.-----------------------570,866.73 IMinus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 - 113,349.77 Net total expenditures-----..-----------------------.......... 457,516.96 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948..---........-------------..... 769,183.04 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.---. -. - 1,226,700.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -- ............---------------------. $501.74 $21, 784.34 $21, 568.06 $526, 724. 54 Cost of maintenance.....----....--.. .. - ....------- ...------------ ---------.............. .......---------- Total expended .............. ...-------------- -------------- 21, 745.14 21, 298.71 414, 473.11 Allotted..........1............--1 ---- . 38, 700. 00 413, 000. 00 775, 000. 00 1370 REPORT OF -CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_-- __-__-__-____---___ $408,656.15 Amount allotted during fiscal year------------_--------___ 775,000.00 Amount to be accounted for________________________ 1,183,656.15 Gross amount expended_--------_-_---------- $414,563.75 Less reimbursed expenditures -------------------- 90.64 414,473.11 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------------------769,183.04 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------ 113,349.77 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts...... . 614,833.25 728,183.02 Balance available, June 30, 1948. --------------- 41,000.02 Amount allotted in July 1948_ --- _----- _--- __--- _ 600,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- 641,000.02 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project --------------------------------- ------- 319,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work...... .. ._.._._ _.. _ 319,500.00 10. McLEAN BOTTOM LEVEE DISTRICT NO. 3, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. Location.--On the right bank of the Arkansas River between miles 300.9 and 293, immediately upstream from the confluence of Six Mile Creek (mile 292.5), and the Arkansas River, in Logan County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Magazine (Ark.) quadrange.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of 'a compacted earth-fill levee, beginning at high ground on the south silde of Six Mile Creek at mile 12.7 and extending north- ward across the creek to a point near the right bank of the Arkansas River at mile 300.9, thence generally eastward along the right bank of the river to high ground at mile 293.9, after crossing Six Mile Creek again at mile 0.6. This levee follows the present alinement of the existing levees along the Arkansas River and required the con- struction of approximately 9.1 miles of new levee, one new concrete drainage structure with floodgates, and a corrugated metal pipe drainage structure with a floodgate. A canal, approximately 1.4 miles in length has been constructed for the diversion of Six Mile Creek at the west end of the area, beginning at mile 12.7 on the creek and ending at mile 30.1 on the Arkansas River. The project pro- vides for the protection of approximately 9,770 acres of rural lands and communities, with a 1 2-foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river. The Federal cost of the project estimated in 1947 is $548,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $86,000, a total of $634,000. The project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Assurances of local cooperation were submitted by local interests and were ap- proved by the Secretary of War on June 13, 1946. Rights-of-way have been furnished. FLOOD1) CONTROII--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1371 Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Constructionof levee, diversion ditch and drainage structures was continued by contract. Erosion repairs by contract were initiated May 24, 1948. Work completed included 1,150,406 cubic yards of levee embankment, 1,197 cubic yards of concrete and 1,400 square feet of steel sheet Piling. The costs during the fiscal year were $355,471.55 for new work, which excludes $665.31 representing a decrease in undistributed cost during the year, and the expenditures were $331,338.11. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionof levee, diversion ditch and drainage structures is complete with the exception of final Work on and in vicinity of downstream drainage structure. Work remaining includes completion of drainage structure and erosion repairs. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $379,840.43 and the expenditures were $355,993.25, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $73,481.20 will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 --------------------------- $24,321.63 New work: Completion of construction of levee, drainage structure and erosion repairs by contract during period July to August 1948 41,159.57 Erosion repairs by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949------------------------- ------ ------ 8,000.00 Total--...........-----..------------------------------- 73,481.20 With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated' that the Project will be completed by the end of the fiscal year 1949. No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --- _----------------------- $379, 840.43 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_----------------------- ------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------_ 379,840.43 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------- ---------- - 474.45 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------........------....----------380,314.88 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-------------------- 24,321.63 Net total expenditures-------------------------------355,993.25 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-_----------- ------------ 73,006.75 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 429,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 . 1946 1947 194 Cost of new work....................---..----......----------.........--- $17, 364.31 $7,004.57 $355,471.55 Cost of maintenance....--- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total expended............................---------...........-----14,558.46 10,096.68 31, 338.11 Allotted................. ---- . ......-- - $12,500.00 204,200.00 ....-.......... 212,000.00 1372 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-_----.. --. ---- ____________ $192,344.86 Amount allotted during fiscal year---_---.-----------.-.---. - 652,000.00 Amount to be accounted for_-- -- _____ __------ 844,344.86 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment --------------- 440,000 00 Net amount to be accounted for------------------------ 404,344,86 Gross amount expended ----------------------------------- 331,338.11 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------- 73,006.75 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _-.--.--.--.- $24,321.63 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts..--------...... 27,719.69 52,041.32 Balance available, June 30, 1948-......------------. 20,965.43 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 474.45 .---------------------------- Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------- 21,439.88 11. NEAR DARDANELLE, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. Location.-On the right bank of the Arkansas River from near the southern limits of Dardanelle, Ark. (mile 254.5) to Mill Creek (mile 247.0), Yell County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Dardanelle (Ark.) quadrangle.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a compacted, earth-fill levee extending in a southeasterly direction from high ground near the southern limits of the town of Dardanelle to a ridge at Arkansas River mile 247.0 after crossing Mill Creek near its mouth. This part of the project is 8.2 miles in length, of which 4.7 miles is new levee, 1.5 miles riverside enlarge- ment and 2 miles landside enlargement. An existing large drainage structure at Mill Creek has been utilized. The existing project for the Dardanelle drainage district which is a modification of the pre- viously authorized flood-control project provides for the protection of approximately 9,590 acres of rural land, with a 1 j-foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river. The modified project differs from the pre- viously authorized project in that it provides for a levee grade about 2 feet higher and a compacted earth-fill embankment. The Federal cost of the project, estimated in 1948, is $201,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for land and damages is $16,000, a total of $217,000. The existing project, authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944, is a modification of the project author- ized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. The necessary assurances of local cooperation submitted by local interests, were approved by the Secretary of War on June 10, 1946. All rights-of- way,required for construction have been furnished. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of the project by contract was completed March 27, 1948. Work completed included 362,791 cubic yards of levee embankment, 96 cubic yards of rock excavation, 317 cubic yards of concrete and 48 tons of riprap. Erosionrepairs were made by hired labor during the month of June. The costs during the fiscal year were $127,711.11 for new work, FLOOD) CONTROIr-LITTLE ROCK, ARKl., DISTRICT 1373 Which excludes $330.18 representing a decrease in undistributed cost during the year, and the expenditures were $128,426.14. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the project is complete. Work remaining includes completion of erosion repairs. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $163,129.78 and the expenditures were $161,481.46, all for new work (including the cost and expenditure of $475.89 incurred during the fiscal years 1938 and 1939 for preliminary work on the previously authorized project). Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $55,994.43, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows; Accounts payable June 30, 1948------------------- ---- $1,64832 New work: Erosion repairs by hired labor during period July 1948 to -------------- ---------------- June 1949....---.........--- 37,870.22 Balance remaining------------------- - -__....--....... 16,475.89 Total -: - -------- 55,994.43 With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the Project will be complete by the end of the fiscal year 1949. No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ...-. c - -- - ---- $163, 129.78 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-.....--- .--- ------ -- ----.... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ----- -- 163,129.78 MVinus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-------.--- -------- -- 1,648.32 Net total expenditures -- ------ ---- ---- -- ---- -- 161,481.46 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------... 55,994.43 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 .. - -217,475.89 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 , 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ------------- .------........ $318.15 $14,247.48 $20,377.156 $127, 711.11 maintenance-.. Cost of ....... Cost of.maintenance----_----------------------------- . Total expended-- - --------- ---------------- -......... 13, 856. 15 18, 723. 28 128, 426. 14 Allotted-........i ..... 1 ---.------.. ..-- 12, 200.00 203,300.00 --------------- 1, 500.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- -.-- $182,920.57 Amount allotted during fiscal year.. ---. .-. ----- ----- - 221,500.00 Amount to be accounted for. --------------------------- 404,420.57 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment- ............ 220,000.00 Net amount to be accounted.for---- 184,420.57 Gross amount expended ------- ------- - - - -----------.... 128,426.14 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-..------------------ 55,994.43 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------------- $1,648.32 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts--------- 5,640.58 7,288.90 Balance available, June 30, 1948.------------ --------- 48,705.53 804711----48-vol. 1-87 1374 REPORT ,OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 12. CARDENS BOTTOM DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO.2, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. Location.--About 9 miles southeast of Dardanelle, Ark., on the right bank of the Arkansas River and left bank of the Petit Jean River near the confluence of those streams. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Dardanelle and Morrilton (Ark.) quadrangles.) "Existingproject.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of about 20.4 miles of new levee, with necessary drainage structures along the Arkansas River from mile 245 to mile 237 and along the Petit Jean River from mile 2 to mile 14. Where practical, existing levee.s along the Arkansas River will be utilized in the proj- ect. The project provides for the protection of approximately 8,600 acres of agricultural lands and communities from a project flood based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the Arkansas River, which is greater than the maximum flood of record at the locality, coincident with a flow of 20,000 cubic feet per second in the Petit Jean River with a crest grade elevation of 1/Y feet above the confined project flood profile. The Federal cost of the project, estimated in 1946, is $1,485,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $85,000, a total of $1,570,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946. (See "Survey (Review) Report for Flood Control in Arkansas River, Cardens Bottom drainage district No. 2, Yell County, Ark." submitted to Congress on June 17, 1946, by the Chief of Engineers. This report contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.---See page 7 for requirements. The neces- sary assurances of local cooperation submitted by local interests were approved by the Secretary of the Army on October 22, 1947. Rights-of-way for construction of 8.5 miles of the project have been furnished. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preparationof plans and specifications was initiated and those for 6.1 miles of levee along the Arkansas River and 12.3 miles along the Petit Jean River have been completed. Construction of levee and drainage structures by contract was initiated March 16, 1948. Work completed included 330,401 cubic yards of levee embankment. The costs iduring the fiscal year were $110,430.89 and the expendi- tures were $71,731.86. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionplans and specifi- cations are 85 percent complete. Construction now under contract is 25 percent complete and the project as a whole is 7 percent com- plete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $110,430.89 and the expenditures were $71,731.86, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, FLOOD CONTROr---LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1375 $413,268.14, plus an allotment of $700,000 made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948----------_------------------ $38,699.03 New work: Complete plans and specifications by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949------------- ------------------ 12,750.00 Continue construction of levee and drainage structures by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949..-----...... 1,061,819.11 Total 1,113,268.14 _--------------------- -------------- The additional sum of $300,000 can:be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for completion of construction of levee by contract. With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the project will be complete. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- ------------------ $110,430.89 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------- ---------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ..-------- 110,430.89 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--------.--.....----.....------.... ---- 38,699.03 Net total expenditures------ ------------- -------- 71,731.86 Unexpended balance June 30, 1948------------------ ----------- 413,268.14 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -------------- 485,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--........1.-. --------------- .. .- . . -------------- . . .-.-------. $110,430.89 Cost of maintenance....- -- -- ----------------------- ------------ -------- -------- --- Total expended............. ---------- -- --------- -- ---------- 71,731.86 Allotted-----................... -------------- ---.----- - --- ----------- - ----------- 485, 000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year-.-------------------------- $485,000.00 Gross amount expended.....---------------------------------- 71,731.86 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.. . ... 413,268.14 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 -- ---------- $38,699.03 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts....---..-- 210,316.95 249,015.98 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ---- 1---- ---- 164,252.16 Amount allotted in July 1948------------- ------------------ 700,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949........ -864,252.16 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-----------------------------------------300,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-_ ---------------------------- ---- 300,000.00 1376 REPORT OF::CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 , 13. WEST OF MORRILTON, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. Location.-On the left bank of the Arkansas River in Pope and Conway Counties, Ark., from about mile 236.5 to about mile 224.5, immediately upstream from the confluence of Point Remove Creek (mile 223.0) and the Arkansas River. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Morrilton (Ark.) quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement for Pope County levee district No. 1 and Conway County levee districts Nos. 3 and 7 provides for the ccnstruction of a compacted earth-fill levee begin- ning at high ground:immediately north of Galla Lake and approxi- mately opposite Arkansas River mile 236.5 and extending in a south- easterly direction along the left bank of the Arkansas River to a point approximately opposite mile 224.5 ; thence extending generally northward, crossing the present course of Point Remove Creek at miles 2.5 and 9.3; thence along the right bank of the creek to a point at approximate creek mile 21.5; thence extending westward to high ground about 134. miles west of the junction of the east and west forks of the creek. The total length of the levee will be about 21.7 miles, of which about 19.2 miles will be new levee and 2.5 miles will be enlargement of the existing levee. Fourteen new drainage struc- tures, including three major structures of reinforced concrete, will be constructed for interior drainage. In order to facilitate flows at Point Remove Creek, a cut-off channel approximately 1.3 miles in length will be excavated across a narrow neck of land between creek miles 9.4 and 2.3, thereby shortening the flow distance in the creek about 5.8 miles; and the remaining portions of the creek channel between the junction of the east and west forks and the mouth of the stream will be cleared. The average depth of the channel will be 29 feet with side slopes of 1 on 2 and a bottom width of 20 feet. The existing project which is a modification of the previously au- thorized flood-control project provides for the protection of ap- proximately 19,660 acres of rural land iri Pope County levee district No. 1 and Conway County levee districts Nos. 3 and 7 from floods of the Arkansas River and of Point Remove Creek with a l1y-foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river and a coincident flow of about 16,000 cubic feet per second in the creek. The modified project dif- fers from the previously authorized project in that it provides for a levee along the Arkansas River with a grade about 3 feet higher, a compacted earth-fill embankment, extending the levee along Point Remove Creek together with a cut-off channel and channel clearing of that stream. The Federal cost of the project, estimated in 1948, is $2,175,800 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $129,000, a total of $2,304,800. The existing project, authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944, is a modification of the project author- ized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2td sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. The necessary assurances of local cooperation submitted by the local interests were approved by the Secretary of War on June 13, 1946. FLOOD CONTROL-LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1377 Operations and results during fiscal year.-'Preparationof con- struction plans and specifications was continued. The costs during the fiscal year were $15,672.52, and the expendi- tures were $15,607.05, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Field investigations are 95 per- cent complete, construction plans and specifications for levee are 50 percent complete, for structures 20 percent complete and plan- ning work for the entire project is 60 percent complete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $24,269.37, and the expenditures were $24,203.90, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $5,135.57, plus an allotment of $500,- 000 made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 -- 1------------------------..$604.94 New work: Complete plans and specifications by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949...----------------------- ------ 16,030.63 Initiate construction of levee and drainage structures by contract during period, November 1948 to June 1949-------------- 488,500.00 Total.-- ---- ------- ------------ ----------- 505,135.57 The additional sum of $800,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for continuation by contract of construction of levee and idrainage structures. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --- -- $24,269.37 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-...--. -- i -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ' -... 24,269.37 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 - -- --.-.-. ' 539.47 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948...- .. 24,808.84 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ..---- ...----... - . 604.94 Net total expenditures ---------------------- 24,203.90 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948----- .. .. ...-- --- .... - --- .. 4,596.10 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-- . 28,800.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- . 1944 1945 ; 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work............--$8, 111,.67 $485. 18 $15, 672.52 Cost of maintenance.......--------------------------------------------- ---------- Total expended........------------------------ ----- ....-- 21 7,972. 624. 64 15, 607.05 --, - -.. Allotted-............--........- . -$28, 800.00 .. ........ . ......... ........ .. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $20,203.15 --......-----..--- Gross amount expended .......------ ---.. .. .. 15,607.05 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948i, - :- 4,596.10 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 a ..---. ...... $604.94 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. ....... .. 822.04 1,426.98 1378 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance available, June 30, 1948-_ ---------------- _ . - 3,169.12 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948_--- ___-_____ - 539.47 '___ Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948- 3,708.59 Amount allotted in July 1948_______________-_______________ 500,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....-... 503,708.59 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project -------------------------------------- 1,647,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work. --.-- _-----_----------- ---- 800,000.00 14. CONWAY COUNTY LEVEE DISTRICT NO. 6, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARIK. Location.-On the right bank of the Arkansas River between miles 224.5 and 219.3, opposite the city of Morrilton, Conway Coun- ty, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map of Morrilton (Ark.) quadrangle.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a compacted earth-fill levee along the right bank of the Arkansas River between miles 224.5 and 219.3. The levee is approximately 4.4 miles in length and generally follows the aline- ment of the existing levee. About 1.8 miles is new levee and 2.6 miles is enlargement of the existing levee. Four new drainage struc- tures have been built. The project provides for the protection of 1,840 acres of agricultural land from floods on the Arkansas River with a 1 2-foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river. The Federal cost of the project, estimated in 1948, is $415,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $23,000, a total of $438,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, as modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. The necessary assurances of local cooperation submitted by the local interests, were approved by the Secretary of War on June 13, 1946. The highway bridge approaches have not been modified by local inter- ests; however, all rights-of-way required for construction have been furnished. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Constructionof levee and drainage structures was completed September 19, 1947. Work completed included 14,105 cubic yards of levee embankment, 300 cubic yards of concrete and 28 tons of riprap. Raising of Arkansas State Highway No. 9 bridge across the Arkansas River by contract was initiated September 15, 1947, and completed March 19, 1948. Erosion repairs by hired labor were completed during month of June. The costs during the fiscal year were $65,569.15 for new work, which excludes $39.25 representing a decrease in undistributed cost during the year, and the expenditures were $71,576.62. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionof the project, with the exception of closure of gap at State Highway No. 9 is complete. FLOOD CONTRtOL-LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1379 The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $374,098.30 and the expenditures were $373,595.84, all for new work. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $30,404.16, plus an allotment of $33,000 made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accountspayable June 30, 1948..---------------------------- $502.46 New work: Complete plans and specifications with hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949...--------------------------------1,928.00 Erosion repairs with hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949---------------- --------------- ------ 2,000.00 Complete gap in levee and pave road ramp at bridge approach._ 25,973.70 Raising approaches to highway bridge by contract (pro rata share) during period July 1948 to June 1949 ...--.------ . 11,000.00 Balance available for revocation ------------------------ 22,000,00 Total- --------- ------------------------------- 63,404.16 With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the Project will be complete by the end of the fiscal year 1949. No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cojst of new work to June 30, 1948 ------------------------- $374,098.30 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948....--------------------- --------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----------....- 374,098.30 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948...--------------- 502.46 Net total expenditures. ------------------------------ 373,595.84 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---- -------------------- 30,404.16 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 --------- - - 404,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 : 1947 I 1948 ---- --- Cost of new work..................-- ---------- ------$11,74.06 $296, 955.09 $65,569.15 Cost of mraintenance-------------- ----- --------------------- --------------------_ ....--------------------- ----------- Total expended--...........---- 8, 904.35 293, 114. 87 71,576.62 ............$10,300.00 Allotted------.........--..---............. 360, 700.00 - . ---- -- 000.00 33, Balance unexpended, July 1,1947.--------- ----------- $68,980.78 - Amount allotted during fiscal year..----......-------------.............. 33,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ------------------------- 101,980.78 Gross amount expended..---------------------------------- 71,576.62 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-. ------------- 30,404.16 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948----------------$502.46 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts----- . 695.12 1,197.58 29,206.58 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ...................----------------... Amount allotted in July 1948 .. 33,000.00 ...........------------------------- Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949......... 62,206,58 1380 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 15. CONWAY COUNTY LEVEE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, AND 8, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. Location.-On the left bank of the Arkansas River from the bridge on State Highway No. 9 (mile 221), near Morrilton, ConwaY County, Ark., downstream to the mouth of Cadron Creek (mile 203.8). (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Morrilton (Ark.) quadrangle.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a compacted earth-fill levee along the left bank of the Arkansas River from high ground near the bridge on State Highway No. 9 downstream to high ground near Cadron Creek. The levee will generally follow the alinement of the existing levees, except that it will cut across a bend in the river in the vicinity of Conway County levee district No. 1 where encroachment of the river made a set-back necessary. The levee will be approximately 13.5 miles long, of which 5.4 miles will be an enlargement of an existing levee and 8.1 miles will be new levee. Seven new drainage structures will be built. The project provides for the protection of approximately 14,460 acres of agricultural land in Conway County levee districts Nos. 1, 2, and 8, and for 20 acres in the town of Plumerville with a .2-foot freeboard above a confined flood profile, based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river. The Federal cost of the project estimated in 1948 is $1,311,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $66,000, a total of $1,377,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved December 22, 1944, as modified by the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. The neces- sary assurances of local cooperation have been submitted by local interests and were approved by the Secretary of War on June 13, 1946. The highway bridge approaches have not been modified by local interests; however, all rights-of-way required for construc- tion have been furnished. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Construction of levee and drainage structures by contract was continued. Work com- pleted included 1,532,160 cubic yards of levee embankment, 1,375 cubic yards of concrete, 150 tons of riprap and 1,095 square feet of steel sheet piling. Raising of Arkansas State Highway bridge No. 9 across Arkansas River by contract has been completed. The costs during the fiscal year were $767,638.72 for new work, which excludes $671.04 which represents a d'ecrease in undistrib- uted cost during the year, and the expenditures were $755,486.74. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionof all but the lower 2 miles of project is complete and work on this portion is under way. The project as a whole is 79 percent complete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $813,558.84 and the expenditures were $799,443.49, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $293,349.59, plus an allotment of FLOOD CONTROLr--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1381 $115,000 made in July 1948, will be applied: during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 ----------------------------- $16,908.43 New work: Erosion repairs by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949..-------- 1------------------------------ Complete construction of levee and drainage structures by con- tract during period July to December 1948 ---- L---- 204,041.16 Raising approaches to highway bridge across Arkansas River by contract (pro rata share) during period July 1948 to June 1949 104,000.00 Balance remaining---------- --------------------------- 67,000.00 Total 408,349.00 4-------------------------------- With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the Project will be complete by the end of the fiscal year 1949. No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-----.......-------------------- $813,558.84 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--------------------- ------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948__-...-..... 813,558.84 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 --------------------. 2,793.08 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-....-...-- --. 816,351.92 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--......-----------------------16,908.43 Net total expenditures_--------------------------- 799,443.49 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 290,556.51 ......... Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948...------------ 1,090,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 , 1948 Cost of new work .. ..------------------------....... $15,667. 93 $30, 252.19 $767, 638.72 Cost of maintenance------------------------ -------------------------------------- Total expended . ...--. -------------------- 13, 991. 22 29, 965. 53 755, 486. 74 ----..-------------- Allotted....----------..................... $15, 000.00 400,000.00 -------------- 675,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.....-- --------------- - $371,043.25 Amount allotted during fiscal year- .. _ _...... ...--------- - 700,000.00 Amount to be accounted for.-.--..----------------.. 1,071,043.25 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment.............. 25,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for..- ---------------- 1,046,043.25 Gross amount expended- -------------------------------- 755,486.74 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ....... 290,556.51 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------------- $16,908.43 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts----- 123,548.60 140,457.03 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ....-- .. -150,099.48 " Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948--..-.-.------- - - 2,793.08 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-------.- -. 152,892.56 1382 REPORT :OF; CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 194 8 Amount allotted in July 1948.-_--_- .-- ---- ____---- 106,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year------------- 258,892.56 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of ---------------------------------------- existing project..________ _ 106,000.00 16. ROLAND DRAINAGE DISTRICT, ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. Location.-On the right bank of the Arkansas River, about 12 miles northwest of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Little Rock (Ark.) quadrangle.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a compacted earth-fill levee, extending for about 2,500 feet in an easterly direction from high ground along the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway opposite mile 185.7, thence extending downstream in a southerly direction to about mile 181 to tie in to high ground after crossing Mill Bayou. The total length of the levee is approximately 4.1 miles, of which 2.9 miles is new levee, and 1.2 miles is landside enlargement. One new concrete drainage structure with floodgates has been provided for interior drainage. The project provides for the protection of about 3,870 acres of rural land with a 1/-foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river. The Federal cost of the project estimated in 1947 is $304,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $21,000, a total of $325,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. The necessary assurances of local cooperation submitted by local interests were approved by the Secretary of War on July 9, 1946. All rights-of- way for construction have been furnished. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Construction of levee and drainage structure was initiated by contract July 4, 1947, and completed March 31, 1948. Work completed included 762,158 cubic yards of levee embankment, 657 cubic yards of concrete, 426 square feet of steel sheet piling and 275 tons of riprap. Erosion repairs were initiated by contract in June 1948. The costs during the fiscal year were $240,886.01 for new work, which excludes $82.41 representing a decrease in undistributed cost during the year, and the expenditures were $229,882.42. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the project is complete. Erosion repairs remain to be completed. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $252,047.67 and the expenditures were $241,037.72, all for new work. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $39,962.28, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948--------- ------------------- $11,009.95 New work: Complete erosion repairs by contract during month of July 1948 23,952.33 Erosion repairs by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949 ----------------------------------- 5,000.00 Total.-----------------------------. ---------.. -39,962:28 FLOOI) CONTROL--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., I)ISTRICT 1383 With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the project will be complete. No further funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950. .Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- . -_.......-------------- $252,047.67 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------- ----- -- -------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 252,047.67 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------------- 11,009.95 Net total expenditures-- -----------------------------. 241,037.72 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 39,962.28 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 -........ --- 281,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .................. -- ------------ $7,170. 41 $3, 991.25 $240, 886. 01 Cost of nmaintenance... -----------------------.------------ ------------- ------.-- --- Total expended..... -....-.... . ....--- ------------- 5, 697. 27 5, 458.03 229, 882. 42 Allotted . . ... ------------- .------------------ $7, 500.00 331, 500.00 ...-------------- -58, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------ -------- : $327,844.70 Amount allotted during fiscal year - ------------ -------- . 175,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- -- --------------------- 502,844.70 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment ---------------- 233,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for--- -- ....--- ... ---. 269,844.70 Gross amount expended--------- ----------- ------------ 229,882.42 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- 39,962.28 ------- Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _-. $11,009.95 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- ..---------- 5,663.86 -16,673.81 Balance available, June 30, 1948. ._-.-.-. 23,288.47 17. LITTLE ROCK,; ARKANSAS RIVER, ARK. Location.-On the right bank of the Arkansas River, between miles 164.5 and 161.2, in and immediately east of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Little Rock (Ark.) quadrangle.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a compacted earth-fill levee, approximately 7.2 miles in length, beginning at high ground, in Little Rock opposite mile 164.5 and extending downstream along the Arkansas River to about mlile 161.2 near the mouth of the upper branch of Fourche Bayou, thence upstream along the left bank of the bayou to about mile 14.5 where it will connect with high ground. The project also provides for a sump and borrow area about 3,000 feet long on the landside of the levee fronting on the Arkansas River, and the excavation of a channel cutoff in Fourche Bayou at a bend which will be crossed by the levee. The excavated material will be used for levee fill. 1384 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Two pumping stations and five new drainage structures will be constructed. The existing project which is a modification of a pre- viously authorized flood-control project, provides for the complete protection of 2,560 acres of agricultural, industrial, municipal, and residential property along the Arkansas River, with a 3-foot, free- board above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the river, and along Fourche Bayou with a 3-foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow 20 percent greater than the maximum flood of April 1927 on that stream. The modified project differs from the previously authorized project in that it provides for a levee grade about 3 feet higher, a compacted earth-fill embankment, the protection of Fourche Bayou area, and the elimination of the west end improvements. The Federal cost of the project estimated in 1946 is $886,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $111,000, a total of $997,000. The existing project, authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved ;December 22, 1944, is a modification of the project author- ized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2'd sess.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. The necessary assurances of local cooperation submitted by local interests, were approved by the Secretary of War on July 26, 1946. Rights-of-way for 5.6 miles of construction of the project have been furnished. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Preparationof plans and specifications was continued. Construction of a portion of the levee, drainage structures and the channel cut-off was initiated by contract April 23, 1948. Work completed included 228,174 cubic yards of levee embankment and 146 cubic yards of concrete. The costs during the fiscal year were $149,980.93 and the ex- penditures were $121,057.79. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plans and" specifications are essentially complete. Construction under contract is 41 percent complete and the project as a whole is 22 percent complete. Work remaining to complete includes completion of levee and construction and completion of pumping stations. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $199,016.80 and the expenditures were $169,744.59 (including the cost and expendi- ture of $2,304.89 incurred during the fiscal year 1938 for prelim- inary work on the project originally authorized). Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $406,537.05, plus an allotment of $310,300 made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------------------------- $29,848.96 New work: Complete preparation of plans and specifications by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949---------------------- 9,973.00 Complete construction of levee and drainage structures by con- tract during period July 1948 to June 1949---------------- 449,535.09 Initiate construction of pumping stations and installation of pumps by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949 ..... 227,480.00 Total. -.....-----.... ------ -------------- 716,837.05 LOOD CONTItOI--LITTLC itocK, ARK., DISTRICT 1385 With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the Project will be complete. No further funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal Year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $199,016.80 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.----- --------------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-.---- 199,016.80 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ---------------- 576.75 ----.................... Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------------ -------- 199,593.55 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.---------- --------------- 29,848.96 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 169,744.59 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.-------------------------- 405,960.30 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------- 75,704.89 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost ofnew work- -....---- --------... $2,838.16 $30,061.27 $13,831.55 $149, 980.93 Cost of maintenance-...-------------------------------------------------- Total expended.--------------- ------------ 2,70.07 887.66 29, 057.79 924.18 121, 13, Allotted.-------------.. . -- .. -- -- 25,000. 00 548, 400. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947--------------------------- $527,018.09 Gross amount expended ------------------------------------ 121,057.79 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948. ---------------------- 405,960.30 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.-----------. $29,848.96 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-------- ........ 165,380.67 195,229.63 Balance available, June 30, 1948... ----------------- _ 210,730.67 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948.--------- ---------- 576.75 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948.... . ..... 211,307.42 Amount allotted in July 1948----------------------------- - 310,300.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949.-- - - - 521,607.42 18. SOUTH BANK ARKANSAS RIVER (HEAD OF FOURCHE ISLAND TO PENNINGTON BAYOU), ARK. Location.-On the right bank of the Arkansas River, 141.1 to 161.4 miles above the mouth, in Pulaski County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey State maps, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a compacted earth-fill levee along the right bank of the Arkansas River, between miles 161.4 and 141.1, thence along Pennington Bayou to high ground. The levee will be about 25 miles long and will follow in general the alinement of the existing levees along the river and Pennington Bayou. Fourteen drainage struc- tures will be provided for interior drainage. 1386 REPORT OF CIIHIEF.OF ENGINEERS, U. S.- ARMY, 1948 :The existing project which is a modification of a previously au- thorized flood-control project provides for the protection of approxi- mately 21,580 acres of rural land in three separate levee systems known as the Fourche Island levee, the Fourche Place levee, and the Woodson levee, with a 1 2 -foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the Ar- kansas River. The modified project differs from the previously authorized project in that it provides for a levee grade about 2 feet higher and a compacted earth-fill embankment. The Federal cost of the project, estimated in 1947, is $1,367,000 for the construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and idamages is $87,000, a total of $1,454,000. The existing project, authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944, is a modification of the project author- izedAugust 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. No. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Assurances of local cooperation were submitted by local interests and approved by the Secretary of War on February 28, 1947. Rights-of-way have been furnished for the upstream 12 miles of the project. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Preparation of plans and specifications was continued. Construction of the project was initiated by contract July 12, 1947. Work completed included 790,836 cubic yards of levee embankment, 1,165 cubic yards of concrete, 300 tons of riprap and 740 square feet of steel sheet piling. The costs during the fiscal year were $292,768.92 and the expendi- tures were $277,874.20, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plans and specifications for the upper 12 miles of the project are complete and 85 percent complete for the entire project. Construction of upper 9 miles of the project is complete and underway for an additional 3 miles. The project as a whole is 23 percent complete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $313,616.12 and the expenditures were $299,059.63, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $298,383.28, plus an allotment of $400,000 made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 -............................. $14,999.40 New work: Complete plans and specifications by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949 ----------------------------------- 4,757.00 Continue construction of levee and drainage structures by con- tract during period July 1948 to June 1949-................. 651,026.88 Erosion repairs by hired labor, during period July 1948 to June 1949 -- -- - --.....--...--...............-- -- --........ 27,600.00 .. Total------------------ - -- -- ----. ---- 698,383.28 The additional sum of $370,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for: completion of construction of levee and drainage structures. With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the project will be complete bythe end of the fiscal year 1950. FLOO) CONTROr-)I--LITTL E ROCK, AlK., DISTRICT 1387 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _-$313,616.12 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------- ------------ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---.------ 313,616.12 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948--- --- ... 442.91 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 --------- 314,059.03 14,999.40 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ...--------- Net total expenditures-------------- -- 299,059.63 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948..--- ---- ------ _-- 297,940.37 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-......---- - 597,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 19456 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-... . ---------- $2, 806.65 $17, 950.55 $292,768.92 Cost ofmaintenanc----------------------- ---------------------------- Total expended--....-:..-:i..- 2, 663. 48 18, 531. 95 277, 874. 20 Allotted. .- - $.., 000.00 250, 000.00--............ 332, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ---------------- ---------- $243,814.57 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------------- 332,000.00 Amount to be accounted for - - - - - - - - - ---- - --- 575,814.57 Gross amount expended .. .- --------- $277,947.56 Less reimbursed expenditures ..-------------- -- - 73.36 277,874.20 Balance unexpended; June 30, 1948 ------------------ 297,940.37 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.- ..------- - 14,999.40 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts------ -. 106,182.55 121,181.95 Balance available, June 30,.1948--------------- 176,758.42 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ---------- ------------ 442.91 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-... ..... 177,201.33 Amount allotted in July 1948 --- 400,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ----- 77,201.33 5-- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------------------- 370,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work.. ------------- ---------------- 370,000.00 19. SOUTH BANK ARKANSAS RIVER (TUCKER LAKE), ARK. Location.-On the right bank of the Arkansas River, 112 to 118.8 miles above the mouth, in Jefferson County, Ark. (See U. S. Geo- logical Survey State maps, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a compacted earth-fill levee in the Tucker Lake levee district beginning at high ground opposite mile 118.8 and extending downstream along the right bank of the Arkansas River 1388 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 to Caney Bayou, thence up Caney Bayou to high ground. The length of the levee will be about 7.8 miles, of which 4.1 miles will be new levee and 3.7 miles will be riverside enlargement. Four drainage structures will be provided for interior drainage. The existing project which is a modification of a previously au- thorized flood-control project provides for the protection of approxl- mately 2,970 acres of rural land in the Tucker Lake levee and drainage district, with a 1 2 -foot freeboard above a confined flood profile based on a flow of 800,000 cubic feet per second in the Arkansas River. The modified project differs from the previously authorized project in that it provides for a levee grade about 2 feet higher and a compacted earth-fill embankment. The Federal cost of the project, estimated in 1946, is $378,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $33,000, a total of $411,000. The existing project, authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944, is a modification of the project author- ized August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. No. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Assurances of local cooperation were submitted by local interests andi approved by the Secretary of War on September 16, 1946. Rights-of-waY have been furnished. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Constructionby con- tract was initiated July 7, 1947. Work completed included 408,459 cubic yards of levee embankment, 418 cubic yards of concrete, 324 square feet of steel sheet piling and 180 tons of riprap. The costs during the fiscal year were $202,538.08 and the ex- penditures were $173,590.60, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Constructionby contract of the upstream 2 miles is complete and is underway on the remainder of the project. The project as a whole is 59 percent complete. Work remaining includes completion of levee and drainage structures and erosion repairs. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $222,016.86 and the expenditures were $193,316.59, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $184,708.41, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_-- ------------------------- $28,725.27 New work: Complete construction of levee and drainage structures by con- tract during period July to December 1948------------- 146,083.14 Erosion repairs by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949. ---------------------------------------------- 9,900.00 Total. --- ----------------------------------------- 184,708.41 With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the project will be complete by the end of the fiscal year 1949. No further funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950, FLOOD CONTROLr---LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1389 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to'June 30, 1948--------------------------$222,016.86 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_........-. - ---. -- ......- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.------- 222,016.86 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 25.00 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--------------------. -- 222,041.86 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------------- 28,725,27 Net total expenditures ----------------------------- 193,316.59 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948..---------------------... 184,683.41 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__------------ 378,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ...............------..--------- ----........... $1, 707.80 $17, 770.98 $202, 538.08 Cost of maintenance....------------------------------------------------------------ Total expended. - ------------------...------. 1, 445. 27 18, 280. 72 173, 590. 60 i Allotted......................... $10, 000. 00 200, 000. 00 ...-------- 168, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947...---------- ----------- $190,274.01 Amount allotted during fiscal year----------- --------------- 168,000.00 Amount to be accounted for .....------------------------- 358,274.01 Gross amount expended---------------------- $174,065.81 Less reimbursed expenditures-------------------- 475.21 173,590.60 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -------------- . 184,683.41 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- 28,725.27 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts ------ 123,238.62 151,963.89 Balance available, June 30, 1948.---- - -- - - - - 32,719.52 25.00 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------ Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------- 32,744.52 20. BLUE MOUNTAIN RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, ARK. Location.-The site of the Blue Mountain Dam is located in Yell County, Ark., on the Petit Jean River about 74.4 miles above its confluence with the Arkansas River, and about 12 miles south of Paris, Logan County, Ark. Blue Mountain Reservoir extends west- ward from the dam into Logan County. (See U. S. Geological Sur- vey map for Magazine, Ark., quadrangle, scale 1:125,000). Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the construction of an earth fill dam about 2,800 feet long at the top and about 115 feet in height above the stream bed. Outlet works consist of a gate-controlled, concrete-lined tunnel through the right abutment, and discharges will be directed back into the Petit Jean River about 3,000 feet below the dam. An uncontrolled saddle spillway is located on the left abutment about 1,200 feet down- stream from the dam axis. The reservoir, which is one unit of a comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Arkansas River Basin, controls approximately 46 percent of the 804711-48-vol. 1-88 1392 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $70,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance as follows: Operations_ --------------------------------------- $25,000 Ordinary maintenance and repairs_- ..------------- _--.----10,000 Reservoir management -------- ---------------------------- 35,000 Total ----------------- -------------------------- 70,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__ _-..--. ---. - $4,636,914.77 -____ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 51,404.71 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 4,688,319.48 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948_.--....-- ---- _.-_ _ 2,544.17 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--------___ - -_____ 4,690,863.65 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 22,682.93 Net total expenditures ----------------------------- 4,668,180.72 -------------------------- 281,834.57 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948... Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 4,950,015.29 year ending June 30- Fiscal 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work........------------- $164, 476. 94 $47, 982.64 $304, 599. 05 $1, 359, 926.39 $224,307.86 Cost of maintenance-------------- 51, 404. 71 ........................... ........................----------.............. Total cost..--------------- 164, 476.94 47, 982.64 304, 599.05 1, 359, 926. 39 275, 712. 57 Total expended---------------.............. 224, 907.77 47, 033. 85 266, 007. 96 1, 394, 895. 66 260, 016. 71 ....-...... Allotted.......... - -246, 982.68 81, 000.00 100, 000.00 2,032, 600. 00 ..............--------------- Balance unexpended, July 1,1947 --------------------------- $441,851.28 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------------------------- 100,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--------------------------- 541,851.28 Gross amount expended____-__ _ ----- _-- $278,004.78 Less reimbursed expenditures----------------- 17,988.07 260,016.71 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------_-_----- -- 281,834.57 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_....-... 22,682.93 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts..... 21,529.26 44,212.19 Balance available, June 30, 1948----------------------- 237,622.38 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- . 2,544.17 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--.--.--- . 240,166.55 Amount allotted in July 1948.------------------------------- 54,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 294,166.55 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project - .......- .- ._-_- ..... .__...- -.-. 250,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work.---------------------------------------- 48,000.00 For maintenance...--- ----. ------.---. --------- - 70,000.00 Total------... ------------------ -118,000.00 .-.-------------- FLOOD CONTROL-LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1393 21. NIMROD RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, ARK. Location.-The site of the Nimrod Dam is located in Perry County, Ark., on the Fourche La Fave River, 62.6 miles above its confluence with Arkansas River, and about 19 miles southeast of Danville, Yell County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Hot Springs, Ark., quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Nimrod Reser- Voir extends westward from the idiam into Yell County. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a concrete gravity type dam 995 feet long at the top and about 97 feet in maximum height. It consists of a spillway section 198 feet long located above the present river channel, and two non-overflow sections contiguous thereto and extending into the abutments. Seven gate-controlled conduits for regulating and dis- charging flood flows are located through the base of the spillway section. In addition, two smaller valve-controlled conduits are provided through the spillway section for regulating low flows. Penstocks and provisions for future spillway gates have been in- stalled to provide for future power generation. The reservoir, which is one unit of a comprehensive plan for flood control and other pur- poses in the Arkansas River Basin, controls approximately 60 per- cent of the enitire drainage area of the Fourche La Fave River. It provides storage capacity of about 307,000 acre-feet for flood con- trol, and a permanent pool of about 29,000 acre-feet for recrea- tional purposes and as a wildlife refuge. The estimated cost of the project, revised in 1948, is $3,895,900. The estimated cost of annual maintenance, made in 1948, is $75,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Operation of Nimrod Dam for flood control was continued. Seven rises occurred on Fourche La Fave River during the fiscal year. Each rise was regu- lated at the dam so that it did not contribute appreciably to flooding in the downstream valley. Flooding was prevented on an average of about 5,700 acres of improved land for each flood. The results of flood regulation on river stages at Aplin are given in the following table. Aplin is 13.7 miles downstream from the dam and just down- stream from the South Fourche La Fave River which is the prin- cipal tributary. Nimrod Reservoir Aplin Ark. Outflow Date of peak coincident Maximum Corre. Estimated inflow Peak with peak Pool sponding Experi- crest stage Estimated inflow flow from elevation flood enced without reduction uncontrolled reached storage crest stage Nimrod in stage area Dam Cubic feet Cubic feet Feet above per second per second mean sea level Acre-feet Feet Feet Feet 1)ec. 7, 1947 8, 400 300 346. 5 19, 400 14. 8 25.4 10. 6 I)ec. 15, 1947 7, 350 110 345.6 15, 000 14. 8 25.4 10. 6 Jan. 1, 1948 32, 500 320 357. 6 99, 10() 24. 7 34. 0 9.3 Feb. 26, 1948 20, 600 0 356. 4 88, 200 24.4 32. 5 8. 1 Mar. 2, 1948 11, 750 15 359.1 113, 400 24.5 30. 5 6.0 Apr. 13, 1948 14, 250 0 353. 5 64, 200 26. 4 31.3 4. 9 May 12, 1948 6, 000 110 345.7 15, 400 14.4 18. 9 4.5 1392 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The additional sum of $70,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance as follows: Operations------ ---------------------------------- ---- $25,000 Ordinary maintenance and repairs_.--...------.------.------- 10,000 Reservoir management. . .------------------------------------ 35,000 Total---- ------ ------------------------------------ 70,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_---------__--- . __.-$4,636,914.77 ---. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--.-----____ ____ -_ 51,404.71 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 --------- 4,688,319.48 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-----------_-------_ -- 2,544.17 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 --------------------- 4,690,863.65 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 22,682.93 Net total expenditures. _-__------------------__ . - 4,668,180.72 -------------------------- Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948... 281,834.57 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_. 1------- 4,950,015.29 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .... ..------------- $164,476.94 $47, 982. 64 $304, 599.05 $1, 359, 926.39 $224, 307.86 Cost of maintenance.. --.-.--.-- . -------------.--. . .--.-- .----------- 404.71 51, 164, 476.94 Total cost................. 47, 982. 64 304, 599.05 1, 359, 926. 39 275, 712. 57 -------------- Total expended................. 224, 907. 77 47, 033.85 266, 007. 96 1,394, 895. 66 260, 016. 71 - . -246, 982.68 Allotted.............L......-- 81, 000. 00 2, 032, 600. 00 .............. 100, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- ------------ ..--- - $441,851.28 Amount allotted' during fiscal year--------------------------- 100,000.00 Amount to be accounted for_--------------------- --- 541,851.28 Gross amount expended--------.---.-------.- $278,004.78 Less reimbursed expenditures ----------------- 17,988.07 260,016.71 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_--_-------- _ -281,834.57 -_ Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--.--..--- 22,682.93 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts..... 21,529.26 44,212.19 Balance available, June 30, 1948--- -- . ---. 237,622.38 2,544.17 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ....--------------------..................... Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--..-.---.. 240,166.55 Amount allotted in July 1948--- -,-------------------._-.- 54,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 294,166.55 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project...---...--------------------------- 250,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work..------------------------------------....................................... 48,000.00 For maintenance... ------ ----.. 70,000.00 Total_ .-......... -' ........ ....-..--....-. ..-- .118,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL-LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1393 21. NIMROD RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, ARK. Location.-The site of the Nimrod Dam is located in Perry County, Ark., on the Fourche La Fave River, 62.6 miles above its confluence with Arkansas River, and about 19 miles southeast of Danville, Yell County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Hot Springs, Ark., quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Nimrod Reser- Voir extends westward from the 'dam into Yell County. Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a concrete gravity type dam 995 feet long at the top and about 97 feet in maximum height. It consists of a spillway section 198 feet long located above the present river channel, and two non-overflow sections contiguous thereto and extending into the abutments. Seven gate-controlled conduits for regulating and dis- charging flood flows are located through the base of the spillway section. In addition, two smaller valve-controlled conduits are provided through the spillway section for regulating low flows. Penstocks and provisions for future spillway gates have been in- stalled to provide for future power generation. The reservoir, which is one unit of a comprehensive plan for flood control and other pur- poses in the Arkansas River Basin, controls approximately 60 per- cent of the enitire drainage area of the Fourche La Fave River. It provides storage capacity of about 307,000 acre-feet for flood con- trol, and a permanent pool of about 29,000 acre-feet for recrea- tional purposes and as a wildlife refuge. The estimated cost of the project, revised in 1948, is $3,895,900. The estimated cost of annual maintenance, made in 1948, is $75,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved. June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Operationof Nimrod Dam for flood control was continued. Seven rises occurred on Fourche La Fave River during the fiscal year. Each rise was regu- lated at the dam so that it did not contribute appreciably to flooding in the downstream valley. Flooding was prevented on an average of about 5,700 acres of improved land for each flood. The results ' of flood regulation on river stages at Aplin are given in the following table. Aplin is 13.7 miles downstream from the dam and just down- stream from the South Fourche La Fave River which is the prin- cipal tributary. Nimrod Reservoir Aplin Ark. Outflow Date of peak cicit Maximum Maximum Corre. Estimated inflow Peak coincident with peak pool sponding Experi- crest stage Estimated inflow flow from elevation flood enced without reduction uncontrolled reached storage crest stage Nimrod in stage area Dam Cubic feet Cubicfeet Feet above per second per second mean sea level Acre-feet Feet Feet Feet I)ec. 7, 1947 8, 400 300 346. 5 19, 400 14. 8 25.4 10.6 Dec. 15, 1947 7, 350 110 345.6 15, 000 14.8 25.4 10. 6 Jan. 1, 1948 32, 500 320 357. 6 99, 100 24. 7 34.0 9. 3 Febh. 26, 1948 20, 600 0 356. 4 88, 200 24. 4 32.5 8. 1 Mar. 2, 1948 11, 75() 15 359.1 113, 400 24. 5 30.5 6.0 Apr. 13, 1948 14, 250 0 353.5 64, 200 26. 4 31.3 4. 9 May 12, 1948 06,900 110 345. 7 15, 400 14. 4 18. 9 4. 5 1394 REPORT:OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The pool elevation at the beginning of the fiscal year was 342.7 feet above mean sea level, corresponding to about 31,500 acre-feet of total storage, and was 343.0 feet at the end of the fiscal year, corresponding to 32,700 acre-feet. The maximum pool level reached during the fiscal year was 359.1 feet, corresponding to about 142,400 acre-feet of total storage. The conservation pool was regulated dur- ing the mosquito season as an aid in control of mosquitoes. Drilling of two water wells in the reservoir area was completed bycontract July 8, 1947, and an additional well was drilled during the period April 1-24, 1948. The upper limits of the reservoir were cleared by contract during the period September 1-October 14, 1947. Planting of trees, shrubs and vines in the immediate vicinity of the dam was initiated by contract February 10, 1948, and com- pleted, with the exception of maintenance April 19, 1948. Office studies and field surveys in connection with relocation of State Highway No. 28 were under way. Leases for five commercial boat docks were renewed for a period of three years. Reforestation program was initiated in the reser- voir area. The leasing program of Government-owned land, for agricultural and grazing purposes was continued. The costs during the fiscal year were $66,278.94 for new work and $64,224.82 for maintenance, which excludes $1,431.35 repre- senting an increase of undistributed cost during the year, and the expenditures were $131,582.83. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole is sub- stantially complete. Work remaining to complete the project in- cludes miscellaneous construction, relocation of highways and com- pletion of facilities for public health and safety and recreational purposes in the reservoir area. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $3,506,019.91 for new work and $235,584:14 for maintenance. The total expendi- tures were $3,740,543.20. Proposed operations.---The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $42,527.78, and allotments of $75,000 and $80,000 for new work and maintenance respectively, made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948-------- ------- ----------- $6,341.23 New work: Advance planning for miscellaneous construction and reservoir development by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949--- $7.432.00 Lands and damages by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949 -------- 4,972.00 Relocations by contract and hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949 47,904.00 Miscellaneous construction by contract and hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949 - -_ 34,532.97 Total for new work ---------------------------- 94,840.97 Maintenance: Operations---------------__- _ ___ 29,800.00 Ordinary maintenance and repairs--------------- 10,200.00 Reservoir management___ _____---_______ -- 40,000.00 Balance remaining_-- ------------- __-_____ 16,339.58 Total for maintenance --------------------------- 96,339.58 Total for all work- _------------------------------- - 197,527.78 FLOOD CONTROf--LITTLE ROCK, ARK,, DISTRICT 1395 The additional sum of $80,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year"1950 for new work as follows: Continue planning for facilities for public health and safety and reservoir development by hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950_ - $7,000 Construction of facilities for public health and safety and reservoir de- velopment by contract and hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950_- __-_------1----1---- - --...------ - 73,000 Total ------------- --------------------------------- 80,000 The further sum of $70,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance as follows: Operations -__ - _ ._ .. ..-- $25,000 Ordinary maintenance and repairs ------------------------------- 10,000 Reservoir management..--------------- ---------------- -- 35,000 Total for maintenance ----------.--- -------------- --- 70,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---..........--..----........-------- $3,506,019.91 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_- -.-.. ------- __ ..-.- 235,584.14 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948----- .. 3,741,604.05 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948 -----.------- -- ..... ... 9.35 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 .................... 3,741,613.40 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948. --------- - 5,277.03 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ................... . 3,746,890.43 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ---------------------- ........... 6,347.23 Net total expenditures- ------- ....- ..------ 3,740,543.20 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948- - ------------------- 37,250.75 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ---.......... 3,777,793.95 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------- $6, 516. 48 $13, 507. 82 $75, 013. 69 $76, 799. 62 $66, 278. 94 Cost of maintenance..------.. -- 34, 131.66 27, 393.30 36, 890. 63 46, 710. 66 64,224.82 Total cost..-----..- --........ .... 40, 648.14 40, 901.12 111, 904.32 123, 510. 28 130, 503.76 Total expended- _,.. ..------ 42,173. 20 27, 962.86 100, 250. 72 126, 796. 44 582. 83 131, -195,006.05 Allotted.......--------------------. 55, 000.00 283, 500.00----- ... . 75, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ---------- . ---------- $93,833.58 Amount allotted during fiscal year...- -----------....... ... ....... 75,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- -----: -. -- - _ -- -168,833.58 Gross amount expended_------------------- $134,279.66 Less reimbursed expenditures ------------------ 2,696.83 131,582.83 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948.....,__.......... .37,250.75 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 -_-- 6,347.23 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.... 3,605.63 9,952.86 .- Balance available, June 30, 1948-..------------.- - 27,297.89 1396 REPORLT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 5,277.03 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--- 32,574.92 ______________155,000.00 Amount allotted in July 1948 _------------- Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949,..... 187,574.92 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_ _ ._._._ ... _ .... ___ 295,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work------ _------------ ---------------- 80,000.00 For maintenance-------------------------------------- 70,000.00 Total------------ ----------------------- ------- 150,000.00 22. ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, LITTLE ROCK DISTRICT Location.-These improvements are located on tributaries of the Arkansas River and are in the State of Arkansas. More definite locations of the individual items are given in the following para- graph. Existing project.-The Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, approved the general comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Arkansas River Basin, as set forth in Flood Control Committee Document 1, Seventy-fifth Congress, first session, with such modifications thereof as in the discretion of the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers may be advisable, and authorized the sum of $21,000,000 for reservoirs, for the initiation and partial accomplishment of the plan, the reservoirs to be selected and approved by the Chief of Engineers, subject to the provision that the authorization shall include the Canton Reservoir on the North Canalian River in Oklahoma, as set forth in House Document 569, Seventy-fifth Congress, third session. The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, modified the general comprehensive plan to include the reservoirs in the Grand (Neosho) River Basin in Oklahoma and Missouri, and in the Verdigris River Basin in Kansas, in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Documents 107 and 440 of the Seventy-sixth Congress, first session, and, in addition to previous authorizations, the latter act authorized to be appropriated the sum of $29,000,000 for the prosecution of the comprehensive plan. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, .1944, authorized to be appropriated the sum of $35,000,000 and the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized to be appropriated an additional sum of $40,- 000,000 for the continued prosection of this comprehensive plan. FIA)OI) CONTROL-LITTLE ROCK, ARK., lDISTRICT 1397 The reservoirs within the Little Rock district included in the com- prehensive plan are listed below: Reservoirs Dis- tanco Nearest Maximum Reser- Power Total Name River above town height of dam voir develop- estimated mouth and type capacity meont cost miles acre-feet kilowatts Blue Mountain a Petit Jean....... 74. 4 Blue Mountain, 115 feet; earth-fill 233, 000 (2) $5, 100, 000 Ark. Nimrod ........ Fourcho La Fave 62.6 Nimrod, Ark... 97 feet; concrete- 307, 000 (3) 3, 895, 900 gravity. 12 For details of this project, see individual report. Noise. 3 Includes provision for future power installation. Blue Mountain and Nimrod Reservoirs were selected and ap- proved for construction by the Chief of Engineers in accordance with the above authorization, and individual reports on the two reservoirs have been given in the preceding pages. All operations previously reported under the heading "Arkansas River Basin, Little Rock District" for those two projects are now contained in the individual reports, and previous costs and expenditures have also been transferred to those reports. The River and Harbor Act approved, July 24, 1946, authorized modification of the existing project to provide a navigable channel by canalization of the Arkansas River from the Mississippi River to the mouth of the Verdigris River (429 miles) and the Verdigris River for 52 miles to Catoosa, Rogers County, Okla., and the con- struction of Blackburn, Mannford, 1 Taft, Oologah,1 Markham Ferry,' Fort Gibson,' Webbers Falls, Tenkiller Ferry,' Eufaula and Short Mountain Reservoir in Oklahoma, 2 and Ozark and Darda- nelle Reservoirs in Arkansas 3 for navigation, flood control, power development, and for other purposes at an estimated cost of $435,- 000,000 which is in addition to the amounts required for the included projects previously authorized. 1 Previously authorized in comprehensive flood-control plan for Arkansas River Basin. 2 Tulsa district. 3 Little Rock district. 23. EAST POPLAR BLUFF AND POPLAR BLUFF, MO. Location.-Onthe left bank of the Black River in and adjacent to the eastern part of the city of Poplar Bluff, Butler County, Mo. (mile 210.9). (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Poplar Bluff, Mo., quadrangle, and War Department map for Harviell, Mo., quadrangle.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for a new compacted earth-fill levee encircling that part of the city of Poplar Bluff lying east of the Black River. The levee will begin at a point opposite Black River mile 211.8, extend southeastward, along Palmer Slough and across the Missouri Pacific Railroad, then southward to Black River at mile 208.4, thence up the left bank of Black River and along the city water front to the point of beginning. The plan 1398 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 will require construction of 3.2 miles of standard levee; raising of 1.4 miles of streets to serve as levee; construction of one large drainage structure and eight small culverts; installation of a sew- age pumping station; and excavation of 0.7 mile of ditch along the riverside of the east levee. The levee will have a 3-foot freeboard above the flow line of a project flood as modified by Clearwater Reservoir and confined by the levee. The discharge of the modified project flood is 25,000 cubic feet per second. Protection will be provided for 410 acres within the city of Poplar Bluff and for 310 acres adjacent thereto. This plan of improvement is a modifica- tion of the original project plan and provides essentially the same degree of protection. The estimated Federal cost of the project, revised in 1948, is $270,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $26,000, a total of $296,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 102, 73d Cong., 1st sess.) SLocal cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. Assurances of local cooperation were submitted by local interests and approved by the Secretary of War on June 2, 1947. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preparation of de- tailed plans was under way. The costs during the fiscal year were $4,910.50 and the expendi- tures were $4,539.57, all for newwork. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans are complete and planning work for entire project is 80 percent complete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $19,894.87 and the expenditures were $19,523.94, all for new work. Proposed operations..--The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $5,106.11, plus an allotment of $153,400 made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------..--.----------_ $500.98 New work: Preparation of plans and specifications by hired labor during period September to December 1948__-------_ _--- -_ 10,105.13 Initiate construction of levee and drainage structures by contract during period January to June 1949 --------------- 147,900.00 Total---------------------------------------- 158,506.11 The additional sum of $92,100 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for the completion of levee and drainage struc- tures by contract. With the expenditure of these funds, it is anticipated that the project will be completed by the end of the fiscal year. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__-------------------_________ $19,894.87 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.__..______ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.- 19,894.87 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 1-------------------- 130.05 Gross total costs to June 30? 1948---i, ,..-- ......-.. 20,024.92 FLOOI) CONTROL--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1399 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------- - ------ 600.98 Net total expenditures _---------------------------- 19,523.94 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------------------------- 4,976.06 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_-_- ...------ --. 24,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 '1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------- ..............-------.....--------------.............. $15, 528. 82 -$544. 45 $4. 910. 50 Cost of maintenance _- ...... Total expended----------------- ---------................. ............ 13, 48. 47 1, 435. 90 4, 539. 57 Allotted --- ...................... .... ... .............. 15, 000. 00 .............. 9, 500. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -.. _$15,63 Amount allotted during fiscal year--- ----- 9,500.00 Amount to be accounted for -- ----- --------- 9,515.63 Gross amount expended------ ---------- --------------------- 4,539.57 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----- ------ 4,976.06 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---------------- ---- _500.98 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------- 4,475.08 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 --------------------------- 130.05 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948. 4,605.13 Amount allotted in July 1948- - _---------------------- _ 153,400.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 158,005.13 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ...... ---- ----......--...----......--- ---------- 92,100.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work -------------- ---- 92,100.00 24. BLACK RIVER, POPLAR BLUFF, MO., TO KNOBEL, ARK. Location.-On the right and left banks of Black River in Butler County, Mo., and Clay County, Ark., between Poplar Bluff, Mo., (mile 210.9), and latitude of Knobel, Ark. (mile 140). (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Poplar Bluff, Mo., quadrangle, and War Department maps for Harviell, Mo., Rector, Missouri-Arkansas, and Knobel, Missouri-Arkansas, quadrangles.) Existing project.--Provides for flood protection along Black River, Ark. and Mo., extending from near the Missouri Pacific Rail- road in Poplar Bluff, mile 210.9, downstream to the latitude of Knobel, Ark., mile 140. The plan of improvement for the Arkansas portion of the project between miles 140 and 173 provided for construction of levees and drainage structures. This work was completed at a cost of $445,600 and turned over to local levee districts for maintenance and opera- tion in June 1941. The plan of improvement for the Missouri portion of the project provides for construction of a new levee along the right bank of Black River from Poplar Bluff to near the Missouri-Arkansas State 1400 REPORT OF CHIPF OF ENGINEERS, V. S. ARMY, 1948 line; enlargement of the Inter-River drainage district levee and the upper part of the Arkansas portion of the Poplar Bluff, Mo., to Knobel, Ark., levee for protection against Black River floods. The levee along the west or right bank of Black River will be a com- pacted-earth fill. It will extend from near the Missouri Pacific Rail- road bridge, in Poplar Bluff downstream to a cut-off to be made across the neck of the river loop between miles 210.6 and 209.9, thence along the right bank of the cut-off and along the natural river bank and the existing levee to river mile 208.4. It will extend from there downstream parallel to'Black River to a point opposite Whitlow, Mo. From there it will parallel the existing levee, gen- erally on the riverside, to the State line and thence extend southwest- ward to an open end at river mile 165.7. The grade of the upper 2.3 miles of levee will be 3 feet above the modified and confined project flood (25,000 to 29,000 cubic feet per second), and the grade of the remainder will be 2 feet minimum above that flood. The new levee will be 28 miles long and have an average height of 10.5 feet. The proposed enlargements along the left bank will make those struc- tures equivalent in grade and cross section to the right bank levee. The total length of enlarged levees will be 35.4 miles, and the average height will be 8.5 feet. This plan is a modification of the original project plan and provides essentially the same degree of protection. The Federal cost of the Missouri portion of the project, estimated in 1948, is $3,390,000 for construction and the estimated cost to local interests for lands and damages is $166,000, a total of $3,- 556,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 102, 73d Cong., 1st sess.) Local cooperation.--Seepage 7 for requirements. The necessary assurances of local cooperation submitted by local interests were approved July 11, 1947. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Advance planning was under way. The costs during the fiscal year were $4,219.40 for new work, which excludes $958.85 representing a decrease in undistributed costs during the year, and the expenditures were $3,301.60. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Detailed plans are 32 percent complete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $457,831.93 and the expenditures were $457,872.98, all for new work (including the cost and expenditure of $445,584.54 for previous construction of the Arkansas portion only during the fiscal years .1938 to 1942; inclusive) . Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $28,252.61, plus an allotment of $10,000 made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 to the preparation of detailed plans by hired labor. No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. FLOOD CONTROL----LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1401 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--......--------........-------. .... $457,831.93 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. ........ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------------457,831.93 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 .......- -----..---...--- . 41.05 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-.--------------------- 457,872.98 ----------- Net total expenditures---------------- --.....------.. 457,872.98 - Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_.,--: .-...-- _ .---.--.... , 28,211.56 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ __------- - - 486,084.54 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost'of new work-............... ................ ........ $7, 6515.15 $512. 84 $4, 219.40 Cost of maintenance -----........... ---.------ ........... ---- - -------- ------------------ ---------- Total expended..--.--.. --. _..... . _. --------------------. 7,737.72 1, 249. 12 3, 301. 60 Allotted--............... u .......................... 10,000.00. --------- 30, 500 00 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947- -- - --- ..----.-- $1,013.16 Amount allotted during fiscal year---. -... 40,000.00 Amount to be accounted for ---.-- . -----. -- 41,013.16 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment----------- 9,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for-. .- 31,513.16 Gross amount expended .------ ----------------------------- 3,301.60 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------ ------------- 28,211.56 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.-------------- 460.19 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ------ ------ 27,751.37 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948..........------------------- - 41.05 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 27,792.42 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------------------- 10,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949_ -- ..-.- 37,792.42 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project- -----.--------.--.---..---------- 3,339,500.00 25. CLEARWATER RESERVOIR, WHITE RIVER BASIN, MO. Location.-ClearwaterDam is located in Wayne and Reynolds Counties, Mo., on the Black River, 257.4 miles above its confluence with the White River, 6 miles southwest of Piedmont, Mo., and 32 miles northwest of Poplar Bluff, Mo. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Piedmont, Mo., quadrangle, scale 1:62,500.) From the dam, the reservoir will extend northward and westward in Rey- nolds County. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for an earth-fill dam about 4,225 feet long at the top and about 143 feet in height above the flood plain. Outlet works consisting of a gate- controlled, concrete-lined tunnel are located in the right abutment and will discharge into the river below the dam. An uncontrolled, concrete-type ogee spillway will be located on the right abutment 1402 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 with overflow discharging into Webb Valley and thence reentering the river about 1 mile downstream from the dam. The reservoir, which is one unit of a comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the White River Basin, will control the run-off from an area of approximately 898 square miles. It will provide storage capacity of about 391,000 acre-feet for flood control, and a per- manent pool of about 22,000 acre-feet for recreational purposes and as a wildlife refuge. The estimated cost of the project, as re- vised in 1948, is $9,626,400 for construction and $803,000 for lands and damages, totaling $10,429,400. The existing project was au- thorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Final clearing of the reservoir area by contract was completed November 16, 1947. Con- struction of dam and excavation of spillway by contract was con- tinued. Work completed included 471,996 cubic yards of common excavation; 224,700 cubic yards of rock excavation; 1,897,487 cubic yards of earth fill; 1,715 cubic yards of concrete and 28 tons of riprap. Land acquisition was continued, title to all tracts having been acquired. Contract for construction of operators' quarters was awarded June 29, 1948. A master recreation plan was completed. The leasing program of Government-owned land for agricultural and grazing purposes was continued. Although the project was under construction during the entire fiscal year, on March 29, 1948, it was completed sufficiently to begin flood regulation using a limited amount of storage. The project has 22,000 acre-feet of conservation storage to elevation 494 mean sea level and 391,000 acre-feet of flood storage to spillway crest, eleva- tion 567 mean sea level. Storage of 57,100 acre-feet between the invert of the outlet works, elevation 467 and elevation 510, was planned for use in regulation of floods. It was expected that flood regulation would retard growth in the reservoir below the clearing limits at elevation 500. However, no significant rises occurred sub- sequent to March 29, and on June 3, 1948, the outlet gates were lowered to raise the pool to about elevation 500. A minimum release of 250 cubic feet per second was permitted for downstream usage and the remaining inflow was stored. On June 30, 1948, the pool had risen to elevation 490.9 mean sea level, corresponding to 17,100 acre-feet of storage. The costs during the fiscal year were $2,170,118.25 for new work, which excludes $18,283.65 representing an increase in undistrib- uted costs during the year, and the expenditures were $2,003,833.54. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of dam and exca- vation of spillway is nearly complete and dam is in operation. Final clearing of the reservoir area is complete. Land acquisition is essen- tially complete. Work remaining to complete the project includes completion of embankment, construction of spillway structure, operators' quarters, comfort stations, landscaping, general clean-up, approval of master recreation plan and construction of facilities for public health and safety and recreational purposes in the reser- voir area. The project as a whole is 82 percent complete. FLOOD CONTROL-LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1403 The total costs to the end: of the fiscal year were $8,538,864.06 and the expenditures were $8,182,470.99, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $884,460.65, and allotments of $1,- 182,100 and $71,000 for new work and maintenance, respectively, made in July 1948, will be applied to new work during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948------------- ------ $361,988.03 New work: Continue preparation of plans and specifica- tions of spillway structure and other miscel- laneous construction by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949------------ $55,758.00 Lands and damages by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949 5,000.00 Relocations by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949_ _-_-_- ___ __--- 100,226.00 Complete construction of embankment and spillway excavation and initiate construction of spillway structure, operators' quarters and other miscellaneous construction by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949 _ . _ 1,543,588.62 Total for new work .. .. . - .... 1,704,572.62. Maintenance: Operation.-..--...-------- . - --- ...... 28,800 Ordinary maintenance and repairs_-------- 9,200 Reservoir management ---------------------- .... 33,000 Total for maintenance 71,000.00 Total for all work ----------------------------------- 2,137,560.65 With the expenditure of these funds, the project, with the excep- tion of reservoir development, will be complete. The additional sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new work as follows: Planning for facilities for public health and safety and development of the reservoir area by hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950 $10,000 Construction of facilities for public health and safety and reservoir de- velopment by contract and hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950----------------------------------------------- 50,000 Total.---- ....--------------------....... ..----------- 60,000 The further sum of $60,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance as follows: Operation..---------.................- -...-- -_ _- ...-------- ..... $22,000 Ordinary maintenance and repairs-- Reservoir management -------------- _ - - ... ---- -- -_ ------- ------ --- - _...-.-- 8,000 . 30,000 Total -------- --------.. _------.- 60,000 -..-... 1404 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948'---- _----------$8,538,864.06 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ...------------------------ __ -- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.......... 8,538,864.06 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948 . 923.48 Net total cost to June 30, 1948----------_-------_ 8,539,787.54 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 4,671.48 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--------------------- 8,544,459.02 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-. --------------- - 361,988.03 Net total expenditures _ __....__-_....:. _... _... 8,182,470.99 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-_-------------------- 879,789.17 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 9,062,260.16 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work..-.-.... ... $176, 087.66 $65, 956.30 $131, 508.52 $2, 162, 783.81 $2, 170, 118. 25 Cost of m aintenance ................ . . . . - ...-------------....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..... 'Total expended. ...... .. '...... 177, 444. 28 64, 095. 26 118, 258. 57 1, 995, 711.67 2, 003, 833.54 Allotted............---------------------...... .....-----------... 7,000.00 2,800,000.00 100, 000.00 2, 000, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_------..--.- ... -______ $883,622.71 Amount allotted during fiscal year--_----.-.---.---. _ --- 2,000,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------------- 2,883,622.71 Gross amount expended_------------------- $2,014,711.40 Less reimbursed expenditures-,-.--.... -.. - 10,877.86 2,003,833.54 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 879,789.17 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-........ 361,988.03 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts... 130,130.69 492,118.72 Balance available, June 30, 1948_----..-----.. _.. --- -387,670.45 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 4,671.48 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-----------_ 392,341.93 Amount allotted in July 1948_------------------_--_____ _ 1,253.100.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949--...... 1,645,441.93 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------- 185;000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work.---------------------------------------- 60,000.00 For maintenance_ ---------------------------------- 60,000.00 Total. .......... . - - . _.--._---. - 120,000.00 FLOOD CONTROI---LITTLE ROC, AIIRK., DISTRICT 1405 26. NORFORK RESERVOIR,: WHITE RIVER BASIN, ARK. Location.-The site of the Norfork Dam is located on the North Fork River about 4.8 miles above its confluence with the White River, near Norfork, Baxter County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Sur- vey map for Mountain Home, Ark., quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Norfork Reservoir will extend northward from the dam across Baxter County, Ark., into the southern part of Ozark County, Mo. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of a concrete gravity-type dam about 2,624 feet long at the top and about 220 feet in maximum height. It consists of a spillway section 568 feet long located above the existing river chan- nel and two non-overflow sections contiguous thereto and extending into the abutments. Gate-controlled conduits through the base of the spillway section provide for regulating and discharging flood flows. Penstocks and provisions for power generation include an initial installation of two generating units having a capacity of 35,000 kilowatts each, but only one generating unit has been in- stalled at this time. The reservoir,: which is one unit of a compre- hensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the White River Basin, will control practically the entire drainage area of the North Fork River. It has a storage capacity of about 732,000 acre-feet for flood control and will provide storage of about 1,251,000 acre-feet for generation of power and stream-flow regulation. The estimated cost of the piroject, revised in 1948, is $29,100,000. The estimated cost for annual maintenance, made in 1948, is $240,000. The exist- ing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, as amended by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. Local cooperation.--Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Plans and specifica- tions for completion of powerhouse, including installation of second generating unit, were completed, and construction by contract was initiated February 23, 1948' Plans and specifications for installa- tion of electrical equipment and powerhouse and substation equip- ment were nearing completion. Manufacture of the turbine by contract was practically completed and that of the generator was well toward completion. Work was under way by contracts for furnishing and delivering governor, transformers, oil circuit breakers and other powerhouse equipment. Bituminous surfacing of roads and powerhouse parking area was initiated by contract July 31, 1947, and completed September 2, 1947. Landscaping was initiated by contract July 1, 1947, and completed, with the exception of maintenance, December 22, 1947. Drilling of six water wells in the reservoir area was completed by contract August 7, 1947, and two additional wells were drilled by contract during the period April 6-24, 1948. Contract for furnishing tainter gates was awarded June 29, 1948, and that for elevator in operating tower was awarded June 22, 1948. Slide gate tests were conducted and materials were assembled for conducting tainter gate tests. Leasing of lots in Mallard Point Homesite Area was under way and the area was fenced. Leases on seven boat docks were renewed. 804711----48--vol. 1 89 : 1406 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Reforestation program was initiated in the reservoir area. The leasing program of Government-owned land for agricultural and grazing purposes was continued. Operation of powerhouse was continuous throughout the year, with the exception of unscheduled outages and one outage from January 1 to February 11, 1948, at which time repairs to the turbine runner were made and the thrust bearing was replaced. A total of 141,342,300 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy was delivered to the Southwestern Power Administration and purchased by the Arkansas Power & Light Co. The maximum pool elevation reached during the year was 552.2, or 0.2 feet above top of power pool. There were two noteworthy rises on North Fork River during the fiscal year in December 1947 and June 1948 which were stored in the power pool. Retention of these floods resulted in protection of 5,600 acres of cultivated land along the White River during the first flood and 5,200 acres during the second flood. The effects of flood modification on the White River at Calico Rock, located 17 miles downstream from the mouth of the North Fork River, are given in the following table. Norfork Reservoir White River at Calico Rock, Ark.' Date of Outflow peak Peak coincident Maximum stmat Estimated Peak with peak pool Experienced crest stage reduction infl flow of elevation crest stage without White River reached Norfork Dam Cubic feet Cubic feet Feet above per second per second . mean sea level Feet Feet Feet Dec. 31, 1947 41, 000 2 10 3 16. 2 19. 4 3.2 June 19, 1948 31,000 21, 390 551.7 17. 6 20. 8 3.2 1 Flood stage 19.0 feet. 2For generation of hydroelectric power. a The pool continued to rise throughout the month because the power unit was shut down for repairs. The pool elevation at the beginning of the fiscal year was 548.98 feet above mean sea level, corresponding to 1,185,900 acre-feet of total storage. At the end of the fiscal year the pool elevation was 552.22 feet above mean sea level, corresponding to 1,256,000 acre- feet of storage. The costs during the fiscal year were $708,429.97 for new work and $226,911.51 for maintenance, which excludes $17,272.18 repre- senting an increase in undistributed cost during the year. The total expenditures were $880,128.75. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of the dam is prac- tically complete except for removing temporary concrete bulkheads and installing tainter gates. Plans and specifications for installa- tion of electrical equipment and powerhouse and substation equip- ment are nearing completion. Work on the turbine is essentially complete, on the generator 85 percent complete and well underway on governor, transformers, oil circuit breakers and other power- house equipment. Work remaining to complete the project includes installing tainter gates and operating machinery, completion of powerhouse and appurtenances, including installation of second unit, installation of elevator in operating tower, general clean-up, FLOOD CONTROL--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1407 landscaping and completion of facilities for-public health and safety and recreational purposes in the reservoir area. The project as a whole is 89 percent complete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $25,452,167.34 for new work and $691,970.13 for maintenance. The total expendi- tures were $26,051,267.92. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30; 1948, including accounts receivable, $1,267,893.85, and allotments of $750,000 and $210,000 for new work and maintenance, respectively, made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948---------------- _-------- $146,033.23 New work: Continue planning work for miscellaneous con- struction and reservoir development with hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949- --------------------------------- $34,972.00 Completion of powerhouse and installation of equipment, purchase of tainter gates, pur- chase and installation of elevator in oper- ating tower and facilities for public health and safety by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949 --------------------- 1,785,458.75 Total for new work-.-- --------------------------- 1,820,430.75 Maintenance: Operation- -- _ _-__.__-_-_ - 101,500.00 Ordinary maintenance and repairs ......... 90,500.00 Reservoir management---------------------- 58000.00 Balance remaining ------------------------ 11,429.87 Total for maintenance_------------------ --.---. , . 261,429.87 Total for all work-..------------------------------ 2,227,893.85 The additional sum of $1,000,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for new work as follows: Continue planning for facilities for public health and safety and reser- voir development with hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950---------------------------------------------- $5,000 Completion of procurement and installation of tainter gates and power generating equipment and miscellaneous construction by contract during period July 1949 to June 1950 -------------------- _ 935,000 Facilities for public health and safety and reservoir development by contract during period July 1949 to June 1950------------------- 60,000 Total---_ --- ----------------- ------------- __-1,000,000 The further sum of $230,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for maintenance as follows: Operation-----------------------------------------------$100,000 Ordinary maintenance and repairs_-------------- -------- ___ Reservoir management,----- --------------------..-- _ -- 75,000 55,000 _---.--- Total----------------------------------------------230,000 1408 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------- ---------------- $25,452,167.34 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.------------_ _- - -_ -_ 691,970.13 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.....---------- 26,144,137.47 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948.----------- -------------- 15,454.70 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 --- --------------- 26,159,592.17 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------ 37,708.98 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948-------------------- 26,197,301.15 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--, ------------------ 146,033.23 Net total expenditures_ -___ -__ -- ________________ 26,051,267.92 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------------------------- 1,230,184.87 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------_ 27,281,452.79 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work...........------------..$6, 001, 195. 22 $1, 686, 242. 11 $260, 164. 18 $467, 007. 34 $708, 429. 97 Cost of maintenance..------...------ ........ 103, 472. 26 148, 293. 15 213, 293. 21 226, 911. 51 Total cost.... .....------------- 6, 001, 195. 22 1, 789, 714.37 408, 457.33 680, 300. 55 935, 341.48 Total expended..............--------------.. 6, 560, 210. 84 2, 540, 872. 08 434, 363. 64 653, 069. 65 880, 128.75 Allotted---------....................------... -2, 836, 297. 21 225, 000. 00 2, 053, 400. 00 100, 000. 00 265, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------------------- $1,845,313.62 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------. _ ______________ 265,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------------- 2,110,313.62' Gross amount expended------------ --------- $894,658.67 Less reimbursed expenditures----------------- 14,529.92 880,128.75 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--- --------------- 1,230,184.87 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.------. 146,033.23 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts..... 936,269.16 1,082,302.39 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ....--.-- ............. 147,882.48 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-- ------ - - - 37,708.98 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- - ------ 185,591.46 960,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949...... 1,145,591.46 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-...--------------------................. 1,811,947.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work---------------------------..---------- 1,000,000.00 For maintenance ------------------------------------- 230,000.00 Total- ___.----------------------------------------- 1,230,000.00 FLOOD CONTROIr--LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1409 27. BULL SHOALS RESERVOIR, WHITE RIVER BASIN, ARK. Location.-The Bull Shoals dam site isat mile 418.6 on the White River in Baxter and Marion Counties, Ark., about 7 miles north of Cotter, Ark., and 10 miles west of Mountain Home, Ark. (See sec- tional aeronautical chart, Tulsa sheet, scale 1:500,000.) The Bull Shoals Reservoir will extend' northwest along White River to the Ozark Beach Dam at mile 506 and will submerge lands in parts of Taney and Ozark Counties, Mo.,' and parts of Boone, Marion, and Baxter Counties, Ark: Existing project.-The project plan provides for the construc- tion of a gravity-type concrete dam 2,256 feet long and 258 feet in height above the stream bed, and a hydroelectric power generating plant. The spillway will be controlled by 17 radial crest gates 28 feet high by 40 feet long. The flood-control outlets will consist of sixteen 4-by 9-foot conduits through the dam at the base of the spillway and will be controlled by hydraulically operated slide gates. The total capacity of the outlets will be 49,000 cubic feet per second with a reservoir filled to the top of the power pool, elevation 654. The powerhouse at the base of the dam, on the left side of the valley, will be provided with four penstocks. However, ' only three 40,000- kilowatt generating units will be installed initially. Four additional penstocks will be provided through the dam for installation of additional generating units in the future. The switchyard will be located just downstream from the powerhouse along the left side of the tailrace. The project is approved for the combined purposes of flood control and the generation of hydroelectric power. The reservoir formed by the Bull Shoals Dam will be one unit of a comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the White River Basin and control the run-off from an area of approxi- mately 6,036 square miles. The reservoir will have a total storage capacity of about 5,408,000 acre-feet, of which 2,360,000 acre-feet will be for flood control and 3,048,000 acre-feet for stream regula- tion and for the generation of hydroelectric power. The reservoir area will be developed for recreational purposes and provisions will be made for conservation of wildlife. The stream regulation that will be provided by the reservoir will be beneficial to the interest of navigation. The estimated cost of the project, revised in 1948, is $67,438,000 for construction and $8,862,000 for lands and dam- ages, totaling $76,300,000. The existing project was approved' by the Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, as modified by the Flood Control Act of August 18, 1941. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-Constructionrailroad was completed by contract October 15, 1947. Work completed in- cluded 33,255 cubic yards of common excavation, 473 cubic yards of rock excavation and 29,806 linear feet of track and ballast. Con- struction of the dam by contract was continued. Work accomplished included 378,572 cubic yards of common excavation, 278,818 cubic yards of rock excavation, completing stage I of care and diversion of river, stripping left abutment and constructing an access road from Flippin, Ark. to the dam site. Contract for furnishing and 1410 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 delivering concrete aggregates was awarded and work was initiated January 5, 1948. Contracts for furnishing Portland and natural cement have been awarded. An overlook has been constructed; houses in Government Village at Mountain Home, Ark., has been repainted; streets paved; and sewage system overhauled under separate contracts. Contracts have been awarded for furnishing turbines, generators, station service turbine and governor and penstock gates, guides and frames. Studies in connection with relocation of highways, alterations to Ozark Beach Power Plant, and damages to town of Forsyth, Mo., were conducted by contract and hired labor. Land acquisition was continued. The costs during the fiscal year were $6,541,914.41 for new work, which excludes $14,693.31 representing a decrease in undistributed costs during the year, and the expenditures were $5,137,207.96. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Plans and specifications for the powerhouse are substantially complete and for special details for the dam not included in contract drawings are 86 percent complete. Construction of the dam is under way, the first cofferdam having been built and unwatered, the left abutment stripped, excavation nearing completion and drilling and pressure grouting well under way. The contract is 20 percent complete. Land acquisition for dam site and construction railroad is sub- stantially complete, 29 tracts having been acquired by direct pur- chase, 29 tracts by declaration of taking, and one tract remaining to be purchased, a satisfactory option having been obtained. Land acquisition for the reservoir area is under way, 287 appraisals having been approved and 25 options having been obtained. Title has been acquired through condemnation proceedings for 9 tracts comprising the quarry area. Work remaining to complete the project includes completion of dam, construction of powerhouse and installation of generating equipment, clearing of .reservoir area and preparation of master plan for recreational development and construction thereof. The project as a whole is 11 percent complete. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $10,044,722.45 and the expenditures were $8,518,337.20, all for new work. Proposedoperations.-Thebalance unexpended June 30, 1948, in- cluding accounts receivable, $6,682,002.75, plus an allotment of $14,000,000 made in July 1948, will be applied during the fiscal year 1949 as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948__--------------------------- $1,512,140.83 New work: Continue preparation of plans and specifications for penstock gates, tainter gates, operating machinery, powerhouse, and powerhouse equipment and initiate plans and specifica- tions for clearing by hired labor during the period July 1948 to June 1949_-- -___:---------------- 253,951.00 Lands and damages by hired labor during period July 1948 to June 1949-------------------------------------1,500,000.00 Initial clearing of reservoir area by contract during period December 1948 to June 1949_---- --.- _____.____ 100,000.00 Relocations by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949 610,000.00 Continue construction of dam and appurtenant works and purchase of cement, aggregates, penstock and tainter gates and accessory equipment by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949----------------------------.. --- 15,549,910.92 FLOOD CONTROr---LITTLE ROCK, ARK. 5 DISTRICT 1411 Continue purchase of generators, turbines and accessory equipment by contract during period July 1948 to June 1949 ------------------------------------------- 1,156,000.00 Total_ ---------------- _ 20,682,002.75 The additional sum of $16,500,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Continue preparation of plans and specifications of miscellaneous construction by hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950-------------------_ -___ - -------------- ___ $300,000 Lands and damages by hired labor during period July 1949 to June 1950--------- ----------------- ---------- 900,000 Clearing of reservoir by contract during period July 1949 to June 1950____-- __-- - ------- - 1--- 1,000,000 Relocations by contract during period July 1949 to June 1950__ 1,800,000 Continue construction of dam and appurtenant works and pur- chase of cement, aggregates and other miscellaneous equipment by contract during period July 1949 to June 1950 --------- 7,150,000 Initiate construction of powerhouse and continue purchase of gen- erators, turbines and accessory equipment by contract during period July 1949 to June 1950.. --- 5,350,000 Total---- ------------ 1---------------------- 16,500,000 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------------- ----- $10,044,722.45 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_- . --.-----. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 10,044,722.45 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948_-.-_ _- _---14,584.37 ------------- Net total cost to June 30, 1948--------------------........ 10,030,138.08 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- - ---- 339.95 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948------------------ 10,030,478.03 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--------------------- 1,512,140.83 Net total expenditures----------------------------- 8,518,337.20 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--- _------------- - 6,681,662.80 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 .------------. 15,200,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 - .. .. . . Cost ofnew work ------ 891. $130, 814. 26 $324, 02 $679, 861. 41 $2,172, 825. 541, 72 $6, 914.41 Cost ofmaintenance .......... , - ....................... . ___________-- . - ...... Total expended...-.-- -....... 117, 55 083. 139.93 625, 777. 87 312, 2, 219, 467.32 5,137, 207.96 Allotted..----....---.. ----.-..- .. ... 400, 000.00 7,550, 000.00 ----.-..- 6,700,000.00 1412 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1,1947-------------------------_ $5,118,870.76 Amount allotted during fiscal year..-------------------- 6,700,000.00 Amount to be accounted for---------- -------------- 11,818,870.76 Gross amount expended -------------- _ _-_ - $5,142,371.56 Less reimbursed expenditures. --------------- 5,163.60 5,137,207.96 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 ------ Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 _.... 1-2-------_ --- 1,512,140.83 6,681,662.80 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_ 5,167,680.38 6,679,821.21 Balance available, June 30, 1948_------ ____--___-_ 1,841.59 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 339.95 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----------- 2,181.54 Amount allotted in July 1948----------------------------- 14,000,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....-.. 14,002,181.54 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----_------.. _----------- -- - 47,100,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-.--------- .............- 16,500,000.00 28. WHITE RIVER BASIN, LITTLE ROCK DISTRICT Location.-These improvements are located on tributaries of the White River and are in the States of Arkansas and Missouri. More definite locations of the individual items are given in the following paragraph. Existing project.--The Flood Control Act of June 28, 1938, ap- proved the general comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the White River Basin, as set forth in Flood Control Committee Document 1, Seventy-fifth Congress, first session, with such modifications thereof as in the discretion of the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers may be advisable, and authorized the sum of $25,000,000 for reservoirs, for the initiation and partial accomplishment of the plan, the reservoirs to be selected and ap- proved by the Chief of Engineers. The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, authorized to be appropriated the sum of $24,- 000,000, in addition to previous authorizations, for the prosecution of the comprehensive plan approved in the act of June 28, 1938, for the White River Basin in Missouri and Arkansas, including the projects for flood control and other purposes recommended by the Chief of Engineers in House Document 917, Seventy-sixth Con- gress, third session, and the modifications in the Norfork Reservoir project recommended by the Chief of Engineers in House Document 290, Seventy-seventh Congress, first session. The Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944, authorized to be appropriated the sum of $45,000,000, and the Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized to be appropriated the sum of $40,000,000, in addi- tion to previous authorizations, for the prosecution of the compre- . FLOOD) CONTR1()OL----IITTLIE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1413 hensive plan. The reservoirs are listed below: 'included in the comprehensive plan Dis- Maximum eservoir Power Total Reservoir River tance Nearest town height of dam Reservoir develop estimated mouth and type capacit ment cost Miles Acre-feet Kilowatts Clearwater 1. Black....... 257.4 Piedmont, Mo.. 143 feet earth-fill 413, 000 (2) $10, 429,400 Water Valley. Eleven Point 12. 6 Watervalley, Ark. 152 feet earth-fill 1, 563, 000 (3) 14, 412, 000 Bell Foley.... Strawberry.. 26.2 Smithville, Ark... 133 feet earth-fill 245, 000 (2) 8, 722, 000 Norfork 1..... North Fork. 4. 8 Norfork, Ark..... 220 feet concrete- 1, 983, 000 70, 000 29, 100, 000 gravity. Lone Rock.... Buffalo...... 3.6 Lone Rock, Ark.. 216 feet concrete- 687, 000 (2) 25, 235, 000 gravity., Greers Ferry.. Little Red... 77.2 Greers Ferry, Ark. 158 feet concrete- 524, 000 (2) 16, 531, 000 gravity. Bull Shoals.. White-....... 418.6 Amos, Ark....... 283 feet concrete- 5, 408,000 120, 000 76, 360, 000 gravity. Table 528. 5. Branson, Mo..... 268 feet concrete- 3, 348, 00084,000 76,340, 000 gravity 4. 1 For details of this project, see individual report. 2 None. 3 Includes provisions for future power installation. 4 Concrete gravity with embankment extensions. Local cooperation.--Section 2 of the Flood Control Act ap- proved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.--Stream gaging, field surveys, foundation explorations, compilation of land ownership data, plans and specifications and studies in connection with the development of the general comprehensive plan continued ,were with hired labor during the year. The costs during the fiscal year were $142,797.38 and the expendi- tures were $135,488.03. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Further progress on surveys, studies and detailed plans for development of the general compre- hensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the White River Basin has been made. The progress of projects selected for con- struction is given in individual reports. The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $1,326,891.49 and the expenditures were $1,325,440.62. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, including accounts receivable, $133,863.10, plus 'an allotment of $25,000 made in July 1948, will be applied during the firscal year 1949 to accounts payable in the amount of $4,795.39 and to the con- tinuation of foundation investigations, surveys, preparation of plans and recreational development planning. The additional sum of $1,218,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for preparation of detailed plans and con- struction on projects as follows: Table Rock Reservoir...----------------, , -.. -- -, - 250,000 Water Valley Reservoir (initiate construction) - ...... 700,000 Greers Ferry Reservoir . __ .. .,-._ ___,_ . , ___-__ ___ 168,000 Lone Rock Reservoir. ..... : :. . , : .' 75,000 Bell Foley Reservoir... ,., , ... .... 25,000 , 2.,..- . STotal; .. - --- ...- ---- 1,218,000 1414 REPORT OF CHIIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-----------------------________________ $1,326,891.49 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ _ ___________ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1,326,891.49 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948__----. ----- ____--_____ -1,746.85 Net total cost to June 30, 1948----------- ---------- _ 1,328,638.34 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 1,597.67 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948---.-__--___.____ -1,330,236.01 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948--__--- .----- _-----_ 4,795.39 Net total expenditures..---------------------------- 1,325,440.62 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---------_ .132,265.43 -----------. _ Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-_ -------- 1,457,706.05 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---..... ---- $93, 936. 70 $257, 558. 60 $140, 178. 23 $76, 135.09 $142, 797. 38 Cost of maintenance ......... ------ . .-- --- ------ -----------............................ Total expended---------------............ 87, 459. 64 248, 015.34 157, 641. 11 80, 206. 91 135, 488. 03 Allotted-- --.........------------.......... 141, 006. 05 250, 000. 00 153, 000. 00 ....-- _ -- --.. ... .. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_-------- ------ 267,753.46 Gross amount expended---------------- ------------------- 135,488.03 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 132,265.43 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_-..---- - $4,795.39 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts--...... 5,634.61 10,430.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948--__---____-- -___- 121,835.43 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 1,597.67 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 123,433.10 Amount allotted in July 1948------------------------------- 25,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 148,433.10 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-..- ------------------------------- 139,757,300.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_--.--------- ------------ 1,218,000.00 29. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 2 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 28, 1937, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, as amended by the Flood Control Acts approved August 11, 1939, August 18, 1941, and July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 from flood-control appropriations for any one fiscal year for removal of accumulated snags and other debris from, and clear- ing and straightening of channels in navigable streams and tribu- taries thereof when such work is advisable in the interest of flood control; provided that not more than $50,000 shall be allotted for FLOOD CONTRO----LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1415 this purpose for any single tributary from the appropriations for any one fiscal year. No costs were incurred during the fiscal year. The expenditures were $12.90. The total costs and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $27,585.11 (including the cost and expenditure of $2,823.73 incurred during the fiscal year 1941 for removing snags in the Current River). Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----------------------------- $27,585.11 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948._........... ._. ----. - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------------- 27,585.11 Net total expenditures- ------- --.------------------- 27,585.11 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.--------------------- 27,585.11 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work------.............. - --........ ..--------- ............. $1, 610. 68 .$23, 150. 70 -- ........ Cost ofmaintenance- ....------ .------------------------ ------------------------ ------------ Total expended-------------------------------.... --- 1, 474.67 23, 273.91 12.90 Allotted------.......----------- ------------------..................--- 25, 000. 00 -..... 62 238. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------- -- ----------------- _ $251.52 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment............. .. 238.62 Net amount to be accounted for--------------------...-- ----- 12.90 Gross amount expended-.--------- -------------- -. 12.90 30. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 18, 1941, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, as modified by the Flood Control Acts approved July 24, 1946, and June 30, 1948, authorized the allotment from flood-control appropriations of not to exceed $2,000,000 for any one fiscal year to be expended in rescue work, or in the repair or maintenance of any flood-control work threatened or destroyed by flood. Pursuant to this act, funds in the amount of $43,810.61 (including $19,035 contributed funds) were allotted to the Little Rock district for bank protection work at Newport, Ark." All work under this heading is complete. There were no costs or expenditures during the fiscal year. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __------. ......- , _- .....-- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948--....--------- ------------ $273,080.54 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_, , .- - 273,080.54 Net total expenditures-- _---- -------------- --- -1 273,080.54 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.-----.-.--..----- 1273,080.54 1416 REPORT-OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work _.... 1 _ - .__ -_--. "- - - ----- Cost of maintenance .....- . $88, 838.70 $-.190, 256.08 -$6, 014. 24 ----------- . Total expended. . .- .. 70, 004. 14 .:..... $18, 834. 56 183, 791.87 449. 97 ..- $1,189. Allotted..,...................-------------------... 75, 500. 00 175, 965. 00 19, 035.00 -10, 292. 92 -$1, 189.39 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ----------------------------- $1,189.39 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-,-. .. ....... 1,189.39 1 Includes contributed funds expenditures in amount of $74,535. 31. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAWS NOS. 138 AND 318, SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS; NO. 75, SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS; AND NO. 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS Because of the heavy demands for emergency repair work to flood-control structures damaged or destroyed by the disastrous floods which occurred in the spring of the years 1943, 1944, 1945, and 1947, Congress in the act approved July 12, 1943, Public No. 138, Seventy-eighth Congress; in the act approved May 29, 1944, Public No. 318, Seventy-eighth Congress; in the act approved June 5, 1945, Public No. 75, Seventy-ninth Congress; and in the.act ap- proved June 23, 1947, Public No. 102, Eightieth Congress, author- ized the amounts of $10,000,000, $12,000,000, $12,000,000, and $15,000,000, respectively, to be appropriated as emergency funds to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Army and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repair, restor- ation, and strengthening of levees and other flood-control works which had been threatened or destroyed by these floods. Pursuant to these acts, funds in.the amount of $613,458.47 (in- cluding $25,000 in contributed -funds), were allotted to the Little Rock district during the fiscal year for emergency levee repairs and protection. Work accomplished during the fiscal year included completion of bank protection work at North Little Rock, 'Arkansas, and in the Plum Bayou levee .district near the Jefferson County Free Bridge and repairs to'existing pile dikes in the Plum Bayou levee district near England, Ark. Levee repairs are under way in Conway County levee district No. 1,'39,066 cubic yards of earthen embankment hav- ing been placed. Preparation of:plans and specifications for levee repairs in Holly Bend levee district No. 1 is under way. The costs during the fiscal year were $460,182.80 for maintenance and the expenditures :were $437,470.93 from regular funds. The costs and expenditures from contributed funds were $25,000. The balance unexpended.June 30, 1948, $172,026.84, will be ap- plied during the fiscal year 1949 to the completion of levee repairs in Holly Bend levee district No. 1 and Conway County levee district No. 1 and to the payment of outstanding liabilities and other ex- penses to be incurred under this heading. FLOOI) CONTI(ROL-ITTLE IROCIK, ARK., I)[STIRICT 1417 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ..... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- $2,047,073.42 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-.----_ 1 2,047,073.42 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 .. .. ... -. ' 22,856.79 Net total expenditures ----- -------------- ------ 1 2,024,216.63 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 -------------------------- 172,026.84 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 ------------ _ 2,196.243.47 1Includes $25,000 expended from contributed funds. Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work_------------------------ ------- -- ---- Cost of maintenance ----------- $727, 635.03 $61, 008. 25 $697, 426.32 $75, 821. 02 $485, 182. 80 Total expended--------------................ 725, 193. 28 60,011. 77 654,558. 45 121,98220 462,470.93 ----- Allotted----.....-..-... --.-_ 750, 000.00 493, 785.00 351,000.00 --12,000.00 613, 458.47 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.----------- --------------- $21,039.30 Amount allotted during fiscal year- - - ..-: ,.. ... 751,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- .. i., u-...--- 772,039.30 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment-_ ------- -- 137,541.53 Net amount to be accounted for- ... .... 634,497.77 Gross amount expended__ _ -... --.......- -... $489,253.14 Less reimbursed expenditures ____ __------ 26,782.21 462,470.93 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__------------------ 172,026.84 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948...--. .-- '22,856.79 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.... 27,618.64 50,475.43 Balance available, June 30, 1948-. . .121,551.41 ------- .--------- 32. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The costs during the fiscal year were $56,863.86 and the expendi- tures were $55,871.75. The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $27,548.10, plus an allotment of $125,000 made in July 1948, will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to payment of out- standing liabilities and other expenses to be incurred under this heading. The additional sum of $169,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-.......---- - '-11..ill-. ... ' . .. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------------------- $i,913,667.35 Total cost of permanent work to Juna,30, 1948-,,.. . ' 1,913,667.35 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---- ----- --- - - - 173.52 Gross total costs'to June 30, 1948 . ' . . 1,913,840.87 1418 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------- .............- - 1,960.43 Net total expenditures----------------------------- 1,911,880.44 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948....-------------------------- 27,548.10 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---.------ 1,939,428.54 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.. - ..- - Cost of maintenance............ $381, 010. 25 $105, 015. 86 $146, 419. 29 $75, 665. 42 $56, 863. 86 Total expended---------------................. 400, 271.79 99, 887. 56 143, 695. 61 82,196.18 55, 871.75 Allotted..---------------------...................... 200,000.00 215,000.00 70, 000. 00 -4, 500. 00 80, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947__ C_ .. ___ __ _____ $3,419.85 Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------------- 80,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-----...... ___ 83,419.85 Gross amount expended---------------------- $56,421.75 Less reimbursed expenditures------------------- 550.00 55,871.75 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-.---.-------- 27,548.10 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--- _-1,960.43 - -- Amount covered by uncompleted contracts------- ..... 5,207.46 7,167.89 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------ _ - - 20,380.21 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---.---.----. --. ------. --- 173.52 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-.------- 20,553.73 Amount allotted in July 1948_-----__ ______-----__ ------- -_ 125,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 145,553.73 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance_-----------_ _- ___-_ 169,000.00 33. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS For last full Cost and expenditures to Estimated report see June 30, 1948 Name of project Annual amount re- Report quired to for-- New work Maintenance complete 1. Clarksville, Ark.1---------- --- ----- 1937---------------------------- $70, 000.00 2. North Little Rock, Arkansas River, Ark ..... 1943 $501, 639.08 -.----------- (B) 3. Little Black River, in Butler and Ripley Counties, Mo., and in Clay and Randolph Counties, Ark.............................-- 1937 ...........------- -754, 900. 00 4. Big Bottom, Ark. 4 ----- , ............ 1937------------------------ 128, 700. 00 5. Faulkner County, Arkansas River, Ark....... 1941 99, 510.65 . (3) 6. From North Little Rock to (above Plum Bayou).....---------------------1941 Gillett, Ark. 840, 914.32 ......... () 7. Skaggs Ferry, Black River, east of Pocahon- 8. tas, Ark..-------------.--------------- Newport, White River, Ark_................... 9. Village Creek, White River, and Mayberry 1941 1941 81,023.32 .............. 314, 276. 28 ------------- (3) (3) Districts, Ark--------------------------............................... 1941 632, 310.17 ..............-------------- (3) 1 Awaiting local cooperation. ' Conditions of local cooperation not likely to be fulfilled. 3 Completed. 4 In conformance with provisions of section 2 of the 1941 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on May 12, 1948, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. FLOOD CONTROL---LITTLE ROCK, ARK., I)ISTRICT 1419 34. PLANT ALLOTMENT, LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948.------------------------- -$463,072.96 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 ------------------- -------- -- 463,072.96 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-.--------- ------ ----- 60,358.06 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ----------------- -- 402,714.90 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 .... . - -- 59,112.94 Net total expenditures ......_------------------------. -- 461,827.84 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ .--------..- .---- _- -668,827.84 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_ -.----- ---- 207,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Total expnded................. ...-----------..........--- -----------... .... ------------.... -- $168, 773. 82 Allotted....................... ..................................................... .............. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.._... . ._ __. _. .. $500,054.02 Gross amount expended_------.-....---. $112,310.35 Less reimbursed expenditures----------------- 281,084.17 -- 168,773.82 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_.-_---- .-- 668,827.84 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.-------- - 59,112.94 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts..... 11,197.50 70.310 44 Balance available, June 30, 1948.------------------- 598,517.40 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-----.------ ------------ 60,358.06 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 -------- 658,875.46 1420 REPORT OF CHIEF. OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status[of all 'investigations for flood control'called for by flood control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Document IRecom- Locality Authorization act mitted to No. mendation Congress _1 -I _i .1 Arkansas River and tributaries, for flood control on Big Mul- Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, May 2, -------------- berry Creek, in Crawford 1946. County, Ark. Arkansas River and tributaries, for Flood Control Commit- -------------- flood control on Big Piney tee resolution, June 21 Creek, Johnson County, Ark. 1944. Arkansas River and tributaries, for flood control on the north side of Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, May 15, -------------- Cadron Creek, Ark., in Pope and 1946. Conway, Counties, Ark. Arkansas River and tributaries, for Flood Control Commit- -------------- flood control on Chickalah Creek, tee resolution, Mar. 1, tributary of Petit Jean River in 1946. --------------- Logan and Yell Counties, Ark. Arkansas River and tributaries, for flood control in Conway County House Public Works Committee resolution, -------------- Drainage and Levee District No. Apr. 20, 1948. 1, Ark. Arkansas River and tributaries, with a view to flood control, im- Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, July 25, -------------- provement on Dutch Creek and 1946. Spring Creek, Yell County, Ark. Arkansas River and tributaries, South Fork of Fourche La Fave Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, Mar. 20, -------------- River, Perry County, Ark., for 1945. iflood control, water supply, and -_ other allied uses. rrr r-rw- Arkansas River and tributaries, for Flood Control Commit- flood control on Galla Creek, tee resolution, June 21, Pope County, Ark. 1944. Arkansas River and tributaries, Flood Control Commit- flood protection and irrigation tee resolution, Dec. 18, for Grand Prairie Region, Ark.' 1945. Arkansas River above Pine Bluff, Flood Control Act, I)ec. Ark., control of caving banks in 22, 1944. vicinity of IHensley Bar and the McFadden P1., Jefferson County, Ark. Arkansas River and tributaries, for Flood Control Commit- flood control in Holla Bend Bot- tee resolution, Apr. 19, tom, Pope County, Ark. (along 1946. north side of river). Arkansas River and tributaries, for Flood Control Commit, flood control on Illinois Bayou, tee resolution, June 21 Pope County, Ark. 1944. Arkansas River and tributaries, for Flood Control Commit- --------------- flood control on Lee Creek in tee resolution, May 2, western Arkansas, and eastern 1946. Oklahoma. Arkansas River and tributaries, House Public Works - - -- -- --- -- -- --- - - with a view to providing flood Committee resolution, control and drainage in the vicin- June 17, 1948. ity of North Little Rock, Ark. Arkansas River and tributaries, for Flood Control Commit- flood control on Palarin Creek in tee resolution, June 21 Pulaski and Faulkner Counties, 1944. ------------- Ark. Arkansas River for flood control Flood Control Commit- --------------- C and control of caving banks tee resolution, May 25, above Little Rock, Ark., in the 1945. vicinity of Palarm Creek. Arkansas River and tributaries, for House Public Works flood control along north side of Committee resolution, Arkansas River in vicinity of Jan. 28, 1947. Spadra Creek, Johnson County, -------------- Ark. Archy Fork of Little Red River, House Public Works Van Buren County, Ark., for Committee resolution, flood control (tributary of White Jan. 28, 1947. River, Mo. and Ark.). Beaver Reservoir, Ark., construc- Flood Control Commit. tion of multiple-purpose reservoir tee resolution, Oct. 8, for flood control, hydroelectric 1945. power and municipal and indus- trial water supply on White River. FLOOD CONTROI---LITTLE ROCK, ARK., DISTRICT 1421 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood control acts and committee. resolutions ... Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Docment on Congress No. mendation _. _. . =. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. _ ... . . . . j , - _ Big Mulberry Creek, Crawford Flood Control Commit- County, Ark., improvement for tee resolution, May 2, flood control (tributary of the 1946. Arkansas River). Big Piney Creek, Johnson County, Flood Control Commit- Ark., for flood control (tributary tee resolution, June 21, of Arkansas River). 1944. Black River, Mo. and Ark........ Flood Control Act, June 28, 1938. Cadron Creek, Pope and Conway Flood Control Commit. Counties, Ark., for flood control tee resolution, May 15, along north side of the Arkansas 1946. River. Chickalah Creek, tributary of Petit Flood Control Commit- Jean River in Logan and Yell tee resolution, Mar. 1, Counties, Ark., Arkansas River 1946. and tributaries (flood control). Conway County Drainage and House Public Works Levee District No. 1, Ark., for Committee resolution, flood control along south bank of Apr.. 20, 1943. Arkansas River. Crooked Creek, for flood control at Flood Control Commit- and in vicinity of Harrison, Ark. tee resolution, May 28, (tributary of White River). 1946. Dutch Creek and Spring Creek, Flood Control Commit- Yell County, Ark., for flood con- tee resolution, July 25, trol (tributaries of Arkansas 1946 . River). Fourche La Fave River (South Flood Control Commit- Fork), Perry County, Ark., flood tee resolution, Mar. 20, control, water supply and other 1945. allied uses (tributary of Arkansas River). Galla Creek, Pope County, Ark., Flood Control Commit- for flood control (tributary of the tee resolution, June 21, Arkansas River). 1944. Grand Prairie Region, Ark., flood Flood Control Commit- protection and irrigation from tee resolution, Dec. 18, the Arkansas and White Rivers, 1945. and Meto and Wattensaw Bay- ous, and methods and costs therefor.' Greers Ferry, Ark., construction of Flood Control Commit- multiple-purpose reservoir for tee resolution, Apr. 5, flood control and navigation on 1940. Little Red River, Ark. (tribu- tary of White River). Harrison, Ark., flood protection on Flood Control Commit- Crooked Creek (tributary of tee resolution, May 28, White River, Mo. and Ark.). 1946. Hensley Bar and the McFadden Flood Control Act, Dec. P1., above Pine Bluff, Jefferson 22, 1944. County, Ark., for control of cav- ing banks on Arkansas River. IHolla Bend Bottom, Pope County, Flood Control Commit- Ark., for flood control along tee resolution, Apr. 19, Y . ww.i.ww north side of Arkansas River. 1946. Illinois Bayou, Pope County, Ark., Flood Control Commit- for flood control (tributary of tee resolution, June 21, wY.-i--- -w -i. Arkansas River). 1944. Lee Creek, Ark. and Okla., im- Flood Control, Commit- provement for flood control (trib- tee resolution, May 2,: w-iwwrr utary of Arkansas River). 1946. wrrr-rr Little Red River, for flood control House Public Works on Archy Fork, Van Buren Committee resolution, County, Ark. (tributary of White Jan. 28, 1947. River, Mo. and Ark.) Little Red River, Ark., construc- Flood Control Commit- tion of multiple-purpose reservoir tee resolution, Apr. 5, in the vicinity of Greers Ferry, 1940. Ark., for flood control and irriga- tion (tributary of White River). Mayberry, White River and Vil- Flood Control Commit, lage Creek levee districts, in tee resolution, July 23, Jackson and Woodruff Counties, 1946. Ark., for flood control. McFadden Place and Hensley Bar Flood Control Act, Dec. above Pine Bluff, Jefferson 22, 1944. County, Ark., for control of cav- ing banks on Arkansas River. 1422 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document Recom- Congress No. mendation Meto Bayou, Ark., flood protection Flood Control Commit- and irrigation for Grand Prairie tee resolution, Dec. 18, Region, Ark.' 1945. ------------- North Little Rock, Ark, with a view House PublicWorks to providing flood control and Committee resolution, drainage in the vicinity of June 17, 1948. Palarm Creek in Pulaski and Flood Control Commit- Faulkner Counties, Ark., for tee resolution, June 21, flood control (tributary of the 1944. Arkansas River). - -- ---- -- Palarm Creek, for flood control and Flood Control Commit- control of caving banks in the tee resolution, May 25, Arkansas River above Little 1945. Rock, in the vicinity of. Petit Jean River, for flood control Flood Control Commit- on Chickalah Creek in Logan tee resolution, Mar 1, and Yell Counties, Ark. (tribu- ------- - - - 1946. taries of Arkansas River). --------------- Spadra Creek, Johnson County, House Public Works Ark., for flood control along Committee resolution, north side of Arkansas River. Jan. 28, 1947. Spring Creek and Dutch Creek, Flood Control Commit- --------------- Yell County, Ark., for flood con- tee resolution, July 25, trol (tributaries of Arkansas 1946. River). Village Creek, White River and Flood Control Commit- Mayberry levee districts in Jack- tee resolution, July 23, ------------ son and Woodruff Counties, 1946. Ark., for flood control (tributary of White River). Wattensaw Bayou, Ark., flood Flood Control Commit- protection and irrigation for tee resolution, Dec. 18, Grand Prairie Region, Ark.' --------------- 1945. , White River, Ark. and Mo. (navi- Rivers and Harbors gation, flood control, and irriga- Committee resolution, tion). Jan. 24, 1939. )o------.......................... Commerce Committee - -- - ----- resolution, Feb. 8, 1939. White River and tributaries, House Public Works Mo. and Ark., for flood control Committee resolution, on Archy Fork of Little Red Jan. 28, 1947. River, Van Buren County, Ark. White River, Mo. and Ark., flood Flood Control Commit- control on west bank between tee resolution, Mar. 20, Augusta and Clarendon, Ark., 1944. and upstream from Augusta. White River, Mo. and Ark., with Flood Control Commit- view to construction of a mul- tee resolution, Oct. 8, tiple-purpose reservoir for flood 1945. control, hydroelectric power, and municipal and industrial water supply near the Beaver Site (flood control). White River and tributaries, Mo. Flood Control Commit- and Ark., for flood protection on tee resolution, May 28, Crooked Creek at and in vicinity 1946. of Harrison, Ark. (flood control). White River and tributaries, flood Flood Control Commit- protection and irrigation for tee resolution, Dec. 18, Grand Prairie Region, Ark.' 1945. White River, Ark., construction of Flood Control Commit- multiple-purpose reservoir in vi- tee resolution, Apr. 5, cinity of Greers Ferry on Little 1940. Red River, Ark. (flood control and irrigation). White River and tributaries, Mo. Flood Control Commit- and Ark., for flood control in tee resolution, July 23, Village Creek, White River, and 1946. Mayberry levee districts in Jack- son and Woodruff Counties, Ark. (flood control). White River and tributaries, Ark. House Public Works and Mo., with a view to provid- Committee resolution, ing flood control between New- June 17, 1948. port and Augusta, Ark., along White River. 'Report being made by the Mississippi River Commission. IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS IN THE TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT This district comprises southern Kansas, small portions of south- western Missouri and western Arkansas, northern Oklahoma, the northern portion of the Texas Panhandle, and small portions of northeastern New Mexico and southeastern Colorado embraced in the drainage basin of the Arkansas River and its tributaries above the mouth of the Poteau River, inclusive, and below the mouth of Walnut Creek near Great Bend, Kans., exclusive of that portion of the watershed of the South Canadian River and its tributaries west of the Texas-New Mexico State line; and a portion of western Arkansas, the northern portion of the State of Texas, and the south- ern portion of the State of Oklahoma embraced in the drainage basin of the Red River and its tributaries above Fulton, Ark. District engineer: Col. C. H. Chorpening, Corps of Engineers. Division engineer of the Southwestern Division, Dallas, Tex., comprising the Galveston, Tex., Albuquerque, N. Mex., Little Rock, Ark., and Tulsa, Okla., districts: Col. Henry Hutchings, Jr., Corps of Engineers. IMPROVEMENTS Navigation Flood Control-Continued Page Page 1. Arkansas River and tributa- 19. Optima Reservoir, North Ca- ries, Ark. and Okla. (Tulsa nadian River, Okla- ----- 1446 district) ------- 1424 20. Fort Supply Reservoir, North 2. Examinations, surveys, and Canadian River, Okla- .. 1447 contingencies (general) ---- 1424 21. Canton Reservoir, Arkansas 3. Inactive navigation projects_- 1425 River Basin, Okla . 1450 22. Oklahoma City Floodway Flood Control North Canadian River, Okla 1453 4. Eufaula Reservoir, Canadian 23. Cherokee, Salt Fork of Ar- River, Okla _ 1426 kansas River, Okla-._--- 1454 5. Hutchinson, Arkansas River, 24. Great Salt Plains Reservoir, Kans_--------------- 1427 Salt Fork of Arkansas River, 6. Wichita and Valley Center, Okla_ _ _ _ __ 1.456 Kans---------------- 1429 25. Polecat Creek, Okla. (Hey- 7. Kaw, Arkansas River, Okla- 1431 burn Reservoir and channel 8. Tulsa and West Tulsa, Ar- improvement)_ --- 1458 kansas River, Okla ....... 1432 26. Fall River Reservoir, Arkan- 9. Jenks, Okla_------------ 1.434 sas River Basin, Kans _ 1461 10. Carthage, Mo_ __ 1435 27. Toronto Reservoir, Arkansas 11. 12. Monett, Mo------------- Fort Gibson Bottom, Okla _- 1436 River Basin, Kans ---.... 1437 28. Hulah Reservoir, Caney River, 1464 13. Dirty Creek Bottom, Okla _ 1438 Okla_ 1465 14. Tucker Lake Bottom, Okla.. 1440 29. Pensacola Reservoir, Arkan- 15. Braden Bottom, Okla ...... 1441 sas River Basin, Okla .... 1467 16. Big Skin Bayou-Camp Creek 30. Markham Ferry Reservoir, Bottom, Okla_ 1442 Arkansas River Basin, Okla 1469 17. Bradens Bend, Okla ....... 1444 31. Fort Gibson Reservoir, Ar- 18. Moffett Bottom, Okla ...... 1.444 kansas River Basin, Okla.. 1471 1423 1424 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. 8. ARMY, 1948 .Flood Control--Continued Flood Control-Continued Page Page 32. Tenkiller Ferry Reservoir, Ar- 41. Emergency flood-control work kansas River Basin, Okla__ 1474 under authority of Public 33. Wister Reservoir, Arkansas Laws Nos. 138 and 318, River Basin, Okla ...... 1476 Seventy - eighth Congress, and Public Law No. 75, Sev- 34. Arkansas River Basin, Tulsa. enty-ninth Congress_ _ 1491 District............ ..... 1479 42. Emergency bank protection 35. Denison Dam (Lake Texoma) work under authority of the Red River, Tex. and Okla_ 1482 .. Flood Control Act approved 36. Red River below Denison December 22, 1944 .. 1492 Dam, Tulsa District_ . 1486 43. Emergency bank protection work under authority of the 37. Boswell Reservoir, Boggy, .Flood Control Act approved Creek, Okla_- ,__ , . ., 1486 July 24, 1946_ ....- _ . 1493 38. Hugo Reservoir, Kiamichi 44. Snagging and clearing under River, Okla __ . 1488 authority of the Flood Con- trol Act approved July 24, 39. Millwood Reservoir,' ''Little S 1946-... ..--- - ---. 1494 River, Ark ..... . 1489 45. Preliminary examinations, sur- 40. Emergency flood-control work veys, and contingencies, for under authority of the Flood' Sflood control __ 1495 Control Act, approved Au- 46.: Inactive flood-control projects 1496 gust 18, 1941.-,,--.,,. 1490 47. Plant allotment-.- 1496 1. ARKANSAS RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES, ARK. AND OKLA. (TULSA DISTRICT) For report on this improvement, see page 1352. 2. EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES (GENERAL) The cost of work during the fiscal year was $1,258.93 and the expenditures were $350.55. The balance unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, $12,048.52, and an allotment of $2,000, a total of $14,048.52, will be applied as needed during the fiscal year 1949 to payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading. The addi- tional sum of $2,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__.. .. ,__ _____. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-. ,1, _________ $666,093.21 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_' 666,093.21 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_-,. --------. 525.91 Net total expenditures -- -----.--- --- ---- 665, 567.30 Unexpended balance, June 30, 19481------------------ -- - 12,048.52 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 77,615.82 6-------------- Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of maintenance............ $46, 965.73 $7, 513.66 $6, 612. 39 $3, 707. 70 $1, 258.93 Total expended ................. 6,672.71 7,955.64 3, 948.33 6,184.61 350. 55 -...------...---...---------........ 8, 200.00 --------------- Allotted------------......................- .............. 10,000.00 2,000.00 RIVERS AND HARBORS--TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1425 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ..... ----------------- ..... $10,399.07 Amount allotted during fiscal year..................... ... 2,000.00 Amount to be accounted for.-,.-.-- - :_-_--- --. . 12,399.07 Gross amount expended --------------------- ......... .. $874,68 Less reimbursed expenditures--.---.--.--. . 524.13 ..... _ _350.55 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948, .x...... . ...--. 12,048.52 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948.,.........-- ...-- , -...... 525.91 Balance available, June 30, 1948.. .. . .. 11,522.61 Amount allotted in July 1948.. - .. __..----- --.---.---.-.. 2,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-......--.... 13,522.61 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance. .--- --.. . ------ - 2,000.00 3. INACTIVE NAVIGATION PROJECTS For last Cost and expenditures to Estimated full report June 30, 1948 amount re- Name of project see Annual am re Report quired to for-- New work Maintenance complete 1. Arkansas River, Okla. above Fort Smith, Ark....----------- --................... 1938 $23, 290.00 $80, 758.00 (1) 2. Red River from Fulton, Ark., to mouth of Washita River, Okla.2....................... 1924 378, 573.82 182,157.05 (3) 1 Channels adequate for existing local commerce. 2 Curtailment of project is recommended in II. Doe. 947, 64th Cong., 1st sess. a Maintenance only. Status of all investigations for navigation called 'for by river, and harbor acts and committee resolutions SDate trans- Rendation Locality Authorizatlon act mitted to Document Congress No. medati Arkansas and Canadian Rivers, River and Harbor Act,........... ..... Okla. and Ark. July 24, 1946. Canadian River and tributaries,; Commerce Committee ... ... for navigation to vicinity of Okla. resolution, Nov. 19, - City, Okla. 1945. Canadian and Arkansas Rivers, River and Harbor Act, ...... .............. Okla. and Ark. July 24, 1946. Red River, Ark., La., Okla. and. Rivers and Harbors....................... Tex., for navigation, flood con- Committee resolution, trol, water power and irrigation., Feb. 25, 1938. Red River, La., Ark., Okla. and Flood Control Commit ..... ........ Tex. and connecting waterways, tee resolution, Jan, 26, singly or together, for navigation, 1939; Rivers and HIar- flood control and irrigation.', bors Committee resolu- tion, Jan.24, 1939; Coin- Inerce Committee reso- lution, Feb. 8, 1939." Red River, La., Ark.', Okla. and Rivers and Harbors......... ..... 4. Tex., extension of navigable Committee resolution, channel from Fulton, Ark., up- Apr. 27, 1944. stream to Denison, Tex.' Wichita River, Tex. navigation, Rivers and Harbors ...-....... - ----.---... ... flood control, water power, irri- Committee resolution, gation or water conservation.' May 9, 1944. , To be incorporated in a comprehensive report on Red River and tributaries, La., Ark., Okla. and Tex,. for navigation, flood control, power, and irrigation, which will be prepared by the Board of Engineers for Rivers and lHarbors. 1426 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, TJ. S. ARMY, 1948 4. EUFAULA RESERVOIR, CANADIAN RIVER, OKLA. Location.-The Eufaula dam site is located on the Canadian River, 27 miles above its confluence with the Arkansas River and about 12 miles east of Eufaula, McIntosh County, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Okmulgee, Canadian, McAlester, and Sans Bois (Okla.) quadrangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for flood control, hydroelectric power, and sediment control on the Canadian River as a part of the multiple-purpose plan for development of the Arkansas River Basin. The concrete and earth-fill dam will be 3,195 feet long and rise 100 feet above the valley floor, and the reservoir will have a storage capacity of 1,460,000 acre-feet for flood- control, 1,560,000 acre-feet for the generation of power and will provide a permanent pool of 1,400,000 acre-feet for siltation, recre- ation, and preservation of wildlife. A concrete channel spillway, controlled by twenty-five 31- by 50-foot gates on the weir crest, provides for the passage of flood flows into the valley below. The powerhouse structure, which will be located near the left side of existing river channel, will be connected to the left abutment by the spillway and a short nonoverflow concrete section, and to the right abutment by a short nonoverflow section and the earth-fill embank- ment. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of the comprehensive system for improvement of the Arkansas River Basin for flood con- trol, navigation, hydroelectric power, and other purposes. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $55,500,000 for construc- tion and $63,000,000 for lands and damages, a total of $118,500,000. The existing project was authorized by the River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946. Local coo peration.-None required. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineeringstudies and investigations were initiated. Because of large increases in estimated costs of relocations and alterations in the reservoir area, investigations were expanded to determine the desirability of re- placing Eufaula Reservoir with two or three smaller reservoirs on the main stem and tributaries. The cost during the fiscal year was $479,097.67 for new work and the expenditures were $464,032.88. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Engineeringstudies and investi- gations preliminary to the preparation of plans and specifications were about 50 percent completed. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $35,967.12, and $400,000 allotted for the fiscal year 1949, a total of $435,967.12 will be utilized to complete engineering studies and investigations preliminary to the preparation of plans and speci- fications during fiscal year 1949. The sum of $320,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new work and continuation of engineering studies and investigations, by hired labor. FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1427 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------- ------------ $479,097.67 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__--------------------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ----- 479,097.67 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------- 15,064.79 Net total expenditures---- -- -------- 464,032.88 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 .-.---- --------.-... _ 35,967.12 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948- 00,000.00 5----------- Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------.................-------...........--..--- ..... .... .--- ------... .$479, 097. 67 Cost of maintenance..------.. . ---------------------------------------------------------- Total expended------------------------ ----------------------------------- 464, 032. 88 Allotted--------------------------------------- ----------- -- _--------00,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------------ $500,000.00 Gross amount expended -------------------------------- 464,032.88 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------ 35,967.12 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------------- $15,064.79 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts--------- 4.281.14 19,345.93 Balance available, June 30, 1948.--- ------ - ----- 16,621.19 Amount allotted in July 1948 ------------------ 400,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949, 416,621.19 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--- _.__117,600,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_ --------------------------- 320,000.00 5. HUTCHINSON, ARKANSAS RIVER, KANS. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on the Arkansas River and Cow Creek, a tributary of the Arkansas River, in the immediate vicinity of Hutchinson, Kans. (See U. S. Geo- logical Survey maps for Lyons and Hutchinson (Kans.) quad- rangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-T--he plan of improvement, as revised in 1945, consists of a 300-foot-wide leveed diversion canal approximately 1 mile west of the city limits of Hutchinson, intercepting Cow Creek at mile 14.9 above its mouth and carrying floodwaters from the creek south for about 2 miles to enter the Arkansas River at mile 822.3 above its mouth. The levee on the left bank of the diversion canal starts at the hills about 4y2 miles north of the canal to intercept all of Cow Creek floodwaters. The combined flow of the creek and: the river is confined past the city by levees on both sides of the river, forming a 1,000-foot floodway. The flanking levee on the right bank of the Arkansas River starts at mile 822.3 above the mouth of the river and extends downstream to mile 818.5 The flanking levee on 1428 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S.. ARMY, 1948 the left bank of the Arkansas River starts at the diversion canal and extends downstream to mile 816.5, with an opening at the mouth of the present Harsha drainage canal. Protection against backwater of the Arkansas River up the existing canal is provided by increasing the height of the existing levees. Additional protec- tion to a rural area west of the diversion canal is provided by a loop levee. The project provides for the protection of 17,460 acres of industrial, urban, and agricultural land, with grade elevation allow- ing a 3-f6ot freeboard above the flow of the maximum probable flood. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1947, is $3,080,000, and the estimated non-Federal cost is $1,700,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved June 22, 1936. Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. Resolutions by the city of Hutchinson, agreeing to meet the requirements were sub- mitted by the city under the dates of March 16 and 30, 1945, and were approved by the Secretary of War on July 4, 1945. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineeringstudies and investigations were continued. The cost during the fiscal year was $3,510.47 for new work, and the expenditures were $9,334.48. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction plans and specifi- cations are complete. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $203,471.06 and the expenditures were $203,454.26, allfor new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $881,545.74, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948--------------------------------- $16.80 New work: Construction of levees, diversion canal, and appurtenant struc- tures, by contract, January 1949 to June 1949-------------325,000.00 Construction of relocations by contract, January, 1949 to June 1949... -------------------------------------------- 532,528.94 Engineering studies and preparation of plans and specifications for railroad relocations, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949- 24,000.00 Total..... ...... --------------- . ...... ..-.... ------ 881,545.74 No additional funds can profitably be expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary. Cost of new work to Jine 30, 1948_ ----- _ ,-....----------$203,471.06 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948. ..--........-------------.. .. ..----------.... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------ 203,471.06 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-----..-----..--.. 16.80 Net total expenditures ---------..... . 203,454.26 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-.-- ---- -..-. --------.-. 881,545.74 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948, - : 1 ,085,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1429 Fiscal year ending Juno 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 ':'1948 Cost of new work-- ....... ,. -$13, 320. 25 $54, 406.61 $74, 887.34 $57, 346.39 $3, 510. 47 Cost of maintenance...... . ..------------------ . . ... . .. -.---. ..--- ------------- Total expended................ 2, 342.34 62,117. 06 83,528.17 46, 132. 21 9, 334.48 Allotted -- .-- 60,000. 00 ---.................... 100, 000. 00 1,300, 000. 00 ..............-- 375, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- ..---- . $1,265,880.22 ..-------.---- Deductions on account of revocation of allotment.: -------. 375,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for--__---------------------- 890,880.22 Gross amount expended_ _ _-_ -,,..-. , _.-----. 9,334.48 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------- ------------- 881,545.74 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------ $16.80 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.-.-- - - 9.00 25.80 Balance available, June 30, 1948 -... _--_ - _ ..- . .. 881,519.94 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------------------- --------------- 1,620,000.00 6. WICHITA AND VALLEY CENTER, ARKANSAS RIVER, KANS. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on the Arkansas River, and Little Arkansas River and Chisholm Creek, tributaries of the Arkansas River, in the immediate vicinity of Wichita and Valley Center, Kans. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Wichita (Kans.), quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of a floodway varying from 2,300 to 2,600 feet in width, beginning at a point about 2 miles northwest of Valley Center and running south for a distance of about 3 miles, intercepting the Arkansas River, thence turning southeasterly along Big Slough, for a distance of about 25 miles, and entering the Arkansas River about 6 miles downstream from Wichita. Along with the construc- tion of the floodway, about 63 miles of levees are provided with an average height of 7 feet and a crown width of 8 feet. The plan of improvement also provides for the construction of about 1.5 miles of diversion channels for the purpose of diverting Chisholm Creek into Little Arkansas River at a point about 1 mile north of Wichita; About 5 miles of channel rectification along Chisholm Creek are also provided. The project provides for protection of people, city prop- erty, and environs. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $10,730,000 and the estimated non-Federal cost is $5,983,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 308, 74th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. The city of Wichita has furnished assurances of local cooperation for the entire project which were approved by the Secretary of War on February 25, 1946. 1430 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies and investigations were continued. Preparation of plans and speci- fications was about 50 percent completed at the end of fiscal year 1948. The cost during the fiscal year was $119,742.13 and the expendi- tures were $123,259.90, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Engineering studies for con- struction plans and specifications were in progress. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $247,645.49, and the expenditures were $246,831.83, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $1,426,168.17, and $490,000 allotted for the fiscal year 1949, a total of $1,916,168.17, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948------------------------------- $813.66 New work: Initiation of construction of levees and floodways by contract, December 1948 to June 1949____ -_____-___- -____ 921,354.51 Initiation of construction of railroad relocations by contracts, December 1948 to June 1949_ -____ _ -_ -__ 870,000.00 Preparation of contract plans and specifications and other engi- neering studies, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949 . 124,000.00 Total for all work ------------------------------- 1,916,168.17 No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- --- _--- --- -.. ____ -- $247,645.49 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_. _ __.__ ____ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ....... 247,645.49 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-_ -------------------- 813.66 Net total expenditures ---- --------.-- _,_--____ 246,831.83 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948- -_--.-------.____-- 1,426,168.17 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 1,673,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work..----------........... . $1, 217.76 $88,998.27 $26, 087.98 $11, 599.35 $119, 742.13 Cost of maintenance ---------------- ------------....------------- ------------ Total expended-----------------................. 1,111.77 92, 586. 85 21, 980.93 7, 892.38 123, 259. 90 Allotted_-...-.......---....-... - 45,000.00 65,000.00 1,063, 000.00. -------------- 500, 000.00 FL001) CONTROLOt--TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1431 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------- $1,049,428.07 Amount allotted during fiscal year ------------------------- 500,000.00 Amount to be accounted for___- ------------- 1,549,428.07 Gross amount expended_-- _ __--- _- ------------ -- 123,259.90 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--,------------- ----- 1,426,168.17 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-- ----- $813.66 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- ----- 9.00 822.66 Balance available, June 30, 1948---- ---- --------- 1,425,345.51 Amount allotted in July 1948_------------------------------- 490,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 --- 1,915,345.51 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_---- ___--------- - 8,567,000.00 7. KAW, ARKANSAS RIVER, OKLA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on the Arkansas River at Kaw, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey map, Kaw, Okla.-Kans., quadrangle, scale 1:62,500.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement contemplated in House Document 308, Seventy-fourth Congress, first session, pro- vides for construction of about 1.3 miles of levee along the right bank of the Arkansas River between miles 664.2 and 662.5 above the mouth of the Arkansas River. The levee provides for the protection of the city of Kaw (population 809, 1940 census) and would have an average height of about 10 feet. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $226,000. The levees and appurtenant works were authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 308, 74th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. Assurances of local cooperation, furnished by local interests, are awaiting ap- proval. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineeringstudies were continued. The cost during the fiscal year was $7,406.92 and the expenditures were $7,602.89, all for new work. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $12,000 and the expenditures were $12,000. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Studies preliminary to prepara- tion of plans and specifications were completed. Proposed operations.--An allotment of $102,000 made in fiscal year 1949 will be applied as follows: New work: Initiation of construction of levee, and drainage structures, by continuing contract, January 1949 to June 1949 --------------- $62,000 Initiation of relocations and construction of pumping plant, January 1949toJune1949--------------------------------------15,000 Preparation of plans and specifications, by hired labor---------- 25,000 Total for all work----- ------------------------------- 102,000 No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. 1432 REPO:RT OF COIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -_ - __--... -__-..-.. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__........_..___.--.---. .- $12,000.00 --- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 19481--------------2,000.00 Net total expenditures--------..----------.---_ .12,000.00 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948 --------------------- 12,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------............. $4,593.08 ---------------------------- 406. $7, 92 Cost ofmaintenance ..... . -- ------------- -----.------ Total expended ------.......--..... .............. 4, 397.11 ....--------------...--......---------------......... 7,602.89 -------------.... Allotted.......... .1 ---- . -------- ------------- ------------ 1 2, 0..00e. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-. --. .... -- ---. -$7,602.89 Gross amount expended_.------ -------------___.--_ 7,602.89 Amount allotted in July 1948--- - ------ .---.---- 102,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949......... ... 102,000.00 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project..-i.-----. .- . ____,.___ __..___.._ 112,000.00 8. TULSA AND WEST TULSA, ARKANSAS RIVER, OKLA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on the Arkansas River at Tulsa and West Tulsa, Okla. (See U. S. Geo- logical Survey maps, Hominy, Okla., and Claremore, Okla., quad- rangles, scale 1 :125,000.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for raising the existing left-bank levee, connecting the discontinuous portions of the levee and constructing a leveed floodway up Black Boy Creek with levees and diversion ditches eastward and westward thereof, and raising the existing right-bank levee to grade and constructing the necessary appurtenances thereto. The left bank levee begins at mile 531.3 above the mouth of the Arkansas River and ends at mile 524.0. The right bank levee begins at mile 526.7 and ends at mile 521.3. The project provides for the protection of 5,020 acres of highly developed industrial, urban, and agricultural land, with grade elevation allowing a 1-foot freeboard above the flow of the maximum probable flood. The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway bridge at mile 526.3 is to be raised to provide 3 feet of freeboard above the maximum probable flood. The estimated Federal cost for construction of levees and appurte- nant works, revised in 1948, is $3,180,000, including $395,400 esti- mated cost of the St. Louis-San Francisco bridge alteration. The estimated non-Federal cost for raising the bridge approaches is $265,000. The levees and appurtenant works were authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 157, 77th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) The alteration to the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway bridge was au- FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT . 1433 thorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-Seepage 7 for requirements. In addition to the usual requirements for local cooperation as provided by law, the State of Oklahoma is required by appropriate legislation to assure that the construction of the bridges or other works which might ad- versely affect the flood-carrying capacity of the channel at the local- ity will not be permitted. Assurances of local cooperation for the original project were approved by the Secretary of War on August 12, 1943. The Flood Control Act approving alteration of the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway bridge requires that local interests shall bear the cost of raising the approaches to the bridge. No assurances of local cooperation for this feature have been furnished to date. Operations and results during the fiscal year.--The project, com- plete except for a few minor items, was accepted by drainage dis- trict No. 12, Tulsa County, Okla., on August 7, 1945. The cost during the fiscal year was $629.30; the expenditures were $765.48, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole, except raising the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Bridge, is essentially complete. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $2,780,982.35 and the expenditures were $2,780,805.11, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $3,794.89, will be applied to accounts payable June 30, 1948, in the amount of $177.24 and the remainder, $3,617.65, will be applied to minor mechanical adjustment and clean-up work. With the expenditure of these funds the project, with the excep- tion of raising the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway bridge, will be completed. No funds will be required for the fiscal year 1950.' Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- ....-------. --- ------ $2,780,982.35 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948,._ .-.-- . .. . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.- 2,780,982.35 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_-- --.- ...--.....-- 177.24 Net total expenditures- -- ..-- 1--....--:. -- - 2,780,805.11. Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ ------.------------ - - 3,794.89 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948. 2,784,600,00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 19465 1946 1947' 1948 Cost of new work- -.....---------....... , $1, 292,616.69 $1, 349, 536.00 $66, 414. 19 $6, 351.46 $629. 30 Cost of maintenance -----........................ I. .................... Total expended.... --.....-....-----1, 125, 554. 21 1, 475, 026. 26 601.69 6,387. 95 765.48 Allotted -.-- .--.----------- - 2, 156, 797.21 68, 600.00 16, 000 00 ----- .- - 4--i-l--- 1434 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--- ----------------------- $4,560.37 Gross amount expended_---------------------------____ 765.48 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 3,794.89 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------------------ 177.24 Balance available, June 30, 1948.- -- - 3,617.65 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project- ---- _------- -- ____ 395,400.00 9. JENKS, OKLA. Location.--The work covered by this project is located on the Arkansas River and Polecat Creek, a tributary of the Arkansas River, in the immediate vicinity of Jenks, Tulsa County, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Claremore (Okla.) quad- rangle, scale 1:125,000.)" Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of about 7.9 miles of levee along the right bank of the Arkansas River between mile 518 above the mouth of the Arkansas River and mile 514.5, and extends along the left bank of Polecat Creek to high ground. The project provides for the protection of the city of Jenks (population 1,026, 1940 census) as well as 1,370 acres of agricultural land, with grade elevation allowing a freeboard above the flow of the maximum probable flood of 3 feet along Pole- cat Creek and 1/2 feet along the Arkansas River. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1946, is $371,000, and the estimated non-Federal cost for lands and damages is $109,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.--Seepage 7 for requirements. Local interests have completed action toward formation of a drainage district, and assurances of local cooperation were approved by the Secretary of War on March 12, 1947. Operationsand results during the fiscal year.-The project, com- plete except for a few minor items, was turned over to drainage district No. 13, Tulsa County, on January 20, 1948. Polecat Creek reached a stage of 29.6 feet at Sapulpa, Okla., upstream from the completed levee, which is equivalent to about 8 feet of flooding in the valley. It is estimated that the complete protection provided by the levee prevented about $60,000 damages during this high-water period. The cost during the fiscal year was $190,576.34 and the expendi- tures were $199,552.83, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole is essen- tially completed. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $312,703.03 and the expenditures were $310,625.20, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $60,374.80, will be applied to accounts payable June 30, 1948, in the amount of $2,077.83 and the remainder will be applied to minor items and clean-up work. FLOOD CONTROI----TULSA, OIKLA., DISTRICT 1435 With the expenditure of these funds the Federal portion of this project will be completed. No funds will be required for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--------- ---------------- $312,703.03 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--------- --------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -----. - 312,703.03 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_ . ------------------- -2,077.83 Net total expenditures---------------- --------------- 310,625.20 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.--------- -------. --- 60,374.80 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--..-------------....... 371,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-............... -.............. $4,749. 89 21, 609. 85 $95, 766.95 $190, 576. 34 Cost of maintenance-............ -...-----..........------ --------------------------------- .........---------------------- Total expended..........................-------------..... 3, 592. 81 22, 399. 20 85, 080. 36 199, 552.83 Allotted....................................... 14, 500. 00 249, 500. 00 - -107, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------------- $152,927.63 Amount allotted during fiscal year------ ........ . .-----.-. 107,000.00 Amount to be accounted for--...--------------... ... .....------ ----- 259,927.63 Gross amount expended -------------------------------- 199,552.83 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------- 60,374.80 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--------------$2,077.83 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts--------- 13,112.20 15,190.03 Balance available, June 30, 1948- .---..------ - --- 45,184.77 10. CARTHAGE, MO. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on Spring River, a tributary of the Grand (Neosho) River in the Arkansas River Basin, in the immediate vicinity of Carthage, Jasper County, Mo. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Carthage (Mo.) quad- rangle, scale 1:125,000.) .Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of about one mile of levee along the south bank of Spring River commencing at mile 68.6 above its mouth and extending downstream to mile 68.0. The project provides for the protection of major industrial and commercial properties as well as transporta- tion facilities in Carthage, with a grade elevation allowing a free- board above the design flood of 4.0 feet. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $185,000, and the estimated non-Federal cost for land's and damages is $26,000. The existing project was authorized by the 1948 Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. (See H. Doc. 445, 80th Congress, 2nd sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. In addition, 1436 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, fV. S. ARMY, 1948 local interests are required to furnish acceptable assurances that the flood-carrying capacity of the existing stream channels will not be decreased'. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or in part. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. There were no costs or, expenditures during the fiscal year. Condition at end of fiscal year.-There have been no costs or expenditures to date. Proposed operations.-No expenditures are proposed for fiscal year 1949. The sum of $185,000 can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1950 for initiation and completion of construction of this project. With the expenditure of these funds it is estimated that the project will be completed and in operation at the end of the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 _.......................... . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.------. Net total expenditures: . . Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948._ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-----.-----, -------------___- -. -_ _ $185,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work..---------------------------------------185,000 11. MONETT, MO. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on Kelly Creek, a tributary of Clear Creek in the Spring River Basin, Ar- kansas River watershed, in the immediate vicinity of Monett, Barry County, Mo. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Monett (Mo.) quadrangle, scale 1;,:62,500.) .Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of floodways and excavated channels which would intercept Kelly Creek about, 2.0 miles upstream from Monett and divert its flows to the north of the city into a tributary valley which joins Clear Creek about 2.4 miles downstream from the mouth of Kelly Creek. The total length of the project would be about 4.2 miles, including about 1.8 miles of.leveed floodway. Flood protection would be provided to commercial and transportation properties in Monett, with a grade elevation allowing a freeboard of 7 feet above the maximum experienced flood. .The estimated ;Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $555,000, and the estimated non-Federal cost for lands and damages is $318,000. The existing project was authorized by the 1948 Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. (See H. Doc. 445, 80th Congress, 2nd sess., which, contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-Seep page 7 for requirements. addition, 'In local interests are required to furnish acceptable assurances that the flood carrying capacity of the existing stream channels and of FLOOD CONTROLT-TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1437 the proposed improvement will not be encroached upon. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or in part. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. There were no costs or expenditures during the fiscal year. Condition at end of fiscal year.---There have been no costs or expenditures to date. Proposed operations.-No expenditures are proposed for fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 .. . -- - - --- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Net total expenditures. Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_----.-..- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of exist- ing project- - --------.----------------------------- o $555,000 12. FORT GIBSON BOTTOM, OKLA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on the left banks of the Arkansas and Grand (Neosho) Rivers, immediately south of Fort Gibson, Okla., and 3 miles east of Muskogee, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Muskogee (Okla.) quad- rangle, scale 1:125,000.) Previous project.-The plan of improvement provided for con- struction of two levees of approximately 370 feet and 1.6 miles in length for protection of agricultural lands. For further details see pages 888 and 889 of the Annual Report for 1937. Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of about 7 miles of levees starting at the edge of Fort Gibson, Okla., on the left bank of the Grand (Neosho) River 2 miles above the mouth and extending in a southwesterly direction to a point opposite the confluence of the Grand (Neosho) and Arkansas Rivers, thence extending downstream along the left bank of the Arkansas River to mile 452.6 above its mouth, tying into high ground adjacent to Manard Bayou. The present authorized project differs from the previously authorized' project in that it provides for a levee grade about 7 feet higher, a continuous levee rather than two short segments, and a compacted earth-fill embankment. The project, as modified, provides for the protection of 3,500 acres of agricultural land, with grade elevation allowing a 1 -foot free- board above the maximum probable flood. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $565,000, and the estimated non-Federal cost for lands and damages is $77,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control ACt ap- proved December 22, 1944, and is a modification of the previous project authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or part. Local inter- ests have stated that they are not willing to meet the requirements 804711---48-vol. 1-91 1438 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 for the authorized project at this time. In conformance with pro- visions of the 1944 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on September 18, 1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Studies preliminary to preparation of construction plans and specifications were dis- continued pending receipt and approval of assurances of local cooperation. There were no costs or expenditures during the fiscal year. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof construction plans and specifications is being held in abeyance pending receipt and approval of assurances of local cooperation. The total cost and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $219.74, all for new work. Proposed operations.-There was no balance unexpended on June 30, 1948. No engineering studies or construction operations are proposed for the fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_---------------______ --- _ $219.74 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--- 219.74 Net total expenditures--------------------------------- -- 219.74 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.. -------------------- 219.74 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-------- --...............----------............ . $214.61 $5.13 .. Cost of maintenance. ---------... ------- ----------------------------- ---------------------- Total expended......----------------....... ------................ 214.61 5.13 .. Allotted..................................... 500. 00 -280. 26 .. ..... Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------- ---------------- ------------ --- $564,780.26 13. DIRTY CREEK BOTTOM, OKLA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on the Arkansas River and Dirty Creek, a tributary of the Arkansas River, in the immediate vicinity of Webbers Falls, Muskogee County, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Muskogee and' San Bois (Okla.) quadrangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of about 13.2 miles of levee on the right bank of the Arkansas River starting at mile 431.2 above its mouth and extending downstream to the confluence of Dirty Creek and the Arkansas River, thence along the left bank of Dirty Creek to high ground. The project provides for the protection of the city of Webbers Falls (population 486, 1940 census) as well as 5,370 acres of agricultural FLOOD CONTROL'L -- TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1439 land, with grade elevation allowing a freeboard above the flow of the maximum probable flood of 12 feet along the Arkansas River and 3 feet along Dirty Creek above the backwater effect of the Arkansas River. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $910,000, and the estimated non-Federal cost for lands and damages is $130,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or in part. Formation of a body legally qualified to furnish assurances of local cooperation has been attempted, and, because of protests, was not completed. In conformance with provisions of the 1944 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on September 18, 1947, that authoriza- tion for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Studies preliminary to preparation of construction plans and specifications were con- tinued. The cost during the fiscal year was $74.75 and the expenditures were $76.47, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof construction plans and specifications is being held in abeyance pending receipt and approval of assurances of local cooperation. The total cost and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $474.30, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $3,025.70 will be applied to continuation of engineering studies by hired labor. No construction operations or engineering studies are proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---------- ------------------- $474.30 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_--------. ---..--- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ------- 474.30 Net total expenditures--- ------------------ 474.30 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948----------------------- 3,025.70 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---1----_ -- 3,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ............... .............. $20.44 $261.03 $118.08 $74.75 Cost of maintenance ...---------- .-----------------. --- -----.------------- _-------- Total expended-........---------.........-------------......... --............----------- 273. 66 124. 17 76. 47 Allotted---------------------- - ----------- 41,000.000 -------- --------.......... --37, 600.00 1440 REPORT OF CHIEF OF' ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947- _ _ --------------------- $40,602.17 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment.----------------- 37,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for ..--------------------- 3,102.17 Gross amount expended--------------- -- ---------. 76.47 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-----------------------3,025.70 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_. -...-------- ----.. ..--- --- ---- 906, 00.00 14. TUCKER LAKE BOTTOM, OKLA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on the right bank of the Arkansas River in Le Flore County, 72 miles south of Sallisaw, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Sallisaw (Okla.) quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the con- struction of about 9.4 miles of levee starting at mile 396 above the mouth of the Arkansas River and extending downstream on the right bank to mile 385. The project provides for the protection of 7,090 acres of agricultural land, with grade elevation allowing 1 2-foot freeboard above the maximum probable flood. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $890,000, and the estimated non-Federal cost for lands and damages is $90,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or part. Local inter- ests are taking necessary steps toward formation of a body legally qualified to furnish the necessary assurances of local cooperation. In conformance with provisions of the 1944 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on September 18, .1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Studies preliminary to preparation of construction plans and specifications were con- tinued. The cost during the fiscal year was $66.17 and the expenditures were $67.76, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof construction plans and specifications is being held in abeyance pending receipt and approval of assurances of local cooperation. The total cost and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $550.94, all for new work. Proposed operations.--The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $32,449.06, will be applied to continuation of engineering studies and preparation of contract plans and specifications, by hired labor, during fiscal year 1949. No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. FLOOD CONTROL -- TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1441 Cost and financial summary . -- Cost of new work to June 30, 1948--_------.-.- ----. - : $550.94 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.... _---..--...... ..... ----- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -----..--.. - 550.94 Net total expenditures --------------------------------- - -- ---- 550.94 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_..------ ------------- 32,449.06 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-_ - --- 33,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948, Cost of new work _---- .-- . -------------- .$30. 65 $343. 31, .. $110,81 $66.17 Cost of maintenance-------------------------------- .----..---------------------------- Total expended--.................-------------...------....-----.......... 370.88 112.30 67.76 Allotted -------------- ------------....................................... 33, 000. 00 .. ..... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------------------- -- $32,516.82 Gross amount expended--- ------------ _------------------ 67.76 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------- 32,449.06 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----....-------------- --------------- 857,000.00 15. BRADEN BOTTOM, OKLA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located' on the right bank of the Arkansas River in Le Flore County, Okla., 12 miles southwest of Fort Smith, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Sallisaw (Okla.) quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for the construction of about 5.6 miles of levee starting at high ground at mile 375.5 above the mouth of the Arkansas River and extending downstream on the right bank to high ground opposite mile 371.4. The project provides for the protection of 2,840 acres of agricultural land, with grade elevation allowing 1~-foot freeboard above the maximum probable flood. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $382,800, and the estimated non-Federal cost for lands and damages is $47,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 1944. (See H. Dec. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met; however, local interests are taking steps to form a conservancy district to furnish assurances of local cooperation. In conformance with provisions of the 1944 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on September 18, 1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineering:studies and investigations were continued. :: 1442 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The cost during the fiscal year was $118.29 and the expenditures were $120.12 all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction plans and speci- fications are complete. The total cost and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $13,360.33, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $15,639.67, will be applied to completion of engineering studies by hired labor, during fiscal year 1949. The additional sum of $353,800 can be profitably expended for new work during the fiscal year 1950 for construction of the proj- ect, by contract, if local interests meet the requirements for local participation. With the expenditure of these funds the project will be completed by the end of the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--- ------ __ __ -- -___.- $13,360.33 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948__ .. __. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-- 13,360.33 Net total expenditures------------------------------------- 13,360.33 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948..-----__--__ -_________-_ 15,639.67 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------- 29,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work - ---------.--------------- $93.35 $13, 027.89 $120. 80 $118. 29 Cost ofm aintenance . - --- ---------- -...-... ... .. ............. -. ....... Total expended --- 51.83 ----------------......----........... 13, 015. 77 61 172. 120. 12 Allotted..------------------- ------------- 21, 000.00 --------------------------- (10 8,000. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------- ---------------------- $7,759.79 Amount allotted during fiscal year_------------ - __----- 8,000.00 Amount to be accounted for- -------- ______________--_ 15,759.79 Gross amount expended. ----------------------------- ---------- 120.12 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..---------------------- 15,639.67 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---- ------------------------------------ , 353,800.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work_ ...--.-----.---------------- 353,800.00 16. BIG SKIN BAYOU-CAMP CREEK BOTTOM, OKLA. Location.--The work covered by this project is located on the left bank of the Arkansas River in Sequoyah County, Okla., 7 miles southwest of Fort Smith, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Fort Smith (Ark. and Okla.) and Sallisaw (Okla.) quadrangles scale 1:125,000.) FLOOD CONTIIROI--TULSA, OKLA., DI)STRICT 1443 Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of about 9.7 miles of levee on the left bank of the Arkansas River starting opposite mile 377 and extending along Big Skin Bayou to its mouth at mile 376 thence downstream to Camp Creek, mile 366. The project provides for the protection of 5,970 acres of agricultural land, with grade elevation allowing a 1 2 -foot freeboard above the maximum probable flood. The estimated Federal cost revised in 1948, is $690,000 and the estimated non-Federal cost for lands and damages is $82,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved December 22,. 1944. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published' maps.) Local cooperation.-See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or in part; however, local interests have asserted their willingness to cooperate with the authorized project. In conformance with provisions of the 1944 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on September 18, 1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satis- factory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Studies preliminary to preparation of construction plans and specifications were con- tinued. The cost during the fiscal year was $47.26 and the expenditures were $47.62, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof construction plans and specifications is being held in abeyance pending receipt and approval of assurances of local cooperation. The total cost and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $209.78, all for new work. Proposedoperations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $2,290.22, will be applied to continuation of engineering studies by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949. No construction operations or engineering studies are proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948- .__.------------------ $209.78 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___ - . __ :_._-----. .- Total cost of permanent work to June 30,1948_ ----- - 209.78 Net total expenditures--__ _---------------------------- 209.78 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------- -------------- 2,290.22 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------- 2,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work------------.--.-- ------------ $48. 51 $92. 30 $21.71 26 $47. Cost of maintenance.... __________ ___________ ____ _ Total expended--------- ------------------ - 44. 83 98. 70 18. 63 47. 62 Allotted........-------------..---............---- 30, 000.00----------,-----.--....-27,500.00 1444 REPORT O' CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947. - - - _ -_-___----- $29,837.84 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment ----------------- 27,500.00 Net amount to be accounted for ----- __--------- 2,337.84 Gross amount expended:.. - _ ------------ 47.62 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_-__ ____ -___---_ 2,290.22 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------ ----------- --------------- 687,500.00 17. BRADENS BEND, OKLA. Location.---The work covered by this project is located on the right bank of the Arkansas River about 1 mile northeast of Braden, Le Flore County, Oklahoma, and about 9 miles southwest of Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Fort Smith (Ark.-Okla.) quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of about 10,000 feet of revetment on the right bank of the Arkansas River downstream from a point opposite river mile 370.4. The project is designed to prevent the Arkansas River from cutting a new channel into the Poteau River opposite that locality, and to protect adjacent agricultural lands. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1946, is $1,000,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 30, 1948. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-None. There were no:costs or expenditures during the fiscal year. Condition at end of fiscal year.-There have been no costs or ex- penditures to date. Proposed operations.-No expenditures are proposed for fiscal year 1949. The sum of $750,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for advance planning, preparation of plans and specifications, and initiation of construction. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ . ..... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___-- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Net total expenditures _ ... .. _- - Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948____ Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.. ..-.-- . --........- .--- . - -... _-- $1,000,000 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work--------------------------------------- 750,000 18. MOFFETT BOTTOM, OKLA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on the left bank of the Arkansas River in Sequoyah County, Okla., directly across.the river and west of Fort Smith, Ark. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Fort Smith (Ark. and Okla.) quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1445 Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of about 13.2 miles of levee on the left bank of the Arkansas River, extending from Camp Creek, mile 365.9 above the mouth of the Arkansas River, downstream to Garrison Creek, opposite mile 358.8. The project provides for the protection of 6,720 acres of agricultural land, with grade elevation allowing a ly'2- foot freeboard above the maximum probable flood. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $1,610,000, and' the estimated non-Federal cost is $120,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved December 22, 1944. (See H. Doc. 447, 78th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or in part; however, local interests have asserted their willingness to cooperate with the authorized project. In conformance with provisions of the 1944 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on September 18, 1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Studies preliminary to preparation of construction plans and specifications were con- tinued. The cost during the fiscal year was $90.68 and the expenditures were $93.81, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.--Preparationof construction plans and specifications is being held in abeyance pending receipt. and approval of assurances of local cooperation. The total cost and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $10,792.03, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $4,207.97, will be applied to continuation of engineering studies, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949. No construction operations or engineering studies are proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ _-_-_--- _ __-------__- $10,792.03 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948______.__ . ___ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--.----_ 10,792.03 Net total expenditures ---------- -------------------------- 10,792.03 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-.---.---------- -------------- 4,207.97 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------- 15,000.00 1446 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 ' 1948 Cost of new work..----------.............----......---......------. $267.42 $10, 234. 44 $199. 49 $90. 68 Cost of maintenance.... ---- ........................................................... Total expended----------- -----------....... ---.. 301.69 10, 209. 54 186. 99 93.81 Allotted......-----................-------- ------------............ 30, 000. 00 -......................... -15, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_---------------------------- $19,301.78 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment_ ------ 15,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for---. .-.--- _--------- .. 4,301.78 Gross amount expended ---------------------------------------- 93.81 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------_ --------------- 4,207.97 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project--------.------.. _-- ------ ___- _-__1,595,000.00 19. OPTIMA RESERVOIR, NORTH CANADIAN RIVER, OKLA. Location.-The Optima dam site is located on the North Cana- dian River about 623 miles above its confluence with the South Canadian River and about 4>2 miles northeast of Hardesty, Texas County, Okla. (See sectional aeronautical chart, Wichita sheet, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control and irrigation in the North Canadian River Basin, Arkansas River watershed, by construction of an earth-fill dam 10,800 feet long and rising 80 feet above the valley floor, with a reservoir pro- viding for the storage of 100,000 acre-feet for flood control, 70,000 acre-feet for irrigation and 90,000 acre-feet for sedimentation reserve. The permanent pool would also be used for recreational and wildlife preservation purposes. A concrete gate-controlled spillway in the right abutment will provide for the passage of flood flows into the valley below. The outlet works will consist of three 36-inch low-flow control pipes. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $16,450,000 for construc- tion, and $1,700,000 for lands and damages, a total of $18,150,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 308, 74th Cong., 1st sess.) The present Optima dam site is an alternate site located approxi- mately 15 miles downstream from the one previously considered in the project document. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineering studies and investigations were continued. The cost and expenditures during the fiscal year were $215.89, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Engineering studies and investi- gations preliminary to preparation of plans and specifications were about 15 percent completed at the end of the fiscal year. FLOOD CONTROI--TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1447 The total cost and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $24,772.99, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1947, $227.01, and an allotment of $50,000 for fiscal year 1949, a total of $50,227.01, will be applied to continuation of engineering studies by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949. No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 _ _- . . $24,772.99 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 19481:...J. .....1. ---. -- ---- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_- _- -... 24,772.99 Net total expenditures- ..-.- ------------------------ 24,772.99 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948._---__- - .- - -- - 227.01 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--_----- - 25,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work-. ....--------........ --...- ...... $15, 015.21 $8, 583.46 $958.43 $215.89 Cost of maintenance----------------------------- ----------------------------------- Total expended___-----------_-_-_ ---.... --. 14,778. 37 8,839.29 944.44 215. 89 Allotted-----------..--------..........--------------.............. 25,000.00.. Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-- ....---------------------- $442.90 Gross amount expended.--------------------------------- 215.89 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948- ------------------ 227.01 Amount allotted in July 1948--- - -50,000.00 -_------------- Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ...... 50,227.01 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----.....- .....-------------------------- 18,075,000.00 20. FORT SUPPLY RESERVOIR, NORTH CANADIAN RIVER, OKLA. Location.-Fort Supply Reservoir is located on Wolf Creek, a tributary of the North Canadian River, about 12 miles northwest of Woodward, Woodward County, Okla. (See sectional aeronauti- cal chart, Wichita sheet, scale 1:500,000,) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control in a portion of the North Canadian River Basin, in the Arkansas River watershed in Oklahoma, by the construction of an earth-fill dam 11,325 feet long at the top, rising 81.5 feet above the stream bed, with a reservoir providing for the storage of 102,000 acre-feet for flood control and 16,000 acre-feet for a permanent pool for recreation and preservation of wildlife. The outlet works, consisting of a semi-elliptical conduit with an area approximately equivalent to a circular section 17.7 feet in diameter, controlled by three 7/~- by 16-foot vertical-lift gates, and a stilling basin, are located in the left abutment. A concrete chute-type spillway, ap- proximately 800 feet long and 540 feet wide, controlled by a concrete 1448 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 weir at the upstream end and terminating in a stilling basin, pro- vides for the passage of flood flows around the left end of the dam into the river valley below. The reservoir controls practically the entire drainage area of Wolf Creek and is operated as a unit of the co-ordinated reservoir system for flood control in the Arkansas River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1946, are $7,319,000 for construc- tion and $216,000 for lands and damages, a total of $7,535,500. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doec. 308, 74th Cong., 1st sess.) Local cooperation.---Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Additional landscap- ing, improvement of surface run-off facilities, and minor clean-up work were continued by hired labor. Miscellaneous ordinary re- pairs were made and the structures were operated and maintained in a serviceable condition throughout the year. Construction of the initial recreational development, by hired labor, was continued. The cost during the fiscal year was $21,475.71 for new work and $52,838.42 for maintenance; which excludes $775.77 representing an increase in undistributed cost during the year. The expenditures were $23,404.11 for new work and $52,056.49 for maintenance, all from regular funds. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole is essen- tially complete and is in operation. The work remaining to complete the project consists of minor landscaping, improvement of surface run-off facilities, minor clean-up work and recreational develop- ment. The total cost of new work to the end of the fiscal year was $7,412,075.87, of which $7,325,038.16 was from regular funds and $87,037.71 from Emergency Relief funds; the total cost of main- tenance was $192,957.82, all from regular funds. The expenditures for new work to the end of the fiscal year were $7,328,083.88 regular funds and $87,037.71 Emergency Relief funds, a total of $7,415,121.59; the expenditures for maintenance were $190,357.91 all from regular funds. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $13,520.50, and accounts receivable, $363.34, a total of $13,883.84, and an allotment of $60,400 for maintenance, made in fiscal year 1949, a total of $74,283.84, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948__--------- ________ __ $2,628.42 New work: Reservoir development, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949--.- --- -- .- --- .--- .--- .--- - .- .4,213.24 .- ..--- Maintenance: Operation of completed project-- J.------------ $9,400.00 Ordinary repairs------ -5-- --..-----.. 52,042.18 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies.... 6,000.00 Total for maintenance.----.---------.-..-.-.--.... 67,442.18 Total for all work ---------------------------------- 74,283.84 FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1449 The additional sum of $202,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Access roads, parking areas, picnic facilities, land- scape and public health and safety facilities by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950 _ _ _ _ ____ $12,500 Construction of administration, maintenance and materials storage facilities, by contract, July 1949 to June 1950..--------- --------------------. 98,000 Engineering studies and design, by hired labor--, 6,000 Total for new work_--------------------------------- $116,500 Maintenance by hired labor: Operation of completed project_------------ . 11,000 Ordinary repairs_ _ -___-- ...---- 41,900 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies- - 10,000 Reservoir management.._-------------------------- 23,100 Total for maintenance------------------------------- 86,000 Total for all work_-.---------------------------------- 202,500 With the expenditure of these funds it is estimated that the project will be completed at the end of the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_-------------- ---------- $7,412,075.87 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------------------- ---- 192,957.82 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 7,605,033.69 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948-------------------- 2,710.89 Net total cost to June 30, 1948 ----.---- --------- :. 7,607,744.58 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948.----------- ------------ 363.34 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948. -------------------- 7,608,107.92 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 2,628.42 Net total expenditures .........-------------------------- 7,605,479.50 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948 ------ ........--------. 13,520.50 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------- 7,619,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-' 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .........------------..... - $27,913.63 $11, 498. 18 $10, 156. 65 $16, 547. 64 $21, 475. 71 Cost of maintenance------------........... 41, 980. 98 20, 259. 87 25, 533.46 34, 85. 94 52, 838.42 Total cost-----.......-- ...........--------..... 69, 894. 61 31, 758. 05 35, 690.11 51,133. 58 74, 314.13 Total expended-----...........--------...... 75, 378. 91 34, 373. 26 32, 411. 32 52,986.40 75, 460. 60 Allotted ........................ -235,000.00 5, 000. 00 55, 000. 00 ------. 65, 000. 00 55 1450 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_.. _ __.. $33,981.10 Am o u n t a l lo t te d d uring fi s ca l y e a r _- -- - - 55,000.00 Amount to be accounted for.... . _______ 88,981.10 Gross amount expended___ ....-.------ . $75,460.99 Less reimbursed expenditures--._.- - - ---- - - -- - .39 75,460.60 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_--. Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------- ...--- 13,520.50 2,628.42 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts------- 197.23 2,825.65 Balance available, June 30, 1948 10,694.85 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- -- --- 363.34 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948- 11,058.19 Amount allotted in July 1948___.... ____ 60,400.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 71,458.19 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project_____ _ ... 116,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work------------_ --------------------------- 116,500.00 For maintenance -------------------------------------- 86,000.00 Total---__-----_____-----_______ ___ 202,500.00 21. CANTON RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, OKLA. Location.-Canton Reservoir is located on the North Canadian River about 394 miles above its mouth and about 3 miles north of Canton, Blaine County, Okla. (See sectional aeronautical chart, Wichita sheet, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for flood control in a portion of the North Canadian River Basin, in the Arkansas River watershed in Oklahoma, by construction of an earth-fill dam 15,100 feet long at the top, rising 68 feet above the valley floor, with a reservoir providing for the storage of 240,000 acre-feet for flood control and 150,000 acre-feet for conservation of water and siltation reserve. Of the conservation storage, 69,000 acre-feet is allocated for future irrigation. The outlet works will consist of three 7- by 12-foot gated sluices through the spillway weir. A concrete spillway, controlled by sixteen 40- by 25-f0oo gates on the weir crest, will provide for the passage of flood flows around the right end of the dam into the river valley below. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of the coordinated reservoir system for flood control in the Arkansas River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $9,451,000 for con- struction and $874,000 for lands and damages, a total of $10,325,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938. (See H. Doc. 569, 75th Cong., 3d sess.) Local cooperation.--Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Construction of spill- way and embankment by contract and clearing of reservoir area FLOOI) CONTROI---rULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1451 and relocation of telephone lines and cemeteries, by contract, were completed. Storage of waters in reservoir to top of permanent pool was commenced in April 1948, and the project was essentially completed for flood control at that time. Features constructed under previous contracts were maintained in a serviceable condition throughout the year. Acquisition of lands and rights-of-way in the reservoir was completed. Planning for recreational development was completed. The cost during the fiscal year was $2,431,762.01 for new work, which excludes $375.06 representing an increase in undistributed costs, and the expenditures were $2,815,117.01. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole is 95 per- cent complete. The work remaining consists of completion of irriga- tion conduit, gate chamber and access roads, operator's quarters, administration and maintenance building, paint and oil storage building, and construction of recreational development. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $9,703,328.44 and the expenditures were $9,791,001.50, 'all for new work. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $30,973.50, accounts receivable, $122,555.71, and allotments of $200,000 and $77,300 for new work and maintenance, respectively, $277,300 allotted in July 1948, a total of $430,829.21, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_----------------------- ------ $35,666.28 New work: Completion of irrigation outlet, July 1948 to December 1948------------------------ $204,000.00 Purchase of crane---------- ------------ 26,500.00 Completion of construction of dam, spillway, and relocations in reservoir area, July 1948 to De- cember 1948-------- ---------------- 37,362.93 Completion of land acquisition, July 1948 to December 1948--------------------- ----- 30,000.00 Engineering design and studies by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949 20,000.00 ...----------- Total for new work- --- ----------------------- 317,862.93 Maintenance: Operation of completed project-------------- 16,400.00 Ordinary repairs---------------------------- 31,900.00 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies__ 29,000.00 Total for maintenance------------------------------ 77,300.00 Total for all work------------ ----------------- ---- 430,829.21 The additional sum of $330,225 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Construction of operators' quarters, administra- tion and maintenance building, and paint and oil storage building, by contract .------------- $122,877.14 Construction of access roads and parking areas, public health and safety measures, and co- operative work with fish and game agencies, by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950.....-. 46,000.00 Engineering studies and designs, by hired labor, , July 1949 to June 1950-------------------- 14,147.86 Total for new work------------------- ....---- - -- $183,025.00 1452 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Maintenance: Operation of project..-----.-...----..-...... $16,100.00 Ordinary repairs---------- .--- ..-..-.-.-- 61,800.00 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies. 20,000.00 Reservoir management-....................... 49,300.00 Total for maintenance- --------------------------- 147,200.00 Total for all work -------------------------------------- 330,225.00 With the expenditure of these funds it is estimated that the project will be about 95 percent complete by the end of fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948__-------------------------$9,703,328.44 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ . .. . . -...... Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948......... 9,703,328.44 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948---... ------.---- _-_-- 783.63 Net total cost to June 30, 1948----------------------- . 9,704,112.07 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948.-.--.-- ----------- 122,555.71 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ---------------------- 9,826,667.78 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_-------------------- 35,666.28 Net total expenditures. .----------------------------- 9,791,001.50 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_.--------------..---.--- 30,973.50 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------- 9,821,975.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ..........-------------..... $22, 044. 77 $229, 547. 29 $448, 526. 38 $4, 236, 287. 08 $2,431,762. 01 Cost of maintenance--....----- ------- ----------------- ----------- I.------------ ------------- Total expended ------ ---................. 21,908.22 227, 978.82 396, 841. 19 3, 994, 766. 55 2, 815, 117.01 Allotted----........----...----------............. -300, 000.00 68, 000.00 4, 250, 000.00 400, 000.00 2,550,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.------ ------------.-- - $296,090.51 Amount allotted during fiscal year.-------------------------- 2,550,000.00 Amount to be accounted for..........-....--.....- 2,846,090.51 Gross amount expended__ .___-_ ------- $2,819,522.01 Less reimbursed expenditures----------------- 4,405.00 2,815,117.01 w . Balance .. .. unexpended, 1. . . . . .- June A . 30, 1948..------------ . ----- . . . .. . . . . . - 30,973.50 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948........ 35,666.28 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts. . 117,800.49 153,466.77 Balance available, June 30, 1948.................. -122,493.27 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948....................... 122,555.71 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948......... 62.44 Amount allotted in July 1948.....-----------...-.-.- 277,300.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 277,362.44 FLOOD CONTROL -- TULSA, OKLA., IDISTRICT 1453 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.-.--- ------ -------. --------- 303,025.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work_. _-------_--------------_-------_ 183,025.00 For maintenance--------------------------------.. 147,200.00 Total--..........---------------------------------------- 330,225.00 22. OKLAHOMA CITY FLOODWAY, NORTH CANADIAN RIVER, OKLA. Location.-The work covered by this project is located on the North Canadian River at Oklahoma City, Okla. (See U. S. Geo- logical Survey map, Chickasha, Okla., quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for con- struction of 13.58 miles of levees along both banks of the North Canadian River. In vicinity of several small creeks entering the river, the levees will extend up these streams to high ground, thus permitting uninterrupted discharge to the river. Drainage struc- tures with flood gates will be placed through the levees in low areas and at existing ditches to facilitate interior drainage. Sufficient openings will be provided in seven railroad and three highway bridges to eliminate obstructions to flows in the floodway. The left bank levee will extend from mile 272.3, about one-half mile west of May Avenue, to mile 263.8, 1 mile east of Eastern Avenue. The right bank levee will extend from mile 271.2, near Pennsylvania Avenue, to mile 263, about 2 miles east of Eastern Avenue. Only minor changes are to be made to the existing channel. The average height of the levees will be 7.5 feet, and 4 feet of freeboard is pro- vided for the maximum flood of record, assuming that the author- ized Canton (under construction), Fort Supply (essentially com- pleted), and Optima Reservoirs are in operation. The project pro- vides for protection of approximately 4,000 acres of highly developed urban and industrial property that would not be fully protected by the authorized reservoirs. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $3,725,000 and the non-Federal cost is $2,050,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved July 24, 1946. (See H. Doc. 572, 79th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or part; however, local interests have recently indicated an urgent desire for flood protection to Oklahoma City and have asserted their willingness to cooperate in the project. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineeringstudies and investigations were initiated. The cost during the fiscal year was $84,849.17 and the expendi- tures were $81,281.20, all for new work. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-Engineeringstudies preliminary to the preparation of plans and specifications were about 85 percent complete at end of fiscal year. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 804711---48-vol, 1---92 1454 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 1948, $18,718.80, and an allotinent of $500,000 for fiscal year 1949, a total of $518,718.80 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948_ ----------- __-_________-_- $3,567.97 New work: Initiation of construction of floodway, by con- tract, February 1949 to June 1949----------- $160,000.00 Initiation of relocations and alterations, by con- tract, February 1949 to June 1949 200,000.00 --------- Engineering design and studies by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949- - 155,150.83 Total for new work..._ "__- 515,150.83 Total for all work. ,_. - ---------- 18,718.80 5------- No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 __------ .---- _._-- _ $84,849.17 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_____ _______ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948_......--... 84,849.17 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- - - 3,567.97 Net total expenditures _ _- ----------- _ 81,281.20 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.. '- -- ---- -- 18,718.80 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-----100,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work...--..-- .....--- ---.......... .........-------------....-- ..--....-------. --........... $84, 849 17 Cost of maintenance ...-- - - -------- . .- - . ------------ - .................. Total expended...----- .... .---.. ---.. --------------------- ------------------- 81 281. 20 Allotted.------------- ....---. . --.--------.-.-.-.- - - ----.--.----- -- .100,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year- -.--- --- _ --------- $100,000,00 Gross amount expended..-. -- -- --- _- _ 81,281.20 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-_- ---------- - 18,718.80 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-- ...- .---.-...--- --.-- 3,567.97 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ----------- --- 15,150.83 Amount allotted in July 1948_--- ------.-- _ ---------- 500,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949 ... _- . 515,150.83 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of -------------- existing project_ .-- ---- ---..---. 3,125,000.00 23. CHEROKEE, SALT FORK OF ARKANSAS RIVER, OKLA.' .Location.--The work covered by this project is located on Cotton- wood Canyon, a tributary of the Salt Fork of the Arkansas River, in the immediate vicinity of Cherokee, Okla. (See sectional aero- nautical chart, Wichita sheet, scale a1:500,000) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for levees FLOOI) CONTROI----TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1455 and other work in connection with a floodway which will divert flows of Cottonwood Canyon away from Cherokee. The south wing levee will begin at high ground southwest of Cherokee and will extend north and east for approximately 2/ miles where it will approach the north wing levee and the floodway will begin. The north wing levee will begin at high ground northwest of Cherokee and will extend south and east for approximately 2 miles to the head of the floodway. The leveed floodway, about 3 miles in length and 300 feet in width center to center of levees, will carry flood flows east to the Great Salt Plains. A concrete-lined drop structure, 293 feet long, 171 feet wide at the weir crest, and 220 feet center to center of levees, will be provided near the upstream end of the floodway, upstream from the Atchison, Topeka & Santa' Fe Railway bridge crossing the floodway. The total length of levees provided is 11.5 miles, with grade elevations for the south and north levees of 3 and 1 feet, respectively, above the height of the confined flow of the maximum flood of record on Cottonwood Canyon. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1948, is $980,000, and the 'estimated non-Federal cost is $160,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 480, 76th Cong., 2d sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.--See page 7 for requirements. To date these conditions have not been met, either in whole or part. In con- formance with provisions. of the 1944 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on October 9, 1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Studies preliminary to preparation of construction plans and specifications were con- tinued. The cost and expenditures during the fiscal year were $184.82, all for new work. SCondition at end of fiscal year.--Preparationof construction plans and specifications is being held in abeyance pending receipt and approval of formal assurances of.local cooperation. The total cost and expenditures to the end of the fiscal year were $28,132.30, all for new work... Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended: June 30, 1948, $3,867.70, willbe applied, to, continuation of engineering studies, by hired labor, .during fiscal year 1949., No construction operations or engineering studies are proposed for the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-------------------------...... $28,132.30 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.............. ,,.. .. . . . . C Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948. .- _- 28,132.30 Net total expenditures ----------------------- ....... 28,132.30 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948...------------------------. 3,867.70 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_:_--- ----- 32,000.00 1456 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work......--- $1,193.05 ..--------...... $20, 570. 24 $3, 650. 54 $2, 533.65 $184.82 Cost ofmaintenance ............ ........... . .-........ ...... .-...................... -........ Total expended ................. 1, 130.50 20, 626. 65 3, 643.91 2, 546.42 184. 82 Allotted--------.... ----------- --...........- 40,000.00 -13,000.00 (---,..... . -30, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947.----_ ___$34,052.52 -------------- - Deductions on account of revocation of allotment----------------- 30,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for.-------------------------4,052.52 Gross amount expended.........--------------------------------------- 184.82 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_.-.-.------__---- 3,867.70 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.. 948,000.00 _.---------------------------------------- 24. GREAT SALT PLAINS RESERVOIR, SALT FORK OF ARKANSAS RIVER, OKLA. Location.-GreatSalt Plains Reservoir is located on the Salt Fork of the Arkansas River 93.5 miles above its mouth, and about 12 miles east of Cherokee, Alfalfa County, Okla. (See sectional aeronautical chart, Wichita sheet, scale 1:500,000.) 'Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control in the Salt Fork Valley in the Arkansas River watershed in Oklahoma, by construction of an earth-fill dam 5,700 feet long, rising 68.5 feet above the valley floor, with a reservoir providing for the storage of 259,000 acre-feet for flood control and 58,000 acre-feet for siltation, recreation, and preservation of wildlife. A concrete cas- cade-type spillway approximately 800 feet long and 338 feet wide, containing three gravity-type concrete weirs, provides for the pas- sage of flood flows around the right end of the dam into the river valley below. The outlet works consist of four ungated 10- by 12-foot conduits through the center section of the upper weir. The reservoir is operated: as a unit of the coordinated reservoir system for flood control in the Arkansas River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1946, are $4,370,000 for construc- tion and $472,000 for lands and damages, a total of $4,842,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June,22, 1936. (See H. Doec. 308, 74th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Additional land- scaping, improvement of surface run-off facilities, and minor clean- up work was continued by hired labor. Miscellaneous ordinary re- pairs were made and the structures were operated and maintained in a serviceable condition throughout the year. Engineering studies for public use facilities continued'. The cost of new work previously reported was reduced $2,799.58 during the fiscal year. The cost of maintenance was $52,675.06. FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1457 Expenditures during the fiscal year were $50,273.45. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole is essen- tially complete and is in operation. The work remaining to complete the project consists of minor landscaping, improvement of surface run-off facilities, minor clean-up work, and recreational develop- ment. The total cost of new work to the end of the fiscal year was $4,481,841.80, of which $4,457,098.21 was from regular fund's and $24,743.59 from Emergency Relief funds; the total cost of mainte- nance was $223,175.06, all from regular funds. The expenditures for new work to the end of the fiscal year were $4,457,096.93 regular funds and $24,743.59 Emergency Relief funds, a total of $4,703,- 227.28 ; the expenditures for maintenance were $221,386.76, all from regular funds. Proposedoperations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $10,272.72, plus accounts receivable, $20.64 and allotments of $125,000 and $60,400 for new work and maintenance, respectively, made in July 1948, a total of $195,693.36 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ----------------------------- $1,810.22 New work: Construction of maintenance building for equip- ment and material storage, and work and repair shops ...............-------------------------------- $53,000.00 Access roads, parking areas and other public use fa- cilities, by hired labor, August 1948 to June 1949 62,000.00 Continuation of engineering studies for reservoir development-.------------------------- 13,158.20 Total for new work-------.....------------------- -- 128,158.20 Maintenance by hired labor: Operation of completed project - ----. $9,400.00 Ordinary repairs--------- ------------------ 49,324.94 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies ... 7,000.00 Total for maintenance ------------------ ---------- 65,724.94 Total for all work--------------------------------- 195,693.36 The additional sum of $118,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Recreational development, by hired labor--- $26,000 Continuation of engineering studies for reservoir devel- opment, by hired labor-....-------------------- - 5,000 Total new work-------------------------------- - 31,000 Maintenance by hired labor: Operation of completed project__ ------- ---------- $11,000 Ordinary repairs- .35,200 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies -------- 21,000 Reservoir management------------........----.................... 19,800 Total for maintenance.------------- ------- ------ 87,000 Total for all work...---------------------- --- - ----- 118,000 With the expenditure of funds shown above for new work, the project will be completed except for reservoir development, 1458 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30; 1948- - - $4,481,841.80 Cost of maintenance to.June 30, 1948-.. ... -...---.. 223,175.06 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 . - -..., -20.64 .4,705,016.86 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948... --------------------- .... 4,705,037.50 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 .. . . .. _ 1,810.22 _ ' Net total expenditures-i' . ' ;-- - -_-.. 4,703,227.28 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948:- _ -- ........--- - ' 10,272.72 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------4,713,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- .$..... ' $9, 468. 12 $8, 881.97 $160, 149. 89 '$11,913. 76 -$2, 799. 58 Cost ofmaintenance-- ....-... 44, 641.83 23, 187. 76 29, 456. 51 35, 543.49 52, 675. 06 54, 109.95 32,069.73 Total cost--------------................. 606.40 189, 47, 457. 25 49, 875.48 Total expended 52, 916. 92 ..-----------............. 32, 434. 46 182, 072. 76 53, 664. 27 50, 273.45 Allotted----........................--------------..........--..-----------. 50, 000. 00 000. 00 35, 000.00 ..............-------------- 58, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947--------------------- ----- $2,546.17 Amount allotted during fiscal year---------- ----------------- 58,000.00 Amount to be accounted for_ - .------------ 60,546.17 Gross amount expended_ ----- ------------------- ------ -- 50,273.45 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1,948.-------------------- 10,272.72 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------------- ---------- , 1,810.22 Balance available, June 30, 1948--...--.... ..--------..------ 8,462.50 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948--------------------- 20.64 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 8,483.14 Amount allotted in July 1948-__ .----------- -------. -185,400.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949- .... 193,883.14 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------------- 232,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work ----------- ------------------------ - 31,000.00 For maintenance ---------------- ------------------- 87,000.00 Total...---- ---------------------------------------- 118,000.00 25. POLECAT CREEK, OKLA. (HEYBURN RESERVOIR AND CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT) Location.-Polecat Creek is a minor tributary to the Arkansas River near Sapulpa, Creek County, Okla: (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Nuyaka, Hominy, and Claremore, Okla., quad- rangles, scale 1 :125,000.) - Existing project.---The plan of improvement provides for flood protection in the Polecat Creek Valley by means of a reservoir at FLOOD CONTROL-TULSA, OKLA., )DISTRICT 1459 mile 48.6, near Heyburn, Okla., and channel improvements at Sapulpa on Rock Creek, its major tributary, and on Polecat Creek below the mouth of Rock Creek. The Heyburn Dam will be an earth- fill structure 2,920 feet long and rising 67 feet above the valley floor with the reservoir providing a storage capacity of 49,500 acre-feet for flood control and 10,200 acre-feet for siltation, recreation and preservation of wildlife. Outlet works will consist of an uncontrolled circular drop inlet conduit. An uncontrolled saddle spillway, lo- cated about 1,000 feet west of the right abutment, will provide for the passage of ,flood flows into the river below. The channel of Rock Creek from mile 4.4 to the mouth will be cleared by removal of debris and about 1.3 miles of this length will be deep- ened. A new bridge will be provided at the United States Highway No. 75 crossing. The channel of Polecat Creek will be cleared from the mouth of Rock Creek, mile 21.2, to the Arkansas River. The im- provements will provide a high degree of protection to 12,540 acres of urban and rural land in the Polecat and Rock Creek Valleys. The estimated Federal cost, revised in 1947, is $2,185,000 for con- struction and $675,000 for lands and damages in the Heyburn Res- ervoir area, a total of $2,860,000. The estimated non-Federal cost is $100,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved July 24, 1946. Local cooperation.--Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies to the Heyburn Reservoir. See page 7 for requirements of local cooperation of the channel improvements. Local interests have completed action toward formation of a drain- age district, and assurances of local cooperation were approved by the Secretary of the Army on January 30, 1948. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Plans and specifica- tions for the project, except operation and maintenance buildings, were completed, and construction of embankment, spillway, outlet works and appurtenances was initiated by continuing contract. Alteration or relocation of highways and utilities in the reservoir area was initiated, by contracts. Acquisition of land for Heyburn Reservoir, by hiredlabor, was initiated. The cost during the fiscal year was $267,639.19 of which $267,- 588.84 was for new work and $50.35 was for undistributed costs. The expenditures were $217,920.28. Conditionat end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole was about 6 percent completed. Improvement of Polecat and Rock Creeks was not initiated during the fiscal year pending completion of action by local interests to meet the requirements for local participation. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $782,079.72; accounts receivable, $18.25; and an allotment of $750,- 000 for fiscal year 1949, a total of $1,532,097.97, will be applied as follows: 1460 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 -_-- ------------------ _ $49,737.16 New work: Continuation of construction of dam and ap- purtenances, by continuing contract, July 1948 to June 1949_----.---_--------- $465,360.81 Acquisition of lands in the reservoir area, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949------...... 460,000.00 Relocation of highways and utilities, by con- tract, July 1948 to June 1949___________ 40Q,000.00 Construction of channel improvements on Pole- cat Creek, by contract (contingent upon com- pletion of requirements of local cooperation by local interests), July 1948 to June 1949.. 110,000.00 Continuation of engineering studies and in- vestigations, July 1948 to June 1949....... 47,000.00 Total for new work ------ 1,482,360.81 . Total for all work_----. , ----.-.----- . . 1,532,097.97 The additional sum of $1,112,500 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Completion of construction of dam and appur- tenant structures, by continuing contract, July 1949 to December 1950.....-.-..-... $651,653.44 Acquisition of lands in reservoir area, by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950_------------ 341,302.84 Channel improvements on Rock Creek, July 1949 to October 1950.--..-. ... 45,000.00 Continuation of engineering studies and in- vestigations, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1950------------- ---------------- 38,043.72 .--.----------- Total for new work_.------------ $1,076,000.00 Maintenance by hired labor: Operation of completed project---------------- 2,700.00 Ordinary repairs 12,700.00 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies. 2,500.00 Reservoir management,...-..-- 18,600.00 Total for maintenance-----.------------ ---------- 36,500.00 ------ Total for all work----............................---..-----------....... 1,112,500.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.-------------------------- $267,588.84 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948... . ..-. .- _.._... . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-------- 267,588.84 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948_-- .--.--- ---.------------ 50.35 "Net total cost to June 30, 1948.--- __- -- -------. - 267,639.19 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 18.25 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948----------------------- 267,657.44 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------------------ 49,737.16 Net total expenditures.-__ _--- -,---.--.---.-...... 217,920.28 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.--------------------------- 782,079.72' Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948..------------- 1,000,000.00 FLOOD CONRO----TULSA, OKLA., 1)ISTLtRCT 1461 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1.948 Cost of new work ....... .... - - -.... .... ----.... ............... .. .. ........ $267, 588. 84 Cost of maintenance -------------- -------------- ---.-----.---------------- _ Total expended----.---. - . --.--..-------------.--. .---------.---- ------- 217, 920. 28 Allotted ----------------.. ---...... ------- --.----..... - - ----- ---..--- ------- 1, 000, 000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year---._ -------- _- - _ .$1,000,000.00 Gross amount expended_. -------------- .--- 217,920.28 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--.------- 782,079.72 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 -------- $49,737.16 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts------ 712,571.30 762,308.46 Balance available, June 30, 1948 .. ...... 19,771.26 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 _ - - - 18.25 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948- :.. . -. ., 19,789.51 Amount allotted in July 1948 --..........------------------ 750,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-- _ ' 769,789.51 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.............----------------- -------------. 1,110,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work------------------------------------ 1,076,000.00 For maintenance ..---------------------------------- 36,500.00 Total ---- ----- . -- ------------------------- -1,112,500.00 26. FALL RIVER RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, KANS. Location.-The Fall River dam site is located on the Fall River about 54 miles above its confluence with the Verdigris River and about 4 miles northwest of Fall River, Greenwood County, Kans. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Eureka (Kans.) quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) . Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control and pollution abatement; in.:the Verdigris River Basin, Arkansas River watershed, by construction of an earth-fill dam about 6,000 feet long and rising 66 feet above the valley floor with a reservoir providing for the storage of 236,000 acre-feet for flood control and 27,000 acre-feet for water supply, pollution abatement, siltation, recreation, and preservation of wildlife. concrete chan- nel spillway, controlled by eight 50- by 25-foot gates on the weir ,A crest, will provide for passage of flood flows into the river valley below. The outlet works will consist of seven 5- by 8.5-foot gated sluices through the spilway weir. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of the comprehensive reservoir system for flood control in the Arkansas River Basin. .The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $10,820,000 1462 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 440, 76th Cong., 1st sess.) Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Construction of dam and appurtenant works by contract was continued. Land acquisi- tion and planning for relocations in reservoir area was continued. Planning for recreational development was continued. The cost during the fiscal year was $3,838,912.52 for new work, which excludes $83.07 representing an increase in undistributed costs, and the expenditures were $3,384,619.77. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole is 56 per- cent complete. Construction of dam and appurtenant works was in progress. Land acquisition and planning for relocations in the res- ervoir area was in progress. The work remaining to be done con- sists of completion of the dam and appurtenant works, acquisition of lands and rights-of-way in the reservoir area, relocation of high- ways and utilities, clearing of the reservoir area, and construction of recreational facilities. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $6,881,110.82, and the expenditures were $6,133,984.37, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $355,515.63, accounts receivable, $480.28, and an allotment of $3,- 983,000 for the fiscal year 1949, a total of $4,338,995.91 will be ap- plied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948_---------------------- _____ $747,849.33 New work: Completion of construction of dam and appurtenances, by contract, July 1948 to January 1949 ------------------- 2,443,344.77 Completion of relocations in dam and reservoir areas, by con- tracts, July 1948 to February 1949_-- - _ _.___ ---- --- 38,000.00 Continuation of land acquisition, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949-..-.------- ------------------- ----- - 1,037,801.81 Continuation of engineering studies and investigations, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949.--------------------- 72,000.00 Total for all work.------------------------------- 4,338,995.91 The additional sum of $410,300 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Completion of land acquisition program-..... $165,742.96 Recreational development of reservoir area, July 1949 to June 1950__.---------------- 89,000.00 Continuation of engineering studies and de- signs by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950.. 22,757.04 Total for new work-.------------------------------ $277,500.00 Maintenance: Operation of completed project.-_..------- $13,200.00 Ordinary repairs-.-- 53,600.00 Stream gaging and reservoir operation-...... 25,000.00 Reservoir management--------------------- 41,000.00 Total for maintenance ------.........---..--------------------................ 132,800.00 Total for all work------------ -----.................................... 410,300.00 FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1463 With the expenditure of these funds it is estimated that the proj- ect will be completed, except for construction of public use facilities, by the end of the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work tQ June 30, 1948 ------------------ $6,881,110.82 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- ....... -6,881,110.82 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948 --------------------------- 242.60 Net total cost to June 30, 1948----------------------- 6,881,353.42 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------------------------ 480.28 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948--------------------- 6,881,833.70 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------- ---- - 747,849.33 Net total expenditures ..--....---....------------..-----------... 6,133,984.37 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 355,515.63 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 6,489,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work -...--------------............ $9, 472. 09 $79, 253. 18 $109, 532. 97 $2, 799, 303.47 $3, 838, 912. 52 Cost of maintenance .... . I --- ---------------- ------- I----------- -------------- Total expended ---------............----- , 405. 75 86, 447.72 84, 966. 56 2, 523,911.98 3, 384, 619.77 Allotted---------- 72, 500. 00 2, 800, 000. 00 .-----------.-------------- 100, 000. 00 3, 417, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------------$323,135.40 Amount allotted during fiscal year-------------------------- 3,417,000.00 Amount to be accounted for-.--------------------- 3,740,135.40 Gross amount expended------------------- $3,390,120.22 Less reimbursed expenditures- __ __ __ ___ 5 500.45 3,384,619.77 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------- 355,515.63 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------- --------- -747,849.33 Balance available, June 30, 1948-------------------- -- 392,333.70 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948- _---- ------- _-.__ 480.28 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948----------- --391,853.42 Amount allotted in July 1948------------- _-------------. 3,983,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 3,591,146.58 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-------------------------------------- 347,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work----------------------------------- 277,500.00 For maintenance------------------ . -------........132,800.00 Total---------- ---------------------------- -- 410,300.00 1464 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 27. TORONTO RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, KANS. Location.-The Toronto dam site is located on the Verdigris River about 271.5 miles above its mouth and 4 miles east of Toronto, Woodson County, Kans. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Fredonia, Kans., quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement prbvides for flood control and water conservation in the Verdigris River Basin by con- struction of an earth-fill dam about 3,400 feet long, with a maximum height of 85 feet above the stream bed. The spillway and control works will be combined in a concrete structure located near the right abutment of the dam. The reservoir will have a total capacity of 195,000 acre-feet, of which 171,000 acre-feet will be for flood control and 24,000 acre-feet for water supply, pollution abatement, silta- tion, recreation and preservation of fish and wildlife. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of the comprehensive reservoir system for flood control in the Arkansas River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $9,270,000 for construc- tion and $5,045,000 for lands and damages, a total of $14,315,000. The project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 440, 76th Cong., 1st sess.) Local cooperation.--Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preparationof con- struction plans and specifications and other engineering studies for flood-control features were continued by hired labor. The cost during the fiscal year was $4,091.10 and the expenditures were $4,653.27, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Preparationof construction plans and specifications was in progress. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $92,489.75, and the expenditures were $91,888.29, all for new work. Proposedoperations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $78,111.71, will be expended as follows: Accounts payable June 30, 1948 ___________ --------------------- $601.46 New work: Continue preparation of construction plans and specifica- tions and other engineering studies, July 1948 to June 1950--------....... 77,510.25 Total for all work-- --------------------------------- 78,111.71 No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary ------------------------ Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948....... .. _.__... _ -... - $92,489.75 .. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948.......... 92,489.75 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 601.46 Net total expenditures- ----------------------------- 91,888.29 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 78,111.71 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 170,000.00 F~LOOD) C()N'I'ItC) U- -- T T~i, Or~n, DI)ISL'ICCT 1465 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 '' 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work .......--------------....... $342.67 $14, 121. 88 $18,053. 63 $4, 827. 66 $4, 091. 10 Cost of maintenance . ._.---- . ..------- . .-__.. . . . . ------------- ---..--------- .. . Total expended ..............------------------. 171. 47 14, 572.13 15, 334.75 6, 103. 86 4, 653.27 Allotted.................................... 110, 000.00 .............. ............ .............. Balance unexpended, July 1,1947 ------------------------------- $82,764.98 Gross amount expended-.......-----------------------..... . 4,653.27 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------- ........---...-------- .78,111.71 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_------------ ---------- 601.46 Balance available, June 30, 1948........-- -----........ 77,510.25 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project----------------------------------- 14,145,000.00 28. HIULAH RESERVOIR, CANEY RIVER, OKLA. Location.-The Hulah dam site is located on Caney River 96 miles above its confluence with the Verdigris River and is about 15 miles northwest of Bartlesville, near Hulah, Osage County, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Pawhuska (Okla.) and Sedan (Kans.) quadrangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control in the Caney River Valley in the Verdigris River Basin, Arkansas River watershed, by construction of an earth-fill dam 5,200 feet long and rising 60 feet above the valley floor, with a reser- voir providing for the storage of 265,000 acre-feet for flood' control and 30,000 acre-feet for conservation, siltation, recreation, and preservation of wildlife. A concrete channel spillway, controlled by ten 40- by 25-foot gates on the weir crest, will provide for the pas- sage of flood flows over the dam into the river valley below. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of the coordinated reservoir sys- tem for flood control in the Arkansas River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $8,299,000 for construc- tion and $3,767,000 for lands and damages, a total of $12,066,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act* approved June 22, 1936. (See H. Doc. 308, 74th Cong., 1st sess.) Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preparationof con- struction plans and specifications for completion of embankment and construction of the spillway and minor works was completed. Construction of the first portion of the embankment and partial ex- cavation of the spillway by contract was completed, and construc- tion of spillway and completion of embankment were initiated. Land acquisition' and relocations in the reservoir area were con- tinued. Engineering studies relative to the value of mineral deposits in the reservoir area were continued. The cost during the fiscal year was $332,750.63 for new work, which excludes $68.30 representing an increase in undistributed cost, and the expenditures were $325,565.74. 1466 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole is about 15 percent complete. The work remaining to be done consists of completion of the dam and appurtenant works, acquisition of lands and rights-of-way in the reservoir area, relocation of highways and utilities, clearing of the reservoir area, and construction of recre- ational facilities. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $1,811,073.09 and the expenditures were $1,754,476.34, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $3,023,662.95, and an allotment of $2,000,000 for the fiscal year 1949, a total of $5,023,662.95, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948_-- __ ----------- ____-- $56,838.12 New work: Completion of construction of earth em- bankment, spillway, and miscellaneous work, by contract, July 1948 to June 1949_ _-----_--------- $3,392,824.83 Relocation of highway and utilities, by continuing contracts, July 1948 to June 1949_ ---- _. _394,000.00 Continuation of land acquisition, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949--------- 996,000.00 Continuation of engineering studies and investigations by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949-__ ____-_ -- -- _- --. 184,000.00 Total for new work- _ ...---- . --- .-------- 4,966,824.83 Total for all work-- .---.---------------------- 5,023,662.95 The additional sum of $4,748,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for new work as follows:, Continuation of construction of dam and appurtenant works by continuing contract, July 1949 to June 1950---------------- $2,457,653.20 Completion of land acquisition, by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950 _ _--------------------- _,224,286.35 --------- 1 Completion of relocations to highways and utilities, by contracts, July 1949 to June 1950____--- --.----------------- 935,614.00 Reservoir development, July 1949 to June 1950 - -- . 26,900.00 Continuation of engineering studies and investigations by hired _----------------_- labor, July 1949 to June 1950_------- 103,546.45 Total for allwork------------------------------ 4,748,000.00 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948----_.---___.-.--.--- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_.. _...... ----... $1,811,073.09 . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 ....---------- 1,811,073.09 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948_._--..---.------ ------ 163.15 Net total cost to June 30, 1948_ .-------------..-- __- 1,811,236.24 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ----------------------- 78.22 Grops total costs to June 30, 1948_-.----------------- 1,811,314.46 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 56,838.12 Net total expenditures ___-___ __-------------- ------ 1,754,476.34 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948------.......................... 3,023,662.95 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948....--.-.--- 4,778,139.29 FLOOD CONTROLr--TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1467 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 $14, 258. 82 Cost of new work ..........--------------. $13, 623.91 $212, 336.07 1, 023, 213.51 $332,750.63 Cost of maintenance....--------- ------------ . .------------------------- ___..--- _--------- ---- 15, 165. 10 Total expended......--------------- 12, 090. 78 195, 341.62 992, 500. 35 325, 565.74 Allotted------......................... -210, 000. 00 35, 000. 00 3, 300, 000. 00 100, 000. 00 1, 100, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------ ------------- $2,249,228.69 Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------------1,100,000.00 Amount to be accounted for -------- --------- .- - 3,349,228.69 Gross amount expended --------------------------------- 325,565.74 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948__ _-- ... ---__ _ 3,023,662.95 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---........ $56,838.12 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts... 2,946,388.47 3,003,226.59 Balance available, June 30, 1948.---------- -----.-. - 20,436.36 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------------- 78.22 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948--- 20,514.58 Amount allotted in July 1948---------------------------- 2,000,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949...... _ 2,020,514.58 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project.---------- ------------------------- 5,287,860.71 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work ----------------------------- 4,748,000.00 29. PENSACOLA RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, OKLA. Location.-Pensacola Dam is located on the Grand (Neosho) River, 77.0 miles above its mouth, and adjacent to the town of Dis- ney, Mayes County, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Pryor, Wyandotte, Vinita (Okla.), and Siloam Springs (Ark.), quadrangles; scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-Duringthe fiscal year 1941 the Grand River Dam Authority, an agency of the State of Oklahoma, under a license dated July 26, 1939, issued by the Federal Power Commission, com- pleted the construction of a reservoir for flood control and hydro- electric power at the Pensacola site in the Arkansas River Basin. The dam is of the concrete, multiple-arch type, 6,565 feet long and 147 feet above the stream bed. The existing dam and reservoir pro- vides 1,653,000 acre-feet of power storage and 245,000 acre-feet of flood-control storage. The flood-control storage lies between ele- vations 745 and 750. However, under the terms of the Federal Power Commission license, the dam and appurtenant structures were constructed to a height which would allow storage of flood waters to elevation 755 (Pensacola datum), when necessary lands and rights-of-way were acquired by the Federal Government. The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, modified the general' comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes for 1468 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1.948 the Arkansas River Basin to include the Pensacola, Markham Ferry, and Fort Gibson Reservoirs in the Grand (Neosho) River Basin in Oklahoma and Missouri, in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Document No. 107, Seventy- sixth Congress, first session. The improvements recommended in that document included a reservoir for flood control at the Pensacola site which provided for 960,000 acre-feet of flood-control storage. The existing project now provides for making available 278,000 acre-feet of flood-control storage between elevations 750 and 755, in addition to the storage provided in the project as constructed by the Grand River Dam Authority. Certain portions of the necessary lands and rights-of-way have been acquired by the Federal Govern- ment through the Southwestern Power Administration, Depart- ment of the Interior, and the Federal Works Agency. The acquisi- tion and partial clearing of additional lands is required at an esti- mated cost of $4,624,386.55. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Advance planning studies were made to determine the extent of lands to be acquired by the Federal Government. The cost during the fiscal year was $6,808.21, and expenditures were $6,159.62, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Real estate planning studies necessary prior to completion of land acquisition program, initiated by other agencies, were about 60 percent complete. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $49,194.76, and the expenditures were $48,546.17. Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended June 30, 1948, $5,840.38, will be utilized to complete real estate planning studies in fiscal year 1949. The additional sum of $1,200,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 to resume the land acquisition program initiated by other agencies. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_----------------- ------ -- $49,194.76 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-............ .... -----.. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--. __.-- 49,194.76 M nus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_-------.--------.-...-. 648.59 Net total expenditures-------------------- ------- 48,546.17 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948..---------------------------- 5,840.38 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948__--------- 54,386.55 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work---------------. . $2,767,31 $6, 808.21 Cost of maintenance-... _ _ ..-.-. .. . .. . . . . Total expended ..........------......-- 2, 896. 26 ---. ..--... ............................ _ 6, 159. 62 Allotted...............-- r---r ..... ..... --- -$3, 204.73 -- ---............ .----. : 12,000. 00 FLOOD CONTROL-'TUJLSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1469 Amount allotted during fiscal year.... .... ............------ $12,000.00 Gross amount expended---...................--.........---.....---------- 6,159.62 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-----, . 5,840.38 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948..-------------- $648.59 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.....- .. 36.00 684.59 Balance available, June 30, 1948---........-. _- ...... 5,155.79 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ----------------------..........------....... ..... 4,570,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work .-------......----------....----.............. 1,200,000.00 30. MARKHAM FERRY RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, OKLA Location.-The Markham Ferry dam site is located on the Grand (Neosho) River, 47 miles above its mouth, and 2.5 miles north and west of Locust Grove, Mayes County, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Pryor and Vinita (Okla.) quadrangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for com- bined flood control and hydroelectric power in this portion of the Grand (Neosho) River Basin, in the Arkansas River watershed in Oklahoma,-by construction of a concrete gravity type dam and earth- fill embankment structure 10,600 feet in total length along the crest, rising 90 feet above the stream bed, with a reservoir providing for the storage of 233,000 acre-feet for flood control and 187,000 acre- feet for power storage. The project will include a powerhouse struc- ture housing the hydroelectric generating equipment, a gate-con- trolled spillway, and two nonoverflow abutment sections. A concrete gravity nonoverflow section will form the left abutment of the struc- ture and the right abutment will be an earth-fill embankment. The powerhouse structure will be located on the left bank with the spill- way structure extending across the existing river channel. The entire dam structure will be topped by a roadway. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of the three-reservoir system for dual- purpose flood control and hydroelectric power on the lower Grand (Neosho) River, and as one unit in the comprehensive plan for flood control of the Arkansas River Basin. The estimated cost, revised in 1948, is $24,575,000 for construc- tion and $8,175,000 for lands and damages, a total of $32,750,000. The existing project was authorized. by the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 107, 76th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Preparationof con- struction plans and specifications and other engineering studies for flood-control features were continued by hired labor. Engineering studies, for design of power plant were continued by contract. The cost during the fiscal year was $9,777.32 and the expenditures were $10,902.79, all for new work. 804711---48---vol. 1-----93 1470 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Conditionat end of fiscal year.-Preparation of construction plans and specifications was in progress. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $275,065.13, and the expenditures were $272,575.13, all for new work. Proposedoperations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $272,881.60, will be expended as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948------- -------- __ _ _.-. . $2,490.00 New work: Completion of preparation of construction plans and specifications and other engineering studies for all features except powerhouse, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949--------------- $220,391.60 Completion of preparation of construction plans and specifications and other engineering studies for power features,/by contract, July 1948 to June 1949_.------ _----. --------- --- 50,000.00 Total for new work..----------- .--------------------- 270,391.60 Total for all work--------------------------------- 272,881.60 The additional sum of $125,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for new work in continuation of engineering studies and investigations, by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-----.--------------_ $275,065.13 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.._._ ............. _ .... _ .-.-...-.-- . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 275,065.13 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_------------------_.2,490.00 Net total expenditures----- --------------------- ---- 272,575.13 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--.....----.-.---.--.. 272,881.60 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 545,456.73 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--........------------....... $31, 177. 89 $73, 727.74 $27, 915.63 $27, 838.61 $9,777.32 Cost of maintenance............ -----...------------------------------------ ----------..................................------------......... Total expended ---------------...... 29, 654. 25 74, 776.43 19, 366.45 33, 396.65 10, 902.79 Allotted......------....-----------......---------------. 100, 000.00 130, 000.00 ........................... . Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_. .. .-...-- ..-- - $283,784.39 Gross amount expended.---------- ------------ $10,939.55 Less reimbursed expenditures------------------- 36.76 10,902.79 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 272,881.60 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948------------ 2,490.00 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts..---..... 199,920.00 202,410.00 Balance available, June 30, 1948- -------. -----.-- 70,471.60 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------------------------ ----- 32,204,543.27 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work .. . * 12.5,000..00--........ 125,000.00 FLOOD CONTROIr-TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1471 31. FORT GIBSON RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, OKLA. Location.--The Fort Gibson dam site is located on the Grand (Neosho) River, 7.7 miles above its mouth, and about 5 miles north and east of Fort Gibson, Muskogee County, Okla. (See U. S. Geo- logical Survey maps for Muskogee and Pryor (Okla.) quadrangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.--The plan of improvement provides for com- bined flood control and hydroelectric power development in the por- tion of the Grand (Neosho) River Basin, in the Arkansas River watershed in Oklahoma, by'construction of a concrete gravity-type dam 2,900 feet long at the top, rising 110 feet above the stream bed, with a reservoir providing for the storage of 922,000 acre-feet for flood control and 365,000 acre-feet for power storage. The project will include a powerhouse structure housing the hydroelectric gen- erating equipment, a gate-controlled spillway, and' two nonoverflow abutment sections. The powerhouse structure will be located on the left bank of the existing river channel with the spillway structure extending across the river channel and a major portion of the right bank flood plain. The entire dam structure will be topped by a roadway. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of the three- reservoir system for dual-purpose flood control and hydroelectric power on the lower Grand (Neosho) River, and as one unit in the comprehensive plan for flood control of the Arkansas River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $30,160,000 for construc- tion and $16,486,000 for lands and damages, a total of $46,646,000. The War Department Civil Appropriation Act, 1947 (Public Law 374, 79th Cong.), approved May 2, 1946, provided that in the con- struction of the Fort Gibson flood-control project in Oklahoma, the Chief of Engineers is authorized and directed to cooperate with the officials of the city of Muskogee in protecting the domestic water supply of such city. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act ap- proved August 18, 1941. (See H. Doc. 107, 76th Cong., 1st sess., which contains the latest published maps.) Local cooperation.--Section2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Constructionof dam and intake section was continued. Relocation of Oklahoma State Highway No. 51 was initiated. Acquisition of lands and rights-of- way in the reservoir area, by hired labor, was continued. Prepara- tion of plans and specifications for construction of the power instal- lation was continued by contract. Engineering studies and investi- gations by hired labor were continued. The cost during the fiscal year was $7,200,942.96 and the expendi- tures were $6,302,647.29, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole is 25 percent complete. Work remaining to complete the project con- sists of completion of dam and appurtenant works, completion of plans and specifications for the powerhouse, installation of hydro- electric power generating equipment and related facilities, comple- tion of land acquisition, and completion of alteration or relocation of highways and utilities in the reservoir area. 1472 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $11,709,662.95 and the expenditures were $10,651,658.26, all for new work. Proposedoperations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $2,101,341.74, accounts receivable, $143.57, and an allotment of $6,800,000 for the fiscal year 1949, a total of $8,901,485.31 will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- $1,058,548.97 New work: Construction of dam and appurtenant works, by continuing contract, July 1948 to June 1949----------- ----- $3,278,293.59 Relocations to railroads, highways, and utilities, by continuing contracts, July 1948 to June 1949-....-.......-... _ 2,814,163.42 Acquisition of lands in reservoir area, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949-.. 1,272,479.33 Design of power facilities, by contract, July 1948 to June 1949----.---------- 23,000.00 Manufacture and furnish four turbines and generators, by contract, July 1948 to June 1949-------------------------- 258,000.00 Preparation of plans and specifications for miscellaneous items and .engineering studies by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949-_ ---- -- --- - 197,000.00 Total for new work.._-------.----------------------7,842,936.34 Total for all work --- ---------------------------- 8,901,485.31 The additional sum of $14,131,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Construction of dam and appurtenant works, by continuing, contract, July 1949 to June 1950_ . :____..... .... _ $5,979,548.06 Initiation of construction of powerhouse, and related facilities, by continuing contract, July 1949 to June 1950-.... 1,956,986.29 Relocations to railroads, highways, and utilities, by continuing contracts, July 1949 to June 1950---------.. - 3,307,200.00 Development of recreational facilities, July 1949 to June 1950. 88,000.00 Acquisition of lands in reservoir area, by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950 __ 1,792,220.72 Preparation of plans and specifications for miscellaneous items 'and engineering studies, by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950- --. - -. - -. -- -- - 176,044.93 Continuation of manufacture of turbines and generators, by contract, July 1949 to June 1950... .-- ".orne -- -- _ .rk..-- 700,000.00 Total for new work.. ...... 14,000,000.00 Maintenance: Operation of completed project .......... 6,500.00 Ordinary maintenance and repairs....... 43,500.00 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies. . _- .- 25,000.00 Reservoir management-....-.-...----- 56,000.00 Total for maintenance.................-.......... 131,000.00 Total for all work -.------------------------------ FLOOD CONTROIL---TUISA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1473 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -...... ...-.. . $11,709,662.95 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.. -- --------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 1----------11,709,662.95 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948....------------------------------- 400.71 Net total cost to June 30, 1948-- -------------- 11,710,063.66 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 143.57 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ------- 11,710,207.23 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948: - -......... 1,058,548.97 Net total expenditures -------------------------- 10,651,658.26 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_--------- -- --- - . 2,101,341.74 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-..---- -.. 12,753,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work- .............------------$711, 705. 07 $547, 372.07 $216, 228.25 $1,914, 534.42 200,942.96 $7, Cost of maintenance---...---------------- --------------------------- -- --------- Total expended.... ...-- -------..... 717, 996.76 534, 879. 34 205, 984. 59 1,771, 362.05 6, 302, 647. 29 Allotted-------------------......................... -100, 000.00 103, 000. 00 5, 175, 000. 00 150, 000. 00 5, 000. 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------ , --- -- $3,403,989.03 Amount allotted during fiscal year - - ...-----.---. ,. .-. 5,000,000.00 Amount to be accounted for --. .-- 8,403,989.03 Gross amount expended--_ - - - $6,303,727.29 Less reimbursed expenditures 1,080.00 6,302,647.29 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 --------------- 2,101,341.74 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948----------1,058,548.97 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts- 1,065,242.95 2,123,791.92 Balance available, June 30, 1948.. ..-- .-- 1. -- 22450.18 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 ----------- ----.. - -- . 143.57 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948 -- -- -- 22,806.61 Amount allotted in July 1948..----------------------------- 6,800,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-.... . 6,777,693.39 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ------------------ ---------------- 27,093,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in. fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work -.......---------------------- ----- ------- 14,000,000.00 For maintenance----------------------- ------- --- 131,000.00 ..---------------------------------.. Total--- $14,131,000.00 1474 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 32. TENKILLER FERRY RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, OKLA Location.-The Tenkiller Ferry dam site is located on the Illinois River 13 miles above its confluence with the Arkansas River and about 7 miles northwest of Vian, Sequoyah County, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Muskogee (Okla.) and' Tahlequah (Okla. ahd Ark.) quadrangles, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control in the lower portion of the Illinois River Valley and in the Arkansas River watershed in Oklahoma, by construction of an earth-fill dam 3,000 feet long and rising 156 feet above the valley floor, with the reservoir providing for the storage of 600,000 acre- feet for flood control and 30,000 acre-feet for conservation. A gated concrete spillway will be provided in a saddle in the right abutment. The outlet works will consist of one 19-foot diameter gated conduit through the saddle ridge. Provision for power installation will include a 19-foot gated conduit, adjacent to the outlet conduit, for a power penstock. A dike about 1,350 feet long and with a maxi- mum height of 35 feet will extend along the saddle between the dam and spillway. The estimated costs for the project, revised in 1948, are $20,- 450,000 for construction and $3,800,000 for lands and damages, a total of $24,250,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938. (See Committee Document No. 1, 75th Cong., 1st sess.) The River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized modification of the existing project to provide for a storage of 600,000 acre-feet for flood control, 345,000 acre-feet for power draw-down and 285,000 acre-feet for dead storage, and the installation of two generators with a total capacity of 34,000 kilo- watts. Local cooperation.--Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results duringfiscal year.-Constructionof access road and initial portion of embankment were initiated, by continu- ing contract. Plans and specifications, by hired labor, for construc- tion of outlet and diversion tunnels, gate tower, and spillway and service road, were essentially completed. Engineering studies and designs, by hired labor, for completion of embankment, construc- tion of spillway, and other features, were continued'. Land acquisi- tion for the project, by hired labor, was initiated. The cost during the fiscal year was $1,250,281.30 and the expendi- tures were $1,160,581.85, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Construction of access road and initial portion of the embankment was about 15 percent complete, and the project as a whole was about 6 percent complete. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $1,634,757.28 and the expenditures were $1,534,054.59, all for new work. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $1,589,150.14 and an allotment of $2,800,000 made in fiscal year 1949, a total of $4,389,150.14 will be applied as follows: FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., I)ISTRICT 1475 Accounts payable, June 30, 1948__--------.--- _--------- $103,891.82 New work: Continuation of construction of dam and appurtenant works, by continuing con- tract, July 1948 to June 1949------ ......--- $3,508,627.37 Acquisition of lands in reservoir area, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949.... 291,005.99 Relocation or alteration of roads and utili- ties in the reservoir area, by continuing contract, July 1948 to June 1949..._ 125,000.00 Continuation of detailed plans and other engineering studies, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949. __--------------- 360,624.96 Total for new work----.......---------..---------------- 4,285,258.32 Total for all work---------------- ---------------- 4,389,150.14 The additional sum of $6,146,200 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950 for new work as follows: Continuation of construction of dam and appurtenant works by continuing contract, July 1949 to June 1950--------------- $3,467,000 Continuation of land acquisition program, by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950----------------------------- --.- 858,000 Purchase of turbines and generators, by continuing contract, July 1949 to June 1950 ---------------- _ _ ----------- 450,000 Continuation of relocations and alterations of roads and utilities in reservoir area, by continuing contract-- --- -- - 1,221,200 Continuation of engineering studies and designs, by hired labor, July 1949 to June 1950 - - ----- - - --------------- -- 150,000 Total for all work _ ----------- ----------------------- 6,146,200 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948---.......................---------------------- $1,634,757.28. Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948...- ----------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--------- 1,634,757.28 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------- ------- , 3,189.13 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948----------.-------- 1,637,946.41 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------ ------ 103,891.82 Net total expenditures --------------------------- 1,534,054.59 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--_----------------------- 1,589,150.14 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-..-.--- - 3,123,204.73 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 - 1947 1948 Cost of new work . ......------.-- $12, 392.03 $45, 131.78 $24, 907. 14 $224, 632. 52 $1, 250, 281.30 Cost of mlaintenance....------------------------- .----------------------------------- Total expended.....----------.. 11,199. 29 43, 878. 94 19,101.87 221, 487. 70 1,160, 581.85 Allotted- . --------..........--- ..-------------- -26, 795. 27 950, 000. 00 .............. 2, 000, 000.00 1476 REuPOiT OF CHIIEF O1F ENGINEERS, U..S. ARMY, 1948 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 -------------------------- $749,731.99 Amount allotted during fiscal year-__-. ----.-----.-------- 2,000,000.00 Amount to be accounted for------------------------- 2,749,731.99 Gross amount expended--- ......-.. ------ $1,161,947.85 Less reimbursed expenditures --------------- 1,366.00 1,160,581.85 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-_ --- __- -__ -- 1,589,150.14 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948 ....... - 103,891.82 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts_ 1,493,634. 64 1,597,526.46 Balance available, June 30, 1948_-- .----.--.------ -- 8,376.32 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948------__------. ------..-- 3,189.13 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948---------- -- 5,187.19 Amount allotted in July 1948_ --------------------- __- 2,800,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....-.. 2,794,812.81 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project------------ ----------------- - 18,326,800.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work-.-- ----------------- ---- 6,146,200.00 33. WISTER RESERVOIR, ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, OKLA. Location.-The Wister dam site is located on the Poteau River about 61 miles above its confluence with the Arkansas River and about 2 miles south of Wister, Le Flore County, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Winding Stair (Okla.) quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control in the Poteau River Valley in the Arkansas River watershed by construction of an earth-fill dam about 5,700 feet long and rising 68 feet above the valley floor, with a reservoir providing for the storage of 400,000 acre-feet for flood control and 30,000 acre-feet for siltation, recreation and preservation of wildlife. An uncon- trolled concrete spillway located in a ridge in the right abutment will provide for passage of flood flows into the valley below the dam. The outlet works consist of two 16-foot by 12-foot, 10-inch gated conduits near the present channel. A dike about 2,400 feet long and 40 feet in maximum height is provided in the right abut- ment. 'The reservoir will be operated as a unit of the coordinated reservoir system for flood control in the Arkansas River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $6,073,900 for construc- tion and $4,034,100 for lands and damages, a total of $10,108,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, ap- proved June 28, 1938. (See Flood Control Committee Doc. 1, 75th Cong., 1st sess.) Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28 ,1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-Constructionof dam and appurtenances, and relocation or alteration of highways and utilities in the reservoir area, by continuing contract, were con- tinued. Engineering studies and designs were continued. FLOOD CONTROI----TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1477 The cost during the fiscal year was $2,213,928.91, of which $2,- 213,847.98 was for new work and $80.93 was for undistributed costs. Expenditures were $2,066,768.76, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole was about 50 percent complete. Construction of dam and appurtenant struc- tures, and relocation of utilities in the reservoir area were in pro- gress. Acquisition of land, and engineering studies, were being continued. The total cost to the end of the fiscal year was $5,046,584.03 for new work and $379.99 was for undistributed costs, for a sum total of $5,046,964.02 of all costs. The expenditures were $4,653,127.28, all for new work. Proposed operations.-The balance, unexpended on June 30, 1948, $1,629,372.72, accounts receivable, $354.17, and an allotment of $3,525,000, a total of $5,154,726.89, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June 30, 1948----------------------------- $394,190.91 New work: Completion of construction of dam, spillway, and outlet works, by continuing contract, July 1948 to April 1949W'--------- -- $1,152,051.55 Construction of operators' quarters, adminis- ,J tration and maintenance building,paint and oil storage building, and related facilities, by contract, September 1948 to June 1949 220,000.00 Completion of alterations and relocations in reservoir area by continuing contract, July 1948 to June 1949--------------------- 1,704,418.34 Completion of land acquisition program, July 1948 to June 1949----------------- 1,684,066.09 Total for new work.....-----------------------------......... 4,760,535.98 Total for allwork_ ------------------------------- 5,154,726.89 The additional sum of $252,600 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work: Construction of access trails and parking areas, installation of drinking water and other public use facilities, and public health and safety measures ------------------------------------------- $77,500 Maintenance: Operation of completed project-----------------.-.. $13,000 Ordinary maintenance and repairs------------------- 61,600 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies.--------- 25,000 Reservoir management.----------------------- 75,500 Total for maintenance --------------------------------- 175,100 Total for all work ------------------------------- - 252,600 With the expenditure of these funds the project will be 95 per- cent complete at the end of fiscal year 1950. 1478 REPORT OF CIIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. 'ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948. .------------ $5,046,584.03 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948___....._.__.._.._ . Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948..-. 5,046,584.03 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948---------...........---.......------------------... 379.99 Net total cost to June 30, 1948-_.--.. -------------- -5,046,964.02 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948--..-------. ------- _ 354.17 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948----- ----------- 5,047,318.19 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948..------------------------ 394,190.91 Net total expenditures .----------------------------- 4,653,127.28 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948---....................---------------- .... 1,629,372.72 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 6,282,500.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-.---.----. ------ $30,408.10 $61, 493.86 $175,822.10 $2, 487, 992.05 $2, 213, 928. 91 Cost of maintenance----------.... ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------- --------- Total expended-......-......... 24, 009. 52 66,842.65 154, 396. 14 2, 264, 331.43 2, 066, 768.76 Allotted......--------- ------ -------- -----------........ ........ 2,550,000.00 200,000.00 000.00 3,325, Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------- ---- . --.- $371,141.48 Amount allotted during fiscal year_ -------------------------- 3,325,000.00 Amount to be accounted for_-...--. -- .--- ------- 3,696,141.48 Gross amount expended ------------------- $2,130,044.65 Less reimbursed expenditures--------------- 63,275,89 2,066,768.76 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 -------------------- 1,629,372.72 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-....... --394,190.91 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts__ 1,175,321.36 1,569,512.27 .. Balance available, June 30, 1948-.. 59,860.45 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-..._,-..__.........__ --.. 354.17 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948------------ 60,214.62 Amount allotted in July 1948 . ._ _-- _i .-. --- . --. -. - 3,525,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949...... 3,585,214.62 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ...----------.------ ------------------- 300,500.00 Amount that 'can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work--------.------------.------------- 77,500.00 .. For maintenance------------- -- ----- ----------- 175,100.00 Total- - ------------------------------------ 252,600.00 FLOOD CONTROL--TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1479 34. ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN, TULSA DISTRICT Location.-These improvements are located on tributaries of the Arkansas River and are in the States of Kansas and Oklahoma. More definite locations of the individual items are given in the following paragraph. Existing project.--The Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, approved the general comprehensive plan for flood-control and other purposes in the Arkansas River Basin, as set forth in Flood Control Committee Document 1 (75th Cong., 1st sess.), with such modifications thereof as in the discretion of the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers may be advisable, and authorized the sum of $21,000,000 for reservoirs, for the initiation and partial accomplishment of the plan, the reservoirs to be selected and ap- proved by the Chief of Engineers, subject to the provision that the authorization shall include the Canton Reservoir on the North Cana- dian River in Oklahoma, as set forth in House Document 569 (75th Cong., 3d sess.). The Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941, modified the general comprehensive plan for,the Arkansas River Basin to include the reservoirs in the Grand (Neosho) River Basin in Oklahoma and Missouri and in the Verdigris River Basin in Kansas, in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Documents 107 and 440. (76th Cong., 1st sess.), and in addition to previous amounts, authorized to be appropriated the sum of $29,000,000 for the prosecution of the comprehensive plan. The Flood Control Acts approved December 22, 1944, and July 24, 1946, authorized to be appropriated the additional sums of $35,000,000 and $40,000,000, respectively, for the prosecution of the comprehensive plan. The reservoirs included in the compre- hensive plan within the limits of the Tulsa district are listed below: Distance " Power Total Reservoir River Distabove earest town Maximum height of Reservoir estimated mouth dam and type capacity ment- cost,revised in 1948 1 IQ, 00 Miles Acre-feet Kilowatts Canton'---- - .- _ _ North Canadian-------------- 394 Canton, Okla--------- 68 feet-earth-fill -------------- 390,000 (3) $10,325, 000 00 Mannford. _ .----------------- Cimarron--- ----------------- 20 Mannford, Okla..------------............ 120 feet-earth-fill------------- 600, 000 (3) 34, 680,000 Toronto 2_ ----- Verdigris------------------- 271 Toronto, ans------------- 85 feet-earth-fill- --------. 195, 000 (3) 14, 315, 000 H Fall River'--- _-_-__---- Oologah------..... _ eFall ----- - - - - - - 54 Fall River, Kans _; -- l _--- 94 feet--earth-fill_ -------- 263, 000 (3) 10, 820, 000 ..---- -Verdigris---- - 90 Oologah, Okla..........., ....100 feet-earth-fill---..-.. . 815, 000 14, 000 31, 050, 000 Tenkiller Ferry - - - _ Illinois---------------------- 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ 13 Vian, Okla----------...... ..------. 160 feet-earth-fill------------- 630, 000 34, 000 24, 250, 000 Wister _______________________ Poteau---------------------- 61 Wister, Okla..............-------------- 83 feet-earth-fill-------------- 430,000 (3) 410, 108, 000 Neodesha__ ----------------- Verdigris ---- 223 Neodesha, Kans------------............... 35 feet--arth-fill_ 90, 000 (3) 13, 070, 000 Elk City (Table Mound)...... Elk - -.........-... 9 Independence, Kans--------- 95 feet--arth-fill. - ----- - 289, 000 (3) ' 19, 570, 000 Markham Ferry 3- Grand (Neosho)---------.__- -47 Locust Grove, Okla---------........... z Vj - 90 feet-concrete, earth-.....- 420, 000 72, 000 32, 750, 000 Fort Gibson -__ - do----------------------- 7.7 Fort Gibson, Okla------- -- 110 feet-concrete gravity- - 1, 287,000 73, 800 46,646,00 0 1 Includes reservoir management and facilities for public use of the reservoir area. 2 For details of this project, see individual report. 3 None. 4 Does not include power installation. z p 08 00 V1 V FLOO)D CONTROIr-TUJPSA, OKLA., DISTRICtII 1481 The River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946, authorized modification of the existing project to provide a navigable channel by canalization of the Arkansas River from the Mississippi River to the mouth of the Verdigris River (429 miles) and the Verdigris River for 52 miles to Catoosa, Rogers County, Okla., and the con- struction of Blackburn, Mannford,1 Taft, Oologah,' Markham Ferry,' Fort Gibson,' Webbers Falls, Tenkiller Ferry,' Eufaula, and Short Mountain Reservoirs in Oklahoma, 2 and Ozark and Dar- danelle Reservoirs in Arkansas 3 for navigation, flood control, power development, and for other purposes at an estimated cost of $435,- 000,000, which is in addition to the amounts required for the in- cluded projects previously authorized. Local cooperation.-Section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of continuation of construction of the Canton, Fall River, Fort Gibson, Tenkiller Ferry, and Wister proj- ects; continuation of preparation of construction plans and speci- fications for the Toronto, Tenkiller Ferry, and Markham Ferry projects; and continuation of preparation of preliminary plans and estimates; engineering studies and surveys in connection with the Mannford, Oologah, Neodesha, and Elk City (Table Mound) proj- ects. All of the work was by hired labor except the construction work and power studies made in connection with the Markham Ferry and Fort Gibson projects. The cost during the fiscal year was $60,244.09, for new work, and the expenditures were $61,388.16. Condition at end of fiscal year.-The general comprehensive plan is approximately 10 percent complete. Five of the projects are under construction, preparation of construction plans and speci- fications is well under way on two projects, and engineering studies and detailed plans are under way on the remaining four projects. The total cost, exclusive of projects reported elsewhere, to the end of the fiscal year, was $489,426.15 and the expenditures were $486,- 100.38 all for new work. Proposed operations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $88,899.62, will be applied as needed during fiscal year 1949 to pay- ment of expenses incurred for engineering studies, surveys, and detailed plans for projects in connection with the general compre- hensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Arkansas River Basin. The additional sum of $500,000 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1950 for advanced planning studies for projects other than those reported elsewhere. With the expenditure of these funds it is estimated that advanced planning studies will be approximately 40 percent complete by the end of fiscal year 1950. 1Previously authorized in comprehensive flood-control plan for Arkansas River Basin. 2Tulsa district. 3 Little Rock district. 1482 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ _ - _ $489,426.15 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-. 1.__ Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 489,426.15 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- -------------- 3,325.77 Net total expenditures------------------------------- 486,100.38 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948.-------------------------- 88,899.62 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 575,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- S1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work--------------...............$45, 367. 48 $89, 417. 55 $68, 690. 76 $45, 517. 63 $60, 244. 09 Cost of maintenance ---- ... - ------------- --- ------- -- T'otal expended.................---47, 922. 94 82, 468.91 72, 730.39 41, 453.44 61, 388.16 Allotted---......................... 25, 000.00 60,000.00 210,000.00- ------------- -65,000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947---------------------------$215,287.78 Deductions on account of revocation of allotment_- - 65,000.00 Net be accounted for .-.. . _----------- 150,287.78 Gross amount expended --...-.... ------------------------ 61,388.16 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_--------------------..88,899.62 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948--.--. -i.------------ 3,325.77 Balance available, June 30, 1948 -------- . .----.-.. _ 85,573.85 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ........------------------ - 97,795,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work .------------------ -- -------- 500,000.00 35. DENISON DAM (LAKE TEXOMA), RED RIVER, TEX. AND OKLA. Location.--The Denison Dam is located on Red River, 751 miles above the mouth of the river and 5 miles northwest of Denison, Tex. (See U. S. Geological Survey maps for Denison, Tex., and Tisho- mingo, Okla., quadrangles; scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a rolled-fill dam 15,200 feet long, rising 165 feet above the stream bed with a reservoir providing 2,690,800 acre-feet of flood-control storage, '1,813,800 acre-feet of power storage, and 1,211,100 acre-feet for accumulation of silt. The outlet works con- sisting of a gate-control house and eight conduits, each 20 feet in diameter, and the powerhouse,' are located on the right abutment. A chute-type spillway ilocated in a'saddle on.the right bank will discharge through a creek to a point 1 mile below the dam. The plan of improvement also provides for the diversion of the Washita River and the construction of levees to protect the Cumberland oil field from inundation. The project provides for flood protection to lands in Texas, Okla- homa, Arkansas, and Louisiana, for the generation of power, im- FLOOD) CONTROL--TUIJLSA, ()KLA., DISTRICT 1483 provement of navigation, regulation of the flow of the Red River, and for other beneficial uses. The estimated cost of the project, revised in 1946, is $33,785,000 for construction and $26,215,000 for lands and damages, a total of $60,000,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, and amended by section 4, Public No. 868, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session, approved October 17, 1940. (See H. Doc. No. 541, 75th Cong., 3rd sess., which contains the latest published maps.). The congressional act, Public Law 454, Seventy-eighth Congress, chapter 456, second session, approved September 30, 1944, provided that from and after the enactment of that act the lake formed by the impounding of waters of the Red River by Denison Dam, shall be known and designated on the public records as Lake Texoma. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act,.approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Miscellaneous equip- ment for completion of the first power unit was installed. Engineer- ing studies for installation of a second power unit were continued, and construction work was continued. Extension of riprap on United States Highway 70 and Oklahoma State Highway 99 em- bankment and approach fills at certain localities in the reservoir area was completed. Clearing for malarial control in the Penning- ton Creek area was completed, by contract. Relocations and clearing of the reservoir area were essentially completed and land acquisi- tion was completed except for minor areas at the head of the reser- voir. General improvements to the control area and reservoir, operation studies were continued. Detailed planning for reservoir management and public use of the reservoir area was continued and minor portions were constructed; however, by agreement between the Secretary of War and Secretary of the Interior on April 16, 1946, the National Park Service is to make future developments for public use and manage the reservoir area, except for the dam site area. The cost during the fiscal year was $1,648,044.95 of which $1,647,260.10 was for new work, $784.85 was for undistributed costs, and $411,748.78 for maintenance. The expenditures were $1,816,436.62: Conditionat end of fiscal year.-The project as a whole is about 94 percent complete and is in operation. The work remaining to complete the project is completion of riprap on highway embank- ments, completion of the installation of the second power unit and appurtenances, minor improvements to operating facilities on the dam site, and completion of land acquisition. The total cost for new work to the end of the fiscal year was $56,495,367.63 and $6,719.69 was for undistributed costs. The expenditures were $56,190,692.99, all from regular funds. The total cost for maintenance to the end of the fiscal year was $1,151,- 797.45 and the expenditures were $1,144,735.21, all from regular funds. . Proposedoperations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, 1484 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 $1,772,392.84, accounts receivable, $6,276.40, and allotments of $1,000,000 and $310,400 for new work and maintenance, respec- tively, made in July 1948, totaling $1,310,400, a total of $3,089,- 069.24, will be applied as follows: Accounts payable, June,30, 1948 -- _--- _--------- $324,732.97 New work: Installation of second power unit, including. transformers, switchboard, and related equip- ment, by continuing contract, July 1948 to June 1949 ________ --- ______--_ $1,666,901.72 Extension of guardrail on embankment (road- way), by contract, July 1948 to September 1948_ . . -. . __ .. .. . . .. ___ ._ 26,000.00 Construct public comfort station, by continuing contract, July 1948 to November 1948 ..- 51,000.00 Construct maintenance building and workshop, by continuing contract, December 1948 to June 1949 ----------------------------- 170,000.00 Acquire additional lands in Love County, and complete boundary line survey, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949------------- 339,000.00 Continue overlook building, including con- struction of access area, by continuing con- tract, November 1948 to June 1949 ..--------- 110,000.00 Complete repairs to 6 service gates to outlet works, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949 23,000.00 Complete improvements to control area, in- cluding lighting, roads and fencing, by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949------------- 12,000.00 Engineering studies and designs by hired labor, July 1948 to June 1949- -- ---- 44,000.00 Total for new work .._.. ...- . 2,441,901.72 ._____-__--------- Maintenance: Operation of coinpleted project ------------- 85,000.00 Ordinary maintenance --------------------- 118,534.55 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies 118,900.00 Total for maintenance ----------------------------- 322,434.55 Total for all work- --------------------------- 3,089,069.24 The additional sum of $774,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 as follows: New work:. Installation of vitreous tile floor in powerhouse- .- $55,000 Construction of riprap protection along right bank of tailrace below training wall ----------------------- 185,000 Continuation of construction of access roads, parking areas and other public health and safety measures.. - Continuation of boundary line survey, by hired labor._ _ 10,000 30,000 Continuation of engineering studies, investigations, and designs----------------------- -------------- 20,000 Total for new work--------------- ----------------- $300,000 Maintenance: Operation of completed project-..--.------- 110,300 Ordinary maintenance ------- -------------------- 149,500 Stream gaging and reservoir operation studies--..-------..... 150,000 Reservoir management___--- ------------------ 64,200 Total for maintenance- -------------------------- . 474,000 Total for all work----_ --------..-.- --------- .774,000 FLOOD CONTROIr---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1485 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_--- ...... .. .. .- $56,495,367.63 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.. --. ----- -1,151,797.45 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948-........ 57,647,165.08 Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948.---- -- -- ------ - 6,719.69 Net total cost to June 30, 1948_ .-. ----------------- 57,653,884.77 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 - .----.- -- . 6,276.40 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948_-------------------- 7,660,161.17 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948..... .. .... ----------- 324,732.97 Net total expenditures ------------------- ---------- 57,335,428.20 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_.----.----.---.---- 1,772,392.84 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_.--- . 59,107,821.04 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work .-----------. $15,711,165. 57 $2, 465, 710. 27 $1, 224, 304. 09 $997, 581. 53 $1,647, 260.10 Cost of maintenance-- ------...........--------------. 194, 934. 78 249, 439. 26 295, 674. 63 411, 748. 78 Total cost-------------................ 15, 711, 165. 57 2, 660, 645. 05 1, 473, 743. 35 1, 293, 256. 16 2, 059, 008. 88 Total expended------------................ 16, 044, 707. 17 2, 257, 768. 84 1, 212, 238. 44 1, 214, 153. 77 1, 816, 436. 62 Allotted....................-------------- --------------. 1,196, 000.00 4, 350,000.00 100, 000.00 -77, 000.00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947_--------------------- ----.$3,665,829.46 Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------------- 423,000.00 Amount to be accounted for -------------------- 4,088,829.46. Deductions on account of revocation of allotment.. --- 500,000.00 Net amount to be accounted for----.---- ------ 3,588,829.46 Gross amount expended- ---------------- $1,816,501.68 Less reimbursed expenditures -------------- 65.06 1,816,436.62 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948------------------- 1,772,392.84 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---...--.... 324,732.97 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts.._ 1,454,283.60 1,779,016.57 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------ -6, 623.73 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948 .............--------------........... 6,276.40 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948..----- -- 347.33 Amount allotted in July 1948.--------------------------- 1,310,400.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949-..--... 1,310,052.67 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project-....--- --------------- --..--... 1,056,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950: For new work:.-------.--- --------------- --------. 300,000.00 For maintenance-- .........-----------------------------.................. 474,000.00 Total- ---------------- ---------- _-------------- 774,000.00 804711---48--vol. 1- 94 1486 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 36. RED RIVER BELOW DENISON DAM, TULSA DISTRICT Location.--The work covered by this project is located on the Red River and its tributaries below Denison Dam, in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana. Existing project.-The Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946, 'approved the general plan for flood control on Red River below Denison Dam, Texas and Oklahoma, which provides for the con- struction of six flood-control reservoirs in combination with exist- ing or authorized Federal and non-Federal levee improvements, modified as required, and channel stabilization at locations where levee setbacks are impossible or uneconomical. This act further authorized the incorporation of the several separate existing proj- ects for flood control along the Red River below Denison, above the jurisdiction of the Mississippi River Commission, into this project. The total estimated increased cost to the United States (revised in 1947) is $105,100,000 for construction and lands and damages. (See H. Doec. 602, 79th Cong., 2d sess.) Following are lists of the reservoirs in the Tulsa district included in the general flood-control plan for the Red River below Denison Dam: Storage Esti- Project 1 Stream Drainage mated area Conser- Flood cost vation control Square miles Acre-feet Acre-feet Boswell Reservoir----------.. Boggy Creek, Okla ....------------ 2, 300 30, 0(8) 950, 000 $19, 900,000 Hugo Reservoir----------...........-- Kiamichi River, Okla-...------ 1, 700 20, 000 830, 000 17, 000, 000 Millwood Reservoir--------.......... Little River, Ark-------------............. 4, 100 50, 000 2, 190, 000 39, 500, 000 Total...-------......--..---. .......... ------...------------------------------------------.......... 76, 400, 000 1Details are presented in individual reports. 37. BOSWELL RESERVOIR, BOGGY CREEK, OKLA. Location.---The Boswell dam site is located on Boggy Creek, 17 miles above its mouth, and about 3 miles west of Soper, Choctaw County, Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Antlers (Okla.) quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control in the Red River Basin by construction of an earth-fill dam 12,250 feet long and rising 65 feet above the valley floor, with a reservoir providing for the storage of 950,000 acre-feet for flood control and 30,000 acre-feet for siltation, recreation and preserva- tion of wildlife. A concrete channel spilway, controlled by eleven 50- by 25-foot gates on the weir crest, will provide for the passage of flood flows into the river valley below. The reservoir will be operated .as a unit of a reservoir system for flood control in the Red River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $17,840,000 for construc- tion and $2,060,000 for lands and damages, a total of $19,900,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood' Contr61 Act, ap- proved July 24, 1946. FLOOD CONTROIr--TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1487 Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.---Engineering studies and surveys were initiated. The cost during the fiscal year was $50,221.22 and expenditures were $50,140.23, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Advance planning studies nec- essary prior to preparation of plans and specifications were about 30 percent complete at the close of the year. The total cost for new work to the end of the fiscal year was $50,221.22 and expenditures were $50,140.23. Proposedoperations.--The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $39,859.77, will be utilized during fiscal year 1949 for engineering studies and surveys, by hired labor. The additional sum of $200,000 can be profitably expended during fiscal year 1950 for continuation of engineering studies and prepa- ration of plans and specifications, by hired labor. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 -l-- $50,221.22 .. .--------------- Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-- - . .,.....-_._.--.--- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948- :---...: . - 50,221.22 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.----------------- .. ---. 80.99 Net total expenditures....----..--------- - -.--...... 50,140.23 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_,---................ 39,859.77 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_1- -------- 90,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 80-- 1944 1945 , 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work-..........--- - -- ------------------------------.. $50,221.22 Cost of maintenance..--..--------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------- Total expended---.-----------------------------------------------------.-50, 140.23 Allotted-.-.-.------ ---- --------------------- ---------------- . 90,000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year.--..-- -- l---_-- - $90,000.00 Gross amount expended.------------------------------ ---- 50,140.23 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948_ . ---------------- . 39,859.77 Outanding liabilities, June 30, 1948---------------- $80.99 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts---------........ 1,222.68 1,303.67 Balance available, June 30, 1948-.- ----------------- 38,556.10 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project. 1-------------------------------..- 19,810,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work.. ........... ........... 200,000.00 1488 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 38. HUGO RESERVOIR, KIAMIbHI RIVER, OKLA. Location.-The Hugo dam site is located on the Kiamichi River, 20 miles 'above its mouth, and about 7 miles east of Hugo, Choctaw County; Okla. (See U. S. Geological Survey map for Alikchi (Okla.) quadrangle, scale 1:125,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control in the Red River Basin by construction of an earth-fill dam 6,300 feet long and rising about 65 feet above the valley floor, with a reservoir providing for the storage of 830,000 acre-feet for flood control and 20,000 acre-feet for siltation, recreation and preserva- tion of wildlife. A concrete channel spillway, controlled by nine 50- by 25-foot gates on the weir crest, will provide for the passage of flood flows into the valley below. The reservoir will be operated as a unit of a reservoir system for flood control in the Red River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $15,500,000 for con- struction and $1,500,000 for lands and damages, a total of $17,000,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved July 24, 1946. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operations and results during fiscal year.-Engineeringstudies and surveys were initiated. The cost during the fiscal year was $23,695.94 and the expendi- tures were $23,665.37, all for new work. Condition at end of fiscal year.-Advance planning studies nec- essary prior to preparation of plans and specifications were about 15 percent complete at the close of the year. Proposedoperations.-Thebalance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $36,334.63, will be utilized during fiscal year 1949 for engineering studies and surveys. The additional sum of $120,000 can be profitably expended dur- ing fiscal year 1950 for continuation of engineering studies and initiation of the preparation of plans and specifications, by hired labor. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 . _---------------- ----- $23,695.94 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948.-..-.... _-..-.-. -.. -.- - Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------------- 23,695.94 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------------------- 26.53 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948_----. ------------- 23,722.47 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948- .-------.. ------ 57.10 Net total expenditures-------------------------------- 23,665.37 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_.------------------------ 36,334.63 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948------------ 60,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL----TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1489 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 ------------ Cost of new work............... $23, 695.94 --------------- ---------------...-----------........ ----------- Cost of maintenance..--------- ------------ ------------- I--------------.----------- --------- ----------- 23,665.37 -----------------------... Total expended.........---------------------------- Allotted---.............------ -- ------------- ------------------------- ---------- ---- 60, 000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year--------------------------- $60,000.00 Gross amount expended-------............-----....................---------------------- 23,665.37 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948-------------------- 36,334.63 Outstanding liabilities,. June 30, 1948-------------- $57.10 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-......... 1,220.19 1,277.29 .-- Balance available, June 30, 1948--_.-----.------ - 35,057.34 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948----------------- --------- 26.53 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948...--.-- 35,083.87 Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project ---------------------------------- 16,940,000.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for new work.--------------------- -------- 120,000.00 39. MILLWOOD RESERVOIR, LITTLE RIVER, ARK. Location.-The Millwood dam site is located on the Little River, 1.4.8 miles above its mouth, and about 10 miles northwest of Fulton, Hemistead County, Ark. (See sectional aeronautical chart, Shreve- port sheet, scale 1:500,000.) Existing project.-The plan of improvement provides for flood control in the Red River Basin by construction of an earth-fill dam 18,900 feet long and rising about 62 feet above the valley floor, with a reservoir providing for the storage of 2,190,000 acre-feet for flood control and 50,000 acre-feet for siltation, recreation, and preserva- tion of wildlife. A concrete channel spillway, controlled by twelve 40- by 30-foot gates on the weir crest, will provide for the passage of flood flows into the valley below. The resrvoir will be operated as a unit of a reservoir system for flood control in the Red River Basin. The estimated costs, revised in 1948, are $27,260,000 for con- struction and $12,240,000 for lands and damages, a total of $39,- 500,000. The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act, approved July 24, 1946. Local cooperation.-Section2 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 28, 1938, applies. Operationsand results during fiscal year.-None. There were no costs or expenditures during the fiscal year. Condition at end of fiscal year.-There have been no costs or ex- penditures to date. Proposed operations.-No expenditures are proposed for fiscal years 1949 or 1950. 1490 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948_ ----------- - ------------------ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948---------, ----- ---- ---------- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------------------- Net total expenditures-_-----.------ ---- -- Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948---------------------------- Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project---------------------------------- $39,500,000.00 40. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 18, 1941, AS AMENDED The Flood Control Act, approved August 18, 1941, as amended by the Flood Control Acts approved July 24, 1946, and June 30, 1948, authorized the allotment from flood-control appropriations of not to exceed $2,000,000 for any one fiscal year to be expended in rescue work, or in the repair or maintenance of any flood-control work threatened or destroyed by floods. Pursuant to this act, the total amount of $313,970 was allotted to the combined Denison and Tulsa districts for rescue work and emer- , gency repairs. No rescue work was accomplished during the fiscal year. Repairs were made to levees damaged by the floods during the spring of 1945. The cost during the fiscal year was $6,914.37 and expenditures were $10,287.78. , The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $51,419.41 will be applied to the payment of expenses incurred under this heading. In addition to the above, funds were allotted under provisions of section 9 of the Flood Control Act, approved June 15, 1936, for emergency flood-control work in the Tulsa district. For further in- formation, see Mississippi River Commission report, emergency work on tributaries of Mississippi River. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ... Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948_.------ . - $263,613.09 .------------ STotal cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948------......... 263,613.09 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948 .......------------------------ 1,062.50 Net total expenditures-- -_---------------------- . 262,550.59 .......... Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-...-------- -- 51,419.41 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------- 313,970.00 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cost of maintenance.-..... - -$67,037.05 $2,962.95 $164,273.90 $22,424.82 $6, 914.37 Total expended....--------...... . 65,943.49 4,055.01 164, 268.10 17, 96. 21 10, 287.78 Allotted---------..................--- ....... 20, 000.00 195, 000. 00 --- . .. 48,970.00 FLOOD CON.TROL-TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1491 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947...........-------------- $12,737.19 *. . ----- Amount allotted during fiscal year ...-- .--- ------ . 48,970.00 Amount to be accounted for--_---------------------- ------ 61,707.19 Gross amount expended- -.-...---------------------------- 10,287.78 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948----------- --------- 51,419.41 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_.------- -- ;$1,062.50 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts---------....... 574.00 1,636.50 Balance available, June 30, 1948-...-- - --- ------.--. -49,782.91 41. EMERGENCY FLOOD-CONTROL WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC LAWS NOS. 138 AND 318, SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, PUBLIC LAW NO. 75, SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS, AND PUBLIC LAW NO. 102, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS Because of the heavy demands for emergency repair work to flood-control structures, damaged or destroyed by the disastrous floods which occurred in the springs of 1943, 1944, and 1945, Con- gress, in the act approved July 12, 1943, Public No. 138, Seventy- eighth Congress; in the act approved May 29, 1944, Public No. 318, Seventy-eighth Congress; in the act.approved June 5, 1945, Public 'Law No. 75, Seventy-ninth Congress, and in the act approved June 23, 1947, Public Law No. 102, Eightieth Congress authorized amounts of $10,000,000, $12,000,000, $12,000,000, and $15,000,000, respectively, to be appropriated as emergency funds to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repairs, restoration, and. strength- ening of levees and other flood-control works which have. been threatened or destroyed by recent floods or which may be threat- ened or;destroyed by later floods., The amount of $929,445.56 was allotted to the Denison and Tulsa districts from funds provided in the 1943, 1944, and 1945 acts, for emergency repair work on flood- control structures damaged by floods in those years. Actual operations were continued throughout the fiscal year 1948, and consisted principally of placing fill material for repair, restora- tion, and strengthening of levees ,damaged by floods in 1944 and 1945. Operations performed under this heading are essentially completed. :The cost during the fiscal year was $38,377.44 and the expendi- tures were $36,864.92, all ::for repairs and restoration. SAn allotment of $65,880.13 was made during the fiscal year 1948. The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948, $29,015.21, will be ap- plied to the payment of expenses incurred under this heading during fiscal year 1949. Cost and financial summary - Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 ......... , Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948 ------------------------ $901,942.87 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948 -------- 901,942.87 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948. .. -1,512.52 Net total expenditures ------------------------------- 900,430.35 1492 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ ----------------- -------- 29,015.21 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948-------------- 929,445.56 Fiscal year ending June 3,0- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 C ost of new work ...... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . Cost of maintenance-----------............ $173, 985. 13 $483, 874. 13 $179,139. 20 $26, 566. 97 $38, 377. 44 Total expended..------..............-------- 160, 434.88 479, 589. 50 191, 315. 10 32, 225. 95 36, 864. 92 Allotted ---......................... 224, 250.43 769, 315. 00 -55,000.00 -75,000. 00 65, 880. 13 Amount allotted during fiscal year-___-----____ __ -- - $77,969.54 Ddductions on account of revocation of allotment --------------- 12,089.41 Net amount to be accounted for------_ ----.---. _ ._ -65,880.13 Gross amount expended_ - -------------------------- 36,864.92 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--__-__-_____________ 29,015.21 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948-------------- $1,512.52 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts--------- 436.63 1,949.15 Balance available, June 30, 1948------------------------ 27,066.06 42. EMERGENCY BANK PROTECTION WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED DECEMBER 22, 1944 The Flood Control Act, approved December 22, 1944, authorized the sum of $500,000 to be appropriated as an emergency fund to be expended for the construction of emergency bank protection works to prevent flood damage to highways, bridge approaches, and public works. Pursuant to this act the amount of $100,000 was allotted to the Tulsa district in 1945 for emergency bank protection in the vicinity of Bradens Bend, Okla. Engineering studies determined that more immediate necessity for work of this type existed on the Arkansas River at Tulsa, Okla., and for that reason the remainder of the funds amounting to $98,213.26, was reallotted to emergency bank protection at the latter location. Work at Tulsa using these funds has been completed by contract and hired labor. There were no costs or expenditures during the fiscal year. Total cost to date was $1,786.74 for new work and $52,208.79 for maintenance. Total expenditures were $53,995.53. The unexpended balance of $46,004.47 on June 30, 1948, is avail- able for revocation. No expenditures are proposed for fiscal years 1949 and 1950. Cost and financial summary a Cost of new work to June 30, 1948.--------------.-.-.-----.. - $1,786.74 Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------ 52,208.79 -------------------.. Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948............. 53,995.53 Net total expenditures -....................--------------------......------....----------........... 53,995.53 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_----------- ----------...... 46,004.47 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948................ 100,000.00 FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1493 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of now work ...........------......------.......... ------- $1, 255.92 $530.82 ........ . - Cost of maintenance--..............---------------.........- ... 50, 940. 84 $1, 267.95 .......----- - - Total cost--------------................. .............-------------- 1,255. 92 51, 471.66 1,267. 95 ...........-------- Total expended.................-------------- 1, 210. 66 48, 707. 33 4, 077.54 -------- Allotted.....................................----------- 100,000.00----------------------- --------- Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947------------- --------------- $46,004.47 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948--------------------------- 46,004.47 43. EMERGENCY BANK PROTECTION WORK UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED JULY 24, 1946 The Flood Control Act approved July 24, 1946 authorized the Secretary of War to allot not to exceed $1,000,000 per year for the construction of emergency bank protection works to prevent flood damage to highways, bridge approaches, and public works, when in the opinion of the Chief of Engineers such work is advisable: Pro- vided that not more than $50,000 shall be allotted for this purpose at any single locality for any one fiscal year. Pursuant to this act the total amount of $50,000 was allotted during the fiscal year 1948 for emergency bank protection work on the Arkansas River in the vicinity of Haskell, Oklahoma. The cost during the fiscal year and total cost to date was $1,720.81 and expenditures were $1,504.15, all for maintenance. The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948, $48,495.85, will be utilized to complete the emergency bank protection work in the vicinity of Haskell, Oklahoma, during the fiscal year 1949. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948------------- ---------------- - Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948-------------------------- $1,72081 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948--- 1,720.81 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948------------------------ - 216.66 Net total expenditures.--------------------------------- 1,504.15 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_ ---------------------------.. 48,495.85 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948--------------- 50,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work..--.------.-- ------------------------ ------------- ------------------------ Cost of maintenance-- ------ ------------ ----------------------- ------------- - $1,720.81 Total expended.........------------------.---------. --------- ------------- , 504.15 Allotted----.............---------------------- ---- --------- -------------------------- 50,000.00 1494' REPORT OF' CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Amount allotted during fiscal year,-. _ ...- _ __-_--$50,000.00 Gross amount expended ---------------- 1,504.15 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948---------------------- 48,495.85 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948----------------. _----- 216,66 Balance available, June 30, 1948 ------------------------- 48,279.19 44. SNAGGING AND CLEARING UNDER AUTHORITY OF SECTION 2 OF THE FLOOD CONTROL ACT APPROVED AUGUST 28, 1937, AS AMENDED. The Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937, as amended by the Flood Control Acts approved August 11, 1939, August 18, 1941, and July 24, 1946, authorized the allotment of not to exceed $1,000,000 from the flood-control appropriations for any one fiscal year for removing accumulated snags and' other debris, and clearing and straightening ,the channel in navigable streams and tributaries thereof, when such work is advisable in the interest of flood control, provided that not.more than $50,000 shall be allotted for this purpose for any single tributary for any one fiscal year. Pursuant to this act ,the total amount of $50,000 was allotted during the fiscal year 1948 for Slough Creek, tributaryof Red River. The cost :during 'the fiscal year, and total cost to date, was $1,823.93, and expenditures were $1,625.82, all for new work. The unexpended balance on June 30, 1948, $48,374.18 will be utilized to complete the work under this heading on Slough Creek during the:fiscal year 1949.: , Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948-- __1-_ ..-....... . . Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948- :. _.... -. -$1,823.93 .1_-- Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948...........-------------- 1,823.93 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948_--------- ----------- - 198.11 Net total expenditures------ --------.- -....-- . 1,625.82 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948-_ -_------_---_-_-_-___ 48,374.18 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948...--......... -- 50,000.00 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 ' .' 1945' 1946 ' 1947 1948 Cost of new work.....-- -.... ............... .............. ---- $1,823.93 .----............. ------.............. Cost of maintenance-------------------------------------- ---..............1, 625.82 Total expended------.--.......--......---------.--.--..........--------------.............. Allotted------...... -----... ---...----.....------------- ------------ ----- -- 50, 000.00 Amount allotted during fiscal year-_-------- --------------- $50,000.00 Gross amount expended-------- ---------------------------- 1,625.82 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948 .._......-------------- 48,374.18 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948_- 198.11 .--------------------- Balance available, June 30, 1948.---- -.---- --.------ 48,176.07 FLOOD CONTROL--'TtLSA, OCKLA., DISTRICT 1495 45. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS, SURVEYS, AND CONTINGENCIES FOR FLOOD CONTROL The cost of work during the fiscal year was $47,887.95. The ex- penditures were $47,601.29. ,The balance unexpended on June 30, 1948, $67,556.18, and an allotment of $190,000 for the fiscal year 1949, a total of $257,556.18 will be applied to payment of expenses to be incurred under this heading during fiscal year 1949. The additional sum of $241,600 can be profitably expended dur- ing the fiscal year 1950. Cost and financial summary Cost of new work to June 30, 1948 --------- -_---_.-_-_ Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1948------.......----- .... $1,742,326.72 Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1948---------- 1,742,326.72 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.,--------------------- , 421.55 Net total expenditures .- ------------------------- 1,741,905.17 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948_- ---------------------- c . 67,556.18 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948.....------. 1,809,461.35 Fiscal year ending June 30-- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cost of new work ----------------------------------- ----------------------- 22 $28, 927.44 $217,826. Cost of maintenance-------...........- 426.88T $47,887. 95 $356,849.38$153, ... Total expended ..........---------------.. 236, 138. 03 270, 356. 37 341, 282.84 172, 790.27 47, 601.29 Allotted_-- .-,_ .-.-.--- ---- 131, 795.29 588, 449. 63 ---- 150,000.00 -------- 115, 000. 00 Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947 ------------ ---------.. $157.47 Amount allotted during fiscal year.--------------------------- 15,000.00 ..---- Amount to be accounted for----- --------.. 115,157.47 Gross amount expended.-------- ----------- -------.. 47,601.29 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948. ......... ... 67,556.18 Outstanding liabilities, .June 30, 1948- - --..---. $421.55 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts-....-------.... 2,278.24 2,699.79 Balance available, June 30, 1948 . .. 64,856.39 Amount allotted in July 1948-..----. - --.-- -- --. 190,000.00 Unobligated balance available for fiscal year 1949....... 254,856.39 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for maintenance- --.- . .. . 241,600.00 1496 REPOR, OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 46. INACTIVE FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS Cost and expenditures to For last full June 30, 1948 Estimated report see amount re- Name of project Annual Re- quired to port for -- New work Maintenance complete ARKANSAS RIVER, MAIN STEM AND MINOR TRIBUTARIES 1. Big Slough to Belle Plaine, Kans. ......... 2- - - - -- - -- - 1937 ............................ $1, 650, 200 2. Augusta, Kans.-------------------------......................... 1938 ..............-----------------.............. (4) 3. Winfleld, Kans...------...................... 1937 ..............------.........----.....--------- GRAND (NEOSHO) RIVER 4. Florence, Kans. --...................-...... 1937 --- - ------- . -----.. .. - 17, 0()0 5. Cottonwood Falls, Kans. 5-................ 1937 -------------- ---------------- 7, 200 6. Emporia Kans. . ............ .......... 1937 -22, 700 7. Neosho Rapids, Lyon County, Kans ..... 1937 38, 90) 8. Lyon County, Kans.-...................... 1937 ..............-.............. 237, 100 9. Hartford, Kans.2---- -------........................ 1937 43, 200 ..............----------------..............--- 10. Burlington, Kans. a___________________........................ 1937 27, 000 .........-------------.....----.............. 11. Le Roy, Kans.2 6 -----..................... 1937 .............. ----..............9, 600 12. Neosho Falls, Woodson 2 County, Kans.2 8.. 1937 ..............-.............. 32, 400 13. Humboldt, Kans. 6........................1937 ............................- 19,300 14. Chetopa, Kans . --------------------------....................... 1937 28, 600 ..............------------------------......... 15. Cherokee County, Kans. _________________............... 1937 -...---------------- .....- 234, 000 16. Iola, Kans- - ............................. 1939 20, 989. 80 ----...-.-.. (') VERDIGRIS RIVER 17. Verdigris River from mouth to Madison, Kans.2-.. - --------..............2 1938 --- ------------------ (7) 18. West of Fredonia, Wilson County, Kans. . 1937 ..............-.............. 189, 0()00 19. West of Benedict, Wilson County, Kans.2.. 1937 195, () ..............-------------------------........ 20. West of Elk City, Montgomery County, Kans. ----------------- 1937 ...........---- 81,400 ...-------............--------. 21. Caney Creek, Washington County, Okla., and Chautauqua - - - - Montgomery - - - - - and - - - - - - - - - - - Coun- -- -- -- - ties, Kans.2a .... 1937 ..............------------ 157, 600 ........-------------..... SALT FORK OF ARKANSAS RIVER 22. Blackwell, Okla. ........................- 1937 50,000 .....................-------------------------- NORTH FORK OF RED RIVER 23. Lugert-Altus Reservoir, North Fork of Red River, Okla.....--------------------------- 1942 1, 130, 000 ............--------------.. ( 1 In 1937 the projects were reported by the Memphis district; in 1938 and 1939 by the Little Rock district 2 Awaiting local cooperation. 8 Project completed by Kansas Works Progress Administration. 4 Complete. 6 In conformance with provisions of the 1944 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on Oct 31, 1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. 6 In conformance with provisions of the 1944 Flood Control Act, local interests were notified on Nov. 5, 1947, that authorization for construction of the project will expire 5 years from that date unless assurances of local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army are received prior to that time. 7 Some work on this project was done by Wilson County (Kans.) Civil Works Administration in 1933 and 1934. * The participation by the War Department in the financing of the project ha sbeen completed. 47. PLANT ALLOTMENT, TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT Cost and financial summary Undistributed costs, June 30, 1948-...-..----------------- -- $210,767.62 Net total cost to June 30, 1948- .... - - -- .-.----.-------- -210,767.62 Plus accounts receivable, June 30, 1948---------------- ------ 265,221.79 Gross total costs to June 30, 1948 ---------- ----------- 54,454.17 FLOOD CONTRO L--TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1497 Minus accounts payable, June 30, 1948.--. .------- 240,702.00 Net total expenditures ----------------------- - -- 186,247.83 Unexpended balance, June 30, 1948--.----------------------- 550,854.87 Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1948_------------ 364,607.04 Fiscal year ending June 30- 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 12 $272, $74,623. Total expended-.......--...------------.... 914.42 016.03-$36,503.08 $110, 79 431. $171, Allotted ------ - - --- -120, 96 392. -----------......................... ...... 300, 000.00 ..... ......... Balance unexpended, July 1, 1947-------------------------- $379,423.08 Gross amount expended -------------------- $910,210.99 Less reimbursed expenditures---------------- 1,081,642.78 --171,431.79 Balance unexpended, June 30, 1948..----------------- 550,854.87 Outstanding liabilities, June 30, 1948- .-------- 240,702.00 Amount covered by uncompleted contracts----.... 180,025.89 420,727.89 Balance available, June 30, 1948.--------------------- 130,126.98 Accounts receivable, June 30, 1948-------------------- ---- 265,221.79 Unobligated balance available, June 30, 1948-- .- 395,348.77 Status of allinvestigatidns for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom. Congress mendation Altus project, Okla......... Flood Control Commit- ...........-.............. tee resolution, Apr. 13, 1938. Arkansas City and vicinity Flood Control Commit- ......---------------------------- flood protection, Cowley tee resolution, May 5, County Arkansas River 1944. Basin, Kans. Arkansas River and tributa- Commerce Committee ............. ........ ........ ries in the vicinity of Bixby, resolution, May 22, Okla., in the interest of 1945. flood control. Arkansas River and tributa- Flood Control Commit- July 31,1947 H. 445, 80th Cong., Favorable ries, for flood protection for tee resolution, Oct. 8, 2d sess. the towns of Carthage and 1945. Monett, Mo. Arkansas River, Chikaskia Commerce Committee ...............-.................. River, Okla., and Kans., resolution, Nov. 6, tributary of Salt Fork of. 1944. Arkansas River and tributa- House Public Works ..... _.................. ries, for flood control and Committee resolution, related purposes at Enid, Jan. 28, 1947. Okla. Arkansas River for flood con- Flood Control Commit-. ...................... _.......... trol at and in the vicinity tee resolution, Jan. 21, of Hutchinson, Kans. 1944. Arkansas River and tributa- Flood Control Commit. ....... ,__.................... ries from Hutchinson, tee resolution, June 21, Kans., to the Kansas-Okla- 1944. homa State line. 1498 REPORT, OF CHIEF ;OF, ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions--Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom- Congress mendation Arkansas River and tributa- Flood Control Commit- July 22,1947.. 11.442,80thCong., Do. ries, flood control on Light- tee resolution, Apr. 13, 2d sess. ning,. Labette, and Flat 1938. Rock Creeks, Kans. Arkansas River, Little River Commerce Committee Watershed, Okla, a tribu- resolution,. Jan. 15, tary of. 1944. Arkansas River and tributa- Commerce Committee ries to modify the Mann- resolution, Feb. 21, ford Dam and Reservoir- 1946. project, Okla. Arkansas River and tributa- Flood Control Commit- ries with a view of flood- tee resolution, Mar. 22, protection for town ,of 1946. Pierce City, Mo. Arkansas River and tributa- Flood Control Commit- ries, between the Kansas- tee resolution, July 3, Oklahoma State line and 1945. mouth of Cimarron River, particularly at Ponca City, Okla. -- --- Arkansas River, Salt Creek Flood Control Act, Aug. -------- and tributaries, Osage 18, 1941. County, Okla. Arkansas River and tributa- Flood Control Commit- ries, and the Walnut River, tee resolution, May 5, and its tributaries, Kans., 1944, for flood control at and in the vicinity of Arkansas City,. Cowley County, Kans. Big Canyon, Washita River, Flood Control Act, Dec. Okla.' 22, 1944. Big Elk Creek Okla.t.... , Bixby flood protection, Ar-. Commerce Committee kansas River, Okla. resolution, May 22, 1945. Canadian River and its trib- Commerce Committee utaries, Tex. and Okla. resolution, June 5,1944. Carthage and Monett flood Flood Control Commit- July 31, 1947 Ii. 445, 80th Cong., Do. protection, Arkansas River. tee resolution, Oct. 8, 2d sess. Basin, Mo. 1945. Chikaskia River, Okla. and Commerce Committee Kans. (tributary of Salt resolution, Nov. 6, 1944. Fork of Arkansas River). Cimarron River, Okla. and Flood Control Act, Aug. Kans. 28, 1937. Cimarron '(Dry) River, Flood Control Act, June -.----..--.-.......-.-.-.-.------ ..---- Union County, N. Mex. 22, 1936. Cimarron River, Kenton ..--- do................ Reservoir, Okla. Clear and Dogy Creeks, Flood Control Act, Aug. Okla. 18, 1941. Cossatot River, Ark.' .......Flood Control Act, June 22, 1936. Cossatot River, Sevier Coun- Flood Control Act, May ty, Ark.' 6, 1936. Deep Fork, Okla., for flood Flood Control Commit- control. tee resolution, Feb. 23, 1944. Deep Red Run, 1 Tillman Flood Control Act, Dec. County, Okla. 22, 1944. Dirty Creek, Muskogee Flood Control Act, Aug. County, Okla. 11, 1939. Dogy and Clear Creeks, trib- Flood Control Act, Aug. utaries of Arkansas River, 18, 1941. Okla. Eagletown Reservoir, Okla.'. Flood Control Act, June 22, 1936. Elm Creek, Okla.'........... Flood Control Act, Dec., 1 22, 1944. --.-- FLOOD CONThROL- ULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1499 Status of all investigationsfor flood control calledfor by flood-control acts and committee resolutions--Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom- Congress mendation Enid flood protection and re- House Public: Works lated purposes, Arkansas Committee resolution, River Basin, Okla. Jan. 28, 1947. Eufaula Reservoir, Okla., on Flood Control Act, June South Canadian River. 22, 1936. Flat Rock, Lightning and Flood Control Commit- July 22, 1947. H. 442, 80th Cong., Do. Labette Creeks, Arkansas tee resolution, Apr. 13, 2d sess. River Basin, Kans. 1938. Fort Towson Dam and flood- Flood Control Act, July control reservoir, Gates 24, 1946. Creek, Okla., with a view to completion of dam. Gates Creek and tributaries, iLII1 Okla., with a view to the -=--do------------------I--._ completion of the Fort Towson Dam and flood. ;)~~~~~~~ 2i - ) control reservoir. -. .- -.- do-.-- .- -.. • - ,o- Grand (Neosho) River, Mor- Flood Control Act, June ris County, Kans. 22, 1936. ........ Do. Grand (Neosho) River and Flood Control Act, Aug. .. Do. tributaries, Okla., Kans., 28, 1937. Mo., and Ark. .. ..- . . . Hutchinson and vicinity, Flood Control Commit- '~ ; i ': Arkansas River Basin, tee resolution, Jan. 21, . . I . Kans. 1944. Illinois River, Okla., Ten- Flood Control Act, June killer Ferry Reservoir. 22, 1936. Kenton Reservoir, Cimarron ... do..---.......---------- River, Okla. Kiamichi River, Okla.1,..... Flood Control Act, June 28, 1938. Labette, Lightning and Flat Flood Control Commit- Rock Creeks, Arkansas tee resolution, Apr. 13, River Basin, Kans. 1938. Lightning Labette, and Flat ..... do.. do-------.............-----....- .... do...... ... I)o. Rock Greeks, Arkansas River Basin, Kans. Little Elk Creek, Okla.l..... Flood Control Act, Dee. 22, 1944. Little River, Ark. ........... Flood Control Act, May, 6, 1936. Do 1..... ... Flood Control Act, June. 22, 1936. Little Riverwatershed Okla., Commerce Committee .. tributary of the Arkansas resolution, Jan. 15, "... . ." River. 1944. Little River watershed Okla. Flood Control Commit- ----------- for flood control and allied tee resolution, Feb. 23, 4---- purposes. 1944. Lost Creek, Mo. at and in Flood Control Act, July the vicinity of Seneca, Mo. 24, 1946. ......... .... Lost Creek for flood protec- Flood Control Commit- ------------- rl-- tion for town of Seneca, tee resolution, Noy, 15, 1945. Mo. Mangum-Salt Fork, Greer Flood Control Act1 11, 1939. jAug. y 1. . .. County Okla.1 Mannford Dam and Reser- Commerce Committee voir, Arkansas River Basin, resolution, Feb. 21, Okla. 1946. Monett and Carthage flood Flood Control Commit- July 31# 1947 1I.445, 80th Cong., Do. , protection, Arkansas River tee resolution, Oct. 8, 2d sess. Basin, Mo. 1945. Oologah Reservoir on Verdi- House Publio Works gris River, Okla., with the Committee resolution, view to possible relocation 1 June 17, 1948. i or reduction In size of the. Pease River and tributaries, Flood Control Act, June 'I Tex.' 22, 1936. r i ::i 1500 REPORT OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, 1948 Status of all investigations for flood control called for by flood-control acts and committee resolutions--Continued Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom- Congress mendation Pierce City, Mo., Arkansas Flood Control Commit- River flood protection. tee resolution, Mar. 22, 1946. Ponca City, Arkansas River Flood Control Commit- Basin, Okla. tee resolution, July 3, 1945. 1 on Rush Purdy Reservoir Flood Control Act, Aug. Creek, Okla. 11, 1939. Red River, Main Stem, Flood Control Commit- downstream from Denison tee resolution, Apr. 19, Dam, Tex. (final report). 1945. Red River, Ark........---------...... Flood Control Act, June --------------- 22, 1936. Do..........------------............ Flood Control Act, May 6, 1936. --------------- :::: :::: ::: : Red River, La., Ark., Okla. Rivers and Harbors --------------- and Tex., for navigation, Committee resolution, flood control, water 1 power Feb. 25, 1938. and irrigation. Red River, La., Ark., Okla., Commerce Committee and Tex., and connecting resolution, Feb. 8, 1939; waterways, singly or to- Flood Control Com- gether for navigation, flood mitee resolution, Jan. control and irrigation.l 26, 1939; Rivers and Harbors Committee resolution, Jan. 24,1939. Red River for flood-control Flood Control Commit- works in Washita Valley, tee resolution, Apr. 14, Okla. 1937. Red River, Salt Fork of, and Flood Control Act, June tributaries, Okla. 28, 1938. Red River, La., Ark., Okla. Rivers and Harbors and Tex., for navigation, Committee resolution, flood control, water power, May 9, 1944. irrigation, or water conser- vation on Wichita River, Toex. Rush Creek, Purdy Reser- Flood Control Act, Aug. -------------------- voir, Okla.' l 11, 1939. Saddle Mountain, Okla. ....- Flood Control Act, Dec. ---- ---- ---- ..,----------------- 22, 1944. 1=""" Salt Creek of Arkansas River Flood Control Act, Aug. -------------------- and tributaries, Osage 18, 1941. County, Okla. Salt Fork, a tributary of Commerce Committee Arkansas River, and Chi- resolution, Nov. 6, 1944. kaskia River, Okla. and Kans. Salt Fork, Okla.'............ Flood Control Act, Dec. 22, 1944. Salt Fork of Red River and Flood Control Act, June 28, 1938. --------------- -- - -- - ------ tributaries, Okla.' Salt Fork-Mangum, Greer County, Okla.' Flood Control Act, Aug. 11, 1939. --------------- --- --- --- --- --- Seneca, Lost Creek, Arkan- Flood Control Act, July 24, 1946. -------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- sas River Basin, Mo. Seneca, Lost Creek, Arkan- sas River Basin, Mo. Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, Nov. 15, --------------- 1945. South Canadian River, Flood Control Act, June Eufaula Reservoir, Okla., 22, 1936. on. South Canadian River, Okla. Flood Control Act, Aug. 28, 1937. South Canadian River, N. Flood Control Commit- Mex., Tex., and Okla., for tee resolution, Jan. 21, construction of a dama at or 1944. in the vicinity of Sanford, Tex. Tenkiller Ferry Reservoir on Flood Control Act, June Illinois River, Okla. 22, 1936. Turkey Creek, Okla...-------- Flood Control Act, Dec. 22, 1944. 1 __ _ _ _.__ 1 FLOOD CONTROL---TULSA, OKLA., DISTRICT 1501 Date trans- Locality Authorization act mitted to Document No. Recom- Congress mendation Verdigris River, Kans. and Flood Control Commit-........................... Okla. tee resolution, Apr. 23, 1942. Verdigris River, Okla., and House Public Works .................................... Kans., with the view to Committee resolution, possible relocation or re- June 17, 1948. duction in size of the Oologah Reservoir. Walnut Bayou, Little River Flood Control Act, Aug. ...-- ..................... County, Ark.1 28, 1937. Walnut River and its tribu- Flood Control Commit- ... taries, for flood control at tee resolution, May 5, and in the vicinity of Ar. 1944. kansas City, Cowley County, Kans., Arkansas River and tributaries. Washita River, Big Canyon,1 Flood Control Act, Dec.------- -------------------- Murray County, Okla.1- 22, 1944. Washita River, Okla. .... Flood Control Act, Aug. ------ ---------------- 28, 1937. Do------------------....................... Flood Control Commit- tee resolution, Apr. 14, 1937. Washita River, Okla. (in- Commerce Committee-------... -------------------- terizm report on Red River resolution, Feb. 8, 1939; survey). Flood Control Com- mittee resolution, Jan. 26, 1939; Rivers and Harbors Committee re- solution, Jan. 24, 1939. Wichita River, Tex., naviga- Rivers and Harbors --------------------------- tion, flood control, power, Committee resolution, irrigation, or water conser- May 9, 1944. vation. I To be incorporated in a comprehensive report on Red River and tributaries, La., Ark., Okla., and Tex., for navigation, flood control, power, and irrigation, which will be prepared by the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors. End of Volume 1. 804711---48-----vol. 1----95 INDEX . 'Volume 1 Volume2 - ' Abbapoola CreekNS. C., navigation-_ Y '' . . 780 .. Aberdeen Creek, Gloucester County, Va., investigation.... 683 Aberdeen, Ohio, flood control ------ :------------ ------- - -32026 Aberdeen, Wash., flood control------------------------ ';' :' 2915 Absecon Creek, N. J., navigation - -- ------ , 428 '415-- i Absecon Inlet, N. J., navigation-- " Absecon Island, N J., investigation-------------------- 439 ' Academy Creek, Brunswick Harbor, Ga., improvement__ 805 Accident prevention- --------------------- ,-- '-3049 Accotink Creek, Va., navigation - - - ---------------- 598; . Acushnet River, New Bedford Harbor, Mass., investiga- ,. tion---......... -----------------...------ ------- 138221 - Adams, Hoosic River Basin, Mass., flood control,_6 38.:;..66: .1: Adams levee unit, Indiana, flood control. .L'- ' . . 1941 Addicks Reservoir, Tex., flood control-. - - - .-1279 -, .. . Addison, N. Y., flood control .. ----------- -- 514, 517 2 Adena, Ohio, flood control-------------- ------ 210 Advanced funds for river and harbor improvements and' -o Sfor flood-control works. ' , , ' 19 Advance planning_ ... -- ' 2' Agate Bay Harbor, Minn., navigation ----------------------------- 2116 Augusta, Savannah River, Ga., flood control-------- ---- - 821 Augusta, Ky., flood control----------------- --------- 1940 Alabama-Coosa branch of Mobile River system, investi- gation- ...-.-. -------------.- '-- ."' " 1002, 1012' ' ---- ..-- r + 974 . Alabama-Coosa Rivers, Ala. and Ga., navigation Alabama River, Ala., investigation--------- ---------- 1002 1012 . -- i - -- , Alabama River, Ala., flood control....------------------- Alabama, State of, removal of water hyacinths from ..- .__ 972" Alafia River, Fla., navigation - -- 898' Alamitos Bay, Calif.,' investigation----- --.-----.------------ . 2516 Alamogordo Dam, N. Mex., investigation- _ -... 1349- _ - -"1 -_ Alamo Reservoir, Bill Williams River, Ariz,; flood control -- - ------- ...... -" ---- ... 2518 Alaska Harbors and Rivers, Alaska, investigation ' r 2902, 2928 Albany, Berkley, and Emeryville;Harbor, Calif .; i vest ' gation ...- ---- - -- ' .2603 Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal, N. C. and Va., im- provement... ------------------- -' 675- - N. C. and Va., investigation Albemarle Sound,h.--2 683, 746AF Albeni Falls, Idaho, investigation ' ._- ... 2902 Albuquerque, N. Mex., engineering districtl i ."1327'- , ':l -- Alexandria, Va., improvement of Potomac River atf - - '565 Algomo Harbor, Wis., navigation .... .. 2186 Alhambra Creek, Calif., investigation .-- --- : 603, 2610 2----. Alhambra Wash, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control.. 2..525,2529 Aliso Creek Dam, Calif., flood control. ,. . ; 2542 Allatoona Reservoir, Coosa River Basin, Ga.,' flood control.....----- ---------- -- : 1005----,. Alleghany on Allegheny River, N Y., flood control - - 2103 II INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Allegheny River, Pa. and N. Y,: Construction of locks and dams -- - 2043 Flood-control reservoirs _ 2104 Improvement by open-channel work------ 2053 Investigation..__ _________. ....... __ . .____ 2054, 2111 Aliens Creek, Tex., investigation____ __ 1271, 1324 Allentown, Lehigh River, Pa., flood control_ 436 Alloway Creek, N. J., navigation 428 Almond, N. Y., flood control____ 516, 517 Almond Reservoir, N. Y., flood control _ __ 510, 516 Aloha-Rigolette area, Louisiana, flood control-_---- 1128 Alpena Harbor, Mich.: Investigation __ ------------ --------. -- 2374 Navigation- _ -- - -- - - - - - 2372 Alsea Bay, Oreg., investigation_._ ._ 2769 Altamaha River and Sound, Ga.: Investigation_ _ _ __. _..._ ._._. _ 822 Navigation. .. . ...._ .... __ _ . 802 Alton, Ill., investigation_....__... . 1513 Alton, Ind., flood control ... _ . . ... .... 1940 Altus project, Oklahoma, investigation-. ..-- .--- .- 1497 Alvin, Tex., investigation___ __ _ 1271 Alma, Wisc., investigation __- 1613 Amazon Creek, Oreg., flood control_ -, -. ---- 2788 Ambrose Channel, New York Harbor, N. Y., improve- ment. -- - - - - - - -- - - 265 American River, Calif. (North Fork and Middle Fork), construction of reservoirs-.-_- 2986 American River & Sacramento River, Calif., investigation. - 2636 Amherstburg Channel, Detroit River, Mich., improve- ment _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2334 Amite River, La.: Investigation . .. 1101, 1147 Navigation . __. 1034, 1100 Ammonoosuc River, N H., investigation _ 221 Anacortes Harbor, Wash.: Investigation---_ 2902 Navigation -------------------------------- 2861 Anacostia Park, D. C ____ 3056 Anacostia River, D. C. and Md.: Investigation_ _____ _ 599, 613 Navigation ------------------------------- 558 Reclamation and development of the flats 3056 Anaheim Bay, Calif., investigation ____ 2516 Anahuac Channel, Tex., navigation _ 1234 Anahulu River, Island of Oahu, T. HI., investigation_ 2952 Anchorage Harbor, Alaska, investigation_ _ 2902 Anclote River, Fla.: Investigation______ _ ._ ._ _ __ ___ 918 N avigation _ .- .. __ ---__ - ...- ..-...- .- ..- 892, 904 Anderson, Ind., flood control__ _ . ... - 1948 Andover Reservoir, Conn., flood control 164 Angelina River, Tex.: Investigation . ...... .... __. _... 1271 Navigation.__ . . . _ _ . . . _. 1203 Angoon Harbor, Alaska, investigation 2902 Animas River; Colo., investigation..-...-------- -_ 2558 Anna Maria, Fla., investigation.-_-------------_--- .- 918 Annapolis Harbor, Md., navigation.------------------- 502 INDEX III Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Annisquam River, Mass.: Investigation ----------------- ____------------ 138 Navigation .----------------------------- - 49 Anthony Shoals Reservoir, Ga., flood control------------ 816 Apalachee Bay, Fla., to Mexican border, improvement of waterway- -_.-------- ------------------ 940, 1037, 1206 Apalachee Bay, Fla., to New Orleans, La., navigation ... 940 Apalachicola Bay, Harbor, and River, Fla., Ga., and Ala.: Improvement of channel to St. Andrews Bay-....... . 940 Improvement of harbor and bay------------------- 946 Improvement of river, including the cut-off, Lee slough, and lower Chipola River-- - -947 Improvement of waterway to St. Marks River-..... 940 Investigation------------------------------ - 917, 1002, 1012 Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, and Flint Rivers, Ga. and Fla., navigation-_----------------------------- 947 Apoon Mouth of Yukon River, Alaska. ------------------------ 2901 Apopka Lake, Fla., investigation---- ---------------- 918, 932 Appomattox River, Va., navigation-------------------- 645 Appoquinimink River, Del., navigation -------------- 428 Appropriations, rivers and harbors and flood control 1, 17 _ Aqueduct, Washington, D. C., maintenance and repair of . ------- - _3060 Aquia Creek, Va., navigation..--------- ----------------- 598 Aransas Bay and Pass., Tex.: Channel to Pass Cavallo. .------------------- 1256 Improvement at Port Aransas ----.--------------- 1256 Improvement of channel to Corpus Christi---------- 1256 Investigation ...-- ----------------------------- 1271 Arcadia Harbor, Mich., navigation------------------ ----------- 2252 Arcadia Wash system, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control_._--------- 2523 Archy Fork, Ark., investigation_------------------ 1420, 1497 Arecibo Harbor, P. R.: Investigation----. ---------------------------------------- 2967 Navigation--------------------------------------- 2963 Arkabutla Reservoir, Miss_ ------------------------- ------ 3009 Arkansas River, Ark., Colo., Kans., and Okla.: Flood control- ...---------------------------- 1396, 1479 Investigation------------------------------- 1174, 1349, 1362, 1420, 1425, 1497 Navigation---- ---------------------------- 1154, 1158, 1352, 1424, 1425 Arkport Reservoir, N. Y., flood control---------------- 510, 516 Arlington, Oreg., flood control_ --------------------------- 2786 Arlington Reservoir, Mo., flood control----------------- 1658, 1693 Aroostoock River, Maine, investigation----------------- 221 Arthur Kill, N. Y. and N. J.: Investigation------------------------------------ 352 Navigation------------------------------------- 320 Navigation of channel to Raritan River..-_- _ 320-_ Ashepoo River, S. C., improvement of waterway via..... 756 Ashland County, Wis., investigation_----------------_---_ 2159 Ashland Harbor, Wis., improvement --- ----- --- 2128 Ashland, Ky., flood control__ _ ____------------------ 2019, 2026 Ashley River, S. C., navigation ------------------------ 774 Ashtabula County, Ohio, investigation --------- 2466 Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio navigation-._ ------- ----- 2407 Iy INDEX Page / Volume 1 Volume 2 Association of Congresses of Navigation, Permanent International-- __ -__ _____ .. 3043 Assoteague Channel and Islands, Va., investigation ....... 503 ---'---- - - Assumption Parish, La., investigation . 4 4, ....L, ; .. L,_:; 1101, 1147 Astoria, Steinway Creek,,N «Y..,, investigation.. , ,,- 352 Atchafalaya River, La.: Investigation... . . ._._._ _ __ ______ _ 1101, 1102 _-------- 1 X.147 Navigation- ...... ,-,.-. . . -- 1076 Removing snags and wrecks '1155 Aten, bank protection, Missouri River 1Nebr. - S 1724 Athalia, Qhio, ... .--- ----- _-- :- . 2026 Atlantic City, N. J., beach, erosioncontrol study_, .,_-_- - S 439 Atlantic-Gulf Ship Canal, Fla., navigation ... -: ~ - ,917 Atlantic Intracoastal Waterwaybetweeni Norfolk~ Ya,. and the St. Johns River, Fla.... . .... ... 672,, 696, 755, 797, ;;, -. ,t824 Atlantic Ocean to Gulf of 'Mexico, waterway across . Florida, investigation-._,,, _-----------.. ( -< 918! Atlantic Tidewaters,, investigation_ ,-, -- ,, :2466 Atwood Reservoir, Ohio, flood control ... ... :, 4.. 1975 Aucilla River, Fla., investigation-------...... ... . , 918 Augusta, Ga., flood control.. ,. .. , 821. - - Augusta, Kans., flood controli..... -- : a ,' 1496 Augusta, Ky.,?flood control...-_ _ .-- ..... , . 1940 Augusta to Clarendon, White River, Ark., flood control,1_ 1191, Au Gres River, Mich., investigation------------ , . ,.2383 Aurora, Colo,, investigation -------------- 1798 Aurora, Ind., flood control-........ ,. . 1940 Au Sable Harbor, Mich., navigation- .. --- . 2344 Ausable River Basin, N. Y., investigation .,---.. - S: 369 Austin Hollow, Ill., investigationL ,,.. - ., . Au Train River, Mich., investigation .--------- i- 21561 2253 Avoca, N. Y., flood control___ _ ___ _ _ 514, 517 Avon, N. C., channel from Pamlico Sound to, navigation. - .709 B Bachelor Bay, N C,investigation - - -,-. . ,,, ... _ 4 747 , Back Bay and River, Va., investigation- __ ------------ 683,, 693 Back Creek, Md.:: Investigation, _._.. _______.,-__. ___. ___ _ 503 Navigation -.-------------------------------- 502 Back Creek, Va., improvement of channel to York River_ 638 Back River, Brunswick Harbor, Ga., improvement ..... 805 Back Sound, N. C., navigation -- ~ ,,-;,: - _- ..- ..;733 Bad River, S. Dak., investigation-------------- 1748 Bad River, Wis., investigation-_-. _ , _ 2159 Baffins Bay, La., and Tex-- ------ ,. , .. ..... i 1271, Bagaduce River, Maine, navigation_. ........ __ .. _, 186 Bagnell Dam, Mo._ . ..... .... _ _. . Baker Bay, Columbia River, Wash., investigation-..- , 2769 Bakers Haulover Inlet, Fla., investigation ,,,,.4 , .. Baldhill Reservoir, N. Dak., flood control .. ,. --,- 1625 Baline Harbor, Wash., investigation , . ,,------- - - S;,2902 Ballard Locks, Wash., investigation-.......... . - i;2902 i; Ballast Island, Ohio, investigation.................. - Ball Mountain, Vt., flood control -----------.... L, S".186 , i .,2374 INDEX . Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Ballona Creek, Calif.: Flood control, channel and jetties-------------------- 2530,2533, 2536. Investigation .--- ----------- -- . 2558 -- _----------------- Baltimore, Md.: _ Engineering district--. ------------------------ 441 Harbor and channels, navigation -- . ... ,-; ..- 442 :1448 .., Banana Creek, and River, Fla., investigation_ , 918 ; 7, .::;: Banks Channel, N. C., investigation :,, "-----_--, .747 ---- Banner, Ill., special drainage and levee district, ,flood .: ,, ., control-------_-- ---------------------- r 2313 Banning Canyon, Calif., investigation ...--.- - - 12 - , 2558 Barataria Bay and Bayou, La., investigation_ - .- 1102 Barbourville, Ky., investigation - - - - - ~ --- 185- Barcelona Harbor, N. Y., navigation- - - - ---- - ~ . 2464 Bar Harbor, Maine: Investigation.---------------------- - 1.6 . N avigation .. --- --. ;-- --.. ---- - , 136. .. "r ... Barker Reservoir, Tex., flood control 1278 Barnegat Inlet, N. J.: '431 Investigation -- ,-t - . - .-- ii - l-:. -,- -- -.- 431 Navigation. _____ ---------------------------- 418. Barnett Creek, Ky, ,flood control_ - --------------- --------- : 1941 Barre Falls Reservoir, Connecticut,River Basin, Mass., flood control. _____-------- .... ------------------ 174, 195 .... Barren Island Gap, Md., navigation--. -- .. ,:... 466: :. Barren River,: Ky. and Tenn., navigation._ . ------------ _--- : -- ,1863 Bartholomew Bayou, La. and Ark.:f,, Investigation . ---------,... Navigation10..11.------ --- ---- - - . 1147. 1100, 1158 r- Bartley, Republican River, Nebr., flood controlJ, .. 1658, 1677 Bass Harbor Bar, Maine, navigation.,., -,-.;-,.-, ---- 3 -- -- Bastrop Bayou, Tex.: . , jr 1272 Investigation------------------------- -------- 1272 - Navigation------------------------------ Navigation: :i, 1246 _--- ---..--- Batavia and vicinity, Tonawanda Creek, N. Y., flood control_-------- -- --------------------------- - 2472 Bath, N, Y., flood control------------------------- 514, 517 Baton Rouge to Gulf of Mexico, La., navigation. ----- 1055: ... Battery, The, New York Harbor, N. Y., removal f,. , shoal in Hudson River ....---------- ---- ----- 287 Battle Creek, Calif., investigation---------------------- --- - 2670 Battle Creek, Mich., investigation---------------- -------- 2256 Baudette Harbor and River, Minn., navigation ,,. , 2152 Bautiste Creek, Calif., investigation------------------ . - ..2558 Bayboro Harbor, Fla., investigation----------- , 918 - Bay City, Wash., investigation --- _, .-r .-- - :r : 1 582902 Bay Creek, Ill., flood control ..-. -, ----- - --- 2969 580 Bayoman and Hondo Rivers; P. R., investigation....,,.- ...-.-- . :--- 2969 Bayfield County, Wis., investigation- --.... ---..- ,--, - 2159 Bayfield Harbor, Wis., investigation-, .,,, ...- 2156 Bay Ocean Peninsula, Oreg.: ;2 Investigation ...---------------------------- - ,...769 Navigation,.-------------------- - -------- i- -- Bayous. Indexed under significant proper nouns in title. --- Bay. Ridge Channel, New York Harbor, N. Y., naviga- 272 tion----- ------- ---------------------------- Bay River, N. C., navigation . -- : 7------45-- 745 Bayside Channel, New York Harbor, .N.,., improve- , 87 ment_ ,.- ,-- ----- -- --- - ---- - . - . .2 87,.] , VI INDEX VI INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Beach City Reservoir, Ohio, flood control.-------------- 1975 Beach Erosion Board _____ _-----_-- -- 2975 Beach erosion control studies, list_-------------------- - 2977 Beals Harbor, Maine: Investigation. . . _ ... __ .... ___... .__ _ 138 Navigation---- ---------------- ------ 29 Bear Butte Creek, S. Dak., investigation----_ Bear Creek, Ky., navigation_____________________ ---------- __ _ 1789 1863 Bear Creek, Miss., investigation --------------- - 1174 Bear Creek, Miss. and Ala., navigation.------ _ 1158 Bear Creek, Mo., investigation __ _______ _____ 1599 Bear Creek Reservoir, Lehigh River, Pa., flood control -.. 435 Beards Brook Reservoir, N. H_--. -------- ___-- _ 143, 150 Bear River, M Calif., in construction lf n e of to reservoirBa 2636 Bear Mountain, Calif., investigation_ .. . 2670 Bear River, Calif., investigation_ ----------- -- 2670 Bethany Beach, Del., investigation-. _ - - 439 Bear River, Utah, Idaho and Wyo., investigation_ 2670 Beaufort Harbor and River, N. C.: Improvement of harbor_____ _______ 731 Improvement of waterway to Pamlico Sound via Core Sound _ . . . --.--. __ _ 725 Investigation -- _ -- _ _ ... . -- 683, 747 Beaufort Inlet, N. C., improvement of Morehead City Harbor, N. C___ ._____.. ___.. _ 728 Beaufort, S. C.: Improvement of waterway to Charleston---_ _.- 755 Investigation .- _ _ ___ _ ___ ... __. 781 Beaver Bay Harbor, Minn., navigation _---------- 2155 Beaver Creek, Kans., and Nebr., investigation_---- 1699 Beaver Creek, Mont., and N. Dak., investigation-- 1777, 1789 Beaver Creek, Oregon, investigation_ -------- - 2830 Beaver Dam, Wash., Ariz., Utah, and Nev., investigation 2558 Beaver drainage district, Columbia County, Oreg., flood control----- .- ---. -... --- ------ ---------- 2829 Beaver Reservoir, Ark., investigation_. ----.----- 1420 Beaver River, Pa. and Ohio: Flood-control reservoirs_ . ._ ._ 2104 Investigation ... -................ ------- . - .. 2054, 2111 Navigation. - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - 2053 Belfast Harbor, Maine, navigation.- . ----- 136 Belhaven Harbor, N. C.: Investigation .- . ...- -- .- 747 Navigation_-- - ...- - 710 Belknap, Ill., flood control ___... _.. _____ _.__ 1941 Bellaire, Ohio, flood control Bellamy River, N. H., navigation... _ ------.---.---- . .... .. 136 2103 Bell City Drainage Canal, La., investigation_ 1102 Bell drainage district, Sangamon River, Ill., flood control- 2313 Belle Fourche, Cheyenne River, S. Dak., flood control -- 1789 Belle Glade, Fla., investigation ___ _ ___ 918 Belle River, Marine City, Mich., navigation- Bellevue, Ky., flood control _ .... .... ... -- _ 2372 1940 , Bellevue, Ohio, investigation . ._-_ .. .-.- 2491 Belle Foley Reservoir, Ark., flood control .--- .- 1413 Bellingham Bay and Harbor, Wash.: Investigation ___ ..__ ....... _..._._ . .. 2902 Navigation ___ _ __... __.___ _... 2858 Belpre, Ohio, flood control. 2026 Belton Reservoir, Leon River, Tex., flood control........ 1301 Benbrook Reservoir, Tex. See Trinity River_ 1284 INDEX VII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Benedict Canyon, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control _-_-- 2523 Bennetts Creek, Va., investigation.-----.---.----------- 683 Benedict, M d., investigation__ ______.___.._._______. 599 Bennington, Hoosic River Basin, Vt., flood control__-_- _ 369 Bennington Reservoir, N. H_ - - .---------------- 143, 149 Bentleys Creek, investigation_____________ ____ ._.___ 138 Benwood, W. Va., flood control ____-- _---------- 2103 Beresford Creek, S. C., navigation_ ------------------- 780 Berkley Harbor, Calif., investigation.--- ------- .- 2603 Berlin Reservoir, Ohio, flood control------------------ 2073, 2104 Bethlehem, Lehigh River, Pa., flood control._.._ ..... 437 Betterton, Md., harbor of, investigation.-----.-------- 503 Beulah, N. Dak., flood control_------- ------------- 1759 Beverly Harbor, Mass., navigation_----------------- 136 Biddeford, pool at, and Wood Island Harbor, Maine _ _ _. 138 Big Bay Ditch, Ark., investigation_-- _--------------_ 1192 Big Bay Harbor, Mich., navigation...---------------- 2140 Big Bend Reservoir, S. Dak., flood control Big Bend Reservoir, W. Va., flood control....-------- ------------- 1717 2027 Big Black River, Miss.: Flood control--------- --------------------- S1163 Navigation....--------------------------- 1158 Big Blue River, Kans., investigation---- .......------.......---..--- 1699 Big Bottom, Ark., flood control..-------------.---.-- 1418 Big Canyon, Okla., investigation----- -------------- 1498 Big Creek, Ark.: Flood control_--.----------------------------- 1191 Investigation--- --------------------------- 1192 Big (Cunningham) Creek, Ohio, navigation--------------_ 2464 Big Darby Creek Reservoir, Ohio, flood control --------- 2027 Big Dry Creek Reservoir and diversion, California flood control------ ----------------------------- 2637 Big Elk Creek, Okla., investigation----------.--------- 1498 Big Horn Canyon Reservoir, Mont., investigation--------_ 1789 Big Horn River, Wyo., investigation----------------- 1789 Big Iron River, Mich., investigation------------------- 2156 Big Lake, Ill., flood control----------------------- 2307, 2313 Big Marco Pass, Fla., to Naples, Fla.: Investigation-----........-------------- ---------- 918 Navigation------------------------------- 875 Big Mulberry Creek, Ark., investigation-----.----- 1421 Big Pass, Fla., investigation _ ___________________ __ 918 Big Pigeon Bayou, La., navigation----------------- 1100 Big Piney Creek, Johnson County, Ark., investigation . - 1421 Big Prairie, Ill., flood control---------- -------------- 2313 Big River Reservoir, Mo., flood control------------------ 1544 Big Sandy Creek and Mexico Bay, N. Y., investigation.-- 2466 Big Sandy Creek, Tex., investigation---------------- 1272,1324- Big Sandy River, W. Va. and Ky.: Flood control reservoirs_- -- ---- -------- ------. 2027 Navigation--------------------------------- 1967 Big Sioux River, S. Dak. and Iowa: Investigation---------------- ---------------- 1748 Navigation-------------------------------- 1713 Big Skin Bayou-Camp Creek Bottom, Okla., flood con- trol - --------------------------------------- 1442 Big Slough to Belle Plaine, Kans., flood control 1496 Big Suamico River, Wis., navigation-------------------- 2170 Big Sunflower River, Miss.: Flood control____...._ .._____ ._ .___ ... ........ 1174 Navigation...................................------- 1158 VIII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Big Sur River, Calif., investigation---..---.-------.---- .-- - -- 2610 Big Tariko, Kans., investigation--------------- - --------------- 1699 Big Thoroughfare River, Md.: Investigation --- ..-.-...------------------------ 503 Navigation. --- ------------------------------- 484 Big Timber Creek, N. J., navigation __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 404 Big Walnut Creek Reservoir, Ohio- ---------------- - -___-- 2016, 2027 Big Wills Creek, Pa., investigation ------------------------ 613 Big Wood River, Idaho, investigation -- --------------- ---.--.- 2830 Biloxi Harbor and Bay, Miss.: Investigation- ---------------- . -.--. .1002 Navigation ------ - - ------ - 9- 991 Binghamton, N. Y., flood control--.- _ _- 511, 517 Birch Hill Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Mass., flood control--------------- -.------ -- -174, 191 Birch Reservoir, W. Va., flood control------------------------- - 2027 Biscayne Bay, Fla., navigation_ Bisteneau Lake, La., navigation- - ----.-.---------- ----------------- 868 1100 Bixby flood protection, Okla., investigation----------. 1498 Bixby Slough, Calif.,.-----_------------------ 2516 Black Bayou Reservoir, La., flood control---------------_ 1146 Black Butte Dam and Reservoir, Calif., flood control----------_---- 2657 Black Creek, Fla., investigation----_. .---- .----- -. 918 Black Cypruss, La., investigation. -------- -.-.. 1102, 1147 _ .. Blackfish Bayou, Ark.: Investigation- .--...-.--- _---------------- 1192 ... Navigation-- _ .------------------------------ 1183 _ _ Black Lake, Mich.: Investigation.------------------------------------ 2253 Navigation. ---. . Blacklick Creek, Pa., investigation_..._ --. _ _ _ _ _.._.._ _ _- ..- _ _-------- __ __ _ _ 2111 Black River, Ark., Mo., and La.: Investigation- ---------------- Navigation -------------------.--. .----..--- -- _...-- ____ .. 1147, 1421- - _1017, 1153 .. 1355 Black River Harbor, Mich., navigation ------------------ ---------- 2131 Black River Harbor, N. Y., navigation- --.. . ....---- -------. -2464 Black River, Mich.: Investigation-. ------------------------- ----------- -- 2374 Navigation ------------------------------------ ---------- 2355 Black River, N. Y., investigation._ - .. . .- - 2491 Black River, Poplar Bluff, Mo., to Knobel, Ark., flood control-:.-- _-------_------------------- --- 1399- ----- Black River, N. C., navigation-.i-, .745- . . . .-- 745. _ Black River Reservoir, Wis., flood control--.----.---.-.--.- _-- - - 1638 Black River, Wis.: Investigation- ---...... ,L-....---. -... -- _,.- ..-- - 1613 Navigation.-------------- --- ----- - - 1609 Black Rock Channel and Tonawanda Harbor, N. Y., in- vestigation. -----------.-..- _..--- -- -__ _------- .. 2431 Black Rock Channel, N. Y.: Investigation.L------------------------- .. ..... 2466 Navigation- . . .-------------------------------------- - 2431 Blackstone River Basin, Mass. and R. I.: Flood control......1..... ....-.-. - . - --... 156 Investigation -------- -....--.--..-.---..-.-.-.. 221 Black Walnut Harbor, Md., navigation;-,---.......... ... 458 Black Warrior River, Ala., navigation........... -..... . 977 .... ... Blackwater Reservoir, Merrimack River Basin, N. II., flood control.. .. . . .143, 152... Blackwater River, Mo., investigation.---------------------- 1699 INDEX IX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 - -: - - -- - : - Blackwater River, Va., navigation. 679 Blackwell, Okla., flood control- ....................... 1496 Blakely Mountain Reservoir, Ark., flood control ...... 1165 Blanchard Channel, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control.,- ---------- 2523 Blind Pass, Fla., investigation .. _ _.._ 918- Blind slough diking district, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control- _-----.--...----------------------- 2829 Block Island, R I.: Construction of harbor of refuge ---- ------------ 98 Investigation ---.......----------------. 138 Blood River, La., navigation.-------- ---------------- 1032 Bloomsburg, Pa., flood control-.-------------------- 554 Blossom Cove, N. J., investigation----------------- 352 2523 Blue Gum Canyon, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control-.... Blue Hills Harbor, Maine, investigation-------_------ 138 Blue Mountain Reservoir, Ark., flood control__-----. __ 1389, 1397 Blue River, Ind., investigation---- 1949 Bluestone Reservoir, New River, W. Va., flood control. - 2012, 2027 Bluewater Floodway, N. Mex., flood control--- _ Bluff Creek, Miss., navigation.--------------------- -------- 1342 1001 Boards: See also Commissions. Beach erosion ....------------------------------ 2975 Engineers for Rivers and Harbors..---- 2973 International: Lake Champlain Board of Control------------- 3073 Lake of the Woods Board of Control------------ 3076 Lake Superior Board of Control.------------- 3075 Massena Board of Control----------------- 3075 Niagara River, Special-------------------- 3074 St. Croix River, Maine, and New Brunswick, Board of Control_-__. ----------------- 3072 Boca de Cangrejos, San Juan, P. R., investigation-..... 2967 Boca Grande Channel, Fla., investigation 918 Boca Raton Inlet, Fla., investigation_----------- Bodcau Bayou, Ark. and La., investigation............. 1147 Bodcau Bayou, Red Chute, and Loggy Bayou, La., flood control...---------------....--------------------- 1122 Bodcau Bayou Reservoir, La------------------- 1119 Bodega Bay, Calif., navigation....-----.....----------- 2570 Boeuf and Tensas Rivers and Bayou Macon, Ark., and La., investigation..-------------------------- 1174 Boeuf Bayou, La., investigation_ _________ -- 1102,1147 Boeuf River, Ark., and La.: Investigation---- ------- ------------------- 11.47 Navigation------------------------ --- 1100 Bogue Falia, La., navigation ------------------- --- 1029 1630 Bois de Sioux River, S. Dak., flood control ..............- Boise River, Idaho, investigation--,.... .---------.- 2830 Bolivar Reservoir, Ohio, flood control.._.._..... 1975 Bonfouca Bayou, La., navigation--------- 1027 Bonnet Carre, spillway, La---------------------- 3009 Bonneville, Oreg., construction of dam at...._ .__._.. 2691 Bonpas Creek, Ill., flood control . 1941 1002 Bon Secours Bay, Ala., investigation.. _._...____._. IBonum Creek, Va., investigation------------_----- _ 599 Booneville Reservoir, Ky., flood control-..- - - 1942 Boothbay Harbor, Maine: Investigation.----- - .-----.---.---- ----------- Navigation-------- ----------------------- 136 X INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Boston, Mass : Beach erosion study---- 2977 Improvement of harbor_ __ ... _________ ______ 55 Investigation -. . .. -.-- - - . 138 Boswell Reservoir, Boggy Creek, Okla., flood control...... 1486 Bowlers Wharf, Va...._ . . ...... _ .... 599 Bowman irrigation project, North Dakota, investigation - 1777, 1789 Bow Creek, Nebraska, investigation _-.------------- 1748 Brackenridge, Pa., flood control ---.-.---- .- 2103 Braden Bottom, Okla., flood control... _ _._._ _ ._ 1441 Bradens Bend, Okla., flood contol._. ........ _ _ 1444 Bradenton, Fla., investigation - . ____._ 919 Bradford, Pa., investigation _....._ _ .. 2111 Brady, Tex., flood control_-.....--_ .. .....-_- 1307 Brainerd & Sandy Lake, Minn , investigation_---.-----.- 1644 Brandenburg, Ky., investigation . ------- 1949 Brandywine River, Wilmington Harbor, Del., improve- ment------------.----- . . 385 Branford Harbor, Conn.: I n v e st ig a t ion -.. . -. . .-. . . -.. . . .- 138 Navigation -- --------. --. -- ---. ---- __ 137 Bransons Cove, Va., navigation__.........__..._..___ 572, 599 Brays Bayou, Tex., investigation_ __..._.. __._.. 1324 Brazoria-Galveston Soil Conservation, Tex., investigation. 1324 Brazos Island Harbor, Tex.: Investigation ___ ___ ....... _ ...... . _._ .. .. 1272,1324 N avigation .... . ......... ......... ... _ _ .. 1263 Brazos River, Tex.: Improvement from Velasco to Old Washington..... 1270 Investigations _ . .... . .. 1272 Brea Dam, Calif., flood control___.._...___ _.... ___ 2551 Breton Bay, Md., navigation___ ___. ___ __ 576 Brevoort levees, Indiana, flood control- . .------. - 1878 Brewton, Ala., flood control_ ... _ ____ __ 1011 Bridgeport Harbor, Conn.: Investigation __ ..... ..... ........._ .. _ 138 Navigation---_- ". - - - - . -- .-- ----. . . . 121 1 . Bridges: Construction across navigable waters_ Rules governing opening of draws -----.------- 3051 3051 Brilliant, Ohio, flood control_._.. .... _ __...... 2103 Broad Creek, Md., navigation.-- .-.- ....- 481 Broad Creek River, Del., navigation. . ..-------- 502 Broad Creek, Va., navigation_. .___ __ _._______ .. 593 Broadkill River, Del., navigation .... _--.----- 428 Broad Sound, Boston Harbor, Mass., improvement-...... 55 Broadwater Creek, Md., navigation ---------.------- _- _ - 497 2103 Brockway, Pa., flood control-.. . ....- Brockway Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vt., flood control_ .._ _.----------------- 174, 221 Broken Bow, Nebraska, investigation_ 1748 Bromley, Ky., flood control----.---......-..........--- 1940 Brooklyn, W. Va., flood control_. ......-.........- 2027 Brookport, Ill: Flood control -________.....--..-----.--------.. 1927, 1931 Investigation __ _------------- ----------- 1672 Brookville Reservoir, Ind., flood control -..---.-----.-..- 1942 Bronx River, N. Y.: Investigation ___ ___ . _.. . ......... _ ._ ... 352 Navigation------_ --------------------- 351 Browns Bay, Va., investigation. 683 INDEX XI Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Browns Creek, N. Y., navigation.------------------------ 253 Brownwood, Tex., investigation ----------------------- 1324 Brunswick Harbor, Ga.: Investigation_.- .---------------------------- - 815 Navigation--_ ---- ------- -8058-------------- Brush Creek, W. Va., flood control--- ------------------- ---------- 2032 Bucana River, P. R., investigation--------- --------------------- 2969 Buckhannon River, W. Va.: Flood control _____------_---------------_--- Navigation----_ ---------------------------------- ------ ---- 2103 2053 Buckhorn Reservoir, Ky., flood control.-------------------------- 1942 Buckingham landing site, S. C., investigation Bucksport Harbor, Maine, navigation ------------------ ----------- 781, 786 _136 Buena Vista, Ohio, flood control------------------- ---------- 2026 Buffalo Bayou, Tex.: Flood control_ ----------------------------------- 1278 Investigation --- --------------------------- 1272, 1324 Buffalo Creek, N. Y., investigation.---- ------------ _ _-- -.... . 2491 Buffalo Creek, W. Va., and Ga., investigation. --------------------- 2111 Buffalo, N. Y.: Engineer district-------- ------------------ .------------ 2385 Improvement of Black Rock Channel and Tona- wanda Harbor------ -------------------------------- 2431 Improvement of harbor_---------- -------.------- _-- ------- 2425 Buffalo River, Minn., investigation-------------------- --- 1644 Buffalo River, Miss., flood control ..---------------------.. 1174 Buffumville Reservoir, Mass., flood control_-------------164, 165 Buggs Island Reservoir, Va. and N. C., flood control-.... 686, 687 Bull Dog Creek, Minn., investigation_----------------------- 2159 Bull Shoals Reservoir, Ark., flood control---- ---- ----------------- - 1409, 1413 138 - Bullocks Point Cove, R. I., investigation Bunganuc Creek, Maquoite Bay, Maine investigation .... 138 Burbank eastern system, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control------ ----------------------------------------- 2523 Burbank western system (lower), Los Angeles, Calif., flood control-2- - ----------- -------------------------- 2523 Burbank western system (upper), Los Angeles, Calif., flood control -------- --------_-- ----------------- -------- 2523 Bureau Creek, Ill., investigation_ - -- ------ -- -- -- --------- 1599 Burlington Harbor, Vt., navigation --------------------- 312 Burlington, Kans., flood control ....--------------------- 1496 Burlington, Ohio, flood control ------------------------------ --- 2027 Burnsville Reservoir, W. Va., flood control-_ _- - _ --- ---- - - 2027 Burr Oak Reservoir, Ohio, flood control ------------------ __ _ 1992, 2027 Buttahatchee River, Miss. and Ala., investigation.......-------- 1012 Butte Creek, Calif., investigation----- ------.--------- --------- 2670 Buttermilk Bay, Channel to Buzzards Bay, Mass., investi- gation---------- ------------------- ----------- - 139 Buttermilk Channel, New York Harbor, N. Y., naviga- tion ----------------------------- -------- 275 Buzzards Bay to Buttermilk Bay, Mass.: Investigation-.---- ------------------- ----- --- 139 Navigation-------------------------- ---------- 71 C Caballero Creek, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control_------------------ 2523 Cache Creek Basin, Calif., investigation.-------------------_ -.-- 2670 Cache River, Ark., investigation .------------------------1192 XII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Cache River, Ill.: Diversion for flood control-- - _ __ 0000 Investigation 551 1-------------------- Caddo Lake Dam, La., investigation- --- _-----------__ 1147 Caddoa (John Martin) Reservoir, Colo., flood control .... 1331 Cadle Creek, Md., navigation--- ..-- - __ 499 Cadrun Creek, Ark., investigation .........--.....-- .. . 1421 Caesar Creek Reservoir, Ohio, flood control- ---- -- ----------- 1942 Cagles Mill Reservoir, Ind., flood control-... 1----------- -1934, 1942 Cahaba River, Ala., navigation_--------______----_ - 1001 Caillou Bayou, La. (Little)..---------------------------- 1073 Cajon Creek, Santa Ana River Basin, Calif., flood control--._ . _--, 2542 Calaveras Creek, Calif., investigation--------- -_ 2670 Calaveras River, Calif., flood control------------- -------------- 2639 Calcasieu Pass and River, La.: Investigation --------------- ---------- __ _1102, 1147 -- Navigation- -- --------------------------- 1090 Caledonia, N. Y., investigation - - -. - .--- ---------- 2491 Caliente Creek, Calif., investigation -------------------- 2670 California, coast of, investigation_ -------------- .... 2516, 2603 California Debris Commision-------- ------ __-- ---------- 2979 California, Ohio, flood control- , .... . -------- 1940 Calion, Ouachita River, Ark,, flood control- ---. 74 1174---- Caloosahatchee River, Fla.: Investigation -------------------------------- 919, 932 Navigation... ----------------------------- 877, 892 Calumet Harbor and River, Ill. and Ind., improvement of harbor (South Chicago Harbor)- .......-------. - --- ---------- 2267 Calumet Lake, Ill., navigation------------------ -____ 2272 Calumet (Little) River, Ind., investigation. ............ 2314 Calumet-Sag Channel, Ill., navigation -------------- 2282 Cambridge Harbor, Md., navigation----....----------------- 463- Cambridge, Ohio, flood control---------. ------------ 2032 Cambridgeport Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vt., flood control:-_.--- -- - -.-..-.. 174 Camden Harbor, Maine: Investigation-- _------.. .... 139 - 3.9 Navigation ------------------------------------- 136 Camden, S. C., investigation- _--------------- 781 Camp Blanding, Isd- Fla., investigation_ ------ - - 919 Campbell's Island, Ill., investigation- ------- -------- -1599 Canadian River, Tex. and Okla., investigation --------- 1425, 1498--------- Canandaigua Lake, Oswego. River Basin, N. Y., flood control- ------ _-__-. ___-- Canapitsit Channel, Mass., navigation ..----- -- ...----- - _...- 136 2490 .------ Canaveral Harbor, Fla., navigation --------------------- 851 Cane River, La., navigation .....-.. ...-- - ..------- 1100 Caney Creek, Okla. and Kans., flood control --------- --- 1496 Canisteo, N. Y., flood control-....... , .- - 515 Cannelton, Ind., flood control- - --..... -_1913, 1940 Cannonball River, N. Dak., investigation . - -- - _----- 1789 Canton Reservoir, Okla., flood control .---- 1450, 1480 Canyon Reservoir, Guadalupe River, Tex., flood control.- 1318- ..... Cape Charles City Harbor, Va., navigation-------------- 626- ... - Cape Cod Canal, Mass., navigation- ------------ - -67- . Cape Fear, N. C.: Improvement above Wilmington ..----------------- 738- . Improvement at and below Wilmington-.,- .....----. 734--------- Improvement of Northeast River ------------. . --- 741 Investigation.- ------------------ 745, 747, . . 754, 781, 815 INDEX XIII C -- ------- -~--- _ __ ____~ Page Volume 1 Volume 2 - - ___ _____ - - - I - Cape Girardeau (east) Ill, and Mo., investigations ....... 1551, 1552 Cape May, N. J., investigation - ..-............. 431 Cape Porpoise Harbor, Maine: Investigation .. .. __._ 139 Navigation.. __-_---------_------ --.--. -- 41 Cape Vincent Harbor, N. Y., navigation._-. L ... . .2458 Carbon Canyon Dam and Channel, Santa Ana River Basin, Calif., flood control__----. --------.. 2548 Carbon River, Wash., investigation.......-------. 2928 Cardens Bottom drainage district No. 2, Arkansas River Ark., flood control -- --- 1374 Carguinez Strait and Alhambra Creek, Calif., investigation ---------------------------- 2603 Carlin Bayou, La., navigation------- -------------- 1.081 ~ Carlyle Reservoir, Ill., flood control ------------- 1544 Carmel River, Calif., investigation .... 2610 Carolina Beach, N. C., investigation..---..----------- 747 Carpenter Point, Md., investigation- _ _ ------------ 504 Carrabelle Bar, Harbor, and River, Fla., navigation..... 1001 Carroll County, Ill., flood control ...----.....----......-------.... 1599 Carrollton, Ky., flood control...........--------------------- 1940 Carson River, Calif., and Nev., investigation_---.-----.- 2670 Carters Creek, Va., navigation.-------- ------------ 592 Carthage, Mo.: Flood control........------------------------- 1435 Investigation------.........------------------------ 1498 Carvers Harbor, Maine, navigation.------------------- 136 Cascade storage project, Idaho, investigation 2830 Caseville Harbor and Pigeon River, Mich., investigation . 747 2374 Casey Island, N. C., investigation----- ------------ _ _ __ Caseys Pass, Fla.: Investigation-_...-------------- ------- 919 Navigation-------------------------------- 000 Caseyville, Ky., flood control------------- ------ _1941 Cashie River, N. C.: Investigation------------------------ ------ 741 Navigation...---------- ---------------------- 745 Castle Rock, Cowlitz River, Wash., flood control-....---- 2812 Castlewood Reservoir, Colo., flood control.... . ..... __ 1798 Catatonk Creek Basin, N. Y., investigation....-,----..-- Cathance River, Maine: Investigation ---------------- -------------- 139 ... Navigation --- ---------------------------- 136 Catlettsburg, Ky., flood control------------ _ __ ------- -_-_------2002, 2026 Cattaraugus Creek, N. Y.: Investigation------------------------------ ------------ 2466, 2491 Navigation ------------------------------- 2464 Cavallo Pass, Tex., improvement of channel to Port Lavaca------------- ----------------------- 1251 Cave-in-Rock, Ill., flood control----. _ _,. ..------- 1941 Cave Run Reservoir, Ky., flood control _ .....-.....--- 1942 Cayuga Creek, N. Y., investigation.__._...... . 2466, 2491 Cazenovia Creek, N. Y., investigation ------------- --- .-.--- 2491 1599 Cedar and Iowa Rivers, Iowa, investigation Cedar Bayou Pass, Tex., investigation.:..:_... ... ... 1272 Cedar Bayou, Tex., improvement _-_____ ..___ .__ ._ 1239 Cedar Bay to Thoroughfare Bay, N. C., improvement.. -- 723 Cedar City, Utah, investigation --- -_- .-- .------ .-.-- 2670 Cedar Keys Harbor, Fla., navigation-..... ..... ---.. 917 Cedar River Harbor, Mich., navigation 2252 Cedar River, Wash., investigation ----.-.. Center Hill Reservoir, Tenn., flood control.......... ..... . 2928 1845, 1851 Centerport Harbor, Long Island, N. Y., investigation... 352 XIV INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Centinela Creek, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control Central City Reservoir, Iowa, flood control._ --- _ ._.._ 2523 1595 Ceredo, W. Va., flood control____ _ __ 2026,2027 Chamita Dam and Reservoir, Rio Chama, N. Mex., flood control. _ .. . . .. . ............... . . 1340 Champlain Canal, N. Y., investigation.-.---------_- 352 Champlain Lake, N. Y. and Vt., channel between North and South Hero Islands, navigation. 351 International Board of Control- -------- 3073 Narrows of, navigation _ 310 Chandeleur Islands Industrial Canal, La., investigation .. 1102 Chandlerville, Ill., east of: Flood control _ . . . . .. 2313 Investigation _ _ 2314 Chandlerville No. 2 Reservoir, Ill., flood control 2307 Chariton River, Iowa and Mo.: Flood control ____... __ 1687 Investigation-- -_ .. . - --.- 1699 Charleston Harbor, S. C., investigation- - - 782 Charleston, S. C.: Engineering district _ .... ._ 755 Improvement of harbor__ _ __ 770 Charleston, south slough, Oregon, investigation 2769 Charlestown, Md., investigation. 504 Charlevoix Harbor, Mich.: Investigation----- 2253 Navigation. . . . 2247 Charlotte Harbor, Fla.: Investigation _ _ ____ 919 Navigation- -- - - -- 895 Charlotte (Rochester) Harbor, N. Y., navigation- 2444 Chartiers, Pa., investigation.__. __ 2111 Chassahowitska River, Fla., investigation- Chatham (Stage) Harbor, Mass., navigation.- --- 919 136 Chattahoochee River, Ga. and Ala.: Investigation ..... _ ...... .- __ __ _ 1002 Navigation.....- _- - _ -_ -_ - - - - 947 Chattanooga, Tenn., and Rossville, Ga., flood control_ 1852 Chattooga Reservoir, Ga., and S. C., flood control ...... 816 Chaumont Bay and River, N. Y., investigation , 2466 Cheat River, W. Va.: Investigation_.._..__ ___ 2111 Navigation. 2053 Cheboygan Harbor and River, Mich.: Investigation, _ __._______ 2374 Navigation_ 2338 Cheesequake Creek, N. J.: Investigation_____.__ ._ . _.. .. ..... __ ....... _ 352 Navigation_ 339 Chefuncte River, La., navigation.-_ ..------.--.-.----- 1029--------- Chehalis River, Wash.: Investigation_ ................. _ ._______........ 2902,2928 Navigation - . 2891 Chelsea River or Creek, Mass., investigation...... _.._ .. 139 Chena Slough, Alaska: Investigation _ ---- . - _ __ _ 2928 Flood control _ ___ 2927 Chenango and Susquehanna Rivers, N. Y., investigation.. r- 554 Cherokee Canal & Gargue, Calif., investigation---- 2670 Cherokee County, Kans., flood control_...-.-------- 1496 Cherokee, Salt Fork, of Arkansas River, Okla., flood control ------------------------------------ 1454 1........ INDEX XV - --------- ;--- ---------- Page Volume 1 1 Volume 2 Cherry Creek Reservoir No. 1., Colo., flood control Chesapeake Bay, Md., investigations. ---------------- ------ 431, 504 1791 Chesapeake, Ohio, flood control_._ , _.----------- 2027 Cheshire, Ohio--------- ------------------------ ---------- 2026 Chester, Ill., investigation.--_---------..... ----- 1513 Chester River, Md., navigation-------------_ 453 Chester River, Pa., navigation..........._... __-___ 428 Chetco River, Oreg., navigation_-------------- 2765 Chetopa, Kans., flood control__---- _ --- - __ 1496 Chevreuil Bayou, La., investigation ------------------- 1102 Cheyenne River, S. Dak. and Wyo., investigation-------- 1789 Chicago Harbor and River: Improvement of harbor--------------------- 2261 Improvement of river__------------------- 2264 Investigation_____ --------------------- _ _ 2297 Chicago, Ill., engineering district-.-..--...-___--.... 2257 Chickalah Creek, Ark., investigation_----_ ... _..... _ 1421 Chickasahay River, Miss: Investigation ._...... _... .. _.------ -- .. ______ 1002 Navigation _ __ _.. _------------....... 1001 Chico River, P. R., investigation--------------------- 2969 Chicopee, Connecticut River Basin, Mass., flood control.-- 175, 206 Chicopee River, Mass., investigation. __..,_ 221 Chicot Lake, Ark., investigation----------------------- 1174 Chief Joseph Dam, Wash., navigation ----------------- 2873 Chiflo Dam, N. Mex., flood control_.._. Chikaskia River, Okla. and Kans., investigation Chilicothe Reservoir, Mo., flood control--.------------- Chilo, Ohio, flood control_------- ------------------. Chincoteague Inlet and Bay, Va.: .__._.__ --------- 1344 1498 1658 1940 Navigation-------------------------------- 491 Waterway to Delaware Bay, navigation-.__......... 428 Clintwood, Va., flood control------------------------ 2027 Chipola River, Fla.: Investigation .......------------------------- 1002 Flood Control----- ----------------------- 1012 Chippewa Harbor, Isle Royale, Mich., navigation-----__ 2114 Chippewa River, Wis., investigation-------------------- 1644 Chittenango Creek and tributaries, New York, flood control -------------------------------------- 2487 Chitto Bogue, La., navigation_ --------------------- 1001 Chocolate Bayou, Tex.: Investigation ------------- ----------------- 1272 Navigation---------------------------- 1245 Choctawhatchee Bay and River, Fla. and Ala.: Improvement of East Pass Channel. 961 Improvement of river.......-.. ---------....... 957 Investigation 003,1012 1-------------------------------1 Choptank River, Md., navigation.---.--._ ..---------- 502 Chouteau, Nameoki, and Venice drainage and levee district, Illinois, flood control_-------- ----.... ...... 1541 Chouteau Island, Ill., investigation----------- -----.. 1552 Chowan River, N. C.: Investigation---------------------------------- 693 Navigation- . .__-. . . . . _ 702 Chowchilla River, Calif., investigation----- ------------- 2670 Christiansted Harbor, St. Croix, V. I., investigation_....._. 2967 Chuckatuck Creek, Va., investigation.- - - - 683 . r ... Chunky River, Miss., investigation...--_ ....-- ...-- .-- 1012 Cimarron River, N. Mex., Okla., and Kans., investiga- tion . .---- ---............... _ .... .. 1498 - .- - 804711-48--vol. 1-96 XVI INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Cincinnati, Ohio: Flood control _ 1899, 1940 Investigation . . . _ 1949 City Waterway, Tacoma Harbor, Wash.- 2884 Claiborne Harbor, Md., navigation_ -502 Claremont Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, N. II., flood control _ ----------------------------- 174, 180 Clarendon to Laconia Circle, Ark., flood control_ 1191 Clarington, Ohio _ 2027 Clarion River, Pa.: Flood control- 2090, 2104 Investigation 2111 Clark Fork, Idaho, investigation 2928 Clark Hill Reservoir, Ga. and S. C. 816 Clarksville, Ark., flood control 1418 Clarksville, Ind., flood control 1904 Clatskanie River, Oreg., navigation 2724 Clear and Dogy Creeks, Okla., investigation_ 1498 Clear Creek, Ill.; Flood control-- - - 1514, 1516 Investigation . 1552 Clear Creek and Lake, Tex., navigation 1242 ..... Clear Lake Area, Calif.: Investigation_ _ ______ ___ 2670 Flood control ... . . . . . . ...... . . . 2032 Clearwater Bay, Fla., investigation___ 919 Clearwater Reservoir, Mo., flood control 1401,1413 Clearwater River, Minn., flood control........ _.. 16.18 Clearwater River, Oregon, investigation__ 2769, 2830 Clendening Reservoir, Ohio, flood control 1975 Cleveland Harbor, Ohio: Beach erosion control study-. . .... 2466 Navigation ... . ... . . . . . . . . . 2398 Cleves, Ohio, flood control.__ ___ _ 1940 Clifton, W. Va., flood control- 2027 Clinch River, Tenn. and Va., navigation_ 1830 Clinton Harbor, Conn.r, navigation 111 Clinton, Ind., flood control_ ....... _- 1941 Clinton River, Mich.: Investigation _.......... 2374, 2383 Navigation - _ __ .. .. .. .. . 2372 Cloverport, Ky., flood control_ ----- 1940 Clyde, Pawtuxet River Basin, R. I., flood control ....... 161 Coal Creek, Ill., flood control ... . . .. . 2303, 2307 Coal Creek, Tenn., investigation 1857 Coal Grove, Ohio, flood control . 598 2026 Coan River, Va., navigation._ _ . Coastal Plains Soil Conservation, Tex., investigation .. 1324 Coasters Harbor Island, R. I., navigation........ _. 136 Cobscook, Maine, navigation .. ....... .. 136 Cocheco River, N. H., navigation______...._.. L 136 Cockrells Creek, Va., navigation _-- 581 Cocoa, Fla., investigation_ . .... _. __... _ ._ .919, 933 Coden Bayou, Ala., navigation. .......... .- 986 Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, flood control _ ._.. 2927 Cohansey River, N. J., navigation_ -. ____.- 409 Cohasset Harbor, Mass., navigation. . 65 ColdBrook Reservoir, S. Dak., flood control. 178 Cold Spring Inlet, N. J.: Investigation ........ ,_, .... . - .. .. . 431 - . -_ Navigation.... --.... ... ------.. -.-. -.. __ 413 INDEX XVII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Coldwater Canyon, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control.,..._:-- - -2523 .___ Cold Water Creek, Ala., investigation- ------__ ,1012 Coldwater River, Miss., navigation------.. -. . .. 1158 - Colfax, La., flood control_.. .. . , .. 1146 Colfax, Wash., flood control_-- -- -- _-- -- - - - - 2778 Collinsville, Ala., flood control .. .------------- ___.1011 Collinsville to Shasta Dam, Calif., flood control--------- 2657 Colonial Beach, Va., beach erosion study, investigation. 599 Colorado River, Tex. and Ariz. and Colorado, investigation 1272, 1324 2558 Colorado Springs, Fountaine que Bouille River, Colo., flood control------------ . ,1327 Columbia drainage and levee district No 3, Illinois, flood control------- -------------------- ---. -.------ 1535 Columbia, La., flood control---, -- 1146 ---- . Columbia River, Oreg. and Wash.: At Baker Bay, Wash.: Investigation .... - Navigation- ..........---- .--... --- .- - ----.....------- Bonneville, Oreg., construction of dam at -.. .. . - .- ------- ---- - -- 2770 2734 2691 Bridges at Cascade locks.-----------------.. ------- _- - - 2768 Cascades Canal. ----- ------ -----. -- - 2768 Celilo Falls to Snake River, including tributaries, improvements from .....- - -------- ...... .. .. 2680 Celilo Falls to The Dalles Rapids, navigation-. -...-- . - 2733 Chinook, Wash., to head of Sand Island: Investigation ---.... ---. --................ -..-- .. 2770 Navigation ------------------------ --- -- 0000 Investigation ---..------..-- ...............---------------- -- 2769, 2830, 2928 McNary Dam, navigation------------------- 2684 Mouth, improvement-------- ------- . --. 2713, 2736 Vancouver to The Dalles, Oreg. .... .- - --- - 2701 Wenatchee to Kettle Falls, Wash., navigation___----- ----- - 2901 Columbus, Colorado River, Tex., flood control----------- 1304 Columbus, Ga., investigation----- . ...-. .. ,. _ 1003 Columbus, Nebraska, investigation--------------------. . . 1748 Commerce for calendar year 1947----------..-----------6.. Commissions: See also Boards. California Debris Commission----........................ .. 2979 Mississippi River Commission ---............ .... 2997 Permanent International Association of Congresses of Navigation---.......------------------------------ ----. 3043 Compton Creek, N. J.: Investigation ....---------------------------- , - 352 - Navigation- --------------------...----------.. 342 Conchas Dam and Reservoir, N Mex,.. ., .. .... ..... .1334 Concordia, Ky., flood control-.. -_-__-_-_-- -- -_ - --- ---- - 1940 Conecuh River, Ala.: Investigation.....------------.-----------1003 . Navigation-- --------------------------.... 966 Conemaugh River, Pa., investigation- - --.--.- ,- 2054, 2111 --.. .-...... Conemaugh River Reservoir, Pa., flood,controL...-. -. ...... 2086, 2104 Conewango Creek, N. Y., investigation'--______-- __-.2111 -.- Coney Island Channel, N. Y., navigation-35--........351 Coney Island Creek, N. Y., navigation.. - . .. ,20....270 Congaree River, S. C., navigation-....... ... .... 767 Congaree-Santee, S. C., investigation_------------------ 782, 786 Congresses of Navigation, Permanent International .A Association of.- - -- - -- - - -- . - .3043 -- - - 804711-48--vol. 1-97 XVIII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Conneaut Harbor, Ohio: Investigation_ ......--- ..-.---------- --- _----------- - 2466 Navigation ---- - _----------- .------------------------ 2411 Connecticut River Basin, Vt., N. H., Mass., Conn., flood control: Local protection projects_------.-----.-.------_ .175 Reservoirs ---- ------- ---------------------- 174 Connecticut River, Mass. and Conn.: Investigation- - . -------------------------- 139, 221, 222 Navigation above Hartford, Conn----- .------ 137 Navigation below Hartford, Conn----------- --- ---- 107 Consolidated cost and financial summary--__ -----_ - 22 Consolidated diking and improvement district No. 1, Cowlitz County, Wash., flood control ----------------- ---------- 2829 Contentnea Creek, N. C., navigation _ __ __--- __ 745 Conway County levee district No. 6, Arkansas River, Ark., flood control --------------------------------- 1378 Conway County levee districts Nos. 1, 2, and 8, Arkansas River, Ark., flood control.--.-----.-------. -_ 1380 Conway County, Ark., investigation_ ---- -____-_ . 1421 Conway, S. C., investigation -- ------------------- 786 Cook Inlet, Alaska, investigation_--------------------- _ --- ___ 2902 Cooper River, N. J., navigation-_-------_ __-___-- 403 Cooper River, S. C., investigation-- 7.------------------ 782 Coosa River, Ga. and Ala.: At Rome, Ga., flood control------- _-__---- _ 1005 Investigation ------------------------------- 1003, 1012 - Navigation -- ------ ------------------------- __ 974 Coosawatte River, Ga., navigation-_ .---- _..--. ---. 1001 Coos Bay, Harbor, and River, Oreg.: Improvement of entrance to bay and harbor- -- ---- _2758 .--.-- Improvement of river_--------- __ --- _ --- ---------- 2757 Investigation --- _ ___- ------- _ ..- - __-- _____E___ -2770 Copes Corner Reservoir, N. Y., flood control ------------ 510, 516- - Coquille River, Oreg.: Flood control_. .---.-- _ ---....- _ -2820 Investigation---. _-----.--____----------- _ -------- 2770 Navigation -- --------------------------------- --------- 2763 Coralville Reservoir, Iowa, flood control_ .----. _----------- 1588, 1595 Coraopolis, Pa., flood control_ ...---- -__- __ -- ___-------2103 Cordova Harbor, Alaska: Investigation- ----------------- --------- _____ _. --.- _ 2902 Navigation -- ------ ------------------------ --------- 2840 Corea Harbor, Maine, navigation.----------__------- 136 Core Creek, N. C., investigation.-----.------ _- -- - 754 Core Sound, N. C., improvement of waterway to Beaufort Harbor___- -------------------------- ___. 748 Corte Madera Creek, Calif., investigation------------.--_--- - -2610 Cortney Bayou, La., navigation --....------------ . - 1100 Corning, N. Y., flood control___._.-.----.-.--.-.. Cornucopia Harbor, Wis., improvement _ - 513, 517 _.------------------------ - 2126 - Cornwall on the Hudson and Dock Hill Brook, N. Y., investigation.__------------------------...-... . 369 Corpus Christi, Tex.: Channel to Encinal Peninsula naval seaplane base .... 1270 Improvement of channel to Aransas Pass------------ 1256 Investigation -------. _________.--- -- .___- 1272 Corsica River, Md., navigation--- ------.-.-------. - 455 Cosmopolis, Wash., flood control ---------- __--------- _- 2915 Cossatot River, Ark., investigation- ----------- ------ 1498 INDEX XIX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Cottage Grove Reservoir, Oreg., flood control------------ 2795 Cotton Bayou, Tex., investigation------------------ 1272 Cottonwood Creek, Calif., investigation----------------- 2670 Cottonwood Falls, Kans., flood control.......:..... -.. 1496 Cottonwood Springs Reservoir, S. Dak., flood control_..._ 1782 Cotuit Harbor and West Bay, Mass.__.._....._.. _ 139 Coudersport, Pa., investigation---- 2111 Council Bluffs, Iowa, flood control_----- . .. 1717, 1734, 1748 Courtenay, Fla., channel improvement ....--------- 917 Cove Harbor and Cove Pond, Conn., investigation...... 139 Covington, Ky., flood control_._- -------------- 1896, 1940 Cow Creek, Calif., investigation--....--------------- 2670 Cowlitz County drainage improvement district No. 1, Washington, flood control.------------------ ---- 2829 Cowlitz River, Wash.: Investigation----- ------------------------- 2830 Navigation_------ ------------------------- 2722 Cox Creek, Md., investigation.---------------------- Coyote River, Calif., investigation-------------------- 2610 Crane Brook, N. Y., flood control------------------ 2482 Crane Creek, Ill., flood control.__-------- _----- ------- 2307, 2313 Cranes Creek, Va., navigation ....--------------------- Crawford County levee district, Arkansas River, Ark., flood control----------------------------- 1367 Creede, Willow Creek, Colo., flood control.-------- _ 1338 Creque Gut, Island of St. Croix, V. I., investigation.----_. 2969 Crescent City Harbor, Calif., navigation--------------- 2561 Crescent Lake, Fla., investigation_----_.------------- 919 Criehaven Harbor, Maine: Investigation -------------- --------------- 139 Navigation -------------------------------- 136 Crisfield Harbor, Md.: Investigation------------------------------- 504 Navigation .-------------------------------- 479 Crooked Creek Reservoir, Pa., flood control. ---- Crooked and Indian Rivers, Mich.: Investigation ----------------------------------- 2374 Navigation ---------------------------- 2340 Crooked River, Oreg., investigation----------------- 2830 Cross-Florida Waterway, Fla., investigation.------------ 919 Cross Rip Shoals, Mass., navigation ......---------------- 78 Cross-Rock Channel, N. C., investigation...... ... _.._ 748 "Crow," Gimlet Creek, Ill., investigation-----.---- .. 1552, 2314 Crow River, Minn., investigation-,-------------------- 1644 Crystal River, Fla.: Investigation...----------------------------- 920 Navigation-------------------------------- 917 Cucamonga Creek, Calif., investigation---------------- 754 2558 Cucklers Creek, N. C., investigation_._.__.._ __.. _ ..... . Cuivre River, Mo., navigation --------------......................... 1512 Cumberland, Md., flood control._-------------------- 603 Cumberland River, Ky., and Tenn.: ----- 60-3 Investigation ...------------------------------- 1857 Navigation.--------------------------------- ------ 139y 1813 Cundys Harbor, Maine, investigation_-----.---.--.--..- 139 Cunningham Creek, Ohio, navigation-_---------- 2464 Current River, Ark., and Mo., navigation_.... _ _ . ... 1362 Cuttyhunk Harbor, Mass.: Investigation.-----_.. _ ___.----- -.. _..._._ 139 - Navigation --------------------------------- 85 .----- XX INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Cuyahoga County, Ohio, investigation : ------- Cypress Bayou, Tex. and La.: - ---- . --. .--- 2466 Improvement of, including connecting lakes between Shreveport, La., and Jefferson, Tex. -_-....-1025 Cypress Creek, Md., navigation-------------------- 502 Cypress Creek, Tex., investigation-.- ---- - 1102, 1324 Cypress River, Texas, investigation.....----------------- 1102, 1148 D Dalecarlia Reservoir, Washington, D C. 1 --- _ 3060 Dale Hollow Reservoir, Tenn. and Ky., flood control --- _-.------- 1841, 1851 Dallas Floodway, Tex., flood control..-.-- - - -------- 1296 Dalles-Celilo Canal, Oreg. and Wash., improvement_- --- _ 2688 Dalles Dam, Oregon, investigation --------------- _------ 2770 Damariscotta River, Maine, navigation-_ -6136 Dansville and vicinity, Genesee River, N. Y., flood control_. . 2475 D'Arbonne Bayou, La., navigation--------------------- 1100 Dardanelle, Ark., flood control---- ....--.......- - __ -1372 Darien Harbor, Ga., navigation --------------- ----- - 801 Dark Head Creek, Md., navigation '-_ 502 5-........ Dauphin Island Bay, Ala., navigation _ _ - - 1001 1-- Davenport Center Reservoir, N. Y., flood control-.--- - 509, 516 Davis Creek, Va., investigation 683----.-.-683 Davis Slough, N. C., investigation ..--- 48.. 748 Dayton, Ky., flood control ------------------------- 1898, 1940 Dayton, Touchet River, Wash., flood control-- 2784 Dead Horse Canyon and Royal Boulevard Channel, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control ---------------- ------------------- 2523 Deals Island, Md.: Lower Thoroughfare, improvement---.. -- - 477 Upper Thoroughfare, improvement------------------ 475 Debris control, Sacramento, Calif -------------------------------- 2979 Debs Inlet, N. Y., navigation -_ _ 259 259--....._..._ Deception Pass, Skagit Bay, Wash.----------------------------. 2902 Deep Bay, N. C., to Swan Quarter Bay, N. C., waterway, navigation------i --- '----- ------------------- 713 Deep Creek, Md., investigation_- -------------- ___.. 599 Deep Creek, Va.: Investigation---------------------- - 504, 683 -- Navigation-------------------- -- ----- 649 Deep Fork, Okla., investigation-_--- . ----- -- 1498 Deep Red Run, Okla., investigation -- 1498 Deep River area, Wahkiakum County, Wash., flood con- trol-- --- -------------------- --- ------ . ... ------ . 2829 Deep River, Wash., navigation_--.... ------------.- _ --- - 2728 Deer Creek, Calif, investigation- ---.--- ..-.- ----------- 2558, 2670 Deer Creek Prairie levee unit, Indiana, flood control ------ _ - . - 1941 Deer Island area, Columbia County, Oreg., flood control.- _ ..- 2829 Deer Island Thoroughfare, Maine, navigation.--- 136 Degognia and Fountain Bluff, Ill., flood control 1------523 Delaware Bay and River, Pa., N. J., and Del.: At Camden, navigation_---.-__ .379__-__- - - At or near mouth of Neversink River, navigation 28 428 Flood-control investigation ------------------------ 439 Harbor of refuge in bay, navigation---... _ -.------ - 399 Navigation and power investigation --------------- 352, 431 Philadelphia to sea: Investigation------------------------------ 431 Navigation--------- --------.. -.. - 374 INDEX XXI Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Philadelphia to Trenton:' Improvement----- ----------------- _ ' 372 Investigation------------------------------- 431 Waterway to Chesapeake Bay, Del., and Md.: Improvement -------- -- . --.---- _ 389 Investigation ...------------------- -- 431 Delaware Reservoir, Ohio .. .. . -.- - ---- 1982, 2027 DeLeon Springs, Fla., investigation ...----------- 920 Delphi, Ind., flood control.----------- :. -------- 1873, 1941 Denison, Iowa, flood control - --- ,. ,----- --- 1732 -- Denison Reservoir, Tex. and Okla., flood control---------- 1482 Dennis Creek, N. J., navigation --------------- 428 Denver, Colo., engineering district.-----.---.---.--- 1791 Depew, N. Y., investigation.--------------------- --- ___. 2491 De Poe Bay, Oreg., navigation ---- .- ...--- --- ...... --- -2743 Depue Lake, Bureau County, Ill., investigation::. -- _ l -.... ._ 2297 Derby, Ind., flood control__ _-----_.------------------c . 1940 Derelicts. See Wrecks. Des Cannes Bayou, La., navigation.. - -- ...---. 1085 --------.--------. 1 Des Moines, Iowa, flood control- 1584 Des Moines River, Iowa, investigation ---------- ------ . .. 1599 Detroit, Mich., engineering district__-------- -------- ---- - 2315 Detroit Reservoir, Oreg., flood control -------------------- . _ -- -2802 Detroit River, Mich.: Investigation------------------------- Navigation.---. ---------------------.. De Valls Bluff, White River, Ark., flood control .. ------------ . ,-- 1191 . 2374 --------.. 2333 ------ Dewey Reservoir, Ky., flood control.----- ............ 2009, 2027 Dexter Lake, Fla., investigation9,9--- _ ---------- -- - 920, 933 Dickinson Bayou, Tex.: ... . Investigation----------------------------------- 1272 Navigation....._-- ------------------ -- - 1244 Diking and improvement district No. 4, Wahkiakum" County, Wash., flood control.--..------..... ----------. 2813 Diking and improvement district No. 5, Cowlitz County, . ... Wash., flood control ------------------------------ ----.. 2829 Diking district No. 2, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood con- trol---------.----- --------------------- -2829 Diking district No. 3, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood con- trol --- _ - ------------ Diking district No. 5, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood con- ----------- .........------- 2829 trol -- ------------------ --------------- 2829 Diking districts Nos. 1 and 3 (Puget Island) and :Little Island, Wahkiakum County, Wash., flood control- -..-............ 2829 Diking improvement district No. 2, Cowlitz County, Wash., flood control.------------------ --- ---- --- 2829 Diking improvement district No. 13, Cowlitz County, Wash., flood control------------------------------ 2829 Diking improvement district No. ,1, Pacific County, :; Wash., flood control-. -- ----------------------- ------ 2829 Diking improvement district No. 11, Cowlitz County,' Wash., flood control----------------------- ------ --- 2829 ....-------... Dillon Reservoir, Ohio, flood control-------------- ... 1988, 2027 Dillonvale, Ohio, flood control.... ...- . ..--...- ... . --.. 2103 Dirty Creek Bottom, Okla., flood control........, ...--. 1438 Dirty Creek, Okla., investigation- ----- 1498 9 .......... Disposal of electric power.----------------- . 8 ......... XXII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 District of Columbia: Anacostia Park----------------------------------------- 3056 Anacostia River, reclamation of flats_.----------------------_ 3056 Aqueduct, increasing water supply_'--------- ----------_ -_ 3061 Government buildings, consumption of water in-------_-------- - 3062 Improvement of Potomac River-------------------- 599 Dock Hill Brook, Hudson River, N. Y., investigation_ 369 Doctors Inlet, Fla., investigation9------------------- - 920 Dogy and Clear Creeks, Okla., investigation------------- 1498 Dominguez Del Amo and Bixby Slough, Calif., Investi- gation -------------------------------------------------- 2516 Dona Bay, Fla., investigation_920_--------------------- 920 Donaldsonville, La., investigation_--------.----------. 1102,1148 Donovan levee, Illinois, flood control----.-------.---.------- _ 2313 Door County, Wis., investigation ---------- ----- . __________ 2253 Dora Canal, Fla. See Oklawaha River. Dora Lake, Fla., investigation ----------------.......- 920,933 Dorcheat Bayou, La., navigation----------------------- 1100 Dorchester Bay and Neponset River, Mass., navigation--- 136 Dorena Reservoir, Oreg., flood control - - 2797 Dosoris Creek, N. Y.--------------------------------- 352 Double Bayou, Tex.: Investigation ------------------------------ ---- 1272 Navigation ------ ---------------------------- 1233. Double Creek, N. J., navigation----------------------- 428 Douglas County, Wis., investigation-------- . ------------- . _ 2159 Douglas Harbor, Alaska, investigation------------------------_ .2902 Dover, Ky., flood control --- _-___-_ ---- _-_-____________ -- 1940 Downieville, Calif., investigation ---------------------- 2670 Drainage district No. 1, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control.----------------- ___ -- -- ----.-_- 2829 -______-- Drift Creek, Oreg., investigation ------------ -------.-.----. _ - 2770 Drum Inlet, N. C., navigation_---------------------- - 724 Dry Creek, Calif., investigation_.. . .---- -.. ---. _________ ----. 2670 Dry Creek, N. Y., flood control 2482 _________----------------------_ Dry Creek, Idaho, investigation----------------------- __________ 2830 Dry Pass, Alaska: Investigation------------------------------------ -- ----- 2902 Navigation-- --------- ------------------------ --- ----- 2853 Dry Run, Iowa, flood control ------------------------------------ 1636 Duck Island Harbor, Conn., navigation------ ----------- 110 Duck Point Cove, Md., navigation--------------------- 468 Duck River, Tenn., navigation ----------------- _ .____. ______ 1830 Dulac Bayou, La., improvement of waterway via Grand Caillou and Le Carpe Bayous, La., to-------------- - 1074 Du Large Bayou, La., investigation_------.---..-.- 1103,1148 Duluth, Minn.: Engineering district -------------------.-._-___ ---- - .__ 2113 Improvement of Duluth-Superior Harbor---------------- - -_-_2120 Dunkirk Harbor, N. Y.: Investigation ----------------------------------- 352 2466 Navigation---- ------------------------------- ________ 2420 Dunlap Creek, Pa., investigation ------------------------------- 2111 Dunns Creek and Crescent Lake, Fla., navigation--------........ 917 Dunxsutawney, Pa., flood control ---------------- - -__________ 2103 Dupre Bayou, La., navigation ------------------------ 1053 Dutch Creek, Ark., investigation----------------------- 1421 Dutch Island Harbor, R. I.1----------------- ----- - 139 Dutch Slough, Calif., investigation..................... 2636 2670 Duwamish River, Wash., investigation ........................... 2902, 2928 Duxbury Harbor, Mass., navigation -......---.--...-- - 66 INDEX XXIII Page Volume I Volume 2 Dyberry Reservoir, Dyberry Creek, Pa., flood control.... 431 Dyer Creek, Va., investigation ----------------------- 683 Dymers Creek, Va., navigation --------- ------------ 598 E Eagle Creek Reservoir, Ohio, flood control.--_ _-_ 2104 Eagle Harbor, Mich., navigation--------------------_------ __ - 2155 Eagle Lake to Matagordo, Colorado River, Tex., flood control----------- --- ------------------------- 1303 Eagletown Reservoir, Okla., investigation.--------------- 1498 East Bay Bayou, Tex.: Investigation- -------------------------------- 1273 Navigation--_ ----------------------------- 1270 East Barre, Winooski River Basin, Vt., flood control3.... 360 East Boothbay Harbor, Maine, navigation-------------- 35 East Branch, Clarion River Reservoir, Ohio River Basin, Pa., floor control--------------------_------------------- 2090, 2104 East Brimfield Reservoir, Mass., flood control--- ------- 164, 166 East Cape Girardeau and Clear Creek, Ill.: Flood control ----------------------------------- -------- 1514 Investigation---------------------------------1---------- 1552 East Chester Creek, N. Y.: Investigation ---- ----------------------------- 352 Navigation-------- ----------------- ---------- 228 East Fork Reservoir, Ohio, flood control----..---------------- --- 1942 East Hartford, Conn., flood control ------------------- 175, 215 East Jordan, Wis., investigation - _.----------------- ---------- 2253 Eastland, Leon River, Tex., flood control-------- ------- 1302 East Liverpool, Ill., flood control------------------------------- 2313 East Lynn Reservoir, W. Va., flood control_.------------------ 2027 East Moline, Ill., investigation--------------------------------- 1599 East Pass Chaiinel, Fla., from Gulf of Mexico into Choctawhatchee Bay: Investigation _------------------ ---------------- 1003 Navigation_----------------------------------- 961 East Pearl River, Miss., navigation_-------, ----------- 1001 East Peoria, Ill., flood control. ---------------------------------- 2313 East Point, Apalachicola Bay, Fla., investigation -------- 1003 East Poplar Bluff and Poplar Bluff, Mo., flood control_.... 1397 East Lainelle, Meadow River, Ohio, flood control--....------. 2032 East River, Brunswick Harbor, Ga., improvement..._ __ 805 East River, N. Y.: Improvement, including Coenties Reef -------------- 278 Investigation --- ---------------- -- -------- 352, 353 East Rockaway (Debs) Inlet, N. Y., navigation--------- 259 East St. Louis, Ill., flood control----------------------------- --- 1539 East Sidney Reservoir, N. Y., flood control-_-- . 510, 516 - Eau Gallie, Fla., navigation--------------------------- 917 Eau Gallie, Fla., investigation----------------------- 920, 933 Echo Bay Harbor, N. Y., navigation_ _____-_------ -- 351 Edenton Harbor, N. C., navigation--- ---------- -- 745 Edgartown Harbor, Mass., navigation. ------------ 136 Edisto River, S. C.: Flood control --------------------------------- 785 Navigation -------- ---------------------- 780 Edmonds Harbor, Wash., investigation ---------------------- 2902 Edwardsville, Pa., flood control-----------------------_ 532 Eel levee unit 1 and 2, Indiana flood control-------------- -- 1941 XXIV INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Eel River, Calif: Flood control----- -----. ------- -- ....---------- 2609 Investigation --------------------. ---. --- 2610 Egegik River, Alaska, navigation-- 2901 Eight-Mile Creek and Locust Creek, Ark., investigation- 1192__._. Eightmile River, Conn.: Investigation -------------- ------ ... 139 -...-- Navigation _--_--------------- --------------- 137 _._ Eldred, Pa., investigation-..- ---....--.--.... .2111 Elfin Cove, Alaska, navigation--__ -__--_---------- 2901 Elizabeth City, N. C., investigation....-- .---...... . 683 Elizabeth River, N. J., navigation............---------------------. 325 Elizabeth River, Va.: Improvement of Norfolk Harbor, including Eastern, Southern, and Western Branches6.4:,- .-... 664 Improvement of waterway to sounds of North Carolina---------- - - 615 -------- Investigation .----- -------- ----------------- 683, 684 Elizabethtown, Ill., flood control-..- ... --.... --- .. . ... --..... 1941 Elk City (Table Mound) Reservoir, Kans., flood control_.. 1480 Elkhorn River, Nebr., investigation_----..- _ _ -- .. -------... 1748 Elkins, W. Va., flood control_ _-__ _--------- - -- _ _---------2084, 2103 Elkport, Iowa, flood control --------------------------- 1595 Elk River, Ala. and Tenn., navigation- --.--.- __.-___ ___-_- .1830 -- Elk River, Md., navigation--------- - ------------- 502- Elk River, W. Va., navigation --_--_-__ ... Ellison Bay and Sister Bay, Door County, Wis., investi- _ 1972 gation ------------------ _- -------- ------ . ----- 2253 Elm Creek, Okla., investigation--_-...--- .. --.. 1498 Elmira, N. Y., flood control__---_____------ . --.... 512, 517- Elokomin slough, Washington, navigations - ..-. , -- 2768 Emergency flood-control work. See districts. . Emergency relief program..l. - .. .. ...- -..... 16- Emery River, Tenn., investigation --------------------- -------- 1857 Emeryville Harbor, Calif., investigation-..-- ------ ------ 2603 Empire, La., improvement of waterway to the Gulf of M exico- _ ... ---- , . -- ....--- _.. 1065 . --------- i__-__- Empire, Ohio, flood control ____,...___ _ ____.... 2103 Empire, Oreg., investigation .... .. . -- -,, .... -.-.. 2770 Emporia, Kans., flood control , ...h_L i . .,. 1496 -------- Endikill Creek, N. Y.- , -- -.-. -353 -..-......-..... Engineers, the Board of, for Rivers and Harbors- .....-- ...-...... 2973 England Pond levee unit, Illinois____........ ...........-------- 1941 Enid flood protection, Okla., investigation.... ....... Erie County, Ohio, investigation ----------------------- --------- 1499 - -- 2491 Erie Drainage Dist., Ill. and Wis.,investigation , , . ------ 1599 Erie Harbor, Pa., navigation -------- . . -.... ...- ,- _ 2415 Erie, Lake, investigations-_ . . .2054, 2253, 2297, 2374, 2383, 2466 Escambia River, Fla.: Investigation .----------------- ------------.. .1003 .,... Navigation --------------------------.. ,,.. . 966 ........ Essex River, Mass., navigation...---.-.-.-- - -- 47 .- ... Estero River, P. R., investigation--......................---.... 2969 Eufaula Reservoir, Okla.: Flood control. 1426: .------------------------ . Investigation- _. Eustis Lake, Fla., investigation .-. ... , .------------------- ........ ..... , .1499 920, 933 .... ...... Evansville, Ind., flood control -------------------- ....... 1915, 1941 INDEX XXV Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Everett Harbor, Wash.: Investigation - ----------- ----------- 2902 Navigation---------------------------- __ .. 2870 Everglades, Fla., investigation_-------- . i. . . 9920 ... Excelsior Springs, Mo., investigation... .. - - .i . 1699 ......------ Exeter River, N. H., navigation------ 136 Expenditures: .,' . , Miscellaneous works-------------------20 . . Rivers and harbors and flood control --- -- , - r 1, 20 Fabius River, Mo., flood control- Fairbanks, Alaska, flood control --------------------- Fairfield, N. C.,investigation----- - -. ------------. - - . _.-- - .. 748 ---- - 11592927 . Fairhaven Harbor, Mass.: Investigation ........------------------- - . 139, 222 ... Navigation ----------------------------- . 83 . Fair Plain Gut, Island of St. Croix, V. I., investigation.., -. . 2969 Fairport Harbor, Ohio: Investigation--- ------------------- ---- --- ,,,. -- 2466 Navigation ----- -----.... 2404 .------------------------ Fajardo Harbor, P. R., navigation.--------------------- - 2966 Fall River Harbor, Mass., navigation_--.-------------87 .... Fall River Reservoir, Kans., flood control.....--------. ,. 1461, 1480 ..... Falmouth Harbor, Mass.: Investigation.--------------------------------- 139 Navigation-..-.---------------------- 81 Falmouth Reservoir, Ky., flood control..---.---- --- ------ ... 1942 Fancy Bluff Creek, Ga., navigation .........,-- . 814 Far Creek, N. C.: Investigation-- -. ---- --------------- ---- 748 Navigation --- ---------------------- . 711 Farm Creek, Ill., flood control_.. - ~ . - --- :--- --- 2298 Farmers levee and drainage district, Illinois, flood control . -e~..--- _ 2313 Farmington Reservoir, Calif., flood control..,,. . , ..., . ci,._...--- _. 2639 Farnham Creek, Va., investigation- .... .. - - 599-------- Faulkner County, Ark., flood control. --------- 1418 Feather River, Calif., navigation------------------------- --- 2625 Federalsburg, Md., flood control---------------------- 554 Federal Water Power Act, investigation and, supervision of projects.;, •.' Fenholloway, Fla., investigation-- Fenwickn . -. ..--.------ L,-,, Island, Del., investigation-----....... ,F .... , - --. .n -- . . 933 IHr439 3047 Fernandina Harbor, Fla.: Investigation......----------------------- ----- 815 Navigation.-------------------- . - -- . 811 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Oreg., flood control- ... , ... 2799 Ferrells Bridge Reservoir, Tex., flood control .. ,. .,: ,. 1111 Fifteen Mile Bayou, Ark., investigation .,,., ,, 1192- _ -' Finneys Creek, Va., investigation---- .... _ 684- .-.-. Fire Island Inlet, N. Y.: Investigation - --------------------- ,- -- ,;. 353 Navigation-256------------------------------------256......... Fisheating Creek, Fla., investigation------------------ 920, 933 Fishermans Bay, Wash., investigation-------------- ----------- 2902 Fishing Bay, Md., navigation -- .... -:~ . ,---- . ::469 ....... 494 '.....--- ._. Fishing Creek, Md., navigation- ..--...- ..- ., Fishing Creek, N. C.: Investigation------ ----- . .. ---...... . 749 . Navigation, -. . .. . .- s...... .- --. . 745 XXVI INDEX XXVI_ INE Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Fishing Creek, N. J., investigation _-_.--- 431 Fishing River, Mo., investigation_.-------.------ .--- - 1699 Fish Lake, Ill., investigation_ . .. ____ 1552 Fishtrap Reservoir, Ky., flood control.__. __ ...____. 2027 Fivemile River Harbor, Conn., navigation 137 Flagler Beach, Fla., investigation. _ 920 Flathead Lake, Mont., improvement of Poison Bay.._ - *- 2901 Flathead River, Mont.: Investigation---------------- ------------- -.- 2928 Navigation--------------- .- . ....--- 2901 Flat Rook, Kans., investigation.---..---.----.--.-...-- 1499 Fletcher and Sunshine Gardens levee unit, Indiana, flood control _ . - - - - - - 1887, 1941 Flint River, Ga., navigation_ .. ..... _._. _ ._ 947, 1003 Flomaton, Ala., flood control at_... . ..... ... . 1011 Flood control, general-_ - - 7 Florence County, S. C., investigation. . 782 Florence, Kans., flood control_ _ _ ._. 1496 Florida east coast, investigation - _ .. 919, 920 933 Floyd River, Iowa, investigation. ---........... 1748 Flushing Bay and Creek, N. Y.: Investigation- _ 353 Navigation_ - . .. - - - - - - 232 Fly Creek, Ala., investigation. .......... _ ..... 1003 Follansbee, W. Va.: Flood control - . -- . 2103 Folsom Reservoir, Calif., flood control-- - 2649 Investigation _ ....-- --- ---..-.- -- 2671 Forest River, N. Dak., investigation....... ....... 1644 Forked Deer River, Tenn., navigation.-.-.- 1183 Forsyth, Mont., flood control ______ .... _... _ 1779 Fort Bragg, Calif., investigation .--- _ 2603 Fort Chartres and Ivy Landing, Ill., flood control- Fort Gibson Bottom, Okla , flood control. ... - 1437 1530, 1532 Fort Gibson Reservoir, Okla., flood control- Fort Peck, Mont., engineering district - . 1471, 1480 1765 Fort Pierce Harbor, Fla.: Investigation _ .... _ ._ . __ ... .._ ___.. _ 920 Navigation------- -_ ._ _ _ - 854 Fort Randall Reservoir, S. Dak., flood control---- 1717, 1719 Fort Smith, Arkansas River, Ark., flood control- 1362 Fort Supply Reservoir, Okla., flood control Fort Towson Dam, Okla., investigation_ .-.----. - - -- 1447 1499 Fort Wayne, Ind., investigation - - -.- 2253, 2298, 2374 Fort Worth floodway,W Texas, flood v Foster Creek Dam, Wash., navigation control -- . _- _ _ 1294 2873 Fountain Bluff, Ill., flood control - ... - 1523 Fourche La Fave River, Ark., investigation.... . 1421 Four Pole Creek, W. Va., flood control ----- .- 2032 Fox Creek, Md., investigation.... . .. .... . 504 Fox Creek, Mass., investigation --......... .. - Fox River, Ill. and Wis.: Investigation_____ . ____.. ...... .. _.. . 2253, 2256 Navigation, 2175 Fox River, Iowa and Mo., investigation_ _............ 1599 Frankfort Harbor, Mich., navigation.-.-__ ----.--- 2240 Frankfort, Ky., flood control_ -------------- 1941 Franklin to the Mermentau River, La:, navigation-...... 1048 Franklin Falls Reservoir, N. H., flood control----------- 143, 144 INDEX XXVII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Franks Tract, Calif., investigation_- - 2636, 2670 Frazeysburg Reservoir, Ohio, flood control___ - - - 2027 Freeport Harbor, Tex.: Investigation.....------------------------------ 1273, 1324 Navigation--------------------- Freeport on Pecatonica River, Ill., flood control..- Freeport, Pa., flood control_----- -------------- --1248 1591 2103 French Broad and Little Pigeon Rivers, Tenn., naviga- tion---- ------------- 1830 French Creek Reservoir, Pa., flood control 2104 French Lick, Ind., investigation--------------------- 1949 Frenchman Bayou, Ark., investigation------------------ Fresno River, Calif., investigation_..----------------- 2671 Friday Harbor, Wash., investigation _ _ . ------------- 2027, 2902 Front Cove, Va., investigation--------------------- 684 613-------- Front Royal, Va., investigation.---------------_----- Fullerton Dam, Calif., flood control----------------- 2549 Fullerton, Ky., flood control- _- -------------- ------ 2026 Funds advanced for river and harbor improvements and for flood control works___--_----------------------- 19 '------ G Galax, Va., flood control------------------------- 2024, 2026 Galena, Ill., flood control------------------------ 1593 Galien River, Berrien County, Mich., investigation-_ 2314 Galere, Bayou, Miss., navigation___------------------- 1001 Galla Creek, Pope County, Ark., investigation ___.... 1421 2026 Gallipolis, Ohio, flood control--___----- -------------- Galveston Bay and Harbor, Tex.: Improvement of Galveston Channel------- 1220 Improvement of Galveston-Texas City Channel ..... 1223 Improvement of harbor entrance . . . 1217 Investigation------------------------------ 1273, 1324 Galveston County, Tex., beach erosion study- 1273 Galveston, Tex., engineering district--- .----- 1195 Gardiners Bay, N. Y., investigation.---.- ------------ 353 Garfield, Utah, Great Salt Lake, investigation_ 1751, 2636 Garrison Reservoir, N. Dak., flood control_-----_-_ 1753 Garza Dam, Tex.: Flood control --------------------------------- 1292 Investigation ---- ------------ ----------- 1273 Gasconade River, Mo.: Investigation---------------------------------- 1699 Navigation ------------------------------ 1657 Gastineau Channel, Alaska, navigation- ------ ----- 149------ 2843 Gaston Reservoir, Va. and N. C., flood control_ 686 Gates Creek, Okla., investigation.---------- 1499 Gathright Reservoir and Falling Spring Reregulating Dam, James River Basin, Va., flood control. ._ __ _ 693 Gauley River, W. Va., navigation._-_-_-_-_----_------ - ----- 1972 Gavins Point, S. Dak. and Nebr.: Flood control ------------------------------ ---------- 1717, 1722 Investigation-------------------------- ---- _----1716, 1748 Gaysville Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vt., flood control-------------------------------- 174 Genegantslet Reservoir, Genegantslet Creek, N. Y., flood control---- ------------------------------------- 507 Genesee River, Charlotte Harbor, N. Y., investigation---- T2491' Georges River, Maine, navigation.. __ _...._ ..... 136 Georginia Slough, Calif., investigation--------------- 2636, 2671 XXVIII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Gila River, Ariz. and N. Mex., investigation_ -,-:- _- .. 2558 Gill'Township levee unit, Indiana, flood control,- . -I - --- 1875 Gimlet Creek, Ill., investigation__- .... - -_- , -_ _--1552, 2314 Girtys Run, Pa., investigation --------------------- 2111 Gladstone Harbor, Mich : Investigation ------------------ 2253 Navigation----------- -------------------- 2252 Glasgow, Mont : . Flood control ------------------------------------- 1789 Investigation- -..... .-. _------._--...- _ 1790 Glen Cove Creek, N. Y., navigation-__ . , --. - - -236. .. .. .. Glen Cove Harbor, N. Y., navigation ..... Glorietta Bay, Calif., investigation Gloucester Harbor, Mass., navigation. . , .-- ;,;_ -. 351 5. 49 -. ,;: 2516 Goat Island Reservoir, Ga. and S. C., flood control_ , . 816,- Golconda, Ill., flood control ---------------------- 1922, 1941 Gold Beach, Oreg., investigation ..... .. -,-,__. : - . . 2770 Gold Creek, Alaska, investigation ----------------------- 2928 Golden Meadow, La., investigation.. ,i_- 1103: . Goldsboro, Neuse River, N. C., flood control--- - - .750 Goose Creek, Md., investigation------_ __---------- -- 504 Goose Creek, Va., investigation__-------------------___ 693 Goose River, N. Dak., investigation__ - _____________--1__ ------ 1644 Gordon Pass, Fla., investigation- _ - - 920.... Gordons Landing, Lake Champlain, Vt., navigation. 351 - Goshen Creek, N. J., navigation, c... _.. .au._... : 428 Governors Run, Md., investigation_. --..-------- .504 Gowanda, N. Y., investigation_ - .v ....- ... . 2492 Gowanus Creek Channel, New York Harbor, N. Y.: ! Investigation . ------------------------------ 353 .... Navigation..- -- . . . 0.... , :274 Grand Bayou, La., investigation .. - . ..: 1103 Grand Bayou Pass, La., navigation ------------ -- 1100 Grand Caillou Bayou, La.: Investigation- .,,. -. . .- .1103, 1148..... Navigationl_ ___. . .------ . 1074 Grand Ecaille; La., investigation------------------ .. 1103 ----- Grand Haven Harbor, Mich., navigation:... , ;2222 Grand Marais, Mich., improvement of harbor of refuge.:, - 2145 Grand Marais Harbor, Minn.: Investigation..- ..-------.---..- _- ...-------------- 2115, 2156 Navigation- ..------------------------------- , ---------- - Grand Portage Harbor, Minn --. ---....-------------------- 2156 Grand Prarie region, Arkansas, investigation_ _______1362, 1421. ....... Grand River Basin, Ohio, investigation--- ------- - - -.. 2054, 2112 Grand (Neosho) River, 'Kans., Okla., Mo., and Ark., investigation ..-----------------...... : . 1499 . .... Grand River, Mich.: Investigation ..... _ .:.z.i.. - _ . .... .. ... 2256 Navigation ---------------------- .-.--. ....... 2222 Grand River, Mo., investigation , . :....--------------- -- 1699 Grand River, N. and S. Dak., investigation.- . -....- 1777, 1790 Grand Tower, Ill., flood control....-------------------------- 1521 Grand Traverse Bay Harbor, Mich.: Investigation ...... .i ... .. .. .. ..- - - ...-.--. 2253 N avigation ; ........................ ....... _._. .......... 21391 2153 Grande Ronde River, Oregon, investigation.. , jn.. - ... -.. , .... 2830 Grand View Bay, N. Y., navigation. , . .--------------------- . 2423 Grandview, Ind., flood control.. . ..._ _ . ......- -__ . -. 1.941 Granite City, Ill., investigation. - ......- : "------ ;.. - .. : 1513 Grant Parish below Colfax, La., flood control ,:. .. :;-, ;.:. . '1146 -.... .... INDEX XXIX I Page i i V Volume 1 Volume 2 Grapevine Reservoir,: Tex., flood control__ __ . . 1288 Grasse River (Massena), N. Y., navigation-_ ______r__ _ _. 2464 Grays Harbor, Wash.: Investigation----------------.------.--.------ .. _. : " 2903 Navigation------------_----------- - ___- __ ..2891 Grays Reef Passage, Mich., navigation.. _ _ _ 2252 Grays River, Wash., navigation_ ::._.... . 2723 Great Basin, Nevada & Utah, Investigation : S2671 Great Bend, Kans, investigation_-. ... ... S1349 Great Chazy River, N. Y., navigation i. ..: 351 Great Kills, Staten Island, N. Y., navigation._ _ .. _.._. 329 Great Lakes: Investigation of deeper waterways to Atlantic tide- water--- ..- - .... ------------------------- : 353 2253, 2467 Waterway to Hudson River: Improvement------------------------ 306 -. Investigation- .....- ...--- ...-..----- 353 2156 Great Miami River, Ind., flood control .. ...... 1941 Great Pee Dee River, S. CG.: • Investigation------------------------------ 782 Navigation -------------------- 763. Great Salt Lake, Utah, investigation.. __------------ _ 2636, 2671 Great Salt Plains Reservoir, Okla__ .: __,____.__ 1456 Great Salt Pond, Block Island, R. I.: 139 Investigation-. ..------------------------ : Navigation---.....----------------- -- : 137 ______ Great Sodus Bay Harbor, N. Y., navigation. . ._.'.. 2447 Great South Bay, N. Y., navigation-._-.---.---- --- Greeley, Colo., investigation_-- ______ ________ _ 1798 Green Bay Harbor, Wis., navigation--.._-----.--.------- _2171 Green Bay, Iowa, flood control- _ . _ ::.':'_ 1586 Greenfield Bayou levee unit, Indiana flood control_ A : .i_ . . 1941 Green Island, Iowa, flood control-...------ ---------.- 1599 Greenport Harbor, N. Y., navigation_. . Green River Basin, Ill., investigation. . .. 1599 Green River, Ky.: ' Flood control. ...--- - -- -- - - - - - 1942 Navigation_ ..... _ _.-- _ ------- 1863 .. 222 Green River, Mass., investigation-- _--- _ _ : :--..: Green River, Wash., investigation_ .. .. -- - 2928 Greenup, Ky., flood control _ r __- -' _...-- _ ' .. 2026 Greenwich Bay, R. I., navigation-.. .... . 137 139 Greenwich Cove, Conn.-------------------. -- ...133 Greenwich Harbor, Conn., navigation_ __ :.... Greers Ferry Reservoir, Ark.: 1413 Flood control--.....------------------------------ Investigation_------------- ---------- 1362, 1421 Gregory drainage district, Missouri, flood control . , 1599 Griffin Lake,. Fla., investigation--.-,.... .-_- . .. "'920, 933 S1036 Grossetete Bayou, La., navigation.._.. .:. Guadalupe River, Calif., investigation.. -_ _Y ,__-,_.: 2610 Guadalupe River, Tex.: S..1253 Improvement to Victoria... __' Investigation. . --------------- ::---- 1 137 * 2969 Guamani River, P. R., investigation .':_ .. :._". Guayanes Harbor, P. R., navigation-.... _ : :_ .. _ 2966 Guilford Harbor, Conn., navigation . .............. ..i~ Gulf Intracoastal Waterway: Investigation - ...- __..-____----_ _--. 1 )03,1103, XXX INDEX I Page Volume 1 Volume 2 N avigation .- - - - - - - - -..- --.-..-.-- - -- - 946, 1037, ..- 1206 Gulfport Harbor, Miss.: Investigation _ ._.__ .___ _. _. _ _ _ _ 1003 Navigation_ 994 . Gull Lake Reservoir, Minn - -- - -- 1602 Gunnison River, Colo., investigation - 2558 Gustavus Harbor, Alaska, investigation 2903 Guyandot River, W. Va., navigation_ 1972 Guyandot Reservoir, W. Va., flood control 2027 H Hackensack River, N. J.: Investigation. .- ...-.-.- - 353,369 Navigation .- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - 315 Hacks Creek, Va., investigation_..... _ ._..... 599 Hadley Creek, Ill., flood control_ -. 1580 2314 Hager Slough, Special Drainage District, Ill., investigation_ Hague, Va., investigation_..._._.._ 684 Halfmoon Bay, Calif.: Investigation. .. .- 2603 Navigation _ - - - - - - 2593 Haines Harbor, Alaska, investigation 2903 Hamburg, Ill., investigation_ 1513 Hamburg Township, N. Y., investigation 2467 Hamlin Beach, N. Y., investigation 2467 Hammersley Inlet, Wash.: Investigation ------- 2903 Navigation ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 2887 Hammond Bay Harbor, Mich., navigation 2341 Hammondsport, Oswego River Basin, N. Y., flood con- trol----------------_------- 2476 Hampton Creek, Va., navigation. - . . _- -_ 654 Hampton Roads, .ya., improvement of approaches to Norfolk Harbor_ 664- Hanapepe River, T. H., flood control ... .-... 2951 Hanging Rock, Ohio, flood control -- 1270 2026 Hanna Reef, Tex., navigation...................._.__ Happy Creek, Va., investigation .-.-.....-....- 613 -.. Harbor Beach, Mich., harbor of refuge _ 2352 Harbors and rivers. See Rivers and harbors. Harkers Point Basin, N. C., investigation- .-.-.-- . 748 -. .- - Harlan County Reservoir, Nebr.: Flood control ______________ ___ 1658, 1678 Investigation --- --- ______ - ...-.- - - ....- 1699 Harlem, Mont., flood control_ ______ ___ ____ 1778 Harlem River, N. Y., navigation. -.-.------- .....--- _- 285 Harpers Creek, Mathews County, Va., investigation...... 684 Harpers Ferry, W. Va., flood control........._........._ 612 Harraseeket River, Maine, navigation..------.-.------. 136 IHarrisburg, Ill., flood control............. ........... _ 1919, 1941 Harrison, Ark., investigation..---- . .-------------.---. 1421 ---.------ Harrison County, Miss., beach erosion study__......_.. 990, 1003 Harrisonville and Ivy Landing drainage and levee dis- trict No. 2, Illinois, flood control._...____....... ... 1533 Hartford, Conn.: Flood control____... __. _........ ._._............. 175, 212 Investigation --- ...---.----.-.----.-- ........ ..- 139 - 2027 Hartford, Kans, flood control.......................... 1496 Hartford, W. Va., flood control....-................. --- 2027 INDEX XXXI Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Hartwell Reservoir, Ga. and S. C., flood control--...- -816 Hasamomuck Creek, Long Island, N. Y., investigation ' 353 Hassayampa River, Ariz., investigation_-------------------------- 2558 Hatchet Creek, Fla., investigation-___ ____- - __--_ 920 Hfatchie River, Miss. and Tenn., investigation 184, 1192 1--------- Hatton Creek, Md., investigation- .- ----- -- 599 Hatteras Inlet, N. C., investigation ------------ ------- 748 HIaulover Inlet, Fla., investigation -------- ---------- 920 Havre de Grace, Md., investigation ------ 504 Havre, Mont., flood control_ --- ---------- 920 1777 flaw Creek, Fla., investigation------ ------------- Hawesville, Ky., flood control ----------------------------- 1911, 1940 Haysi Reservoir, Va., flood control--------- ---------.--------- - 2027 flay Creek, S. Dak. and Wyo., investigation --- 1790 Hfay (West) Harbor, N. Y., navigation- ------. _---------137 Hazen, N. Dak., flood control-- --------------------- 1760 Heart River, N. Dak., investigation--- ---------------- ----- 1764 IHeise-Roberts area, Snake River, Idaho: Flood control. --------------------------------------- 2772 Investigation--- --------------------------------------- 2830 HIellens Creek, Md., investigation----------599---- 99 ....- ... Hell Gate, East River, N. Y., navigation -------- ------- 353 Hempstead County levee district No. 1, Arkansas, flood controL - --------------------------------- 1146 . Hempstead Harbor, N. Y., navigation----- ------------- 235 *Henderson County, Ill., flood control- - ......----- ------.... -1587 Henderson River, Ill.: Investigation---------------------------- ---------- _----2467 Flood control----------- ------------ --------------- 1590 Henderson, W. Va., flood control----....----- ----------- - ----- 2026 Hendricks Harbor, Maine-----_------------------- --- 36 Hennepin, Ill., flood control_ ------------------ ---------- 2313 Hensley Bar, Ark., investigation_ ------ _----------- 1421 .. Herbster, Wis., investigation- _.------------------------- 2157 Herring Bay, Md., navigation----------------------- 496 Heyburn Reservoir, Okla., flood control 458 1---------------- Hickory Creek, Ark. and Mo., investigation-------------- 1421 tHigginsport, Ohio, flood control-- -------------------------- 1940 Hillsboro Bay, River, and Inlet, ' Fla., investigation-__-- .... X920, 921, 0932 Hillsdale Drainage Dist., Ill. and Wis., investigation..... 1600 - -. - -- . . . Hilo Harbor, T. H.: Investigation- .------------------------------ 2950 Navigation_ - ----------------------- 2936 IHingham Bay, fHog Island, Mass., channel to, investiga- tion .---------------------------------- 139 Hingham Harbor, Mass., navigation-.-----------.- 63 IHiwassee River, Tenn., navigation---- ----------- 1830 Hockingport, Ohio, flood control---.....------------- ----- 2026 w---4 Hocking Reservoir, Ohio, flood control-------------- 2027, 2032 Hodges Vaillage Reservoir, Mass., flood control_ ....---- 164 Hog Island, Hingham Bay, Mass., channel investigation.. - S139. Hogan Reservoir, Calif., flood control......... .-... 2639 Holbrook, Little Colorado River, Ariz., flood control_..- 2517 Holden Beach, N. C., investigation---------------- 748 Holdens Creek, Va., investigation --- --- --- --- 504: IHolla Bend, Ark., investigation-------- ----- ---- 1421 Hlolland Hlarbor, Mich.: 2254 Investigation ............--------------------- ------ ----- - -- 2219 Navigation.--------------------- IHollywood HIarbor, Fla., navigation.---------- - 864 -- .------. XXXII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Holmes River, Fla., navigation- ._------- ..------.- 1001 Holston River, Tenn., navigation_----- .18-------____ _.__----_ 1830 Holyoke, Mass.: Flood control -------------------------------- 175, 201 Investigation----_ ----------- 139 Homme Reservoir and Dam, N. Dak., flood control ..... Homer Harbor, Alaska, investigation_- _ ---------------- .--.--------.- - 1621 2903 Homochitto River, Miss., flood control ------------------ 1167 Homosassa River, Fla., navigation.--- _-_____---- 917 Hondo River, P. R., investigation _----------------------- 2969 Honey Creek levee unit, Indiana, flood control. ------------- -- - - 1941 Honey Hill Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, N. H., flood control_---. __-- .....--.-- _ . .-.------ 174,189 Honga River, Md.: Investigation_ _--------- -- ------------ - _ 504 Navigation ------------------------------------- 466 Honolulu, Hawaii: Engineering district_-... ------------------------- -2931 Investigation_.._ _------_ ...---- _ ------------ .------- 2950 Harbor, navigation_---------------________------ 2931 Hood River, Oreg., bridges _-___--___-_-------_ _- ----- . 2768 Hooper Island, Md., investigation- --.------.-- - -- 0 504 .. Hoosick River, N. Y., Vt., and Mass., flood control--....---- 363 Hopewell, Va., investigation_--------------------------- 684 Hopkinton-Everett Reservoir, flood control ---.-.- _ 221 Hopper dredge replacement ---------------------- 429 Hoquiam River, Wash.: Investigation ------------ ___---------------- _------ -- 2902 Navigation----- ----------------------------- ----------- 2890 Hoquiam, Wash., flood control_- ____ _..----- ------------ - 2915 Hords Creek Reservoir, Tex., flood control -------------- . 1310 Hornell, N. Y., flood control__----- ------- ____ _ 515, 517 ...- Horn Harbor, Va., navigation_ _-----.-.-.----------- 631 Horn Island Pass, Miss., investigation_---------------- 1003 Horseshoe Cove, Fla., investigation ---------. 921 921 Horsehoe, Fla., investigation ---------------------------- 921 Horsehoe, Ill., investigation . ---------------------------- - ___ 1513 Hoskins Creek, Va.: Investigation ---------- ------------------------- 599 Navigation-__--_ .---- -------------------- 586 Hot Springs, Fall River Basin, S. Dak., flood controL-----___ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1783 Houma, La., outlets to open waters of Gulf of Mexico, investigation __--------------------------------- 1103, 1148 . ._.__. Housatonic River, Conn., navigation- ---- _--___-_- _119--------- Houston to Galveston Ship Channel, Tex.: Investigation_ -----------------.---.--- Navigation_ --- ------- ----------------- -- 1274,1324 -------. 1228 . Howard Farms-Reno Beach Area, Ohio: Flood control_------- .----- --- -- ----- 2380 Investigation- --- _ _--- ---.-------------------- 2383 Hubly Bridge, Sangamon River, Ill., flood control---------- ___-- -- 2313 Hudson Harbor, Wisc., investigation ------------------------------ 1613 Hudson River, Fla., investigation_-- ------------------ 921--------- Hudson River, N. Y.: Improvement above New York..-------------. 300-.-- - Improvement at New York------.--.-_. ----.----- 287---.----- Investigation --------------------------------. 353,369 ......... Peekskill Harbor, improvement- ------------------ 294- --- Rondout Harbor, improvement- ------------- . - -297- ... Waterway to Great Lakes-enlargement of New York State Barge Canal....------------..---- 306- --- INDEX XXXIII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Hueneme, Calif., investigation ------------------------- ------ 2516 Huerfano River, Colo., investigation-------------------- 1349 Hugo Reservoir, Kiamichi River, Okla., flood control-.... 1488- .. -.. Hulah Reservoir, Okla_------------------------------- 1465 Hull Creek, Va., investigation ------------------------- 599 Humacoa Playa, Punta Santiago, P. R., investigation-_ ---------. 2967 Humboldt Bay, River, and Harbor, Calif.: Investigation------------------------------------------- 2603 Navigation- - --- ------------------------------- ______ 2564 Humboldt, Kans., flood control ------ ___ ___ _ 1496 Humboldt River, Nev., investigation ----- -------- _ 2671 Hungry Horse Dam, Mont., investigation --------- -------- - - - - -- - - 2928 Huntington Harbor, N. Y., navigation-_-- -238-- Huntington, W. Va.: Engineering district_.---------------------------- ----- 1953 Flood control--. ------------------------------ 1999 Huron County, Ohio, investigation-- ---------------- ----------- 2492 Huron Harbor, Ohio, navigation.----------------------- ------- 2388 Huron Lake, investigation-- ----------------------------------- 2374 Hutchinson, Kans.: Flood control1--4----------------------------- 1427 Investigation ----- ----- 1499 ......... HIutchinson River (East Chester Creek), N. Y., investiga- 353, 269---.- tion----------------------------------------- Hyacinths, water, removal, from Alabama, Florida, .yannis Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas waters-------------- tHarbor, Mass., navigation--..-------------- Hydaburg Harbor, Alaska, investigation_- . -------- 1096 79 2903 Hyndman Borough, Pa., investigation------------------ 613 I Ice Harbor at Marcus Hook, Pa., navigation 428 42-------- Ice Harbor at New Castle, Del., navigation ------------ 428 Iliuliuk Harbor, Alaska, navigation------------------------ ------ 2901 Illinois and Mississippi Canal, Ill., navigation -- ---------- 1572 1421 Illinois Bayou, Pope County, Ark., investigation---------- Illinois River, Ill.: Flood control ____---------------------------- ---------- 113 Investigations-------------------------------------------- 1552314 Illinois River, Okla , investigation -- - -- -- -- ---- -- 1499 .--- 2281 Illinois waterway, Illinois, navigation. 2558 Imperail and San Diego County, Calif., investigation -------------- 2273 Indiana Harbor, Ind., improvement--------------------------- 1885 Indianapolis, Fall Creek section, Indiana, flood control..- ------ Indianapolis, Warfleigh section, Indiana, flood control--.....-- - ---- 1884 Indian Creek, Ind., investigation....-------...........------------------ 1552, 1949 1748 Indian Creek Watershed, Iowa, investigation-------..... -------- 139 ....... Indian Ledge, Matinicus, Maine, investigation--.... Indianola, Republican River, Nebr., flood control--.....------------- 1658, 1675 Indian River Inlet and Bay, Del.: Investigation------------------------------- -- 431 Navigation------------------------------------ 401--------- Indian River, Fla.: 921, 934 2374 Investigation----- --------------------------- Industrial Canal, New Orleans, La., investigation --------- 1103 2103 Industry, Pa., flood control.--------------------------- ------ 804711--48--vol. 1-98 XXXIV ) INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Insleys Cove, Fox Creek, Dorchester County, Md., inves- tigation- - --- .-.------- ---- _ _- .... 504 International Boundary Waters- ------------------ _-----_ --- 3072 Interoceanic Canal surveys __-. ..-- .------.---- __-. -------- 3045 .-----------. Iola, Kans., flood control.----.----_ 1496 Iowa and Cedar Rivers, Iowa, investigation- -----.---- . __ 1600 Iowa River, Minn. and Iowa, investigation ------------------------- 1600 Ipswich River, Mass., navigation--..__-.. _6...__._ 46 Irondequoit Bay, N. Y., investigation_ _ Ironton, Ohio, flood control_.--.----..-..-.. _ __ ----------- 2003, ---- 2026, 2467 Irvington Harbor, N. Y., navigation--.-------------------- 292 Isabella Reservoir, Calif., flood control------------------ - - -_ -- 2644 Island Creek, Md., navigation_--.----___------ - 460, 577 Island levee unit, Indiana, flood control..----------------------- - 1941 Isle au Haut Thoroughfare, Maine--.------..--_ .31 . .- Isle La Plume, Wis., investigation_------------------------ _ --- 1613 Isles of Shoals Harbor, Maine and N. H., navigation 136.. 136 Ithaca, Oswego River Basin, N. Y., flood control ------------ _--- - 2481 Ivy Landing, Ill., flood control -------------------------.. 1530, 1532, 1533 Jackson Creek, Va.: Investigation ...---- .-.----- .-.------- - 599 Navigation--- - ----. --. ... --.. ..... - - 594 Jackson, Ky., flood control--- _____-_-_____-.- ..--- _. 1932, 1941 Jacksonville, Fla.: Engineering district.---_.----_ ___--- __.._ 823 Improvement of Intracoastal Waterway to Miami, Fla-.----.------..-. -----. --.. - 843 Investigation of waterways_ ---.--..- , --- ...- - 921 Jamaica Bay, N. Y.: Investigation r __-----_------ __ .-------------- -353 Navigation. -- - - --- _ 261 James River, N. Dak. and S. Dak., investigation- -- ----------------- 1748 James River, Va.: I :nvestigation-- ------- ------------------ ---- - 684-... Navigation------------------------------------- 641 Jamestown Reservoir, N. Dak., flood control-------------.-.- . 1753, 1758 Janesville Dam, Wis., flood control. --------------------- 1 1599 Jefferson Barracks, Mo., investigation ------------------- - . - - 1552 Jefferson County drainage districts, Tex., investigation... 1274, 1325 --------- - Jefferson Islands, Md., investigation -------------------- 504-----.--- Jefferson-Shreveport. Waterway, La. and Tex.: Improvement.--. ......---.---. ,_-__-. - ---- - 1025......... Investigation -..-. ---------------.---------- 1103, 1148 -.. Jeffersonville-Clarksville, Ind., flood control---. .-.. . - ..--- - 1904, 1940 Jefferys Creek, S. C., investigation.._ 7............ 782 Jemez Canyon Dam and Reservoir, New Mex., flood control. - . .a . ... . ...- - .. .. .. . 1340......... ...- Jenks, Okla., flood control- -------------- - ----- 1434......... Jenkins Creek, Md., investigation.---.------.-..--.-- _ 504- --- Jersey Shore, Pa., flood control-------------------------- 54-------- Jessamine Creek Reservoir, Ky., flood control . -------- 1544, 1942, 5----------- John A. Hulen Camp, Tex., investigation.------------ 1274- John Day River area, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control---------- 2829 John Day River, Oreg., investigation..-------------------------- - 2830 INDEX XXXV Page Volume 1 Volume 2 John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River, Colo., flood control---------- ----------------------------- 1331 Johns Pass, Fla., investigation------------------------........................ 921 Johnsonburg, Pa., flood control__ - -_ __ 1270 2103 Johnsons Bayou, La., navigation----_------------------ Johnsons Creek, a branch of the Wicomico River, in Somerset County, Md., investigation ----------------- 504 Johnstown Channel, Pa., flood control.---- - ---- -- 2061,-2103 Jones Creek, Tex., investigation---- ---------------- 1274, 1325 Jones Inlet, N. Y., navigation........--------------.............. -258 Jonesville, La., flood control_ ----------------------- 1107 Jordan River, Miss., navigation------------------------- 996 Jordan River, Utah, investigation__.._._._____....... ._ -2671 Josias River, Maine----------- ------------------- -- 44 Julington Creek, Fla., investigation-.---------------. . .921 Juneau Harbor, Alaska, navigation_.._..... __..--.--- +2844 Juniata River, Pa., investigation --------------------- 554 Jupiter Inlet, Fla., investigation-_.-- --------------- 921 Jupiter Island, Fla., investigation -----------.-------- 921 K Kabetogama Lake, Minn., investigation...........-.. _ 2157 Kailua district, T. H., investigation.----- .---------- S2952 Kahului Harbor, T. H., navigation___......_.-.._ S._ 2934 Kalamazoo River, Mich.: Investigation --------------------- --- S2256 Navigation - ---------------------------- __2217 Kalaupapa Landing, Hawaii, investigation ..... 2950 Kalepolepa Boat Harbor, Hawaii, investigation_-_ . .- 2950 Kal Harbor, Alaska, investigation.............-----------------....... 2903 Kanab Creek, Utah and Ariz., investigation_------------ 2558 Kanawha River, W. Va.: Flood-control reservoirs --_ - ----------.- - -.-- - 2027, 2032 Investigation.-------------------- 1973 Navigation.....---------------------------- 1962 Kanopolis Reservoir, Missouri River, Kans_........- .- 1658, 1682 Kansas City, Mo., engineering district 1647- Kansas Citys, Mo. and Kans., flood control-........... I--,I _ 1662 Kansas River, Mo. and Kan ., investigation .......... 1699 Kansas River at Lawrence, Kans., flood control.......... 1698 Karlson Island, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control-..... ,, 2829 Kashong Point, N. Y., investigation- - ---------.-. -_------------.---.- 2492 1526 Kaskaskia Island, Ill., flood control Kaskaskia River, Ill.: Investigation----------- ------------- 1552 S 1512 Navigation------------------------------------- Kaunakkai Harbor, T. H., navigation... _._ ._ ,,,,, 2942 Kawaihee Harbor, Hawaii, investigation _,_ 2950 Kawainui Swamp, Island of Oahu, T. H., investigation ,, 2952 Kaweah River, Calif., flood control--.-- ...---- 2651 Kawkawlin River, Mich., investigation .-.-- -.- . 2383 Kaw., Okla., flood control--__ __ ___ _ .........- 1431 Keehi Lagoon, T. H., navigation._... . c 2946 Keithsburg, Ill., flood control_ ---------- 1599 Kelly Lake, Ill., flood control.------ ------------- 2313 Kennebec River, Maine: Investigation------------------- ---------- 222 Navigation-_------._ ___..__------- - 36--------- Kennebunk River, Maine, navigation. 43 --------- XXXVI INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Kenosha Harbor, Wis.: Investigation_-- ..-----.---- ------------------- ___ _ 2254 Navigation---- ---- ---- ------------------------------ 2209 Ketchikan Harbor, Alaska, investigation ----------------________ 2902 Kent Island, Md., investigation ------------------------ 505 Kenton Reservoir, Okla., investigation ------------------- 1499 Kentucky River, Ky: Flood-control reservoirs _---------------_ 1942 Navigation -------------------------------- _ --------- 1860 Kern River, Calif., investigation_ ---- ________ ____------ 2671 Kerton Valley, Ill., flood control- - - - ----------- -_ 2302 Ketchikan Harbor, Alaska, navigation_ ------------- -- 2854 Kettle River, Minn., investigation __ ----------------- 1613 Keuka Lake, Oswego River Basin, N. Y., flood control ------ 2490 Kewaunee Harbor, Wis., navigation ------------------------------ 2189 Keweenaw Waterway, Mich., navigation----_------------- 2135 Keyport Harbor, N. J., navigation _ _------ 341--------- Key West, Fla., improvement of harbor----------------- 874 Key West, Fla., Intracoastal Waterway from Miami, navigation ---------------------------------------- _ 917 Kiamichi River, Okla., investigation -------------------- 1499 Kickapoo River, Wis., investigation_ ----- ______------------ 1644 Kincaid Creek, Ill., investigation_------------------___ __ 1552 Kinderhook Creek, N. Y. and Mass., investigation 369--------- Kings Creek, Va., investigation_----------------- 684... . Kingsley Lake, Fla., investigation- ---------------------- 921 Kings River, Calif., flood control -------------------------------- 2647 Kingston Harbor, Mass., navigation_----------------_ 136 Kingston, Pa., flood control_-----------------------__ 532 Kingsville, Ohio, investigation-------------- _ ---------- . 2467 Kingsville, Tex., investigation_--------------------- _ 1274 Kiser Creek, Ill., flood control ---------------- _---------- _- 1580 Kiskiminetas River, Pa., investigation ---------------------- _ 2054, 2112 Kissimmee River, Fla.: Investigation ------------------------------- 921, 934._ _ Navigation ------------------------------------ 917 Kittanning, Pa., flood control ---------------------- --------- 2094, 2103 Klamath River, Oreg., investigation - __------ _ .__-__ 2610 Knappa area, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control_- ------ .---- 2829 Knapps Narrows, Md., navigation--- - -__-__-- - 457_ Knife River Harbor, Minn., navigation --- ___---------2119 Knightville Reservoir, Mass------------- 98, 174, 198,174, 222 Knobbs Creek, N. C., navigation .- 677 ---------- Kodiak Harbor, Alaska: Investigation ------------------------------------ .. . __ 2903 Navigation 845 2--------------------- Kootenai River, Idaho and Mont.: Investigation--- ------------------------------ --------- 2928 Navigation_------------------------------ --------- --- 2901 Kremmling, Colo., investigation ----------------- - .2558 - - Kreamer, Fla., investigation ---------------- -------- 934-.----- Kvichak (Upper) River, Alaska, investigation ------------ _ __ --- - 2903 L La Batre Bayou, Ala., navigation------ ---------------- 987 Labette Creek, Kans., investigation_ _--_-----------_ 1499 La Carpe Bayou, La., investigation _--------------------- 1104 La Crosse, Wis., investigation -------- --------.---------- -.. .1613 INDEX XXX VII _ __I __ Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Lacey, Langellier, West Matanzas, and Kerton Valley Ill., flood control-------- --------------------- . 2302 Lackawanna River, Pa., investigation ----------.--- 554 Lac La Belle Harbor, Mich., navigation-_--------------- 2155 Lacombe Bayou, La., navigation ------------------ 1100 Lac qui Parle Reservoir, Minn_......-- ----.... _ .. 1633 Lafayette River, Va.: Investigation--- ---------------- ----------- 684 Navigation...---- ------------------------- 670 La Fourche Bayou, Ark. and La., investigation._- - . 1104, 1148 Lafourche Bayou, La , navigation----------____------- 1068 Lafourche Parish, La., investigation------------------- 1104 La Grange, Colorado River, Tex., flood control ........ 1305 La Grange Bayou, Fla.: Investigation_ ------------------------------ 1003' Navigation------------------------------- 959 Laguna Canyon Calif., investigation---------------- 2558 Laguna Dominguez, investigation -------------------- 2558 Laguna Madre Bay, La. and Tex., investigation. 1274 Lake Bisteneau, La., navigation --- ------------ 1100 Lake Brownwood Reservoir, Tex., flood control-.. - 1308 2272 Lake Calumet, Ill., navigation -------------------- Lake Champlain, N. Y. and Vt. See Champlain Lake .... Lake Charles Deep Water Channel, La., navigation ...... 1094 Lake Chautauqua, N. Y., flood control------ ----- 2103 Lake County, Ohio, investigation---------------------- 2467 917 Lake Crescent, Fla., navigation-------------------- Lake Crockett, Wash., navigation---------------------- 2867 Lake Harbor, Mich, investigation--- ------- --------- 2254 Lake Harris, Fla., investigation----- ------------- - 922, 934 Lake Michigan Ship Canal, Wis., navigation-_--------- 2183 Lake Montauk Harbor, N. Y., navigation---- 248 Lake Okeechobee, Fla.: Investigation...-------------------------------- 922 Navigation_------------------------------- 877 ----.........-- Lake of the Woods, Minn.: International Control Board .----------------- 3076 Investigation--------------------------------- ----------- 2157 Lake Placid, N. Y., investigation------------------ 369 Lake Placid, Shore Acres, Anne Arundel County, Md., investigation------------------------------------ 504 _ Lake Pontchartrain, La., flood control--- ---- 1131 2720 Lake River, Wash., navigation--------------------_ 2720 Lakes Cove, Honga River, Dorchester County, Md., in- vestigation-------------------------------------- 504 Lakes, Great. See Great Lakes Lake Superior Board of Control_-__ ---------- - 3075 Lake Traverse, Minn., and S. Dak., navigation._ 1612 Lake Traverse and Bois de Sioux River, S. Dak., flood 1630 control _--------------------------------- Lake Washington Ship Canal, Wash., improvement - -- 2877 136-------- Lake Winnepesaukee, N. H., navigation Lake Worth Inlet, Fla.: Investigation.---------------------- 922 Navigation------------------------ ------- 859 La Loutre Bayou, La., navigation------------------ 1052 La Marsh, Ill., flood control. ------ --------------- 2313 Lamine River, Mo., investigation--- ---------------- 1699 Lamoille River, Vt., flood control ------------------ 369 Lamprey River, N. H., navigation -- 136 XXXVIII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Lancaster, Cayuga Creek, N. Y.: Flood control ------------------------------------ --------- 2469 Investigation_ ------------------------------------ .. 2492 Langellier, Ill., flood control_------------------- . - -... -.. 2302 L'Anguille River, Ark.: Flood control_- .------.---.----- .------- __---- 1191 Investigation ------------------------------- 1183, 1192 Navigation - --------------------- ------------ Lansing, Mich., investigation ..--------------------------...... 2256 Lapa River, P. R., investigation--------- .---------- --------- 2969 La Plata River, Colo., investigation --------------------------- -- 2558 Larchmont Harbor, N. Y., navigation ------------------- _351 La Trappe River, Md., navigation_ --------------------- 461 Latrobe, Pa., flood control-------..-------- ----- _ -- 2098, 2103 Laurenceburg, Ind., flood control ----- ------ --------..----- -1940 Lavaca Bay, Tex., improvement of channel from Pass Cavallo to Port Lavaca----------------------------- 1251 Lavaca River, Tex., flood control_ ---------------- _ _ 1316 Lavon Reservoir, Tex., flood control--------------------- 1286 Lawrenceburg, Ind., flood control-------------------. -_---. ... -1903 Leaf River, Miss.: Investigation ----------------------------------- 1003 Navigation ------------------------------------- 1001 Leatherwood Creek, Ohio, flood control - -2032.....------------------- Leavenworth, Ind., flood control. ...---.--.----- -------------- 1940 Le Carpe Bayou, La.: Investigation.----------------------------------- 1103 --------- Navigation---- _---_.-----------------------_ 1074 Leech Lake Reservoir, Minn-,--------------------------------- 1602 Leech River, Minn., navigation----------------- .-------- _--. 1612 Lee Creek, Ark. and Okla., investigation_----. --.-. -_ 1421 Leesburg, Fla., investigation ------------------------ 922, 934 .... Leesville Reservoir, Va., flood control.,--. ... --. _._ -- 686 Leetsdale, Pa., flood control_ ------------- ------ ---- -- 2103 Leeville, La., investigation _--------------------_ 1104 Leipsic River, Del. ;navigation ------------------------- 428 Leland Harbor, Mich.: Investigation-- ---------------- --------------- . -- -- - 2254 Navigation_.------------------- __ ---- - . - __.----- 2243 Lemon Creek, Staten Island, N. Y., navigation- ---- _ -- 351 Leon River, Tex., investigation --------------------- 1274, 1325 Leonardo, Sandy Hook Bay, N. J., investigation _ 353e... . .353. Leroy, Kans, flood control --.-.. ----- --.-.... --.---- 1496 Lester River, Minn., investigation--------..-.--.-.. _------- - 2027, 2157 Letart Falls, Ohio, flood control..-- .- _- r_.--- - __-_----.-----2027 Levees between Shelby Bridge and Baum's Bridge, Kankakee River, Ind., flood control-- ----------------- -.-. - - 2313 Levee unit No. 1, Wabash River, Ill., flood control----------------. 1948 Levee unit No. 2, Wabash River, Ind., flood control-----_,,--. 1941, 1948 Levee unit No. 3, East Fork of White River, Ind., flood control_-_ -..------------------------------------------ 1949 Levee units Nos. 3 and 4, Wabash River, Ill., and Ind., flood control. --.----------------------- ---------- __ .. -1948 Levee unit No. 5, Wabash River, Ind., flood control 1880 .------------------- Levee unit No. 6, Wabash River, Ill., flood control-------------------- 1941 Levee unit No. 8, West Fork of White River, Ind., flood control_ ___-----.- . __ --------- __-_-__--.. -- --- 1891 Levee unit No. 9, West Fork of White River, Ind., flood control_- --------------- __.1949 ------ -- 1------------ Levee unit No. 10, West Fork of White River, Ind., flood control ------------ - ....-- ......-- .------.--.. 1948 INDEX XXXIX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Levering Creek, Md., investigation --------------------- 504 Lewis, Del., investigation. ... ..-------------------. 439 Lewis and Clark River area, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control ...----- --------------------------------------- -- 2829 Lewisport, Ky., flood control----...----.....--------............-----.......... -1940 Lewis River, Wash., navigation---------..............----------------- ....----..... 2721 Licking River, Ky.: 1942 Flood-control reservoirs -------------------------.................. .--------....... -- Investigation ......---------------------. .. --------- - 1949 Navigation -...----------------------------------- --------- 1871 Lighthouse Service Depot, Fla., investigation------------ 922 . Lightning Creeks, Kans, investigation_ ---------- - 1499 .... Lincoln County, Oregon, investigation _- _-- --- ---- 2830 ...-----........ Lincoln, Nebraska, investigation- ----------------------- 1748 Lisle, N. Y., flood control--------------------------511, 517 Little Bay (Aransas Bay at Fulton), Tex., investigation... 1274 .. Little Bay de Noc, Lake Mich., investigation-._- ------- --. 2157, 2254 Little Black River, Mich., investigation ------------------ --- -- -- 2159 Little Black River, Mo., and Ark., flood control------ ---- 1418 Little Blue River, Kans, investigation- - - .. ---------- - ------ 1699 Little Caillou Bayou, La., navigation_- -- - _ ___ ----. 1073 Little Calumet River, Ill. and Ind., investigation-_ _ _ _- _ _ _ _---- 2314 Little Choptank River to Choptank River, Md., water- way, improvement---------------------------- 502 .......... Little Creek, Kent Island, Queen Annes County, Md., investigation----------------------------------- 504 Little Creek, Va., investigation -------------------------....... 684 Little Egg Harbor, N. J., navigation- - - 428 ..... ....-- Little Elk Creek, Okla., investigation ------------ 1499 1499-- Little Elk River, Md., navigation ----- ----------------- 502 Little Elm Reservoir, Tex. See Trinity River. ------ .. 1292 Little Girls Point, Mich., investigation- .- _------ - ----- -- 2157 Little Harbor, N. Ii., navigation. ------ --------------- 136 Little Harbor, Woods Hole, Mass., navigation--......- - . 136 Littlejohn Creek, Calif., flood control- ------------------- ------- 2639 Investigation----- ----------------- ---------------- ---- 2671 Little Kanawha River, W. Va.: Flood-control reservoirs------------------------ ------- 2027, 2032 Navigation ...----------.------------------------ .... 1959 Little Lake Harbor, Mich., navigation.--------- ---------.-..----. 2155 Little Machipongo River, Va., navigation--------------- 622 . Little Nagothy River, Md., investigation- .-- 504 5-4------- Little Manatee River, Fla., navigation . 9----------- 91-917 Little Miami River, Ohio, flood-control reservoirs-- ....--------------- 1942 Little Missouri River, Ark.: Flood control in basin__----- -------- 1159 Flood control Murfreesboro, Ark., to the mouth------ 1160 Investigation------------------------------- 1148, 1158.. ___ Little Missouri River, Mont. and N. Dak., investigation ...-------.. 1777, 1790 Little Nemaha River, Kans. and Nebr., investigation------ - --------- 1699 Little Papillion Creek, Nebr., investigation--------------_------ 1748 Little Pass, Fla., investigation.----------------- --- 922 Little Peedee River, S. C., navigation------------------ 780 Little Pigeon, Bayou, La., navigation . .------------- 1100 ........ Little Piney Creek, Mo., investigation ----------------------- 1699 Little Pottsburg Creek, Fla., investigation-------------- 922.......... Little Queenstown Creek, Md., investigation - ---- 504 Little Raccoon Creek, Ind., investigation--- ---------------- 1949 Little Raccoon Creek, Ohio, flood control-------------------- ----- 2032 XL INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Little Red River, Ark., investigation---------------. 1362, 1421,-_ 1499 Little River, Ark. and Mo., investigation ------------- 1192, 1499 - Little River, Del., navigation_---------____-------_ 428 Little River, La., navigation--_--------_ 1100 Little River, N. C. and S. C., investigation- ------------ 782 Little River, N. Y., investigation- - - - _-----------_ - - _-- - 2467 Little River, Va., navigation_ .____-____ - -___ -_ 682 Little River watershed, Oklahoma, investigation 1499 Little Rock, Ark.: Engineering district__--.------------_-------- - 1351 Flood control ---- __--.--- Little Salmon River, N. H., investigation __ L- _.-. -__--- --------------------- 1383 _ - 2467 Little Sioux River, Iowa, flood control -------------------- _ - _ -- -1733 Little Sodus Bay, N. Y., navigation- -__- - -___- -----------_ 2449 Little Tallahatchie River, Miss., navigation-- ----__ -- 1158 Little Tarkio Creek, Mo., investigation.-------------------.---.-- 1700 Little Tennessee River, Tenn., navigation -------------------------- 1830 Little Wabash levee units Nos. 1 and 2, Illinois, flood control ------------- ------------------------- -------- - 1941 Little Wheeling Creek, W. Va., investigation------ -----.--- _ 2163 Little Wicomico River, Va., navigation ----------------- 578 Little Wills Creeks, Pa., investigation_ ----.... ----- __ - - 613 Liverpool, Ill., flood control-----------------_ _- - ___-- 2313 Lock Haven, Pa., flood control_---------- ____------- 554 Lockport, N. Y., investigation- ------------ - - _ - 2492 Locklies Creek, Va., navigation------------------- 598 Lockwoods Folly River, N. C., navigation. . Locust Creek, Ark., investigation_. -------- . _ ---- ---- _ 742 1192 - Logan Hollow, Ill., investigation __----------------------- 1552 Logan Reservoir, Ohio, flood control .- -------------------- - _ 2027 Logansport, Ind._ _-------------------------------------- 1948 Flood Control----------------------------------- 1948 Investigation_-... -----. __-----__- .-_---- 1950 Loggy Bayou, La.: Flood control----------------------------------- 1122 Investigation ---------------------------- __ -- - 1148 Navigation---_-_ _.__.--__ _.----------_ - 1100 Lone Rock Reservoir, Ark., flood control_--- _---- --- 1413 Long Beach Harbor, Calif., navigation ------------------ _ __ 2498, 2516 Longboat, Fla., investigation--- - __ .9__2__2 922 ._ *Long Island intracoastal waterway, New York, navigation 250 Long Island, N. Y., investigation_ -------------- _- - -353 Longport, N. J., investigation- --.- _--- .--.-.--. -439 Lookout Bight, N. C., navigation- __--------------- 733 Lookout Point Reservoir, Oreg., flood control----------------------- 2792 Loosahatchie River, Tenn., investigation_. .- - -_-1184 Lopez Island, Wash., investigation_ - _ --- - ----------- 2903 Lorain County, Ohio, investigation- --------------------------- 2467 Lorain Harbor, Ohio: Investigation-. _ -_____ -- --- .---- _-- _ _ _ -- 2467 Navigation___----- --------- __-- ______.--.- _ 2392 Los Angeles, Calif.: Engineering district_---------- ---------------- 2493 Flood control on river_ ..--_-__-------- _ _ .--.-_ _ 2525, 2531, 2533 Improvement of harbor--- _-------------------------------- 2498, 2517 Los Angeles County drainage area, California, flood control-1---..--- 2523 Los Angeles, Calif., investigation..--------------------------------- 2558 INDEX XLI Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Lost Creek, Ill.: Flood control_--------- --------------- ---------- 2313 Investigation--- ----------------- ----------------- -___ 1950 Lost Creek, Mo., investigation------------------------- 1499 Lost River, Ind., investigation_-- - _------------------------- 1950 Lost River, Minn., investigation- ------------------------ _ -. _ 1644 Louisiana-Texas Intracoastal Waterway, investigation.... 1274 Louisiana, streams and bayous, investigation ---------- 922, 1104, 1149 Louisville and Portland Canal Ky., enlargement ---- ----------- 1513 Louisville, Ky.: Engineering district------------------------------------- 1859 Flood control- -- 1940 1------------------------------- 1906, Loop River, Nebr., investigation - ------------------------ _ 1748 Lowell Creek, Alaska, flood control_--------- ----- ----------__ 2927 Lowell, Mass., flood control----------------------- 143, 221 Lower Machodoc Creek, Va., navigation- ---------- _ - - 598 Lower San Francisco Bay, Calif., navigation.----------- A..--- _ -2602 Lowes Wharf, Talbot County, Md., anchorage at, in- -- Lower San Joaquin River, Calif., flood control---------------------- Lower Thoroughfare, WCc Deals Island, Md., navigation 477 2653 vestigation- --------------------------------- 504 Loyalhanna Creek, Pa., investigation---- ------------ ----------- 2112 Loyalhanna Reservoir, Pa., flood control_--------------- _ __-_ - 2067, 2104 Lubec Channel, Maine: Investigation----------------------------------- 139 Navigation. ------------------------------ 28 Lucky Peak, Reservoir, Idaho, flood control_----- - - - --.- 2775 Ludington Harbor, Mich.: Investigation .. ------------------ --------------------- 2254 Navigation- - ---------------------------- 2233 Ludlow, Ky., flood control_ __ --------------------------- 1940 Ludlow Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vt., flood control__------------------- --------------------- - 174. Lugert-Altus Reservoir, Okla., flood control------_ - -1496 Lumber River, N. C., and S. C., navigation-_---- - - - 780 Lussenhop levee, Illinois, flood control ------------------ -_-- 2313 Lutsen Harbor, Minn., navigation-__ _---------- ---------- 2155 Luxapalila River, Ala. and Miss., investigation 1012 Lyford levees, Indiana, flood control_ _______---------- ----------- 780 1949 Lynch River, S. C., navigation -------------- . _______ Lynn Harbor, Mass.: Investigation ----------------------------------- 139 Navigation --- 136 Lynnhaven Inlet and Bay, Va., investigation- .----- 684 Lynn-Nahant, Mass., investigation--------------------- 140 Lyon County, Kans., flood control------ ----------- 1496 Lytle Creek, Calif.: Flood control-------------------------------------------- - 2542 Investigation------ -------------------------------------- 2558 M Macatawa Lake, Mich.: Investigation--- --------------------------------- 2254 Navigation- -------------------- 136 Mackay Creek, N. C., navigation_ --------- ---------- 745 Mackinac Harbor, Mich., improvement_ ----------- 2372 Mackinac Island, Mich., to Round Island, Mich., channel, improvement ___ ------------------------- ---------- 2372 Mackinac Straits, Mich., improvement of Poe Reef Shoal--.- __--- 2372 XLII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Mackinaw City Harbor, Mich., investigation -----------------.. . 2374 Macon Bayou, Ark. and La.: Investigation_----------___.._____- Navigation ---- _ _----.---- ..-- . .-- .-- 1148, 1174 .------------ 1100 _ ----- Macon, Ga., flood control ----------------------------- 819 Madera County, Calif., investigation.-----------------------__- - 2671 Madison, Ind., flood control-___-__ _-- _ _-------- - __-- - -- 1.940 Madison Township, Ohio, investigation- .----------------- __ - - 2467 Magna, Little Valley Wash., Utah-..-. ----.-.. ... ---. -------- 2665 Magothy River, Md., investigation-.-.----.---.-.- 504 Magruder drainage district, Columbia County, Oreg., flood control--- _----------------- .-------------- _--- - 2829 Mahoning Creek, Pa.: Flood control..---.. ----... ----.-- _______ __ -______2064, 2104 Investigation. ----------------------------------- ---------- 2112 Mahoning River, Ohio, investigation------------------------ 2054, 2112 Maiden Rock, Wis., investigation - .- ---.. .--.... __-_-- 1613 Malden River, Mass., navigation-----------------_ ----- 136 Malheur improvement district, Idaho, flood control. ..---- ..-------- 2774 Mamaroneck Harbor, N. Y.: Investigation ------------------------------------ 354 Navigation ------- -------- ---------------- 226 Mamaroneck River, N. Y., investigation_ -- - -- 369--------- Manasquan Inlet and River, N. J.: Investigation--- ----------------- ------- - 354, 431 Navigation_ ------- --------------------------- 420 Manatee River, Fla., navigation ----------------- 917 ....... Manchac Bayou, La., navigation__ - .---- .-- .-.- 1034, 1100 .... Manchac Pass, La., navigation- - -....-. .------ 1100 Manchester Harbor, Mass., navigation_ ---- __ .51-.-51 Manchester, Ohio, flood control----- - - ------ - 2026 Mancos River, Colo., investigation-----_ - - ----------- . 2558 Mandan, N. Dak.: Flood Control___-------- -------- ----- ---.----------. 1757 Investigation ------------------- 1764 Mandeville, La., investigation ------------------------- 1104 Mangun-Salt Fork, Okla., investigation----------------- 1499 Manhasset Bay, N. Y.: Investigation ----------------- - -- 354- --- Navigation- -_____________________.._ 354---- 234 Manhattan, Kans., investigation ------- -- -------- 1700 ---------- Manistee Harbor and River, Mich., navigation- _-__- - -- ------- 2235 Manistique Harbor, Mich.: Investigation --------------------------------------------- 2254 Navigation -------------------------------------- 2162 _ Manitowoc Harbor, Wis., navigation. _---------_-- _-- _-_--2194 Mannford Reservoir, Okla.: Flood control- ----.. ----------- -------- 1480--------- Investigation _...-.----- .-----..-----...----- - 1499-------.- Manokin River, Md.: Investigation ------------------- .. - ______ - -- 504--------- Navigation-- ____ . - .--- _------------- - -_ 502 Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, Conn., flood control........ 164, 170 Mansfield Reservoir, Ind., flood control ___ _ _ 1------------------ 1942 - Mansville, N. Y., investigation -------------------------- -------- 2492 Manteo (Shallowbag) Bay, N. C., navigation.------------ 705--.-..... Manteo to Oregon Inlet, N. C., investigation------------ 748 .......... Mantua Creek, N. J., navigation.--------------------- 406- Map>leshade, Ohio, flood control----_ __--------- - ----- - -. 2026 Marais des Cygnes River, Mo. and Kans., investigation---......---. 1700 Maquoite Bay, Bunganuc Creek, Maine, investigation..... 140... . INDEX XLIII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Maquoketa River, Iowa, investigation- ------------------- _ _ _ _ 1600 Marblehead Harbor, Mass., navigation-----------, - - 136 _ Mare Island Strait, Calif., navigation_ ---------------------- . 2581 Margate City, N. J.-_------------- --------..-- 439 Marietta, Ohio, flood control_------------ -- --------_----. . 2026 Markham Ferry Reservoir, Okla., flood control------..--1469, 1480 Marmarth, N. Dak., flood control------------------------- 1789 Marquette Bay and Harbor, Mich.: Construction of harbor of refuge in bay ------------- _----- -- - 2142 Improvement of harbor__ -2143_ _------- -- Marsh Creek, Idaho, investigation-_ -- ---------- -- 2830 Marsh River, Minn., investigation- - -.--- , .._ , - _._ . -- - 1644 Marshallberg, N. C., investigation------.--.........----748 Marshall Creek, Los Angeles,-Calif., flood control_-___-- _ ----.2523 Marshland drainage district, Columbia Country, Oreg., flood control ---------- -- ---------- ----------- ---- - 2829 Marshyhope Creek, Md., investigation - --- ,- - - -" 554 _ Martinez, Calif., investigation-- .. _.. -. _.-----2603 Martins Ferry, Ohio, flood control.----_ ,-_ .--.-... -_---- - -- 2103, 2110 Marumsco, Md., investigation_--- ----------- ----- -504 Mason and Menard, Ill., flood control. ._ __---..-.---. . _2313 _ Masonboro Inlet, N. C., investigation---_-- ----- --- 748 Mason J. Niblack levee unit, Indiana, flood control_ ..- - ..... 1876, 1941 Mason, W. Va., flood control-.-.-.---.---___----- ...... . 2026 Massena Board of Control, operations of International--.... -, -...- 3075 Massillon, Ohio, flood control______--- Matadero Creek, Calif., investigation- Matagorda, Tex.: _---.-------------.--.-- --------- -.--- 1979, 2026 2610 Flood control--- _------------------__ ...- _ -_ 1303 Investigation ---...--------------- ----- 1325 _.____ Matawan Creek, N. J.: Investigation -------------------------------- 354 Navigation --------------------------------- 351-.--.. Matinicus Harbor, Maine: Investigation-- --------------------------- -- 140--------- Navigation_ . -------------------- 136-----.... Mattapoisett, Mass., investigation_ ------.--.--_ - 140 _._... Mattaponi River, Va., navigation--------- ------------- 632 Mattituck Harbor, N. Y. ------- --------------------- 243 Mauckport, Ind., flood control----------- .. ... , _____------------- ------ 1940 Maumee Bay and River, Ind., Ohio: ...... Investigation--- .------ ------- 12254, 2298, 2374,2383 Toledo Harbor, improvement-__.. -------__- _ ------- __-- ___- --. 2372 Maunabo River, P. R., investigation------ --------------.......... 2969 Maunie, Ill., investigation --------------------------- --------- 1950 Maurice River, N. J., navigation -_ ________ - _.__ - 411. Maximo Point, Fla., investigation_ _-______ ___-...... 922 _ _ Mayaguez Harbor, P. R., navigation-- .------ -- ---.................---....------.. 2960 Mayberry Creek, Ark., investigation-_ .-.-- ------ -_ 1421 Maysville, Ky., flood control- -- -- -- -- -- ----- -- 2022,2026 McCraney, Hadley, Kaiser, Six Mile, and Bay Creeks, Pike County, Ill--......----------- ------------- -,------- 1580 McFodder Place, Ark., investigation.-- -- ---- .... - 1422" ------------------ -_-----..1551 McGee Creek, Ill., control_ --_-- _--- McGinnis levee unit, Indiana, flood control- - -............ - .... -- - ---------.... __...... - 1890, 1941 2830 McKay Creek, Oregon, investigation- McKees Rocks, Pa., flood control-. . --- __ ---------_ _ ..--. 2103 McLean Bottom levee district No. 3, Arkansas River, Ark., flood control ..... - 1370 McNary Dam, Ore., navigation. - - - ... . - 2684 XLIV INDEX ___I ___ _111____( Page Volume 1 Volume 2 I I- Meadow Creek, W. Va., flood control Medicine Creek, Minn., investigation ------------- 2032 1644 Medomak River, Maine, navigation_ ._ ._.___ 34 Meherrin River, N. C., navigation .-. - 745 Melbourne, Fla., investigation- - - - - - 922, 934 Melbourne Harbor, Fla., navigation. _ .. --- 917 Melrose Reservoir, Va., flood control- -.. -- 686 Memphis Harbor, Tenn.: Investigation-.... ......... .-. - ... - 1184, 1192 Navigation .---- . .. - - 1177 Memphis, Tenn.: Engineering district_........ __ 1175 Flood control -- - .. - ...- - -_- -.-.-. 1184 Mendota Bridge, Minn., investigation .- - -_ 1644 Menemsha Creek, Marthas Vineyard, Mass., navigation _ 82 Menominee Harbor and River, Mich. and Wis., navigation_ 2164 Meramec Reservoir, Mo., flood control 1544 Merced County group, California, flood control _ 2641 Meredosia Drainage Dist., Ill. and Wisc., investigation 1600 Meredosia Lake and Willow Creek, Ill., flood control 1551 Mermentau River, La.: Flood control_ -. _ ............... 1136 Improvement, including tributaries___ _----- 1085 Improvement of waterway to Franklin, La 1048 Merrimack River Basin, N. H. and Mass., flood control ... 142, 221 Merrimack River, N. H. and Mass.: Investigation---.... -.... . -. ---..... -- -- 140, 222 N avigation .---..... -.- -... -.......... -- 136 Merritt Island, Fla., investigation_ ---- __ _ _ - _ _ _ 922 Metlakatla Harbor, Alaska, navigation 2855 Metamora Reservoir, Ind., flood control._... _ _ 1942 Meto Bayou, Ark., investigation ............. __ __ 1422 Metropolis, Ill., flood control ..-............. ..- 1941 Mexico Bay, N. Y., investigation._-.-----.----------- 2467 Meyers Chuck Harbor, Alaska, navigation 2901 Miami Harbor and River, Fla.: Improvement of harbor____________________ _ 868 Investigation -- . _ _. ...- _ -.- 922, 934 Miami to Key West, Fla., Intracoastal Waterway........ 917 Mianus River, Conn., navigation-_ ......-.-...-...- 137 Michigan City Harbor, Ind., navigation 2278 Michigan Lake: Investigation. _ .. _____ 2157, 2254 2298, 2374 Middleport, Ohio, flood control _ .. .. _... 2026 Middle River, Calif., navigation____.._..... 2626 Middle River, Md., navigation. _- _-_ .......-. 502 Middle River, Minn., investigation .. - .-.-..- -- - 748 1644 Middle River, N. C., investigation.._---...... ....- Middlesboro, Ky., flood control _ _ 1832 Middlesboro, (Yellow Creek) Ohio River Basin, Ky., flood control ---- 1851 Middleton Reservoir, Ga. and S. C., flood control -- - 816 Midland drainage district, Columbia County, Oreg., flood control-.. . . 2829 Milburn Creek, N. Y., investigation. 354 Miles River, Talbot County, Md., investigation- ...... 504 Milford Harbor, Conn., navigation. ......... _.. .. 117 Milford IIaven, Va., navigation ._ _.. _.. ...... _ ...._._ 595 Milk River, Mont., investigation_ ...----... --....- 1790 Mill Cove area, Boothbay Harbor, Maine, investigation. .. 140 INDEX XLV Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Mill Creek and South slough, Illinois, navigation ------------------- 1576 Mill Creek, Calif., investigation_ ---------- --------- __-------- 2671 MillCreek, Md., navigation ------- ------.-- . .500 Mill Creek, N. C., investigation -------- ----- _-____- 748 __ Mill Creek, Tex., flood control-------_ Mill Creek, Va., navigation Mill Creek, Wash.: __-------------------------- 1277 12----------- 598 - Flood control------- ------------ ---------- ----- -- 2779 -------------------- 2830 Investigation------------------ Mill Creek: West Fork, Ohio, flood control_ - Millecoquin River, Mich., investigation.............------------------ .... . _- 1942, 2033 2254 Miller Bay, Wis., investigation- -------- _____- -- - - ------ 2027 Miller City, investigation ----- -------------- ------------ 1552 Miller Pond, Ill.: Flood control--- ----------- ------------- - --------- 1518 . Investigation------ ------------------------------------ 1553 Millersburg Reservoir, Ohio, flood control_ ----------------- _-_-_- 2027 Mill Four drainage district, Yaquina River, Oreg., flood control- _--.---- ---------------------------------------- 2816 Millicoma River, Oregon, navigation ------------------------ 2757, 2770 Milton-Freewater, Walla Walla River, Oreg., flood control--.--------- 2783 Milton, Ky., flood control --------------- -------------- ------- 1940 Milton, Pa., flood control ---------------- ------- 554 Milwaukee, Wis.: Engineering district ---------------------- ---------------- 2161 Improvement of harbor. ----------------------------- 2203 Investigation------------------------------------- ----- 2254 Millwood Reservoir, Little River, Ark., flood control 1489... Millwood, W. Va., flood control --------------------------------- 2027 Miners Bend, Nebr., flood control--------- ------------ ------- 1741 Mingo Creek, S. C., navigation------------- ------------ 765 Mingo Junction, Ohio, flood control--------------------...... 2103 Mining City Reservoir, Ky., flood control -------- ---- -- --- --- 1942 Minnesota River, Minn., investigation -- .... ---------------- ----... 1613, 1644 Navigation ----- --------------------------------------- 1605 Miscellaneous civil works -------------------- ------- 15 3051 Mispillion River, Del.: Investigation---------------------------------- 431 ------------- --------- 397- Navigation- Massillon, Ohio River Basin, Ohio, flood control ------- - --- ----- -------- . 1979 2511 Mission Bay, Calif., navigation----------------------- Mission River, La. and Tex., investigation ------- -------- 1275 1275 Mississippi River: Flood control ----------- -------------- -------- 12 Investigations: For flood control---------------------------- 1193 1553, 1600, 1644 General- ------------------------------- 1104,1149, 1513, 1580, 1184, 1362 1613, 2298 Missouri River to Minneapolis---------------------------1555, 1572, 1601 Locks and dams----------------------------------------- 1602 Near Aitkin, Minn.-------------------------------- ------ 1641 Mississippi River Commission: Report of the President------------------------ ---------- 2997 Flood control on lower Mississippi River: Alluvial valley mapping- -------------- ----- 3006 Arkabutla Dam and Reservoir, Miss--..------ -..-------- 3009 Atchafalaya floodway, Louisiana -------------------- 3007 Atchafalaya River and Basin, improvements _--------.. 3008 ,Bank protection and regulation ------------------- 3007 XLVI INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Mississippi River Commission-Continued Report of the President-Continued Flood control on lower Mississippi River-Con. Birds Point-New Madrid floodway, Mis- souri . . ....... .. ..... 3000 Bonnet Carre spillway, Louisiana ---------- ---------- 3008 Channel condition. . ---------- ._ 3007 Charenton drainage and navigation canal, Louisiana .-.... -... ---------- -.-.. - --.-. --- 3008 Dams and reservoirs......._..____ ---------- . . 3004 Discharge data . __ __ _ _ ____ _ ---------- . 3006 Emergency work on tributaries - ---------- 3040 Enid Dam and Reservoir, Miss......- ---------- .- 3009 Experiment station, waterways------ - ---------- 3015 F loods_............................ Floodways....._ ---------- _ 3012 _ _____ ____ _ _ 3001 Grenada Dam and Reservoir, Miss-....... 3010 L evees ...- .. --.-.... -- --- --- -- 3022 Morganza floodway, Louisiana 3008 Sardis Dam and Reservoir, Miss.- . 3009 St. Francis Basin Project: Marked Tree Siphon, Ark__. . __ 3003 Tyronza River Channel_____ __ 3003 Wappapello Dam and Reservoir, Mo _- 3011 Wax Lake outlet.-_-_-_____ _ _..- - 3008 White River backwater levee, Ark 3003 Yazoo Basin project: Arkabutla Dam and Reservoir, Miss_. 3009 Enid Dam and Reservoir, Miss_ 3009 Grenada Dam and Reservoir, Yalo- busha River, Miss_ _ ._..._._ 3010 Sardis Dam and Reservoir, Miss_ 3004 Waterways experiment station, Vicksburg, Miss_ -- _- -- 3012, 3015 Missouri River: Agricultural levees, flood control.--------.----- 1658, 1659 1717, 1728 Flood control, Kenslers Bend, Nebr., to Sioux City... 1725 Flood control in basin_.....__ ..... _..___.__ 1658, 1716, 1748, 1752 Investigation----......... ..- _..---------------._______ 1614, 1644, 1700, 1716, 1749, 1764, 1790 Navigation: Kansas City to mouth .....--..-- 1648, 1765 Kansas City to Sioux City ............. 1704 Sioux City to Fort Benton..................... 1712 Mobile, Ala., engineering district.......................- 939, 1001 Mobile Bay, Harbor, and River, Ala.: Improvement of harbor and bar.................. 967 Investigation ------.-----.----...------...--....- 1004 Mobile River, Ala., removing the water hyacinths in river and tributaries ............................... 972 Mobjack Bay, Va., investigation ..................... 684 Moffett Bottom, Okla., flood control.-.-.-...- ....- ....-- 1444 Mohawk River, N. Y., investigation................... 354, 369 Mohican River, Clear Fork, Ohio, flood control........ 2033 Mojave River, Calif., investigation.......-.-...-.--. 2558 Mokelumne River, Calif.: Investigation.-- ..-..--.--......-.- . ....- ..... 2636, 2671 N avigation..... .... .... ... ....- - . .... ... 2618 INDEX XLVII Page Volume 1I Volume 2 Molalla River, Clackamus County, Oreg., flood control..... --- __ 2254 M onkey Run Creek, N .Y ., investigation ------ -,Mo 555 ------- Monett, Mo.: Flood control 1436' ........------------------------------ --- Investigation - ------ -- - 1499 Monongahela River, W. Va. and Pa.: Investigation------------------------------ _-.. 2054, 2104, 2112 Navigation-- -------------- ---------- 2036 Monroe Bay and Creek, Va., navigation._ ........... 573, 599 Monroe Harbor, Mich., navigation-...........--------- 2362 Monterey Bay and Harbor, Calif.: Investigation_----------------------------- 2603 Navigation----------- -------------------- 2596 Montezuma River, Colo., investigation.............------ 2558 Montgomery, Pa., flood control------------------- Montour Falls, Oswego River Basin, N. Y., flood control_. 2477 Montville Creek, N. Y., flood control__--------------- 2482 Moorefield, W. Va., flood control----------------- Moores Ferry Reservoir, Va., flood control.............. 2027 Mooringsport Reservoir, La__---------------------- 136 Moosabec Bar, Maine, navigation------------------ 1349 Mora River, N. Mex., investigation---------------- Moreau River, S. Dak., investigation--------------- --- 728 1790 Morehead City Harbor, N. C., navigation_ 748 Morehead City, N. C., investigation---------------- 1105,1149 Morgan City, La., investigation-_----------------- 354 Moriches Inlet, N. Y., investigation- -- ---- -- ---- -- 1376 Morrilton, West of, Arkansas, flood control. . . Morrison, Colo. flood control----------------------- 1794 Morristown Harbor, N. Y., navigation-------------- --- 2464 Morro Bay, Calif., navigation ------ --------------- 2494 Moscow, Ohio, flood control ....---------------- ----- 1940 Moses Coulee, Wash., investigation-.-------------------- 2928 Mosquito Creek Reservoir, Ohio, flood control_ ----- 2077, 2104 Moss Landing, Calif.: Investigation.----------------------------- 2603 Navigation------------ ------------------- 2594 Motl, N. Dak., investigation- ------------------ 1790 354 Mott Basin, Jamaica Bay, N. Y---------.......... Mounds and Mound City, Ill., flood control---------- 1929, 1941 Moundsville, W. Va., flood control--------------------... 2103 Mountain Brook Reservoir, Merrimack River Basin, 143, 146 N. I., flood control----- -------------------- Mount Carmel, Ill., investigation_------------ --- 1950 Mount Clemens, Clinton River, Mich., flood control- . . 439 2377 Mount Holly, Rancocas Creek, N. J., flood controL-... Mount Morris Reservoir, Genesee River, N. Y., flood 2472 control-------------------------------------- 2928 Mount Vernon, Washington, investigation------------ 2305 Mouth of Sagamon River, Ill., flood control-------- -- 1270 Mouth of Trinity River, Tex., navigation 1749 Mud Creek, Nebr., investigation-------------------- 2912 Mud Mountain Dam, Wash., flood control---.....------ -- 2027 Mud River Reservoir, W. Va., flood control............. - 598 .....---.. Mulberry Creek, Va., navigation.-- -------------- 922 Mullet Key, Fla., investigation--...........------------------ Multiple purpose operations: --...----. Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, and Flint Rivers, Ga. 6 and Fla.---- --------------------------- 6 -----..... Bonneville, Oreg. and Wash------------------- ... I . . XLVIII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 _ Fort Peck, Mont------------ -------------- 6 McNary Dam, Oreg. and Wash-__ -- ______----------- 2684 Multnomah Channel, Oreg., navigation ------------------- 2719 Multnomah drainage district No. 1, Multnomah County, Oreg., flood control. _ .--------- - 2810 Muncie, Ind., flood control 882 1------------ Muncy, Pa., flood control--- -------- ---- ---- 554 Murderkill River, Del., navigation_-- ------------ 396 Murdocks Landing, Tex., investigation ------------------ 1275 Murrells Inlet, S. C., investigation_----------------- 782 Muscatine, Iowa, investigation_------- -- -- --- 1580 Muskegon Harbor, Mich., navigation-- __------------------- 2226 Muskingum River, Ohio: Flood-control reservoirs _ ------ ---------- 1973, 2027 2033 Investigation ----------------------------- ---------- 1973 Navigation----------------------------- -------------- 1954 Myrtle Beach, S. C- --------------- ---------- ----- 782 Mystic River, Conn., navigation_ --....------------- 137 Mystic River, Mass.: Investigation-----------------------------------_ 140 Navigation . . --- -52 N Nahant-Lynn, investigation ------------------ ------- 140 Nameoki Drainage and Levee Dist., Ill., flood control 1--.----- 1541 Nandua Creek, Va., navigation------ 618 Nansemond River, Va.: Investigation----_ .- .---. 684 Navigation _ 6------------------------------------- 53 Nantasket Beach, Mass., investigation- - - --- 140 Nanticoke, Pa., flood control--- ------- _-------554-.- Nanticoke River (including Northwest Fork), Del. and Md.: Investigation_ _2504 _ Navigation-------------------- ------- --- 470, 471 Nantucket Harbor and Sound, Mass.: Construction of harbor and refuge_---------------- 76- Napa River above Suscol, Calif., flood control------------------ 2609 Napa River, Calif.: Investigation ----------------------------- 2603, 2610 Navigation ------- ------------------------------ 2579 Naples, Fla., to Big Marco Pass, Fla.: Channel improvement- -. --------- --...... 875. ... Investigation- _----------- _ -------------- - ___922 Narragansett Bay, R. I., investigation_------------------ 140 Narragansett pier, Rhose Island, investigation t - 140--- -140 Narraguagus River, Maine: Investigation- _- --- ----------- 222 Navigation- - -- ----- - -------- 136 .... Narrow River, at mouth of, Narragansett Bay, R. I., in- vestigation -_ - --------------- 140- - Narrows of Lake Champlain, N. Y. and Vt., navigation. 310- Narrows Reservoir, Ark., flood control- - 1160. .. Nashua, Merrimack River Basin, N. H., flood control .-. 143, 154 Nashville, Tenn., engineering district- - - - -_ -- 1813 Natalbany River, La., navigation- __-------- --- 1032--------- Natchitoches Parish, La., flood control ------------- 1146--------- Navidid River, Tex., flood control- - -- --- --- 1316 Nawilliwili HIarbor, T. HI., navigation --------------------- 2938, 2950 INDEX XLIX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 598 Neabsco Creek, Va., navigation,-------------------_ Neah Bay, Wash.: 2903 Investigation --------------------------------- 2864 Navigation ---------------------------------- 600 Neale Creek, Md., investigation--------------------- 574 Neale Sound, Md., navigation--------- flood ------------ 1372 Near Dardanelle, Arkansas River, Ark., control___ - 2313 flood control- Near Springfield on Sangamon River, Ill., Neches River, Tex.: 1275, 1325 Investigation------------------------- 1203--------- Navigation---------------------- Nehalem Bay and River, Oreg.: 2770 Investigation------------------------- 2768 Navigation-------------------------- --- 2815 Nehalem, Oreg., flood control___------------------- 2770 Nelscott, Oreg., investigation ------------------------- 1700 Nemaha River, Nebr. and Kans., investigation---------- - -- -1480 Neodesha Reservoir, Kans., flood control--------------- 1496 Neosho Falls, Kans., flood control------------------- Kans., flood control.-.. 1496 -- 2831 Neosho Rapids, Lyon County, ------------ Nestucca River, Oreg., investigation------ Neuse River, N. C.: 748, 754 Investigation ------------------ 720 ----------------- ------- 2903 Navigation --- -- Neva Strait, investigation- - - - ------------------- 2103 Neville Island, Pa., flood control------------------- 1909, 1940 New Albany, Ind., flood control.---------------------- ---------- 1940 New Amsterdam, Ind., flood control.---------------- Newark Bay, N. J., navigation-------------------- 1986, 2026 Newark, Ohio, flood control------------------------ New Bedford Harbor, Mass.: 140, 222 Investigation------ ------------ 83 Navigation------------------------------- .------- 745 S 1700 Newbegun Creek, N. C., navigation Mo., investigation- Newburg Branch of Little Piney Creek, 2005, 2026 New Boston, Ohio, flood control --. ..----------------- 2296 New Buffalo Harbor, Mich., navigation------------ ------- 136 -2103 Newburyport Harbor, Mass., navigation--------- New Cumberland, W. Va., flood control...------------- 25 New Jerseyngland ivision 136 New Harbor, Maine, navigation-------------------- 1941 New Karmony, nd., flood control----------------- 113 New Haven, Conn., breakwater------------------- 320 New Lonaven Harbor, Conn., navigation-------------- 354, 439 New Jersey and New York Channels, improvement- ... New Jersey coast, investigation------------------------ 354, 431 Investigation---------------------- -- 423 Navigation ...... .......... 2103 flood control..----------------- New Kensington, Pa., Conn.: New London Harbor, 140 Investigation ................................ 104 Navigation .............. 2026 New Martinsville, W. Va., flood control---------------- 2027 New Matamoras, Ohio, flood control---------------- New Orleans,. La.: 1015- ---- Engineering Improvementdistrict ------------. Waterway to Apalachee of Intracoastal 1037 --------- Bay, Fla.--------------------------- -- ------ 1105--------- Investigation------------------------ --- - 1418 Newport, Ark., flood control.....----------- ---------- 2504, 2517 Newport Bay Harbor, Calif., navigation---...---------- L INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Newport Harbor, R. I.: Investigation_----------.---. --.. --....-. ------ 140 Navigation ------------------------------------- 136 Newport, Ky., flood control-----_ _------------. --. _.... -- 1893, 1940 Newport News Creek, Va., navigation------------------ 658 Newport News, Va., improvement of channels to......---------.. 661 Newport, Ohio, flood control-------------------------- ---------- 2027 New Richmond, Ohio, flood control-..-...-.... - _-. - 1940 New River Canal, Fla., investigation_-.------.-.-- _ 922, 934 New River, Fla., navigation ...--.---.-.-.------. -- 863 New River, Va. & W. Va., navigation____- ....- ______--------- 1972 New Rochelle Harbor, N. Y., navigation----......----- 351 Newry-Old Pickens Reservoir, S. C., flood control.....-------- 816 New Smyrna, Fla., investigation_-------.---.--..-__ .923 Newtown Creek, N. Y., navigation __ ..--------. --. _ 281 New York Bay and Harbor, N. Y.: Ambrose Channel, navigation----------------------- 265........ Anchorage Channel, navigation -------------------- 265 Arthur Kill, navigation --------------------------- 320......... Bayside Channel, navigation.----.. -------... -. -- 265 Craven Shoal, removal of_----.----_---------. --. 265 Delaware River, waterway to, investigation....... _ 354-- Drift, collection and removal.- ------------------ 290--------- Kill Van Kull, navigation------....-..--..-.-..-.. 266--------- Main Ship Channel, navigation -------------------- 265--------- Red Hook Flats anchorage, navigation.-------------- 266--------- New York engineering district ,-, ....-.---... ....-. 223 Nezpique Bayou, La.: Investigation ----------------------------------- 1149 Navigation.------------------------------------- 1085--------- Niagara Falls: Investigation- .-__----_ _ -- _-------- -- _---- ----- 2467 Supervision of power companies --------------------- -------- 3073 Niagara River, N. Y., navigation_- --------------- _-------------2437 Niagara Special International Board. .-- ..--------------------- 3074 Niagara St. to Stewart and Gray Rd., Los Angeles, Calif., flood control-- -------------- -------------------------- 2523 Niantic Harbor and River, Conn., investigation ......... 40 1------------- Nicaraguan Canal, survey- . -------- .-------- - -3045 Nimrod Reservoir, Ark., flood control-------------- 1393, 1397 .- .... Niobrara, Nebr., investigation_ ------------------- __- ..- -- 1749 Nishnabotna River, Iowa: Flood control ------------------------------------ - 1740 Investigation ------------------------------------ 1749 Nissequogue River, N. Y., investigation_.-. ...-.. .. - 354 - Nodaway River, Mo., investigation --- 1--------------------- 1700 Nolin Reservoir, Ky., flood control-- ----.----.------- -1492 Nolin River, Ky., navigation_-. _------------- _------ _- --. 1863 Nome Harbor, Alaska: Investigation --- ------------------------------------- - 2903 Navigation ------------------------------------- ----- 2834, 2838 Naomini Bay and Creek, Va., navigation --------------- 598--.--... Nonconnah Creek, Tenn., flood control ----------------- 1184 - Nooksack River Basin, Wash., investigation- Norfolk Harbor, Va.: ------- _ __ __ _ _ __2928 General improvement, including main channel of Elizabeth River and portions of southern, eastern and western branches. - ..-....-.....-- __-----663.......... Improvement of channels to Newport News.. 661......... Improvement of Scotts Creek, Va.. ...........-...- 665.. INDEX LI Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Norfolk Harbor,Va.:-Continued Improvement of Thimble Shoal._- - . .--. ------------- 639 Investigation-- .---------- ----- ---.---.------ _. _ 684 Norfolk, Va., engineering district ----------------------- 615- Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, investigation--- -------.- 693, 748 Norfork Reservoir, Ark., flood control----, -------- 1405, 1413 .. Normal, Ky., flood control _---- -- ..--- .--------.---------- - 2026 North Adams, Iloosic River Basin, Mass., flood control .. 364 North Alexander, Ill.: Flood control - -------------------------------- -------- 1515 Investigation _ _ ----........... -- 1554 Northampton, Mass., flood control---------------. . 175, 200 North Andover, Merrimack River Basin, Mass., flood control..--------.... ---------------------------- 143, 155 North Beach Airport, N. Y., investigation -------------- 354 North Canal, Tex. See Buffalo Bayou, Tex. North Concho River, Tex., flood control --.-- - -..- - 1314 Northeast Harbor, Maine -------------------------- - 30 North East, Pa., investigation----------------- ------------- 2467 Northeast River, Md.: Investigation--.---.--------------------.------- 504 Navigation ------------------------------- 451 Northeast River, N. C.: .....---------- Investigation--- . ---------- .. 754 Navigation ------------------------------- 741 Northern and northwestern lakes--_ -- -_- - -- --------- - 3068 North Fork of Zuba River, Calif., investigation- ------- 2672 North Hlartland Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vt., flood control ---------------------------------- 174, 179 - North Kingsville Village, Ohio, investigation.---------------------- 2461 North Landing, Va., investigation----------------- -- 685, 693 North Little Rock, Ark., flood control 1------------------ 1418 North Little Rock to Gillett, Ark. (below Plum Bayou), flood control------------------------------- 1174, 1418 - North New River Canal, investigation ------------------ 934 Northport Harbor, N. Y., navigation-----_ ------ - 240 North River, Ga., investigation ------------------------- 815 North Springfield Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vt., flood control--- ---------------------------- 174, 182 Northwest Fork, Del. and Md., navigation------------- 471, 472 Norwalk Harbor, Conn., navigation-------------------- 128 Norwich, Conn., channel improvement, flood control- 164, 171 Novato Creek, Calif., investigation.-- ------------- ---------- 2610 Noxubee River, Ala. and Miss.: Investigation ..----------------------------------- 1012 Navigation---------------------------------- 1001 .... Noyo River, Calif.: Investigation..----------------- .----------------------- 2603 Navigation..------------------------------------2567 Nueces River, Tex., investigation--------------------- 1325 Nutwood, Ill., investigation-------------------------- --------- 1513 No. 2, Barren Reservoir, Ky., flood control_----- 1942 No. 2, Green Reservoir, Ky., flood control. --------------.---- --- 1942 .... Oahe Reservoir, S. Dak. and N. Dak., flood control---. ----- -----.. 1717 Oahu Island, T. H., investigation -------------------- 2952 Oak Bay to Port Townsend Bay, Wash., waterway im- provement------------------------------- -- 2869 804711-48-voL 1-99 LII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Oak Creek, Md., improvement of channel to Plain Dealing Creek---_ . . ........ ....----. . . 502 Oakford, Ill., flood control.____._______________ 2313 Oakland Harbor, Calif., navigation..- - - ...... 2586 Oak Orchard Harbor, N. Y.: Investigation -..-.-...- . -..-. .-- - 2467 Navigation_ ... ... _.. 2464 Obed River, Tenn., investigation-------- .------ 1857 Obey River, Tenn., navigation.....___._______. 1830 Obion River, Tenn., investigation ._ _ __ 1183,1193 .... Occohannock Creek, Va., navigation . ..... _._ _ 620 Occoquan Creek, Va., navigation_ 570 Ocean Bar Channel, N. C., investigation---__--.----- 749 Ocean City Harbor and Inlet, Md.: Investigation____ __.____ 505 Navigation- _ -. ..-. - 492 Ocean Drive Beach, S. C., investigation__ _ __ 782 Ochlockonee River, Ga. and Fla., navigation 1001 Ochoco Creek, Oregon, investigation 2831 Ocmulgee River, Ga., navigation _ - 802 Oconee River, Ga., navigation___ 802 Oconto Harbor, Wis., navigation.... __ 2167 Odanah, Wis., investigation.__ ___ 2159 Ogdensburg Harbor, N. Y.: Investigation---.---__. .. __. _____ 2467 Navigation 2460 Ogleton Lake, Md., investigation - - - - 505 Ohio River: Flood control in basin: Huntington district----__--..- 2025, 2026, 2033 Louisville district. _ .. 1939 Nashville district _ . 1850 Pittsburgh district __ __ _ _____ 2102 Improvements: Locks and dams, construction .. _ 1799, 2047 Open-channel work _ . _ 1807, 2047 Investigation---------------- 1004 1831, 1872, 1950, 1973, 2055, 2112, 2468 Ohio shore of Lake Erie, beach erosion study_ 2468 Okeechobee Cross-Florida Canal, investigation 923, 934 Okeechobee Lake drainage areas: Investigation ..--.- ... _- 923, 935 Navigation Oklahoma City floodway, North Canadian River, Okla 1453 Oklawaha River, Fla.: Investigation ------------------------------- 923,935 N avigation __ _ __... .... .. . .. . ..... . 840 Olcott Harbor, N. Y.: Investigation ............ . ..... 2468 Navigation--.___ _ __ ___ _ 2443 Old House Channel, N. C., investigation__ 749 Oldmans Creek, N. J., navigation__ ____ 428 Old River, Calif., navigation------ __ _- .- 2631 Oldsmar, Fla., investigation_ ---. -..---.-. _ 923 Old Town Creek, Miss., navigation..____ 1001 Olean on Alleheny River, N. Y., flood control.s.i- . .... - - 2096, 2103 2903 Olga Strait, Alaska investigation_ Oliver Inlet, Alaska investigation . 2903 INDEX LIII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Olympia Harbor, Wash.: Investigation..--- ------------------------------ ----- 2903 Navigation----------------------------------------_--- 2887 Omaha Creek, Nebr., investigation ___-------------- ---- ---- _ 1749 Omaha, Nebr.: Engineering district--------------------------- --------- 1703 Flood control------------------------- -------------- 1717, 1737 Onancock River, Va., navigation----- ------------------ 616 One Hundred and Two and Missouri Rivers, Mo., investi- gation-------------------------------- ----------- 1-700 Oneida Creek, N. Y., investigation------------------------- ------ 2492 Ontario Lake, water levels- - ------------------------------ Ontonagon Harbor, Mich., navigation ------------------------- _ 2132 Oologah Reservoir, Okla.: Flood control--------------------------------- 1480 Investigation ----------- ------- ------ 1499 Oostenaula River, Ga., navigation----_1------------ ------ 1001 Opookta Creek, Attala County, Miss., investigation-..... 1174 Optima Reservoir, Okla., flood control ----------------- 1446 Orange River, Fla., navigation--- ----------------------- 917 Orange Lake Basin, Fla., investigation-- ------------ 923, 935 Oregon, bays, inlets, and rivers, Oregon, investigation ...--- 2770 Oregon Inlet, N. C., investigation_----- --------------- _ _749 Oregon slough, Oregon navigation-.- ..--- ------------------ --- 2768 Orleans, Ind., investigation ............------------------------------------- 1950 Orowoc Creek, N. Y., navigation--------------------- 255 Osage River, Kans, and Mo.: Investigation--- --- --------------------- ------- 1700 Navigation--------------- ------------------------- 1653 Osceola Reservoir, Mo., flood control__-- ----------------- _ 1658, 1689 Oswego Harbor and River, N. Y.: Investigation ----------------------------- -- 354 2492 Navigation -------- -- ------------------------. .-... 2450 Otter Creek, Vt., navigation -------------------- ,351 - - . Ouachita River and river system, Arkansas and Louisiana: Investigations------------------------------1105, 1149 Navigation----- --------------------------- 1017, 1153 Overton-Red River Waterway, Ark. and La., navigation_ 1022 Owasco inlet and outlet, Montville, and Dry Creeks, State ditch, and Crane Brook, N. Y., flood control __ -_-_- - - 2482 Owasco Lake, Oswego River Basin, N. Y., flood control _- --- -- 2468 Owego Creek, N. Y., investigation- ---.-------------- 555 Owensboro, Ky., flood control- -------------------------------- 1941 Owensmouth Ave. to Lankershim Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., flood control-- -------------------------- 2523 Owls Head Harbor, Maine, navigation__ ___-----__-- -136 Oxford, N. Y., flood control_ 510, 517 ------- Oyster Channel, Va., navigation --------------- ----- 623 Oyster Creek, Tex.:1275 Investigation---- -.- _-.-.- 1275 Navigation -------- --------------------- 1270 Ozan Creek, Ark., flood control ------------------------- 1160 Ozona, Fla., investigation------ --------------------- 923 P Pacific coast lines, California, beach erosion study----- ---------- 2517, 2603 Pacoima Wash Channel, Los Angeles, Calif., flood control-_-------- 2523 Paducah, Ky., flood control ---------- -------------------- 1925, 1941 Pagan River, Va., navigation- 651 651--------------------- Pahokee, Fla., investigation------.. ------------- ------ 923 LIV INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Paint Creek Reservoir, Ohio, flood control_. .. 513, 517..... 2027 Painted Post, N. Y., flood control_..................... Pajaro River, Calif.: Flood control._ ... _.. _.... . __... ... ... ... .. 2604 Investigation ...... _._. __... _._....... .... __ 2610 Palacios, Tex., investigation___.- ................- .....- 1275 Palarm Creek, Ark., investigation ...------......------- 1422 Palatka, Fla., investigation_............ 923, 935 Palm Beach, Fla.: Investigation .-- . ..-.--- .-- ..--- .----- ---- --.- 923 Navigation -------------------------------- 917 Pamlico River, N. C., navigation 714 Pamlico Sound, N. C.: Improvement of waterway to Avon, N. C 709 Improvement of waterway to Beaufort Harbor....... 725 Improvement of waterway to Rodanthe, N. C_....... 708 Improvement of waterway to Stumpy Point Channel_ 707 Investigation. -.. ..---- - .- -.. . -. -- 749 Pamunkey River, Va., navigation_._........__ ....... Panama, engineering district_ 2953 Panther Creek, Ill., flood control... -- ..- _ _-_-- 2313 Panther Mountain Reservoir, Moose River, N. Y., flood control _-.... - - - . ---- 2490 Pantego Creek, N. C., investigation.................._. Paonia, Colo., investigation. ................. _.._ .. . - --------- 2558 Papillion (Little) Creek, Nebr., investigation...-.-..----- 1750 Parish Creek, Md., navigation- -_ --..........--- __-. Parkersburg, W. Va., flood control 1995, 2026 Park River Reservoir, N. Dak., flood control.----.-.---- S1621 Parnassus, Pa., flood control_...-.- ... . __ 2103 Parrots Creek, Va., investigation. 600 Pascagoula Harbor and River, Miss.: Improvement of harbor _ ... ........ 1001 Improvement of river ----------...--.. . ..... ...- 988 Investigation _-- .___ Pasquotank River, N'. C., waterway from Norfolk to - .. -_ _-__ _ . 1002, 1004 Sounds of North Carolina: Investigation . ___ ... .. . . . 685, 754 Pass-a-Grille Pass, Fla., investigation.-...---..--- _ 923 Passaic River, N. J.: Investigation _____... . ___.. . .__ 369 Navigation -- .__ ....--.-------- 315 Passamaquoddy tidal-power project, Maine 136 Pass Cavallo, Tex.: Channel to Aransas Pass, Tex...-------- ------- 1256 Channel to Port Lavaca: Investigation.. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. 1275 Navigation..___ ......----............------ 1251 Pass Christian Harbor, Miss., navigation............. 1001 Pass Manchac, La., navigation .... .................... 1100 Passumpsic River, Vt., investigation.-- .-.---------- 222 S . rr Patchogue River, Conn., investigation.................. 140 Patoka River, Ind., investigation.-................... 1950 Patriot, Ind., flood control. ___....................... 1940 Patuxent River, Md.: Investigation.. .. ..... -------------- ....------ 600 Navigation_.. .... ............. ............ 598 Pawcatuck River, R. I. and Conn., navigation........_ .. 99 .......... Pawtucket, Blackstone River Basin, R. I., flood control.. 157, 221 ... ...... Pawtucket (Seekonk) River, R. I., navigation........... 92 161 . .. .. . Pawtuxet River Basin, flood control...-....----.--.--..- INDEX LV Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Payette River, Idaho, investigation-..----------.--.-- - - - 2831 ........-------------------- Paynes Creek, Calif., investigation------ 2672 Peace River, Fla., investigation- ------------------ ---- 924 Peach Orchard Bluff, Ark., improvement of White River.- 1352 Pearl River, Miss. and La.: East Pearl River, navigation ----- -------------- 997 Flood control.------------ ----------------------- 1011 Investigation------ ---------------------------- 1004, 1012 West Pearl River, navigation ----------------- --- 1001 . Pease River, Tex., investigation---- ----------------- 1499 Pecan Bayou, Tex.: Flood control -------------------------------- 1308 1310 Investigation--------------------------- --- 1325 Pecan Island to White Lake, La., waterway------- ------ 1084 Pecatonica River, Ill., investigation ------ -------------- ---- --- 1600 Peconic River, N. Y.: Investigation----- ------------------ --------- 354 Navigation- -------------------.--------------- 245 Pecos River, Tex. and N. Mex., investigation..------- 1349 Peedee, Great, River, S. C.: navigation_ ------------ 763 Pee Dee (Little River), S. C., investigation-- .....------------ 782 Peekskill Harbor, N. Y., navigation--------- ----------- 294 Pekin and La Marsh drainage and levee district, Illinois, flood control_..------------------ ------------------------- 2313 Pelican Harbor, Alaska, investigation.------------------ 2903 Peltier Creek, N. C., investigation--------- -------- 749 Pembina River, N. Dak., investigation-------- --------- 1644 Pembina River Reservoir, N. Dak., flood control --------- ------ 1614 Pembroke Creek, N. C., navigation------------------ 700 Pendleton Camp, Calif., investigation---------------------2517 Pendleton Umatilla River, flood control -----------......- 2829 Pend Oreille River, Idaho, investigation --------------- -------- 2903, 2928 Peninsula drainage district No. 1, Multnomah County, Oreg., flood control ------- -------------- ---- 2829 Peninsula drainage district No. 2, Multnomah County, Oreg., flood control----------------------------------- 431 2829 Pennypack Creek, Pa., investigation_----------------- Penny Slough, Rock River, Ill., flood control.----------- ---------- 1599 Penobscot River, Maine. ------------------------ 32 Pensacola Bay and Harbor, Fla.: Improvement of harbor....-------------------------- 962 Investigation --------------- ---------------- 1004 Pensacola Reservoir, Okla., flood control -------------- 1467 Pensaukee Harbor, Wis., navigation--------------------------- 2169 Pentwater Harbor, Mich., navigation--.--------------------- -- 2231 Pepperells Cove, Maine, navigation---------------- 136 Perdido Bay, Ala. and Fla., investigation ---- 1004 1004 Permanent International Association of Congresses of Navigation ------------------------------------------------ 3043 Perquimans River, N. C., navigation--------- ------ 745--------- Perry County, Mo.:1525 Flood control------------------------------------------ 1525 Investigation----- ------------------------------------ 1554 Perry Creek, Iowa, investigation- - - --------------------- 1750 Perry Township, Ohio, investigation_--- ----------------------- 2468 Peru levees, Indiana, flood control.- -------------------- 1872 Petaluma Creek, Calif.: Investigation--------------------------------- ---------- 2610 Navigation -------- ------------------------ ---------- 2577 Petersburg Harbor, Alaska, navigation-------------- ----------- 2846 Petit Anse Bayou, La., navigation----- --------------- 1081 LVI INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Petite Caillou Bayou, La., investigation _-.... -- 1105,1150 Petit Jean River, Ark., investigation-.._...-- .--.-- 1422 Petoskey Harbor, Mich., navigation -------------- 2249 Philadelphia, Pa., engineering district-_.-.--.------- .- 371 Philippine Port Rehabilitation . --- 6 Philpott Reservoir, Va., flood control ------- 686, 690 Phoebus, Va., improvement of channel to Hampton Roads__ 682 Picketwire (Purgatoire) River, Colo., investigation ... _ . ,1349 Pierce City, Mo., investigation . 1500 Pierre Bayou, La.: Flood control_-_- ----------------------- 1125,1127 Navigation_ -------------------------------- 1100 Pigeon Bayous, La., improvement _ 1100 Pigeon River and Caseville Harbor, Mich., investigation.. 2375 Pillar Point, Calif., investigation-------- 2603 Pilot Rock, Birch Creek, Oreg., flood control 2785 Pinconning River, Mich., investigation 2375, 2383 Pine Creek, Pa., investigation ------- ----------- 2112 Pine Flat Reservoir, Calif., flood control 2647 Pine Island Bayou, Tex., investigation_ 1276 Pine Orchard, harbor at, Branford, Conn. 140 Pine River Reservoir, Minn....__ . _ 1602 Pine River, Mich., investigation 2375, 2383 Pine River, St. Clair City, Mich., navigation_ 2372 Pineville, Ky., flood control. _..-_ -.. --- 1835 Pineville, Red River, La., flood control _ 1130 Pinopolis Dam, S. C., investigation 782 - - - - - Pioneer Reservoir, Arikaree River, Colo. and Kans., flood control--------------- control_ _ ----------------------- 1658, 1674 Pittsburgh Harbor, Pa., navigation- - 2053 Pittsburgh, Pa., engineering district 2035 Pittsburgh, Pa.: Flood control-------- ---------------------- 2103 Investigation ------ ------------- ----------- 2112 Plain Dealing Creek, Md., improvement of channel to Oak Creek " 502 Plantation Creek, Ga., investigation __ 815 Plaquemine Brule Bayou, La., navigation 1088 Platte River, Colo., Nebr., and Wyo., investigation 1750, 1798 Platte River, Mo. and Iowa, investigation -------........- 1701 Platte River near Schuyler, Nebr., flood control_ 1739 Plattsburg Harbor, N. Y., navigation_ 314 Playa del Rey Inlet Harbor and Basin, Venice, Calif., investigation ---- ------ -------------- 2517 Pleasant River, Maine, navigation 136. Plum Island Sound, Mass., investigation --------------- 140 Plymouth Harbor, Mass.: Investigation_ .. __..................... 140 Navigation -------------------------------- 136 Plymouth, Pa., flood control 533 Poca Reservoir, W. Va., flood control_ 2027 Pocatello area, Portneuf River, Idaho, investigation 2831 Pocomoke River, Md.: Investigation------ ---------------------- 505 Navigation- -------------------- 482 Point Dume, Calif., investigation---_ ------------ 2517 Point Judith Pond, R. I., navigation- 95 Point Judith, R. I., harbor of refuge, navigation....... 95 Point Lookout Creek, Md. ... . .. . 600 INDEX LVII Page Volume I Volume 2 Point Lookout Harbor, Mich: Investigation ----------------------------------------- 2346 Navigation --------------------------------------------- 2346 Point Pleasant, W. Va., flood control-------------------------1997, 2026 Pokegama Reservoir, Minn_--------------------------- Polecat Creek, Okla., flood control_-------- -------- Pollock Rip Shoals, Mass., navigation--------- --------- ---------- 1458-. 74 1602 - Polson Bay, Flathead Lake, Mont., navigation ---------- 2901 Pomeroy, Ohio, flood control--------------------------- -- 2026 Pomme de Terre Reservoir, Mo., flood control------------------- 1658, 1691 Pompano, Hillsboro Inlet, Fla., investigation_ ----- ---- 924 Ponca Creek, S. Dak. and Nebr., investigation-------- 1---------- 1750 Ponca City, Okla., investigation---- ------------------- 1500 Ponce de Leon Inlet, Fla., investigation-- ----------------- 924 Ponce Harbor, P. R., navigation ---- ------------------- 2956 Ponchatoula River, La.1----------------------------- 1032 Pontchartrain Lake, La.: Flood control__ ------------------------------ 1131 Investigation--- ------------------ ---------- 1106,1150 Pontiac, Mich., investigation-------------- ------------------ 2383 Pontiac diversion, Pawtuxet River Basin, R. I., flood control--------------------------- ----------- 161, 162 Poor Fork of Cumberland River, Ky., investigation ---------- 1857 Poplar Bluff, Mo., to Knovel, Ark., flood control ------ 1399 Poplar River, Wis., investigation --------------------------- 1645 Portage Lake harbor of refuge, Mich., navigation-- ---------------- 2238 Port Alexander, Alaska, navigation--------- ---------------------- 2901 Port Allen, T. H., navigation....-------------------- --------- 2940, 2950 Port Angeles Harbor, Wash.: Investigation--- ------------------ ------------ _ 2903 Navigation- --------------------------------------- 2868 Port Aransas, Tex.: Investigation_---- ------------------- --- 1276 Navigation____---- --------------------------_ 1256 Port Arthur Tex., investigation-------------------- 1276, 1325 Port Austin Harbor, Mich.---- ------------- 2350 Port Bay, N. Y., investigation------ 2468 Port Bolivar, Tex., improvement of channel to.. 1226 Port Chester Harbor, N. Y.: n ve st iga t io n . .-- - - -- - _ IInvestigation----------------------------- -_ - _-_-_- 5 2435 Navigation. 224----------------------- Port Clinton Harbor, Ohio, navigation------------- ------------ 2369 Port Everglades, Fla., navigation ----------------------- 864 Port Gamble Harbor, Wash., improvement -------------------. 2876 Port Henry Harbor, N. Y., navigation- --------------- 351 Port Huron, Mich., investigation----- - 375 Port Jefferson Harbor, N. Y.: Investigation-------------------------------- 242 Navigation, Portland Harbor, Maine: Investigation..--------------------------- 39140 Navigation -- ---------------------------- 2027 Portland, Ohio, flood control __-------------- --------- Portland, Oreg,, engineering district- ....- .- -2675 Port Lavaca, Tex., channel to Pass Cavallo: Investigation------ ----------------- ---------- 1276 -- Navigation------------------------------------ 1251 Portneuf River, Idaho, investigation----------------- ---- 283 Port Ontario Harbor, N. Y., navigation -------- -------------- --- 2454 Port Orchard Bay, Wash., navigation-- ----- 290 Port Orford, Oreg., investigation--. -------- 2770 LVIII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 - I I- Port Royal Sound, S. C., investigation-- 782 Port Sanilac Harbor, Mich., navigation. - .-------- 2353 Portsmouth Harbor, N. IH., navigation- - - . - 136 Portsmouth Harbor, Va., channel to Nansemond Ordnance Depot, navigation-__ _-_ -_ - - .. _ . . . . . .-- - 682 . Portsmouth, Ohio, flood control_-_____--, ___... -- 682 . 2005, 2026 Port Tobacco Creek, Md., investigation 600....... Port Townsend Bay to Oak Bay, Wash., waterway im- provement ___ __ __ _ _ _ _...... _._ _.. 2869 Portuguez River, P. R., investigation.._._._........_._ 2969 Portville on Allegheny River, N. Y.: Flood control_ __ __ .-.. - .......- ....--- 2101, 2103 Investigation _ . . ._. . __... . .. ._ .. .. 2112 Port Washington Harbor, Wis.: Investigation_ 2254 Navigation - 2200 Port Wing Harbor, Wis.: Investigation_ _ _ 2157 Navigation- _------_----..--------.------ 2124 Poso Creek, Calif., investigation ____.....__.____.. 2672 Potacocowa Creek, Miss., investigation ---------- 1174 Potomac River: Improvement at Alexandria, Va...-._ _._._ .. . 565 Improvement at Lower Cedar Point, Md.--------.- 598 Improvement at Mount Vernon, Va. 569 Improvement at Washington, D. C......-....-.- 600 Improvement below Washington, D. C._............ 566 Investigation -_ _.. . . .. - - 600, 613 ..-- North side of Washington Channel, D. C._.. .... . 561 Potowomut River, R. I., navigation_.-..----..-----.- 137 2831 Powder River, Oreg., investigation...... .......... Powder River, Wyo., investigation.._ _ 1790 Powhatan Point, Ohio, flood control__ __ _ 2027 Powells Bay, Md., investigation_....... 504, 685 Prado Dam, Calif., flood control_____ 2547 Prairie du Chien, Wis., investigation 1614 Prairie du Pont Drainage and Levee Dist. 1537 Prairie du Rocher and vicinity, Illinois, flood control- 1528 Prairie Portage Board of Control_ --------- . 3077 Prattville, Autauga Creek, Ala., flood control__ _..-- 1011 Prescott area, Columbia County, Oreg., flood control_ 2829 Presque Isle Harbor, Marquette, Mich., navigation- 2142 Presque Isle Peninsula, Erie, Pa., beach erosion study 2468 Preston drainage and levee district, Illinois: Flood control.-. - .- ..- ....------------.------- 1519 Investigation. ...... . . . .---.. 1554 Prestonville, Ky., flood control....___ . _ ._ _ ._.. 1940 Presumpscot River, Maine, investigation_-.-..... 140 Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, investigation 2904 Princeton, W. Va., flood control ............---- 2033 Proctor, Otter Creek, Vt., flood control 369 2026 Proctorville, Ohio, flood control Proctor, W. Va., flood control................_ 2026 Prompton Reservoir, Lackawaxen River, Pa., flood control _ 433 Providence Harbor and River, R. I., improvement....... 90 Provincetown Harbor, Mass.: Investigation.. .. . . 141 Navigation. --- ------- .---------- "73 Public Landing, Md., investigation_.................. 505 INDEX LIX Page Volume I Volume 2 Pudding River, Oreg., flood control-------------------- -------- 2809 Puget Sound, Wash., improvement of, and tributaries---- -------- - 2856 Pullman, Wash., flood control------------------- ------- - -2777 Pultneyville Harbor, N. Y., navigation_--- ------ ----------- 2464 Pungo River, N. C., investigation_.---- -- - - .---- 750 Punta Las Marias, San Juan, P. R., investigation --------- -2967 Punta Rasa to Fort Pierce and Stuart,, Fla., waterway, investigation._---- --- -.- _____ _- --....- - 924 Punta Santiago, P. R., investigation ---------- - ----- ------ 2967 Punxsutawney, Pa., flood control_-----_- ----------------- ---- 2080 Purdy Reservoir, Okla., investigation-------------------- 1500 Purgatoire River, Colo., investigation ------------------ 1349 Purification of water supply at Washington, D. C.. _._ . Purviance Creek, N. C., investigation ---------------- 750 Put-in-Bay Harbor, Ohio, navigation_ ------------. -- - ------- 2368 Puyallup River, Wash., improvement of Tacoma Harbor- --------- 2929 Quebrada Arena River, P. R., investigation- ----------- - 2969 Queens Creek, Va., investigation---- ----------------- 600, 685 Queenstown Harbor, Md.: Investigation -------------------------------- . 505 Navigation ------------ - 5502 ------- Queue de Tortue Bayou, La., navigation----------------- 100 Quilcene Bay Harbor, Wash., investigation- ------------------- 2904 --- Quillayute River, Wash.: Investigation------------------------------- ---------- 2904 Navigation-_ ---- ------------------------------ 2874 Quinby Creek, Va., investigation---- ------------- - 685 . Quincy Shore, Mass., beach erosion, investigation .-- . 141 R Raccoon Creek, N. J., navigation----_----- ----------- 408 Raccoon (Little) Creek, Ind., investigation.---------------------- 1950 Raccoon levee unit, Indiana, flood control.-------.------------ 1941 Raccoon River, Iowa, investigation.---------------------------- - 1600 Racine Harbor, Wis.: Investigation.-------------- ------------------ -------------- Navigation --- ------------------------- ---------- 2206 Racine, Ohio, flood control--....-------------- ---- ------- 2026 Rahway River, N. J.: Investigation--.....----------------------- ------ 369 Navigation.......----------------------------- 327 Rainier drainage district, Columbia County, Oreg., flood control..---.....--------------------------------------------- 2829 Rainy River, Minn., investigation---------------- ----------- 2157, 2159 Ramsey Bay, Md., investigation- ....--- ..------..-----------......... 505 Rancoas Creek or River, N. J., navigation-------------- 428 . Randolph Reservoir, Va., flood control.- 686 686-_-....... Ranier, Minn., investigation .....----------------------------_2157 Rapid Creek, S. Dak., investigation--.----------------- ---------- 1790 Rappahannock River, Va.: Investigation ....--------------------------- - 600 Navigation - __--- -------------------------- 583 Raritan Bay and River, N. J.: Improvement of channel to Arthur Kill............. 351 Improvement of river-_---------- ------------------ 333 Investigation----- ----------------------------- 355 ...... Ravenwood, W. Va., flood control---.- --------------- ------.-- 2027 LX INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 SI i Raymond, Wash., flood control_. ___________.... _... 2917 Raystown Reservoir, Pa., investigation..-------.-..--- 555 Recreation facilities at reservoirs .-- .-.-- ..-- 8 Rector Creek, Ill., investigation___....__.. _. ____ ._ . 1950 Red Bank, Pa.: Flood control . ... ... . _...__ __ _ 2104 Investigation--.--._ .-- .-............-- .-.-- 2112 Red Chute, La., flood control-_--------- __- 1122 Red Hook Channel, New York Harbor, N. Y., navigation-_ 272 ..-.-----. Red Lake and Red Lake River, Minn., navigation.------ 1612 Red Lake River, Minn.: Flood control_.... .. ... _ ............. 1618 Investigation .. _ _ __ ____. .. . _. .. .. .. 1645 Redmond, Utah, flood control. - - 2659 Redondo Beach Harbor, Calif., investigation 2517 Red Point, Md., investigation- _ ----- ...-.---- -- 505 Red River, La., Ark., Tex., and Okla.: Below Denison Dam: New Orleans district, flood control 1108,1113 Tulsa district, flood control_--..-.-.- ....- . 1486 Fulton, Ark., to mouth of Washita River, Okla...... 1425 Investigations _ __.. _______ 1106,1150, 1425,1500 Overton-Waterway, Ark., and La._--------------- 1022 Vicinity of Shreveport, La., flood control-----..--... 1116 Red River of the North Drainage Basin, Minn., S. Dak., and N. Dak.: Investigation ....... _... _.... ... .. ........ _ 1614, 1645 Flood control -- -------- ---------- 1639 Red River of the North, Minn. and N. Dak., navigation. 1612 Red River Parish, La., flood control--.............- - 1146 1830 Red River, Tenn., navigation.__ . ...- ..--.-.----- Red Rock Reservoir, Iowa, flood control.----------- .- 1583, 1595 Red Run, Clinton River, Mich.: Flood Control ----------------- . . . . . 2379 Investigation . ._ _. _____._. _..... ..... __ .._ 2373 Redwater Creek, S. Dak., investigation--_-------------- 1790 Red Willow Reservoir, Nebr., flood control.............. 1658 Redwood Creek, Calif.: Investigation_ .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. _ 2603 Navigation--------------.------------------ 2590 Reed's Creek, Ill., investigation._............_........_ 1554 Reevesville, Ill., flood control. .. ___....... ....... __ 1924, 1941 Refugio, La., investigation- . --.------------- ... 1276 Regulation of hydraulic mining and preparation of plans- * 2980 Rehoboth Bay, Del., waterway to Delaware Bay, improve- ment-------------------------------------- 428 Rehoboth Bay to Indian River Inlet, Del., investigation_ 431 Rehoboth Beach, Del., investigation.------------------ 439 Reno Beach, Lucas County, Ohio: Flood Control__....-------------.--.---------- 2380 Investigation _________._. __.. _... ... ___. 2383 Republican River, Kans., Colo., and Nebr., investigation.. 141 1701 Revere Mass., beach erosion study.----- ..--.-- 141 Rhode Island, beach erosion study..--..---.------..-.-- Rhodes Point, Md., investigation ---.---..-------.----- 505 Rice Creek, Fla., investigation......................... 924, 936 Richardsons Bay, Calif., investigation. 2603 Richland Reservoir, Mo., flood control.---.-.-..-...... 1658, 1692 INDEX LXI Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Richmond Harbor, Calif.: Investigation....----- --------------------- --------- 2604 Navigations _ -- ------------------------------ ------ 2583 Richmond Harbor, Maine, navigation----------------- 136 Richmonds Island Harbor, Maine, navigation-. --- 136 Ridgeley, W. Va., flood control---------- ------------- 603 Ridgeway, Pa., flood control_------------------------------------ 2103 Rigaud Bayou, La., investigation-------------------- 1106 Rio Grande Basin, Albuquerque Dist., flood control ..... 1343 Rio Grande, Colo. and N. Mex., investigation 1349----------- Rio Grande Floodway, N. Mex., flood control_ 1341 Rio Hondo, Calif., flood control__------------------------ -- 2529, 2535 Rio Hondo Channel: Santa Fe Ry. to Whittier Narrows flood-control basin__-- ------- ----------------------------- 2533 Ripley, Ohio, flood control------------------------- --------- "1940 Rising Sun, Ind., flood control__--------------- ---- ------- 1940 Ritta, Fla., investigation-_------------------------ --- 936 Riverdale, Connecticut River Basin, Mass., flood controll_ 175, 207 Riverland levee district, Missouri, flood control------- ------- 1551 Riverview, W. Va., flood control------------------- -------- ---------- Riviera, La., investigation ------------------------ ----- 1276 Roanoke Rapids Reservoir, N. C., flood control.------ 686 Roanoke River and tributaries, flood control on Goose Creek, Va., investigation-------------------------- 693- Roanoke River, N. C. and Va., navigation --------- ---- Roberts Bay, Fla., investigation ---------------- Rochester and McCleary's Bluff levee unit, Illinois, flood ----- 685, 702 924 - control-- _-------------------------------------------- 1941 Rochester (Charlotte) Harbor, N. Y., navigation_-------- ---------- 2444 Rochester, Pa., flood control----- ----------------- ------ 2103 Rochester Reservoir, Iowa, flood control------------ ------------- 1595 Rock Hall Harbor, Md., navigation-------------------- 452 Rockhold Creek, Md., navigation -------------------- 496 Rock Island, Ill., engineering district -------------- ------------ 1571 Rock Island, Ill., investigation------ ----------------- --------- 1580 Rockland Harbor, Maine, navigation ------------------ - 136 Rock Point, Md., investigation..--------------------- 600 Rockport, Ark., investigation------------------------- 1150 16 - Rockport Harbor, Maine, navigation------------------ Rockport Harbor, Mass., navigation------------------- 136 --- Rockport, Ind., flood control- ---------------------------- 1580, 1941 Rock River, Ill. and Wis.: Flood control ....------------------------------------------- 1592 Investigation-- ---------------------------------- 1600 Rocky Ford drainage and levee district, Illinois, flood control------- -------------------------------------- 2313 Rocky Fork Reservoir, Ohio, flood control ---------------------- 2018, 2027 2396 Rocky River Hiarbor, Ohio, navigation---------------------------- 2468 Rocky River, Ohio, investigation------ ---------------- --- C., channel from Pamlico Sound to, -708 Rodanthe, N.gation- navi- gation--..----------------- ----------------------- Roger City Harbor, Mich., navigation..--------........ -------- 0. 2372 2770, 2831 Rogue River, Oreg., investigation...-------------- ------------ Roland drainage district, Arkansas River, Ark., flood 1382 control-------------------------------------------- Rollinson Channel, N. C.: Investigation7--------------------------------- 50 Navigation--------------------------------- 716 Rome, Ga., flood control -------------------------- 1011 Rome, Ind., flood'control_----------------------------------- 1940 Rondway Bayou, La., navigation ------------- ---- 1100 LXII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Rondout Harbor, N. Y.: Investigation ------------- 355 Navigation_ . __ __ 297 Root River, Minn., investigation 1.645 Root River, Wis., improvement of Racine Harbor-------- Roseau River, Minn., investigation-_ 1645 Roseville, Ohio, flood control_.___ ___ 1990, 2026 Rosiclare, Ill.: Flood Control- . .-.--- 1921 Investigation - __ _..- -.- 1950 Ross Cove, Md., investigation ._ _ ... . _ 505 Rossview Reservoir, Tenn. and Ky., flood control_ 1851 Rossville, Ga., flood control__ Rouge River, Mich., navigation_ 2358 Rouge River, Mich., investigation_ 2383 Rough Reservoir, Ky., flood control ..... 1942 Rough River, Ky.: Flood control _ _ _- 1.941 N avigation__ -_- -----. -- -----.-. 1868 Rouses Point, Lake Champlain, N. Y., navigation-...... 351 Royal River, Maine, navigation- -.------.-. -- ..--- 136 Rush Creek, Okla., investigation ------------- _- 1500 Russell and Allison levee unit, Illinois, flood control_ 1941 Russell Creek, S. C., navigation...----. __--.-- 780 Russell, Ky., flood control-___-_ -- _ - 2021,2026 Russian River, Calif., investigation.-. - -- 2610 Rutland, Otter Creek, Vt., flood control 362 S Sabine-Neches Waterway, Tex.: Investigation -_ __ _ _ _ ._ ... -_._ _ _ _ 1276,1325 Navigation 1196 Sabine River, La. and Tex., investigation 1276,1325 Sabula, Iowa, flood control_ .. _._._._ 1599 Sackets Harbor, N. Y.: Investigation-... .-- .... - . _... _ 2468 Navigation- - _- -..--- 2456 Saco, Mont., flood control_ ... _.._._.. 1789 Saco River, Maine, navigation- _ -- ----.. ---.. 136 2611 Sacramento, Calif., engineering district Sacramento River, Calif.: Collinsville to Shasta Dam, Calif., flood control.- 2657 Debris control - . ... _ _ -.. -...-- 2986 Flood control-------- -- ...... ........- .....-- - 12 2988 Hydraulic mining----- _ .- .. ....- .....-. Investigation. ---- _ _ . ___- 2636,2672 Navigation--_ - - __ ...... 2620 Saddle Mountain, Okla., investigation. Safety Harbor, Fla., investigation Sag Harbor, N. Y.: ------ 1500 924 Investigation- . ..-. - ....... . ......- . 355---------- Navigation ._ ______ ... 247- _.._ _.... Sagamon River, Ill., mouth of, flood control- Saginaw Bay and River, Mich.: -- .__ 2305 Investigation . -..- ...- .-..- . -- -- .- 2383 Navigation-- - - -- - - ___ -- -__- - - 2347 St. Albans Harbor, Lake Champlain, Vt., navigation .. 351.......... INDEX LXIII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 St. Andrew Bay, Fla.: Investigation---------------------------------- 1004 Navigation 955-------------------------------...... St. Anthony Falls, Minn., improvement of Mississippi River from Missouri River to Minneapolis...--------1--.--. .. - 1558 St. Augustine Harbor and Inlet, Fla.: Investigation------------------------------------ 924 Navigation------------------------------------- 849 St. Catherines Sound, Md., navigation .--------- ....-------- 575 St. Clair Flats Canal, Lake, and River, Mich.: Improvement of channels in Lake St. Clair----------- ------ 2331 --- Improvement of St. Clair River_------------------------- .. - 2327 St. Croix River Basin, Minn. and Wis.: Investigation------------------------------------ 27 Navigation....-.------------------------------- ----- 1607 St. Croix River, Maine, navigation --------------------- 27 St. Croix River, Maine and New Brunswick, operations of International Board of Control--------------------------- 3072 St. Croix River, Wis. and Minn.: Navigation- --------------------------------------- ------- Investigation------------ ---------------------- ----------- 1614 St. Croix, V. I., investigation ------------------------- 2967, 2969 St. Francis Bay and River, Ark., investigation _---------. 1183, 1193. St. Genevieve Levy Dist. No. 1, Mo., flood control-------------- 1528, 1554 St. George Sound, Fla., investigation----- -------------- 1004 St. Helena Sound, S. C., investigation------ ------------ 782 St. Ignace Harbor, Mich., investigation----------------------- --- 2375 St. James Harbor, Beaver Island, Mich., navigation---------------.... 2252 St. James Harbor, N. Y., investigation---55------------- 355 St. Jeromes Creek, Md., navigation-------- ----------- 580 St. Johnsbury, Vt., investigation----------------------- 222 St. Johns River, Fla.: Improvement between Palatka and Lake Harney..832 Improvement, Jacksonville to the ocean..------------ 826 Investigations ---------------------------------- 782,815 924, 936 St. Jones River, Del., navigation.--------------------- 428 St. Joseph Harbor and River, Mich., improvement of harbor...--...-- ...---- --------------------- --- --------- 2212,2252 St. Josephs Bay, Fla.: 1004 Investigation------------------------------- -- --- - .---. __ _......-- . _ 953 . N avigation. 924 St. Joseph Sound, Fla., investigation._ - ----------- ---- St. Lawrence River, improvement between Ogdensburg, 2464 N. Y., and Lake Ontario...---------------------------------- 1551 St. Louis County, Mo., flood control. ------- ---------- St. Louis, Mo., engineering district------------------- 1503 St. Louis, Mo., investigation...-------------------------------- 1554 St. Lucie Canal, Inlet, and River, Fla.: Improvement of inlet.---------------------------- 857 Investigation------------------ -------------- 925, 936......... St. Malo Bayou, La., navigation_. _------- ------- 1052 -------- 2927 St. Maries, Idaho, flood control -------------------- St. Marks River, Fla.: Investigation--------------------- ------- 925, 1004 - Navigation--------- ----------- -944 .... St. Mary DeGalvez Bay, Fla., investigation- _ -- - - - -1004 1276 St. Marys Bay, La. and Tex., investigation------ ------- 2103 St. Marys, Pa., flood control-------- -------------------- LXIV INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 St. Marys River and St. Marys Falls Canal, Mich., channels and waters connecting the Great Lakes: Investigation .___._ .- .. ....._ .. _ .._ _ ........ _ 2375 N avigation.-_ - -__-- ------ -- _ ------------- 2315 St. Marys River, Ga. and Fla.: Investigation___ ... ...._ . _._ _ _. . .. .__ 815, 822 Navigation.- ... _. _____.... .... . _.___ _ _ 809 St. Marys, Mo., investigation 1554 St. Marys, W. Va., flood control- _.-..- ----...-- 2026 St. Michael Canal, Alaska, navigation .....-..........-- 2901 St. Michaels, Md., investigation ....-.-- ..-- 505 St. Patricks Creek, Md., investigation --------------- 600 St. Paul, Minn., engineering district_ 1601 St. Petersburg Harbor, Fla.: Investigation -_ .. - - _-------- ----- 925 Navigation.- . - _ ___ _ ___ ______. _. __ 917 St. Regis River, Mont., investigation- , St. Thomas Harbor, V. I., navigation - ------------- -------- 2929 2962 Sakonnet Harbor and River, R. I.: Navigation ,-... ....- ..-....-.. . ..-------- 136 __.-- - - --.- -.--. Investigation--- 141 Salem Church Reservoir, Va., flood control.----------- 608 Salem Harbor, Mass.: Investigation--------------------- -------- 141 Navigation _ -------- ----- 136 Salem, Ind., investigation_ .....----- -------- 1950 Salem River, N. J.: Investigation-------------------- ---------- 43141--------^- Navigation ---- ..------------------------ 428 Salinas River, Calif.: Flood control- ..----------------------- ,------- 2606 Investigation--------------- --------------- 2610 Saline Point, La., flood control-------------------- 1146 Saline River, Ark.: Investigation--------------- --------------- 1150 Navigation.---_ .--------------.--------- 1158 Saline River, Ill., investigation ----------------- 1950 Salkahatchie River, S. C., navigation------- ---------- 780 Salmon River, Alaska, flood control--------------- 2906 Salmon River, Oreg.: Investigation ------------------------------ -.-- 2770,2831 Navigation-.- ------.------------------ 2741 Salt Creek, Fla. See St. Petersburg Harbor. Salt Creek, Ill.: Flood control-----------------------------_ 2313 Investigation------------------------------ 1554, 1750, 2314 Salt Creek of Arkansas River, Okla., investigation------.... 1500 Salt Lake City, Jordan River, Utah, flood control...- 2663 Salt River, Ky., investigation----------------------- 1950 Salters Creek, Newport News, Va., investigation .------- 685 Salton River, Calif., investigation--- .. ---..---------- 2559 Salyersville, Ky., flood control--------------------- 1949 Sammamish River, Wash., investigation ------------- 2929 Sampit River, S. C., investigation-_----------------- 782 San Antonio Dam, Calif., flood control-------------- 2545 San Antonio River, Tex., investigation-------------- 1276,1326 San Diego County, Calif.: Streams flowing into Pacific Ocean, investigation Streams flowing into Salton Sea, investigation --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2559 2559 INDEX LXV Page Volume 1I Volume 2 San Diego Harbor and River, Calif.: Improvement of harbor---.-------- -------------.. ------ .. 2507, 2511 Investigation--- ----------------- --------------- ----- 2517 San Diego River Basin, Calif., flood control ----- - 2553 '-------- Sand Hill River, Minn., investigation- - ----- ----------- 1645 Sandusky, Ohio: Flood control--------------------------------------- 2033 Investigation------------------- --------------- - --- 2492 Navigation----.........----...-------------------------------- 2385, 2464, 2468 Sandwich Harbor, Mass., investigation-_ -------- ------ 141 Sandy Bay, Cape Ann, Mass., navigation ---- 136 Sandy drainage district, Multnomah County, Oreg., flood control-- -------------------------------- - -- ------- 2829 Sandy Hook, N. J.: Investigation - ---------------------------- 355 Navigation .-.-------------------------------- 351 Sandy Lake, Minn., investigation-------------------- ------ 1645 Sandy Lake Reservoir, Minn.----------------------- --- ------- 1602 Sandy River, Oreg., investigation ---------------------------- 2770 San Francisco Bay and Harbor, Calif., improvement of harbor-- -- - - --- -------- ------------------------- 2571 San Francisco, Calif.: Engineering district----------------------------------- 2561 Investigation_----------------------------- -- -------- 2604 San Francisquito Creek, Calif., investigation ----------- -------- -- 2610 San Gabriel River, Calif.: Flood control------------------------------- ------.------- 2528, 2532, 2535 Investigation ------------------------------------------ 2559 Sangamon River and Salt Creek, Ill., flood control------ - - - - - 2313 Sangamon River from mouth of Salt Creek to Roby, Ill., flood control .. -....------ ------------------ ----------. 2313 Sangamon River, Ill., investigation.---------------_----_---- 2314 San Jacinto, Calif., investigation----------------------- --------- 2559 San Jacinto River, Tex., investigation_ ------ ----- 1326 San Joaquin River, Calif.: Investigation--------------------------- -------- ----- 2637, 2673 Navigation- - . ------------------------------------ 2612 San Juan Dam, Santa Ana River Basin, Calif., flood control- -------------------------------- ----- 2552 San Juan Harbor, P. R.: Investigation.---- -------------------------------------- 2967 Navigation-. ---------------------------- __-- ------- 2953 San Lorenzo Creek and River, Calif., investigation ....----. -- . 2610 San Luis Obispo Harbor, Calif., navigation---------------......._ 2516 San Pablo Bay, Calif.: Investigation--...-------------------------------------- 2604 Navigation-...-------------------------------------------- 2581 San Rafael Creek, Calif.: Investigation...--------------------------------- ----- 2604, 2610 Navigation-----. -------------------------------------- 2575 Santa Ana River, Calif.: Flood control..--- --------------------------- 2541 ---------- -------- 2559 SaInvestigation -------- -------------- Investigation--- ------------------------------------ -- 2517 Navigation------------------------------- ----------- --. 2496 Santa Clara River, Calif.: Flood control- ----------------- --- . 2556 Investigation.--------------------------------------- --- 2559 LXVI INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Santa Cruz River, Ariz., investigation..------.---------- 2559 Santa Fe River, Fla., investigation- .......-.-...- 925 Santa Margarita River, Calif., investigation Santa Maria River, Calif., investigation ----------- 2559 2559 Santa Monica Harbor, Calif., investigation_-----.------ 2517 Santa Ynez River, Calif., investigation 2559 Santee-Congaree, S. C., investigation _.-.--.------ Santee River, N. C. and S. C.: ---.- 782, 786 Investigation _ . . _._.__.. ..._ ... _ ... _ ......... _ 783, 786 Navigation - - - - - - ----_-_ ---. 766 Sapelo Harbor, Ga., navigation_.._._ .._ ... _..._._._ 814 Sappa Creek, Kans. and Nebr., investigation.- .a...--- 1701 Sarasota Bay, Fla., investigation. ......- 925 Sardia, Ohio, flood control-_ -- ..-. .-...- - 2027 Sargent and Broken Bow, Nebr., investigation 1750 Sasanoa River, Maine, navigation-_------------_ 136 Satilla River, Ga., navigation__..._._..._..._._._._ . 808 Saugatuck Harbor, Mich., navigation. ..-..- 2217 Saugatuck River, Conn.: Investigation ........................... . 141 Navigation . -'- ---...- - 126 Saugerties Harbor, N. Y., navigation-.... ..-- ..- 299 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., investigation_ . . .__ .. 2375 Sauvie Island (areas A and B), Multnomah County, Oreg.: Flood control _._ . ._ . . _... . .. . ._ 2829 Investigation -_ ... . ................ ........- 2771 Savage River Dam, Md., flood control- --------- 605 1580 Savanna, Ill., investigation- --- .- ....- ...-.- ...---- Savannah, Ga., engineering district--.-..--.-----.--.--- 787 Savannah Harbor and River, Ga.: Improvement of harbor._ ..... ...... 787 Improvement of river above Augusta 814 Improvement of river at Augusta---- ....-----.-.- 814 Improvement of river below Augusta 793 Investigation --------------------------------- 815, 822 Savannah River Basin, Ga. and S. C.: Flood control 815, 822 Investigation . __ ______.. 355, 369 Saw Mill River, N. Y., investigation. ----.----- _ .- 2468 Saxon, Wis., investigation. __ .... __ ____........ _ 2157 Scajaquada Creek, N. Y., investigation ... ... 2492 Scappoose drainage district, Columbia County, Oreg., flood control_ __ ._....... . ......... _.._._. 2829 Scarboro River, Maine, investigation .--.----.-- .---- 141 Schofield River, Oregon, investigation..._...... .. 2771 Schoolfield Reservoir, Va. and N. C., flood control-.... 686 Schuyler, Nebr.: Flood control ... ..... .......... _.. . ._____ _ _ 1106 ...- - Investigation ----------- .. .. ...... ....- -. .- ..-- 1750 Schuylkill- River, Pa.: Improvement above Fairmont Dam.----.----.----- 381 Investigation . .-- _ ___ .... 439--------- N avigation _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Scioto River, Ohio: At Portsmouth__ . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 1970 Flood-control reservoirs.-.............-... 2027, 2033 Investigation .................................. 1973, 2492 Sciotoville, Ohio, flood control.____.______..____.. 2026 Scituate Harbor, Mass., navigation..----.--.----.--..-.- 136 Scotts Brook, Mass., investigation.-..._.- .........- ..-. 222 INDEX LXVII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 - --- -- - I- .,..,,! Scuppernong River, N. C.: Investigation------------------------------------ 750 Navigation ---------------------------------- 704 -------- Seadrift, Tex., harbor of refuge at or near, investigation__ 1277 Seahorn drainage and levee district, Illinois, flood control _------ 2313 Seattle Harbor, Wash., improvement of Duwamish River and east and west waterways__ Seattle, Wash., engineering district -- _ _-- --- --------------- _------------------------ 2881, 2904 2833 Sebastian, Fla., investigation-----------------------925, 936 Sebewaing River Harbor, Mich., navigation --------- ------- 2372, 2375 2376 Sebewaing, Sebewaing River, Mich., flood control---- - - ---... - - Seekonk (Pawtucket) River, R. I., navigation -------- ------- 92 Segnette Bayou, La., investigation-.---------------- 1099, 1106 . Seldovia Harbor, Alaska: Investigation -------------------------------------------- 2904 Navigation---------------------------------------------- 2901 Seneca, Mo., investigation- ---------------------- 1500 Seneca County, Ohio, investigation.--------------------- ------ 2492 Serpent Bayou, La., investigation ----------------- ---- 1150 Seven-mile Creek, Ill., investigation--- ------------------------ 1951 Sevier River, Utah and Nevada, investigation- --------- 2673 Seymour Canal, Alaska, investigation------.------------ -- 2904 Seymour Narrows, British Columbia, Canada, investigation- -- 2841, 2904 Shalotte River, N. C., navigation-------- -- ------- 745 Shallowbag Bay, N. C., navigation-------- ------------ 705 Shark River, N. J., navigation_ ----------------------- 346 Shasta dam, Calif., investigation ------------------------ ---- - 2673 Shawneetown, Ill., flood control_---------------------------------- 1941 Sheboygan Harbor, Wis., navigation------ ----------------- ---- 2197 Sheep Island Slough, N. C., investigation ------------- 750 Sheepshead Bay, N. Y., navigation--.... .-- 26-------4 264 Sheldrake River, N. Y., investigation----------------- 69 Shelldrake Harbor, Wis., investigation---- ------ ------- ----- 1750, 2157 Shellrock River, Minn., investigation.----------------- -- ------ 1600 Shem Creek, S. C.: 783 Investigation----..--------------------- ---- --- 783 Navigation..----------------------------------- 0000 Shenango Reservoir, Pa. and Ohio, flood control .......- ....-- ---------- 2104 .......... Sherman Island, (Lower) Calif, investigation--..----..---......---- 2637 Shepherdsville, Ky., investigation-.--------------'-- --------- 1951 Shilshole Bay, Seattle, Wash., investigation----- ......----------....... 2904 Shinnecock Inlet, N. Y., investigation _ ....----------- 355 Ship Island Pass, Miss., improvement of pass and channel to Gulfport .-------------------------------- Shipyard River, S. C.: Investigation..--..------------------------------- 783 Navigation --- - ------ - _ _------_ 776 Shoal Harbor, N. J.: 355 Investigation---------------------- _3---- 342 Navigation---------------------------------- ---- Shoals, Ind., flood control ---- --------------------- -1948 Shore Protection Board. See Beach Erosion Board. Short Creek, Ariz. and Utah, investigation-------- ------------ 2559 Shoshone River, Wyo., investigation------------------------------ 1790 Shreveport, La., to Jefferson, Tex., improvement of water- way--------------------________- 1025, 1150 ------- Shrewsbury River, N. J.: Investigation--- --------------------------- 355, 1106 Navigation..- ------- 344 1888, 1941 Shufflebarger levee unit, Indiana, flood control ..-----...----... Siletz River, Oreg., investigation --------------------- --------- 2771 804711-48-vo. 1-100 LXVIII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Silver Lake Harbor, N. C., navigation - - _ .-- 718 Silver Springs Run, Fla., investigation -- 925, 936 Silver Strand, San Diego Harbor, Calif., investigation_-- 2517 Silvies River, Oreg., investigation._ . ..._ 2673 Sinepuxent Bay, Md.: N avigation ... -----... -.- --- ......- ..- 492 Investigation _ 505 Singleton Swash, Cape Fear River, N. C., investigation .. - 783 Sioux Bayou and connecting waterways, Mississippi, in- vestigation----------- ------- -------------- 1004 Sioux City, Iowa, flood control___ 1659, 1717, 1732 Sipsey River, Ala. and Miss., investigation--- ----- 1013 Siskiwit, Wis., investigation._ ___:- 2157 Sister Bay, Wis., investigation_ 2027, 2255 Sitka Harbor, Alaska.: Investigation ------------------------------ 2904 Navigation _ ___ 2901 Siuslaw River, Oreg.: Investigation 2771 Navigation-------------------------------- 2768 Six Mile Creek, Ill., investigation ------------------ 1580 Skaggs Ferry, Black River, Ark., flood control- ..--- 1418- Skagit Bay and River, Wash.: Flood control----------- -- _--_ 2927 Investigation---------- -------------------- 2904, 2929 Navigation 2865 Skagway Harbor and River, Alaska: Flood control -- --- 2905 Investigation __ 2929 Navigation------------------------------ 2842 Skamokawa Creek area, Wahkiakum County, Wash., flood control 2829 Skamokawa Creek, Wash., navigation------- -------- 2726 Skamokawa Slough, Washington, navigation___ 2768 Skillot Fork, Branch, Ill., investigation-------------- 1951 Skinner Creek, N. Y., investigation __ 2492 Skipanon Channel and River, Oreg., improvement of channel 2730 Skipanon River Channel, Oreg., investigation 2771 Skunk River Basin, Iowa, investigation------ ----- 1600 Skykomish River, Wash., investigation 2929 Slaughter Creek, Md., navigation------_ -------- 465 Smallers Drain, Va., investigation- 505 Smith Creek, Md., navigation ------ ------ __-- 598 Smith Creek, Va., investigation---------------- 685 Smithland, Ky.,,flood control------_ _-_---_-- -- 1941 Smith Mountain Reservoir, Va., flood control ... ...... 686 - -------- Smith River, Calif. and Oreg.: Investigation -------------------- 2610, 2771 Navigation... _.. .. _........ . 2751 Smiths Creek and River, N. C., and Va.: Investigation --------- 750 .------------------ Navigation---- -- ----------- 721,745 Smiths Ferry, Pa., flood control ... ----------- 2103 Smithtown, N. Y., investigation------------------- 355 Smoky Hill River, Kans., investigation 1701 Smyrna River, Del., navigation---- -------------- 394 Snagging and clearing in the interest of flood control and of navigation. See districts. INDEX LXIX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Snake River, Idaho, Oreg., Wash., and Wyo.: Investigation----_ ------------------------------ ----- 2771, 2831 Navigation --------------------------------------------- 2676 Snake River, Minn., investigation------------------ _ ------------- 1645 Snohomish River, Wash.: Investigation ..------------------------------------- 2904, 2929 .....-------- Navigation----- ------------------------------- 2929 Sny Basin, Ill., flood control --------- ----------------.------- 1580 Sny Island, Ill., flood control ------------------------------ 1599 Solomon Creek, Pa., investigation__ -------------- 555--__ Solomons Island, Md., investigation------ -------------. 600 Sonoita River, Ariz., investigation-- ------------------------ 2559 South Bank Arkansas River, Ark., flood control...-...-- 1385, 1387 South Beardstown drainage and levee district, Illinois, flood control-------------------------------------------------- 2307, 2313 South Boston, Va., investigation ...--------------- ---... 693 South Bristol Harbor, Maine, navigation. ------ -------- 136 Investigation---- -------------------------- 1349,1500 South Chicago Harbor, Ill., improvement- . --.-.-...----- 2267 South Conventry Reservoir, Conn., flood control....---------. 164, 169 South Fork of Cumberland River, Ky., navigation------.......--..... ---- 1830 South Fork River, Tenn., investigation ----------------- 1183 1857 South Grand Reservoir, Mo., flood control-------------- --------- 1658 South Haven Harbor, Mich., improvement------ ------------------ 2215 South Milwaukee Harbor, Wis.: Investigation------------------------- --- 2255 Navigation-------------------------- -------------------- 2252 South Norfolk, Va., investigation------------------- 685 South Platte River, Colo., Wyo. and Nebr., investigation_ ----------- 1798 South Plymouth Reservoir, Canasawacta Creek, N. Y., flood control---- ------------------------------ 506 South Point, Ohio, flood control---- ------------------- ------ 2026 Southport Harbor, Conn., navigation------------------_ _ _124 South Portsmouth, Ky., flood control._---- ---- ---------- 2026 South Prairie Creek, Wash., investigation---- .--------------... 2929 South Quincy, Ill., flood control...------------ 1599 South River, Md., investigation----- ------------------ 505 South River, N. C., navigation --------------------- 745--------- South River, N. J., navigation- --------------------- 337 South River, Mo., flood control __----------------------------- 1576, 1599 South Slough, Oregon, investigation- 2-771 South Tunbridge Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vt., flood control_-------- ----------------------- _ 174 Southern New York Flood Control Project-------------- 509 Spadra Creek, Johnson County, Ark., investigation .. _.-- 1422 Spanish Fork River, Utah, flood control. ----------------------- 2652 Spearfish Creek, S. Dak., investigation------- --------------- 1790 Spindletop Gulley, Tex., investigation---- ------------ 1277 Spokane River, Wash. and Idaho: Flood control......------------------------------------ --- 2927 Investigation-------------------------------------------- 2929 Spring Creek, Ark., investigation-------- --------------- 1422 Springdale, Connecticut River Basin, Mass., flood control_ 175, 204 Springfield, Mass.: Flood control....------------------------------- 175, 211. Investigation ---------------------------------- 141 - - Spring Lake, Ill., flood control ---- 2313 Springsteel Island Harbor, Lake of the Woods, Minn., in- vestigation_----------------------------------------------- 2157 Squaw Creek, Mo., investigation ---- 1701 I LXX INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Stamford Harbor, Conn., navigation....------------ 131 Investigation --- ---.----------------------- 2673 Stanislaus River, Calif., flood control_--------- ,-- 2653 Starlings Creek, Va., navigation__.------------- 486 State Ditch, N. Y., flood control._ .. _.......... .. _ 2482 Steele Bayou, Miss., navigation------------------- . 2027 Steer Creek, W. Va., flood control Steinahatchee River, Fla.: Investigation----- ..--------- ----------.------ 936 _ Navigation------ -------------------------- 917 Steinway Creek, N. Y., investigation-------------- 355 Sterling, Ill., investigation__. ... ...__ ....__ ..... 1580 Stevens Creek, Fla., investigation. ---------------- 925 Stewart Canyon Debris Basin, Ventura River Basin, Calif. 2522 Stewarts Ferry Reservoir, Tenn., flood control_.--.--.- 1851 Stikine River, Alaska, navigation................ . 2850 Stillaguamish River, Wash.: Flood control--------- --------------------- 2908 Navigation.-------- ------------- ----------- 2901 Stillwater Harbor, Minn., improvement of St. Croix River: Investigation-- -_ -..------------------- 1614 Stillwater Reservoir, Pa., flood control__ ....... 527 Stockton Channel, San Joaquin River, Calif.: Improvement------------------------------ . - 2616 Investigation-- --- ------------------------- 2637 Stockton Harbor, Maine, navigation. . ___ .. .__ __ 136 Stonington Harbor, Conn.: Investigation _------------ --.------------ 141 Navigation_ __ -------------------------------- 136 Stony Creek, Pa., investigation_-- ---------------- 2112 Straight Slough, Ark., investigation.... .......... 1193 Strattonville, Ohio, flood control.__.-- .....------ 2103 Stringtown-Fort Chartres and Ivy Landing, Ill., flood control_----------------- ------------------- 925 1530 Stuart, Fla., investigation -- _.--.-------------- Stuart Reservoir, Vaj, flood control.. - ....--- ... 686 Stump Point, Md., investigation ----------------- 505 Stumpy Point Channel, navigation_ --------.- 707 Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal, Wis.: Investigation_-- _------------__ __-_--_ ------- 2255 Navigation---------------- ...---------------- 2183 Sturgis, Ky., flood control -_ . ........--- --- - 1941 Submerged Weir, Niagara River, N. Y._ ............. _ 2439 Sucarnoochee Creek, Ala., investigation.-------.-.--..-- 1013 Success Reservoir, Calif., flood control.------- -------- 2651 Sugar Creek levee unit, Indiana, flood control_.... 1941 Sugar Hill Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, N. H., flood control - _ ..- - - -- .........- - .-174, 222 Suisun Bay Channel, Calif., navigation Suisun Channel, Calif., navigation -----.- ----.- .----.---.--- 2627 2629 136 Sullivan Falls Harbor, Maine, navigation Sulphur River, Tex. and Ark.: Investigation. - _ . _.. ___. .. . .. .. .. .. 1106, 1150 _.. Navigation _ . co----. - ---. .---- 1100 Summersville Reservoir, W. Va., flood control 2027 Sumpawanus (Babylon Creek) Inlet, N. Y., navigation.. 351 Sunbury, Pa., flood control ...................... .. 535 Sun River, Mont., investigation _-_-...-.............. 1790 Sunshine Garden Levee, Ind., flood control-----......... 1887 Superior, Lake, investigations__.__________............. 2157, 2159, 2255 INDEX LXXI Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Surry Mountain Reservoir, N. H., flood control------ . - 174, 187 Surveys: General statement regarding---------------- ___ - - 14 International boundary waters ------ . ---- --------- 3072 Navigation, flood control, power, and irrigation----- ---------- 2971 Northern and northwestern lakes_.----- -3068 3-..--------- Susquehanna River, Pa., Md., and N. Y.: Investigation----------------------- ----- ----- 555 Navigation above and below Havre de Grace, Md.... 449 ....... _ Susua River, P. R., investigation .............--- ------------- 2969 Sutton Reservoir, W. Va., flood control----------------- Suwanee River, Fla. and Ga.: _ _ - -- 2008, 2027 Investigation.... ................--- .. ... 925, 936 Navigation, .. ------------------ ---- - - -. 917 _ Swan Quarter Bay, N. C., to Deep Bay, N. C~, water- way, navigation -------- --------------------.- '713 -- Swanton Harbor, Vt., navigation-------------------851 Swift Creek, N. C., navigation-------- ---- . 745 Swiger, Whitney, Young-Hoblit levee, Illinois, flood con- trol---- ----------------------------- ------------ - _. --. -- 2313 -- Swinomish slough, Washington, navigation-.--------.------ --- 2862 Swoyerville, Pa., flood control_------ ------------------ 528 Syracuse, Ohio, flood control--- -------- ------------ ---- - - -2026 Syracuse, Oswego River Basin, N. Y., flood control- -.--.--- -..----- 2485 T Taber Reservoir, Va., flood control -----------------------686 Table Mound Reservoir, Kans., flood control-............ 1480 Tacoma Harbor, Wash.: Investigation -- -------------------- - - - - - ---- -- 2904 Navigation--__-- ------------------------------- -- 2883 Tacoma, Puyallup River, Wash., flood control ..------------------ _ - 2910 Tahquamenen River, Mich., investigation- --------------- ---- - - 2157 Tallahatchie River, Miss., navigation--------------------1158 Tallapoosa River, Ala., navigation--0-0-1-- ---- --- 1001 Tallow Hill Reservoir, Ga., flood control. . .------------816 Tamarac River, Minn., investigation -----..---------- ---.. 1645 Tampa Bay and Harbor, Fla.: Investigation ------------------ --------------- 925 ____ Navigation ---- - ---------------------- - 897 Tanana River, Alaska, flood control--------- ------------ 2927 Taneycomo Lake, Mo., investigation--------------------1362 Tangier Channel, Va., navigation-- - -------------- -- 487. Tangipahoa River, La.: Investigation---------------------- --------- 1106, 1151_- Navigation ----------------------------------- 1031 Tanners Creek, Md., investigation------.--. --.- 600--------- Tar Bay, Md.: Investigation-----------------------------------505_. Navigation 466 4---------------------------------- Tar Creek, Ill., flood control-.---.--.-.---.-.----...-- .. 2313 Tar River and Creek, N. C.: Flood control..--------- ---.-.----- ----- - 753 Navigation-------.. ----------------- ---------- 714 - Tarpon Springs, Fla., investigation.--------------------- 926 Tarrytown Harbor, N. Y., navigation--- -------- - 293 - ---------------------- Taskmers Creek, Va., investigation..................... 600 Taunton River, Mass., navigation..---------------------- 88 Tawas River, Mich., investigation -......-.---. ----. .-. --.--. 2375 LXXII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Taylor Creek, Fla., navigation_--..-..-.-----.--.. --- 926 Taylors Bayou, Tex., investigation_.......---.--------_1277,1326 - Taylors Creek, N. C., navigation- ------------------ -- 750 Taylors Landing, Md., investigation-------------_. _ _ _505 Taylorsville, Ky., flood control--------.-1------------------ _ - 1933, 1941 Tchula Lake, Miss., navigation. .------.--. ----- 1158 115 Teche Bayou, La.: Flood control1--------------------.-.. _ --.. . 1133 Navigation-_ --_ ,-- ----------------------- 1078 Tedious Creek, Md., investigation---------------------- 505 Tell City, Ind., flood control---------------------- -------.-. _. 1940, 1949 Tenakee Harbor, Alaska, investigation --------------------------- 2904 Tenants Harbor, Maine, navigation -------------------- 136 Tenasillahe Island, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control- -_ --.-. --- 2829 Tenkiller Ferry Reservoir, Okla.: Flood control_- ------------------------------- 1474, 1480 Investigation--_ ..---- .---..-.--.-. . 1500 Ten Mile Creek, Ill., investigation -----------.-.-.------- _ -- 1554, 2314 Tennessee River, Tenn., Ala., and Ky.: Investigation_ .----------.------.-.---.-.----.--. 1005 1831 Navigation-------- .-..--_ .------ . .984 1822 Tensas River, Ark. and La.: Investigation ----------------------------------- 1174 Navigation------------------------------------- Terminus Reservoir, Calif., flood control Terrebonne Bayou, La.: -------.. ------ 1100 ---.-... 2651 Navigation_-------------------------------_1071,1106 Investigation-- -----.. _.------ --.....-----. 1151 Terre Haute, Ind., flood control.---- ...------------------------ 1948 Terre Noire Creek, Ark., flood control--.--..-----.---_ 1160 Terry Creek, Ga., improvement..._---------..-.-.--- 805 Texar Bayou, Fla., investigation----------------------- 1005 Texarkana Reservoir, Tex., flood control .-..---.---..-- 1109 Texas and Louisiana, investigation ...------------------ 1277,1326 Texas City Harbor: Investigation-- -- --- 1277 Navigation--------_ -------- __ ---- _-_-- _ - 1223 Thames River Basin, Conn., R. I., and Mass., flood con- trol-----------------------------------------163, 222 Thames River, Conn., navigation-- -------------. - 105 The Island, Vt., flood control------------------- ------ 185--------- Thimble Shoal, Chesapeake Bay, Va., navigation-...... - 639 Thomaston Reservoir, Housatonic River Basin, Conn., flood control- -- - ----- -------------------- " 217 Thompson Lake, Ill., flood control --------------------------..- .. _2300 Thoroughfare Bay with Cedar Bay, N. C., channel con- necting: Investigation_ ..---.-.------.-.-..--.---.-- Navigation-------- ---- ------- ----------- --- 750 723 .. -.. Three Islands Reservoir, Tenn., flood control ---------------- . - - 1851 Tickfaw River, La., improvement of, including tributaries. 1032 Ticonderoga River, N. Y., navigation ------------------ 351 Tigre Bayou, La., navigation -------------------------- 1081 Tilghman Island Harbor, Md., navigation.--------------- 02--------- Tillamook Bay, bar, and entrance, Oregon: Improvement ----------------------------------- --------- 2739 Investigation -------------------------------- ---- -------.. 2771 Tionesta Reservoir, Pa., flood control-.--_-.--....-..--.--......--- 2055, 2104 Tiptonville to Obion River, Tenn., flood control---------- 1191 Tituaville, Fla., investigation--- ---------......--.. 926, 936 Tofte Harbor, Minn., investigation. --.--.. - ...--.-..-- ----- 2157 INDEX LXXIII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Tolchester Beach Area, Md.------------------------- 505 Tohopekaliga Lake, Fla., investigation__ --------- - 926, 937 Toledo Harbor, Ohio: Investigation-------------------------------- ----------- 2375 Navigation ------------------------------------ --------- 2366 Toledo, Ohio, investigation. ------ _------------------- 2298, 2375 Toledo, Wash., investigation-.- _------------------------ ----- 2831 Tolu, Ky., flood control- ----------------------------- _941 1- Tombigbee River, Ala. and Miss: Flood control1-1-- --------------------------- 1011 Investigation-- ------------------------ 1005,1013 1831 Navigation..----------------------------- 977, 984 Toms River, N. J., navigation.---------------------- 428 -- Tonawanda Harbor, N. Y.: Investigation .------------------------------- ----- ---- 2468 Navigation --------------------------------------------- 2431 Tongue River Reservoir, N. Dak., flood control._.--.---.--- .-.-- -- 1616 Topeka, Kans., flood control__.------------------ ---------- 1698 Torch Lake, Mich., investigation. --------------------------- 2255 Toronto Reservoir, Kans., flood control --------------- 1464, 1480 . Torry, Fla., investigation_ ------------------------- 937--- Totuskey Creek, Va., navigation. ------------------- 587 Town Creek, Md., navigation----___ -------------------- 459 Town River, Mass.: Investigation_------ ---------------------------- 141- Navigation---------------------------------------------- 62 --------- 431 Townsend Inlet, N. J., investigation_-------------------- Townshend Reservoir, Vt., flood control.-- _ _ _-------_ 184 Tradewater River, Ky., navigation ---------------------------- 1871 Traverse Bay, Mich., investigation ----------------------- - - 2255 Traverse City Harbor, Mich., navigation-,------------------- - 2245 Tred Avon River, Md., navigation------------------ 502 Trent River, N. C.: Investigation------------------------------ ------ 750 Navigation _----------------------------------- 745- Trenton Channel, Mich., investigation..------------------------- 2375 Trinidad, Purgatoire River, Colo., flood control------.......___ 1329 Trinity River, Tex.: Flood control_8---------- ------------------ - 1283 Investigation------ --------. ------------ . 1277,1326 Navigation_-------------------------------1236, 1270 Tri Pond leveee unit, Illinois, flood control-_--------- ------------- 1941 Troy, Ind., flood control------------ ------------------------ 1940 Truckee River, Calif., and Nev., investigation------- _---------- _ __ _ _ _.. 2673 2831 Tualatin River, Oreg., investigation- ......----------------------- Tuckahoe River, Md., navigation--------------------- 502 . Tucker Lake Bottom, Okla., flood control- _1440--- _4-------- Tuckerton Creek, N. J., navigation--------- ----------- 428 Tucson Diversion Channel, Gila River Basin, Ariz., flood control... ------------------------------------------- 2555 Tule River, Calif., flood control_ ----------------------------- 2651 Calif., flood control ----- 2647 Tulare Lake, Tulare Lake Basin, Calif., investigation- - -- ------------ 2673 - - - -- - -- -- 174, 193 Tully Reservoir, Mass., flood control_- 1432. Tulsa and West Tulsa, Arkansas River, Okla., flood control Tulsa, Okla., engineering district _------------------- 1423 Tuolumne River, Calif., flood control---- ----------- 2653 2673 Investigation---------------------------------- 100 Turkey Creek, Okla., investigation----_15----------------- 1277 Turtle Bayou, Tex., investigation'_ Turtle Cove., Tex., investigation for navigation 1--2-----7 1277 LXXIV. INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Turtle Creek Reservoir, Pa., flood control -------------- 2099, 2104 Turtle River, Brunswick Harbor, Ga., improvement_....... 805 Tuscumbia River, Miss., investigation------.-.-.---..-.. 1184,1193 Tuttle Creek Reservoir, Kans., flood control_ - -------- 1658, 1685 Twelve Pole Creek, W. Va., flood-control reservoir------ 2027 Twitch Cove, Md.: Investigation_. . ............. ___ .............. _ 505 Navigation-------------------------------- 484 Two Harbors (Agate Bay), Minn., navigation_ 2116 Two Mile Creek, Oregon, investigation................. 2831 Two Rivers Harbor, Wis., navigation. -------- 2192 Two Rivers, Minn., investigation............._ _ ...... 1645 Tyaskin Creek, Md., navigation....._ ....... _ ........ L 502 Tygart Rivet Dam, W. Va . 2049 Tyrone, Pa., flood control...._.. ....... __..._...___ 545 Tyronza River, Ark., investigation ----.--.-.-.--.--1192,1193 U Umatilla River, Oreg., investigation..-----..-.-.-----.-- Umpqua Harbor and River, Ore.: Flood control ____.._....---- --.--.--.-..-.-.-. 2818 Investigation -----------------------------... 2771, 2831 Navigation------------- .. --------- --------- 2752 136 Union River, Maine, navigation..........- ......-.- . Uniontown, Ky., flood control ............-.............- 1917, 1941 Uniontown, Pa., flood control. 2105 Union Township, Mo., flood control................-.... 1599 Union Village Reservoir, Vt., flood control.--.__..--..... . 174, 176 Navigation ..- ------ _-. 1001 _-.---- Upper Grays River area, Wahkiakum County, Wash., flood control------- -------------------------- 2814 Upper Machodoc Creek, Va., navigation 598 Upper Mississippi River Basin, flood control............. 1544, 1595, 1638, 2306 Upper Puyallup Rivet, Wash., flood control. 2927 Upper Thoroughfare, Deals Island, Md., navigation-...... 4751 Upper White River, Ark., navigation................... 1357 Urbanna Creek, Va., navigation ..--........-.... 589 Utah Lake, Utah, investigation........................ 2674 Utica, Ind., flood control. .._ ........................ 1940 V Valdez Harbor, Alaska: Investigation_ _............................... 2904 Navigation.-------- ..------------------------- 2839 Valley Center and Wichita, Kansas., flood control....... 1429 Valley Creek, Ala., investigation.. ----.--------------- 1005 Van Buren, Arkansas River, Ark., flood control_.......... 1365 Vanceburg, Ky., flood control _............---......- 2026 Vancouver Lake area, Columbia River, investigation 2831 Venice, Calif., Plaza Del Ray Inlet, investigation 2517 Venice Bay, Fla., investigation ------------- ----. 926 Venice Drainage and Levee Dist., Ill., flood control...... 1541 Venice Inlet, Fla.: Investigation .------- .....------------.---.--- 926 Navigation-.._ _.---.---------------- Ventura, Ventura River Basin, Calif., flood control....... 2520 Verdigris River, from mouth to Madison, Kans., flood control-.-------------------------- 1496 INDEX LXXV Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Vergigris River, Kans., and Okla., investigation -.- --. 1501 Vermilion Bay and River, La., improvement of Intra- coastal Waterway via ------------------------------ 1133 Vermilion Bayou, La., navigation --.--- ------------- 1100 Vermilion Harbor, Ohio:. Investigation-....-------------------------------- ------- 2468 Navigation.. ---------------- ---------------- --- 2391 Vermilion River, Ill., investigation -.-------.-------.------ 2314 Vevay, Ind., flood control_ _---------- ---------- ----------- 1940 Vicksburg, Miss., engineering district ------------------ 1154 Victory Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vt., flood ........------------------------ control----- 174 Vidal Bayou, La., navigation---_ ---------------------- 1100 Village Creek, White River, and Mayberry districts, Arkansas, flood control_...... ..----------------- 1418,1422 Vincennes, Ind., flood control------------------------------- 1877, 1941 Vineyard Haven Harbor, Mass., navigation.------------- 136 Vinton Waterway, La., navigation ---------- ----------- 1100 Virgin River, Nev., Ariz., and Utah, investigation--- _.--.--- 2559 Virginia Beach, Va., beach erosion study, investigation__. 685 Virginia coast waterway, improvement. -------------- 489 W Wabash levee unit, Indiana, flood control .------ -- -------- - 1941 Wabash River, Ind. and Ill.: Flood control------------------------------- --------- 1942, 1948 ---------------- Investigation----- ---------------------------- 1951 Wacasassa River, Fla., investigation ------------------- 926,937 Waccamaw River, N. C. and S. C.: Improvement of river_- --------- -------------- 762 Investigation. -------- ---------- ---- 786 Waddington Harbor, N. Y., navigation------------------------- 2464 Waialua district, T. H., investigation--- --------------- ---------- 2952 Wailoa Stream, Hawaii, investigation------ _---------------- ---- 2952 Waiska River, Mich., investigation_--.---------------------- -- 2375 Wake Island Harbor--------------------------- ---- 2943 Walker River, Calif., and Nev., investigation ---------------- - -... 2674 2831 Walla Walla, Wash., investigation._.. .--------------- I---- Wallabout Channel, N. Y.----------------------------- 280 Wallace Channel, N. C., investigation---------.--------- 750 Wallace Creek, Va., investigation..------_ ----.. . 685 1123 - ... Wallace Lake Reservoir, La., flood control Wall Springs, Fla., investigation------ ----------------- 927 Walluski River, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control-..-- ..-- - 2829 Walnut Bayou, Ark., investigation_--- ---------------- 1501 _ Walnut Creek, Md., investigation- 5 05 5---_-------------- Walnut Lake, Md., investigation-__ _-----------------__ 505 Walthall Slough, Calif., navigation---- ---------------------- 2634 Wanchese, N. C., investigation- _.-------------------- 750 Wapato Waterway, Tacoma Harbor, Wash--.-- ---------- -2904 Wappinger Creek, N. Y., navigation-- ---------------- 296 Wareham Harbor, Mass., navigation- --.----------- . - 136 Warren River, R. I., navigation. -------- ------------- 136 Warrenton diking district No. 1, Caltsop County, Oreg., flood control .--- -- --------------------- 2829 Warrenton diking district No. 2, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control---------------- -------------------------- 2829 Warrenton diking district No. 3, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood control -------------------------------- ---------- 2829 LXXVI INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Warrior River, Ala.: Investigation ----.-----.-- _..--------..- 1005, 1013 ----------------- Navigation _-___- 977 Warroad Harbor and River, Minn.: Investigation-- ------------------------------------ _ 2157, 2159 Navigation--------- --------------------------------- 2149 Warwick River, Md., navigation-.-------_------ - 462 ---- Warwood, W. Va., flood control ------------------------ - - 2103 Washington Bayou and Lake, Miss., navigation __------ - 1158 Washington Canal, N. J., navigation -------------------- 337 Washington, D. C.: Aqueduct--- ------------------ --------- -------- ___ 3060 Engineering district------------------------------- 557 Flood control ------------------------------------ 601 Harbor at-------------------------------------- 558 Investigations--.--------.---- _ --------_ 600 Washington Island Harbors, Wis., navigation----_ __ ----- _ 2182 Washington Lake Ship Canal, Wash., investigation __ . --.-.... 2904 Washington, Pa., investigation-_ _------.. ----. _ _..-.--...-2112 Washita River, Okla., investigation1_ -----.-.---.-..-- 1501 Waterbury, Winooski River Basin, Vt., flood control--. 355, 357 Water chestnut elimination, investigation ----------------- 600 Wateree River, S. C.: Investigation --------- ------------------ ----- 783 Navigation_ ... . .. ._ 780 Waterford, Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, N. Y., flood control------------------------------------------ 369 Water hyacinths: Investigations------ ----------------------- 927, 1005, 1106,1277 Removal of, from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas waters-- -- __..--- .__ 911, 972, 1096 Waterman Canyon, Calif., investigation----- _------- ----------- 2559 Water Valley Reservoir, Ark., flood control_ -------------- 1413 Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss ----.-.. 3012 Watkins Glen, Oswego River Basin, N. Y., flood control.----_---._ .. 2479 Wattensaw Bayou, Ark., investigation.---..-----. _.-. -1422 Watts levee, Illinois, flood control --------------- ..---------..--- 2313 Waukegan Harbor, Ill., navigation- -. _-------------------..- ___ 2057 Way Cake Creek, N. J., navigation.- .-...-.... --.-. - 351 Waynesboro, Va., flood control -.-... ---... -..-.. 0 607 - --- Wear Creek, Mo., investigation---- _------.... _ __-_--_-_-- -1701 Webb District Improvement Co., Columbia County, Oreg., flood control -- --------------------------------------- - _. _ 2829 Weber River, Utah, investigation. -- ------------ 2674 Websters Cove, Md., investigation ....-...-. _ _ __ .. 505 Weeping Water Creek, Nebr., investigation_ ---------------.-.--.--- 1750 Weiser River, Idaho, investigation ..---------------------------- 2832 __ Wekiva River, Fla., investigation ------------------ _927, 937 *Weldon River, Mo., investigation _...--.------.. . - -... _----___ 1701 Wellfleet Harbor, Mass., navigation -------------------- 72......... Wellsburg, W. Va., flood control. -. . -----------------------.. _ 2103 Wells Harbor, Maine, navigation..--.--.-.-..--- .-.. 136. Wells Harbor, Midway Island.. .-------------------------- --.-. 2944 Wellsville, N. Y., investigation._ ----.- _ _.. _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ 2492 Wellsville, Ohio, flood control. ,--------------------------- _ _ . 2103, 2110 Wenkel Drainage and Levy Dist., Ill., flood control........... 1537 West Baden Springs, Ind., investigation.................-,... .. 1951 INDEX LXXVII Page Volume 1 Volume 2 West Bay and Cotuit Harbor, Mass .....-- --------- 1 141 West Bridgewater, Pa., flood control ........ .....--..... 2103 West Brookfield Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Mass., flood control---------------------------- 174, 197 _ West Canaan Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, N. H., flood control---------------------------------- 174, 178 Westchester Creek, N. Y.: Investigation -------------------------- 55 3-------- Navigation ----------------------------------- 230 Westcott Cove, Conn_--------------------------------- 130 West Divide, Colo., investigation ------.--------------------.. 2559 Westerly, R. I., beach erosion study.----------- ------ 141 Westfield River, Mass., investigation .--------------- -222 West Fork, Ohio, flood control-_ ----------- _----------- ---- -- -1936 West Fork, Indiana, investigation_ - -- - ---- 1_------------- 1872 West Fork Reservoir, Little Kanawha River, W. Va., flood control ------------------ _. ------- ---- ----- 2026 West Fork Reservoir, Monongahela River, W. Va., flood control --- - - - --------- ------------------------- 2104 West Gap, St. George Island, Fla., investigation-10__ .. West Hill Reservoir, Blackstone River Basin, Mass., flood ... West Fork River, W. Va., investigation ----------------------- -1005-- 2055, 2112 controL-_ __-_- ------.---- --------------- Westland District Improvement Co., Columbia County, 157, 158 Oreg., flood control.....---------- ------------------------------ 2829 West Matanzas, Ill., flood control- __------------- ----------- 2302 West of Benedict, Kans., flood control----------------- 1496 West of Elk City, Kans., flood control_ --- ---- --- 1496 West of Fredonia, Kans., flood control_ --- ---- - 1496 West of Morrilton, Ark., flood control-------- --- ------- 1376 West Oneonta Reservoir, N. Y., flood control-------_ - 509, 516 West Palm Beach Canal, Hillsboro Canal, New River Canal, and Miami Canal, Fla., investigation .---------- 927; 937 West Peterboro Reservoir, Merrimack River Basin, N. H., flood control-------------------------------------- 143, 147 West Pittston, Pa., flood control ----------- --- _------ 554 West Point, Ky., flood control_------------------------------ -- 1940 Westport district, Columbia and Clatsop Counties, Oreg., flood control--------------- ----------------------------- 2829 Westport Harbor, Conn.: Investigation-- - -------- ------------- 141 Navigation.--------- --------------------------- 126 Westport, Ky., flood control.. ------------------..---------...--- 1940 Westport River, Mass., navigation. _-------136 Westport slough, Oregon: Investigation------ --------------- ---------------------- 2771 Navigation ---- ------------------ --------- ------ - 2725 Westport, Wash., investigation . - - ----- --- _2904 West River reservoirs, Vermont, flood control_----------- 174, 183 West Springfield, Mass., flood control-- ---------- 175, 208 West Terre Haute, Ind., flood control- -------------------- 1941 West Tulsa, Okla., flood control..--------------------- 1432 Westville Reservoir, Mass., flood control-_------------ 164, 168 Weymouth Back River, Mass., navigation _________- - - 136 Weymouth Fore River, Mass.: Investigation------------------------_____--------- 141 Navigation----------- ------------------------ 59 Wheeling Creek, W. Va., investigation---- ----------------------- 2112 Wheeling, W. Va., flood control_ ---------------------------- 2103 Whitefish Point Harbor, Mich., navigation----------------- 2147 White Lake Harbor, Mich., navigation-..- ------ ---------- 2229 LXXVIII INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 White Lake to Pecan Island, La., navigation 10.4-....... 1084 White levee units Nos. 1, 2, and 7, Indiana, flood control----------. 1941 White River, Ark. and Mo.: " Investigation-------------------_ -- 1193, 1422 Navigation_ ------- - _----------------_ 1175, 1352, 1362 White River Basin, Ark. and Mo., flood control----- --- - 1412 White River, Ind.: Investigation-----_ _------__---------__ _ -- -__ 1872, 1951 Navigation__--_ _ ------------- ___ ___--------- - 1871 White River, S. Dak., investigation------ --------- - - ------ - 1750 Whitewater River, Calif., investigation ----------------------- _- -2559 Whitewood Creek, S. Dak., investigation._ .------------ ---------- 1790 Whitings Creek, Va., navigation --------------- 591 Whitlow Ranch Reservoir, Queen Creek, Ariz., flood control--_ -- - -----------------------------------------_ 2554 Whitney Point, N. Y., flood control------------------__511, 516, 517 Whitney Point Reservoir, N. Y., flood control ----- 510 Whitney Reservoir, Brazos River, Tex., flood control-..... 1297 Wibaux, Mont., flood control- . .1-------------------------- ,___ 1789 Wichita and Valley Center, Kans., flood control-.--------- 1429 Wichita River, Tex., investigation -------------------- _ 1425 Wickford HIarbor, R. I., navigation---. ...---------- 94 Wicomico Creek and River, Md., investigation----._ 505, 600 Wicomico River, Md., navigation- _--------_ - -473 Wiedmer Chemicals drainage and levee district, Missouri, flood control- -----. ------ . -- - . - - .1551 - - Wilcox, Pa., flood control - _----------------- ..- _... -- 2093, 2103 Wilder, Ky., flood control_ .- _-__--------..-. - __.:_-.. 1940 Wild Rice River, Minn., investigation- .-.-...- _- .---. -1645 Wilkes-Barre-Hanover Township, Pa., flood control .. 530 Willapa Harbor and River, Wash.: Investigation-. .. ---------------------------------- _ _ _ 2904 Navigation --------------------------------------- _ _ -- 2896 Willamette River,'Oreg.: Flood control in basin.__----------------------------- _ . 2789, 2805 Improvement above Portland, navigation ---------------. __ 2705 Improvement at Willamette Falls, navigation_ Improvement below Portland, navigation_.--- _ _ -----------_-_---2709 - 2713 Investigations __-------------------------------------- ___ 2832 Williamsport, Pa., flood control._-__..._- , .. ______ 539 Williamstown, W. Va., flood control ..---.--------------------- 2027 Williamsville Reservoir, Connecticut River Basin, Vt., flood control----------------__ _--.. - -- - -----.184 . Willoughby Channel, Va., navigation_ 657. 657.-..........-- Willow Creek, Oreg., investigation---- -----...-- _-_- _ 2832 Wills Creek, Pa., investigation. ------------------------- 613- - Wilmette Harbor, Ill., investigation- ,--- . -__- ------------ _ - 2298 Wilmington Harbor, Del., navigation_----..-..-. _. . - 385 Wilmington, N. C., engineering district_----------------- 695... ... Wilson and Wenkel and Prairie Du Pont drainage and levee districts, Illinois, flood control-- . ----------------------- .. --. 1537 Wilson Harbor, N. Y., navigation __--_ ---- _ ------------ - 2441 Wilson Point Harbor, Conn., navigation--.---...----. 137 Wilson, Wyoming, investigation------_--------------------- 2832 Winchester Bay, Oregon, investigation __ - __ ---------- ___ 2771 Winfield, Kans., flood control -------------------------- 1496. .. Winnibigoshish Reservoir, Minn_-----------.__ .----------- - 1602 Winona, Minn., investigation- ----- ...--.- --.. ---- -- 1614 -----.. INDEX , LXXIX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Winooski River, Vt.: Flood control--------------- ----------------- - 369 Investigation---- ------------- --------------- 369 . Winsted, Connecticut River Basin, Conn., flood control_ 175, 216 Winter Harbor, Va., investigation- ----------------------- 685 Winthrop Beach, Mass., beach erosion study .... .---------..141 Winthrop Harbor, Mass., navigation--------_------ -- 136 Winyah Bay, S. C.: Navigation------------------------------------- 758 Investigation----------------------------------- 783 Wisconsin River, Wis.: Investigation----------------- ----------- ----- 1614, 1645 Navigation - _------------------------------- --------- 1612 Wishart Point, Va., investigation--- ---. - ----- 555 5- -- Wister Reservoir, Okla., flood control.-_- --------"-- 1476, 1480 _ Withlacoochee River, Fla.: Investigation-------------------------------- 927, 937 Navigation .----- ---------------------------- 908 Wolf Creek Reservoir, Ky., flood control--- --------------- _ 1836, 1851 Wolf River, Miss., navigation----. _,---- -- 9-9. . 996 Wolf River, Tenn., flood control_-- --.--- __ - - - 1184 Wolf River (Memphis Harbor), Tenn.: Investigation --- ------------------ ----- --- 11844-- Navigation ------------- .---------------- 1177 _ Woodbridge Creek, N. J., navigation ------- -------- 328 Woodbury Creek, N. J., navigation.----..............------------------. 428 Wood Island Harbor, Maine, investigation- ---------- - 141 Woodlands, W. Va., flood control---- ---------------------- _ 2027 Wood River drainage and levee district, Illinois, flood control-- _ -- -------------------------- ----------- 1542 Woods Hole Channel, Mass., navigation- -- _-- --_- - - 136 Woodson drainage district, Columbia County, Oreg., flood control-- -- ----------- ----- -------------- ----- 2829 Woonsocket, Blackstone River Basin, R. I., flood control 157, 160 Worcester diversion, Blackstone River Basin, Mass., flood control--.------------------------------------157; 159 Work for other agencies-..- - - - -. - - 6 .----- Wrangell Harbor, Alaska, navigation -------------. ---1 2851 Wrangell Narrows, Alaska, navigation- .----- ----------- .... --.. 2848 Wrightsville, Winooski River Basin, Vt., flood control .. . 358 Y Yadkin River, N. C.: Investigation.....------------------------------- 783, 786 Navigation____--------- -------------------------- 780 . Yakima River, Wash.: Flood control. --------------------------- -------------- 2918 Investigation ...---------------------------------- ---------- 2929 Yalobusha River, Miss., navigation- ------------- 1158 Yamhill River, Oreg.: Investigation ------------------------------------------ 2771, 2832 Navigation - --------------------------------- ------- 2705 Yampa River, Colo., investigation.-- -. ----------- --------- 2559 Yankton, S. Dak., investigation ----------- ---- ---- ------ - 1716, 1750 Yaquina Bay, Harbor, and River, Oreg.: Improvement of bay and harbor,- .2747 Improvement of river. --- ---- ------------ ---- - 2745 Investigation------------------------------------------- 2832 Yazoo River, Miss., navigation --------- ---- - 1158 Yellow Medicine Creek, Minn., investigation ------- -- ---- - - - 1645 LXXX INDEX Page Volume 1 Volume 2 Yellowstone River, N. Dak., Mont., and Wyo., investi- gation ------------- ------------------------------------ 1790 York Harbor, Maine, navigation___.- -..- ___._-- 45 York, Pa., flood control_- ------------------------ 548 York River, Va., navigation_--- _---------- -- -_-_638, 682 York Spit Channel, Va., navigation_ - -- -___. __--___ 628 Youghiogheny River, Pa.: Investigation ------------- .-.-------.--.--- ---- -- - 2112 Navigation --------------------------------------- 2047 Youghiogheny River Reservoir, Pa., flood control---- - . 2070, 2104 Youngs Bay and River, Oreg., navigation -------------------- _ _2729 - Youngs River Dikes, Clatsop County, Oreg., flood con- trol- ..------------------------ -- - -2829 Yscloskey Bayou, La., navigation-__---- -____.__. . 1052 Yuba River, Calif.: Construction of restraining dams_ -_--.--.--- - .- - -2982 Investigation ------------------------------------- _ __ 2674 Zanesville, Ohio, flood control___..___ _ ...- __.___- _. ---- _ 2026 Zippel Bay Harbor, Minn., improvement----_.. -. ----. ---. - _ 2155 U. 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